THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 3, 1918. 15 Jt.-ia-i-.-. i(;tnd umi Tb moat cfnplt Let f g r In -' cifT. rB( ia Dri-e rrorn .. no. LI rrpt trade aen of them, if ym era t"-j in th nrftl for a garage BMin!ia title i.l save ea monajr. com Mfml rholre wts ! we!-lecaef, gro- cff iur, art a 1 aei p mm n moaey tf yea 4oa' & look if ii I a pwirera yoa want. loos: oor large nt e-er ud you vu una ui i Arrri? aoevct. ivc. rnoriTABu; hcihskm I -J tvr rnl on irttM aa!. d tag annual baa.aea. Kwk will ln- vwr eboot 1 4 ; rni at coat of Invoice: K ctn4lt of rro--kry. glaaa and kit rha vare. Other linae raa adde! to tht et vbkh n-roao tho boeineae tnMrblr. Tki more M forat4 In eat ef in loaaa in orto; population. A. J. T Fnreet. ritt:r. uwr co. i-T Hr i of Tra.le MM. JlST WHAT TO IT HE LOOKING FOR. rino o.ylf! eeYeMUh. ftnrT PftfNK rvKI.OK and rAKHK(. tiuoD ,LoA Tit . ttnm f'ttur-. ful.y Tock4 wit A a fvi. wttt , for cm a or trad. 1 1 Lr-t aitr. earner. Kmmm for selling ttatnt gtve mr proRal a't-fTtl""t. hrf. t-n-.a urhtnfH. IL1 .e,iT I.WEjTI- i r I' N' f -UCITtU. I artiCU-are, l- 1f. ar An1f . Xwmaa. f Vf:ttr to eomeUto flnaiiHnr of trmv proiSf.b: a:. tag -ampeiga; w I r-wt up ihea ro aocoro -!: mni aal to return principal I rAon4ii If flMlrod. Th is to ao Trfe jobbing eunfe. oat a laa.ttmat on e.t .wr ct4t.a. AU M, Ore- go4a. i.TNTRAL CorNTRI UTORfl. b-mai:rraviaa fuming commonltT ta Clarke 'nntr, Waeblncton. food estab Ube4 balneaa: will ". all or ooe-balf tniref. toci about tZk bid, aad ftm tir tt) a roue 4 tae 44 per ma, aae atgtui oai per rent nei. ntu tatervst caa ae handled with f caaa, A. J. ! rreot fifTTKR. LOW K CO.. Aj-S-T itoerd of Trade H..1c- The aatersa:aed wtll erf-r at PtlMle irfiu h.m ftJvrifii&c bualneaa of The K-i -y rk. of 47 test Morris., aad tho re'wer'e eoultv la a Hedeoa Zjtocnoblle. lode wi.i a ambtect to accept aace aad eoar.raMtlos or the cevrt. Waodev. ttarrh 4. 3 P M . at 41 iaa Morrtso at. Portland. froa. Heeelver. A4w CA- M 4 room, hoateekeepinjr: rtea alee pe. r Clay at r oe ! ahip- yatfA Jiai income au. IT5A One ef the beet transfer aad bar ra banna a la tow a. liait later eat t iioriav. Merran HiJt. 1 lrshaH 1-11 IvH DALK tfardware aad Implement boat t li tartvinsT Ideho towa. ceater of et t p aad niataa' cesatry. Ccb- Jvrei yeara liuMnea Increased eae ntrA laat year. Credit and r pet ilea f rt fiM Ctterk: houC 1 1 j.oh. iod tral to rifht party. tood reasa for eli trc. No ate. ('all or write Mrt. room mlX Maltaomaia Ilulc for iofarmatiosi ax appointment . tnl NTKT TiN MKAT MAKKKL aw.y eiaipped. daady Itttle market, only eao la ally low doinsT profitable boal peoa, etcept.oaally well arranaied and top-to-date. Would roneider aelliac half la tareet. Price 45e A. J. Ie p-nreet. RITTKH. LoW K A CO . J-i T Hoard of Trade Bltt HLACk.tMITH.4. No TIC H For sa.. on.y shop, amall town, good vhet district. Eaat. W'aah.; present owner thera 2i yeara. w Is hee to retire; shop, l'XSk good wilL etc. alow -room houe-v hr buildings. IS acre land. aU for 3 .-Ol ant leea thaa haf cash. bal. to suit, Kr parttcuiara write O. t. La iiudde. Proidnt b:dg. Tacoma. Wash. AN KXCKPTIONAL OPPORTt'NITT. lirNi invested la aa old established Buteee will yuud 14 per cent aa th xn'nev. This la a I'ortlaad concern, estae liahed In !.". ItSO per month as a salary fue with the Inveetment; cloae lnvaau:a tea invited. A. N. ANDERSON". 110 10th L Phono Ilroadwajr 24 Portland. Or. OK of tho leading real eetata efflcea of Pert land reqa.ras the aenicra of a thor ogiy evperiencesl. high-oiaaa buaineea cbar broker to step into aa eid-estab- iienevi. wel-advartiaed eueineee; e&oeiien actDort anltv for the right man: give ex periertco and referaacea Aa first letter. AL oretfoniaa. J'uH & ALK enerai mernhaadiao store do- lug i-hmI buaineea In strategic locamen gMd country town near Portland at R. K. etatMa and main road. Store, ware house. litna-rome: verr low reat: will aell rntotve. aboaC 4-uOO .Apply at -72 CrtaxM et.. near 4th. UToMuBHX UAKAGB Have excellent opening for active man. aVll euppllee. gasoline do repairing aad always full of cara oa storageL Thla la ao ma -down piece. Fnerg-tle man can clear fjutf monrh all room 44 Pkan blag. m a yol k urm'K HKKFL paeiuve.y beet suburban locatloa for grocen. gea. merrhatt'ltae. la city. Fay roa ceeter. old-eatab.ianed corner. Par- tic uaxa. WOODLAWN 3xtl. tn ftnrt-e!ass nigbborhood; aew eiock doing about 3?im per month, family trade, ao apertrnent-hooee; this locality demands gd stud and ou get sjooa pneea. I ei 1 r aeon a b e. X 4. Oregoniaa. X:i.lC T-SjKN and grocery, an locatjoo. apt.honae dietrtct. doing goou casa ousa aeeav ana ftltor-a, Pew stoOl groceries rent t e. raeudtng a II vicg-nvwne; muat se.l at on re. Comer lltb and Columbia V If: I.L eauabaahed, Bew:y f uxnie bed drv maaing pariora Including bow maebme and paid rent, located la dowatowa office; bargain oa account of otheg b'Aeineee, M 4 Oriman. 4N acouat of slec-tlve draft I am forced to oeit my we.l eetaeUshed grocery bwei- nee aad stock, located in one of the beet d etrtcs la Port: aad. Write U A. Perry. Freemont sc. phoae Tabor rsira. IF YOU WISH To Buy. "oil or lUcaanga a BasunesTC ef any kiot. any where, see, KlTTKH. LOWE A CO.. ?0-3wd-?T Hoard of Trade BMf. APT llof.-'K 43 reotna. pneo faraiture fi-d. modern brick building, b-yr. leaae. a j :a aor m-w i4-room aaiuraisnea b-wew occipted. laciuded la I ansa, AP 4ama. lfcANUY MAN with 3Aod can boy equal half internet ta autemobfle garage aad bave reiiab.e BBocbaaio for a partner. Call make Urge preflta Call room 4oA Oak am CANor aToKE With hlga-ciaee trade, spieadld flxtaree; reasoaab.e. Owner will t-e a bayer candv buaineea. Joha hi. Pavne o.. 3t atohaw k bidg . after fun. VaT:L t arty t taveat KH Improving a ftao aeooertr which glvee yea fcatf tere aad pfodocea good revenue frwan a iev Arf e-v oregoniaa. I vvl. and bl.ilard hall for rent furatsbed. a tabhee. beet eecectea. aW poputioa fceetera Orvgoa. Addreaa AV 4-ae, oegntaa. rAKTT to Bnaaco patented article of geerit would con eider trading latereet In aaai for tntsreet la shop ab.e to manufacture It or ee I autnant. w regtoian. Kf VAl HINT. L'nioa eve. N . near cor. Kueoeil St.. lively transfer point, term; boeineea good, anaat sell aa aecouat of trir b'a;as.e. AN eepecle.iy gaj d bay Just Bow. O Con ner's c.r a. e. soda fnuataia. news sraad and candy slop, oppoeue North r-ik Kail roe A station, t'urt.and. V ILL dot tio to tlJ Pr M spot caah. f . a. a. rare aad fare lee 4oM mill aad timber to rvepoc aiuEe logging and eawiag; ca tract f. Mttttneraeh Motel. AM'Ll Drug store; have $10 cash aad $i.tM e.