The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 45

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rxgo.vixs iiurHOMi
yrmt-t Editor Mln Tti, A W
fur fc-lllor lln T'VTO. A 9S
titular Edits (! T. A "''J
AJ.rtl.ln Department ...!! A
apenAieaaeat of Building, llaia lula. A
CKPHtrK tFroaaarav a Ty!or Vau4e
!:: This ifticitu at 1:14 And too. ant
mJ. S 11 clock.
Baker mminf w nnth. betweea an
er eo 4 HornsoaV Aicaaar to Com
pear la Al..e-e-ilaute keadail.- Tola
r-.araeaa at 1.1 ul tea. at at -!
aArTACrs IDrawtr at A'der) Taa4e
u.e. Tuee da..?. 2, I aal v.ue.
litPpoDHOME IBroalwa at Tamhlll)
'U;.: and movlns (klurn, 1 to t:
A te 11 P. M. eeturUaje. SunrfAxa. AoU
. ceatlnuoua, 1.14 to u p. J
TRA.XT (Washington street. btKna Par
and Weal l.rk Vaudeville sad otevuis
Ixima coauauoaa.
LYRtc? roma aad S'arai Xoalcal comedy
dai.jr. efteraeaa aad Biabl.
ICE MX (T-.n-e-rirst and atarsha.1)
ArttrsMw and eiahia. I
on Sale mt
Business Office. Oregonlaa.
Discovered When a Mere Slip of a Girl by Picturesque "Biny" Lewis, Miss
Powell Went to Europe Where She Afterward Appeared Before Rulers.
Na-w F carts Or Pijt Ot FIXBiarr
The near aeries of Japaneae prtnta. now
n exhibition at ttta Art Miutum. to
eludes many of the famous L'taraaro
sheets, ihowlnj tha graceful figures o
Jacaneee women la their gorgeously
aecorated robes and striking actor
prints by Tojoaunl and Fharaku. These
fgure prtnta shortly will ba replaced
tT tha still later landscapes of lllro
ahica and HokuaaL Ota Sunday after
on. at S o'clock. Miss Henrietta H.
Vailing will lecture on "Town Halls.'
with lantern slid Illustrations showing
famous palaces of Italy and tha flna
Id balls of Belgium. Admlsalon la free.
Da. Rtmitiud hrmrn rr. JoshuA
ftaas field baa returned from a trip
throughout tha southara part of tha
tats, harms; given addreeeae la Med
fird. Grants Pass aad Ashland and In
tha Methodist churche and high schools
ra tha Klamath district. lis also visited
Ms daughters at Delta Ielta eororttjr
Easene. Dr. Btanafleld will be la his
pulpit la First Methodist Churrh to
day, wher ha will begin a series of
Leetea sartnons la the morntnr and at
Bight wUl speak ca "The End of the
Ownro t war demands tha T. M.
C A. department of educatioa will
pea Its school of automobile ongt
seertng ta womea br conducting even
ing classes, for women only, la the coo
traction aad operation of automobiles.
All womea who owa cars and all Jo
drive, or are desirous of drlvlnr them,
should avail themselves of this op
portunity. Classes will start March
a. Register now at 1 T. M. C A., as
the clasa wlil be limited la aumber.
Kama rcsjrtAWD BaAiem Btst The
North Portland branch library unit of
the Red Cross meets at the library. 10
Zlast KUltnesworta avenue. Tursday
and Friday afternoons from 1 to I P. M.
Mrs. O. l Lacy supervises the machine
and hand-sew Inc. Fifteen pairs of
socks and two sweaters were turned
ta this week. Three pairs of socks
were knitted by Mrs. A. W. Eahlke,
who Is blind, aad ten-year-old Ituih
Alurrlson ksst one sweater.
Pirurr ilisston Closes Toxioict.
The pauiist mlastoa at M. Lawrence's
Church. Third and Sherman streets.
anil b-e brooaht to s close this evenlna
at T.ei. after two weeks of successful
work. This morn In at the 10:3 mass
the subject will be "The Pope and the
Papacy" and at the evenlna services
Father Qulnaa will five the cloelna
lectare of the course. "Why I Am a
Cat holla'
Rav. R. W. Rnoaaa Puiran Todat
At ralvary Preabyterlaa Church. Iter.
