THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 3, 1918. LIBERTY TEMPLE WILL BE ERECTED GRECIAN STRUCTURE WHJCH IS TO BE ERECTED AS LIBERTY TEMPLE FOR PORTLAND CAMPAIGNERS IN THE THIRD DRIVE. llgrBAlIeD ( "Superior Victrola Set-rice. .. Portland to Have Headquar ters for Third Liberty Loan Drive in Sixth Street. WORK TO BE DONE FREE 12 CbntroctIon as Well at Material of 'rw Building to Be Donated by Portland Men Structure to Be Lined With Ujht. 'tr'.thin th cemlnf week construction la to begin upon a structure unique la th annals of tb city and of patriotic campaign In America for Portland la to erect a "Liberty Ttmplt" In -Uberty Haco." preparatory to tb local drlv for doilari in th cause of democracy. Portland's "Liberty Tempi" of th third loan drlv will ba reared In the thorouchfar of Sixth street, between Morrison and YamhllL deslanaled as -Uberty Place." and will ba official headquarters for the manager of the local campaign and their staffs. Its vtkacious assembly room la to accom modate meetings and conferences dur ing tha campaign, and the square about It wlU be. tha rallying center of the drive. Construction of tha temple. lighting and beating, and all equipment will be the common gift of patriotic citizens, and not one penny of expense wlil fall tipoa the Federal campaign fund erf Oregon. The completed temple, dedi cated to the success of the third liberty loan, will stand as a token of the city's sincere and sacrificing Interest la tha issue. Meier Make) Sacceatlasw The construction of the temple was broached br Julius Meier several days ago to his fellow members of the head' Quarters sub-committee of the local campaign, and met with Instant appre- elation. Indorsement of higher Iibert loan officials cam readily and with nthusiasm. Faclnc Morrison street, tha tempi will rise In all tha beauty of a sin cularly simple but effective archltec tural design, lireclan In type, daxxling ly white, its doors flanked by rounded columns, surmounted by a itallery from which speakers ar to address the tree assemblies In "Liberty Place The temple is to bo 2 feet In height, with a handstand on the roof, and will contain tha assembly room. 40 by to feet la dimensions, as well aa the exec ntlv offices of the local headquarters staff. Sutton t Whitney ara tha arc hi tects. Trimmed with 1909 electric lights on the exterior, electrically lighted and heated, with complete assembly room and offlra equipment, tha temple solves for Portland a problem that has per plexed liberty loan headquarters for aeveral weeks. Suitable downtown lo cations were lacking and the dilemma loomed In serious wlsa until Mr. Meier's suggestion solved the puzzle. Mills Will Ceatrtbate. Erie V. Hauser will co-operate with various labor orcantxatlons In securing the volunteer carpenters and craftsmen who are to erect and equip tha temple. Numerous mills will contribute the lumber. Electric lighting will ba fur nished by local power and light com panics, and every Item of equipment or fixtures will either ba contributed or loaned to tha temple. At present It la tha Intent of th architects to dress the temple In a apotless gown of white paint, effective in daytime and doubly effective when the myriad electrics play upon It at right. The committee has indicated, however, that It will not reject the gen erous offer of any clttxea to finish th temple In white stucco. At the conclusion of tha third liberty loan campaign the templa will riot b torn down. It Is announced, but will re main as a fitting edifice for the head quarter of other patriotic enterprises. Almost Immediately following tha lib erty drive cornea tha Ited Crosa cam paign. for which It may b utilised. Chairman Kmery Ulmstead. of th Portland third liberty loan committee, has Issued tha following statement of tha purpose of the temple, from tha report of th headquarters sub-committee, consisting of Julius L Meier, chairman: trio V. II 4 user. It R. Van Iuser. Uuy W. Talbot. A. L. Pish and Edward Weiss. street ta Ba T seated. The third liberty loaa In Portland, aa In the state, will b aa epoch-makina event. Among various ether featuree -which have considered by the committee on man agement Ifcat weald signalize the raising ef our quota ef the National defense fund in a Signified. etrtSiag and appealing manner, we have agreed spea the erection of Port land a liberty temple la a block on sixth street, between atorrteoa and Yamhill, te ee designated sad sultsbly arranged as "Liberty Place." Plane for the temporary