8 TITE SUXDAY OKEGOXIAX, TOIITLAXD. MARCH 3, 191S REAL ESTATE. rr "wis Hi)t:.-f.-t A.VD WAR UAKDtM ALJ- kli0. ALL L.-TtICT. ALL. SIZE ALL P Kl TUU ON tTTT PE HOLD. CTeeer Interior; iduiiv district; sight tv location: uo!r tttrvuf bot.t; rwrai billiard room . f. a. shed in hardwood end 6 cut enamel; 2 fireplace. cl $ivvU. lfciU iwnf.ct iSuTHf R ACRir?CE. rWf4Wd www; princely heme: West '.!. Tf .ee ia, rub iwimmn ia 4udoe1 if desrd. CAhUMEfTH BARGAIN. Bey mic live there monfbt rtal free fin n -eed story a4 a far bet prom e Xl'JIIBrs PLACE. PsLWXJ RA.XOINO FROel $1000 TO 92000 EAT TiKXS. IMOX RAFa lKP A Til. CO 144 OAK. Daring- CM TOUR OWN TERMS. $17"W A-row heuae, li4i aV Clay sL, Mr a 4Jd . ilio rJuagelew, 1414 C 15 tb at X. ar m jrgael at. a rpw, Bjiofera eongelew. 1044) JLaott at.. Mr B. goto st. N. ILio f rotn reotdeace. N. F- cor. E. e aa4 Veaar at. aey a be Vasld aw a. Any eC the above prepoei lions esu be ywcaaHU w ta a soaau ceea paxysseut eai easai n ir tnatai 1 men ta la suit pmrvi asar. r. V. AXvavaS A CO. 44 nft blHg Tat. Mara. 4Q74. KO.S CTTT PARK. $1JeTrm 5-room bungalow and area berdwoed foor beamed colling Lars ilrpicw furnace, built-in booecaeo. euflai. Tiffany light fixture. Dwtrh, kit eaea. large blrMMM large cloeaia. eo tnut kMmtL laeairy ur et treat- 1 e 1 bte aouia ha cur tr cr. itbt cooaUlar p4aniw automobile ar yoedeter la At osditia. pert payment. Vpm for Ins pec Uo. 4e XL 44 X. Psoas Ttiwf 54. A.a M alD A PARK aaw 7 -room, buctgaow. lre iiVina rovm, dining rowia, braakfaat room. kit, fee a. ! bau rooma aad bet f:rt f.oor. bard wood f.oor living room and d.mag room, suit-in effect ararna h-oa4 iaor. fvil-aia eoftrl fcxtatfti. funtaca. trs, all aMMmnt toctu44 19 artca 9K urmi t luov casn. aiaa aor ntoma, tnetua.n intr- at. ca b aa lauay. J. C Cor bin Cam- lot WILL 1,1KB THIS. t vl l buy J-roorn bunx v, lrv at: I--, doubl coa!ruct!ru fall cmni bMrtioat and f.oor; furaar flrp4c. 1 maUra bacaraom. rooma ra a:t kri. i brl m ood f.oor in hll and hrlwao4 ftwor oaf bordra af lha (lin-room. all lm- Jroma'a la troi ar4 paid lr. Tirmi, 1 1 ru bai. ? par cau Naar k.i , a-1 and Mrrian. KR AX.K La Analaa. Cai.. moot aU la laaa aataia. SI . (M.U, o I no-room Cotonlal kwtfa lot 1J41&X a at aila ttoa. mat earn . bo-h Ji minia larao m - raa. atUa orirant qartra. bammr I hew, aaaoa and 1 rt( trooa, Uwml ilo w- rx aamont roll at. furnaro. two bothJi. barlaod finer lot fur re and rht-n. avrtvata rri. aafa for ablilrn; ril mta. rwiuit enr, aem ITT LJndaay. Cat. lil'HVBtALTIKf'U 4-roorm bunsalew. la- I ri nr f hi t. and fni jr btu.. la ft Otjr Prb; irti buncinr ta Mrttly miHifrn. bru oU floor iirBice. if ar. r-a aoai. A I strooi m-r in and I r'4. lu ra bur Hi la for Sov raan tnl ar moat b. Jf aa aac a na aa ot inr. f O 3Ir. Ifit r. with A. U. TRKt'K 0.. 24 TAKK HT Nr. od. j vunnr fhooa Tber --. Far half Hovora. HT NOT awn your bomaf It will rlv you boiler ftftnuinf la tna community. nra art a a tea Aamaa Aad vary raaaoa' Mca ft-room bungalow la Vn Irani ty 2 ara, rioa ta antpyara and aawmiiia. aloe trie Uchfa. toliat and batn. cmn( baa Aint. waita ai ;y Clntod aud palntad, Btca kH . only $ ItewO, aataa caaU, boaoca to auit purcnaaar. T-rwouo. coay aad onnYtnUntljr Arranfrd roaxiara banglo-a In lha dnliiMt Hit. thorn dtatrtct, camplotlf Iuriithed. Tn ta Imaa nd livrrAr ; alao a.tr-ara and ft-fwawaror aute.nobiia invluUad ; or.y 1 hla ia cartalnly a Uulca boiua and ail rady ta move lnta. Ni-e 4-room bonfJow, cottar In fine eeaditioa. cioo to at ore and 4"od car arvM.e reuutul la a and fioaera; only 4m; fw aova, baiaaa ta auil pur 1 bare man alhara. Urra and amalU na con quota a donwMtktr vary attract Ive pcH-oa and Unua, H. Uatbraak, ai-.io ranaiu bid- HAWTKOKNE foOoO. Lor &4al0u. -room bunaaloar. lor a tad Juat 1 black iron. Hawthorne en a.aat Miteoe. au, cloee la. folentlidty bniiL. with avarr eon- rivabte eonvnlanca. aucb a bard wood f.oor a, ftraptaxe, Fran-n door full ce niant baaemaut. furnace. autcn kitcbao. i;Aarnbar. lot mmi. Borne aonuaa in dabtadnaea to aaauma. Now eaeaat and raouy ta move into. Trua abouid be aatd by luaiJijf, ao burry. a. a. Tr:t:ps CO S44 Stark au. Sr. ftd. Main iATaZniutTjkU. Owner aain cit. WlJI aaU modam (room bun4ta la bet part of H City ra tr $j7lo. IHaa fine bot watar Koailnc pant, bib-rle bath flzturaa mM'X maay othar faatura of merit, liouaa buit by tar, and '0 vou.da t sat It If ha at a rod hare. Oat dateila aat ar rpa to aea WUay ar dartaa; weak. Taaw 1T . 10 I ILEH TO PORTLAND. CuLLilHIA H1UHWAV. CTtOXCtb ACHbAGb Any alia tract. Cloao to biff payroUa and two Daw amp Tarda at Columbia City. Ilia davaiop snant now tmhf on and Iota of work 10 be bad. luvaatltata. Low pticea. aaay term a Special lit due amenta to aat tiara, SCANDIK A V i A V-A M K KIC A S KJCALXa' CO. ::4-:.l iianry iiidg-. way nut bciuo Gat an artutle borna a coord In a ta yonr aw a idaaa by raapoaaible firm, l'rtrea ara aome biahar than normal, but thay will not be looar for aoma ara. We daiira and build raaUlancaa, npartmant, anjribiba. at to f :nanra aama if daairao. L. It. HAIl.tV CO., INC. Con tract in r Arr hitacta. t?4 .Northwaaiem Bank Hldf. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. t or (alr -lloura. -HoDra. SPECIAL BARGAINS, ATTRACTIVE 1'tKlli $1450 4 -room bunsaiow, modern except furnace. $14o0- o-roora bungalow, modara except xurnaca. Bth have hardwood floor and rament walka. 3 blocka to ML Ta bor car. ienijr of giriSmn apace ac-eaaalbia. f U00 o-room fcouaa fruit traaa, $100 run. $1SOO Good eotrava, lota. 1 block! of Aioarta car. 9i6fwv tt-room bouaa, funnyjde diatrfct. $Jbo 4-room houae. Brarly naw, 3 bad rooma. weat af 6utn at.. 1 block : from Hawinorne ave., $7oO caau re- 1 quireu. f 2o00 Alouarn 5 -room buntalow. near Kaat 4 tat at. aad UaatUuraa. fiw CMn reuuireo. $2730 Naat 5-iooru bungalow with carafe. fc.MM.KUAKI A aAKL, 424 Henry bide. Main 72. ACHES, OAK. GKOVk, avail improved. cnaan lor can. Mk-rvom bouaa with modern convan- I lancaa. good location. Roao City; atrrata Improveu: clar of Incumbrance: houae built 4 year aeo occupied by owner only. Jn flrat-t-laaa condition, two-atory. Price I esrutu. yiwvu caah, balance tarma. Big aa- ruica FOR "ALE. 7 -room houae with alfaptnr Torrh. all modern bulltin eonvenlenct a, good carafe, bouae built 4 yeara, occupied by owr.i-r; good condition : etraeta lmpro ad. Hla eacnriee; 94mm, auw Caao, balance tarma, iioae City Park. lit aacrlflce. d-roona up-to-dat houae. Irvtnaton 1'ark; new, fur $300. Slooo I caaa mnu itrmi leavlna; tow a axul muat aaii a 1 one. alRd, T(-Hr.aON. 401 E ROth aL X. Phwia Tabor ftoOS. mooil modern, vary line place, on A.iruy, near ortnwicjc. 91400. 4 -room cot case, nice place. Kern aia., mi. scott car. 15K, s rooma, modara, 63d and Oregon. jKomariiia Jina. $1700. 4 rooma, modern. 49th and Mill. mu acoxt una. $1300, 8 room, mod am, Stewart Station, llL bcott car. LOTS FOR SALS. 972 Lot 1. bik. 6. rmont Park. $125 Lot 1ft. blk. 2. Tounr" AddlUon, Aiiona. MRS. UOPKINa t40 Morgan 11 Ug. Marshall 1212. IRVING TO V BUNGALOW. 