THE SUNDAY 0REGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MARCH 3, 1918. 11 T IOR 4 41 K. r"Haoaa. 4r(uw ao4 MwaaraJ limift rw (li) Maetoaj BrM ( naew aro. Rnvtl Ir.; t oa ilil iarenSon ..................... a I Knnira Bar elA A. New Uate Mod-at-aota 'U.r l'in. ......... I Aiothar I' i a er I' uio A - ; Tfteoo ami eppeai to tbe caraf4l aoj-er. POCF.B Ritrvt. 144 Tent bi.. Ai err too a m4 Yemhttl, IlANO BAH.iAIN.-i. W b.e & o-itJ a Na ptaoo 'I for I ." Wo tr fVriac mm4 ua4 btetnwa upr.f :it tr JJ.'j. a.eo a I-a A fic al.. a ar Uroa. for )U.t( A la. we K Bumt of gvo-l fvoQ'l-ti4a4 orfat for $' . Me Revo thr cnhU uh4 bo " r at great, v rkKH p.-e ft Kurum Maeoa A on4 a-laaaU" Itroo. Via; wr eacboiia'e 4eii..efit. J foor. l i am ar. W o fa A Co. i H K on our f.ur a 1 our repeee e4 ftian from thro year boalae- " i V Irft :ayr J"'' w V- n. 'tr wai. 4jA.- V.nut .... I 4.'M 9hfttEUC Kurufi ".'"4 -T 4 ' K ."i.r Campoel.... .J-4tU4 JUi&Jo C' i'v t'eT trmi WAKKKlhli J4. alC CO.. 4.A--I 4.'T 2? uDMht piano 1 re. eS4 eoe. caah. an en $111 ceea A mo4m. w.rtu-k. f nm tutl sprfhL at wo. ft SUA ana. fi ft iM fn. - rae. at Hacurliy h'orm o. 14V 4ft at at AMaintn at. r.n or4. ma a t h : y. or bow a t aa 4 ao.4 for eoab. Pom Mmim .VISA. i- rK TALKIN'i ifXrHINE. O. borw a.e4 14 iMubi ltee reroria: e-uara nir 114. 4 down. bin r mfi ' a. ara U. tngar. 1J 24 ac Jc-t VI-'.Mr anl ft ftutflt If r" t4 aav It aa to at. m. arran4 t atul ) our la all ! ua! ro'jtrmf t U v i ioi:4 Nk llbrarr tab'. I ft -Cm., a rwhar. la-lA4 r-r il latFlarFt ML iniium ft :h-6i a rorft' ia ra.l at lbM liU piavva) flca4 p at IM.1-K""M-Blf 4-fat tab and rhif a.i of a 14 Mil aa4 rinbfi4 a -ru o4 (4i wax ! maca ia worn Thaa T aioaft. aMJLt. hf.nniH)U-.D art lorv ntml atlta. .-Hor4 wit rt moaa) ffva ibia , aftfttiui tif f 74TV I Aca an4 I A a-ft t TraL TH HKllT 14 U-T a .4 orT,TY 1 -.k. Ik n kMTI.'KE AT fHaiaa labia. 4-foot, aab ...........) 3-54 l av ao ctMnbtaaCioo b4ca). ....... J llal tr. aporial at 4 So 1-arr aiartarad ak M'or4 ..... v ho. a raAA 1ft luai Coa4itift 3 k-ra 01 aa4 w-piav yarlr aul. ophL In tapaatry O.W rtH.r a t H AHHiNoruv. tAfIV; MANHUNT l'AVr.XPtRT. or4 laj ara p aiii; thta cftin froni on f lb f:at Iwiuw la iaxt.ftaa; cal .B.VLKVZ rrnxiTURB roMfAXT. Mril. Fl "II I tUH WOkKlf CHAIR hlrh ftacuraU at ft raJ'itrtia. ma to tfiiM i-fttoar. rutar aV. for 4-J "4 ftaaa ta fa c a aa Mifitr, r4a4r far SI TV iKvLHTZ FX ft N ITt R C COMPANY. 11 I4 ll firti t.. aaar IftAttiU i'vibllc Maraat. Iran ft4. I 4 U. XatFra. $1 54 , fl'hatra, ax Iraawtfrft f u I Alua4 lt 4. Vf 24 ri tr?. k'vtal. wu4 coat f li, fr ': fcta tlork of fina ua4 ataal aprlofa aa4 fait an 4 ai.4 l aa cpa'.traaa. ..J.VLKTZ r'l RVITt'RK mMPAXf. 14 to 11 Flrat tt.. aa.r laubui lu:ie M KXriKfel CO F"R LK-H A boat -H artla II no. um of a x4 rw4ai ta a4 aikitft coacfta. lafur il ra4a Jar oo p-r Trti Oal. R HMtrRR co .'"4 riral tnt. 4Afi?iV K ftoartara oa k rolLtop da. 4 B.14 In baa; aanilarr aa itv maicta; ftrtalnal coat $114; Vi will tak I ha A Im aavaral otbar y4 bar aalna In 4aaa. kvliaa'a. 1J Uat at Fr Taylor. tAHI.VtT TALKING MAt ftUNB In lum.J a a. ru.r $a rpacbina for $4X A'tftja av maaa aar ra-rla Tm. CVL'KrZ ri-KMTfRK ruMPAXT. 144 ! Jl TtraA M.. rat Wmbi.i Fua'.lc Xarkat. ailH FLT uao a-piaco graaa p.uah up fce'atar4 Frlor aot, tnahocanjf fin tan. $j .V, ana 4-p Imitation Ppantah iaiaar parlor Mt. mahcaov flalao. $14. UWL IlK.MILKc; CO. 24 Kiral htrL XAGNirKGN'T KRO..ER 4 SON Fi A NO, In ttaatafnft roaawoo! caa: a txuy woa 4rii iRtmmflt: btajr It. I'iVL'KtZ rLK.Niri Rt: COMPANY. 144 ta lal firil re. naar aouuU A'ubllc Ma mat. CKKICR fumttttra 4n roll top a. a41- mt an a-n m. rnK pmtactor. aar : aiao k offira pftrtiuon with plat viaaax In idift A aWwra. balX Inuir iij Ator ran. 4WU rt'RNITt'Ui: ' bKl.tJ r'OH l-t.-i. $4 da an poet arith pd, JTJ, dativ rd. aa ch4 aa paw. OWL. H-RNITVRK CO '.'"4 Klrat otrat. SRAl-.W "Naw Parfartloa" ani " Purl, tan oit aneb: ato-a. 2 bad S-hgrnara. at 3-1 off tt-a r(tit4r pcK-a; aao aavaral ua4 atl at ao. tl a)atar and vaa hatra nt rwl aavinff. l ah lur. C , 14 I at at. OWL. tiklLOt IOR L.ES.4. )faj:tr raaa with) caa pt atlacfe- aa, aa -w,4 a taw. f r $41 A Ut. f'l'RNITt'Hat CO.. ;4 Ktrat ftraat. lvrH"IL Caoral mp-. In firatlaaa rwaditiAft. larva firahox. with 4npls arat M4 watar o4l. prrfart WktH on. Sot p and rno-t1 far 12 . iay Uma biisb Kuruitra Co. 14 lt at. OWL, ftrt.I..4 I'OR I.KS-C Wmkln port tonal boohcaa. 1 Haoftk t"P to1 botrnm. for $7w. VWI. ITUMTIRK CU, Ftrat lt raat. 44 ONn-HAND Lrow b4a. aprtaaa a4 mtitiMM, In bI ronlliion: W1 rom. piaia. $:. Kima urDlax blix lj i t . war Taykor. 1 fn4 f iimimr for roan, i m piano, aorwf a qaw. tu,-l foinirlf If1a f.-- lata m4at Ford. ra:i Man ttv. bforo 1 p. M or any lint MaaJar. J Eaat Ma. a at. a ' vrn op daaa, ao.i4 aiC'u-soai aa a. for $1j."ni OWL. riTNTTTRK CO 44 Ft rat Mroat. tR Al.i; 4o.l4 a, bn44rarva4 aMa- aoftrl. a J m. Utnf. In. w M. Tj In. bii. Hoftvy p ato aa m trrar. Cal buaaay avi Kaat Stat a. .North jP4 ALR 'mpiMl)r fMrnavb!. p no af k auc-hioo. amall $--rwrn r4t. XV M ic.. I . tartna. $;.4 Po , i ill-r roovt. wnr ith at. Ji SI'VR ;TATK a rnr. fonr rklnf boraar a4 a m rarar. n-a on, rvrtn. t4 t parra tiv. Mt bp kwy tarmft Mafi I vrni'ur Co. I lat t V'M -tU r-rin b ailiftri). tab.