vacation ef the street for patriotic oses have been accepted br the City Commission. The liberty temple will be constructed, equipped for office sad assembly usee, light ed aad baated without a dollar of expense to tbo Federal campaign fund In Oregon for Incidental expeneee of thte drive. The build ing will tvplfv deenoerecv. foe which the This Corn Will Peel Rizht Off! "Gets-It" Makea Corns Come Off the "Banana-reel- Wy! XTTijr hsv to flop on the floor, aqueese yourself up like th Inter "Z." and with bulging eyea draw your face up Into a wrinkly knot while you gouge and pull at the "quick" of a tender cura' Thai's th old. savage way. we a Dim AHiwe ta a Fee There's Sm IimUz er tattlag." Always Waeksl nts-It" Is lh modern, painless, sim ple way. Lean over and put two drops ml "tiets-ll" oa the corn, put your stocking and she right on again, and forget the corn. Pain Is eased. ieta-It" has revolutionized th treatment of earns II never Irritate the true flesh. You'll stop limping on tne side of your shoe, and do away with greasy salves, bundling bandsres, trick r 'asters and painful tnethoda. I'M t s-1 " it's common snse. -i Jets-It" Is sold by all druggists frou need pay bo more than Si cen'.s). or It will be sent d'reel by L. Lawrenee A Co.. Chicago. I1L fold In Portland at all stores of The fvl Drug Co. stores eo the i'acllc CoasL Adv. , tsads. mBm If Silt Wm- gp - j. ii(U, irt tiled nations are .trtiirrlinc. Eeerythlns tbat enters Into the construction win be contributed be Individuals and companies and the labor orsanlsatlons In Portland who deelre to do their bit In this undertaking. The structure will hte pleasing line, end -. I . .ill K liM.hMif II Irnnln. tH tha . V - . t.nor bains lined wita e'.ectrtc llsnta. It will serve sa a constant reminder of the supreme duty of the hour, which Is to rally to the support of liberty by buying Government bonde to prosecute the war. Dut acknowledgment will be made of the venous donatlona of labor and material that enter lato the construction of this building. Offices to Be Arranged. The office In liberty temple will be assigned to the managers of the city campaign and their staffs. The assembly room will take care of J0 or Soo people and will be used day and night for meetings snd functions having to do with the war loan and perhaps subsequent patriotic activities sfter this iosn is closed. Portland's liberty temple le a happy lotion of the problem of a headquarters on the street floor. In the downtown district, easily accessible to all. The splendid co operation which has been offered in making the building a reality la extremely gratify ing to all who are giving their time and energies to the third I The committee is confident that when the temple Is completed, which will be well In sdvsncs of the opening of the drive, when the spsce sround is Is sttrsctlvety decorated and. ae It becomes, the rallying point for the workers for this loan. It will be hailed by the public aa an excellent thing snd the committee sntlclpsted the widest poaalbl use of Liberty Place snd temple. Meeting Set fee Tosaeiiaw. A delegation of 5 Portland business men who ara engaged on th third lib erty loan plans In Portland, which will commence April . will meet with the Central Labor Council tomorrow even ing and lay before that body th de tails of th Liberty Tempi building, which la to becomethe headquarter of the city drive. 1 Harry I Barker, secretary of the district council of carpenters of Port land and vicinity, met with the delega tlon yesterday and stated that the would do all he could among th labor organisations to make It known that organised labor would volunteer to do a share In Jutting up tha headquarters building. Kdward Weiss, who was delegated by H. B. Van Iuser to arrange for the material for th building, reported he meeting of th committeethat the mills would make prompt delivery of tha lumber thla week. Mease Raising Saaday. If all goes well, tba Idea Is to hav a general house-raising celebration on Sunday. March 10, when hundreds of men. with business men acting as com mon laborers In overalls, to "tote" lum bar and act as helpers generally, will put up Liberty Templa In on day. Th business men's clubs wlU see to it that big dinner Is prepared and served a la barbecue In the court of th Portland Hotel or In the Postofflc grounds. Thus the raising of the temple, from Its nceptlon and laying the first sticks of its foundation, will sympobllie democ racy. Appreprlate ceremonies will usher In the