THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 24, 1918. 5 PILL BASEBALL ASPECT BRIGHTER Camp Lewis May Put Club in League and Butte Man , Ready to Back Team. DECISION IS UP TO U. S. Nothing Can Be Done Vntll Govern. Btrnt D-rcldes to Allow Club Pot In Cantonment; Brown on Way to Butte to Arrange Things. FEATTLK. Wash.. Frb. IS. (Spe cial I Baseball In the Ferine Coast International Uicut la taking on a brighter aspect a a result of develop tnrnta or tha past couple of days. From President Btewett'a office comes tha announcement that an offer to 1 rlar. a ciub In Butt ha been cid from a Montana business man, while from Camp Lewis comea the re. port that Briatadlr-Gnenal Folta. resent head of the cantonment, la liemrttlr In favor of the plan whereby the P. C. I. U will a-tre the soldiers baseball at American Lake. White Cortland scribes are puttlnc I fi left-handed president on the pan for not rush In r thinr. Plewett de Iciares that the Camp Lewis affair Is the proposition which la holdinr the settlement of tha circuit back. Blewr- Iett Is dolne; his best to put a club In the cantonment, because he knows that 44.iv soldier at the ramp will go I lore war toward supporting the lesajoe. Hut the War Department of the old United States refuses to be Iruf-herf. and until a decision Is reached the Butte, Vancouver. Vh. and I Aberdeen matters cannot be acted lrn However, the word that Kolta I favors the American Lake affair and I the report that Charley Mullen Is busy I'tninsT up a club to represent the camp seeme to Indicate that chanrea for I plarinc over there are pretty rood I .ear Frank Is the gentleman who would like to finance a club In Butte. He states In a wire that he Is wllllns; to to ahead, and Bob Brown will talk business with htm aa soon as he ar- Irlvee In the Montana city. The Van couver magnate was redelerated to o lover tt Montana at a session 01 me owners last week, and ba will settle leffairs over there early this coming seek. Ducdale wt!l know In a few day who will pilot the Giants this Sprlnc. While Fill Leard has the InaMe track lor the Job, Pus: said today that he was con- Isiderlna three other men all Eastern ersfor the position. Frank Hoy I' I'l. k Kcaa and Joe Dunn, all bench nanaaer of the Middle West, ar (tie three mentioned. e e Tha showing that George Ingle makes aralnst Ales TramblLas when these two nifty ItrhtwelKhta tangle In Portland next week will be watched Ity Seattle fans. While Inale baa not hosed very recularly In this villas. his friends think ha la tha class of the I-i-pounder In this section, and many I expect htm to beat the fortiana cracK. Inele parks a hard punch, and with a fair amount of cleverness to back It up he la a hard man to beat. A strtnsT of 14 Hahtweishts win lur. pish the boxing attraction for Seattle .it Tuesday. With Chet Neff and Toon Ketchetl heading the card. Harry Anderson will box Mike Pete. Frankle Tucker will taka on Frank Pete. Jack Hartford boxes Stanley Trimble, and three other set-tos are I scheduled. The fistic followers were pleased with trie news that Al ommers. the Fort- land champion, will show his warts asaia here In the near future. Som- mers, aa well as bis stahle-mat. Muff Hronson. Is well liked here and thi Italia Ilka to see them work becsuse ihry are sure of a fight any time they I start. The eopetere figure Sommera will give Mick Kmc a touch time of It I when these two meet. but. knowing that Flanican's man Is a touch custo mer, most of the wise ones string with I the Australian to win over tha Fort land boy. The 1IT-1 sasen promisee to be 'he most disastrous In the history of nirer-ilty of Wae-hincton athletics. The football squad was kicked around rait Fall, and now the basketball qmn- -t Is getting hooked every tlm they how ther farrs on the floor. The lea.e with which the two Oregon teams -O. A. C. and Orecon beat the Sh uttle boy a was poison to I. of W. fol- J.owers. who were hoping that Hunt's l .tnletta would at least win a couple l ( games on their southern Invasion. ... A little skit that Is amusing Seattle --xln fan greatly le that which Jack ' eropy Is furnishing. The heavy- -veight who Is making his mark In the :-t is binT Introduced as "h ub- narlne Destroyer from Peattle." Ja-k err.psey has the earmarks of a rham- ion. but aa far as local fans know. I he blc fellow never sunk any tsubma- Ines around here. Prmpsey was in -cattle a few months ago looking for out, but as there were no heavy- leix.its In this section who wanted to 'ake him on. he left for other parts. LnJ now he le knocking 'em stiff back .art and railing himself from Seattle. As long as the bic fellow keep on tlnninr the fans np this way are keep- I'ng mum and acting; as thouch Jack I was a local favorite who Is the pride f the town. But they hope that the l.-.uhmarine destroyer will adopt soma Cher plsre when The starts taking I .hem on the chin. -VXCLKHS TO MKET WKDXESDAY MolcnotTiah Club to Be Fntertalncd ; Tackle lo He lla filed. The February meeting- of the Mult nomah Anglers' Club will be held on Wednesday evening In the main dining room of the free on building, corner Fifth and CHak streets, at 1. M. The entertainment committee has provided aon, etbmg unusual for this mretlne. The fishing tackle rsffle will also t-ik place, and the lucky members will carry - home some real classy tackle. Salmon fishing on the Willam ette will be the chief lopio for dis cussion. The membership drive la a big sue eas. and the scori to data will b an nounced at the meeting. .ra4 Harbor Plans SliootC ARKRPKKX. Wash.. Feb. rx Spe- rial. Many trap shooting activities re planner! for the -.pring by the rays Hsrbor Trsp Shooting Assoria ok. The club expects to get Into The t'rvgonlan tournament, and will hold arveral big prise shoots here this year. Plans for these arllvltlea will be out- 1 ned at the annual meeting of Ibe club o be held TiiedV night. TOO I. ATI! TO CLAIFT. I: :r.M room Iimi-. 