The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1918, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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"City Discovers How Co!d-Stor-i
age Plants Are Used to
- v Force Consumers.
it or Than tOOO Pound PIpord
Of AVlwn total! Trice I Cent and
m Half a I'obdiI Tuo Ton of
Whale Meat Arc Iloujht.
- Ximp1t of flah mlddlewiea -
rte either to gain profiteering prices
n fish or to keep cheap-price fish
Teaching th cowumln public rt
io In recent experience of the
city's fish market.
out experience) was had en smelt.
Th city obtained ! pound of froa-
ea. smelt from a man named Kelly, who
hM obtained tbe flh from the Barber
V.h Company, and pat It osj sale at
tha public fia market at 1 S cent a
pound retail. A amall advertisement
waa Inserted In The Uresonlaa and In
rnrtcs and ordcra began lu pour In
from alt over the atate. Indicating;
-clearly that there la a big demand for
tih sb.a prices are low.
OreVra toald -et Bo tilled.
Trunin a ery few day tho city
loee4 out tbe entire MOO pounds and
J) ad many or4ere which could t"t be
tilled bviiiH no f b were left- It
was learned that the Oregon Oyster
Company and the Portland Klsh Com- f
Tjanr had quantities or frozen smelt i
coM storage. A reoueat was mad tha
they bring this fish out and give th
ejuMIe tbe benefit of low prices.
. Tho owners of tbe fish demanded
4 rent a pound for tbe frosen smelt.
according to City (ommliilonT Kel.'a
her. Tha city has been selling th
same fish at retail for IS cents
4ount Tha dealers refused to unload
Ibeir froaen emelt. which was put In
rnUt storace at a time when the price
f smell to tho ft.hermen was S cen
a pound. As a result, tho fi.h remains
In cold storage' ana let cuy naa
"long liet of orders for tbe cheap (lib
Winch cannot bo filled.
M halo Meat K.sperleae Told.
Another experience was had en
whale meat. Tbe city noted an oppor
tuntty to giro tho public somo cheap
neat by disposing of tha vast quantl-tl-ei
of whale meat taken by whaling
companies operating off tbe Washing
ton and Alaeka coasts. It was learned
that considerable of this meat was on
rand In Seattle. Inquiry by the city
through Robert Shields, representing
some brokers, resulted to a price of 14
cents a pound f. o. b. en-ailie being
(looted, according to Commissioner
Kellaher. Inquiry from M C. Usee A
i'Ol. wholesalers of Portland, brought
a pries of 1 cents a pound f. o. b.
Portland. Dealer held out for these
Tha city accordingly turned Its at
tention to the producers of tha whale
neat and obtained a supply for S
cents a pound. Tha brokers and whole
salers apparently had obtained their
supply for that prlca and bad booked
on something- like lio per cent for their
Two Toae Boagat la Victoria,
Tha city baa closed a deal for two
tons of frosen whale meat from the
American Pacific Whaling Company,
of Victoria. B. C. for S centa a pound
1. a. b. Seattle. It will be placed on
tha markrTIn Portland for 1 cents a
pound retail. A leal has been closed
whereby tho city will be siren all the
fresh wbalo meat it ran uso for (S
cents a pound f. o. b. Aberdeen. Wash.
II. Menu op. of the American Pacific
Whaling Company, says whale meat
tin not been given a fair chance on
tbe Portland market for some reason or
other and bo Is glad of an opportun
ity to get away from tho middleman
and sell direct to the city.
-Whale meat." he ar In a letter to
tha city, 'was on sale in Portland last
teummer In several markets and seemed
to take very well, but we believe that
tha retailers demanded too great i
margin of profit to make the meat at
tractive to the public. Thia meat can
be laid down In Portland for 7 cents
a pound and we think a price of or
1 rents to the publlo la all that the
market should ak.
and II cents; sardines, II !i centa a
Blacg cod. fresh. IT centa; frosen and
sliced. 11 cents; end cuts. 11 cents a
Ked snapper and rock cod. cents
a pound.
