12 THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX. PORTLAND, 3IARCII 3, 1918. ton ii r. TOR WAI F. FOR RALE. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. nle V a a lea). J i r e 1 1 a n euu a. l.tNG A MLVA, r r fea irwi ear sad J mi Jo pr c-n i n irtft en.t i lb part 4 Ba t tnJ w d4l lc( A i-.'a tni44-t rrd -a of vnjtuo. P ' -na Put W .. Mlt!hor ft. .. r n wil yur awf. He ha buyers wt.t It Burw Nn I a r-L . vr ar mat it u s a v- ha4 It In j . . 1 t-y im aa - ar ai4.pp-d ! a I It l'f(r.pni(4a 0fA4, Lat Ilk -.t.K o- r-a lar lot. ieai and f i ' a't.M. r--- f"m rr,'r. I rt-.nuiM fr'ru Ji 'iofr1 brj,'B. at;; trj f - f mak- f car or - 1 1 f r h b " pi't.a. KtrtBoA. Drod- 4 ..., tr i t a r-a. fr- Iro a l i o - fii. vmrrik I mi uih af A tar! a. an , .- iti h f-r -vl a.e mo-l-L a r ujioui.t. Pofd ear preferred, li J, on V. a.n rt.i F-d. mait-r wh-t roo'li'ion -r m.il . wul trad a f urait ur or llbar:y brt I part pa, or All iMik N 24. Ora- f ctr. ' l (H p tt.-r. t fu I pr:i-U'ftrv In Hit, hnuao. Ofvtf oa VAN ama.. ItMrtnc ear. la 0mm1 con f 'i-n. fhii b n usrtti.r u-d: wl .v t-ry te.l by tr.uti htn-rad r w t:a- f-r m n . M . .-e nlan. V li t TKADK lota in Tr-mont Park ad i - n r. I ". fr tunn car In Al .a J rtoo t K. peterauo. K-aJw W aa b.. - if. i 1. .i.xri- lot ri'li t. ft A tt o mi; buy, -". Hrin to ftcat. r cft.l CVAAANTCCD 18 ED AND REDt'ILT MOTORCYCLES OF ALL. MAKES. AT ALL THtCZS THOU IP. ETRLVO l HFRr LtT MoroRcrci.ixa btS Tut R MOBBT. Crr la Anting tb wk n'1 miki rr ;v'tin t'ay m a, imi drpoait ilown "4 iftft ut your mebta ltr wfavn o i-.orK. ( a: Main TW for appoint' fnnt it ym rftonol com la laxl& ttuit Bt hours. ItOTORTn.K fT"ppLT CO.. HAhOAO IX I KT MACUINE5. OS KAV TKRVA WE AD'EfT LIBERTY HON DR. Sioiorv. riutrhe. rrburfora, vie, riin Mrrkel Mrta Cylinder tolm. rHyrn wvldlns and I a--nrj evrnauiinv EAST MlK MuTuHCYCUC CO 44 ;ranil Av. EXCKIK'K AiiEVCY. TAKE RPKCIAL ATTEVTION MTI.I.MKN. ULILLEKci. If yo n4 anythfna" In th Iln of nw nd hcht:r ui rbi. tool and auppil I dno't buy flifwhfri until you examine our I immna atork. a our prun ir iIm I lor than anyone In the city and defy I competition, iteiow la a few of th tuany ftrticica carry Jn atoik:- CA RLE. All kinds and aixca. PLOCKR. PtI. anarch, tackia and wood, about S0 I "tanoua kinda and iliti to auect xroin. MANILA ROPE. Larva quantity new and altjrhtly raved. varloua atkea. special prirea; alao hawaer I rope from lha ovemment, ionn; Ivnetha, j iicnt.y ueeu. at a special pric. AWII-R. VIRER AND FORGES. Larca quantity, varloua klnda and sizes. PEAVIE8. aortment at a apclal price. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. STEAM RHOVELR. ROCK CRCSHERS. rEItKli'KR, l.(K'OMOTIVES AND JsAW MILL5 iiUlGHT A.L bOLO. 30 mllea rati mad. with four tnromotlvea and 7,ohmhhj,0 ru of lumber to come out over this road. 1 complete electric -driven planing- mill; nap. 1 &-H. P. FaJrbanka-Morse roIlne eniclne. J No. 40 R. Bycyrua a team shovel, merry -fro-round. 1 1-yd. oranire pel bucket Hayward. 1 No. S Plmmnndi exuaber, witk screen and conveyor. 1 l!o-ton atevl derrick. 1 s?t lTi-ion siiff-leg derrick Irons and bull whe. 1. 2 American double-drum electric hoists. 1 6x4 American double-drum hoist. 1 double-drum Flory electric hoist. 1 ixl2 Taromi loKwin engine. 1 10xJ4 Erie City enKlne. 1 4-ton low-wheel Moa-til locomotive. 1 4u-H. P.. Jy-voli. luo K. P. M. A, C. motor. j 120-H. P., 110-volt D. C, motor. I 29 NORTH FIRST ST. BROADWAY lulu. A 104 $7.C0 AND UP X7.50, ' Call Marshall 19. or XSJ Madison U to sell your castoif clothing- J. Xleyer, the Tailor, pays $7.50 and up for second-hand suits He pays more for shoe and other ciothlng. We call any whare In the city, day or evening. Call Marshall or Madison. IN X motorcycle, tandem, tool equipment. Smh tirv. .ortAi Auto Co. liroadway I and ru. b jta, liroadway 1 FI.YIV: Mfrk-1. Lke new. Ti Call. !J to I 3 Kui'l.r. l-j K. I'ln Phone F.t 411 o-I t nn.vu' 4v-:. xta.a.id tB im n iv. H. f n i n-. s f- D'l fu.: r ju iip 1 Ui.i trj it I mm t ! trr r r-'-le Ft a.'JVj Vast r In v m-1 Iiti r O- rs n V 4Tr:i' A II Ml-m er; h r ir lot I Ttxr J'l, or I molei Kofi Will Py mr ari jt ft await uutll paid for. M. BARDE A SONS. INC. jrsin A iwta. Ta House Where Barcalns and Fair Dealing Kelgn supreme. new avt nrnt'TLT machinery, loc i;ek." m rn.iK.-, pipe and FITTINGS. ii i.f r- n.i iAl nm fruit trwe. wort e'-.'! SI' n.t a t trails fr a cj LOOCERS CABLE. V v i ....l l'rff K.r-1 .r Mi f" rtti a :. r ; i m f-r aoa Fork!. kt a b.in, V tTti. RAM. CAM CXGI.NLo l-r:n v r -.i t 1 ; : i.t: j . ! . . v V bur f "-.l . auusl b in s o-l In nwiirs s.ftt price and W ...I, i.f I'inijn, SCRAP IRON AND METAL. :0-:4 Front St.. Portland. Or. OLl'TS. Crosscut sawa, wedges. s!edse and axe, lara-e quantity, new and slightly ud. liiggest stock In the city. CHAIN. CHAIN. About 20.1MNI pounds various .kinds and Sixes to select from at a low price. TOOLS. TOOLS. All klnda on hand for the best of car- I pen term. ROOFINO PAPER SPECIAL. Extra quality freeh doubie-santled. jut from factory; each foil contains lub square ie. inciuoing naii ana cement. I -P'y. l"c a roll, -'-ply. $1.20 a roll. 3-py, 11.40 a roll. SPET'IAU SPECIAL. Garden too!s of all klnda. conitisrlnjr of I hand cultivator, wheel cultivator, shovels, hoea. pruning shears, rake, apadtng forks, I apauee at a special price. AGAIN WE REPEAT. IF you need anythlnc don't fail to call on n No exaggeration, but a square deal to all. 1 J. LEVE. ! Front, between lamhill and Taylor. ATTENTION LUMBERMEN SHIPBUILDERS CONTRACTORS 2oA.0Art FT. OF CABLE. ASSORTED: jo.ihwi rt cable, S-lnch. S.tMMt feet cabl-. S -Inch. 'J.immi feet cable. -lnch. 2".ihm feet cable, "-lnch. 1.'0.nh ft cable. 1-inch. lO.'MM feel cable, l-hich. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. MACHINERY. Sanders. Palena. ' ' 4-uay Bticker. txl air compremor. PHuNE MAIN 477d. 2D-HAM) CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HI;HKST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC. WE CALL ANY PART OF THE CITY. PHONE MAIN 477. 2411 FIRST STREET. B ET WE KXJIIAIXA.N L MARISON. WILL YOU ENLIST? We wish to employ a person In every town In oresun to list realty for iaia or rcnHn. w rite us Tor Information. Oregon Realty Exchange & Investment Co. . , tugeiif, or. A LARGE concern Is In the market for 80 i iron bedft, bo springs. bO mattresses, hO iMiiowa, suvets, ouu puiowcuses. l.i toilets, blankeia a.nd comforts, suitable for use In first-class sawmill hotel. Write a v Oregoman. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, BURNSIDE ST. SPECIAL TODAY. Oil fireman. 45c; oiler, pa ring plant, 40c: oiler, sawmill. ; oox factory lore man, $ 150. references; sawmill engineer. city. Government scale wages, must nav big mill references; camp cook, $125: ba ker, S0: hotel cook, b0; second brake man. ."..0; car repairers. $5: section fore man, $4.50; piledriver men, $5.0; flunkies. goo and u. etc., etc. WANTED TO PURCHASE ELITE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, BURROWS ADDING MACHINE. SEVERAL Uxl RUGS. GOOD ORDER. SM ITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. OUR specialty is buvlnc ladies' and a-enta' cant-off clothing. Hielieat cash price paid. win can nay or nini. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. M:tt3hall li'5. or 20U Madison St. SECOND-HAND ciothine wanted. J. Mever. the tailor, pays $7.50 and up for suits; he pays more lor shoes ana clothing. We call anywhere In the city, day or evening. Mar shall 122!. or Madison. W ANTED A M ida-lamp slide-projection mac nine tor oo-ioot throw. Give com plete description, and price. Address Box oo, unua.1, or. tULfLfc without children wish to rent gooa piano; will pay reasonable rent and give oest or care. Fhone Mr.' Flanigan, Marshall K. W D. C. Gen. Electric generator. I OAL and wood ran Re. in good condition. could exchange if party cares to. Tabor i.tz. mornings. 10-H. P. Induction motor. 8-H. P., D. C. Wvatlnghotue.' 6-H. P.. D. C. Westinghnuse. Carload assorted sizes of shafting. BATEMAN 204-20 Froat St. GORDON. Mala 137L WANTED Snnitary base roll-too desk, type writer desk, carpets and other office eojurment; mudt be firsL-cuiss stuff. R 1 4. -orvonlnn. h.m tp pirrhu motor V of f.om 1 tw tuo. but mp r. - t'n. 14 ' e lirhl f 4f. ' r .r.t a 1 ii.vif; t n -r L. li'n rit to you . nd A trt J f No Fwrus. D L 1 , -4 . l . t A ftu" mbi : . I h a Bt it in I 4nr. in nt Uif you? I'boae gs , ; bujr . r4 prtrrr0. AM Or- i r - r h AuU Tiew tr4 .wmok, Avr A rrRn I AM A hKl virn; a .N!:.r'X thitk. ' A K. A O.N;-TN THICK. T" r vrt.rr r r rf TT wnfrs? rw a T ' : 'a w a ;.r 1 Tu: w kk or a t tru- tiu' J-wt as if ctort.y ad mi an y f t'K . KK i . The Hous of a Million Bargain. t il buy diamond a. old sol-L platinum, m t mxn grau ore. t.ainer it up ana 1 s in mney. io it now. m aieo d make and repair Jewelry. Pickering I 1 ompaoy.. JT Northwcstera Bank bldg.. SMiWiASK. CffKrK fM TTKR. CH RKGISTKKS. CMI-1TIG fU'ALKA WILS- AUTln.N HOUSE, . t, Nr Yamhill. ivf A qua. ay. fie.d run. $1 sack. Kt ad for the war Sarden. $1 A m H. d.if r.i.- Uy In a supply u fore Spring bish prtrea J It. Kramer, Grand I on riftM r.at 41. ill -T fiil t Make an of'er: bov . -Hi bwks. trie lamp, electric iron, h e phonraph. lo economy Jar. suitar. srri-n boa, rream frser; ail I itk nw. TnurTuan: NS car. T'i. of f'rma IhrfiufhAtit toua.iji ar roin tbt every day. rCALERji WANTED. the T1 rae.f"! After inean br!bj. k's? 9-uri' The .f-t-r h- - 4t la yof I im mra Impnrtml thl ha m tNnr. iirfi.4 tn t.i ar-.UuUr i.o f lnU.KK 7M-allon filling station: 2-cal- I ion i-iii tauk and pump, c h -vut ler; tartn ar-a! and) mal-e.lcer; II show. I eawa. M akr. dilrv wagon a. harnea. ao.p mtr. I.imm liHallnn. ihp Cent. ' i htp or him iln I.lI? rbortg-pb. p:ats 2 and 4-ruinuie I r-r-ie. nd rirt-laa re-nrta. onl ii-. si rtwn. IJ fnontMr. Ilvatt Ta.k- In MatlilB Co.. JmI Mornsna tcx;haug I LiliHTT ll.M, a.l w fu eradtt fo yr ll rr it bnde or thrift stamm cm '""f r.-ori r marnin Ha(t Talk- lrC Mmnm lo, I M.trrlwjn St. u . r. ihi rmmtt rjriter 1 penny ptarhtnai. ona aneat aluwr. on scale, on eo rullr. ona meat block. Inaulr I t'(Tf W fl : ed l"f I ha aw ma tlir n n ban writing. ur 0, ..i.cciooa aaa tem- MARKVrVT V VT'f ATU Rf Ni3 CO. DI4 . wojf at. 1 hieago. W re-1t eaa fr,r And se:r h rotl aard r k r at ia t Lun N-w Ri.ui"t ao4 1 irtpr. ie4 iimti.in, bMnri, rihia fr in auts 0llltA Ft' Hr-tr fc blah h'ata. II-.- On mnr l ban r-.iutrl. Manufaetur-r them at Jl pr thou-and a I hey I ll 3v 4 rfimn I h'H a l.e 4oklns? Mt-n-il- fr MXon.. ria-a hot-l. rmpMH of knlvaa and forka. in an-1 ranita war and aaa plate. ln- U I t tfr-f CKH:it atork. f vturi-a. building and I wl. lhrtf tr-.Te. ora-a elow to iUn arepf am- trad. Addrva 141 N. I ft n -t . I'lx. ir. ILL s han fma g ictor lalkina ma- lo-. w.i-n hofn and ten rt-w a. t- !! f -r g .-t Arfin. (eti Talking Ma- '-I ..l V'l'-r'iMrvn ar III. KK .H a hrf 41U. T lp'iri auHa. one I rnat. on dre-a. f 5 Drop ma a line. I all adi further particulars. AP il. rran!4n. ri'lTKIl and sb-t Iron -i -am lablea. ca . hr-ad rtr, niad hn(um. counter. reat-urant tai-a. rr.w k-r . eie- tric art PLUMB tX1 SUPPLIES. Would you improv the looks of your oa r n room ror m: Just look at wnat we will give you; ft-foot bath tub complete. 1 low-down cioaet complete. 