2 h'ok frooi oo,l:-a carlia. gardea plot. Phoe M. ,0 111" iH .axl.i-; OH RKM 4 room furelslied 1, -.u- 1 1 4 gaa iAa. ) jVast, gt. i'UMiit too I. a tic to classify. 3IORTQACE LOANS. ' A m pi fund (or -rood city, farm and c(u loan. GEO. H. THOMAR :T Oak it, room 2. Ains worth bids- CRAWFORD. THE HAIR GROWER. FEMOVfcS THE UAXDRITT AND CROW 5 HAIR O.N BALD HEAU." St. hi M E IF Tot WANT OOOD HAIR. OFFICE. WAJH1NGTO.N ST.. T. NICHOLAS CAFETERIA RL1KJ. FOR SALE CHEAP Black bear rue. frijerator. cot and mattress. Perfection ell heater, overstuffed cot and Ferslan rover, rocker, library table and lamp. area. Tabor sou. 40 OR 120 acre at f 12 per acre, near Ya- ouina Hay and Newport: good agricultural land: will make fine ranch; on good road. a mllee rrora Oystervllie. Am going wsr. must sell: terms. W. Buxlay, 6-Vi Irving. Marshall la A TKR N I TT AND l'RGICAL HOcl'ITAL. 4. caaea taken care or for less than one.half usual charve: normal confinement caaea, Including drugs, dresa Ina. physlrtan a services. U weeks hos pital car. for f to. 1'hoo. Wdln. loo. luvi Williams ave. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new modem Dutch Colenlal home. 8 rooma strictly first-class through out, fireproof caraae: t.rma: iast lech and Hiantun: open for Inspection to day, owner, r.l k.. ATEI Neat, capable girl to do gen eral housework In small apartment for family of two: good home and good was. Apply between and s o'clock In afternoon at apartment M. Mrs. R- M. I'ooiy. Jr.. 7'K' levls St. IAI.OMAN who can meet profeaalonal and butm'Hman witn a good, equar proposi tion that is to tneir civantaae. 1 nis a reliable local firm. W' tnt salesmen w ho can deliver the goods. Call S to 11. Monday. 4JO northwestern Sana Diqg. WANT aomeone with small sawmill to cut l.o acres of second-growth limber Inte marketable product on sharea. What have you to offer T Paul hormaaa, Carlton. Or.. H. No. I. Boa as, JVK propoeltlon for agenta. eecure your territory oe.'ore someone gets It: now au tomatic knife and ariasors snsrpenec: big money, sample prepaid. $1. 213 Panama bl-lg . Portland. or. FoR PALE 30 a-res, fine soil, a acrca cul tivated, some fine timber, good roaua. near chares and schools, creek; price (I ijo, part cash, easy terms, ill Allsky Main lan-t. CLASMT. S-rootn house, fine lot ftoi ir0, on t.rand ave.: treea. ahrubs and roaes. ira- provements all In; h.f cash. a. J. big bargain at f 2ouO. Gelar. 417 Cham I amber of Commerce. WHY par rent, when you can buy a fur- nisned a-room nouae. piastsreo. eiectno llchts. ess- bath, toilet, ftonlou lot, for ll. iuu rash, balaace $li per month? 4ll Henry bldg. WOI'I.D like poeltlon aa housekeeper In m Mowers borne mlth children; am a good rook and housekeeper: also used to good surroundings, 4. crregonian. LADY, thoroughly experienced, would like to take charge of apt. or rooming-house; used to first-class aurroundinga. V 49, urrfinlan. WANTED A or e-roorn modern house In Albert distnct. caah or terms; must be cheap. IL W. Uaueareter. 4ul Graham ave. FOR EXCHANOE 1-room plaalered houa. ranted, on ML. Mcott carltn. for caah or lots in Rose City district. Phone Ta- bor .tA-. flO MONTH Deelrable front room, furnace neat, electric nanta. natn and pnon. near ahlpyarda. 10 mlnutea' walk to poatoflice. 41.1 w. Broadway. Fell tALE t-cond-hand :uxl2 lath. 8 H. t. vertical ateam enrlne. Bamea 4 laht. aio wood lathe; line condition. F S-V ureajonlan. RENTED my farm, a 111 sell span dapple grav geldings, weight IliO. with heavy breeching harnees. at a reasonable price. See bam man at -eJ lavla VvILL tranfer man who hauled baggage from 410 Park a. Thursday, sen. 4. can at above address after o'clock? Will pay reward. Very Important. . HOME BUYER ".ood a-room houae. cor- r lot. near Broadway carllne: price 7, 'Ho. terma 1 Z:A cash. C J. Geiser. 411 fhsmber of Commerce. 1 AM In the msrket for gold and platinum prnprtlee, undeveloped or producing. Interview addreaa BD 30. Oregonlan. LOT A red notebook' containing receipt for Junior Moose and liberty bond: re- ward. Phone Marshall Sia. PUR RENT 3 lovely unfurnished rooms. private entrance, adulta. lucl 21at. 1 t ween Wash, and Tsylor. Mar. 217 WANTED Thoroughly capable bookkeeper; must be quick and accurate, t w, Ore- r-inian. 1 LOWER rooms. 115 per month, bay win dow, connecting bath, gas range, tree phone and electric lights. 3!2 4th. A PKPKNRABMt lady will coach and teach children evenings during ps reals s nre; references. Msrshsll 340. TWO sic, large rooms, light housekeeping. furnished, rent si, call uus lorenooa. S 2d st. WANTED Girl for second work and assist with children. Apply mornings, 229 tor- nell rod. I'hon Marshall lsni. WANTED A night watchman who will janitor work; civ references snd expe- rtence. Art ores Ar :i.. cirgoman. WE HAVE buys for cheap and medium priced horses. W hst hav you lor sale? 211 Allsky bldg. Main 14B3. TO LOAN 10.000 or 1.1 000 at per rent. en improved city proper-. v. e. j, oeiser. 