10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, " 'PORTLAND, 3IARCDT 3, 1918. FARMS TO RENT. 44 t, rent $154: lias 19 aer activated. rtr itun land, b. uc crt4 and In (riM . 4-nwm h 'UM. br. orvnard. e b un-hwu4 n4 otitt ait. . a rniiM to K. K. ta. ta4 loan. IS mi.M to stor. mi to h'Mi. v wue irwna 1'gn load. Ua- 21 ara. 1 anil from Wood burn; fnt 1 1 . $- down; 4-room houn. rn. r.-hnl an eitda Tna Ix-otmf txrMDti preparty fr Tw. 4on. ( hrnM, plow, bar-t-a. bnmny. row. bora. 4" rMfkn, .l kind of irna t aed oat 4 poiatoaa F"na prop- rty wi.i aome to aovut $75. Maul. 104 area. Clarfcsma Rtt a- an land. 4 room hvoM, barn. i -x out old at . IS a.rvs orchard -$ team and a'l kinds of farm lm j';mm. r"i $. e,nr will se.l I r.aAl property at a bargain. t4) aee sear Frt Orve: M sjre ra tivsted. b.anee good paa 4 brand nw bun4lo wllh bt mni to 4 water. Urn squtppad fr J heal of cet'Te. I a-r In Fall ic to. p -ty of ed od hy. V Hl ria raw s. T bai of t ar ei to. i mt. team, lb. it and trivinv mar, mil k ndt of finn tooia a"d ni4cninrr. b boui at ra ewaait.j. Jii $I5 per year. 4-S 3 In TamMtl Ceunry. 2 ra e (ir:4: this pla baa t houaa, bar an J outbids. -ki caa bo rai4 for $l ' r. $a oTa IS wta from Ttd. 1 iqnirt Lounti ; al r:ar4 and up1 fur: '-Mm ouifc bara an4 .fit. Tata r a 4-od 4ar rn $. br )rtf. la 4-uding of anoiar boat. 44 ar aoar Orra a-ra rai'tvare. ni- ta H R. a a . l-rvni h-oe. largo barn 4 a" b-ipg vr-har4; raal per moat a. II W n im haa l.grra vbe rt-f a-ar r-u.ar; l a-Te aar V. 4 Mni. Wa w!n row an j r flcvk; a.'W arre bear liran4 K.nfa 4 rw. f an4 oter rwi; 1T3 a- 11 Ti.:im Cnn ! b raoa. tea -ft an4 Imp lni: .;' iith ar Wo3ura; --' acr-a S mli- front Cra..i. muh IvD a rva ta crop aAtrif Arxf.rr torn mvpXT, i KuIU.lllU iiL'fUIlNU n trrriilTT 1.4 KKNTTNU F A R V fn grata. g4 pasr rMitfi ir. a-rnm he'tax with l,4 ir raftl. 4 f. sows. boar. ban-h of pa 11 horaa. fa'l aat of farm linpfe H r- ,n f irnn. tead and b T Th' farm ta iraf4 In tho amo i !oa ! town, arhoal. a ad ..u til T II , 4 N H. -- acra a-re Irrtgate4. bt f turir ill r.nr land, well tmprove4 an I en. 4 war. n fre aatr pwr and lr- taatf-a ay a'ema. mnat of uinaa-i land i tne p;4 ar la rmo. Tbio farm w m rnt4 rr raatI and full farm atupmnt and aica tor aaia at 24 araa. l r't i atloa. bl. pa- tnra. f.iaa farm buiMinaa. larated aaar acr-a ail tT land. 2 acre goa4 Knr f .m Ia4. famll nrrhrd. all wai f-nral. 14 mtlaa avm Portland, aear Ore gfi i'lty. goo.1 aprina. a-room houa. pamtad e4 e-t'a4. J-rBa bara. omo crop a in rant Will pall 2 bor w. 3 pica, buccr end harneaa fr $.VV Jf oa ar locking fr a pi llttia r- aoniaa funrt farm lk thi piaca ttp iik wr H a i'MKaP tXK. liwi rrr located I Z mile from Port land. 4 acre ta cultivation. mil from atra. eoma rroft. rat $m pr vear; will ai 1 ttarrt. barneea wacon. farm Imple- w m a .ta &nJ arowlna croD fnr lT icrr. located south of Albany. M a 'a la cultivation, running watr. g'od rent one-thtrd of crop: will ll com Diet a lino of farm imptamenta. Z l.sa. cott. It head ol cattle, poultry, for arrr. 60 ta rtiltlTaf fan. wall located, wear Carroll. Wash., rant $'. " cattle, t mnlmRta for aala at 1M. 44 acre a. 1 mite from Portland. S3 acr clear, famiiv orchard, near ahnnl. fin 1 S -tory 4-rnom bunaalow. painted, tered. bath and toilet, larg barn. a bar outbuti.lt nga. rani 4Jt Pr )r ttuiprnenr Tii FINK UTTI.E FARM. HI acrea. near Grttbam. 14 ltt Ctlttlva tloa. with good farm building, rant for g term or vear. pr year. 1 mm acre ar mora, east of tha moan tarn, for rent an anarea with a complt aausntat fr . H M. Malnney, R TTT r. R. Low K CO. rrcj-A-T (Ward of Trad Hldr. 4.- l.'RLi 7. room houe. barn Wt 1 tX 1 arraa farmtna land. rol of t'l. 4 a-raw aaaturo fenced in 4 flaltla. running ater in vry field; new alio, 3 mile af agricultural eoiiego In V II la met t a Val ly; io acrea In crop: wl?I rent for rah and sell crop; mnt hava 1-Vn to handle farm For particular a owner. Oliaaa at . pnrtlan-1. li KaT tPPHTl N ITT IN oRK(iiN. od farmer can rant fr 1o year with w1vtig of buving a well producing frm of 44 acrea for I a year; 1 4 imiea f rim Portland. IS milee from aa t oa. If b caa buy the equipment or ha a g Md bonia n Portland fr avchang. V r'U"-. -4 I'hamnar of Com mere. C ri irlS acre. on-er-a.d orchard, new land . bouao. barn, ta o chtika-houaa; rr. t 1 ar a yeara at per mo or 1 g:v p a- fra and V par month and a cow to r-t t ta a man to r March. April and Xay and mevba all year If Uaa. oa m r 7A-a-r prune o.-'-baM. t anila aV iaiiaa. i'bone a4 Frad k t;i:iott FOK KENT FARM. 14 acres m cu.uvattoa. a Itb madeni V'tnga ow. sanitary barn, B j1 Ron wa r. ga e.'actricity. iniU orchard. I mia a:a out iWtuthara I'acif.c fc trie. A'l a-aa tl. rfarrmaa. 34 fltark t 1'ortlaad. rgfa. Tipnon M-ln 1 . c K RENT l.'O a:rx as ml from rasa rv a: I faacad. 14 acre la cultivation, r-at good pasture. 3 aprine. large barn, f ir fiouaa, with arc hard . Immediate poaaeaalnn. SIM per ar. have taam. A yara 'd. harneaa waa a for aa ar lea t NRfl:bi parte. H Orannian. tvH KKN T A -a. r farm, good houae. barn and aut but. dinar, fruit and ba ma. 4 acree baavriana land, all la eultia t oa. Mi l aviue. pear Jnnlng Ldga. Pftoaa Ut aiMha. Major Aadrew, Z4 La.oa - S farm, a Wr. a goad c i illation, ga m i - a eaat of Waahotg al, ra4. Maftr 3 acre la bona and bara, run a::ent trr tmaii dairr: mi co ctai Ilod per annum. 1 N''an. 'ams W anh. A KilA with ranaro for si oca, float to a os owe. ear latag camp a ad ii antMs g-room aua and ban rv-. ehf-art hauaa and rana. fjrnitura and sor k tr aa a. inflair 140 Ruaavll st. A' HF. al aader ct:tlva)on; good houae ail bara, prune orchard. arria. an caa 4'Ua . ftima now pit wad ral v for crop; W tad IS sale aor'H f Newb-rg. rvot $. B. . Ctaoa, 42 4:ok aUcaaag o -is. a:3 WHH OPTICS T Pt'RHAE 44 acrea. 14 ct.ti atlon, bouw. barn. r'Maf. tdal pou trr. . !l 4lvara:fia4 f 4m. raian'iii afishwav. County. loag lease, apciaa parcMS. rig at party V 7 !. rgn an. : AC KKi ATI wnder ruifvata. wtt hou an4 aawr $ft. Tw car. win rant for 9 " per month, w aitnar-Ka.f Cw 44 r'ttoa b.or. fTr:V ACRsH for rnt. cheap, will dtvid: i ti'ab a for sardna aaar ctty llmiia. rrtg9. Apwf kuiday. corner ':h and ftaao Una roa4. Mt. Tabor I M T sAtbl er to ent. 4 bi-cka Sortn. one east. A"rl. part y furn hd hua. Hood Ktver. Ore nafd. v-eta !e. bar; aood f.r ro. hoga. pou.t . $ lH caan. yearly !. Maia e7 MFajaa4. 4ua Yeoa b-!g afw rt RENT or for aa . r with brdga. c oaa to paved mad . ?' mmutia' wa k to car: lX far. Ca.l 44 ot -lh St. b. E.. I an-s I AW RE-. 3-roorn furnished aouae, cMcka bowaM 14 minutes trans P. station la am 111 1 Count v. fr rent. T4 , Taylor, l't'nj. Or Phon East 7174. JTR HtM leas a share. 4 acr la .r-e n a a 4 : st rc u Prt andr cu'ilva lion, ba.anca ear to c'r. ruaning water, at-lrai-w term. AN 2. lrtntia V A'K 3- under cultivation. Al soil, baua aa4 barn. 14 sal ftsm PorCand. m.iea rrvaa station, lnqulr 24U Morrl- aoi st. IrVHKAT. ALFAt-TA. APrL 4 a. North fal- Mdc. All in. .. Howard. awn-. 34 mhr of Com mrc. iBt'T arra for rnt. about 4 arrs un--r cu')vaioa, $iw par J ear. Mala $04- A-.'K'.