The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 41

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I V . .
14 . , l ' -'.'
FnIMp. Helen Grim, Marjory Caiman,
Mary I'ettle. Marcella Whltlcer. Mabel
tlu.lir. 1'runella FNhburn. Itoxanna
Dun. Grace ilcValL Wt Farley. Be:
el La Pine, Wtmlt llarsch. Mrs.
Thompalna, line Fee. Miaa Slueher.
Mies Waa-staf. Mlaa Ilardt. Mlsa Hr-
muad. Meears. Jay Paddock. Paul Skip-
top, Hurbert Jackeon. Clarence Ikv,
Marry I'aulbaca. Clifford Smith. Harry
Batter, ('land Holltnaa. Irvlna; Franken-
ber c. Adolpa Inna, Arthur Car J a.
Veraoa 1'htltpa. Tom Koaa, Alfred Mfl-
Xlnnen, O. Graham. Mr. and Mr. Krn
eet EUmla, Mr. and Mra. Iekyr. Mr.
aad Mra. Richard Corner. Mr. and Mra.
Job a rtUman. Mr. and Mra. Charles l
Howard. Mr. and Mra. Law la Smith.
I a II. viulmby aanar a number of
solos durtna; lha evening which, wax a
greatly appreciated.
Notable among tha many sntertaln
meata arranged for tha maa la ollra
drab la that given by tha girts A. T.
B. Club. Saturday iTtnlnf, February
11. at tha homo of Miss Marlon Barton.
21 Commercial atreat. for a fear mem
bers of the eofth squadron, now ata
tlonad at Vancouver. Camea, card,
staging and dancing wera participated
la. Miaoaa Leila Uliatrap. Lucila Hoi
maa and Mildred Thorn paon rendered
many mnlcaj aalectlona durtna; tha
evening. Mra. Barton, aaalatcd by Mrs.
Uiikd and Zack Barton, eerved a de
licious luncheon. Much credit for tba
arraacement of thl pleaaaot affair
la dua Joe IMertrh. A amall book an
titled "My Diary aa a Soldier" waa
presented to him in behalf of tha club
by the secretary. MI'S Ann Ttmiulv
who sava a delightfully Impromptu
Thoaa present wera: Mtsaes Marlon
Barton. Leila till strap. Lucila Holman.
Aim Johnson. Mary Klnnear, alkyrta
Larson. Marajaret Manaon. Hortenee
Flrhereau. Mildred Thornpaon. Ago
TtndulA. Bess Tucker. Ruth Wale on
and tha Mrssra. II. Balcom. J. C Pie
rich. J. Garberc. IL GVayaon. O. Hof
land. 11 S. Helm, C Klnsr. A Moors, A.
V. Oh land. 3. Paaybylskl. D. Kcadhaad.
L Rtchartlaua. C Uiroedr aod It
a a
Tba Fabbatb achool of tha Conrrera
tloo Tlferata Israel conducted the 111 rim
eerelcea on Tuesday oiKht. In additloa
to tha resular ritual given entirely by
tha children, a splendidly arranged pro
(rmmt waa (tven.
Mlsa Sylrla Weinataln. a talented
Touna- Ttoltntst. rendered sayeral aelec
ticna. which were, played with real
artistry. Morrla Kreidar. tba well
known yoonaT tenor, alao pleased In hi
oloa. Hla rendition of tha "liatlkron.
the Itebraw eon of hope, waa enthusl
as -.leal ly received. D. Soils Cohen waa
Ike apeaker of tha e-venlne; and In hla
ttsual atneer manner he spoke oa
"I'urlm and Its Real Meanlnsra." Tba
SQcceaa of thla entertainment la doe an
1 1 rely to tha afforta of the teachers of
the flabbata ex-booL They ara tha
Misses Batty. Boats Michael, rills Eom
aaars and faanls Kaaia.
TW Butler rest. G. A. TC and W. TL
C No. 11 celebrated Washlnaton
birthday anniversary with an all-day
caeellaar at lMslijr't liaii Thursday.