R. W. Rovers will preach this momlna
aad avsmna. His morning; tople will
ba. Is the Averace Man a Coward or
a Hero In H e Own TownT The sermon
will be a pia for a moral and spiritual
fcarolsm rttrht here that will barmontae
with the heroism "over there. In the
owning- Mr. Roarers will preach ea "The
ilallgtoa of Abraham Lincoln.
Vaca.vt Lot Nsstco Come forward,
you earners of vacant lots, and list
your property with the city In order
that lot vardeners may put In crops.
City Audittir Funk, who la handling
the lot tardea work, reports that he
baa a long Hat of applications for oe
of vacant lots and has exhausted hla
supply of available lots, lie wants all
wners and particularly these la well-built-up
dtetrlctj to list their property.
Social. Evcxtsd Is Plaxxbj The
Cood-Fellowship SK-lety of Trinity
Episcopal Church will hold Its regular
monthly socIa! evening at the pariah
bouea. Nineteenth and Davis streets.
Tuesday evening. Aa Interesting
feature of the evening will be a tat
by Miss Berntce Tonne, entitled "The
First Two Months of the Wit la Urua
wit. The public Is Invited.
Flao) to Pa DaotcaTaa. The Arleta
Vhoel wtll dedicate the school service
flag la the aseembly room, Friday
afternoon. March 1. at I It clock.
The school has given H boys to I'ncle
Haas and the mothers and friends have
planned aa enthusiastic meeting In
thetr honor. There wUl b speaking
aad nusle.
Inina Da n now Caaaoaa Simple
etsesrtloa Is charged ee-alast Ira ttaaey
la a suit tor divorce filed yesterday In
the Circuit Court by i.velya Kaaey
They were married at Vancouver,
rVajh-. ta III aad tha alleged deser
tion occurred la February. 11I. ths
plaintiff asaerts.
Ba. lira Cocbt Na t To Mrr B
Tlur Court No. will meet March In
Its aew home, hall No. 1. Woodmen of
the World building. Eleventh and
Alder streets. The meeting will be a
business session and tha chief requests
a Largs attendance.
Wn DosrT Waxr Mrca Mowbt -Chooee
you r fabric leave your measurs. and
we'll Biake the salt, pay ua tie whsa
yea take It and I a month en the bal
ance. Isn't that fair Coata you not
one rent eitra. I'mnua Tailoring Co..
19 Stark t)L. bev Fifth and Sixth. Adv.
Idaho "1""" parstog.vT To Talk Tobat
President K IL Llndley. of the l"nl
werslty of Idaho, will be the spsaker
at the Reed College vesper service at 4
'clock today. In the college chapeL
Mis subj-ct will be "Ths Third Ingredient--
The public la Invited.
S. Scawrpr FtJtBO f 1 I'pon com
plaint of Chief Meat Inspector Chase. 8.
Schmidt was fined II In ths Municipal
Court yeaterdav. He was charged wih
aad found guilty of slaughtering meat
ta the city limits.
IL E. JIC.ix TO SrcAK. Tuesday
alght In the Vercoa Schoolhoue Henry
fl. Jlc;inn'wUl speak on the Jltneya
Hinging begma at odotk. The public
Is invited.
ETAXotuiiT Kiivaid To Sntaa
vaecelut Ilayward will lecture this
ventre en the "Prophecies' at Arca
num Hall. Thirteenth near Washing-
ton. at o clock. Free to the public
Sar. 4 acres bast Oregon land.
partly timbered. See details tinder
"New Today" In classified ad sectloa of
this paper. Adv.
S.vap li acres bast Oregon land.
partly timber. Fee detat!a under "New
Today" In clajstftad ad sectloa of this
paper. Adv.
Lost. Feb. 14. to pas aad diamond
brooch: P.nder phone AlarahaU U1;
reward. Adv.
OniavTAt, Rene repaired, wash-alean.
ed. M. E. DiaUiAAlao, lie 10 La. Alain 1(74.