-.S. 4 c earad. vmp In. wheat, a'. fa. fiu '. corn as4 hr: peraoaal prop y fop ea. PD 44. Q'f?a!ia. fr N acraa. beat ot'. parti v c tea red, houaa. bars ill rnf to barhe'or oa h! own ras La A, sUJ Panama aUU. FOR RETT FA RM . 7 V AKE9 oa Wood toe It carlin. about 0 blocks sooth oa sta tract. $Juo par year. 2a acre at Randall Station, oa Ksta rad carl tna. about 10 minutes walic aoutb from atattoo. $10 par yar. $ tcrti, all undfr culu. D6 building. $1 'X per roar. OTTO at HARKAA.V REALTT COl. 413 ChiT&ff of Commerce Bids. ;m-ACKE farm an Macadam road, fiv mitaa from good town, aa i. P. R. FL; 120 crM now rdy to bow whtat; will rent for flT rarm. Inguira llt4 Nertbwaal Hank bidr. BkAHIN commorcta' appla orchard. lovi. a-ar Hood Klvar: prt;y aadd to clo ar; igj car d;rd. V Or aon) an. W K ri In cultivation, bulldlnira. wood, watr and orcbard. Pbona noodltwa li. Bout I. box 3 TO. IiUACHK farm. 1TI at at. rARMH WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Raea caah cua turner for bargain tn farm. nout no acrea, well improved. Prefer Clark County. Hava client wtth mall farm near Port land, with good farm buildlnga. worth $tl,twvi. clear. Cltxm this aa payment on atrkd and aquipped farm In Valley, up la ..." nq pny balance in raan. JJ'EIDKMAN COMPANY. tia Criainbr of Commerca. WANTKU W have verai Kastara cash buyer for goad Weatern Orecoa farms: muat be priced right : also hav part lea r- at w ith good Incoma properties and farm aa part pavment on farm West submit us what you hava with full Infor mation and aa all) oil your farm: hi caah buyer for aheap ranch equipped. V eat era orga preferred, l. 8. R. Wikr. with Ore t Wcatsrn Land Co.. Eu gene, i regnn. Sirlt'i'G. fir. cedar and hemlock, cruising stout 0 mil: law feet and situated on north for of Wi .t Kiver. Tillamook Co.. for Staiwio Inquire of iregoa Investment at X itcfro. itd r4 K. FA KM WANTFD. Wttf t-ud modern 4-pu Pat buMdtna. Vh Ia. Itroatl way carlin. equity gianna. for Wtllamtta Valley farm: iv ftecriprfn ; no aanfa. V 7i. tregonian. 10 i "KKc numptit, about Am (m0 feet sult- ahia aaw iirnNr or rirewnod: si mi; fmn Katarada. good road. Ma ha offer. Win tak" auto or irbert bond part pay nn. AO S-l. OragoO;an. U ANTlO Fuiiv-equlpped dairy or grain farm on ehare bv rtrat-r1 rtrmtr, twt men aoe draft ta (ami 7. Al raf. T 60. .regontan FARM WANT K D. liar party walttng fnr r4 Valley farm up ta I-O.ooo. wm pay liyooo cash. LUIIART aV tARU : Hanry bldg. - k.t i.mir. over 1H mi::ioa. 3 m f ram railroad; Ti-cent timber. 1 mil from railroad. 13 znllilona. AK 44. Or gniaa. WE hava cilant with m4 houaea and caah for a farm up to sis ""a. rB A. McKENNA CO 7 J 7 Chamber of Commerce. to r.CI.1. OK T R A l K YOL'R FARM llat with AINNtr aV IKAC Y. Corvaiiia. Or. WANTED TO alF.NT FARM. WANTtr Ta laaaa a well-Improved farm from to acre: would oeaira aome Fall edlng. near school and railroad, either share or cash rent. I hava the money ro buy implements, cattle and bora on such a pi- if prlca ta reaana aaie. Will ha in Portland for two week. Ieir dcar-riptioa direct from owner. AP X'm (rfonian. I HAVE clients who hava th cash to buy Ilia equipment on good terms in tna v n lameiia allev and pay cash rent. Prefer farms from D to lOOO acre of land. If 3 our farm la for rnt let ua know. H M. Malnney. RITTER. Lowe a Co.. Hoard of Trade nifta?. 1XHKH for sa'e or exchange for Portland roe denci property: jhk uon fret, acceasmia. S. iaMt,oo feet, acceastble. la.UW.WO feet. COod location, AL 2, tiregontan. WANTED To rent ranch suitable for fe dairy cow and aome boas, foothills pre furred: full particulate drat letter; woul bur aom atock tf seasouabia. II. -A- 24 Jefferson t. WANTED To rent a furnished ranch, p f-rb y crop payment, ny reiiacn partiea Aauree A. niCHOiaa, 11m at. a. Portland. Or. W ANTED To rent a farm for dairy, cloee n riiv: muat d Darn tor u neaa cows, plenty of water and pasture. Phon Tabor U AN 1 K l. to rent, with option to buy. 40 acrea. a-ocked and equipped, soma pasture. near Portland. Keierencea. I '11 grim, 402 West Park. To 2 acrea housa. barn, water, chlckei houses, aood soil, near 6c or 104 car. M. Pari. 34 H. First at. lu ACRE tract, plowed, harrowed, fenced, cor. i.id and Killings ortn. npienniq soi WANTED To rent n-half acr or mor on or near cariina am urffmian. rOR BALE TIMBER t-ANPS, lO.0wt CORDS of fir nd 4oth nrcls of ash, with some eedar pole ana poets; can made on IO acre, within 3o mile Vnrtund and 1 mlies from electric road 1:1 aell chean or hav cut on share, al-o fin proposition for ahlp knea. Whaler. 61 'J McKay Mdg. a Ai'ltES timber and. trout stream, run nlng 2Mk feet from houaa: e-room nous. nrtlv furnlahed. woodshed, all at in da tools, about 20 acres fenced with barbed wire; water piped Into house: some fruit trees, all for $1000. owner, z a. orego nlan. iviliKH lands In Ortcon for sal cheap U minion feat fir, cedar, sprue and hem iocs, on railroad, near tide water. tra good Quality, extra opportunity for economical locsing or milling. E. R, T 24h and Nlco.al ta . Mar. 409$, C. Hah. 24th and Market. 1,4 m .i K HA AND MILL MEN. If In market for t'.r timber that Is Im me1 late: v accessible for loacmg and menu fartqnnc see J. W. Gregg. $14 Fentoa bilai. WANT someon with mtl mill to cot 150 ipri nf aH-nni iroslh timnar into maraet aM product on share. hat hava you to offer Paul liomtMio. Carlton, Or. Route 1. hoe V N E li-34 equipped sawmill; one MUDMd am a-ml. I: one -O- -M eonippeo saw mill: one 2-M equipped sawmill : one 4"-M quipped uDi::: one iu-a equip peu saw n! I Hnark. tl lth t. .u jiAI.E The beet 4'-M. sawmill In th North a et. New power plant, steam-feed live ro:., ur. tc Call or writ at once J. R Laber. 7IJ Brodwy bldg. rrtn flii.R Ti M RE R LlSDS. rnr M:a. clieaBL 15 to 20 million feet fir. auiiaiM f r 1 1 snd timbers. Near railway. A B2. tregtnio. ECTtoN aw. pilins nd tie timber near 1 rruiaa ?jipiw.i tan rium R. K $4 per acr. fiona term a. P. D, Warner. 4-S Oregon et H HALE acres timber. Llnco.n County, near Toledo, owner. Nelson, Last r"CTION tl timber, beet location, low price: btg monr-maktr; Dear investigation. S . Oregnnlan. TIMRRR LANDS BOUGHT AND bOLD. C J VrCHAOKCM. 3o4 McKaT Bt-TXl, Br:-r TIC propoaitloa. oa market. Oragootaa. AM 32, WANTED TTMRrst JD4, BH1T1HH C1LUMPIA TIMBER, 4 limns, approvtmataly 3o.uvu acre. estimated crulee -k minion feat, consist ing of red and yellow cedar, hemlock, sil ver f.r. aprure. white pine and poiea. lo cated about loo mts north of Vancouver, on Savmour and Bella In lata accewalbl Ith can-ging easels. compet data wua map, survey and crulso avaliabl if tfeaired; very reaeonabl prir and terma. WILLIAM F. tKLL. fiycamor. III. W A NT ED TIMBER LANDS. 23 to 40 million feat of fir for sawmill operation. Must he near transportation. or euttahl fur f mining to railway. AF 64. rrgvnian. WANTED to bar smafl sawmill and timber. Own era or aut honied agvnta only. At' M. or gonlan. ANTED Four to ten million feat fir, suit able fir tl and ttmbersw clos to rati rJl. on stuinpago baaia. AL 31. Orego- HiP li N F. Ei W AN T ED LOEB PROflw. A2-3 Broadway Bldg.. Portland. TOP price for small tract of second-growth sir witnin oci mite roniana. run partic ulars, price, first letter. AR at. Oragonian. WANTED To buy 13 to 24 thousand rapac ity sawmill, with or without timber; give full particular. AL $. Oregonlan. 