THE SUNDAY O IT E G ONI AX, TORTLAXD, irVT?cn 3, 1918. 13 ... - a. H,iuia lh WfKW 1 krcr I. et .ft.- aa M l4n4. Urtipa p-r.ea.-a- esd r(r m first lur. i- ski) .-., MuHT UAT HMA.N. UMMiU. H ill N f-rtJ rxrrRii:Li:D im.fc.r Aopir betweee aa-ft 11 M). sraok C'a A Wakl A-lta bippia' r-rv .em from arat. lire ep-r..e -T-Vr.-i. t- Wear t iara fct-ra ura ib(. (rr. - a p-r - ea ary .ip-ci-a aa. rfrM. PJ' p.namtf for aa.eacemaal. A a. .f S mmmmmmm ixn:ii;vi:n draper App1lt? It-K API' eetwe.a II A. 34. iuormteao,et Add t to K- Kut u.iaia. or jrMA.. 4 tae Jo Ui Ul -i -. rotn lor oaivuiog. P J .;. e. Or. K. Kow.a.e. Aacd. w-ti-knowa lora foctory f o.i anir f r youn maa fr-ra draft, pr-ur --r u . m ao b want to bra a rfct Cpran4 c trimmrma lr b ruont.l ri. f-lor l-r largo timber tar. Appir aioaUy N'rtntr Bona at 14 i i Mir.:i.i: sua to mn a ." 4.K....1 ifr la Cal(-b Or f a . ma kaov tn buao. arTr ad lnirat la tn kminiM to too itsbt maa. k wa v-ri rk-f hslMtl hoo. maa mnnin olo tuacblu and . . man b mrrormt. w no m w Wai HIMST. il-rod m on maium- w.r. .na -b. U4 list. rwau:rJ for omo.l m: cms. .!t. c. hop; tot " .ANTKD MOTTU4 t 0,k"j''1.r AV Oro- stating la os itauj. aoaiaa- .ii caoablo to art a for ma a prfrTa t3A to i P-r day. atdy orora Kaii Co. N. Hank bld. 1 Ji- UANTKO-Klrti-; machlalat for laiha and boaeh work, nut b aad ac .wi wc. atoa'ly work. rod Tjndo. tiroadwaiy and yiaadora. KAKHiCU maa for rT-ooral ore bar work. snwft aJrtan4 aon tr T 010. Addroa F ktr. no mob Hot. A.TCl-rirti-clftM auto mbnle; mot bo a. .-around man; Pr- Pr,m"n.1 Mttiioi. Apply abop fornan. r Cv. r:at riorrtaoa at lt. S.h Avr. u.ufftiJ ma for orai wj on fru.l f'a. Hod Rtr; " P'f ofk. Jstrdaa s Uarbod. -1J Air bid. PHiPnvrt.ptNis. Wa maa with A-vw for foromaaahlp v'aai. Hi roiarn and boattloa. 4 to ft VIA S fur hlpr brd eoady dpartmnt. oa wtH om tpnnro prfrr4. Kuoaoll .tiort. r. ca aaa uouooay. vIv-rrn for out of too, maa wiib oKi rfror o. wtta trt raUoay mprtno. im, aprtaco a-boa. AJ 3. Oro- it , Ifc ANTKtr Toont man. or boy. for wholo Mi booo. to io rrand and corai of fro wrk. Rpiy a owa baadwritin. pt- In ao a4jttrnca T 'ww VArrCMTeal Ai Caa lao towa. Ptt maai labor. Accvtood to rr.4i B-.bu. tta of. pbaaa k A T ' L A-1 aoo maa and w indow-trln-mr. to aa Oroa itf f ,V r.Hi- aal o frac. A r c ln lvLV to tab hro fir ad aoto- umaii tnaoraaca dportmnt. tt( v rincA i-ay aaA rafraoa. A -. VArtt ib hooi tud-at to drtd " hry and at la oro from 1 to M. Hyatt Jbio Ml Mo- ANT.L lioror for KMia. Cah . App.y ta lwi-ato:ar liarbot app r t o. VaTi.I Two firat-.o auto repair mn: mporiocd a a A ma of car. bibl ! t Auto Co.. Aotorta. Or. tnAXTKO tprlacd. firot-rt fur nitur :m. No othr a4 appy. urf lurmmrt Co, l4- 1t at. A.X t' KR.KN'.'K t PaO toochor w mA cbn .mo a (rr ttot.o. oaintiac and coratar w (. l M. ( man. VAN X. A man to blp la kltcbao. o jTovuaca Acauomy. itwftr, -a. U ASTf 'roootor to build or moro n:t rotta- cntrart. d mtioa from frt:ni. a rC X r:nian. ANTt'.U riportonrod) aot wabr. dar work. App! r A4ndr morwtn. rranei Motor Car Co.. Utk and Hawtharpo ava, oiriE boy. who.; iBptoMftt houoo. tat ac and aory waatod. AJ Z4 Oto- vaia. , v a NTi:i ptntirphr wtth utt'r pnn- for ut-of-loaj coo car a.' AJ i. a A i. t.- MAN advert -log sp-ia:riea. other tine, ateady ar aid. AO 4a. Oro- rnlan. maa to rwa light dvllvory truck In the city. rft aad orlno and to teTenhoti nombor. V ft"ilB. 1KU 7ajN. pUsteror and painter to t-'d a wr a aw rootdenco l ast 4 let aad Tl'I imoct fhoao pwaer. Tabor jvwi. LA';Rt;sCKf apartment Koua janitor end wife. King Albert Apt.. 1 lib aad V4 rr f fnmfT. WAN F Elv E parte need weo-1 eofklff N ma rhino hand. Apply Champtoa Mfg. to,. :e 7tf aw-i Vain St. i A N. eprfceareH in f! Vgrs f t tng. Wanted. Tauer VlUa Nursery. Rout No. t 'V. Help VA .ate -Agewta. fts.l l. Melaa diamond spar tlm. Beau tiful po-kt sample ca make ai n nifit Have rainbow fir of seaun dta-mon-1; fool eiperte. Stand trt. Writ tndAv. Meau-aa iMamond Importing Co.. ?". las Cru . Nw Mexico. U ANT 1M an:s to take order for Comer raineoata. rp-ing line ready, handy coat. tv 4S styles; profits la advn-: w "t)4 pot-irl for aampiea. pmn mm cion. t omer Mfg. Cow. DepU G-ll. ?at. Ohio, Jt K E m-jnnfacturer wants rpreenttl v to aeil Mrr. underwear. hetry. 1rw, aa:a skirta, ci tract to himta Writ for freo sasnp.ew. Madioa Ml... AOJ Broad w v New lark ftt. N r. v' patrfoile pl'-ture. Pershing? In Krasre.' "iHjtw tailf.' "Hr . rifle." ' trli oe htiat"; aampl free, also por trait cataiosue. Caulidte) I'ertralt Co.. t a t Ian t. t'h lea go. CA LiroRXI A Roaooeada sailing lis hot ea A frets roiotng money Abeotute.y few R g prnflta Cs:os; fr. Mjiloa H-d Company. By 2 W. Pico. Lo .lii: Ca.if. LAH:f, m4ctrr stall rprntative to ee l shires, underwear, boeiery. drwaeea. !ar. aatrta. il ta bme. Wrtt for free Mad'eoa AiuA 304 rad- wa. New terh City. TatAKR $M per maath. a permanent t ua. aa aa-t your wa bo. gurnted raia eoata .'f -dveef tsiag. repeal rdr a, 'era. g:tvr anj ro et. arapie fr, fk :-. 511 Wet .hlo. Chicago. II. 1 'I RAR A'- weekly la sta:i k buai-: ma r onn. sat aft where; part.r f-ae. wrir iday Ed iiaaa'ay. p- Av Mat St.. Mock 'an. Cal. AMi.l'-V AND THE GREAT MAR. l w sight, evaey red -bionle Amertcao waste it. TMg pr-. samp. fr, Jater eaMonal Pre. hi adrlyn . I T' $:o ph.K DAY T. Me, permanent, digaif.o-t bwi. ail or part Urn, horn e travel ; part lar fre. Cam peeil. KIT oejt f r-ower. Io A a gel. v Ti ItAILT ma-to soiling automata hnr ao4 ariwnr sharponor; a prwaau eIUaf portenc ro u re1 . ae ta' a at P'. I. All Panama bldg . Portland. c TJ : Wr.EE. Pre Samp.ea. 'n 'atte-W f.r stare, office window a .tne-i afi'er to general ta. Aletaili t!" f. Ati N "ark. "hicago, H;.n Coaet lJ' las. Co ka a spiend.l eoortiaaitr for a nerml arat t Pert -r Aoeta, Call or writ SO? AWlUng M. Pne 'mwi. rr. A'-l T at ear- ga l 5e per saaaL ual tkaa't. Zv4 cirbtt b-4g. J! c trv T 1 JT"M 1 ' r- Help Hasted A grata. JlAKfi inomy eLlnf "KiJ Pc k" Holdn ' K !?4ck ' tndlvtuaal fruit jf orirv a l i ni to huuM t M ae cold pac a. Irig easy. Overcome see. us anil bro Jara rio:4 Jars all xttni of boiier. U la t . On fit Quarts and piti eiher fit 2-quert Jara m.i on dui t3 rutmr. rJi ur In Ui. l.u p oaa, aman it: SI M Ir nd rnt fur Hrnpi. xnta trni. K. ;imrni Co. Mia. r kr.urf. Iu. AuKNTs - 4 br mAnth Mi;inc .Htrnr improvd v(ortir for Kord car. rmnti to a from to &v pr cu tt your coltn bU.. ;rlat eilr oa ortI lou. c b intttl by iaron to riv niiaat. bo d'iiin or tipln bKu4r), viU oa mnj It cuirnt, u Mmpit iro . tut (): ntu fatbra ood H tro tt . particular rro. j. a. rtranjr. Puna. r. i. wKlifc ir aamp.r anJ .(-mur:n i:n. oUr oa ta.t mu to orai ti',4,. JUk back pric by "nam a Cw orir from euf frtmda. t'.xirl nc usntctwirr. 