41T Chamber or commerce. WA NTEP Two lady solicitors, cleaning and dve works, Monday morning. 1028 Lnlon are. N. WILL buy Dictaphone: must be cheap and good order: give kind and price when an. weeing, ak -. c'regontan. H'H RENT 4U acre, driving distance of Portland: as acrea cultivated: good son; good roads. 211 Allsky bldg. Main 1498. FOR RENT or 5-room furnished ssart- ment on March 1. call after e ciock. ' Park St. FOR SALE I'HfAP Jhree- room houae boat. float ,aijo. at fulnnton. t.aal 4.-3. A FURNISHED bouse. rooms. 1574 Bel mont at. WFI.IJNGTON Marvel straa berry plants. Ic each. 421s 4tn ava n. i eeiiwood at4a Monk Y anted, fl&SO, modern res. Reed. Main 1)17 TAYI.OR On : i.nt : modern. and on 3-taom apart- home for boy, sg 10; pay part. t7l GiHL for conrctionery ; ftlv phone aum- 3a. Oregonlan. F1N thoroughbred Alre-laie male tap s. le. JTO Kast Msln St. llihiK'HKTKh bedprad. attractive price. rnone h 2.:r..T. 6-R110M bungalow. Roaa City Park: only 8-"-'-o. small payment down. East 1441. Fi'R SALE 2-H. P. gasoline engine and gsrege loola 1 I'M Sherlock bldg. I WISH a loan of flM: ran give the beat of security, ft 81, Oregonlan. LcrT 1 'oral brooch. Ionian. Reward. Return le S 38. Ore- FtR SALE Rhododendron plaots. 3 per dosen. c. o. d. Writ AR 51. Oregonlan. LARGE S reC room and kitchenette. 241 13th Portland HEIGHTS, beautiful A-room Hat. flreplare. view: 8.1V Msr. 4073. WANTED Te let contract Main 27-.T. to hew Ilea WANTED Janitor for apt. -house. East Gin 1. for . 2.M h. -rood work. fc2tl Kearney, near ONB good llnr- -n. steam-heated Hat. 1051 Last UN E new 2-room furnished ape; absolutely first rlaas In every rp-t: 83d. ' Main 65a. DELIVERY bnrar, harness and wagon. East list. East 6.1 er C 1540. Call ROOMS, new. modern, clean, com pletely furnished. 670 Mill, near Itelh. CHAMBERMAID wanted, lath and Washington. Hotel Ramapo, FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted. ston. 7d at h st. IS YOUR AD IN THIS COLUMN? e Next Saturday please remember that lh closing hour for want ada for Th Sunday Oregonlan Is 6 O'CLOCK P. M. TOO I .ATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR HALE 1300 l-rhair barber ahop and Dunninc: a live mvo; plenty ox worK ; 6oo men shipyard: account f health. 112 N. Jersey it at. Johns car. . J. JS. torr.r. I SAWMILL superintendent- wanta position In small mill; 13 years' experience In the mill "oon"l"v b"'t OI nU"nc- AB STRANGER In city. Just from East, wlshea poaitlon as housekeeper: competent: first- rlaaa cook; prefer widower's home. AB 64, oregonlan. WILL trade floe lot. East 80th and Rher- man sis., for good automobile valued around moo. F lo. Dragoman. ST. A.SDRKAHBKRU ROLLER, no chirp notes; aingi nig n is , uaauumi orange color. a .vo. aiorrison s t, A pi. at. A SACRIFICE (300 takes Studsbakar auto; tnorougn aeuoaairauon. aaat oioa. LIGHT, partly fur. flat, adults, references; aiuiu 'tiiiD qiatricu jig aa, vregonian. BROOD SOW and plga Mllwaukle 84 W. CLASSIFIED AD. RiTES DaUly ; Pee line. Owe Mme life Sanaa ad two eoaaecutlve time... ste eame ed laree censsceuve tUmea sue baune sa ots er sevea coiisacuuve tlmee.. laa above tmtea aouur te advertisement aaatae .w iouay ud atu etoes rlaeslflre eai, eacepi Ida following i aMtuatloaaa H aaled kale. Ml it I was Wanted eanala. r Keat Hooaaas t'rlt ate 1 amniea. lswaurd aed Havaa-I'm ate laaauias, Hwuaekeeplag Koem Private raualiea a ut aoo re cisaslfsraflons are 1 lies catch lauwrttos). i erruaw la adtertlaeaseata will rectal led by reiHabucatioa without addltioaual caarga, aajt euck awpuaaJeaUaoa will sat aaede where the error aioee aot materially all. iso vautae ea use aavertaae-aeat. the Oreceauata will ara-eut claasitted ad- vertaeemeat ever the leleoaeae. orvvtded tbeedtertaser le a subertiber tm either pbeae. Ne price will be quoted ever to ptooeae. but biu wui DO real de red to following any. The Urrgeaiaui wui aot be reapeaasibie lor la adaertaaemeata taaa ever tele phone, VYketlaer sebaeqnent adverUrwtmeats am ae aceptei ever toe pueae aepeaoa tae pruanptaeaa ef pay meat of tete- advaa-tlaeawaetav fclluslU.oa wealed' reawaauU" adverileearaeala wui aot arcepteai aver the lelepborse. Order foe eae userua eeiy wui aw areeacecj lor "rim- (ar fee bale.- "frVualaeea Oppea-taaitiea," asssslag-asaaes- aed -Waated te jseau.' MEETING NOTICES. RCA. BOO CARD PARTY meets every Monday and Saturday afternoon. 2:15; alao Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nlghta. S 301 Tuesday night box apples, nam and gro cery prlsas: Friday night, whole ham and groceries: Saturday night. 