The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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Measure Expected to Pass
After Material Changes
Have Been Made.
Tcmo-ratlc Senator Declare Against
Coofrrrlns Enorniooa Power
Over Ame-rk-aa Industry
t" pun 1'rw Men.
WA.HtVSTVi. March 1 rnetpe-rted
opposition to th Administration ma
ar to estMIb a tsar finance corpora
tion aro today la tho Senate, thwart
in r ki'ltrt' Diana for Its passage to-
aiat and forcing th h'-l over until I
B. II week.
Ktnal nartmnt af th rotor. po
lMy wtta material tnodlf (cations, waa
at beltered by Inadara to b endan
gered. Th opposition centered chiefly en
taa proposal for licenstns; by a "capi
tal isau.s committee" of security is
u of ll. and mora.
Virtually oo procrrs was mad on
ths bill tod sr. On It ona minor amend
ment waa disposed of and that ea
taadtng ths provision for direct loans
to persons as well aa corporations
was accented by rnator Simmons, In
chars: of th bill, whan member of
he bank ins; commit! and others In
sisted that farmars and small business
men, aa well aa capitalists and lares
corporations should b allowsd to re
ceive direct advances from the corpora
tion. Fawera Declared Taw f.ret.
Fnator Hardwirk. Democrat, today
came oat In vigorous opposition to th
-legislation. He declared It waa un
necessary and would confer enormous
powers over American Industry to a
few men.
The measure, h asserted, would
craf machlnry similar to the Ald-rirh-Vreetand
"central bank" plan, but
wlh vastly mora arbitrary power.
Disapproval of the securities il-en-inc
plan was expressed by some Sena
tors, who believe the present volun
tary commute, co-operating with the
Treasury Department would answer the
Senator Smith, of Mlrhiran. Republi
can. opposed1 conferring upon the Sec
retary or tna Treasury the enormous
iw,wrs which he said the bill author
ise.!. He surfeited that th Federal
reserve art b amended so as to place
thesa powers In the handa of the II
resrv banks.
Senator Simmons staunchly defend-!
the measure and declared that the Fed
eral reserve cannot adequately cope
with financial needa of American In
dustry In view of the- virtual coinraao
Oeerine of tb money market by the
Federal Caaraaitew Preps. id.
Senator Owen, Democrat, chairman of
tna banking commute, proposed that
the Government guarantee the ft.Ooo.
aoa.eoa In bonds which the corporation
imcht Isaue.
Senator Simmons thought a guarantee
n necessary and Inadvisable, explain
lng that the Government would be
morally bound to stand behind the
bonds of tho corporation whose entire
capital stork it would own.
Consideration of the administration
Mil governing Federal control of the
railroads was taken uo late today by
Svna'e and Mouse conferees In an effort
to adjust dtfferencea between the two
bouses. When adjournment was taken,
the compensation section waa nnder
discussion but bo agreement bad been
As finally passed by the Hons, the
bill vest final rate-making authority
In the President, while tba Senate
measor leavea this authority with the
Interstate Onramerr Commission. The
Hou-e bill fixed tha period of Govern
ment control after the war at two
years and tba Senate draft limited It
t It months.
Represeotatlvea of both houses pre
dicted there would be aa early agree-
Tha Circuit Court grand Jury completed
Ita Investigations today and waa ex
cused. Ftve Indictments were returned.
one of which was not public. The de
fendants are: Ladlslaw Horcley. of
Nrcanlcum. assault with Intent to kill
Teter Kosloskey; Henry Ober. Frank
Millard and M. Nelson Seaatrand. per
jury In connection with false testimony
given In the damage case of Emlla Kal-
lio against P. A. Lee.- ,
The grand Jury recommended strict
observance of tha law In regard to
driving automobiles on the streets and
roads. Th report also aald: "We be
lieve much good would result by era
ploying a competent and suitable wo
man aa a matron, with powers of a po
lice officer, to look after delinquents.
We believe a woman would be able to
do more than a man. Sh should be
placed on a salary and give a penal
bond for tha faithful performance of
her dntica.
Contractor Declares Retired
General Honest.
theaters, are at tha Benson from Se
attle. m
James Hill, of Pendleton, is at the
R. W. Martin, of Eugene, la at the
D. H. Lewis, of Corvallla, Is at tha
j W. K. Peery. of Dayton, is at the
W. X. Selk, of Chicago, is at the
' B. C Ntcheson. of Albany, is at the
J. D. Hartwell. of Salem, at the
Dail of Prisoners Accused of Con
spiracy to Defraud Government Is
Fixed at $10,000 Each Young
er Man Drafted for Uie Army.
Resalar Tress Fir tevdr
Mke Bad Made Attack aa
Star Xear'Caasp.
