The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 39

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I rw- fNC J
A Spring Novelty!
Community Cloth
Hand-Made Blouses
r a I n t y. graceful blouses,
msde of soft, sheer, white ma
terials Hand-run tucks:
Tuxedo or square collars: high
or low necks. See them here.
Attractively Priced
?BasV7'-'re i Areo I 'ire 'a iS
Chaa. v ir-frs. and Mgr.
SOS Morrison Street
fuetotdce opposite
This Wonderful
We're Going to
Give It Away!
For our Preliminary Millinery Opening we've planned an
v ...
' r'
I PAoto
anotored and rcxt In the streetcars to
participate la the affair and ihirt the
well-known hospitality of the bos la
Mrs. Kenneth Beb entertalr.ed en
Wednesday with a charming Informal
tea honoring Mrs. N. K. Ayr. who re
cce 1 1 y returned from an extended trip
In Honolulu and California. The at
tractive tea table waa presided over by
Mra Jack White Hrown. and the rural
Included. Mra David T. Iloneyman.
Mra Martin Gay Lombard. M s Anna
H Crocker. Mra Ralph C. Motion. Mra
Morrl It Whttehoue. Mra Our W.
Talbot. Mra C. II Pavis. Jr.. Mra Clar
ence Jacobson. Mr. Arthur M. Sher
wood. Mra James C. 7in. Mrs. George
A. Marshall and Mra, Thomas Robert
son. e e e
Announcement waa made In Ean
Plcro. Cat., recently of the encasement
of !! Martha l-oc k w ood Wdham to
E.-ial:a KonalJ Thomas Strong. V. A.
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nel
son Strong, of this city.
Miss VYsdham la one of the most at
tractive members of the younger social
set of San Iteco and Is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mra James K.
Wadbam. She has alwaya made her
bom la San Diego, where her parents
are one of the prominent pioneer fam
UI'S. Mr. Strong Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of California and Is a member
of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. At
present he Is stationed on the United
b:a(es ship Marblchcad.
The date of the "redding- will be an
Bounced later. '
The Strong family, with Its numerous
Connections and branches. Is one of the
week, a moor them belnr the tea at the
residence of Mra P. C. Malpaa on
Wednesday, which proved a charming
and Interesting function: the enter
tainment at the Portland ITelghts Club
Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Harpy
U Sherwood presiding, and the tea
yesterday afternoon at Elk Rock, for
which Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr were
At the Portland Height Club party
a feature of the affair was the clever
dancing of Scottish dances given by
Miss Marguerite Uathle. and also the
charming little sketch. entitled
"Romeo and Juliet In Italian." pro
duced by Mrs. ' . II. MeColllster and
Mlsa Hancock. It was a great laugh
making skit, and added to the pleas
ure of the afternoon.
All three affairs were delightful and
were quite successful- Several other
iffalrs for this same purpose wlU be
given this week.
Mrs Prank Gilchrist Owen, popular
matron of Medford. la spending s few
days in town at the Portland Hotel.
The series of lectures being given
under the patronare of Mrs. Walter
Uurrell and Mrs. William D. w beel
rright will continue this week and
close on March II. Each lecture so
far given has been of an unusually
high order.
on Monday at 3 P. M. In the ball
room of the Multnomah Hotel Dn.
IeBusk. of the University of Oregon
faculty, will lecture on "Measuring
the Mental Growth of Our Children."
Ir. IfeKusk Is a member of the State
Child Welfare Commission and has
been or greet service to the wards of
the state He Is widely experienced
fit together. We have
all the latest fabrics and
smartest styles.
Xfill make you the ap
propriate tailored xvaisl
a new feature in this
leading establishment..
Kertkwcelerst Bsak Bid.
Te Mra aad Womea.
Jones. Dorothy Kern. Cornelia Tevls,
Jean Stevens and the hostess.
old.. I and best-known In -ortland. and " d lntorm94 m matters of child
mey occupy a prom. Den. pn. ign in ,od i,Krat psychology. He Is a
the social and business life of the city. .D.k.P , all who attend his
Mr Strong has been making bis horn ,.,, w ,,,, we pep.u for the
lo California since be waa graduated .rrorL Admission Is by coupons from
from tne university
e e
Another link Is to be added to the
Chain of benefits being arranged and
given (or the patriotic fund for the de
pendents of Hrttish soldiers. The Men's
i.ri'.isb lied Cross Society of Portland
will Ue hosts for this affair, and It
will be novel and Interesting, per
mitting everyone, both ;he younger aad
older contingent, lo particle te. It will
be held at the Ice Palace v. ednesday relatives of both families. The
nigftt. aad from to t o'chek Ice I bride, who was given In marriage by
season tickets, or by purchase of sin
gle tickets at the door.
