The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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C. E. Spcnce Takes Exception
to Questions Asked.
Vraarts of Writer Signed -An
Amrrki Clilsea Vafalr and
Joslnaatlns;. Declare Cham
pion of Caase la Answer.
rp.EGOM C1TT. Or, Jan. J. (To th
7Viit.r l I would Ilk space la J our
saluabl. paper to tuwar lom quas
t!ins aed alstements thai pub
lished in The, ilominc Oreaonlsn of tha
Sid. over the atsnaturo of A Amir
lean Clttsen."
la tha firit place. X would Itko to
pr a; respecta to do writer of that
Tha qnestloTia are asked la aa an
fair. tnsinoatlns manner, seeking to
carry with ttiom tbo wolght of aa as
sertion, and without tfie moral eoor
ao ea tbo part of tbo wrttrr to malt
that assertion aat assume) the responsl
Hhty therefor. No trao Amincu elt
lien would wrlto soch cowardly Ineln
station and neither would bo deera It
ermarr to iiil onder falsa colors.
but would slan bis truo una
la answer t- Ik firt question: "Aro
th. pept. of Ortvon to understand
tbat th res;o As;rleultnmJ Colleao
h4 Identified Itself with th Nation.
Nonpartisan Leaau.T I will sav "No.
not any mora than It would Identify
telf with tbo Prohibition. Democratic
vr tbo Republican party. If one or
mora of Its faculty .isrcised tba right
of an Amrl.-an cltlsea and participated
la tbo actlrtt:e of ono of those par.
tiea has. M to learn that tbo
fcord or regents havo tnr strtnr on
tbo personal politics of tbo members
of tho faculty.
Tbo function of tbo Afrtcultoral
(Vwleva la to render service to all tbo
apio and especially to tbo aartcul
tural Interests of tbo Stat, and If tho
farmers of tbo stato need tbo sdvl.-.
and ftMitnrt of any experts of th.eol
! In their rrnp problm. marketln.
inert knowWdfo should bo at their
- command.
Th. next questmn carrle. with It a
poisonous InilRBAUon "Art wo to
understand that an Institution sup
ported by all tho psnpl. of tbo stato Is
1 fost.r a moTement for political ron
trol of tho stat. br a small
whu-h darea aot bold Its met tins; a In
tba open .
U(M S. saalt Cllqwe.
"No," aata. la tho first plec tie
leagu. tfnas not propoao that a 'small
clique shall control the politics of tba
state. Tba lurne would require a ma
Jortty of all votes la the stato baforo It
could control tha elate. It asks for
coding but majority ru'a.
If "Aa American fittten warn to
awfully shy of control by small cliques.
be. would bo Jumping- sidewls all th
tim. in Portland.
la answer to tbo other question 1
will say that: Tba leagu. Is a non-par.
tian orcanltatioa for tbo purpoeo of
aerurtna control of tbo politics of tha
several tmta by a majority. In order
to set a fair cexl for producora and
It captured tho politico nf North Pa
knta. and tho North Dakota Stale
(Irani, at Ita annual session last I De
cember staled in a resolution that tba
"league accomplished In a short ses-
ion mora for tha farmers, politically,
than any local stato organisation
oould have accomplished in ten years.
Tba league did bold a "producers
and consumers convention at St.
Paul last September, at which LaFol
letta spoke and criticised tbo authori
ties for permitting women and chll
drea to sail on the Lusitania when, as
ha asserted. It carried ammunition-
Would you mind readme; what tha
"Nonpartisan Loader, the official or
Ban of tba league, said regarding the
LaFoIlette speech? Hers it Is in part:
A few persons took seata In the sal
lery tha mgnt LnJVollette spoke, for
tha purpose of 'heckling" htm.
ftpjM We Go for
Wt Sunday Dinner?
ANSU'EIR this quetUoo by Ulting your family to The
Portland today. The Portland with its cheer
ful surroundings is a relaxation. Everybody wul
enjoy it. Such good music loo an hour of real
enjoyment The dinner oh! well, we'll leave that
to you. Won't you come?
Sunday Dinner
At The Portland, $1.00
With Music
The Portland Hotel
Richard W. Chllds.
Elbert S. Robe.
Aisatani Manager,
i' -J.'ii.'iii'i'"55''- ,
.SLS.iiUiliii;!:::!:!!! iiUiiiihilliiiilihihiiaiiii!
I' ll Hi"V . ! ; l ' fl
In I iiKriwnl ll'l il ii l
J:w ' k. J
Here are shown six' popular styles and
prices. Other styles are $165, $215, $266.
Style XVU Electric $325.
Mail Order Special
To bring the Victrola to yon we make
this unusual offer on any style:
Pay 10 Down and 10 Monthly.
Why riot have, at once, the Victor It
will flood your home with music It will
give you the best the world has vocal
instrumental band and orchestra.
Write Today for Free Catalogue
and Free Trial Terms.
. ?? i! I
G. F. Johnson Piano Co.
Mehlin, Packard, Bond, Lindeman rianos
Welte-3Iignon Players
It Pays to Advertise
When planning an advertising campaign you look for
brevity, force, novelty and TRUTH.
When you consider the illustrations, having TRUTH in
mind, you decide to have the cuts made from photographs.
Why not gain absolute, convincing TRUTH by using
actual photographs? '
Let us show you the advantages of the Photographic Card
as an advertising medium.
The Photographic Card Co.
Broadway 52.