60-Ib. sack flour. bam. chicken and grocery prises All wel- me: coma and brina your friends. Aa mlsslen 26c Bdwy. iM-'T. - KIRK PATRICK COCNC1U NO. VKX KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Notice to all members: Beginning next Fri day, March t. all meetlnga will be held in Swlsa HalL 3d and Jefteraon sis. run initia tory work can De put on. come and oring your candidates. A large attendance is ex pected, DOVT FORGET. Wednesday night, February 2T, Anchor Council. No 74a. gives their semi-annual card party and dsnce. Foresters' llsli, 1X1 4th st. Cards, sou. s to lu; dancing, it) to li. Groceries for prises. Good musre. Every twwlv welcome, whether a member or not. Come and get acquainted. Admlaalon, loc GUL REAZEE GROTTO. NO. (Ml es. Stated session Monday even ing. S o'clock. Masonic Temple. West Psrk and Ysmhlll sts. Music bv bsnd and aomathlns SDeclaL dj oraer OS jdonarcn. It. E. FULTON, Secretary. MOCNT HOOD CIRCLE. NO. 151. will rive a "600" card party Tueadar evening. February 2tL at Women of Woodcraft Hall. Tenth and Taylor atreeta. All Neighbors of Woodcraft and friends are cordially In vited. Pnses will be given. No sdmlsslon. Committee. HIOH COT OP LIVING CLCB. FRATER NAL BROTHERHOOD '600" card party Jdarcn 1. First prise, box or apples and other grocery prlxea. Modern Woodman Hall. 11th between Burnslde and Stark. Ad mlaalon. IS cents. MARGUERITE CAMP wfll give a card party Tueaday evening. February 26, in tha Eael. Side Business Men's Club, Grand sve- nue and East Alder. Admission 1 cents. Everyone welcome. HOOVER SOO" CLUB meets every Tues day afternoon at; Tuesday and t-atur-day evenings st 8.30. 2d floor. W. O. W. Hail. Grocery prises. COSMOPOLITAN LODGE. NO. 109. K P., meets Monday. 8 p, M, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Knight rank. tallora weicome. A. G. THOMPSON. K. B. and S. COME to the Portland Art Club's 500 parties every Wednesdsy afternoon and Sst urdsy night. 170 loth st. Everybody wel come. Admission o cents. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons chirms, pins. New designs, jaeger Bros, isi-a out sc. FRIEDLANDER'S for ledge emblems I claaa pins and medals. S10 Waahlngton at,! FUNERAL NOTICES. XAOEL February 23, at th horn ef hi aaorisiar, Mrs. ixra canty. R kast imns trt. Hftoi Nacel. ad 80 jraara; fatbar of Kcrart Nasl, W&shoural ; Mn. Annla Thlean, Astoria; Mr. Lnla Drutdio and Mrs. IX r a Canty, Portland. Funeral sarv Icaa will b hald at ahova rratdanca to morrow (Suaday), February 1.4. at 9:30 A. M. landa art Invited. Concluding aervecra win b held at Wtihougil, Wash., it 3 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday, February 2-4, where interment wlil taka place. NAGEt February 22, at tha home of Mi dauchter. Mrs. &xra viniy. K t. Irvine street. Hana Nasel. aaed hO years; father of Eacert Naael, Washoucal; Ura. Annie rVc:rrVpo jrtwew win war nr iu m ax trv w ifsiuvutr ivu m ? i Sunday . February 24. at 9 A. M. l-Tionaa ar Invited. Concluding sefvlrea will be held at washoufal. Wash., at 3 P. M today Sunday), J-brua-y .4. where in torment will taka place. CRCEXWOOn In thla city. Feb. 2.T Anallna Greenwood, ace 71. beloved mother of Mrs. Frank Iceland, Grand It a oid a. Wlm.1 Mr. Go. Feli-rn. Merrill Wim.: Ura. A. J Coppersmith, lira. Mlk Huaaln and Ura. Geuw Ielornv of Green Har. w la. : ueo. j.. Joseph u. and A. C. Greenwood of thla city. Remains will ba forwarded to Green By. la., today (Sun day) at 10 A. 1. by Miller A Trace y. here interment win tajte place. VAV NICK la thta city. February 22. llg, Peter Thomaa Van Nice, aaed 83 years. father of Philip V. Van Nice, of 627 East Fourteenth street North. Funeral services 111 ba today ttfunday). February 24. 3 f L. from rearaon undertaking parlors, Rus-sell atreet at Union avenue. FrlenUa invite-d. Remains will be lorwarded U Topeka. Kan., for interment. CrNDERSHEIMBR-At tha lata residence, 872 Kaat Tenth street North, February 2J, Inaao Gondershetmer. aed 62 years. 2 month. 9 days. Friend a Invited to i tend funeral servicea, which will ba held at Holman'e funeral par lore. Third and Mlmon atreeta. at 10:30 A. M. today f?un day). February 24. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. STARK Tha funeral service ef tha lata Thomaa M. Ptark will ba held today (Sun day) at 2 o'clock P. 1. at the realdence establishment of J. P. Flnley m Son, Mont rromery at Fifth. 8rvicea at tha Port end Crematorium will be held under the ausplrea of Hamarltaa Lodge, L O. O. F Fiieada Invited. AMBROSE Tha funeral service of tha lata berelda Jane Ambroaa will be held Mon day. February 25. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the 'residence estahlishment of J. P. Flnley Hon, Mongomery at Fifth. Friend In- vited. interment. Cemetery. Jauunt Scott Parle REItXT Feb. SI. at the family residence. .vi naacora at., airs, faran A. Keiny as 70 yaara, & mo.. 11 daya. biovd mother of M. L.. Rellly. Private funeral services will be held st the ahovs res! dene Monday, Feb. 2.1. at in o'clock: A. M.. interment at Greenwood Cemetery. HOLLOWAT In thla city. Feb. 25. Herbert H. Holloway. age r3 years. Services will be held at 2 1. M. tomorrow (Monday at the residential parlora of Miller et Trarey. interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. MrOARRAHAN In this city. Feb. SI. John McOarrahan. age 85 years. Mass will be offered at v:1 A, M. tomorrow (Mondayi at the Cathedral, 15th and Davis sts. Inter ment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Arrange mania la car. of Miller A Tracer. HAVEBF.RO In thla city. February SI, Erlo V llford rianeberg, aged 1 year, 1 day. be loved eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hana berg. Remains forwsrded by the Holman Undertaking Co. to Bull Run, Or., for In torment. LAWREXCK Joseph Lawrence, aged S7. late or w lisonviue. or. funeral services will be held at Dunning s McF.ntee's parlors Monday, Feb. Xi, 8:30 A. M. Friends Invited. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 1st Washington. Mala A 126U. Flowers tor sil occasions artistically arranged. CLARkK BROM, Florists. 