Mlaa Grace Ellen Langdon became
the bride of Arthur Roland Boscow
at a simple and pretty wedding Thurs
day. The ceremony was read at high
noon by Dr. John H. Boyd at the First
Presbyterian Church. The couple were
unattended, and the wedding guests In-
i eluded but a few Intimate friends and
saatlng wit! be the diversion, to be
followed from t to 1 li by exhibition
SKatlng by professionals, ra.'is among
the hockey players and general Ice
Already the patronesses and mem
bers of the Red Cro Society have ar
ranged line parties, with the usual fes
tivities attendant. A glance at the fol
lowing list of palronease-i bespeaks a
successful affair:
Mra W. J. Burns. Mra E. T. C
Stevens, Mra Harry L Sherwood. Mrs.
William MacMaater. Mrs. R. Lea
Karnes. Mra Andrew Mathew. Mra K
W. Blackwood. Mra J C. Banks. Mra
Arthur Murray Sherwood. Mra E. L
Itriui. Mra Victor Johnson. Mrs.
tonald W. Green. Mra Peter Kerr. Mra
Thomas Kerr. Mra Richard Wilder.
Mrs K. C Malpaa. Mra C H. Davis.
Jr. Mra Thomas Burns. Mra J. K.
Gamble. Mra Charles E. Miller. Mra
A. A Morrison. Mrs. C. B. Woodruff.
Mra Prank Robertson. Mra J. C Rob
inson. Mra A. W. Paynes, Mra John
Napier, Mra Hubert Morton. Mra E A.
Wyld. Mrs James Laldlaw. Mra Walter
Long. Mr. David H Uowans, Mra K. P.
Hynd. Mra Roger Hastings, Mrs. A. E.
Brown. Mra K K. Baxter. Mra P. A.
Greatwood. Mra Robert Fairbairn. Mra
James Cormack. Mra Charles Blake ley,
Mrs. J. J. Panton. Mlsa Mackcnxie. Mra
William Mcilurray and Mrs. A. II W.
e e
Friends of Miss Shirley Eaathara are
rejoicing with her family over her safe
arrival In France. Mra C. E. Morey,
mother of the patriotic and enthualaslic
Portland girl, received a cablegram
from her Friday announcing her arrival
overseas Miss Eastham went over as
a member of the Woman's Overseas
Hospital unit, the first all-woman unit
to ru from America, which will conduct
a S-bed hospital at Uulscard. In the!
Aisne country. Including the civil pop
ulation for le miles behind the battle
Per the benefit of the patriotic
fund, a fund created lo take of
the wives and children of British sol
dtrs righting at the front, a oi-mber
of wrtrnwn effsr were given last
her uncle. Edgar B. Piper, wore a smart
tailleur of dark blue broadcloth, with
black straw hat. and a corsage bouquet
of orchids and freeslaa The church
wss artistically decked. In a simple de
sign, with woodland ferns, pussy wil
lows and vases of Easter lilies.
The wedding march was played by
Edgar E. Coursen, who also played ap
propriate arias during the ceremony.
George V. Piper and Fred W. Piper,
also uncles of th bride, ushered the
guests. Following the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was served at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper,
and an Informal reception was held.
Mr. and Mra Boscow left for Seattle,
where the bridegroom Is stationed at
Fort Worden In the coast defensea of
Puget Sound, as an electrical engineer.
They will make their home at the fort
until Mr. Boscow receives orders trans
ferring him elsewhere.
The bride la a charming and popular
girt daughter of Mra E. W. Langdon,
and "he attended Miss Bennett's School
at Millbrook. N. T.. and later went to
Mount Vernon Seminary at Washington,
l. c Mr. Boscow is a son of Mrs. L.