Sole. 14 and IS rents; flounders, t
and IJ'i rents a pound.
Perch. IS cents a pound, two pounds
for Zi rents.
Herring. 10 cents; carp, 8 centa a
Lobsters, 40 rents a pound.
Crabs, from 20 to 3S cents each.
Butter clama. 25 centa a pint; hard
shell. cents a pound.
Eastern oysters In shell. 30 cents a
Shrimps, SS rents a pound.
In the vegetable market: Asparagus,
from California. Is the very latest
comer, and 43 centa a pound does not
sound too high for those who are long
Ing for Spring's early offerings.
Large Bermuda onions. 10 centa each.
Charles McDonell Leaves Bed
After Serious Illness.
Ex-Commander of Oregon Gnard
Writes Letter in Which lie Men
tions Several Portland Men
ow In Xcw York.
fr"7T&;?T. """""v' j which confined hi
if'-' " J I hospital. If exp
i"w J 1 ! Donell expressed In
i :
Major Charles E. McDonell. former
commander of the Oregon National
Guard, now attached to an artillery
unit of tho Army, has almost billy re
covered from the Ions; siege of Illne?s
m to a New York
xpectatlons Major Mc-
n a general letter to
members of the Portland Lodse of Klks
have been realised, he Is today out of
the hospital, though not yet able to Join
his command.
Mention of several former Portland
men and other news of Interest Is con
tained In tha letter, excerpts from
which are here given:
"I am recovering- rapidly now. feeling
great in every other way. putting on
weight, and at peace and happiness
J CTw with all the world. I want to thank
' .",J you for the' most beautiful bunch of
"t" - " t - 1 flowers they say has ever come Into
- J the Rockefeller Institution. It con-
Good Hlngs
THE United States Bureau of Fish
eries has recommended that here
after Cotumbla River smelt be desig
nated "eulachon. Thle musical word
J. It seems, the original Indian name
fos the dainty little fish. So alt that Is
left for us to do is gracefully to acqui
esce and practice no.
Kulachon Is considerably more abun
dant this week and has consequently
fallen to $ cents a pound.
Chinook salmon, sturgeon and catfish.
19 cents a pound.
Steelhead salmon. SS cents a pound.
Halibut. ! and 30 cents a pound. Ten
derloin of sole. IS rents a pound Cal
ifornia mackerel. rents: sand dabs. 11
For A Trial
Piles Free
v - -
Tke Qaleker Tew Get a Frew Trial
f pyrassld I'll Treataseat tke Bet
See. It la What law Are) Leek las;
Pont taTlC operation. If yoo can't
wait for a free trial of Pyramid
Pile Treatment set a one box at any
drug- store and get relief now. If
not near a store send coupon for
free trial package In plain wrapper
aad get lid of itching, bleeding; and
protruding- piles, hemorrhoids and
sach rectal trouble). Take no substitute.
t Major rhartee) R. MrDeaaell. Fee-
aaer t'oaaaaaader e( . X.
t be lias Recovered Krvaa Be-
vera Illaesa. ..............
have also made their welcome appear
Kachaleta. 44 cents and Bermuda
wnite Douing onions o,.m.. ...e. v the rest of the boys are doing such
cents a pound, are also In the market. fln. work , ee by one of ,he ,at1t
slsted of a dosen red carnations and a
dosen of the finest pink rosebuds you
have ever seen.
A great many of our members have
called upon me. Including Clyde Bill,
Fill Jvnlght. Calvin Hellig- and Bob
Stevens, who Is livlnir here at the
Elks' Club, comes over almost every
day. Max Michel keeps telephoning to
know what I want. Max Is a very busy
man: has II clothing houses here and
doing a wonderful business.
I have been reading In the papers
bout the doings of tbe KIkV Regi
ment, and It certainly fills me with
pride to know that Colonel Hibbard and
rfv'i J , . ""r""- , pspers that they are to
l:hubarb. 10 and IS centa a pound. I ...,.. v....
two ipounn, J whim.