(urty la residence ta amail tew a nar I art land. AO e-4, Oregoaian. . li"TIi.EHT. la live sawmill town, for su-e rBoap, or win take part trade, ante prrerrei. Answer, rog p. ravta ty. or. 1 am LKooM an4 coofectlaaery la Mooter. r4 geot locatlea. doing good bueineaa K W. Veat'h. Moeier. r. VLlf UIM'RT IN NEWHKRO Bld lo and equipment. Take trade for paxc enar. 314 Cham, of Com. Mar. 4. CAN aWHf wt kenea ad declare In profitable lumber nnaaufecturing. Inducement to rtgnt party Ak i regoBtan. FAkTNKR WANTEIM Old eetabfiebed mfra. agncy, excellent opportunity; Investigate. A' 41. rrg'nieii: aCAT MAKKKT, well established, aell or trade; bargaia. t ail Maia frill after 4 P. M . or A 43, tregaiaa. iA S "iN i echoi for aaie. od estab'. :hd; good rvoeoao for aeltiaa. AA 4 J, Orego- n : en CAAKK eick. aacrifV-e large atok nrst-elaes grneiiee. hit urea for cash. 4 Ore go- F'R heht eaanafactonag buelnea; other bwaiaaaa. Owaar. oo Orego- MALL manafacturtng buetneee t trade for a auto. X 4-1. Oregon Ian. TVto barber rhaira for sale at your price. Washing et. FoM hAl-K Portab.e saw mi I i. cha fur cajU; iiAo Atw, HD 4S Orcsunioo, BtsrxrM opfoumi it its. FOR SALIC Tho beet paving a -rirpae-r and job frrtc la itimi. un.jr papr ia toon of lOJtix Hoatnooa leat roar ow yonnn. mo-lera plant, wtll In won tory aw f uK. Ilea a J meat aaw standard I toot y pa. all paid for. two jobhor. rlindor prra. ata p:r. pmt!rrirtr. papr cuctor. itonn. mo tora 10 Unotvpo: official county fapor; 30O0 will rloo daL uid of thia 2oO ran bo arranged to pay Ilk rant. fnr health roaoon for aelMnc. lvn't an if un.eoa you raa raiae Just th buaineae (or two yoaos priatorm. AV 231 Ororoaian. JBa A DOCTOR or nilROpRACTT. A moot lucrative and dltrntfled profa ion. eomtnc from $15K) to :,ao pr year. PACIFIC HIROPHArTIO CuLLKGE la now reflaterinc atudeota for bo to day and niaTht courage. For full partictiiars tnqalrw atoraddreaa Tr. ( W. Klllott. pre corner Tamhl.l aad Park. Purtiaad. Ur TaL Mala J014. FOR SALB fhoo repair oalfH. conatsttn of V lean lac baf aoJiof mac-bine, rmisnar. na'r-ooroopowor motor. tMnta, one ro.uype patra machine: above eatxit la goon con ditlnm. t LiO cuh: flAaJ opoortunitr t tart repair abop br: eaeiiy clear 9tH) pr moot a. or win ahip macnint . o. o. Crania laaa. R. L. Bart let t. Grant a Paaa, t tr. AX rXlfPTliil. nPPOHTir.MTT f!2. nvatd la aa od eetablUhed buaineea will yteid 1 per ceat on the money. TMs la a Portland concern, estab lished la l7v: $1M per month as a ee-sry vooa witn caa m vest meat; uoaa ibtmuv IMS invited. A. N. ANTERfOX. 110 10th t. Phone li road way ae. Portland. Or. UKN F.HA L merrhandiee buelneaa, only storo la tar i vine community, for sale account ot alranesM. a;u.UVO rajli bueiaeea per year: about fteuiMt required; rent nominal, beet opportunity for live merchant, no specu Urnn at Jm t nu.1 annlv lOP full DAf tlcuiara apply to 1 LHnhelsplel Co 47 .North th street. ANTED Flrst-claea phyalrlaa and sur aTeoa ta -arcupy euite or on tree in now modem bniidiner. at van heat, electric llarhl and Janitor service. Present oenpnl ca.led to war. lavroll town. Kaatern Ore troa. auiiO population, with only flee rerw lar doc tore, three of whom have attlce In hta biock. A a. Orefoniask rvK fiA LAI FUtabllsbed paylnc retauraaU toed lx- t to a. fro fet frara HaJhinctPfl at. In heart of city. Kurniture end flit urea complete aad la excellent conditio a. l-a Ins? Cit v and must sell at once. A eaeii fHe. Writ for full particular and ap pointment for Invent Iff uon. to AO - Ore- To men l HJtTANTIAt MAMKACTt KINO COM PAN J laata party to eatablieh branch of ftco. manace eeieemea; poooiblil'ira un limited . potnted article; I :4 to $U cap ital aecroeery. l o handle own money. w ill poy espaees to Chirearo aa explained. Mtair. 41 t-ofh Lareorn. trnlrege. NEWtMHT TRAN?t'iHT rOMf'ANV, R P. HAf Ali E PKIVILKiiKS. Oaeoline woodaaw. auto truck, teama and complete equipment. Will all at a bar (eta. Write for full parttro.ere to NEWPORT TRANUKKR CO Newport, t raon. OrNLRAl. mdee. store for sale In good Montana town: money-maker; -ara buineea over Ji '- ok: will invoice iu. 0irt: pr&ctlcal!y old Drfcea: can bo reduced lluvu or lA.0w; cast prpoettlon. Ad dreaa Jnvpb CuQta, u Ksia Aioiei, oai- l e. wain. at A N AOK H-ti ALE H A N. experienced, with i-m money, to take charge of valaab.e but andevl"pd aideline of an established buaineea: bte lever aee benlnd busineee: Di teili;ent pueh neeoed mors than money; full inveatia-atioa invited ; rafereacaa re qjirent. u j7. Qrefoniaa. A OOI N) mercantile buaineea of volume. Incorporated, in t Moots aa wheat belt, thriving town. Widow with half In terest wis nee to retire. Trade for aivenai fled ranch near Portland, and some cash. AH 24, tr-soi!an. bRl'u etore for aaie: eubetaatlaL paying bweineea; only drug etore In richest lit tie toaa la Oregon; centsr of beet wheat sec tloa la Xorthweet. Prtoe, 31000, or In voice. Consider caah only. Am In next draft. T. H. iihormley. owner. Helix, or. FOR BALK Waterfront property for wood eolpbulldtns; plant, large saw in HI clone at hand, near Knapptoo, W'aah.. 3ovO ft. wa- terfront. 134 acreo upland and 50 acree tldeland: also 1st and 2d growth timber on tho property. B IT. oreg on Ian. Wood and coal lu niNLsri. Have opening for energetlo mn In this solid buaineea, pay a month and caa be Increased. Rcqulrra a small invest ment, which will beeec?ured fully. Call room 43 Dekura bldg. INVENTORS Join National Institute In ventor World bldg.. New York; mem bership. 17uo strong, will help perfect, fi nance, secure, market patents; absolutely no rhargoa; mutual society, not bualneaa enterprtee. Write for parttcuiara. FOR SALE One of the beat-paying two chair barber a bo pa and bathrooms oa Orayg Harbor. Weekly receipts average 3?o. Rent 313 50 per mo. The first one to land hero with 1 1:0 geld It. G. E. Oe A'ltt. Coemopolla, W ash. 2-TOHY b.dg. and lot. beet location In city. s housekeeping rooraa upstalra. a tore room and llvlag rooms lower floor, with stock, grocery and fixtures, doing cash boaineaa, a.! for eoovO. 310 W. blh SU, Vancouver, Waah. ON t of the ftnest paying restauranta and lunchrooms la the heart ot the city; rsa Soaabte reat: want to retire oa account of 1-1 health; anyone Interested shoo id not overlook this god .pponunlui. X su, oregoaian. WANTED IU04 for ta In tercet In going bualneaa. party to take charge and gets back the SluuO out of basincas. giving him tb. H free. Answer, will-explain reason fur offer, plenty of business available. Y 4L Oregonlan. CAUTION. BUYER. Befer. etoelng deal of eo-called Intereet In eetablished real eetai. bualness get adrtc. .r Portland Realty Board. PAfL COWim.L. Secretary. MEAT MARKET, established 15 years, worth wl.l lake terms II desired; a . abut flooo month; If looking for a good market. Investigate. Phon. aell wood 1 IX PATENT proposition on tool seed on auto mobiles, trucks, machinery, etc.; big field, ao freak: will be staple product; want party In position to handle a proposition or tnis aina. lit? oz. iiregonisn. DELICATESSEN Yaxnblll aiark.l district. Just the place for on. who caa wait oa customers. Can make a living and clear Siou month beehlea will sell cheap. Call reora Oj Dee urn bldg. TAILOR ehop located oa good buaineea cor ner: will aell .r exraange lor email resi dence and pay balanc. monthly Instal ments Address C 4. Oregonlan. GROCERY, living mmi; good location; .mail lavtotaaeeif. r Isturea reuvntble, stock Invoice very desirable. Call Moa day. A. M. to 1 P. M . 115 Conch bldg. T-TARi.E billiard room, clear atore and bar- ser ius, oa grouaa lioor: doing good bustnees. Owners .nder preeent draft, anxious to s:i. AO Oregonlsn. LAW PRACTICE LiRKARY. collections aao lasuraae. la beat shipyard towa; amal payment dean, balanc. terms. A. W, Mueller, ft. Helena. Or. $T5 TAKEM fin. grocery stock sod fix ture: invoice about 1I400; doing $!5uv month. Businees mast b. seen tu bo as. prec.aled. Ne trtf.era 4W E. Humaide. 