875 K. 2ith North, cloae to Broidvtr; 6 rooma, beautifully papered: woodwork In white enamel. Not the ordinary bun- mow, out niooera in every respect ana in perfect condition; located cloae In and Ideal in every way. Cloae to school and car. i-roDauiy you nave looked at a num ber of bungalows, but coma out Sunday between 'J and ft and aatlaly yourself you have yet to im lis equal. After Sunday nan in, wun THE KHED A. JACOBS CO., 104 0th Pit. Alain 6 -);. Sunday, Woodlawo Sla. Evenings phone Tabor 474(. bT. Johns uihxhict. $1300 will buy 4-rm. bungalow, bath, a elac. lights. Dutch kitchen, cement foundation, bmaement; tarma. ail caah. Xe- paw at., near iflln St.. J blocks from car. glHAO buya brand new ft-nn. houae with modern plumbing, alec light flxturea, dirt ce.iar. cement walka paid for. ay termt lu Macrum at., lh bika from St. John ear on laweon at, 4 blkA from Peolnauia shipbuilding plant. $iiUA wlil buy S-rm. houaa. "Winamette Diva., near reanua at.; rariine: a rooma flret floor, 2 rooma In basement, bath; a minutes waia to ampyama. Si.ioo will buy 3 rooma. bath, gaa and electricity, cement baaement. lot ItHjxIOO. b a pert or at., nrir Wall at., 1 block from car. Tarma, gK rah, bau S per cent. GOiiDAKD 4k WltUlUi'K, It J Stark St. 1U SNAP. $9.1 230 CASH. Located In Sell wood, which la conven ient to river, ml Ha. a hops and ahipyarda; neat 4-room plaatered liouae. well built; large lot, fenced with woven wire; rich aoll, large chicken houae, berries and fruit trees; a danUy cheerful home: only f-i'tO cavh. balance easy terms; mujt eel I. Quirk action neceiu.ry. For convenience of workers office open 1 P. aL to a P. aL today. A. K. HILL, 419 HENRT BLDO. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW All Improvementa in and paid; 0 rooma and bath. All newly painted aad kalsomined. Kitchen finiaheu in white eoameL Kedemption period Juat up and priced low for quick sale. Immediate poa aeaaion. shown by appointment ouiy. be W Irkmnn, wit h THfcJ KKED A. JACOBS CO., 104 6th Pt. Ma, in o&OU. bunduy, Wood I awn 318. bVBK CITT PAHIC BL'N G A LOW 1 3 iOO. Attractive iiiug and dining-room hardwood floor bultt-ln effaci flre- f !. 2 bedrooma downatalr good aleap "g porch and attio upstair cement baae tnmt. furnace and waah tmya; eaat front line locatlnp; 'ho raeh wtll handi. M EOUKMANN 0alPAN 14 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA DISTRICT. rooma and bath, wjib attla, paar Olana ave. and Praacott. New bom al coot Plata but the p in ling. ownr forred to aecrtfice an account of slrknea I'rice only auvw. aoma tarma. tfea V ickmaa. TllS FTIKO A, JArOBS CO, 104 Dth Kt. Main ft-Hi. fund ay. V 000 law a sis. iiaAUTLt'L'L HCMK IS OVERLOOK. hAORlKlOK PRICK. Two-atory, 7 room hot-water heat and all modern convenience CukIOJ lot. nice I lawn, ehrubbary end several fruit trees. fronting 00 paved- etreet and overlooking I the river, fine view or the city and seet hid Mil Price, Including all carpet a and linoleum s-is.tO, or all furniture and piano, $53oo, cash, balance on Um bee r m. urown, THa) cHAW-FKAH COMPAXT 102 rourth etreet. A FINE HOME of 8 rooms and baMmnic, oak floors, fire place, furnace, and everything right up to the minute; cloae to the car. In Laur ) hurst. $76(mi. with a cash payment of Slow; easy terms on tne balance. . fi-room hungntow, .'Vox 100 lot. $1000. 6-ruora bungalow, OoxluO, $2100 (mod rn. 822 HENRT BLDO. REAL ESTATE. For SaJe House $1U7 iiuDKKN 6-room bungalow. In first Ciaas condiLiun. haj-iiwood floors fireplace, etc. Cannot be duplicated for leas than $2JUU. U07 K. Kelly at. $ 2000 5 -room bungalow, on Division, near -in. L.01 40x1 uu. cjooa location. $2250 A splendid modern bungalow on Hi in, near Division, one bioci to a good carllne; room for garage $o0 caah, balance in terms to suit $2320 A fine up-to-date 5-room bunea low. with lars-e attic and lot 6ixl00. on 29th near AibertA U Attractive - term J. L. KARNOPP, Ry. Exchange BIdg. Main 675, IN CHOI Cai PART OF 1RVINGTON. REAL HOME FOR f-4800. Contalna alx rooma and attic, full base ment, furnace, laundry tray a, large 11 v ing-room with fireplace, built-in book cases; noma la extra well Duiit. ana ta lot is ooxloO, all In lawn and flowers an ome fruit trees, bearing; paving and all asaaaamenta paid in full; located at Till WEIDLKR ST.. between E. Iflst and E. 22d sta., 1 block aoutn or 5roadway. This is a real oar gain; owner want a to go to California, hence the low pric Call aaat 414 X01 appointment to see; no agents. FURNISHED HOUSE BARGAIN'S. 4-r.. near & P. shoos, aeml-modern, hard-surface, everything clear, for $2000. 7r.. completely furnished, ee mi-modern. tan oemenc basement, anap uw. 6-r.. new modern bun a; alow, center Sun fiyalde, every convenience, cluster light uanoy rurniture; term BADLKY. 404 N. W. Bank. 6-KOOM bunaalow. located on East Mad! oil near 4uth: street lmorovements ail in, fine garage. In fact everything that makea a corartable little home; will sell house and all or part or ray high-class furniture. Including new baby grand piano, or will sell bouse alone; the entire outnt win in voice around tOoOu; If you want -a fine. evell-equipped little home, look this up and make me a casn ouer. u. jl. oariea. 404 N. W. Bank bidtf. PINE ROSE CITT PARK HOUSE. Lars living-room. with fireplace, beamed ceiling dinina-roorn. built-iu ef fect 0 good bedroom large closet full ctmvnt bsaineut, good furnace, station ary tub etc.; g"od garage, nesr Rose City Park Club. Price $4i:u0, term. LUEDDEMAN.V COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. UAWrHORNK DITRIT ACHIK1. K. Maeutlf'il bungalow, with h reoms and r?w e first fioor. J large bodronm up. Hf4a4 f'oora ta tnrao room befft. - f rper Iut-ll httrho. f u'l cnn 1 aeeomeni. waah I ray be fuxnere. )mrfflmnu) lneludal ta pvir. titilr 9 .. eme term tia Wtrlmafl. witH TH rKKU A. JA' Ojw C.. I "4 Mb t.e k nnda y. aodiaww 41, kjiK ITT PAHK. rovpijerKl.T KtRM.JHrrx X saai &Ttn at. and handy Roe 4- 0 rm. bungelow with alaaptng porch. fil tiMfl baamae. furiiic, lirrpiera. bufi't. I 0a a iice. bard wo-1 fiutm, 2 bee frnme a"4 beta: prt-e gubh. tiAltr 4 HIITlKI K. i4J Ktsrk "t. llOUnK KNACK. Tw modern J-try borne both fr aer fir p. a re. basement and concrete foum!ati"n, one In UinxI.iwh, near achnol, lot JilH. with srarace, ot her at lun Tabor, lot frOiltMt, near school; both piacs In foni condition. sa.vv ana so""; as baa $ .'-OO mic. tbat can ataad. Address 1L V AO 1 a. Ketacada. Or. m a w t n o ft v k 1 - - ;o . TungWw with a rooms downafalrg and 1 up. Within 1 Va bmrks of Hawthorne car. Fares eaat. All street Improvements la and included ia above price, lerieini a be gain. A. o rr.r.r CO., 244 tarh bt.. Nr. ad. slain 831ft. uiLL take Ai n-yoniLK. room hu. recaption hail. bath, nice tatrtc flstur-e. waant trav 40100 lot. prat 1 y lawn. a. I etret aaaaasmeota paid. noae irt emr. bt far I ef ML acott ma tn.c $!. will lake car up to 971, baienee aeay pay meat Address AU rcnian. tn!aj. t tetnrnom 4VtaA U.NT cmpUaty flnbha 4 pwrn S"iow with -pine porrh. furna'-e. lu 1 1 - lr can ftO-t ft. bt. 13 K- 4iJ af. N. Inoraatiw by sppamimt aaTy. Kaav farma tnk menta lv poy-reta r. . Aadrawa A Co, 4o4 '' aii Ti. yrar'wa x H'wU Cin PARK ftil'NOALtkW T room btn. firwpler. Sr1 weat I fuv4 M-wnaat vttng. hu ui in bk-a Rt brfi. Hai wau'-l .ret g.'