Artichokes. 10 and 1IH cants each.
be Issued ri
1 forms. When
I accepted that flag for the regiment
I T .
Celery hearts. 10 to 30 cents a bunch. .".'' ..
Brussels sprouts. IS cents a pound.
come when you would have to go out
and protect It. Looks to me as though
Sweet bell peppers. 30 to 60 cents a tnatPtlm w nearer than we think.
California tomatoes, firm ana gooa.
I have not been out and am only In
touch with the conditions as I read
IS cents a pound. Other stock. 15 cents ,,"ucn ,n" eonu.uona as i ru
a pound, two pound, for a Quarter. th ln th newspapers. Every man
e I who comes back from France has a dif
ferent Idea, but the consensus of opin
ion among; those vrho ought to know Is
t-)at the coming- Spring will see the
greatest battles fought the world has
U settled by arms. I could write a
bcok along this line."
Burbank potatoes, clean, f l.!S a sack
IS pounds. Zs cents,
Sweet potatoes. 10 centa a pound
Field salad lettuce. 10 cents a pound. e "" nd there Is no . talk of
. "..,..- . Jw. il. a I peace among- these people until the war
white. 3H cents. S to SO cents each,
very solid: the curly variety, i cents
ch. three for 10 cents.
Lettuce heads. S cents each, two for
15 cents.
Onion seta, very email, zo cents a
Dried onions, five and four pounds.
10 cents.
Cauliflower. 10. IS and Z0 cents each.
Celery stalks, two for IS cents.
Chicory heads, S centa each: mustard
greens, two bunches for a nickeL
Itutabagaa. paranlps and turnips.
cents a pound.
Carrots, sound, no worms. cents a
basket of IS pounds.
Japanese radishes, lengths of two
feet. 10 centa
la tha fruit market Red or South
How and When to Plant Your
War Garden
At a time when the production of food looms large in the Nation's war pro
gramme, the gentle art of gardening assumes proportions of prime importance to
the success of American arms. Throughout America the vacant lots and idle fields
are to bring forth abundantly this season.
Expert discussion of the war garden is timely.
edited by experts, are announced by
Each, is authoritative simple in treatment easy to understand.
Edited by Professor A. G. B. Boquet; will discuss the economical phases of garden
ing what when and how to plant, cultivation and harvesting. These articles will
appear every other day, alternating with the
Officially issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, which will afford
general information on gardening suited to Oregon soils and climate.
The third feature on gardening will appear each Sunday, and will be especially
adapted for the advice of vacant-lot gardeners and householders who intend to culti
vate kitchen gardens. It will deal with practical problems in a practical way, and
the lessons it teaches will be those of actual experience and success. Questions on
gardening will be answered.
now appearing in
Of the Council of the Twelve, Church of
Jesus CbrUt of Latter-Day Saints;
Salt Lake City, ft ah.
War Gardens to Be Discussed
at Auditorium, 2:30.
attended, but at the last session
marked decrease was indicated.
Death Dae to Heart Failure aad Comes
Wltarat Waralaa Wife aad
Daaghter SnrTtre.
Mark Ivy, widely known commls
American bananaa. 10 and CO centa a ,0n merchant of Portland died late
dosen: yellow, 20. IS and 10 cents.
Cranberries. 25 cents a pound.
Navel orances. IS to 60 cents a dosen.
Friday night at his home, 735 Flandera
street. Death was due to heart failure
and came without warning. Mr. Lvy
California tangerines. 25 and 5 cents h"d ";nded te hockey same during
a dosen.
Florida grapefruit. 10. IS and 20
Lcents each. California. S cents each.
Winter banana apples. 15 and 40 cents
a dosen.
Hyde's Klna apples. CO cents a dosen.
very handsome; nlneaaps, large slse.
60 cents.