Da lovno F. ZiaoausAa has moved
to suite iff Stevens bldg. Adv.
Pa. M. M. Frrr- has return
pvwrrhe. LiecUlo bids. Adv.
ITH aa entirely new programme
to appeal both to the trained
and the untrained tnuaio ear,
Maud Powell, foremost of womea vlo
Unlets and one of the gTeaLeat violinists
of all time, will appear la a popular
return concert recital at the Hclllg
Theater, next Saturday night. March t.
Miss Powell la making aa extended
tour of the Northwest and bar visit
has been the occaaloa for expreaaion of
keea Interest la muslo circles.
Mlsa Powell Is a pioneer la the violin
field. She haa not only given of her
time and talent to the standard mas
ters, but also haa found time to
familiarise herself with the composers
of each successive new school. Her
I programmes are varied, though always
of, high ciaaa. aad Interpreted with an
understanding of muslo that Is pe
cullarly hers.
Mlaa Poweira father was the late
W. B. Powell, prominent educator of
Illinois, and her ancle waa Major J. W.
Powell, wboee famous trips throurh
the urand Canyon In 11(1 and 171
have been Immortallxed In a tablet of
stone set-up by the Congress of ths
lotted states at a point overlooking
tha vast but rhythmic wllderneaa.
Mlaa Powell Is of Welsh and Hun
garian stock, a combination of parent
age that will not allow her muslo tal
ent to be denied. She Is first a "fid
dler." aa she herself lovca to say, and
aest a violinist.
To fiddle one must know what a
fiddle speaks the laniruare of tbe bow
and strings." she says. "To be a vio
linist merely means betas a more con
summate fiddler."
Mlas Powsll's career haa been Inter
esting In every particular. "Dlscov-
sred" by tbe picturesque "Billy" Lewis,
of Chicago, shs was sent to Europe
when shs had "outgrown" his training
after a few lesson a She studied In
Paris. Lelpstv and Berlin, played be
fore Queen victoria when she waa still
a slip of a girl, and given a debut per
formance In Berlin when she waa so
young as to make even the muslclanly
German muslo patrons gasp. I
peosoeeeoe aeeoeeee.a
f ii j mi. ii ik ii ipui -.asas ' w. e.ij f f
: : -r x . i :
:r . - - i.
: .v;VV A:
i.- 2 4 I l I 4
:r aw,:'w - f t:
: -: ;' hii
iil II lit
Hand Powell. Wba Will Play Re.
tara Concert at llcilig Next 8a t-rday.
WooDCawjt Back Maa Wcathmitd
Wood lawn Grange, at Its last meeting.
voted to request Governor Wlthycombe
to reappoint Edith Toiler Weathered
as a member of the State Fair Board.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Palmer were
elected delegatea to attend tbe meet
Ing of the state grange with Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Ha nee aa alternatea An
Interesting and Instructive feature of
the meeting was a demonstration on
pruning fruit trees, by H. A. Lewla. of
Russellvills Grangs. Addresses were
given by Circuit Judge W. N. "Galens
and C W. Barxee.
TitotTOHT Powea" A free lecture to
nic w. P. M.. giving the occult analy
sis of man's thought producing facul
ties. Thoughts are living entltlea visi
ble to trained clairvoyant vision and
may be endowed wtth great power.
Character building, the danger of mis
use of thought force, the connection
between spiritual growth and accurate
thinking, the Intuitional consciousness
of the coming age will be dealt with.
All welcome. Theoaophical Society,
Id floor. Central Jbldg, Tenth and Aider.
Iirrrs BaoTttms Bnornca Mat Havb
Bcax Gassed Clyde 8. Belts, of Ellxa
beth. N. who was mentioned In news
dlspatchss from Washington, as among
the American soldiers In France gassed
In a recent attack. Is thought to be a
brother of Horace Betts and Edward
Belts. (01 Sixth street, Portland. Pri
vate Betts home Is at Camas. Wash.,
aad he was with the S(th Aero Squa
dron. Maa H ax Y a a W. Mcarrrr Passes
Word haa Just been received In thl
city of the death of Mrs. Hannah W
Murphy at Altoona. Pa. Mrs. Murph
was the mother of Mlsa M. F. Murphy,
ownsr of Alexandra Court. The late
Mrs. Murphy was a prominent pioneer
of Pennsylvania, having resided In tha
state practically her entire lifetime.
