10 THE SUNDAY OREGON! AX, PORTLAND. MARCH 3, 1918. TO MILK SUPPLY MAY BE SHUT OFF Dairymen Threaten to Go on Strike if They Cannot Be Assured Fair Price. WDUSTRY HELD IMPERILED Ifirk Producers, VTbo Bay t Others' Price and Set. at Others rrlcca, 6a y CondltJon Have Bfcom Almost Intolerable. a'.! producer wti tTl to tha mtlk attributing plants of Portland my go em ink. Because of the alleged milk ever-eipply and the comwmm redac tlon of prices paid to producers for their product, dairymen at a meeting yesterday of the Oregon Dairyman a Leasae adopted a raaolutloa by onanl an on a vota declaring they would. If ceaaary. atop shipping to Portland at together antll thy assured prion commensurate with tha cost of produc tion, keeping their milk to fead nor r make batter. At tha aama meeting step wars takaa toward tha Immediate establlah , onant of a co-operative or aaml-co-op-ratlva distributing plant. Plana have been under war for sometime to taka ver tha plant of tha Portland tlm cue) Company at tho old Gambrtnus bra vary and considerable monay baa baa raised among tho dairyman for thta purpose. Tho plat, however, baa t baaa taraad over rat and tha dairymen's league accord In a ly baa beea seeking a aaw placo and baa takan aa pttosj oa proparty and machinery con trolled br 1L C Campbell and C F. Aartgert at Linnton. f abaiilptt Are lamtwl. Tha bm1!d( adoptad motlona leaving fno question of establishing thla plant or taking; over tho Gambrtnua plant In the) banda of tho executive committee. The maatlna voted to allow tha uao of all money aubscrtbed for tha Gambrlnna plant la tha Uanton plant If tho execu tive coramlttao dacldaa on that court Xatryraea prent lncraaaad subscrtp tnns by !:.;. Tha meeting waa call ad In conse quence of tho daplorabla condition of too dairy business, caueed. or at least accentuated, by tho redaction In prloee aad change of payment from ovary two weeke to every month, and tha with holding- of li days pay by Gleblach Joplta at their M-Mlnnrlla rondenaary and tha failure of tho Bclo aad Xewbers; condenser! oa. la giving tha facta as to tho Pclo and Newbera failures tha chalrmanri etated that tbay aavored mora of rob bery, for tbo planla wera doing wall, making monay, but tha fly-by-nlicbta who wars operating them bad no capl tal worth mentioning; Invented, and as soon aa tharo waa a ehorlage of sales thay had to quit. It waa not tha fault or conditions of tha bualneaa. but of tho blkh-nnaaco mathoda of tho opera tors of tho planla, ba hold, for tho accredited ownara actually bad no money taveated and no capital to do bualnaaa on. go both plants now are la tha banda of receivers, wlla a poor outlook tor tho creditors. Milk. Price Red seed. Chairman Kata of tha meeting stated that while tha Oleblach Joplln plant had reduced the price of milk about II centa per 100 pounda, the Carnation people had made a reduction of only 1 centa per 100 pounda. tho now price feeing Si. per 1'W pounda lie read a letter from ths Brand's Creamery Company, of Portland., aa follows: "liegtnninc today, March 2. we aro offered milk at quite a reduction from laat year's price." A letter from tha Oregon Creamery waa as follow: Owlnr to tho steadily Increasing dally receipt of milk and our Inability to die- pose of tho aurplua at preaent coat price will bo unable to pay SI for milk after March 1." Tharo waa a rood deal of discussion f this ver-eupply and finally a resolu tioa waa adopted that the producera would. If aeceaMry. atop shipping to Portland altogether until they were as sured of prices somewhat commensu rate with tho coat of tha product. Thla matter was left In tha bauds of the si ocullve committee. President Kata presented a statement cf tho offer of tha Portland Damascus Company for tho sals of lis plant to tha league. A resolution was adopted calling poa the Mayor or Portland to aak tha City Milk CommlHelon to Inquire Into tha alleged ver-eupply of milk being shipped Into Portland. Tha member, aa a unit, agreed to atand by tha league If aa order waa Issued by tho executive commute to ths league either to cur tail or entirely cease shipments to tills euty. ladwatrr Declared La Peril. Tbo following resolutions ware than flJnpted: "Whereas; The dairymen of Oregon IS mrtfoT-nr aemhl1 In Portland LEADING DELEGATES AT CONVENTION OF DAIRYMEN YESTERDAY. PHOTOGRAPHED AT .ADJOURNMENT r i r v 7 W V f m sar .re . na . ie -V. i s: V. V V; ; El I Laft BJskf. Trp Weal. J. W XV. Beearl. A. ITolllday. W. IT. fmaaiti. It. D. Ballcy, T. Dlerlcks. Alfred Gnerber, Bart Poaaersy. Lower Photo Groap of Dalryaaoa "Talking It Over" After Adjournment. thta Id day of March. 