P. Boscow. of this city, and also la pop
ular here.
e e
On of th charming events of the
week given aa a compliment to Mlsa
Helen Mlnslnger was the tine party at
the Orpheum Wednesday, for which
Mlsa Maxcella Smith was hostess. The
theater party waa followed by tea at
one of the leading hotels, and the
guests Included Miss Mlnslnger, who
will become the bride of Adolph Neu
on March 14; Misses Katharine Senna
Plana are being made for a dance to
be given by the men of Company B,
118th Engineers, U. & A., of which Don
aid O. Miller is Captain, on Saturday
night, March 9. at Multnomah Hotel-
Trie, ballroom and assemblyroom will be
used for the dance, and aside from the
fact that the list of patronesses alone
would Insure tucceas for the frolic, the
motif for the benefit is sufficient to in
duce the most wearied as well as the
devotees of dancing to participate In
the affair. The funds derived from the
benefit will go toward the fund to pro
vide the necessities that the Army ap
propriation does not cover, such as to
baccoequipment, reading matter, music.
athletic equipment, as well aa a little
luxury occasionally for the men. The
men who are stationed at Vancouver
Barracks anticipate a transfer to other
points shortly, and as many of them are
very well known already In Portland
society they undoubtedly will have the
support of the Portland public In Ren
tal. Colonel Moore, of the Vancouver
post, will be an honor guest, as well as
Captain Miller. Private F. C Weber is
chairman of the committee.
Patronesses are Mrs. John C. Alns
I worth. Mra George I Baker, Mrs. Alice
Benson Beach. Mra W. li. Bissell (Van
couver Barracks), Mrs. John H. Bur-
gard. Mra Walter F. Burrell, Mra Wil
bur E. Coman. Mra Helen Ladd Cor
belt. Mra Gilbert H Durham, Mrs. Cor
nelius Gsrdener, Mrs. Stuart Godfrey
(Vancouver Barracks). Mrs. C. P.
Orot (Vancouver Barracks), Mrs.
Solomon Hlrsch, Mra Thomas D.
Honeyman, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt, Mrs.
J. Wesley Ladd. Mra William Mac
Master, Mra A. A. Morrison, Mrs. Ed
gar B. Piper, Mra. Andrew R. Porter,
Mrs. A. M. Sherwood, Jr., Mra John
Shull, Mrs. Jay Smith, Mrs. Guy W.
Talbot. Mrs. William D. Wheelwright
and air a u E. H. Wood.
Committee, Corporal W. H. Rurgard.
Privates W. J. Brady, IL N. Heather,
Thomaa P. Mclntyre, James a. O'Day
and Fred C Weber.
A rummage sale Is on the calendar
for Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. The women of auxiliary to
Company F. 18th Engineers (railway).
Captain Kenneth D. Hauser, now In
France, will be the committee and
saleswomen, and will be on hand all
day to assist any purchasers In mak
ing their selections and deliveries
Through the kindness of Leo Frlede
the building at 222 Morrison street has
been donated for the use of the auxil
iary, and the sales will be conducted
all day, the articles to be sold Includ
ing clothing, books, china, knlcknacks
snd all sorts of noveltlea Among those
who will be In charge of the sale are
Mra. Adrian J. McCalman. Mra J. U
Hartman. Miss Irma Austin and Mrs.
A. W. Clark.
The proceeds from this sale will be
turned over to the emergency fund of
Company IX
Mrs. Irving Martin Lupton (Hlldreth
Humasoo) is visiting Mrs. Clara H.
Wsldo, her aunt, and Mra P. M. Dekum.
her grandmother. In Los Angeles for
a few weeks, and will come to Portland
for a visit with her parents late in
the Spring. Her husDana, Lieutenant
Lupton. has been stationed at the Pre
sidio, San Francisco, during the Win
ter, snd Mrs. Lupton has been making
her home In San Francisco. He has
now been transferred to Camp Fre
mont, with Field Hospital Unit No. 43.
awaiting the mobilisation of Portland
Base Hospital 46, of which he is a
- e
John W. Geary, of San Francisco, has
been spending the week In Portland at
event that all Portland will be talking about. Every
woman who visits our Third Floor Millinery Shop Monday or Tuesday will be given a
number (whether you make a purchase or not) your number may win this $100 set.
The set as pictured hat, parasol and hand bag is of finest pure silk Georgette in
Killarney green hand embroidered in exquisite harmonizing tones. The illustration
cannot begin to do it justice! See it in our window.
