SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 10 Dramatic, Photoplays Automobiles VOL. XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY iMORXING, 3IARCII 3, 1918. NO. 9. o See Page Three of This Section for Additional Full-Pase Advertisement See Page Three of This Section for Additional Full-Page Advertisement c Merchandise ccJ Merit Only A WONDERFUL SH NG'OF.TH Eft C3 O MANY WOMEN who have been in the habit of setting aside twenty-five dollars for their first Spring Suits have been wonder ing just what they would do this war-time Spring season when as a rule twenty-five dollars doesn't go quite so far as formerly. Of these suits we can easily, say that in normal times we have never shown anything better or even so good for twenty-five dollars in the very first of the season suits! You must see them their style their quality their workmanship and lovely colorings fully to appreciate their unusual worth. So we earnestly request that all 'who are interested in suits at twenty-five dollars shop as early Monday morning as you can be here when the store opens. There are not so many of these suits, and to find the style you want in the color and size you want you must be here for early selection. THE MATERIALS ARE EXCELLENT SERGES AND WOOL POPLINS. SOME OF THE SUITS ARE SIMPLY TAILORED ON STRAIGHT LINES WHILE OTHERS FLARE JAUNTILY. SKIRTS FOLLOW THE MOST APPROVED LINES, AND THE COLORS ARE NAVY. COPEN. . BEIGE, SAND. TAN. GRAY AND BLACK. FINE PEAU DE CYGNE LININGS PLAIN AND COLORED ADD A GOOD TOUCH. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. New SPRING BLOUSES Of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Specially Priced at $4.65 Blouses that are novel in design and exceedingly smart in effect. The very newest models in street and fancy blouses; tucked, pleated, hemstitched, frilled and embroid ered; in all the very newest colors Quaker, gray, plum, taupe, maize, flesh, white and navy. Very exceptional blouses at the price. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. FW wMIMf nIHTS i L A of IF A CY SIMS The Most Phenomenal Sale of Silks Held in This Store in the Past Two Years and We've Had Some Extraordinary Sales ONE OF OUR BEST SILK SALESMEN was asked to estimate the special price of these silks and he "guessed" more than half as much again the sale price we have made on these silks! Think of that! If a man who has been handling silks day after day for years was so enthusiastic about them, what do you expect will be the opinion of women who buy in the regular way? How did we get them? Short lengths taken from a prominent manufacturer at inventory time that is, lengths of from 10 to 20 yards just enough for one or two or three dresses. Sec these silks in our TvindoTV today and you will understand "why ne advise early shopping. Many ivorth double or more- HANDSOME MESSALINES AND TAFFETAS AND SATIN STRIPED TAFFETAS AND SATINS. IN ALL THE HANDSOMEST OF NEW COLORS AND COMBINATIONS SCOTCH PLAIDS MILI TARY STRIPES SPORTS PATTERNS AND DESIGNS FOR WONDROUSLY LOVELY FROCKS AND SKIRTS. MARINE. AVIATION. ELECTRIC AND NAVY BLUE COMBINED IN TWO OR THREE SHADES OR WITH BLACK AND CONTRASTING COLORS. TAUPE AND 'GOLD AND BLACK. BLUE AND BLACK AND SILVER. PLUM AND GREEN AND BLACK. BLUE AND BLACK. ROSE AND BROWN AND SILVER AND EVERY COMBINATION YOU COULD IMAGINE. ALL A YARD WIDE AND OF FIRST QUALITY. Second Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Oiir Greatest Spring Opening Display of Easter Hats Camouflage, pure and simple that is, what has varnished wings, until it takes two glances to convince you that they are wings, and turned pheasant feathers blue and burnt the color out of peacock feathers and left them dangling long and slimsey and black, and made lattices of oasis blue velvet for cherries and cherry blossoms to decorate. But hats have never been half so lovely or alluring as in this Spring season. The one sketched is a Joseph creation, which aspires to great height in its burnt ostrich trimming. There's a good bit of brim, but, as you can see, it strikes a sharp angle, then turns back upon the crown. Wonderfully smart and different! Joseph, Henri Bendel Wars hatter, Hyland Rawak, Burgesser, Ufland, Vogel, Gage These are but a few of the best-known designers who have created the lovely Spring millinery which we are dis playing. Turkish and Spanish turbans, graceful lines of ships, Hawaiian braids, Watteau lines and colors these are a few of . the influences which have shaped the new Spring hats into things of beauty. To appreciate them fully you must see them and touch them and try them on. Price $10 to $28.50 Third Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co. New Crepe de Chine Underwear at Very Special Prices Monday ENVELOPE CHEMISE at $2.39 A very special price for these lovely flesh-colored crepe de chine and wash satin envelopes. Made with yoke of shadow lace or lace and satin bands, or with hemstitching and hand embroidered flowers in colors. ENVELOPES at $2.98 In tailored style, with hem stitching and shirring, or with drep-pointed yokes of soft laces: all ribbon drawn. Other envelope; special $3J9, $335 to $735. CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS, $43 S Flesh-colored crepe de chine towns; some with yokes of lace, some sleeveless and some with sleeves; others in tailored empire styles. Other gowns, special at $S.SS to $1330. CAMISOLES 98c, $1.19, $138 to $2.49 Of fieh-co!ored crepe de chine or wash satin with shadow lace yokes or in tailored style. Fourth Floor Lip man, V olfe&Co. LINE That Cannot Be. Replaced at These Prices . MILL ENDS OF IMPORTED TABLE DAMASK $1.49 to $6.25 Piece Full bleached or cream-colored table damask, in pure linen or union linen. Lengths range from 2 to ZYz yards. Very special at these prices. PURE IRISH LINEN CLOTHS, $3.75 Imported Irish linen table cloths, without napkins to match; in several good patterns. Size 66x66 inches. FULL BLEACHED SEAMLESS SHEETS $1.10 and $1.15 Splendid sheets made of excellent materials at prices far below today's wholesale cost Size 81x90 inches, $1.10; size 81x99 inches, $1.15. PILLOW CASES TO MATCH, 25c and 28c Pillow cases of same quality. .Size 42x36 inches, 25c; size 45x36 inches, 28c FULL SIZE BED SPREADS, $3.98 Fine satin finish bed spreads, in a number of good patterns; with scalloped ends. MONDAY ONLY AT THIS PRICE. 36-INCH NAINSOOK, 25c Yard Another shipment of fine nainsook, in mercerized finish. Lovely for fine underwear. Second Floor -Lipman, W olfe & Co. You Can Be Both Economically and Smartly Dressed in These NEW COATS AND NEW DRESSES at $17.50 Frankly, we have never seen such clever Spring time apparel at the price, and we know you will say the same. THE DRESSES are of satin, taffeta. Georgette and taffeta, crepe de chine, foulard and serge; the product of one of our most favored manufac turers. The styles are the newest and the colors the smartest. Many of the dresses are in the new "one-sided" tunic effect. Just see them for yourself tomorrow. You would never ex pect to find them so low priced at $1 7.50. THE COATS are of wool poplin and velour, in clever belted and half-belted styles, with novelty collars and fancy pockets. Really extraordi nary at $1 7.50. Economy Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i