Her death occurred February 14 In her
etghty-slxth year.
Woodstock W. C. T. TJ. Mcct The
Woodstock W. C T. V. held an all-da
meeting Tuesday at the home of Mr a
Wolf. (1S1 Forty-fifth street. South
essL The members spent the day In
twlng articles for the soldiers, and a
delightful lunch and social hour was
en)yed at nooa. New me.nbers en
rolled were Mrs. P. Itatsch. Mra Wolf
aad Mra Knight.
STEM. Courajrr KirrtjOTrg To Haa
Taux President William T. Fostsr. of
Reed College, will speak to the em
ployes of the Northwest Steel Company
at the shops tomorrow noon. President
Foster will talk about the war and the
need of skilled workmen to build ships.
la carrying out the war programme.
"MTsranr BawatTtT Plaitmcd Ths
Chrlstlsa Workmen, of the Eaat Side
Christian Church, are planning a "my
stery banquet." which will be held at
the church Wednesday night, at
o'clock. All men of the congregation
are invited ta partak of the evening's
Da. SnoaT Paaaciraa tooat TTtlbur
Methodist Episcopal Church, masting at
present la tbe ballroom of the Multno
mah Hotel, will be addressed this
morning and evening by Dr. F. Burgette
Short, of Spokane, and formerly pastor
of the Taylor street church, of this city.
Jrooa McOmse To Makb Rartr "In
side Secrets of the Six-Cent Pare. W as
Judge McGinn Bought OtfT Judge
tlciiinii will answer this question and
others tonight at P. M. at Library
HalL Dr. C. IL Champaa will prsslua
Free admission.
"A Lira Madi Naw Through Con
strurtive Thinking, by Miss Helena
Martin, of Los Angeles. It I P. U. at
the Metaphysical Library. 401 Central
bldg. Tenth and Aider stA Adv.
Ladies Who Havb See the ready-to-
wear cloaks and suits sold by ths
Cardell Manufacturing Co.. room 414
Central bldg.. are showing their friends
real valuea Adv.
-Fasoaaicx NiaTxscinr" Tone II. M.
Wicks will lecture on "Frederick Mou
se he. the Antl-Chrlat," this evening at
I o'clock at Arloa Hall. Second aad Oak
"Mapsxbixb Haix FiAwa rsoousxi
A special programme for St. Patrick's
I lay la sat for Friday. March li. In the
Madeleine Parish HalL
La. E. 8. ZiBoautA has moved to
suite 1W Stevens bldg. Adv.
French-dry or- steam-cleaned, L
We pay you to do your owa delivering.
I'nlque Tailoring Co, lot Stark, bet
iia aad (ta Adv.
Four Brothers Enter Service.
March X (Special.) U V. Jacobs, of
Port land, who left tbe university Tuss
day with the third ordnance class. Is
the fourth son of the Jacobs family
to enlist for war service within the
past year. Previous to Joining tbe ord
nance class Mr. Jsrohs waa a traveling
swlssmgn with headquarters la Port
land. Two of Mr. Jacobs younger
brothers are In France with the signal
eorpa They are Richard and Donovan.
Leonard, the other brother, who waa
only II years old at the tlms of his
enlistment, died of pneumonia at Oemp
Taliaferro, Texas. January t. Ha was
La tha aviatioa eorpa.
Estrone Reejalreaseata Hereafter Will
Be Mere Exacting, fays Dru
Job a J. Laadsbary. '
March' i. (SpcclaL) Raising; of the
standards of musical Instruction and,
consequently, of musical ability and
appreciation throughout the state Is
the aim of Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean
of the school of music In new entrance
requirements announced today. This
action. It Is explained, is made neces
sary by the absence of an examining
board protecting the standards of
teaching In the state.
Heretofore, Dr. Landsbury points out.
courtesy has seemed to demand the ac
ceptance of all music credits at face
value. Tbe aituatlon baa become such
however, trpt from now on. he an
nounces, the school reserves the right
to examine all applicants for admis
sion. "I have discussed the matter with
city superintendents, who have told
me they would prefer not to be the
deciding factor," said Dr. Landsbury.