?V 11 ai it e wnMH gMjL 11 ail for I J'Vie ef trwt. Op tor invp-ctte Hun. tar feon JJ 10 4 P V 1 H l(k St. N. T wee I'o. AMnfioq bMg. LAI KKI.IICI15T buncalnw. 6 rooma on the f.rat f.oor. three on me nat; tnorougniy modern throurhotit. full cement baeenienr, a.l built-in f "at ore laree KnglUh fire- riaae. located on desirable lot. ell a treat rnfremet)t paid ; property raiwtot he rtpr(iii4 lor tt.0; mt ll lor SAU, 91000 rash, monthly paymeat an balance. ( all 4M Piatt bldg PACRiriCE PAT R. Cloed modern, eoien.el. U aat 14e home, T room futi lot. well loraieu. nar Slat stro( cartine: aaa t beat it. lerma but no irede. csaII early. ak JAcsiawN. tOT Ry aUchange bldg. OM.T PTaat Enter. ir saat 32A. modare bona w. ettte ini s'aae- , bg t-Hftt, tmfii besmni nlr haf ramont t.kt aat a'a-Ung paid for. lerias .oirnwr a aiti'Hi' K. 72 ar at. AOtrrtrst aowtrel t'aroihutret bajasa, 144 K. faader ft4oa 9 tvaa 0a fr fnt ti-a to tar from 11 A M. aba ft p. M.; baaiaea aaita sne le Ca.ifor at - t-UI r,l I. Motr TAlfiR nokr; ttr--t:t mo4fn ra4n.-. 1 rm.. . o- t pova. brwoi f!-Me furna- fflro yv two trti.. A K"l"iB n-l bft!hj ee mmmnn 4 ''e. and I Bwlom an third f.enr 1 -t imIin. pvt- paid. Prtca reduced f-m :mm t' ir:". 'T'DtMl W.IrM-f,. ?1 tSf PL $4404w $& LAVRELnURJiT. rv reeeh m , aaar the par. rooma aad ele-ptng porcu. Net new. but modara tm every fesp-l. Hardwod flooi Wi s ale and down. Hattia. with Hi; I'UKO A. JACtHl C.. o ith "L tor hunday. Wtwdlawa !. HW.M, At.L PA R T4 T CITT oNAPa. 1 4 i.nuk 4-foun bensww. f Vh. rn.av Afnm h"m J f ome famiata.L 1 ;S lot. 1"'-S are. r. bongaiow. m4a7 "H V Jr bwastow fruit levo. 4. r-TIa RV,LF.ft A ".. 274 Mrr bMg a cr:at 11 a u ; a.. v liarwWe sea tote aad & room bouaa. arorfrio nam. g city w ar. place ia m nuwr wa.k from cars. Ttua ia a gso auae st 9 i A. VrKfVfA a rr. 7J7 Chamhor ef (Vmmrr Ij4.i T-roeta bouae, ea aV Taylor, aaer 1 Jt h, Ht co'iia not be bnugni ana Bouse bui't t.-rtay fr liMO; prue ftluo. AnotMr dandy 7-rom bou. modem In ey way. not far from jerrer.o, Atign sw-hol. worth 940; price 44oa Any reeaofiablo peyniaai down. bai. to SuiL L. K. Moora. J17 Hoard af Trade. $4To4 $t:so, IRV1NOTOX. ft rooma Net aa eld bom mod ere, fa every repet. ThtS is a ganuine bargain and wall werth look.ag i boe iietiia. w , n Tlla? rftr.D A. JACOB4 CO.. I04 ftth 9U k4i 4o'A. auaday. ooh a six fcXTKA PINK KOiiE CITT PfNCIALOVV, o room motiara from a to an latest bunt-in cananancasL nice caraae. very arective p ace, ft bocka from vr. Trice I ftoJow. Term rittkr. Lowi; co tM-&-7 Uar4 of Trada ll.ag. $Srrt "HIOH-CLAM RESIDFVriT okkerfi) this wkkk at $22.:qv. Positive sacripii'e (to avoid Kt-RKCLOfcX'RK. ft.'U00 CASH WILL, Handle, balance ixno Tiuti. rt'B THIS bPLE.NDID MODERN HOME. I HKAUTJKUL, kichtlt lm;atio.v 1 EAST SllJE WHoLE Hl.ui'K'1. IN i R.ST-'LA.-S CoNDITHt.V INSIDE AND OUT. f'ONrilDER EX(.'HAN1E UP TO IV.'M) AND .15M CA!H, BALANCE TEHM.-t. HKK IT AND MAKE OKKKR. ADDULHS OWNER, P. O. BOX 1-J. CITT, I PORTLAND HT8. DISTRICT BARGAIN, v rooms. 2 sleenlns Durchea. ftranla.ee. furnace, full Cement baaement, garag 2 piocKS irom council vrest car, lot xivu. Price $douO if taken at once. Term C. A. Warrlner, R1TTER. LOWE A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade BMg. lltH Imvn l H PER MONTH will buy tuts modern bungalow, 4 rooma I and bath. The lot la Mixioo, faring the Lnet. The rooma are good aire and well I lighted. Fireplace, built-in buffet, two I badroom batn between, attic, run base ment. It la a cosy, homelike place fori This bungalow Is located 341 K.I Tth st. and will be open fur Inspection I tfuuday. Take AL v. carllne. ic lone fcif rr run I'l'iK- 1 iionv iinnr rui.'. Jihio HOME FOR ftLMO. Client hss tt-roorn house, bath, toilet, mall basement, 4rxl0v lot, on 64th ft., 6 blocks from car, for 41300, payable, $150 down and balance 415 per month ; the house alone Is worth $1H0. See Gordon, at torney, 7J2 Chamber of Commerce. Main 445. GRAND AVE. HOUSE SNAP. Good 0-room house, corner lot, 50x100, on Grand ave. snd Skldmoro; owner took It over on mortgage; value $3.'O0; will sell (or $JOO0 on any reasonable terms; a big; anap. GRUSPI A DOWNET. 1 Board of Trade. Main 7452. IN HEART Join ton. with bail. den. liv Ins room, dining room, aun room, paea pantry, lavatory and kitchen first r.oor, ft bedroom sleeping porch and bath sec ond floor, hardwood floors both first and I snand fioor; large attic: fuli-e.- con- I crete baaamenL two fireplaces and furnace. Can be bought lea than original cost; lot twxitm; ran be acen by appo-nlmot only. Terms can be arranged. J. C Cor bin I Company, gfa Iawia bidg. LAUKELHURST BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. h room with garage, 2 blocks to car. finished in old ivory, large room 2 bed rooma downatalta. 2 upstair Very beat of ronairurtion. Want o(ir. Key et Laurel liurst Tract office today, E. oilth .and Ull aan ata. Tabor S4.a. During week call J. DELAHL'NTT, Alain 17u0. HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAINS. 6-room bungalow, furnace, completely modern. $2o0; 4-room. 2-story house, full concrete baaement. wash tray S2 iiiO : 0 room bungalow, complete In every detail, 43:100. These and others we have are special bargains and will require from SJOU to S."00 cash. TAYLOR & FARNS WORTH, 4th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1101 LARfiEST LITTLE HOME IN IRVINGTOM, S4T50 Modern aix-room residence, with full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floor fireplace, etc., garage, new Eng land Colonial architecture, 60x100, Knott St., corner, all liens paid, surrounded by rtne homes; requires si casn; no 01 f era or trade considered, as price already reduced by non-reatdent owner. BADLET, 404 N. W. Bank Bldg. trnnn kew d-rm. colonial bunga low (NOB HILL). EXCLUSIVE DIST, 3 C A KLINES, EVERT AlODhiKN wn V n. TKWE: UARAtJR. a' HANK 1 AlcGUlRE, ABINGTON BLDG. SEE MT HOME. T am offerina- for aale mT thoronithly modern home, furnished, consisting of 0 rooma; I must leave Portland by Marcn 10, and will sacrifice; east front, two blocks of Glencoe school. 1 blocK ot nei mont at., all Imp. paid, no mtg.; will make -termi to responsible parties. i E. 00th au Tabor 2;to. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. 4-R. MODERN BUNGALOW FOR 5930. Swell, attractive new home, porch on three side Dutch kitchen, fruit, block to hard surface, on 82d et.. near school. This property is worth $1SQ0; forced pale at 4ioO. with terms. YOU cam t bkai ji. cAULKi, 4U4 iS. V. MatlK Ultlg. SNA P. Will not last long: 7-room modern hnuse In axclualva rsldem-e district on Multnomah St., brt. 10th and 2oth; walk ing distance. Price gooo, terms, bee Air, Gustafson. U. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., i7 Veon Bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. S-rm. bunanlnw snd garage, full cement baaement. s-x4 pluinbins. good lighting future dlniiAc-room with bullet, Dutch kitchen, dodbia eoatru:iad hmH extra well built, v. it hout furniture ft.'.'). vltn furniture. $JoO. Nar Lnlon av and Alberta at. 4,otDAKD A WIEDRTCK. 