II THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 3IARCII , 3, 1918. V 4Tf.I b iUltr aa.m ho ha Jut roinpitl f.ir month' trip ar th n-tr- lni'"l S ! a N-:ionliy drt Bp-rut It v. prtt o w h sm rrnnuf. turr o H'bbr Will oh on (F4ihl MrT ' rftmm!hll and " ta tt amd of kM-l fi-fTworo W ill rrr rri4h: !!- or (wrljiit ror lln; in u ' h m-!t ! ronii-rl Would prf-r to. a I trrH-rr out of KonUinl, bal m eejwn-r- to t lb buhsiavm. No vtnrw . K l r-oln ' jlv ,.Mrt -- ftir ni limbtr f:ir. has r . wlf (ortrf k:irM and can de w r4 fi ( pMlru:r. W t.l b l . n . t - f r-t rf April. Addrra v M. k,.n. Itl E. Xerkt st . ller.aa. O KlKj.H fri'. ir. f,r-t-:s-. ri4ftn.H In bra-?" n of t?l.S line; Iv out n p'cf. rtlf k mr i ;ai . I of thle Hn. ' it r r-wntr. rtt fu I ,-wffh'k;ri with uf idre t i Juat iit b. t.t m I jow p r- ATrtP-Cai.. a Jprtmni nMur al bwvr f r omI or i-ti- "djr t I rw' t i pr In t .Wi tnl rttl; ran -b--r A I rWr-n a t rftr-tr end aMtit-. r mit to to at. A L 21. tre- l'H.N K Kw,. Hl. PITIS. : p-rin. cd f man. rorrpolot, tr'ut"a aalamanh!rx bafa.in and h-r mifri4l a pri--A-. fc a aHabia r brt a rrn-a . aar -mpi a A 1 !-' Vnf ti-ltLai Mas. D J. H and a if-. iilrtf or r. w tah a tn lamtr e mp. w ira cu d rai foe itrn. mn moat anT hln-1 nr or a t at lea Tt a :m4 b-HftrU. foiTl'V aar aa man a r ff-rman a a-nara) ar frutt farm f marrla-' man, aa -. ma baa fond hou. gokd waea ti?'M-t. X'lMf efft.-iant In dmafalfkad f f-vtt farming, boat of rff -o-ea. 1 il. lrjaiiv TH "T!N K. 1 ar" (rt.- wnaj ira. !"'-. p''i and ibr-ab nat m btnerv. m r-patr anp rrr auanma ran-N aa mab'na fftnt, where r t r r f " - r uei. or aa e ma.-hm- firm , rtani ISTrJ-Fmilinn aa iparlmnl manfr a . I b.ae foe rtar an'l i'aprla . year f eartf'a m ln wlh laiara h.ta-, bota and retail; bae A I r-r-f-.-- A l 31 l,reontar. 1 LI r yotjnc man bitnf trle and inttikttva. ftniiitar wlh pu' and an buaKa. wanta poa:tivn wlta ea- t i itched camtntrcUl baasr. II Cr lni r. Ik V f'a:ln as houao iarvnlr in mt? u' din at. dP rtmnt Sl ra ar botai sxii. jirc at rarpn-r aad rabinetmaker. mh vaare iprtnca a ma.aalaaa.e w-k. AW ; I'foniji L'.KICt l.Tt KAf roliec cradualo reaaidaraklo bwalneao apartane la foe impi.ymDl. K l-rfionun. with 34r la wanta to Wars autoiuobi la lepair inT or ertrie airim. Wd. Hawiasrapara a ad Naaofraa karm. SrKOOKArMi;H ln e-.tenatve bmmrM ea Prini-a. trava'ed. poaasainc t4t. Inli I a i . artua'ATiH munt I h pubi nut mf, j a sna'ln; deatrra hlch-rtaaa po- an wnra firt-laa abiiliy a required. b KA CM KP. with Vm cperteno aania p"aft.r ahtra accurary and nea- rather than spoe art prrrrei small salary ! becln with. If opportunity rr -t joctmrnt. 1'boaa Mam 1J, Mn l.NK vari' CApertence doubie-entry book ,rinc and pay roil work, wurtta book pir:r or poaici4a of truat with Utile or m. t .-ri- ai work. T "rrfonun. ti'VlKTrlVT youns lil bookkeeper and rrttr destra pttioo : I o Mart per'n-. phoae Main sViTi. or AM recn;-tt. tnKfi tiii.v wtsliea to maka T ifnia competent a chanjte. booklieepe good salar) ll'k;rNT bookkeeper. years' pcrl . w a.' a set of books keep Uregonla a. &.X PK KIiTM"r:t doubre-entrv bookkeeper d- atr paa'rioa for S or 'hole day. food rfrnrt AH r rnnUn i k r yera of ace. wishes poeictoa in f f sea. have he i biifTn c tapertence but T" shoe, hand r.ast M.'A T I laiv b-)kkeepr wira years' tprkO'-a and r a ahter desires poal t Ion r.aat J. k t'NJ ladr. aterWnced If f 4tr'i poal Hon, all Wom jel do toe-a M-mday. teil- L r- X PI. J I EN fcl a nxfra pher wanta pv s" - u . am a. I sa'ary. Pnoao brusdatjr 1 Monday. 1..X ? R I K f.l raMr and ififlrf J'a; ra permanent mrn Inc p ait tutu oooe waranail mmir.l. 11 woman wa rrf- typewriter. . i n Ionian ,i m a Work; ran op half day pcr erred. X B r" I-'. H l K vK t law atncrather and orTl. a m nfwr dratra position, best lixal fefr ft F .V. recn'n lH.r- UA-.H bookkeeper and ln f rsphrr aeire r-"p'ntiia pnitua paylna; good aarv. awn b I i.MHAI'Hfc'i deatrea ropy inc 'r en lpa addreeeiag at home. A J ki. Ore- V 1 1 V' of wtahve petton as boue kepor rr gentleman; as triilcre. AL . i'l l-iv. years iprtn--. wants i i' n. . poait Con. t'aa oparato ly pewrtier. T 1 : A it i T I N j ehaap.r and aeaty dona. wr a ca .ad for and daivared. A J 1A IL-ra gaa ia a. t.xrrnT b.hk par. I - y ear eaperlenca. al'atrea work fr at h-tma. V 77. hair dar or to bo done I recnlan. .i. f ANT bikkaepr aad etenrapher would Hae pcatte'Q AN 41. ralan. aANTKl Peettlen aa aasitant bokkaep. er . I yaarV eaperleac. i 2. tTtfonlan s TiiiS iH A I'll y. K. law n parte are. dcair a r han t 'a. 1 ! st t. I j Ia1y. soma epwriaca arlahea pvei lioa aa scacr'aphr. 'a.l Mast .; I ft l" K NO i Ft I'H .-'U dalrea powlt.oa . C. yr-'-rrad Wa. 3i Mhak bd. piKiKivKEj-fcri, years' airunr. iai w ira h -mr di:y. ftroa-lwsy I I'M. N UJ for general office work. aa m. II It. Or.f.inuo Ctrl waats utin. Mar 14HH. I keea. 1 j W nuw prepared lo tako orders for mak Inc r coat, suit, skirt or gown, if pre farrad wtU rut. fit and pin up preparatory work at moderate price, make-ovara my ape ta.tv : ywor home 91 a dav. phone Ma'n !::A SH Uoodaoogtt bldg. Mrs. I r tyiirt. lK.fwMK:H. year of n perieace. wtartee nfmBtt out by dar; desicning and rfnoUiig auita Into 1 -piee draaaes sce iy . ritr refereacea. terms rvaaoa-a- Kast aiId. MlflvVA KaC H by the day. Infanta and rhuirtDi work a sperteitr: repair work Mtsa Mary U. bbaw, 7 avast 4th . prrt iand. r. l..Vil'KTK.T young lady for Infant or child nuramc. with sacoad Work. MiSO Cay. Wain 77TI KiuaAklN1. alterations, children a work kr 4a v. Marsha! ask for Miss y A jH tA HLK dreaamaking dona at homo r by day. .k Ph-.na Marsha. I ,.lk:Kl:.Ni.-t:C dreMmaaer by iay. Tabr -il. a eats sewing; EX PKRIFNCED dressmaker. 123 Tabor H7 be day. t MIN I:L dressmaking daaaoab f '-j rt af t.rn 2 L. Narsee, M A T K ll N t T AND M HGlAL Hl'ITAL WHY PAY EVOhBITANT PRICE-. t'ont :nment rases taken rare of for laaa tuan oe-na.t tne usual rharcee. nor mal raeee, inriudinc druca. dressince. phy sictan s er u-e. two weeks" hospital rare. fr $, aii operations In ama p ro po r 1 1 1 o a. Phoae Uooiliitn 1 ! I'i'Aj Wma. ave.. city. JrRH ran tako one or two mora cob firmed rnvaJMav at lerly or unfortunate. In tutr. rafa. refiam. Or. Tt. A-. bom 111. l tUtTI,'Al. suraa. hospital eiperfanre. any k-nd af rasa, beet of refa Tabor 344, TEt Xuri.i. be mi4l-aged abet at r' - nun Tabr 7tf73 1 M i tI' 1. i kk. mldJit age. materaity an y ft.! Fat la ekeepera. aUXl.f:AiKL lady deal houM a per fnr widows Wa:t JZfi- apr men: J 1 puai:lon as or bachelors. W A.NTfcl A poattWn aa housekeeper for nnart with a aw, ."nora for gool home iwnhif AF SI. Oregontan, It-oW wogi't like a bowekeeptnc poaitioa fe a rvftnvl gaatiemaa. AJ 2. oregv a C D rook; Wiahea hae keeping fur geQtie naji V 7V eagOMa La w.;r; dtatan :iar;trand frant b d r -out. wa.kiog -a. per wa-k. 4al dih at. liitt.:- ";U womaa wants a i-l or aitpr t palti :e o( art. .V4, W AN TS.r Housekeeping p4ln by r a - pa.e mid -lie-a fed Udy. Pbooe SclL TSV .A I V. rMtitfl nd epnnid. ishes to lht t nr or a boui as houKpr: alry must be In frordnrt i(h the rti rad-rd. AMrr l his If you are tntnc to pf for service. 