TTIE SUXDAT OREGOXIAy, TOKTLAXD. FEBRUARY 171918. 1 mr m am e. Ait.t't AKI) UnKKKHi ATTt.NTlON: I several mol--rn bouM and bun- !" my ! irilnac' rl from Soulta rritnd hparua. m h 1 will avil at Mfi4in pr on. ry r'MnblB terrna. a -rorn cvtiac. city irr. ra not. rege. rrtiiL r. email fruity lO I $.lo raeO, Uint to suit. 4 -fooru bun c a low . modern plum bin. ir- llghi. g. -fv wt-r; $ l.'IHA, 9111 an, baiau 9 la tnuotn. A-room buns low. modern plumbing. env tir. ciA eietrt.: l.snt, SiJ-'-O, 91 C'ft. Datanc U OtOOtB. i-ooin bunitiov with targe attic. mod ern pinmhmi. rtty irr. gas. electric I I t-it. ftrpt. en and a half lot. 9LUU, aw" r4.ia, Daiame iu a mvuin. modern bunt4lo, citr water. wtmrirui iic ni. , Daemnt. nrepia bum-in eonnluLf muh two Iota; 92uuu, a.oaj r4iL ikunf ! a month. I have several hr gHl bargains tn fcouaee in l n La unit duuta huu 1 will i an I'fmi lis rnu Call ami e me t 44 Plait blg. for particulars, or rail ir ypoiBiatBL As, fur jir. A h tcn. fcUHV ONf. bAHiiAi.V -room mo-!rn ani,tf, A lota. 3 fc.O ka tr, itiriri, a Sacrifice. SJnoO. a-roon modern buni,ow, (rtp.4rt, but I tn hok'se rHinj rlo, buffet, Cavnt kitchen, wrmi. 9-iXXi. I -room modern bou. hardwood floors ff t-t ti dit.-,.t. uhn). terms. 4-rwm hom. 2 b.o in car. good ren 4c:jn. n.g "i S)rriiKJ . 915m. terms. room nio-lrn buDit ov, garage, Dutvb k;tch. ti4r tar. JT.. terms. HKALT. 1Ui.4 kth4Ait. Today. I lersria.t 2V,2- RKXT MONEY WII.I. HTY THIS HOM K. A modm 4f)m buncatow. nearly n li mi-rooni t'h ftrp 4 and booara. O amc-HMin w itb built -In buffet. Lutc ti I an.b'n. pirnt of tuubuard MCt. t pfant biroma. bth blrn; larga aitu- t roatRia may b addJ . full baa- lu-nt with laundry traja, Ll loo. ni l-An. ruMra. p.Btir of Und nearby fur ar I I"ln. and In a p4n action. Thu I bn4 o m a mtvhiy fin buy at f I !. y a itta and 4 1 a month. Maclun-, Ji' itob bf.lg I hon i:nHdway 1 IaVN i r;H MoNTil HL'IS. a;iJ t'ta t. & E. . IfUit. I O i.-a pr . n-at. att r at r iv ; lu4M. .oa-U. on J' i t.. biii at A i i- R. bu i4.'). 11 E. Ki-y at.. ni-l-r tO'-oiian.tuf . miJtht d buy at $jiui. K. bur.tfAlow. n E J-l at., tl-iravod. bui.t in. a;ti' tm tor: .'. R. bun.o. inuruuiM) niuilrrn. wllb I garag--. oiti tiatnornw. 4- R.Mt.E. 4"4 N. W anH. Koa-E CITY PARK 1 I"WV Jj MONTH room a. i.Mpmf porv h. a: t ic. bara W noil (ora ry fui Ivnaih b piLS iirror door tn r4ib ha.l. fl.rpt-e. fnil. f uraa . ou will er , U lUhTMAN fftim, rn . t en t ra n' fu.l Up rium ba ft. t.i. m trees, inn r ha t hurrv: J, MWCAM. No. Chamber of Coinmvrce R.'iS . I'fi 4 !"4rl. Ma:n --. A --. ALl-MifA iilN'.ALoVVS. Ptv rvu-ns. mmlrn. iil si 1 1 7n j u riHnia, snap. Jd s: lo 1 1 roms on r'rsott. nnp $ - i 'i I H a l4r(4in i buhi4.i, nl qiftte cunt- 1 p.t'd. baa morts of 3w on It and r wii tawa 31 h rn f.r equity. Th't worth $ iW y Wi. -nan. with the w a t. r A. J A. oils c. lo4 rifth 4ii)'"W. i-un-l-y Wdin. -14, W r.A T ttlK i t K 4J .UMA AUjornlug City lark. II rwm lplnr porrh, lars; (tinre or b1llar4 riMim. warar bat. Kudd watr hun tem. hardwood ftntati through- euu RITTKR. WK Ct. 2V1 VT Hard of Trade RMg. HL i I. A & li'RTplE. I aw n nnl rn l-r'in bunatnws 3 tn funnyl'l-, 2 on Mll4rikl aa. tnl Molfi I In Albarta ri'tirKI; will s-ll any on of tum f'T 3IH less than coat, about 3Jo. J. W. OKI SF. St Rrd of Trad. Main Tl"? P.SK CI! Y I'AliK-L'Vii .'.;."4i-j.rm hunglns, near th and I PaniV boulevard. 1 ou Wouldn't ! to buy a nl huniilo in this lo-atii f'r mat maacy. would )ou; But we be it A TKKPE OJ. 24 Stark st.. nr rut. Von a-.IH. HUN DAY. Tabor 37JI. RiM. ail bui In, etc.; 31ad I ba.. 3 1 per wn f h. Jjfafc S r-mu. hard-surfia street. .'tak a fin. cement basement, wash trM 3 Iov. 3jak j. r-oms. firpfa-e. furnace. :i I 'j'. in. rt.- rd - U-f s.a st. T 19 W. 1'I KKIt. Henry bM. ikvim;ti R RG A IV. 5 bad room a and sTeeir - por-h : 6'-foo lot; oak fUMr up and Dnti!ra; Ivory I n winrr fimsn; fin tre and nrubterv alll stand bt I"e for quirk sal--, la- r-Mm r'n f-r inspe'tHn tn . .4 . I l st. North. !'n K 1477 PIEDMONT Hi'NK SNAP. Fine ;-rMim house. - ftrepltea. built-in erfe,--. ft.. oiru-r bit ."aili. city Hens a paid. I b'.w k rnm K lilnworih a ; rtrt-td ritTrtri, surrounded by fine b" me a. P-b a 4aa. ev i''mi liRi SM A ImVNET. 3t Board of Trade. Main 4"2. ST JOHNS. 3?riiw will Hy 37 Superior St. 5 rooms. t-at b. lights, baaeinenl : lot lOX ItNt; wnhin on block from car antl In blo-h I f'orn Pea. Shipbuilding plant. Term 35uO I ftroDPARD WIEDRICK. 241 Stark, st. NopERN S - R V BUNGALOW. 3J5JL Kn-itArt f, garage, street graded and rment wa ka about !' feet from Kenton Car. For terms sea IC. M. Hrown THE SHAW -FEAR COMPANY. 1 02 Fou rt h Street. P'SK CITY PARK. fid er inm bungalow, oak floor, large floored atne. full basement, furnace. eat frrtnt. on blk. of Sandy bid. It la I w n-t-rf ui bay ar JTO C M. DEKK. HON N W Rank BIdg. Utn 37. or Tsbor 41tt PEVKV-ROOV HOUSE, l.T 2nroA 1 Front en 3 mt ret. baartrg fruit treaa. rerneni wa)s ixsid. on I mt rseta. Owner n ut ell tuK-k Ft-- . ;DDIP.! WIKDKH K. 213 srk II a WTHDRNK The rofei S-mom bunga'ow In Haw- tnrne. arrangement 1st M-e. ilka new. oak f Mr fireplace. eat fmnt. nice lan: rioe 10 rar sal school ' M Derr. lino v W p 1 M-Tg V4'n 117. Tabor !. PUN r-wra, 1 f Norno m r . ; laW SACRIFICE, rrt.-tl o.Irr. Rar Hasp flna rwrnm': W V behvw r easr terms. call Marsh a. 1 I jtttt rit'HK Di-r. bungalow. 3 wil ar. r n -. f"V"i f ' - pla-". bonhrM bu f f. mi t:' .'XTia'l par mnt. bal. 1 l wnt Jnn.n.LMuuw Ck. Ul Nor Ok- f? ft.nk b'.lg 3 UMWt MiWTIIOftr; ftOGALOW. l.,t a f - on l.inrtiln. nr 3'h, mod - "n. g"age. e-y rlHatraM. terms, btaa 't .a. Th Tnpn Jo 2 Ck St. s. tfl u - mM" s4n 'o. a rosr a. narti wn4rt fnors. fumare. ftreplaca all hHiffir In nt Sid 3w. wi s term owner. 317 Ka.t- 1 I'K A I.K If.Maaea, an me snapa. beautl-f-if s rmk, p mnm, mirn. garage, m I rnMf, tht p ha worth ft " . pr a l r O'i'vk a e. g tefrua. M. II. Be k e ! M Kar b ig ,3. U't'l N hnn(4ii a N . near A'rr rof-r r V d l .Wr:t . ''Ktm E 2-'h I t. Term lo iml A-dsw M Piatt 31' 1 c. K 4 , 10 3l."7.iw J-n n .n Pml h-i'i-w. 2 bo as la ra .' r-. 3 1 .-, mont Ca. A Nortkaester r:,r 7 -r stm;k;t n:ar car. 7 m bou.a U 1MV!0. b'l"ful ?n trn-r and -n r"e v 32Jdl Ir H f a W 1 Ht'KfCK. 23 Stark et. .J:i.vo.r,H rotrM bungalow. IU. rt.ufpt.t Trw to aiir furrheer l Ae 'rsws. i-a Mtt bldg. I bane I 3 t-i 1 wet of I -air! ur ; anap at 3r2". tt alia wvrth t ionT, y 4, Orrgi- I e 'an f M r.r.'l 3 room bu a lo w on V 1 1 - lartf e . 2 blehs frort Johns r T-rn r. sol' pur-haaar f H V A ff. UV f 'f bM Pona Vsr .'i rm' on rn w,Kta from F T .r ad, -eg : :! 1 rheapx Ce.1' a 1 i". m r t;ew. eoat I li'w. rake t .Ton good oe Man. r. t . . i w ri. iertman. S-"0- hou. K. Ctae. ner Pt , kw I'fir v ft lrew. platt e hone Jarbli r- 1 HAVE eome"a H-fa-rr. !! N i bu tn 3 and f e hefnre ta buV. Bank btdg C. M. I J. i; f'Tri'l f. 7- rtT K'lnga'ow. la rat -nn. i-r..a. only 3-"'. 