2 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND JfAHCn 3, 1918. - - da-...-,, - - -" - f J - - - k$&' . Sfrsr fetter 7-0? rxjrp s s"s for0 Corr&ey & -ivif.V . - i ' : f 'i - - '' -vr w mil 4ui br bm intrt- tc nl boast of a tvrs!n4 cxlndr. Bacf!is tar otdicra war tb mla 41 wraia. aVabctakC taXias th prc4not or all cbr forma of ntartalnincpt. Tb ;pfniM of Major laa liar Batlb an WxInaMtar nfiaa forth a larc and cpnrittlTt a1tpca al tba a4l tori am. ad lb OruhanRl bill, ratbar aa aaol n, furnuhad laa motif for a nuNr of parttaa. wltb tbatr attaadaat ottnaara aa-a asppara, aa waU aa (aa patrtlaa taJlawl aaatlana. Uainr ta tba lotarfaraar of war cadar. tba wrdrltna of Mi Malal Mc XMtv aa4 Captaaa D. C Oldaabont. aa( for tba araak failoolna; i'aatar, avaa baan adTaar-! and la bow achadulrd lo taka lc WdaadaT aaaolna. at tba bonpa of tba. brtda-aiart'a paraota, Mr. a4 Kra. iatai MacMaaKor. al Axo- vour. It will ba a almpla waddlnf. with bat nlr a faw cloaa friend of tba farollr la attendance. Tba waddlna of bllea Graca Lanadon aad Artbar Roland Boocow, which waa an ent of Tbvraday noon, waa ona of the moat charmlnir of the aaaaon. Alde from a faw Informal function airen aa compliments to the nuroeroaa brMee-alect. and tba laochaona. teae aad 1 act area for tba Brltlah-Oreiron eoltUera dependent, aoclety irava them arlvee up to enjoytn the biicht aunny daya of tba weak by remalnlna; out doora and motoiinc about the dir. Oaa of the ae.weot patlma. aad a rrjr commaadable on, anon a- the I'ortland bachatora, malda, and the marrtad folk. too. U the reaiinc of faanillea. by adoption, noma la Belgium and aorae In Krance. There la one bachelor In town, a well-known busl aeae and clubman, who baa three cMl draa. waa at be ar boo . but U determined to brine; them from tnelr troubled and muter homea In Belgium and Franco to hla handsome and cosy home In this city aa soon aa such a trip la possible for the little ones. There are two boye and a ttrl In thta ft roup, a brother and sister, and a relative. And this fairy Kodfather really Is tak 1ns; car of hla brood In excellent shape, wrltlna them regularly, sending; them clot hln-. books, candle, and lots of (rood thlncs. as well aa miin for their Engraved i Wedding-, Ylniting-, Bugintso and 1 Army Ofricrra' Carda Moaaajraaa aad Addreee Statloaery W. G. Smith & Co. f 311 Mergae Blog. education, mere are muny oiuer men I and women Just like this benefactor, who ara unable for various reasons to enter the servlcea, but are helping marvalouely In many waya. Some of the young maids who have adopted fflese little foreign children are working for their stipend to send to the children no aa not to put the ex tra burden on their fathers or guar dians, from whom they receive their allowances. They all proudly display photographs of their "kiddies," and their hearte ara bubbling over with lova for their bablea whom they are naer to love and care for. The biggest and gayest event sched uled for this week is the benefit Skat In party at the Ice Palace' Wednesday nirht for which the British Red Cross Society wilt be boats for their patrlotlo fund. This is ona or ma unKs aaaea to the chain started last week for the soldiers' dependents of the British army, and so far a number of afternoon affairs have been given for the cause Miss Elise Feldman will return this week 'from a visit In California, where she has been entertained extensively. a Mrs. Charles F. Adams and -little daughter, Anne, left last week for Cali fornia, and are now at Paso Kobles for a few weeks' stay. Mrs. Henry Dickinson and children. who recently came to the Coast from their home hi Memphis, Tenn., to Join Lieutenant Dickinson, stationed in the spruce division at Vancouver Barracks, is now established in apartments at Alexandra Court for a few woks. Mrs. Dickinson and children plan to return later in the Spring to the post, where they already have become popular. She is a charming matron, and will be wel comed to Portland society by hosts of old friends of her husband. Much interest centers in the wedding of Miss Malsle MacMaster and Captain Dieterlck C. Oldenborg, U. S. A., which Ib scheduled for Wednesday night. It will be a simple home wedding at the resi dence of the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster, at Ard gour, and will be solemnized at 8:30 o'clock by Rev. A. A. "Morrison, rector of Trinity Church. Intimate friends of the families will be asked to the cere mony, and the bride will be attended by her sister, Mrs. Katharine Mac Master Mason, aa matron of honor, and her younger sister, Mrs. Reade M. Ire land (Ailsa MacMaster). Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss .Gladys Pitts, of Vlcj toria. B. C. who also was a bridesmaid for tba jreland-MacMaater weaaing early in February, and Miss Polly Young. Captain Oldenborg has received or ders from headquarters which necessi tated advancing the wedding date, originally set for April. MIbb Mac- Master, who devotes her time to tha hostess house at Camp Lewis, and her sister, Mrs. Mason, are, with their par ents, the latter arriving Thursday from Boston, where she has been taking the nurses's course at the Children's Hos pital. Mrs. Mason will remain In Port land for a complete rest, and later plans to return to Boston to resume her work at the hospital. One of the most delightful and charming events of the latter part of the week was the silver tea given yes terday by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr for the patriotic fund for British soldiers' families. The affair was given at the handsome home of the Kerrs, Elk Rock, and the affair followed the prescribed lines for war refreshments. A feature of the tea and one which added mate rially to the fund for the soldiers' and sailors' dependents was the sale of bulbs and plants from the Kerrs' noted greenhouses. The attractively appoint ed tea table was presided over by Mrs. Walter John Burns, Mrs. William Mac Master, Mrs. Harry L. Sherwood and Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens. A throntr of patriotic women and men Recent selec tions from the best looms are ready for dis play. Many Novelties are in the col lection. K.S.Ervin&Co.,Ltd. Makers of Men'a Clothes, Import ad Accessories. Seeoad Floor. Selling Bldg Sixth at Alder Street. KOTJMNO HO COMBINES HENTIMENT WITH PRACTICAL KCONOMT AH AN ORIENTAL HTO. Hera you will find many splendid epeclmeas which will Impart rtchneaa and re finement In the homo. And, a rug bought here Is economical, especially today, whea the stoppage of rug Imports makee prices such as we have placed on our present stock Impossible on future purchases. Cartozian Bros. Washlagtea at Tenth. 1-ittocJc Block. $45 J. K. Stern LADIES' TAILOR 447 Aider St. GREAT OFFER la ad Ta aee4 Iprleg atylea. New aaaterlala ebawa aaadeia. LQ)UB3. n nil One Moment, Please CHERE are the smartest hats here you have ever seen. Large and small Lisere and Milans, bewitchihgly trimmed in ribbon and feather effects. Georgette crepe and Tagel braid make a fetching combination in the large dress hats. For more tailored wear there are Frenchy black and white Milan sailors smartly banded with grosgrain ribbon. Really it is the most tempting array and no matter what style or shape is the most becoming to you, you are sure to nnd it here priced at just about the amount you had planned on paying. Have You Seen Our Novel Spring Suits? They are fluffy little affairs with short eton jackets, vests, etc., and are so truly feminine. But for those who prefer there are any number of more tailored and conservative ideas. Daily many, many suits arrive and it will be well for you to keep in touch with us. Remember, you are always1 welcome to "look" at the Eastern. .Your Charge Account Solicited touttittingQ Washington Street at Tenth Silk Skirts of odd design have just arrived this week. Skirts very light or white in" color, charm ingly appropriate for home or afternoon affairs and informal dancing. There are those of Baron ette satin, heavy brocad ed silks and taffetas. Some have the white ground and dark satin stripes or other odd ef fects altogether new and pleasing. These skirts are not high in price, yet they are excep tionally handsome.