TIIE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND,. FEBRUARY 24, 1918. tar r-ala lots. 5 rr In th Lmuui Garfftd djj'rtct. 1-t an-a 1:: a prunes. 6 e r-a of lont-iren-ral .p.t. .l in fail bearing, good cherry ort Wil, 0 orra of f nu land, s. 4ovo worth f .build. jib in.:luiln 4 -m0 ftrua 4ir -r . f in Utru, g-jod ia-rvum ioLt-. piumbed fur ht and cold water.' c- mul a a.. A too tram. Jersey . 10 ion cl h-. 1 1 fcmoa of farm lmp.ate: ad mf tilings two numir wo 10 mf n t.oa. T n a is lr c Ltrnt bi;(l liuan t the nht aim--, antl la Slt--! an .e of ih b-ai, cruauad ri k roda in t , ma v;uri. a niucf from, .ii:.U. iu f utur toun' v -.. 1 of Ca-1 cade 1 ounty. Pre. tnoud.nc evry lli in g. I I.imm. on gaovl term. Toe irrttrj a. one w i.i pay p-r cant 01 t 10 dot lovret 4nat aery ar. 1 om to Let nadi and Uvu.rt for o. i. nMur, 0-PARROE BIG BARGAIN , Pandr Aoro Tract A II cleared rust 1 j ft x to ear line, and Cg Koau, bcii to ; k. boa. ldwl lx at.on. A fear fir t'Owa ft a'and-it.. Prua on.y $ IJ-'-a. A p-d tr.ct ffotn city to wiuun 1 biok of P-opri. W. atT. tutl . .ri iuont t oae- J. I. HAKIMAN I'Uili AM, .Na 7 V oamb-r of Ciui nfw Btdg. 4l& at gtark. Mala A. CNt'V $4ov for a qa ir of a biok. .o,r- w r ai.d malUe J"t m the 1 ItouMl location m i'oilaud Ht'hta. Tut uuti ;rr I'.m k la au KwMn. and ro a.n.i r qn.trit-r an a Ivad for ea thn llu to f -". it U iqw oll-ied at au.rtiii. on unt tt.at to t nr a a rtourcatdrnt and of 1 r It for - for about OI.-..f Us tlUe, J -o ju .-b wii iMnut ti.i- irocr:y- f:a r ii ik a fa ktmk.nt mik- ! Ni.lt pi muiliwt ritur. Ktit U nd I Xalm v. J rcutc-d buuwii on Mtn. frt uly Om). J. .U hAKTUAN foMPANV. o. C'lamimr uC CuiuuMirt Utdj(. Alun 44vU. OS i'.l.XlfT N K AVK. Tina lot U .-ti at rJft :tTth and fa I worm twivo pric &aacd 100 mMU Wlii I aaUi. fWITH-WAOoNKK O. MUCK FT. r'or Sor-Bab aToprtfi. A rTKXTIoX. 1mlrn. wrt -butit. cnupttljr fumiabd I CoU d o frtrt (tt i-rtnrL. fori m at m h-rcuin; ru-i!ul I lun. w.U 1 t- nt for Aot'u pur mamo. At o, uilo- I froorn WuPtt.iK. tuiih. furpA-v tilrol .irL atrt 1111 itfuvonir uta lu a lid paid ; I down. biw.-;a) m'utlily. Hrue, furl AoiUfc'ttjn l'ItlC. H:K 4'ITV URM iva &cptoal cnuu- itrtn tirt I Vti . T hv a, molvrn Pumcalo. lrooni Uv bariood fr. fruit I tr. wviitf all pid; rn-ar cr; 4vu. I t r iutcft A eii. H-l enay. JiV tttWw atrn-tly nio-lTii Laurlhun-t I buncainM. Aw ruaria: ltx. unfinished I lr.Mu 'uv jkr. 1 mniutr front -:fl I .d vntnin: pltri or tnuut furui-1 titra. T ttOmt U4. I. Orriiii(U 1&A t ion. liat r--aidnra property hr .r .a Ana for a.kl and cnanc A bur .iiiia lit f.riita and are. me r r of J lieur)kbiav- and aoni with arn tin um-I let ua a.'ow u. Tal4intiK U-.tyl i'-.i; y. i . H n r y H.rl k. Urljl'i :i.... -I:m-v hugAiox, full l'mnl. luU-l. J'Ut. ! It PC '. Ir lot; ar-t wrk p.l. rr ot; and Witaiou. i-5u. Ov rr.r wua ih KRKt .v. Jacobs co. mi nh hi. HAVVTHdKNK IIST1;K"T. S-rooin auoii u lunAlor. ." rorAr I rt. atrt tuip-. paid. IrHr, ., h I rt)i worth 1H. Oco. T. ioor Go, A mrt'n Mlc. K..-.K cirr t'AKk. 1amy i-mia ttm wrh til t- f-jn'iv rwd . "it-rtf-itwn owni will att for w'Nt (f bvr Ua 4 IxjmO caiu I A- H V1 tot lif. ptrtty f uravahrd. 1 bicwk m. -my ri . f 1 1h. anittil mnt dow n, t Un- oy pAymcuia: fra tin;il lot, 4r4. unr, M. N. It., -l !) hlijurt Mfn lo A- M. and J r. l. a H itr lark ditri. 1. Jl T"K M K AT- 'O0 r"h. Nl.n. lvn I r l brt-,im. t:u. AC ihflU. y.ldlaK I M-;g. u,n 5tti. 4i.Kooi houM. on lot 1 J. ! a . f'ntlioa f IrMCi. 5r Xar-. water, on road, fiut tr. rule- rt tr, rjwh r tar ma. 1 B. KicUriiaon. Cmmaa. U ah. fr-Coltaga. T - k.4t nr llotgata. vouvcd:oi to fV P. a : m.ni trn i.otarTlan.-a. aapnalt ttrwl. improve nen; p4id. Tnca $i--u, -ry iima Tk .a-y- itf-ra Co., 2TI Scar t. A NKW t'E.. .t run l fH . ot a amt:tt on It; ui trade fr a bur l-low; iuut 00 mxlrn tn awry raapol ana nr I ( .l ijumOfn -; wii; i ih I In -xt rn. W 1H. ir Konian. r K o Iwiua. Aiftm-rla I ark dlrt t. ;:Miy vAr; roaj pitr iy furnihl; r-l I tarnin; r-wma, i--utUa pordt, . iota atn tty rtMdrB; l Uuua tariua Vm 1 AH. liMSC nw butiKaiuw tu K. C. J'-rk. a fm riMuu. but I h :or- tif n; r ' -a. W 4ith N.. -J tr. N. of tvaody. tatr. i-" K N. I ".- or m-r Oo u. Itv- ouna for ha,.f tajq U aid dr-.-t. $4 M OKR' and romrUtly fmtaited Prum buiicalow, la HaAumont : l-nui to puit oun-hltawr. F. . V. An-lrtt T;tt oiU. Tel. UArvhaU O'Jq. N" . near A it-rt at. Trm to ault tari-tijir F. ri. V. Andra. Ha Ptatl htiic- rhno itaraha!! tot- $.k KtK w-rom hui and two m- Iota, trtirn and ch-. kQ-liiv. rh. bal- or even rt: iepinr port h. nr.; ony ftoi. Near I J'r.lt.4ul 1'ark. t y lrma. Johnaon- I l--wl.n Northwwwn Bank bid. jw AlJt.VI KIA Park. 4 room, fnrnarw. fx-opiwv. bui'f-t. oa. floor. arspta (Id; N.r'iiim Hark b.i. H HAl K hr4in: t re-. Inde city iirrtitA. ;iMBin. ride from r-ptr f ity: la I r 'ilttvatia, oa tr a.. t!il &in-I X. or even In. 4t Vancouver it. I fiVIN'GT' (V. modern bonlow. 4vati . trn:on bunf iiov. lith at. V Kjpv lore hunt 11011. ir r." ;..t100l I fHA- KlN'ii.KK A Q. JS Henry I.d. o-rwut bunAlow foe afa, fiutabed 'tk-. m-lrn, 1 tk baaacn-nt aod lur n f ioV; 00 carilaa. 1J I ftawtHofn ate. A-Sf 1 V V S prl o. new T-rfti two-atory b-uae. atrKtir mMrra. 4ood lowitUn. cor- -r . carrtM Av loan. iii .U. Oraco I iN o KKA V barsain. 5-rnwru, RKvlTn ; 2 rumt uatairs but flnhrd . h( fcoft 1 4!-4. rbt. ken bona, garden, Krra; rv ts fH-wt l' rout-a bMg. t.o 4ix $-KuoM Iium and Kara-. In hrart of lrv-1 Ir finn, f ,n forir lm prnvetitenW mil In : p u.e $-".o. coat $;oi. $l3ov caao 315 u.- h bttg. .l tin 1 X -!. M 2-arory ucxIts houae. ce"nt I w-it. furouo. near carat . 1-ta Nortik. 1 S ; e. lrnK, V W ToK;i,EK. PVrlerk ride ,S I aaw bungalow a. one at 7ttt arvd st. On at No. 1-4 ftdd ae. At- liactl-e price and Uimx Gaow C Howard, liam. er om. A KIM'E mr boon far beat rat- I d-r ti ft;jttrii-t: IT.rtir md-eti . flntn;.! I i nru-urufHr"!. AO agOLS aad CaL 1 r iriai 1 1 J Al.Mi A T aaw 5-rv Wynr, t rt hat. r e !. only 4 : lnw M.u lW. I r-n-a t'iernrr of t.omnf fe. tH iLFi A smJ 5-rorn hue ia Sun-I tivVi. Da;f ca.a. bia n--- Uniu. Owner, I la Aiier or i rwr 4 I: -t ciftrm l't Stat-n, betwwea Kr- I dv mrt'i t niunin-ui s.vfu. muirt s iii.nffn. rom A i-t. )v k ALE by orre. a ti.- -fr-ronm an- siiow rit undaJr ar avaalnga, lull K. IJrPl St. or' fl. $J I 5 R- m n And f rati, hard aurfa atrt. b-f l,o- k to ear. mK 11 payment W ILL lake Tar -M aa fftrt -MymenC I n hunga!ow. ianc lke rent. Jhnern- I rl"" ' o. North wtern Bank Mrtg. t.W h"-". Port. and bouesrd. bet. Kiea and ft. Jni ariae; wua Water, i. v 1 .T ki ' r.vt y. iu v i; TM5 f V. A'NS .NLIUA LtX A CO. N. w. HtNK IPLImV )UTTHHN-. r!-TKIiT. OkwI S-! ri bom, tot af fruit. Term. Tabor i ft IS.T.N HO !.-'". P T. FTPrr-f IRV. AO EST. tfoiwcaiew. fkn-e. aw-I r. g.itM: miM wa-r. Ml Ket tifeth N. f.ltMr mo-lTn nar Jf,r,n '.gb.l '-r s , ea- i-fita none Tihnr K H fil.l1 - -roai modern buns alow. Urge I S'.A P A R ' A I V 3.-r-m md-rn bungalow r- r fr. -tir fe v . fTet .. lKt I.H'iTOV- -g .r l?th and Knott, , rm,, (. r-rh; -np I.. T t"r-'t. at a bargaia. AO $. Oraniaa. Kor t KITTKK. L.WK aV Co. Aaaortiaciit of Houee irgalnit. $14UO ruad buoifalow eleic-otly lurnUbcd, Uriti lot. eat bOe. IIA00 4tiro u-ruuiD bungalow, WooU- aioc-K carllne; ay tTina. lO0 Cium in fcvat feida w-room houaa; . ey term. $1.00 o tmi. c.oao in. WavarUlith Hrijthta, 'J btorka to rmr ; all atret Improve mania In and paid for. Ky terma. f 1 00 J r k . 