The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 26

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Director-General McAdoo As
sures Equalization as
Quickly as Possible.
Not More Than S3 IV r Ont of
Transportation Facilities Required
Have IVern nerelsed of Lace bj
Unit r a Oregon Manufacturers.
ALTTM. rvr. March S. Speial. In
rrply to tb telegram Mot by th FuD
. tie Senr.c Commission from Portland
several days aao at th Instance of
Frank Gardlnler. representing tb Baker
Lumbtr MII!. lb Commtiilon today
received a reply from ths offic of Dl
- rector-General McAdoo statin; that an
' equalisation of cars will b brought
. about aa quickly aa possible.
Th telegram says:
Toor wlr Z3i to Director Gtnsrat In
regard to distribution of qolprant aa
kiHH lumber msnufacturcra. Th
condition you complain of la only
temporary and l duo to tho Immediate
necessity of moving (rain and grain
products. Tho relocation of equipment
Is now in progress and an aqualltatlon
will bo brought about aa quickly a
poaalblo. Tho attention of Mr. R. II
Alehton. Regional Director at Chlcag
baa been called to tho matter and b
will that It la not loat eight of.
Raker Mllla Skat Down.
Th Raker lumber mills were re
ured to shot down temporarily be
cau of the lack of cars, aad tbat tbel
complaint waa not Idly founded la In
eiratod by tho Information carried In
th reply telegram that the moving of
grain and grain product tied up the
From tho Inquiries front Washlngto
received by th commlaatoa aa to croaa
haula and the aaeembltnc of ether data.
coupled with th Intimation In th lat
et telegram from th Plreetor Oener
at'a office. It seems that a general re
adjustment of th handling of cara Is
In progress and that It will be baaed
largely npea th needs of th re a pec
tire territories, rather than the cars
belonging to any road.
KqaaUsatlea I leaded For.
The Baker mill made th urgent pi.
that an 'equalisation be established for
tbeir district by ahuntlng cars over
from districts where ther Is a surplus
to that section, where ther was a d
rided shortsge. tiurvluses have been
reported. n some of tb roads, but th
Haker mills stated that they bad been
' without cars for a number of days and
prior to that Urn had been receiving
only about J per cent of th needed
equipment to handle anything Ilk tnslr
orders. They were also compelled to
forego filling large Government orders
because of th almost total Inadequacy
f car equipment.
Whitehead. Company B, Fourth I'nlted
States Knglneer Corps. Camp Green.
North Carolina, accompanied by his
brother. Prank J. Whitehead. Company
E. th Infantry, arrived bom 7 retar
ds jr, and waa taken to tb realdence of
hla aunt. Mrs. J. U Robertson, with
whom he made hla horn after th
death of hi mother In 1T.
Bert died at tbe poat hospital Feb
ruary II. ltlt, seed II years 11 months
and It days. He la mourned by his
father. J. E. Whitehead, who realties on
a farm near Turner: a brother. Ted. of
Turner: a sister. Mrs. Ada Small,, of
cik ana a orotner. erana. wno
haa been In the United Btatea aarvjoe
four years, besides many near relatives
and irlsnda.
Bert was a boy of sterling character.
IT attended the Turner and Cloverdale
schools. graduating; from the latter In
Ills. Th Turner School close! out of
respect to tbe soldier student who so
proudly bade them good-bye to defend
tbe colore. The casket waa burled la
beautiful nor I emblema sent by the
Turner School, buslnssa men organisa
tional and friends.
Tb funeral services wer held at
Turner from th Methodist Church, con
ducted by Rev. J. J, Mickey, asslstsd
by Captain Woolpert and Home Guards
or saism, or.
State Board of Education
Hears Edith Kelly's Appeal.
Ed oca tor la Accused of Acts T7n-
bcromlnff m TVomaa, Defiance of
All Schools Laws and Vulgar
ity In Presence of Pupils.
Congress Called C poo to Follow Ex
ample of Twelve Nations.
WASHINGTON. March Daylight
saving will Increase) production of the
shipbuilding yards and war material
plants and eipedtts training of th Na
tional military forces, tho Chamber of
t'oromerc of th united Btatea told
Congreaa today In urging passage of
the daylight saving bill new pending
In the House after pasaag by th n
"All along th line daylight saving
means Increased efficiency la the Ira
provement of the health, morals and
social welfare of the 2s.OOO.oo0 workers
of th country. It was urged. "Light
bills will be rut down and outdoor rec
reat Ion stimulated. Mora than I.SOO.OOO
tons of coal a year Is th estlmatsd aa v
lug and the saving In fuel otla Is squal
ly Impressive. Great Britain. France,
Italy, ilermniy and eight other nation
have adopted daylight saving since the
outbreak of the war and In au of them
It Is a great success.
Cretfllora Apply for Receiver for
Henry Bros., a Corporation.
YAKIMA. Wsslk, Msrcts 2. W. &
Farlv acting for himself and other
creditor, today applied to the Muperlor
Court here for appointment of a re
ceiver for Henry Pro.. s corporation
composed of A. H. Henry, of this city.
and Arthur Henry, a resident of New
isrk State, engage ! development of
a large tract of Tletoa land. Liabili
ties of l l.ftft are scheduled, of which
abmnt ) s unsecured.
Th firm haa suffered lossss of fruit
In shipment and In other waya In tbs
Past year aad lack, of capital aad In
ability to obtain funds to eontlnu op
eration prompted the application for
a receiver. Creditors stated todsy thst
! were ample to dlschsnge tho In
debtedness and leave a constderabls
Millionaire Oleomargarine Manafac
tarrr looses Appeal In V. 8. Court.
-,i..-r;a. March J John F. Jelks.
millionaire oleomargarine manufactur
er, niiaer sentence to serve two yesrs
In rT t o n and pay a fine of I IS. So on
rharaee of conspiring to defraud the
government on tales, must servo his
The tnltd Ststee Circuit Court; of
Appeals today upheld the decision of
federal Judas Lanlta as she vs.
War Advertising Committee of Porte
laad Ad Clab Ope as Caaspalgm
of Edacatioa la Oregon.
A .word to the spies la sufficient.
Don't tell all you know.