241 Stark Pt. lORTLAND HEIGHTS, beautiful b-room old houe gno looking, kept rtxht up to date, hardwood floor beautiful fl turee, modern convenience hot water , hast, good for 20 years: win sell fr price af lot. atrooke. Alar. 46-1, A 3V. Call ronrninga. CLOPIC LARRABEE-ST. BARGAIN. 7-rooni house, god lot. between Broad way and Steal bridge; barn and aome car den apaca. Closing out an estate. Tetins. Don't luiss l hi C. A. Warrlner, RITTE1L LOWE A CO., 20.1-O-7 Board of Trade Bldr. cLlikN X ha 3-roin houae. plastered, la good condition. 40s 10O lot. on otfh a treat. 5 blocka from car. graded street and side walks and will sell for 4750, payable 410 down, balance $16 per month, fee Gordon, attorney, JI chamber ox commerce. Mai H44-V LARGE GROUNDS AND COTTAGE. Well-built o-room cottage, good barn, lot tix I4:t. some orchard. East o;th and Ankeny, clear of alt incumbrance Price $uOO. easy term C, A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2o00 $2000 $2.-O0 A12 K 4Uth St. N. Only one-halt block N. Rose City rar, choicest possib.d location, good, warm, well-built 0-ioom house, cement basement, fine furnace, plumbing snd fixture A moderate-priced home, desirably located. WEST r'IPK INCOME PROrUHTT. Fine double flat building, boa loo lot. a Mih afreet, near Love)-?; prioo ft40ut, fiOuo re an. balance e years or longer, ft per rant. Pee K. M. Brown. THE PHAW-FkAR CoMPANT. I) 2 Fourt h si ret. 4-ROcjM house. 60slv0 Int. block 2.0 CAH. Good 7-room bouse, modern except fur rtace. box 100 lot. barn -surface streets I and Paid. Garage. Wall located. 1 bl to car. IT I co 4-jOO. IJ.u C4sh will handle. Phone Sunaay. Tabor a"'fl, Monday, Alain 2H4i. biA Chamber 01 commerce. car.ine and paved etreet. i3vo: i-i0 down: iut I litVINUTON aoae worth prtca, tP 01 L O. . MITH A CO.. 432 Chambar of Com m err e PMg $676 BUYS a dandy little J-room bungalow 00 lot with choice fruit and berrle close to Multnomah Btarion. must be hair rash, I am offering this st a great sacrifice, because I must leave the city at once. f ull particulars t n 1'iatt bldg. BUNGALOW TO H M ES KKKK H S. T have a large Haling of hemes for I Sat". r.aei ana weat MUf"; t 10 1 64'MiO: term If desired. J. W. Strait. 2b6 I Aldr St. Marshall XJaO. Main 6170, SACRIFICED owner willing to lore II 000 to make aulek aale; modern, well built, oak f.oors, fir piac sk-e today between li and 6. HTO K. ls;h, near d.aktyou su Eaat oJ4. Main KK SALE A beautiful home, a rooms, fnll reeement. Fox furnace, fruit, ground Six 14a Price ftn.MN. K. Taylor at. A. C Krl r. ot oar, r 1 2tfft E. balmou. 1 abor mm. l VERT CHEAP HOME. I $?X bua ft r-H.m flrapiace. hardwood ftH)r. pa .atad dining-room, Dutch kitchen, remant baaement; lot 40xlov, near Ksst 4'th and Hawthorne sts. (ii)HHD A WlEDKlt rC. 243 Ptark L ROSE CITT PARK SX'.OO. 83500. 6 rooms, modern In wrery respect, situated on corner, garage. See Battln. with THE FRED A. JACOHS CO., 104 6th St. Main 6viu. Sunday, WooUawn 31H. OKAK IV Taadv, 4-eoofsi email bene aae b!nek I from ML arct rr. eie-trta ttaa pon. rttvrat bumnt, a barsata: git to be ei4 wtthi- a wahe. call Taper 147 aivrime ar ar rnnmr. w.Lvt:H NKi.i'S M1G1E Hooka That's waat Mayor Parvival aava; h farther San "The homing nueetlon In aaouvr aaoa d be met with l lg"r I and aorev." c ome oar and be. a I have tbe let only $JM terru Boa 112. Vancouver. Waah. urT srt: hmk. T"-A win bey god reel ln-e of T rooms and a aae'sg porh; firp are. 3 badroorna and atir-wre-in. fji: ramaet bamnt. good e.iia rrfn iM at., near ijrant. 't'tHHO SJ Vlr (RiK. 24.1 -ta-k St. HAWTHORN K. ft. ream bunsa or. eek floor flrapli fall beaamant, laundry tray all Improve anaata la and paid, seat front. Let me ' how voo tbts today: 2?A. i-Vk raah. C at Dk-MR. MOw N. W. Beak Bid Ataia 17. Tabor 441 a KOK CITT PARK. ax-reem bong ;ew. ateirtfy f trma-Ok flraptaro. full besom at. Dutr titt-has and at bui'-ll eon vslnre. ffre ftJ-A, term Ca.l aw aer. Tabor jikac ;rrt l Humk cmt iou Will aail et goed term, opeej for BRSp'vtioa tosv fr-m ) A. af to a P. M. : dn't m.m thi oporaaity; evae Wwa Rel r"eiga; take W 8, rr mi at a. E. oi off st Harold a J, p. w i-rw t bo n as low. mMr, first-clees rri at arte I tnennsftout. flrapiace. oek floor fr.aee. cmn beaamani. fruit ellar. lars atWr. eould be male m o 4 room S f'-aihad aew. near three rarhnav: prte anj'O- I Q.1 4 tlraod sve. N wear Alberta. ftfw houae. In goo.t shape, all Imp. IB and pM. eo A'hn av . .1 mlnitae- walk rrom snipyaras: pri-e si.no. email par. r-nt dwa. beO. same aa raoL Mr. Cut. X' stars at. R CITT PARE. f-eoera bunsa'ew. a:t ea 1 Tooa. 9 bad. W. laVIXdTwVil CHARMING ITALIAN BUN GALOW Owner ging to California, will I give to partiaa buying SToo worth of nea drpere. a room s.eeptirg porrn. int- S7a, tarma, N eubauaaa A C4V, N. laoX Mdg. A KKAt bom irHs2d, modara ft room I houo. beanns fruit, sardan. fower bar a for cow, rhu'Kea-houa and yard. etrie grs'laO. eamaat wa.a . at ri. t.rmt. wou.d trau aoLi.ty for a.neUier p ac :ar. Qwnr. 6"V McKay bldg. LA I'RELH U RnT. nw, up-to-date house. T large room Sieaping porcn tna a r -hot water heat, fireplace, located la the bgat part of Laura. hurst av.. within one block of XV car::n. f fncg aad terms s. owner at t.'w Henry Mdg. " iI.AaY WUNtlALOW . No, 600 E. 1-a L N . aaar Rose City car te ana of the show p;are of this d. strict: 4 room hardwood f.oor two flrp.ir and up ta date la every reepecL 1 pan today for inepectlna. Phone K. aTL R EN TERS. A TT E N Tl ON. 9 fists and small apartment, almost ranter of town, alwaya occupied, no car far, g'od Income, no Incumbrance, part rasn. wnar. o. st rianqer liA V T HcKN E Will aU four ft-room fiat hardwoo! floor sleeping porches, eun porrhe fire plaoaa. built-in convenience newly decorated, all rented. X 24, Ore- gonlan. sunnvside distuk:t. Five-room bungalow with furnac street Improvements in and paid. Price $lfrwO; easy term Geo. T. Moor Co Abingion b.dg. GOOD JIoME WEST SIDE Market st., near 14th. 7 rooms, fireplace, bath, sp.endid condition; lot 6uxlvu; price $uo ooIDAP.D A WIKPRICK. X4S ftark PL $lfO0. built-in. -l:ooM house, lot looxluo, one block ear. Price 4Tw0: flown. tSee Ott.) O. P. bMlTH s CO.. 4.t2 Chamber of Commerce BMg. B L NG A IX W. B U N(5 A LOW. B L'NUA LO W Modern bungalowa In all parte ot city from ftlb.'iO up, payment! aa low aa $lud down, b a l. a a r eo t . D u do i s. 19 Cham ber of Commerce, Main 14.14. STOP PAYING RENT. BUY YOUR HOME Ws have all klnda of homes at barsain prices: values are going up; do not miss the opportunity before 11 is too late, r Fufha. 420 C. of Com. COM E yourself and aava commission; good location, desirable five-room home on two lots. 60x1 oh each; one block to car; SbuO. 6O40 32d ave.. corblst st. Tabor 6433. SEVERAL well-located, new, modern 4 and G-rooni bunaalows for sal easy term eCANDLNAV IAN-A M ERIC AN lUALX Y CO. 224-2X6 Henry Bldg. IRVlNGToN COLONIAL HOME Elegant exterior, artistic interior, near z.m and Thompson. Sell e&"i'u; worth $12,600. Nou hausen A Co, N. W. Bsctk bldg. f lme 20TH AND K, IRVING Elegant bungnlow, fireplace. etc.; only f..tM caah. FRANK L. McOUIRE. ABINGTON BLPO. CLAoaY 6-room house, lot 60x1 no, on ;rand ave. Tree shrubs aun roses; improvw rtisnta ail In. Big anap, $?ooo. Half cash.; K. J. Geieer, 417 Chamber of Commerce. b-R.o.M modern house, with garage, on I Hawthorne ave.: all improvements paid. litbAUTIFUL, half acre, modern, 6-room bungalow, bearing rrult, berria rose shrubs, park and Cummer house, $20oU. Ned Burke. Mui t nomah station. 