8 -root n houaa, lot lOllxlOO, ti. and Hoyt ata. 1 50 -roo m boiuw. very well built ont biok Kenton otr. 150 Weil-built (t-rooiu houaa. Jot IOOtc J'H. cntrai Al ttidc, oao block to car. $15006 rooma. fairly modern, lot 6'otlDO. and itarajte. 2 blovAa to acuool hi block to r. $2O00-- -room n4Hlern house, coroer lot, Wfcvorlaiii ticlaThu. , $000 5-roorn ct(, lot WtH.l. clear of tncumbraow, irult trafa. Kiy lerma. room, el. built houae: nlc frtilt traea and berrieo: one block to cur. i'anltaui. (iimrkt. Will trade for Itoao Cltv Park btwsaiow auil aa ona roortMKo. f -J00 ft-nwrn tnoiern houae and jraraffe, Woo-liawQ aiatriot; daar of locum brmni'e. A30O o -room modern bungalow. Waver l"Hih lfethc: ok- bwn. f 000 W Ubutit o-rmiti moilvrn bun rnw. a iwat Kvralt airoaU y torma. $-500 8-room modern houae. Dlviaton at.. all oirwet improvemanta in and paid for. Kohv tor aria. $2900 room bunaalow, alaeptny porrh. f Irr piw-e. hardwood floor, Waver leiRu Helgb:a; all lmproni4iUt in , and paid. ymy terma. 9 .N oa t 6 -room raodrn bungalow. Kom t'Hy Park, cloe to achool and rluhhouae, 4 blocks to cur. Kjjy term. $3000 Itrre 7 -room houae, Larvboe street, lot fiOxKiO; .barn. $3000 A-roorn bunicalnw. well-built, near STta and Clinton, Vary aaay terma, $30006 -room houae, well roniitructd, Kaat Htark aireet; good borne for l;rge family. Trnia. $3000 7 -room modern boueej. all street Improvamenta In. fruit treea and ruaee: ftaa range, wood range, beaar. linoleum on kitchen floor and U ahadea Included. Nice lo cation In Haw thorite dUiricU 3 blocks to car. &ome teruuk $30006 rooms, modern bungalow. Alberta o strict, one block to car. a tree t im prove m a ta la and paid. Terms $"00 .Modern 5-room bungalow, central -t Mde. corner lot. oo blocA to m car. Terma. $J00 o-roont bungalow, modern from A to Koe City i'axk. blocka to arhool. Termtt. $3500 B-riKm mwirro bungalow, Waver- lelgh HflghtA. 4300 Iarxe b-roorn houne with large ground. ftrplaee. eentral st bide, . "uttahte for large family. $ 3 n00 A - r rn. I'-etory mod-rn houae, fine locatKa Kom Cay Park, 4a blocA lo car. $3760 - MrU-ily niodern 8-room bungalow, beat part of Hoe City Park. Very attractive place, oua block, to car. lrm. j $4000 10-rxm houae. well built, sleeping pori-h. "full cement bueinent and i u r n a re. All t ree t 1 1 n iro e me 11 1 s In and paid; 2 biocka to car and achool. $1000 -riKini house and garage, built-in convenience. 1, plonks to cax, rloae Iq Kaat Fide. Trma. 4400 - room modern bunga tow. corner lt. atreH tmprovcinenta all In and paid: one Mock liawtborne oar; nlrcly loated. $4300 Ooot liMMtion, West Hide, 6-room iitt yood fmlahad attic, on car lin. lvy term. $490- Modern -mory well-built houae, hat part of Koae City Park. Term. MSOO PranU new bungalow, modi rn front A to y.. and g'tragr. .Never ben occup-d: 2 bloc from car, Ala m(4 diatrli-t. 3000 1 room, aieeplnc porr-h, fireplace. f till tenient tMjM'meni. turua.ee. Kat Aah street. No city lien. 30vV Floe borne In beat part of luirel- hurt. strictly uvlrrn, 8 Urge rMnia and garage. Very attractive ! p ! This t.-. only a partial lut. If pone of theae auit, we hae others that will. We ,w" nave pwiureg or in wet of mae Jjoua. n aee wbat wo have. W Arrlner. U A. RITTKR. LOWR A CO., . ?3-3-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. T. JOHNS DISTRICT. $1300 win buy 4-rm. bungalow, bath, - licht. Dutch kitchen, rement foundation, baiaement; term. d ranh. De paw i.. near o,n st.. 2 biocis from car. $14.'ni buvs brand new f.-rm. houae with tn-ui era plumbing. ele. light fixtures, dirt ce.,r. rement wak pail ior. tajiy t-rmn. lnl M rum St., lfa blk. from St. Johns, cr on iawon at., j b.ks from J'enluaula niphuKd.ng plant. J-in will buy S-rm. house. Willamette blvd., nr Fenda at.; carilne; u rooms firt floor. '2 rooms In basement, bath; 1 b minute walk to shlpvarda I VJ..4i will tKiy b rooms, bath, gas and teetrlctiy. cement basement. ht IoOxIimi. hnpertor st. near Wail at., 1 block from war. "l ei m. .' cah. bai. per cut. UoPDAKP A WIBHKICK. 3 Stark St. , 130 iVw.N $JJ PER MONTH. Will buy this 7 -roorn houae. bun rn low type, at "-5 7th at. No. C M .-V. carhne.) : The prlca Is $'430. which is just 4 las I nan ua aciuai cost a years ago. lou wilt find It nn attractive modern home In a good neighborhood. The room ara good sue and the houe well built. The living-i room has fireplace and bullf-tn book-1 rases, the dining-room baa built-in buf fat: Dutch kitchen with plenty of cup board spore. nu den and 3 pluasant hed rooina. The view from the houae ts com manding. The lot is futxioo. with plenty of adjoining lots for war garden. This is1 an opportunity at the price and terms. Maclnnea, 210 Oregou bkig. Phono Bruad- wy A KEAL BAHRAIN Roomy, convenient. excptional.y nice Koae City Park bunga low. A rooms and bath, buffet, full length mirrors, Dutch kit then, hardwood floors. I cemeut baaement, tut, furnace. All imxl- rn con n leucea T h rooms ar larger than nioat bunsaows and tha p. an xe; lent. Law n. f .owerm. avery thing in good ahap. Huiit ftr permanent home. Owner, my friend, now In (na Eaat. i'rica $.l5oi, rah. No agents; no trades. AG 27, rrgonian. J-FLAT BARGAIN WEST SIDE. Widow, very anxious to sell hr 2-flat bniidiujr. la first-class condition. 6 rooms, batn. gas on each floor, iarge attic, base ment; lot 7ilmi; location near Columbia and 14th at.: price raduocd from statou to $42-. formerly rented at $50 per month; I 1 fiat pw vti.nl sitd oaar occupies the other. Terms $luou-cash. baauca 6 per ct nt. M-DDARD A VIEPRTnC. g4 Ptark Pt. " -2UHM HOUSE. $1600. NOT A -HACK. Tan would think so to look at he I prRa. but this la a houaa that is in the! beet oc ooaiiiion insitie a on oui : rooms i down. 2 up aud trunkroom. nice bat h etwtrir lights. 4'Uloo. all improvement- vaid. 2W biocka to carline on th st. I will take as hw aa 44ni down. bal. $16 per month. Aak for Mr. T nomas, 33. Chamber of Consneroa bldg. 1-uKTlANO HEIGHTS KXCLUSIVBLT. I liv on Port .and Heights, know the district thoroughly, and hate a'l kinds of h nice and lo for aula. It will b K'LK INlfciKKT to commit me If you WWO to buy. aa 1 HAVE THK HA KoAIN S. Kv-ry one of my cuaiomvra i no axcep troua j Is satisfied and is a reference for a. i;kcm i.. 41 Montgomery ort. rtr. Kim su Mar. 4&J7. A e3tf. Call mornings. - KoSrfciTT PARK BUNGALOW S.r.taj. Attractive living and dining roo ma hardwood floors. built-in affects, fire place. U bedrtua downstairs, good sleep ing porch and alt to upatalrv, cement tutaatnent. fwmuoa and wash trnys; aat irvot. tine kH-tKn: $to cAh will bandia. Ll t-DDMANN COMPANY. VU t'hmnlier cf Commerce. A KfcAL CHEAP HOME. $1400 WIT1 bur very cmv bungalow of 4 rooma on nnt floor. 2 peurooma and bat h an second f.oor. otBitnt bavemeat. laun dry; lot 4oilmr to a. ley: barn, garage. sptendid roDdtiHis inaiae. nut o paint' lac autaide: tarsus Khh caah, baoce eaay -:i i-th at. ( Iduitb WIF-DRTCK. ttt Ptark 8t. LVLRV WOMAN KNOWm. what a tirtom. w-ary Jb it Is to hnt Fi'R hou-- " are "stvetaltats" to rwsldcre properties. Juit out.lne your requirements to us and w aid enivor to iurnin just i - what ou want. Onr auto are at your d i -a I. Tn fr-'aa.ey-V tgara Co.. 270 hrk at. Vn 34:. MAiK"NA iilLU ftix-room bungalow, pew. ttonb'y ron tru'tad and well bul't. with modern ton vnl-nrt butlt In. fud baaement. near the Wi lankatta River; good . and a line location. Ca ' 1 even inaa K AKNSiKOJ trf Weat furtir. Wfwdlaww R4 TWO ON 5'tb at. In Roe City Park, a beauti ful borne, nearly new. offered at a aam- f I.