- and -'Kt ilaxnaa at. Apu SI, ar aaaa- Wiant Tn' rvti roaa, ' barfraam. p-Mor. hit-rtn f-taiara lr aai t aacrtfita, Waiiaa 1 n r draaaora, two b4a nn iprnft two ro-kiua rbaira. a4. cammot-. aoo and a m pt '' cnrfir fVt n, npat alr C.N: gvl ab r kar w aathr nnnion. ana larc aak nr,'U (oldaa aak m rflnat. T(wr Ul. a I 'I.L-TOP 4-k awb: 1 rat-top d. atV r I tpawritar dk. a-k : 4 chatra, oa. l$ II tb at rnoa Main lK A $.. R0,ai cwTaVkt. wfh rwf'innf rrk. vary i!;ht!T aaaU. fo4 S" S4L Alia4j FbTBI tnrm Co . 1 4 11 1 "R 4 1. R tafbor tvanort. auitabla fura bad. toil at HI No- 4ia t Jif r.-TOP XjEJK. a 44:4 Fboat Wood ana 'i "t.E $ E w-;l hitdtea tabmet. $.0. T"psit Fet 41. 1 K'H H C. .11 t. Kuftm.o) car. .' AI W, -4m llrwj nt4. IM. 4 Ciia run .1 ka.f H Q'l.rt.r.'t k( llknrr t.H'.. .R HAI.r fr run Pm.d us At r.rMir'r la .xhanc for A dv.lL X K-K-W.J. air-r fural.h.4. rhurch dia InrflT. h.PT.'n. la'a 44. r ri -v ' i ro-- farad. r. lmp.rtat (ta. aaadltlaa. for aal. Raa JJ. rOH HALR. 1 umitaro for lAKiAi.N4 THAT HILL I'UKapH YOU. 0idn H)lUbH library tab Kl mnaaam ra4 and nndom'fttb aia.f. top U i4 larhra. ,o...$"M ftruaaa rr Jaltr4. now 1$.V4 k.a..-iir Ena.iab oab rwekar with up- hoirrt4 aaat at on:y -w C!m6i Ltao traIouula Uo 10 rarorCa 12.00 Cot4oo fsntahad 4inlne-nb:. quart top aatra la to 4 f-ot "at of ais dinlrar-c-bnira to match.. 00 a lour bphoonerad cuuch 4 ftea aanltary couch I? Cotton aonitary couch pad. $ Tapaatry couro cotr "3 Fu..-atia tmn bl ................ 3'- ru.l-:ia Iron bad. ' Fullaiaa Com brnat on martrra. . '.'A Full-pu c-uotntirft mattrvaa bia-boio KU l'A gl KKN atari ran a a. nma p.a hr barb; nt own door, p.atn ntf-kal tr:m rnlnra. water cull Includad at.... 51.00 4-burnar Vtticaa faa rona. coa- aoctad EDWARDd XMPANf. $;h and Oak. Eirhanra DMrtmfit 4h Floor. Tour Croln la xd aa liold. til'iyTANT IAL 8AV I N OH IN p. rf.H bl- w hiiiatl Ixirmo hdy bruaaUa ra In auft hir of an and brown and pop ular rirntal d' coat $4.4 two mntha aco. $ln ;k bur I'- bal4 4 aamlooa Kmplra bruaao!?a mtr. In tan and brown aod Aai arooU conditlou, tor $!LT5. Kurrka traaoala rvr for S10.7S. V annua otbar uaad ruga and corpata at liSbt lri-aa AltoH FX" RN ITt RE CO 1M Flrat at. iiAR'.lvq is OFFICE FCRN'ITrRF.. Mn-innl, Up-tO-dna, roll -top do It. anu qunr-aati oak. wit n aanitm !, 42 inrhra wide, coat rarant : $4 On brand -naw, aot id oa k. f top daak. Wfh aattitAry baaa. linch ortb fwr $-i.&o. On 6J-iuch. aoi oak. f.ftt-top df. allahtty Uaad. for on $175. Two 4-ioch. liat-top claaka XwT i.o ca AtlaH FT HN ITt RE CO.. la Firal it J-OVEfia OF OLD Ft RN I TC RE. A TT.NTI.N 1 A Vaantlral b.ack wa.nut bad with tmn rf"lp and maaatva dreaaor to match, With $m"(.-lo-h rrvnrh plat mirror; bot P a ata ry ornamanta "alto, ral band rarvma. Tbt niuat bav cat at lat $21. $; buya botb. Iaw' la d)iD-. Fur trrms. AiloU FVRNI ri'Ka COW 14 r irat at. NEW AXD OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Oatl FURNITURE COaLFAXT J"4i fWcoad C. i'aoaa A JSOo A HI'i. ra tarlowa; oraoff4 davenport, la boat rlt of timim. d'p, aci. oil-tam par4 aprtnf aaat. with A looaw cuahlona. law mai arm rocker to match: rirh baav tmultf-lty and roniforl arw entnodted in both. The tw ptoceft coat $14 la thta a moo tit a ao. W a can aU thorn fr $41 S-i and $J.A. ri-actl vr ly. ftttd tv Cfta 1 iau in y are uaeu. ivwa Ail J II Ft KNlTUKai CO.. irat at. lwa, ntrAa tool P4 Btamfc, E.Niil.IaM atlar bitrb. KoMino&t Mary. V IK K It. .No. 41'-. A. K. C. .NO. IW.n In whelp to Cheha:ra Chief ; ft brood bitrh o-.ond to nne: 4 leara o.d; $i. P. K. WbiteeM. lii.ladaie. or. K, .No. 2. Phono Mam 404U. FINE LNUU.-II 11 U I.LLhm;. 3 Jrra old ifrmati; hind and fnttt. tut ft fnt watch auf Am leavina i'ort land. Wi a il for $li, worth $.i. Air, Moor. ?7o . .ark at. AlHEOALE pupplaa. atrad by Ch. liltmar liinax a rt.uipiona trooog nrat 14 an rtora. Itrat on Coaai. $ moot ha, $44 earn. MfKtnt Park Rennela. Co. 414. MtKenna aa. nnd l.mbarl ac C A N A Ki r-4 aad otbar ctfft birda. kitlana. pupa. ptia. cacra. g-oot., ra mad let anc aupilet Jllurtrated bird and pt Catt ioa fraft. Kouuadf. 144 tJacood U n-ar Aiirr. i.Nv Pl.NUlKar aarc fe for iho month of March wi.i bo $10. haif of which wl.l ft to th Red cmaa. Now la your chance fur ilea Croat fcitt-i. Hoit city Canary, i-u tt irruon. laoor i.'it. T tiTI I tiil.J.e Kd Rover. rv-. A C A.; tvlid or a xi a lrraian; w aa boat oranite mail boviro at Ua auow. Alan $44. itlda.. ur, b 22. fcAl'TlKUU rhoict canary birda at th M t rd Miop. I U I at -alb iu .Nona. I none 1 XJIT. want to win tithunt (mt new t ictrn.a- drtionuia or i-dion lor plan' llvatt Talk. 114 Ma- hlno 1 o., J.ll Mornaun, 04 I w o biab-Ctaaa bud tarriera. a. to aayeroA otbar amai braa aa. (4.1 l'U llth at. N. FOR tenU. lioatoa terrier. " Kin Xtto." rr.eiarU. A. K. C ldi7. lows Tatxr 4a 1KKIALE I'ul-p the rhlld'a pal. Hum Phont U ttl-4.1. or Uo bli, llouta 1FTT luornufhbred New Zaand rabbit 4 tor atle, on w,iaan at. t-. C Cop p la. FcR SALE Young aot Andreaaberc atnfara; aito itc caa. iator EUALK Hotton ttrrter, 4 muniha aid. hVUe broko. 