One man of a negro stevedore regi
ment wss killed and two others were
wounded, on probably fatally, tonight
when guards of the ath Infantry (reg
ulars) fired on several hundred of the
stevedores who were attempting to
wreck a small store near their camp
some miles north of this city.
The nama of the dead and the
acunded were not made public.
Colonel Daniel Van Voorbts. chief of
staff here. In a statement tonight said
the atevedoraa had been returned to
tbclr camp and that no further trouble
was anticipated.
Th attack on the store, the Colon
said, resulted from an argument be
twten Private Turner, of the stevedore
rcainient. and the white clerk at th
sda fountain In the store. Turner re'
turned to camp, gathered togethe
stout 10 men tonight and marched
the store, attempting to wreck it with
trick and battles.
When the assault began, the Colonel'
statement said, th 44th Infantry guard
t! ordered to rrest the men. As th
soldiers spproarhed the negroes ran.
1 wo commands to halt having passed
unheeded, the guard was ordered
fire. Three of the negroes fell, ona dy
lng almost Instantly.
CHICAGO. March J. Henry H. Up-
pert and hla son. Ralph IL Lippert.
who were arrested last night on
charges of conspiring to defraud the
Government and with whose case has
been linked the name of Brigadier
General Thomas Cruse. United States
Army, were admitted to bail In bonds
of 10.000 each today. Arraignment the Washington.
waa set for March I!, and while await
lng arrival of sureties the elder Lip-
pert discuaaed the charges.
"The wrong construction has been
placed on my relations with General
Cruse and the quartermaster's depart
ment. he said. '"I have known Gen
eral Cruse for 14 years and have always
found him an upright gentleman and a
real soldier.
"I have handled contracts for Army
supplies In the neighborhood of $1,000.
W. B. Bell, of Independence, is at
the Benson.
W. H. Marshall, of Hood River, la at
the Perkins.
C D. Sutherland, of St. Helens. Is at
the Oregon.
Lenore T. Gerrlsh, of Condon, is at
the Imperial.
E. A. Mayberry. of La Grande, is at
the Imperial.
James Canney. of Butte, Mont., is at
the Carlton.
Etheredge Walker, of Boise, is at
the Portland.
Mrs. Edwin U Wilson, of Albany, la
at. tha Seward.
Mrs. If. C R. Akin, of Sheridan, is
at the Seward.
Frances Olsen. of Moscow, Idaho, is
at the Multnomah.
0. A. C. School of Forestry Has
Roll of Honor. -
Sereno E. Brett, of Portland, Cap
tain in Regular Army and Was
With First Expedition to Go
to French Front.
Corvallis. Feb. 28. (Special.) The
school of forestry has a roll of honor
of 69 names of students now In the
Army or Navy. In .the hall of the for
estry building Is the honor roll over
hung by a big flag and names are add-
Charles D Hart, of Hood River, is at I ed almost every week. The list includes
many names in tne engineers ana
spruce divisions, as well as other or
ganizations. Dean George Pe&vy, head
of the school of forestry, is in touch
with practically every boy who has
gone to war and he receives letters
from France and from training camps
all over the United States telling of
C J. Trangott. of Rochester. N. T
Is at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mr. J. E. Fuller, of Salem,
are at the Perkins.
H. D. Mortenson.. of Klamath Falls.
is at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Graham, of Salem, the life of O. A. C. men.
are at the 'Perkins. I A score of the forestry and logging
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Kelt, of Canby, I engineering boys hold commissions as
lieutenants, ana one, sereno ureii,
of Portland, is a Captain in the U. S.
the flood of '94 he established himself
In the Forum saloon on Sixth street,
which later became the Lotus. He was
also the owner of City View Park, one
of the famous racing resorts of the
early days, and for many years was
proprietor of the Portland Hotel bar
room. Mr. Penny is reuitaaibered by many of
the early residents of the city, his
friends including some who were op
posed to his means of gaining a liveli
hood. He was of the old school of sa
loon men who believed his business a
legitimate one, and conducted it con
scientiously. Mr. Penny's wife, his faithful com
panion in all the ups and downs of his
checkered career, died last November.
The only surviving member of the fam-i
ily is Joseph P. Penny, a son, who is!
proprietor of the Portland Hotel cigar1
Mr. Penny's death occurred yester
day afternoon at 2:45 o'clock at the
County Hospital. He was 82 years of
age. The funeral will be held at 2
o clock Tuesday afternoon at the par
lors oi tne baward Holman Company,
Non-Essentlal Capital Expen
ditures Restricted.
Or., are at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Booth, of Beaver,
0i. but I obtained them on the basis! Or., are at the Cornelius.
Hood River Methodists. In Rccclvln
Pastor, Abolish Luncheon.