-. A tc lutol V modern, fvraace. fireplace, herd wwod f loora and all -iiven ?- t ; f oo. L-t us show yva th la property. b Mr. Hmltb. CK A. MeKTNNA CO. tf-huOii MODFRN BLNOALOW. NonrtVn(. very anWa'to sell bis (Lrm. bungalow, on K. at : bae-aent, modrn piumhing. ctneit adewa.ka. at. grade-1. bonded rnprremft paid. Terwta OultpAKO A WlKit K. 243 Mark t. ROOM houae. Tkt t"f-T5. waterfront hm at Kot-k S our Sia . oa tha 8. P. river line. 'nil and f o r N rwky be h. V n.- SWHMl. Ttiti Sea lr. Randall. Kmr're lneetment Co 41 Bd. Of Trade. HOl lV iltkaj Koitttr and T-rrwtm hmtaa- near Hlah N hool. phone Ufltn. t'aia. il 'I I fiT wvr. I.OtV PAre.TrirK. h lrM; ropt over HM, rl f.r $4ai; eay lersaa Neubaawea as Co N. W. .Bank bldg. 3 - REAL TATB. oc ral -lloo MOVR TV AT ONCE SjtJw -iiOat: CITY PAKK Located In the hoart of the district. wtih oua of the finest views ou tue iast bide. This Is a bargain r Think of It! Homes are acaroe. All rooms newly tinted and enameled and all floors rvfiniaUed. -wfir's plans changed aUler WiM atartad, theieXore your gain Sx fine rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood xioor m living and timing room. built-in buffet, f ireplnre, hookcHf, lrice rear norvu truii widtn ot iiouhv). witn very fine vlww . - Ou imvd atreet. only 2 nio-Ks irom cur; bondel aattsiiitnta on ly 14U to be naeumed. Term, f 1mmi caeu. J. U HAKTMAN C MPA N Y.Nu. 7 Clmm- ber of Couituwtca bid. Maiu A -u. rwuv w rooms, modern and up to date in every respect; located In U rove. and 'ark. $2500 o rooms and finished room and slpng porch on second floor. The house -today could not be rvpln-Kl fr I'-sa titan fl'MH). 12. 4"th, near Hawthorne v. $2330 A fine up-to-date B-room himjralow, with Iht-ko attic and lot tH)xlM, on -:th. ne.tr Alberta street; attrac tive teems. $1873 Modern 3-room bungalow, located at W1 Kast Kelly m ree t ; To ts 5 k. 1O0. All street aaaesrimonts paid. The house could not be reproduced for loes than $-.oo. if iuteccjied, ste the pUce at utice. J. T.. KAKNOI'P, Ky. Kxch. Pldp. 1J100 A BBAUTIKVIj little 6-room bunisa low located neur Franklin Hfwh bVhonl; has furnace and buUt-iti features: la rue lot with chickun house. We can cll It for $ i.'0o cash and rt month. We have a fw small bung lows that we can sell on $l"0 down and $'-'0 per month. Jf you are tired of paying rent, come and see us. ee Mr. Ullier wjui A. O. TEEPE CO., 2B4 Stark Street. Mnln nr.lflL Sl'NUAV, PHONE TABOR 8Jfi. $2KI ROPR CTTT BlT.ALOW 2"0. 5 verv elaborate rooms, fireplace, oak floors, best bas't in city; never saw better planned houe: practically new; former owner paid S430O: Hens pd.: bk. car. near tid and bandy; $-400 cash; yours fur mtait and value complote. 0 FRANK L, McOUIRE, Ablngton bid. KMHK CITY I'AP.K PER MY NEW m.r.AUW- PAVED STREET PAID IN FULL Open today, first hue south of R. C. rarline on 5d t. fa:iug wet. ti dandy roouta all pn one floor. A real tdepintf porch. All kinds of wall iu:e and built- in efiect. aImo attic. Come see it. utnr; Ioodwood. owner and builder, evenings lhone HrosdwHy 1tm a $MM RiVHK CITY PAHK DOWN. $J3 MONTH niinvuinw vn u can move In at on. room. lirvplHce. Iu;tch kitchen, hard wood floors In ii room 4 Fronch doors be un r.L..i. Kuiii-in butleU full base in ii biufiflrv iravn. fOxlOO-foot lot. J 1 11 A HTM A V COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg4 4tU and fcuirk Main 2tN. a ifiMO. iN KA.sT -21UI North. In Irvlngmn. modern every way. largo hving-room. diiiiiiK-room and kitchen fust floor. 4 bedrooms and bi.ih Mrnnd floor. 2 bedrooms and bai li third floor, full-size concrete basement fnrtiMce. Iron ce. garage, naiaw o floors, all improvements paid; $33ud. Terms. Ch be sHn tolny. .1. t.'OKBlN COMPANY, 35 Lewis Bldg. kitfK CITY PARK j:t50. $ ?r,.".t Beautiful 5-room bungalow, with hardwood f loots, fireplace, etc. r ae e;ti. Kautiful lawn and flowers: a wonderful buy. Can be handled on terms. Glad to how this any time. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2l Ptsrk tstn-et. Main .1516. 1DAY. I'HONE TAPOK h'M. ruAMXI mTTAfiK. SI ''Off: J0O CASH ;od fi-rtmin cottage, both. etc. puved mII raid : on Mallnry a e.. near w f-ioce tn and irood location, between loP.ui and 111m HIP H ve. citrlllies. Prica ftluo, -mi rash and $1" Pr moiitlu Oltl'SM A: DOWNEY. 516 Bord of Trade, Main 7452. A-HOOM eosy home. 10 mlnutetj ridw from Konth Portland shinards; city waior and gas; price, including wood riKc, g.j range and wood. "i73. -'ost me ovc $ 1 1m), I am going on a fjrm March I mux aell thi week: need 3HJ cash, bal in(u can stand. Mr. Atchison. -UA Piatt bldg. will show you the place. HAWTHORNE BCNtJALOW. A amall imntetit in cati. bal. easy monthly psvmants and you own this rhoir, t-roorn house and Mixlro laH. . A real bar gain in a nice diftflot: only Jto. A H. KIRREW. t.ti., -IT Northwestern Hank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS GOOD HOMES for Uttlo money are getting sea rc . Be 1 1 er I ook this up Monday. Dandy 4-room bungalow, modern, nar school and car, lots 10xl00, fruit tres. chbken-houses. place all fenced. fr $ loo- $ jihi cash, balance $15 a month. Call 4H Piatt bldg". FOR SALE I will sacrifice my i-room modem bungalow, located In restricted district, close to high school and library, that cost $Cmk. for $:mm; will rtMiuire t.UfOQ caih; will take balance In trade for 6 or tt-room bungalow and will assume a small amount. Y 3, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, with attic, flreplnr. good hasemeiit, parage: street puved; everything- lnd; for $280", cash $ood, bu la lice terms. ;oiiIARD A WTEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. ST. JOHNS HOME SNAPS. Peverul good homes. 5 and rooms, at nap prices, from 12m to $H50ii. easy terms. See us Tor at. u prupm t;RUSSl & DOWNEY. 8lri Hoard of Trade Bldg. ooxioo CORNER, walking distance, 1 block from Hawthorne ave., containing a good i . t-M m iioiwe and almost new 2-flnt bd all rented. Price $70'H; terms. Impossi ble to duplicate bldga at price o,uotd. Phone r. avu BUY YOUR HOME NOW. As rents 1ncrea owners ARE LESS ANXIOUS TO SELL. HO davs will see lens burgins. FMITH-WAGONER CO., SToOK EX. Ml DEKN bungalow ,Hra Is your chance to buy a modurn 6-room bungalow, 5ojo i..r ajTr.o- tout the owner S40ou. i Vanduyn. 613 Chamber Commerce. Main iHfto. KiWC CITY PAFtK. - R E. corner 51th and Sandy blvd., 5 room. modern, new bungalow. See ths one todav. Unlocked all day. Terma. Owner and builder. Tabor 54a3. HOSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, coet over $4ihm). will sell for $2lH: hardwood floors, furnaoe, fireplace, part rimsnea tiostatrs. SimO cash, balance to suit; can be aen by appointment. Cn 11 M UEAL home near Franklin High School, modern 6-room bungalow ; ceme-nt bae mrnt, furnaoe. lOtixI'Hi corner lot, garden, fruit. roea, shrubbery; one block to oar. Ke owner. 3727 54th st. S. E. FOR MODERN T-R. BUNG A iOW. 4150 down, 20 per month, near 6o id and Chaan: worth double, ftr. i l. HADLEY. 404 N. W. HANK BLDG. GOOD houaa on looxlOO lot, heart of city Vancouver, Wash.; ateam beat, gas: at sacrifice. W. ti. Johnson, owner, i'on lar.d, ir. Route A, box 24u. FOR RALE 7-room houae. 300loo lot: fine garden and fruit; Portsmouth Add.; a good home; ; handles this. M. li-H.