3i cash, F 3. HT. nn sn CNp'V? Waging m,fi J rwitn bun c low. 1 a 1 n or m 1 hnut Pifpilu'. C he p T-r K- t'l'v rr 7 E 7 -lb St N. $ .J .A A TT R AiTI V K modern flawthorne binffi'ow 4 large rooms besides bat h ; r. ..d sf. or " 4 1. T . A room hna. bea rin g fruit grrt wei. an rre go CUy linaw ln(uir ROSF: to X ot grtroarv . atui'v for a'a in rorr. a I modern bner or er r-nl"n H gl -hool. will 314AA mrr:fir tnt re.h Th-r ' ' '- s.ia b.g Nir.ih I r horna frm a4 Bp. 317 IU.:Ay Cx. J. RobbiO. REAL KfTUE. VWIV .NOT own your home? It alii give you obiter standing in tn community. Mere arc 3 nki buinra and very rcaaoa aoie: Ntc S-room bungalow tn fnlrerelty Park, close, to shipyard and sawmills, elec trie light, toilet and bal h. cement baa ment. a ails nicely tinted and painted, nit lot. only 9150, Kiue cash, balance to suit purchaser. -room, oopy nod convenient arranged modern bungalow In the desirable Haw thorn dlatrtit. completely furnished, even to linen and allverware; a lo garage and i- pMrnfr automobile Included, only 3-ouo. This la certainly a choice boiue and ail ready to move Into. Nbe tVrooio bungalow, cot tag In tin condition, close to aioro and good car tr-ic, oaut it ii law n ana f iOr; only i.-tMNi. uu aowB, balance to suit pur I haa many other, larc and imall. and can quota a homlter very atirat-t- ve prices ana terma. J. U. lloibrookv I j ii na ma biOg. WHY PAY RENT? ONB 4 ROollrt. t T.OT3 fORX;R) FKLIT. fcTf. lKE NO. SKH a-l. 3 BUx'KS NORTH ok IT. SCOTT AR ON Jl : .0 CASH. HA LA.'E $10 TO SI2 f'KR MONTH. THIS fKnf'KKTY WoRTH $JnrO. Xl T HK SuLU hKK FA TTEKaON. OWNER. 2V9 ELXXNO Hi-tni. :ih Rose t'lTY PARK PH1CEO KOR Ul'ICK tAL NO I.Keti room a larsa attic, garago. only half brock to car. Kurimr. nrdood foora In mam rooms tt ton dad Asaeaamenta to ba aaaumed only Thia includes paved atreat and 'rl. IAted on 4Mh at.. Juat north of car lln. J. I,. HARTMAN t'oMPANY. No. T flumbfr of "oinmrre Muig 4ch A iark at. Mala -'0. A 3064). HEAI'TIKI L UT. TABOR HOME. 134 Eat i3d street. near BHmont; atrlctly mmlvrn realn-a of ivn room a and sleeping porch, hardwood floor, fur aac. fireptaeo and two toiiatn; three bed ronma and bath on second floor and on bedroom on third floor for maid. Iot lux 10 with paving paid. Price reduced from ! mmi to IT-'U '11'AKU at WIEDRICK. 543 Rtark t. 3.U'.m ROSE CITY PARK ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID IS blocks to bandy Hud. In the very bt prl of R. C. P. 1 lars bedrooms. 1 small bed room off siping porch, big living and diulng rooms, hdw. floors, fire plac. buffet. I'ulch kitchen. fu:i drep bament. furnace. J. I HARTMAN oM PAN Y, No. 7 Chamber f Commerce fl tig 4(h btsrk. Main :!. A .u.Vi. L K 3iiO cash, ba'anca ihk asy . cosy a-room rottsa. part.y furnished, charm tng nlhborhood. Dddat beautiful horn S blocks from R. C car. bu to reiiabia p-pi only; I suggest that you bring 3' along ibeiwn 3 and 3 P. l. only twlayi you U b sure to like It and can move rirnt m. E. TJd North. Ri'SK CITY PARK. 3-ROOM AND M.EKPING PORCH. COMPLETELY FURNISH ED. Foil cement bamni, furnace, fire place, hardwood floor a. Dutch kitchen, plate Bias windows: cloae to tiandy Koad ami r.aai aittt mi.; prtr UiMl ...fIAKl WIMni K. '43 Htark st. 3-lV LAUR ELH URjJT Pl"NoAI,0V. - b lor as from, a rooms, garasa. fin lhd In old Ivory. II ving-room. dining room kit'-hn. dan and 2 bedrooms dun- staira; ajng boom and 3 bedrooms up stair, jk. won-i-riui Mirmin. J. DELAHCNTY, Main 17n Evenings. Fast 2W MiDKRN Koa tny psrk houa. lovilau. corner fanuv 01 vd. Terms. I HO-arre wheat and alfalfa ranch. T-rm house, barn, equipped. 2 wells, near Lle, "n. un some trad. House in Milwaukt. Or. Give term. I.KII. MUKSK. 313 Chamber of 4'ommerce. Jl"T LIKE FINDING MONEY. implex, thoroughly modern bouse, on comer tot in Irvington. with all street improvement paid. Hardwood floor. ftrep.aces, furnaces, never vacant. py 12 par cent on investment. Easily worth 3 .-oO. but 3v take IL Investigate at EA3T ?OAd REAL BARGAIN' NEAR WALNUT PARK. Two-story. rooms, cement basement, furnkct, 3 bedrooms and large bathroom on ueond floor; garage, lot 341iMt; pave nen paid ; very attractive. Price I-'h.'VO. t DDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 htrk at. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. ' On.y 32MH) for thia neat Htt; bungalow, with lot -Vo. worth saiTi; email out la will put this In ftrai-class condition. V can make terms. A. H. III K HELL CO. 217 Northwestern Rank Hldg, Marshall 4114. A 4IH, - NEAR PENINSULA SIIIPBLDG. PLANT BRAND-NEW i-room house. $1h.k. i;n Mai-rum street, near Iombard street. 4 bloc k went of Wall street ; brand-new houe of & room a, bath, basement, eiec trtc light fixtures; lot 3-"xlU. Terms. DDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 htark st. LAURELHURSr Pt VGA LOW "s V AP. .-sea riy new. modem, six rooms, with gn ra ge. in good locn t Ion. near car. all street Improvement paid; 3L04 worth 6f rm mahogany Tumiture. all for 34 TOO. Term. No agents need apply. EAST 2o.Hd. IKVtNGTtiX DUPLEX BUILDING. Real sacrifice; this t firwt -clas place, modern In every way. complete for two famine, real value about 35tH; sacrifice price 355"0 RITTKR. LOWE CO.. 03-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. IRVINGTON. 35T50. OtTy 3500 rash, your chance lo get very rhoice. modern bungalow, nearly new. In this strictly high-da district at a real bargain; for term apply A. H. HIRRKLL CO. 317 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41M. FOR SALE 32". 3 -room modern house, practically new. beautiful view, nice large lot. near approach to viaduct leading to Inters tat bridge; 11 In Portland, yet work in Vancouver, carfare same as city. 25 1. Oregonian. $IM1 CASH. 3D) PER MONTH. 4 -room bungalow. Rose City car. 4 - room bungalow. Woodstock car. 31oo. 4) -room bungalow. Alb na ave. car, 312uO. Main 4.-4J or Taior 47 T. TUGGLK. 414 N. W. Bank Bldg. NEAR PENINSULA PARK 3100. new. attmctiv bungaiow, fire I rooms: hero wood floors, nrap.ace: w-rt. lot. one block lo ears, good neighborhood; 3J..O rain: Bo street Hens. PAPLET. 4a N. W. Bank PMg. W EST SIDE BARGAIN". Modern V-ronm house. bt part of Over ton sc. : two main bath. er ants qui ter and bath 3d floor: two fireplace; will I sTtn-e to make quick sal, call Mar shall loPFftM 3-room and den bungalow, on lot miIIO. al kinds of bearing fruit trees, -uall fruit and flower. C lose to car. Leaving tT. Hai-rifb 3150U. &13 E, .V'th st f. V. Sellwood 4-n CO.T II o M K. C1oa to Union v. 4 room a oath, gas nd ec. wood had ; lot 7 lo. pavement paid. Prlc g!2a i MA R P s WIEDRICK. 43 Stark at. NI'E 3 room modern cottage. 3.t h and lil- stnn Paved streata. good neighborhood. tl bul.t-l ronvenlemes esr sc hooj. carl in a. tnfri. etc. prlra llsn. ftm rah. b;anr long itm. Howell, 40 1 Bd. of Trade bldg. CLOSE-IV BARGAIN. .ffts J-si or y. rooms, cement basement. f u-na-e ftrpiac. Lot 40lO; bonde lien 3 Pin GPPARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark t. FR HAir 40l. strictly modern housa. fmelT Improved lot. 7 room. IO mlnuis rid from cuy. garage la basement. C 25d. f 1i;h.S - room houo with good cement garag, 1 1 on rmr: all Improvements In and paid for: prlr 3V. Empire In vestment to OWNER fop, mvs sell f park, roener Int. Jnhnson- todso La, Bank btdg ft- room bung 'ow. It's modern. $ .- .Northwestern I..l2n. A 1,1, covered with fruit and flower. fstrly g-od 4-roonrt house, and out house : I an Fescet. fnra. 3 min. out- A mud. I S l'-"" C HOli . 1 IO HID st. Rin. Roa Oif disirlet. bMl't about 4 vers. hot water beat. pMc reduced; must ba o d at on- Ge. M. Rd, tpding W F.jrr SIDE Houh; 7 room and sleeping pore, fireplace ; if -fc;n rrtre Pll'-o ;.rfwr A WlKDHffK. 243 Htark l.'loo R ALF, iood 7-rwm house. 