TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. MARCH 3, 1918. 1 Monday, March Fourth r: ' J ... v V - ' - v : ' ' A?: . . f; - id tiff s l ' v ' . H-wh r '111 .v-;.. ,; I id Jt&TZy. vv ' .. U , - ..M A. i J: " VT j' 4 frbmA from. Cctbrrf$ Th f'llowlnc womfn wrr bot: MrL Hrry U Shrwoo.l. Mrs. K. T. C. 8lrnm. lift. Jma LalJlaw. Mrs. Mai pas. Mrs. Msrrtlt sad Mrs. Robsrt Fair baura. a Mrs. Charles J. Schnbl and atlrsrt tra diuikltr. Mtsa Kaiharlna. ftanca ef Edward Alaandr (NalL rxnt lbs sk-and ta Camp Lawls and Tacoma. FrUnda af Mrs. J. Francis Ballar. formerly of this dtr tnt who has ba snaklnc har homs In Chlcaao for mora than two ysara. will b plrasrd to Um that aha baa rttnmtd to this vicinity to lMum her rldanra hers. At prs- snt Mrs. Ballsy la In Vancoorar. whara sha has epaosd a dancs atudlo for the Army oAcors and aoMtara. under ths slrnlflcant tltta of Voat and Ami." Mr. Ballsy opnad th atudlo with a dine which waa attended by a num ber of women from the barracks ss wsll aa la Vancouver proper, ant on cers from the Knalneera" Infsntry and hlcnal Corp. Friday nlcht Mrs. Bailey also waa a hoateaa for a similar affair, following the regular dasa. see Tna dates tmr the future danelna: parties of the cadets of Hill Military Academy are: March 1. an Informal dance: April It. a fancy dreaa party, and May I. a sapper-dance. Mrs. J. Coulaon Har will rive th ue of bar reaidenca to th Portland Shakespeare Club on Thursday after noon for a silver tea for the benefit of th soldiers' fund. It will he an In form al affair and everyone Interested tn th affair, frtenda and members of tha club, ar cordially Invited by the committee. Th hour ar from S ta I 'clock. An Interaetlna; programme baa been arranged. a Among tboa who ar enjoying th many diversions offered at I 'el Mont ar Mr. and Mrs. fi. Rosenblatt, Mr. nd Mrs. Wiiltans Heller febmian. J. U. Oauld. Mrs. Gauld. Vr. and Mr. Ira K. Power. Mr. and Mrs. L J. Boder, Mr. and Mra T. J. Uelsler. Oene Celsler. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Labb and th Misses Zlegelaan, of tbla city. see Camp Lewis and vicinity will b vis ited this week by th well-known vio linist. Maud Powell, who recently gavs a charming concert at th Helllg The ater In Portland. Mlas Powell will play for tba soldiers at tha Liberty Theater at Camp Lew la on Thursday night, and sha also will play with tha Symphony orchestra at Seattle this week. This celebrated artist has a large following of admiring friends In social and mu sical circle In th Sound cities, and bar appearance there wtll be th Inspiration for a great deal of entertaining. Her programme at tha Liberty Thea ter will be a specially selected and charming one. and la eagerly awaited by the thousands of men stationed at Camp Lew la sea Mrs. Harold E- Tlaed and son, Iton aid. ar th guasts of Mrs. Rose Cour-aen-Reed. Mra Reed (Adel Hlrach perger) la tha wife of Lieutenant Reed, now stalionsd at Vanoouver Barracks, and Is a prominent young matron of Loa Angeles. Sha la a graduate of Stanford University and balonga to tha PI Beta Phi sorority. a A charming event of tha midweek was a violet luncheon preaided over by Mra Norrls R. Cox, honoring Mra O. Wat son and Mra Nina La rows. Covers were . placed for 11. and places were marked with corsage bouqueta of vio lets, which surrounded a bowl of vio lets and Spring blossoma Tba remain der of the afternoon was spent in knit ting for the Army and Navy. e e e Complimenting Mrs. Roy Brlggs (Mary L. Horn, a recent bride. Mra William A. Daughtrey entertained with a charming bridge tea on Friday after noon at her apartments In the Ameri can. Ta dining-room was a bower of red and whit carnations and th living room was decked with a profusion of pussy willow and cedsr boughs. In which patriotic colors were Intertwined. At tea time, additional guests Joined the party and the prettily appointed tea table was preaided over by Mrs. Joseph McCusker and Mra F. J. Richards. The guests were: Mesdames K. S. Favllle, C M. McAllister. William Adams. D. B. McBride, Joseph Mc Cusker. F. J. Richards. Emll Force. A. F. Kelly. Earl Scbarf. Blaine R. Smith. Udell Baker. M. J. Buckley. C. 1C Smith. Henry S. Reed. Daniel Crowley, Jerom Mann. Frederick Ward, Roy Brlggs.-H. J. Fleckensteln, E. J. Wade, Alex Sweek. Caroline De Witt Jocelyn, Oeorgla Hoss. IL J. Blackwood, Mra Kelly and Miss Agnes ftcUrlde. Honors for high scores went to Mra Earl Scharf. Mra William Adams. Mra E. E. Favllle and Mra F. J.