-cker. 4ol McKay bldg. $1 iiat 4-Itrn")M modem .bungalow, bath. tauten aiicnen. ouui-m i m vvi. lot. Fruit and berries. sy terma Rum mU A Kummell, 274 Htark su $50 CASH and $7.50 a month will buy my weil-fult --room iiiuck anu boom jot in lt. Scott district. owner, 4o4 Piatt bldg. BEAUTIFUL Rum City bungalow, strictly modern. f:t-Hi, easy terms., jtumiueu Kummm, 274 Stark St. FoR SALE Two 7-room houeen, Kaat Sine; J4x 1L each: on terms: rare chance. Ap pir to 41 Panama bldg. P. Wilhetm. "A UK Sunnide. i-room bunsaiow. $21 0. urn) doan. bal. to suit; a big snap. 127 Belmont. Phone Tabor 2l! liiKM bungainw, g.-trage. corner lot: Koee Cfv line; na; $1675. including 150 feet si de w a.k. Tabor I144. OWNER must a-ll Urge house, on-ft cor- ner. worth fsi. niouern Stumti ranh or small Irhsutna property, Columbia 11 CHEAP FOR CASH 8-room modern house oa Hawthorne ave.. Ith garage, ail im proTtmtnu paid. Owner, Tabor 8US. Tf swthome special bargains. 6-r. bungaiow tcor. lot), i'h.mj. ?-r. buugaiow Mll-ide lot I, -HMI. Main 4U.li. FoH HALF 5-room mod-i a noue In Van couver. WaahH 1'il-ft. alley In back, close In. laig fruit trees. Kaat 2 I'M. .-inhi ft rm. arit-tlr h'lnralow, $15u cash; near hast "itn and Aiberia, FRANK I. M GUIRK. Ablngton Rdg. FOR SE and lot for aale; lot liH, S 1 04KI Beck- tako V. For particulars call C J. man. 712 Sherritt t. owner, nearly ew modern, vet y ilirn c- FOR tlva B-toom bungaiow; gomi district e--'00, terms A K 24, tregoi)ian. IRVIN'GTON" home, corner, fitriotly modern. FOR gTiMHJ. r . Aannuyu, t cn"niber oom mcrce. Mnln 11-m. a.-)l ITY for rt: Mt. Scott district; no rommia-ion. Tnror x-ii KHN bungalow, st bsnraln. l.l..; lb.n. lo; A mold ?t.. on ner. KiH - VI rottR. -b lot. West Side, U'O In, $loo. iouuirs iau iota st. for bale ti-K. MOD. bungalow; sleeping porch, fur nace, neat, clean, up to date; HauLborae district; $:i5uu. terms. 7-K.. mod., uew bunxalow, choice loca tion: Hawthorne dlstriot; $4o00: terms. 7-K, houae. good repair; Olenn ve., biocka Hawthorne; SJ4UO; term. J 0-K. iioue, colonial style; gnraKf, lOOx 3 oti. walking distance, block Hawthorne; worth $lb,uu0; price $10.uuU; terms. 6- K. house. lot luux Ml; sidewalks, graded street; $1500,. terms. r-K.. new bunRalow, modern, 3 lots, Jiear car. J4(Mt; .oo cash. bal. $13 month. 5- H. mod. cotUKe, good repajr; Uh Ouk. 30u; pric $15uo, S.uO caali, -bal. morteTae. fi-It. cot ta ice. paved street. $1700; $100 canh. $13 month. 6- K. modern house, new, good location, near car. Alberta; $230n; terms; snap. K-R. modern house, full (baiaraeiit, fur nace, firepiace, iu good condition and lo cation; elegant shrubbery; JST'xlliT. fruit, ch oii ilowers ; value $u0OU ; price :t7.'o; terms. H. M. ;atkwood A CO., 1rH 4th et. $3000 FOR $17.-0. 6-ROOM HOME. WAJLKJNO DIS- , TANCE. 30x100 lot on East 9th. near fltark. Properties In vicinity sold f.r HO.Ooo pr loL Better look Into this. it won't last. Only part FRANK L, MrOUTRE, ABINGT0N BLDG. lOGi 8d tu Main 1068. FURECiOL'RE properties for sale cheap aud on eay terms. ISO cominiasions. 4 roo m s. ba i h, hard wood floors, L. J oh ns carilne. Price $16O0. 4 rooms, bath, woodshed. Alberta carltne. $litu. 6 rooms, hath, fruit trees. Wood lawn, $R.'00. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, St. Johns car, 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park. J2;t73. o-rooin bungalow, Brooklyn car, -iio. 9 rooms, i; -story, Brooklyn car. S-TuO. 4 rooms, bath, nice grounds. 1 1173 SL Johns car. H. E. NOBLE. Lumbermern BIdg. WHY NOTBLTILD ? Get an artistic home according to yonr own -Ideas by responsible firm. Prices are some higher than nojuial, but they will not be lower for eome years. We design end buLjd residence, apartment, anytUi-Uf at to finance wrnie it oentrea. L,. R. BAIUEY, INC., Contracting Architects. 924 Northwestern Bank bid 8". IT MUST SELL OK TRADE. Rose City home sacrificed, price cut clear to the core, owner's position changed to Detroit permanently; must sell fine home of 7 rooms, sleeping-porch, fully modern ; loflx loo grounds, fine garage, lawn rosea and sard en Price S4C5U. kuoO cash or take lot and some cash. Cive-1 land. Main 11S9. 2i'2 C. of C. bidg. NEWLY-MARRIED COUPLE. tV-room bunguiow, modern except heat. built-in conveniences. 1 bis is no snacK. built by day labor, double constructed, nice size rooms. Iru-cla,ss ztninu, iua cement i banement. wash trays, gas water heater. firHt-ciass plumbing, roaes. fruit, together j with furniture, ir you nave ou caan, au- I cinir; 41o E. 7Hth St. North. THIS merits investixation, I00 down. monthly payments like rent, will 1ve you possession of this attractive 4-room bnga low villi fireplace, full cement basement. ot 041x100, 2 blocks to Wood lawn cax. I Tic a $ltki0. clear of mortgage. See Mr. Oustalson, - U. S. MORTCAGE & 1NV. CO o7 Yeon Bids. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. f'JR.'io. 4 larce rooms, with built-in effects, hardwood floors, 1 1 replace, cement base nicui, furnat-e. art i tic architecture, gar ag1. 2 biocka from cars; iu excellent neighborhood, near 0th st. Street liens Paid. HADLEY. 401 N. W. BANK BLDG. blX-ROOM bungaIow--VYlll give a big bar pain, 1 lot. cottnge and garage for 4-500. P40 East Sherman, st. Take Richmond car to 32rt street, walk 3 bio oka east. Small payment and easy terms. Owner I will be at the house Saturday and Sun day Hfternoous. P. O. Box tilftf. New berg, Oregon. MODERN bungalow. Rose City, and 100x120, corner h.ndy blvd. Modern auburban home. 178x100. garage. pouury-house. bearing fruit. bnoaU pay ment, good terms. 7-room bungalow, 100x100 lot, Mllwau kle, Oregon. Good terms. GEO. MORSE. 315 CHAM. OF COM. FOR 4ALE by owner. 6-room, strictly mod-I ern liouso, lot loxliH), nice lawn, shruboery, I cioiioie garage; nouse rents lor 4U month; paved streets. 1 block of carline, new I addition, restricted, fine homes, best In the I city; can give terms; no agents. See this I ii ice noma beiore buying. u a , Ore gon la n. 7O0O WEST fclDE S7000. New y-nn. Dutch colonial; every mod-I ern convenience, garage, view; 15 minutes I on W car; exclusive district; goou I rental value; now much In demand; some I terma G. C. GOLDEN BERG (owner and builder) 414 Abington Hidg. f,rtr00 BIG BARGAIN $3500. Two-story7-room house, located on large lot in Laurelhurst, facing on two streets; street Improvements ot $700 all paid; hni,u In vi.ml i-nnHil inn 3 I a rrp luilrniinia and sleeping porch; a real pickup. st I 2thl. . A SNAP. Am going East, must sell this week. 80x100 with 6-room modern cottage, no I Incumbrance; price S14U0; cash, balance to suit. Call this P. M. or Monday. t717 f5th ave. 8. E. A REAL- bara-aln In a small house. 50xS. ft., lot, rosoa and small irult, plenty ot I garden space, near z canines, l oiock Irom Union ave., convenient to shipyards. Price $1500, terms if desired. Phone Ta bor 2tll. FOR SALE Molern Irvlngton 2-story, 6-room house, furnace and fireplace; elec-1 trie lights, nice yard. Paved streets and I cement walks. Ail improvements in and I paid for. Wlii sell cheap. Apply to owner, 2 Wulls Fargo bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE For larger place. modern 4-room bungalow, street improve ments all In and paid for, close to school and high achool, 15 minutes by streetcar to Broadway 'and Washington st. Address the owner, 106a . 