Newtown. SS centa; Oolden Ortley. SO
cents a dosen. select table fruit.
Rome Beauty. 20 cents a dosen; New
town. IS cents; each. 11.15 a box.
Medium slse Newtown, from 1 to S3
a box.
SpltzenberK. fine color, 16 centa a
dose a.
the evening and had not complained of
Ever since 188 Mr. Levy had been In
1 V . f-.-;AV eTV K
V .
In the poultry market: Cold storage
bene, tj centa a pound.
Turkeys and young roosters, 40 cents
a pound.
Friers and broilers, one and a half to I
two pounds. CO cents a pound; other
stock. 40 centa
Capons and ducks. 46 cents; geese.
SS cents a pound.
Squab. SO cents each.
Live China pheasanta. $! 50 each,
e e e
Beat butter. (0 cents a pound; 11.20
and 11.15 a roll.
Uood table butter. 65 and 51 centa a
pound: 11. o and 11 a rolL
Iairy butter. 60 cents a pound.
Beat eggs. SO cents a dosen.
Freeh, good stock. 41 and 40 cents a
dosen: two dosens, SS cents.
Storage eggs, guaranteed, 41 cents a
Purine; the coming week, a dem-1
onatration may be met In one of our I
learlme; grocery stores of health foods tne commission business at Front and
inese inc.uae a veaeiaoie meat sud- Washington streets. He came to Port
tltute. solid, which can ba used sliced i.a i that ve from slrni.nm
cold, roasted or made Into a vegetable where he had spent his boyhood and
" riu. yaiaiaoia anil youth. He was not a native of Califor
nutritious. i i. however, havina- aone to Sacra -
Steam-cooked bran and other break- mento ln childhood from New York
fast dishes, rice biscuits and a substl- I city.
ute for sugar or honey, offer an In-1 Mr. I-ev-c- ilwivi had taken an artlva
viting neia roe tnoae oi irugai rain a a. I part In Portland's business affairs and
bent on health. I had many friends ln the city and
Applebutter. 40 cents a quart. IS cents! throughout the state. He was one of
a pint homemade. lthe first directors of the Commercial
Neapolitan Jelly, in layers In the Club, now the Chamber of Commerce.
ssme glass Is an attractive novelty. land was a member of the Elks. He is
Apple, blackberry, currant. Loganberry I survived by his widow, who was Miss
Mark Levy, Pronalaewt Coaaaala
aloa Merebaat, Who Died Fri
day Slight,
and raspberry ln succession, sufficient-
y firm to be sliced when turned out.
offers something new on a dainjy tea
Spring has oome and with it plants
n bloom: hyacinths, la to Zi centa a
pot and primroses, 30 cent, make a
brave show.
ptrajtd rmro compact.
Pvramid Building.,
Marshall. Mich.
Klndlr send ma a Free sample
of PyraaaM PUe) Treataseat, ia
plain wrapper.
Kama .....
StreeC aw . . . . . . w
State) Highway Department Putting
In Its Own Equipment.
SALEM. Or.. March X. (Special.)
Preliminary work on the Sheridan road
job, which was stopped last Fall by
he Government refusing to allow the
further use of cars, has been started
gain by the State Highway Iepart-
ment. and Highway Engineer Nunn
stated that the commission Is Installing
Ita own quarry and putting ln its
equipment to go ahead.
About two and one-half miles of con
crete are yet to be laid out of a total
of four ml lea, running Kast from the
Sheridan city line toward McMinnvllle.
The county Is placing the entire road
between those two towns on a 6 per
rent grade, and a new bridge is also to
be constructed.
Phone your want ads to Tha Orego
nlan. Main 7070, A (085.
Jennie Marx, of Sacramento, who was
married to Mr. Levy in 1881. A daugh
ter. Mrs. F. Frledlander. Is the only
other member of the family.
The funeral will be held at 1:30
o'clock this afternoon from the resi
dence. It will be conducted by Dr.
Jonah B. Wise and Interment will be in
Beth Israel Cemetery.
