The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 10, 1918, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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Preparedness . Is Keynote in
.Ccming Third Campaign in
' State of Oregon.
With One Escrptioa II cry Cott
km Stale RcpmcDtctl ml Meeting
of Crolnl Committee In Port
UaJ Chairmen Named.
Ir-predn U the kynota of the
comic l.txrty loa campaign. Al
tho3Xri t onolrc dy of tbe drive
roar b dUe. until Arr.l 1. a com
pMia prciiiMtici down to i ha iraal.-t
umt Imp m v Mrm Ko 1 low in c I h
mttnc of Na stjta rnirl liberty
t-.n rorrmttt at Portland. : whlcfi
tvrrv count In tho 'ata excepting
one wm reinted. a lajcal a.halrnnao
h- n appointed in ea-h bnlctn
tw. later a-nnipl-ta I wn organisa
tions w-ti paa forniH. The town r-a-nnu
'ton will rorit of an eeu
tte board. pubromiikHUfi and s-ntla-U-In
trmj for every school dtxtrft.
Citfilht Har4 Caali
rhftirmtn of e-utnr board In)
the .various trtWDJ throughout trron.
Cit'lv CMnml'iM for Too: CdwiM
Cilalng ntftL r'ulmnn . J. C- An rt K.
iM-r U Ffcr. rraak'ia T. Urtfrif n.
V lUm X. MarlU". A. U SWUla, Kroffl
oimstd, CUar B. ft'1pr aod Katnaa
j-cmtt'M rhirmm of the state
eaj cm rot t ; .
tfltf A. I MlUaj.
rn ! aadit Wu;t-m A. Mac Raft.
K-aUiuMra T. tir.ff.tV
and m-r-K- l. H. Plpr.
rlM. b i'ion t Fwrtiand Kmery Olmstead.
f.;Udy -J. C Atn-vWArth.
!:tiw maa-af-r fur a.nrgoo Robert E.
AMtjtant aatrvaj naaager for Or goo
Baa It alloc.
Mat (atml CaaiMttra r an 4-
tl crra commute cooipovcd Of
Cvunijr mfn a f :
Uia-r K. H. rU-u-r. Baakr.
Hag low A. J. Jolt nn. t'orvaMta.
" imjM, la. iv'urtta. Oregon City.
a tp td afd Judd. Atrla.
''In L R. Rutharfnrd. t. Helei
Cr(i T. 34. Haldwn. HriPaviiia.
oaa aad furry L. J. ttmpmmt, Nona
rwM-hntaa C l. Hod -en. Itd.
r'ri J II. Brtoth. H'Mbmi.
; u ii.(iMrt R lmkk. oiidOB.
Ornt C. J. Pji-r. Jnn lr.
Hr-tr Jamt lwnn-mn. Purr.
fit Rir-r Truman w.'-.. Mood Kirr.
J-froi M1 tr W. Trtr. Mad ram.
JW-hta- A. H. Vo(ha. nt HtM.
Klamatb ( bartca Karg oaoa. Iwamatb
rniia. -
LaUa Baraard Pi lr. Ua.U.
l.a Fi. A. Homfi. Ftoitn, K'd rd- . to: . port.
M lhwr-J. R. HlarWaHv. Onartax
UrW V f;. CM-kaCMi'-h. i-aMta.
l -rr ow tt. J4. jTmt. H-rpnr.
Nm t. r. K!f kirltk. laUaa.
5 rn an L. Baruvrp. Uqr.
Til i-nli Frank T.oa. htlr.
I n art;i w. iu ThAfnpaon. fvndtoa.
tn" A..T. iriil. 1 a Grand'.
Va,).aa- X W. llyaH. l.j(Tr.a.
V aar- J. C HoatrtUr. Tl Iia.
m aaaipf loo J. a A. TEtorabur. ort
. 1 ,:- .. :
i a a ' -A - ' j .
lit - .' r ?
Aty ,
WNTr. U L. fftrlwar. T oca.I.
laurtbUi K. C. Apwraoa. ttrMinnli:a
HaaH ad tanatliiaM or Caw-Mi.
fftkar Contr B-'ktr. T O Moicompy
frl-.a-, C. A Hncrti. Ha'?ar. H. J Is. a
ll'Jntinslae, c. A. .Nortiir; Rictitaad.
9tPii rrfntr Coarffa. A. rt
Mwro. . c nrrva; frt;
II. ft. Maraland.
FataraO-a. . M Ppft-na. alilwanbi. ph. Up
K. . C ftnfiai-l: an.r. "A. A. Proctor; VT.-
aND rMaay AMuMt, J, . Da.aay;
"'l i. Itlntr. J. . Tai. Vitan; Hap.
1- Crow ley i 5t. lu:aoa, htwB
m Caantx P-affftn. R rf. Rboa: fo
'.". t- H. MaaarU. rrnplra. ;an fl.
H: latat.J. rhattaa t. lr MaraMt-d.
P P. t hn'(fr: Mvrita Pulrtt. lauUa
' Xor-.a lUnO. C. A. Health. l'ora. a.
rHo Cnon'T PnnvT'a. X O. Wa"ra.
'arrv Ontxnt j Bronh nca. W. J. Watrt!:
OJ la. V C. H. UufTln4Ua. Tort Orford.
A. t. JnltllMfl.
fwn a't nnJ. 11. J Orrtorf:
lapiaa., V. YT. Koroaa. Kiitmood, Cuy kl
tHtt a rontx Dr-aln. pan I'ontinrtoi.
Jr.: iriltr. li. l tUrwunU; 0nl4.r. K
H. P-- urtB'l; Vrr?; Crfc, C. K. pa,:aa:
CakTnt. A. l. Youn: RiM:. I baria tMtn
.': Rabj-;. J Wi;Mn,,
Maa X. TiadaXa. Yoncalla, Wi;ttm Ktt-
Ar'tr.ctoa. C. C. -Clark. ! f. R. Psrkrr.
rrt Count j roto City. F . Ptatrr;
Jrjn fSy. ra rr. Inrra: Pralrta City. v. w.i
Pl: Ixint am on, tidnf tirvri; Dr.jr. I
J. Sfto : MAmtmant. W. K. Whltl
aa, K. I Koutbvorth: tCivtea. J.-b tTad'
-vk: "'ia. J. J. 'rair: '. John
vrana; It-, j. Anr-ll: H-a Craak.