4-ROOM all modern cottage, completely f urniahed. good condition, 1 t blocka to Kenton car. ll.'.fK). part cash, balance like rant. llo Minnesota ave. SNAP. ft-room modern bungalow, lot 60x100, good location. E. 20th at, N. Price $2,UHt, $:H caah. bal. on terms. Call Z04h Oak at. Can be bought below cosu Owuer, Tabor f biGHTLY, modern home, beautiful sur- it. I rounuings. Hawthorne district, a 100 per cent buv for sumeon Direct from owner. Tabor oSltt. h)vH)M. modem house. Rl.hmonJ diatrlct. Hardwood floor built-in effect run ment baemnt. This place is In perfect shape and as a rare aaer flee at 4i6oA On easy term Kejiwood lo.iA rvmi, dan. targe liv.a aad It-'rg-roe m I $4-h SPOT CASH will boy a 6-room houae on ii'e im. rroptn y s"ij yr. for tIStMA Must be sold tbia weak and for at leaat w caah now Addroee P. O. b-x JM. Portland. No srartts need apply. ae. vunnrLL t. iMr rare. J"n, tar-n I gN. and aay blvd. $VCi TRVtVGTV mVwn bnaraTew. $ -a t.eueatheret modem A-nom. Laurel hrf 7-r. horn 76x104 I f frr, streets T"'d ntia ywLV.!,Fa 4 Ox. Hawry Mg. Lit l;.!t.rR'iT bungrow. savar ea the sa4 before: aaa ea?v be saan by a o aoiatfrvtt. S rorvme atrtet:y mera ell saeeweeits pM: KWO, J. C. Cerbia Com-i H" 30A Lewie IMf. HAWTHORNS? DT.OTRICT - 4-room modrn basaelew with sleeping aw, a'fai in ?ro amenta ta ana pe :d ; prtra im. tars Geo. T. Moore Co.. IMnTM b'dg AitrrniN six-moaa hua; hardwood floor. rat-j hows- eaehaif aer a' jfi-l. re.ii 4 barnae; saer car. gJ4t sJo eeab H" 44 Chamber of rmmrr. f P W HOt'KK da be f antue. larg : Vita aa : price f .awt ewe At" ? V Orvffnaias. cioae in. aaer terms ta auit; hi T maolwen 4-room Ma. good e-.ti leu, a'ee ear!, ao tserKettaee 814ja ree. WeoHetoea. Aaa leavtag elf y. BO t m ee eo i e. ft-P rr . kaioi.a. fepl-o. f.u beaa- me. 4v to t bh frem car. la g-wa -atnet; s n" sw a ii ra v me-? iah. bo $: pea woo'h Mr Q:i. 2T4 ftarh. J, '''fx ftva-r.em ia. a aeoltg a-eea. beaaXf '"Ml m h' Ji e- le-ma Weed. 8441. Ma4ay Tabor I s: i fOH 4AI.K IS ea.. a.vwm ,e fafnilv eerV l. la o li aw Teeen If ta.. A44rwa P. Dx 74, Oak aad. r t f" w e ami (t'e rov4an home eej the Pantneu a for wh It wuuM cm o btid lhe hawse, see ewaer a 44 Ba dwa af. Ki'HK CITY PARK BARGAIN 0 room itiA.lar owner la Vina city, forreil ait 111 for ortce and term F. Van- dua, Chamber af Cemmsrce bldg. Vafn 10W Uk atki) a mom hM er bunsaiow Westmore:esd or !ciai(T. la evchang for m. a.rottoi tuntiiaa tarua i7Jo. win aaauma. Johe C. Howard, 616 Chamber of Cemmerc. ROSE CITT TA B K. afedara 2-etory house, comer lot. street Itese pa' I. fruit tree nr car: Witt e:i f r $Mh) tf beyar baa 1 100 rash, HUB- BaTLL a iN.!4JI Sandy bird. FOR ALE Modern 7-room house, lot 122x a, en Willamette boutaverd. on riv beuttrul view. Improvement all ta. For partiru:re phone Woodiewn 148. A NICs! Utile pier house and ground loem af b"ree and Implement within 4 i mi. -a of portisad. at a bargain; party ?ang. App' at sew ytars. .ek 4-ftHM bunaaiew, ea East SMe rarUna, f v4 condition; flrep'are, laundry trav: 9 raan. x.'J moot a. u. ' u. Vtnhrer. Panama b?dg. t 7.m . $ 1 2 vwr" a f rr. Rvr Ni- hmae tn St Johns and Ken to a Vtr-t; try paylnv rant ta yourself R F. KELLY. T;l Cham- Com. bldg 4;.v Kin 6-room modern noma, ruit lot. with iruiT ana erarurn; near eruon ave. and Katllngaworth. Terms aaay. Owner. 41 Church at. -ROOM. J-atory modern houe. cement baaement. furnaco. near car E. 12th sC N., $-'7to. ey trm F. W. TORGLER. 104 Pherlock b?1g. VANCOUVER. WASH. Trsct 10sl70. five minutes from end t apitoi rfiii car; suita ble for worklngman; will build small houae If wanted. BP 2, Oregonlan. LAURrlLHL'RST SACRIFICE 117ft Iurel- hurat ave.. nesr atMh. ail tony, between ft and 6: sxtra well bui't; wrh or with out furniture. East 804, Main Po7. LAURELHCRPT, daaey nine-room bungalow. llou blast Bumsiue. near rar and ClUD house; open today. Tanor KJJV. con vt-n- H block 2010. Good 6-room modern houae, corner lot, fine fruit trees, lawns, etc, Woodlawn district. Terma to suit you. nr, POUT LAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORE GON, Hth and Morrison Sfs BOSC CITY PARK BUNGALOW, ft rrwinn lurra e.ttic hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, nice location, 3 blocka Xrotu car. Price term C. A, Warriuer, RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTAT& For Sale Houaes. $250 DOWN $22 PER MONTH, will buy this attractive, modern 7-room house In a good neighborhood. The price aa s-tou, wnicn is sow less wan actual cost when twillC-S years ago. The house was built for a home, the rooma are good sixe and conveniently arranged, the living room has fireplace and built-in bookcase dining-room cheerful, with built-in ef- xecta: outcn kitchen, with plenty of cup board apace; den and 8 ple&aant bedrooms, full concrete basement, nice view from f)orch; lot is 60x100; plenty of additional ota for war garden adjoining. The num ber is so is. foth JN. (MV carllne). Open for inspection Sunday from 2 to 5. Mac Inns 210 Oregon bldg. Phone Tabor sol v. a REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoqhc SEE JORDAN'S LIST OF HOUSES FROM $500 AND CP; TERMS IF DESIRED. MANY FARMS AND RANCHES FOR EXCHANGE. t JORDAN. 801-8 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG, BTH AND STARK. BROADWAY 2348. ROSE CITY PARK 6-ROOM BUNGALOW -GARAGE 518 E. 48th st.. N. open all day Ma; attic, with 1 room upstairs, entrance haii. living; aud dining-rooms have hardwood floor fireplace, built-in buffet, big light kitchen with pantry, a bed rooma. mil basement, furnace, nice lawn big garage, full cement driveway. This place is cloaa to car, in the heart of R. C. P., improve menta all in, sewer connected, and only $150 remain to be paid. Price of bouae $H350. J. L. Hartman Company, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce blug., 4th. and Stark, Alain 205, A 2UoO. MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE SLEEPING PoRCH, 4 rooms, large sleeping porch, store room, bath room, hot and cold water, gaa and electricity; full basement; cement walka paid. Price $1700. UODDAHD A WIEPRICK, 243 Stark at. For Sale; Business Property. SIGHTLY LAURELHURST HOME. New 2-atorv. 8 lara-e rooms. 1 block from I Laureihurat Park, on Jama corner lot. I Eastern construction, 8-inch walla. Shop I preasea DricK to zirst etory, elaborate ma- I boeany built-in effects, tile fireplace and I bath, walls beautifully Danered. break- I fast-room, den and Bleeping porch, hard-1 wooa zioora tnrougnout, xireprooi garage In basement. Old ivory finish and elec tric fixtures; beat heating plant. Must ef- I feet Quick aale. Want offer. Key . at I xaureihurst Tract office todav. E. 30th and WILL SELL 100x100 Wear Side hncin-.- Gliaan at Tabor 3433. Dunns week call 1 property: trackage. Price ridiculously low J. DELAHCNTY. Main 1700. I at $17,000, worth 24.000. Mr. Dealer, hero's jour c nance. HOUSE AND BLDG. CHEAP. Corner 7th and E. Failing ata., 70x300; 8 -room house, atore building, rooms up stairs, double garage, barn. This Is a good investment. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board ofTrade Blds FLATS REAL BARGAIN Close in, fine location. 4-apartment flat and good cottage, 100x100 grounds, mod ern In every way. In very best of condi tion. This Is a forced sale. Price 48000. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. lnvestJtcaLe before the rt AH 54. Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK. IS400 Read this carefully. It mav he the means of you owning; a beautiful bun-I 20 PER CENT income nronertv ennitv s:m . ow, lor x-o casn, Daianco to aulu xhom aaaen. Y. M. C A galow In Rose City Park. Circumstances force owner to sell Immediately. Every conceivable feature Incorporated In the plan of this horn Could be no better A BUSINESS corner, 100x100 ft. Call at w or mans hip. bpiendldiy finished, street I of stississippi ave. paved and paid for. By all means see this it a a wonderful buy. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark Sc. Nr. Ha. Main 851ft. Suburban Home Property. 2-FLAT BARGAIN WEST SIDE. Widow, very anxious to sell her 2-flat I ouiiaing, in iirst-ciass condition. 0 rooms, bath, gaa on each floor, larxe attic base ment; lot S74sXlOO; location near Columbia! ana i;a su; price reaucea rrom uuuu to $4 J 50. Formerly rented at 450 per month; 1 flat now vacant and owner occupies the other. Terma $1000 cash, balance ft per jcent. GODDARD WIEDRTCK. 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW AND GA RAGE Modern 5-room bungalow and garage; fireplace, furnace and built-in conven ience corner lot, all street improvementa I In and paid for, large veranda, Drignt, aunny rooms, close In, near the Hawthorne car: price xaoo, goo casn. RALPH AOKLEY LAND CO., 210 Itothchild Bldg. 2S7j Wash. A BIG SNAP $800. NEAR ODDFELLOWS' HOME. S-atorv. 6-room olastered house, besides small room lor bat n room, iuti easement, with hritik wmIIs and dirt floor, needs re oairina. Lot looxtftf.87. Buy this at IftiM) mrm sTiO caah. bul. 410 and 0 pht cent int. monthly. Lot alone worth about $7tK; I 5-ACRE home on S. P. red cr eieVfri. line w ill cost about $4oo for repairs, building I between Aloha and Tobias. Houaa iuite will then be worth $2oo0. I new, with 6 room bath and sun pureh SUBURBAN HOME BARGAINS. One acre, all cleared, 3-room house, en sidewalk, of a mile from 2 stations on, electric line; mountain water, gas and phone aervlce; close to school and store; b50, easy terms. One acre, all cleared, good 6-room house, barn and chicken-house; gas. phone, fruit trees and berries; on sidewalk, a mile from station on electric line; 41600, $260 cash, balance monthly. Four acres, all cleared, 4-room house, 2 . good chicken-houses, family orchard, gas1 and phone, 11 miles from Portland and mile from station on electric hue; $1800, easy terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. AN IDEAL HOME. Located on the Burr road, near Port land. 1 M acres, all in cultivation, with a fine 8-room house, with full cement base ment, gas and electric light fixtures, pres sure system water tank, two fireplace all large rooms, good garage, cement walks, fine lawn, small creek. Price 4Jtn. If you are in the market for suburban home Inspect this place. H. M. Maloney, RITTER. LOWE Jir rr 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. GODDARD A WIEDHICK. 243 Stark St. GOING sawmill and timber for pale. We have a r trHt-riuaa n&wmiu orooosition ior live wire. This plant will pay for Itself In one years' time under proper manage ment; all ready to make money from the first day; lots of timber, no cartage of the timber to the railroad; price $.10,000 and can make attractive proposition to the right party. Kinney A 'lracy. cor- vallls. Oregon. ri.riKR 1 N CHEAP BUY. G-room rottaee. fairly modern, and rood barn or garage; lot tioxloo, chicken-house and yard; ail street improvements in. East 10th St.. m blocks from car, same from school. Priue sihuh. C. A, Warriuer, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEWLY-MARRIED COUPLE. 6-room bungalow, modern except heat, built-in convenience This 1b no shack. built by day labor, double constructed, nice sixe room first-class finish, full cement basement, wawh tray gas water heater, firnt-clafut plumbing, rose fruit, together with furniture, it you nave juu caou, iu uire 743 K. 78th at. North. HOUSES. $1600 4 rooma, 4130 4IUn ave. il7;,0 5 rooms, 1170 E. 13th at. X. $1750 5 rooms, 4812 71st at. S. E. sl'.Vhi A rooma. 842 Hatsey st. $ 4 U00 d-roon. modern bungalow, sleep- I ing porch, paved street, near Rose City car, at 4" oisi st. ono. No trade considered on above. CARL R. JONES CO. RCvriALOW SNAP MONT A VILLA ik built for a home 3 years ago. looks fine, aood location, near car, 60x100 lot. House coat $3u0. Term Price on $170O for quick saie. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX trwMi ROSE CITY. 6-room house, corne lot, nrep.ac a St.. near Beaumont car. two blocks to Rose City car. b tree is en yawu. eludes paved streot h,. i. woimea, Stark st. Marshall 8051. LAURELHURST. Before buy ins; eiawhere obtain our llai of exguisite homes for aale on easy terms In 'Laurelhuret, the show place of Port land. LAUKivLHU RST CO 270 Stark su Main 1700. A 151o. A I.REKTA DISTRICT. For aale, a nice 6-room modern hunga low, price .tuu, terms, iuoj r. jjui a Nnrih: oavad sLreeL full baseineuL electrl light, ga all at. improvementa paid. Se owner, 144 uanienoein ave. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. 4170O Nothlnc fancy, but new. 6 room hdw. floor on 60-fu lot. near car, Alblna and Lombard, fine neighborhood; 4200 caah. balance like rent; no su nen BADLEY. 404 N. W. Bank Bldg- LAURELHURST. Nifty 7 -room home, mahogany and white enamel rinisn, piaie sou art giaa oa finnra. all con venlencea. double construe tion. Royal Court and 41st St., three blk north MV carlln laoor sivs. 5 ROOMS and attic, well arranged and fine condition; owner leaving cny. win eu furnished at $2600, $500 cash; stop paying rent and having to move. c. ai. ui-mk, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main a 3 7, Ta bor 641. , a I. BERT A BUNGALOW. $1850. S rooms full basement, built-in effect bearing fruit trees, fina shrubbery. 50x100 lot. improvements pais, lerrna, uuwu. SVllTH-WAiONER CO., STOCK EX. ROSE CITY PARK. 69th, Sandy, on 6-room, one ft-room, hew madem bungalow, low price. eay term look them over, owner ana jsuaiuer. i bor 6483. RESIDENCE of 15 rooma In Nob Hill dia trlct. suitable lor iurnisnea room ooaxu inr or nrivats sanitarium; In ffrst-claas condition and good neighborhood; must he sold. AK. Q40. oregonian. FOR SALE Beautiful modern, view bun aalow 7 room aleeping porch, $3(H0 cash. Aaume $30o mtg. Wlllumetta Hi No agent AK 61, Oregonian. FINE 6-room house. Walnut Park, modern in every paruruiar, neauuiui lawn, cuap; lnvestlgat Kennedy as Miller, 229 tiai mon st. FOR SALE A snap If taken at once; nearly new 6-room bungalow, one block from car; small cash payment; balance by rent. Price I1H4M. Woodlawn 5326. $i:t.Vi 4 ROOMS, bath, modern car and school. 