HOOP RIVER. Or, March J. fSpe
del. Dispensing with lunch at th
welcoming reception tendered their new
pastor. Itev. J. D. Lwllen. who re
cently arrived from Almira. Wash.. As
bury Methodist Church, the valley
oldeat congregation, broke a preceden
of more than 2i years last night. When
the customary time for luncheon ar
rived the reception was turned Into
food conservation discussion, with
County Food Administrator Gibson pre
siding. A talk waa given by Mr. J. K.
Ferauson. one of the community's well
known rooks, on uses of substitutes.
"We had to override much objection
to carry out our programme. say
Mrs. Jess Kdglngton, of th reception
commute, "but w decided to have an
Intellectual feast rather than one for
tb Inner man.
Protest Filed Against Executing
Soldier Who Slept on Duty.
SAX FRANCISCO. March S. A tele
gram on behalf of tOOO Man Francisco
clubwomen, asking clemency for four
American soldiers In France, sentenced
to death for sleeping while on sentry
duty, waa sent to President Wood row
Wilson tonight, following a resolution
adopted by the San Francisco City Fed
eration of Women's Clubs.
Th telegram said:
"While w realise th need of army
discipline, especially In war time, and
while we appreciate the breach In
volved of a sentry falling asleep at his
post In th presence of the enemy,
nevertheless the fan Francisco City
Federation of WomeVs Clubs appeals
to your sense of humanity to extend
clemency to those so arcused.
AattaMl F-aeBpsaf Esawiew to Have
Large AUftiisft aa real-e-Nil
Rata Will B Made.
Details of the programme for th re
ception and entertainment of delegates
to th National encampment of th
i. A. R. and the W. K. il. which will
l held n im, Cty ,lt summer, will
i considered at a meeting of th Sons
f Veterans Hall. Multnomah County
fourthouse. Monday night. March IL
Arrangements nave been left entirely to
Ibis organisation.
Th dale for th National neamn.
rtent has not been fixed, although It
win d nam prooaoiy in July. Veterans
attending the meeting have been a.
cured by the transcontinental railroads
of a rat of 1 cnt pr ami in making
tu trip.
it la estimated ther ar at least 2000
sons of veterans la Portland and vicin
ity, and all ar urged to atteod the
meeting called for tna Courthouse Mon
day night. March .
At tola meeting several prominent
men. Including L'nited States Judges
l'ean and Wolverton. state, county and
ty officers, will be In attendance and
deliver short addressee. incidentally.
Jt la announced that at th meeting
"which has bn called, an old-fashioned
rmy meal of beans will b aerved.
Peter VanderKrllen Prominent .
Salvation Army Ranks.
Peter J. VanderKellen. for th past
20 years an acttv worker In the ranks
of the Salvation Army In this city, died
Friday morning at hla home. 6S0 Ivon
street. His death followed an opera
tion from which h waa unahl to rally.
Mr. VanderKellen was t years of
age. He was born In Belgium, and
cam to Portland 27 years ago. lie was
a city employe for several yeara im
mediately prior to hla death tn the
street cleaning department. He la sur
vived by his widow and a ion. Charles,
aged 11.
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at the headquarters of Sal
vation Army Corps No. 1. at 241 Ash
3'olice Finish Work of Enrolling
Enemy Aliens.
German alien registration was com
pleted yesterday and Captain of Police
Harms, in charge for Chief Johnson,
returned the unused portions of mate
rials furnished by the l'nited Slates
Ther were TJ German enemy aliens
registered and cards were furnished
earn. These ar now under obligation
ti report their movement In esse they
tsh to lve the city for any great
length of tlm. when. If It la found
l-roper to do so. th nolle may Is.u
permit to travel or remove to other
J. sillies.
Astoria Invotlgator Favor Mr let
Fnforeement of Traffic Laws.
ASTORIA. Or. March t iSr-.-i.l )
Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany Starts Interesting Contest.
OREGON CITT, Or., March .(Spe
cial.) Starting of th war certificate
campaign at the Oregon City Manufac
turing Company's establishment Friday
evening haa caused a spirit of rivalry
among the various uepartments. Each
department Is to enter tb cbntest with
the determination of aecurlng the
largest amount of money. Every em
ploye of th mill Is a member of the
Oregon City Red Cross and all are
showing a patriotic spirit in th con
test. James Melllen. of the weaving de
partment, haa sold stamps amounting
to $14. while other employea ar not
far behind.
Evening Star Grange Members Hear
of Meed for Sacrifice.
Circuit Judge Ktapleton and Miss
Mary F. Isora. librarian of th Port
land Public Library, were th speak
ers at a meeting of Evening Stas
Gran re yesterday.