V Carwi; Humi'tnn, . W. Aut I n ; ravr.
l W. . C.4-rMt!t Hrla. C. J. !nitth.
Trartar, AilMcrt Ha)atad; To. C. A. Walton;
AtUf. tr. Knuth.
Jfraon County Oataway. H. Ialta
PrJa; Madraa. Vrnk N. CXOonOT:
l-l'a. . a. hur-li- k.
Joaaptiina t.oenty liranta Paaa. W. P.
KUmt tvvintsattoa, .vadcr
0riri CkrU-a Fararoon.
t-arto Oony Co Krr. Carrt rtrory: Crt
;rw. O. E. I rnporay ; Craawall. C. H.
t Uar i-k : Kloran. a. iora p. EdaaiMa.
tvm tin Oty. C. B, Wajbtaroe; FrlQ' tald.
n. U KifV. .
Tba County Tjtkrrlaar. W. If. Hblrk;
P:y. H. A. Rna'tain.
taa?i County Vawport. Cbauncy Haw.
klna. Tofado. Judca MUar.
Una County A Ifanr. A. J. Hodrrs:
Frnr) I la. V. p. lllmo.t: llarrtatura;.
tr J. Wllhalm: Hlay. D. TiyTor;
TNaraon. 9. C. Mtaajrt; Htio. E. C. Pary ;
MaTKtur Curaty RitckvilTa, 1 ft rod
ti'd Hand Ooontrr. iuy Jennet on. Pnrma.
M s: tvl). C. Cwk ; on. I'nank
Plrnar: K'r-da. nnan Mrlta:
J. A. Kannadl : Ironstda. Kam-at La.vr :
.ford i T.J. Palmar; Jcrtura. Ehavfd
mtmjn ; )aa, nk D. Hall : Onta.r'ox
M. p. Carknim: Vah. . C Hop: rat-
raT. Jwk Piimui,
VartKk Coontj Aurora. Cn? N. Ht- kk;
Taiatta.U. Hanrw Zm . nr:a. A. R.
W'iM. RuSbord. U" A P-kmafa' J-fraraon,
F.l wrd Arutth; Mill City. J. It. Hhaw : MnU
rac. C. A rniMa. Voont!. Jnmmytt J.
K-r-; 5a. Ian O V Dan . : Miv-rfn,
T. X. Ca ltaiar; t r H. Hrrna M"altj;
'avta- J. Mara: Tnruar. R. O. Gray:
avtSiim. J M. fHwmaii. .
Irro CMcrHppBf. W. p VahAttay:
LVtaa. .W.. U. Scott: lone. H. if. Cum-
(oik County5 fVTUa Foiant Hartar:
p,:i w. H. a;rd: I - J-r-nrf-n. a. O,
W Irma; lmiaith. Ira P PoaL
woian County ra Va I !-. t-. W.
Pr . K 't. J. K fhr : rv Oaorsa B.
rbri . Hi.-a, rj ard M"Ka.
Tlilna.ab Cu- . Rw Cl-. John N''
ao: C:oordA. Frank TaTlr: Tliamook.
P. t-hraaa-:"-a-lt U & Rinahart
tnattl Coo' A'haca. P. H. La row :
"box ri- ri. ?r-it- rawar. F J.
r"a: H'ia. CarT Kura: HnUton, P.
"-ayr. Miita. Caw a Pr-a: Pandl
19 l. A Ifartaaar . Ptl Ho It tauh
vaarp-' ntanfKld. Rapk Halt a. TTraton.
J. If Prtf.
Van Couo- Coa-ax IfnrS M.-C!l: ri
als. Fk U. fllWtlUll-; NM,f. w m:mr
f-fnaTbm. U'.rnJr. G t- UnlaAn: North
r'owa-ar. C. J. taatrutn: I'tttoa. J. c. Uuich
tan. w tH"a CwynT fcfaprua?. W. C. Ht
td; A. I- oaw-: Joavrn. r. If.
r?inia. ?a:fn. TCt.liM paa; Wallowa.
C Mc Da i -
Vise ccauatj lu'ts. r. R Io?cs; I
V u pin. J. Pnwn ; Vnlr, A. W. Hhr
nrh. Hhaniku, J. A. Ilwa; Too Da ilea.
bl A. VraTU
W aanlnattun Count Rank. VT. O. Cala
way: IWavrrtoQ. Dav Gray: CornHlua. K. H.
Sholra: Korat iro a Joaanh P. Huii :
;aton. '.! Mapl-too : If !llnor. J. W.
fuxiar: Nur'h f', Elmr hr
atood. !. K lftiurl.
Uhaalar Ctitnty Foail. C. O. Partwnod:
Mitrh-i. A'N-rt Kin: Hpray. O. K. p-tar.
Tambllt CounTy Amity. J. "W. Brlrdar,
Carlaon. Jr Sttrknav ; Dayton. -I. I-
Stuart. I .a Kaypt. K-llh Powall: MMtnn-
rlll. A. MPbl!tlpa: Nawhoru S. I larrrtt:
(iH-ln. w. P. Xh-hnfaa; tV'IPamlDa. Tul
raadmaa; TamhfM. jam Iuahila.
Leaders, Throughout! State
Sanguine : of Success in
Greatest Campaign.
DUatr to Oregon Troops and Pres
ence -of Of hers on Battlefields
Arouse Cltixens to Point of
Glvlnj Vn.tlntedly.
tumbla County oxpects to ax cter th top;
aa boforo. TuKania disaster taas broug-ht
noma realization of aeriousness of aitua,-
tion. '
T. M. Baldwin. Crook Conntif Vlrorous
nmpalfa KUaaned and. under way; Crook.
