SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 Editorial Society and Music , VOL. XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING," ilARCII - 3, 1018. NO. 9. TRADING STAMPS GIVEN ON FEBRUARY ACCOUNT IF PAID IN FULL ON OR BEFORE MONDA Y, MARCH 11. 1 S f Gossard Corsets I TOi NORWEGIAN WOMEN'S RED CROSS AUXILIARY WILL MEET Bien Jolie Corsets U. S. THRIFT STAMPS AND WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES FOR SALE MAIN OFFICE, 4TH FLOOR THE BEST INVESTMENT Nemo Corsets TOMORROW FROM 10 TO 4 IN AUDITORIUM, ON FOURTH FLOOR. Advance Showing of Easter Fashions 2d Floor Q 9 0 O D o o D o o D o o D o o D o o a o n D o o a o o D o a o o D o o D o D o o n o D o n o Women's Spring Suits At Popular Prices a t Q9 nn e show rL O-J.UU ranjre 0f stylos in all the newest weaves. On at tractive model is of checked suit ing with flare peplum. slightly fitted at the waist. Effectively trimmed with braid and buttons, Af- Aft th,ro very nL OO J.UU jmirt new mod el made up in excellent quality of blue serge. Eton jacket effect with pleated skirt, fancy silk, col lar. Decidedly new. Ask to see this Spring Suit. Priced at J3o. A QAtZ flfl beautiful new rL suit with short loose coat trimmed with double rows of buttons and white silk cof- lar. Skirt in tunic effect. Of navy blue and wistaria gabardine. An unusually attractive Spring modeL At- nn we show very TL DOOJJ attractive new Suit in semi-fitted style with flare peplum and fancy vest front. Short tunic skirt. Made up of fine U wool serge. Trimmed with buttons. S. St II. Sumps Given FREE. New Spring Coats AtS22.50 an attractive new Coat of fine quality gabardine. Box pleated back, narrow belt, large collar and fancy pockets. Good range slzeo. AtS25.00ro?wVo,I velour in the leading shades. Slightly fitted waistline. 1 a n e y pockets, collars and cuffs. Lined to waist. Ask to see this model. AtS29.50eth; there is an ex- p t i on al ly smart Coat of high-grade velour in tan shades Trimmed with wide belt and rows' of stitching. High waistline effect. In latest style. a. COO ETA new coat f rL OOO.JU silvertone cloth styled in basque effect, side belts, fancy collar and pockets. Lined to the waist. Good range of sizes. r wa The 3 New mi Spring Dresses Are Charming Second Floor Certainly the styles were never more becoming and that the new models are finding instant favor is proven by the way women are buying them. For street wear, for school or business, for social occasions there are any number of styles in all the newest materials. ranging in price from $15 to $13. All the leading colors are shown. AT S20.00 Wool Serge Dress in tunic effect with large shawl collar and wide belt. All sizes. AT $21.T0 Taffeta Silk Dress in Russian blouse style with wide crush girdle and a fancy collar. AT S23.0O New Dress of Georgette crepe and crepe de chine with pleated skirt and fancy belt. AT $fcl.".00 Several beautiful new models made up in Georgette crepe, satin, taffeta. Latest colors. New Voile Waists $2.50 to $7.50 Silk Petticoats $3.49 to $6.50 Second Floor Dainty, sheer Voile Waists for Spring, in a large as sortment of new models; some in tailored effects,, others in fancy styles with collars and trimmings. Now 1 a good time to choAe. Prices range from S2JV) to Second Floor Taffeta and Jersey Silk Petticoats in all the new Spring shades, also in fancy stripes and changeable. Great many dif ferent styles with fancy flounces, ruffles, etc. .$.49 up to $J.50 We Give S. & IL Green Stamps. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman S? King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Home Journal Patterns are stylish, perfect fitting and easy to use. If you would have best results in making up your Spring apparel use Home Journal Patterns. S2.98 GREAT SALE OF HAIR GOODS Monday and Tuesday 2d Floor for mixed gray hair Switches formerly sell ing at $4.50. Very good quality. ODD LOT Hair Switches 51.50 $4.98 eelling to $6.50 for mixed gray wavy Hair Switches formerly at $6.50. Good quality, grades now 'Half Price. Grand Band Concert and Mass Meeting TO PLEDGE FOOD PRODUCTION 2:30 P. M. TODAY, AT THE PUBLIC AUDITORIUM, ADMISSION FREE Don't fail to attend. War Garden Drive" Program .Tilde R. G Morrow, cresidintr. Selections by the band, 2:30 to 3 P. M. Mayor Georro L. Baker (10 min utes) "The Help of iVar Gar dens to the City." Song- by chorus and audience, "America." W. K. Newell, Asst. Food