1 cur. or f. at -back baain, complete. FOR S55. F. O. n. PORTLAXO. All goods new and guaranteed. PIPE. PIPE PI Pel. New a-aivanlsed pin- from S to 2 Inches. at 1 ne low t pofMmie price. We aleo have many other bargains that w ar orrerins; at a ery low price. Ls timatea len fr-e NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. isi Front Street. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. What w ean - you 1 5-foot bathtub complete, 1 lowdow n closet complete. 1 corner or flat-back basin complet ron $ r . O. B. PORTLAND. ATI good guarant4l. Pip and fitting at lowest r"atbt pruea. m also bava som ollghtiy oam aged good. A. I HOWARD. 9X2 Poqrth WL. bet Taylor anrl Salmon. SASH AND IK'.KS Tf you are solo to build or remodel your bouac. let u send you our llluatrat-d catalogue No. H of -ash. doora. finlpn. pa In la, bulld-rs' hard am. plaater board, roofin. etc. Ken t fr-a. patpaid, on request. cotfase front doors. 2. .3. n.d fi cr.iaa-pan-1 door. 24k'. two-lishi winilowa. $J ne-piy pr-prNl rofins:, $1 3.. Tw o.p.y prepared roofing. $1.7". Thre--piy prepared roofing. $2 lA. W -il any one. ship auywh-re and gu-rant-a aafa delivery. The largfat tvtory In the West selling aire 1 to cf aumer. II. WILLIAMS CO.. Plrai ate. So. S-attl MEAT SLICER. SAFES, CREDIT SYSTEMS. COUNTERS. SMALL FIXTURES. Our prices are the Iowhl WILSONS AUCTION HOUSE, 2d. Near Yamhill. BKOMK baby bed. mattress and springs. first class. Mar. iio,j. FUKrTlRE WANTED. CALL MAIN 30D. We need furniture, carpets and other household goods, also oltice lumiture. We muat have goods at once. Call us and our buyer will be there with tha rash. giving you the HIGHEST PRICE E YEK PAID IN THIS CIT1. KLINE S FURNITURE STORE, 1j2 First St.. Near Taylor. THE GLOBE PATS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S A.NU LADIES" 2D-HAND CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC. 2S5 FIRST. MAIN 20S0. WANT horses over 12m0; will trade acreage, lots, houses, no Incumbrance. AB bi. Ore-ponian. WANTED Diamond. 4 to 1-kt., must be reasonable; will pay cash; give particulars. AC o."i, Oregon ian. WANTED To buy second-hand adding Dia mine, any make. Phone Main b6Z. ZtZ ;;t st. WANTED To purchase second-hand up right drill press, also bench drill. S 4S, Oregonian. PHONOGRAPH wanted, small Victor pre ferred ; Htate price, records, etc. D 33, Oregonian. GEVCRTZ FURNITURE COM PANT, l&u to 1U1 First bU BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED F L il.N lILKtk Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-nouses. office furniture, furniture stocks, nothing too big or too small fur ua. Prompt at- tentiou and courteous treatment. TH REE standard computing scales; good condition; must be cheap for cash. AV Oregonian. WANTED One 4or 6-sutt dry cleaning ma chine, dust wheel and steam board, it IS, Oregonian- HELP WANTED MALE. LOGGERS. MILL MEN. LOGGERS. LOGGERS MILL MEN- EIGHT HOURS. EIGHT HOURS, TJ. S. GOVERNMENT SCALE OF WAGES. OPEN TODAY. SEE US TODAY. Don't write, come to th office in person. Hundreds of jobs too numerous to classify here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Largest on the Coast. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. 233-235 BURNSIDE STREET. J. P. COXON, Mgr. HOW many feet B. M. in 720 pieces l'4x 8. 16 feet? If you cannot figure this Item at sight your method of figuring "lumber is very defective. Fisher's Rapid Lumber and Short-Cut Calculator will teach you how ih a very short time. Also contains many practical short-cuts. iiauea any where on receipt of price. 7."Vc, by the author, J. D. Fisher. 2422 Grand ave., Ev erett. Wash. On sale at leading book stores. LTPMAX. WOLFE A COMPANY require the the services of three thoroughly experi enced dressgoods salesmen; good salaries and permanent positions offered to those who can quaiiry; must oe aoie to iurnisn the best of references. Apply superintend ent's office, between 9 and 10, Monday morning, seventh lioor. WANTED Young- man. 16 to 20 years of age, for orrice work and collecting; gooa chance for advancement If ability is shown; $10 per week to start. F 17, Ore gonian. WANT reliable man for ranch and orchard work in Hood River district. A separate house, well furnished, will be provided: Good situation for right party. Married man preferred, though single man that wishes to - natch wm De consiuerea. x 70, Oregonian. ONE of the largest detective agencies in the country desires to increase its torce of male and female operatives. No fees charged. If Interested send name and ad dress to P. O. 3. Seattle. WANTED Horse collar makers, first-class WANT elderly man workmen. Mttchers, stuffers and bucklers;' wheat ranch; excel! shop conditions excellent. All high-grade wortc; give iuh particulars, salary, wanted. etc. AV 408. WANTED At once, open shop, thoroughly expenenoeu. brass xiuisher who under- stand lathe work, S hours day, time an half for overtime. 520 Oregon bidg., 5th ana oaK st. MARSHALL 51. A 3224. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kin da of uaed household Bloods, ho tel and restaurant outfit-, trunks, bags ar.d suitcases, bicycles, fishing tackle and f. rearms; also haidwar and tools of ail description. i'ASH OR EXCHANGE. LEVIN HARDWARE At Ft KMTURE CO.. 221 Krunt St.. cor. eaimou. MAIN 072. A 7174. ANTED At once, own shod, all-aroun machinists who can do heavy lathe work, hours day, time and half for overtime .Or i iregou bldg. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Experienced cabinet men chair driven. 8 hrs. n day. Ak for Mr, Alter. Heywuod Bros. & Wakciield Co I4N N. Tilth. ian In fo Hand. trl Ump ro-v j- V'ron part Mr;, co ptrw-l.la. I O 'O- J! ri a rf Broadway, adway , t II. 1. a-ll triion f.f rnr rrlv-t llbra'v t rttiter s price: M sublets; books m.'l a-a. H . reonian. OIHI.'S blwa rnata. 4-ncri enh; almost w ril-e skat-: two fine r-k-ra. Mar- "'I -t.'