1'I.KNUID gsrase. finely located, a lore. a5 care, soils suppiia. end aec.ssortos. fully esulppod. Can clear $J'iO month U willing to work. Cell $04 H osk sC FuH SALE Clam csaasry. rapacity Ao cases per asy. sis. -roooi nummer nome sod estkuiidinsa W. 1L Link Canning Ca Copsiia Wsah. $l.ka BUY a restaurant doing from $15uO to laa per month; low reat. ires.; 4 Si Ml cask. Vaiaac 94 per month. This place Is a. Juaa. II. Or.g'onian. THK ONLY eloctrleal w!nng and eupp;y house la a good town ef BmM for aa,e at laveire of stock sad fixt eras; $ouu will has'lie. AV 2h Oregonlan. fuH JlALK Meet market. e:aLilaeJ 1 years: gi.Kd opportunity (or two partners; prt-. $lvu: half csab down, balanc. sasy t.rma AV Zyo. oregonlan. AI T 'MOBILE STA'iE LINU Nt profile .uuu a year: a good opening for active an wanting outside work. Call room 4o3 wvhum bMg For fl a Lav Barber aaop. pool ball and con fectionery la llilanoox county, or.; for terms write boa 4. Fail City. Ween. RESTAURANT for sa.e. reasonauie: in go.4 location. Inquire at roe em 2uo. Hotel Lajr ten. 1W4 Flrat St. RESTAURANT for sale reaeonabl.. In good location, inquir. at room suj xtotel Day ton. I4 Fir. I at. FANCY delicatessen goods, all caah trade. very eeatral location, short hours, no delivery: pnc. Is right, tall 3"4 Oak st. RESTAURANT, good location, la good bidg. Hav. nice trade; very reasonable, C 10, i rnnlan. biiuLi b.srkarnith for sale, cheap; good lease building, stock, toes, cheep for caah If eold soon. 174. E. 17th st. 4-OiAIR barber shop, fixture, complete, for sale cheap. Apply al 129 4th st. a or eat err Hall. E. Bernlckel. F. Secty. AUTO repair buaineea. very central location. soma storsgs: a paying place; pnc. $1200. Call Sv osk st. BARBER chairs snd fixtures st a big sacri fice. Kemp Barbers Supply Co.. 2,1 Wash. GOOD propoattton for live saleemsn: full time or aide line. w ej, urtfnnnn. WANTED elmai I esh reslster; cheap snd good. 2-'7 Mill St. Fort RENT Furnished restaurant. .44 X. let et . or Hmeilway J'7. FINE etore. doing fine bualneaa: sale or LtaUs. Francis. waah, JLar, iu. BrsrxFS8 o pro rtt itikm. STARTLINO diacovery makea old Urea new. iruaranteod additional 6X mtlee at ' lean than half eoat of new tlrea, makea tirea puncture and blowout proof; need unlver aally tn Kurnpe. rreat wax-time eller; old eatahllnhod. half-million dollar corpor ation wanta men with ability In each county, open email plant nd handle local ouatneaa; 9j to f imv capital rrquirm . anouid make aoono to iio.ihm annuxuy, K- Armatroor. suite 800, 20 Caat Jackaon. fXR SALE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE KTOKE. Treated fn the beet town In Wyoming; company owns building-, will rent to boy- J era: total businoas done laat year $UH, an exceptional opportunity; largest store I in town, splendid location, etiaDiunea trade. If Interested addreaa AV 407, Ore- onlan. PARTNER wanted to manufacture new con fections, wholesale and retail, big seller. large returns, nothing Ilka it on the Coast, everybody a sure customer, goes fine with general candy business; party must be wining worker: sumo capital requireu; candymaker preferred : grand opportunity; investigate. An. So. Oregon tan. XHL'GUIST3 I'nequaled opportunity till atarcn 15 oniv: drug store in nest town In Eastern Oregon, population 6HHf. stock ana i:xture invoice giu.jui. jr fatten De fore March 13 will sell for 3Vmh. This la a live, going business doing Slh.000 cash yearly; best of reasons fur gelling. A V 411,1 Orgontan. NO ICE TiLlA YEAR, I control device that will put Ice tn every home where there Is electricity at lean than ft cents a day; will show you enormous poeaibllitlee with small invest ment for organisation expense. Fuil In formation on request. Fred W. 'WoJf. 3-7 .o. teiia. lept. rso. of, cnicago. 111. FOH HALE At Ctinu, montlily payroll M).(MMi; aptndkl opportnnlty; on account of conaoUd.lln.- with my broth. r In Or- on krity, mill mii D17 men a ciominc ana furnlahinr .tor. : will intkl Dricea on fix- tar, slon. or with portion or the whol. or tn. .tacit. Aoonu A. k. x-nce, i.imit Waah. A RARE OPPORTITNITT. A raah grocery, confectionery and ctrar boaineaa. .atabllahed 7 yeara, on popular corner, fine locality. Ilvlng-rooma connect ed; will pay SO per cent on price. IMoO for atock. fixture, and property; no trade. WELL known, up-to-date Sc. lOc, lie. 2ZC atora. doing flneu eaaliy run. eetao. MTra' yeara, good leaae. live, growing payroll town :.Vj0. Mock about I4UVO. loo win want thia buaineea If you contemplate going Into a aure money-maker lor your- aif. A II .J. lregontan. Ta;Hald to ault; tailoring bualneaa and dry cleaning Dlant la lively town near attie: clean buetneaa with clean reputation; owner will remain In communlly. etb line of work; would be hepful to pur- chaeer. Ca,l or writ. J. Ii. liermar ivent. Waah ultxCKHT anap. beat corner location in city. doing t0 to Soj per day; will run aoout aii on taturaay ana nununy; finci.r cab. no a.llverv. llc XlaiiO. Thia about 2-S of Ita real value. Rent $. 1'hon. fcaat '374 fer appointment lotlay or aee r'ariric Arency, "Ola pwet.ana omg. HKATS 10 PER CENT NUT. 4-fl.t building, cloae In. good repair; will aacrlflce for much than coat and Income paya over 10 per cent net. Jnveattgate thla. BAULtr, lot N. W. Bank: VOVlNtl PICTURE THEATERS 1 SPLEN UII LCM'ATION. LMU.Ntl UIJI HI Sl- NKSit. TRY BEFORE YOU ULY: R KuflRLD. ANOTHER. COCNTRV TOWX; loiV) REQL1KE1. SEKVlCii FILM CO.. ivi OAK b'T. OR RENT, sale or exchange. going completely furnished and doing a good bualneaa; only one other hotel and no res- lauranta In town. Lorn, ana see it. -t iv. Flaeerkl. Dallas. Or. FOR 8ALK A commercial hotel, on the Co lumbia Highway: best location lor a coun try hotel in the elate. For Information writ. H. C Haddock. Arlington. Or. COINTRY STORE Slock of general mer chandise Invoicing about glouu; on Co lumbia River Highway, about 313 mlies from Portland. An exceptional opportunity. Would consider trade for land. AV 410, Oregonlan. FOR SALE General merchandise, hay. grain and feed bualneaa: esclualve trade for alx miles, S3-acr. farm, well Improved. One I 15-acre farm and several 6-acre tracts. Bargains. Maltby Real Estate Exchange, Maltby. Waah. HOTEL FOR 6ALE On account of poor health. I will sell one of the best paying I hotel propositions In Eastern Oregon; only modern hotel in growing town, a money maker. Lelah D. Clay, Crane. Or. THE best little grocery business In Port land, doing around luu per nionio, wun- out deliveries or feunasy worn u you want a high-class going business, look this op. Saries. 404 N. W. Bank. list e ALE 10 yearr established dental practice. Including one denial equipment. doing Al business; best of locations. JUW cash will handle, balanc. terms to suit. AV 412. Oregvnlaiu SODA fountain for sal.; beat made, guar anteed by reaponslble manufacturer, never been used; very low price, most libera terms. Address Soda Fountain, AV 4-4. Oregonlan. A OHOCEHY for sale, in combination with tu tank end--wmall cream station. In- oice $2uOO. flxturea and all. Good rea-1 on for aelling. Phone 72. P. O. Box lis. Coburg. Oregon. ALTOMOBILE buaineea for sale having S good agencies and on a good paying basis In a town of over 25U0 Inhabitants In Whitman County. Wash. AV 4Ui. Ore gonlan. GOOD paying barber shop and poo I hall for sale cheao: selling on account of sick ness. Call or Barbers' Union. 