I'lbrnarr IL
A patriotic provramma arranred by
Mra. Mary K- Tow a waa ictvea la tha
(oreooon. A cafeteria dinner at noon
was welt patronised and a auccesa in
very way sad a mera-ina: of patriotic
numbers Into rearular session (I . K.
C at which a number of new members
wars Initiated, cloaad aa unusually
loyabla day.
Cms of tha especially pleasant fea-
tnres of the nrorramrno waa ths ran'
-dertne of patrtotto aona by tha O. A.
K. Quartet I Cu mra dee Varaar. Hamil
ton. Chambers and Kail I.
Ad Ireeeea were Klvea by Bar. Mr.
Wade, past department commander; ls
partmeat Commander Chambers and
Mrs. Karla-ht. A daet. "Keep the Home
Ftrea Huralna. by Mra. lenala and
Mrs. Bowman, and pat riot io aonsa,
"America' asd "Siar-dpanic led Ban
aer" by tha audleoxa. concluded tha
Mr. sad Mrs. Warren Q. Tlathaway
vw entertained batarday evenlna: by
Miaa Ciael blosaer at her hoes In rled-
BBonL Carda were a feature of the
venlnsr. there belna; four tables. A
very enjoyable time was bad. U(hl
refreshmeaea wars aarved. Mrs. Hath
away, waa recently realamed as soprano
of tha Third lallarlaa Church, sacs;
several Bombers.
Mr. Hathaway returned Sunday even
la; to Bremerton, where hs has been
sncaced as ship draftsman at tha
Navy-yard for lha past six months
Mra tiataaway will laavs Portland In
about a week to Join bar hoabaad. their
new homo belna- situated oa aotal
lieach. north of Bremerton.
a a a
Members and friends of ths En
flneerV Holstlac and Portable Union
No. 171. wera dellchtf ully entertained
at a banquet ajtvea Sunday nlht la ths
Swiss Ha.t An sxcelient procramm
was ictvan and ths aftalr waa attended
by a number of city officials During
the evening Nina Kitta and iris Rosen
thal, two clever little dancer, pupils
est Moaslear Marcel, gave exhibitions
of esthetie and ballet dancing. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Mahal War
Can Wtadaagla.
TTia social hell by Utopia Hebe k ah
Lodge oa Thursday evening was wall
attended. Honors at cards fall to Mrs
X. U. Urlvax. A. Uordoa. Mrs. fsarl
, : v?: - ; . . '
Ptnrgess and F. O. Driver, Mrs. Emma
Mapls capturing ths consolation prise.
At Utopia's next regular meeting.
March 14. they will receive an official
visit from Mrs. Mary A. Lankaater,
prealdent of ths Rebekah Assembly of
Oregon: also a largo claaa of candl
datea will bo Initiated. Ths staff will
drill oa Wednesday afternoons. March
and IS. for preparations. Tr- commu
tes for ths arrangements of tha eve
ning, are Mrs. Ida Steels. Mra Maa
ffhowell. Mra. Ida Anderson. Miss Gladys
Thayer. Mrs. Mary Torallnson. Mrs.
Mary Swaa and N. p. Tomlinaon.
e e
Mra. J. M. Toangor entertained a
Dumber of frtsnds Thursday evening In
honor of her brother. M. A. Borah, of
St. Louis. Us, snd to celebrate the ITth
anniversary of bar daughtsr. Miss
Marie's birthday.
Tho preaent wera: Misses Rosa
Jensen. Mary Travllli. Llsxla TravtllL
Carua Cornelius. Haldia Cornellua. Km-
ma Macey, C Karney and Mario Chris
man; Messrs. M. A. Borah. N. C Hall.
William Gregory. J. IL Anderson. Frits
DeUruln. Wilson Rogers. Ward Mo-
8weeney. Harold Reeves, C Edwards
and Arils Chrisman. Messrs and Mes
dsmes L K. Harmnen. R. B. Wanless,
W. R. Cook. D. R. Stone. E. A. Dundos
and J. M. Younger. ,A feature of the
evening's programme was the render
ing of several vocal selections by Fritx
De Bruin. Portland's popular baritone
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Helsreatad enter
tained the Four Plus Club Wednesday
night at their homo in East Taylor
street. Four tables of 600 were ar
ranged, honors falling to Mrs. Fred A.