12 MILLION fet timber In Northern Idaho, 40 pr cent whit pin: will cnnMr part trr1k W. F- Grunert, Ten 1 no. Waah. bHiP kna and hewn tie wanted. Gamble RIeg Ship Kneo Co, Grllngr bldg. TO FXCff IXf.R-RF4L F4T4TF, 44 ACRF.4 Or son land for small bungalow. or good housa oqulty. AJ a. Oregonlan, CLEAR Westmoreland lot for acre nr Portland. D 4f. Oregonlan. T I.'rt. Vt.V aeon. Ia Anaele. valued 3Aoo. fr port:an4. W 51. Oregon'an. i-ACRta tn bearing orchard nar VcMlnn- vUi4 for bungaiow oquity. Cast TO EXCHANGE BEAI, ESTATE. iiir.HLT IMI'KOVKD 70-ACRE FA KM WITH 8To.K AND EQUIPMENT On-tnird mila from Pacific Highway, 19 mile from Portland, no batter soil In tha Valley. Ilea well, lotue genuine bea verdam tiled. W acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and paature. good buildings, a-room house, hot and cold water, big red bara. tankhouae. gaa angina, flna aprlng and well, good fence, sum clover, wheat, oat a. vetch, hay In barn. team, wagon and hameas, other farm Imple ment a, S or 0 cow a. soma hogi. chicken. Prlca SI5.0OO; take In exchange 2 clear Portland houae up to SlfcKHi. terms on balance. Fee bam Hawey, at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bidg. b-looM Hultir Irlngton Park, modern convenience built-in. steam heat. Inlaid hardwood floora, shower bath. House built 3 year asjo, bungalow type: beau tiful home; some lot on Hawthorn ave nue. To evhange for a good farm. Must be clear of Incumbrance, Alight giva aom cash. tiood In com bun! nana property, brick building, worth 15.M0. clear; two resi dences, and aome lota. In Rosa City and fet. John to trade for a good farm ciear of Incumbrance. Muat be good and no junk. Write 401 K. 60th si. N. Phon Tabor fioS. Mrs. Ktchlaon. ... 0H -HIGH-CLASH RESIDENCE" UKKKRED THIS WEEK AT S.fiOOt, POSITIVE RACKIFICti (TO AVOID KOHr:LoSlRK. $.Vmj0 CASH WILL HAMH.E. HALANVB ION3 TIME. HKB THIS M'LKNDID MODKRN HOME. JIKAL'TIFVU h;htlt location IKAM SIDK WHOLK BI.Oi'Kl. IN Fl HST-LASH CONDITION 1NMDE ANT OCT. CONSIDER EXCHANGE CP TO 0.1VMI AND .XT.x CASH. KA LAN 'R TERMS. riEE IT AND MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BuX C1TT. 11-HuoM housa in Oakland, Cal.. 1S000. want Oregon, will assume. II acres at Elktnn. 2 acre orchard. If) room house, beautiful home. ItiovO. Want roniann. win aasum. - acres almomis. Colusa County. Cali fornia. 7 yeara old. Prlca H-'.OOU. Want vreaitrt. in aum. W 111 trad the t hre properties sinrly or eu nioo ana assuma reasonable znort gae. K -2. Oregojnan. tX'H ANOK 134 acre, three miles from railroad siatmn: Ml acres under plow, L'O av rea In a-year-old commercial applea S a ra timber: good spring, large water tank, houae. barn, on good road; acres can b put In cultivation very eaay; will take bouee to $3oo0. price $iO per acre, $ia4 will handle. Sa Hand.) O. H. SMITH CO.. 433 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. J ACHES, 1400 chotca bearing peach treea, all In cultivation except about 7 acrea pasture; IS mliea from R. K. station, on macadam road; 7-roo m house, with garag, good barn. etc. A beautiful country home yet with city convenience. Value $11.Uh; H In ctty proparty. balance easy terms, tea Oti.) O. 8. SMITH at CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerca Blflf. BIO TRACT TIMBER. One of most accessible tract on ttila Coast; good transportation facilities; log ging now ; holdings include timber, com (:fe logging equipment and mill; price 4o0.0Ou, Owner not lumberman and da atrea to aeiL Might consider half in good trade, LrEDDEMAW COMPANT, 913 Chamber of Commerca. OO-ACKE FA KM. MILE TO ELEC In cul- TKlC STATION Good aoll. lies well, no rock. H tlvaiton. balance small oaks, family or chard, house, ham, springs and well ; prlca $.kmi; eschsnge fur clear modern nous In good district up to $.100"; terms on balance. See Sam llewcy. at J HART A N COM PAN Y. .No. 7 Chamber cf Commerce bhlg. lOO ACRES, JOINS VANCOUVER. FOR EXCHANGE. AH cleared and level, flna land, large bouse and fair barn. located on paved road JuM outaid city limits of Vancouver, taiue f ...Hm, wiu exenauge iur guoa come property. THE K. a THOMPSON Ctt, Third and Main His.. Vancouver, Wash. KXi'HA.Mit FOR FARM. Beautiful home in Alameda Park dls trict; everything strictly the best. Interior finished In white enamei gooa view city and nice surroundings; worth $25,000 will exchange lor gooa term. 000 xi. r LEE. If. A. DRTER. The Acreage Man," M0 Lewta Bldg. 13 ACRES, nearly all In cultivation, bast soli, pienty of fruit, berries and wood; poor buildings; locatva ciose in on itoq roau in flna dlatrlct: nrlca only $00 per acre; mortgage $imh, and will exchange for Portland property and might cooeldor good, clear lots: a real bargain. -SAMUEL DOAK 120 Northwestern Bank B?flg. ill atres. in T.oa Anrelea. In o ran re grove, aood buildings, $3uo0. more $750; will mil, fnr mrrae near Portland. TO a, well stocked and equipped, rood building, all in cult., good water, good road, near flna town; $o.00; will trade for small place or city property. Williams Loan 4e Investment Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE a number of extra choice, well-ini-proved. close-In acres ge proposition, some with extra good buildings, ranging from 1 to 25 acres: I am prepared to offer st eiceotlonal bargains and on aom win take good part In trad. SAMUEL DOAK 3202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. it a st SIDE bualneas corner, clear of In cumbrance. oins. carries aiu.wiu insur ance: stores ground floor, apt, above, mostly rented: trad for close-In prop- r-v ultablo for sarac or apt. sight would aasum aome mortgage. Billings, f.ftw McKay bidg. $20 ACRES. 10O acrea cleared. An elegant set of farm Dutininga. wnica cm iwui iti nun One of the houses cost I OOO and ta strictly motlern. About IS head of stncK. Will exchange for good clear city property. Geo. T. Moor Co., Abingtoa bl.lK. UKARTEK block. 1.1 -room house, business property, in vregou .-iiy, 101a. room house, sawmill at beach, all clear will trade for farm or merchandise In heart of Valley J. H. Mattley, tregon city, kjt. 2o-ACKE. highly improved uregon larm. hulliltni:i worth x.'o.ihhk stock ana equip ment, $10.00u: price $03.0imi; exchange for income city property tquai aiua. a , Oresonlan. CORNER. L"U10 apartment-house site, close In. warning nistance, si ciu. dirioi bargain In Portland. Might consider trade to $KW0. Price l.noo. J. O. OfbTAFF, Oerllnger Bldg. a ii-h K4 A I land. 20 mil from Port land, partly Improvea, va.ue .w; ciearea of Incumbrances, snd 8-roorn moiern nouse; wei miaitu, will trade for ' up-to-date home Portland Helghta Box 20h4. cliy. EX C H A N i E 6-room modern h ou se. bOx 1 uO lot. aood location. 1 diock to car anu paveu trMi clear: value l.w, cor smaii larm near good town, same value; mtsht as sume email amount difference If place autta M 37. Orcironlan. 10 ACRES. NEAR I'OKTLAND. To trade for good, modern. 6 or 4 -room bungalow: will pay balance cash or aa aunte mortgage, Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ab Incmn bldg. fcX 'HA.V1B neat 2-room bungalow 14x34, hair block Aioerta, near i mon ave.; p.aa terad. electricity, gas. clear, for a rooms and cash. R. C. preferred; owners only. A K .1u. uresonlan. W 11. 