This I on of many little mottoes
concocted by the war advertising com
mttte of tho Portland Ad Club la Its
campaign for sllencs on National af
fairs that are of Interest to Germany
and Germany secret agents. The
committee, composed of W. S. Klrk
patrlck. Mark Woodruff. C W. Merer.
M. K. Smead and H. E. Carr. has es
tablished headquarters In the North
western Bank building, and la devoting
Ita energies to persuading advertisers
to devote some of their epaco to the
education of tbe public In wartime con
The Portland committee la on of
many recently created throughout the
country. All are acting In co-operation
with the bureau of public Infor
mation In Washington.
Some mora of their timely reminder
"Your Idle prattle may lose a battle.
"Keep your eye peeled, your lip
sealed, your heart steeled.
"It Is rumored the Kaiser Is making
a special lot of Iron crosses for Ameri
cana who help htm by careless talk-
Have you qualified yet for your Iron
Mrs. C. L. Hardy. IrM East Taylor
Street. Is Held for Violation of
e Prohibition Law.
When Police Sergeant Ervln. of the
motorcycle squad, and Policemen Rus
sell. Nelson and Noren went to the
homo of Mrs. C L. Hardy. l East
Tsylor street, yesterday afternoon to
search the premises for liquor. thj
woman refused to open the door. Nel
son waa dlspatchsd to tb Municipal
Court, whers Judge Rostroan Issued
search warrant and latsr the officers
broke th back door and went In.
A dosen quart bottles of whisky and a
large demijohn full wer confiscated
and taken to police headquarters, along
with Mrs. Hardy. She was booked for
violating the prohibition law.
"I am being made the goat for
others. Mrs. Hardy told Sergeant Er
Tin. t kept tho liquor for them."
Mrs. Hsrdr declined, however, to give
th names of "the others. and th
pollc ar skeptical of her statement.
Tbe descent upon the quiet neighbor
hood by Sergeant Ervln and his men
created no end of excitement and the
final charge of the officers through the
back door of th house was witnessed
by a large and appreciative crowd.
Mrs, Hardy was attired for the street.
with a heavy veil over her face, when
the police entered.
SALEM. Or, Mar. I. Special. ) The
State Board of Education, Including
Governor Wlthyeombe. Secretary Ol
cott and Superintendent Churchill, took
under advissmsat today an appeal filed
by Miss Edith Kelly, formerly a teachel1
In Waaeo County, from a decision of
Superintendent Churchill, revoking a
temporary county certificate Issued Miss
Kelly by County Superintendent Bon
nay of that oounty. Member of the
board said they would announce their
findings at 10 o'clock Monday morning.
According to th record. Mlee Kelly
was chargsd with conduct unbecoming
a woman, vulgarity In the presence of
the children, taking children from the
school grounds without ths consent of
ths pa rests, making a burlesque and
mockery of religion, defiance of school
lawa and th authority of the School
Board, and falsifying her recommenda
tions. She also waa charged with In
competence as a teacher.
' Af tOT-aer Deal Charge.
District Attorney Galloway, of Wasro
County, appeared for th School Board.
and Elton Walk Ins for ths teacher. Mis
Kelly was teaching In Plaasant Hill
district In wasco County, and It Is al
laged that all of the acta charged
preserved like chestnuts. Peaa-and TOO TLATK TO CLASSIFY,
oeans are parcnea m a corn popper ana EXCHANGE your phonorraph records
aippea in sugar, mailing a crisp, eoioin
sweetmeat. A small red bean treated
In this way Is an especial favorite.
"Bread and butter, milk and meats
and sweets are manufactured out of
beans. For .instance, the soy bean,
soaked and boiled In-plenty of water
and strained through a cloth, produces
bean milk. Add salt and It curdles
Into cheese. Thia Is pressed like cot
tage cheese and kept In cold water.
Hucksters bring It fresh to your door.
This bean curd Is a daily food, for
salad or soud or beef loaf or cro
quettes. It looka exactly like pure I FURNISHED apt.. West Side. rooms, 4th
cream cheese. It Is the arrest food of "."" view, comp.eieiy iurn.inta.mj
have all makes of phonosraph reeorda.
which may be exchanged by paying a
nominal difference with your old onee: we
have a big atock; aee ua before paying
money for reeorda. Talking Machine Rec
ord Exchange. 616 Ellera bids.
what have you to exchange for a o?0-acre
homeatead relinquishment la Montana.
Land adjolntns sold for (11 to $60 per
acre. Price .1000. 818 Ablngton bids.
COMPETENT young man wanted as book
keeper, stenographer and general aaslat
ant to Jobber or woman'a wear: sood op
portunity for advancement state salary
ana experience, h .4, oregoni&n.
wreuLTO .
eluding linen, silver, oh In a, April 1, (S3.
leiepnone iroaaway s-iit. Monday.
EXPERIENCED lady atenogrvpher, familiar
with online- and seneral office work. An
awer In own handwriting; ata-ta age. ex
perience ana salary, ak. e-t. uregoman.
the Orient. Olive oil can -be made from
soy beans that cannot be distinguished
from tho oil of the olive Itself. Ex
perts and connoisseurs cannot find a I
Carrot marmalade is a favorite sweet
among the girls of Japan. This Is the
rule aa given by Miss Denton: "To each
cud of carrot duId. cooked and mashed
perfectly fine, add four or five blanched 9Tr?1V. nerator. genuine Wotton make.
. v, 'jj-j , D. C. lines Instrument board, absolutely
and shredded almonds, lemon Juice to tn. mmd trad. lor d Fora AO
lasie weit. av tew aureus ui iciiiuu pvei. i 34, oresonfan.
, Ukll. WAl, V. ""ft-'- I n-lVTL-n IK II ... . . I h.
Add the hot sugar to the hot pulp, I peopi,. good proposition for right partlea
stir constantly six to 14 minute, just I Call room Bia Broadway bids., ask for
enoue-h to boll well together. Put ud Wareham from l:so to :30 P. M,
W1L.L exchanae eaulty In 7 -room .house.
Rose City for smaller house if deaf", good
locality; give particulars In answer. AG
59, Oregonlan.