Millinery Creations From Foremost Designers
Will Be Shown for the First Time Monday
At the Emporium! Exclusive Models in Styles That Are as Dis
tinctive and Different as Can Be. America's Poremost Designers
Have Contributed Their Best to This Preliminary' Showing. There Are
7 Models From De Marius. 21 Models From Mode.
5 Models From Gage Bros. ; 35 'Models From Rawak.
15 Models From Moorehead & Jardine. " 21 Models From Cupid.
a ii ' IlL oaa 1 J J1 -C
LOgeUier WltH OUU IiailUSUme IllUUeiS XIUXU UUI UWU WUIlVlUUJIia. First Floor Emport
Never since the doors of our store were thrown open have we had assembled such a tre
mendous and comprehensive showing of Spring Coats and Suits, Dresses, Blouses and
Dress Skirts just a word about them
NEW SUITS Eton, Boleros and Pony models hold first place in Fashion's array.
There are any number of handsome tailored models, too in navy, sand, gray,
clay, Pekin tones and in clever checks at $19.50 to $57.50.
NEW COATS Scores of smart, clever effects in all the season's new weaves among
them Crystal cloth, silvertone and tricotine range in price from $13.95 to $47.50.
NEW DRESSES Never have they been so altogether lovely. There
are afternoon, street and business-wear models, of foulard, taffeta,
crepe de chine, crepe meteor and Georgette scores of them at
$14.75 to $39.50.
NEW BLOUSES Our Blouse Shop is full to overflow
ing with lovely dres3 and tailored blouses the
prettiest you've ever seen !
rip. which Is Including the entire
a a if. s-inn km hj-Rit emer-
urmwciu on. v- j
tained by several old friends, and by nu
brother. Dr. Logan Geary.
i tvs lAhn T.arir tt'hn
VUIUIlCl stllU assies.
are now at the University of Oregon.
ere guests last ween vi on. -
Walter F. Burrell. coming to Portland
to greet Major Ian Hay Belth. wno is
. . . . 1 r.ani1 Klnin
an oia-iirae ibuh.i , j
Lit-lth gave several delightful talks In
a arouna rorusiiu uuims mo
his experiences In the fighting lines
in France.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Williams have
returned from a trip of several weeks
St. Louis. Kansaa City. Chicago,
Denver and California. They returned
to Portland by the Southern route and
on tbelr various stops were charming
ly entertained by old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush, of Salem,
re in. Los Angeles at the- Maryland
Hotel, where they are participating In
social functions and Red Cross bene
One of the chnrmlng events of the
early week was the benefit silver tea
given by a group of British women at
the residence of Mrs. F. C. Malpas for
the British soldiers' dependents. The
hostesses for the event were a group
of English women who live north of
Washington street, and from time to
time 1lf feront groups will he selected
to entertain with similar affairs for the
same cause, so that the entire city
will be thoroughly canvassed. A fea
ture of the affair Thursday was the
talk given by Sergeant Richards, who
recently returned from the front The
drawing and dining-rooms were pret
tlly decked with flowers, and the re-
freshments followed closely the rlgi4
rules of the food conservation commit
tee and were at the same time deli
clously dainty.
Presiding at the table were Mrs. T.-IL
Jenkins, Mrs. Francis Sealy, Mrs. A. K.
f Continued on Paga 4.
bel: llanree of Kdward J. O'Neill; Helen the Multnomah Hotel, on . business
The very latest and best that
New Torh had te offer.
Schweitzer ? Eagin
3S4V, aahlagteM. Near Ta
m ii
A splendid feature of our table d'hote service Is the
variety. Tou may have the beat vegetable dinner
ever at 15 an exceptional plate dinner at EOc
or a menu at 1 1 that would do Justice to a banquet
hail. 12 to I P. M
Also a Complete a la Carte Dinner
Plan to dine at
coMxcnoxev am acsnueevr
SS vfaahlfislssi St.
Be, l-arh aad lata
1ST Broadway
Bet, Huh. aad Alder
to Dance
Professor Montrose M.
Ringler in his splendid
beginners' class Mon
day nights, from 8 until 10, will
teach you simply and perfectly.
4(1 hr.) Lessons $1.00
Just a few lessons and you will
be able to dance all the modern
ballroom steps.
All classes under the personal
direction of Professor Ringler ,
asslsteo by competent Instructors.
Phone for appointment Bdy. 3380.
Ringler Dancing Academy
14th. Near Waualnsrton.
Montrose M. Ringler, Manager,
Master of Modern Dancing.
leading Ladles' Taller.
announce titc axtidai nxin CFppaef
in aff incA, acai om cttv2 dais's axemaiX
C c t .00
&tnanX 6lule&. Jn dale al AznAiuUi
Q uli6y Jf iacic4, oBiaacA and Goat 6.
We shall make a special feature (p A . 'f r
on Monday of clever Blouses
3S3 Washington St.
a -a- llll.