1(1 S. find them salvea confronted with a situation tha reduces their Industry to a most pre carious condition: and Whrreaa. We have faith In tha ulti mate juattca and high purpose of ths containing public: therefore be It Keanived. That wo hereby make tne following atatement and aubmlt It with confidence to the sober consideration of tha people of Oregon: e are struggling under conditions hat make it almont tmpoaalble for our Induetry to survive. We have been paying almost 3S per ton for hay the aat tew montha and mora than that for bran and aborts. "Our product Is a family essential, nd there aro limits beyond which, for bvloua reaaona. It la lmpolbl to go advancing the price both In milk for family consumption and for ths products of milk. Dalryaaeai la Dilemma. "We have no power over our rasrket. Ths prico of what wo sell Is fixed by tho few creamerlc and condenserlea that buy our output, la tho main we aro unorganized and each dairyman muat deal Individually with hie buyer In marketing his product. Wo must pay alraoat prohibitive prices for feed, and almost Impossible prices for labor. Ths pries ws pay for these things Is fixed by others and ths price of what wo sell Is fixed by others, facts that put our Industry batweea tha two mill atones. "Ihere Is a very close alliance be tween the condenserlea and creameries. They determine what they will pay ua. when they will pay oa snd fix all other terms under which ws do business. Wa havo no voice In ths transaction. Though soiling to organised lntereete. when wa attempt to organise tha cry of trust Is raised aralnst us. Berieaa Abaaea Charged. "Though enjoying tho full benefits of war prices, those who buy our out put have been holdlnr us to a prlc level that Is. much of tho tlms, below ths cost of production. In some locali ties they pay us In ths middle of ths OR. PEDLEY ARRIVES First Congregational Church .Pulpit to Be Filled. 3 MONTHS' STAY ASSURED Newcomer to Portland Tastor ImmanncI Congrccallonal Church at Montreal, Canada, for the Past Eighteen. Years. of following month for milk delivered to them the first of tho preceding month giving them six wseks In which to do business on oun capital. In three localitlea recently condeserlea so con ducted went Into bankruptcy In spite of tho fact that tho condensing an creamery bualneaa never before had so great a margin of profits. This en tailed upon 'many of us a heavy loss. W e aro beginning now to receive no tifications from thoso who buy our out put that tho prices are belnr dropped. Wo ara not consulted as to whether or not tbo prices so cut ars below ths cos of production, but aro arbitrarily forced to accedo or go out of business. Dairyaaea Work Overtime "Our business keeps us on duty seven days a week, and on very long hours. We know no such thins; as Sunday tha cowa must bo milked, 8unday or no Sunday. Thcra la no day of limited hours for us. "Wo hold that tha character of our business, that our placo In tho social order, that our service to tha peopla in tho great lite necesalty that wa sup ply, entitles us to nlgher consideration and better rewarda than wa are re ceiving, and we make thla publlo stats ment In tho belief that the people may better understand and mora seriously consider the difficulties and discour agements under which wo ara strug gling.- "IIZ" FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEE! Use TIz" fcr Tender, Puffed k Up, Burning, CaHoosed Feet and Corns. SLUT." O , ' , INSURANCE HEAD WINS CO CRT HCI.ES IX FAVOR OP SEW TOOK LirU PftESIDEXT. People who aro forced to stand on their feet all day know what sore, ten der, sweaty, burning feet mean. They ne "Tlx." and "Tlx" curea their feet right up. It kaepa feet In perfect con dition. "Tlx" Is the only remedy In the world that draws out all the poisonous exudations, which puff op the feel and eanee tender, aore. tired, aching feet. It tnatantly atopa the pain In corn, cal lousaa and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel after using "Tlx." Tou'll never limp or draw up your faro In pain. Tour ahoes won't tighten and hurt your feet. Get a 2i-eent box of "Tlx" now from any druggist. Just think! a whola year's foot comfort for only li cents. Adv. laekaae Jadge TJelda That Artlea of Sir. Cadlgaa la Tatlag Proxies J aat if led Company Proapera. In a decision banded down laat week Judge W. W. Zent. special Superior Court Judge of Bpokana County, found a Tsrdlct for John J. Cadtgan. presi dent, and E. J. O'Shaa. secretary-treasurer of New World Ufa Insurance Company. Thomas A. EX. LaJIy. former Tice- preaident of. tho company, had sought through tho Introduction of a resolu tion to restrict Ur. Cadlgaa. the presi dent. In voting proxies that had been given to him by