Cook and Mr. Halgeatad. After the
gam, dancing was enjoyed and at mid
night a buffet supper was served. The
guests Included Mr. snd Mrs. Harry
Lyon. Mr. snd Mrs. W. A. McDouga.ll.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. O. Burnett. Mr. and
Mrs. Psul Morris. Dr. and Mrs. C B.
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Cook,
Miss Msry Burrell avas a charming
young hoatass on Tuesday afternoon
when shs Invited a few girls of tha
younger musical set to her home In
Laarelhurst to meet Miss Virginia Steel,
a gifted young soprano from Spokane.
The table was exquisitely appointed,
and an attractive bssket filled with daf
fodils snd pink sweet peas with cor
sage bouquets of the sweet peas
marked the places for Mins Steel. Mtss
Dorothy Cox. Miss Dorothy Fraxer, Miss
Vivian McDonald. Miss Katherlne Hall
and Miss Burrell.
Later In the afternoon Miss Steel
sang a group of solos very charmingly.
Her admired accompanist was Miss
Dorothy Cox.
a a a
Mrs. H. Ia Williams, of 410 Broadway.
entertained a number of the members
of the Progressive Woman's League
with a party at the Baker Theater
Wednesday. Dainty refreshments were
served at the Haxelwood after the per
formance. An enjoyable afternoon was
I spent by alL
Those present were: Mrs. Alice Mc-
Naught, Mrs. E. P. Duke, Mrs. S. S.
IMcGrew, Mrs. E. Johnson. Mra E. Lund-
berg. Mrs. C O. Williamson, Miss Sofia
Nielsen. Mrs. Captain Nielsen and Mrs.
W. & Oettle.
i 11
Tha O. D. Club again went "over the
top" with a successful dinner party
for enlisted men from Vancouver Bar
racks, given at the Ardenwald home of
I Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Altnow on Feb
ruary 23.
Mrs. H. J. Altnow. Miss Edith Alt-
Inow, Miss Gwendolyn Stevens and Miss
Nina Young were on "kitchen ' police
I and that their duties were well per
formed will bs vouched for by the
Covers were laid lor the Mlsees Helen
Pollock. Edith Altnow, Madeline Suth
erland, Rae Smith. Lois Humphreys,
Helen Sutherland, Violet Young, Gwen
dolyn Stevens and Nina Young and Pri
vates Martin Collins, Pierre Du FauL
I Vernon Collins, Fred Kcowlton, Thomas
Powers, Arthur Kent, Roy btigleman.
Charles Baughan and Louis Extrowitz.
Mrs. Theodore Madsen entertained a
party of little folk on February 24 in
honor of the sixth birthday of her son,
Carroll. A number of little ones par
ticipated In the affair.
The success of Camella Social Club's
recent dancing and card party has In
spired the members with enthusiasm
for the second of the series which will
be held Saturday evening. March 16, at
Masonic Temple. The club members
and committee In charge are working
hard to make this party an evening of
pleasure to all. The music has been
carefully selected and promises a de
light to the dancers. The proceeds are
to be used for a most worthy object.
the Masonic and Eastern Star Home.
The committee on arrangements con
slets of: Mrs. Jesse H. Graham, chair
man; Miss Laura W. Brophy. Mrs. fcx. E.
Finch, Mrs. T. A. Crawford. Mrs. P.
F. Clodiua. Mrs. H. R. Crawford, Mrs.
L M. Green, Mrs. O. S. Cutler, worthy
matron of Camella Chapter, Order
Eastern Star, and Mrs. Thaxter Reud,
president of the club.
e e e
On Friday evening there will bs a
dancing party at the Rose City Park
clubhouse, a children's party for
"grown-ups." It will bo an evening of
frolic and fun, those participating in
tending to garb themselves as children
and the variety of costumes will add
to the general gaiety. The committee
in charge will be Mrs. A. E. Manner,
chairman; Mrs. George T. Carlsen, Mrs.