One Hundred Musicians Donate
Services to Help Cause Promt,
ncnt Speakers Included on Pro
gramme; Chows Singing.
"With music and oratory many a fine
compliment will be paid to the humble
spud and the stolid cabbage at the
Auditorium, this afternoon, when Port
land's first war garden rally will be
held for the cause of conservation and
the might of America's arm in the
The rally is to begin at 2:30, when a
band concert will ba presented by 100
volunteers from the Musician's Union,
comprising the largest band ever as
sembled in the city, led by Dudley
Huntington McCosh.
Among the musical numbers which
are to vary the programme will be
vocal solos by Mrs. Jane Burns Albert
and John Claire Montieth. and the con
gregational singing of patriotic songs
by chorus and audience.
Invitations have been extended by
Ferdinand E. Reed, director of tho wa
garden drive, to all singing organiza
tions and Individual vocalists or the
city to comprise the chorus and to oc
cupy the seats on the stage, 500 In
The addresses are to be brief and to
the point, the time limit for speakers
ranging from 10 to 20 minutes. .ach
will carry a message directly con
cerning some particular phase of the
war garden campaign, which is Nation
The complete programme announced
for the war gardn rally Is as follows,
opening at 2:30:
Band concert By 100-plece - band from
Musician' Union, led by Dudley Hunting
ton McCoah.
Adrtren "Tne Help of war Gardens te
the City." by Mayor George L. Baker.
Hons "America." chorus and - audience.
with band and pipe-organ accompaniment
Addreea "Coneervatlon of Food." by W.
K. Newell. Aulstant Federal Food Adminis
trator for Oregon.
Selection by the band.
Addreee "School War Gardens and How
to Plant." by John E. Cooler, garden super
visor of Portland schools.
Sons Solo by John Claire Montelth.
Address "Soldiers of the Roll," by C. L.
Smith, agriculturist for the Union Pacific
Song Solo by Mrs. Jane Burnt Albert.
Address "War Garden Work by the Patri
otic Conservation League." by Rev. Oswald
Taylor, secretary of the league.
Song "The Star-Spangled Banner, enorua
and audience, with band and pipe-organ ac
Plans for Summer School at Corval
11s Already Cnder Way.
Corvallis, March 2. (Special.) Train
ing aa community leaders ln war work
will be the feature of the Oregon Agri
cultural College Summer school, which
will be in session June 10 to July 20.
Academic and other regular work will
be overshadowed by the Instruction ln
poultry, gardening, home economics
and other phases of practical work.
The energies of the college faculty will
be expended in training students to
meet emergencies brought on by the
The winners of competitions ln boys'
and girls' clubs will be at the college
for a two weeks' session. The children
of the clubs will be included in the pro
gramme of training for war work.
County agricultural agents will hold
conferences at Oregon Agricultural
College during the Summer session and
will map out their Fall schedules.
Arrests Made of Persons Having
Liquor in Their Possession.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. March t.
(Special.) Seven arrests were made
this week of persons having liquor in
their possession and disposing of it
to others. James Medill was taken
into custody by Officer Hilton charged
with disposing of liquor. He pleaded
not guilty, and will be given a hear
ing before Justice of the Peace E. W.
Gowen In a few days.
Gilbert Wicks. Henry Meme. Frank
Ward and Edward Kerns were taken
by Chief of Police Wilson, and later
pleaded guilty to having liquor in their
possession. Their sentence has not yet
been pronounced.
Arnold Press, who was arrested
charged with having liquor ln his pos
session, pleaded guilty and was given
$10 and costs by Justice Gowen.
Masculine Knitter Completes Serbian
Square for Red Cross Blanket.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., March t.
(Special.) Cottage Grove has the dis
tinction of having at least one mascu
line knitter in the person of D. H.