34 SI. Ore s' o-in W A VTKl l'ninrumbil ilo aiiahes po i Hon a maoaNr of a pa rt mnl - houM la rrhn for apartment and imill wait fa; hrr bad cra of experience. K 54, urt MilLl.K-AKL oman want pMttion aa howkftf; food, tioitnmlral cook; (nod homa mora than bi nri: refna rirh4ii4. Tt iaphona A Joli A P 2.1. ra n 'an. Kf.KKt'TAHLb Mow with crown up aon. want work on ranch whara both ran f:id ampioymant: no otbr woman. Room IMw wanta poailon aa buaakapr for wlOowar with hi:d. ood rook and flrat cUh boDRrhtrpffr, ran gua (iod rater- m ra X nJ. irrrfontaD. KKKI N Kl id-rly Ud. untnt unibn.. tha poattin aa houaakav'par. senile man a bom in or out of (own. rafarancaa. W 1. Of'ftontan. V A N T :; I foot : t'n , unlni umbl lady. bjr iut ;.-i Ut Ni tal Minn houoaaork In nl a liomo her ih ran haap boy 3 )an old. AM 1 Mfconn WANTtl VVnfk 1 hours at noon and ei anca. atwrdys and buuds. Wood la wo It if U I W . aota place, steep home. Vooda n UkNKKAIi houarwork. xnlddle-a.T'4 woman, Io-I rvk A'" 4.1. )ronlaa. OlHI aant cwoklnf or housework, l t ail Woodiawa rll A rtVK eMeriy lady wtenee o aaalat In domaactc work and rare in small fam ily ; lie n t . ('all or write, lar caret W. liodee. 711 K. Z.d at., comer Tamht'l. A N'T tt loiiion a. companion by Intel I icm younc woman, frea tw go any oirf, rr(ernra aked and flwn; ran rad we;i. eater any walk of life. lr rT. Orfntaa. n AN l r a atrooc woman with a Idlis rrt'a paiattlon as a aatealadv In a krdwarv Iter where food aerrtro pprrllH. I ? I. (rrginlan. U.l.TLl To rare f'-r bo or Ctrl. I to ara old: cood borne, country surround lnc. pinty of milk, ecc substantial at a. Kor Information cai Main loo WANT V. I PUt-a lo lake rare of children vaniafi wmia mother ia away; refer effee. Woodlawn 11 I. 'tITKN wanted by a refined, rapabl w ima as maaac-r of aa apartment house. Thnna f.mmK aV It'l" mtn rgolc esperiencad, want mokina for small crew men, I hone Main 14X room LlA I V of esoarlaaco Would Ilka the man acment wt an apt. or ruomluc-bouse rfrrnc AJ . t'Ttfoniao. rt.-T V(N'5 1AIV GRAIH ATK pr:TIT Wl I'LD I.IKK PS!T!U.N WITH lEVTIT. A R 11. t HMtUN I A N. LJCIV of refinement wiil rare for children etenlors durlns; parents a bee nee. Kef, I'tITltt.S wanted poet t ton aa office rlr or private cban(e; can viva reference. Tabor raw. cril ladr with e&pertenre deelrea poal Hon In doctors or dentist's office, Y 6. fvroniitn. O'Vt'KTKM young lady wiahee poa.tlon as rashlrr. beat references. Main apt. KKLIAULR Ctrl with cneral ofltce ei perience Wi wou.d like a p-eitun. aj I'u.-ITlo.N wanted by a refined, rapabl womao as manager of an apartineot-houae. I'hnna K t 9 A ;oL pain rok wants rooking on ranch for men preferred. Koom 3 Jil.lcreat llotef. I.)RKI woman wants every Monday and Wednesday for ail day. laundry or clean ing : good rcfereneea. Eaat H0.. KX I'KKI KVKU woman wanta to help with dinnera and rare of children evenings reference. Woodlaw n 17 eeenlnga. UAtY wishing engagement three or four eventnc a week, cashier preferred. At 4T. trerontan. tM'KKItN'KI) woman would work phone even inc. Tabor like 4TJ day UA K curtains done up flrst-clasa work. Main eJHi. EXPKKIEN'F.L chambermaid wants poal tion In good hotel. jleMwood 7t. CAPAH1.E woman wants apartment or room- ing-hnua to manage, a 'regontan. WoRK anawerlng phone, no typing, by young lady; ref-rence. Woodlaw n lnM. L.MT CikK wanta position in family or am an ramp. Phone iiriwy .4i. 1A I' V wanta poaitlon operate aw ttch hoard total or buslneaa houe. K 2i. t'rrfonun. MAN waats day work. Woodlawn WANTED TO RENT. Iloua WANTEl TO HKNT Ht'HCKBAM. Wanted, to rent Immedtataiy. by respon sthia coupta with two glria. furnished or anf urn ta had modern rot lace with plenty of ground space, located on Oregon Kiec- trie ar voutnern laciiio auouroan nnea, not over ao mlnntea out. Address f uMy. 3oJ uregonlaa bidg or pbon Main aUiu. local ra. llaVPAllt ol'H UM HuLbr;. MK. I.ANPLuKH. fall and are us and we will assist you In getting It rented and repaired. Have an income. M: THE TELI-OW fH;N. MITH-WAXNKK t'tj.. hT'K EX. W ANTtle Uefore March 12. modern 4 or i- room house by rea ponst ti part v. peat of rare, no children, rant must bo rea sonable: gire location and price; would leaae. Ah 47. Oregonlan. WANTED TO I.KA8E Want 5 or 6-room etrtctly modern bungalow, prefer garage; will par 4 moot ha' rent In advance; rare fil. rweponalbie young couple; no children. Tabor alT. lis NU coupia. nUa furnlahed bungalow or cottage wantet ay warvu i. uat hav y uu and where ? Must bo reaaon able or we'll buy furniture for amall house If reasonable. J 3d, oregonlan. W.WTtU-To rent a four or five-room cot tage at feaatd. Long lieacn or soy ot tne Ti .amook beache lor the euon; must nog ba too far from the beat h. Addresa V l. tirrgonlan. Vt AN rf.t Aprti 1. r.eaa. luoulcrn -6-room furntahod house; IBft auu.ta. reterence. reassnabie rent. Call Tabor Vw or AN ; l, oregonlaa. KtKI.NKU young couple wanta naat y fur- niahed amali mode r a oungatow at mod erate rent and distance, references AM orecontan. WANTED To rent furnlahed apartment or Hat or email house; aat iae preisrreo. modern, by April 1. La one Case bacr. Ore g mian. Edit- lepl. WANTKD Modern suburban house, rloae In. or -room, garage,, reaaonaote. near car; large tot. good district ; will lease; may buy later. A 4. uregonian. HK1.IAHLK party, with family, wants 7 or room mooera nouae. garaga anu tarn yard; no objection to suburb. Must be rinaa to good school. AH Oregontan. WANTED To rent 5-room modern bunga low or cottage, reasonable rent; permanent II satisfactory: responsible coupia. Broad way J45. Sunday after 1. To LEAaE W rent, to S-roora modern borne, unfurnisheu. wnnin diock or liroaa way or Irvington car; reliable party. Main Tl!". WILL rent 6-room modern bungalow rea sonable, will take mortgage on aamu for ltHMX East 7lii. WANTED to rent, amall furnlahed house, garden space, acre preferred, rloae in. V oregonlan. or rail Tabor 57l7. V AN FK l 5 or 4-roorn modern bungalow, 1 or 2-year lease; good tenant: possession March or April. Phone WANTED To rent a & or A-room modern bungalow, garage, on East tilde; reliable party. Tabor 2. WANTED i or tl-roomei furnlahed house cioea to car. $-'0 or Ji; careful party. Joeeph H. Johnston. 