H. N. Lyon, Mrs. J. H. Dunlap, Mrs.
I Alice Ure and Mrs. Max Smith. Good
muslo and refreshments ara promised.
e e e
Ths regular meeting of Ben Butler
post, W. R. C, No. 61, at the corps
rooms, Dawley's Hall, East 35th and
Yamhill, will ba held Thursday, March
7, at 2 o'clock.
The Iowa State Society will hold Its
monthly entertainment and dance in
I Assembly Hall. Multnomah . Hotel,
Wednesday evening. March 6," at 8:16
IP. M. Dancing at 9:30. An invitation
has been extended to all soldiers at
Vancouver and in the city formerly
from Iowa to be present- Iowa people
i are cordially invited to Join these
monthly gatherings.
Miss Mae Ross has chargs - of the
music The following .programme will
be given:
Miss Eva Well Abbott, vocal solos;
Mrs. E. L. Knight, violin; Miss Stella M.
I Jones, cello: John Abbott, flute; Miss
Mae Ross, piano; Henry VIII dances
(a) Morris Dance, (b) Shepherd Dance,
(c) Torch Dance; "Serenade d'Amour";
song, "To Spring, Mrs. Abbott; "Valse
de Concert"; "A Vision of Salome"; in
termezzo, "Nalla"; song, selected, Mrs.
Abbott; "Star-Spangled Banner."
The women of Mooseheart Legion will
give their opening dance Monday eve
ning-, March 11, in Moose Temple.
Fourth and Taylor streets. The com
mittee in charge is Mrs. W. C Smith,
chairman; Mrs. A. J. Home and Mra
L, F. Knowlton.
e e a
Scout Young Auxiliary, No. S, tJ. 8.
W. V.. will hold a card party Tuesday,
March S, at their hall. 626 Courthouse,
commencing at 2:30 P. M. sharp. Prizes
will be given for highest scores.
e e
An event of Interest to the dental
contingent and their friends is the sup
per and dance to be given by the Psl
Omega fraternity of the Dental College
in the hollyhock and rose ballroom of
the Multnomah Hotel on Friday night. ,
Members and friends to the number of
76 will participate In this aXfair.
e e e
The annual banquet to be prepared
by pupils of the domestic science de-1
partment of the Franklin High School!
will be given In the symnaslum Friday,
March 16, at 6 P. M. Reservations are I
now being made. Telephone Mrs. A. C.
Newton, Tabor 1315. A programme has
been prepared.
I i r
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ITOOD RIVER. Or, Ttfirch JL Com
rades and friends of Dr. and Mrs. J.
Williams assembled Wednesday at the
Knights of Pythias Hall to tender con
gratulations and felicitate the couple
n reaching their golden wedding day.
n celebration or their juonee anniver
sary, the members of Csnby Post, Grand
Army of the Republic and Canby Corp.
W. R. C, Jointly entertained Dr. and
Mrs. Williams at a reception and din
ner. Dr. and Mrs. Williams wers married
at West Irvine. Is. In 1I7 they re
moved to Keneaaw. Neb, where Dr.
Williams was a prastlclng physician
for It year a They cams to the Hood
their only two children, Edward Will
iams and Mrs. F. C. Broalua, the latter
the wife of Major F. C. Broaius. Oregon
Medical Reserve Corps, retired. Dr. and
Mra. Williams settled on a West Side
ranch, where they have since resided.
Dr. Williams served In the Civil War
In the (7th Iowa Regiment. He la a
member of Canby Grand Army Post. A
grandson of the veteran. Lieutenant
Edward E. Broslus. Is with a Coast Ar
tillery company.
lira U L. Colony, of Salem, who is
en routs horns from a visit In the Mid
dle West, and Mrs. Nclla Dlsraey, of
Garfield. Wash, both old Nebraska
neighbors snd friends, sre hers for J&
Rive Valley JO years Ago, following goldaa jeoddlng -celebration.