Hemenwsy. He has completed a
Serbian square. These are a foot
square and a number of these from
different knitters are put together in
the form of a blanket to be used by the
Red Cross ln Europe for convalescent
soldiers. Each knitter selects and buys
his own yarn and ln each square sev
eral colors of yarn are usually used.
Some knitters work their names into
the squares and some ornament them
in other ways. The blanket when com
pleted is one designed to give the con
valescent using it something to dis
tract and employ his mind. Mr. Hemen
way used yellow, blue and red yarn in
his square and It took about five even
ings for its completion. He has been
urged to try his hand at a sweater, but
fears he hasn t the patience.
Normal School Proposes to Procure
Prominent Lecturers.
mouth. Or., March 2. (Special.) Prom
inent people will be obtained to deliver
lectures in Monmouth during the 1918
Summer session, the registfar an
nounced today. While full arrange
ments have not been completed, a large
list has been obtained and it is certain
that a satisfactory number of speakers
asked will be able to appear this Sum
mer. The men and women will present
full discussions on the educational prob
lems that confront graduates going into
the field during the war times.
Facing a demand for teachers fully
twice aa great as can be supplied ac
cording to present numbers graduating,
an early drive will be made lor stu
dents. In 1916 a total of 827 students
Farmer Near Brownsville Wins Com.
. niendation for Action.
BROWNSVILLE, Or, March 2. (Spe
cial.) A farmer living a little distance
south of Brownsville, Emanuel Enos,
has been commended for his action in
slaughtering part of his dairy herd.
Recently he began to suspect that all
was not well with his herd.
As the state veterinarian has more
examining work ln the state than can
possibly be attended to, Mr. Enos went
down into his pocket and provided
funds with which to hire J. W. Cook,
Brownsville veterinarian, to do the
testing work. Mr. Enos' worst fears
were realized and Ihe results of the
test showed that six cows, a third of
the entire herd, were tubercular.
Albany Bridge to Be Redecked.
ALBANY, Or., March 2. (Special.)
The big steel bridge across the Wil
lamette River at this city will be com
pletely redecked in the next few weeks
and work will begin Monday morning.
The bridge will be closed to traffic
eight hours a day while the work is in
progress. It is estimated that the work
will require about six weeks.
Klamath Prisoner Bound Over.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 2.
(Special) Herman Hayes, the colored
man who shot at Matthew Cook last
Monday at the Denver rooming-house
"And there was war In heaveat
Michael and his angels fought agalnat
the draaron; and the dragon fought and
hla angela. And prevailed not) neither
was their place found any more la
heaven." (Kev. 12:7, 8: read also the
next succeeding verse.)
John the Kevelator beheld in vision
this scene of primeval conflict between
the hosts of unembodled spirits. Plain
ly this battle antedated the beginning
of human history, for the dragon or
Satan had not then been expelled from
heaven, and at the time of his first re
corded activity among mortals ho was a
fallen being.
In this antemortal contest the forces
were unequally divided; Satan drew to
his standard only a third of the spirit
children of God (Rev. 12:4; Doctrine
and Covenants 29:36-38 and 76:25-27).
while the majority either fought with
Micheal or refrained from active oppo
sition, and so accomplished the pur
pose of their "first estate." The angels
who followed Satan "kept not their
first estate" (Jude 6), and so forfeited
the glorious possibilities of an advanced
or "second estate" (Pearl of Great
Price, Abraham 3:26). The victory was
won by Michael and his angels; and
Satan, therefore, a "son of the morn
ing," was cast out of heaven, yea, "he
was caBt out into the earth, and his
angels were cast out with him." (Rev.