-rtichards. A special guest prise, was given to Mrs. Brlgga Mra a M. CUrk will entertain the Irvlngton art class and members of two art classes of ths Portland Art Museum Wednesday at her residence. e e A most delightful silver tea was glvsn by the members of the Monday Musical at the home of Mra W'. I. Swank. IIS East Nineteenth street North, on Mondsy. Ths tea table was decked with Spring blossoma Mrs. L. H. Hansen, of th social committee, waa assisted In pouring by Mra Rodney Herrlck. Mra Philip Blumauer, Mra William Owens and Mra Ira Klmmona Vocal selections wars given by Mra Charles Campbell, accompanied b Miss Blanch Cohen. Tbe selections were: Aria, "He Is Kind. He Is Good." from tbe opera of "Herlode ; "Morning (Oley Speaks), "Sacrament" (McDermld) and "One Fleeting Hour" (Dorothy Lee). Miss Arllna Smith delighted the company with several numbers which th young pianist executed with marked ability. They were "The II I V y - V ' THE RESPONSIBILITY of the Wonder Millinery, through the co-operation of our customers, who appreciate correct style, has made us the acknowledged style leaders in the millinery line. WITH THAT LEADERSHIP has come responsibility. It is our constant care to see that the confidence of our customers in our famous designs shall not be misplaced. ITHERE HAS BEEN no disappointments; year after year our business has shown a steady increase. THERE'S A REASON Our Hat designer holds the high lights in her finger tips, and while on her Eastern trip the style secrets of Paris were whispered in her ears and she has created the elaborately elegant, clever, saucy, Bimple but chic all -are here and you will not be disappointed if you visit our Spring opening. PONT OVERLOOK seeing our beautiful, artistic window display. Our artist has far excelled himself in his task this season. atPader 1 W- t$fw I 1 If 4 ' '' " Waltx" (Sibelius). "Heventans" (Me Dowell) and "Etude In F Sharp" (Aren sky). This is the first of a chain o silver teas to be given for educational purposes. a a On of tha most enjoyable events of last night was th dance at the Mult nomah Hotel which waa planned by the medical department club of the base hospital at Vancouver Barracks. The proceeds will be used as part of a fund to purchase baseball equipment for the men when the baseball season is at hand. Tha Honor Guard girls were chaperoned by Mrs. George Keller and the grand march was led by Mayor George L. Baker. Patrons and patronesses: Colonel and Mra B. J. Edger, Captain and Mra Forrest Black, Lieutenant and Mrs. Asa M. Lehman, Master House Sergeant and Mra John A. Warfleld, Mr. and Mra Rufus Holman. Dr. and Mra Robert Coffey. Mra Frederick Klehle. Mr. and Mra Frederick M. Seller, Mra. C B. Simmons, Miss Vella Winner, Dr. and Mra Alan Welch, Smith. Mrs. C E. Dentler, Mr. and Mra Edward Ehrman, Mr. and Mra Gus C. Moser, Mr. and Mra Samuel C Bratton, Mrs. George L. Williams, Mr. and Mra Ferdinand E. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arnett, Dr. AttMJAL. CLE AltAJN LrJ SALE Furs at Radical Reducticjns Hudson Bay Fur Co. FUR BIANUFACTURERS 147 BROADWAY K . a a We Excel t iSSS DYEING Vjtj$f FRENCH DRY ' & '$ . CLEANING Ssv Gown Making OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION BROADWAY DYE & CLEANING WORKS Portland, Oregon MASTER DYERS AND CLEANERS itiimiimiiiiiiiiiimiimiimimiimmmu It's Spring Suit Time i guarantee excellent material. correct etyie and fit, perfect workmanship and reasonable pricea TAILOR TO VEX AND WOMEN Herman Schulz 1 2 tll-2 BROADWAY BLDG. E Broadway and Merrlaoa street " 5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui?: tationtru Social TllEfRWIN HODSONCQ ser cvaax(rnw st pittock mxk and Mrs. H. W. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Garr Reed, Miss Viola Ortschlld, Miss Jessie MacGreror, Mr. and Mrs. George W. McMath, Mr. and Mra Julius Loulsson. The floor committee Includes Ser geant David A. Blank, Sergeant Lloyd U. Frost, Sergeant Henry C Church, Sergesnt Norman D. Schacchor, Private John H. Smith and Private B. O'Con nor. A charming Portland girl to Join the list of brides-elect is Miss Virginia Wilson, whose engagement has been announced to Dr. Charles Creglow Petheram. The bride-to--be is a former student of the TJniverstly of Oregon and is a popular member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She is the daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence True Wil son. Dr. Petheram Is a promising young physician of this city. He has been a resident, of Portland about a year, com ing from Bellingham, Wash. The wedding will be an event of the latter part of April. The bi-monthly dancing parties of the Portland Heights Club this month will be Friday evenings, March 8 and 22 The young people's party will be March 15. The social committee for the month Is Mrs. Rufus C. Holman, Mrs. C. C. Overmlre, Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter and Mrs. Brockwell Statter. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. One of the prettiest parties of tha season waa given by Ernest J. LaFlne, Dan H. Qulmby, Day Murphy and Willi iam Hurdt at the East Side Business Men's Club Saturday evening. It waS a costume masquerade party. Miss Helen Grimes, Miss Helen Olson! and Miss Helen Philips, dressed aa Southern belles, and Miss Marjory Can non and Adolph Unna, as the Sultan and his favorite, were very attractive. Tha Invited g-uests were: Helen Olson, Helen i:-i3 ' 1 ffiLuiHU lJ;-(T Just Here-Bewitching New Frocks for Girls Such adorable little things the two pic tured will show without a doubt; and there are any number more equally charming., Just the simplest, prettiest fashioned little .frocks of Japanese crepes and fine cham- bray m all sizes for girls 'of 4 to 14 Summers. They are individually styled and altogether different ordinary Spring frocks. Priced $422 to $8 si MaU orders promptly and accurately filled. Riding-Habits made to order. Samples sent on request. taaiciS'ia FOR. GIRLS JZOCO-LAJS I VEUY 39 ALCEn. 3TBJCET PAETWIEM WS5T BlfJC T2 TCNTM ni i