0O 1AO roeeer snap at brmg me 3.V0 rd you ran get It. M. H. Becker, 401 t MrKlV Mdg XFtV I nwiTi modern bungalow, fine lar. tMm. f 1 w : your term. Rummell A Rum- RielL 7T4 Ft ark st FINK LAfRELIIURcT. e4uitv n S-roorn bungalow. lot rfl2 furnace, ftrep'aee. to trade for rioee in acreage Tabor .M34. WO11M hurgstow. ft re pt see, buttt-ln fa. urea, ete i.i; easy term. Kummell Rummell. 274 Stark st. JOHN oof .Vroom bungalow. 2 good ot. plenty of fruit: price 32300; term. r.mpfr m vest men t o. HAWTHORN: district. modern .v. roorn bungalow: 925A cash. ba. terms. it'lrngni for mora cash Tsbor oi.12. BARGAIN Vsrr fine home. Irvington. cost $23,000. Te sintawi; fine location. Fast T73. JU8T CITY PARK bungalows from $.'.Vn to ssrfn your term. Rummell A Rummell. 2Tf Stark st. TAKE! good 4-roorn housa pn half cr. eio to 3 car lines; term. Empire t;T BILE f-reom house, Wod;w 3373. REAL ESTATE. t or Sale -llouften. HOMES FOR SALE. 9MV, four roouiH. Jnta. part cash. $lo50. four rooms, modern. East Morrt on. tiar 4d. i'ash a-yo. lio. fivt rooms, modern, Berkeley Ana., easy terms. $JGoO. five roomn. modern, Hawthorne ve. near STtlt. cash 4."'KJ. 9JnHi, five rooms, modern, near Reed College, a real home; cash K.'iO. 3.'wii. len-room. modem, beautiful home; Bear Keed College. M HS. HOPKINS. r. 4o Morgan Bids;. BlXOAiAlW BARGAINS. $23000 rooms, modern and up to date In every respect; located in Uroveund Park. $23i)0 o rooms, and finished rooms and sleeping porch on serund fJoor. The house today could not be r p tared for. less than jsoo. E. 47th. near lathorne ave. $2350 A fine up-to-ate A-room bungalow, with large attic and lot ooxloo. on -:Mf. Dear Aiberia si. Attractive terms. J. U KARNOPP. Ry. Exch. Bids. KoRECEOSED properties at leas tban cost ol house alone. Term. 4 -room modern cottage hardwood floors, fit. Johns cariine. $t.'K0. 4 -room cottage with, bath, Albert dis trict. $HtN. o-room. J-story. modern, with furnace. Bear Hawthorne. u0. A-room bungalow, modern, Richmond car. .:-'. 0. 5 -room bungalow, modern. Hose City disrrit-t. $."tMi. H. E. NOBLE, Lumbermen Bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN A typical bungalow home of rt rooms, strictly modern, furnace, rl replace, hard wood floors, all buiit 111 conveniences, full cement baaemnt. -wain tras. etc.. In fact, there Is not h 111 g omitted or spared to make this an attractive home. Flue lawn and shrubbery, streets paved and paid. Mirrounded by fine hoint-s on Tillamook street ntar Irvington. price only ;". 7(M cash, balanc easy. f Mr. Bendei . with J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No, 1 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON 10 room, consisting of four bedrooms besides maid's quarter. This Is not an old h ouse a bout f ou r y ea rs o 1 d -su re l y this should be sen to do It Justice. Sit uated in the heart of Irvington. surrounded by fine homes. Price lia.iMH. Never bt-en nffri4 fnr r .1.. 1. 1 r you have betu lookins around, you have I nut e-n this one. S. S. Hattln. with the fred a. jAcoiis company. i-i riitn street. 3'0 DOWN, 31-j PER MONTH BUYS. 3- R. cottage, bath, built-in kitchen, fruit, brn. garage. o71 tkMh st. ; 3T7i- 4- R. bath, pantry, 411 by lo and alcy, 2 S blocks car. Treinont; 3lliu. a-R. bungalow, bath, bunt-In effects, basement. ; illh at. S. E .: 311iHI. -R. with It corner lots, line soil, corner aim ave. and km n st. : s itioo. 7-R.. center Sunnyside. nice home, good location goou repair; a. B DUE V. 404 N. W. Hank Bldff. HUSBAND GOVE EAST, WIFE SAYS. SELL MY beautiful residence; cost over $10,000; will maae real rilue. Ueautifuliy finlKhe artistic interior, riassy. modern, conveni ent, five rooms first floor, four on sec ond : billiard -room, two fireplaces, tul bat h, shower bath, hot-water heal. Union St- Dep. ar T" Co. .'s4 tak. During. SNAP EQUITIES. room houae. ftoxloo lot. 4 large cherry treea. hard vurface. prominent si r-t ; walking distance, central Eal Side; 3--50. Term, 6-room and basement house, nice yard, lot 40x13.-. Woodlnan 3I7."0 A. W. LAMBERT SON. 404 E. Alder Si.. Cor. irand Ave., Portland. Oregon. FORECLOSURE SALE: ! Redemption period la Juat up on this five-room modern bungalow. Newly tinted throughout and am going to paint sa me Immediately. Kat Grant. near 3Hth. Priced low to move at once. $I7.".0. nd bonded street assessment. See YYickmau. with the FRED A. JACOBS CO.. D4 Fifth St. Main hhiw. Sunday Wdin. ;ttS ROSE CITY PARK 32350. - "O Beautiful .Vrm. bungaiow. with nara wooa rioor. n re p nee, tc. Just I'm ft from Sandy boulevard. Faces east Beautiful law u and flowers. A wonderful buy. Csn be handled on terms. Glad to snow tins any time. A. G. TKKPK CO.. 24 Ptnrk t.. nr. 3d Main 35 1 H. Sunday phone. Tabor 8255 7-ROO.M HOUSE. On E. 55th street North, about fon hiock from car; lot 2!40; price. Includ ing an unpaid balance for street Improve ment and sewer. 3-oMi; terms can be ar ranged. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. I02 Fourth Street. VERY CHEAP HOME. 322O0 buy 3 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen; lot 4'ixloo. ' Terms io.u rash. Must be sold quickly to save embarrassment. Paving paid. GODUARU A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark it PARK" ROSE "HOME CALLs'yoU. Owner going East, will sacrifice. Beau tiful cultivated ten . near macadam road, pretty view, fir grove, bearing fruit trees, hemes, roses, with comfortable house, barn. etc. Pric 317oo, 32io cash, bul- nce easy terms. E 17, Oregonian. KT. JOHNS HOME SNAPS. Sever! good -homes. 5 Hnd 6 rooms each, at enap prices, from 312oo to 325oo, easy terms, bee us for SL Johns prop erty. CRUSSr A DOWNEY, 31 d Board of Trade Bldg. HOME SNAP. Very attractive 7-rra. modern home In excellent condition. E. Lincoln at. Owner leaving city soon and will make close price. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. A GENUINE SNAP. Greenwood ave.. near East 23d and Clin ton: small cottage of 3 rooms, bath. elec. light and gas; lot 7-1x 10o. surrounded by oeauui ui nomen. rnr j. idom G tpDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. 32MHi. H A W'THOKN K SNAP. 32O0. room, mod. bungalow, garage, fl place, furnace, oak floor, built-in conven ience, close to streetcars and schools; pace include street improvements; terms. Tabor h.'.v GROVE I -AND PARK. Mr tit tie modern bungalow In this choice district, only 325O0. 35o0 cash, bal ance easy terms. A. H BIRRELL CO. 217 Northwestern Panic Bldg. Marshal 4114. A 411S NEW modern home. rooms and sleeping porrn, narowooa iioor. rurnace. fireplace, first-clas throughout. 345oo. easy term. 753 Men. A lamella rar. Will be glad to how you thi fine borne. Open for in s pert ion today. East W5. PROCEED with one of our forfeited dwell ing house contracts, down payment al ready made; none other required; 5-room bungalows, restricted district; payments no greater thsn rent, 201 McKay bldg. Sundav. Msln 572. RSE CITY PARK. M.' E. 4tMh st. N. Only t block N. Sandy, choicest possible lor at Ion . good. warm, well -but' I H-room house, Pru I.Vhhj. Lot alon worth half that. Tabor 45 1 4. MT. TAROR. 31530 Modern 3-room bungalow ; bsse- rrent. Sleeping porcn. nrept , et c., 40: 125. garage. 2 block to cats; 325u cash no street nns B A PL IT, Y. 405 N. W. Bank Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK- -ronm house furna fireplace, buffet, oak floors, streets, sewer! etc.. all paid. Some bargain: 33imhi. John- son- otMleon Co.. J4 Northwestern Bank YOU should worrv shout house rent. .V 1 0O w-room nouse. n.rj 1. v tliamette blvd.. St. .jonns. iu'i rasn. or ij or I2H month including interest. W . K. Johnson, ldtil rntm nna bi cuy. ROSE CITT ARTISTIC BUNGAUnV. One block frxm boulevard, choice dis trict ; garage and fully hhhIth. fie rooms. Sleeping porrh; 3525". 