Ilka any marmalade. If it doea not I WILL pay excessive rent for modern 5 or
Jell put in a lew Slices Of raw carrot. I -room nome. an aoove inieresi ana i"5
and then take the nieces out. Carrots ' ?'' .n Purchase pries of same. AO
a r a Hrhee In nectin than snv Other
vegetable. In like manner a cupful of I z , ' 7'
ius.ur. ... . . . . . . "-"- - ilve. phone number. 8 58. Oregonlan
-...M . , v , w . . . -.l.Aiia atraw. - -
: . T i- I NEAT, refined sirl or woman who will ap
oerry marmaiaae. or pineapple or any nn,H.i. h. ..... for
oiner iruii. arro. can th carnouiiagna nous-work ana mothers helper. East in-w.
into anyinmg. losing us ni e-nu WANTED Flrst-elaas millinery msker. long
absorbing that of the fruit." I season. Edwards k Jensen. 334 Washing-
Miss Denton Is surprised tnat Amen- i ton st.
cans hav not yt discovered the udo. I Wellington marvel strawberry Diants. Gc
a salad plant from Japan, a cross be- i eacn. 4i 4th ave. s. js. mono sen
fwe.-i ainiuri and celerv. The! wood 3048.
good bulldlnrs. lota fruit trees, all in cult.
Call at 4K5 W. Park.
crisp young Shoots, pseled and shavedv I t'OK KE.VT, small farm In city, cheap rent,
shred up like frost, shining ana trans
parent. It Is delicious raw as a saiaa
and equally excellent cooxea like as
paragus. Vegetable gardeners bring
ri.-M I. w . r w iIaap In JliBan. where.
. - . f,- . I FOR SALE 7-room modern house.
or e vwuio, u e.. """e, - I r-ltv mnn.... t r,nn An kt rir.m.i,ii
Is trying to Introduce udo Into the
PIANO lessons 50 cents, expert for beginners.
all grades taught. Call Main 3V01 between
12 M. and 2 P. M.
United States.
The taros.
and edible lilies are favorite everyday
A MODERN four or five-room bungalow
by reliable couple. D 4.1. Oregonlan.
The taros. tho dasheen. .sea raosBM ' "J," "S v -moln"
r.,vHoll I " ' - - "
foods in Jspan and most, if not all, of
them could easily become valuable aa-
WRl.NGERMAN wanted at Pacific Laundry
t.o. oood wages.
VtA.'.i .111 rC il ..a POUL
TRY PAN-A-CE-A FREE. Uo to any of
the dealers below and get a free trial
package, enough for 12 hens for two
weeks. It will prove to you better than
all the talk in the world that Pan-a-ce-s
wilt keep your psultry healthy and make
your hens lay. Dr. Hess Instant Lous
Killer kills ilce on poultry. Quick and
sure: guaranteed. For .Roup use Dr. H
Roup Remedy. Get your free trisl pack
age of Dr. Hesa Poultry Pan-a-c-a from
any of these dealers: Routledge Seed &
Floral Co., 145 Second; J. J. Eutier. 188
Front: J. H. Hart klero. Co., 6i0 Lom
bard: W. G. Deatsman, 6S1S Foster road
.mi oiaa revtt v. w. , inc., utuuii ,a.,
Broadway Feed Co., 101 N. 6th; Portland
Seed Co., 180 Front; Tremont Pharmacy,
5uS T2d a E.; Mrs. L. D. Barber. 5921
T2d S. J5. : ML Scott Drug Co.. Lents: St.
Johns Pharmacy, St. Johns; Gresham
Drug Co., Gresham; Mllwaukle Merc Co.
-Mllwaukie; Coffall Bros. More Co., Stan,
ley Station.
Edward llolman. Pres. W. J. Holtuua. ec
J. E. Warleln. Treas.
Establlahed HS7T.
A Modem, Spacious Family
Room With Private Entrance
Phones Main 507. A 1S11.
Limited number settings. S2.50 per 18
from pen special pure-bred two-year-old
hena that average better than 200 eggs
per year, neadeu Dy cockerel rrom prize
300-egg hen; eggs average 30 ounces per
oozen; nens average seven pounds, cop
per. uaK tirove, or.
ING EGGS from our own high-grade stock,
only O. A. C. Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds,
vi hits wyandottes. chicks 820 per 100
eggs 810 per 100; Brown or White Leg
horns, chicks. 815 per 100: eggs 87.50 per
iuo. j. k. Maguire. i Oregon st.
Cocks snd ' cockerels, choicest breeders
from pedigreed pens of high producing
English hena 83.50 and 85 each. Mc
Kenna Park Poultry Farm. Col. 814. Mo-
ftenna ana Lombtrd sts.
HATCHING eggs from the finest White Li
horn laying hena, Hoganlzed. mated with
extra fine males. 81.50 per setting, 87 per
iuoask lor purse, 210 Oregon blug. Bdy.
FOR SALE B0 ourebred R. C. Whit. I .r
nova ii.T puiiets uayingi, si eacn: also
one 820-egg incubator. In good condition,
cheap. G. E. Bauder, box 50. Pleasant
Home, or.
' . w C,s .Z . dltions to tie T gardens and tables Of WANTED Chambermaid. stes
against her occurred there. One sped- I dltions to in gardens ana laoiea 01 1 hgh wlirM 3U Columbta Ht. s
ficatlon of th complaint to that the America. NEWLY ' furnished houaekeepin,
ady wor
Main fHOtl
on and two-room mlte.
r rooms
42 Ella at.
DRIVE RM AN wanted at Pacific Laundry.
Good wages. .
WANTED Extra fancy hand Ironer.
Daily auut susday.
teacher en one occasion replaced a dla
arrangea lnr on nerseii in la prear-i v mai nirn
nc of th school. tA'SULIJlCn
Her attorney emphatically denied I
said an error was made In her recom- I gnd Beaten by Three Men. gk
meadatlon through tho dereliction of a I W
tisorrsnhfte aha had retained In md? I
them for her. He contended that the I KEWBERO. Or. March 2. (Special.)