Admin istrator for Oregon (15 minutes), "Conservation of Food." Selection, Mrs. Jane Burns Albert "Star-Spangled Banner" John E. Cooter. Supt. Portland school war gardens (20 minutes), "War Gardens and How to Plant Them." Band selection. C. L. Smith, agriculturist for the Union Pacific (20 minutes), "Sol--diers of the Soil." i Selection, John Claire Monteith. ' ' Kev. Oswald W. Taylor, Patriotic Conservation League (10 miinr utes), -war Garden Work." by Chorus and Audience. Odd Lines Glassware . At Clean-up Prices Third Floor Imitation Rock Crystal Glassware and many other patterns. Odd line from our regular stock priced for quick selling. No telephone orders filled at these prices, as quantities are limited.. Dept. 3d Floor. Goblets, while they last HO I Colonial Sq. Nappies 38 Win Glares, priced at !Oe I 7-inch Square Nappies 4of Cocktail Glasses now at 13f J S-inch Square Nappies oOf Garden Tools-3d Floor Supply Your Needs Now I Get ready for the "War Garden Drive. Check over your list of garden needs and let us sell you the wanted articles. Garden rakes, S5c: spading forks, Jl-35: cultivators, 90c; long-handle weedert, 20c; floral spades, 75c. Headquarters for lawn mowers. 1 New Georgette Crepes of Splendid Heavy Quality NEW PRINTED Georgettes bid fair to prove popular for Spring. We have just opened up a new shipment in exquisitely dainty pat terns "and colorings ranging in price from $2.23 to $2.98 yard. Lace Department, First Floor. Lace Department For dresses, waists and . trimming purposes, Georgettes are to be in great de mand the coming season. At $2 and $2.25 we show an extra heavy quality, 40 inches wide, in a full range of the newest colors. New Spring Veils New' Drape Veils. Very latest French styles. Dainty hairline meshes with chenille dots and scrolls. Prices range 75 to $2.75 New Sport Veils in hairline and hexagon meshes with chenille fig ures, dots and scroll effects. The prices range from 10 to 75 ea. New Spring Neckwear H A Collars, Sets, Vests, Vestees V J A V In A 11 the Popular Materials ma Main Floor Dainty Neckwear lends distinction to the cos tume. You won't have the slightest difficulty in finding a collar, a jabot or a vestee here to please your individual fancy, for there are literally scores of styles to select from in organdies, piques, Georgette crepe, satins and other ma-' terials, including 'taffeta and pique riding stocks, beaded broadcloth collars, new Buster Brown collars. Main Floor. show a splendid assortment of the new collars and sets, assorted materials. A 4. we New Collars, Sets, Jabots and Sets jn nu merous styles. Extra good values. At SI Millinery Exposition Presenting the New Season's Smartest Creations in Tailored and Dress Hats The Millinery Salons will have on display Monday a notable col lection of the new Spring Hats from foremost designers, and also many beautiful models from our own workrooms (copies of imported hats) marked to sell at a fraction of cost of original model. There are smart tailored hats, semi-dress and dress hats in all the new straws and braids. There are hats trimmed with fruits, with flowers and ribbons. There are dainty summery styles and the more prac tical hats, ranging in price from $5.00 on up to $50.00 New Books Of Interest and Worth recently received in the BOOK SHOP on the Main Floor. Diplomatic Days. . . .$2.00 By Edith Q'Shaunessy. Vagabonding Down the Andes $4.00 By Harry Franck. Mark Twain's Letters $4.00 Albert Bigelow Paine, 2 Vols. WesternFlowerGuide $1.25, By Chas. F. Saunders. All in It $1.50 By Ian Hay. First Call .$1,150 By A. G. Empey. The Book Shop . Women's House Dresses Priced Special for Monday at Only Center Circle, First Floor House Dresses in light and dark colors in ginghams and per cales. Styled with square or round collars and trimmed with piping. Priced special Monday. $1.25 Mercerized Table Damask 46c Yd. Main Floor Good quality mer cerized Table Damask. Very serviceable for everyday use. Excellent assortment of pat terns. 