287 Morrison st. Mais or A lsitt. Fin flowers sad floral designs No branch store. Tu.Nafc.TH FLORAL CO, 2M Waahlngton at,. beL 4th snJ 6th, Main 5102. A 110L MAX M. SMITH. Mala 721 A U1L BeUlag bids, Sth and Alder ata. Jrr.PLto FLORAL fHOP, 243 Alder. siafWa- a4 4gaSOsV f boM lUfshaU 6ii. A directory of business firms classified for readv reference. or other information,, telephone A boyo, House 29, ACCOUDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING. 6c A YARD. PLEATING. al, UAHSST BTlfLKS. EASTbKN NOV. fcLir CO.. 80 V. 6 Til ST., BETWEEN OAK AND STARK STtj. BROADWAY 2UOU. K. STEPHAN. hematitchlna. acalloplng. ac "''a aiaa pleat, buttoua covered; man orders 21t Plitock uik. Broadway lu. AGATE CUTER. AGATES cut and polished; Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller s 343 Wash. St. ASSAVtKS AND A.VAL1 61 S. ?.N,IANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14J Second silver and platinum bought, BAKU. It SlPPLlLa. OREGON BARBER "SLPPLY CO Wa buy oq sen an miius barber supplies. 2o0 L. CANCER. U M. JONES, il. It. CANCER TI1EAIU). 81J Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CELLILOID BITTON8. THE IRWlN.unnKTtM rnupiNV 3ST Vi ashingtou. Broadway 4 J 4. A 1204. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and William, Jr.. De- veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arvh specialists in the city. Parlors itu Gerlinaer bldg.. southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phones. Main lam. A a.iuX DK& ELIZABETH MANION and B. Louisa 4-ox. -.-niropouista, uow located at uu-i Northwest Mug. Main 34JU. CHIKOPODISTS AND ARCH bPEClALIST, DR. W. E. LA MONTE. French sanitary I painless) method. Wlsard system of arch fitting. 807-8 bwetland bldg. Main &44. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. blCK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. Portland. luoo chiropractic specialists. That a why I nsver have to employ Uruga. operations, vibrators, violet raya. electricity, heat, light and other Joaa House stunts. 1 re move the csuses of disease quickly, surely and leas expensively. Dally convlnclug the doubting Thomas. 31 adjustmeais seven go. Phone, call or writ. CIRCl LAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 010 N. W. bldg. Mar. lou letters multigraphed, (Low COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH a CO.. Worcester bids. Main 17ud. No collections, no charge; established ltfuu. DANCING. UANCHIioTKR DANCING ACADEMY, 85Mj ruia. tnacr new management. Latest dances taujtht. lu private lessons (6. Hours v sa. 10 ,jv. oroaaway 2o2i. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing taught In all Jta brancnea: private, day or eve. claaaea. Tuea. and Frl., 8-10, aeeembly after. iiS9 Wash. Main 8205. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and elaare dancing, nrlvale instruction: olaeae Mon.. Thurs., s to 10. "low 2d sr,, bet. Wssh. and Stark. Main 2100. DEKL'M Dancing School, 808 Dekum bldg. essons day. evening; latest dances. Mala I isau. Marshall 7276. KLECTRIC MOTORS. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT L. A, WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKS. 4 Id Burnslde. Broadway 6674. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Cassedy, specialist; glasses fitted. TOO E. Burnslde, cor. 20lh. B 133. E. 4734. FLUFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS. FLUFF HUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels. Smyrna. Axmlnster rag ruire sll sixes; mail orders prompt: booklet, CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. gxlS rug cleaned and steamed SL00 WESTERN x LI FF KIO CO. B4-B Union Ave. N. East 6016. B 1475b FERTILIZERS. ROTTED cow and horse manure. East 18L C 2274. WHOLESALERS AND At TO AND BUGGY TOPS. - DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. Wth and Oak - GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. DKY GOODS. LDINKELSPIEL CO.T1 cs. Notions herlock bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS CO., 65-67 Front St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSLR. HAT CO.. 53-65 Front st. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK, K AH N BROS.. 191 Front st. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER etc CO.. 12th snd Dsvls sts. DIED. McCI.EM ENT Sofldenly. on February 81, 1918. Lena Morgan, ueiovea wne 01 jnn H. Mct'lement. of 889 Park avenue. New York city. QUI N N Mrs A. W. Qulnn. Jr.. February 23. 11 o clock r . ja , tram pneumoiii. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman. Proa W. J. Holman, Sea J. E. wsr.em. xreas. EDWARD HOLoMAN UNDERTAKINGr CO. Established 1877. THIRD ST., COK.StK OF SALMON, A Mociern, Spacious Family Boom With Private Entrance. LADY ASSISTANT. Phones Mala 607. A 131L Perfect Funeral Service tor Leea, MILLER & TRACEY Independent funeral directora. WuH. at, bet. U01H a xlat. West Side Main Stis-L Lady Asslsuuit. A lata. J. f. 11M-S.K as HON, Progrataalv. i-'unoral Director, prtvat Driva) Woman Altnuaata MU.N'lVUalskUlf St SI lit. Main V. A 19. 