ths stockholders. The resolution) restricted tha president to voting for certain changea In the by law, and for the re-election of three trustees whoso terms were expiring, thus Insuring ths perpetuation of Mr. Lally and his aaaoctates In office, air. Cadlgan acted properly, the court ruled, la voting the proxlea according to his best Judirment. The company Is In a flourishing con dition financially, and had aa of De cember II. 1H7. mora than $17,000,000 of Insurance In fores and mora than IJ.tlS.OOO In assets. It made an In crease of approximately 1 11.000.000 in Inaurance in force over 19K, being the most progressive In tha company's history. Dr. Hugh Pedley arrived yesterday morning from Montreal. Canada, where ho has been the pastor of the Immanuel Congregational Church for the past 18 yeare. and this morning ha will conduct ths services at the First Congregations Church, where he will occupy ths pulpit for tho next three months. Hs waa born In the northern part of En gland, but baa spent tha greater part of his Ufa In Canada. Kefore he waa pastor of the church In Montreal he waa he pastor of the Central Congress ional Church of Winnipeg for It years. Ha retired from tho pastorate In Mont real laat Pall and since has been trav eling throughout Canada, giving lec- ures to the students of the United Theological Seminaries on "Practical Theoaugy." Pleaaaro la Expressed. "It Is a great pleaauro for ma to come to Portland." ha said yesterday. I have always been deeply Interested in .ths pioneer history of the West and ara glad to see with my own eyes the actual scenes of the struggles and suf ferings of tha pioneers of tha Paclnc" Dr. Pedley Is alive with patriotism. "I am one of those who rejoiced greatly at ths coming together of the two coun tries, Canada and the United States. We have bsen at peace for over 100 years, but the peace la now cemented by a common struggle and common sacrl flee a. Canada has been giving her very best In tha present war and before long will have enlisted and equipped 600.000 men, which la a very considerable pro portion from a country whose total population Is only about 1.000,000." Eldest Soa Killed la France. Dr. Pedley Is the father of three chil dren, two boys and a girl, all of whom have actively engaged in some part of the service. His eldest son. Captain Hugh Pedley, who waa the Captain of J. - . :ip i daughter of Mrs. N. S. Berkshire, Thursday shook the pennies from her bank, and when they were counted It waa found she had enough to buy two war-savings stamps, with at few left over. The "penny fund" from which the stamps were purchased was started two years sgo by one of the child's relatives, who has since died, but ithe little girl has steadfastly followed the example of thrift feet for her and has saved every penny coming her way. The local war-savinrs committee has had designs drawn for a number of at tractive posters which will be printed and distributed during the course of the campaign. An extra supply of stamps has been ordered to care for the rush of sales that is expected to follow the house-to-house campaign March 19, SO, 21, 22 and 23. a a "All of the dollars In the world can not buy victory. Viotory is not pur chasable, we must work for it, and. If need be, die for It. Dollars can work for victory only Insofar ss they are converted Into labor and materials." a . M. L. Blumenthal, whose illustrations appear on the cover page of some of our most widely read periodicals, has become associated with the National war-savings committee as art editor. What is believed to be a record sale of thrift and war-savings stamps in one day to employes of one department in the City Hall was established Friday In the Department of Public Works, with a total sale of I205.&0. Organiza tion of a committee to stimulate the sale of thrift and war-savings stamps was effected Thursday, and the cam paign began the next day. Brothers in dependability OWL Cigar and WHITE OWL! Friends to smokers! Brothers in dependability! Sharing alike the great OWL leaf reserve which is always worth at least $1, 000,000. And sometimes worth $2,000,000. Sharing equally the 18 months or so of time cur ing which guarantees every OWL or WHITE OWL fra grant and dependably fra grant. And always will. .... . . , .sSaaaatV ... TJ-3e. I ' -X. 1 T y'''; - 1.1' i ' yS : M. A. GUNST BRANCH . ' X 84-86 Noijth Fifth -wSa!-4vO Broadway 2800, A 2198 0 W THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGARS fl ALL WILL BE HEARD 'roprietors of Banned Houses to Be Questioned. 