7Q2 pabltng bldg. bV responsible coupie. 4 or 5-room f inished modern bungalow or flat. Call Tabor 6102 after 11 3o A. M. today. WANTED To rent fenced lot with small shed within city limits. AC &U, Orego I) ESI RE to lease modern 7 -room house In Irvington. occupation before June 1 ; ga rage preferred. AH 4. ore con tan. VkILL rent e-rouin modern bungalow With sleeping porch; must be reasonable: will take mortgage for $!. East 7t.W MODERN 5 or eV-ROOM furnished bungalow cn East ttde; wi'l pay right price for de sirable p'ace. fall East 7l71. Yt-L'N'i roupte. giving beat of references, want small furnished bungalow. O 30, ore gon la a. TO RENT House. and 7 roo me. furnished, Weat ald diairlct ; mola rata ren : per manent'y: ran thf rfrni-r. K 77?. WANTEDA 1J or la-room bouse, lurniabej r vnf urwisheil, in good location on West Hide. AJ 31. Of-CoMan. MODERN cottage at beaaid for the Sum mer. Main 449. b ' A LL 4-room bousa. 51 Raaiawn av, $ per aoou. U. Ditto, ie Auberta it. WAVTED TO RENT. Hon ATTtN'TION. UVDl.OHU OR Hums owxkr. Want ad. a atrlrtly modern 5 or -rroin unfurnnhrd bunaalow In rholre neighbor hod by carafui and particular tenant: no rhlldran. Will wait short lima If p.aca la not now vacant, will lea a, furnish refer 'enra and taka beat poaalble care of prem laa. Io not answer unlets your place meeta these requirements. Kut 4. i OH ft-room bungalow lth yard. Wes MJ preferred. Aduita. Main 400T. llth at. .Apartment a. :-Ho M apartment. :tlO Imperial Arms nicely and completely furnished, to re sponsible tenant. Apply to janitor, 1-fttb ana lay. lit'Nl woo van. employed, wants 1 or 2 H. K. rooms, reasonable rant, iall E. 11 Itooma, li tf'K'TA BLK younr man wiahea room In prlvato family, w lib al-epiiis; porch pre ferred: West Hide. 8tate price and rive xuii particulars or same, k -l. Ureronian WANTKD ImmrUUtriy, room and kitchen etta or 2 small rooms In food home. v Hide, by quiet, mlddla-ased woman. liK 21. Orejonlan. APARTMENT or housekeenlnc-room w conrenial fellow. West tilde preferred. Bi .4. Mrirnr(tn. WANTKD to rent, nice sleeplicrom close to car. reamaonaDie. Take oou car. oil Hpokann ave. WANTKD I -I flit H. K. room (neat In wld- w a lamuy; one wnn l or a imau rnii dren preferred. T 6. Oreconian Rooms HHh Board. MARKIKD couple (no children I wish to rent 1 or 2 rooms In private family; must be, 1 oae n. furnished, unfurtijahed or partly furnished ; permanent If suited : must be quiet and respectable. AC Oregonlan. WANTED Br roons ladr. employed, board and room In prlvato family, room wlch leaplna; porch preferred. In Laurelhurat; referencea, t li, orefonlan. OKNTLKM AN w ant a modern room and rood brd w Ith amall f am 11 v. cloao In. W eat id apartment preferred. AK 50, Orecmlan. WANTKD A good linme for a girl. 14 yeBra of are. with nice, refined, middle aged roupie: very witling little helper. m 4d. Oregonlan. 1 A RD and car for elderly g ntlcman. rom with stove; must be on firat floor. West side ; a (so room for daughter, em ploved. H ao. Oregonlan. YiH Ni MAN wants board and room. West Mde. north, private family preferred; give particulars. N 1'J. Oregontan. ROOM on West Hide by oung lady; break fast d-slred. W R7, Oregonlan. COf PL K want pleasant room, two meals day. rn private family. P" 44. Oregonlan. Bnala Pla R'RXITIRK Oil "D PKALEKS. Rest 1st locations In city. Attractive ren t. Locat ions and con d 1 1 Ions assure buelneas from dar of opening. tiMITH-WAOONER CO.. CTOCK EX. M iacellaneoua. W A NTtL A wood saw in first- lays on- ditlon. by Kammerer Fuel Co. Cat! coluin bla 141. FOR RENT. Rooms. NI' ELY furnished, all outside rooms, near shipyards, s 1..MJ per week up. jji i water St.. cor. lay. Furnished Room. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Menu HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is tho principal East Side bote and la a hotel ot mgniiy ana re flnement. Rooms with private bath. 25 per month, weekly rates. $4 and up. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown, hlgh-claae family noiei; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all lbs comforts of a home. Reason able ratea. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms, Indlvldnal phones, continuous heat and hot water serv. 7.c nay up. s.i.o wk. up. STAN DISH HOTEL, 54SH Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms, $2 . week and up. free phone and bath. THE M ELY IN. Transient rooms 50c and up: $2 per week and up. il. K. rooms. J5J H .lam Mil. Marshall 162M. PALACE HOTEL. 44 Wash, st.: downtown location; respectable and strictly mouern s t am heat: rooms lswj;s cle a n. H.iTKL CORDOVA. 269 llth St. Sirictly modem, privata bams ca suite; rooms a up. Main tM i j. a 4 1 nr. HOTEL CX'KLKY, MorrUiB street at 10th Rates 50c per aay up; weekly. J up running water: free phone snd baths. HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway. Low rttes permanent guests. ste:im neat, pnone. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or Furnished Rooms In Prirate Family. I'kn.VT KHM MAHOGANY FURNITURE In a beautifully iurnisnen nome : wanting distance: for one or two young men. win make the price right. 71 Trinity Place. 1 12 LARGE front room, nicely furnished, walking; distance. West Side, la.ils em ployed. Kitchen privileges it uesirea ; rri erenrea exchanged. 16tf N 21st st. ONE or 2 rooms or one with sleeping-porch, also garage. Piedmont, mono vt ooa- Uwn -""4. TOUNO coupia have a large airy front room. hot water heat, meals optional, on tnree esrtlnrs: adults. Woodlawn Vo. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home: references; oo Mill. i3 John son. Mt'F.LY furnished front rooms, hot and coid water, steam heat, witn or witbout board. Marshall 4Hf. iiiMjM for rent In private family, 1 or 2: furnace beat. 24 . 24tu st., corner Northrup. FURNISHED room, walking distance, suit able for one or two gins; noma privileges. Marshal I J72. b FOR RENT A clean, light room, fiicely fur- nianea ana reaaonaoie rem to a genuc man. Call 441 llth at. 2 A WEEK Neatly furnished room, with bath, walking distance, 411 East Pine sL. near Grand ave. NIE room in fine private home, all com forts, to young man employed, with ref erences; $7.fJ per mo. 13 N. 23rd. I KMbilEU sleeping rooms In private fam ily. 2 Lucretla at., near Washington. Te.e phone Main 5444. ICE rosy room, good heat and hot water; reasonable; near King and Washington. Main ICELT furnlahed room, 9; no other room era, walking distance. 44 East 10th near Couch. KONT room for sleeping or housekeeping. hot-water beat and electric lights, 4U Market. WANTED A respectable lady or couple to occupy furnished room, call bun days or evenings. 