709 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or. W ANTED Experienced man with some cap ital to engage In vuUanixlng business; ref erences given and required; give particu lars In letter. W 46, Oregonlsn. GROCERY business for sals. Eastern Ore goo town. "O0 population, stock $250, fixtures $IOuo. or will rent fixtures with stnr Address AV 425, Oregonlsn. GREENHOUSE? for sal. at a bargain, small place, but mere Is money In It; best rea son for selling; $XXJ required. Call 304 is osk sr. FOR BALE Millinery sod notion stock $."00: stock aad fixtures for $-00. A splendid bargain. Address sirs. ii. M. Shepherd, Washougal. Waah. JEWELRY bualneaa In a falr-alxed town wanted; on. with opportunity to practice optometry preferred. Address jl Oregonlsn. X WANT to buy stock of merchandise, either dry goods, shoes or dept. slock; win psy all easb; ao axents; give particulars and neet price. Av 400, oregonlan. CASH grocery for sale, chean. Net profits nearly $200 month. Invoices about aiaou. A bargain, uu room eu. uexua blflg. THE BEST paying bakery onlald. of port land, can enow big profits; only practice bakers with caah apply. Fred Vlereck. 40 rront at. GROCERY STORE. Owner will sell ibis choice a tore at in voice, doing $4000 month, fine location. East Side. Call 804 Sx Oak St, WANTED Good pressmsa. to buy hslf In terest In old established, well locsted print ing office: present par la or called to war. T 4". oregonlan GOOD grocery business for sais or trade. Complete in oetall. Help goae t. the front. Fer acreage or city property. B 14. Oregonlan. CASH MEAT MARKET, good bualneaa: hav. ownsd this for 15 years; other business takee me away. AB So, Oregonlan. FOR BALK -A printing plant, big enough lor 2 men; price ei.uv; gooa buaineea. x, os. oregonlan. MOTION picture theater, beat location, fine equipment, netting gooa reiurna; muat sell, going East. H 25, Oregonlan. ON account of sickness will sell the well- established depot restaurant: make rue cash offer. See owner. 2a1 Front st. For SALE by owner, profitable grocery bualneaa; slock wi,i invoice around $aoo; goes at coat. T 3. Oregonlsn. AN establlahsd business for sale cheep; a fine thing for th. right party. Ahf 22, Oregonlan. FOR S4.LE Flxturea and stock of groceries. AC 4l. Oregonlsn. FOR Best 2-man shoe repair ahop on the East Side. AK 37, Oregoulan. wrrrj) oppoktlxitifs wantfd. WANTED Cigar store, grocery or mer rhandxae stock, no buildings; will siv. good city property. Improved or unim proved, snd cssh. AB 17, Oregonlan. WANTED Good property for trade for ho tel or apt.-houae. For further Informa tion call 1M 11th. Yamhill. $looo AND aervlces to put In paying bual nta: etat. proposition first letter. AC 74, Oreeonlan. GOOD bualneaa man has $25rtot snd services to Invest In psy In g business. AB SV, Oregonlsn. WANT to buy a garage or other bualness; $') to $lQOO. AB 70. Oregonlan. WANTED Good payinr apartment-house from owner. V 60. Oregonlan. WANTED Del les lessen store for spot cash. T 41. Oregonlan. WANTED To leaa. modern apt. house. Ad- box OO i, x'oruaad. Or. Brwi.vrsw orpoRTi.MTiBa wA?ma, BLSINKfrt MKN. ATTENTION! If you want to aell your bust new nerd more money- In your bus in earn. 1 am the man you want to aee want at once, i'larnt manufacturing; business. Woodyard, half or all. Transfer and storage btulneaa. A grocery store. Automobile rtrara. half or all. In fact, I have cah buyers for any food, legitimate bualneaa. Costa you notn "ii unieiui i mae a aaie. y T. C AJLLI8GN. suite 403. Dekam Bldf. LiiMDiifDM over if years, PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 612-13-M-15 fiwetland Bide. na wint at once for cash farajrea rana;- inf in price from siooo to a-kuou. Ala have parties wait Ins- with cash for a: apartment-bouae or cotel from 30 rooms up. Wanted from owner. 4-room bnnaralow. under S1500, for $100 cash and monthly paawniR. PACIFIC AGEXCT. IXC, 613-13-14-15 6wetlnd Bid-. WANTED Stock of clothing or general mercoanaiso in iivo town; owner to con sider part trade. In Central Montana, improved wheat land; produced 28 to wV ou. per acre; z miles from rail road cen ter. j a 4. oregonlan. WANTED Ranch on shares, everythin furnished for 1, 2 or 3 men experienced 1 , a 1 oca: raising and poultry. X have ha wid experience in ateam engines an ooiiera. rsox obf, 5enicia, trai. w ANTED To buy an interest In payln garage or repair shop; would buy all if "oi icra targe it price is right, aa vrvRTiniao. LOST AND FOOT). THE following; artiflee hav. been found, on rars or ta. Portland K&Uwajr. Light roww vo. : March 1 S Duraea. 1 orayer book. ticket. I tub. hypo, tableta. 17 umbrellaa, 1 pr. Indian cluba. 1 demijohn. 1 hand grip, l ounaie paper. 1 book. 4 luncc boxea. 6 packaarea. 2 alovea. 8 Dra. clovea. 1 pr. ruboera, 1 grip toola. Owneri may obtain property at Flrat and Alder-atreet aration. WILL, tbe lady who took bievck allk. Indl hap umbrella with allver knob, at Lip- man at Wolf, reatroom at 10 o clock t ii day morning, pleaae return game to Lip man Wolf office and avoid further troubli I .... . . . wera to name of Ben; color aable and wnne. wnite feet, wnite apot back ot necic tio rewNTd for Information . leading to finding of eame. License No. 424. Phone neodiawn i7o. lAJST "eb. 27. gold brooch with garnet atone, on Thurman at., bet. Zlat and Zoth at. or on 21at bet. Thurman and Irving ata. Return to 860 Thurman at; uoeroi rewaro. LOST Thursday, between Olda aV King' a. Board or Trade and 10th and College ata. roil of bllla containing approximately $160. Under pleaae phone Alain 321tt. LOST A pair of nos. glaaae with gold rim Attached to automatic pin with letter " li ' engraved on It; loat between irvlnjc ton and Weat Side. W CP. Oregonlan. LOST Feb. 27, gold brooch, with garnet atone, between b'M) Thurnimn at. and win Irving at., or Linnea Hall. Phone Xaraball ffiert. Lineral rewara. LOST On main floor Meier Frank', atore. Tueeday afternoon, gold and pearl-bandied umbrella: liberal reward. Leave at Ore gonlan office. y LOST 2 yearllnga, 1 black heifer and 1 whlte-and-black steer. rsntiiy xL is lei eon. liiliadaie. R. 2. Bo 255. LObT 8ilk bag. black, blue; gold knitting inside; near Portland Molei. &ast euuz, or leave at Oregonlan office. LOST Mason lo Dast master's Jewel, name and number on back; notify eeiiwooa auii. S7 Clinton at. LOST Suitcase. Phone Tabor 240X 1013 Multnomah st. LOST A brown scarf, red and green ends; keepsake; reward ottered, can East lzvf, LOST Feb. 20. a Persian gray cat. male. rlnder please call oodlawn oipo. LOST Antique cameo brooch. Return AK Z3. oregonlan. riewaru. HOTELS AM) ROOMING-HOCPF8. 150-ROOlf HOTEL To leas, for a long term to responsible parties, a laO-room hotel tod dining-room tine wnole a-atory ones: ana concrete building I. almost new and modern, steam heat, completely furnished, m Portland. West Bltfe. now running at a splendid profit, all fall with exception of the top floor. Will lease at mod-Tat. rental. Can be taken over April 1. 