Tbey prefer to have the matter
handled by some central authority.
This authority has been found In the
State Music Teachers' Association,
which la working with the school of
music In this effort to raise standards."
Dr. Landsbury Is president of the as
sociation aa well aa dean of tha achool
of muale at the university.
"The old system," he said, "has been
lowering musical standards throughout
the state. The good teacher who has
tried to keep up the standards of the
art hss been handicapped in competi
tion wtth the Instructor who Is more
easily satisfied. The tendency has been
toward a lower level of ability among
those applying for admission to the
school of music"
are your assurance of sat
isfaction in jewelry pur
chasing on any occasion at
Jewelers, Opticians.
The reason for
our unusual vol
ume of D 1 a mond
bust ness we at
tribute to the fol
lowing: Our abil
ity to buy for
cash and the full
knowledge of the
Diamond Industry
by both members
of the firm, who
are diamond experts.
Our stock of
Ladles' and G e n-
tlemen's Watches
Is most complete.
In fact Jaeger
Bros. Is often
spoken -of as the
of this territory.
The modest price
timepiece fea
tured as well as
the higher priced.
In purehaalnff
verwevre from Jaeger
Bros, you are mm
ured of a vast num
ber of pieces from
which to select and
prices that have as
large a range. Our
patterns Include such
celebrated makes as
Fairfax. Chat ham.
Mary Chilton. Lady
Mary. La. Fayette,
Washington. Prince
ton and many others.
I VsJae ti
131-133 SIXTH ST. VufX"
Dr. M oealeoha and Dr. Parxaale to Tell
i War's Effect ea Turkey sued
a Holy Land.
many, and besides the Buntralow Mart
sine, both current numbers and bound
volumes, some of the following: titles
are of books which give designs for
houses from JB00 upward, particularly
for cabins and temporary homes In wil
derness or mountains: "Summer Homes
and Camps," "Picturesque Camps, Cab-
Ins and Shacks, "Making and Furnish
ing Outdoor Rooms and Porches,'
"Wilderness Homes," "Seaside Cot
tages," "Inexpensive Bungalows,1
"Small Houses Costing From $800 to
$1200." are a few of the many to be
fcund on the Public Library shelves.
Those interested in the consolidation
of city and county government will be
giad to.consult at the Municipal Refer
ence Library, room 312. City HalL "City
and crnitntv PnnBn irlatlnn for T .n An
I geles," Issued by the Taxpayers' Asso
Oregon Clayivorkers Association to
Meet on March 8 and 9.
A programme of chapel services, in
cluding addresses from speakers of
prominence, has been arranged to be
held at Reed College from March 4
to March 80. Among the speakers clatlon of California.
iron) Diner pumie win we .jwi.
Moeslaohn. director of the Hebrew Col
lege at Jaffa, Palestine, and Dr. Ruth
Parmalee. of Harpoot, Turkey. Dr.
Mossisoha and Dr. Parmalee will give
accounts of the effect of the war oa
the Holy Land and In Turkey.
Of interest to all politically Inclined
will be the address at the weekly as
serably next Tuesday morning at 11:40,
by C J. Hoaff. His subject will be
ProDortional Representation." Mr.
Hoag is a graduate of Haverford Col
lege and of Harvard University, and ia
recognized authority on this subject.
The programme for March;' Including
chapel services at 8:25 P. Me and ves
Dr services on bunday afternoons.
which Is open to the public Is arranged
a's follows: March 4, Dr. Foster, "The
Seat of the Scornful": March 6. C J
Hour. "Proportional Representation1
March 6. music. John Frarer, 'cello
March 7. Mr. Douglas. "The New Fron
er": March 8, James B. Kerr; March
10. Fundav. vesper services; March 11
Dr. Foster; March 12, Dr. Ben Zlon, of
Jaffa. Palestine; March 13. music, Mis
Huntlev and Mr. Bralnerd; March 14
Rev. W. O. Eliot, Jr.. "Martlneau
March IS. Mr. Knowlton. "Kelvin'
March 17. Sunday, vesper services. Dr.