1, sell or trade 4 lota in Astoria within city limits valued s.mj.wi; respon stbie partlre only considered. T. H. L. bov 4i. Portland Hotel. Portland. $lun RESIDENCE I-OT Portland Heighta, clear; 111 exenange ior dwiub i.u, oancr. 203 block Exchange bldg. Mar shall 6141. u-ACHE what farm, near Kennewlck. Wash., ror $-'00 bungalow in fortiana; balance can be paid on crop payment. Phone Tabor J4ft. 730 rtlst ave. 8. E. WILL exchange my equity In a nearly new. strictly modern l-room nouse in nose .ny for a smaLer house, or bargain for cash. V 4.X Oregonlan. DESl RA ULE $m) acre, under cultivation. closo to Metiger station; wouia rasse aa first payment on desirable n-room house !n Portland. Address U 2 Oregonlan. .HOuM houae. and lot. also 6-rm. houaa and acre, hlshly cultivated, for sale or trade for farm or Improved acreage. Ma son. Phone Main 1114. OWNER Sell or trad for lena land: five- room cottage. Bleeping porcn. six lota, ben houaa and run, fruit, be trie, fine garden; Mt. Tabor car. Phone Tabor lWu'2. 25 ACHES. Improved dlveraifled Oregon farm, worth 42-n, unincumbered ; ex change for Portland residence, equal value. AC 6A Oregonlan. EXCHANGE my equity In 7 -room home on Pon insula ror small horn ire ox incum brance. AP 24. Orvgonlan. STEAM LAUNDRY Newberg. lot. bldg. and equipment, clear. Take Fortland property. Owner, 314 Cham, of Com. Mar. 2549. ONE acre, Metsger t., Oregon Electric r. R., cleared ana level ; win traae; vaiue $ 7 OO. BP 7. Oyesonlan. HICKEN RANTH, eloe In. ready for buel- na; aeii cneap, or traa ior nous ana lot. M2 ftwecand bldg. GO D lncom Portland property to ex change for rarma. Hobba, 414 cnamber of Commerr. GIVE Alberta lot for eqrilty $2300 residence. owner. 141 East awn North. PORTLAND property for property In any rate or innea mare, r w, uraKonnn. EXCHANGE a free and clear lot for auto. Call Sell. 254 after 4 P. M. -ROOM' house, 1 acr ground. Be faro: trad tor ho us and lot close In. X 29, Oregoxuaa. TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE. TRADE FOR EQUIPPED VALLEY FARM. 8M acres in Crook County, 80 acres under Irrigation, water right paid for 420 more. S-room bungalow, barn, garage, equipped blacksmith shop. Building ail brand new. On cream and mall rout. Stock consists of BO horse. 8 milk cows, lio heifers. 10 yearling; calves, brood aow and chickens. 4 farm wagona. 4 acta of harness, mower, rake. 2 harrows, 4 plows, new 18-horse power tractor with tractor plow, cream separator, tons of hay, teler pliene. price $44,000; will trade for an equipped Willamette Valley farm up to LO.iwO. JOHN E. HOWARD. 815 Chamber of Commerca. 40-ACRE EQI'IPPED FARM. 14 .MILES rKOM fUnTLAND 14 miles from electric sta,, on hard road, 30 acres In cultivation, level land, extra fine aoll, no rock, .10 acres pas ture and timber, watered by well, springs and creek, 7 -room house, barn, garage and outbids,, family orchard, 2 good horses. 2 cows, hay In barn, seed pota toes, aii rarra implements and small tools. Prir $7o0; exchange for clear modern borne In Portland up to $4000. terms on balance. See Sam Hewey, at J. L HART- -ma.x com rAft 1 o. 7 Chamber of Com mere bldg. 5 ROOMS 'riUNNTEIDB DISTRICT FLOWERS. FRUIT. SPLEVDTD LOCA TION. NEAR SCHOOL CHURCH. STOKES, ETC, ON BELMONT KBAR 84TH. O-ONSIDER EXCHANGE. I WORTH $:i.'00. MAKE OFFTTR, (RKAT BARGAIN FOR CA-SH.) INQUIRE MR. STAt'B 1C7 BEUIONT. OR SEE PATTERSON', 209 SELLINO BLDOw OW.N'BR. 13-ACRE ranch, 12 miles from Courthouse, on paved highway, modern 8-roora, house, arranged for hot and cold water; cement milk house, potato-house, pig; stye, chicken-house. Summer kitchen, fruit trees. Urge barn, own water plant piped through out grounds, fenced and cross-fenced, septic sewerara system, all In cultivation; one of the finest ranches In Oregon. Stanley S. Thompson Co., 302 Oak at. INCOME PROPERTIES TO TRADE."-" Modern brick apartm-ut-house. In Port Innd. big Income; price $i0.(ioo. Will con aider farm property to $;i5.fHK. Alan httve brick apartments, bringing In over $4ooo a year; price only $27.Roo. Take 8IA.0OO in trade. $0000 cash. $75oO mort gugu. LCEPDEMANN COMPANT. CIS Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Ready to move on right now, good nouse, 40 acres rich black soli In culti vation, balance flna pasture with running - . io screw in an. miles from Ki vow a. want poruana property, or I w 111 renu W. H. no3, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. fcELL OR TRADE ON CASH RAfiTfl Forty-acre grain, fruit and hog ranch, 80 acrea cultivated! less than mil to town. P. O.. etc; all kinds of fruit as Jood as grow a at Hood River and market or all of aame; fair buildings; plenty of work In logging cam pa My equity is vmii iuc 11 iraa yours must Da eamo. uwnor. v g. oregonlan. WANT ,n Portland; hava in exchange! in wmo: iwrgoni nouse ana large barn, good garden, value $3000; o0 acres. 2 miles from town, with house and barn. pan in cultivation, value $10uO, all clear 01 incumbrance, i nia property is in good town on S. P., not far from Eurene. Or.;, good high school; might assuma small s mount, al oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE 20 -acre home in Grants I'ass. Oregon, well Improved, with 7 acres Bearing iruit. a or grapes, 1 In peaches, baiance other cropa, 4 -room house, good barn and other buildings; price $5000. mortgage $300; trade equity for clear 1 i -on land realdenca. D. S. R. walker, Eu gene. Oregon. UVJ-ACRE fine atock ranch, 300 cult., good soil, well watered, lots open pasture. 2.000.0W) feet yellow fir, 2 houses, fine outbuildings, 2S miles R. R, Take some I traie ana some cash. Thoa W. Currle, 2 Henry bid g. UOLBLE house, 6 rooms each, modern con veniences, close in. between East Morrl on and HawthornA Will take single jiouao as pan payment, or sen reasonable. Can be made In 10 small apartments. No commission paiu. o v, oregonlan. AN INCOME RAHfiAIV 6-acres, full bearing prune and chicken ranch, amall house and outbuildings, good cuiiumon, t mi ics irom Vancouver, wash.; will consider exchange; submit offer. AM n, iregoman. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS I WILL TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY, VALUE ABOUT $ Ooo. MY U N I N C U M - 1-i I." Jv fc'1 KTAl) C Ki ll rt Vil ft I v COME, IN PROSPEROUS TOWN. WHAT HAVE YOU? AF 53, OREGONIAN. TRADE house and two lota, block from Arleta sta,, for modern 6-room cottage and one lot within a mile from Franklin High School, or will sell. Call Monday or ruusuay evening, aao ootn at. s. E. FOR EXCHANGE for a bungalow, m, well- equipped dairy, barn and 2 lots, rented for $10 a month, and 1H acres near Metzger. caah prlca $2300; might con- elder a good equity. J 35, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE: Lot, Montavtlla, clear of In cumbrance, lor acreage. Frefer some provements. Also loO-acre Matanuska. Alaska; fine crop last year. BF 5, Ore- Ionian. KLAMATH FALLS clear lots for Portland improved; win assume; have only a few deals left. Her is your chines to get rid of your Incumbrance. T 26. O reso rt 1 an. WHEAT. ALFALFA. APPLES 48 a. North Lyie, vv ash., every acre producing; fair bid gs. Faro by boat $1. Bell, rent or ex change, Geo. C. Howard, owner, 314 Ch. ox com. FOR SALE Other Interests ' compel us to sell at once tna best-paying and most popular store In Pendleton. Or. Don't wait. It will pay you to Investigate. Th Bee riive. 