About eight centuries prior to John's
time, the principal facts of these mo
mentous occurrences were revealed to
Isaiah the prophet, who lamented with
inspired pathos the fall of so great a
one as Lucifer, and specified selfish
ambition as the cause. Read Isa. 14:12
15. The question at issue ln the war ia
heaven is of first importance to human
kind. From the record of Isaiah we.
learn that Lucifer, then of exalted rank
among the spirits, sought to aggrandize
on Main street and later felled him to I himself without regard to the rights
the floor by striking him over the head and agency of others. He aspired to
with his revolver, which was a heavy I the unrighteous powers of absolute au-
44-caliber six-shooter, was taken be- tocracy. The principle for which
fore Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowen Michael, the archangel, contended, and
in this city this week. Hayes waived which Lucifer, son of the morning.
nreliminary examination atid was sougnt to nullify, comprised the in
bound over to await the action of the I dividual liberties, the free agency of
grand jury. He Is being held ln the the spirit hosts destined to be embodied
County Jail here, being unable to givej'n the flesh. The whole matter is set
tortn in a revelation given to Moses
and repeated through Joseph Smith,
the first prophet of the present dispen
And I, the Lord God, spake unto
Moaes. saying l That Satan, wbom thou
hast commanded In the name of mine
Only Begotten, ia the same which was)
from tbe beginning:, and he came before
Buying Behold, here am I, send
me, I will be thy eon, and I will re
deem all mankind, that one soul shall
not be Joat, and surely I will do Itt
wherefore give me thine honor. But,
behold, my Beloved Son, which was my
Heloved and Chonen from the begin
ning, anld onto me Father, thy will
be done, and the grlory be thine for
ever. herefore, because that sataa
bonds ln the sum of $1000.
'CaSCaretS Regulate Women, rebelled against me, and Bought to de
Men and Children With
out Injury.
- ..-Ml.
Take When Bilious, Headachy,
for Colds, Bad Breath,
Sour Stomach.
atroy the agency of man, which 1, the
Lord God, had given him, and alao that
1 should give vnto htm mine own pow
ers by the power of mine Only Begot
ten, 1 caused that he ahould be cast
down And he became Satan, yea, even
the devil, the father of all Ilea, to de
ceive and to blind men, and to lead
them captive at his will, even as many
aa would not hearken nnto my voice."
(Pearl of Great Price, Moses 4:1-4).
Thus it is shown that before this
earth was tenanted by man, Christ and
Satan, together with the hosts of the
spirit-offspring of God, existed as in
telligent Individuals, with ability and
power of choice, and freedom to follow
the leaders whom they elected to obey.
In that Innumerable concourse of spirit
intelligences, the Father's plan, where
by His children would be advanced to
their second estate, was submitted and
doubtless discussed.
Satan's plan of compulsion, whereby
all would be forcibly guided through
mortality, bereft of freedom to act and
agency to choose, so circumscribed that
forfeiture of salvation would be im
possible, and not one soul could be
lost, was rejected; and the humble of-
T ..... . . V. Trtt.etHrti.rt ,n ltt.A
Instead of nasty, harsh pills, salts, I tra.i - h.....
castor oil or dangerous calomel, why , te sanctlty of man.s agency while
don t you keep Cascarets handy in your teachln(r men to use artght tnat divine'
home? Cascarets act on the liver and heritage was accepted. The decision
thirty feet of bowels so gently you brousht war wnicn resulted in the van
don t realize you have taken a cathar- quishment of Lucifer and his angels,
tic. but they act thoroughly and can or,H hv wr t-,t out iimriv of
be depended upon when a good liver the boundless privileges Incident to the
and bowel cleansing is necessary they mortai or second estate.
move the bile and poison from the bow- Ever since the beginning of human
els without griping and sweeten the I vi jfnn ..m, thn Hennseri "nn nf
stomach. You eat one or two at night the morning" and his followers have
line canay ana you wane up xeeiing been compassing the captivity of souls,
fine, the headache, biliousness, bad ii,. nt ,,it.ti,.n i. the amenei r
health, coated tongue, sour stomach, liberty. And now, in these the last days,
constipation or bad cold disappears, immediately precedent to the return of
Mothers should give cross, sick, feverish Christ, who shall come to rule In rlght-
or bilious children a whole Cascaret pnnanesa on earth, the arch-fiend is
any time they are harmless and safe making another desperate effort to en-
for the little folks. Adv.