...i w - - v.ii. rharifti RaVii. recentlv honorably
Invalid beceuse of failure to follow the discharged from th Coast Artillery Je"t VinVecutU
.a a. .a - a HAa. aaew.di- T l.lelnl I rAi.e.a sa Kn- sT". n K er TJa7e ah Waa hAtrn I. i
Attorney Oalloway that th board did badly and robbed her late yesterday I same ad sis er eeves consecutive tiroes.. (Me
nor raamlarlv under the I hv three men who had come UD ironi l
statute, but that the subsequent pro- I Portland on an afternoon boat. The
ceedlnga had validated this Irregn-1 men got-leas than fl as, when dis
charged, Bolen ssnt 4U to nis wiaowea
mother and alster soma place In Wash
ington and cam here expecting to get
work in th SpauldlnaT sawmill, aooui
one mil from town.
Holy Rallees Ar Blaaaed.
Attorney Watkins declared hla client
had never been given an opportunity
legally to b heard, that aha was not
servea whp propwr nonce ui nw prw- i - . . ,,r ,
. r. j . I members of tbe I. W. w. and the offl
CW-UIHSV SB.I.VI nai, aa. .u. i , . . .A ..m
Superintendent Bonner had acted w J" V v "
wrongfully o taking money from Miss I on. wr i. v..
v rna kae eeielfle.l. artee he I
knew that aha waa to be discharged
and har certificate revoked. Mr. Oal
loway contended that Superintendent
Bocney waa compelled, under the law.
to take this money.
lie also declared that th trouble I
arose principally b sea use there ar a I
large number of German Holy Rollers
n the district, and because Miss Kelly I
spoks harshly to aomo of them for in
fusing to place a card of th Food Ad
ministration In their homes, they bad
astltatsd th proceedings for rvng
and to persecute her.
Mlsa Kelly la now teaching in the
Stat of Washington.
asder Mew Today" and all ethei- - Hit
Owns, except the followlngi
Bituaiiosaa v aateei Juaiu.
fcilaatloos Wasted t-easal.
r Keat Booms Private Faralllre.
Board aad Booms Private iainUleo.
Houeekeeplag ttoema Prlrate taaaiUss.
Bates aa the above elsssaflcatiuas are
eenae a line eacb lasertlvn.
The men ar believed to have been I ...lini a. reonbiicmtioa witbeui sdditloaal
caarge, BUK euca npauKatiss wui dm o
saade wnere cne erree aoe aes macensiiy
Kifect toe value al ine aaveruienieaa.
The llrrarajai.a will ma-eeuc ciSAaifled ad
Hrilvmrali evee the teleukoae. orvvlded
the advertiser Is a subecriber to either phone.
No price will be quoted over tne phone,
but bill vrlll be readered the following day,
Thai Oreareataa will net be responsible for
errors la advertisements tsken over tcle
phoa. Whether subsequent advertisements
will a aceefaieei ever in posse aeinsai
STOCK RANCH FOR ONLf 814 per acre.
If sold at once. All grass Isnd within 11
miles of Bwtae. Ida., abundant water. 17
a. alfalfa. S3 a. aeeded to Winter rye. 4
room house, barn, chicken and tursey
upon tbe promptneee of payment ef telo-
lose eavertleeoteata. ' Bliueiiess aaiej
sad "Pereonal" advertlsementa will not be
house: rural mall and school within 2 m. ; I nceepted aver the telephone. Orders for one
gooa neisnoornowa ; itiBpuu,,, I taaevtioa esiy wiu oe acceptea jer rsnu-
ice; oeat ciimaie- jernis, n wauaeu. nun I tore for Dale. ""Business upporconjtiee,-
seii at once aa i am worsing in ajitpjaiu i "stssailng asiista) aad W
ana can t at temi m i n ua. auutdm "-ut.
Chaa. Wllmot. St. Johns. Portland. Or.
CANADIAN farm land. 88 per acre, near
rORTLAXn March Mailmnm temner.
atare. 47 degreee; raintmum. 84 degrees.
Klver resdlng st s A. M.. 4.8 fet; change
n laet 'i4 hours. II feet fall. Total rainfall
P. Ji. Is & P. at I. sons: total rainfall
elace aeptember I. 1S17. 31. Sd Inchee; nor
mal ralnrail elnee Feptember 1. SI.P lachaaa;
deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1U1T
a2 Inch. Sunrise. :) A. H.i suneet,
sf. Total sunshine Msreh Z. none: noest-
Me sunshine. II hears. 13 minutes. Moon.
nee. It:-. P. M. : meonaet. :3 A. M.
Barometer (reduced to eea leseJI at P. si..
' a larhee. Kalative huaifdltg at aeoa.
st per seat.
n- k.r ......
Hetea .....
eaave ......
s Motse ..
urftia .....
ten . . .
uneaat . . . .
ce A"icles.. ..
-rf fnr-1 . . . .
ew iieieess.
New Terl,...
erftl Heed.
:S ? :
'I 5
i : !
3 : i5
Pteee ef
Two Woaodcd al Newport News
Uliea Ooards 1'lro on Rioters.
NEWrOHT M-rwa. Va.. Msreh t
Cos man of a negro stevedore regi
ment wss killed and two others were
wounded, one probably fatally, tonight
when gaards of the 4th Infantry (reg
ulars! fired on several hundred of th
stevedores who wer attempting to
wreck a small store near their camp
some miles north of thia city.
l ormcr Schoolboy Body ( Brought
Home for Borlal.