1U18. For particu lar, call at Z7Z stark sr., oerween Ja and 4th. COUNTRY HOTEL for sale. Some trade; co-room hotel In the best town in Ore gon and doing a dally business of $120. Kooms with tub and shower. Rentals from offices, store, billiard room monthly. $132.50. The owner and proprietor will be at 515 Chamber of Commerce Monday. 18 ROOMS, all occupied, electric lights, run ning waisr m xpanmenu, iw clear, blocks from Postofflce; appearance of house deceiving from outside; no terms or trade: $5uu cash, or a good paying 14-roomed aDartment-house: must sell one. Call Monday, Main 4Ik8. $4O0 NET INCOME PER MONTH on a small Investment. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, and a splendid lease. This is one of our best buys. Geo. T. Moors Co.. Ablngton bldg. 71 L AND S-ROOH APARTMENTS. Fine furniture, piano and electric vacuum cleaner, clearing $500 month; rent $100 moniA; snap. at 1 LLtinBn 1 r , 431 Chamber of Commerce. Ui-KUUM hotel, modern brick, well located. low rent, good lease, good rurnituret can show It Is making good money. Price $VJ50. Terms. Call ltUS West Park St. Wells A Anderson. MARY E. LENT, Leading hotel and apartment house bro ker; places listed exclusively with me sold QUICKLY AND QUIETLY, 723-4 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main BS80. HOTEL of IS rooms, strictly modern, close in. low rent; a money-maker: this Is a place you would be proud of: can be bought at a bargain. Call lttttt West Park. Wells k. Anderson. ROOMING-HOUSE. West Side, walking dis tance, furniture absolutely new; fin. neigh borhood: $U00 cash, balance $30 per month. K 21. Oregonlan. $suO BUYS completely furnished 21-room rooming-house. 2 blocks from shipyard: rent $-10 per month; owner cannot glv. it attention. This is a bargain. 302 Oak St. IF TOU WISH To boy. aell or exchange a hotel, rooming or apt. house, ee. RITTER, LoWE CO., 20S-206-207 Board of Trade Bldg. 7 ROOMS- ALDER ST.. clearing over $100 month; can bo handled with $00 cash. Ceo. T. Moore Co,- Ab- tnxtan bldg. WILL aell or trade my half-Interest In apt, hous. that Is clearing $400 mo.; other business calls me away. Millershlp, 431 Chamber of vommerce. FOR SALE from owner, steam-heated room lng-house. on West Side. For particulars. phone Mar. btu. a money-ma aer. j agent. I4-ROOM epartment-houae, on Washington st, clearing $lu0 a month: rent Is $30; my pric is $1000 cash. If you want to deal wttn tne owner, can star. oioi. WANTED To exchange nice lot, smalt house, som. cash; Tremont Park; for rooming-bouse. 10 to 14 rooma, near Ladd School. A 24. irregonian. 22 ROOMS White Temple district; cheap rent, good furniture, modern, fine Income. For price, particulars, call Monday, 221 13th. ROOMING-HOUSE, light housekeeping, eery central, clean and nice: owner guarantees clears $123 month; pric $1600. Call 304 Vm Osk St. ROOMING house for sale cheap If taken next week; 15 rooma. all full, clearing ' about $75; no commission. See owner at 264 12th st- FOR RENT 12-room house, five blocks from shipyards, furnlsneq ana arrangea In suites for housekeeping: to responsible party only. T 77, Oregonlan. 14 ROOMS of fine furniture, cloae In; if this Is wnst you are loosing tor we woutu be pleased to show it: fine house. Call 163, West Park at. Wells 4k Anderson. 15 ROOMS, all housekeeping, well furnished. line location, ! mr aaie m. o wiiitu, electric light; low rent. Call 163H West Psrk- st. $3 ROOMS, RENT $10 MONTH, A good place to make a cieantr. Total price $o00. Geo. T. Moor Co., Ablngton bldg. yuK beet bargain in rooming or apartment- houses see members 01 tne rleaity Board. Yatea Realty Co.. 219 4th st. FOR SALE OR TRADE Out-of-town hotel. clear or incumbrance, call evenings arter 6 o'clock. 610 Nehalem ave.. Sellwood. 16 HOUSEKEEPING ro8ms. West Side, low rent; sell Monday lor oo. ttiigoou. 211 Ablngton bldg. $60,000 APARTMEN1WHOUSE. Income $1000 per montn; giu.oou eaen. nsianc. to suit; lrsvlng city. 531. Y. M. C. A. LARGE furnished hotel to 1 oregonlan. WANTED To buy rooming or apartment house. 15 to 55 rooms. Tsbor 6206. 10 FURNISHED rooma. all full; cheap reat. 160 V Grand ave. East 4664. HOTKL4 AND ROOMING-HOUSES. MARY K. LENT. HOTELS, ROOMING, APARTMENT HOUSES. 724 N. W. Bank Bid. Main 8360. If you are In the market to buy or sell, come In and talk it over. 11 yeara In this ousiness in 1'oruand enablea me to locate you right. I handle only places of merit. The following are only a few of what I nave to oner: UO-TtnoU HOTEL with ground floor office and lobby, doing over $2000 business monUely; same owner nss run mis since it was openea. out owing to other busmen wishes to sell; terms to reliable party. JS-KOOM HOTEL. White pressed brick building. 15 baths, very clean, doing over $1000 monthly; rent only $2uu monthly, with lease, and situated on one of the best comers in the city; all nice, light rooms, turning people away every day; this place has many good advantages; will be worth $2000 more In side of six months; price $0000 If sold in the next 10 daya 40-ROOil CORNER BRICK. Best located small house in the city: you can't make a mistake on this; if you have $3100 cash, ask to see this. 3o ROOMS. PRICE $30OU. $2000 cash handles this place and it is a money-maker; very cheap rent, 3-year lease; owner ill; must sell at once. BOARDING-HOUSE. 22 rooms, all rented at good prices; close down town; will offer to reliable party on terms of $600 cash, balance easy terms: price $2100. APARTMe-NT-HOTTSES. Yon can clear $000 a month in this If you Know the business; 4S apartments; rent only $12 per apartment; close to bualneaa center; price $UU00; requires $0000 cash to handle. 13 FURNISHED APARTMENTS. New and clean; rent only $100: clearing $175 a month: nice place tor man and wire; price $2Sr0, only $1650 cash, bal ance easy tern: a. 100-ROOM HOTEL' TO LEASE UNFURNISHED; equipped with dining-room, large lobby, exclusive location, all newly remodeled, with a large waiting list who will pay liberal rates for high-clsss service. BEST HOTEL ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Does first-class commercial business, large tourist trade, best payroll town in the valley; did over $00,000 buslnsss last yesr; will Increase this year; hotel has over 100 rooms, one-half ot which have -private baths; large lobby, all beautifully furnished and equipped; owner will give every advantage to Investigate bualness; reliable party with $10,000 cash can get reasonable long lease; price $20,000. For further particulars call or write to this office. 25 TWO and 8-room apartments. modern wnite pressea nrlcK, close-in. west cine, completely furnished In life-time oak: will .stand closest inspection; owners al ready in service and must sacrifice, at $4000. 67-room afiartment. 4 blocks from post office, fine corner with all modern equip ments, elevator, etc; very best of furni ture and Vugs; price $47"0, terms. 31 . n.fvnn ta phoiuit rant In town. modern brick In best apartment district, narawooa floors, balconies to an apart ments, etc.: extra well furnished; big money-maker; price $00o0. terms. 