7'M4 Hoyt st. li'K room In private home. East Side. -! In. bomo privileges, cheap. East ii tiLEEPING-ROOM. steam heated and electric lights, walking; distance. 533 Morrison. , UiOD rooms for business men. day ave. 407 Holla- FCKNIoHED rooms In modern home. Phone before 1 P. M. A 3762. LARGE, light, nicely furnished front room, cte in. 151 Lownsdale. near Morrison. NP'ELY furnished room for rent reasonable. Call B. 2ol. V 103 E. Grant St. bLKKPINO rooms In apt. for woman em ployed ; gas plate, etc. Mar. 2748. $12 ATTRACTIVE room In nice home for gentieman. walking uistance. Mar. owe. 269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice rooms, walking distance; modern conveniences. 913 LA RGB front room, modern residence, use piano. 327 6th. BuOMS for women employed (women only), 30'.' S Park. cor. Columbia. Modem. IRVINGTON 2 furnlahed H. K. rooms, with ull conveniences. East 4OH. ONE or 3 rooms In beautiful home, run ning water, shower bath. 653 Everett. NICELY furnished room cheap, modern con veniences, walking distance. 325 12th st. Fl'KNISHED front room, $i per month; free phone, electric lights. 651 Hoyt. A NICELY furnlahed room In the home of two respectable ladles. Tabor 34.k1. FV RNISH ED room for rent, UC N. 16ch st. Phone Broadway 1216. Kl KN1HHED room, use of kitchen, near Broadway brld g e. East 501 4. NICELY furnished room In apart meat; every con venlence. Phone Ma I n 63io. PLEASANT, sunny front room for rent. 1 bik. from Wash. St.. near 23d. Main 6729. LOV ELY bedroom ; home privileges and comforts: modern house. East 7GO. NICELY furnished rooms; stsam be Madison st. : references. THREE housekeeping rooms for 17 Broadway. Main 452P. THREE rooms, partly furnished, month. H3 Mth st. R E. $3 per ONE room. 12 per week. 411 Stark. TWO pleasant sleeping rooms. $ each per coo, quiet private family. Call Tabor 45u&. FOR RENT. Fnna latoed boonn in Private Family. $H..V A MONTH A warm, sunny front room, bay window, furnace heat, electric lights, bath and phone; JO min. walk from P. O., near achoots and shipyard; board If desired. 415 N. Broadway. NICELY furnished rvoni in widow's bunga low for 1 or 2 gentlemen; everything modern, fireplace, piano and vlctrola. ga rage, all home privileges; dinner if neces sary. Sell wood SSj. NICK large corner room in private home, use of piano, fireplace, furnace heat. 15 mln utea from business district. $10.50 double, $lo single; references required. W'ood- frl LARGE front room, nicely furnished. wanting distance, west Hide, ladies em ployed, kitchen privileges if desired; ref erences exchanged. Broadway 41V6. NICELY furnished room In private home; walking distance. b7 Davis St.. at L'lst tone block north of Washington). Mar shall 370$. FO R RE N T T h ree con netting roo m s. f u r- nisned or unfurnished, with use of kitchen. In new bungalow Jn Rose City. Tabor FURNISHED bedrooms, men preferred; will serve oreaarast u uesireu, oiock soutn of carline; take Alberta car. 1036 East ixmtn et. orth. NICELY furnished room In modern home at 18 per month: everything flrst-claes snd In good neighborhood. 140 N. 17th ft. Broadway til 4. NICELY furnished room, with sleeping porcn. gooa neign Dornoort. l block from Hawthorne car. J 4 5 E. loth, cor. of Madi son, cast L':t4. PLEASANT room In home of widow for rent to a dressmaker, with privileges of doing ncr own cooking. Tabor 3002. 733 E. .Vth st. LOVELY front room, running water, gentt men preierreu; nreakiast u desired. ivo jiat. oet ween Washington and Taylor. Marshall 1'h1. I'nfumiidied Booms. "OL'R unfurnished rooms, all modern con veniences. 144 Alberta St. Booms With Board. CAS A ROSA Large, light rooms, home- cooked meala; reasonable rates: 5 blocks P. O. Phono Main 350. 300 Jrfferson st., cor St It. IIOOM and board for business gins: all modem conveniences: walking distance; $;tl0 per week. K. 47S2. 12 E. 7th St. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 3H Montgomery st.. in ooutn I'arkwsy; walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 37h3. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON". 30 Tenth at. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. 32H 10TH ST. Front room, well furnished. home-cooked meals, hot and cold water; suitable for one or two people. Booms XV Ith Board In Private Family."" NICELY furnished largo front room, wit sleeping porch ir desired, suitable for two gentlemen or 2 young ladies employed large closet, modern home, conveniences good home cooking;, Portland Heights, .var&nau 17-0. GENTLEMEN to occupy nice, large room in widows home, with piano; best mean family style; reasonable. 230 10th t. petwt.cn iimon ana .Main sts. Main Oo ROOM and steeping porch connected, suit ble for four gentlemen, in private modern home, with board ; Irvington district, on carline. Phone East ii2. PLEASANT steam-heated room with sleep ing porch, suitable for 2 young ladles good meals, very homelike, reasonable rates. 667 Gltsan st. FRONT alcove room, suitable for four men, if desired, excellent board. 394 Columbi st.. cor. 10th. Main 2S64. ROOM and board, gentleman preferred, mud em conveniences, walking distance. 1 Morrison. Main 2i22. ATTRACTIVE large room for 1 or 2. i beautiful home, across from Multnomah Club. Main 772(. NICELY furnished rooms with board private home, closo to Broadway bridge. 4u? Henton st. COMFORTABLE, stam-heated room, good board, home cooking; walking distance reasonable. Main 232 1. LARGE front room, suitable for 1 or si so sleeping porches: meals if desired. I -a dd Addition. East 61S4. NICE quiet home, pleasant porch and par lor, single beds, reasonable rates. Eas MoT.. NICELY furnished front room for rent, wllh or without board: reasonable; home com forts; walking d (stance. 452 East Couch. FOR RENT Three nicely furniahed room; In private family. Call 742 yuinby st., phone Main 2H5o. NICE rooms, with or without board, in private family, can Marsnail !.JU. 712 Lovejoy st. ROOM and board in private family: horn conveniences; canines. Call Woodlawn 2175. COMFORTABLE room for 1 or 2 gentlemen modern conveniences, nest of board. Alain 4157. ROOM and board In refined home for boy K years old; must be close lo r.. JOlh and Belmont ; references. Tabor ,.;.4. ROOM and board, good location for ship yard workers, bast .him. BOOM and board. $S per wk. 333 Beech st.. between Cnion ana w imams aves. FOR working or school girls, sleeping porch, all home puviiegt-s. r,. loj.'. NICELY furnished room, excellent board- 4224 Jefferson. Main 6746. FURNISHED room with board, sleeping porch. 