No. 18, Pythian Sis-
card party Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 at K. P. Hall. Elev
enth and Alder streets. Prises will be
gives and the publio Is cordially In
e e
The Minnesota Society will meet at
the Hotel Portland on Tuesday evening.
A general good time is anticipated as
an Intereateing programme haa been
prepared. All Minnesotans are invited
to be present and bring their friends.
Cards and dancing will follow the pro
gramme. jew members will be wel
Acme Hive. Ladles of the Maccabees,
will give a 600 party at Mrs. Cox resi
dence, 661 Fourth street, on Friday,
March I. at l:o P. M. All are Invited.
e e
The Minnesota State Society of Ore
gon is In a very prosperous condition.
The monthly gatherings are exceed
ingly pleasurable. Committee on pro
gramme la securing some excellent tal
ent. The society win hold its next
regular meeting on Tuesday night at
1 o'clock In the assembly hall of the
Portland Hotel. There will be a Dro-
I gramme, followed by supper, dancing
and cards. The "square" dance will be
much In evidence. All Mlnneaotans and
their friends are cordially invited.
e e
The women of George Wright Corps,
No. J. women s tteuier corps, will meet
for sewing Wednesday afternoon, March
6. in their hall. 626 Courthouse.
e e e
The B'nal B'rlth basketball team will
hold its first dance of the season
Wednesday evening, March 6, at the
B'nal Brith building. Thirteenth and
Mill streets.
A committee has been appointed to
take charge of the evening's entertain
ment and a good time is in store for all
who attend.
Patrons and patronesses Mr. ' and
Mrs. Politz, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fabre,
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Deller, Mrs. Harry
Shenker, Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs.
Vadar Darling.
CommltUJJisaea Polly. Welser,
Showing Advance
Models in Apparel
for Women
Instinctively Portland's best-dressed women
look to Liebes' for the first showing of the sea
son's authentic styles in women's apparel.
Many charming models in
Suits, Dresses, Coats
and Blouses
have just arrived and await your inspections
Suits of Distinction
Smart, swagger types for street, business or
travel that pleasingly combine utility with a
Springtime charm. They include stylish pony
suits, tailored tricofines, clever vested Etons,
braid-bound Poiret twills and many other,
new and attractive styles, priced from
$35, $45 and $57.50: '
Featuring for Monday
New Dresses $39.50
Tomorrow we will featurea collection of unusually clever, new Spring
Frocks, comprising the foremost examples of fashion's latest crea
tions. Particularly interesting are these dresses, and their values are
really remarkable so early in the season. ( They are all strictly new
models some with the distinctive high hecks and other charming
Monday's Attractive Price Is $39.50
The New Coats
for Spring Are
Most Alluring
And just now a coat is a
garment of real utility
which every well-dressed
woman should possess. The
models for the Spring sea
son are the most becoming
of recent years. Monday
we show a wide assortment
of recent arrivals, featuring
the new straight lines, the
new colorings and the new
Prices; $27.50,
$37.50, $57.50
Italian Silk
We are headquarters for the
genuine "Kayser" Italian Silk
Underwear, the favorite with
discriminating women every
where. Our assortments are
unusually complete, including
Union Suits, Knickerbockers,
Vests, Envelope Chemise and
Italian Top Union Suits.
Vests ......... $1. 95 u
Knickerbockers ..$3.50 up
I Silk Union Suits, $5.00 up
I Silk-top U. Suits, $150 up
Envelope Chemise, $5 up
Exclusive New Blouses $19.50 and $22.50
just received by express and the final word in exclusive style. One hand-made model of linen
in checks of rose, lilac and blue with semi-tailored collar and cuffs trimmed with hand-mada
filet lace, priced at S19.50.
Another handsome Russian Blouse of white Georgette erepe trimmed with gingham eSlk In
blue and lilac is priced at $22.50.
? 'So.