944 t. d.ld. fitHolirU'KED Airadaia puppita for aoit 2 1 ill wood lawn 44or. tKVlCKS of firat prUt pediarttu Parmito, 1 aoor ui. bEAUTIFUL a.catra and feinalea. avaat 5u0, A N terrtrr, 4 tuootiia td bouat broke. hall SiMll. iMi Pad 1 area Airedftt tuait pup for ftaia. r.. Main au OK tALK lirouitful priat-wlnnloa Ftr n kitten. Tabor 7 "nil. M. L.IeweKyn aattar pupa, beat bread Hv- Inc. rnoap. 61 h. UK eAl.K I edicrernl Engl.! bull doc cneap Tel. Tabvr 1124, THORoL'UHHRKD Kcotcb collie pupa five mont ha t.d. prtrt $.. M a ran all 4 J I. I. Fl'4 rod rabbtta. 4-'4 E-iat 7th boulb. prar t n ana nawinorno. a i.v. r.l'b.KkbU ar-ld mala Hoaton. -u it taken at once. Ir. Print h. Matn 41 5 'I. KRT for ta.e I'hont Tah.r 4144. r HI 1.1. I'l P fr aalr. Tabor Ltvoaitrfc. K tiALK Eiaht mod milk cow a. area from 3 to a year, ail In cood cond lion food ail, comta frrah wtihio lv daa lo wteha. a a orown rwtaa. 3 iio.aioin, Jerta, S rod and whit Co , mixod fffKh Take ir. r.iect. car. et off at ..moalca. or take the oca 1 1 or nnynn Rad. about a mlia out. l-lva between th Corne! I and Cabob ruta. Albert l.o:L K. X Aieatarion, Or. Home) after Sunday. FARM and fTiKTai A I CT 1 r.N UK fE 'I A 1-lST. Haa had about aara ea par 1 en oa. CONpCLT NK bf-nrw hoMma tale. J. T. W taot, Jd-lll t, Alain ia.n. Nfcl oun Jarwy. acond ea f. nirt family cow. teata 4 par cant: wui ta. cheap. 4raoa City ear to Arllnatoa atatlon. up nwr to ttfoi bridfa. aroaa, turn to left, flrat houee. I.JVE-iTrw lC Ft R 8A1.K. ww owe to lamb tn Mr-r: bavt eh1a. fet and hummer rnt ttr parna. or can a lmm-d ata dilary. F. J. Atoboncr. M . aeou : a. l owt. FvR ALE n If o'etr :n and on Jeraey IUfhm cow, rtvina ani 4 aailooa per day 4 aad 4-yar-o.(. 4l-4 4-d Aft. . E . one f.Ioo4 2l H fALK 4 hlah-arade ml rh iti wntt for ptrticu.ara, 1L O. LUon. Naw- br. Or. EVEN rraiatered Jr-raey row a. freahen aoon. wou4 tak work tram it oa lot. Meoold Lirvo.. Ctrndiui. or. HI PA l.K Rabhite, c- a. horvt, chtrk- en a. duck, turaeya, pifaona. i'uont alii wuktr. 444. N'Tl'KT Ja-k, $ y r. e;d. will ri.-hanit f.r rther nock. W. J. Ililtrr. T4 Aleadt at.. Port lud. oHTT hth-grado lloataln A - tman. and Jaraey Iundee, cr rnlTrh rowa. C. W ANTE! A good milch 101, afaia breed 1 full A R 7. .r-aonlan. N K '.M.i. frv.b .nl online frvao. lUu R iiAU: A row. . n.w piu. and h.rm. i-.ll ;M aft.r I'. M. k'l-l4 vtant and for aaia. A4ia Vth at. K. K Ml. r-nit nr. i lAH.R l.rina. BriK-.. v'INie Jimf r.. lor aa.., fhon. Ht 4S. 4 y.ara old. MarblMrr. LTHt- l-lnci awlna. l-fl. bod. rom aAtind mt. al( .nalna lalha la good K liAl.E A arrall aawmlll: alM an ao and on. H P. ainjlna. Ova.r. A. lfc. Loud. K. 'Import. Or. TWO No d pincr m.htn. haada. for rloth. In mff . a.-r ba uartl. at a bargain. 4I Ontral bldg. THa" frtth .lump puller cleara from one to thre. acree a dxy.- Send for fre. cat alogue, Th. Smiths, I .a Crescent. Minn. le-H. P. SINGLE Pit ASK motor: H-IL P.. hee.-phas. motor K 87. Ocgonlan H-H. P.. .lo-vc;. Ix . dynamo and 1 - li. gee .re n. VV Union i N S4-INC1I American single eurfarer at a bar . gain. Vaientine Mfa. Co-. H. Llacoia. FOB "ilJC Mftcblftwry. REAL. PAROAINS. On a 4M mui with plrnty limber. Una 4"M mill without tlmbar. Ona r.'M mill cheap, do i rubor. na 4U14 li. T. bourr, conip ai. Tmto il4 II. T. boll era. complota. Ona $4x14 li. T. bolier. In a. 4 yaora. Two f. b. boiera. Two 3-H. P. watrr tuba boilers. Threw L. II. Scotch marines. brvarai horUontal atigmca, 30 to 100- Two lOxlS donkrra. with tint. J. ft 1.AHKH. 71J Hroadway Bldf. AiA-ttoAl.N6I AlAHilAl.NSl BAitUAl.Nol tn fillghtiy t'tad PoITarw Knainrfl Comproasors Fumpi hawinlla lathe MITI lonkey Enflnaa Aiming AlachlaarF Tuxning i-;h-a .No Stork I.ft. Innnlrlr-B anatvarad nmmntlT. J. A. O V UKN li t KU, Machtaary X7a!ar, Udder, Oregon. TWO Jim 11. P. tubular boliara. 2 hit H. P. tubular boll era. Compiwia with fltUnjca and Hartford InaDerilon cart if irat . 1 1.'. H. P. McEuaa anrlna, (nod aa saw. I l l"M it. t. Kuaaril autumatlc angina. 1 CO H. P. Kuaaol enalne. Have other boilrra. anainea and aa- I mltla ready for nlumrnt. 1 aawinitl comp.ate. 4U.00 to 50.000 ca pacity: must la aold at once. L. u. Ala eon. nS E. Salmon. 1 lKAi Irli.lrx Dumo. 7xH ciiindrr. suit' bit tor pruaaur of 150 pounds, equipped I wttn. 4-rt. puii.y lur b.t driva: vm c- llv.r liiu i.llona par mlauto at lii IDA I IPniiir. I 1 sl-hora.power, SSn.volt. 10 R. P. SI. I .neral n.. metric special aievator moior. nrw. AF 35. (irecoaiiuu O.Nlk 10 H. P. Advanc. st. am traction an aina. vrlth cat., jack. ted boiler, aimost new; ona Wolverlna belt power hay preis, Al condition: steel tank, new A-!n. bu-fu ndiesa drive beit. Slt0 takes outttu C. A. Klrrhsm, Portland, ur, car illl CUI-1 turd. WuVIS'i bustneaa east, will aell No. 45 O. H. roytx power prvaa, V-ln. stroke. J4x4V fiirwlieel. 14x23 bolster area. $-00. A. U. llurton foot preaa. tbO. Child A Wal- I ton Company, ell 1 rant tn., bpokana. W ash. ONK bl H. f. marina vertical en gine, complete with abaft and propeller. 1 "li H. A. Freeman marln. boiler. I la. W. '.. aam. can be aaau. la In Ilrst- ciasa comlilton. (.ail ilo! y filmon, KY re.ailiab;e; one 10-yf J. J.. Case kks trartor; on. three-bottom. 14-ln. Oliver chilled engine pang plow; one 7-ft. tan dem disc; machinery has been used one eaann. is not hurt any. c. A. K.rchem. rirt,and. Or., care Hotel Clifford. TWO Mi-ln'osh-Seymuur enginea II. P. 150 lbs. ateam. iiui r. p. m. One Wnrthlnieton h-ln. two-st'-p turbine pump; I h) 1L K water-tube bolier: rasing p:pe. to 4-lneh dlam.t.r. Hi;istoro Power 4 Investment Co.. Htlieboro. ttreron. 