100 ACRES, heavy with yellow pine and fir. Jackson Co.. 20 miles east of Ashland, Or.; value $4300: exchange for Seattle real estate. J. M. Rich. Ill 6th ave. North, reattie. EXCHANGE 20 a. going fruit ranch. equippea. umpqua vaiiey iruit section: land level, good buildings. Want city. What have you? B. J. San ford, owner. rtoaeourg, iregon. BUSINESS PROPERTY, NEWBERG. lWixlOO CORNER AND FEED BARN. Want Portland, equity for $2000. Will assume; $1200 against this property. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. kl20 ACRES white pine near Grants Pass for vacant or improved Seattle or vicinity property; wining to assume. bend par ticulars to Is ted, Colman bids., Seattle, nam. To TRADE for Portland residence, not over $40i0, close to good canine, 40 acres black loam, brusn, some stumps; Clarke County. 12 miles N. E. Vancouver; valuo 3oo0. tox 34i, city. TO EXCHANGE Concrete block apartment houae, value $18.ihm, for residence in Irv ing ton or Alameda and part cash. Con sider also good farm near Portland. Write owner. C. w. Miller. Tillamook. Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. 8 lota, about 120 feet from the electric line; tin building lots: near tha barracks; for a house in Portland; a-111 assume: might consider I scresge. J. G. Guataff. 601 Gerllnger bids. 40 ACRES, near Summit; some Improve ments, ior small place or nouse near lu Portland; 4-R. house, large lot, St. Maries, Idaho, for Portland, AM 20, Ore gonlan. WHEAT LAND, SHERMAN CO. 230 acres good, level land, sell on terms or take Portland for part. Owner. 814 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2549. HAVE city Income and residence property. value $-0,000, in good payroll town. Ex change tor Improved farm. P. O. Box 204, Clatskani. Or. IRVINGTON corner. 100x100, aubject city liens, for aeslrabl clour lot or bunga low, or will aell cheap. AK , Ore gonlan. 20-ACRE fruit ranch, nesr Lebanon; would take good rora car ana soma can. baL terma 028 E, Richmond St., St, Johns, Portland, or. RESIDENCE. 12 rooms. In Nob Hill, dis trict. West Side. In first-class condition. for smaller houae. What hav you to of- ferT AB 44. Oregonlan. HAVE several tracts of good cloo-in acr- aa-e to trade for cltv OrooertV. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT CO. 224-22S rienry Biog. lriO ACRES, unimproved, near Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co.. Oregon; clear, will exchange I f o r p ro pe rt y In S. Cat. 2L C. 1 w ey , Pomona. Cal. LIST your property with ua for results, ex changes of merit: established 10 years, Tha Ernest Tounger Co.. 105-107 Park sL, between Washington and Stark sta. $1750 5 ACRES, fine land, all In cultlva tlon. near Reedvllla. half mile from 2 car- lines; mortgage $500. Wilt exchange for house and lot or close-in acre. East 3298. 10-ACRE apple uu peach orcbard, 7-year-old trees, near Rose burg. Or.; trade for Portland real estate or automobile. John Townaend. v03 Cham. Commerce. Fortland. MOVING-PICTURE buslneaa. Edtaon ma chine, piano, 200 opera chairs, outfit com-! plete. r or aaia or traae. av sua, urego nfsn. TO EXCHANGE. 820-a.. N. E. Lake Co.. ctear. price $3500. for clear horn. Laurelhurst or Rosa City Park. W 12, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE 20 acres of clear land at Ad-1 dlaon. N. T.. for a K-R. house In Portland. ; Phon East 5820, Tabor 1670. J. E. Parry, i 114 Grana ave. LOT with 15-room apartment. $6000; want 20 or 30 acre cloaa to Portland. Jb facie. Old Clay. 41aXeHAU 43.4. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 400 ACRES, 250 acres clear, balance timber and pasture, fair farm buildings, near Sa lem, for sal at $80,uo0, or would consider good Income property or smaller farm. Lot us know what you hava. H. M. ilaloney, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. gP3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 160 ACRES of good wheat land In Central Oregon, 90 acres in cultivation and 40 mora can be. Will trade for horses, cows or anything I can use on farm. Also one homestead relinquishment; good spring water. Write to box 47, K. 1, Mllwaukle, Or. HOUSE. 9 large rooms. 80x115 lot, 7 large cherry trees, $40 worth sold from one tree ; 5 heavy rows of loganberries, 60 feet long; lawn, roses; all in first-class condition. Take lot or small payment down, balance like rent; trade- for acre age Give phone, AN 17, Oregonlan. NOTICE. If your property, eit'.er city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no in flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg." Ref. Portland Realty Board. I HAVE H Interest In 100x100 joining one of Portland's largest wholesale and re tail establishments, nesr public dock and R. R., with splendid future; equity $6000. mtg., $,rooo, tt per cent; H the value of this property want farm land. Owner, H 111, Oregonlan. l NICE home on Hawthorne ave., 6 rooms, bath, full cement basement and laundry trays, fruit and flowers, lot 60x120; 1 lot In Alameda Park. 8 lots In Piedmont Park, all clear, to exchange for a good sub- 1 urban home Inside 10c carfare. From owner, A 1. Oregonlan. SEMI-MODERN 7-room house, some cash ; fine fruit, fine for chickens and cows, in beautiful Valley town. West Side, to ex change for five or six-room bungalow In city. See Rlppey, C12 McKay bldg. Phone Main 6229. WILL trade 60 acrea. free from all Incum brance, IS miles south of Astoria, on Ne halem highway, first payment on good modern up-to-date 4 -room bungalow on suburban aero tract, 6u0 E. 87th N. Ta bor 174H. 20." ACRES Large new barn, accommodate 50 head stock. 40 tons of hay; 35 a. culti vation, 40 more eaay cleared; farm tools, wagons, fair houHe and furniture. Trade city property. Give phone. BD 1L Ore gonlan. WILL exchange $50,000 San Francisco apart- ment-nouse, tuny rentea. ana $12,000 Burl in game residence, for going sheep ranch, or other income snd part cash. Owner, San Francisco. aytng property. 4U oevisaaero, -06 ACRES Large new barn, accommodates 60 head stock, 40 tona of hay; 35 a, culti vated, 40 more easy cleared ; farm, tools, w a irons, fair house and furniture. Trad city property. Give phone, BD 1L Ore gonlan. WANTED Portland property; have modem i-roora resiaence, lot 100x100. shrunoery and shsde trees beautify tha home, located In Forest Grovs. Or. Main C. E. luggie. 414 N. w. Bank bldg. I HAVE 100 acrea of good land In Alberta - Canada, to trade for amall farm lu Ore gon or Wash, Write to owner. Knuti Nelson. Rt. 1, box 89A, Marysviile, Wash. A nere is no incumbrance, FOR BALE or trade, four-room house and one acre, cleared, at Metzger. Oregon; good outbuildings; value $17uu. for house and lot In Portland. 2023 E. Yamhill st. Tabor B31Q. HIGH-GRADE furnished bungalow flats of 0 apis., always rented, no services re- 1 quired; will assume modern home, mort- I gage ana some casu, vaiue -u,uuv. v ast uregonian. WILL trade my 3 lots. cor. of 88th and Brazee 100x107; sidewalks and pavement In, with some cash for good six-room house in paveu umwii'u mi. Jiageuian, l apor o2i0. 