TVRNER. Or. March I i -pedal
Tb body of iTtvste Bert Burnett
l' 12 nr. p, eleedy
a 8e.ev...sB rCiewdg
I, 44 0 3 M Vc.eer
.' SO A no 1 "rwl,-.,
14'. .iNg k-iear
S4I S4 . it-tear
8' S4 0.SO, . . aw ar-lendy
! 7S so t: SB ltear
84 o.n-. ..g V-.,r
... ao..1 W" 'loudy
eh 4 fMv'..'.v; loieedy
84 .' . .;!W :-. ear
3. it. cinndjl
I o.oo NW Pa riJ
I ie' s .ne NWICleer
.1 l no . . hi w-iear
so. M v if H'lear
41 I) nn a. a 'neaaSe
erth Taklma J a 4 ...,
rheetals I 411 11 on.. . NWiOeer
ate.: .... tV Kt.fwllfK i-aae
rt'aad I S4. 4 0 . . rN'UT Rain
eeeSajre ..,.1 I ' I..,VC1..
hacraaneete ..I 44, as an'..l.aie -t. .aMlttT
t. Iuia I 8- o o oaa,. .IN w rieer
:t Uki I 3 atol..,NW('ur
'lata....! II IH ft' ..iN'Wl'
See rraartero.l s e em . . w sleurv
II. 4.ll;..ll Pt. Caendy
epokaee IK 44.Aav.. s 'ft. In
Tsreane I 8"fl 4 . on t J ew 'Oeudy
TetaMok latll. el 44 1184 8 iPtsIn ' s t ai s eol. .i . . . irieer
wf, Walia.J 43. a an...:.HW needy
W'aahins'oa .. 21 ft" e nn...,m ,-ear
wtnetn. III to eaM. n ipt rleudy
i'rlnoe Ueorg and U. T. Kail way. west oi i . , T7. ..a... r t.
w,.7.r,n? Und wTi. "SSIIiSn? -alovwa,,,wtIf.G o?"J
water, streams snd lakes, land win pro- ,... j.11,h',., t Mr anri Mrs. .is
. ""' " . Kirby. sister of Mra S. J. Moaney. M
Ion't mlaa thia epportualt:
amount left at thia price.
Irving st. Marshall -83.
y; only nmlteo
W. tlurley. (Ko
rtra lasUllsaeata Hast Bo Paid ky
April S Twtal Is (1 , Less
Than Last Tear Now.
Residents ef Multnomah County arl
parlor with clean etecK or tooscco ana
clsars. This is a good location, rent Is
reasonable. Money is well secured. Owner
must leave In a few days. Call 421 3d
irrin rknt Lirn. front room with kit
chenette, gas rangs. sins, not ana com
wster, free phonal snd bath; also 2-room
apartment, with gas rsnge, sink, hot and
co d water. Ail at 4ve union ave. .
Phone East 14.
F1K8T-CLA08 service man for putting
automobile tires and general work In
store; must be or gooa moral cnaracxer
snd not use tobacco or profanity. Auto
parts Supply Co.. 80-8? win st.
not paying their as epaedily asnRI(,HT ,lr, f),r Heta.ii work in logging
they did last year. This ia Indicated I camp office; must be quick and accurate
la A report mad public. ysterday byl at figures aad understand stenography
.a.- ... . -e ch.-ier t-r,i. ! sod typewriting, oooa accommoaanoue.
K:-..:,,.:r:::..-v:, orgon.n.
th county thua far haa received more "oL's,,!;K"p,il ."."'i"' ,?,.reUnai?
than $100.00 lass In tax, than was ?mUtl&JAF&
receiven or mia uma last yenr. nnui oregonlan.
tbat 1007 less people hsv come foiv - , . P9rtil.nd Heights rest-
ward with th first installment Of their I Hence, completely furnished, at least 8
annual taxes. i rooms and 2 baths. Stats rental and lo-
L's to March 1 but IU7.J18.II had cation. Box 8 57. Oregonlan.
been paid on th first Installment of "OR KENT A furnished -room bungs
taxes. On March 1, 11T. a total of low. strictly
. K.. . ih ir, near Hawthorne, to reliable party. Phone
II44.l4Z.te bad been Paid. Th rum- T. to, sue I. Call from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M.
oar Oi property owners wno ni'i uaiu
iiTlle t.... thus fee totals T140 aa slIDDUE-AGED woman for light houae
tbelr taxes thua far totals .. as Bf i6.mttBtn,.ola baby;
against a total of 91 who paid tbeir arnali wages, good home, laundry sent
taxea by March I of last year. Tne I OUI, 878 Cable. Main ibcs.
first Installment or annual taxes must -nl-ivTcnroahia man for Janitor In
be eald on er before April a. and tne I bakery; must be strong ana not sirsia
delinquenclee will amount to mora for
thia year than for HIT unless ths
of work. Apply 597 E. 11th South. Do
not com before to A. as.
property ownara apeed up. Is lb ad- BtiCK. paaa.. 4-cyi.. 10 months old has
7,.,P,,,, I had the best of care and looks like new
Vic for the tax department. I - owner. 4-9 East 13th N. ; Broadwsy
car. East 220.
frcin a a I. sv Dental office with an sstab-
llaned practice in a ivoa nv w-n, w.r-
galn; details given oy letter, o i. vjrv-
aa-avTirn i. -.n K taa T-roavm unfurnished
house, reasonaole rent, give aeecripiifn I SJni'Pir En t xne nome nor nsugnier,
C. Lb Dsua Marv. Anna and James
Klrby. Funeral will take place from th
residence, 480 East Davla atreet, tomorrow
(Monday), March 4. at 9 A. M. thence
to SLKranrls Church, corner East Pin,
and Twelfth streets, where mass will be
offered at 9:i0 A. M. Krlends lnvuea.
Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery.
San Francisco papers please copy, uun
ning McEntee, funeral directors.
FRAZE In this city Feb. "8. Philip O.
Fraae, age years, loving nusoana or
fearl Fraaa ana ratner ox v uuam r rase,
son of Mr. and Mra Geo. - Kraje. brother
of Mrs. Mens Tarnasky. of this city; three
sisters snd one brother In Canada, fu
neral services will be held todsy (Sun
davl. March 3. at 3 P. M . at the real
dential parlors of Miller A Tracer. Inter
ment in Muitnoman ram .emeiery
March 4.
LEVr At the family residence. TSS Fland
era street. March 1. Mark Levy, aged e'
years. 1 month. 19 nsys, beloved nusoana
of Jennie Levy, ratner oi airs. t. rrieo
lander, brother of Charles. Ben. Corrlnne
snd Isidore Levy. Friends invited to st
tend runersl services, whlcn win oe neia
at the above residence at 1:30 P. M. to
day (Eunday). March 8. Interment Beth
Israel cemetery, r lease omit iiowers.
KRTTGER At the residence. Hillsdale. Or.