Judg Stapleton. who I a candidate
on tba Republican ticket to succeed
himself, discussed the need for In
dividual sacrifice st home as essential
to backing up the khaki-clad boys In
th trem hea and also suggested the
advisability of arranging in advance
for the proper reception .and car of
th soldier boys on their return from
tha war.
of the lowest competitive bids.
"Furthermore, General Cruse had re
tired from the Army 'when he became
my agent and he obtained the consent
of the Judge-Advocate-General to be
come our Washington agent. He did
nothing In our Interest and had no
opportunity to do anything until after
he bad retired from the quartermas
ter's department. I. will prove, at Uie
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hlckey. of Boring.
or., are at the Cornelius.
Violet . McQuillan. of Stevenson.
Wash., is at the Oregon.
Mr. and- Mrs. T. O. Frohn. of Hood
Ktver, are at tha Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McMullen, of Se
attle, are at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bab, of Hoquiam,
proper time, that our relations havel"11- ar l tne Oregon,
been entirely honorable. - Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stubbs. of Billings,
The younger Lippert. who Is 22 years! Mont, are at the Multnomah.
Mrs. L. W. Rohbins and daughter, of
iioialla, are at the Multnomah.
old. expects an early call to service In
the National Army. He has been em
ployed by his father as a traveling
WASHINGTON, March 2. Absolute
prohibition against any retired Army
or Navy officer accepting civil employ
ment which might connect him tn any
way with Government contracts may
result from bringing the name of Major-General
Thomas Cruse into the in
vestigation of the affairs of Henry H,
t-o far as could be learned here, any
connection General Cri may have
had with Lippert wan subsequent to
his retirement from the Army.
F. T. Murphy and J. P. Murphy, of The 8Chool of forestry p
Fargo. N. D.. are at the Perkins. Kiven a )arKer relative nur
regular Army and was with the first
expedition to go to France. Captain
Brett is In the 28th Infantry.
Tha honor roll shows a long list
of former athletic stars, class presi
dents, a student body president and oth
er officers who were prominent during
their college careers. Among the list
are several who were on the Tnscania.
There are now only four men In the
senior school of forestry class and only
two Juniors. Of the Juniors, one Is at
present applying for admission to the
Aviation Corps, so that it Is probable
that there will be no senior class next
vear. The registration in all four classes
is only 35 per cent of that of last year.
robably has
mber of men
than any other school In O. A. C.
The roll of honor follows:
Tenth Engineers II. C. Deutsh. Second
Lieutenant H. J. Kberly, J. E. MoCollum
Twentieth Engineer Professor E. M.
Biiol. logging engineer; R. C. Bodine. J. P.
Clancy, F. P. Cronemlller. E. E. Hayslip,
Owen Johnson. C. E. Johnston. C. M. John
ston. W. K. Lankenau. 1. B. Oliver. James
R. Phillips. Cornoral L. C. Richie. Sergeant
Joe Steel. lyevi Wheeler, Ellsworth loung.
Spruce Division Ed Foulsen. First lieu
tenant W. J. Wakeman, Fritz Raithel
Adolph Kilsson, First Lieutenant Bert
Aviation First Lieutenant w. J. Cham-
berlaln. First Lieutenant Paul E. Freydig,
First Lieutenant H. W. Lof. .
Other organisations Second Lieutenant
Albert T. Anderson. National Army; Sergeant
A. K. Andrews. 116th Engineers: secona
ASTORIA. Or.. March 2. (Special.) Lieutenant H. Archibald. Artillery; Corporal
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Gardiner, of Ore
gon City, are at the Multnomah.
Dr.- and Mr. Henderson, of Powder
River, B. C. are at the Benson.
Messrs. Llnd, Comfort, Fowler, Mor
rison,' Medley, Steers, Wilson. Parsons
and Manager Walker, of the University
of Oregon basketball team, are at the
Imperial from Eugene.
Over 25,000,000 Feet of Lumber
Sent Out in February.
Crse will Be Cadar-trd at Reed
College by Professor Pawl Dotsa;
laa Six C'tle Iacladed.
Statistics compiled by Deputy Collector
Haddlx show that in February 25 ves
sets loaded at the mills in the Lower
Columbia River district and their com
blned cargoes amounted to 20.91. 325
feet of lumber. 4U0 4lles. 2S00 railway
ties and 1400 bundles of box shooks.
Twenty-two of these vessels, carrying
18.K59.312 feet of lumber, went to Cali
fornia, while three vessels with 2,257,
013 feet of lumber, 400 piles and 2500
ties on board, are en route to foreign
In the samo period seven vessels
loaded 4,272.864 feet at tha upper-rtver
mills, making a grand total of 25,189.-
175 feet of lumber. 400 piles and 2o00
ties that were shipped from the Colum
bia River in cargoes In February.