-V ftpt. -i 4" Hall at. I IKT4 PA K r. J-A KTS, c m.ie rrjk of nfgf Ua than i f a i - Hnr mur wora pans i t a ai.I H-ip i. Le rh-'n. Vv- b.y .-in f,.r th-.r or'a an.l :? I R HAI.eT P-ind-ww. tira att-r. ttr band- and boh borer. In rood condition. A M t .-t w . - r na and tia. at price i;k. m m PI i ' " I VI r-. PART. PAR r VV Wpe:- K Aft. VIKri.: Of ' A R 4 Tn T.lh.lrt L lAKla. tv SO i c ., r i.rr al ro r v itr fiTtnv r"v PANT ThlKU AND li Lid AN fT-i o-l or r ; - Ka-t ;V ' primer ' pper ruttr at $a. will aril for V. SKIN -rrtta:. b-ai ott-r cuff- aBd collar; -. AP 2-, r-ni-n. 'f ill! v matrh-d . ' ill sell rcAMa- lirAl'TlrTL. embrndrd crena de chine nihtoa for , reaaonabi. AB 47. LK YLE Win strong bicycle, evtra equip ment ab.,ut-?r perfect condition, bar s m Min ""'O 3: K r.. inrt'or f - tv a-- wr, a-l rr. $ J an.l mtkm rmn nff-p Aula R-c an-1 -..n. . P"ht -o-i,:a . :-: pj H"rty- Itfte n-w . -od tauk. J boa B Atrtawaaile far Hi: N r. w ;-s- T' HKr h irn.i r DKfVKK.t DC UXi C i IM i iH T PAS S K . 14. txv cti.im'Kk. rts.srvorn i'AL a.Ar.L. . (r:v K.M.KTS. FuHDal Al.L .;vv m.s. i N. 1U1TH. AUTOJ ITff OCT PRfVFR FOR HIRE. paa. rr wi'k lrtvc k." A hilva. 43 HAWThOii.Si; AVak Pooa t. t4. At r N- car K o mr. -k:-t PvH K-:sr HiVlh'i t 1RIV- N virrt. 3r AND GLISAN A 2."". rU'WI. k-.-w. FOR SAl.K 'hii-l bad with man re . A. or trai for good rana porch swing;. Ip P. t M orr iwiit oR tLE raa m la' a wt. worn twit e: : 4. very raaaooab;. tail Mar. oovs m''-r 4 r M. loly J'lA FOINTA1N Complete U I U ? AUCTION HOUSE. it. naar Tamhiii. Al T HA I.lAN paima. two of thean plants for 4ie. suitable for hotai or lrg rw r-P-Tn na i. App'y vooi;awn r"o MNb braa tr-mb-n and caa. cost $o; Prt -a Hi. down. l monthly. Hyatt Ta hire Machine o.. .1I Morrison. Poll f A L lvak and rnkr. on st of Lord regon I -a a. api-ndld condition, r-aanalia. V xxi a n !tl(l f HKN' ll ray w I kr bay carriage, re vr;.e b.-ly. coat I. cll for lo, good coi l tlon. Tabor i'll Al To lFLIVKHT T P A l'N S AUCTION f!OLE, : hill. Hnap. WIL Id. near Yaxn- wiril. I r DMlv l.it. r-An.a r-. ci Garaga, l.ruaU a e .t M MA H I nw ai .i.;h rKKlNU ft ire V in .1.." ca.iag. i k-'N 4. b.gia-r. d-p;. fun-r. S"PP r n4h e. k.et 4 :t:i.it Jri,r fit htra. Fasb-oa . ! f an 1 LV :. Me. 2M. A ' at"a aef. -n. rmr. romp-tant ft an. V4 hirr'n Vt-i 7". le'vrlea. V iTORCTOLE. ntiTCLCJ. -coad baa 1 mJCarvrr: bougM and moid. tf youj want I a;i. as. 4 'H-k of u I mM -rev !ei -- e .! r 'ip ""n Hr -. la.t n. .-.. .i S-t-.; o.ajHr. at Iowea p. hM aaa t-r ma f c d-o. x-t r a e sow a d ptar. CaU A 1A'IY meal aIU-r at a bargain; chcasa eun-r, ch-ap. AH Oregonian. I KITCHEN rsnga f.r sal or trade. 3d. corner Etsretl. B0 N. Tl ITI" to P-hna--Walker worth 50; will i pll f-e 9 AC 4. Irregnnlan. ON K rapid tn credit r-tster for sai '"tp Main T.'.'T 7h Wa-h . H PI . 3 pistol. Oreont-n. hammriaa. rlNti $ o oar-ot in good condition for sate imniM V 7, r-onlnn. 1 1PES STOPPED? Frosen? ba 5 to $10 plumber bllia. ' Deaolvo Clears sewer drain pipe In ?rt nnnuts: pour it In. out she go-; generat-a -hii dr-rer het; I works in not or co d water. Trial can Tc. poatpald. Writ today. Plemina Pliinib le Mippty Houee. 1 1 4th St . Portland Or. , lrR .AI.E or trad-, hand-mid- llhrarvl lamp, mahosany and iMk ba. sorm in laid work, alia shdc. two-Inch f rins. hrlchl 4 tnch-e: will trade for vlnitn of eul value. Cl I at loJ L-ist larnhiil aft-r 7 P. M. with viotiu. i'hon Tabor I i . 21 DKol 'H EA D a-w In machlnea, ettnipiet with i tachmenta. In arood sewing order. to $J5; sewing machine rented $4 pr month; marhin- cleaned and n-paired. K. It. Hiceo. 15J Grand ave. B. Ju7, Kaat rS.M. fct.WI.'ij machin-, new and second-hand. of a;i make, so.d for leas; no agents em- I ployed, machines repaired and rented. SJ I per monin. SE WINiS MACHINE FMPORfUM. 19Q Id. near Taylor. A 3U't, Main P43L FOR KALE I Ith etltlon Encyclopedia ; rlttanlca. full brow n sheepakln bound. India paper, handy volume Issue, h! n-ver bern opened, coat S'.Mi; will sell fr 75 or w hat w Hi you glv? Itox t. Lebanon. Orfron. LO;GING camp equipment fur sal chea p. urn a btatKamitn tools, saw. axu s.edrea and wedaes. Jack screws. tc. cook hous equipment for ho men. 1 ranft-. 1 baker and dishes complete. Bear Creek Io ing i. o.. hvenaen. or. P hone l-h-li. MOV I NO PICTURE MACHINE FOR HOME, CHURCH. LODGE. ORDINARY ELEC TRIC SfH'KET ATTACHMENT. FREE ED UCATION A L AND HCENIO FILM hKltV. 1CK. SERVICE FILM CO., oUI OAK ST. FOR RALE Potatoes. 91 and up per luo Hi. Parsnip and rarrota for table use and stock, 'and Helgian har-s) at lu7d Sandy bivd. i'nn labor ELKS TEETH Da by 93; meuium large 97 50 per pair. Order pair on approval: money funded If not entirely satisfied. Albert Mueller. St. Helens. Or. OA RDEN tools. Slmonds' sawa. aiea. other house tools, tent and camping out fit, oak mirror, laric glass; all prac tically new. Tabor flf7.V SELLING OUT. First-class holly and walnut trees for Sale cheap; young and viaoroua; holly sulthi for h-dc-. Phone t-II wood 1W FOR SALE Handsome hand-made, horary lamp, a so Hurroas o-foot billiard and pool table, balls, cu-a, etc., both hlgh-claaS , artlc.e. I'all Tnbor Vol. PIANOS, org Ana. talking machines accepted a first payment on new pianoa and p.ater piano. bcbsu Piano Co., Ill pourtn it . FOR SALE, or wtil trade for show r a and MLSH FURNITURE CO. ill pay highest cash price ever paid for uaea lurmiure. caroets. rues. stove, r-nsea. of lie fur- nitur snd fixtures. It will pay you to i c-U us. You will he money ahead. MIS11 FURNITURE ( O., Ib4 FIRST. Main r.7;. WA.MKI' fcECOND-IiAND FURNITURE. If vnu have anvthlns: to sell rail P.ELIAMLE HOUSE and get what GOODS AUK WORTH. WILSO.N X At'HUA H M'SE. I'd. near Yanih;Il. Main 1 . ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on household goods to all points: last, through service. Pacific Coast Forwardiug Co.. ol Wl.cox bldg. .Ma: shall 241. WANT OjiI ruK, bxHI rug. 14 yards stair or hall carpet, iarse rocker, small coal hcfltor: muitt be first -class and cheap 1 cash: no dealers. Fhoue Hroadway 40t4, evening. MUST HAVE FURNITURE. RUGS. RANGES Pa v earth or trade you musical inatru- m-nta. typewriters and liMto ot her use ful artirlea. Newman. 1-S First. Main 44U5. Tabor t71". I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash for our -cond-hand furniture, car- p-ta. stoves, rugs, etc Call ua for on ar ticle or a noue lilil. t-none nnu m iwiu teous buyer will call. Main 4773. ' BEFORE e-litna: your furniture call up FELDSTE1.V FURNITURE CO., ina.iAH First Sl Main 4633. If ou are in need of furniture, new or used, give us a trial. YOUNG in mii lor fire insurance solicitor gooa proposition lor a producer; giv aae. experience aud reference. P 3, Ore Konfaii. MAN wanted familiar with and capable of taiKing an makes cars: references and al lutrticulars as to age, etc.. must he given w nen answering. AU 4, Oregonian. WA NTED Neat ynunn salesman to sell Parcel Post Guides In Portland : good proportion. Hyatt TaiKrng Machine Co., rt-vi Morrison. liOY to act as messenger between our ware liouKe and otfices. We xurninh wheel Apply A". P. Fuller & Co., Morrison and Front. Mr. Miller. YOUNG MAN noout 16 years wanted as office boy with large firm, must be in telligent and write legible hand; chance for advancement. 1 .!, Oregonian. A REAL janitor Is wanted at Hotel Clif ford, one who understands heating plant nns gooti eyesight and can keep things clean, uood wages to right man. . W ANTEI At once. oen shop, gray iron foundry molders. 8 houra day, time and half for overtime. 5J0 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. MOVING picture operator, evenings only state experience, reierence, lowest salary W 55, OreKonian. FI KST-CLASS presser ou suits, apply Sun day anout x o clocK. U. H. Jlcttrlde, Royal bldg. FI RST-CLASS furnlt ure salesman wanted ; good wattes for the right man. Kline s, First st. BOY HI or over to work In mail room of Oregonian. See E. D. Dewey, basement oiegoimin bldg., Monday P. M. ALL KINDS of household goods; we want f WANTED A shipping clerk who knows vntir second-hand furniture, stoves, ranges. carpet, etc.; we ar paying the market prif-es. Main 734. PA HIGHEST PRICKS FOR USED FURNI-, TL HE. CLOTH ING. KTC fUKibAAU CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 47S3. FURNITURE You can dispose of at good pne-s al Crows Fur. Co., -03 lsu CaU Marshall 2t:i. WE N BED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4tl-'7, or' 2u4 First st. HIGHEST price pad! for second-hand furni ture; we must have tne gooas. Aiirmg&n Furniture Co. Msr. isjj. 154 1st st. THE most cash fox your furniture musical instruments. Alain i"i' HoUSEiioLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 332. Oregon, W ashiugtoji. wanted, age. experience. Straight salary Y oregonian WAN TED Tailor und presser for men a clothing alterations. Liou Clothing Co .Morrison at 4tn. WANTED At once, open shop, brass mold e:s, a hours day, time and half for over time. 5Jd Oregon bldg. 5th and Oak sts. WT LL exchange new Victrola or Grafonola lor tin or sneei metai wora. nyait jiaia Ing Machine Co., 3.'1 Morrison. MA R KiED man, to work on farm ; good wagfs and steady job for right man. M. M. Hill. Hood riiver. or. WANTED Young men for factory work. Portland Rubber Mills, E. Utn and Harri son sts. W I LL pay best prices Marshall 26S2. W ANTED A good by 1 rug. Main 4570. W A NT ED M I SC K LL A NEOC B. WANTED A 14x1 U tent; might consider larger one: mtist be In first-class condi tion for cash. AH 7. Oregonian. WE BUY IUAMONDS. OLD GOLD. OLD jewelry for cah. Name your price. Bring or -mail. SIM1 w ssh.. net. mn an miwy. BEST cash prices paid for uxed office fur niture. lisks. cnairs. iies lor sale or rent. Pacific Stat y Ptg. Co.. Iu7 I'd st. BOY WANTED to learn wholesale and man ufacturing optical business. Riggs Optical Co.. 7'l Pfttock block. I WANTED Experienced Janitor, good wages for the riKht party, no oojections to a good colored man and his wire. Main b for llEht chorea for llent home year around. Answer with particulars to AO 24. Ore gonian, or call at cashier's window, Oregonian WANTED Man. who Is ablo to furnish some men. to contract sawmill sorting table about 60 miles from Portland: also night foreman, 9KK) per month. W 51, Oreajonlan. WANTED By wholesale house, young man for stock book work; must be quick at figures, A pply In own handwriting, giv ing age, references and telephone number. BF- 35, Oregonian. WANTED, by large wholesale house, bright boy for office work. Excellent oppor tunity for advancement. Answer in own handwriting. Give phone number. Y 202, Oregonian. WANTED An office boy for a large whole sale house. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Apply Fleischner, Mayer & Co., yo7 Ash st. WANTED Experienced general merchan- uiae man to manage mill store, salary siuo per month; state age and references. V '62. Oregonian WORKERS ATTENTION! Wanted 10 men for grinders, 8 hours, 93.24. Strike still on. Bring- this ad. w ith you. It will guarantee Job. Apply at em ployment offic In West Linn, across sridge from Oregon City. Electric car 20o far Portland to Oregon City. Board In Oregon City 96.50 to $7.50 week, at Beck's,. Slaaa' and Electric Hotels. CROWN-WILLAMETTE PAPER CO, ATTENTION', BOYS! Are you over 16 years of age? Have you a bicycle ? Are you looking for steady woik vkh good pay ? Vacation with full pay given. If interested see MR BAILEY. 7tt Third Su BE A DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. A most lucrative and dignified profes sion, earning- from $:i5oo to 5O00 per year. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Is now registering students for both day and 7iight courses. For full particulars inquire at or address DR. O, W. ELLIOTT. Pres., corner Yam hill and Park. Portland. Or. Tel. Main 1014. HARRY JONES, CONTRACTOR, WANTS LABORERS AT $3.25 FOR 9 HOURS. APPLY TO HIM ON JOB IN W. LINN, OR., OR AT HIS HOME, 004 JEFFERSON STREET, OREGON CITY, NIGHTS. THERE. ARE POSITIONS OPEN FOR YOU. - The calls for high-class men far exceea the supply. We know how to put the right man and the right job together. Membership costing 95 guarantees em ployment or a refund fee. It costs nothing to investigate this modern, systematic position-securing institution. Advisory and Employment Department., Y. M. C. A. Main 8700, A boOl. LABORERS WANTED. Permanent positions assured steady men, wages 10 a hours; strike not yet de clared oit but 1500 men working general papermili work; no experience necewary. Apply 50i Oregon bldg., cor. 5th and Oak streets. STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon ana Washington. Money advanced weekly, out fit and special training free, experience unnecessary ; our active men are making good money; you can do the same; clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppcnlsh, Wash. WANTED Country salesmen for severa good counties in this state to handle our complete line of Irui trees, shrubbery, roses, etc.; booking advance Spring orders now; necessary supplies furnished; good money for right men. Address Nursery, Orenco. Or. WA NTED Active young man. in shipping room; exempt irom aran; lire experience preferred; by branch of larije Eantern tire manufacturers. Give ae. experience, sa 1 ary expected and references. Splendid op portunity for advancement. AK o3S, Oregonian. WANTED Married man and wife to tali charge of small dairy farm near rortiana. Must understand care of thoroughbred cattle. Good salary and home for a firsL class man. Address P. O. Box 307, Portland. WANTED Male clerk, thoroughly compe tent and experienced in dpoks. news ami stationery; permanent position and good salary; state age, experience and give references. Keefe Bros., box 334. Butte, Mont. WANTED Card tenders snd spinners. Ap ply by letter to Oolden state women .uin, Long Beach, Cal. Good pay and working conditions. RELIABLE boy. over 16, or elderly man. to help on dairy farm. State wages, with room and board, in first letter. Hubert Fleskes. .Jefferson, Oregon. . MAN to work this city, reflnishing chande liers, brass bene, automoniies; new method; 9 to daily without capital or experience. Ounmetal Co., 4 Elm, Decatur. 111. WANTED Man to write accident Insur ance; one who can speak several 1 differ ent languages; salary or commission. 316 Railway Ex. bldg. REGISTERED pharmacist. prescription specialist preferred ; must De capauie ol assuming responsibility and come well recommended. Apply National Hospital Association. WANTED Man and wife as farm hand and cook in ranch boarding-house; must be able to cook for 20 to 3 men. State sal ary wanted. P. O. Box 308, Independence, Oregon WANTED Man (married man preferred on pure-bred Jersey farm; write, stating wages expected and give full particulars in first letter. G. G. Hewitt, Monmouth, Or. , WANTED Hirh-class dyer; good position to i the right party; give references ana amount of salary expected. AV 4O0. Ore gonlan. WOODS teams, good ground. 95 to 95 and found: without drivers, - to Jxtng Government contract, expenses both ways. A. M. Irwin, Seaside. Or. WANTED Experienced shoe man and win dow trimmer, Oregon town ot ummj. Ap ply 3 Alisky bids. Tuesday, 10 A. M to 1 P. M. WANT ED A bright, energetic young man, not over '21 vears. to learn wholesale busi ness ; apply In own handwriting and if cHn use typewrter. BU Jtf, oregonas. SALESMAN to sell Ford cars; must be live. energetic and able to purchase own car. Robinson Smith Co., 6th and Madison; call Monday mornings LOGGING "supply house requires services brlKht, energetic man as oraer ana siock clerk ; must be accurate at figures and write good hand. D 3i, Oregonian. SHOE salesman, window trimmer and card writer, for new ladies shoe store: salary to start, 9125 month. Give full particu lars and references. A 8, Oregonian. LARGE corporation wants men who have In side positions to sell goods on tne outside. Good chance for advancement. D 22. Ore WANTED at once, a baker who is a loyal American; best of possibilities ror tne right man. Address P. O. Box 0S0, Med ford, Oregon. WANTED First-class Ford mechanics. No other need apply. Good wages. C A. Idleman, Ford Garage, Caldwell, Idaho. WANTED Shoe salesman, good position for a man who can show results. Keierences required. C. H. Baker, 308 Washington st YOUNG man wanted for office work; one who can operate typewriter preferred; an swer In handwriting, stating afte, pre vious experience and If married or single. A B ."5. Oregonian. WANTED Man for general work around country place; take care of cows and chickens, lawns, porches, etc. Good wages. Must be able to give references. II 32, Ore gonian. -. YOUNG man, 16 years of age or over, wanted as office boy with large firm; must be intelligent and a willing worker; good chance for promotion if ability Is shown. D 37, Oregonian. SHOE repair men at once for large Govern ment contract; need not be all around shoemaker, but to work in any one line: steady work; highest wages, llougcn'a, 216 Union St.. Seattle. OPERATOR wanted, only reliable and thoroughly competent man wanted; Pow ers machines. East Side, give references. V 74. Oregonian. . ACCOUNTANT, experienced on general de-. tail work of larger ornces; state ror whom worked, in what