County will not fall.
I. J. Sim peon. Coo so and Curry Counties
vrgranixation well under way. Plans con-
templ-ata intense Individual - solicitation.
Cooa "County Bankers AHsoclatton appro
priated s$50 to cover pre -campaign ex-
Supremo Iraporfanco Realised.
P. Hudson. tvchuf County Bend
Conservation ' Wherever Pos
sible Is Urged in Annual
and Desrbutes County realize supremo Im
portance of third liberty -loan and I have
no doubt will be one of the. ft rat over the
J. H. Booth, Doubles County Oous;! aa
County is short -on money, but Ion? on pa
triotism, and may be depended upon to go
ovr tne top ki this campaign.
1 Barvum, Sherman County Saerman
vouniy win go over the top.
E. J. Baiiey. Grant County Grant County
can do depended upon to do her share.
James Donne an. Harney County Meet-
his with fine co-operation In Buma Will
soon start on two -weeks auto tour to or
ganize county: big; job, but feel sure county
will reach ouota.
Truman Butler E. O. Blanchar. Hood City's JuxeCUtlve Molds " That All
Summer.- I urge the cun?i"l to allow thsj
same privflega next Hummer. " t
ReoJamation of wast foodstuff it t'.i oil1
tfcinerator has been accomplished. Wa?r
food amountintr , to several tone dity, whi:
aas formerly burned, io cow being" sold b
tho city for hog feed. Other plans of oou
servation at tlie inoincrtor have been ,iPi
Kstea and should be carried out as quickly
aa possible.
Ffeh Markrt Established. .
To promote the uee of fish as a substi
tute for other meat needed for our fight iris;
forces, city has eetahljfOied a fish -market,
where fish caught off the Oregon Coa.-t
Is sold at cost plus .expense of ha'adUn?.
This: market baa met with opposition from
ome of the private dealer? who hav losi
sight of the ultimate good which i!l result
to tneir bunes and 'iave...iowt jight of
cause which prompted the estabMphnrrit
of this market the conservation of food
in tnis connection the -city-should do every -I
thing pofaible to advertise the value of fish
for food and to educate tho public in ineanaj
of using it. - ' 1
The city at t'.io outset -of- nrica TaUioc-
River County Campaign plan Is progress- I
ing. aratlsfactorlly: everyone ready to put his I
snouiaer to tho wheel.
alackse County Waits Signal.
G. K.- Gates, Jackson County Tf proper
quota la given. Jackson County will go over I
the top aa she always does, ready to com-
mnce working when signal la given.
Howard W. Turner, Jefferson County I
AraffAm . .kLM ;ii .-. I "inf co existing; mnaitions i Tei mai i
iuow uu v prosDfrCti of camnaicn are not nromlsina:
over the top" in the next, the third. Il0!7 crop conditions unfavorable. Do not
libertv loan Hnva aohadnld fnr Anrfl. I xPct to reach quota. Will do our bet.
u viwumui vi in able to raising county's ouota.
tnrongnout , tha state. Liberty Joan 1 Charles Ferguson. Klamath County Fifty
headquarters have obtained from of-I people already nt work on registration lib-
ilrers and member of the central I rty cnorus organized and drilling: first lih
orcHnlzntlnn in chnr? of thn drive I rt meeting tomorrow night at Klamath
ca't.-ciui!b vii me ll rv . i Parnnril ral T ilr pAllnfv j fnnntv
t 8 a bis; undertaking the raising- of I .; ha mn th.n h. k ck. .n A
$.0.000.000 thea leaders u.y. but I best. If any other couniv neda 1i1d aend
sucn stimulants aa the Tuscan la. affair I tor us.
of a few riava acn and lhA nrnAni-a R A. Booth, Iane County General lm
now of Or son's men in the battlefield pni.M'on her tht."rm require efficient
, . . , , . . i ana intensive organisation to meet prooa
nv muia tne peopi to ine potnt blf; qilota. but a fcpindld citizenry will go
" "tt: me ivan cannot tan as lar as i into tne drive witn aetermination to win.
Oregon 1s concerned. I Edward Abbey. Lincoln County Perfect-
Th amrKiAn h onm f i-m rff- I Ing plans for thorough dlstrlcttnK of county,
lain id v -. i A ill perwnal iy superviaA campaign and an
ben. of tbat comn,itle in Portland and ,,c'pat' ""aa lowing.
. Caw III "C. Oir or Go I ndcr."
B. D. Cuick. I.lnn County Tank looks I
largo but our committees ar taking hold I
ntnusl&stlcaliy ana we will go over tne top.
tl. .HiarKaoy, .Mttl-
Local Improvements ot Abso-
lutely Needed Should Bo-Dc
. fcrrcd -for . Season.
W. F. Homan for J.
Forest Grtne Cnsrei:atton lo Vnforl
.Service lIaR Today,
FORFST fiROVt; Or.. Feb. fSpv
rial.) The Congregational Churrh of
thla city will tomorrow unfurl a beau
tiful service flag, made tv the ladls
of the Work In Moclrty, tbat will con
tain 19 tr.
The roll of honor in as follows:
Grant A f"a-" r. Holland lsafiar. War-
Htnttm n. o-" jo Brihnan. Vernon P'jr-
lnialiam. nan DoiiaMaoi. J1!nn J Ke-
nta, Julian Ffma. If -aeke'l EI Verrtn.
Hwivi rOi4iTan. Tnlr tiratiam W. G.
Han-trgton. KrnrMh Haak. Nclann John
o.i. lioai.'t Jonrf. l.--ai-r Jtn. Tl.arua M.
-a,. Marittl Kerra. bara M"-
a:i. ;il Xfit'ar. Hrdr l't'pn i;i.bri Tot--
Glanai lot tn, J. W h.lam Fot In.
Jamro Kamuan. Hobart Ha v. Howard K---h-r.