10j3 E. 23d N. UVINuTON HOM hi 11AKWAI.N 7 room a.apins; porch, oak Door double garag giAo. Nauhauaen A Co. V K HAVE buys for cheap and medium- priced house wnai nave you lor aaia 7 11 Aiisay ntng. stain iijj. FC It SALE By owner, very reasonable. nrodem n-roona bung-iiow. fhone bell wood 127a. ; RtSE CITY PARK modern six-room home; I owner will sacrifice. 14 wo. Jncludin im provementa paid. Terms. M 3. Oregonian. Fl'UNISItED 7 room hardwood floor fire place, full basement, one block from car. on Vth at.. 25QO. $tw nsh. Tabor p62. 6-BOOM rottaee. H Int. Weat Sid ciose in. aiVH. laquir loth ac WEsT SIDE BARGAIN Well built. .artistic home, modern, oak floors. 8 bathrooms, choice location. SEE THIS. Neuhauaen A Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, choice corner, desirable . location, one oiock ajneria car; iu aown, b a 1 ance $15 month. Wood lawn 6430. fUh SALE very cheap, unfurnished house, 2 lota. 1 block from Franklin Hlga ficiiooL Tabor 212. FOR SALE 8-room modern houae. lot 100 xlOO, shade ana rruu tree no incum brance, IH blocka Rose City carllne; party going east. . uregunian. East to live will sell fur nished modern bungalow on Oregon City carllne cheap II taken at once, room caa . Crave, S7K: PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW 6 rma. mod., 2 biks. car, nesr Patton Road, fine view. Terma. Price $3500. SM1TH-Wf AGONER CO., STOCK EX. ST. JOHNS 4-rm. house. No. 718 N. Hayes St., $ 1430 : installments If desired. Geo. W. Watt, 633 Cham, of Com. bldg. Alain 205L . 7-ROOM house, desirable location, furnace, fireplace and washtrays; no incumbrance against property, one block from car. Call 630 E. 57th N. - FOR SALE J-room furnished cabin; yard.' walking distant $75 cash. Tol Jefferson streeL COOK AVE., between Lnlon and WUuame, 6-room house and full lot, $3300. Ore- gon lny. A Mtg. Co.. liQ a st. FOR SALE 6-room houae. dining room full paneled, beam celling, large living room, f irenlace. bookcases, larxe closets with first floor, 2 bedroom sewing; room and attic second floor; electricity and gas. liv ing room has fireplace and library, built in bookcase big chicken and pigeon houHes and yarda, barn, water By stem with gasoline en cine, berries and vmmir nr. chard; balance of land under 'nlnw ad joining ia 5 acres free pHwture; price $rt."HH, term 10 suit, x-aua JUstats Co., Concord building. BUSINESS MAN'S COUNTRY HOME. NOW is the time to buv n. cnnH munlrv home close to Portland, snd. we are of fering for sale for a limited time this beaut If ul 30 acrea of land, located on a paved road In the Gresham district, with a fine 7-room completely modern hnmo. wit h largo barn, earaira. f jimil v nrrhurd well drained, and a wonderful view. Price $15,000. H. M. Maloney. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-Q-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A BIG SACRIFICE. acres. modern hnriLlaw rhlrVnn. house. Bull Run water, bus. e.:tr1(! HhtB. city gchool, city phone. ,"c carta re, 5 jnln- uts walk rroin station; 411 fruit-ben 1 nig treea, all kiiidn nf stnnll fruit; located at Multnomah, Oregon. 15 minutes' ride lioui Portland: price $J850. terms: liberal ac count for cash ; no agent. Phuue owner. Main wt,H. SUBURBAN HOME AND ACREAGE. Modern 7-room bunsaiow hihI h u-r for sale at a reasonable price and terms; it re uvins-room, extra line oh r.nroom,. 3 toiieis. fireplace. Bull Run u a tor .ft v gas. fruit and flowers. aa.ratre. hanl-iur. facd road. JOHN W. ALEXANDER. 1305 Northwestern Unnk Bldg. Phone Main 2t"0. buiit-in drawer Dutch kitchen, lot 60x I k'UKH with ail kinn- r mm J10, brrie JL dik. to nawtuoia line, view of Mt, Hood; good neighbor hood, paved etreet, walking distance to Franklin High bchooL, $5000. 416 E. 68th st.. Portland. HAWTHORNE $20r,0. 6-room nungaiow wun naruwoou nuwis, etc. Located on beautiful corner, with all street improvements In and paid for. Cost I owner 6300O. circumstauces iorc immt- diate sal Terms. A II TREPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Nr. 3d. - Main 3516. anon CASH BALANCE EASY. 6-room well-built house, several nice fruit treea, street Improvementa In and paid. 28th and Brooklyn st Price $1700 U t alt en at once. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bids;. RT JOHNS-HOME SNAPS. Several good homes, 5 and 6 rooms, atj snap price irom juuo to easy term t?ee us ror &u jonns properi.j'. GRUSSl A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW. shrubs. Improved with hitrh -class modern colonial home; a picture apot for a person desiring a beautiful home; thl property la located on paved road to Portland and one minute from station, with 30-minute service to city; price $15,0uo. G. A. Sarioa, 404 N. W. Bank. A WORKINGM AN'S FARM. 12250 h4 acres on the blic Red Line. 31 -cent fare, 4-room houso, small ba in. poultry-houses, hoghouses, etc., good young orchard. This is a anap. some terms. COB A. McKENNA At CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. 3 ACRES, located within three blocks of Carver line, all In cultivation; 50 prune trees, small Darn and poultry-house, tint permanent well wf t h 6-inch pipe driven to bottom; can Irrigate entire tract from same; will exchange for bungalow in Portland. G. A- barles. 404 N. W. Bank. CHEAP COUNTRY HOME. One acre on east side of Buckley ave.,' 4 mile south of Powell Valley Rd., 6 rms., bath, cement basement, hot and cold wa ter; 25 fruit trees; berries and garden. Price $2201. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $500 cash, balance convenient terma; 6- I account of ill health will pell improved room modem, Groveland Park; hardwood floors, fireplace; price ?.'uuu. A. H. BIKKELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4118. pci iTTlirTTT. MT. TABOR HOME. $4750. uat u'iteh HEAT. SLEEPING PORCH. 7 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, paved street, 60x100. Was built for a home. No bunded liens. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $1500 BUYS a new modern 4-room houe on large, -bishhj- from Multnoman station. iy i minutes ride from South Portland shipyards; pay me $200 cash and I will give you eay terms on the balance. au u jriaii. uiuS. a URAL CHEAP HOME. $1400 will buy very cosy bungalow of 4 I rooma On first HOOT, 2 ueurgoms aim uani on aacond fioor; cement uanemoni, iuu drv: lot 40xlt0 to alley; barn, garage. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. WIT T, RRT.T. CHEAP. Here' la one of best arrang-ed 4-room bungalow corner 101 00x101, into tion. 2 blocks from Multnomah Station. , O. Olsen. tiTtt en Tics'N SiO ner mo.. Including int. I4xu nouse, tn o- - ceiled, water and sink. 3 window on 50 xl50 lot. ngni at iserKeicjr Sellwoiod 707. r. A-eejey 'nuPr.r.TEI,Y F1TRNISHED. 7 rooma. all modern convenience 2 fine corner lota 100x100, right on car-line- owner leaving city: $5000; aome cash, balance terms. AJ 33, Oreffonian. fiU -acre home. Vancouver. Wash., on 4tli Plain road, 1 miles Interstate bridge, 7. min. walk to car; water and electricity, fair btdgs. and orchard, good home ; 1 j catth, terms on bal. W. H. Ring, 303 Rus aell at., Portland. Eaat 6640. HAVING sold over $30,000 worth of im proved property along the Oregon city line during the last few months should demonstrate the fact that If you want to buy, sell or exchange your property it will pay you to call on or write G. A Saries, 4o4 N. W. Bank hldg- " FOR SALE. Over acre and6-room modern house, lota of fruit trees and berries, lies fine and onlv 6 minutes to Uc carline; a snap aC $2400. 