1 'N.-i UILA it. n i . A .. 111. mm m t.LkLi Au(omobi lurniabtM ma pCacmc tampiM ondrf ol av automo bi.o aK'oitj wnk auiomobtlo owntrt, r docoo oporatinf pno. ma old car run U b ; fu ouuil Jurmabod fr. U bt. lpi. Ci. 'Ub. lwutvt.l, Kr- LKARN' abvtit profit uppln porfum to Itml.lvt, atiarm icXX.r lo Wa.ton. ftt. Uua A(. HH Wait logo TO $10,000 OPPORTCMTT FOR MIGH-rRESLRE SALESMAN. THE EXTENSION 8THOTL bavioA to Ita crJit within 15 a many Crtlfid fi.iiki Accountant la - first -rantx univrnirm. ott district rprontilv. wbo will bo givon tclai torrttory on a iAboral. stralsni cummiMivn baia. NATIONAL ADVERTISING LEAPS furnubf-d and vry amptanc rlTn to inuro quick rltxatioa of uo Incotnt , im.1 (faduotra and tudent ar bulaM-guia acia. WAR CONDITION baa multlplltxl th demand for Ex port Accountant. a:ratly Accrraams Account in- our .!; Lniivd 6tat? poiins up to fowv for xua. NO INVESTMENT but v.inro of rxeaptlonal Ulna; Ditity ana dad: rifruc roqu.roa. Tll mo wbo and wbat you ar. ao w caa do buiioa rapidly. Grnrl date Man err. Suit I10-f.'4 . aiicii.xA Ar Cblcaco, lii. w5 IJv Mittmta wbo la looking- for a joo aiun lood product that bo caa aa vnc la with honoat of fort. whro th nrur yoo work th moro you mak. Ioudi Oiarrlad maa proforrod. Our buai ara l irdy iabuaa4. W furniaa rythin; all lb maa aooda 1 a will- ino to work. iuaraniod alarjr and cuou Jioad and rafrnca rjuirl. Tin la just th opoaina you haro umn look ins for. App.y at onco to Air. liAr. ic mannir, Jl Ormod . aAUSilAN--Mao who ran Mil stock tbiihod aPartland company, now mak ln; moay; additional capital for pcifio purpv aood. Company stand wll and ha hif b indoraomaat. On maa now working oa thi proposition I doing wu. Uiboral commlalona and money advanced for xpn. Only successful men noed apply. catl IHHI Henry bidg.- furaaoon. r rang Mcriiii. ttn7icJal snt. ALrMKN AND K k! H V t C K MEN N t W l AUKLKtTUH rUM FOHU CARS. Him p,t. oot a moving part. lnst;id thirty minutes, guarnt'1 to doui. mileage, tart la loxu wtratner without beating or prim in. id-day r KES trial. U. e J. Carburetor CO &oi W. Jacaaoa b.trd., Chicago. WANTED Auto acroasory alemn and x- clua.v agent. W maaulactur ord at' tchmnt saving 20 per cent tiro: ilm- inato rattles, buying buehlnra, t r i n g gear, aid Z per cent guidinc car: at t bed Oeconu: mmilm To cent; 1M pr cent pruiii. aa.eamen. factory. 14V v. 4s;b :.. lu9 Anselea. aALKSMEN W want men calling on gro cer. bard war and department lor to hand; Koldpack fruit Jar Holder as aid lino; big ting possibilities for next fiva montA. Ii Loral comiuiMionx rvll part ic air upon roqaesu K. Elmborg Co.. room Ker Vily Ban; bldg tar kersbarg. Iowa. V si want men railing ok grocor. hard war and dept. tore io han'li ldlio with big o, poosihiiitles tr th neat fi month. Esciuslv territory and liberal eommlaalon. ) o caa eest.y mak flu Co Ala dsiy id money. Full particular tut reiuoat. K. P. E.mberg Co., ad And Alain St.. I'srberaburg. 1. WANTED 3 aalmen for porlalty work with retail merchant a. aporienc not ab oiut;y necessary If aggreosiv and hav ood ability; no hoavy aampteo; work 1 pieasaat and mora thaa ordinarily nrof lis'.ta. Addraoa E. A., box Iowa Cy. la. OI-D stbllhod cloak houso desire sale. maa for ,orttirtt. Alan with established trado pri erred, la answering giv amount o f ; aa lory and comni ton rned la past few year, all r(rnca and par ticular. aUna-or Airoa. Coak Cox, at. Loula, Mo. aAl.r-.HM AN of ability and e& per Unco, to coer rtitrn laano, Montana, dab. Tor eetabtlabed lino of glove and leather gooue; splendid posit loo for th right man. liberal ronmiMioa paid. eWn t references wtta reply to taui adv. Raymond Uioo Co . 8t or k ton. Cat E-ArKKlENCED. hlgb-clas spoclalty sales men. iia new. xciuaiv trad atlmu latr. so! year 'round. . Vnllmited fiold. KtcapUonal opportunity to llicrvaao n otn. aocur territory 00 Investment or aonpie. AU-Us Novalty Company. Desk VI. hirBo. DiSTiiK'T MANAGER to represent ue In tac!vu!tf territory; commissioa basts; muat ftnaac yourself: devito proven mer itorious. eat siready appointed making food money. Get our proposition, I.ElC ;ke aututok company, 30 Clara. De pC E. Chicago. I. OLD tbltshed cloak houe deir s;ea maa for Northweau Man with established trad preferred. In answering give amount et s:. aalary and commissions warned I past few year, all reference and bingar liro. Coak Cw, M. Louts. Mo. LARGE concern, established If year, wants at one live specialty salesman, age 30 or older, stspl. moderat priced inoda, genera i trade, new. strong proposition, wplendtd eommlaalon coni(t. 10. AC UMiatra. lpjw Eucld av., Cleveland, O dept. lTW'A LNAJIFFI AUTO FUEL One-third cheaper, ntnjurtou. AO per cert more power, no Car boa trouble, long established repeat iir; lu-yr txclusiv contract right par ty each Uietrlrt: potter write than a lah yoa ha.t Inajlffl Mfg. Co.. Akron. O. TWo bvh-grad salesmen to assist In flnanclrg eataolished luduatry which baa great opportunity to expand; salary and eommlaalon to right men. state experience, ag and willlngn ta travel. AJ 2. Or gnlan. GROCERY sA LEHMAN, country atr. near Purtianl : marr.-d man preferretl. ii ust bo a hustler, thoroughly experienced, with good references. Permanent position. Oiv a. experleac and references. AV 413, ir ronian. $-AT.t EARNED weekly, selling advertis ing fane ac)uslvely. or as side line. Hell ing season commencing. Every merchant a possible customer, hample llcht. Terms liberal. Faa Dept., Kemper Thomas Co, Cincinnati. MANAGEK. men. women Cities over 5mm eiaiary. expanses, open merchandise rfie- f mf room No inveeiment. Also agents, lorn Supply Association. 1210-U Madi son. Chicago. TEAR P lF.T SELLER Big money. mak ing std line where you caa earn 0 week ly, so.d : year 'round. No Investment, no aampie. AdLe N'oveity Co., Depu 11. t t. it a go. CAPABLE arecU.ty man fop Oregon. HtapT line on NEW and fcXCK PT I O N A L terms Vacancy now. Attractive eommlaalon con tract. $.14 weekly fr ei peases. Miles P. Ittxlert o. 3-H Csriln bldg., Cleveland. i W A NTED KeoMenc saleamen for the state of Oregon and adjacent territory by th big pip hots in Chlcag-o; aio leath er good and other smokers article; com mission propoaltlon. AV 4-7. Oregonlan. WAN TED Eapertenred bond salesmen; give fu:i parttcu'srs la loiter. Addre box 3n9, I'wratetl. Idaho, to arrang personal in. tev tew. (ART right Agent, get this big winner. e;.s on sight. bg profits; repeat sure. Hurry, be first. B. A. Bralm, ;$ Mlcjii gaa av. city. E-SF.KGETIC TOING MAN. WITH AUTO, 11 sell real es'at Win make good propo sition to right kind f man. Geo. T. M vre Co. Abtngton bMg AN EXPERIENCED salesma of Portland eement aad batldittsT material ; giv e. p-ri . reference aad salary deatra. Add roe P. O. Boa 111. Gold Hill. Orsron. p ATI: NT RIGHT MEN R:emn. yoo col lect monr and keep tt all. Voadr Burn er dept. T. tohinb'ja. O A tol'N'l man for rtor truck salesman. KiMhrmf Machlo Co., N. W 4 Haw t home v. WANT E I Fl v goo4 sa teamen at eor. 8o A. ft. Chrlenow, with n Prong Co. ine ?ar s at. ENKHGKri. t visit schools. $o alsry. 