4"7 Clay st. Main 3H.;t. BEST accommodation for 2 or more young men ; mouern private nome. bast 4010. KOOM and two meals, home privileges, 949 E. Tsylor. Phone H IMo. ROOM and board in private family: 1 hip- ysra worker preferred. 44 d st. ROOM and board In private family, 574 Ladd ave., near K. i-th. htawtnorne. bast bi4.t. WANTED Two congenial young men, room and board. Keaumont car. Tabor BTOtt. COMFORTABLE room and good board In private nome. r.ast si.L LARGE, light room, weil furnished, good board. 71 Irving st. ROOM and board. Broadway 4317. 51)5 h DnvlS. lo5 2oTH, CORXER OF FLANDERS. Nestly fumlsheQ housekeeping rooms. Furnlahed Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier at Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly modern 3 ana a-room xumisnea apartments, a 11 outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTKACTI Vei KATfcS. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; turn la bed complete. Roof Garden la Connection. Walking distance. Reference STELWYN. HIGH-CLAPS. Beautifully and completely furnished outside front apt., with sleeping porch; also bachelor's suits and single room; references require d. Marshall 2 33 0. FREE rent to married lady for light jani tor work, partly furnished 3 -room heated semi-basement apartment. Call at 126 East 34th st. or phone Tabor 5188. JAEGER APTS., King" and Wash. One 8 rra. furnished apt.; also one unfur. apt. COMPLETELY furnished 4 rooms, walking distance, no children; $60. Imperial Arms. Msln 5614. ONE 3-room newly furnished, light, clean, walking distance. Phone, best and light, for $17. 170 20th st.. near Wash. BELLINGHAM APTS., 421 E. Morrison, corner 6th Furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. and sleeping rooms. 2-ROOM apartment. $25, including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 147 17th. near Yamhill. 2-ROOM APARTMENT, lights, steam heat, one single room for housekeeping. East H00S. 554 E. Madison. BONNIE BRAE. 3 rooms, newly furnished apartments. In Irvington. llth and Hancock. DEN NIKON. 34th and Belmont, one 3-room apt., steam hest, private bath. Independent phone; pries $30. TWO front rooms, sleeping porch? 2 closets, light and clean. 651 E. Yamhill st. East 1710. WANTED Middle-aged, congenial woman to share three apartments with congenial woman. Phone Marshall 139. S20 3 ROOMS and dressing-room, partly furnished, hardwood floors. East 60. ONE furnished 3-room apt., $35. Knickerbocker Apts., 410 Harrison. NEW. furnished steam heated apartments. $10 up. Janitor wanted. 186 Sherman. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th; modem, walking distance. 3 ROOMS, partly furnished apartment, 1051 Kerby at, (.an week a ays aiter o r. m. THE BERKELEY One four-room apart ment. 3 Trinity Place. Marshall lH5o. FURNISHED apartments in basement; modern; 4 rooms and bath. 561 Glisan st. ARCADIA 3-room front, vacant 13th; mar ried couple; no cnnuren; references. 4-ROOM furnished apt., walking: distance. W est bias, v -weveuia iu FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. DESIRABLK 3-rm. apartment, front porch and sleeping porch. 41!7 Kodney ave.nn children. Phone H. E. Cross, Oregon Wy Main . Lnfurnished Apartments. FOUR rooms, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Portnomah. 200 E. 13th. FOUR rooms, hardwood floors. Garfield, 361 Falling, one block south Union ave. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders; 5 anl 6-room. reasonable. Main 751 ONE unfurnished 3-room apt., $32.50. Knickerbocker Ants., 410 Harrison. CLEAN 3-room apartments: private bath, on Thurman, near 20th. Marshall 4701. Furnlnhcd or l'nftirnhed Apartments. LUCKETJA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lucretla st. Marshall 1513, A 3637. KINGSBURY APTS., 1S1 Vista ave.. 23d and Washington; very desirable 3 and 4 -room with ouLajdo balcony. TWO 4 -room apartments. 745 Hoyt st. Fla'iS. LOCATED 32TH AND EAST DAVIS. 4-ROOM MODERN. LOWER FLAT. $22.50 Nice front porch, small entrance hall, living-room with fireplace, dining room, cabinet kitchen, modern bath and bedroom, wash trays in basement, gas stove and water heater, only 2 people wanted. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. TO LEASE Flat building, containing; 22 rooms, divided into one, two and four room flats; unfurnished, t $00 per month. Inquire Oregon. Investment &. Mortgage Co.. 17 3d st. SIX rooms, unfurnished, modern, clean, fur nace, basement, laundry', large yard; save tic carfare; 5 minutes business center. Mgr. Carlotta Court. 17th and Everett. MODERN 5-room flat, newly decorated, choice, close In. West Side location; only $20. Tallmadge Rea.li v Company, 619 Henry bldg. Marshall 355. PRETTY modern flat, hardwood floors, fire place and furnace. Nob Hill. 12 minutes walk to 6th and Wash., responsible party only. Marshall 47JL HOLLADA Y ADD. Modern 5-room fiat. with or without garage, close In. 262 East 2d st. North, corner Multnomah ave. East 204 s. UPPER $-roin flat, all large outside; o minutes- waiK irom I. t. Telephone n.. 5JN7 Sunday or M. 3000 Monday. FLAT for rent. 4 rooms and bath; modern; within walking distance of 3 shipyards. East 4266. FOR RENT 6-room Hat, Clifton apartments. 2.id and Irving;, steam heat; references re quired. Inquire of Janitor. PARTLY furnished or unfurnished flat. 4 rooms, bath, laundry; $15. 414 Graham ave. East 4556. COSY 4-room flat, near Council Crest car. large yard and garden space. Mar. 52o. PORTLAND H E 1 GH TS Beau tl f u 1 6-room flat: garage,' fireplace; $35. Mar. 473. ROOM lower, closo in. 4455. Ca 1 1 Wood lawn Furnished Flats. BEAUTIFULLY furnished lower four-room flat, close in. East Side, walking distance to city and depots, close to three car- lines; rent reasonable to careful tenants. Call 354 San Rafaet st. No phone calls. 5-ROOM flat, close in on East Side, partly furnished, to some responsible roupie In exchange- for room and board. East 1130 Sunday. 5 ROOMS, strict ly modern, lower furnished nat; furnace heat: rent $22.50 per month Including water and garbage service. In quire 805 Watcr, near Gihbs. S. car south 4-ROOM furnished upper flat, clean, water. garbage, large yard, adults, rur intorma tion call Woodlawn 4730. 4-ROOM furnished flat: bath, light, water and piano; adults. 2' end of Steel bridge. 5 Paciliu st., east FURNISHED modern 5-room flat. 204 E. loth st. Call or phone at East 7S61 after 11 A. M. CLEAN, modern flat, furnished; two unfur nished; on carline; reasonable. Woodlawn ."210. FURNISHED 3-room flat; 60 E. 22d st. East :ii.4. $3ti Nicely furnished modern 4-room lower nat, rs on til u. J eiepnone .Main io u. FURNISHED four-room flat. Phono Tabor ft 182. Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Walklnc distance. furnished for housekeeping, including gas ranges, electric nsnts, not water, Datn, laundry, all free. $10 a month up. Take "S" or lOth-street car north, get off at Marshall st. it road way 5o.is. NEAT, large, pleasant front room, comfort ably iurnisneu, witn privilege or using gas plate for very light housekeeping, suitable for one or two business girls; walking distance. Marshall 1133. 16? 20th st., near w asnington. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nisned, steam heat, running hot ana cold water, phone in every room. 7 blocks irom Fifth and Morrison sts., $16 up. 201 Co lumbia st., near Fifth. NEWLY furnished, highly attractive, light housekeeping rooms being opened this week ; best residence district, w est blue. 735 Everett. NEW HOTEL MEYERS. Housekeeping and transient rooms, mod era to raxes. 112 N. 4th St., cor. Glisan. Phone Broadway liSl. 2 oR 3 rooms In modern flat. 4 blocks from Park and Morrison; gas and eiec. Call be tween 1 and 2 Sunday, Monday alter 11 A. M. Main 3744. GOOD housekeeping rooms, suite of 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat and telephone; moderate prices. Sargent Hotel. 271 Grand ave. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms for rent. East Morrison and 2(rth st. i' none .asi uimI any nine anr Sunday. FOUR and three-room apartments. $10 per month up; electricity anu pain iree; near Northwest shipyards, 321 Vi Water St., cor ner Clay st. BEDROOM and kitchen; light and clean ; very central; adults. Main 460. 141 llth st. NICELY furnished 3-room apt., all modern conveniences; garage it desired. 602 East Ash. cor. 20th. TWO nice, large rooms, light housekeeping. furnished; rent $13. can touay, oua 2d st. FRONT rooms and kitchenette; 2 small rooms, very convenient ; reasonable. oot Flanders. 20TH AND Morrison, 103 Stout St., bachelor housekeeping rooms, cheap. 461 E. MORRISON, COR. E. 8TH, neatly furnished 1 and 2-room n. n. apts. IV E H. K. rooms, unfurnished. Call at 263 5th. upstairs. "Housekeeping Boo ma In Private Family. TWO rooms and sleeping porch, suitable for light housekeeping, hot and col a water. Main 1057. 375 Montgomery drive. NICE two-room housekeeping suite, modern conveniences, walking distance. 424 Jef ferson. FURNISHED room, housekeeping privileges. lth, near E. Morrison st. Phone East 7692. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close to shipyards; garden; $6 mo. 300 Broad way. ROOM in Piedmont, convenient to Union ave., W illiams ave., v ancouver-bt. Johns carline. Woodlawn 1335. ICE two-room housekeeping suite, modern conveniences, walking uistance; no chil dren. 424 Jefferson URNISHED 2-room suite for housekeep ing; steam heat ana electric ngnts. boo Morrison sC CLEAN, nice housekeeping room; free phones, Ugnc. water ana Dams; wa.iK.in distance. 545 Washington st. NE or two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with piano. 7u ioyt st TWO rooms, unfurnished or furnished, with use or kitchen. tiay i. FRONT rooms, unfurnished, housekeeping; $5 mo.; 'garden. 300 Broadway. BEDROOM and kitchen, furnished ; gas range, nam; si moiun. uoo iu. avis st. FOR RENT Single housekeeping room, very desirable. -'4 is. -inn si. ROOM and kitchenette; gas, eiec, bath, hot water; H blk. iJubiic cio. lamnni st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, no children. 567 East Yamhill. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Chapman St., Pet. Clay ana aiaraei. ONE. two, three housekeeping rooms, light. water, heat. i r. mn at. jiain TWO clean, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, su.ou montn. u. rronu WOMAN wants a lady to share housekeep ing rooms with her. X 37, Oregonlan. 1NGLE housekeeping room. Mar. 4755. Madison. SLEEPING room with privilege of kitchen ette. 415 Mill st . FURNISHED room, kitchenette, adults: $S. 240 Grand ave. N. Jhone East 5077. S 3 and 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 305 E. llth. SMALL bedroom for nice man. 414 Salmon street. ' THREE hasement rooms, fur. or unfur. 783 Kearney. Heated. t THREE unfurnished basement rooms, very reasonable. 326 Park au FOB RENT. Housekeeping; Booms ip Private Family. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, out side rooms, fine place and nice yard, all modern conveniences; garage If desired. C2 East Ash, corner 20th. East Ankeny car. LIVING-ROOM with fireplace, large sleep ing; porch, kitchen, with screened-in porch, bath room, gas range., furnace heat. Main 1057. Very desirable. THREE front H. K. rooms, light, water, gas, near car; no children; $13. 10S2 E. Lincoln st. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, walking dis tance, electric lights, private entrance. 21 East 15th st. NICE suite of housekeeping rooms, running water, private bath. 654 H E. Burnslde, cor. ISth. E. 996. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, Sunnyside carline. no children. 1249 Bel mont. Phone D 1749. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TH FLOOR. Here you have choice of the combined lists of all desirable vacant houses, apart ments and flats In the city, with definite, reliable information pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is absolutely no obligation or charge for this service. It is maintained solely as an accommodation to the public. Newcomers in Portland will find this bureau of great help in getting properly located quickly. POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. A department operating for the conven ience of our patrons and friends. A serv ice absolutely without charge to you. Our listing of houses, bungalows and apart ments is most complete. YOURS FOR SERVICE. POWERS FURNITURE CO.. Third and Yamhill Sts. 5-ROOM cottage, fruit and berries; 171K) Belmont St., Mt. Tabor; $10 per month. 6-room modern house, 1184 Holgate st., cor. 4oth st., on WW carline; $15 per month. 10-room hou?e i block, garden, fruit and berries: 64 E. 55th at. N., Montavilla car; $in per month. McClure &. Schmauch. 515 Gcrlinger bldg. FOR RENT. 8 -room modern house, every conven ience on Portland Heights $40.00 5 -roo 111 house. isu East Yamhill st... 15.00 o-room cottage, u33 E. Market St.... 10.00 o-room cottage. 415 E. 0th st THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 153 Fourth St. Main 6015, A 2815. 8. 00 FOR RENT OR LEASE Suburban home Oak Grove, 2 acres, orchard, grapes. Dees, oerries, water system, gas, electric ny, iurnisnca bungalow, chicken park. ; minutes out. 30-niinut prvlr rpnt S'J Phono Oak Grove 24-W, today and Mon FOR RENT Nicely furnished bungalow, electric lights, five rooms and bath closets, garrctt and basement; has large BH.ru en spot, iruic trees, roses, nice lawi rent, $3o per month. 