66 UNDER CONDEMNATION Evidence Said to Have Been Found Showing That Immoral Women and Bootleggers Have Been Admitted to Places. Late P. T. Barnum'i Aide Leaves $2100 Estate. Petltloa for Probate of Will of Charles Marchand. AVho Helped Prove There'a One Bora Kvery Mia ate," Kited Here. i f v ' f i ,.- i .. . .n.., I Dr. Hash Pea ley, of MoatreaU Wis Will Oreapy the Palplt of the First Coasrrraatloaal Cbarch for tne Xext Tbro Moaiba. the Light Trench Mortar Battery, was killed In action In Franca on the laat day of January. Hla younger son. Frank O.. was In the medical service In France for one and a half years, but Is In Montreal at the present time. Both sons were warded military crosses of honor. His dauarbter, Nora, who Is Mrs. w. R. Gurd, is now In Montreal, but etent three montha as a trained nurse in a ospltal in Belgium. Or. Pedley Is accompanied by bis wife, and durlns; their stay In Portland they will live at the Wheeldon Annex. CARD OP TUA.VK3. We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy In our re rent loss of our dear father. Hans Nacrel. and also for the many beautiful flowera. CANTY PKtilKIO TH1ESEX Adv. AND NAGKL. FAMILY. A cattle trail Is to ba built In British Guiana by the government. It will lead from the Abbal savanna on tha Rupun ml River to the Tawakurl savanna, a distance of 120 miles. f& WAR, ! IMSTAMPS CHARLES MARCHAND, the man who assisted the late P. T. Barnum to prove that there's "one born every mln ute." left an estate valued at $2 100 In Multnomah County, according to the petition for the probate of his will. which was filed yesterday in the Coun ty Court. Mr. Marchand. who was a resident of New Tork In his declining years. Is said to be the man who first painted one of Barnum's big elephants a snowy wffite and assisted the late circus man to his fame as a showman. Mr. Marchand was an Inventor. . A peculiar coincidence In the signing of his last will was brought to light with the court proceedings yesterday. Both Mr. Marchand and his widow, who survives him. wrote out their last wills on the same day. By accident Mr. Marchand signed the will which was meant for his wife, and his wife's signature was attached to his own will. Despite this error, which ap parently was nothing more than an oversight. Judge Taswell allowed the estate to be admitted to probate with out any legal tangles. The proprietors of each of the 66 ho tels. . rooming-houses and lodging houses which have fallen under the ban as a result of Mayor Baker's In vestigation to determine the character of the places and proprietors will be given a hearing before the City Coun cil. This was decided by the council yes terday, when Mayor Baker, at an In formal session, announced that out of the 450 places which have applied for licenses under the new ordinance passed recently to safeguard soldiers. 66 have been found, on investigation, to be places that should not be tol erated. In each case careful Investi gation has been made and evidence found showing that immoral women or bootleggers have been permitted to fre quent the places. ' Each of the 66, It is said, has a court and police record. - Mayor Baker Informed the council that he does not want to o any of the proprietors any injustice and wishes to give each an opportunity to be heard before the council takes final action. Also he wants the police to tell the council members what they know and what the police court records show. The proprietors will be taken In groups and will be heard oy the coun cil each day until the list is completed. The first hearing will be Tuesday. Tne council will sit behind closed doors and Mayor Baker says the names of the 66 places will not be made public until the hearings are completed and the cases finally decided. I have decided on this course, said the Mayor yesterday, "in order that no M. XSiA'-dl conditions STUMPING AGRICULTUOAfv I Western, toil, trumps and climate need f vencra explosives, xaai t wny jiaotT Jint-.. ; Itowderc cut the cost of clearihfj western """ ,. . , ahd. Manufactured for morethan half a. . century especially for the Wtst, they natu-j . give ociux rcsuii. on wcncrn urmsj ichardt. MS Uiant rirtn Fowdeft lead in economy' Because tneveo further than ordinary explo tives. They creak up the stumps thoroughly' thereby cuttinV down labdr cost. Money and trouble ark.aKLlM3use of thek low freezing qualities. InliiDllna m v Ka rlnna anv rf tha nrn, DEATH ENDS LONG ILLNESS prietors. I have made my investiga I uon ana reacnea my I .1 T ... i .. V. Mrs. Eleanor Francis Passes Away at Kyasa, Aged 75. NTSSA, Or., March 2. SpeclaL) Mrs. Eleanor Francis died February 22, after a long illnesa. She waa born at Sweldon Farm. South Wales, Septem ber S, 1840, and waa age of IS to Thomas tlon and reached my decision in the cases and 1 wlsn to present ail