4, Lady Assistant. WlLboN at KUBS, funeral Director. Inc. Multnomah st bjventh street. U UtHh " C 11M. HiUiUN at WILiiOM. Wdln. aMO, buccessors to PIEDMONT UMltltlAKINO COk. Killings worth and Kerby sts. ilRlCaON Residence Undertaking farlora 12lh and Morriaun els, sasin . DlMM McENTEK, funeral dlreot and 1'tu. street. hoa ers. siroaaway Broadway 44U. A 4S58. Lady attendant. F. a HIINNINU. LNU. THE OOlJDt! RULE U.NDfcKTAKERS. l" East Alder street. East 62. U Mi. UKEEZE & SNOOK U1ViV-'X-' " J 1taa- & HU. AND MRS. W. H. HAM1 LTON Fu neral service. 17 hi. U I lean, la Dor -Mia. P. L. LERCH. Eaat 11th and Clay sirs La. I ady attendant. Eaat 7 Hi, B lgOS. A. li. ZELLER CO ElJiftWiobiioB8 bhtt3 UNOKHTAKING COMPANY, ltd and Clay. Main 41&2. A Lady assistant. CEMETEK1E. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK . CEMETERY ., Lowest Prices Beat Service. No expense after interment. Price lower than other cem MArSOLatCaBV PJVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor's Ferry Road. End Kivervlew Carline. Th only civilized method of burial. ftnow.whlte. alwaya dry. aanltary tomb, f.rmantnt title and endowment; 92AO up. 6S Pitiock Block. Fhona Broadway fL and professional men condensed and For rates by the month or year, The Oregonian, Main 7070 or FLORISTS. m A All kinds of Flowers, Bedding and egeiabie Plant. Japaneae gooui nu plants. Special aale, bargain. !I3 4th at., but, Yamhill and Tay lor. Moose USmple building. IKON"" FOUNDRIES. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, machinists, boller makera, boiler aud blacksmith shop. .Of fice and worjia. uawuiuiuu ave. uiu East Third ac JINK. JI'Ntv AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Cu., 274 Front St. Main 6236. We buy all kinda Junk, metals. pay highest prices bee us peiure " MUSICAL. MRS. EDITH IL SMYTHS, piano and French: European teacher; classea month: highest references. 166 Lownsdal PARKER School of Popular Music. Terms, to JO lessuna. 401-2 ivtlers bldg. ' OKEGuN Conservatory - (School) of Mualc 34o! W'ashinglun si., at Broadway, cuy. EillL Till ELHORN, violin Sevlck. 107 FUedner blug. teacher, pupil Bdwy. 16-. OPTOMETK1STB AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE? rVr-Z A SAV saving from so to ou per tent, Prump r a l.o Promptly fitted glasses as low aa XI. utl. 4ooo aalieiied customers. batiafactiun guaranteed. Cha. W. Good man, optometrist. 20l Aiorrison. Main .1 PATENTS. vATt.N'i'o that protect and pay. advice and look free: hlift-.eaL references, uesi re sults, promptness assured: send .sketch or xnouei for search, Watson E. Coleman, ualeiit lawyer. j24 F at, Washington, U. c R G. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, u. . and xoreign patents, qui, j-ieamu mm. PHYSICIANS. DK. R. A, PHILLIPS, 90S Broadway bldg. UhMiimat ism. ieiiiale disorders. Skill trou bles. stomach. Uver, kianes. bowela, tnroat, goltie. scalp, high bipod preasure. DK. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases of women. 70U E. Burnslde, cor. .40111 1'Ll.MBING SI I'l'LLES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. blark-Davia 10., . 1 ou su PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. JW inuii sv., corner stark. .Main or A 1418. THE IVY PRESS. 882 Stark st, Broadway 408. A PRINTING,1 p b W. BALXES & COMPAN X, st and Oak sts. Main 15. A 1165. KEAL ESTATE DEALERS. CAUL R. JONES, 4o4 Wilcox bldg. KIGS. NuKTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. Fluff ruxs and rag rugs woven all sizes East 8th and Taylor. East 000O. B 12-o. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Householc goods specialists; storage, packing, ship- ping and moving, horse and aulo vana. Decial freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER ac STORAGE CO., ' 2d and Pine sts. Broadway u6. A laau. ,,Hi.'.iln TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest insurance rales in the cuy. iiil.IsiiN-ST. DOCK at WAREHOUSE, Office 180 Madison. 'General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main i6l. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE At TRANSFER CO. 105 Park St. Main 5195. A 1051. WOOD GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. bloikwood. Panama r uel CO. casi. I, jj ooj. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. E. 2d Oregon sis. Dry block wood. 86 load. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. R ASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. lift., PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front st. PLIMB1NG AND Sal'KA.M FITTING. L. Ka-INE. 84-86 Front sL PRODI CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FARRELL, 140 Front st. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Nurthrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. WALLPAPER. MILLER Wall Paper PC Co.. 172 1st st, MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. MONTMENT8. PORTLAND UAKBLh. WORKS. 264-268 4th St., opposite City Halt Main S0t4 PlUUp Neu & Sons for memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Boom 153 Courthouse, 6th St Entrance. rhone from 8 to 6. Main 378. Home Pheaif A t52i. Night call after office hours, Maiaa 270. Keport all -caa of cruelty to the above addreaa. Electrio lethal chamber for smalt antmala. Horse ambulance for aloat and disabled snimais at a moment's notioe. Any one desiring a dog or otlier pets communi cate with us. Call for all loat or strayed stock, aa we look after all Impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregoa Humane Society. NEW TODAY. COTTAGE OX 13-ACRE FARM With large barn two large chicken-housea (rum fenced), 2 wells Igood water), good soil, several acres In apples, soma berry buulius and other fruit trees. Price, 22."0 until May 1. then 2..S0. DO NOT DKI.AY. Writs at once to NORMAN I. HINDKS R. F. D. 5, Albany. Orecon. MORTGAGE LOANS HF-mad ea kaaal sag gow tarn aa 1 1 attF toaaa at eloaa latereat rates. 