raising of the building. Attending th conference yesterday nd representing the various houses who will contribute a part of tba mate rials for th emple. without expense to th drive organisation, were: Mutton at Whitney. Edward Weiss. O. Hughson. Builders' Exchange; Harry L. Barker, secretary district council of carpenters: C. B. Woodruff, A. O. Long, C English. O. Andraa. A. C Slc- Mlcken. Eria Hauler. P. N. Carlson and glnnock. of GrantT-Porter-fimlth Ship Company: J. C. Bayer. A. L Fish, Guy W. Talbot. Wllber Coman. E. Knight and Julius Meier, th chairman of tha headquarters committee. IMBER EXPERT IS WEDDED Miss Get trade Cbnrcbman Become Bride of A. W. Kaston. Miss Gertrude Churchman en Friday became the bride of A- W. Easton. a prominent timber expert. Miss Church man is well-known ln Portland for her work as an organiser and superintend ent of the children's hospital and ursery at Sell wood, which has proved boon to mothers of Portland for the past two years. The ceremony was solemnised Friday evening at the residence of her sister, Mrs. K. L Scott, who acted as matron honor at the ceremony. Rev. Mc Cullough, of the Sell wood Presbyterian Church, officiated. The bride wore a pretty gown of whit Georgette crepe, and she carried a bouquet of orchids and freesiaa. Mr. Easton Is In tha service of th U. 8. Government, and both ha and his bride are now making a tour of the lumber camps. Good Clam Season Promised. ABERDEEN. Wash, March 2. (Spe cial.) Tb lll clam season, which opened her yesterday, promises to be the best known In sis years, veteran diggers say. Clama on both tha north and south beaches are said to ba plen tlfuL The six harbor canneries, all located at the beaches, ar In operation and ar paying II.7J a bundrsd for clams. Such a price means big wages for diggers while tb digging lasts. Aaxlllary of Company C to Meet. Th Red Crosa auxiliary of Company C l(2d Infantry, will meet Wednesday afternoon at th home of Mrs. T. W. O'Brien. t:o Capitol avenue, for Red Crosa sewing. OODO Ol I- ft 1 " " u t'L- I Q wWU J J r I I I :or(iSraOK B Liberty Temple, la JL 0. H. TO CELEBRATE MEMORY OP ROBERT EMMET TO BB OBSERVED MONDAY. Splendid Programme ef Masle aad Reci tations Arranged Thomas G. Ryaa to Make Addreaa. Portland members of tha Ancient Order of Hibernians will celebrate the birthday of Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot, with a programme Monday evening In Hibernian HalL The princi pal address of the evening will be given by Thomas G. Ryan. Deputy Dis trlct Attorney. E. H. Deery. president of the Portland lodge, will act as chair man. Tha programme follows: Opening remarks. E. H. Deery. chairman: elections, tit. Mary's Academy Orchestra; nprano solo. Jlacuzhla" l Macmurrough). Miss Genevieve Clancy: baritone soio. "By the Sboree of the Irian Sea" I Burns!. A. 1L Cain; violin solo. Miss Agnes Dooiey; ad dreaa Thomas Q. Ryan; contralto solo. "Be lieve Mr, If All Those Endearing Young Charms" (Moore). Miss Nina Dreaael: reci tation, "Emmet's Speech Prom the Dock." John D. Walah: soprano eolo. "Kathleen Mavourneen" (Crouch ). Miss Adel Barnickel; recitation. "Erin's Flag." Aloyslua Hrland. The accompanists are Mlsa Mary Clancy. Mlaa Mildred ateCauley snd Miss May Pen- dergrast. St. Marya Orchestra, which will play a number of selections, consists of the following members: Miss Elcena Greene, pianist: iTVi Dora Dooiey. harp: Miss Aenea Dooiey. first vio lin: Miss LaV'eme Hllborn. first violin: Mias Jean Kuasell, second violin: Miss Celeste Tolan. accond violin; Miss Frances Deery. viols: Miss Agnes Kennedy, cello; Miss ve- lya Prag, cello. HALF - MILLION COLLECTED Idaho's Interest Receipts for 1917 Total 9514,814. BOIST5. Idaho. March !. fSpecIa!.) The interest collected by the state of Idaho from all sources In the year 1917 was over $500,000; to be exact, $514. 814.63. This fact Is brought out In a report by State Treasurer John W. Eagleson filed with the Governor. The PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN ROBERT ANCIENT ORDER - SOCIETY GETS SURPRISE; O's 60. i I Liberty Place, biath Street Between Vamhiil aad Morrison, as Shown by Architects' Drawings. same report shows that the state paid 29$ loans, amounting in all to $518, 791.4$. The loans made amounted to $517,226.37. School bonds purchased amounted to $208,956. Land sale cer tificates were Issued amounting in all to $238,887.22; certificates paid were $311,474.48, while certificates amount ing to $53,885,16 were cancelled. Interest collected is summarized as follows: ' From farm mortgages, $210. 