r THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, . PORTLAND, MARCH 3, 1918. MK T.'.TMT. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 -ITS i:coTl T. Nrr laaablll. HX.ILtR WAI.I.Mltt Monday. Wednesday and Friday run u at i v. n. M esrh of our at thl week T" ltl find s-'i"-i Mottmtii of gen.ra mm f jrnl.iinff. including d I n I n pwim B-' ' i v I n a: -rckom pier.., bIPnoni furniture. rsrpvlA, russ. .lull's, pillow. trl rjnit), - nh'. utensils, etc. Pon t Fail to Visit Our , Private Sale Dcp t w mr.i I. fc It-ii itk iHirH; u ALL 1FM Hll-t hn. MihiM-I: HI rrt:TV i.inoi.f.i M. T::t- ni . mn.i:-. i:tr, A.l f..l. Sold ii lUif Sal" pe!!vr X ree lr l nrH1 an't leiivrr"-fi ig I'.mI or t'.ir. for iut-of- Town i 'ustomer. Groceries! Groceries! Every Day Bargain Day in I his Department Pin TO K 1 MK n LtRt.K , nii a inru. i r rCT t I'll. I. 1DI K Kr OHDKR. I fixtures and Equip- mcnts tci.tniN; rM rf.iti"R. umi-iTlM. l.i:. rnrnrr s-t i:m. ku m-kfrs, III : I T 1 r K. HI Tt III M" w IMM.II . rot TI.H MIOttCA!-!:, Kit, ETC. AUCTION SALE : Tomorrow, Monday, f March 4, at 2 P.M. T A re Imrarinl fcy tr owmii t H-ll lliaf Ire rats mt RESTAURANT JVa. - Rataa!! i. I Near MUaUolppI Ave.l rnmrrlilnr a follower Coffee urn. rminter an, stnols. wttr cooler, eight foot double-oven- ran-.. 1 table.. $4 rhairn, 2'"' yard, llnnlrum. hiiltni :str, thrrr-foot meat litovk. large thr plat, four kitchen 1rl. tnr no'lrn lnk. one rti.mr ink with C'wmI lrir. rooklnf utrnltt, l(--rt. kotvrs, fork spoons anil other Xlscts. j. t. wiuo. w t Tiorrn. ' WANTED -, TT fr arwis-Haael Faral- lal. Kflf HrlrllMlM, lllr. Cad. M.l lrl4i ft EITAIUIBCD Mil ! On Tuesday Next T the rkfh unmi iioiiae. NUUMC SIIL1)IM Mllr.T PtRLOR M ITE. romprls- Inr three circa. Ill4(lonll l"Hir. .tt. and extra r"'ker. dlnlng-room .C. via. it-Inch, (-foot dlnlnsr table, six wlAr-wla'l -h.alra anil buffet: brass nd Iron b.l. best springs and mnt tre.se.. Mnl)i, mahogiany nl r"lUn r. ir.9r. . t-.. yiUt.n oatc library tables n.l i'nirol.l ilav.nport. b d jr llrus.ls and ATilnt.r carpt. lckr rhalra and a rjr old Una-ilah piano ! iTl. Steward rana. nitrn.n tttenatla. Ironlna: boards, plctur.a, brlc a-brac. tic Al CTIOXCf-.R SOTE. T thn.a who ar. f urntuhlna- new rna tbta auction vhoultl but paa un- hell.-tL All Will ! i"Mil. - iwr k'p an jrthlne. Th irol will t. on ctlLi4ir tomorrow and our prnc la cat.r.d tu by our atmen. anil the couiK ar. awaltlna- tour mot rrltlril in.pe.-tion. AltTIO n TltJU.ll t;r Ar i m. On Thursday Next we ah.i't sell th furnlahlnk-s from a )lia. lty park reatdrncr, comprlalna; beautiful llvma-room. dtnlnaj-room and b'.lroom atfitra. ru-. etc. AILT1U. AIA llUR9llt) AT 14) A. it. wrrTtV WR BIT AXO UF.IX F.C OND-HIMI Mill I:HiiLI) I.IIOU, IF till ll.: AtTlllf. IX Till LIE TO Ol9PV!t: Ol. CALL MAM 3332. Unclaimed Freight and , Baggage Sale March 16th, Next, at 10 A.'M. A T TI1F ORTII IIAXK DM-OT FOR Till'. , P. at St. H. ! O. K. R. (U.'S My tlrde-r . I'. TIKM- R. . rwaaptrwtlrr 9, P. . Hy. aad U. 1- My. t .-. Jai or Xirst adr. Feb. 10th. 151J. w. r. BikKR w. ii. nntT. Fw rait. rr De-alvrw aad A art laai ra. . Jlswilt Tewaple Hwlldlwa. W ret lark ad lawahlll Mrrrla. FACTORY PREMISES WANTED At LOC IL M ttl l ACTl BIMi COMT.RV W OT COtlU FACTORY III ILDIM; JVITH ABOUT 20,000 SQUARE FEET .Two Floors Preferred lfat hav arood llcht. stronc floors and power elevator and b centrally local--L I'roposltton to build and lease with option to purchase with Interest. Y 11 OH Ft.QM .. Flats Real Bargain ! Hfli. In. flna lo-tlnn. four-apartment flat and a-oo-l collaif. I0ixltf0 arrounda. mo-lrrn lit every way. in t.rr best of cocjltlon. This Is a forced sale. ran k sssoo Rittcr, Lowe & Co. av Hoard ( Trade RaUdlaat. !l Carag I Call fee llla.tratesl I rrteo LAat. I IMAaBMrH f-kowe Brwaeway 4v j SamConnell Lumber Co, MORTGAGE LOANS Ol Brsil:i AND RF.MUKNCR PROI'KRTV. ROIir.RT01 at KHIK-. SOT Xsurtkvmtcra Bask Bids. fas 1 1 issB 1 ... laaariTa-Sgm A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone ouvo, iiouse 23. UATliaT UTILtS. tAjTLK.H NOV. t-LTT u. IH BT UtTWKtM "AKANDaTAKKglS. BHUADU'AT 2vua . ftltCuAN, bemauichlc, acai.opina. a eoratua eida bullua mtrel. tn.ll ra.ra 2l r-ltljca .. broaden luwu. At.ATB t TTi.it AND MM.. JF.HI.I I SA AtiATKS rut and iwll.h.l- U.alrv and aair-a rp.ifrM, Miu.r , v ah. at. Aaj4Aeiu, aMI ANAL1FTH. atu.VTA.VA 4AI lrritt IU aVcoad .oi4. ailr.r and planouin bousbL OHkiu.V llAKIitK bCI'ft.y CO. Wa auy nv a.i a. 1 a.nua barer auppiiea sit iC 1AM k.K. Jo.NkJi. at- 1. CAM-fcH TiliAIai. "A Alaraa b.d. alaraball 1A t t-Lt-t I.OIO BITTU.V8. Tilt IHWIN-ilousoN CUM PANT. Aaaninatoa. llroadway 4.14. A JAS4, (IIIROI-OlllMS. WILLIAM, fcei.ilo aad Wllltam. Jr- Da- . la. .ol av-fealirio cbU.DOdlata and area epriaKata la lb. city. t'anore aoi a.riinar blue, euuiuet.el corner d aad ."w- t'non.a. Main lol. A SIOX. UHi A.U1ZAU,TH AJA1UN and U. Louie Cox. cbUODuaiaU. bow located at ftOa-7 v. blua- buua. aad a by a p. Alain .43U. C lllkoPKAtTIC Pit hit I .V. Bit K 1-t.oi-Le;: lr. M Mahon. Portland. 100 pr 1.01 hlropraitic apeclallaC Thai a why 1 never hat 10 employ drug, oper li.na. tlbralora, violet raa, ei-trtcliy. heal. Itaht and other Joaa bou. alunta. a remo. tn cau. ot Olaa qulchiy eur.iir and 1... eapenalv.ly. Tlck.la. at adjuetnienla. $13; mwn. fj. Call, phone or wriiM. ually convmclns th douoiins IK(II.AR LP.TTKRS. CHANS J.KTTt.H Co.. aiO N. W. bld(. Mar. ae-J. iue let'er multlcraphed. II Ml (ULLt.lTION AkCMlLa. NtTII A CO.. Worc.ater bide. Main !. f eollecilooa. no chare; aaiablian lvuu. VA.MI.M). UAM IUsISK IA.SCi.iu ACAUl'UI. Alt4 yiiia. coder aew maaaaemanc Laieat daacea taucht. lw private irMoni $X iioura iw. a t. :3U. airoaaway mi. Ilk. BtiKEIT-iitATU aCllOuL Daa. clns lauabt la all Ita braacnea; private. oar or . claaaea Tu.a. aad rrU 10. aaaernbly an.r. ! Waah. alaln X.'ui M It A. ILEi'k'a ACADEMY Social and Bias daaemf. arltal iuaLructioai cjiaaee Kuo. .aura, a to lO. luw 24 St, bt aaa. aad mark. Mala Jlou. ELECTRIC MOTORS. PUR fAl.l, TRAUB OH KENT. L. A. WALK k H LLti-'TRICAL W ORKS. 411 Aiurnald. llroadway M74. Lr. F. F. Caae.dy. apoclallat; alaaaea fitted. Too C Burnaid cor. -Ulti. B jjuA. LX 47AA 11 1 I I" Kt t.S AND KAG Rl OS. LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Inffrvina. Pruata. Smyrna. Aimlniiar r( rue. 1 tr. rn-il order pr"mtt: boikiit. mil CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. PalS race rlrwneaf aad atrwmed. . . .SL.aa) MI!T.H 1 LI II alto CO. I4-Z4) Lmoa Aia N. a. art sola. A 14TS, rEKTII.IZKRA. OTTKU cue aad hors oaaaur. avaat ISA. LORITo. WII0LES.LERS AND AITU AMI BIM.V Torn. pmRflLLK 1IL..GY TOP CO.. fib and Oak .Ktl. MERCHANTS. PACinc OKA IN CO.. Uoard of Trade bMc. IlKV IrfKIIHt NOTIONS. L DINKELSPIEL co.v.r;.;.7 OaUX ERIES. WADHAVa A X. ao-el Front st. II Alia AMI CAPS. TTTAVWnvei.R. MAT Co.. fcA-i3 Front et. HIDES. WMIL, CAM.