1-3 cash, rest on long time. Tabu 7170. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW BARGAIN. " acre and 5-r. modern new bungalow at Concord, on Oregon Elec, fine soil. Ideal country home on hard surface ; .mighty cheap. $12500, terms. BADLEY, 404 N. W. Bark. A 3-ROOM cottage and one acre, improveu. In Metxger, close to station; worth $1200; will sell for $000; $500 cash, balance easy terms; 9-cent commutation fare ort Oregon Electric. Address Frank Wigle Metzger, Or. 2 ACRES with highly improved ground to- r ether with line colonial nouse worm H000; will take small home in Portland as part payment; this property Is located, on 8c carfare and 30-minute service. G. A. 'Sarlea, 404 N. W. Bnk bldg. BEAUTIFUL homesite, 34 acres, just out- sine city limits, near rtiveraaie; iana an - hiMmont I clear; email nouse ami warn on porcne w- PvTe owner Place; price $3000, $1500 caah, balance t eaay py " " BUit. Main 807. BARGAIN in St. Johns home; modern, with furnace, rirepiace, oaio, iun;o ROSE CITY PARK bungalow of 5 room thoroughly moaern, narawoou noora, iui nace. fireplace, partly finished attic, $900, S050 caah. Daiance on lenuo. run j" ulars at my office, 404 Piatt bldg. wxvxKn To buv 7 or 8-room house in Rose City, L-aureinurst or uvumiuu or, other good location; will give si.uo casn and 7-room unincumbered house. What have you? F 4, oregonian. 7-KOOM bouse, lot 6oxl30. walking distance paved etreet, improvementa in; pries 4uvv. See owner. & rtouney ave. $-00 DOWN. PRICE $1700. ft-room modern cottage, with fireplace. .Phone Tabor 516 Monday. FURNISHED two-room plastared house, large lot. near Woodmer bcheoL $300. Srhwettxer. Marshall Oi4. I-ROOMFD houae. larw lot. 13 bearlrr fruit e. f-Hl loc-ition. 9 ix Tabor 44S. kvia CITY 7-ro m bunsaiow; eel 1. can war. Monday. 'nVo. 6-RiOM moil era bungalow, near Nnrv- nivn.: ravoranie terms. r..ist 6.12m. THREE rooms and attic, near streetcar; $J00 on farm owner. TiDor J l .v. n: walkine dic;riVE rqama. modern, nearly new, large lot, wnr. aea Ha men! I term 0-ner. Tabor 2143 kwl IT Y fr -home er farm lead I flats; hima as im per menm, ana fine vacant btovk te n. A car o S.l wra. a-room rif-nir-i raoia; y era; I Rt SK t ITT rAKK, 9 neat bungalowa; your a mtrw n'inri ti -n I ChOIC IMajT, SI'", term Tsoor 3'0. 4-ftou fuisalow. fvawiaHa: A iNarta dieCORNFR lot with two hnuees. near school; t'"t; i-": rm rtuiin. 1 :n c. 1 ao"o. unr, t 4". titasoni: G ' D twfl.itPfr houae, Kueenar 4W4 ae.iiae bULt. Aaajuirej SMALL HI'PE. and lot 40x1 uO, for a- or tree Tabor xml 4-ROOM cottage, close, in, paved street, ce ment walk, ruii-piie tou ATice 410. HaUleld. loo 4tn at. 4-ROOM. aeml-modern cottage, large lot. Will gtv terma to rtgnt party, price fioooi East 16. 3-ROOM house and two lot on corner. In restricted district, for $850, Call at 7412 od ave. . ti. $ rtOOi4ri. mo'lrrn Improvements. good neighborhood. 844 Front. 7 rooms, 371 N 21sL 7V BUYS lOOxlOO corner, ready for garden; srrall ho us, close to car. Terma. Owner, 3-, Alder C FOR SALE bv owner. "2Jinproved lota, mod ern 6-room ed bungalow near carllne; bar gain for aome one. Tanor 404 s j6.,o FOUR-ROOM house. 2 lot rhlcken-r-ouse snd fencing: $50 rash. $15 monthly. Ml bcott oar. Tabor e4a). CENTER OF SUNNYSIDE, 6-room modern bungalow and parage; corner lot, $2500. Oregon Inv. A Mtg. Co.. liQ 3fl at. inn bale bv owner. 7-room modern house. on corner lot. Roasmere Addition; no in cumbrance. Tabor zv3. GOOD value Piedmont and vaclnlty, mod ern, a to a nunareu uowu. wen aoo Mallnry av ' COMFORTABLE home, near carline, modern improvement large lot, 6-room house. Price $2300. Call owner at Tabor 86L TO buy or exchange. In South Portland, aee John Singer, 417 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR- SALE Two lota and house. 4-room houae with full baaement, 2 lot 4012 4vth aL 8. E. $1350 GOOD 6-room house, walking dis tance, near lutiijaiua, -vv wn, wm. uiu. Tiber 5312. . $1iIh) BARGAIN: 5-room modern houae, Mt. bfOtl car, e uiot'aa iiviu van vivv 30th ave. SoutheasL BEAUTIFUL $10,000 home for $0500; lot 100x100; moaern o-rt. nouse, ji go pa rage on canine; must oe Beu 10 uc i v elated. H. B. Stout, 723 C. of Com. bid g. Phone Jiain FOR SALE By owner, home of 5 rooms and large attic; close to public snd high school. 871 Minnesota ave. Woodlawn 4010. No agents. FOR SALE 100x105 with good 7-room home, double garag 51st and Hawthorn Price $.l27o. Terms, uwner, jib in .i.mj. 11500 ON TERMS. Coxy 4-room modern home. 2 blk car; 60x 100 lot. AJ i, oregonian. 4-ROOM plastered house and half acre. In THE cutest 5-room bungalow with 1 acre of ground right at tne aepot at uaraea Home. The finest carpets and rugs aa with the place; only $2000. M. J. CI oh easy, 415 Abjngton bldg. IDEAL country home, 6 acres In high state of cultivation, 1 acre in bearing rruit trees: good house and outbuildings; near carllne and macadam road. Owner, Tabor 4S4S. ON account of poor health will sell at laerifice home, one acre, high state of cultivation, fine location, no incumbrance. See or write owner, &06H E. 22d et. May conalder exchange. UNIQUE stone bungalow, about H acre, Ore gon City canine, oetween onver spring! snd Courtney, $1850, term AG 29, Ora-gonlan. 3 ACRES located in Mllwaukie, all In culti vation; has small 3-room nouse; will sen for $3500 on term Saries, 404 N. W. Bank. 1 ACRE, 5-room house, near Mllwaukie; $50 down, $10 month. E. 1S43. For Sale Acreage. side city limits, water-and gas in, cheap. CHICKEN RANCH, close in. ready for bus! Owner. Phone Tabor 8378. nesa; sell cheap, or trade for house and lot. 312 Swetland bldg. 7H ACRES. Tlgardvtlle. paved road, only siriou; goon irrms. juain ooi. aior ar- JrA Am T,An hTria MODERN 7-room house, large lot, fireproof I 1 garage, in Piedmont, woouiawn soi . uaiiiox v. v .x r rt, 4 . . nuouis on on SEE modern bungalowa, all built-in con venience!, at bargain from owner. 1332 Division St., 10H2 Arnold at. Main 2641. mominge. MODERN, 5 rooma, on Peninsula, near Vnl Oregonian. 6-ROOM house, modern conveniences, small amount down, easy payment aiaranaii 4122. WANTED To buy delicatessen atore In apartment-house di'trict; preier one wun living- room. Ea at 4753. BY OWNER, five-room modern cottage. In first-class condition. Alberta aiatrict; leav ing city, wlil sell cheap. 728 Wygant aL verslty Park; big bargain. Price only 1 2H ACRES. 4-room plastered house, cloae ftlMin .T !. Oustarr. bin lier inrer bldcr I o-cent canine, unuuici iculm. 8-ROOM nous 259 Chapman sL Telephone 10 ACRES, cloae Ins bargain. Owner, 206 Main 76SU. Kyi iltfU 14tn Bt. I niuaner bi.. unci v i . ..i. HOUSE and lot. 64x100, for sale. Inquire 6-ROOM house, acre land, 10c carfar Snap. 7-ROOM modern. 100x200, fine home, near I 5 ACRES, elope In East Sid Bargain. Own-1 Firland. Tabor ri3. 1 wriAuur TEAM, 1400 lb, n and 10. $300, Quick sale. I CITY acrea. fine home place, near school, 38tn