March 2. Arusta E. Kruser. the loving
wife of A. Ferdinand Kruger, mother of
Herman hruger. Klla Weston. ttto ivru-
ger, Henry Kruger, Elmer Kruger. Oscar
ivrursr. an or fiinsaaie; Mrs. Anna vin
cent, of Venlta. Or.; Mrs. Emma Miller.
of Cliff. Wash.: sister of Kred Zwenks.
of North Redwood. Minn. Funeral notice
later. Arrangements la cara ot Miller &
STOREY The funeral services of little Dixie
Lucille, beloved daughter or Dixie 1. storey.
aged 0 years 2 months 1 day. wno died in
thia eitv Marcn i. mis. win oe neia to
morrow (Monday), st 2 P. M., from the
chapel of the Skswes Lmdertaklng Com
pany, corner Third and Clay, friends in
vlted te attend. Interment family lot Ros
City Cemetery.
ROTTSER Marie Houser. .1t Hood street.
Februsry 38. aged or years, v months, is
days: beloved wife or James w. Houser.
Friends Invited to attend funeral services.
which will be held at Holman'a funeral
parlors. Third snd Salmon streets, at z:.u
p. M. tomorrow (Monaayi, Aiarca . in
terment Hose city cemetery.
snd detail.
East er West Side. , AB S3,
Rer. F. K. Fowler and Kugeno Felix
BoarcerU lived long la West.
vTAtXA WAIXA, Wash, March I.
(Special.) Rev. r. K. Fowler, pastor
ef the Baptist Church, and Eugene I , .-Mvomit i,.a n.r ssth-st eheao. or
Felix Bourgevls, for many years promt-I trade for auto; some encumbrance. 11:10 I yNDER KELTON The runersl services of
pent residents of thia elty. died here I E. Tsyior st.. owner.
today. Dr. Fowler cam to Walla Walla I WANTED From private party. 1''mx on
In tha lata tOa. I realdence: as commission. .u oe. u.a
Dr. Fowler, who was born In New soman.
Tork City In H41, joined the Union I IOINO man wanted to work In grocery
i vniTVii aM.e wishaa noeltion as house
keeper tor wiaower or egtju a
town, am o. union'iH.
Mrs K. Tu Sampson, Garden Home. Feb.
Xia. Mary Ann Brunner. aged 78 years. T
months. 7 days. Funeral services will be
held Mondsy, Msreh 4. at 1 P M. st the
new chapel of Breeze A Snook, Belmont
at 8nth. Interment Mount Scott Park
Army at tb outbreak of th Civil War
At the ag of II year. At tha battle
of Bull Run he received five bullet
wounds and waa left on the field hope
lessly wounded, He waa a minister for
4 years. Four children survive.
Mr. Bourg-evis, who was a natlv of
France, arrived In America with his
parents when five years ef age. He
cam West In 1I7T. homestesdjng g
tract of land on which he lived until
hia death. Hla widow and three sons
survive. Mr. Bourgevls wss Tl year of
i A. M. today,
P. M, report ef preceding
Pftetiaad sed vicinity hewers: geatie
southerly winds
(regea snd Washington Showers: moder
ste eaautherie wtndaw
lease how ere. warmer soetheast per-
EPWAWO TL. Wrt.lJ, Meteerolegist.
Gunner's Male Commended.
WASHIKriTOV. March t Benjamin
IL CI roves, a chief gunner'a mala, hae
been commended by oecretary Dsnlels
for seal and efficiency on January It.
when the American skip Nyansa. on
which Groves wss commander of the
armed guard, sunk a German subma
rine in a battle lasting two hours and
a half. i". roves' home Is In New Bed
ford. Msss.
Bfinns Used Extensively in
Japanese Cooking-.
Candy. Preerms sad Mamsalad
Mad) sv-twen Vegetable.
the late Peter J. Vender Kelen will be
held tomorrow (Monday), March 4. at 2
o'clock P. M.. at the Salvation Army Hall,
243 Asn atreet. rrienns inviiea. xne re.
mains are at the residence establishment
of J. P. Fin ley at Bon. Montgomery
COMER At his 1st residence. 3345 Forty-
firih street Hootneaat, rranx comer, agea
21 years. Funeral service will be held at
p. l. Leren unaerraaing parlors. .asi
Elevsnth and Clay streets, tomorrow (Mon
day), at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter
ment at Mount Bcoit Parg cemetery
HHVI At the residence. P40 Yale st..
March 2, Franx rieini. jr., imam son oi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Helnl. brother, of
Cecil M. Helnl. runerai win iaae pia'-e
nmorrow (Monday), varrn e. at tn
above realdence at 10 A. M. Interment
In Mu tnomah Far cemerery. funeral
arrangements ia care of Miller A Tracey.
WANTED Teung Jan for cook and hoaee I sENNET In this city. March 2. Joseph E.
servant, smau souse ana sm.u a.raur. pecney. agea SI years; ratner or joaepn
sine and drive Ford delivery car. Call
Monday morning at T:80 st 821 td St.
TOl'NG girl wsnted to assist with house
work ana care tor cnua. svppi i
72 Kearney.
u-ivTcn Vmtne an.n for Dorter work.
References. nniguis oi ww viam i
set Taylor St.
WANTED I HI borers, experienced, packer.
Inside wore, steady employment-
fti Oregon bldg.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for lumber
camp store: must re strvn ua.
swake. P 1. Oregonlan.
rsll main itIS. or call at AS Everett at.
Hotel Lenox.
WANTED An elevator man.
Third snd Msln.
TfW8 MART DENTON, for If years
1U a
EXPERIENCED seamstress with pest of
references, can evenings. n.ui met.
W-rT.I."frnlsbed room, 1.0 per week. 814
Main st.
n. a v rvn.Hnuaaka.Mr. good wagea I
washing. Cal after 1 P. St., xi r.. iin.
BELL bey wanted.
Park at.
Arlington Club, 2u
teacher in th Dosbisha. Kyoto. I WANT email, cheap bouse; will give clear
T.n.M V . . v.. .. . . . ...... I to an a nan. ya. . uT,iq.,,.
Ka"a wwa. aaaaaaaiiB si Illlung trip
through Oregon.
mentioned Japanese candy.