-ARA BAJUa. KAHN HKOS. 1st Front St. PAIN TH AND LI BRICAT1NG OII -P. rtl.l.l:K at Ct.. 12th and Davta eta. IIOinAX WALL PAITR CO.. 2SO Id at. WFTF Tontr. Yamhill St. Corner 50x100 Close in PRICE $27,500 Mortgage $16,500 Will Trade Equity Rosenblatt & Salomon, Inc. 408 Selling Bldg. Speculators, Take Notice! Svioa on Washlna-ton St. near Tenm, at a temntlnc price. Positively the only downtown lot on the market. IMI NOT OVERLOOK THIS, rwo Improved corners at a sacrifice. ins located near tne t'uuiic worarj. lavlns: 1 per cent on mortgagees price. Tne otner is locatea two oiutpi. from CM is A IvinBT , at a dibs uaiiaiii. For particulars see trustee at 23 IIKRT BLIMi. APARTMENT SITE CORN' II R, MOB HILL. Choice locality, dose In, nearly W block. Price $17,000 F.aay Trraaa. OTANF.R. AM S3. ORF.COM AX. Will Build Two -Story Garage for Responsible Lessee fa, rare It tvlthla) Owe Black ef Meat bide Pwblle Library. F. V. ASDRKWS at CO. (VI Piatt Bid. Marsh M33. .OW l THE TIME OF THE TEAR TO Plant Cranberries The Real Paylasl t rep la te VterKet. For full Information ana price ran on O. W. TATLOR. lOSJH Fearth St. MORTGAGE LOANS -wd. ha ad fenr bTm3 far aad rlty loasui at rlr latrreat ralrav. II Pr.aart. Rrllabl Service. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 317. -t) vrbavrersi Baak Balldlas. Marshall 4114. A 4IIH. MORTGAGE LOANS ox firm Ann RroiorirK 1-kort.kil. o commission;. Wm. MacMaster Tl CORRKTT HI. !;.. PORTLAND. OR. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAN. Insurance, Surety Bonds St WILCOX BLXMA. Mala 703, A, 3702. -aj, -w- All klads of Flowere. Redd lug and TJfJf" Vegetable I'Unia. JapanM. goods rssjs aad p;anta eprclsl aa.a. bari tau I I JAPAN fLUlUST. J 1 lea 4tb at., bet. Tambill aad Tay e er Moo. T.ropl. building. The Oregonian, Main 7070 or IKI lOl.NDKltS. Pilots IX IKUN WOHKS. Enftnatra. (oaad.ra. rnaH-hlnlala, boiler nuira boiler and blackamiih at op. 0( fii. aad aoraa. Ataaiuwrao aic avud Eaat Third at. JINK. JUNK AND HAHbWARK. Th. urafaa Junk Co.. J"- Front at. Mala ejs. V.. buy all klnda Junk, m.tala. pay hlgheat prlcea raa ua before you a-ll. AtlMCAL. MKik LblTH ai. eUdHaV p. an. aad Frvncb, kuropoaa uacMr; viuaaea .A moiuh; hlyhaat reierencea. 1118 Lp.nadale. UHbOU.N Conaertatory tacboull ot Aluaic. Id fioor Kumael bida. tovvr th "Llou' Lntranra IbJa th at., cor. ot Murriaon. FAUKLK School of i'opular Muaio. Xtrma. t to leaaooa. anl-a fcllera BlUaT. A.H1L, Tlilr.l.UOK.N. violia teacher, pupil belck. 27 Mledner bloat. Bdary. Igja. (IrTOJIM'Klnla AND UrTKTAMi. WMV'PAT MORE I A 8AVI.SO from t to Oo prcnt. ir Promptly fitted glaaart as low w as ll.bo. oih' aatlalled customarA batlafartiuo uarante.d. Chaa. W. Oood. niaa. optometries 2VV Morrlaun. Main 2iJ4- TAINTKH. KTC. , G. W. KIl.EV. T-alnii-r and Uecorator. Srllaoud ai:. PATt.vrs. VATb.NtH that protect and pay. advice and boots free; hisLeel references, bvat re eulia. promptnvaa aaaurvd. aend akttch or mo-lel for aearvh. Vialeon K. Colvmao. patent lawyer, U4 Y St.. Waahlneton. L. V- K. G. WK1GHT -2 year.' eaperlence. U. and fomcn patenta. oul peiam bld. PHlSltlANB. 1K. K. A. PUILLIPa, Wui Broadway bli'g. Itbeuinstistu, leuiai. dlaoruera. aam iroa bias aoinacb. Uver. kldu.ia. bowala I in oat. guure. SCSI p. high blood preaiure LllC fLOKA A. BilOWN. goitre and Uiaeaaas of women. TOO ti. uurnaioe. cor, .vm I'LLMUINU MPPL1KS. PLUMBING SLPPLlEo at w holeaal prices. Durt-iwiu .o a. a .... hu.mi.vu. tEInTOXE PKk;sS J. aw Gantanbein. Mgr. prlnllo and iiuotyping. iuin iroui at. corner btark. Main or A 141a. Tlial lVf PREoS. 181 Stark It Broadway 40S, A 4ns. PHWIINQri; SALItU At COMPAN T, d Oak ats. Main loo. A 11G5. HLAL tslAts UAvALEUs. CAUL K. Ju.Vta, 44 Wilcox bidg. KL08. MuHTUWa'at KUG CO.. etalilahl lwi luir rugs sna rsg rugs wuven an aii Laat 8th and Tayior. cast al0. B lsu. trOH.tUli AND IKANelLR. ALWAYS PICK lUli Baal Houaehold gods spaclaitats; storage, packing, anip ping ana moving, agnt ana auto i aovc.al freiant rataa to all pulnla. C O. PICK THANbKEH A UIUIUOE CO.. Id and Pin. sea lirosdway bun. A lV.i. ukGuN TKANor'EK Co.. 474 O.iaan IL. corner lath, leiepnon uroaaear a.sl or A lldV. W own and operat twe large clean "A war.nouas on terminal tracAa lowest Insurance rates In the city. MALluN-ST. LiovJk A WAHEHOL'iK. Ofilce leu aaauiaon. UMPm nercaiauiM and forwarding asenta. I'hone Jllain IdwL. CUT freight rataa to all points on houaehold a-oous. atanning v ar.noua. at atauuw Co.. th and Huyt. Broadway 7"3. packing, moving, storage. ECUKITI alUHAUE A IKA.at tR CO. Iu6 Park St. Main 6103. A H'01. GREEN AND DRY BLAH WOOD, b.ockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Eaat 72. B g?n. .NATIONAL IL tL CO.. Eaat 2UI1. E. 2d and Oregon ets. Pry block wooq. a ' I oa a . JLVNUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RAHMI'I'SEN A Co.. 2d and Taior. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. H-S Front at. PLl MBINO AND KTKAal blPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. b4-ad Front sU PRODI ( E COMMISMON MERCHANTS. rVEKPING A FAKKELL. 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordag Co., 14th and Northrnp. a AMI. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davis st. WALLPAPER. MTT.LER Wall patter At PL Co., ITS 1st St. REAL ESTATE. tor Hale Laol. TACOMA, CITT OF OI I'UKTUNITT. IS lots In one piece to sell; cleared, sts. graded, cement walks In. sewer In tnot paldl. one block from Psciflc sve. car- line. 4 biocka from Spanaway canine. 4 blocks from South Tacoma carilna. Fine opportunity for building residence for the market; reaaon for selling. Joining the jirmy. 1 th. eiiou. DR. J. C. 8IEGLE. T01 Fidelity Hldg.. Tucoma. With. IJiio lOoXliN) CORNER WEST SIDE, clear; tnia is total price; ansp. $2100 SOx Iimj, Wms ave.. near Broadway. $ no 7nxii adjoining Kenton. t 2-.'i ;.0H). K, 17th. Alberta district. g im a uf on Front au. clear. S W.O Tlxloo. clear. It. C I'k. district. FRANK L. McGUIKE. ABINGTO.V BLDO. I2.