474 Leo ave.. Sell wooa. $4000 LA L'RKLHI T RST HflMlf Full lot, full basement, furnace, beamed ccuings, uutcn Kitcnon, gas and eiec tncity; caay terms. Whitmcr-Kelly Co. HO f UtOCK DIOCK. 4 ACRES, in cultivation, fruit and berrle: house partly furnished, for rent cheap. jitKo Oregon oity car, rem rtidge sta tion, ye! low house to left. Mumpowers. i pi), oregontan. 6-ROOM house in good condition, fruit and oerries, room for big garden, waiklnir di tance to shipyards, $15 mo. Call Sunda or 6:30 even Lugs, or phone Woodlawn 401 ;- nnaver hi. PARTLY furnished 4-room plastered house, witn one acre or grown berries; fine lo: garden and chickens. 4206 73d st. S. House open after 12 M., Sunday, or ad dress 343 N. 23d st. BEAUTIFULLY located strictly modern 8 room Portland HeiKhls home, on Mont gomery drive; one block from Ainsworth School; $45; references. Phone Marshall 4477: aftrr Sunday, East 4080. A. H. BIRRELL CO. Have a few small houses to rent at reasonable rental. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 2J7 Northwestern BankblUg Mar. 4114, A 4118. SWELL 9-room house. 3 lots. 4 fireplaces, garage, line view; 1441 K. Morrison, cor. ner 53d, Mt. Tabor; rent $40. Key at f id rtoara or uraae. Alain 74.z. 6 ROOMS, excellent condition: furnace, fire place, cement basement, large lot. 10- minute walk to town; located at 605 6th, corner Sherman; rent $30. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0, A 6747. $25. WEST SIDE. CLOSE-IN HOUSE. 10 rooms, for rooming-house; near 21st ann w ash. ; good locat ion. Renovated. SMITH -WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. FOR RENT or for sale. 5-room and bat bungalow. 104 E. 84th St. N.. $12.50 month Will sell on terms. Phone Main 4260 or iaoor :.'uyu. 6S5 HALSEY. near E. ltUh, best Irvington uistrict. i -room mooem house, with car pets, excellent condition. Open today. E. BOR RENT Comfortable, modern home with four lots at Piedmont; also house with acre land, 40 fruit trees, near Lents. rnone .vinwauKie 44-y. ONE-HALF ACRE, 5-room house; berries and some fruit ; one block south of Oak Grove Schoolhouse. Call Sunday, between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. MODERN HOME Highly desirable loca tion. 7 I Hawthorne ave. East 1203. ; $37.50; owner. I WANT party to take care of house; free rent, water ana lights; reeirences quired. AB 67, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM house with 10 lots on Powell Val ley road and 07th st.. rent $12. Inquire room xi, jw r irsi si. Main loas. FOR RENT S-room modern house, hard wood floors, etc., located at 774 Everett. lvey at u warns to., otn and Oak. FOR RENT 7-room house, 4 lots, on Den ver ave., near Kiliingsworth ave. Call Woodlawn 1053. WANTED To lease, about May 1, six- room modern residence, close in. Call Ta bor 1 2.o. MODERN 8-room house, all conveniences, with sleeping porch. 702 Northrup, near -a. rnone tast aas. 6-ROOM house. 76 Portland boulevard, bet. Kenton and fat. Johns carline; with water, $16. BD 31, Oregonlan. S-ROOM house, arranged fine for letting out rooms; waiaing uistance. i n-ast 12 in .North. WEST SIDE; fine modern residence. 859 Johnson, near 2oth : 5 bedrooms, sleeping porch. iJonaia Macieou, uo.i I'lttock blk NOB HILL 8-room house, partly furnished: garage, full lot; $(. per mo. inquire iio t tanders st. Main 480.:. FOR RENT 7-room house, modern, good location, 820 Keiley St.; $ia.bO per month. Phone Main 2 1 31 or Marshall 2211. 8-ROOM modern house, corner Harrison, 381 E. 12th St.; key next door; $io, in eluding water. Phone E. 5306. 7-ROOM house, 55 K. 14th St., cor E. Oak. Herman Moeller, Wilcox bldg. Main 1480. Sunday East 4825. FRUIT trees, lawn, large yard, 5-room house. 643 BorthwJck. FOR RENT A modern 4-room flat. Call 640 E. Main st 5-ROQM house for rent. 643 Borthwick. by owner. MODERN 8-room house, corner Ainsworth and Williams ave., rent $35. Col. 112. 4-ROOM house, newly papered. Rent $10. Tabor 511. 653 E. 10th. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, Northrup st. 663 8-ROOM modern house, 450 E. Sherman st. East 4174. 5-ROOM cottage and large lot. Call after 12 Sunday. 2030 E. Yamhill st. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, modern, fireplace, furnace. 1871 E. Alder; $25. 9-ROOM modern house, 145 N. 22d. Inquire 140 5th st., corner Alder. SEVEN-ROOM house. 432 Broadway; gas, bath: $12.50. Woodlawn 2770. FOR RENT House, and 7 acres In orchard. R. Schneider, 33d and Columbia blvd. SMALL 4-room house, 581 .Roselawn ave., $5 per month. See G. Ditto, 675 Alberta st. HOUSES. : locations. 7 E. rooms, clean, yards, Ash and 15th. FINE-LOCATED 0-room residence, 301 Jackson, bet. Park and 10th sts. Rent $40. FOR RENT 6:82. -room house; $7 month. East 6-ROOM modern house, near Grand avenue at Harrison. $20. 381 Grand ave. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, 578 E. 22d St. N., $37.50. Neuhausen & Co. Main 807S. " Furnished Houses. 4-ROOM furnished cottage, 303 Fairbanks, between 22d and 23d. West Side. DESIRABLE furnished suite, adults. ' E. 23d. 75 EAST EVERETT. 6-room. well-furnis.ied bungalow, clean, reasonable. East 2871. CLEAN, desirable, modern home; phone forenoons and evenings. Broadway 3745. 6-ROOM frnlshed. modern house, $20. 89 Division sU East 5235. . FOR RENT. Furnisned Houses. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. lO-ROQM MODERN HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED. 3 BATHS, 5 BEDROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. HOT-WATER HEAT. OPEN FIREPLACE AND TWO GAS LOGS; ALL LARGE ROOMS; GARAGE. OR FOR SALE. MARSHALL 4-tSO OR BROADWAY in. FOR SALE OR RENT FURNISHED. Modern 7-room house In Irvington, close to both Irvington and Broadway cars; three rooms downstairs and three large bedrooms with large bathroom on second floor ; good furnace ; lot 6(1x100. Phone East 2530. DO YOU want to Hooverize. have good health and fine view? Rent a tent cot tage, sleeping porches, gas. shower and tub baths, walking distance, lowest rent In city. Call 524 Heights Terrace, corner of 16th and Hall sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, exclusive 7 -room house; mahogany furniture. Oriental rugs, sun room, fine garden, cared for byowu er. See today. Marshall 277. PARTIALLY furnished 6-room house, every modern convenience, thoroughly clean, to reliable small family; rent $20. Y 1, Oregontan. TO RENT Furnished, modern. 6-room house, splendid location, in exchange for room and board tor young lady employed; references. A. I 21, Oregonlan. 7 ROOMS. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, one block from Sandy blvd., ana car. Close in; $50 per month. Will give year's lease. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington biilg. S-ROOM modern house, completely iur- nished, garage. 160 Mlrlmar place. Jion- tavilla car. Call between 1 and o Jr. aa. Sunday. FOR RENT Cheap, to good tenant, 7-room house with basement, furnished; one acre 'fruit.. 2 blocks carline, chicken house. Mrs. Griffiths. Main 1743 or Tabor 7858. ROPE CITY PARK $35, 6 rooms, hardwood floor;, large rooms, furnace. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FURNISHED house for rent; six rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, hardwood floors, thoroughly modern, oil E. 41st st. N.; rent $35. Tabor 2200. FURNISHED house: fruit, berries, garden, chicken-houses and incubator. AL 28, Oregonlan. WILL rent lower flat, consisting of 3 rooms, furnished, modern. $12.50. including lights to couple only. 212 E. 28th st. N. S-ROOM furnished house with garage. 417 Larrabee st., near Broadway bridge. East Side. PORTLAND HEIGHTS cottage, 2 rooms, large closet, bath and kitchenette. Mar. 487. ATTRACTIVELY furnished home, 7 rooms, walking distance. Call between 10 and 4 tod a y. 172 E. 14th st. FURNISHED six-room cot tape, all modern conveniences. Sell wood, near Golf Junc tion. Phone Tabor 8218. ;46 14TH, between Market and Mill. 6-room house, completely furnished. Donald Wood ward. 104 Second street. Main 1436. ALL or any part of 8-room completely fur nished house, including piano, close in. West Side. Call 186 18th st. $16 Furnished 5-room house; gas range, electric lights, bath, on W. W. carline. Call Sundav, 10 to 5. 5805 41st st. S. E. FOR RENT Well-furnished 5-room bunga low. 841 Brooklyn sL Woodstock or Richmond car. FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, Hawthorne ave. ; rent $40. Phone Tahor 8745. $ar FURNISHED complete, modern 7-rm. house. 3 bedrooms; lease. Tabor 4670. 7-ROOM furnished home for rent, hurst, $55. Tabor 2002. SMALL partly furnished house, no bath. Apply 615 Woodward ave. MODERN 7-room furnished house; must board owner. Main 416, mornings. FOR RENT Furnished house. $12.60. 462 Bidwell st.. Sell wood. Call afternoons. $18.50 FURNISH ED u-rooni, modern. Rose City car. references. 711 K. 70th st. N. 6-ROOM modern furnished bungalow, E. 36th st. $30. Call 2 to h P. M. A LADY wishes to rent part of modern 5- room house, 4330 04t rt St., Mt. hcott car. $12 TWO furnished rooms with bath. 63 Kast it n st. iMortn. 5-ROOM nicely furnished house, close in. Main 1B7B. Stores. TO RENT Small building suitable for shoe shop, near shipyards at v ancouver. x. o. Lackaff. 500 Wash. st. STORE building, good location, with living- rooms, at 50th and E. cmcom si.; encap rent. Tabor 8743. FINE store, doing fine business; sp.Iq or trade. Francis, 62. wash. Mar. i;u. STORE, 20x80, rent reasonable,; will re model; brick building. iast i:mt. Offices. OFFICES, store rooms and halls, also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; on ice building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 315 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. FOR RENT 3 offices on 5th floor Concord bldg., $35. This is tne oniy vacuiicy have; good service, choice corner, facing nor th and east. Ladd Estate Ca HALF newly furnished office, phon. etc., Oregonlan bldg., reasonaoie. Aiam dou HALF newly furnished office, phone, etc.. Oregonlan bldg., reasonapie. main ono. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. 723 Chamber or commerce mu. Miscellaneous. SMALL building on North lth. suitable lor rooming-house, restaurant or stoic, ncai shipyards. Broadway 1141. GARAGE for rent, corner of E. 40tii and Tillamook. Call Tauor mi t. GARAGE, $4 per month. Corbctt and Iowa sts. Phone Broanway NEW garage for rent. Alameda Park. Oregonlan. , TO LEASE TO LEASE Flat building, containing 22 rooms, divided into i, ana 4-room iihis, unfurnished; $00 per month. Inquire Ore gon Investment & Mtg. Co.. 170 3d st. ovum rnvcifF.TK basement. closo n ; street entrance, gooa iigni. wooamwu uuo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY BARGAIN. I am authorized to sell at a sacrifice the very finest confectionery wtore in South ern Oregon, county seat town of 5000 pop ulation, with good schools, ahurches. fac tories and mills. This store is well es tablished; has up-to-date equipment and doing a good business, but it must bo sold. Price, $3000; reasonable terms con sidered. A. J. De Forest. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bids'. RESTAURANT AT AUCTION. Near shipyards. Will be sold in whole or by the piece. Good counter, range, linoleum, coffee urn. tables, chairs, stools, dishes and cooking utensils. Monday. March 4. at 2 P. M. 80 and 91 Russell st., near Mississippi ave. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. GOOO one. If you want a paying business; fixtures at a big discount, groceries, cigars, tobacco and confectionery. Phono Sellwood 1405. FOR SALE Gilt-edge gold mining stock in one of big mines oi esiaoiisneu worm ui one-half value, for cash; might consider clear property. AO 20. Oregonlan. WANTED An honest promoter or someone that can finance a gooa nug. proposi tion. P 20. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted; must be good city sales man; no money requiieu iui twunicu. 30, Oregonian. HAVE opening for a good man; splendid op portunity; big lUiure ; iuu.u mvcoimcuu Millership, 431 Chamber Com. OPPORTUNITY to buy $25 and $27.50 over coats at $17.50. The J. J I. Rankin Co., 112 Sixth. ---- j'ORE with 4 modern living-roDmr,; well established ir ary gwms -uu -nuf ui y other business. ns Aiwrm st. CONFECTIONERY and light lunches in good tourist town, ciean buiuk, puve rea sonable. Address. A V 426. Oregonlan. F6R SALE Warehouse and retail feed busi ness at a oarRam il l" n.-n. ou , iti R. L. Clark. Dayton, Or. EWSPAPER FOR SALE Good paying Oregon weekly newspaper ana joo onice, $1500 cash. Addresa AV 395. Oregonlan: OVERCOATS formerly selling ot $20 and $22.50 now 514. ju. ane j. ii. xvaiiam v-"".. 132 sixtn. FIRST-CLASS restaurant for sale. 310 Washington st., nin;uuvn. 500 HARDWARE stock for sa4e, low rent, terms if wanted. C 7. Oregonian. RESTAURANT, best location, money-maker for man ana wire, v a-r uregonian. CORNER grocery. 20th and bandy blvd.: good proposition; en invoice, cast oouif. EST AURA NT Oven. and counters in stalled; rent or lease. Jiarsnau .,q BLACKSMITH shop dolnpr good bniiness. Call or Bee owner.io.-5 inn. mar. aa. FOR SALE 2-clialr barber shop, cheap. Ail dresa 211 3d St.. ilcMlnnvllle. Oregon. 2-CHAIR barbershop for sale. St., Vancouver. Wash. 310 Wash. ;-CHAIB barber shop for sale very cheap. Clyde Hotel. FOR BALK CHEAP ice cream and candy tore, with fixtures. Call 4 Go Dekum ave. r