1 ! fvral commiaetoaw R. Evaaa ft Co., llwO Waba a Clucago. LP WANTED MALE. Help Wanltoo hsktrara. 1ALTJT h'AXKsMtN Hardware, auto. ..uf. are n oral store trade, to paint specialties; carbon remover, fly spray and beepoip. A i money-maker. Hav new I'te fur paint salesmen that la a winner. E-M h prouuet supported by strong Inril- vi-Hmi overtisiQg. t-xciiuuv territoo w ith other pocialtie for ail icaaoni. Weekly ettlement. Commlaalons pan! promptly on accepted order W ar Isrg manufacturer. eatabMshed 1."4: well rina-icod A KMriTRONU vTAlNT VAR NISH WORKS, 8. Faulina, Chicago. TIRE SALESMAN FOR OREGON. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TOR MAN WHO KNOWS TERRITORY. AJAX RUBBER CO., INC., AN KENT ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED boveral roort girla to start train ng ior my iaet that will start out in Iho spring on tba Orpheum. i will have a corps do ballet of M of i'ortland pret tiest and most charming a: iris, and H road way wt.l havo tho first opportunity vt elng a bailet md up clulveiy of in poxo Western typ of beauty. No charge will bo mauo for th training and no prevlou xprtenc will b essen tial If you hav a fair amount of grace apparent. Th apprwclauv tattl put Ho i still talking about th pretty girls In Gortruda llurxmaan Rvu. My pupils ran l.y bo noticed for their beauty and wonderfully gracofui. rhytnmio bodies. If thero aro any gir.a that wish to sing or dance local. y I iia svr4 splendid per manent openings, also a Seattle engage ment. I m demonstrating' very day my catclty to secure enagements for any Inexperienced, ambitious girl wbo wish -o to mak dancing her proi:Mian. I have established, a precedent In i'ortland. auho my devoted pupils bar been my best pre agent. I feel as tho th columns of this paper deliver a Ilttl meeaag to Interested folk In other part of th great Northwest, and I am aecuring engage ment for glri in all prts of th Aa ciflo slope. This precedent 1 an enviable one. owing to the fact that Tort. and la the only city In Western America that Is fortuuata enough to hav a ballet master from the Imperial Russian Government schools, if you ar really serious about being a ballet dancer, caul at my studios and a over vv girls in training for the Classical ballet. Monsieur Marcel. Stu dio. th Wheeldon Annex (No phones). blKNOuKAl'H EK For about ' months we desira the ssrvlc of a good taogrsphkr and assistant record saleslady from 1- 30 10 o f. ai. ra;ary 4U per montn. aaia amount to apply on the purchase of a new Victroia or grafonola and rooorda. Hyatt laikting juacnine Co., &-si Morrison. TWO drapery aewera. Apply between 9 and 1 1 a. At., superintendent s oixic. Da xuent balcony. Meier ft Frank's. H'l.Nii iatiy of refinement and good address. to represent 01a labiind Avast era nrm in houf e-to-hous advertising campaign ; lucrative, permanent position for nrht party, can Ainnaajr oniy, iu to l a. m hl2 Royal bldg RALESLADT wanted for dry good depart uient us general oepartment atqre in town near Portland, on competent to take lull ch&rg; refrencea required. Apply AV 4 n. DEMoNSTliATORd ovr 20. of good address and appearance, g.ta to ou pr week; no experience necessary. Call for appoint ment Monday. 10 to 12 A. M. Sin titock Exchange bldg. REFINED, capable woman, general house work for lady and little giri in newiy furniahed nioUern nou; an bom privt ec and fair wag-aa. Phono Woodlawn Ku&. BY WHOLESALE HOl'SE. ambitious wom an, not under 30; permanent If satisfac tory. Not office work. Business experi ence preferred. Reference required. AR r. ir-Kontitn. COMPETENT lady stenographer, bookkeeper and cashier wanted ior ntgn-ciass retail store; giva act and experience in your reply. Address P. O. box 3H1, Portland. EXPERIENCED stenographer, opportunity for advancement if satisfactory. Appiy la own handwriting, atata experience and sal ary expected. AD 76. Oregonlan. WANTED Capabl lad tea desiring ind pendent income, to eii rin toilet neceefi- tie ana extract, can morning at Wawhlnyton St. WANTED Young lady partner for a high ciaa traveling position, ttequire smau in vestment. Quick returns. Address AC tregonln. DRESSMAKER and tailor In abop. one that can do millinery preferred. bteady work to tb right girt Call Vancouver I.V be for noon. AIondy. XmK. AND HrL6KVOKK. In country home near Portland, with all city convenience and cloe to suburban carl In. Pbun Marshall 4H1, Mon.lay. WANTED For country, good plain cook. no children; good money; A adults. Call morninss after Monday, 883 CaaLl av., nd of R. H. car. FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL girl to work for room and board or woman to work part time and go borne night. Tabor ANTED Capable stenographer for law of flea. Houra 9 to ft. State experience and aalary di aired. Write box 066, Dallas, Oregon. AKE money writing short stories or ar ticle; bly pay; fre Information tells how. Address United Pre Syndlcat. 1-oa Angela. WANTEI 2 ateladle with general dry . good experience, in an Oregon city of tot. rit ate experience and give refer ence. AV AM. Oregonlan. liJiifi HOUOUL GIRL may obtain board and room In splendid home In return for assistance with housework. W 43. Ore rontan. E. PERIEVCED chambermaid wanted Hotel Clifford; good wage for neat quick worKer. Appiy in person. G1HL or woman to tay with convalescent. forenoons. i'hon Main 7230, tiunday, 9 to I. WANTED Experienced girl for sewing tent and awning end canvas good Fa rm Tent ft Awning- Co., 1 N. First. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. must bo 16 year of ago or older; wages via per montn. Taoor i4J. COM MISSION house want experienced, rapid, thorough lady bookkeeper, stenogra phic anowieuge. t a. WANTED Ctrl for finishing tents, awn Ing. etc. Paclflo Tent ft Awning Co.. 1 N. Flrwt. CA PA RLE woman to car for home and IA-month baby, fan go horn nights. If preferred. C. H. I'rererreq. r,ant IW34. INTELLIGENT person to attend office and opera t typewriter; small salary to start. Appiy mornings, Diarx su WANTED Good rook for Portland, later for cattl ranch; good-tempered, like outdoor life: age 30-K.",. N 25, oregonlan- WANTED Stenographer with lumber ex perlenc for oul-of-towm concern. AJ 23, tregonlan. WANT an experienced body Ironer, on skirts. also girl on mangle. L. S. Laundry, 10 lirand ave. L TOl'NO woman or girl as dreaamakera' helper; state experlenie. AK 64. Orego nlan. MIDDLE-AGED woman may have splendid horn with moderat wages, to assist with ho'isewor. W 44. t'regonian. WANTED Experienced help for alteration on cnts and suits. Apply to The Fashion cloak ft Miit Co.. XU4 V sailing ton st. A WOMAN to do mending and washing1 for a captain at cantonment. ac tu, ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED waitress; $10 per week, riava, Newport Restaurant. 