Mas Ru'lrar. i"harla Rr. Harry Itomlc.
tr;ado Roniia. Juiaan Raan. Hut Thomas
mtth. Kraocta Teylrt'. d Tu -ser. War.
rafi Tapr T. Walker. Kajr Terry
WllManaa, Rl-Sard Wl.tnn and Knovb, L WiiL
German Ootrrnmt-nl Takes Control
of lour Concern.
ijnSTxlS. Trh. f. Koor America
firm hav hn plrn-cd und.r full con
trot of tho (frman government.
rordlnir to the Nord liit!rho Zfltuna-.
Thejr irr the Crwltilf flwl Com pan
of Amrt-. the American Mneitmit
Hflnlnr Co rut-any. the American Shoe
Ktorcs mil Stephen II- l-r adden. aaen
for a number of manufacturer, includ
In the Chenebrough Manufacturin
Company and ColRal- V ox
ln January zz the inter iewin
Machine Company and the firm of Will
lam A. I Trick, both of Merlin, were
puced under Kprernmenl control.
nelnrrallon Takes Plaee) at Port'
land Crematorium.
Tho funeral of Kllaha E. Farrina-tou
win he!d yenterday at tne rnapei
V. Flnley run, V.rr. A. M. bpana-ler,
the Flrat Cona-reitational Church.
f Kua-ene. Or., orflvlatlne;.
Mrs. I'atillne Miller Cl.apman rnrtf
Abldo With Me" and "Somellms We'll
The pallbearer were J. I. Jaeger.
A. J. Kay. c. M. White, t- C. Morgan,
R. II. Snenlch and Dr. Robert 1L
Incineration look place at the Tort
land Crematorium.
Failure of Government to Pay
Does -Harm,
w hatever the Government expects of Oregoa
in tins new drive the third liberty loan.
Robert E. mltb, general executive man
sger The fortunes, .of war have brought
Oregon to the point where supreme sacri-fl--a
and service are Imperative. To Invest
until It hurts will hart less than to be a
la char in the home camp or to do less than
our best- tn this hour of terrible trial.
CHI niCDO'-- UllTO o 1 1 mm I Blaine Hallock, Assistant executive man
OULUlLnO WIVLO oUrrtn lager No good general celebrates a victory
until tne sun baa set upon the last-day of
battle, but we at headquarters cannot re
frain from giving some expression to our
feeling of confidence at the splendid spirit
members and workers in every county
in tne state.
Treaneaa1oa.a Task - Realixet
Thsa aTtiraaainna fnllnw
Edward Cookingham. chairman executive A0.?"-"1,. .. TL2i "Af?.e
TlJi i .. nv "M' V un wM . eo m"1: fort and some sacrifice to win. but it can be
- " i" aiate urani I done.
irom prompts me to aay that while realizing I jr. r? nokohaf-h Vfarinn Cnnntv Marinn I
the tremendoua tank which is before us lo I county well -organized, prospect bright for
I'neja uouounff our last' quota, j am con I moot euccesaiui anu run quota, I
nnea: or tne successful accomplishment of I puniic- sentiment gooa.
kj. Al. wnutt. Morrow t;ouniy iaiurauy ai
thia time of the year money is scarce in this I
county, but am sure patriotic citizens will j
respond to tne can as usual.
jE. C. Ktrkoatrlck. Polk County Camnalim
committee being perfected, people awaiting I
our rusn pieaaanuy, cave no aouot oe suc
cessful finish.
George B. Dukeh. Gilliam County It will
take a very strenuous effort to raise our
quota, but think we will succeed.
Frank Rowe, Tillamook County Local
mmmiuw rgiiia-x aaitu i ci nn nuin,
confident Tillamook county will maintain I T
her natriotlc renutatlon and resnond to de- I t
Cessation for present of. all
street, sewer and other improve- '
ment-s not absolutely necessary.
Conservation of all municipal
funds for city's safeguard fn un
expected emergrencles and for re
duction of taxation.
Promotion of vigorous lot icar
denlnj? campaign and granting
by city of free water next Sum
mer for irrigating war gardens.
Adoption by voters of measures
to enable city to force large
realty holders to pay up delin
quent street and sewer assess
ments and Interest.
Investigation of Water Bureau
funds to determine present and
prospective financial status.
Revision by council of city's
traffic ordinance.
Indexing of city and council
( records so that information may,,
'be readily obtained.
Co-ordination of activities for
handling- house shortage and -housing
problems, that quick re- .
suits may be obtained.
Re-establishment of city's
health bulletin for publication of
sanitary standing of milk depots
and dairies supplying Portland.
Creation of -position of manager
for Public Auditorium.
Submission of jitney questions'
to voters at May election.
Continuance of city's war-work ,
Continuance of policy of strict
law enforcement-
last -hummer conducted extensive investtgH-
uons oi prices and available supplies of fuel.
Ice and other necessities.' An investigator
wan employed until the work was conaum
mated. when .tbe -Federal Government - wth
ita broader jurisdiction and powers Inter
ceded and took over this task. We have
given-ouT aid in this work unrese'rvedl v'and
every department of the city. should continue
to rfo ' Rn.
War Activities Promoted.
A war emergency council, with member
ship from organizations throughout the city,
nas been established 'to co-ordinate war ac
tivities, eliminating duplication of work, pre
venting fraud, wider the gufoe -of .patriotism
a-nd assisting in keeping Portland in the
front rank In meeting war needs and 1f
sus The response of all classes to aid in
this important work has been gralylng.
Aside from war work the city has prob
lems of various sorts to meet. Strict law
enforcement has been a policy established
on an impartial basis. It is my purpose, and
I have had full co-operation from th coun
cil, to enforce reasonably every, law adopted
by law-making bodies, including the voting
public. This policy naturally has met wiih
opposition from some source hur t.i nnli.a
A have been entirely faithful in the perform
ance oi tneir outte and I believe the policy
has been carried out. I ouly urge in tin
respect that the law-abiding public give th
law -enforcing authorities the "full-hearted,
co-operation which is necessary if laws aro
to be carried out Impartially. As far .
this administration Is concerned a law Is a
law until it is n unified bv tlia courts or r-
Health Bulletins Approved.