tne facts to the council in order that that body may act with full knowledge of the facta. It is only fair that the pro prietors be given every opportunity to defend themselves. The ordinance under which the 66 have fallen under the ban was passed some time ago at tne instigation or married at the I the Foderal Government, the purpose Francis. Ten I being to eradicate commercialized vice, including bootlegging. Mayor Baker children wars born: two died in Wales and five are bifried In America. Three says he has given the subject his at chlldren survive her. Harry T-. of tentlon for more than a month and Is Nyssa; William P., of Roblnette, Or., and Mrs. Margaret A. Chambers, of Caldwell, Idaho. In 1866 Mrs. Francis came to Amer ica to her husband who bad preceded her. They lived two years In Pennsyl vania and from thera went to Iowa. where they lived until 18S2, when they striving to accomplish the results wanted by the Governme: t and at the same time to do no injustice to the pro prietors. MORE MAGAZINES WANTED MTncVaTTbt Styeago! Ked1 '' Mrs. Francis made her home with her I Soldiers in Camps, son. narrr x .. in nyws. iuis. rmuui was baptised Into the Baptist Church at the age of 20.. She waa of a kind and gentle nature, a patient sufferer, and leaves many friends. Funeral serv ices were held at ' the Presbyterian Church February 24. Interment waa In the Nyssa Cemetery, RELICS GIVEN TO MUSEUM THE purpose of the war-savings-stamps campaign, according to the National committee. Is to create an army of savers who will, by saving, re lease labor and materials for the use of the Government In the war and who lend their savings to tha Government to prosecute the war. a e Ella Grace Berkshire, 4tf years old,! Articles Are Taken From Graves of Ancient Peruvians. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, March 2. (Special.) A collection of interesting relics taken from graves at Ancon. a lost city near Lima, Peru, have been presented to the domestic department of Oregon Agri cultural College. Mrs. O. F. Yaeger, of Corvallls. Is the donor. She received the articles from the wife of the Amer ican Consul to Lima, while visiting in that city. Amsng the relics are bits of weaving, primitive spindles, shuttles and a baton. The graves from which the articles were taken mark the burial places of ancient Peruvians who had attained a relatively high plane of civilization. The gifts will be placed in the do mestic art museum. "More magazines for soldiers" is the plea of the committee In charge of the work of collecting and sending reading matter to the men In the various branches of the service. The number of troops in the field is increasing every day and the consequent demand for magazines is becoming greater. Next Tuesday is Soldiers' day an over the country, and pupils are asked to bring one magazine apiece to scnool with them. Others are asked to bring their contributions to the collection desks at the various city libraries. Read The Oregoniaa classified ads. "Forging Ahead in Business" This free 112-page book Is the one mentioned In all of our National ad vertising. It tells all about ths Modern Easi ness Coarse and Service snd what prominent men among 70.000 subscrib ers say about It. Addrese onr western Representative, 8. D. Parker. 8i6 N. W. Bank Bids. Main Si 4. or . ALEXANDER HAMIL TON INSTITUTE. Astor Place, New York. on Write for this Free Book to day. teaming: If your work it dottvwith anf Other DOwder or dvnamites. the rk;y, It will not be done as well as with rtthW . f s Jrr-'4'' --'--..) tne two oiant brands: turcica Stumping or Giant Stumping;. Look for the Giant trade-' mark on every case, and be sure of the! genuine, How to make the farm pay more money it1 explained in "Better Farming." This bg free book, fully illustrated, will be sent youj .www c ictcirc uus coupon, frHE GIANT POWDER CO.,Co0, " Every thint for Blastrng" Home Office!" San Francisco Brench Offices: Denver, Portland. Salt Lake City. Seattle. Spokane sfr'sstetJsl. stflat THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con, First National Bank Bid?.. San Franrl in (please clkf" mU5tmcd booUet "Better Farming. " I am especially interested 23(1 Stump Blasting fj Ditch Blasting Subsoil Blastias 1 Boulder Blasting Tree Bed BlastJna- tl R1 ' Kama. Tree Bed Blasting Address: MIS V7 It-.U li . It 11 THZ PASSWORD TO BERLIN. Every Patriotic citl2en should Wear a, VICTORV RIHO ! Jrh& Symbol or Good Luck TOR SALE At AiL. IXAjblNG- 5.EWELRY STORES WW . r Send )bur Dor a Vfctcmr Ring and Wear On Ytxrseir MADE IN STERLING SILVER. Prc initials and Identification Numbers can bp engraved on Jthtg w.s.Mvrna.eo arr.AMO onus. distributors US