Norman F. Coleman: March 18, Mr.
Hart. "Socrates"; March 19, Mr. Hart.
Bacon": March 20, music, jonn e raser,
cello: March 21. Mr. Hart, "Rousseau";
March 12. Mr. Hart. "James": March
Palm Sunday, vesper service, Keea
Colleee chorus, soloist, Elolse Hall
March 25, Mr. Douglas, -Karl Jiarx";
March 26. Mr. Merriam, "whitman
March 27, music; March 28, Mr. leign,
"Jefferson"; March 29. Dr. Foster,
Even Squeal of Prinevillo
Porker Brings Cash.
Bale ef Dressed Pig at Red Cross
Benefit Nets 0S2.
Sewing Clrclo Aids Red Cross by
Work Inc Cor Men In Service.
OREOOJI CITT. Or. March I. (Spe-
elaL) The people of Tlaxella. a .little
settlement Bear Oswego, and one of
tbe richest farming sections of that
section of tbe county, are doing their
bit towards helping our soldiers.
At the present time there Is no Red
Cross Society organisation of that place.
but the women have organized them
selves Into a sewing society known as
the Hazel! sewing circle. There are
about 20 members, wbo have worked pointed time It was snowing hard, but
even so the crowd waa there and the
sale began. '
The first sandwich was aold to F.
Fred Hoelscher for $11. Many sold tor
$10 and none for less than $5, and after
the sandwiches were gone and the
money counted. It was found tbe little
pig had netted $452. 50.
After the sandwiches were sold a lit
tle boy standing by with a half doxen
doughnuts In a sack asked the auc
tioneer to sell his doughnuts for the
Red Cross and the six little doughnats
brought an additional ti.
T-j, RINEVILLE. Or, Mar. X. (SpeciaL)
X The married people gave a dance
here this week for the benefit of the
Red Cross and It was a success. Only
married people attended, and tbey were
there strong.
A 30-pound dressed pig, donated by C
Sam Smith, was sold many times
public auction and before the dance was
ended had brought the neat sum of $320
and the committee still possessed the
pig. They sold the entire pig many
times, each ear separately, the tall, and
even the squeal tor $5, and the next
day, feeling that the pig ad not en
tirely "done Its bit" for the Red Cross,
decided to roast It and sell pork sand
wiches on the street to the highest
The time for the auction eale waa 4
o'clock In the afternoon, and at the ap
diligently since organizing last FalL
and during the three past months have
turned over many article to the lied
Cross branch of this city.
The Hasella Improvement Club re
eently donated to this circle $40 for the
purposing of purchasing yarn to be
made Into osefu articles for tbe boys
who have enlisted from that section of
the county.
The H-txella sewing circle are as fol'
lows: President. Mra Lynette Chllds
vice-president. Mrs. A. Keilson; secre
tary, Mra J. Eastman: assistant secre
tary. Miss Ethel Baker: treasurer, Mrs.
P. Cook. Tbe circle meets every
two weeks, and the meetings are held
at the homes of the members.
We wish to thank those who were so
kind In our bereavement or Our be
loved husband and father and for the
beautiful floral offerings.
We wish to thank Wells-Fargo em-
? loves. Clan Macieay and the many
riends for their kind sympathy In the
loss of William Qulnn: also for the
many beautiful floral tribute.
Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults.
II Third street Both phones Adv.
Public Library Notes.
Aladdin with his wonderful "lamp'
could make a few passes and lo!
a dwelling-house appeared. The "lamp
which performs the magic in these
more prosaic days Is a book by
the rorth American Construction Com
pany on Just how toaibulld "Aladdin
houses," which sprlnginto being al
most overnight. "What you should
know when building a little house," by
White, also helps to spin out the wish.
Various shades of personality are
given to the building of a house, ac
cording to the whim of the architect
and author of some .of these books
which are aids to successful planning
and building, as "The Honest House."
by Goodnow; "Homes of Character."
"Ideal Homes-In Garden Communities."