8-PASSKN;KR Overland. In fin. cnillti"n. e3(Mt, Mevreti Six roadster, new tirea. t-.i. 1 twnirr Carter car. I.IO0. All baraatna. Home terme, aletropolltaa Garage, 7th and ifteununt ata. , FOR KA1.E Th. beet 40-M. sawmill in h North.. t: tiew power plant, steam feed. live rolls, edger, etc. Call or write at I otue, J. t. Labor, 1 12 Broadway b.og. WlriK gas engine. 18 II. P.. nearly new. for 11. 1 . ii-am engine, traction or 1 purtable. Write box 853. I'hi.orualb, Ore I ron. A NtW eeven-tlp welding an-i carbon burn ing outrtt, complete, mat SUW; will eell fori ft-1'. Cnme and Inspect. Hikiiu 4J, Oimpla I Hot.!. XKth st. North. City. IUH KAm Nearly new Hueeell llireahlng I utrit. aeparator 30xou and 1 rt. f. ateam I engine; reajwn for eat, owner In draft. I John C. W eager, rillisboro. Or., H. I. It'H CALL bet-ond-hand 2uxl2 engine lath. o. 44; Barnes fimtpnwtr lathe. 10 1 it. '. -eteaut Addreas si 4., or- g ninn. Iww-l'ol'.ND plledrlver hammer. li. K. x-k. 6H I.umbermena bldtf. Ioochre aad Boats. 1.UIIK HEUk.. Motorboat ensmes, 45tf each and up: Wo bav. over loo in st'H-k to pi"k from. A LTU HK(,V.MirKlCTIO.v lu. 121 North S.I Mt. A -."'-I A S. boat, new engine, coat l.ouo. will sacriflc. for lw0. Will take auto ui tiada MORRIS. 4'1 Chamber ot Commerre. sirHI.Nt. liOAT. beet on river, can easily be I mad. by converting my SH-foot sea-going cruiser; :..(; worth 850VU. 4tnl Mult nomah HoteL -r'T. l?AL..l(iN seines, never been used. IT' :m-ount. It 2i. Oregnnian. VVA.N'Tfe;!' linod gasolene launch, cash and some property. J 3JB. Oregoulan. 13-KOOT boat. R-foot beam. 8 H. P. engine. with reveres gear, fn.V bo N, bth st. 6-H0OM HOLSKHOAT for sale. (15U caan. 1'none Main U2T. NKW launch house; would make good house- froat. ell. lia. or T o'. Oregonlan. MuiiiiAOa; space for rent. Phone Main Typewriters. SELECTED BTOCK. Before buying get our prices on rebuilt i tysewltcrs from our selected stock, fuiiy I guaranteed. Very easy payments. Ma chines sent on acek's exam.uatiun. free of charge. Rebuilt Department. PEH!XUTt). TYI'KWKITRR CO.. ea iiruadway. Ikhone liroadway 621. liAVti limited number of Kemiuglon and Underwood typewriters for sale, xio down and 83 per month; flrst-cisas condition; gixid as new. aUuplre TranaXer Co. Main I VtK Vo f. rnil.rviiAd Ivn.wHl.r ni. ivm just 1K new; pri-e Iu; .13 .loan. 84 1 monthly. Hyatt 1 a. ku n g Machine Co., .11 Morrison. OR SAI.K Two typewriters. No. 8 Rllck- ensderfer and lot electric fixtures used in pool halte, one large coffee urn. one elec trio mixer. Inquire mlj aiorrieon at. aW Iteminnton rental plan, rent applies I to purchase. Visible modela Kemingtoa I Typewriter C. 88 Broadway. Phone I liroadway 821. WK can eave from 50 to 73 per cent 00 ell makes of typewriters; send for our price list. Retail Department. W KOLESA Ls T Y PEW It ITER Co.. 321 Washington it. KrJMINUTON make billing and adding n rhlne, wide carriage, cheap. bher.ock. Worcester bldg. liAVK a few blind Remingtons, rebuilt, firet-I claaa condition, for 8-0. i-mplre Tranafer I Co. Main J . ItEHl'Il.T typewriters and repairing. Oregoo typewriter to., t4 bin SI. Alain is.l". HKItCM-T typewriters and supplies. Coronal De.lecs. r;. w. I'ease Co.. 110 oth. NKW. rebuilt, second-hand rentais at cut I ral L P. D. Co.. 2.H Stark St. Msln 14o7. FOR SALK Oliver typewriter. No. A Call Ttnor MV.rt Nt. b L'nilerwood typewriter, Al shape. $40. T bor e32.t. Main :'2Q. OLIVER typewriter, model 0. first-ciaaa c rtltlon. S22 .!. Main in.iT. LA i; model Underwood typewriter No. 8.1 r'r.t-elass conrtltion. .t.-. -ell. w Aulomnedle. SI'KKDKTEH HOMES. BUUNESS at MARTIN. 15th and Alder Sla. FOR SALE I -ate 1S17 Maxwell autornoMIe, I only run 7i"i mllea; bargain. all dun- I day, 720 Borlhwl.k St., corner Ivy, FORI 1HI4 roadster body comp'ete. lop. windshiaid. dull: like new; (lo. Ardca- I wa.d station, a.k for Nedvldek. IIAH'IAI.S Will sell r trade for auto mv so, 1 1.-ft. lot; sldewslks In. AB . ff T,nntsit. l iK KAI K l.-.te It'll Muxw.ll automohlia. I tinlir run ?.o mllea; 1 a.i Sun day. .-' Ilortliwik St.. corner Ivy. EVs model Mitchell. 44 II. P. 7-pasa., 1"t- rlaa In every respect. 81IOO caalu Main 1H..1 SI niKRAKKH bug. good condition; p'se- lioally n.w tirea. l..u casn. l. a. Llth mond St., St. Johnc FOR SALE I91S I-ord. b-paanaer tour ing car. tirunn Motor t-ar to., 444-40 Stark St. Open runtaS. .R SALE 14-lnti Ileo truck, just over hauled and In rirst-elasa enndltlou. bell- wood 2227 or 4 Kat lth. 1.17 lU'ltri llsht !. snap. $J.Vi. tall Wood.awa tti, t. ave. 2115. 143 Williams FOR SAI K or trade 2-ton fieo truck. Peer less rtellverv ana "-ini'i no.iy. i-none Broadway 4137. iin't N. 2"id st. PI7 rHANM.ER Must be sold today at a e-eit nrrltli.. lain ,..w. I K lui. free aAd clear, for auto. Main I2-.4. " Wt.i-TnN' truck In good mechanical condi tion: $t'.V" takes It. A' i.t. Orexonlan. NE-Ti'N FORD, with express body, top and urtnlno. 3.1 North I'BtK at UOnD player piano to sachange for Ford or liu e h:aat MM I. LIGHTLY uawd tirea 8V to $1.1 eah: vul cantaed. 25e; tire repairing. an7 Madlson, S-PASS White i"od condition); rash offer. 