-.0 ROSE CITY PARK 1250. 8010 lot on K. 47th St. Pavement In. all paid excepting S1U0. Price l-Ou; no tradea or terms. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 8QS-6-T Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL SNAP. Owner In Seattle forced to make quick sal of lot. Soxlou, nn Flint st, near Til lamook: pric cut to 1 1 "iOtl. GODDARD A W1EDRICK. 24A Stark au FOR 6A1.E-UI Alil.Vl. located at S. W. cor. 4nth av. and 6:th at.. l.'oO caah. Lot StlxTu. d. E. cor. Dlvlaiun snd 43d sc. .'oe. It 40x100. 4Sd. near Elsworth. J3O0. Owner. 20d Eaat 4:id st.. near Clinton. HAT VACANT LOT Turn a burcl.n Into Income. We daelgn and build anything, fumiah the money if desired; eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contract. Ing archuecta. Northwestern Bank bldg. llM IN I.aild Addition, on Holly St., op. poaite i..tn; one oiock irom Hawthorne av. ; very fine alte for S2.tH: atreet paid up. For tern. a - Mr. Van NIc. 4ol Con cord hldg. Marshall M."4. IRVINGTON bargain, corner uixlO0. eaat front, sightly location, bltullthto streets. ail liens snu taxes pain. price lldmi. half or all cash. Kennedy At MUlec. oju salmon at. FOR SALE Large lot. near business sec tion, growing city. Roundup, Mont. You ar. sure to donbte your money on this In next few yeara; $200; easy terms. L. Cutler. Berlin. N. II. FOR SALE Will sell at a sacrifice on ac count of going to war, lot oOxtoo, on E. 6Mh st, l1 blocks south of Sandv road. Purchase price $1200; will take $600 cash. H 42. orrgontsn. FoR HALE Rest comer lot In Laurelhurst hlsh ground, eaatern exposure, 1 block from streetcar; special terms. AN 23, Ore gon lan. VACANT lota pay nothing; build and ret an Income, all kinds or bunding designed ana bulit; rurniab money ix aelrd, Ch, W. En a. Pittock blk. IRVINGTON LOT SNAP, enxloo, carilna, fine location. Evry thing In and paid. Prlc ll.'.oo. SM1TH-WAG'NER CO, STOCK EX. FoK SALE By own.r. large ground or in g: lot, en carllne. near .Mllwaukle ship- ' yarns: easy terms, airs. vt. J. xtowen. bi Rua.eM st, clly. UNION AVE. lot. near Russell, will be sold at half Ita value. Johnston. 702 Spalding hide. IRVINGTON LOTH WE HAVE THE BAR OA IN. NKL'HAL'SLN A CO, N. W. BANK BLDG. TWO vacant lots. In restricted district, paved streets, everything paid, up-to-date. A B 66. Oregonlaic SIGHTLY Laurelhuret corner near Sandy; bargain fr cash; will trade for late auto. Tatx.r 14.r HAVE 2 clear Council Crert lots. lixlio. for light car: give or take difference: state make, model, price. A H S3. Orrronian. LOT on .v.th eve. near 72d st, half caah. uaed Ford baL A. C. Clement. KldgeDeld. Wh. FOR SALE Apanni.nl Bite 62xlOu, and Hall sis. Inquire r.l4 Hall. BEAUTIFUL Piedmont lot 1 Johnston. 702 Hpairilng bldg. TWO Iota Highland st. at gift prices. John ston. 72 Spalding hldg. b.NAP: prlc. $2.J). fluxion. -lear. I Holland sc. Wood la so. by owner. REAL E3TATK. lor bale Lota. QUEENSLAND, that beautiful addition ly ine Juat south of Portland on th Oreeon Liectnc. with xlull Run water and eaa In th streets; Juat th plac for your I nummar noma. ASuy a lot on easy lerma, put up a tent houae and llv amidat the trees and wild-wood flowers A payment or siu wui at art you orr. only ia min ute.' rid from th South Portland ahlp- yarda on a five-cent carfare- See owner I of th property l 404 Piatt bid-., for I THREE choir lota In the Lenta district. near csrllne; a barsaln. Phone E. 1454. lor Sal -Hou. FEW SPLENDID HUTS LX GOOD H(lI-F.S 14 000 7-roora mod.ro honsa, with ra- I race, faclnc on Corbett street. It la clear I of sll Incumbrance, has hard surfac street, sewer connections. This is horn and can be bousht on very reason able payments. $.toot 7 -room modern house, close In on Rodney ave. fluoo cash, ft yrs. on bal ance. IJi'OO 8-room bnnealow with full lot. I hard surface street, aewer connections. I ijimi caan will handle It. $12ik l-room house, closes In on Brook lyn at. oood buv. OTTO at HAKKAAN REALTT CO, 413 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Hoi KE SNAPS T-rm. honsa. lot aovlo 1 blk from ear. 3 bike, to achool, price 11200; $100 down. eu per montn. s-rrtom modern. 2 fireplaces, gsrer. Snuno-root lot. loO feet to car; restricted ci.irict; partly furnished; price i e i .ii a. room house. Alberta district, 2800. .asy terms. 5-room modern. Sunnvslde district, price S2"uo. terms. Owner will loan 1400 on tnia nouae. MILI.ERPHTP AV MORRIS. 4.-.1 chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITT PARK S32.'.0 - WE HAVE A HOUSE S bedrooms and 1 sleeping porch upatalrs. hardwood floors! downstairs, all built-in effects, big living I and dtning-rooma, Dutch kitchen, full I deep basement, furnace; on paved street. only It) blkfl. to car. Bonded assessments I only 1141. This Is at least flooo below I market value, trail ua up and let us tell I you sbout this wonderful buy. J. L. I Hartman Company, fio. 7 Chamber of I Commerce bldg, Alain 208, A 2050. BEAUTIFUL HOME. WILLAMETTE HT8. T rooms and sleeping porch, living-room i nn, large nreplare. Dining-room 14x14; hardwood floors, attractive kitchen, ex pensive elec. fixtures, built-in buffet, all white enamel finiah. Second floor ha three large bedrooms. Isrge linen closet. Built of Port Orford cedar, large bathroom with shower bath; full cement basement, with very best furnace. Grsnd view of mountains Close to car. Lot Toxll. House strictly modern. Big sacrifice. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. BARGAINS IN HOUSES. 6 room a. Ml Scott car. 11500. n rooms. Alt. Tabor car, near E. I1730. 47th, 5 rooms and den, thoroughly modern, fireplace and furnace: a dandy at I20OO. 6 rooms, ground loOxloo, nesr Frsnklln High School. 12'J.iO. tf room a, modern and attractive. Rose I City Park, hot water beat; AJttoO. iteasonnhle terms on these. LI E DDE MANN COMPAKT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ROBE CITY PARK S-KOOM BUNGALOW DEN On Sandy htvd. big living and dining- rooms all bullt-ln effects, fireplace, 2 big bedrooms, white enamel kitchen, back porch, cement basement; new, never oc cupied, beautiful luteriur. Call J. L. Hart- 'man Company. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg, 4th and Stark. Main 208. A 2nio. . 