147 N. 6th LAD Y'sj coat helper. niOH Washington. SchweiUer ft Eag-in, WANTED A flrat-claa waist girl. Oregonlan. - D 49, OIRI.M wanted for factory work. Portland Rubber Mills, E. rh and Hurrl-mn. BUSINESS girl would like roommate for apt. ; terms reasonable. E on. Oregonlan ASSISTANT bookkeeper; state experience and salary. AB 7. Oregonlan. WANTED Waitr, Hour Kong Restau rant, jni , ntn. iiatn fwi. WANTED An experienced girl for second work, good wage. Phone Main 1317. WANTED Girl for physician's office. 4. Oregonlan. Al DRESSMAKER, who can take chsrg of three or four glrla. A K C3. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced pre feeder for printing mschlne. ihmi Columbia st. WANTED Experienced chambormald; wargee s.a. raoor just EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Hurn1d st. WANTED Kteoogrspher, office glrL Apply 4 n Lumbermens bUlg. Yt'lNti woman housekeeper, for young mm and email bov. AK Oregonlan. CtK for hingi mill, 12 to 13 men. P 27, 4 ireronlMn. RihM and music Irasons. exchaug light s-rvice. fail East 7I5H. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Take R. M. car. too East 43d at. DlaUWAbHElt, Woodiawa 913, 1IC HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Toting women for telephone work. Pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone At Telegraph Co., Ola floor, 2'ark and Oak sis. LADY With Hizh School or CoIIcko educa tion, unquestioned culture and refinement,' with pi easing appearance, a-4u years oiu, for HIGH-CLASS TRAVELING POSITION. The position we offer does not require previous business experience or the in vestment of any money, as we finance you. Splendid opening for qualified ap plicant runt away. Address GEO. L. SHCMAN CO.. W3 Henry bldg., Seattle. CHIROPRACTIC holds oat th greatest opportunity In the world today to women practitioners. Un fortunately th war is taking many men practitioners out. Women, being equally aucceosful in the practice of Chiropractic, can prttpjre themselves In a short time to earn from :ifMK to $MtuQ par year. In veaMgate. I loth day and night classes. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Cor. Yamhill and Park at.. Portland, Or. TeL Main lul. Ad 4ress al I communication to Dr. O. W. Elliott. Pre. LIPMAN, WOLFE ft COMPANY require the services or 10 young ladle oetween 1110 ages of 10 and IS to act aa cashier, wrappers and stock clerks; experience nut necessary, but must be able to furnish the best of references. Apply superintendent's between V and 10. Monday morning, eventh floor. LADY camp flunkey, log camp. .5 and board. Call 23 BurnslU fU toaay. WANTED Experienced party to work as forelady and assistant to foreman; one who Is familiar with work In ail depart ments of laundry; state experience and different piauta where worked during past three years; salary IS per weak, A E 82, Uregonlan. MILLINERY maker. Apply between 9 and U a, M., superintendents on ice, oasemcui balcony. Meier ft Frank Co. WANTED Young, unmarried lady well ex perienced stenograpnar in commercial anu law work, for public stenographic office, permanent position, salary to start $65; pleasing personality; state fully experience. etc. c 24i. oregonjaa. - LADIES. 13 to $4 a day spare time, fin est lino of toilet preparations, soaps, per fumes, permanent, no experience required, outfit furniahed free: write today. Amer. lean Products Co.. 10 So Third, Cincinnati, Ohio. ATTENTION Ladies Interested in crochet work or tho selling of their finished work In tne Kant; also those Interested In home work, call or write, 6 a lea manager, 214 Stock Exchange bids;. Ala WEEK expenses advanced, no canvass ing, women to travel appointing; agents for flavors In tubes, experience unneces sary. Reliable Mfg. Co.. 470 Co mo bldg.. Chicago. WANTED You na; lady for bill clerk in wholesale house (not machine work); must flgnre quickly and writ fM; $12 week. Apply 10 A. M. Sunday, Oregon News Company. 440 Quean sf KXfKRlENCKD stenocraDher wanted by well-known machinery house; one with dictaphone experience preferred; good steady position for right party. AC 70, Oregonlan. 9 CAPABLE woman as collecior for city, bond and reference required; permanent position to the woman who can fill the bill; one with experience preferred. Apply Western alaKaxIne Corporation, W04 Spalding Diag. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish information, give protection and assistance free to women and glria. interviews connaentiai. WANTED Experienced saleslady for silk and dress foodi dept.. on thoroughly ex perienced, none elae need apply. Apply manager alter A al. 1 ananauan, Itr Wash. DANCER WANTED Tounic lady aa 1 sistunt dancing teacher. Call DeHaney s Academy, and Washington, this ait atPuon. SALESWOMEN for shoe department: must be experienced and be able to turn inn uei;t of references. Apply superintendent s 01 f ice. 9 to 10 A. M., olds. Wortman ft King. FIVE briahc caoable ladles to travel, dem onstrat and sell dealers; d to siau month; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, dept. 701, Omaha, Neb. MAKE motiey writing short stories or arti cles; big pay, fre Information tens now. Address United Press Syndicate.. Los Angeles. FREE RENT to married lady for light Jani tor work; partly furniahed, a-room, heated semi-basement apartment. Call at 1-6 East 4th street, or phone Tabor olSS. WANTED Experienced glTla for dry goods and furnlaxilng sture, Oregon town 01 ouuu. Apply 3o6 AJlaky bldg. Tuesday, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. WANTED Three ladies of culture, for some special child weifar work. Liberal re muneration. Call btwn 2 and 5. 303 Rothchild building. LADY drummer for orchestra wanted. Mar. JS7 Saturday. East 61 20 bunday. Airs. Brown. EXPERIENCED girl. ganerM housework. 2 in family, good wagu. w est Biue. t&u Main f217 Monday. EXPERIENCED operators wanted for pow- t-r machine. Apply Jacob liftt ft cap Works, 34 Phoenix building. WANTED Apprentice for ladies' and gents' tailoring establishment. 60S Gllsan, near 2 lot. B. SalL . HOUSEKEEPER, young woman preferred, widower, tlire children; no washing, own boa. Call Sunday. 