Lift Corns Out With Fingers
Don't Hurt a Bit-Magic!
Few drops stop soreness, then the corn or cal
lus lifts off. No humbug!
J 11
This tiny bottle holds the
wonder of wonders. It contains
an almost magical drug called
freezone. It is a compound
made from ether.
Apply a few drops of this
freezone upon a tender, aching
corn or a hardened callus. In-
Lstantly the soreness disappears
ana shortly you win una tne
corn or callus so shriveled and
loose, that you just lift it off
with the fingers. It doesn't
hurt one particle. You feel no
pain when applying freezone
or afterwards. It doesn't even
irritate the skin.
Just ask in any drug store
for a email bottle of freezone.
This will cost hut a few cents
but will positively rid your
poor, suffering, feet of every
hard corn, soft corn, or corn
between the toes, or calluses
on bottom of feet. Just think 1
Corns fall off!
thrall mankind under the autocracy of
hell. The conflict under which the
earth groans is a repetition of the pre-
mundane war, whereby the free agency
of man was vindicated; and the event
ual issue of the current struggle is
equally assured.
Our own great Nation has entered the
bloody conflict In defense of the God-
given rights of man. It is no less due
to their sense of religious duty than
to their obligations as citizens of the
Republic that members of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in
America have responded so readily and
effectively to the call for service in
support of the Government, which they
verily affirm has been established
through direct inspiration from Heav
en. It is contrary to tne reveaiea wora
of God that any man shall exercise
I arbitrary dominion over his fellows.
For the standard works and other
literature of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints apply to any of
the Missions, among which are: North
western States Mission, 810 East Mad
ison St., Portland, Oregon, and Bureau
of Information, Salt Lake City, Utah.
To Stop Those Terrible
11 Rheumatic Pains
Food Souring Causes Indigestion,
Gases, Heartburn-Pape's Diapepsin
Instant Relief ! !N"eutralizesacid in. stomach, stopping
dyspepsia, pain, belching It's fine!
Tou don't know what upset your
stomach which portion of the food did
the damage do you? Well, don't
bother. If your stomach is in a revolt;
If sick, gassy and upset, and what you
Just ate has fermented and turned sour;
head dizzy and aches; belch gases and
acids and eructate undigested food;
breath ,-foul, tongue coated just take
a little Pape's Diapepsin to neutralize
acidity and in five minutes you won
der what became of the indigestion and
Millions of men and women today
know that it is needless to have dys
pepsia A little Diapepsin occasionally
keeps the stomach sweetened, and they
eat their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; if
your food is a damage instead of a
help, remember the quickest, surest,
most harmless antacid is Pape's Dia
pepsin, which costs only 60 cents for a
large case at drug stores. It's truly
wonderful it stops fcod souring and
sets things straight, so gently and
easily that it is really- astonishing.
Tour stomach will digest your meala I
If you keep acids neutralized. Adv. . I
It has n raven Its value for many years
past and the testimony of those who have
used "o-Drops" and found relief from the
torture and agonizing pains caused by rheu
matic conditions is the best evidence of its
remarkable power.
Mrs. H. Himrins. Ashland. Ey writes: I
always said that rheumatism could not be
cured, but will take it back. I believe your
5-Drops wul relieve any una oz rheu
Kteve Rrownlee. Arraleton. Ark- writes-
"I suffered with rheumatism for over fifteen
months. Just two bottles of your wonder
ful '6-Drops' has made a new man of me."
Harrv Stafford. No. Baltimore. O.. writes:
"I had rheumatism in my knees and ankles
and tried all sorts of highly recommended
remedies, but to no avail until a friend told
me to try 5-Drops. I used about three
quarters of a bottle of '6-Drops' and am as
well as usual."
"S-Drorjs" it sold by the teadlna' drumrlsta
In every part of the United States and
A sample bottle will
mailed itee, u you
.-nil write to Tha
Swanson Company, Newark, Ohio.