214 E. 44th St. make me I FEDERAL. Hi-t"n. with body. SS N. Park St. KciiD rr u ( nunng. .r-l runabout. Ford truck;! t. so'o. " 1 1 v. asninstnn. tio. if Wlnton touring car for sale cheap by owner. AO .0. oregonlan. FOR 8AIJE. Aotoaaoblioa. VSZD ACTOMOBIUUt. TEIUtB cm.v. X CARS to Ealect From 30. Her. ara a few for jour approval: 1917 Saxon. 6-paas., -cyl.. brand naw, -o"if I 850 1917 Mitchell. B-pis.. :yL. naarly U60 1917 Mitchell -pa.. -eyl .. 75 1817 Unveil 6-paaseDier. -cylinder, ona ahap. 600 1917 Maxwell sedan. 4-cyI.. S-paaa.. nearly new J2S 191 l Overland S-pasa., 4-cyl., nearly SCO 1917 Mitchell T-paaa.. Vrl $1200 191 Mitchell. 6-pas... 8yl 850 1918 Mitchell. 7-paaa.. 8-cyL f 750 191S Jeffery o-pass 8-cyL. Cue con- $ 800 12-paaa. het4 but, 8-cyl 850 Several older models. I1SS up. So. our stock of hUh-a-rad. cara before you purchase; wo can save yon money. . USED CAR DEPARTMENT. . MITCHELU LEWI8 8TAVER CO. Eaat Morrison, at Tlrs Bt. ' East 7271 ;, B 1218. UATE 1917 Chevrolet, alt new Urea, good running r Ami 1 . t -. . " . ..wu, e.o. 84ou.lT Jotr,c11y iulppe. price 1916 Ford roadster, 323L 1916 Chevrolet, 8425. 1016 Chevrolet Royalmale Baby Grand, 1917 Chevrolet, 828. 1917 Chevrolet, 580. 1914 Overland, good condition, 8223. 1914 E. M, F.. 1200, . 1014 Cadillac, IJIS. Jtll4 StUtS. flnt-fflXM iuiiy equipped. J33U. Term if desired. Open Sunday. REGXER gc FIELDS, Grand and Burnglde. tut tu. GOOD USED CARS AT GREATT.T RE DUCED PRICES WHILE THBT LAST. 1918 Cole, beat buy In elty. lHld btudebaker. extra Winter ffen ... Calient shape, at a aacrince. IV 17 Oakland 8. fine shape, drive, less ua .mjv 111 1 1.. . nve cora tirea. Cadillac touring, S250. " eno louring. 130. W hile iu, 40o. fAion 2-paaaenger, like new. I4T8. Oakland, luls. big discount. Ford delivery, fine shape, 1273, , Ford touring, f27u. Ford worm drive, new. fheap. All thaae ear. will he v u 111 . 1 11. inn. mem over n.rii. vnn k,iw a Open Sunday, easy terms. H. WilUXOrORD. 823 Alder at. Main 2192. rp-TO-DATB USED CARft. All overhauled and ready to run. nu.e. an tee with every car. We ara doing a big buaineaa in used cars, so come In and pick out your car before they are all gone. 1917 Chevrole 4fM. lo.t n-w 8 CM) 1200 550 1W17 Hupmoblie. cord tirea '. 1914 baby grand Chevrolet auiu overland, model t3. looks new. 1H17 Chevrolet 4Ut, fine shape 1U13 Studebaker 4. 9U oar .--nt fXJO 600 5U0 H0 Mm 4io0 (Series IS btudebaker o, US per cent new eierles 17 tstudobaker ti, 9 per cent new jjotixe roadster, leo per cent new 1U1U Overlaud. model 75, Uo per cent new 500 1919 Abbott-Detroit. A evL. 1.i i-nui 812. 000 automobile, show apecial...., 2000 heveral good buys from 8150 to :iio New buys arriving every day. Open Sun days snd evening-. USED CAR CENTER, ti. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. Brick Building, Kids Kn unite, Phone Alaia &43. BARGAINS IN TJ8ED CARS, - Itudaon, 11. Hudson roadster, 1911. Veils. 1917. Bulck, 4-cyllnder, B-paaseuger, 1918. fctuts. 1914. These ears are all la fin. aondltlaa and pricco. very low. TERMS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAN CO. MSI41 T80. fit N. 2M, HLACK'H AUTO REPAIR HHOP. We do all kinds of vuloanlslna. Brine- In your old tires end let us fix 'em un Ilk. new. we ouy ana eeii secono-nand tires. pay 1 ii niiiiHt vnew us tn. city. 034 xiaer. main l.iiv. FOR MALE Series 18. 6-ryllnder Ktud., run zuu" mnes, conuition juac as taken from showroom; term.; VIII consider acreage, not over 2 mllee from city limits; price liwrv. 1 . ur.iuiiiaa I.OOnt HERE. Motorboat engines. $50 each and no: wa nave over jm in stock to pica from. Al iU K,CON8TKUCTION t'O. Sd and Glisan sta. MOTORS, cears. bearings, wheels, axles; we rneea an mssee o cars and sell their parte at hair prire. Auto Wrecking Co., ee-.i-wa norm nroaoway. 1917 MAXWELL, MI. TERMS. Just like new, used only few weeka AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and tillaan sta 1I7 HUlHON super six, run enly 19S0 mtiea. aame as new. situ extra ecjuipment, $145. oOO cash, balance monthly. Call Mr. Hageman. Marshall or Tabor 1270. MUST HAVE CASH. Parrlflee, 1817 Ford, with extras. Owner. 4M K. Btfth st. 8. E. 1 block north of 1 Mvision 1UIH FOR D roadster. 1914 Ford touring. overhauled and repainted: also 1918 Ford touring body, Kobtnson-rnl(b Co.. 6th and Madison. Authorised Ford dealers. FOR SALE A lu17 Hudson Super Six, run a Utile more than fitkio mllea has all ex tra aquipment; In perfect condition. East 47.VI. FOR SALE or trade, first-crass Overland roadaler. wot Junk. Out a h h-class ear. Owner leaving city; no agents. Address nox M. roniinn. NK.W 1917 Maxwell touring car In first- class condition, fully equipped, spot light. bumper, chains, for quick sate $6o0, terms. Br 23. Oregonlan. 5-PASR.. 6-cyl. car, 1915 model, good me chanical condition: a bargain for $650 caah; will consider some trade. BD 80. Oregonlan 1916 CHALMERS six. Al condition, best of fer takes It: also B new non-skid tirea 32x4 8. M.. $19.30 each. 821 Eaat 42d N. Tsbor 7349. 1917 FORD. $-190, TERMS. In perfect condition, like new. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Glisan ata -PASS. E. M. F. 3". fine condition, used pri vately, a bargain at $250 cash. AM 29. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Garage, $3. Tabor 4S34. FOB 8A1X Aotoneobllea. USED 'CAR BARGAINS. Tf you are eontemplatlns; buylnr an automobile don't be hasty: look around, look around. Whan you aee the car you like be sure you ara buying it from an established firm who stand back of what they tell you. We are the leading used car dealers. We stand back of every statement we make. We have some exceptionally good valuta to offer this week. 1918 Dodge Bros, touring, practically new urea, tine snape so 50 Model G Franklin, small 5-pasa., new tires, the car that aaves aa- oline 8385 1918 Ford. B-nasa. rood shaoa. bar gain 295 1918 Maxwell, everythlnr new except the price 1733 1917 Paige T-pass.. like new; Iful car and a snap beaut- 81000 191T Saxea roadster, best of condition: see this 750 191 5 Bulck roadster, cord tires, a real car 650 1914 Ford roadster, new tires, runs fine 265 Pope-Hartford speed bug, a cracker. Jack for -class and speed; snap. 1918 Maxwell, only run 1400 miles; owner leaving city 830 Stoddard-Dayton. in the best of shaoa: . this car will take you anywhere. .. .8350 1914 Maxwell, small S-paaa.. cellent condition, new tires In ex 8373 1917 Oakland, the senslbl six: owner was drafted; a bargain 87S0 Hupmoblie bug, a classy little car. ... 8275 1915 Chandler light six. fine shape throughout 8850 Overland bug, nicb running shape. ...$250 1914 Studebaker delivery electric starter, condition guaranteed 8375 Fins little roadster. In good shape throughout 8195 We have several good chassis that will make excellent bugs, we puna mem. Don't .buy your used car till you have looked over our stock. Terms to suit. open Sunday. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTIXO CO., 625 Alder Street. MONET TALKS. Our specialty on used automobiles Is and baa been good email cara repaired and painted so that they will give first- class service ana piease you. 1916 Maxwell automobiles, fixed up as stated above, 42o to 4bo. 1917 Maxwell automobiles, fixed up to look like new and in first-class condition, $450 to $575. Good electric coup, body, great buy for the ladles. $230. 1 Reo the Fifth, electrla lights and starter, good, tires, good bargain. $400. REAL WINTER SNAPS ON HUDSON AUTOMOBILES. 191S Hudson light six, fine condition; great buy. $o50. HUDSON SUPER 6 IX. Two extra good Hudson super sixes to seleet from. $1350 and $1400. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington bt Portland, PACKARD .80, T-PASSENOER. ALL OVTTR- riAUiJit, , itfcrAi.M uj. . v tur, SLIP COVERS. SHOCK ABSORBERS: BUNS UKU A WATCH. PRICE 8U5U. . PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnaide. Broadway B2L UAVNES LIGHT SIX, 7-paasenger, In best or condition, repainted, seat covers, pew tires. See today. THE WINTON COMPANY, 23d and Washington Sta Main 4244. BABY WINTON, 1017. 4-passenger. fore- door, repainted, in dandy condition, like new, THE WINTON COMPANT. 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4244. HUDSON 6-40. 7-Dassenxer. repainted, in best of condition; worth $1000. Make me a proposition. THE WINTON COMPANY, 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4244. 1916 HUDSON, T-pass. 6-40, In fine shape throughout, all good urea: a Bargain at ssou. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. B23 Alder St. 30i 10-INCH Victor records; your choice at 23c each. EDWARDS COMPANY. 5th and Oak Sts. FOR SALE 16-passenger gasoline hotel bus. $1300: good condition; cost $3.V0; also 8-pasaenger Miller horse bus, 200; cost $1000. Seward Hotel Co. 1S17. 7-PASS.. 8-cyL Cadillac, with trans ferable accident and insurance policies; spot light, radiator condenser. No. 1 cond. Price $2100. Phone Oak Grove 1W. FOR SALE Cheap for caah. S-passenger, 1918 Overland roadster, model 85, run lass than 1000 miles. Apply California Honey Co.. 326 Holladay ave. East 6354. 8UICK BUt;, new tires, very speedy. Just overhauled. Make me an offer. THE WINTON COMPANY. 2.d snd Wsshlngton Sts. Main 4244. TWIN SIX motor, a dandy, was in a new wrecked car, $200. or call and make"caah offer. Auto Reconstruction Co., 3d and Ollsan. RUG. BODIES Made to Order. BURNESS 8c MARTIN, 16th and Alder Sta STUDEKA KER, 7-passenger, repainted. In good shape. Price $400. THE WINTON COMPANY, 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4?44. FOR SALE Motorcycle, tandem. Good leather cushion, with leather tool box; aiao side pedestals. Call Lang Co., coun try shipping departmert. UAYNES LIOHT SIX. B-passenser. 1915 modal. In great condition, repainted. THE WINTON COMPANY. 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4244. PACKARD -'18." Just overhauled; Cord tires, seat covers: worth $900. Make us an offer. THE WINTON COMPANY". 23d and Washington Sta Main 42.44. DEPOSIT on new Dodge. Contract calls for immediate delivery it ueaireo. nnarsna.i BS4. 191d MAXWELL. Studebaker. Garford. Wln ton trut-k: nargain. oanuy itoto laarago, 24th and Sandy. 1914 MITCHELL. LIGHT 6. $350 CASH. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Glisan sts. REPUBLIC, -ton, almost new. 33 N. Park hi. PRACTICALLY new Chalmers In perfect condition at a bargain, owner. Henry bldg. , PORTABLE garage wanted; will pay caah. what have your At n. tiregonian PAIGE touring car in excellent condition; $300. call Hroanway anu. FORD automobile, 1916 model, good Condi tlon. Cash. Phone woodiawn a37. . . PASSENGER Hupmoblie, 1912, $173 cash. 40 E. 3d. cor. Pine. 1917 DODGE roadster, run 7000 mllee; snap. $530, B13 Loucn oiog. wain ems. METGZER ft-pasa, auto; will sell reasonable. Montavllla-ave. garage, or Hell 12111. OVERLAND, good motor, good tires; body looks bad; fiao ano terms. East ill. 1917 FORD, Al shape. 