1O0 BY 100 CORNER IRVINGTON HOME Here is s fine borne ln the heart of this I beautiful district, on the carllne, 7 rooms I snd sleeplng-porch. furnace, fireplace, all bullt-ln conveniences, full cement base ment, etc If looking for a home, you will be proud of this; price llo.ooo, terms. See Mr. Bender, with J. U HARTMAN COMPANI, No. T Chamber of Commerce ni'ig. BRAND NEW. CLOSE TO ST. JOHNS CAR a AND SHIPBLDG. PLANT. S mo ma. cl!ar. 3 rooms on first floor. 2 bedrooms snd bsth on second floor, walls tinted, electric fixtures; cement walks paid. Price I1S50. Eaay terms. GODDARD A WIEDKICK, 2411 Stsrk PL SACRIFICED i.llr.n HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6 rooms. Bleeping porch, cement base-1 ment, f urnsce, located st sue hi. 4a st. i This Is a two-story house and very well constructed. J. L. Hartman Company. I No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg, 4th I and Stark sts. Main Mf. A 2H50. CHARMING RESIDENCE. PORTLAND HTS. Fronts on Talbot road. In Greenway ad dition: 7 large rooms, beautiful view of mountains: three lots, paving paid; non resident In Eastern Oregon has cut the prlr. to s.ooo. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NEW 7-ROOM IRVINGTON. Modern, with garage. Oak floors through .. ; rir.nl,,-.. rniiranteed furnace. All buiit-ln conveniences. Best construction snd materials. Ivory finish and paper. Best bsrgsin in city at loouo. Terms. For Inspection call E. J. Mautx, owner, Mar shall l!""!" or East 5031. THE beat-buiit 5-room modern bungalow In I Hawthorne-ave. uiatrict; namwowa imoi fireplace, furnace, many bullt-ln effects ..r t women: cement walks ana pavea street psld: only (2750, terms. You can move In March 1. MAIN 4.-.43 OR TABOR 6P3T RYAN PLACE. OREGON ELEC 4-room bungalow, large bathroom, gel range, gss fixtures, gss radiator go with the place: fireplace In living-room, con crete basement; price 11325. terms S3u0 GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 248 Stark. rilTTACE BARGAIN. (SHIPBUILDING DISTRICT.) 5 rooms, well locsted. rents 112.50: street bonds sll paid: worth 12500. 6ell this week $1100. 6-3 Corbett, near Meade. Easy terms. Consider exchange. What have you? Wm. Patterson. 200 Selling bldg. RIGHT In the center of the city, on the West Side, lull lot witn - noun-., o aou rooms, for 450O. This property is on Sherman st, terms given, -at. J. v-ioocj. 41.1 Ablngton bldg. u. uv n.v r.nt when vou can buy a fur nished O-room piaaiert-u "" llnhta. gas. bath, toilet, 60x100 lot, for I115U? 200 cash, bal. 15 per month. t all Sunday" or Monday. 411 Henry biag. K-CAH UNION AVE. tiirin wriii buv house of four rooms, bath. gas and electricity; pavement paid. Ivy street, near 11 , , GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stsrk St. g7S4.ROOM plastered bungalow; near ' . .-111; ....V.. F. 1 . 1 1 i. I - vn.il. i,tn ana rviiii"n-"" .... , .. ... . , n tt - . r . n 11 1 terms FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. KNAP A 3-room house with 2 lots, ln the city, for a gift: Ooo laaes tne piece: title nerfect. no wania 111 Ja. J. Clohesay, 415 Ablngton bldr. 2.-, MODERN 6-room bungalow, vacsnt Anr. 1. 111 lease tor one year 10 re-1 sponsible party. Phone Tabor 2456. 1301 Kast Morrison. I NICE home in Rose City Park, cash. bal. like rent. Call Mnndav. 411 Henry bldg. $2200. $200 Sunday or $2250 MODERN 6-roora bungalow, 1 block to car. tv i -1- -1 . terms to suit. Main 6812 or Tabor 8741. IRVINGTON . R- T. STREET. lioul'l IRV. AGENT. IRVINaTOX $3WV. Near 17th and Knott; 7 rooms, si. porcn; snap, ic i. otreet. -osv HOME ALBERTA CAR. 8-room cottage, cement basement, cement walks pTlce ll.i'nj. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NEW 4-room and large attic, 2 blocks from car. lot 100x110, 6t-cent fare. $1023: $50 down, terms like rent on balance. O. o. Sletten. Main 3517 s-uf-M-ivf bungalow, free of incumbrance. for sale cheap or will accept a good auto aa first payment, rrona ecu 1010. .bn rtvR.RDOM bungalow. 710 E. 65th st . north, corner Klickitat, one block north Handy blvd. N 21. Oregonlan. A HOUSE of 8 rooms with full lot. In lrvlngton: only $3500. M. J. Clohesay, 415 Ablngton bldg. l-,,m pin 7-room modern home In Walnut Park: cost over $"VMo. C D. Younr A Co, 514 Chamber Commerce bldg. Tun &.rnnm cottages, with all conveniences. on East 11th st, close In. for $4000. half cash. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Ablngton bldg. 1 k v I NGTON $35110. terms. 7 rooma, mod ern. garage, etc. A snap. Kummell A Rummell. 274 Btark st. 6-HOOM modern bungalow, atreet improve ments paid; iou. 1 our lerm. ilum mell A Rummell. 274 Stark st. STRICTLY modem Laurelhurst bungalow, orw; easy terms, aamnicii as nummaii, 274 Btark st. BEAUTIFUL Rose City Park bungslow. strictly modem; sacrifice. Rummell A Kummell. 274 btay.st A CORNER lot on Sth and Grant ets., with 3 houses, ror n-.-iio. terms riven. M. J. Clnhe.sv. 413 Ablngton bldg. A'."'" GOOD lrvlngton nome. Isvorably io- caten. a ii-nrogiui. auimwt aa a-ari, a Henry bldr. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hou.ra. - STRICTLY modern 8 -room home. All Con .venlencee built In. hardwood floors throughout. Fine locstlon. clone In on Eaat .--I'ie. Thla property must be seen to be eppreciated. Price very reasonable. Hawthorne district, close to 27cb St.. rood 7-room houae. both ras and elec tricity, two toilet, bath. al.p1ne; porch, cement basement, wash trays, arerare. e)e. rant location. Thla Is a cheap piece of property; must be sold this week at sac rifice. Price, X2S00; terms. Seven-room modern houae. Queen Anne styls of architecture, all built-in conven iences, full basement, rarsre, S blocks from canine on Eaat Hth at., place for chickens. 12450. ROSE City Park Fine 5-roora modern bungalow. Thla is a dandy; everything; complete, one block from car. on 47th st. If yon want a complete little home, this is it. Price. 3750. See Mr. Irwin, 401 Board ot Trade BIdr.. or phone East 140, evenings TILLAMOOK 8T. AT S6TH. T-roora bungalow. 80x100 ft. lot. Ground value not considered tn selling price. All big rooms, hardwood floors in 4 noma llvtnr-room acroea front of house, one side of bedroom with bullt-ln wardrobes and drawers, full deep basement. This is a wonderful bargain, 5 rooms on one floor. 