58 inches wide. A fin Priced special, the yard xUi 64-INCH Mercerized Table Damask of good quality. rO Priced special, the yard JOC MERCERIZED Damask Nap kins, hemmed ready fTQ for use. Special, doz. OX.tiO JJed Spreads Reduced Main Floor WHITE SATIN Bedspreads. Extra large size and good heavy quality. Beau tiful raised patterns. Only 100 spreads in this sale. Order early. Plain hemmed satin QfT Hfl spreads, priced special Jt JJ Scalloped and cut-QfT PA corner satin spreads DJtll Bleached A Lr Sheeting. rC Main Floor At the above price Monday only and no telephone orders accepted. Fine quality bleached Sheeting in width for three-quarter beds. For AA Monday special, the yard Captivating New Wash Materials A Superb Showing of New Weaves for Sp Silk Mixed Shantungs 65c and 75c Yard Main Floor This is one of the sea son's most popular fabrics for Spring dresses and waists. Shown in all the leading colors. Priced in this sale at 65 and 75 yard. New Japanese Crepes At 58c Yard Very fine quality for women's underwear, children's rompers, etc Better lay in a supply now fTQ and save. Special, the yard JOC New Dress Ginghams New plaids, novelty checks, plaids, stripes and plain colors. 500 pieces priced at 25 f a yard. Great Special Sale of Remnants Short lengths of white goods, ginghams, percales, Devonshire cloth, outings at big reductions. ring and Summer Silk Finish Poplins At 50c Yard Main Floor A beautiful fabric for Spring and Summer dresses. Will give very satisfactory wear. Shown in leading colors, Thirty six inches wide, the yard tlUU New Suesine Silks 25 different shades in these new Suesine Silks. FineMor lingerie, street and party dresses. . Thirty six inches wide. Priced spe- ftf cial in this sale, the yard VJJlx New White Goods New longcloths, nainsooks, lawns, organdies, madras, Swisses, etc. the best assortment in the city. $1.50 to $3.50 Corsets 98c $5 to $8.50 Corsets $1.98 SECOND FLOOR A GREAT SALE OF CORSETS See if your size is on the list below. Chart indicates the number of Corsets in each eize which will be on sale tomorrow. All are high-grade, standard makes in perfect condition, but the sizes are Jbroken. Front or back laced models. A splendid chance to 6ave money! F "'Z":-5 Sj2s 38 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 31 32 33 34 35 GXSTS5k sU . l .QneKFT-l Y' ; 1 I 1 I " .. New Boots for Women The newest the smartest in. footwear for milady's Spring out fit now on display in our up-to, date Shoe Store, First Floor 2 New Models Just In MODEL A Women's 8-inch Laced Boot of nut-brown calf with fawn colored cloth top. Made on the trim new military last with imitation wing tip. All QQ f? f sizes. Priced, the pairDOJU MODEL B Women's 9-inch Laced Boot of fine grade golden brown kid with harmonizing cloth toppings. Narrow toe with tip, medium Cuban heel. Qrr rh All sizes. Priced, pair vf Uf New Spring Ribbons Main Floor Grosgrains, satins, taffetas, metal and satin bro cades. Plain colors, plaids, Dres dens, fancy edges and novelty de signs. Ribbons for hairbows, mil linery, dress trimmings. Ribbons for all purposes. Best qualities. iplniiiii JfeSJiiS See Special Display of ui l it rrr s IIP KOYAL HEN?AL MENTAL tWdS Rug Department Third Floor Annual Spring Exhibit of Famous Royal Bengal Oriental Rugs These splendid rugs are woven seamless, of fine wool, in effect similar to Oriental specimens, which they so closely resemble in weave and in the beautiful sheen of their luxurious surface. Their exquisite colorings are effectively brought out in faithful reproductions of Chinese and old Persian designs. Included in our showing are beautiful Rugs in Mahal, Feraghan, Sarabend, Herman, Kashan, Kiva, Bokara, Khorassan, Eermanshah, Daghestan, Sehna, Saruk and Chinese. Don't fail to see this great showing of Royal Bengal Oriental Rugs in the department, 3d Floor. Royal Bengal Rugs Are Shown in Following Sizes: 2:5x4:63:2x5:54x76x98x10 and 9x12 March Sale of Bedding FULL-SIZE Comforters filled with sanitary white cotton and covered with silkolines, in new pat terns, J 2.75 grades. QO 4P Priced special at only COTTON Sheet Blankets in gray, tan and white. These are of good size and are regular $1.25 values. Priced very special for t,he QOa March Sale at low price of Ot $1J5 Feather Pillows, Special, a Pair, $1.48 Portland Agents for Rrenlin UNFILLED WindowShades New Draperies for Spring NEW CRETONNES in a won derful showing of the new Spring patterns and colors new drapery silks new silkolines new cur tain nets and scrims new tapes tries ' new velours, etc., etc CUSTOM Draper Work to or der at lowest prices. Estimates cheerfully given on this work. 35cCurtain Rods Special 19c 'Third Floor Good Sf heavy grade tubing 1 with curved ends as il lustrated herewith. These are ex cellent 35c values. While they last yon may buy then at 19 lODOl I0E30I I0E30I I0X3O