1 1 Prompt. Reliable Serwlate. II A H. BIRRELL CO. tlT-XlU North wee terra llaak Bulldlafc MarakaUl 4114. A 4118. Income $2500 Net per year. Modern Nob Hill apartments. Never had a vacancy. Easiest mauaged In the' city; tlO.oOO cash payment will net you I6r.'r; 115,000 can run at '6'b. I Kit E SZ.UOU OTIS C. BECK, 4- Henry Buildina. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AND BKSIUE.VCK PHOPKltTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MeicMaster TOI COKHETT BLUti. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS tlN BUSINE'AND RESIUENCa PUOPIiMTY. ROBERTSON att EWING. S07-C AertSwesters Uaak Ulds JNO. B.COFFEY UORTGAGE LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX BLDG. Mala 702, A 3702 HOUSE WANTED We have a uarty waitintr to buy a five or six-room bungalow. Must have fur nace or fireplace. Owners only. THE BRONG CO.. 'M7Vi Oak Street. FOR Mortgage Loans see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., Stock Ex cuansa idj., Ikii'U wit l"uuklU bUseis. NEW TODAT. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169. 171. 173 SECOXD STREET. Near Yamhill. BEG VL Alt SALESDAYS Monday, Wednesday and Friday EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. MEDIl'M-GRADE Second-Hand Furniture CARPETS, MATTING. LINOLEUM, STOVES, ETC. WE SELL At Private Sale AT ALL TIMES. Several Good Bargains in Pianos THE VERY "BEST IX All Kinds of Furniture ROOM-SIZE RIGS, CARPETS, STEEL AND HAS RANGES. Office Furnishings WE HAVE SOME VERY COSTLY MA HOGANY ROLL-TOP AND FLAT-TOP DESKS. GOOD AS NEV ALSO SEV ERAL MEDII M-PRK E OAK DESKS, SAFES, ETC. Store Fixtures rind Equipments ALMOST ANYTHING YOV MAY NEED. SEE OCR LINE BEFORE YOU BUY, GROCERY DEPARTMENT All Goods Sold at Special Prices Every Day in the Week IT WILL PAY YOU TO BE ONE OF OUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE Tomorrow, Monday, " Feb. 25, at 2 P.M. ENTIRE CONTENTS AND EQUIPMENT Or THE Baltimore Dairy Lunch 287 WASHINGTON STREET, Near Fourth Street. Comprising as follows: 19 vltrolite tables with Iron bases, two oak tables. 76 Vienna chairs, one roll-top desk and chair, 30-foot marble counter, 28 French bevel mirrors, 28x35, also 28 size 12x18 inch: two good AlcCray refrigerators. one safe, two electric fans, two coffee urns, pie warmer, hotcrke plates, gas plates, electric bake oven, electric roast er, steam tables, electric light fixtures, 110-foot antique Verde marble base glass and metal display stands, dishes, glassware, silverware, trays, two cash registers and other effects. This sale should be of special Interest to all delicatessen and restaurant pro prietors. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. WANTED We Par Cash for Second-Hand Furni ture. Stocks of Merchandise, Etc. CALL MAIN 1626. 3 hen Botra o. ESTABLISHED 188 Or HIGH-GRADE. UP-TO-DATE, NEARLY EW FURNITURE FROM A RECENT LY FURNISHED IRVINGTON HOME On Tuesday Next AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING, comprising very highest srrade White hall Wilton carpets in good design and rich colors; quality Wilton rugs, 9x12 izes: Armenian Turkish rugs, sxio this rue Is mohair and wool and will stand all wears), Karpen easy rocker ind chair, Jacobean arm chairs with apestry seats, library and living-room ables and rockers, several small rugs. TCTOR UPRIGHT PIA0 IN GOOD ONDITION. davenport In genuine eather, oak desk, brass electric lamp, IroDhead White sewing machine, brass ware, several good pictures, large mir ror, convertible sofa, very massive hall mirror In walnut, upholstered chairs. DINING-ROOM SUITE IN QUARTERNS A WED OAK, viz.. 60-inch top pedestal colonial dining table, set of colonial chairs with leather seats, large buffet (this suite is equal to new and is modern in every respect); Haviland china dinner ware, cut glass, bric-a-brac, etc; massive full size brass bed. twin brass beds, best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, feather pil lows; also Iron beds in Vernis Martin and white enamel, complete with springs and mattresses; beautiful dressers in birdseye maple, mahogany and quarter-sawed oak; also birdseye maple chiffonier, very elaborate lady's dressing mirror in souu walnut, oea rooni rockers and chairs, bedroom rugs, eras range, kitchen cabinet, breakfast table, lawn mower and many other useful lots. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. If you are furnishing a new home and want the best, don't miss this auction. as all will be sold at tnis time, as is usual with us. We keep nothing, but sell It. If you will kindly call tomor row you will find the goods on display and awaiting your most critical inspec tion. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEAT AT 10 A. 31. On Thursday Next we shall sell the furnishings from a Rose City Park residence. There will be good living-room, dining-room and bedroom furniture, rugs, etc. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. 31. NOTE WF. BUY AND SELL SEC OND-HAND HOUSEHOLD HOODS. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN THIS LINE TO DISPOSE OF, CALL 31AIN XMS. Unclaimed Freight and Baggage Sale March 16th, Next, at 10 A.M. AT THE NORTH BAXK DEPOT FOR THE S. & S. HI. A!SD O. E. RY. CO.'S By Order W. F. TURNER, Comptroller S. P. & S. Ry. and O. E. Ry. Co.'. Date of first adv. Feb. 10thf 1918. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAX, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Building:. Yamhill and W. Park .Sts. Garages Call for Illustrated Price List, S64 Aakear St. Phone Broadway 148. S.ConnellLumberCo AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOR SALE cheap, A fine thins or the j'islit, iituty. V 60, Oreooniiui, 'EW TODAY. ncome 1 G net We offer for sale several very desir able apartments located in the finest residence section of the city, produ cing: from $2400 to C00O per year. F. E. Bowman & Co. 213 Chamber of Com. Main 302 WHEAT FARM & STOCK RANCH flJOfl PER ACRE. SOO ACRES NEAR JiU CONDON, OR., one -third In cultivation and crops: -rood frrass pasture; fine buildings: spring water piped. A splendid home place for easy farmin-r, stock raisinK, etc Only $5500 cash needed, balance long time. Other smaller farms for sale in Oregon and Washington. Slain 367a Frank McFarland . Realty Co. 603 YEON BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. AI" A UD Tn 1VX YIVlv a-iiO ON INVESTMENT $6000 HAVE YOlR OWN HOME! BE YOUR OWN HOSS1 YOU CAN DO IT! SEE W. A. Carpenter 623 Northwestern Bank Building. Phone Main 2504. Building 50x100 UNION AND EAST ANKENY. FAC TORY USE OR OTHERWISE. OEDER GRAND AVENUE AND EAST ANKENY INCOME PROPERTY MODERN FOUR - APARTMENT FLAT BUILDING, LOT .VIxlOO, HOLLADAY ADD., BROADWAY CAR. $11,500 Mortgage J3500. Some cash, easy terms. Buy this for home and income. No agents. AR 36, Oregonlan. FACTORY SITES FOR SALE or LEASE 9V, ACRES OR ANY PART THEREOF. Rail and river front; less than 15 min utes from Second and Alder streets. Phone Broadway 994 FOR SALE A chance to buy on very reasonable terms one of the fine homes on the river opposite the Golf Links at Ewahwe. See Frank E. Hart. 520 Spaldinrr building:. APARTMENT SNAP. 4-Story brick, good West Side loca tion; Income Jiono per month; furnish ings all new. Will sell building and con tents, or sell furnishings and lease the building for term of years. Kce Warnock. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 513-13-14-lft Swptlnnd Bid?. Portland, Or. Washington Street, West Side near 10th, I'.lxlOO. Present income above ex penses. Tins property will cell lor double my price within a year. Will consider part trade. For particulars call at 22 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. PORTLAND HKIGHTri KXCI-USI V KI.Y. I know more about I'oi tiand Height property than any one els in TortlantL It will bo to your interest to see me If you Willi to buy there. BKOOKE, 841 Mont gomery drive, cor. Elm t. War. -i-SllT, A 3&oU. Call mornings. AN' IDEAL dairy or stock farm for rent vii bum i te m cubii , acres, ou acres to cultivate, fine soil, sell 15 cows, 9 heifers. 1 bull. 4 horses. & sows, 1 boar, tools and feed T. W. Tandy, Marshland, Or. ThA'f VACANT LOT Turn a burden into Income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired; eight years In Portland. L. K. Bailey Co., contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. 50x100 T.OT near Eastmdreland, originally cost $700; sarrifh-e for fO. Tii ERNEST YOUNiiER CO., 105-107 Park Street. Between Washington and Stark Sts. OPPORTUNITY Valuable lot. Union near it uk we 1 1, must he sold quiky, as heirs want estate settled at once; make bid. Joseph 11. Johnston, agent. 702 Spalding bids. VACANT lots pay nothing; build and get an income; all kinds of bulldingj designed and built; furnish money if desired. Chas. W. Ertr. Pittock blk. FOR SALE A fine corner lot in Rose City Park. A sacrifice for quick Siile. AH im provements in. No agents. Address owner. AC oil, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Best corner lot in Laurelhurst; high ground, eastern exposure, 1 block from sLreetcar; special terms. AN 2H. Ore gouian. LOTS l- l.t, in blk. 5, Southntoreland, Port land, for sale, cheap for cash or give good terms; will take good auto as pay ment. B. A. Mitchell, orencu. Or. 450 ROSE CITY PARK A good 50x1 00-foot lot. Home fir trees. J. L. H AliTM AN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main JOS. A 'JO50. TWO lots. -rooni house, fruit; must sell ; will consider all reasonable offers. H bor S.ruO. y BLOCK. 4 ;;0xl0 lots, imp. paid; snap t Point View Add., St. Johns. 4 OS Swetland bldg. COR. LOT. K. -3d and Market sts., at a bis; sacrific: very easy terms. Albert B-rnl, 3S1 Washinarten at. dOxHHi EAST -'-d et., 1.10 ft. south of Haw thorne ave. 'All Improvements paid for. j7."0 cash. Sl'1'10 at b'c. Cord Sengstakc, :to2 wik-ox blclg. THREE hlKh. sightly lots on Woodstock line, level and especially Rood soil, hslt' block from car. Owner. W t, Oresrontsn. LOT fitixloo al 24th and Holman sts.. s;,.-,u. terms month. AP o, Oregonlan, or phone Kast HI OH ; owner. IRVINIITON' LOT. WE HAVE THE BAR GAINS. NBl'HAUSEN & CO.. N. W. BANK BLIKi. ioTvslOO COUNER, 21th and Holman. $10.i0, terms or cash. East 6101, or AP 4, Ore conian. EXECUTOR'S FACRIKICK .10 sightly, full lots, near Rose City Park and car, tftlou; will divide. Thompson. Mohitwk bids. FOR SAI.E By owner. 4 sell cheap. Wdln. 1761. lots in Swinton. WILL sacrifice Portland Heights view lot. AM 2. Oregoninn. iCoaUiiued on Fags 7,).