In connection with tha wnrw -f iha rif
health bureau T feel that the City Councl'
of the milk plants and dairies' furnlshin
mux to Portland.
The advent of the 6-ce-nt streetcar far ha
raised. a municipal problem which rhoul
oe given ftonest study by all citizens In orrfc:
mm mey may vote tnteiiteent v -if otietir
are auomitted to tho voters at the special
cny election in May. T.iere- has been
demand from many sources for, a return of
tne jitneys. The voters took tho iitnvi
question into their hands at the last citv
election and, pawed a jitney bonding a- t
which apparently stands in the wav ofjit
ney service now. I favor the submission of
the "jitney question to the .voter juralti al
the special city election for May 17, 1918.
Refunding Bonds I need.
A municipal problem of much important
I of Antimlam and rn.i rra t lrr arhfrh rharnr. I . .... ' .
Allotment Due Families ovrmbcr ten- the third i.berty loan om.Dtiairon. i tZJZVS: Jta , ion b
1 Not Yet Received and Iental
Distress of Men .Causes Lots
, of Kfficicne- in Vork..
r . 1 finanffa! renulremenl. of the Jovcmment to
The fiovernmrnt'i failure to provide conduct h r. It l reasonably certain
. , i .. i : .ii:- - sv. iA.n I uessauon oi an local municiudi iiu
J. C Alnaworth. member of executive I u.i it nmniv -ith hi. nu..t nrnvpmpntH nr,t ahsnlntelv . necessarv.
. v . to Invest In ceriiflcatea. conservation of municloal funds for re
or tne imop .nip lu.cania win oe maae in I . f.tmn,vNothln to m . . v.i. f
.hla liberty loan drive. We all know what - " "T"' rUT w . comolctlni "cl "l " l,."'J " " "1
' . - - i manv vnr.wnru upiivhipk rrcannn ui
our organisation, getting - ready lor hara t , , , ; . -
work. a aw to enable the city to forde show-
G. W. Hvatt. Wallowa County Establish- aown Wlin aeiinquenL real estate spec-
en t i county headquarters, active man in f ulators, revision .of the . city s , traffic
invAsf ip-ation of financial
team work puburity through pres. ana 8tatus ot city water bureau and inves-
.;,,.,'. . , ' . tigations into .housins conditions
J. C. Hoatetlcr. Wur Countvi Wasco roruana ire .amrag me. pnnuipa i rec-
'' ' mat or meeting the Intere."
which properly owners have failed to pay!
on street and sewer assessments. It is imj
paratlve that every member of the counclll
and every citizen with the community's ln-
terest at heart should suDDort the financing 1
the ars-er will be.
Oeorse L. Baker. Mayor Our third liberty
loaji. comes. In -April. . Prepare ifor It - now.
Orejcon. must not fall to answer our Oov-
emm-ni s can. nememoer in. i uscania : - ,,. ,,,rru n,l..,l,n for district
Franklin T. Griffith, member of execu- 1 " ".r t. j resuiuuu.
tlve . comirlUtee Because- of .the Increasing
families of eoldlers has reduced the n"' ''r "fl"'nt In the third liberty r.nnty" niay . bff pected to do its share, ommendations of Mayor Baker in his
alo of the Army and is worklns a "nd drrv? Th" mean. Vh.t eve", b-.t people mast be awakened by acUve cam- annual messagc to the City Council
oua hardship on ao.dlerj. Is the de- patriotic citlxea must 'take home-to him. p Djjf Thornbure. tVashlngton County filed yesterday, with City.Auditor Funk.
ductlon made by the military
f fairs I self as a personal obligation- the f I District manatrer sefectlns; committee and
commmee of tho T.coma Commercial Tr. mVo7n
hud. anion naa wired ashlnston War Require, feacriflce. . U I, Btelwer. Wheeler County Believe sentlal to the best interest of the city
state Representatives at. the National . -William A. MacRae. .member executive people of Wheeler County will respond to . h , -
Canital to a-et InimeHln. .,-1 lnn ik. I rninmitiee In resDonse to vour reouest' for I best -of their aoillty. out aeiay or cam-
uvment of allotment. an expreaslon of opinion aa to what la most " '.I'T,
- 1 n I . llhaelv In.n
cu -wia irom au ine i nuccess. It is to rea
t . 1 1 tt tha Waal a.-n Tr. - a In . war tXunlvin
a- air na a? i wiiipjninca IO t lie Committee, I 'UMa'' -v..- , mmt aill riaminrla
who are not actively engaged -In -the
E. C. Apperson, Yamhill County Through- !
The Mayor makes brief comment on
the city's activities the' past year and
outlines policies which he considers es
in the future.
I'tmoat Economy Irged.
Assertion is made- that the call on
rallze that we are engaged out -iamhlll County there Is a strong patrl- Dubiic for war funds necessitates
Ina- jnore men .than ever I oUc Inclination to take next-issue of liberty I the pUDllc lor . war iunas necessitates
rtn. .h. ...ih'. ui.,... bonds- and our people can be counted upon I the utmost, economy, not only on-the
Shipping lo De Controlled.
FT. JOHNS. N. F- Feb. So critical
has tho ahlpptna situation become In
: ry v
: h w
a i- ar- , .
U Flair y.'
The Irvinitton Club is anxious
1v awalttns; next Xonday nlfht,
February la. when V. L. Flnley.
Stat hloloalst. will lecture at
Ihe "rlnhhous on Oreiron bird
and animal life and (how many
new pictures which ho has taken.
Newfoundland ths aroveroment has de.
rlded to create a ministry of shipping
to exercise control until the end of the
Grants Fa IUIks Over $330.