16 3 aird 3-room apartments, beautiful, modern rrlck building; unusually well fur nished and modern in every detail; price X1I..U. YATES REALTY CO., 249 4th St. SPECLAL NOTICES. Fiopoaola Invited. yOREI'1.0Sl:RK SALE. EEW1STON LAND & WATER COMPANY, LTD., PROPERTIES. LEWISTON. IDAHO. Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Idaho, the undersigned will offer tbe properties or the Lewiston Land ot water company Ltd., at public sale, at the office or tbi comDanv. Lea-iston Orchards, near Lewis ton, Idaho, on Monday, the 20th day of March, 1D1S. beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. The properties to be sold consist of 3200 acres of land, of which 17S0 acres are under irrigation and mostly bearing or chards. lolO acres are non-lrrlgateu, 0-1 acres of land additional, subject to con trscts of sale made by the company to various purchasers; the sale in such cases to b. made subject to the purchasers' right to complete the contract: accounts receivable, $6146; toois ana equipment, sup plies on hand, furniture and fixtures 01 ara Invoiced value of $10,750. Bids will be received by parcels as well as in gross on both real and personal property, run oe tails with descriptions of the property -of fered msy be found In tne decree ot in above mentioned court In the cause o Burr va Lewiston Land & Water Com ntnv. Ltd.. or on application to the re ceivers. Frank Robertson. Northwestern hank bldg.. Portland. Or., or William Thomson. Lewiston National Bank, Lewis ton, Idaho. All sales are made subject to connrniatlon by tne court, len per ceui of the amount bid must be paid when the offer is made and tbe balance upon ap proval of the sale by the court. FRANK ROBERTSON. WILLIAM THOMSON. Special Masters In Chancery, District Court of the United States for the District of Idaho. SEALED BIDS for school and Janitor sup plies will be received at the ofllce 01 rt. n. Thomas. School Clerk. 401 Courthouse. Portland. Or., until 3 P. M., March 1. 11S, and will be opened at a regular meeting of the boara ot directors 1.0 ue uoiu n room 304 Courthouse, at 4 f. same date. Specifications may be obtained at the orrice or tne unaersigneo. Certified check for ten 10) per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R, H Thomas, school ciers, must accom pany each proposal. The board of direct ors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or divide the awara. It. xi. inoJiAf, School Clerk, and Business Mgr. Feb. 28. 1918. IN the District Court of the United States for th. District or uregon in me nmuw f h. (-imenn Tlatlnar Works, bankrupt: Bids will be received to ana inciuuniB XI a rob . 1H1. for tne purcnaso 01 me on sets of the above entitled estate, consist ing of plating plant, tools, machinery and equipment. Inventory can be st-en at the orric. of the referee in bankruptcy, Sth floor Title and Trust bldx-.. or office of vr v RiiHhone. 212 Railway Ex change bldg. Property can be Inspected on application to trustee. Certified check for 1 ,( per cent inuei .-vuiii.; . - - - the sale is subject to tho approval of the 1 luam Miscellaneous. vonm TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be opened at the honr of 2 o clock, niarcn v, itfio, ot mo v.,u Hall In Mabton. Washington, by the trus tees of the Mabton Elevator Company. The purpose of said bids will be for the con struction of a 70.000-bushel capacity bulk grain elevator (not less than 15 bins), to be erectea at jua-uiuu, nn -r, ."-. - . elevator to be fully equipped, finished and completed and ready for business. Bidders must furnish their own plans and specifi cations. Boara reserves me risin 10 c 4 - n. .ii birio Sufficient bond must be furnished by successful bidder. Certi fied check of $000 must accompany bid. Bid's and communications should be ad dressed to Arthur rung, secretary, aiauiuu. Washington. The words "Sealed Bid should be written on outside of envelope. MABTON ELEVATOR COMPANY. Arthur King. Secretary. FINANCIAL. $20,000 WORTH of guaranteed. 6-year. 8 local bonds for sale; personally indorsed and guaranteed by the president of a bank, whose estate is Worth $250,000; complete investigation invited; bonds may be retired In 2 years if desired. A. N. Anderson, phone Broadway 243. WILL buy $600 worth of liberty bonds if discounted, or loan on good security. V 78. Oregonlan. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchssed. Lewis at Co, 4 Lewis bldg. Main 6SH. Block and Bonds. NOW DRILLING OUR 120 ACRES adjoin ing 17 producing wells; first well fi nanced, money from now on used to com plete No. 1 and apply on No. 2; capital $15 000. shares $10. par value, bank - mall investment 111 oil has made many rich. Write for details. ST. ANTHONY PETROLEUM CO., ' Phoenix bldg., Muskogee. Okla. OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS, exempt from all taxes ana yieiuing o-v m othto. " m In our vaults means aaieij .01 uui val uables. Union Serf, Dep. & Tr. Co, 234 Oak. Money to Loaa oa Real Estate. TO LOAN $3000 or fraction at 77a on city real estate. u,vu w - " . ProBEGON INT. MORTGAGE CO., 170 Third St. I'OOO $3000. $0000. private money, loan lm- pro v eu ciiy ii uci . j bldg. PLENTY of money at 6 and 7 per cent, on gooa real eaiate .pcumj. 1.1 . ol. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS BALiUSO.I eg K.J.. .00 pening piog. SEE US today: loans any amount. -7 CKLLAKS-aiu it 1 o.-v K.KJ.. e,o aeon mug. LOANS on city and farm property, 6 per cent up. r rucna. 4-0 cnam. ot -om. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K, n, Baxter, mt apaiuing piqg. lo00 TO $40,000 TO LOAN, farm or city property; 00 coiiimiaaioir. sr. uu 010. $1000 TO LOAN on real estate at 7 per cent, no commission. Phone Tabor 5960. $2000 AT 7 per cent. Improved real estate; no commission. AK 40, Oregonlan. $1000 AT 7., no commission; full particu lars. T 31, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN, and 7 per cent. Fred erick Gronnert. 537 Pittock blk. PRIVATE party has $4000 to loan on good real eata,t security. Phono Uaia 71C4. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan oa Real Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.20 per month for30 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for iM months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for bulltfing purposes. Ko commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSX. 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT KATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. WaC M ASTER. 701 CORBETT BLDG.. PORT LAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL & CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates; five and seven-year loans with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO., 314 Masonic Bldg., Sali:m, Or. $3000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on Improved farms on good road in Clackamas County. Prefer near Gresham, at 6 and 6tt per cent. Private money. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 6X- 7 TJNION ABSTRACT CO, Corbett Bldg. $1000 TO $2000 private funds now on hand, lowest v rates, prompt attention. Fair treatment, A. K HILL. 41 HENRY BLDG. EDWARD E. GOL'DEY CO.. 2d Floor United States Bank Bldg Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe claily In large amounts. 