In a eeeen ..1W .w I OH HALfc r oca ingooa, con-
- a. a ,i i inn zzo lotn. call arter s.
v v a ar d a u x? ar ra
aawpe-anee carroies are vnade of I Eat 4401.
lady wants day work.
B. Penney. Jr. Frlenda invited to attend
funeral serrieea, whlcn win oe neia at
Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Sal
mon atreeta. at 2 P. M.. Tuesday. March S.
Interment Lone Fir Cemetery.
LAWRENCE At the family residence. 7S2
Flanders street, Maren z, nose unrotne
Lawrence, aged SS years, 2 months, be
loved wife of George I-ewTenre, Pr. Fu
neral services will be held from the real
dence tomorrow (Monday), March 4, at 2
P. M. Please omit flowers.
MeNAMARA The funeral services of the
Iste Alexander A. McMamara win he field
tomorrow (Monday). March 4. at 2:30
o'clock P. M , at the residence establish
ment of J. P. Flnley st eon, Montgomery
st Fifth. Friends invited. Interment st
Rone City Cemetery.
peas, or beans, and most delirioua they podge, li,
are. say Miss Denton. "More than 40 cash. 1l"l
flrst-elaas condition. 86S0
East Davla, Tabor 1313.
kinds Of beana ara known In Jinanh-I IITH The Lendora: 2 nleasant hnuaa-
ana tnetr coons are past master In the I seeping rooms, with large Kitchenette.
Of Camouflage. Common Lima I t- ,R HALE 1V.H.ro4 tvnewrlter No. A
oeans are preserved aa w preaerve
fruits, or boiled and dipped Into sugar
and dried Into randy. 6oy beans,
cooked like any ether beana. are put
through a colander, gelatin, red color
and sugar are added and the mass
pressed and molded Into red delicious
candy. Horse beans are boiled and
oerfect condition.
THItF.E Chinese pheasants. 17.
Woodlawn IS24.
Phone Main 4078.
HOTEL maid wanted.
T S4. Oregonlan.
Give phone number.
FIRST-OI.AS8 coat makers,
tin Broadway.
R. Great.
tiOOIJ girl for second work. Main 8318.
GARLAND In this city, st his Iste rest.
dence, ltr"i East neventeentn street isorth,
Robert Dagglt Garland, aged S2 years;
husband of Mrs Clara Countlss Garland,
snd brother of Sue M. Oartand. of PC
Paul. Minn. The remains are st the
residence establishment of J. P. Flnley
St Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of
funeral hereafter. St. Paul, Minn., papers.
please copy.
HOLM In this city, Msreh 2. Harry Holm.
a red years, late or rtoquiam. wash.
Th. remains are the residence estab.
Ilshment of J. P. Flnley 4 Son, Montgom- I P
ery at Fifth.
FOR SALE 75 White Leghorn pullets, all
laying, neavy egg strain, si eacn; 1
Cypher's outdoor brooder, 87.50: 1 Cypher's
inaoor orooaer. so. call Sunday. 3a E.
TSth st. South. Montsvilla car.
WHITE LEGHORN baby chix from heavy
laying ittogamzeai stocK. Aiarca delivery.
811 per luv; Apn.. 810. We guarantee
aaie arrival, lao rioneer iiatchery, rets
luma. cai.
DANIEIS White Rocks, highest official
recoras woria s egg-laying contest, ZH1
eggs; bred to lay, win snd pay. Free cat
alogue. Ideal Poultry Yards, Hoqulam
BARRED ROCK egga and chicks, seventh
year continuous trapneating; hens' rec
ords 1H0 to 2H4 eggs per year; males from
high-record hens. Send for folder. Al
bert Kastner, Route 1, Tacoma, Wash.
PETALUMAa HATCHERY Can ship day-old
chicks to points reached In three days. We
challenge the hen. Five varieties. Free cir
cular. L. W. Clark. Petaluma. Cal.
BABV ducks, 25c each, from our heavy-
aying atraln of Indian Runners; settings
IX Mra. f. coiiiBtar. 57th and
81.60 for
POULTRY layout, incubators, colony houses.
tamiiy orcnara ana residence, near Mr
Mlnnvllle; fine loiation. Address Box
1051. Raymond, Wash.
WHITE Leghorn and Barred Rock chickens
lor sale at Courtney station on Oregon
Eleotrlc Box 118. near Outfield road.
B. C R. L RED EGOS for sal from a 200-
recora strain: 2 for 15 egga B. F. Moore,
E. 14th St. N.. Portland. Or.
EOGS from heavy Winter laying White Leg-
noms, line stoca. gt tor id. lleo l. 32d
N. Woodlawn H5.
FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred ringlet Barred
Rock pullets, laying, and one cockerel.
Main 5504.
WILL trade thoroughbred Anaconda cock
erel lor beat Orpington cockerel, or will
sell. Call D 81, ask for 4lli. 1
GENUINE Kellerstrasa White Orpingtons, a setting. 4-'ii -isth ave. a. l, w. a.
car. Phone Sell. 048.
BARV chicks wanted: 100 Silver Laced
A yandottes or Light Bramas. J. E. Ford,
Warrendale. Or.
A FULLBRED R. I. R. rooster. Call 7i)0
Mllwaukle and Bismark. Take tie 11 wood
Perfect Funeral Service for Less,
Independent Funeral Directors.
Wash rU.. bet. 20th 21st. West Side.
Main 29L Lady Assistant. A 7SS5.
Progressive Funeral Directors.
" Private Drive Women Attendants
Main 9. A LISO.
East 54. Lady Assistant. C 21oo.
Funeral Directors. Inc.
Multnomah at Seventh Street.
"C 1155. WILSON & WILSON. Wdln. 4940,
Successors to
Kllllngsworth and Kerby Sts.
ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors.
12th and Morrison sta. Main tilUo. A 2235.
DUNNING & JIt'ENTGE. funeral oirect
r. Hrmdnav and Pine street. Phone
Broadway 430, A 4jn. Lany
414 Eaat Alder street. East 62. B 255.
neral service. 1D73 E. Gllsan. Tabor 4313.
p. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets.
Lady attendant. Eaat TSl.'B 13S8.
AO '7TJ-T T VI? frt 5112 Williams ave.