ORANTS PASS. Or.. Feb. j.fSpe
clal. ) Joaephlne Count v has raised and
now baa on hand for the Y. W. C A.
war work JJSJ M. with soma of th
outline diStrKta cl to be beard fro in.
wnirn started an Investigation im-
i.ui.v.11. . t iw uroviuea I ii .1 1 a i . .... . - . .. .
i. . I - ... j Army or m . y i tta ii tne vovfrumeui n ill
" - - uwii-wuinmissionea nrt f our Income -we can srafe.
orricer snail De slven half of his pay. A. U Jlllls. member executive committee
jnia in tne case of a private la $15 al Oregon's . quota for Xhe next liberty loan
month. Then she Is to receive lis ad- I may be aa much as but the
ditional us her monthly allotment and amount .-an be raised lo the state and' will
110 for the firgt child, $7. .10 for the!
second ana. each for other children.
part of the city,, but on the part of all
local . goverrfmental agencies. Such a
programme, he says, will greatly ire-
I lieve the: present war 'burden.'- He urges
j capital and labor to keep harmoniously
together on war work, particularly
shipbuilding. He asserts that this and
kindred industries are -vital, not -only
be raised If everyone, does his part and
there are no alackera. To succeed there I DISTRICT .' BOARD AT - LA GRANDE to the Nation, but to industrial Port- the proposition of asking the Army to send
of this problem and the protecting of the
city's credit, by urging the approval at
speviai eiecnon or a reiundlng bond issue.
The system now being worked out will be
such that no outlay from taxpayers will
be necessary to handle the bonds and rim
city will be able to force an accountfnt?
wlth holders of large real estate tracts wh
are largely responsible for existing condU
Another problem which T wish to eatf
to ofTicial attention- is that of the-condition,
of the city, water bureau funds. Official an4
unofficial rport,s .would indicate .that thw
water bureau rates are su'h that In nesr
future years the bureau will ,face a tre
mendous deficit. An accountant should b
delegated to make an accurate and official
report on. this subject.
Traffic Ordinance Defecllre.'
Strict- enforcement of the ' city's-. traffid
ordinance has shown that the law is defec
tive In many respects. The council should
direct its attention at once toward a re
vision of this ordinance. . ' . ,
War conditions have made It nnroKsap
for- us to increase the size ,.of the. 'polira
tviyv i;mporiiriiiy oy ,-men, in order that
we may be able to comply with reauests
from jthe Federal Government for- special
protection of 'the manv iinnortnnt war it-
uuanira, ui roriiaiiu. as .wen as care ror IF
'vi-j ' iiic icav ui ilia ciut'e. wuri
our small force we have been unable to
give adequate protection. " The Federal Gov
ernment needs Its soldiers for the vital task
racing the Nation, and I am opposed to
Kill have to b at least lOu.ooO subscribers,
Tki. . , win nave i
. " ner income witu one averaging .VK each.
cmiiu ?-u m montn. Although this). Emery Ormsfeaid. member executive com-
mvney was aue on Aov ember l, not a mittee The. raising of .'. OOO.OuO by th
cent haa beta paid, the committee I e of liberty bonds will -train the purse
I strings of every Individual In Oregon. , How-
Aa a result of the Government's fail- vr wLh the Ptroic Prt that exists
aa trt mika .. I among the people, I feel sure we Will go
.J "" wointa hva over tne top- in reaching our quota.
Kdfar K Piper, member executive com- I
mittee The great duty of the Nation Is to I
coma to camp Lewis In an effort to
nave ineir husbands exempted on the
grounds of support alone. This the vr; the greac duty of the citizen
exemption board there could not do. In
Iha n-iaeai aaf ima ah ...
-uiiimiii t.r3 d)8, ine
men uuaergo mental distress and can
Half of Appeala Filed Beached y Feb
ruary- 4 Total Registration
' i la llrUJ-
" TjA GRAXDB, Or.. Feb, 9. (Special.)
The Eastern Oregon district exemp
tion board ince January 9 has been in is a law until it is .nullified byr tne
Is to provide the' sinews of war In 'men and
money. The men are training and sailing
d"hs and an ot r It. I ia" fear continuous session, and on February 4 courts or repealed
Work along: -war' lines -performed -by
the city is outlined in the message, and
the counc.ll and' the' publfc are' urged
to co-operate in :-furtherance of. this
programme. He outlines the policy of
strict law enforcement, declaring that
this policy has -been, carried -out: im
partially and will continue to be in
the future. ""As far as this adminis
tration is concerned," he says, "a law
not srlve proper attention to their work, of the result of the third" liberty loan. We had disposed of 1471 cases. The total
ilem-e the morale of the Army is im
ps i rea.
We have wired to our renresent.
uvea to gei action through the War
uepartmenr or tlirouirn Conareasional
procedure.- said B. W. Coiner, chair
man of the committee. "We do not care
how it eoms. but something must k
oona immeaiaiely for the sake of the
'" ara me cnnaren or tne soldiers.
know the sise of the task and will measure I registered in- the district of Eastern
Message General Survey,
The message follows:
To the Council:
In accordance with the city charter, I
submit herewith my annual message and
reports to the City Council, giving a gen
eral statement of conditions and affairs.
with recommendations for the future.
The city during the past year has ex
perienced many problems and during the
present year will face others of vital Im
portance. The war into which the United
- ... . , . r , . . , . I states enterea April .--v. nas orougnx
Some interesting data is learned nHi,inn0 ., ,.n..tai r.mhiama
A.- J. . Johnson. .Benton 'County Benton I from a stuttv of the fbrures at hand. 1 e ,A. anr o.ho
ywuuiy iviiio rcpurru w so w m nun-1 while the local Ooards in the district of which must be met.
tng point in third liberty loan drive; thlahave oniy been casually canvassed, it 1 Furtherance of National needs must be
la Aotimaterl that ona-fourth of all the governing ractor in every municipal
reach the district exemotion activity, particularly in ine conservation or
up to It. W-e.-must,- .