3Iim0 rneh J. HAAS. IiKKl'M BLlx;. sJiiDKRN Irvington residence. 7 rooms and s'eeplng porrh. corner lot. iwioi. ail fre ef Inr umhfsnee Worth t5iH. will take SniNMi ,f sold at onr Terms to rsponsioi Parties. Phone owner. M.nn 4"o. -R bungalow with at t Ic. ill rooms newly tinted, fine location. Imp. paid. Di vision at west of 30th. will sell furnished fcr 325WI r M Ierr. I Too N. W . Bank bldg Main V.17. Tabor U SA - HorsK. rooms. East 37lh s 1 b.oc k from cr: cost mortgaiif Hart l.and Co.. 110 Ch. of Coin. Tel. Mar Ihi'l 15W RfOMS, flatxi. Alameda Park, never oc cupied, strict ly modern, up to date. 2 hathrooma nd garage, term to auit. IoH E. 27th N. -rom modern home oh Hswthorne e, wi'h garage; lot 5oxUn. 3-immi below cost Buv from ow ner and save com mission Tsbr RI 1 MDKR 6 - R m M bungalow, near Peninsu la Park, rorner lot; only 3150: Verv easv terms Johnson-odon Co., 34 Norih a astern Bank bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK-CUmv &-room bun galow, with bath, hnrdwood floors. full basement, walking distance to ahlnvard. Ea my terms. O p. Oregon is n. ARLETA BAROAIN. 4-room house and lot. bathroom, electric A lighted, full basement. 3 blocks from school. 313ml. term. Phone Sell wood 65.S. completing beautiful new Dutch colo nial home In Irvington. first-clas through out. Must bo seen to be appreciated. Own er. East 555. East Mt h and Stanton. g.ROOM HOUSE, near Jefferaon High. atresia paved and paid, good location: onlv 97omi. .lohnaon-nodson Co., 934 North wirn Bank bldg.- R EA L ESTATE. Por Sale Houea. L-EAL WITH RELIABLE CONCERN. EST. 1SS. ttx. Ints. 4-rm.. 25 rash. lt..0, Irvingion car. cottage and fruit, 1 -,T.-. Kenton, modern. 5-rnv. blk. car. E. btb and Rhone, i-nn.,- any S 1 J.'.U, terns. 1 6-rm., new. 40 fruit trees. 150x Albert. -rm.. worth 32500. .Vrm., 14 blk. S. P. shops. Alberta, mod. 5-rm.. 375 cash. 9 t it. t. p.. mod., .Vrm., terms. i."tO. 0-rm., garage. "4th st. ; cost 3."t."00. K. P., fireplace, brick porch. -Tii 10. Haw. ave., close iu, modern. $'7."it. Haw., 6-rni.. has everything. $L'!ro. Irvington dist., H-rm.. new bung. $.t."i4Mi, tt-nn.. R C. P., every conv., lmis, $4uoo. Irvington, reduced from 34U5U, 7-rm. .-.mV. West Side, 24th nd Kearney, molrn. 35.100, Laurelhurst, 7-rm.. all conv, 3soki. laurelhurst. double garage, 7ux 10. trade. Several hundred others to choose from. FRANK L. MrGL'IRE. ABINOTQN BLXHi. 1'A 3d st. Main 1068. WESTMORELAND REKD COLLEGE . DISTRICT SACRIFICE 3-J00. 5 rooms and den. Built '1 years ago during period of low cost. Owner built it for his own home. Only the best of materials and workmanship went Into this bungalow, and you will bear us out on thftt point, too, when you see it. Mind you. tht-re is nothing Licking. Hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet, full basement. You will be proud of this home in a refined, re nt ric ted dibtrlct in the shadow of beautl ful Heed College. ICequlies 3tk0 cash. AermentJi $I.'iO. A. C. TKKPK CO.. 264 Stark st,, nr. Ad. 'jii riolti. SUNDAY. Tabor o"21. ON THE PENINSULA. 1-room house. 75x100 lot, 3."0 cash, 315 per month. 3 blocks from Peninsula Lum ber Co. Only 3UOO. a-room huuM. oOxloo lot. 2 blocks from Pen lunula Lumber Co., only 3&ou, 30 cash. 312.0O per month. 7 -room house lot 2-3x110. 1 block from cariine, in Portsmouth, near ship building plants; price 3-'oon, 3100 cah, 3-.i per month, less than rent. 11S Fluke street. rooms, lot 66 2-3x loo. fine grounds, street paved and paid for; a real home. $:;Jon. COE A. McKENNA St CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. 1 HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. DESIRABLE. MODERN HOUSE. 1 PRESSED BRICK. WITH GARAGE, BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS I NEARLY SIX LOTS), H. W. FLOORS, 1 a K 0 M S. LA KUK I I V !.( KOO Jd. r KU IE Hi V COST OVKK fnO.OOO. W ILL SELL UNDER 3-';o.000. SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER, ABOUT 377.0O CASH WILL HANDLE. ADDRESS OWNER, P 607, Oregonian. HOMES, ALL PARTS OK CITY, SNAP PRICES. s:oo Ients, 4-r. bungalow. j:i.-,o Ainsworth ave., 6-r. house. 31.,oo ti-r., furnished, 7oxl25. s.'O'io 0-r. house, JJd and E. Couch, s .00 u-r. moo em. H acre ground. 3'k'iO Itungaiow. modern, fine location, J.'4iM h unitalow, garuen, iruit trees. 3ooo Bungaiow, strictly modern, corner lot. rMAS. KINGLER A CO.. 22S Henry BIdg. ROSE CITY PARK. 33K.VI Nice modern 7 -room bungalow styie home, large parlor, fireplace, book cases, paneled uiniug-room, beam ceiling. plate rait, large sidettoard. hardwood floors, nice Dutch kitchen, all large bed rooms, with nice closets, best of plumbing, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. U block to car. This place Is 11 000 un tir value. Terms 3looo cash, balance monthly. See this place. Call at 1230 Sandy boulevard BA RGAIN Well-built cottage, garage. chicken houae, loOxino. 759 Dekum ve. ; make offer. Owner. 833 N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 8o7H. For Sale Uualnewa Property. HOME WOOD HOTEL. Vancouver, Washington. Opposite postofflce. 32 rooms. Including furniture: lot 5oxlOO. Lease subject to sale at S7IV month. Cost former owner $15,000. Will take 3775o for quick sale. This i In the very heart of the city, pos sibly you could double your money In two 243 Stark st. 4 rarni;in. DANbi apartment site. Ladd's Addition. 80x 12". enrner Palm and Mulberry streets. 1 block to Ludd avenue. 1 block to Sell wood. W R and Woodstock cars, 3 blocks to Haw thorne avenue car. Phone Col. 251. Cail 6 P. M. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. loOxloo corner, with reinforced con crete foundation for 3 to 3-story building; close In, East Side. Price 310,000; worth at least S 20.000. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 1054 4th sL V ILL sell attractive property on Alder st. t West Side. for less than Its assessed value; Improved and rented ; this Is the mo? 1 attractive bargain in Portland. S 4. Oregonian. COUNTRY grocery store with fixtures; two living rooms: reasonable rent; suitable for man and wife; reason for selling, sickness I 111 family. AV 350, Oregonian. INCOME property, 324-326-332 First st, 314.- 000 ; Assessors valuation 310.000. ceu- wood 121H. Suburban Home Property. 4-ACRK home on S. P. red car electric line between Aloha and Tobias; nouse qune new. with 5 rooms, bath and sun porcn first floor; two bedrooms, sewing-room and attic second floor; electricity and gas; living-room has fireplace and library built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system witn gaso line engine: berries and young orchard balance of land under plow: adjoining is 34H ACRES overlooking Tualatin Valley, on acres free nasture : price aoouo: terms i nit. Ladd Estate Co., Concord Ding- XCEVIP COUNTRY HOME. acres, best soil, no rocks, on bluff I rnAft overlooking Sandy River valley and Mount Hood. Scenery simply unsurpassed. I A well-built, attractive bungalow, fireplace and basement. Large floored bam or ga- rage, chicken-houses, etc., woven wire roses. Improvements worth 32000. land 4 arth 32w. If sold th month will taKe 32'.oo, half rash, no trades. Quick action necessary. H. S. Eddy. Sandy. Or. 10 ACRES, 11 MILES OUT, 32730. HALF" MILE FROM STATION ON 4TH STREET ELECTRIC. 