10 ACRES. NEAR PORTLAND. To trade for good, modern, 5 or 6-room bungalow; win pay balance cash or as sume mortgage, Geo. 'A. iiooio Co Ao- ington mag. EXCHANGE 10 acres, clear, in cultivation. Willamette v alley. miles Portland, fori o-room noust', clear, vicinity Piedmont. BP 41. Oregon lan. TWO lota in Vancouver, Wash., m blocks from car, 100x100. value $000, to traue I for Portland property of equal value. Own er, w oouiawn 100. $2050 EQUITY in 8H-acre farm, near Amity, to trade for house and lot: 70 acres in cultivation. Owner, F. F. Shelley, 631 Hal-I sey st., Portland. Phone E. 4S30. GOOD 9-room house for a strictly modern I house In Overlook or Upper Alblna; will I pay soma to dool sea Andrew Feterson, 403 Front St. WILL trade 10 acres of good land or lots In Mount Scott on 0 or 6-room modern bun galow In Hawthorne district. For fall par- ticulars phone bel 1 wood 203. FOR SALE or exchange, nice 5-rooin modern house; will exchange for lot and cash or I acreage; must bo improved. AJv 43. Ore- ; gonlan. - WILL aacrlffce my 7-room house and 4 lots. well fruited, $2000; $o00 cash. For par ticulars phone Sell wood 1362, owner, 6412 47th ave. S. E.. Portland. SOUTH DAKOTA wheat and alfalfa lands to trade for -W Illarhette v alley property. Prices $25 to $35 per acre- Fislax & Robinson. Philip, S. D. WILL exchange clear lots or land for house equity. W. rL ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE Five-room bungalow. Med- ford. Or., lor stump land, acreage or tim ber land. ur o, uregonian. 74 ACRES, unimproved, near Carlton, Or., to exchange for Fort land home. C. AL DERR. lloO N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. lots in Forest Grove as first payment, rest like rent. Tabor 240s. FOR TRADE: 15 acres river bottom land to trade for Portland property. Samuel Thomas, Lebanon, Or. 80 ACRES, 35 acres bottom land, creek, on rock road, close to xt. k. ana town.a.G, 804, Oregonlan. , 80 ACRES. 35 acres bottom land, creek, on rock road, close to rt rt. ana town, ror city property. G 04, oregonlan. FOUR new flats, corner Los Angeles, on car- line, for acreage or ranch in Oregon or Washington. T 340, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern cottage to trade for equity in Fiedmont residence, al b. oregonlan. or Phone Woodlawn 3-soi evenings. LOT 100x138, 2 houses, worth $2500, at Oak I Grove, for small Valley farm same value. Owners only. F. o. box 172, oak urove. FOR SALE or will exchange for bungalow. modern 7-room house, garage, irvington residence. Owner, Eaat orf4. LOT 100x138, 2 houses, worth $2500, at Oak Grove, for small v alley rarra same value. Owners only. P. O. box 172. Oak Grove. FINE 320-acre stock ranch to trade for $5500 Income property or stock or second-hand goons. AQarewa dpi zh, nena, or. SAN FRANCISCO, vicinity acreage wanted for two Portland lots; $1500 clear. H. .Hel en lor. 17 Doriana sc. ban r rancisco. FOUR new fists, corner Los Angeles, on car- line, for acreage or rancn in Oregon or Washington. T 340. oregonlan. DANDY Irvington lot to trade for good late model auto. Give make ana moaei in re- ply. D 29. Oregonlan. WILL trade 120 acres timber In Eastern Oregon for auto or amall acreage, owner. B it, Oregonlan. 8 ACRES, on carl in e, Vancouver. Wash., in cult, want house in city, couins, 111 Spalding bldg. Main 27. CITY lot wanted. If clear. In part or full ex change for $.50 player piano, music ana bench. Security storage to.. iu tn il WANT STOCK RANCH TO $70,000. Hava, Improved income city property to t ra a e tor same, r. u. oox e t o. 8-ROOM modern house In Salem; equity of $15oo to trade for clear acreage, j. L Gustaff, COl Gerllnger. PORTLAND oroperty. value $3o00, rented for $30 per mo., ior gooa acreage near Portland. W 59. oregonlan. 6 14 ACRES, Unproved, to trade for modern home in city. r 00, oregomau. roone Woodlawn 301. evenings. 80 ACRES. 35 acres bottom land, creek, on rock road, close to lu it. ana town. U 84. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, a 3-room house: will trade for auto. What nave you.' vvooa- lawn 3084. 5-ROOM house, large lot, good locality, to exchange for acreage or anytning tnat would suit, Frlce $2w. iast ijuu. I A CLEAR building lot. In Portland, value $425, to trade for a nign-graae piano, a. v 402. Oregonlan. 7-ROOM house, restricted district, for S-room house In Rose City, enwooq auu. FREE AND CLEAR LOTS FOR EQUITIES. M R. LO N G. MAIN 1 4. WANT residence; give beautiful 20 acres. near electric, owner. 141 rast outn w. &3t ACRES, facing -electric depot, 9o fare. tor nouse. xiro aionawn uiu. FOR SALE or exchange, 40 acres uncleared land, Linnton road, noiorook. itawy. MODERN buneslow, close to car, for lots or I acreage. T 390, Oregonlan. PORTLAND property for property In any state of united states. m. oregon lan. MODERN bungalow, close to car, for lota or acreage. T 390, Oregonlan. PORTLAND property for-property In any state of United States, s 40. oregonlan. TRADE lots and some cash for auto, bug or 5-pass. Tabor 2i52. MODERN bungalow, close to car, Ior lota or acreage, x aw, Oregon lan. TO EXCHANGE REAL STATE. CITY FARM HOME (4 ACRES; ALL CITT CONVENIENCEa DESIRABLE. PROFITABLE HOME PLACE AT -WOOD BURN, OR., TWO BLOCKS FROM MAIN STREET AND ELECTRIC CAR. A CLEAN, MODERN SCHOOL AND HOME TUVVN (POPU LATION ABOUT 3000). HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE, 7 ROOMS, GOOD ORDER. BATH. FURNACE, ETC., ESPECIALLY GOOD BARN, AR RANGED FOR COWS, HORSES AND EQUIPMENT. THIS PLACE SUITED FOR FRUIT, GARDEN. CHICKENS, PIGS, ETC. OWNER IS OBLIGED TO SELL. PRICE FOR QUICK TURN $6750. EASY TERMS. OR WILL EXCHANGE AT FAIR VALUE ON GOOD RANCH OR PROPERTY IN OR NEAR PORTLAND, AND ASSUME (OR PAY CASH DIFFERENCE). . ADDRESS E. BUR KIT T, OW.N'KR, 209 SELLING BLDG. 950-ACRE STOCK DAIRY RANCH. BEST OPPORTUNITY FOR (REAL BAR- GAIN I DIVhJKSli' liiD HAY. GRAIN, LIVESTOCK, ETC. FULLY EQUIPPED, GOOD BUILDINGS, WELL FENCED, OWN WATER SYSTEM. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. RUNNING WATER (CREEK). ABOUT GOO ACRES PLOW LAND. NO ALKALI. GREAT FREE RANGE FOR STOCK. CROPS. STOCK AND EQUIP MENT ALL GO FOR $70 PER ACRE (WORTH OVER $ltX)). $12,000 WILL HANDLE THIS. BALANCE EASY. THIS PLACE WILL NET $15,000 PER YEAR. WAREHOUSE AND DEPOT ON PROPERTY. -CAN'T BEAT IT." SEE OWNER THIS WEEK. t CONSIDER. fiOME TRADE. GENERAL MERCHAN DISE OR MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER, CARE" OF P. O. BOX 222. CITY. IDEAL "RANCH HOME." IN BEAUTIFUL -'MOLALLA' VALLEY, NEAR ELECTRIC LINE. 47 ACRES, SOME EQUIPMENT. GOOD BUILDINGS. NEW BARN. SMALL CREEK AND SPRING AT BACK DOOR. ABOUT 3.1 ACRES CAN BE CULTIVAT ED. 40 ACRES MORE O. & C. TIMBER AND PASTURE SOON OPEN TO LOCATION. ON ACCOUNT OF ARMY DRAFT MUST BE SOLD. (CONSIDER TRADE). GOOD HOME EQUITY FOR PART. OR SMALL ACREAGE. ETC. (CHEAP AT $0500). AND MAKE OFFER, ADDRESS PATTISON, OWNER, 200 SELLING BLDG. $2000 REAL EQUITY FOR $500. FEE THIS; MAKE OFFER. 227 E. 47TH, 3 BLKS. N. OF HAWTHORNE. 