5x per cent up iu luaa xuoo. $10,000 or $15,000 at 6 per cent on improved city property. E. J Oelser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. C?. Beck. 210-21(1 1 n i . 1 u p, uiufi. i 11 III " o.Ul. 6',i MORTGAGE LOANS rcr. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgage, ci property and Improved farms .lolm.,, Doaaon Co.. 634 Northa-estern Bank old $aoo 10 LOAN on real estate in or near Portland. For particulars call 404 Piatt uunuing. $3U0, $400. $000. $700, $1000 and up at low est rates, quick action. Ered W. German ' ' 'i- m uuni. main 044a. $000. $ioiO AND upward on Improved real .-". ...ui.uto wninj no uea.y; no bro- cl5i. "mi pain, qui apaioing bidg. PRIVATE party will loan money at rea- ' v1 . wo leai estate; no com mission. X 42, Oregonlan. PRIVATE party will loan $1500 on Portland residence, first mortitase, b per cent. K 2U -Oregonlan. ' $luno TO loan on good real estate In Port land at 7 per cent. O 3i, Oregonlan. $000 To $3000 on Improved property, 6 and per cent., East 6329. , Moniry to Loan Chattels and Salaries. 6ALAK1. LOANS. " CHATTEL. on snort notice to salaried or working y.u men owu vveeKiy. semi monthly or monthly payments. Each niiMiQa strictly coniicential. NO MORTGAGE. NO l.NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. iriauwa, cit. wiiiiout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Falling Building. FURNITURE SALARY AsKfAa. LOANS. WE LOAN MONEY to salaried people on their own notes easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY -KO SKl'IIHITY. We also loan on household furniture. piuuos, etc., witnout removal. Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Failing -Bltlg, IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or iixeu income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. Carrie Myers Herman, mitr. 3114 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds. jewelry, pianos, household furniture. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; an articles neia one year, fanxma Loan ortlce. b4 Third, near Unit MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rates; an articles held 1 year; established since iMa. uan Alarx. 2S3 Washington. Loans V anted. $$$$$$$$$$ INVESTORS. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. A CLIENT MUST SECURE LOAN OF $4000 ( 2D MTGE. ) WITHIN 15 DAYS, OR LOSE (ACTUAL VALUE) A $50,000 (COST $60,000) "HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE." OWNER OF PROPERTY WILLING TO PAY 8 AND A LIBERAL COMMISSION FOR FINANCIAL ASSIST ANCE TO ASSIST HIM TO CARRY FOR ONE YEAR. IF HE FAILS TO "MAKE GOOD" IN A YEAR, HE OFFERS ABSOLUTE TITLE TO THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME TO THE INVESTOR WHO WILL ASSIST HIM NOW. EITHER WAY ITS A SAFE. SURE SPEC. THIS 13 WORTHY OF YOUR INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS BOND COMPANY, P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. P. S. FIRST MTGE. ABOUT ONE FOURTH VALUE OF PROPERTY. $16,000 WANTED at 6 per cent: rllt-edaed real estate security wortn $45,000, an nual rental $4000. moral hazard flrst- class. Fred H. Strong, 617 Ch. of Com. $22,000 On Oregon wheat ranch worth four times amount asxeu; also z-iou one year on bankable security. Thomassen. Y. M. C. A. WANT $6o00; pay 8 per cent; first mortgage o acres nigniy lmprovea apple orchard, valued $20,000, on railroad. S 40, Ore gonlan. WANT $2500 on It. bung., 2 lots. Sunny- side; $1500 on 7-r. bung.. Kern 1'aric: $600 on $3000 house at Lents; 7 per cent, 3 yrs. P 6iig. Oregonlan. $900 REAL estate contract, payable $15 a montn, and interest at 4 per cent; 2 bouses. Sell or exchange for liberty bonds. B 31, Oregonlan. WANTED $6000. Will give first mortgage on good busi ness property, valued three times the amount of loan. P 26, Oregonlan. 10.000 WANTED on modern store and apartment bldg.; value $30,000. Old Cham ber of Commerce bldg. $6000 AT 6 per cent, no commission, term of years, first mortgage on business prop erty In city. F 26, Oregonlan. PRIVATE MONEY $3000 at 7; close-in residence property; no agents. X SO, Ore gonlan. WANT $2000 for 3 to S years at 6i or 7; no commission; on city residence property. AM 22, Oregonlan. WANTED from private party $1500, include 80 acres Washington County, or., best of soil, running waer. 211 Alisky. MANUFACTURING concern on their own property wants to borrow J.-iOOO for three years: principals only. D 50, Oregonlan. WANTED $500 farm loan, 7 per cent, 3 years, close to Tlgard: give second mort gage security; gilt edge. AB 9, Oregonlan. ARM MORTGAGES, well secured, one $1600. one for $2100. Geo. C. Howard, 314 Chamber or commerce. $800 GILT-EDGE county mortitaBe, will discount, to draw 8 per cent, Y 08. Ore gonlan. LOAN WANTED on home. I1700. 5-nxm modern bungalow, corner lot. Rose City r"arn: no agents, a a yu, oregonlan. $1300 ON 6-room residence, 7 per cent. $1200 on 7-room resiaence, t per cent, Herman Moelier, wiicox biag. LOAN WANTED. $3500 on Olympla lots and waterfront. Pay 8 per cent. P 24. Oregonian. $2500 52 ACRES. Improved Oregon Electric Private party. P 25. Oregonlan. WANTED $250, 10 per cent, good security; give phone. AN 19, Oregonlan. $12,500 INCOME property. 6V4 per cent. W. Side: no commission. X 29. Oregonian. WANT $350. secured by well-located vacant lot. AK 00. oregonian. . $1500 WANTED from private party; good security. c -1 1 . oregonian. WANTED, $2000 and $12,500 at 7 per cent on farms. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. WANTED $2000 on almost new Irvlturton home, no agents. AG 42, Oregonian. WANTED $30,000 on West Ride business property 303 Piatt bldg. Main 5100. 1 $3000 WANTED on modern home, 615 tiamoer or commerce Diag. $700 WANTED on 5-room Swetland bldg. Main 2443- cottage. 812 $3000. 7 PER CENT, on high-class resi dence, close in. East 6329. $1100 WANTED nt T per cent on $3000 home; no commission. X 32, Oregonian. FINANCXAI, Loans Wanted. $3ou0 WANTED on 50x140. facing 2 atreeta. Improved with store buildings and dwell ing; will pay 8 per cent interest; Insur ance $3000; property located close In on East Side. Y 11, Oregonlan. $12,000, 5 YEARS AT 6'V Value of property $35,000; $300 month income; insurance $20,000; Wesr Side, close in. best district. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK 'EX. PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREB. Every day. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to tt, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make a complete diagnosis of your case and di rect your treutments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and prevent ing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently euro 85 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes tho cause health returns. The above service is all free to yon at the college building and may be had la private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, DR. ELLIOTT, dlreotor of clinics, has moved from 433 Hassalo street to corner Park and Yamhill. Telephone Main 1014. 