7tn st. rortn. BV OWNER Near new house 4 blocks from Broadway, s apts.. always rented; all, separate; double basements: 2 bath and I toilets; modern In every way. These 10 rooms are partly furnished; JUmui will ha n d I e this. East 3003. N oar Williams ave. PIEDMONT Addition, 7-room modern, fire place, full cement basement, aleeping- porch, 1 block from carline, 3 blocks from I Jefforson High School: lot 62x1 Ot). Terms If desired, fbone owner, wood lawn .". VIEW PLACES. FINE LOCATIONS. West slop ML Tabor; one a 6-room i bungalow: swell place; the other a -two- story, six large rooms, sun porch; priced right, nearly new. j. .Haas. iekum oiag. ONE of the most beautiful homes in Ir- vington. This home has never been on the market before. Price H2.00O. m show by appoint Lent only. Call Marshall 230 1, mornings. FOR SALE Very fine, new. modern, bun galow, block from Sell wood carline. Lo price and easy ternis to rssponsihie pa rty. Auareas owner, jox x, oroat , Grove. Oregon. KNAP PUR CASH. 7-room, completely furnished honse and I 2 emend id comer lots jOOxloO; all mod-1 ern conveniences; right on carline; owner i leaving city. BP 20. Dragoman. 100 ACRES, 20 cult., good house, barn; 1501 beariug fruit trees: trout stream, 4 million I iet iw timber. mues irom roruanu, cioae to R, R. station; $00 per acre; haif canh. V 24. Oregonian. WE have the best bargains in bungalows and houses. For quick sale list your prop erty T40Jh US. V. S. MORTGAGE & INV, CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. BAOA IN Modern 6-roora house, bunga low lpe, furnished; clone in on good car line. Full basement and garage: furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, etc Eaat 4422, H DW4. J250UBUY3 ALBERTA . PICKUP, f it mi cash buys line 5-room bungalow, 75xlHi-foot lot. near car; fruit. HADLEY. 4o N. W. BANK BLDG. IU ;l SE in or near Ladd'a Addition, near Hawthorne, 4 bedrooms; must be bargain; might exchange smaller houae, with cash. Ov ne rs only. AF 2. Oregonia n. FoR SALE By owner, S-room houe. In Alameda Park, nearly new, near carline. Address owner, 1376 Ferry st,, Eugene. Oregon. SUNNI SIDE. FOR SAL. fAonn, very nice, modern, 6-room house. completely furnished, nest part frunnysiue a map. H. H. Staub. Hc7 Belmont. $1300 BUYS 6-ROOM HOUSE. S2oo down, $20 per month, semi-mod or n; cement a alks. near hard road. HADLEY. 404 N. W. BANK BLDG. , MODERN rmme, oak floors, furnace, f Ire- p 1 ace. two ia v at ones, l wo xo 11 e t s. ga ra gv alley-street paved, close in; must sell. BD 9 lit. Oregonian. SALE By owner, 3 modern a-room rroues on jf reei 01 -crouna; are rented to good tenants; will sell reasonable, aa I have to move. Phone Woodlawn. 2654. FOR SALE By owae-r, 5-mnrn bungalow. lot fttixino. m tne tiawrnome District, on Linco'n street, close to 30th st. Phone Ta bor 3447. South Portland to buy. sell or -exchange se John Singer, exclusive dealer in South Portland property, 417 Chamber of Com- 5-ROOM cottage at 261 S E. 4fith: 7-room hoiuf at 22 bKinmore at, fee owner, bis Ptttock b'k. 7 - 4-iiOM bouse, cloae to AnHbe, lot 5ix J r Coiuuorca blda.J t 100. Hob us. 410 cnamoer RKAL ESTATE. ttr Sale Houses. MOVE IN" TOMORROW BIG SACRIFICE 80X1 00-FOOT LOT Sacrificed at the price it would cost you to build regardless of ground and atreet improvemeutd. AXL IMPROVEMENTS PAID JN FULI Tillamook street: 7 -room bungalow, 5 big rooms on one floor, hardwood floors In 4 rooms, linoleum in kitchen and bath. Built-in buffet across entire end of dining room, concrete iorcu floor, full deep base ment, plate glass window, window acreens. Price, $4;"o0, worth $doU0. Terms. $ltMifi cash', balance mortgage. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce "bldg.( Main i!08, A liUoM. For appointment today phone Tabor 5533. $1450 CASH. Large 5-room modern house, two more rooms can -bo finished on second floor; lull JJutch kitchen, wood lift, cooling clos et, etc, ; window shades, extra line .elec tric fixtures: large basement with laundry trays; ouxlon-ft. lot; this house could not be built today for Jess than b loc ks from Robe Ci Ly Park cax. N o trade, no agents. CALL. 31b CORBETT BLDG. $31 00 BEAUTIFUL 6-rooin bui;alow, lo cated near outh st. aud Pandy blvd.. in Rose Ciiy Park; this bungalow is sLrictly modern ; hardwood, floors, fireplace, fur nace and faces easL All street work in and paid; you can buy this for fU0 oah and $J5 per mouth. If you want a snap see this at once. See Mr. Hitler with A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264-Stark Street. Main. 3516. SUNUAY. PHONE TABOR 8;3. move in tomorrow $:;250 rose city park $500 down. $25 month Corner 51st and Sandy blvd., $249 street improvements to be asnumed by pur chaser, house newly paintedjj in fine con dition, 3 bedrooms. Bleeping porch, hard wood floors in main rooms and hall, full cement basement. J. L. HART MAN COM PANY, No. T Chamber of Commerce bids, 4th and Stark. Main 208. A 2Q0. E. DAVIS ST. CORNER. In Hawthorne's First Add.; one of the I prettiest cornets in this nice residence I section, 50x100; both hard -surf ace streets I in and paid for; da-ncly little o-room house and room to build another house on the lot. Decidedly a. bargain at 3ooo; can xnaKe terms. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Hank Hidg. Marshall 4114. A 4 lib. $2"O0 Haw. 'RrNOALOW, 5 rm, FURNACE, FIREPLACE AND OA RAj E ; PAVING PD. ; MODERN, CLOSE IN; ABOUT $750 CASH. FRANK L. McUUIRE. Main lUGS. . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Here is one of the best urranged, fl-rpora bungalows we have had the opportunity or ahowutK. Hardwood floors, elegant lire place. bookcases, massive bullet, full cement lmentnr etr . b:irl-urf cn streets,- a good buv, $:250. terms. Seel Mr.. Bender at J. L. HAKTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I A BARGAIN in view this ad has for you. A well -but it, up-to-date bungalow, fur nace and fireplace. corneY lot 5oxlt0, east I or iaureinuret and west ot Mount labor. Close to douule car service. Only $-000, 1 .uu aowii, Balance UKe rent. See Mr. Gustafson, U. S. MORTGAGE Ai 1NV. CO. 007 Yeon Bldg. IRVJNGTON Beautiful modern home. 7 rooms, mahogany and white enamel , finish, Ward wood floors, plate glass win dows, fireplaces', tile bath, fine fur- j nace. laundry, attic; Dutch kitchen With every uunt-iu convenience: most iKsirabit location among fine homes. F. E. Bow man & Co., 21 :P Chamber of Commerce bldg. Maui so 20. 6-ROOM HOUSE. SNAP. Good tt-room house, doubly built and fine home, on E. loth st.. near Alberta ; cost owner S3to0. Don't live here and wants to sell at $2e00.' Any reasonable tonus. GRUSSI & DOWNEY, 310 Hoard of Trade. Main 7452. $2500. $2500. $2500. KOSjJS till PAK ts, 512 E. 4Hth St. N. Block north Sandy. Choice Location. Good 6-room house. cement basement, furnace, hath and fix tures. . BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. I own 5 modern 5-room bungalows. In Sunnyside, 2 on Milwaukie ave. and Holga-te, 1 Ih Alberta district; will sell -any one or them for $1000 less than cost. about $2000. J. W. GRUSSI, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 35U0 FOR 2 HOUSES West Side Clase in: Always rented. A mighty good buy for the present, also! a future investment. Located on nth st.. near College, paved street, improvements j all paid. J. Li. HAiil ilA.M vUMrA i 1 , I No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main I 2os, A 2O50. LAURELHURST home, very desirable loca lion. 8 rooms, modern in every way; fur- hace, fireplace, built-in conveniences, wash j trays in basement, paved streets; all as sessments paid; no incumbrance against I property; the best buy in Laurelhurst; will sell for $4750; must have $1000 cash See Mr. Atchison, 404 Piatt oiag. COM PLEiTELY FURNISHED. B-rm. bungaltw and garage, full cement basement, good plumbing, good lighting fixtures, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, double constructed and extra well built, without furniture $2500, with fitirnlture. $265. ODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ALAMEDA PARK fine, level lot, 50x100, all imorovements in and paid. 2-story room house, fireplace, full-size concrete basement, furnace, bath, electric lights, gas; $3000, terms $500 cash, balance like rent. Cun bo aeon today. J. C. CORB1N COMPANY. 