Nathan Strmun, member eT ecu tree com
mittee Buying liberty bonds has ceased to
be a mattar of choice. It baa become
necessity if w ire to win the -war, and'
wjn It we must. Therefore, every Oreronlan
la expected to do bis duty.
- People Alive ta 8tmatioa.
K. B. Harder, Baker County Our jneoole
aiiva to st motion win pure base bonds freely;
Provision U made also for the rare onlv oiiMllon rstn -w Mttoh th ax.arr4n I sible. .
w"r uryrnutnia, aucn as motherless I sum re qui rear I minK
cnnaren or mothers and' fathera.
Oregon is 11,091, and the total eases
filed with the board is 3184. Thus it is
seen -that almost half have been dis
posed of.
From the start the board has dealt
principally with No. '1 classifications,
but that Is finished now, largely, and
the other exemptions have been taken
up and disposed of as rapidly, as pos-
war must be woo.
M.--I. Ltatourette. Clackamas Count
uiacKamaa -woumy nas seven live ana me- . --- a"",," -.I.Vrr.' . funds and enerav. Such a nolicv should!1,,, 'Tl eaer t0 bin J" a,0 ..vT.l S Va J unqualified support not
IUIIU IIUIIU IU.U UII.Q. V.Cn DcC I 11UII Willi '. 1 1 V. -- I . . 1. UI- 1 I III
Re, aria Kraaa aleaa ladleate That Ei.
eewtle la raeeraed Orer 13a
aeaae Already tavalved.
City officials have formally reauested
tne slate to Increase the water front
guard by 10 men. Governor Withy-
comDe ana Adjutant-Ueneral Williams
are not inclined to comply with the
request, transmitted to them bv Chief
oi folic Johnson.
Adjutant-Ueneral Willlama went to
Salem Friday to confer with the Gov
ernor over the guard situation. As he
did not return yesterday, no definite
word has been received as to their deci- I t
Ion. but intimation that th. tu i
authorities balk at furnishing more
han the 100 Oregon Guards now on
duty In the city are not lacking.
According to latest advices.'" said
Captain James, of the Adjutant-Gen
eral's office, "the Governor thinks the
elate la doing Its share in guarding war
industries and properties in Portland.
He holds that any further guard pro
tection should be made by and at the
expense of the municipality and the
private corporations Interested."
Kequests for extension of guard pro
tection In this- city are understood to
have been made-to Chief Johnson hv
County Commissioner Muck, on behalf
or the Fort of Portland drydock: the
stapdlfer-t larkson Company, for hin-
aras in .North Portland: the Grant
Smith-Porter Company for its St. Johns
yards, and the St. Johns woolen mills.
Previous requests, not formal in na-
ur, have been sent to Governor
w Ithycombe for more harbor guards.
n Governor took the trouble to go
over tne ground here about a week
;o. investigating- the guard situation.
Aside from the Intimation civen out
by the Governor that there is a dis
position on the part of Portland inter
ests lo Impose upon the state In expect
ing It to do a large portion of the
guarding of the riverfront, the state
xecutlve Is known to be concerned
about the expense of the matter. The
appropriation available for paying the
guards already on duty lav It la aid.
ucltts last eaten up.
ter than on previous drives. I Is- that Harney County hasn't turned in
bdaard Judd, Clatsop County Prospects! . .Inol. nuestionnaire. althoueh the .n
l?Z Vli """" L . I district board nere nas Irequently
Industrial activities, brought about by iWp- 7 "j i .
building and spruce campaign. "fd . , ...
IX IIC L ti 0. 1 UIDJUOIllUII UldUC Wa. 11IC
SI 84 questionnaires sent to the district
board io: , .
only of the City Council, but of all- local
governmental agencies and of the public
L. K. Rutherford, Columbia County Co-
I : - f - j
; I a. . x . .
i nr ...-. j;i'.t
4 t
l-matilla -
I Crook . . .
Baker ...
Wallowa- .
Wheeler ...
Sherman ,
Malheur .
Union ...
Morrow .
Gilliam ..
' Totals .
rmatllla .
Baker ....
Wallowa .
Wheeler .
Sherman .
Grant '....
Gilliam ' ..
No.Rer- No. Class-
. istered. - in. Ifled.
... 2.3S9 7SS 30
... 4S2 162 47
... 1.819 113 96
... l.Ot'9 413 177
... 330 100 42
4.")1 lftS 136
. .. 1.237 292 151
... 1,542 4S0 19.)
... 630 195 9S
... 625 267 116
... 517 .196 110
i.. 11,091- 8,184 57471
No.l. No.2. No.3. No.4.
..164 66 27 35
... 32 11 3 1
...62 14 10 13
. 87 25 29 34
.. 33 3 4 3
.. 57 27 16 41
81 45 8 10
.. 85 60 28 26
.. 48 30 4 11
..44 49 4 14
.. 34 31 11 37
. .737 361 144 227
' - Mrs. Gra.ea F. Crawley.
Mrs. Graves -F. Crowley is the
second woman and the 27th em
ploye, of Woodard, Clarke & Co., of
Portland, to enter the service of
the country since the outbreak of
- the war. - She is an expert sales
woman in the surgical- depart
ment and has been with tbe firm 4
two years. Her husband is em-
ployed in Ihe shipbuilding Indus-
try. She has enlisted as a tele
phone operator tn the gignal
. Corps for the duration of the war
and to do so was a financial sac
rifice to her. but she felt that
her country, needed her. services
and consequently is giving them.
I Aberdeen Tackles Problem. of.Hous-
" ' ' Ing Workers. '.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Feb. 3. Plans
are being prepared for-an apartment-
house here that will contain 60 apart
ments of two and three rooms each.
Local capitalists will finance the build
ing of the structure, hich will be of
concrete and -wood and three stories
Construction of the first' half of the
building is expected to begin soon and
it will be rushed to completion. This
is the first big move made here to re
lieve the present shortage of homes. . Flag Records Death.
CHICAGO, Feb. 9. A star of blue
was changed to gold .on the service
flag of the Irish Fellowship Club today.