995 Hawthorne, at Idd. today and Mnnnay. 1914 FORD touring, in good condition. $275. East K7..A. $2n BUYS 2d, hand Ford, good condition. Tabor eo4. FOR 6ALK. A utomobllea. USED CAR VALrES. SEE! OtTl FINE AND LARGE DISPLAY Kjir It t-1 1 -A t w . uar:L tAtt.i A A very: moderate pricks. TOURINGSROADSTER DELIVERY. 1917 Ford touring with extras. 11117 Ford touring, like new. 1U16 Ford touring, with extras. llll Ford touring, A-l condition. 1916 Ford touring, like new. 1H1. Ford touring with electric, starter. -J'.tld Ford roadster, A-l condition, 1U15 Ford ' roadster, with extras. ' 1914 Ford delivery, A-l condition. PALACE GARAGE CO., Authorized Ford Dealers. 12th and Stark Sta, Terms given. Open Sunday. Broadway 1572 Phones A. 2442. NEW CARS. Some wed snaps that yon should take advantage of today. A choice of eood se lections at terme to suit you. Buy now I oexore prices advance. Ford, alee, lights and elec starter. . .8400 5- passenger Grant Six, like new.... 650 6- passenger Allen, like new, only... 450 Bulck Six, fine condition 850 Overland S-paes., starter and lights. 450 Etutz Roadster, tires like new 600 4-pass. Hupmoblie, lights and starter GOO Apperson 5-paaa, starter and lights 450 Cadillac, elec. lights and starter.... 400 S-pass Hup, look, like new... 650 Roadster snap 17 Beo 5-passenger. good tires 350 MANLET AUTO CO llth anY Oak at Burnside. Broadway 217. THERE IS ONE HERB FOR YOU. 1915 Cadillac 8. five cord tires. 1917 Briscoe demonstrator. J17 Studebaker . cord tirea 1 lia Mitchell 6 roadster. 1913 Haynea. electric light and starter. 11)13 Reo. 3810 Overland for delivery. $200. Ford roadster, snap, $225. PACIFIC KISSELKAR CO.. Broadway at Davis, OPEN SUNDAYS. PACKARD TWIN SIX 6-PAPSEXGER TOURINO. LIKE NEW; ALL GOODYEAR COKD TIKES: WITH JlJW.lltAS. MUST BE SOLD. PORTLAND MOTOR PAR CO. lOth and Burnside. Broadway S2L OVERLAND B-PASPENOER, WINTER TOP INCLUDED. OVERHAULED. REPAINTED, NEARLY NEW TIRES. $000. PORTLAND "MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 821. PACKARD lH-s-TON TRUCK. WORM DRIVE. NEW TIRES. SACRIFICE FOR 82S50. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 52L CTTALMICTIS CADILLAC HUDSON MAXWELL 6-CTL.. B-PARS.. $.KV. (10 4-CYL., 7-PASS.. (. 730. OA 6-CY'L, 7-PASS.. 87o).M. 4-CYL.. 5-PASS.. $425.00 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 62L 1917 HUPMOBILE, with extra equipment such aa upholstering, Victoria top and reg ular one-man top, wire wheels with one extra and tire. This is the best snd classiest Hupmoblie In Portland: a bar gain for quirk sale, $1393. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 623 Alder St. STUDEBAKER BARGAIN. 1917. n-cvi.. 7-DassejiKer car. new Good. vear cord tires: this car Is in perfect con dition and & bargain at $1)50; will consider a perfect IH-k. diamond or email car. See at once. Mr. Sloner at 762 Prescott et.. or 149 6th st. TRUCK BARGAINS. Three-ton Avery. Just the truck for use with trailer, only 7o, terms. Ton and half Indiana. Two-ton Reo. Two to 3-ton Velle. KOEHRING MACHINE CO., N. W 254 Hawthorne Ave. East 6482. SERIES 8 Franklin touring car, flrst-viass condition. 1919 Dodgs S-passenser. $130. Splendid buy. Tsrms on both if desired. . BRALE Y AUTO CO., 601 Washington si AUTO parts complete for light truck, double opposed ene-tne. la . f air cooiea. ennui .J.nn.n,SBnn to hfli-k- vhn.L X:t5. 11(12 Union ave. N. ' Villi KALE hv private owner, one 1115 4- ovllnder. fi-Daasenaer Mitchell automobile. day and night phones. East 1S47 and B I 1 92. WOULD like to buy a 1910 Cadillac with Ttmkin rear axie, tor aenvery rurpvaca. for cash. Hyatt uaiaing aiatmue B31 Morrison. niQ fill.K 7-najia. Locomobile, like new; consider small car as part pay or good property. V 81. Oregonlan. HAVE 2-ton truck and trailer, suitable for lumber or piling nam; want couu-aci. i- 81, Oregonlan. ROADSTER BODIES. BURNESS A MARTIN, 15th and Alder Sts. ONE new Ford touring and one nearly new Ford roadster body at a bargain. Tabor 7418. 1917 FORD, electric lighting, starting Hy- I tern, dimmer, demountable rims. 465. U I , Oregonian. FOR SALE 1915 9-passenger Studebaker in line conuiiion, wit eni ."me y wood 1140. i.tiv .rnu fluun. East 41st and Halsey sta - Phone Tabor 2S1L N. W. Lumber A Fuel Co. WOULD like to buy a 1917 or '18 T-paseen-- ger auto for cash from 8800 to $13uo- AJ 27, uregonian. ELDERLY man to keep tools in order, etc BURNESS at MARTIN. loth and Alder nts. 1915 FORD touring car with electric light- "i . i ....tin, avstem and other extras. I Terms if desired. Broadway 1372. .. . . i ,i .. .. .. i". i BARGAINS In first-class used cars. Auto Mest parage, w ivm . tors. FORD roadster, 1918 model, plenty of ex tra equipment. $373. See owner. T. S. Hoy, 295 14th St. 1917 FORD touring car, like new. Am foreed to sell. Terms to reaponsibls party. Broadway 1572. ' 1917 FOKD touring car with extra, car only driven few . miles. win sacruice. Broadway 1872. 