2 upstairs. See It today. Street Improvements all paid, total price 14500. Jiooo down. J. L. Hartman Company, No. 7 Chnraber of Commerce bids, Alain 208, BUNGALOW BARGAINS: S rooms, modern, 1 block from paved ii-rcfc ana convenient to car, .ouxiou lot $1700. easy terms 8 rooms, modern, 1 block from paved aircri anu convenient to car, loxiou lot 1 1 NTO. esay terms. 5 rooms, modern, 1 block from paved 'r'i am cur, iivxiuv lot. garage; -jmi, ...w caan, oatance on time. bee IS. M. xjrown, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAXT. 102 Fourth street. A PLEASANT HOME IN PIEDMONT. Only 3 blocks from S carllnr An a tractive, well-built 6-room houa. with mn. sic alcove and sewing room in addition. i ne rooms are large and well lighted. Ii Is modem with fireplace, full cement. base ment and furnace. Located on Cleveland avp. A fine hardwood street, also al ley In rear. The owner Is about to leave and for quick sale has cut price to the bone. Only 13500. A first payment of -'Yv win nana le it. Haclnnee. 210 Oregon "ma. j a oor en I v. 13150 SCNNTSIDE HOME 1300 DOWN, BALANCE 3 IKS., 6- ner. la a noma in a beautiful location on corner, 00x100, with fine garage. Has narawooa lloors, furnace, cement base, ment. etc., 1 block from Belmont car, streets Improved. See this at once. Mr. joenaer, witn J. lj. HARTMAN COMPANI, -i-o. i t-nsmoer or commerce bldg. rnoaern oungalow, near 4otb an balmon. 12000. XI. SO down. 6-room modern bungalow in Groveland ram, price J5t'0, 500 cash. B-roorn bungalow In Woodmere, T250, W...V I. LI V. 11. UHlHIl in .11 .V 5-roora bungalow with fireplace, hard wood floora. un tn H . . . cmnn ' neae nouses are below cobi of production, but must be sold. 401 E.. 50th. Tsbor 8743. I-ROOM house, quarter block, west front. """"n -ut. laoor ana Hawthorne car- ' ln rt- Fine location; reaaon able price for half mh 6-room house, 50x150 lot, on East 63d st, north of Mt. Tabor car line; easy I. O. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. BEST WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. 903 Overtnn at lirra llvln..M.m ai lng-room, library, pantry, 4 bedrooms and two baths second floor. Maid's room, bath and storeroom. 3d floor. Oalr floora throughout. Ruud automatic heater, i fireplaces, fine lawn snd roses. Big cut ior quica saie, oDen z to a today. Teie- pnune Jaain .(JO. ALBERTA CAR. 5 KIHHIH a l won Fnlendld 5-room bunulnv itH riM. place, etc A wonderful bargain and can be bandied on the easiest kind of terma. Csn use both Alberta and lrvlngton car- hico, inis cant laar long. A. G. TEEPE OO, 284 Stark Be. Near Third. Main 3316. IRVrNOTON HOME. B E ATTTIFUTi, 774 Thompson. S. W. corner 24th. House has hardwood finish and bast construction; quarter block. B..N Br APPOINTMENT ONLY. R. T. STREET. AGENT. GREATEST IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 584 E. 21st St. N.. 60-foot lot. 80-foot St.; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; largo living-room, dining-room, library, sun room and pantry. Oak floors throughout; 2 flreplsces; fine trees and ahrubbery. Big sacrifice for quick sale, open today. 2 to o. leiepnon c. iii. f8500 MARGUERITE AVE. 13500 b5xl00: beautiful bungalow: near Haw. tborne; furnace, fireplace, all oak floora. elegant built-ina, plumbing and electric effects: complete home: corner: some city street liens. FRANK L. McGUTRE, ABINGTON BLDG. S ROOMS. MODERN, 423 East 50th St. N. Kose city. TAaEn ON DEBT. Good bar- rain. 8-room house. 615 E. 87th st. N. : HOT v a i tK n r. a l ; atone city; only st.o; RENTAL TERMS. Geo. M. Reed, Spald- Ing bldg. Main n 3RT1. - 100 DOWN, BAL. 20 MO. PRICE I1S00. diuvei in Ar o.-vcts. Go look at 1202 E. lflth st. N.. 100x100. 14 bearing fruit trees, garden, lawn. strawberry bed. rir trees, vacated Satur day. H. C. Barr. Main 118. 222 C. of C. bldg. Sunday call Wdln. 2888. FINE building, two modern flats, will rent for 330 per month: well located tn Arleta Park, z blocks carllne, near school; 33000 $5ih cash, balance 350 per month with in terest 7 per cent. WILLIAMS LOAN A INVESTMENT CO., 4J cnamoer ot commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior, almost new w-room residence, close in, wonderful location and view: hardwood floora white enamel and mahogany throughouL sleep ing porch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, plenty closets, large grounds, nn. trees. Brooke, M arshall 4S27. A call mornln gs. BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow and sleeping porch, white enamel finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, waah trays, full basement. plate glass windows, S blocks from car; 3100O will handle this snap at 1-3 less oat. ee owner, av. r oater noiai. gisoo 5-ROOM bungalow; oak floors, mod- ern; take Kenton car to Stafford at, go to left to No. 88 Stafford st-; open be tween 2 and 4 o'clock Sunday. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 684 Nortthwestern Bank Bldg. A SMALL payment, bal. monthly, will bny a modern, well-built, 8-room house, close in, ln Hawthorne district; street Improve ments all in and paid. Price $3600. This Is a real snap. Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. - NIFTY bungalow, 6 rooms, modern ln every respect, built-in effects and conveniences, close In, fine district; $3000; small pay ment nnd very easy terms. Main lUd3. tuS-9 Chamber of Commerce, a Woodstock car this morning, get off at 54th st.. go north to 63d av., then east to 64 lti S3d ave. step in ana catca the best improved 3 lots, 4-room bouse, outhouses, for $1000, in the city. sau.Ml IRVINGTON DISTRICT $3930 Complete 7-room bungalow on E. 30th St.; hardwooa rioors. lurnace, iirepiace v.rr claasv home: terms FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. EAST 42D NEAR WEIDLER. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 1 bedroom and bath on first floor, strictly modern. Price $3200. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Btsrk. a r-room house, with 3 full lots, for $1500. This property is in tne oest location on Capitol Hill, and It cost the present owner $32O0. Who wants It 7 M. J. (lohessy. 416 Ablngton bldg. $220O ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $2200 7-room iiuii , iiiBit.i-v, 111 1 l iv jm, 1. 11 $30ti caah; greatly reduced by non-resl H.nt: on 69th it. FRANK I- McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. CLOSE IN, $1600, $200 cash, baL $20 per montn, near oanay uivu. .nu n. oin . 