Select Furs Now
Fur prices will advance before another season
Intelligent buyers who select now will be well
ing of these and other furs for the Spring season.
a0-ISI O
lmiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiit
Belle Simon. Bars, Hems, Mildred Oold.
staub, Bess Bublnsteln. byivia wein
tin. Elizabeth Dellar. Anne Nemerov.
.ice-, and Joe Spellman. William Krause,
Harry Perlman, Abe Abrsms, Milton
Mara-ulles. Ben Schneider. Harry oe-
vnrii Mark Waters.
The members of the team will also with the evening's entertainment.
Th.-r are. Harry fehenKer, juanun
Wel .ee. William iiewis. V ur iniR,
Layman Bonney. Herman conn, Harry
Arbuck, Nathan Brownstein.
m . .
The Officers and Guard Club of Port- Review No. 7. of Lady of Macca
are reaueated to attend drill Tues-
a.-, in XTanonlc Temple at 2 P. M. The
rtrrioara and Guards were entertained
at Mra. Zellners apartments with 600
Tiieerlay and prizes were awarded to
Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Mas WUson and Mrs.
From Great Falls. Mont, comes news
of the wedding; of Mess Sergeant Will
iam T. Fox, of Company G. 14th Xnran
try. United 8tates Army, and Mrs. HI1
dan A. Wilson, of Portland, which took
place Thursday, February 14. The
wedding- was a military one. and the
ceremony was performed at the camp
quarters on Bmelter uii in me pres
ence Ol tne omcere tfcuu mem uoi o ui
the company .ana a rew inenaa. tev.
Virgil B. Scott, pastor or tne irat
Presbyterian Church, officiated. Ser
geant and Mrs. Fox were attended by
Sergeant and Mra W. W. Hunter.
Immediately alter tne ceremony a
wedding supper was served In the
mess room. The taoie was aecorated
with pink and white carnations and a
wedding cake upon wnicn was written
Mrs. "W. T. Fox," formed ths center
piece. After the supper a number of vocal
solos were given by Miss Violet
Stevens, Mr. Fox and Mr. Bergholm.
The remainder of the evening was
spent In dancing.
Sergeant Fox has been In the service
of the United States Army for more
than IS years. He fought In the
Philippine war, was a member of the
30th Infantry stationed on guard duty
in Alaska and served under the late
General Funston on the Mexican border.
Mra Fox for several years has made
her home at Portland and only came
to this city Monday. She will remain
with her husband until he is called for
service In France.
The couple are at home In their new
residence, which Mr. Fox had ready for
his bride at 605 Seventh avenue- North
at Great Falls.
Miss Mildred Pierce and Earl GooflJ
(Concluded on P&se 6.)
'Everyone Thinks My New
Suit's a ELream, Nina."
Tm so glad you took me up to
CHERRY'S and made me acquainted
with this easy way of buying pretty
clothes. Just think! I would still be
plodding along with this old drab Win
ter suit if 1 hadn't found out about
Cherry's allowing you to wear the gar
ments home when you have paid a few
dollars down. I never would have
saved the full price so I could have
paid cash in weeks to come. Mother is
going up and get togged out tomorrow.
and the small payments we make each
week we scarcely miss at all. I am
also planning on getting one of those
beautiful taffeta dresses they are show
ing for Easter- they are Just Irresisti
ble, and so reasonable. I gave Eda
their address today, but here is a card
"The boys of Company G, 14th Infantry. I for you, too. They are at J89-91 Wash-
with, happiness and Jove Mr, and 'ins ton t, Flttock, block." Adv,
A soothing.
c-1 e a n e 1 n g
wash; thor
oughly antisep
tic E a a e ntlRl
to personal hygiene.
Excellent for catarrhal
conditions and female
disorders. Indorsed by
Portland Hotel Pharmacy
Sixth and Morrison Sta.
JTTT. , .5-1,. e
a 1 -JBj jrTa
, Alexander 1
High-grade tailoring for Worn-
en. Spring showing of exclusive
materials. H
209 Central Bldg., 10th and
Alder, Second Floor. 5
; t