capacity and sal ary wanted. B 205. Oregunian. VoUNG MAN Steady work, good wanes, excellent opportunity, learn trade. Apply Russell and Goldsmith sts. Morgan itazor Work. WANTED An A-l cutter in a merchant tailoring store, steady place, good wages to right man. Call 2Si Washington st. Main 3153. , MAKE money writing short stories or ar ticles; big pay, nee imormation tsua how. Address United Press Syndicate, Los Angeles WANTED Boy about 10. who has studied bookkeeping. Freier one wno nas naa ex perience on adding machine, r.ast 4iu EXPERIENCED man and woman for farm work. Oiik Grove 1W. OLD MAN to do light work for room and nnnrd ana small wages, jhj nooa at. 1 WANTED Lady's coatmaker. Schweitzer Eagfn, 3!"J'i Washington. WANTED Experienced wages. HHl N. 2.ld Ft. d i s h w as h er, g ood WANTED A llirht-tackle salmon rod reel. Must be In lint -claa Condition. ilAltMKH wanted: guarantee llIO. U2 Lorn count-r. on soda fountain and back bar. Phone Main il'Jt. o Washington st. Pi-K MALE r trad-. I rue. twr t-r-a, vacuum c!ean-r I ran- and -it wood T. slow VICT tt.n f-e 9 i R lypmr.' P I ool COOdl-Oregonian. BARGAINS I vol vera, all 7'" Main at unredeemed um and re makes, cneap. oMurtfird, , ani ouver. vt aan. 1VK A Lk W T - j. -t child au.kry. Phon 11 road - YOUR diamond eold on commiaaiun by B-ldlng. th Jeweler, -43fe Aider strec Main P.X12. -A R' K aon body an.l top. 9-i. I ax I bodl R SALE D'amond rm. Nvlsoo, lt mt . or Bradwy 37V ON K It I, motor, D. C-. cheap. Marsha. Pain r:MS ka. biora ft-w Kaat feel of rtTT'"v ct't.!t ro. "N-a A . a st a .,oJr. 1114. J t 4 "p-ift! prua f N TH rotary mtneograph. 912 id. Tabor iAkivooi rl-iop dh for a. a, ft M ',:-V ul' in hauM ''. f-r (hI ti'f"'' t- with aftla t tif n 1 a ut 9jo or 9m. t-rina. Ta- tH SALE. rWp. 9 ctaw furs ia bad autta. ' a 11 K 1 KX 3 Ha nror fc TWO Ubrt-t ihork aba er i . trte born. 9l. rbarw. 94: 95 Klax Kaat - i vv t 1. 1 bnd b brtn la Jw Pi -.a H-pair Shop. 2U4 ta 1 rM4,pw ::. f Par a rain c- l-l-r. m-m. k'Java at Ih- trn.ru . ar p V.n- l fn 1 rf, f i l 3 r a . b a uttmr '--on :a Tf v N' fx I V ai iar k- r4S a. pr;.ca a-a. Aa i. . Cbaaav T-rtua. t rnml ) cvapt btv r wMofi, a I -. tand-rw. i- r K-r r.l l. ar tra-ta. a-ar djuatabt draa form. r 1 a a.'. 4 J"i I.V TirEK.4 for a!-, ch-ap. 1 to ( h b. !V and up V ow 1 a n mv H0LI.F.K Top K'F.SK AND ( llAIU. " lo doan. 9lo per month. PMITH-WAGoNER CO.. STOCK EX. FOR SALE or rnt losglng and hoisting engine, all kind machinery, rail, ear. Hal. way Equipment Co.. 2J5 Stark L FH SALE Ldy' suit; two lUht coata. eae al or , raasonabl. Phon Last 7 "v,. Mondv. BILLIARD and dm kt billiard tabi-a. snow caaea and wait case, fixture; eaay tcrma. W. J. wley. "J7 1st. Main 3:iM. DKES Sl'lT for gentleman 5 feet 10 inch -a. weight 15. for eaie at bargain. Coat new ll'-'j. AK 27. Oresonian. NEW and tank, sir nu.fK. 47J ecfmd-hand guaoiitia pump. mmpoMnr. battery charging W aahtngton. PoLIi'EM AN rt complete oui fit. good as new. very cheap. Klllingsworth ave., pt. 1. - TAI.-4H a- t a ' M A I K M ITS s I "n- a Jm, S 'sbi.y ua-d. r- J at . cor Aah, of bat b t uba. ft; MarabaH 2 I7t H MINK Imalr binoculars, new; $21 M-V 9 1-rbT. .aa IS. fo- 9iio. bundaj - eaoT.a. Marahstl -7'7t hAUl - I a I . Mej ! 1 p ads and -, Ui Ma TV aa;o ru. ona rare pattern. r;. '-'of w 1 d arpr-eiata Varah:) til I BtG baratna In !lo h. a.. I liable n-a cupboard dvrra. W PI L rod manwea Faat S sLAitt u47 WAAtad. JrLn ilit UN E pair l-potr Turner- Reich priam binocular for al cheap. II. Slgsby. 4ifi Wtico bid AP 20. oregonian. WANTED Two second-hand platform coun ter s'-ales, 100 to 2iH lbs. capacity. AE 51, oregonian WE N EE D S E "ON D- H A N D FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4t'J7 or 2u4 First st. EXPERIENCED solicitors wanted, good pay. See Mr. Mitchell, 2d floor Elks bldg, ELECTRICIAN'S apprentice wanted. Orejronlnn. - B 32, WANTED Remington typewriter. No. 10. Muat bo cheap; pay cash. East 3.MH. WANT TALKING" MACHINE: ALSO REC ORDS. MAIN 4495. TABOlt 67S. 1S LST. ELECTRICIAN'S Oresronian. helper wanted. I l'LL value paid for second-hand goods and Jun k. Csll Main 4 O.7. FULL value paid for second-hand goods and junk. Call Main 40J7. W A NTED Stamp collection Write AC :i. oregonian. or stamps. WANTED, to rent, piano or player for use of same. Main 77m. 91 WILL repair your watch at Relngold'a, .if r , 1-1 r 11 wi. ii'-ni - H-1.111 k ton. TO buy a p-rambulator baby carriage good con Tit ion. eilwooq !.:. BICLCLE wanted, spot caah paid. 4!i5. Kirst. n-ar Aider. WANTED Good shingler. call 2G3 Yam hill St.. room 21. Monday. BAKERY f-rred. delivery man. experienced pre 553 Kant Stark. WANTED Tinner at once. W. H. Curtis. Caldwell. Idaho. Phone 29W. A MAN for dairy and pure-bred stock farm- Frank W. Connell. K. 1. liiiisDoro, or. WANTED Experienced press feeder for printing machine. ttQO Columbia st. BOYS wan et Pacific Tent Awnlnc Co., 1 N. First MAN and wife for .lanitor work in small apartment-house. Main .113.1.1. WHINGER man for hotel laundry. Apply Pine-st. entrance Multnoman Hotel. HIGHEST PRICE PAID doth-a. Main 1344. for aevond-hand DI A Mi'ND wanted, about -kt.. cash. What have you" .Monday. .Main .tMH. I BOOK KEEPER'S d-ak. 9 filing cab.n-ia. 1 T. W. deak. chairs, 4 roll-top Ofut, a'o aaf-a Bushong Co.. 61 park st. SEVERAL good sac ond-hand afe at th right price. 41 Front t. Broadway Ii, FOR fcALaV Oregontan, -Addraaibg machin. A WHY buy new ai- when you get mint al a bargain? A B 63, on gonlan. VACUUM cleaners aotd. repaired, r-niao. ax chaned. Uousht. Bentley Co.. Main 5. ki'HA RT mat ffrtnder and eoffp mill at a largaln. AB 61, Oregonian. A BARGAIN New pair lady lc kat Ac vex lMba usL Alain vl. 91 To 915u cash for diamond. What have you? AE 4S. oregonian. WANTED Shears for cutting 3." to 40-fn, paper, good condition. A H -4f. Orefronian. WANTED for cash, portable garage, loxlu, r xd conlltlon. Phone Wool!awn 3474. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt.- hii!e: wages good. O 4i. .regonian. MAN TfD drive auto truck on commission. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced sundries man drug tore. Address AC 57. Oregonian. WANTED Cook and helper. Old tfeople'a Home. East .. WANTED First-class machinist. N icholai. WANTED Wleker p'ish cart; must b in aM-d condition. BF :!. Oresomsn. WANTED Second-hand wicker baby buggy. Sell. 1321. WARDROBE trunk: muat be In good con dition and reasonable. Main p14. WILL pay cash for garden tool and lawn mower. phone Wdln. 4."51. W A N'T ED Second -hand typewriter In good condition. Phon- Et 4o4. WINCHESTER and R-mlnaton automatic Jt puap holuoi WAiilcd, liwciiiwid, 5 CoOK. man and wife, for shingle mill, 15 to -'rt men. E 4. oregonian BUSHELMAN wanted at ave.. bet. 2Qth and 21st. 715 Hawthorne WANTED Boy to work in electric shop. chance to learn goodtrade. 71 Front st WANTED Tailor. by H. Jonason, 308 Stearns bldg. - WANTED An experienced night Hotel St. Paul, 4th and Alder. clerk. WANTED A desk: will trade era for same. Tabor 506. lot or cam- M AN to heln on warons and horseshoeing. Call Col. . or Pittsburg and Braarora sts., on corner, St. Johns. PORTER wanted for barber shop. 910 and shines; call or write. J. M. Asiier, camas. Wash. WANTED Boy to learn mechanical end of typewriter business. Apply Underwood Typewriter Co., 10th and Stark. MAN with team haul wood to river bank. li to 3 mile. Also wood-cuttera. - cord. Man and wife keep boarders. Main 8105. WANTED Competent salesman ; one with experience preferred. M. A, Gunst Branch, A4-NK North 5th st. WANTED Experienced, insurance man, sal ary and commission ; exceptional propo sition. 314 Ry Exchange bldg. WANTED Young man for office work adapted to figures and typewriter. 44o Plttock block. Call Monday morning. WANTED Elevator operator, experienced in office building; five age. a. 11, orego nian. CUTTERS wanted for out of town, on stag shirts and macklnaw coats. AP 37, Oregonian. WANTED Tailor and presaer for men s clothing alterations. Lion Clotmng to., Morrison at 4th. BUSHELMAN and presser wanted; steady job and good wages tor iirsi-ciass man. 3h4 Third St. WANTED Teamster, experienced and ac quainted with city. uroaoway iransier Co., So Union ave. East 6n1L WANTED Willing, strong boy. to learn ma chinist trade, bee Mr. Lane at bitf Up shur st., or call Broadway 640. JANITOR, man and wife. Haddon Hall, 414 lttn st. liberal wages. Marshall 1163. WANTED Boy to deliver orders on wheel; wheel furnished by market. East 4a. WANTED Experienced mechanical drafts man, one thoroughly acquainted witn snop practice. Call 0-1 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Monday morning. ERRAND boy over 15 years for manufactur ing Jewelry shop; opportunity to learn trade. W. S. Myers Co., Seiling-Hirsch bldg. WANTED Experienced grocery salemnan in large country store outside of Portland, salary 9100 a month; state experience, references and age. V 381, Oregoniaiu WANTED A bright, energetic young man not over 21 years, to learn wholesale bust- ness. Apply In own handwriting and 'If can use typewriter. BD 10, Oregouian. WANT E D MEN TO FT A Y AWAY FROM OREGON CITY, LEBANON AND CAMAS. BIG STRIKE IN PAPER MILLS. S. ED LA UN E R, OR EG ON C1T Y. WANTED At once, man with motorcycle to cover territory around Port land ; must bo bright, energetic and reliable; nothing to sell. H U30. Oregonian. WANTED At once, flrst-class experienced knee bolterman to work on left-handed machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill office. Phone Columbia 52. A FIRST-CLASS, experienced coupon solicit or, 91 ticket and salary. Angviro aiuuio. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Night clerk; experience not necessary, but If ability proven, in 11ns for promotion. Congress Hotel. SHOEMAKER wanted for country; good wages. Breyman Leather to., jver ett. Broadway 835. EXPERIENCED wash . man for a small laundry, good wages, rvew etnoa Laun dry, Hoquiam. Wash. WANTED Man for ranch ; must be good milker. Phone labor avva, or Art 44, oregonian. MAN of middle age to care for plants and trees. Apply Pine-sL entrance .Multnomah Hotel. WANTED Reliable country newspaper - lid tor who can drive auto. Address jv 37, Oregonian. BOY wanted to work In store. The Brey- men Leather co.. .t-w Everett. WANTED Dishwasher; no Sunday work. 137 10th st. B. & A. store. APPRENTICE over 10 wanted, to learn tin ning trade. 411 Union ave. N. Union Ave nue Sheet Metal Works. WANTED Night janitor in office building. AH 0. oregonian. WANTED Young man in wholesale fruit house. Apply liu ront st. WANTED Boy for 'arm chores. Watts, Hlllsboro, or. E. E. WANTED Elderly man for kitchen work. board, room, cash, bji r-avier. WANTED Vestmaker. K. S, ERVIN & CO.. 2o.". Selling bldg. W A NT E D 1 st -c lass Dairy Luncn. cosmterman. Cozy WANTED To hire a good team and driver to haul WOOQ ; O nra. per gay, uan toi. iJ. nifiHWASHEH. WuodUwa 215, WANTED Man and wife, job cooking camp. A4. i uresooia-w MAN, or boy, willing and able to do farm work, Ed Hurner, Carlton. Or. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt house; wages good. O 841. Oregonian. WANTED First-class Trade Barber Shop. Board of BOY wanted, all day work. Apply Public Library, 10th and Yamhill. WANTED Office boy. land Lumber Co. Appiy office Port- JANITOR and wife for apartment-house. 410 Harrison st. ERRAND BOY. Apply Lincoln & Alltn, 11 1st st. WANTED Night clerk. Hot-l St. Elmo, Vancouver. Wash. Apply Manager. A MAN with a ton or 1-ton truck; rIr-