1. , 6 rooms, bsth. paved streets are paid ex cept $50. Main Ji an. cieveianu, i-i c of C. bldg. . WILL take lot as first payment on bun galow, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 684 Northw-estern Bank BIdr. FOR Sale, like rent, neat 4-room plastered cottage, electric iignts, gas, nun itun water; only $750. See McReynolds, 214 Ablngton bldg, Monday 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 1 block from car; nice lawn ana snruooery. Bpienaia gsrsge; price under $3000; no agents. 533 Webster. Woodlawn 4108. . FIVE-ROOM furnished house In Sunnyslde district. $2300, $200 down. $25 per month. THE BRONG CO. Phone 1743. 2676 Oak St. WE-T SIDE BUNGAIiOW. $11150 TERMS. Modern 6-room bungalow, built 2 years ago cost $1822: lot OxliKl. cost $1200. MAIN 4543 OR TABOR 6032. ON PENINSULA, two biocka from Union ave. and ' car; good 5-room house on hard-surfaced street: $1425; easy terms O. O. Sletten. Main 3517. $160 CASH. $2200 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2200 5 rooms, corner, near 8th and Alberta. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. $330 CASH, balance like rent. Roee City bungalow, $2650. Tabor 7418. MOST attractive Interior 7-room bungalow in lrvlngton; price right; terms, . 626L REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. MATCHLESS BARGAINS. Nearly new 5-room modern bungalow, In Laurelhurst, with Laurelhurst Park for a front yard tjust let that fact sink in) hardwood floors, fireplace, everything fine, 60x100 lot. Price only $3650; $800 cash, balance like rent. New. thoroughly modern 8-room Laurel- nurst home, rine lot ouxiu reet, large uv-Ing-room with fireplace, glassed sun par lor, music room, four fine bedrooms, two flrenlaces: BDlendid basement. It s simply Ideal and a great bargain at $1600, $1000 cash, balance $40 monthly. LA11D ADDITION BARGAIN. Modern, attractive.. 8-room house, steep- Ins Dorch. e-araxe. 2 lots, giving a street frontage of ISO feet; aplendid home en vironment: street Improvements paia Price only $6250. House couldn't be built for that money. - TtAautlful lo-room modern house. splendid location ln Ladd Addition, built one year ago: 2 sleeping porches; must be sold': all atreet Improvements paid. Price $5250; convenient terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, large living-room, fireplace, furnace, asphalt street (all paid), beauti ful view of river and surroundings; splen didly located: lot alone worth $2000; one couldn't build the house now for $3000. Price for quick sale $3650; $500 down. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER MATCH LESS BARGAINS IN LARGE AND SMALL, VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME PROPERTIES. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 3052. Sunday call Main 5073 or East 2725. WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR, 5 rooms and large floored attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, $50 gas range, water heater and screens go with place: on E. 63d street, between Hawthorne and Belmont. This la strictly high claas. ar tistic and complete. Only $3500, terms, or a small amount of good realty may be taken as part pay. W. H ROPS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. REAL BARGAIN. ROSE CITY PARK. $3250 Bent built home In dlatrlct. five rooms, sleeping porch, floored attic, fur nace, fireplare. hardwood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, full cement base ment, garage with concrete floor, spruce siding, 50x100. north of Sandy, near 4th St.; $1250 cash: st. llena paid, less than 3 years old; not a big. showy place, but a real noma. BADLEY. 404 N. W. Bank Bldg. xi a n7TMnn-F S'fiTi0. 6-room bungalow, all on one floor. Hard ..nn rinnr. ffr.nlflm. cement basement attic Splendidly built and a beautiful All urMit nnd aewer improve ments Included ln above price. Located on one of the best streets in Hawthorne district. Terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stsrk Sc. Nr. 3d. ' Main 8516. MODERN. Ladd's Addition. full cemen basement, furnace, wasn trays, nan. pal lor, fireplace, dining room, three oa floors, buffet, pass pantry, kitchen, hai with lavatnrv hntween kitchen and dlnin rooms, porch with toilet, four bedrooms, ..-.n.H alAnnin. Dorch. bath, toilet, lava tory, stair to floored attic, garage, paved alley, street; price 4uu. wooaiawn 01 ij, HIGHLY Improved 100x100 with 6-room house, one block from carllne ana near shipyard: fine fruit and berries: owner leaving state; terms, no- -caai. ouu at. East St. Johns. WAVERLY HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. K rnnma fnlrlv modem. nice lot. On hlnclr from Woodstock car. 2 from Rich mond; -street Improvements all in. Price $2600. easy terms. C. A. Warrlner, HITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg x.-i.-.n on- TERMS. Small houae on full lot. near Mt Scott car. In Lents; lots of fruit and flowers, good garden; rents are rising; buy this from owner on small payments. Sellwood 39. a wrHOR AVE. DISTRICT. R-rnnm atrictlv modern bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, narawooa noor, uuhl-iu effects, price $2750; also 6 rooms, with ?arage, orj te irage, $2hto: improvements in ana iwiu terms, laoor e-.. $2250 Hawthorne and 34th Bungalow. a. rnnrn. cahinet work, full basement. laundry tray, large lot. 60xloo, fruit trees. SMITHWAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. cion k-room house, all modern conveni ences, narawooa iiuoib. n,,:u,.tv, ..v.h...0 porch; 00 feel to car; on .u ana nni son sts. Easy terms. E. B. Holmes. 2i2 Stark st. Marshall soul. i.ATTTtELHURST bungalow. five rooms. strictly modern, in minutes nviu lc.c. of city, 1 block from Sandy blvd. : am lravina- cltv: will sell with or without furniture. Phone Tabor 2104. WONDERFUL bargains ln bungalow-s and houses with small payment uown ana nu ance like rent, bee Jir. uimi. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 leon Bldg. nwii. knm. n.nr Franklin High School, modern w-room Dungaiow, mcu. ment, furnace, looxiuu corner iui, H.n emit trees, roses, shrubbery; one block to -car. See owner. 