"Craftsman Bungalows," "The Livable
Lw cost Is an Item of appeal to
The fourth annual canvention of the
Oregon Clayworkers' Association will
be held in Portland on March 8 and 9.
Headquarters will be at the Multnomah
Hotel and all the meetings will"be held
there. The programme oc the conven
tion haa been so arranged that out-of-town
members and clayworkers can
leave their homes on the same day that
the convention starts.
The programme Is given In detail:
First session, Thursday afternoon, March
7, at 3 o'clock President's call to order.
Address of welcome by George W. Baker,
Mayor ef Portland. President Kern's ad
dress. Report of the secretary and treasurer.
Election of officers. Report of committees.
Unfinished aad new business. Papers: 1.
"Educational Features in Clayworklns." by
Phil Wlthycombe, Yamhill Tile Works, Yam
hill; 2, "Clay Research In Oregon," by Pro
fessor Ira A. Williams, department of cera
mics. Oreiron Agricultural College, Corval-
11s. Informal dinner: At 0:80 o'clock an In
formal dinner will be given with the com
pllments of tha Portland members at the
Multnomah Hotel banquet hall.
Second session, Thursday evening, March
7. at S o'clock 8, "Cost System in Clay-
worklnc" demonstration on Diacaooaraj
by Frank C. Moore. Denny-Benton Clay 4
Coal ComDany. Portland; 4. "Hollow Tle
Construction,',' by S. O. Ward. Denison Inter
locking Tile Corporation, Portland; 6. re
port of committees.
Third session, Friday morning, arcn o.
at 0:30 o'clock O. "Drainage rrogresa in
Oregon." by Professor W. L. Powers, drain
age and irrigation school, Oregon Agricul
tural College, Corvallls; I. uosis. ceiling
and Discounts." by 8. Geljsbeek, Geijsbeek
Engineering Company, fortiana; o, in
ference Between OH and coal lor r uei
Under Present Conditions." by O. K. Ed
wards, Pacific Face Brick Company, Portland.
Fourth session. Friday afternoon, sjarcn
at 3 o'clock If occasion presents Itself
an arternoon session win oe neiu, eiiu
further arrangements will be made for the
entertainment of tha guests and members.
Series of Meetings to Be Held at St.
Mary's Cathedral.
A two weeks' mission will be held In
St- Mary's Cathedral, beginning at high
mass today. The mission will be con
ducted by Rev. J. P. Towey, C. S. P., of
old St. Mary's Church, San Francisco.
Rather Towev Is a well-known and
successful Pauiist mlssioner and an in
tereatlnar mission is promised for the
parishioners of St. Mary's Cathedral and
their friends.
The first week will be for women, tne
second week for men. Each morning
there will be masses at 6:30, 7:45 and
30 A. M., with an Instruction between
the last named for the benefit of those
persons attending at either hour.
A special, mission service and sermon
will be held each night. Including Sun
day, beginning at 7:45. Well-known
ymns will be sung Dy tne congregation
t these services.
The following subjects are announced
for the first week: Tonight. "The Gold
of Foo)s"; Monday, "The City of Con
solation : Tuesday, -ins unaiice or tne
Lord": Wednesday, "Altar and Cross";
Thursday. "The Sanctuary of the Cross
end of tne uome ; rriaay, - veronicas
VVfl." ' I
The women s week will close on Sun
day afternoon. March 10, at P. M. with
a special sermon on the subject "The
Night is Now Far Spent," and the men s
mission will begin on the evening of
the same day at 7:45 P. M.
Thirteen Miles From Niagara to De
troit to Cost $40,000.
SALEM. Or., March 2. (Special). A
road is to be constructed from- Salem
to Breltenbush Hot Springs, according
to an announcement just made by
County Judge Bushey. Under the plans
formulated 13 miles of the road will
J " 4. -. .-"Vrl N e-.'ost,
i vTlf'VrJTfTrjn.Mi ' v i
" El ' 'i ' - it -
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- 1 :.'.;: ;-.eU- rfc-i-i; ; i:l ..
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to be constructed by the county and
forest service, will cost approximately
$40,000. Among other things the road
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of mountaineers in the Saantiam coun
try by allowing them to bring in sup
plies during the Winter months.
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