2 BIG LOTS, FRUIT. FAIRLY GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. AM LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL OR TRADE. LOOK IT OVER. DON'T BOTHER TENANTS UNTIL SEE ME. ADDRESS OWNER. BOX 222, WILL take town - property In any good tdwn south of Portland, prefer Ashland. Grants Pass or Roseburg. for well-located ousiness Duiiaing lease a at- ou per mo. Lease is secured by cash deposit; street improvements In and paid ; price $b0OO, mortgage $2400, 7 per cent. Williams, 820 tn. of Commerce. GOOD double flat building on good close-in corner on r.ast bide, reasonable mortgage, rented furnished for $32 per mo. and other ciear property to exchange for Portland residence or close-in acreage with value around $5000. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bid;. FOR SALE or exchange, a beautiful 230-acre iarm, all platted in 5 -acre tracts; near woodourn, or.; to settle an estate, this farm has been put down to $100 per acre, one-half trade. This place is worth $150 per acre. If you want something good address C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. A SPLENDID piece of ground, consisting of nearly 30 acrea, very best of soil, equal to Beaver Dam, near Lebanon. Would consider an exchange for small home in Portland. OTTO & HARKAAN REALTT CO., 41o Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COTTAGE BARGAIN. (SHIPBUILDING DISTRICT.) 6 rooms, well located, rents $12.00; street bonds all paid; worth $2uOM. Sell this week $1600. 0N5 Corbett, near Meade. Easy terms. Consider exchange. What have you? Wm. Patterson, 20W Selling bldg. IF YOUR property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is priced reasona ble, we can sell or exchange it, and would be glad to have you lit it with us; have some exceptional bargains in both. Tall mad ge Realty Company, tilt) Henry build ing. Marshall 305. ACRES adjoining Newberg; 5 acrea finest garden land, well Improved, large house and other good buildings. Will trade for Portland residence property to $4000.' Would assume some. AO 19. Oregonlan. 4& A, PART TRADE ON BUNGALOW."" 4 H A., 3 mi. E. Gresham, on Section Lino Road, value $750, clear. First pay ment on bungalow, or take vacant lot. H. C. Barr. Main 11 SU APARTMENT-HOUSE, income $2400 year. price $20,000. Will trade lor unincum bered 3 to 10-acre suburban homo up to $10,000. near 10c carfare. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS property, $150,000; Income more tnan lu per cent, to aiviae interests win accept $50,000 in exchange, balance cash and mortgage. AO 2f, Oregonlan. 20-ACRE farm near Beaverton, all in culti vation, good improvements, to exchange for home in Portland. JohnHon-Dodson Co., 634 Northwestern Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE One acre with 3-room shack at Metzger, 0-cent carfare, daily trips, for small house in Portland. Call J. Lindqulat, Wdln. 5580, Sunday. FOR SALE or trade, 7-room house, store building, barn, at a bargain; 4 blocks from bank; good location for small business. Address Linnton. Or., Box 43, Route 2. CLEAR vacant lots and close-in acreage to trade for good house equities. 1 wm as sume your mortgage. O. O. Sletten, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 35V7. WANT home Laurelhurst or Irvmgton; will trade one or two lots heattie semi-Dusiness; rents carry value $0000 or $7000; no com missions. D 4 uregonian I CASH or trade for equities; no commission if bargain. Call at 2 Henry oiag. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. PHEASANTS China cock. Reeves cock, one pair Golden, also pair a-i wniie ran ton niirpona. What have you? Bicycle pre ferred; take or pay cash difference. H 20, Oregonlan. NEARLY new Edison phonograph. $.V model, il dozen records, exchange for 30 U. S. 06 box magazine or Remington automatic rifle; must be penect couaiuon. xsox W hite Salmon, asn. A .12-GUAGE hammerless pump shotgun nearly new, used very little, paid $2j lor It; will trade for a good-sized trunk. A. Hart, route 3, Aurora. flT BULL duo. male. 7 months old; elec trie heater, pair new rubber mp-ooois, for rabbits, chickens, or what?. 540 E. 30th st. North. TO TRADE White rotary sewing machene. nearly new; cost $so. ior ro. 10 rteming ton typewriter or No. 5 Underwood, oi will sell for $35 cash. G 50. Oregonfan WANTED Piano. Will exrhange diamond and high-grade phonograph. AH 62, ore gonian. NEW Spirrllla corsets. No. 33, 30, 29 and 27, to traae xor laying nens. al. ax, Oregonlan. OFFIFCE fireproof safe to exchange for smaller one, or will sell mine. iu vv ucox bldg. DIAMOND RING to exchange for Victrola or new Brunswick pnonograpn. a a oj, Oregonlan. WILL exchange potatoes for portable rabbit hutches. Main bo04. CLEAR lot in East Marshfield, Or., for bl- cycle or what. jast odf. ELGIN WATCH Gold case, to trad for cedar chest, 40 Wilcox oiag. AUTO repairing in exchange for flic desk. Broadway wnr. FOR SALE. Cash Registers. ONE sprlnglees Angledale scale, 40-lb. ca pacity, ill goou wiiuj uuii. r 1 in; iiun & Produce Co.. E. 2d and Alder st. Ask for Mr. Mourray. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE, cheap, horse, wagon and harness. ail in good condition. Hee the outrit at 4 Union ave. Phone East 30&S. FOR SALE A new spring wagon; will sac rifice, as have no use xor it. can at 442 East 8th st S. HORSES If you wish to give your family horse a good country home, aauress ail R4, Oregonian. TEAM bay mares, 7 and 8, fat. 1150 lbs. each; $145. 2ul .ueaue si toouin Port land car. DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most for dead and cripplea stock, xaoor euj. HORSE sale at Ratcllffe'a feed barns. Wood- burn, Or., sat., -Marcn 1000-LB. MARE, cheap for cash. st. Wdln. 1077. FOR SALE Good team, wagon and buggy. harness and some dishes. 1051 Kerby st. JUST from the ranch, two yearns, about ; :600, cheap.- dfio a st. FOR SALE: 1600-lb. horse. Empire Transfer & Storage Co. Main istiu. I NICE top buggy for sale cheap. Inquire Ii3ff bast aotn st. . BARGAIN Strong single delivery harness. $. J. Kimoer. ena Fartcrose canine. HEAVY team of horses, harness and wagon, $400. Phona oak Grove x w. FOB SALE. Horse. Vehicles. Etc JUST received a shipment of horses from Grand Ronde Valley, Eastern Oregon ; mostly mares. The following ar soma of th prices: Span of well-mated brown mares, fat and ready for work; wt., 2000 lbs., $275. Span of mares, wt.. 2730 lbs.; sound and extra good workers. In good condition; $276. Span of mares, wt. 2400 lbs.; free from blemishes; one with foal; $175. MODEL STAB LES, 6th and Davis. TAKE NOTICE. Just received carload of good young horses and mares, weighing from 1100 to 1000 pounds, from 4 to 8 yeara old. some well-matched teams, heavy boned ' and blocky built. If in the market for good horses, call at the U. S. Stables. 48 Front st. G. D. Williamson. I AM discontinuing the use of horses in my woodyard and have 2 span of mare and must aell ; one weighing 2600 lbs., sound and true, $280; the other welghln 2200 lbs., sound and true; also aome har ness and wagon. 