Victor Calhonn Wins Damage) Suit
Against Trolley Company.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 2. (Spe
cial.) Victor Calhoun was yesterday
awarded a verdict of $10,350 against
the Portland" Railway, Light &. Power
Company by a Jury in the Superior
Court. This Is the second time that
Calhoun ha won a large verdict, a Jury
last November having awarded him
The court later set this verdict aside
as being-contrary to the-evidence. Mr.
Calhoun tried to board a streetcar of
the company at Broadway and Everett
entlflc training on how .to I streets in Portland and fell under the
wheels, on leg being severed. The
Tho American Red Cross Home Serv
ice Institute conducted early in the
Winter at Reed College met with such
success that a second institution has
been planned., to open March 11.- at
Keed College, under th direction of
Professor Paul H. Douglas.
The purpose of the institute is to
train home service secretaries and
friendly visitors for service to the
families of enlisted men and to dis
abled soldiers and sailors when invalid
ed home. The course Is six weeks of
Intensive training, including 25 hours
of field work each week, four hours of
lectures and outside reading. In the
first Institute the field work was found
of great Interest and Instruction, and
all students successfully completing the
rours will receive certificates issued
by the director-general of civilian re
lief of the American Red Cross. Wash
ington. D. C
This institute is specially designated
for tb Portland chapter of the Amer
ican Red Cross. Including Multnomah.
Columbia. Clackamas, Washington.
Yamhill and Tillamook counties. It is
th desire of th civilian relief com
mlttee that at least one person in each
county avail himself of this oppor
tunlty tor
handle the problems In his county.
for further Information concerning
in court can Mrs. t'. 8. Jackson. Main
S481 or A i25. or Mrs. Iavls. at Red
cross headquarters. Main 4204 or A
R. W. Balderee. 116th Engineers: Second Lieu
tenant Hal Bartmr. ; captain b. b. urett.
28th Infantry, American Ex. Force: Second
Lieutenant C. J. Budsller, Light Artillery;
J. CampbeU. Medical Department. 18th In
fantry: Tom Campbell, U. 8. 8. Northern
Pacific: Second Lieutenant R. J. Christman,
lldth Engineers; Corporal E. S. Coman, 116th
Engineers; Ben Culver. 8. M. A.; Edgar
Davis, second-class yeoman, IT. 8. S.
vannah: S. C. Dean, Company B, Fourth
Engineers (Corp.); First Lieutenant J. C
Evenden. 363d Infantry: First Lieutenant
C. A. Fertlg. 846th Field Artillery; R. B.
Frick. General Hospital Service; Caryl R.
Hazeltlne. Artillery; George Howe, lltith En
gineers; L. O. Lyman; Second Lieutenant
w. J. o is ell. oecona lieutenant, u. m. ;
Second Lieutenant Ben W. Schubert. 162d
Infantry; Second Lieutenant R. S. Smtlie,
R O. T. C. ; J. C. Smock. Ordnance Depart
ment; Second Lieutenant J. T. Stephens.
Q. M. Department: H. H. Taylor, Navy;
Second Lieutenant Tuttle, treeerve); Second
Lieutenant D. M. Wilson. Light Cavalry;
S. A. Wilson. Army and Navi T. M. C. A.;
Sergeant L. R. Woods, Coast Artillery;
Howard Woodburn, 116th Engineers; Mark
Wright. Snth Engineers; Second Lieutenant
U D. Yates. R. O. T. CV
Present System to Be Discontinued as
Sooa as Delinquent Home on Sky
Line Boulevard Is pompleted.
As a result of the grand Jury report
testimony in the two trials waa very handed down to Circuit Judge Morrow
similar. The company claimed that Friday, it waa announced yesterday by
Calhoun attempted to board a moving
At Meetings to Be Held in Portland This
Week Expert Will Give Recipes
for Cooking Whale Steak.
With the Introduction of whale
steaks In the fish market scheduled
for this next week.. Mrs. J. D. Spencer
will give recipes and notes upon the
preparation of whale steaks as a de
lectable food, at her lectures which are
given at 2:30 on Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday afternoons at the Powers fur
niture store.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Spencer
gave a demonstration of the prepara
tion of rock fish, which is proving to
be one of the most sought after fish
on the local market.
First, the fish are split down the
backbone, the head and tail removed,
and are placed skin down in a well
oiled pan. Finely minced onions and
bread crumbs are grated over the top
and a few drippings of oil. Bake in a
quick oven for 15 minutes and serve
with oyster curry sauce.
Yesterday Mrs. Spencer had some
fish soup stock which she had made
from the heads and tails of the fish,
which was so thick with gelatine that
It hid to be cut with a knife. When
seasoned and mixed with other condi
ments this may be made Into an ex
cellent soup.