3727 54th at. S.L. c-aii SAT.V Hv owner. Desi ouy in vlngton, .ijuu: o room. "j ', porch, first-class construction and fix tures; terms; no agents need answer.. Call KOSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern bungalow, oak floors, .!... ,.. o one blk. of Sandy blvd. Thil will eo aulck. C. M. DERR. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937. Tabor 64H. WO strictly modern 7-room homes, spienuiu 1 r.uiirolhurBt. can be purchased on iihr-,i t.rma at low prices. See owner Sunday at 1212 East Glisan street, between '10 A. M. and o f. ji ROSE CITY PARK. If you want a first-class modern home of 7 rooms at a great bargain, call Ta bor 6371. and deal direct with owner. no agents OWNER offers for sale his fine home at 405 E. 37th St., between Lincoln and Grant; all modern and garage; oeauuiu. part cash, reasonable. Call Sunday or evenings. FOR SALE tt-room house anu lot 'i"-- on Union ave.; price . terms and If parties buying do not want to occupy It, I will rent the same at $26 a month for 6 months. Phone Wdln. 1741. FOR SALE Larpre 5-room house, full lot. 1 block Irom jeiiersou nmii and Alblna. Price $2200; easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 3801. FOR SALE Completely furnished, including piano and sewing maenmc, numn 00... cottage. 100x100 cor.. $21HI0. terms. 5i20 Powell Valley road, cor. 68th st. CHANCE FOR SOME ONE 100x100 and .11 TLT,.. nn .larrett at.. 140 feet eaat of Union ave, worth $2250; make me offer. Owner, phone laat juiw. . THOROUGHLY modern. 7-room house, with furnished attic, aouoie imanc mi.. will sell furniture If wanted. 265 E. 15th, corner Madison. Phone East 30U8. SMALL bungalows, cottages and larger houses, at all prices anu r aenua, all parts of city. Tallmadge Realty Com oanv 619 Henry building. Marshall 355. niiKllHi HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 10-room house, newly painted, garage, 12--5 bonded liens. Price $3300. Terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO, STOCK EX. FINE six-room, story and a half bungalow, modern In every respect, on E. 44th. Just south of Sandy blvd.; may be handled with $11)00 caah payment. m, qiubuiii.ii LENTS 4 full lots and nice 5-room bun galow close to school and business cen ter $2500; easy terms. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co, 170 3d St. CLOSE ln. Eaat Side. 754 Eaat 8th, 50x85. fair 6-room cottage, $1300; terms. Oregon Inv. A Mtg. Co, 170 3d st. .250 4-ROOM box house, nice yard, near Piedmont car barn: terms. Owner. Wood lawn 129. sOR SALE Pleasing house. 247 North 24th 1..1I C mntr.m hlth. rf-iffi,... St, near m.ioii.n. - pnone Main 3537. Mr. King! IRVINGTON Modem 8-room residence, hot water heat, sleeping porch and garage; at a bargain. Call Main 1769. FOR SALE, CHEAP By owner, any one of three good houses on the Eaat Side. Phone East 2486; FOR SALE Cheap. 6-room cottage, Eaat St. Johns. See owner, 423 Pittock block. Terms A BARGAIN for immediate sale, 2 houses and lots, 174 East 32d, corner Tani'illl. Terms. Home Phone B 1531. HUBBELL & SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See ua first. Tabor 2161. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow at 223 E. 76th 8t partly luniiaimu, leu., au- dresa Box 91, Sherwood. Oregon. 5-ROOM house, lot 50x272 It, easy terms. MOWrey, O-ao goonn. nv. v.c.11 aoii, SUNNYSIDE 8-rm- cottage. $2250; can bor row X140U On IU juam onrp. TWO houses, close in. Inquire at 882 Al blna ave. wqmiiawn tuiv. FINE 7-room house, best locality in Laurel hurst; taae ..UPV u " mn. oqu. LAURELHURST 8-room modem price $1000. iz-w r.. r lanqera. MODERN Richmond bungalow, paved, sew. er. x-aouu: terma uwii, aa r,asi oma r. FOR SALE By owner, two-family fiat building, west wne, tun iol. aiain 1040. FOR SALE A 5-room bungalow; 2 Eaat R3d st. Phone -laoor n.-m. $1200 CASH will buy 4-room cottage, good condition, sootA acinuuuiuwu. iduur otfotr. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WAR BARGAINS. $550 Cash; full lot: small shack; Al berta and Vernon ave. $1100 $100 cash; 5-roora house and 3 Ox 10(1 feet. $1200 $200 cash, balance Installments; 5-room house, modern. $1000 $100 cash; full lot: 4-room house, bath and electric lights $2800 $500 cash; 5 lots and 6-roora bun galow; at Arbor Lodge. $1600 $600 cosh; 5-room house and cor ner 60x50; Fremont st., near Mis sissippi ave. $2500 Full lot; 7-room house; hot water heat, furnace; hard surface atreet; fruit: faces carllne on Shaver si; a snap. $3250 to $12,000: beautiful homes in Pied mont, the gem home district of Portland. $750 up choice lots in Piedmont; essy payments if desired; select now your future home site. $2350 Three lots, corner 21st snd Oak; 150x100; improvements paid. $4600 12 lots. 50x100: 4-room house. 32 fine fruit trees; Ideal suburban home: $2500 cash. Money to loan; fire and auto Insurance. M. E. THOMPSON. Phone Woodlawn 1733. 848 MisslsIppL 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $1000. Sounds too good to he true, doesn't It? It Is not true, but you see advertisements similar every day, and you tire yourself to death running them down. You find the place. If there Is such a place, worth less, or the dealer tells you that one is sold, but he has something Just ss good. I don't do business that way. If you will tell me what you want. I will suit you or tell you I can t. I have a large list of homes and can save you good money on your purchase. Come in and we wall talk it over. Marshall 2682. Hcaly. 506 Rall way Exchange. WESTMORELAND $2000. 6 rooms and den. Built 2 years sgo dur ing period of low cost. Owner built it for his own home; only the best of materials and workmanship went Into this home. Just two blocks from Sellwood car and not far out. In highly restricted district. Surrounded with fine homes. Hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dining-room, ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Streets paved and sewer in. $150 bonded. A real bar gain. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St, Nr. 3d. Main SMI. HAWTHORNE PARK BARGAIN. Treated one block from Hawthorne car, not far from E. 12th sc ; full lot. 60x100; sll st. assmts. paid In full; good 7-room house with furnace and fireplace; owner values at $6,100' a very attractive Invest ment at $Saoo. $1400 cash, balance per cent. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern ' Bank Bldg. Mar 4114, A 411S. CENTRAL EAST SIDE COTTAGE. 5-room cottage, nice lot. several good fruit trees, abundance of berries snd rose bushes. 