4 acre cleared. balance easily cleared, on good road. 4- rom house, barn, chicken-house, sidewalk to depot and school, ga and telephone. I Term can be arra n red. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. I02 Fourth St. SUBURBAN HOME AND ACREAGE. Modern 7-room bungalow and 8 acre for sale at a reasonable price and terms; large living-room, extra fine bathroom. 3 toilets, fireplace. Bull Run water, city g:. fruit and flower, garage, hard-sur faced ro:d. JOHN W. ALEXANDER. 1305 Northwestern Bunk bldg. Phone Main 2000. FoR SALE, cheap, suburban home, 3 -room house and 01. e acre, all in cultivation, tor garden, chickan house and yard; three b ocks from station on O. E. Ry.. 200 feet from county road, board walk from house to station. 0 cents fare. 3o minutes ride to center of Portland: a bargain for cash, owner lives on the place. C. O. Nelson, d a 1 e. Or.. R. 2. bo x J 1 . HALF ACRE. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 314IMI. IO minutes' walk from station, on elec tric lir.r, 24 minutes from 1st and Alder sts : 6-ccnt fare, book rate; terms 3"00 ch. balance 7 per cent. 2 years. See E- M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, I02 Fourth Street. PEAVERTO NA CREAOe'bARC.aIN. ::o a crs. 27 In high state of cultivation. nar Benverton on 2 side, running water. lnd is held at per acre ad joining this. I am closing out all my holdings and nffer this piece at 3L0 per acre. It con not be duplicated. Ho build ings. Fhone Owner nt EAST 478. CHEAP COUNTRY HOME. 1 acre on eat side of Buckley ave, H mile S. from Powell Valley rd. : 4-room modern houwe, bath, cement basement, hot and f old water. 23 fruit tr-ea, balanc b-rres and garden. Price 922A. ;oDDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Pi ark M- l.E By-f -ont home. 7 acre, house. 7 room. bth aro pantry; oarn ana oui buiidings. bearing fruit tree, gravity hot nd cod water, dally rural mall, tele phnnc. dally steamer to att Puget Sound ri:ie. f.iooo. discount for cash. Scott H.jes. owner. Phelton. Wash. 2J".o pi, A'RES on the Big Red Line, about 1 mtlr from the Post office; neat In 1 e house, good orchard. This would make a dandy poultry farm. CUE A. McKENNA A CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES nt Rislev. on Oregon Electric. 1 v fre. 4 -room bungalow, very pretty grounds, fruil and berries: small barn. A line buy at 2o0; terms very reasonable. See Mr. Smith, Co A. McKenna A Co., 727 Chsmher of Commerce. AT ERROL STATION. 4'- acres, all kinds of fruit and toots; ft -room modern house, barn, electric light. Phone. Bull Ron water, 5c fare. Sell wood 1(52. B 235. KE A; E Suburban : some with bearing f-uit and nn five trees, close to river car line; good roads: si so H-room house in citv Phone Oak Grove IW. iM ALI. improved farm, close to Portland, "by owner; stock and tools. AV 74, Oregonian. P.1RKROSE, 4-room modern house, one cre. friiir and berries; a good buy. Tsbor 0W. S.livt ,i ACRES, good home, near depot. Main o672. AIcFariand,. o3 leon bldg. REAL ESTATE, For Bale Arrestee, FORCED SALE OF CLEARED FARMS. Owner leaving country and must sell at once for less than half value, the fol lowing cleared farms close to good town and railroad center. Best poultry coun try In West. Farmers clearing from 3130 to 3200 an acre from berries every year. Large fruit cannery will take all the berries produced. Midway between the big city markets. Excellent roads. Health ful living conditions. Good schools. Ten acres cleared and plowed, right in town limits, worth 3I0OO, price for quick sale 3700 cash, 81 acres cleared and plowed, very close in, worth 31-U, price for quick sale only 350O cash; 7 acres, cleared. worth 3 '00, price for quick sale only 3-50 cash ; f acres, cleared, good location, worth $"'00. price for quick sale only 3175 cam; u acres, cleared, on main mgn way, close to town; some buildings; worth 32U00, price for quick sale only $140-1. 3700 down. Write at once for full particulars to w. a. Perkins, box 7, Centralis, wasn. A BIG BARGAIN. 32uO PER ACRE. 41 acres, one mile east of the 12-mile house, directly on the Base Line road, w 1th house, barn and a fine orchard. This acreage Is of the finest, aud with three roads around it, you could sell oif a part and have the balance without cost ing you a penny. My price for quick ac tion is 310,000, with but 3 J 0OO cash. bal. 10 years at tf per .cent. Inquire at ttUu Yeonbldg. FOR SALE 100 acres on Mojave River, bench, apple valley, near Victoiviile, Cai. o0 acres in 2 and o-y ear-old apples, 10 acres Bart let t peurs and family orchard, fenced, balance unimproved. 42 H. P. gas engine pumping plant, with cement pipe irrigating system complete for 40 acres ; can be easily extended. Elevation 3000 fet-t. "dry climate, unsurpassed lor lung troubles. Everything up to date. Price 31S.roo cash, or will exchange for clean stock of hardware to value. C. F. Ten Eyrk. Chlno. Cat. 1 HAVE 3 NICE TRACTS. 87 ACKESt 7 ACRES, 11 ACRES, near Astoria, on Lewis and Clark hard surface road, frontage on river, telephone set vice, eignth grade school. R. F. D. mall service, plenty of standing green tim ber for cordwood that I will contract for on bank of river at 32.50 per cord. Any of these tracts at your own terms. Get busy. Phone Tabor 1743. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres, 3250; 310 down. 3" per month, buys 5 cres of land between Port land and Central I a, on the main line of 3 railroads, IV miles from a town of soo population, sawmills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some all cleared; running stream, some bottom and some bench; give any kind of piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange BIdg. ACREAGE SACRIFICE Here is a tract of land consisting of 10 acres near E. 82nd and powen aney Road all under plow, no rock or gravel. The owner refused $15,0o0 some time ago, but ow ring to circumstances, must sell at once. Consequently will, for quick sale. take S4K0O. some terms. 5 per cent. this property and be convinced. See Mr. Bender with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY No 7 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. 5 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. Paces Powell Valley road, near Buckley ave., one of best districts between Port land aud Gresham; all good level, tillable land. 2 acres under cultivation, 1 acre fine timber, balance easily cleared; fine chick en ranch site. Investigation will prove best buv in neighborhood: price sj.mjo. reasonable terms, no trade. Lueddemann Co., 013 Chamber of Commerce. I ONE acre, all fenced, under cultivation. fruit trees and shrubbery, with comfort-I able house, garage and outbuildings, gaso line engine and pump, with UrnO-Kallon pressure tank; this place cost 33500 year I ago; my price now 31000 cash. Take Mt. Hood train at Montavllla depot to West Ascot, then south to Base Line road, west to box 5o0. ONE of the best located acre tracts at Ryan station on the Oregon Electric, o-eent fare; all kinds of fruit trees snd small fruits; acre worth 32500 of any man s 1 money: house recently burned down. 1 w ant to go East and will sacrifice for I 31500; will take $5im cash, balance on easy terms. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. A PLACE of 00 acres, one mlie from Clat-I skanle. 