305 Lewis Bldg. A NEW 5-room bungalow with den and breukfast-room, oa paved street, in Rose City Park, inlaid hardwood f loora. fire place, full cement basement, good fur nace, lawn and choice roses, garage; built for private home; terms. Call own er. Tabor 3obi. 100x100 AND 8-KOOM HOUSE. 200 CASH. BAL. $20 MONTH. -$1150 Streets graded, sidewalks in. Lots will be worth more than asked here. Good car services. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 6-HOOM bungalow, doubly constructed, pan- eed dining-room. Dutch kitchen, plas tered attic, full cement basement, laundry trays, electric lights, gas. screens, ce ment sidewalk: Peninsula district; a bar gain. Phone Woodlawn 233.i. " ROSMERE BARGAIN. 8 rooms-, fireplace, hardwood floors; city Hens all in and all paid; only $35on. This: place will be gone in less than a week; i look it un rlrht now. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FoR SALE 6-room modern bungalow. Rose Citv Park, fireplace, full cemeut abasement. Dutch kitchen and all built-in conven iences, 1 block from, carline. Call owner. Tabor 30S2. WEST SLOPE UT. TABOR. 5 rooms and attic, paved street: room for a-arage: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, artistic, complete; ouuu, terma W. H.ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. J1250 $100 CASH. IfiTH AND HOLMAN. Coxy plastered bungalow. 40x100 'lot, 4 blocks car; tu' morig. zoreciosea. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. MODERN seven-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; all modern conveniences; full basement; full side lot with garage; goou location on .ast eiue. AC 27. oregonian. $o-tr0 MODERN. 6 rooms, fireplace and furnsce, Hawthorne district, street im provements all in and paid; house alone would coat that much to build today. Phone owner. Tabor 4..t. CHOICE West Side home, view property worth $14,000; can sell for $8750. It's worth looking into at once. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 North western Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 1H. LA URELHURST $5500 takes an $8000 9 roqra bungalow on E. Burnside, near park ami clubhouse: hot-water heating system and modern throughout. Tabor S825. 23oA BUYS SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. 9 kh down, on Bel mon t. nea r 27th st ; hard -surface, dandy home, easy terms. BADLEY. 404 N. W. BANK BLDG. ' JFFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room bungalow, modern in detail; ortlv $?5on; A SNAP. XV H ROSS 1100 Northwestern "Bank Bldg. S4,oo b-ROOM house, sleeping porch, tile hath, white enamel, all modern conveni ences, -on E. 24tb, pear Hawthorne ave. AO 14. Oregonian. ROOMS- Alameda Park. $-f00: brand new, modern, up-to-date, 2 bathrooms and garage. Small payment own. balance to suit. I06 . L'Tth N. SALE B-i-oom modern house. Beau mont district, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, two toilets; wen built, comfort able place. Tabor 2."?0, owner. ACRE HOME. 100 DOWN. Dandy 4 -room house, outbuildings, fine soil ; on T-a sr.. mocKs car. T4ADLEY. 404' N. W. BANK "PLTX3. LACRELHl'RST New. up-to-date home, 7 large .rooms, sleeping porch and garage, excellent location. For price and terms ceo owner at 223 Henry bldg. $inon ROOM bungalow, 1 acre. $3750; Courtney Station; terms. AR 4, Oregonian. 4-ROOM bungalow, b terms, bail wood 13. y owuui bargain, easy REAL KSTATR. For bale Mouet. SPLENDID BARGAINS ON GOOD HOUSES. $4u00 7-room modern house, praciically new, with good basement, furnace. This houae has been built tor a home not jecuJati e proposition. Constructed of the very best material and by day work. Can be bought on reasonable payments. . It in clear of ail incumbrance; situated on uonni'tt at. $3000 7-room modem house on Rodney nve. near Russell st. $1000 cash, balance suitable; terms af 5 per cent. $1000 5-room modern house with full lot, pome truit, house in good condition, has cement basement. East 10th st, N. Can Je bought with $100 caph payment. $1700 5-room modern bungalow, prac tically new, with ground liioxloo; nice lot of fruit. $100 cash will handle it. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOMES ' MUST BE SOLD. Classiest interior in Portland; exclusive district; dee-lfghtful view-. Ten rooms; modern thruouu Cost over $10,000; viil sacrifice, ANOTHER Unsurpassed view. A home a prince would be proud to own. Furniture and furnishings included, if desired; sacrit i e. Union Sale Dep. 6c Tr. Co., 2bi Oak, Daring. "3Soo. $:;soo. BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONIAU Extra large livin-room w ith tiled fire place; white etiamt-l finish ; dining-room, kitchen and pantry. Second floor 3 bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Have you seen it? NEVER., as It has not been offered for sale before, find if you don't want it you are not looking- for a good home. This hs iu Roso CRy Park. See Battin with. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main ttNOO. MUST SACRIFICE My fine, modern residence, located in Port hind, in fine district, nice corner, paved street, east front, full concrete hn semen t, furnace, laundry trays, hard floors, fire place, sleeping porch, reception hall, large living--roo m, dimn?-room mid kitchen ou first floor, 4 huge bedrooms, bat h. etc., second floor; fine large attic, completely finished. Am n on -resident and must sell ttt once; will jnake big sacrifice. If in terested address J. Peaxce, 515 Wet StU t.. Vancouver, Wash. " ROSE CITY PARK. $"750 Heautiful 5-room ' bungalow, close in. Nearly new and in splendid con dition: built for and ocunied bv owner. Den, living and dining-rooms have inlaid oak floors; bedrooma, kitchen and breakfast-room "in white enamel ; full cement Basement, excellent furnace, garage. A. C. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark tit. Main 3510. Sunday Phone Tabor 3721. A BIG SNAP. NEAR ODDFELLOWS HOME. 2-story. 6-room plastered houte, besides small room for bathroom, full basement, with brick walls antl dirt floor, needs re7 pairing. Lot lflOxOo.57. Buy this at $Soo; terms $2fi0 cash, bal. $10 and 0 per cent int. monthly. Lor-alone worth about $7no; will cost about $100 for repairs, building will than be worth $200. OODDARD & WIEDKlClC. 213 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL home 4n Laurelliurst, 7 rooms I and sleeping torch. three firenlaces. finished in hardwood. At 1057 East Couch. Can be seen by anointment only. If you are looking for high -class property. which cau be obtained at less than cost we would be pleased to show you this offering. See Mr. Smith. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Two bungalows, both located handy to shipbuilding and railroad shops. Today you could- not begiu to build the house alone for anywhere near the money asked, these are real homes. If you have f.sno cash down 1 will do business. Price, $2750 each. Ask for Mr. Thomas, 332 Clmni- her of Commerce bldg. MODERX seven-room home with attic li lushed, practically new -and in line con dition ; splendid location in Laurel hurst ; this property can be had at a mucir lower nure tnan it v ould cost to construct It at the present time; liberal terms, o pi ine present nine; uoeriu ieiiu. u pei nt interest. I'h.,.,e Bdwy. yjMi Monday ck!1 at -nr. Fenoon .UIk. TAKE St. Johns car to Portland boulevard. walk two blocks east, -j south, 1340 Wil ber street 5 R. and sleeping porch, one bedroom, bath, toilet, lavatory downstairs, lavatory upstairs; house double construct ed; full basement, garage, chicken -house, and bearing fruit. Price $1750; $300 cash, balance 6 interest. Main 54"li. IX THE PI EDMONT DISTRICT. 3240 Cleveland ave.. an attractive 6-roora house with music alcove aud sewing-room. The rooms are all large and well lighted. Fuil basement with lurnaco. Price $o5oo (worth much more). Terms very -easy. It win pay you to investigate. acinnes, 210 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1058. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Own your owu, home in this exclusive section, 6 rooms, turnace, n rep lace, etc.. 50x1 15 lot, street improved and paid; 4000. See Mr. Smith. CO A. .JHrkKKNA Ot OO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOWS.. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. I have modern bungalows on St. Johns carline, Elberta district, Rose City, Haw thorue-distnct and other parts or tue city, cheap, and all kinds of terms. Dubois, 723 Cham. com. Alain t-i-i.i. BAVE client wanting good bungalow in Rose I City Park; price does not make so mucn difference. If you want quick action, list yours.- A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Nr. 3d.. M'ajnJSie $2000 STRICTLY modern 6-room house. 4 rooms on grouna iioor. i: noove. r me mkui i fixtures, nil built-lu conveniences : dandy kitchen; furnace, garage; lot ooxlOO; good! neighborhood ; 3 blocks to car. ee Irwin, 401 Board of Trade. GENUINE SNAP. $500 cash puts you in possesion of large I ground w itu ri it and t -room modern house if you assume $25o0. Property worth $4noo. Fucna, 4ao c. ot o. SMALL cottage; electric lights, gas; lot I 5bxl(M; sidewalk paved ; fruit treea; near j carline. Piedmont district: S1150; terms. I $iro down, $15 mo. 507 Williams, East I 3505. SNAP. 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, lnl rood location. E. 2oth et. N. Price, ::oo. $5oo cash, bal. ou ternis. Call 304 Oak st. - 'FOR SALE Cheap, good 6-room house: lot ooxiou: line location on Denver ave. paved street, electricity, sewer and city water furnished if desired. Call Ease 3002 for Information. NEW 6-room house, water, gas, electric lights. Lot looxaoo; close u car ana sehooL S200 cash, balance $10 per month. Price $1200. This is a enau. See HowolL I 401 Bourd of Trade. 11050 BUYS 6-rra. house on E. 13th St., near Ainowonn; tnis is a snap; owuea y i widow and must be sold at once. Phone J Sunday. East 3570. Phone on ice, ain 3531. WEST SIDE BARGAIN Elegant home, choice location, 860 Marshall, near ..ith. Owner going East, will sacrifice lor cah or consider some trade. Main e07b; Main 4070. ST. JOHNS 5-room modern brick bungalow on A large lots, with plenty or truit; walk ing distance of shipbuilding plants. Price j $2300. Empire Investment Co., 401 Board j of Trade. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, electric and ' gas I fixtures, all improvements; irult trees; l linoleum and carpets: located on Rodney I ave.; $23oO; terms. 507 WLitama ave. East 3505. UP-TO-DATE bungalow, built for a home in I one of Portland a choicest rusiaence dis tricts. Must be seen to oe appreciated. Very liberal terms. Cord Sengstake, 303 1 Wilcox bldg. $3250 MODERN 4.-room bungalow; Beau mont district. terms to sun purcnaser. F. H. V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Phone Marshall 625. FOR SALE S-room house, 2 lots, 100x100, locaied in South St. Johns; close to ship vard and other industries. Price $3fMM; terms. phone owner. Col. H7Q. C 2t4. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 34th and Iivi sWn: naved streets; garage. $400 cash. balance monthly. This is a bargain. Price I $1M00. See Howell, 401 Board UI Trade. $2250 MODERN 5-room bungalow on VI 1 laid ave., 2 biocka from St. Johns car. Terms to suit purchaser. F. H. V. An drews. 004 Piatt blug. Phone Mar. 6023. IRVIN'GTON "SHOW BUNGALOXV -Owner going South, will make quick sule. Beau tiful new draperies go with house. Eaat 304. Main K07S. $37."k) 2-STOUY, modern home, 6 rooma, Irvlngton district: terms to suit pur chaser. F. H. V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Tel. Marshall 6025. BA RG Al X COM FORTA RLE HOME. Ga rage, chicken -nouse, iuuxiuu. ..v.i Oekurn ave. Rented by month. Sell $3.00; terms. Inquire b33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main I07K. LAURELHURST SNAP Attractive, modern home. Iaurei hurst ave. Will sacrifice if sold now. 833 N. W. Hank bldg. Main 0?H. ONLY $2."iOd for $;io00 good 6-roomed housf. on corner lot 50x100 feeL Terms. AV 375, Oregonian. - : I TO 5-ROOM bungalow, full plumbing: lot 45x 1 10, comer, tlf.se in ; sL imp. paid : $2350, your terms. Rummell fe RummeM. f 1 2511 MODE HN '5-room bungalow, near car. Irvlngton Park, bargain, terms to suit. Ta,-. bor 8741. IRYT.VGTOV HOMES PEE OUR EXCLUS IVE LIST BEST BARGAIN'S. NEU HAUSEN & CO, H33 N. W. BANK BLDG. CVROOM" house, K. CTay. near E. 42d Ft.; epfv terms. r- h. v. Andrews 004 Piatt bldg. Plione Maihall 602.-,. 7-ROOM HorPE, S. W. corner E. 21at St. and Brooklyn. 730 Morgan bldg. KfATi KSTATK. Fur Sale HfMiHPH. SACRIFICE PRICES 5-room. nearly mod ern, jotm. Cash and terms. 0-room. nearly modern, $1,100, $200 cashl and terms. 2uu0, 7 -room modern, $200 cash an J terms; worth $:00o. 2 acres and 5-room house near car, $4250j $5O0 cash and terms. 7-rooiu modem and over an acre, on hard-surface aoid car line; $HH0, ujiU bal ance terms. ti-room house, 300x100,. cush and terms? $i:too. 5 rooms and " sleeping porcb, modem; lots looxHK); $3000, cash $500, balancs terms. 2 blocks to car. A. N. SEAKLE. i;-'4 E. GUsaa St Evenings, Tabor fvvsS. $r150 ROPE CITY PARK r BUSINESS SOLD OWNER LEAVINO CITY 5 good rooms, attic, garage, nice lawn, dandy location, only short block to the car., East front, hardwood floors in main rooms, furnace, paved street. Only small assess ment to be assumed, balance clear. $U,0 Will handle it. J. L. JiAKTMAX COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bld Main 20S, A 2050. PAIS lZ'A, ON INVESTMENT. Beautitul duplex house in Jrvinston, lo cated on a line corner lot. easilv w or Hi $lOOu, that 1 can sell for $5500; 2 spart rnents, one 5 'and one roomf ; hardwood! Uuors, fireplaces. 1 urn aces, hue iixtures, street improvements all included in this" price, investigate this at once. J, DE LA HUNT Y. Main 1700. Evouiugs Ease 2HS6 MFLTNOMAH st. bargain, between lot II and 2"th, 7-room modern house, lot OOxIno. Nice. Jin pe. airy rooms, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, toilets and bath. No incumbrance. Expensive modern honied surrounding. This place ONLY $52"0 Terms. See Mr. Gustafson. U. S. MORTGAGE : INV". CO., 007 Yeoa Bldg. TWO GOOD BARGAINS. 