2 long blocks from Montavilla car, 70th st. North, 114 blocks from school. Price $1600. Easy terms. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE A CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1500. $4500. IRVINGTON. Two doors from Knott st. Do you know of a better location ? Never been offered for sale before, so you cannot say, "I have seen this pluce." For particulars call Battin, with THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Sth St. Main 6Sli. Sunday, Woodlawn 318. COMPARE THESE WITH OTHERS. $n.i0, five rooms, corner, barn, Monta villa. $2100, five-R. bungalow, Hawthorne, new. $;t000, flve-R, furnished, garage, close In. $5700, 8-R. swell house, garage, large lot, Hawthorne ave. 309 Chamber Commerce TOP-NOTCH BARGAIN. $1400 buys 4-room cottage, very nicely furnished with oak furniture, dishes and all; lot 50x112. abundance of strawber ries, etc, and several fruit trees. Don't miss this. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE A CO, 203-r.-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE, SNAP. Good 6-room house, doubly built and a fine home, on E. 16th st, near Alberta: coat owner $38no. Don't live here and wants to sell at $2800. Any reasonable terms. GRUSSI A DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade, Main 7452. 6-ROOM fully modern story-and-half bun galow, locatea two blocks from Hawthorne caY; thla property Is worth today $3500; I want to move to California and will sell this property for $2600 on terms; the house is in fine shape; not a dollar re quired to put same ln shape. G. A, Sarles, 404 N. W. Bank bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND. Have line large home on Corbett St., with lot 50x110, all st. assmts: paid; a little money spent on thla will make a valuable property of it; price only $3000; terms to suit. A. H. B1RRELL CO, 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114, A 4118. NEARLY new, strictly modern Laurelhurst home, three bedrooms, property acquired through mortgage; will sell for what it would cost you to build the house, $450 down, balance monthly payments; price $3050. no commission at this figure, you get the lot; ail street improvements and the garage free. Phone owner. East 4505. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $1200; $200 CASH. Good 5-room cottage, bath, etc, paved streets all paid; on Mallory ave, near Maaon. Close In and good location, between. Union and Williams ave. carlines. Price $1200, $200 cash and $10 per month, GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. TAKE A LOOK. Large 8-room house, lot 100x100, closing out an estate. Fine place for garden and large family. 1406 E. Hnyt at. and 52d, 1 block from Montavilla car. Price $1750. C. A, Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE & CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ADJOINING A la A M E DA PARK. BROADWAY CAR $2100. Beautiful 5-room bungalow. Full lot. Large fireplace, buffet, full basement. No assessments to assume. Can be bought on straight contract, with 6 per cent interest. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Stark St, Nr. 3d. Main 3516. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. 32 lots worth $16,000. Modern house, cost $5000. Total value $21,000. $12,000 takes It all. JXO H. GIBSON. 012 C. of C. 'Phone Marshall 1585. ROSE CITY DISTRICT BARGAIN. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, half bunga low style, strictly modern, nice location, 1 blocks from car. Price $3350. Terms. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE & CO, 203-3-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 100x100 AND 3-ROOM HOUSE. $200 CASH, BAL.. $20 MONTH. ' $1150, streets graded, sidewalks. Lots are worth more than asked here. SMITH-WAGONER CO, STOCK EX. VANCOUVER houses, on paved street to steel shipyards; two houses, modern, one seven rooms, one five; lot 60x100. well ' rented, terms. Address box 53. Jennings Lodge, Or. 100x100, TWO houses, all Improvements In. 556-549 E. 15th st, ' near Division; price $3300. cash $1000; walking distance, al ways rented. McClure & Schmauch, 615 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2S01. NEW 5-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, oak floors, two and one-half lots. West Side, south, on 5c fare $1000 cash needed on price of $2500. P. B. Van Nice. Marshall 5454, 401 Concord bldg. PIEDMONT New 8-room house, all mod ern conveniences: garage; bargain st $4,100, cash . or terma. Call Woodlawn 1 H42. 7-ROOM modern house; hardwood floors, ce ment basement, furnace, good location. East Side; will sacrifice. Owner. East 5348. UP-TO-DATE 7-room house, all improved, for sale, reasonable; walking distance; house can be seen any time. 337 2d st. In quire owner. 51 3d st. FINE modern 7-room house in Laurelhurst: hardwood Moors, turnace, ail conveniences, tine view; price $5500. Elliott, 601 Norlh- west bldg. 2-ROOM house and nice lot, with bearlnr fruit trees. In good residence district, which I will sell for $650, on easy terms. Owner, 404 Piatt hldg. FOR SALE 8-room modem plsstered house, ' comparatively new. finished complete; house lived In some, but by owner; fine residence locality. G 29. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Good 7-room houae, 100x100 corner, Portsmouth Add.; fine garden; If you have $500 ca-sh, come and see me: It's a snap. M. H. Becker, 401 McKay hldg. 1201 EAST Harrison st, cor. 40th, six iarge roams; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, plate glass windows, cor. lot; $4000, easy terms. Owner there. FOR SALE House and lot on Morris at, near Williams ave, $1800: terms. Owner, Geo. Mer-.en. 624 East 13th North, Port land. 5-ROOM cottage, bath and pantry, furnished or unfurnished, modern conveniences. Con crete basement, well kept lawn, choicfl flowers, some small fruit. Woodlawn 1.16::, 4-KOOM house and lot. 50x100, lights anei water, 100 feet from carllne; will conslde auto trade. Phone East 1050. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow, all modem. Call Sunday or evening, 1011 E. 12th North. MODERN 6-room houae, furnished or unfur nished; built-in conveniences, furnace, fireplace, garage, etc. Close in. E. 4422. TWO houses and 3 lots in Ellenshurp) Wash, for sale or exchange by owner. Phone East S00, apt. 27.