945 Division st. WANTED Waitress; must be experienced; good wages, room and. board. Mallory Motel. A 1 A. uowwiaie. g SEW I NO machine operators wanted for waist manufacture; akio pressors and fln- Isiiers. Ball Mfg. Co.. 4tn ana couou sts. WANTED At once, middle-aged woman to care for elderly sick lady: board and room and small wages, fhone laDor li i. ARTIST Yountr lady with artlstio ability, to learn protltabie trade; pay at begin ning If make good. AB 15, oregonlan. WANTED 3 markers. Apply Post Exchange Laundry, Vancouver uarracas, Vancouver, Wash. LADY to car. for 2-year-old boy during day while mother works. AR 62, Orego nian. CI i n I,' T n GIKLS Highest sum long en gagements, no trawling. Apply Casino Theater. WANTED Girl who can milk to operate milking machine; M ana ooara. av o-. Oregonlan! ruuRL'S (ilKLS Highest wages, long en ra .amenta, no traveling. Apply Caaluo Theater. 1EACHEKS needed for 1918-10. Clark 'leaclurra' Agency, 412 Chamoer of Com mere. bldg.. Spokane. Washington. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, JU2 East ISth st. N., or phone faaat u-ivTirn laundress, steady work, niftiest wages paid. Rose City Hand Laundry. 130 ISth st. WANTED Al lady solicitor for first-class establishment; permanent position to right party. Apply at once, a io, urtgunitu. u-ivT(.l) Girl te sw. apprentice or ex n.rlenced. Apply In person Sunday, 10 to 4. 322 V, Atroadway. WANTED Responsible woman, experienced, to manage rooming-house, married pre ferred. L. H. Weluh. Astoria, Or. DISH WASHER wanted. Call Columbia B.-.3. WANTED Thoroughly experienced cham bermaid. Hotel Rowland. 207H 4th st. ' WANTED An elderly woman to board. Call Tabor W-l. WANTED Sohool girl or lady to tend office eveningsefor room and board. SS0 10th at. a..Pt;KIENCED , waitress Pumylde st. wanted at 273 WANTED Millinery makers. 3i3 Ald.r IX King A Co., PRIVATE home for children. 3 to 12 years old: 15 years' exp. . 714 Mar. 2162. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Olym pla Cafe, cor. 11th and Washington. CAMP, restaurant, hotel, family help. Han- sens Empt. Btl t wasn St.. room MILLINERY saleslady for afternoons. 10 per week and commission. 385 Alder st. EAT room and bkfst. In exdig. for 3 hrs. housework. Main 3730. WANTED Vestmaker. K. 8. ERVIN & CO.. 205 Selling bMg. ' WANTED laundress and maid. Main 67. Institutional. WANTED Teacher for boy of seven. Tabor 249. WAITRESS wa nted. 404 E. Morrison. I.AIjY barber wanted at 23Vi Burasld, St. CuuK wanted. Hit JohAson. Bdwy. 2000. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WE HAVE 3 or 4 of best city districts, which are open to sjood women who will act aa representatives. Our recently es tablished distributing center in Portland, where representatives can secure standard models, thereby making; prompt deliv ery. Mr keg new bone corset work very attractive. If you noed work, gtep in and talk the matter over with us. NEW BONE CORSET PARLOR, 507 Central bids.. Corner 10th and Alder. LJPMA-V. WOLFE ft COMPANY require the wrvic-s of saleswomen for th following; departments; Coat and suit, millinery, dress goods, silk, art needlework, drug sundries, candy. Permanent position ia offered, to those wbo oan qualify; must be able to fumlsh the very best of references. Apply superintendent's office, between 9 and 10. Monday morning, seventh floor. WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloak and suit store at Astoria; only thosa ex perienced need apply; would prefer one who understands or talks Finnish. Apply Monday. 409 Washington street. Portland, or Tuesday afternoon at 422 Main at., Astoria. Wanted Domestic. LA DT to care for two children, ages 3 years and 4 years, during- day; lady speaKina; Italian preferred; would like to rent room In same house if possible. Write immedi ately, Mra J.. Pasaaflume, boU Mllwauklo St.. Portland. REFINED, neat lady for general housework in small family; good wages, nome pnvi- !irM drivlnr in rr. etc: must rlV JTOOd reference. Addre P. O. Box 249, Junc tion City. or. GIRL, for asnera.1 housework, email family. good place for neat, willing girl. 832 Han cock street, corner East 6th (Broadway rar). GiRL for general housework; murt be able to conk : 3 adults: no entertaining; no house waehinif; 2.. Call Sunday between 4 and o P. M. Sell. 2717. i-iiiPRTFT s-tri nr wnmun for srenerai housework and assist In care of 2 small children. Call Tabor 640. 14DS iast iin coin. Hawthorne car. COMPETENT maid for general housework. E. 6850, G 1014. WAVTEn Exnerlenced airl for general housework; wages 50; must have refer ence. Apply Cornell KOad or pnone Atam 3057. HAVE vacancy for competent woman. 30 to as as housekeeoer In small Institution, good place and chance for advancement to the right woman, a i. uregoniau. EXPERIENCED girl or young woman, for general housework and cooking. Refer ences required; 2 adults. Call East 6662, Sunday and Monday. WOMAN, capable of taking charge of house; must be good plain cook, neat and re liable; no objection to child 14 to 16 years old. References.. Main WttAe. AllDDLE-jtCED woman helper In housework, 2 and sometimes 3 In family ; modern hame, near Vancouver; wages $15. M 34, Oregonlan. GIRL to help with general housework, no washing, no children; o per weea, ana meals. Must go borne nights. Call after 1 P. M Sunday, 611 Morrison. BUSINESS college girl to help with house work, $5 a month. Gall 673 Maiaey su, or phone East 1803. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily and good wages. East 7S1S, 603 E. 2dth st. - WANTED Experienced firl, general house work, small family; no children. Apply 705 Davis st. Marsha 1 11 041. WANTED Maid, general housework, fam ily three, Irving ton district; good salary If competent. Phone East 2803. WANTED Experienced woman cook for day Khift- Apply Sunday. Rogers' Candy Store, Broadway and Yamhill et; WANTED Girl for general housework; nice home, modern house, good wages. Tele phone Tabor 25S6. WANTED A housekeeper, not below 60 years old, without children; co trifler wanted. AO 27. Oregonlan. WANTED Reliable girl for cooking and some housework; good wages. 1060 West over road. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of 4 adults; no upstairs work and v e ry little washing. Apply 211 N. 24th. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; 2 In family; good wages. Ad dress 381 E. 12th North. Broadway car. WANTED Telegraph operator and station accountant. Apply room luiuway jt.x- change niug. WANTED Good Swiss or German woman to work, or elderly lady. wain. J40, or Y 44. Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY girl, over 16 yrs.. living In vicinity or woodstocK, to care ior cntiureu alter acnool era, fnone oeuwooa o.. CAPABLE girl to assist with housework, Kast Side; no objection to scnooi giri Phone East 5US3. NURSE girl, to assist with housework; no washing: 110 per month. A'non. -laoor 6010. WANTED First-class cook on ranch near white Salmon. Wash. Apply to Mr. Dorsey, Oregon Hotei WANTED A refined girl who can go home nights, to assist In care ot children. Phone Main oiu. WA 'TED A comDetent maid. Apply 77S Flanders at. Telephone Marshall oi. No laundry. HOUSEKEEPER, to take full charge flat; small family: good wages. 073 8th st. 4t. East uuio. i;ltl. fur .eneral housework: two in f am lly: o per weeK. Appiy room ui -iuock block. Monday. WANTED Woman to do housework, small family, rood wages ana boiue. can u Broadway. G1KL for tight housework, 2 in family; no washing: plain cooaing; ,io montn. auv E. RMh St. R. C. car. Tabor 20U1. Hoi'sE KEEPER or maid, for housework cooking, small family, wages iu. Main A GIRL, to help with housework, 4 hours daily. to 12. Ill a. tiroaaway. rnone Kist 11S2. GIRL to assist with plain housework; pleas ant, nonieliae place, smau lamuy. iu at 411 cook ave., or pnone yj itia. !PPHl,:'TirK at Rarette. the tailor. Pan' ami bldg. Good opportunities. Aiain GIRL for general housework, plain cooking, O 183. 1075 Cleveland ave- EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; 3 adults; good wages. Main 177 S07 Lovejoy sr. A SALESLADY familiar with drug sundries. Apply AK p. oregonian. WANTED Girl f-r general housework, 3 In lirnllr. Kast -'1-." HIOH SCHOOL GIRL, work for room, board and wages, v oregonian. GIRL to a?tst with housework; good home wfires. East 6180. X 66, Oregonlan. WANTED A girl for housework, modern wages. Apply 24 college si., comer atn HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with house work, family or a. r.asi oo. GIRL, for general housework, 3 in family 2(l. East 88. C1KL wanted for light housework; wages. good home, asti wasn. -Mar. v.r-,. EXPERIENCED girl for housework ( and COOKing. jwargnan .101. GIRL for general housework: no cooking; two In family. IS5 letn st. routn. GIKL to aaslst with housework In small family. East ci.. EXPERIENCED aeeond maid; wages f35. Phone Marshsll 3956. GIRI for light 'housework; good wages. Ta bor 67S, O 104S. GIKL or woman for housework; wages $13 per month. Appiy 3:l N. zq St. GIRL to assist with general housework; no washing or cooglng. cast ijm. GIRL for general housework. 734 Main, near St. Clair. Phone Main 6070. WANTED Good cook, also dining-room help at 261 lath. GOOD girl to help with housework. 7720. GIRL for general housework; no washing. 275 N. 22d. WANTED Young girl to assist with light housework. Call 627 Hancock. WANTED A girl to do general housework; ro children. Appiy inn t. GIRI. for general housework In family of 3; rf-rence. Tabor 184. WANTED Ladv to assist with housework and care of children. Marshall 8464. EXPERIENCED girl for reneral housework. 874 Lovejoy. Main n.w. WANTED Girl for light housework two hours earn morning. i nearney St. NEAT, reliable rirl for light housework. family or J nouns. r-none iain mm. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Ca 1 1 Monday. 80 H rum st. WANTED A s-ood cook. 616 Lovejoy st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TEACHERS for .vacancies now open. Tates- Fisher Teacners Agency, vvl uroaaway building. TEACHER WANTED All kinds of teach ing positions. M. 4830. run leaenere Agency. MIDDLE-AGED man or woman to work with poultry ana garaen. csai jaonaay. 6241 620 St. S. E. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE GET WELL FREE FREE. FREE. Every day from lo A. M. to 4 P. M., and evening on Monday. Wednesday and Fri day from 7 to 9, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any orrrer way are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which aro permanently curing: hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a com plete diagnosis of your c&sey and direct your treatment WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC la the safe. sane, sure and -modern science of curing- and pre venting disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 93 per cent of all disease. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health return. The above service is all free to you at the colics building and may be had In private it desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men prac titioner. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Dr. ELLIOTT. Director of Clinics, has moved from 423 Hassalo street to corner Park and Yamhill. Telephone Main 1014. WE WANT several women and men to pre pare for telegraph service to help fill the many vacancies caused by men being drafted for war. Those who are looking forward to the future to earn a livelihood can earn from $75 to $80 pr month In a very short time; no previous training: re quired. For full particulars apply Tele graph Dept., room 218, Railway Exchange bldg., cor. Stark and 3d sta. BURdELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermens Building. More training means advancement. In dividual Instruction. Adding machine, bookkeeping. shorthand, typewriting, spelling, business English and office train ing. Thorough, complete, quick courses. Office always open. Reasonable rates. BPIVN'ERS WANTED. GOOD WOHK. GOOD PAY. OREUOX CITY WOOLEN Jili.IS, OREGON CITY. THE LONG Post-graduate School of Pre Vcntive Dentistry and Medicine. 617 Broad way bldg., wishes to give services to the extent of I2DO0 to the public. Patients for the treatment and cure of pyorrhea want ed. Call for free examination. 1 . M. SAVE YOUR HOUSE RENT. MAN AND WIFE TO DO CLEANING and attend oil burner for 8-rooan modern basement ape. furn., man can work; no children. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. WANTED Competent stenographer, one who has hardware or machinery expert' ence; answer, statins salary expected. A 10, Oregonlan. LIVE AGENTS Men or women. 100. per cent profit. Every house a possible cus tomer. Particulars free. J. F. Green, 623 So. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. lvU service, dictaphone operating, short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeo graphing. English spelling. Allsky bldg. COACHING and instruction in topics of day, history, English literature, French or gen eral review. Ethel Ferrlss, 703 Everett st. Phone Main 19J6. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand Typewrit ing School, day, evening, $0 month, 200 14th. near Jefferson. Main US92. MAN and wife wanted to work on farm; good wages, no children. Phone v din. 8H11 between 11 and 12, March 3. WANTED Experienced blller, with clerical ability. AM Bit, oregonian. WANTED Earner, Sandy. Or.; lady or man; Jia per week, call Main ii,o. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 100 MEN at once to learn the automobile and gas tractor business, aa we cannot get enough men to supply the positions In our free employment dept. Enroll now In a epe cial six weeks' course Just starttng. Hemp hill's Trade Schools. 707 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or. LEARN the auto and tractor business by actual experience under expert instructors. Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto and tractor school on Coast; established 1003. Thousands of successful graduates. We help students earn living. $50 prac tical tractor course free. V rite for free 64-page catalogue, or call NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Flgueroa at 8th, Los Angeles. LEARN the auto and tractor business by actual experience under expert Instructors. Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto and tractor school on Coast: established 3:l5. Thousands of successful grnduates. We help students earn living. $r0 prac tical tractor course free. Write for free 64-page 'catalogue, or call NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Figtleroa at 8th.. Los Angeles. FIRST Pyorrhea Is an Infectious disease. 2. We cure It. Examination free. 1 3. A light fee to cover operating expense only. 4. Results or no pay. ,r. You may be the judge. THE LONG DENTAL EDUCATIONAL CLINIC, 617 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Or. Tino if k'KF.pRRS in demand more than ever. Young man, young woman, are you ready? jyrepare now. 1 ,00a wages await you. Rteel'a Know Why School offers the best, cheapest, easiest, quickest training. En roll now. fc,asy payments. iiuy-.veuius. Oregon building, Otll and Oak streets. Broadway 328. PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld lng automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Seattle En gineering School, Seattle, Wash. NOW Is your opportunity. Railroads and telegraph companies are snort 0000 tn graph operators. Competent, experienced instructors qualify you in short time. Telegraph School, Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison sts., Portland. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLtliB. Founded in 18'JJ. 'iraue taugnt m emin weeks; tuition earned during the course; get you a position, furnish . tools, schol arship transfer card. Write for free cata logue. 234 Burnalde st. SPANISH SCHOOL, ESTABLISHED 1906. CONVERSATION i;ccjass uubi ji . QUIRED. AFTERNOON AND EVENING CLASSES. HOURS 4-6, 7:30-9:30. IN QUIRij 409 ALISKY BLDG. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawhorne Ave. Everything mechanical and electrical. Unlimited, practical repair shop experi ence. SHIP DRAFTSMEN WANTED. Learn through new course now ready: sure, easy home study method. Call, phone or write International Correspondence Schools, 604 leon Diag., tor particulars LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR TRADE In a big school; courses complete, practical, -vx-- haln jtHnt. earn Uvine: illustrated catalogue free. National Automobile Hchool. Los Angeles. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE win tafh vnn the barber trade In eight weeks: tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given; paid while learning; position guaranteed; tuition reauceu. -.. , u..u... ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL. Teaches men anu women Drwr uub 8 wks Special rates for short time. $15, In cluding good set tools, diploma. 284 Couch. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. S74 Wasco St., Cor. Union Ave. Call, write or phone E. 7443 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. vi a v .n,i vifn for eeneral farm work: good wages ana separate uweiiins. reifnuitr. required: answer, giving iuurm mi sonal Interview. AP 26. Oregonlan. I TEACH you French In 8 monthB by con versation, inquire ..oroei.t uiub-. 1 own, 3117. Phone Main 1026. ask for Mr. Berry. WANTED Piano pupils, experienced teacher. 24 urana ave. . x-iiuue cast 5977. TELEGRAPH, ateno.. bkpg., board, room. tuition may be earned, catalogue rree. Mac Kay Business College. Lo, Angeles. AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL Teach you In three lessons. 707 Lewis Diag. .low rates. Call or write. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school, iz Gnntenbeiu ave near xiiiamooK at. cast 38B0.-- . CLASSES in millinery for housekeepers be ing organized in anierent localities, rnone East 836. MAN to log: 2 miles to mill; furnished house: small iarm. E.ast u.. FIFTY-DOLLAR telewraph scholarship for forty dollars, hit l-o, irregoman. WANTED To manage an apartment house, by man and wire. Tnbor 010. Monday. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits snd overcoats for sale. .i.ju ana up. mo Biara. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ABSTRACT OF TITLE Men. do you need experienced help 7 tit; at. oregonlan. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MAN. 36 years old, with 10 years' experi ence, mostly ranroaa accounting, wisnes position ; railroad office preferred. Address Box 247, Canby, Or. WELL educated and experienced stenog rapher wants position as private secre tary; railroad company preferred. AL 24. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT; prefers part time proposition ; well known lo cally. F 43. Oreiiontan." SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TIMEKEEPER, bookkeeper, accountant, 8 years camp experience with largest con tracors in West, also 3 years experience with engineering dept. of railroads. Thirty y'V"3 f oge, married, desires position, with logging or lumber company, aalury not less than $100 month and board. Ad dress H, Box 460. Prineville, Or. ALL-AROGND machinist, 23 years' experi ence on heavy tools and repairing; and maintaining engines and pumps. Have considerable welding experience; 43 years old; able bodied, American. AB oil, Ore- gonian. YOUNG man would like position iu office a bookkeeper or office boy; willing to start from bottom ; taken bookkeeping SS2r?e '"w1 C" 6 Hans H- G- Ceoriues, Ivanhoo st.. St. Johns. KEEPER-STENOGRAPHER Lumber and shipyard experience, alert, industrious, worthy and well qualified, desires posi ir,?" exempt. Best of references. AR 66, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, casnier, 4. 12 years general business experience; hlgh T5i commendations; moderate salary. 