760 E. 73d at. N. Rosa City Park car. 1 PAIR mares, farm team; 1 pair mares, weight 1200 lbs., wagon and harness; young team, good workers, farm team ; pair gel dings, weight 1300, good workers, good wagon and harness. J. Cohen, 546 Front street. . TEAM heavy horses, nine years old; will do any kind of work; none any better; fine shape; these are nu cheap horses: they are worth the money. 120 Union ave North. DEAD stock and old horses bought. Call up for service and best cash results. Mll waukio 6U-J. Phono call paid on dead stock. . FOR SALE, cheap, 4 head of farm horses, weighing between 1200 and 1400 lbs.; X small team, weighing 2000 lbs. 226 Rus sell at. HEAVY FARM HORSES. W have 2 teams of heavy horses that we will sell cheap. Multnomah Fuel Co., M. 6M0. A LOT of Hazelwood and other wagons for sale; also horses and harness; part.ea go In 5 out of the horse business. Apply 20 Grand ave. A GOOD, big work horse and a good, sound young team ox mares ior sum cneap. lane Richmond car; get off at 20th St., 2 blks. south to 700 Woodward avenue. GOOD ranch outfit, mare and horse, weiRh around 2000 pounds; good true pullers; good harness and wagon; cheap for cash. Phone East 181. WANT HORSES, suitable for use on my farm. Have mortgages, clear land and lots. Geo. C. Howard, 311 Chamber of Com. FOURTEEN head of heavy horses for sale at the Nobby Barn, Twelfth and Fianaers. See A. E. Kreeburger. 5-YEAR-OLD bay mare, wagon and harness. good iarm wafcon, Harness ana team, weight 2500 lbs., $1 oO. 654 E. Oak sC DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood- . lawn 20. FoUR head good farm work horses, 1000 to 1100, $15 each; also 2-year-old colt, 1200, $100. Call 228 Alder st. - CHEAP for cash, 3 young horses and 1 mare. all guaranteed; weight 1200 lbs. each. 23 Russell, near Williams ave. $65 TAKES 1400-lb. mare, guaranteed sound and true worker. tj itussell, l blocK west of WTiUiams ave. WORK HORSE 1200. Main 4733. for sale; weight about FOR SALE Team heavy horses, welcht 280O pounds, for sale cheap. Broadway 521. Pianos, tjrgans and Musical Instruments. JUST received, shipment of 1118 model UNOLA, 45 in. high, 16 In. wide, 20 in. deep. Plays all makes of records. Select mahogany, waxed or fumed oak cabinet with 10 Victor or Columbia double disc records for only $00; $7 cash. $1 per week. EDWAKDS COMPANY, 5th. and Oak Sts. 5 BRUNSWICK phonograph. Adams Brown case, just as good aa new. used about days and exchanged for big size; plays all records; cabinet not marred. Special $00; rasv terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington SL GENUINE Edison Amberola, $200 model, beautiful golden oak case, with 100 dandy, brand-new four -minute Amberoiu records. Outfit cost new $250. Only $86, $10 down, balance $5 per month. Vrn L. Wenger, 142-j 2d st. (upstairs), near Alder. 20c DAILY buys $375 piano, iess 25 per cent, $281.25; 40c daily buys $0.0 player piano, less 2T per cent, $487.50. Best savings bank for the homo; secures musi cal education, entertainment and the prop erty. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. WILL trade elegant Victor cabinet hornless phonograph, beautiful cabinet, larger man average Victrola; submit proposition; will take about one-half original price. Wake field Music Co., 427 Washington st. EDISON STANDARD PHONOGRAPH and 25 4-minute records. Plays like new; fully guaranteed, only $10, $2 down, bal ance $2 per month. Vera L. Wenger, 142 2d st. (upstairs), near Alder. FINE Edison Triumph phonograph, cur veil horn, and 100 first-class records: cost 05 ; 'price $27.50; $5 down. $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison st. t exchange dept. ). ADAM SCHAAF upright piano, a good old standard make, mahogany case. In per fect condition, very cheap, on terms. 140 6th st. Telephone Main 3lo6. $450 PIANO, fine standard make, guar anteed, almost new; beautiful mahogany case. $135; best bargain In city. 312 Wor cester bldg. WILL pay cash for upright piano, or would exchange high-grade phonograph and give or take cash dltlerence. 100 10th sL Main 2820. BEAUTIFUL new mahogany electric Graf onola. splendid tone, exceptional selection of records; will sacrifice for cash. U5i East Couch at. Phone Tabor 1801. SMITH & BARNES full-size upright. Ilka new; French burl walnut case; would sell for less than half of cost price, and also consider terms. 140 (ith Bt. Main 3106. iaav ov ARC Just received another large shipment of "Joan of Arc" for Victrola or Grafonola. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. $yu CASH buys $375 Ernest Gabler upright piano, and $2ii5 cash a $550 88-note Heinze player piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. at Washington. SPLENDID disc horn machine and ten se lections. $0; $4 down, $2.50 monthly. Hy att Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison (exchange dept. ). V1CTROLAS We have just received a ship ment of new $S5 and $110 Vlctrolas and Grafonolas. Special terms. Hyatt Talk ing Machine C. 331 Morrison. COLUMBIA disc phonograph and 10 records, $12; terms. EDWARDS COMPANT, 5th and Oa k Sta. PIANO WANTED Will exchange new Vlo trola, Grafonola or Edison diamond disa phonograph for piano. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 331 Morrison. RENT a piano, most reasonable terms In Portland; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st- 1750 PLAYER piano, 50 rolls of music and bench. I need some money and must sell this player cheap, f a. oregonian. MILTON HS-note player piano, with lou rolls; Will take i-ioerty uonus. xiati Cassidy, 126 1st. Main 7QH8. PIANOLA for sale cheap or trade for horse or cow. xiToo&iya w w v.. avenue. , PHONOGRAPH cabinet, mahogany. wUh records, practically new, uu cuso. it 4 Everett. . $85 OAK Western Cottage organ. $30. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. FOR SALE or will exchange for diamonds. Steiphauer cabinet grana piayer piano; ou records. E 58, Oregonlan. $450 PIANO Will sell cheap rather than nave tne expense ot Buiim. ouut-u. Mr. Rike, EaLon Hotel. a $200 CASH, half price, almost new, upright manogany pi aim. oco --' v Phone East 6344. FOR RENT Columbia cabinet oraronols. with records, empire xxausier oc otorago Co. Main 1860. WANTED Victrola or Grafonola. cabinet style, cash for bargain, ais u, orego nlan. . $85 WALNUT GRAFONOLA Practically new, latest moun , 1 cn-ta. muur o 1 x . $500 PIANO, like new. for less than half cost, 34;f,j Pin au BEAUTIFUL $400 piano, mahogany case. need caah at once, At 00. oregonlan. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New bng. conservatory. PAY CASH for used pianos, Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. Harold S. A GOOD practice piano. $35 cash. AK 57. Oregonlan. DANDY $175 piano for $175 cash. 1226 Con cord st. Phone Woodlawn 183. WANTED Good upright piano; pay cash. W h at have you?. Marshall 5246. $450 PIANO, $14 bench, like new. $160; $50 down, $15 a month. 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO contract for sale reasonable. Phone D 1351. VERY fine old violin, for sale, cheap. Main 802. , WANTED Second-hand steel guitar, cheap; will trade for mandolin. Sellwood 14. FOR SALE Practically new $650 player piano, less than half. 160 Grand ave. N. WANTED Piano: will pay cash. East7092. AC 44. Oregonian. WANTED Piano; will pay small rent, ax- ' ceilent care, no childrao. dwy. 1Q7T. t $