100 PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Dr. McMahon, Macleay bldg., Portland, a -chiropractor of experience, a PRSt ama teur, a 100 per cent chiropractic spe cialist, with highest testimonials from patients from Eastern states, familiar with the best: also from Western and iScal patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chlropractlo else where, with, of course, corresponding dis appointment In delayed relief. These different classes of patients ar. fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chi ropractic philosophy and experience and superior skill, demonstrated- in consulta tions, examinations, adjustments, rates and final results. Recommendations on file for years; eighth year in this city; rental East and West Side offices, $300 a month; credit good. All cases per sonally examined and adjusted by myself at all times. Phone, call or write. Six phones installed. Day or evening treat ments 50c rate. 31 adjustments. $15. 4TH AND WASHINGTON, 1ST AND HAWTHORNE AVE. PROF. GRIFFITH, phrenologist and phy siognomist, 3 3 j ears in this city, continu ous practice, gives SPLENDID AND RE LIABLE ADVICE ON the OCCUPATION. BUSINESS or PROFESSION YOU ARE ADAPTED TO FOLLOW SUCCESSFULLY. FACTS, NOT GUESS WORK, not fortune or future telling. FEARLESS. CONVINC ING. Two dollar .reading for one dollar this month. 71 North 6th at. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. t 30-inch wavy switch. 2 aep $1.50 24-lnch wavy switch. 3 eep 1.0O All-around transformation ...... 1.46 Hsirdressing, shampooing, facs massage. nli bjulilag, maalcuring. 25c Hair re moved by eitiUic ntoedia, switch made of combings, 95c We buy your combings. Sanitary P.trlors, 400-412 Dekum blag, 3d and Washington. Marshall 1762. MADAME ORFEAN, PHRENOLOGIST AND PALMIST. Do you know 98 per cent of the success ful men and women of today consult a phrenologist on the affairs of life, in busi ness, and what you are best adapted for? This lady reads your head like an open book. Readings daily and Sunday, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. 551 MORRISON LADIES, ' TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER tn a soothing, cooling, cleansing antiseptle wash. Teaauoonful dissolved in quart of water for catarrhal troubles, female dis orders, and is essential to personal hy giene; Is indorsed by physicians; 50c and $1 packages. Sold by Portland Hotel pharmacy. IF you are afflicted with DIABETES or BRIGHT S D1ESASE, write us and we win tell you all about the new medicine wo have discovered; you need it, Walters San atorium, 1520 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. ALL the latest remedies sold at the Clem- enson Drug Co, 2U0 Morrison St.. SL Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstore you get Just what you call for. We have no substitutes. IF YOU are afflicted with diabetes or Bright s disease, write me and 1 win tell you about the new medicine I have dis covered. You need it. Walters Sanato rium, 1525 Sutter St.. San Francisco. Cal. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FOR HOME, CHURCH, LODUUl; UKUlAArtl TRIC SOCKET ATTACHMENT FREE. EDUCATIONAL SCENIC FILM SERVICE. SERVICE FILM CO., 3:13 OAK STREET. CABINET bath and massage energizes and vitalizes the whole system, restores youth and vigor, cures jrheuumtlsm. W hy delay? rainless chiropody. Mrs. Carvel, 204 Rothchild bldg., 287 'i Washington St. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA SI AK, 6th St, cor. Alain, teacuoa rftuuuiii card reading; also lessons la science of health and Buccess. FEBVKT & HANEBUT, leading wig ana toupee maiters, iinest stoca 11 goods; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 340 Alder. Main 546. IF P. A. Caulman or the party wno goes by the name 01 tr. l. muimuu ui . to Lillian Cutter at box 401, Rainier, Or., he will learn something to his Interest. DR. LA MONTE, painless chiropodist and arch specialist. x-auy "Muinm. 6466; residence. Wdln. 2923. 306-7-8 Swel- land bldg. ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. 37-29 ritlocK oioca. nutw Electric cabinet and mineral baths. Scien tific massage. Open 9 to 7. Sunday 10 to 4. SWEDISH massage, magnetic blanket sweat given Dy bihuiuiib i,itoiow. - . .---- .. 204. Open Sun, and eve, 10 A. M. 10 P. M. ASK YOUR druggist for "bchugoit." a harm less, scientnio utiiLiiiniL ,o , , -"". -- larged glands and goiters. SIMPLE method removing wrinkles, black- heaas, large pores uuu n-euo-ic. w . . M., 407 Washington St., room 218. SCALP treatments and facial treatments for acne ana wrinsica, iici nwumi "ir.- ti ing. ElectroIyBia Co, 504 Swetland bidg. HARijj With every wish for the better ment 01 conaitions m vwiujub Louise. , ACE and scalp treatments, dandruff. Itch ing SCalP, SUpertiUOUS IIM.II-, uiuica. won. removed. 230 Flledner bldg. Broadway 1685. MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths and electric treatment, numviiuiu um,, ,-to Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and ever. BODY MASSAGE, stomach and intestinal trouble, cnrouiu ij'--''- ........ trained nurse. M 104U.- Flat C. 303 3d. REV. MR. AND MRS. J. C. SCHORI teach truth, rteaamgs umu, 01 so., Thurs, 8 P. M. 406 Jefferson st. Main 51 1 5. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-neeaie metuou, ma. " ley, 614 Eilers bldg. Main 6368. BEST steam bath and massage in city, chiro Dractic. vibration and electric Dr. Mar garet Haynle. 517 Swetland bldg. M. una. n piPkT.R. California storm doctor. installs weather strips for windows and doors. Phone East 6061. FRANK BROW ER, formerly of Chenowith. Waslu. write -Mrs. j. d. nui, rcjun .0.11- zona. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp sulphur. steam and salt oatns. e-u t,iay. jiain eou. t,u ma hi 10 JOHNSON, chiropody, sweats. bath and masseuse. 613 -N. W. bidg. Opea, Sundays and evenings. Main OQ4. MRS STEVENS, Zo years roruann I re nowned palmist and spiritual reader. Hit Taylor st, cor. West Park. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental, spiritual science. Daily 405 Tourney bldg, 2d and Taylor sis. Circles Wednesdays 8 P. M. Mar. 1704. GERTRUDE DANIELSON, facial, scalp treatments and electrolysis, 322 Fliedner bldg. Broadway JS92. BRING thla ad and 20c and be manicured, 322 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 892. PRIM ED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Fixs. 844 E. 33d. Seil. 2213. mornings. MASSAGE and electric treatments. 1431s 11th st. : MANICURING 23 cents; bring this ad. 332 Fliedner bldg. MARIE DE BARR. medicated steam bath; g rad uate masseuse. Off. 6. 291 la Morrison. MAY IRWIN, electric and vibratory mas sage, 2W1Vb Morrison st., office 7. FRANCIS DE MAYO, SCALP SFECLUJBtT 300 Vx MORRISON. OFFICE 215. ALMA S. 'JOHNSON, facial, scalp, Franco Amorlcan toilet articles. Main 145L SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple iseeaie metnou. ou-t aweuanu uiag. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 282 Park. Main 7548. MOLES, suprefluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 8473. WALTER J. COSGROVE. write to V. Dot Florence, learn something your advantage. SEATTLE, Corvallis, communicate pictur. show companion. A 5, oregonlan. WANTED Party going to Arizona to take a rour-year-oia gin. inn Mississippi ave. MARIE NEVINS. massage and electric treat ments. 40t -Ciortuweai Bias. Alain wss.