141 E. 60th st. North. YOUNG man experienced as secretary, also in general office work, bookkeeping and AnSiS?1!?: ,deeirou making change. Apply W 411, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT Al, desiring to make change .P"1 would like to get in touch Attt large concern needing- bfgh-cluss . man. AL 23. Orearonian. YOUNG man stenographer with some lum ber experience, wants position either in or oregonia1 DOt Ub4eCt to dr Y AiiE-ou,!s man' exempt from draft. inn ;,7 experienced in banking ?.?JL ce w.ork- seBks opening on sales v..., ..owing concern. O 2!A, Oregonian. SPECIALTY salesman wishes to make change, commission basis preferred. Write details in first letter. AN 40. Oregonian. 11. wanted by experienced grocery V.T can drive truc; -A-l references. 54. Oregonian. WANTED Situation by elderly man; much S SS 5?ce as, Doukl'Per and office work. S 40. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. AUTO MECHANIC. 0 vear' .v.ri. wants employment, in or out of city; goo.l references; wages must be good. AV SV.I. Oregonian. Hi??i UGH' competent gardener wants situation; large experience in laying out new grounds. Scot.-h; single. G 2U. Ore go n tan. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or in shop; some experience; wages no ob ject If permanent and chance for ad vancement. Phone East 7445 POSITION wanted Man with 10 years' cx JS?.hDi?.t manager of garage; can do S?.y Ore&nian" 01 refere""- Address X MARRIED man. sltlon with reliable general 'mdse. store? ,n experience, 8 years manager, best of references. AV 394. Oregonlan. MOVING picture operator wishes position. 7 years experience; A-No.-l references: will go anywhere; married. AB 00. Ore- gonian. Sll!1?' by Peri,nced shoe and gents' furnishings salesman. Speaks two for- ""'S"ses. i-reier country town. AV 513, Oregonian. ELDERLY man of ability and business ex- vcueuce um line position as manager orapt.-house; best of references. Tabor Sioli. WANTED By a middle-aged man. position 7 '"J"1", waiuiiiuun, or janitor. Can give best of ref. J. s. Warren, Wabash Hotel. RAILROAD disbursement accountant. 7 years with railroad in city, desires change Seeks interview with local corporation! W 64, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as traveling salesman lor wholesale grocery house; can show 10-year record as top-notcher out of sales force of 85 men. M 23, Oregonlan. CARPENTER wants position in city; bench or uouse carpenter; years or experience. Call Marshall 2889 before 10 A. M. or niter f. .Yl. WANTED by a man and wife, work on rarm oy tne year, with 2 children 11 and 14 years, girl, boy; with best of references. Box 2114, Prosser. Wash. Al DAIRYMAN and milker, capable of man- bsik. v-au or write, stating wages first letter, room 28, care of Hotel Amsdon, 2bS Third st. Phone Main 863U. FARM hand, single, 35, good worker, clean nauiis. on general iarm. with refined fam ily; good home, tip-top wages. T 54, Ore gonian. MAN, 40 years of age. 17 years' experience 111 general otlice work, cashier and han dling of men, wants position with reliable firm. P 32, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by high school graduate wnere mere is a cnauce to work up. Can operate typewriter. References, self-supporting. M 30, Oregonian. WANTED by thoroughly competent and re- uaoie DooKKeeper, timekeeper, commissary; am prepared to give good service; good wages expected. AH 64. orgonlan. ABLE-BODIED, Christian young man wishes six hours' a day employment. Ex perience: Commercial, meclianlcal and horticultural. References, B5. Oregonlan. fOUNG man wishes position as stock or milk ranch manager. G. E. T., 1558 Water st. OPEN for a position on the road or mun bger of store or department by traveling man and ex-merchant. BF 6, Oregonian. WANT place as traffic man or storekeeper in a live concern. Best references. BF 22. Oregonian. WANTED By experienced, competent farm er, use of team and land on shares. Might consider wages. B 28, Oregonlan. MAN with Ford will do light delivering forenoons, by hour or contract. M 26, Oregonian. WANTED Position running lath mill by contract; first-class man. O 39, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED people wish care rooming house, all or part time. Phone M 325.'!, Apt. 14. FIRST-CLASS sausage-maker and butcher with 15 years experience. . rooerD, 81. McCIellan St., Kenton. EXPERIENCED orchardlst wants work pruning, either in city or country. AV 378, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS florist, landscape gardener and orchardlst wants position; first-class references. AH 46, Oregonlan. CAREFUL driver wishes position driving private car after 7 oclock week days aud Sunday. cAll Bryan. E. 4S42. EXPERIENCED young man wants to driv. auto or work in garage. Call at 241 Idta st. Phone Main 1849. GOOD, reliable man would like work afternoons; know city thoroughly: handy around paper house. AP 21, Oregonian.' HIGH SCHOOL boy, 17 years, desires posi tion after school and Saturdays. F 34, Oregonian. GAS engine catterplllar expert. 6 yejrs ex perience, best of reference. Call Broadway 1546, ask for H. A. Draper. WANTED Chinese boy wants situation as janitor, porter or elevator boy, first-class references. C 15, Oreronian. MAN wants steady Job; understands rare of horses; would look after garden or cur; married. AC 78, Oregonain. MARRIED man, above draft age. A-No.-l ref.. good mechanic, wants responsible po sition. H 28. Oregonlan. ENGINEER. 25 years' experience In saw mills and manufacturing plants, best of references. X 40, Oregonian. JANITORS Man and wife, want position as Janitor: excellent references given. Phone Main 22S2." LOGG1NG supt., can deliver the goods. 26. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work in the evening. AC 53, Oregonian. WANTED Lota and acreage to plow. Seil- wood 3260. YOUNG man, 3 years' experience florist, wants work. AH 45, Oregonian. BOY, 16, who likes work, wants job after school and Sat. Tabor 3597 JAPANESE, employed during day, wishes to work after t r. al. AM 4-1. ureganiaii. HIGH SCHOOL student will engage from 1 to 6 P. M. Main Ai.. MAN and wife want position as janitor. Tabor K055. WANTED By March 4. 4-room unfur nished apt. Call Tabor Kail. HIGH SCHOOL boy wishes work after tchool and Saturdays, cast -m.ju. EXPERIENCED gardener wants position. T i3, Oregonlan RELIABLE chauffeur wishes position. East 3450. CARPENTER Leaky roofs patched or re shingled. Marshall 1072. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work, spare time. Also boy 12 with wheel. Main 8 105. COOK, experienced, neat, economical; city references. M r. Ruta, box 857. Lents, Or. SHINGLERS When you want shingling done, call Woodlawn 5206. PAINTING, paperhanging. kalsomining; all work guaranteed. East 849. Jnhnsen. WANTED 1106. -Man 60, night Inside work. Main ALL WHO want spraying done, call Mar shall 8567. LOGGING SLEDS BUILT BY CONTRACT. K 2S, Oregonian,