. K. Sililjl-iIliK tW. Elist ions. C 15S
snd Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady assistant.
Lowest Prices Best Service.
No expense after interment.
Prices lower than other cemeteries.
St., opposite city nan. mam oo. latua
Neu A Sons for memorials.
Phone your want ads to The Oregoi
nian. Alain 7070, A 6095.
Office, Room 15.1 Courthouse, 5th St.
Phone from 8 to 5. Alain 378. Home Phone V
2525. NiEht call after office hours. Main 270
Report all cases of cruelty lo the above
address. Electric lethal chamber for small
animals. Horse ambulance for aick und
disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any
one desiring a dos or other pet communi
cate with us. Csll for all lost or strayed
stock, as we look after all Impounding-.
There is no more city pound, just Oregon
rlumana Soelety.
WHITE MINORCA cockerel to trade for
same; must be tnoroushbred. A J 36, Oregonlan.
O. A. C. bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, esci (1.50
setting-. C. J. Mcintosh, O. A. C, CorvalUs,
Ore son.
CHINESE snd Golden Pheasauits for. sale.
ii remnsuia ave.
Phone Woodlawn 3MI.
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red, choice breed
youns cockerels, reasonable. Tabor 8738.
TWO White Wyandotte cockerels for sale.
Marsnan omii.
SILVER CAMHINE eeea, $2.50 per 15. Grace
narasiey, Kenton station, woodlawn sis.
FOR SALE White Wyandotte cockerels.
Adams strain, S. Phone Main 2305
6. C. RHODE Islsnd Whites esse for settings.
r. uanjamin. Muitnoman. or.
) B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142
Members sre requested to
meet at the residence, T35
Flanders street, this (Sunday)
afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, to at
tend the funeral services of
our late brother, Mark Levy.
Visiting brothers invited to
sttend. By order of the E. R.
204. K. AND L. OF S. At
home Monday evening, March
4, W. O. W. Temple, 11th
between Alder snd Washing
ton; programme especially
Interesting to the children;
dancing afterwards. Mem
bers urged to be present and
bring the little ones.
AT 2:30 P. M. SUNDAY
Rev. Robert D. Graham will de
liver a lecture to Master Masons,
their wives snd Invited friends,
entitled "The Mission snd Pur
Doses of Freemasonry." in tha
Grand Lodge room. 3S3 Yamhill atreet.
R. E. A. CARD PARTY. 500, at Manches
ter Hall. hSH Fifth, meets Monday and
Saturday at 2:15; grocery prizes; also every
ruesaay. Thursday ana saturnay nignts;
rds dealt at S:30 sharp; Tuesday night.
box apples; Thursday, ham and groceries;
aturday, ids. riour, rain, etc. au wel
come. 25c Broadway starts t:J0
Come to the big open meeting neat Fridsy,
March e, a:3U shsrp, Swiss nail, .ia ana uei
ferson. Cards, 500, special entertainment,
dancing. Hoch's union music oood prizes.
Admission ia cents.
600 PARTY AND DANCE. Thursday. March
Gevurts Hall. Front and Gihha streets.
given by Portland Council K. and L. of K.
rncenes lor prises, caras ana uancing st
30 V. M. Admission, -J cents.
WOODCRAFT. NO. 62S. will give a SO0 party
Wednesday evening, juan-n n, at w. u. w.
ample. 1-S lltn st. urocery prises, caros
8:45. Coma all. .
pnRMOPnl.ITAN LODGE. NO. 100. K. P..
meets Monday. 8 P. M-, Alisky bldg.. 3d and
Morrison. Knight rank. Banquet alter meet
ing. Visitors welcome.
A. . invrny,a, " - x. a.
av afternoon and Tuesday evening. Also
3A hsnds Saturday evening. Grocery prises.
W. O. W. Hall. Eievenin ana Aiasr.
EMBLEM Jewelra. buttons, charms, pins.
New designs. Jseger Bros, 131-a Olb. st.
PRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblema
glass pins and medals. 810 Washington su
S90 feet river front immediataly
adjoining Willamette Box &
Lumber Co. Tract contains
about four acres.
St. Johns
360 feet river front and extend
ing to O.-W. R. & N. Co. tracks,
a distance of about 500 feet.
River frontage improved full
width with extra heavy con
structed dock, large machine
shop, 100x120 feet; frame
building 50x130 feet and sev
eral smaller buildings.
Hamilton Ave. Tract
About 550 feet river front, ex
tending from harbor line to
Southern Pacific right-of-way.
Spur track from main line, sev
eral large sheds on property.
7.05 acres in tract. An ideal
sawmill site immediately ad
joining Multnomah Lumber &
Box Co.
300 feet river front, extending
from Macadam Road to harbor
line. Southern Pacific extends
through this property.
Wakefield, Fries & Co.
Taylor's Ferry Road. End Riven-lew
The onlv civilised method of burial.
Know-white, always dry, sanitary tombs.
Permanent title and endowment: S2D0 ud.
tW8 Pittoch Block. Phone Broadway 35L
MARTIN at FORBES CO. Florists. 834
Washington. Main gca. A 12811. Flowers
for all occasions a-tistically arranged.
CLARES BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Mam or a isos. vine iiowers ana floral
designs. No branch stores.
TGNSETH FLORAL CO., 388 Washington
sc, oec etn ana otn. Main oinz, A 11SL
AX M- SMITH. Main 7318. A KU1- Selllas
bldg.. Bth an.t Hr sts.
ron sale on trade bv
Clear Title
Will accept good automobile as
part payment. Balance on terms
' at 6 per cent Interest.
Call Tabor 6675
$9000 Vz CASH
This Is In a district where there is
very heavy demand for homes, and
la convenient to shipyards and mills.
Land all cleared: one set buildings;
best of soil; best of car service.
This Is much cheaper than such
tracts can be bought elsewhere. Must
be aold at once.
Phone Main 84.
inOR Mortgntre Ixinns see Oregon In-
1 FKOfLB.H runui, SHOP. 243 Aider. 1 " "- ", " w-iuav
I Flowers and designs, chone Marsha- .1X22. change Blag., Third ana Yamhill Streets-