4-room modern plastered cot tsge. eler trie lights and gas. plumbing. Price $12mii terms $50 down, $12 per month, including interest. 6-room house, electric lights nnd gas plumbing; prico $1200; terms $loo down. $12 per mouth including interest. William Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Tabor 4014. CRA N"DAV E. HOUS E SNAP. Good ri-room house, corner lot, 50x100, on Grand ave. and tikidmore; owner toolf it over on mortgage; valuo $350u; will sell for $2000 ou any reasouablo terms; a big snap. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 310 Board of Trade. Mnln 74X2. A GOOD BUY. 2 lots, 5 -room bungalow, garage, etcj W oodstoc k, $ 1 7 50. Modern 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park. $3!5d. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO., 105-107 Park Street, Between Washington and Stark Stw. A WONDERFUL bargain in Irvington di. trict, 7-room up-to-date home, with ail built-in conveniences, on corner lot. ritixJoiL with garage. Cost owner $0000. Will scj lor $5000. See Mr. G u stof so n . U. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO.. 0U7 Yeon Bldg. BEST bargain money can buy in HawthorcA district, 2 houses, 6 and 7 rooms, lot 5u4 "HM. hard -surface street, close in. iicatf Hawthorne. Owner leaving tue city, sac rifice for quirk salo. $2mh each, vet A easy terms. Also have special bargains itl other localities. Maiu 2274. ti. B, Luaiall 400 Henry bldK. A FINE modern 7-room house, full ceinenl basement, doublo construction, with 1, J or 5 lots, ail join; fruit, berries, grapes. This is a beautiful home, located ha no 4 to shipyards and lumber mills. This pUui must be sold and will be sold at a bargain Phone Columbia 713. after 5 P. M. SNA P. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room modern house, completely fur nished. largo cement garage, near Albert.! carline; will accept part cash, balance firtl mortgage. Phone Woodlawn 3511, after 14 A. M. i : ; - , ttt , , j j TWO ot the best bmlt 6-room l.uneuluH " the HSthorne Hvenue dwtni-t. ouch nouse nrariy new a no im w many ..ui. . - in effects dear to a woman; cement walks and paved streets paid for; $2750, terms. Alain 4;4J or u aoor osj. c. v. a 414 Northwest Bank bldg. ; ESP EC I A L lTy well-built modern bungalow or finest comer in Mt. Tabor distrh-1; six rooms, bath, front and biick halls, large attic, paneled dining-room, sleep ing porch, hot-water heat, lull basemeuu cemented, lot and quarter of ground, 1 block from car. Owner, W 2, Oregonian. $4350 laureThurstbungalow. 2 blocks to car; rooms, garage, llnishcj In old ivory, living-room, dinlng-rooiuj kitchen, den and 2 bedrooms uo was lairs, sewing-room and 2 bedrooms' upstaiirs; 4 wonderful bargain. J. DELAHUNTY. Mam 1 700. Evenings East 20&0. $34 7 & SNAP, modern 5-room bungalow withi hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, larue basement, bathroom, sleeping porch, attiu aud all built-in conveniences: concieta garage: all in first-class cuudition. Owner. Sell wood 704. . HOUSE BARGAIN. "0Ox85 and very modern 7-room house walking distance. East Side, furnace, fire- Dlace. good view, -t.iuu. some ternis. L C. CLODFELTER, 12 W N. Second St, Broadway 2278. $1750 IN RESTRICTED DISTRICT, $ 6-roora bungalow, hardwood trimmings In living-rooms; you can't get a finer fin ished home at $1000 over this figure. SEE IT. 7711 C3d ave. S. E. Tabor 755Qj GLLSAN CARLINE. $1600 5 rooms, modern. 50x100, Jarg4 bnsement, garage, 40xl2u, two blocks froid cars di northeast slope of Mount Tauoio Terms $200 cash. t BADLEY, 4i4 N. W. BANK BLDG. , LAURELHURST. Before buyiug eisewhere obtain our Usl of exquisite homes tor sale on asy termil in Laurelhurst, the show place of Port- land: LAURELHURST CO., 3701b, 4itari4 st. Main 1700, A 1515 . LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Nearly new, modern, 6 rooms, with ga- rage in good location, near car; all street; improvements paid; $15u0 worth of hud mo hogany furuituro at a real bargain 1 t erms. No agents need appiy. East 2Q.bi LAURELHUKS f O w n er paid $0000. Se 1 1 for $4500. Terms $j00 cash, bal. to suil you; modern to the minute; 6 rooms, sleep ing porch and music room. Owner non4 resident. Let us show you a good home Barr, Main lib", C. of C. bldg. WE WANT HOUSES. Have customers waiting for cheap ani medium-priced homes; have sold 6 in Lu m h-vo i.tMt vours. We can sell 'em. BADLEY. 404 N. W. Bank. Mar. 5510. V. , , . . L r- n-ritmn nmriorn hnunl heatinc system, linoleum, In ex-i cellent condition, paved street, 3 blockl of good school, near Hawthorne cax. PricJ $2S00. Phone Tabor 5-105. 150 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $1950 Modern 6-room bungalow, built 2 yenr ago, cost $1H22, lot 40x100, cost $12h)j Main 4543 or Tabor 6032. Carl E. TultJj 414 Northwest Bank bldg. a.u ucvfiiT.fiW (JARAGE. S250O. $350 cash, bal. $25 mo.; liroplace, etc. 3 garage cost $200. Find lawn, roses anal garden; can highly recommend this. Ban Main 118;). 222 C. of C bldg. ROSE CITY, FULLY MODERN 7-room home. 4o0 east 54th at. North! will make easy terms or take good auti as part pay menu See this. Owner od premises. Vc;ttfnc of 15 rooms in Nob Hill dis- trict, suitable for furnished rooms, board4 inv or nrivate sanitarium; in f irst-class" coudition and good neighborhood; uiusO be sold. An. 64", -regoinan. bargain; modern 7-room houso near Jefferson High School, two block! to car. can unuai a v oi . Terms to suiu Simpson U neal Vlrl.V SMALL modern house, 27 Alberta, enamelei kitchen full basement, large porches, frutr) trees, roses, equity $700, will take $500, mtg. $7oo. AN 3.-. Oresonlan. BUNGALOW WITH FURNACE. $lSOO. lino down, $15 per month. 6 rooms. Buill in 2 blocks Kern Park. SOME BUii BADLEY, 404 N. W. BANK BLDG. BIG sacrifice, large, nearly new building, in fine neighborhood, 1072 Eaat Lincoln St.. suitable for lour iiau. owuw , xa. 025. t , , , . - FOR RENT, or sale, 4-room house: bath large lot 50xl5u, hen-house, raspberrie! and other berries; $o0 cash. $5 mo. renU 5320 100th st.. near 55th St., Lents. FOR SALE Modern 7-rom residence. gar4 nira. corner lot. IOiKIIj. fruit trees and berry bushes; no trade. Write 22iu E. dotH or call 701 L.. Vancouver. Wash. "MSOO SNAP. NEAR SHIPYARDS. $500 down. $15 per month, buys nice 5 room bungalow, 50x100. Stanton st. B A PLEj4Q4 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR SALE A 6-room bungalow, complete-i ly modorn, Westmoreland. Leaving cityj Call Setlwood 3Q3W. HUB BELL & SON, 1421 Sandy, oldest fimi ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good! house cheap. See us first. Tabor. 2161. settle e slate, good 5-room house airi lot, la mm. out "WA" car, $2ou0. termj Call fc.ast .'.mi. $2750 PLEASANT homo. 7-room houses fuifi cement basement, inixmu 101, uearmg truifl trees. R, C. car. 6S1 E. 75th st. North. IRVIN'GTON Modern 8-room residence, hot- water heat, steeping porch and garage; all a bargain. Call Main 1761. BEAUTIFUL 8-room modern house, yardj location ; 65x100. $4. "HI; 5x100. $5tMM3 value $7500. Terms. Phone S"11wood 1101 FOR SALE -.Five 2-rooin apartmnnt hou.su and 5 more rooms can b added by iittla expense. Owner, O &52, Oreguuuin.