962.01; on bonds, $146,070.03; on sale certificates, $184,782.65. In tha endow ment funds are found the following to tals: General school. $5,308,102.51; nor mal school, $548,311.87; university, $364,963.68; agricultural college, $197, 275.74; school of science, $424,734.83; charitable institutions, $700,750.67; pen ltentlary. $696,864.14; insane asylum. $292,367.26; public building, $100,474.53 Total cash and securities, $8,516,431.77, The cash on hand carried during the 13 months of 1917. as shown by the monthly balances, amounted to $7,401, 0U2.89, which, could it have been loaned, would have brought into the coffers of the state $35,000 in interest. BEND TO IMPROVE STREETS County Will Assist by Completing Link In Highway. BEND, Or., March 2. (Special.) Cin ders will be laid on six city streets. the cost to be assessed against the ad joining property" owners. City Engi neer R. B. Gould is preparing an esti mate of the expense. The County Court has agreed to as sist In the work by completing a link of The Dalles-California Highway so as to bring It into the city as far as the main thoroughfares. This will give a 20-foot county road practically through the city, a direct route from the Tumaio road to the La. Pine Highway. Klamath Minister Goes to Baker. SvLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 2. (Special.) Rev. W. E. Rambo, pastor of the First Christian Church of this city, left this week with Mrs. Rambo for their new field of labor at Baker, Or. They will visit In Red Bluff, CaL, a few days before proceeding further. Rev. Mr. Rambo has had charge of the Christian Church here for the past year and a half and has built up the church membership to a substantial degree since his coming. He and Mrs. Rambo were formerly missionaries in India. EMMET DAY CELEBRATION BY OF HIBERNIANS. R. Fiancee Is Miss Shanna Cnmming, Daughter of Dr. W. A. Camming, Distinguished aa Artist. Another surprise Is given Portland society, and this time a business man and a charming belle are the motif. The engagement of Miss Shanna Cum min? and Lawrence R, Wheeler was announced yesterday at a pretty lunch eon at the University Club, which was presided over by Mrs. Charles E. Miller (Leslie Smiht). Not any of the numerous friends of the popular couple had a suspicion of theeengagement, with the exception of Mrs. Miller and, of course, the families of the couple. Miss Cumming is the dauKhter of Dr. W. A. Cumming and one of the most charming and clever girls in society. She has distinguished herself in the past few years as an artist, and has been popular in social circles. Miss Cumming attended St. Helen s Hall, and, after graduating there, took course at the Institute of Fine Arts at Philadelphia. She is a sister of Mrs. Harold Perpall and of Mrs. Paul Woll, both of whom make their home in the East, and also a sister of Miss Harriett Cumming. who is at present visiting in Sun Francisco. Mr. Wheeler is vice-president and business manager of the Evening Tele gram. He is a Yale man, and a member of the leading clubs of the city. The wedding date has not been set. but is scheduled for the early Spring. Mrs. Miller's guests, who were asked to share in the charming announcement. included: Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett, Mrs., Carlton Swift, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Mrs. Ferdi nand Smith (Margery Hoffman), Mrs. Erskine Wood, Mrs. Lloyd R. Smith. Miss Hazel Weidler, Miss Jean Macken zie and the honoree. Fourth Linn Boy Dies In Service. ALBANY, Or., March 2. (Special.) Fred Wyman, a young man of Shel- burn, who enlisted two months ago in the United States Navy, died this week at the San Diego naval training sta tion, according to word received by relatives In this county. The body is being returned for Interment at Shel- Campbell Hotel Twenty-Third and Hoyt Streets. Phone Marshall XH1. Dinner Served 4i30 to 0i3O P. M. .75e -SUXDAY DIWER 7 So March Sd, 1918. Fruit Punch. Head Lettuce Salad. Queen Olives. Puree of Vegetable Soun. Roast Turkey with Dressing. Sirloin Steak. .;. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower in Cream. Fruit Sticks. Home-made Jam. Deep Apricot Pie with Whinned Cream. French Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake. Cheese. Coffee. Campbell Hill Hotel 741 Washington Street. Phone 31ain 75S4. WEEKDAY VIXNER 60c There's an air of warm comfort and congen iality about Seattle's famous hotel. Music and dancing in cafe every evening a popular hotel your friends will be here. Rates to suit the most modest purse. Club breakfasts at moderate prices. V in san Francisco Geary Street, fust off Union Square From 9I.0O a Day Breakfast 60c lunch 60c Dinner 11.00 Sundays: Breakfast 7 5o Dinner 11.25 Municpal car line direct to door. Motor &i meets principal trains ana trranvra. ENGAGEMENT OP LAWRENCE WHEELER IS ANNOUNCED. 'TJ AT THE HOTEL STiUfllY You are always welcome in this home of good music Drop in any time. Whatever music suits your mood and fancy, be it symphony or opera, or the latest song hit, you are welcome to enjoy it here with our compliments. Step in tomorcow and hear the NEW VICTOR RECORDS FOR MARCH If you do not have a Victrola of your own, we can place one la your home on terms that will surprise you. Our Special Victrola Offer Outfit No. 11. $115 Comprises Cabinet Victrola, Style 11 ($110), and $5 in Records of your choosing. We have surpassed our usual "Easy Payment Plan" by offer- . ing this handsome outfit on terms of only $5 DOWN and $5 PER MONTH. Our stock approximates perfection in all that. is newest and most desired. ' Our musically informed salespeople will gladly play any record for you without obligation on your part to purchase. fl PLAYERS S V rraiiic V e- -MASON AMD Superior Victrola Service MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY Stores Also at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Los Angeles. burn. Mr. Wyman is the f -irth Linn County boy to die In the service since the war began. The Multnomah Hotel Puts Its Guests in fine trim for a day of Business It series a Fine 50c Luncheon Finest In the North west Rates lV $2.00 upwards Open Under New Management Claremont Tavern CHICKEN DINNERS v STEAKS OYSTERS Please order dinners by phone. Main 59. New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett Streets. Four blocks from Union Depot! Near business center. Fireproof and Modern. Rates 75o to f 2.00. Chas. G. Hopkins, Manager. A tfofet 11 1,. liffilll' 111 i:ffilSH 111 fWCTOeSl fiaHsofisjli HAJiUN PIANOS DANCING GUARANTEED, S4.00 At DeHoney's Beautiful Academy Twenty-third and Washington Street New classes for beginners start Mon day, Tuesday and Thursday evening this week at 8. The only school where classes are private and lessons three hours long, 8 to 11; where you will not become embarrassed and are sure to learn; and to all calling this week wo will sell a full term of eight lessons for $4.00 and will positively guarantee to teach you all modern dances In one term. This term is worth $12, and if you ever expect to learn dancing you should join these i classes, where you will receive Instruction from America's best professional lady and gentlemen dancers, where you will meet with re fined people and practice until you be come graceful. Strictly private lessons given all hours. Call day or evening. Grand novelty dancing party every Sat urday evening. , A Dancer of Experience, Mr. DeHoney has erected and eon ducted the finest dancing academies in eight of America's largest cities. He dances and teaches every known ball room and stage dance. He is acknowl edged to be one of America's leadlnc authorities on dancing. If you desiro to learn the popular ballroom dances. or the most beautiful exhibition dance", call at the academy day or evening. Phone Main 7666. Adv. .r .,. i HEAD STUFFED FROM t CATARRH OR A COLD t Say Cream Applied in Nostrils S Opens Air Passages Right Up. T V I Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic. healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. ' It's just fine. Don't stay stuf fed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. GET WELL KEEP WELL f) A IMTTlf Our Radio-Active Pad br tlroulRt K A I ll I I VI in the blood circulation impart lVflltUlIl erry, restores tltailty and over come, diseam. We have many testimonial from patients who bare suffered from High Blood Preaaure. Rheumatism. Neural!- Insomnia. Dli- eae of the Nerves, Stomach. Bowels, Heart, Lung. madder, tuaneys, uver, rrostat Clland and Yt male Complaint. To Drore the rem ark ah) rmtnt- ai-e and vitalizing effect of this wonderful appliance we win send it on ten. aajr trial with an absolute mmey-back guarantee If It falls to glre entire satisfaction NO MATTER WHAT THE NATURE OF YOUR AILMENT MAY BE. Writ Tadav. We Cast Hals Yu. RADIUM APPLIANCE CO- The I .. -V. The Academy fWSIX Instructor V) of duality . -JJ AbUIty vi 39 Bradbury 11 (iff.. Lot Auarelcu, Col