12 acres can be cultivated, some I pasture, a bearing orchard, a good house. etc.: a fine place for raising chickens. berries, keeping a few cows, etc. Will rent) on share or will sell on easy terms. J. H. COLLINS. Carbonado. Wash. 5 ACRE STCLOSE IN. 31500. Land afl in cultivation, close to station on electric line and very good buildings. 31000 cash, balance on time, bee . AL Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth Street. 7 ACRES well cultivated, some fruit, fine soil, house and barn; 11 miles Portland on electric line. 3200 ca-sh down will handle. Rummell aud Kummell, 274 I Stark st. TUALATIN VALLEY, 10 acres, cultivated; young apple orchard, berries, part beaver- dam, good buildings, near electric line: little cash, terms; bargain. Owner. Main D33. FOR SALE 20 acres near Stella. Wash. About 4 acres cleared and other improve-I ments, cheap for cash, or you can make I your own terms. write lor particulars, A. A. Mann, Stella, Wash. WILL sell 72 acres, or any portion to suit tuvers. high -class land. 14 miles Port land, 1 block electric line. Will sell fur 3125 or $150 per acre, according to lo- cation. Main t41, room 312. Hewitt ova., one mile west Ol Alt. ion. Bull Run water and gas on grounds: will I sell part or all. Address John ti. uauit. Pendleton, Or. iu ACRES near Lents. 5-room bungalow. barn, fruit trees and small fruit; small amount will handle. Price 32000. tSee Rand. G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Cham, of Com, bldg. ACRES 6-room house; good well, barn ind chicken-house: fenced and crobs- fenced ; on electric line: 30 minutes ride I from city. Price $30uO. Terms to auit purchaser. Empire Investment Co. VANCOUVER BARGAIN 1-room house. 4V, acres In prune trees. acre garden. 5 miles from town, on good road; will sell cheap or consider trade and cash. O 1, Oregonian. TWO acres good. rich, level cleared land on cartlne: 23 minutes from P. O. Small house. good roads; price 9000; 1100 down, balance I 110 per montn. noweii. 40X sa. 01 rraue 1 bldg. HILLSBORO ACREAGE. For sale, to settle estate, 11 acres fn edge of town; buildings, orchard, etc J. B. Wilkes. Hlllsboro. lloo ACRES good wheat land, clear Walla I Walla district, 335 acre, some trade, easy terms. Phone 3o0a. Address B., Stbt V al ia iiisave. FOR SALE Two acres, with house, lo min. walk from Courtney sta.. on Oregon Ity cariine; reasonable terms. AL 322, Ore gonian. . FOR 8ALR Barg-aln; 3 acres, inside city limits. 20-min. ride Trom center or city; tn cultivation, on trackage, 37000. Call Sun day P. M. or evenings, 404 Vancouver ave. I TEN acres on good road, acre shade trees. rest ready to plow; mile to town, mill. railroads; 3000, 3100 down, 310 a month. Mrs. Johnson, box 5. Rainier, W ash. FOR RENT OR SALE Five acres of onion land best Beaverdam in Beaverton. will I sell or rent on term. Phone Tabor 2236. 24 ACRES, 4-room plastered house, close I o-cent canine, orinn-er taie, ients. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, modern, block to R. C. car. Phone Tabor 5311. FOR SALE 24 acres. Lewis River. Address F. A. North wall. W oodland. Wash. FIVE acres, close in. East Side. Bargain. Owner. Tabor i5i3. .METZ;eR. 2 acres, house; sacrifice, by own- Broadway Jio4. 1 For Sale Fruit land. 5 OR ft-room modern house; I have 5 acres Beat erton an rlret payment ; give de rlotlon In flnt letter: owners only. AL berta or Sell wood preferred. C 247. Ore gontan! Factory PRo. FACTORY SITES FOR PALE OR LEASE, 91, ACRES. OR ANY PART THEREOF: RAIL AND RIVERFRONT: LESS THAN 15 MINUTES FROM SECOND AND AL DER STREETS. PHONE BROADWAY 004, Cranberry I .and. CRANBERRY growing pays Ml to 75 per cent on your Investment ; producing from 75 to 10O bsrrels an acre: once planted good for a lifetime: acreage limited. Own er. 3tfi, th st. Phone Main 7040. Homestead. FOR SALE o acres relinquishment, 3 miles from S. P. railroad station, family orchard and small fruit. 5-room house, barn, some furniture. 1 good team horses and harness, wagon, wood rack, top buggy, cart, plow cultivator, forge, wood-cutting and all small tools, 2 cows. 7 goats: this is a snap. Price 37O0. (See Rand.) G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Cham, of Coin, bldg. For Sale Farms. 76 bO'? ACRES. 70 improved, good buildings, fine soil, good road; 43 acres all Improved, 2 barns and bungalow, on Salem electric. Wolfstein. 114 1st. lo FOR SALE Sacrifice 002 acres. One stock, grsin ranch. Particulars, phone Tabor 4 305. 40-ACRE farm. IS miles from Portland, for sale cheap. , H. bigsby,, 40J WLcox bid I REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Farms. BE NTON COUNTY FARM BARGAINS. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM? 6l3 acres in the famous IRISH BEND section. 400 acres in cultivation, loo acres in clover 2d year, as much more seeded this year; 05 acres Winter wheat, 50 acres clover for hay, 2oo seres for Spring wheat; equipment, in part, consists of clover huller, hay baler, tractor, milking machine, stump puller, and all farm maciiinery and tools; 100 goats. 30 hogs, 40 to 50 head cattle, horses, chickens, auto aud auto truck, household furniture, feed, seed, etc.. 2 silos, big barn, houae, outbuildings, complete water system ; in fact, a modern taroi in the famous seed potato section of Ben ton County ; soil, sandy river bottom, not overflow. Price, 3 1-5 per acre, including everything. RIVER BOTTOM. ONE-MAN FARM. 17S acres adjoining the above place. 170 acres in cultivation, a acres trees a round the buildings; no better land in the Valley; completely stocked and equipped ; regis tered Holstein cattle, modern buildings, good roads, good fences, crops Vi in now, school on the place; 125 per acre. Look this over before you buy. FARM FOR THE AVERAGE MAN. 70 acres, all iu cultivation, sandy choco late loam soil, lies fine, on mail route, cream route, phone In house. 5-room house, modern plumbing, barn 24xUO, good woven wire fenced, and cross-fenced. 3 miles to ood town. Price UU per wire. V E xiA Y E SMALLER AND LARGER FARjiS LISTED. KINNEY & TRACEY. THE REAL ESTATE MEN. AT CORVALLIS. OREGON. HEART OF THE VALLEY. THE HOME OF THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. ACHES SUBURBAN HOME. 12-acre ranch, beautiful mod ern home, absolutely complete, Rentlenian'g ranch, Clackamas station. 12 miles out 011 main highway; also 17 acres adjoin ing: all or part lor sale or trade. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 302 Oak st. ALFALFA OR DAIRY FARM AND IN ALFALFA COUNTRY. On account of settling up an estate, I am direct d to dispose of this splendid property: 100 acres, all of which but 10 is below the ditch, water right all paid; !0 acres in alfalfa, 3 iu orchard, balance can be put into alfalfa. The property lies 3 miles from Stunfield. where a creamery and cheese factory operate; on R. F. D. route; good house, fair barn, huge cow shed; well ol good water, shade, electri city. 3105 an acre buys this property, worth decidedly more. 35000 down, balance long time. C P. SCHOONMAKEH, American National Bank bldg., Pendleton, Oregon. HERE IS A CHOICE 90-ACRE WILLAM ETTE VALLEY RANCH, Including stock, all implements, furniture, and the 10 acres Fall-sown grain. W0 acres rich, black bum, 70 to 80 acres in fine state of cultivation, balance val uable oak timber ; good 10-room house, barn, hog and chicken-houses, fine family orchard of apples, plums, cherries and ber ries, 3 miles to electric station, miles to boat landing, high school, store and sawmill; goou road. good neighbors, good land, all for $lo..0o. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. POLK COUNTY. Leased 3 years at $1400 per annum, pay able semi-annually lu advance; 280 acres, 2 miles from town, mile from R. R. sta. on So. Pac. ; 220 a. in cult.. 40 a. In oak, bal. pasture; plenty water, strictly modern S-r. house. 3 large barns and other build ings, all nearly new. Price cut to 32.1,000. Terms S10.0O0 cash, balance long time. Might take property within loo miles of Los Angeles, tf unincumbered, up to iu. OOO as nart Davment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. 41 ACRES FOR 32450. Fronts on main county road: all lies level. 25 acres, all cleared, bal. light trees. easy clearing, rich black loam soil, fine for grain, root crops, berries, clover, etc.; 14 miles to Rainier. Wash., with mills. 2 depots, schools, etc., 30 miles to Ta- coma; no buildings on this land; terms half cash. bal. to suit ; no trades. LaBuude, 013 Providence bldg., Tacoma, v ash. NO PAYMENT DOWN. 130 acres, 85 tillable. 50 partly cleared. close to R. R. station, store and school . and improved district. Will put up build ings for you if you have not got the money, all you need is the backbone. Price 330 per acre; 0 per cent, long time. aee t. j. Lee, H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 510 Lewis Bldg. & ACRES AT MILWAUKIE FOR TRADE. Located 2 miies east of Alilwaukie. on good road: 0 acres, all in cultivation, 7 J acres bottom land, tile-drained, 3 acres j best onion land : good orchard ; small house, barn, onion house, etc. Personal- Wagon, harness, implements, onion tools. furniture; cash price, 34500. Take $2500 1 house, bal. mortgage 3 years, per cent. HARGKOV E KKALll CO., 122 North 6th Sf. Phune Bdwy 4381. FINE STOCK, RANCH. 300 acres, at station, in Western Wash lngton, 2O0 in cultivation, balance good but in pasture; all river bottom land, 10-room house, large barn, silo and other build- Intra nil with e ectric lisrhts. nressure wa ter Rvaf pm no hHrt or line Ho nte n siock. 1 12 horses, some -hogs, all necessary tools price for all., very eaay terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10U ACRES, all in cultivation, lies well, good 0-room house, barn, chicKen-nouse. srood well, gas engine. 1 acre grapes. 3 acre raspberries and loganberries; family I orchard : k mile school, on good road. about 6 miles from Vancouver. Price $4000, mortgage 91100, which can be as- I luraed. W. W. WILSON CO.. 511 Washington St., Vancouver, watm. SEE THIS. 100 acres, fine land, all level, joins the city of Vancouver, on paved road ; fair buildings. ir you want to maae some money, see this at once. Price 322.500; easy terms, or will exchange. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. DAIRY RANCH ."0 miles from Portland, containing' 240 acres in high state of cul tivation, best barn in district, silos, and 7u head of stock, work horses. r uliy equipped with farm machinery, up-to-date farmhouse. 1 enant nouses. f ree 01 in cumbrance. Price $35,000. Will give terms. W. Burley. 65 Irving st. Mar. 2io3. 175 ACRES. MARION CO. Will sell part of large valley farm very close price. 175 acres, over half un der cultivation, fenced, good barn, crops now in; If you have cash, see us about this land. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern TUnk Bldg. Marshal! 4114. A 41is. 910,000 125 ACRES adjoining a good little town 2.i miles from Portland, a oout nair , of the place Is tn a high state of cultiva tion, balance spienuin pasture, ana wouia be easily cleared. Buildings are usabie. but not extra good. This Is a great snap. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT TO GO TO $2.50 A BUSHE'J Why not buy this 575 acres in Eastern Oregon, good soil. 4.i acres in cultiva tion. 6 miles from R. R., fenced with wire? Price only 20 an acre. 32000 cash, terms I on balance. Pee Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 10 ACRES, all In high state cult., lots of , fruit ol all kinds; good buildings, fine water, near Beaverton auto road, 16 miles from Portland. Cheap at $4500; terms can be arranged. WILLIAMS LOAN TN" V. CO., 422 Chamber of Commerce. WH EA T GO I . D WHEAT. 4n 300 A. wheat. Son A. 1IMI3 MM) A. wheat, 35 d A. 21 o OOO A. wheat. $50 A. 4040 IMjO A. wheat. 355 A. All in best districts. Some trade. OTIS C. BECK. 420 Henry Bldg. 34OOO 105 ACRES in Douglas County; 60 acres in cultivation; good roadF. fine or chard, fair barn, s'mall house; -owner will trade for a house in Portland. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. MONTANA-WH EAT FARMS. T have some fine Montana alfalfa and wheat ranches, now In crop, to ex hauge for Portland property and Willis met te Valley farms. John E. Howard, 313 Cham ber of Commerce. FoR SALE 4o acre. 7 cleared, good house and barn, young orchard. ll mi. to school. 1 ' mi. to station, at a bargain. Apart ment No. 1. College Apartments. FOR SALE 160 acres, Clatskanle 3 mii: house. barn. water. orchard. berries, fences, pasture; some cleared. Price 32500: terms. J. A. Long. 70S 2d st., Portland. FOR SALE 6-room. Willamette Heidi's home, corner, unobstructed view. Main 44M. ACRES in Clarke Co.. Wash., on state highway, 15 acres cleared ; splendid buy at $22oo. O 877,- Oregonian. SEE our farm list before buying. Have just what vou want. Rummell and Rum mell. 274 Stark st. ACRES. cultivated. Tualatin Valley; S2000. Main 3072. McFarland, 002 Yeon " Klg- FROM 10 to 00 acres. 31dn acre. 1 mile from Portland limits. J. J. Haviik, Scappoose. Or. REAL KSTATE. For bale Farms. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM FOR SALE, BY OWNER. CORONATION DISTRICT. 640 acres, loam soil, cjay subsoil, 4S0 acres cultivated, balance pasture; level; no stone, no brush; IJ mi. town; will be lca; 1 111 i. school. 3 mi. H. O. ; Kood road. Good builujnts. painted: .Vroom house snd screen yoi;a; barn, lu horsos; iced room and hfcvloft machine tnd. Kara go, coot house, graiiane aud other bui. dings; 4 mi. iencing, hog pasture, J Wilis, lots of wa ter. Great opportunity ii re tor stoctt. Worlds ot hay and v ai er on school land adjoining, subject to lease very cheap. This i arm is a money -maker. Have raised 42 bu. w heat and loo hu. oats per acre, and pays 20 per cent on price asked. No tail u res Here. Don' I miss tins U you want a real farm cheap. Poor health compels chang of climate. Price 320.010. 1-3 cash, bal. terms to suit. u4i5 per tent interest. P S. Portion of cultivated reserved till Fall. Would accept a couple pieces Portland residence property at valuation up to 310,000, or small acreage, suburban home, well located iu valley, and give terms on ba I a n ce. Must be a safe buy and near school. Send full particulars and photo, first letter. j. t. morgan. Enslelgh, Alberta. BIG SACRIFICE FOR CASH. This farm is located near Salem, con taining oer 400 acres, with 2r0 clear and over 200 acres iu cultivation, equipped with first-clasH blugs., located 1 mile from electric station, near school, on a good road ; the farm is rented now for luoO cash per year. Will sell this place for 33O.000 or will accept any reasonable amount of trade. H. M. AIALONEY. RITTKR, LOWE A- CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. THIS 30 ACRES MEETS YOUR DEMAND. Soil 01 the very best, just enough slope for good drainage, ail under plow, house 1 1 story, plastered, modern hip-roof burn, right size for the place ; located near town, hiKii school and ood electric serv ice to Portland, good view of town and many fine larms; usually tor a place liko this you find the price out of; this one is down where it belongs, $u.i00. In cluding some implements. D. McChes-nc-y, 332 Chamber of Commerce bids. Main 7102. BIG SHEEP RANCH. 