1916 FORD ROADSTER, shock absorbers - snd other extras. Terms. Hroadway lit.j FORD truck, worm drive, with express body, like new. 204 E. 84th. 191 rt FORD, splendid condition, $325. 33 N. Broadway. 1917 BUK.'K. nearly new, at a great bar gain. Mam 8247. - FOR SALE. Automobile!. I QREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON USED CARS. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOK OUR NEW CARS, WHICH ARE NOW OViUNll IN DAILY IN CARLOAD LOTS. WIS HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE OUT ALL OP Ol'R OLD PASSENGER CAMS A.SO TRUCKS. 2 CADILLACS. 1 REGAL BUG. 1 FLANDERS TOURING CAR. 1 OVERLAND ROADSTER. 2 OVERLAND TOURING CARS, 8 REO "is." " 2 REO -6s." 2 STEARNS KNIGHT. 1 BRISCOE "34. ' 1 COLE ROADSTER. 2 COLE 8a., 1 MARMON. 1 1-TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. 2 1000-POUND REO DELIVERIES. 1 SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK. . 21, 1H-TON AMES ATTACHMENT. PRICES FROM $200 UP. IN ORDER TO GIVE EVERYONE AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EXCEPTIOAL LOW PRICES AVE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL 4 P. M.. AND WEEK DAYS UNTIL SUS0 P. M. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Broadway 1460. GUARANTEED USED CARS ARE BECOMING SCARCE AT REASON ABLE PRICES. WH HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BUICKS, BOTH ROADSTERS AND TOURINO CARS AT PRICES THAT WILL SUIT YOU. ALSO A HUDSON 84, APPERSON TRUCK, FORD TOURING CAR. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 14TH AND DAVIS STS. WE HAVE RIGHT CARS RIGHT PRICES RIOHT TERMS. Ford tourlnr, Iflfl '. 3"5 Ford touring, lltltS S-.i Ford touring, 1'Jlu S-3 Chalmers IS, torpedo body... 4..i Elmore touring, 1U12 3"' Maxwell Sedan, run 100 miles 51"l Overland tourine;. 1014 43. 1 Hudson 6-411. l'JU Mitchell light six. 1914 4IHI Chalmers B-30, ll'IO Chalmers H-30, li17 Chalmers Maater Six, 1911 - Chalmers M-3U. 1918 l'i"'.1 Wlllvs-Overland, 1H16 ' Peerless. 5-pass., 112 "f; Chalmers, 5-pass., 1912 Chalmers, modol .12. 1916 Hal 12, 7-pasa., 1918 -"u" WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., BROADWAY' AT BURNSIDE. OPEN TODAY. NOW IS THE TIME THIS IS THE PLACE. Easy Terms. Liberty Bonds Accepted. OPEN 9 A. M. $100 DOWN AND UP. No war prices on any of these: 1912 Overland. 5-pass., good tires, de mountable, $.3 1913 Studebaker, 5-pass., good tkree. .1. .i.,,. ni.ihlo 2-jO 1914 Ford, 5-pass. good tires. mountable :75 1014 Overland, 5-pass., good tires, de mountable 1Q1.1 Vnnl. 5-DaSS. . S'i"i 11)15 Studebaker. 5-pass. 1916 Oakland Six 11116 Oakland Six :".V-.'.n 6.V) 7uo 191H DODGE KHAUMitv. ';.":, t HE TO.D FROM NEW: EX IRA TIRE ETC.: PRICE TODAY 80O YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY RACK. ALL CARS GUARANTEED MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 344.41i.4s EURNSIDB ST.. PORTLAND, AIR. FORDS. FORDS. j-uiwo. 1917 Ford touring. - 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1116 Kord'tourlnK. 1916 Ford touring. 191U Ford roadster. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body. 3910 Ford delivery, express. 1914 Ford delivery, panel body. 1915 Ford touring. 1 1915 Ford tourintf. 1914 Ford touring. . 1913 Ford tourine. .,i,.n- A number of these cars are practically new Terms If desired. You will he sur prised when you see them, for they are real bargain, motqr co East 3770. Kant i3th and Hawthorne av. FORD. FORD. Late model, with extra good tires and $100 worth of extra equipment; car i. j. K,. in every way. lernia n. ......... v ,,-'l.i U l'i P .'O . i.i xiiyj i vi i. - - - 21st and Washington. FORDS FORDS r.itvi-'o have raised, but my prices are the same. Touring car e- " Touring car 'Z- Roadster r. New tourlnc. with $..0 extras SOU E Art l. l!.. itai.-.ui. 200 Union ave. N.. cor. Holladay. Phone East 304. CADILLAC car. recently . , ltlonl repalnte.1, in ai hi .u-- -- electric lights and starter upholstering in good 1-l.aio. equipped with nearly Fear Cord tires. Will sell reasonably; give terms. Broadway Garage. E. 24lh and Broadway. East 2536. FORD for sale, have gone to California and ,.(t nly Ford at 462 Hawthorne ave.. It is In fine condition snd has lota of extra eauipnient. L. French. 462 tiawtnoroe Aiilomobtlea Wanted. WANT Binall touring car, slightly used; would trade nign-graue new i-ia..-- piano for same. AK 47. Oregonian. WILL give b. ach lot. some cash, for bug or I- orn 11 imiKain. . - WANTED Chain drive 1 or l',i-toa Fed eral, ti at, uregonian. WILL pay cash for Bul'k light six, 5-pass., 1917 model. r,asi jit. "i- GOOD used Brecon Un preferred. T J, oregonian. TO TRADE for two-passenger Ford, five passenger Studebaker. Call Main 5056. CLEAR lot in Belle Crest Addition, for automobile. Mlckelaon. 950 Eaat Salmon. HAVE $100 as first payment on 1917 Ford Touriug car. AO 30, Oregonlan. BEST small car or roadster $230 will buy. 12(114 12th St. Marshall ,X2w. WANTED A Ford, cheap for caau. Call Tabor 2SH3. . WANTED An automobile for canh. Give full details in lett-r. AO 56. Oregonlan. WILL trade my hiifh-grade piano for auto. Tnbnr 2-64. CLEAR lot in Laurelhnurst ; will trade for late model car. W 42. Oregonlan. WANT to buy little six Buick from owner. X21, Cregonlan. WANTED Portable garaire large enough for two autos. Et u'J, Oregonlan. .