Mrs. Spencer also baked some fresh
oiacK cna isaDla Iisli). which was
served with tartare sauce.
Federal ReserveBoard's Capital Is
sues Committee Reports Co
operation, With Results Sat
isfactory In Extreme.
Pasco Schools Sell Thrift Stamps
Amounting to $647.90.
PASCO, Wash.. March 2. (Special.)
sale of thrift stamps is progressing i
all the grade rooms of the public
schools. The teachers have shown
patriotic Interest in the campaign and
have the support of the parents.
The Junior Red Cross drive closed
Friday, and both the Central and Eas
Side schools have succeeded in raisin
their quotas. The Central School raise
167.83 and the East Side School $56.60.
The high school has raised about S15
of its quota of $25. The money has
been turned over to Miss Alexander,
who has been elected treasurer for th
Junior Red Cross for Franklin County
The Central School has sold thrift
stamps to the amount of $131.71 and
$215.79 worth of stamps have been sold
at the East Side School.
Family of Toledo, Wash., Boy
Xavy, Serves in Many Wars.
Corvallla Man to Push Liberty Loans
and Spruce Production.
Helen V. Thompson Sues Husband
for Divorce In Local Courts.
Because he wouldn't buy her any
CORVALLIS. Or.. March I. (Special.) c,tnM or KtVe her sufficient food, and
a. j. jonnson. presiaent or tne Benton
County Stat Bank, announced this aft
ernoon that tb stockholder have
agreed to relieve him from active man
agement of th bank that h may de
vote hla time to floating liberty loans
and In executing a larg sprue con
tract which h has undertaken.
While he haa secured offices outside
th bank, h doea not retire from the
presidency nor from the actual control
f the Institution, but will give the
bank about half hla time, the balance
being devoted to semi-Government
Mr. Johnson la president of th Wil
lamette Valley Stock A Land Company,
which owns valuable timber lands In
School Clerk Thomas that the present
school at the Fraser Detention Home
Is soon to be discontinued and the un
fortunate children now confined at that
county Institution will be placed tn
schools near the vicinity of the home.
The grand Jury, In Us report, cen
sured the management of the school
for giving the children but a half-day
of schooling Instead of an entire day,
as Is done in the public schools. Super
intendent Lewis pointed out yesterday
that the county has nothing to do with
the school, as it is under the direct
supervision of the Portland echool
BIr. Lewis said yesterday he had re
peatedly. petitioned for better schooling
facilities for the children at the home,
but no action has ever been taken by
boasted of hla conquests of other, worn
enl Helen V. Thompson demands a dl
vorce from Earl S. Thompson. They
were married at Seattle In. February.
1S07. and have three children, a. son.
age 10 years, and two daughters, age
7 in' 3 Hh asks for the custodv of
. 1 -1. 1 1 ?A mnnth H 1 I the board
sunnort I Mr. Thomas said the board already
' . I , .. inn. n rh. uhnA
Nettle Richardson, wno married An- n" " --"--
drew Richardson at Beaverton In June.lwlll -be discontinued entirely as aoon
1887, saya in her divorce complaint filed as th new home for delinquent chil-
.v.. h.e is.- rtren on the Sky Line boulevard is
Year' dv of 1915. she asks for the ready for occupancy later this month.
custody of George Henry Richardson, I The board, he said, will provide a com
thelr 17-year-old son. I petent instructor for the delinquent
children conlinea at me new training
school, and this will give the children
CENTRALIA. Wash., March 2. (Spe
clal.) In a letter received this week
from George Wade, a Toledo bov who
is serving on the battleship Oregon, he
announces that he intends to re-enlist
as soon as his present term of service
Young Wade Is a descendant of a long
line of righting George Wades. His
grandfather, George Wade, of Monte
sano. served through the Civil War in
regiment of West Virginia Cavalry,
His great-grandfather, George Wade,
served In the Black Hawk Indian war
and his great-great-grandfather was In
the war of 1812. His great-great-great
grandfather, George Wade, was a sol
dier in the revolution and his great
great - great - great - grandfather, also
George Wade, was one of the incorpo
rators of the city of Baltimore.
the Sllets region, where a mill Is being Din ADCA Tf) DC Dl A MTCfJ I at the Fraser Detention Home, who are
erected to cut for the Government some I Ulu f,,t-" iViJL. I ijtlliuu dependent children, ait opportun-
Iity to secure the same educational ad
vantages as other children.
,01)0,000 feet of airplane sprue.
Phone your
nian. Main 77
ad to Th Orego.
Close) of Dr. Hlnson's First Tear
With Church Celebrated.