! The change was made on information
that Captain Edward Dekalb, of Ken-
ostrav a member? wag arhonj the xniss
ins on -the Tuscania.
Retrenchment Is Necessary.
Retrenchment in local ' street, sewer and
other improvements is one policy whicb
should be ironclad. The council and the
public should hold In abeyance all such
work as is not absolutely necessary. The
year 1918 should be a 12 months of "main
tenance only" so that further indebtedness
be not contracted at this time and so that
labor may be available for more Important
work. This policy already has resulted in
vast curtailment and reductions of expendi
tures and should not be lost Eighty or in the
The demands on the taxpaying public are
great, owing to the necessity of supporting
the Xation financially and contributing
funds for the comfort, protection and welfare
of the men In the military forces." Curtail
ment of activities by all local governmental
agencies city, state and county will be
of material-aid in relieving this burden.
. War Work Must Be Poshed. .
War work Is the big outstanding feature
to be borne in mind by the public and by
the city. It is the duty of capital and
labor alike to bend every effort to keep
harmoniously at the task of pushing war
work, and particularly shipbuilding. This
big new industry has passed successfully
through Its infant period of trials and
troubles and is now on a good- working
basis and should continue so. Shipbuilding
in au interest vital .to the Nation at this
time and essential to the industrial welfare
and development of Portland' now and in I
the future.
Summarising- the war work activities of
the city during the past year, X- find that
much has been accomplished. First, utmost
precautions have been taken to safeguard
soldiers and sailors visiting Portland. 'An
endeavor has been made, and will be con
tinued. to -rid' the community of diseased
women of the underworld. A temporary de
tention home for the housing and treatment
of such cases has been established on, a
semi -penal basts. A permanent home la to
be built as soon as possible. -
- City Has Direct Control.
An ordinance has. been passed licensing
rooming-houses, hotels and lodging-houses,
thereby bringing them'under direct control
of the City CounpH. This measure opens
the way for ridding the city of houses of
ill fame to a greater extent. I believe, than
has been possible under any other system
proposed or employed heretofore.
An Important undertaking of' the year
was the promotion of lot gardening. The
city, aided by .several organizations. did
good work in encouraging the cultivation
of vacant lots, resulting in the production
of much food and the beautifying of the
city. The programme should be enlarged
at once tor tbe year mm
The city allowed th
rfllfv tha 4pIIv ahmiM aectma l&oi.w. iha
soldiers. frae for the service for which thpv
enlist. - This increase In the police force
still leaves Portland's force the smallest of
any .city in the - country, population and
area considered. -
- Housing Question Important,
The housing question Is one whfrh must
be given municipal as well as public at
tention. We are faring a big influx of
workers for shipbuilding plant and othor
industries, investigations disclose the fart
that the city is running short of dwellings
and must give attention to this situating
immediately. I urge the co-operation of tha
City Cduricil in the moves being started
now ' by civic organizations, which' moves
should 'be coordinated and pushed .alone
constructive, unified lines. I am at this
time preparing to appoint a. commission to
take up this problem.
During 1917 . the Public. Auditorium was
completed and opened for operation. The
value of the building for pubHc purposes
has been-well demonstrated -since-then and.
It is very apparent that the city made no
mistake in erecting such . a structure. It
has met a very, important demand, furnish
ing a good place for public mass meetings
of all sorts, as well as a place where big
musical events, land shows, theatricals, au
tomobile shows, etc., can be staged.
The building has been operated on a very
economical basis, as may be seen from com
parison of operating costs with receipt.
The dne big need of the building now isj
a manager. For economic reasons tho
Mayor's office has been managing the build
ing, and It has been impossible to &lve the
time and attention necessary. If is but
matter of time before a manager will have
to be selected.
.. Future eds . Outlined.- i
Rficorq men da tions :
' That every, pending or proposed itrfetd
sewer or other improvement not an abso
lute necessity bo deferred for .the year I MIS.
Thatthe Council conserve every cent pos
sible in order that unexpected emergencies
may ne met ii necessary ana mat tne rata
ot taxation may be reduced.
That the Council ask the Portland War
Emergency Council to prepare plans at once
for a vigorous campaign to encourage and
aid cultivation of vacant lots and that the
city extend, the free use of water for irri
gating purposes.
That a special city election be called for
May 17, coincident with the slate primary
election, at which the public may enact leg
islation, necessary .to enable the city to fi
nance delinquency in street and sewer as
That steps be taken to determine the "ex
act financial Bta.tus of the City Water Bu
reau under the present water' raijsa, an a
safeguard for the future. .
Traffic Problem Urgent.
That steps be taken at once to revise tha
city's 'traffic ordinance, correcting dt-.fecia
and providing means of better handling of
traffic problems.
That steps be taken as soon as practicable
to index the dockets containing Council
records so that records pertaining to past
transactions may be found readily without
the need of exhaustive search, euch as is
necessary now.
,"That moves now being made to solve the
house shortage problem be co-ordinated and
pushed in one constructive and unified way
so that dwellings may be provided in the
shortest possible time for the incoming
workers and so that Portland may be ab!a
to obtain a part of the Federal Government s
appropriation for this purpose.
-That -.the Health bureau bulletin, discon
tinued a year ago, be re-established and pub
Hshed periodically, -giving-'public, 'informs
tion on such subjects as the sanitary ratings
of milk plants and dairies.
That a manager be provided for the Pub
lie Auditorium. "
Oakland Capitalist Dies.
" OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 9.- Frank, CoN
ton Havens, Oakland capitalist, former
president of the Peoples "Wator Com
pany, died shortly after 2. o'clock this
morning at his home,, this city, after
a -brief illness. He was 77 years old
Mr. Havens was identified with tl-
building of the Key Route lines and th
organization of the financial and land
j,o 1 development ?tLeni unuer wnicn
- Vr "', r I San Francisco-Oakiand TerminarKailj
water or the irrigation of -vacant lots last ways System was built u).