0400 acres deeded and I sections leased, in Southeastern Vs abliiniun. plenty of hay land, good buildings oi all kinds, fine Winter range and climatic conditions very favorable to early lambing; now running 8000 sheep and has Summer range in mountains lor them. Will sell ranch lor 3', and can include sheep at mar ket price. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. lAMHlLL COUNTY farm. U miles from Mc Minnville; 105 acres. 00 acres cleared, i0 open pasture. 45 acres ill timber, fine soli; 6-room house, hoi and cold water, fur niture, good barns, 2 w agons, buggy, 3 double sets harness, all farm machinery, t 4 mares, in milch cows, 7 heifers soon fresh and 7 head young stork. 2 brood sows, chickens, separator, phone, daily mall, on milk route. All goes for 305 per acre, cash, balance Ion;? time at 6 per cent. See owner, G. W, Buchholz. 80o E. Everett st. A FINE CANADIAN FARM. 160 acres. 1 miles from Cornation, A lberta, well fenced, located on the cor. of two good county roads, no waste land, every foot of it can be cultivated; would consider a trade ou an improved farm or a good Portland home. H. M. MA LONE Y. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Greatest land bargain In Mon tana, 120 acres leved. rich, and all till able, water at six feet, eight miles from thriving town, on Glacier Park Highway thickly settled, well developed district; adjokilng land sells at 375 to 31O0 an acre; this relinquishment is a snap at 31200, liberal terms. Pay out of crop. Thia is a rare- opportunity for a home seeker. Add ress P. O. box 530. Portland. FOR SALE At Mosier, Or., J2 acres 14 mt. from station, mi. from Columbia Kiver Highway. situated between 2 county roads; 4 acres in bearing apples and plum trees, acre timber. Bala nee cleared. Fine land for berries and vegetables; run ning creek through place; 5-room furnished house. Will mane good terms for quick sale. Men folks gone to war. Title clear, no mortgage. B 203, Oregonian. SMALL FARM" TO TRADE. 02 acres, within 25 miles of Portland, half In cultivation, balance good. 0 acres bearing prunes. good buildings. well stocked and equipped. Price $8000; will take house as part pay., balance ti per cent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, . H13 Chamber of Commerce. A CHEAP SUBURBAN H O M E. 6 acres, all clear and in cultivation, lo cated one mile from a good town, about 20 miles from Portland; has a good five room house, barn and other outbuild ings; will sell for $1000 cash. 11. M. MALONEY. RITTKR, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROGUE River Valley ranch, 40 acres, grain and alfalfa land, creek runs throtiKh place, good fishing; open range; two miles to U. ; S. forest reserve, 3K a. clear. 0 a. alfalfa, rest in grain and pasture; school miie. church . mile. P. O. and store 1 '-7 miles; n county road; 36 acres under irrigation ditch; sunniest spot in Oregon. $1000. E. L. Davis. Provolt. Or. '. WORTH MORE MONEY. 10 a., all cleared, fenced and croes fenced, heavy 47rlnch and 1 barb wire, young orchard and berries, best coil, mile station, daily mull. 21 m. P. AM necessary buildings, some terms. See me at St. Charles Hotel today or Monday.. J. E. Girt. ' r urt nALb r me counii uuine, 0:3 oil line auio iuau, i,i nines out, moi boulevard, good house, orchard, barn and buildings. This attractive place is an es tate belonging to heirs in the East, who are willing to sucrifiee for quick sale. 34000. Chaa. I. Thomas, Portland, Rout A. 359. Phone Gresham 151. BOCITV of 31200 In 21-acre highly im proved aud commercialize! iruit rarm on Sheridan Highlands; excellent proposition for Summer home.. Total value S2W0; will greatly sacrifice for cash. Phone Tabor 577 F. H. BO L' LAN, 1172 E. Madison at. FOR SALE 6 acres at station on R. R-. good new bungalow, with porches, good well, barn, woodshed with oak wood in for Winter, and Jersey cow, seed potatoes, small tools, cultivator, wagon, hack, 1 acre in wheat, 1 acre in oats and vetch. Price $2:io0. Addresg O 17. Oregonian. i;raim und fruit land. SO a., in the Roku River Valley, lUatCiearnn in grain, w a. slashed. 28 a. under Irrigation ditches; open range; house, barn and outbuildings, school, church and store, one mile; P. O. Vt miles; 33500. Address owner. H. H. Davis. Williams. Or. , 80 ACRES, diversified Oregon farm, near Columbia River Highway. 40 acres good level farm dand. balance pasture and tim ber V2 mile from small town : 3750 will handle; real bargain and opportunity for poor man. 512 Royal bldg., Morrison and Broadway. - FOR SALE By owner, 40 acres. S acres cleared and 15 acres standing timocr. 1 -i miles from town of Amboy; fair buildings; price 317O0 ; must be sold by Feb. 21. Ad dress Lewis Reed, Amboy, Clarke .Co., Wash. FORECLOSED WHEAT FARM. 100 acres, 148 can be cultivated, fenced, small barn, house and well, one mile to ii'iiooi 4 milcN south The Dalles. Oregon; price 35000. good terms, oonata Aiacicoa, Pittock blockL So ACRES in Multnomah County, on West Side, near Boone s 1 erry roaa: in oraer i close up an estate this property win oe -Id for 3 1 2.0OO casn ; run pari i uiars on application. carl k. Jones, wucoi bldg., Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE 20 acres. 10 In loc-anberriefl. blackberries and raspberries: owner owns cannery, will pay 4c per lb. Tor berries; wilt take all vegetables raise-i on oaiami of land for ennning; other fruit. O. J. Gilbert. I2O0 East 22d st. I. 2o ACRES. 3-room houae. garage, chicken- house, fruit, plenty water, just quarter miie Fanno station, 34000 discount all cash. .T. C. Corbin Company, 305-6-7 Lewis building. 1 t;n- A Ctt K farm, near large town, on hard- surfaced road, railroad, mall route, pnone lines. Willamette Valley; by owner, o 10, Oregonian. SACRIFICE SALE, ion a.. 7o cult.. 30 bottom: good build ings, equipped, and gravel road, near R. rt. THUS. . Cl K K fr. n.-.t nenrv oog- 150-ACRE stock ranch. 50 acres In cultiva tion, a fine place for sheep raising, n.i per acre. 3500 down, long time on oaiance; see Draper. 401 Board of Trade. FA RM BARG TNT 40 acres, irrigated. 3 miles fmm Bend: small hous. fenced; price $."iOOo. on terms. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 50 ACRES. 14 ini'es Portland, 0-room hous. barn, small orchard, good road, ls mile to station; 3110 per acre. II 10. Ore gon i a n. FO R all-purpose farms, ranging trom 50 to ,no acres, call on or write J. V. Pipe. Al bany. Or. LOGGED -OFF lan (If. $10 acre up. running water, good soil. tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. 10 ACRES, well located. Upper Columbia Highway, 3 acres orchard, fine soil: great bargain; $75o; terms. A 414. Oregonian. EASTERN Oregon stock ranrhes and wheat farms; if interested, write Mathews Sc TTendrirkH. Fossil, Or. WILL aell 100-acre farm in tracts to suit for cash or part trade: fine soil, close In. Bargain 502 Dekum bldg. Marshall 1 753. 84 ACRES at Wood I urn. fenced and In cul tivation . M, 1 Mai to a, 5 PiUuu blk.