Dr. W. B. Hlnson closed his first
year with the East Side Baptist Church
at a rally held by the church to com
memorate tha event on last Wednesday
evening, at which there was a large,
loyal and enthusiastic audience. Re
ports from all committees and the dea
cons and women's societies were read,
and each report showed that all, obliga
tions had been met ana a balance on
The past year has been the best In
th history of the church and all obli
gations have been fully met. The
hurch haa not only greatly multiplied
In membership, but It has been multi
plied In efficiency as well.
D. T. McKay, of Salem. Is at th Cor
nelius. '
Dr. E. R. Norrls. of Bend, is at the
C W. Roberta, of Salem. Is at the
Will E. Purly, of Eugene. Is at th
C. Ia Tower, of Salem, Is at the
J. Von Herberg and C. S. Jensen,
owners of the Liberty and Columbia
In National-Forests.
Spring planting In the National for
ests of Oregon and Washington, al
though curtailed somewhat by the ne
cessity for war-time economy, still will
Include the reforestation of 1732 acres
In the Crater, Oregon, Santiam, Siuslaw
and Wenatchee forests. It was an
nounced yesterday by A. G. Jackson, in
charge of educational work for the
United States Forest Service in thla dis
trict. .
A total of 1,180.000 trees, all selected
from the new stock In the nurseries.
will be set out. The species to be used
are mainly Douglas fir and Western
white pine, with a small quantity of
Western yellow pine.
Three Fortunes Amassed and Lost la
Course of . Lifetime, Mostly
Speat la This City.
j. E. Penny, a pioneer resident of this
city, who died yesterday afternoon at
the Multnomah county Hospital, naa
three times amassed and lost a private
fortune in the course of his long and
eventful career. He came to Portland
more than 60 years ago in the days
llwhen gambling ran wide open, and
huge sums of money came and went
Mr. Penny maae nis start nere in tne
vlviui w.-i, v.n-i. v.o.. Old Gem saloon at 88 First street. The
i. -i.i"' ., Tt-. I resort for a time was Portland's fash
ern Dairy Producta Show here included lonaoie place or recreation anu jiquiu
the adontlon of a resolution Indorslna-1 reiresnmeni.
Portland and Boise Ask for
Products Show.
Slayer of Fred Swayne to Face Trial
in Cbehalis Wednesday.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. March 2. (Spe
cial.) County Attorney Allen filed
motion with the County Court today
to add nine more names to the list of
state witnesses In the case of Oscar
R. Main, on trial here next week for
the murder of Fred Swayne at Napa
vine January 6. The motion will be
argued Monday before Judge Reynolds.
Those included In the new list are:
Mrs. Louis Nyberg, C. H. Forney. A.
L. McMurran, Mrs. A'. L. McMurran,
Mrs. Linn, Mrs. Doming, Mr. Gibbons,
Clarence Ekman and Everett Castle
man. The addition of these names will
make 34 witnesses the state has sub-penaed.
War Risk Bureau Mistakenly Noti
fies Salem Parents Boy Is Dead.
ington, March 2. Through careless
ness on the part of the War Risk in
surance Bureau notification was sent
to the parents of Joseph Arthur Martin
at Salem, Or., that Martin, now In the
Navy, had lost his life and that the
Insurance carried by him would be paid
the beneficiaries named in his policy.
On telegraphic request of the parents
Senator McNary Inquired at the bureau
and fouiii that a Joseph Martin, of
Chelsea, Mass., had been killed and not
the Salem boy.
One of the three times
appropriations for animal husbandry when Mr. fenny was nit oy aaversuv
in the 11 states represented by the was wnen nis aaioon ana Dusiness were
organization, and another advocating I destroyed oy tne nooa or is. n.e
th ore-anlsation of a Western dalrv other two losses were In the wild times
council to co-ordinate the dairy Inter- of th early days, when the pioneer
ests of all Western states. staked his all on horse races or lost to
Portland. Or, and Boise, Idaho, have lucky gamblers who bucked the game
asked for the 1919 show, but a oe- I In his saloon.
'cislon will not lv road-- at tlii; time i When Mr. Penney wis washed ou in
Health Talks Announced.
Dr. Harry Schwartz and Dr. Claude
Adams will address t,he salesmanship
class at the Behnke-Walker Business
College, Monday night at 8 o'clock. Dr.
Schwartz will discuss "Correct Eating
In Preventing Disease" and Dr. Adams
will talk on the "Care of the Teeth."
This is the sixth of a series of lectures
by local business and professional men
to which the public is invited. There
Id no admission charge.
WASHINGTON. March 3. Six week s
operation of the voluntary system of
restricting non-essential capital ex
penditures under the administration of
the Federal Reserve Board's capital is
sues committee have demonstrated its
success, members of the committee de-
clard today. There has been no at
tempt to float large issues of securities
without the committee s approval.
Paul M. Warburg, chairman of th
capital issues committee, announced to
day that the securities regulation plan
has been recently indorsed by officers
of the Central States Banking Associa
tion, the Boston Chamber of Commerce,
and J. u. Keplogle, director of steel sup
ply for the War Induetries Board. Res
olutions of indorsement also are pend
ing before the Investment Bankers' As
Mr. Replogle's letter to the committe
"We are certainly In sympathy -with
Secretary McAdoo's aopeal for cessation
of building operations. We do not feci
that it would result in the hardships tn
labor as generally supposed, as many of
the most essential industries are run
ning with greatly reduced forces, and
wc believe labor would be diverted to
more important uses.
"As regards ths steel situation. I
would state that the supply of struc
tural steel is ample for all purposes.
but owing tq the curtailment of opera
tions of blast furnaces and steel mills.
due to shortage of fuel and inadequate
transportation, the pig-iron situation is
becoming acute.
"Many of the important mills of li
country. Includinsr the plato mills, are
having the greatest difficulty in secur
ing sufficient iron to keep their plants
operating. We personally think that
everything should be done to discour
age any stnic1-aiil work or unnecessary
work at the present time.
Lewi Hobart Praise Contractor for
Progress Made in Face of Delay
Occasioned by the War.
Portland's new Federal building, cor
ner Broadway and Gltfan, will be com
pleted and ready for aa cjitance by tho
Government by July 1. 1918, according
to Lewis P. Hobart. Federal architect
and supervisor of construction.
Mr. Hobart spent parts of Friday and
Saturday in Portland, fro ins over the
building to note progress being made.
Before leaving for his headquarters at
San Francisco yesterday he expressed
himself as nigniy pieasea witn wnm
he found. Not only has the construc
tion work been kept closely up to
schedule, but the quality of materials
and workmanship entering into the big
structure were declared eminently sat
June 7 was the original date set for
completion of the building. Such seri
ous delays on materials have been en
countered, however, that credit Is given
the contractors for not having fallen
seriously behind schedule.
Postmaster F. S. Myers said yesterday
that his office will be ready to move
the moment the building Is orriciaiiy
accepted by the Treasury Department.
Equalization Among Lumbermen to
Be Made at Once.
SALEM. Or., March 2. The Southern
Pacific Company today reported a car
shortage in Oregon of 87 closed and 107
open cars. The latest report from the
Spokane. Portland & Seattle road is a
shortage of 173 cars.
The Oregon Public Service Commis
sion was today notified by C. K. Gray,
of the office of the Director-General at
Washington, that an equalization oE
car distribution among tne iiimcier
manufacturers of Oregon will be mmlw
at once. The relocation 6f cars, Mr.
Gray says. Is now In progress, and he
explains that the shortage complained
of by Baker County manufacturers was
caused by the immediate necessity of
moving grain and grain proaucts. it
ponsibility of remedying tne Oregon
ituation has been placed with Re
gional Director Aishton, at Chicago.
Closing: Arguments to Be Given Be
fore Circuit Judges Tomorrow.
Closing: arguments in the 6-cent far
case will be continued tomorrow morn
ing before the six Circuit Judges who
are sitting en banc. The hearing wa-i
postponed yesterday when it was
learned the opposing counsel couiu noi.
possibly conclude their arguments by
Frederick V. Holman and either
Franklin T, Griffith or Harrison Allen
will make the closing arguments in tie-
half of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company and Attorney-General
Brown will close the case for the Puli-
Service Commission. The city or
Portland concluded Its case when Dep-
ty City Attorney Tomlinson concluded
is argument late Friday afternoon.
"Novelist's Estate Only $50,373.
NEW YORK, March . 2. Richard
Harding Davie, novelist and war cor
respondent, left an estate worth only
$56,373. according to the report of the
executors. When Davis died it was
reported that h had left nearly
Race for Vancouver School Director
Is Full of Interest,
VANCOUVER. Wash.. March 2. (Spe-
ial.) W. E. Carter today was elected
School Director in district No. 6, whi h
Includes all the Vancouver schools. He
defeated Douglas Caples.
Approximately 600 votes were cast,
Mr. Carter receiving two-thirds of thoftf
cast. He will succeed A. Burnham on
the board.
Forest OfHcials Start on Trip.
L. E. McDaniels, deputy supervisor,
and D. C. Ingram, grazing examiner in
the Portland offices of the Forest Serv
ice, left Friday night for a three weeks'
trip through Kastern and Southern
Oregon, where they will meet with th
various stockmen's associations. Tho'
expect before their return to complete
the organization of the Eastern Oregon
and Southern Oregon Sheepmen's Associations.