302 Oregon Bid..
few persons would not let hlra (o on
with bis written speech. They woaded
lit in with Insulelnff epithets and plied
'liim with questions about tbtnsra not
referred to ta tho speech be was mak-
Tha Senator foolishly beran to reply
to the 'hecklers and finally laid aida
red-blooded American
These I think they are risbt.
cltisens sao
TOo leaders did not opt 090 subscrip
tions fur tho Red Cross.
The rext Questions are unfairly
stated and take only a prrt of a speech
and aaset apart has a different mean
lnr than that Intended In the speech
Tba lnadera only ssked that the
profits of the middlemen and specula
his written speech to enter Into a de-I tors be limited by the Oovernment the
fenso of himself for his opposition to tha I same aa the wheat of the farmer. Is
declaration of war. Tha provocation I that unpatriotic?
was. of course, area, but In hla heated I The next uuetIon Is not worthy
defense of himself under the aoadlntr 1 consideration, and Is Intended to alve
of tho heckler.. tba Senator said I the Imnresnlon that tbo leaaue pub
things ba should not have said, no I lishes a German edition of ita national
nater bow honestly be holda those I publication, and the writer Is too cow
views things for which those in
charge of tha programme of the conven
tion and the convention Itself take no
responsibility whatever
Hut of course. Mr. LafoIIette'e
paech served tho purpoeo of those
who "beckled htm. and of the papers
that wanted to brand tbo convention
, aa napatrlotic.
Reelattas aro Test.
But tha truo test of tho attitude of
te convention on war matters and
other up-to-date queattons should he
Its official action as sat forth In thi
ardly to make tha assertion and as
same the responsibility for the state
Lraaae Not Seditions.
I do not know whether tho lea-rue
has been under Investigation by the
Koderat Secret Service or not. If It
has and the leaaue has been found to
ba seditious, you would know It witn
out ankinr the question.
sinU tax Is not a plank In their
platform. In North Dakota, they, pro
pose to exempt farm improvements
from taxation. In Oregon, we nave, oy
resolutions unanimously adopted at tbe 1 .i. .,.,nnted household
elo.o of tho convention. ! r .i unomi effects, and
Have, vou read those resolutions. Sfr. k ..,i.p ..mnte. ahms built In
American Otiren?" If not. you wi .. ' .. I notice that It makes
aa much difference whose ox does tbe
lmert.-aa cltuen. to ba fair and let orln, ,t do whose ox is -cored.
i orasnixatlon spesk for Itself, and Tn ,u leaders did not affiliate
take for granted what the enemies wtn or condone tho acts of t.lo I.
It to yourself, claiming as yott do to be
an American cttiten. to ba fair and
aav of tt la true.
The leaders of the league did rot orw
ro ubcrtpttons to liberty bonds.
North lakota di.l not snbrtho Its full
qneta of the first liberty bonds, be-
' cause the farmers bad a short crop,
from five t twelve bushel, of n heat
p-r acre, and all available funds were
' used for sel and equipment. Hi:t on
the second liberie loan. North Wkot.
subscribed oer ITe per cent., while in
Minneapolis, the cilv tn which live the
gram etculatora who have irvvi rt-h
off the farmer., lesa than ISO per cent.
as subscribed.
Tbe leaders favor placing a greater
war tax on war profit, and Issuing no
Rtirf bonds than are necc.ary. Sen
alor Porah. of Idaho: jieoalor Johnson,
of 'altfo,nia. and Senator M N.r. of
Oregon, v oi e. and o r s j for an se
per cent, tax en excess profits, and I
bava found no one to question tbe
patriotl.m of those gentlemen, and
when tn votes are counted you wi:l
rn-t t.t tee I. . ,tlrltr of r. 1.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Kreast Tea. or aa the German folka call
tt. ""Hambwrger Brvai Thee. at any
pharmacy. Take a tablespoon of the
lea. pat a eup of boiling water apon It.
pour through a sieve and drtnk
a teanpfol at any time. It la the most
e(fevtie way to break a cold and ran
grin, aa It opena tba pores, relieving
coagestlon. Also ' Icoeens the bwwala.
thus breaktng a cold at one.
It ta Inexpensive ard nttrely veg
etabla. taeretoeo karmi ea a Ad v.
TV. W. Neither did they condone such
nn-Amerlcan acts as lynch law and
tha deportation of striking miners
under the pretense that tbey were I.
TV. W. as were witnessed in Arisona.
iSea renort of the Federal Commls
sion that investigated tbe Arizona af
I. TV. W. and anarchistic Ideas find
a fertile soil In the minds of the vic
tims of an unjust and una lea system
which robs the producer on one aids
and tbe consumer on tbe other, leaving
turm to struggle on tn this world tn
povertv and want while the beneficiar
ies of the system roll In luxury.
Senator Borah, In bis speech at the
St Paul meeting, said: ln this coun
try today 2 per cant, of tbe people own
i per cent, of the wealth. Klftv per
rent, of the families of the United
States live on tn or less a jear-and
; ncr cent, on live or lesa."
The leaJers of the league want to
i prevent tha conditions under w hich 1.
vv. TT .Ism thrives, by requiring the
rbh to carry a proportionate burden
of the war. and by insuring a fair deal
for tbo producer and consumer.
rr-a Regalatlea Needed.
In order to establish Ju.tlie to all i
it will be necessary that tne Govern
ment regulate the prwa of what the
farmrr must buy aa well as what he
has to sell, such as clothing, food and
farm machinery. R tbe way. have
vou priced a binder or mower for next
In fara of tha truth, la there any
g,d reason why a professor of the
uregon Agricultural t'ollege should not
affiliate himself with this movement
to better finsnciat conditions of the
farmer, and of tho coneomer of the
former's product?
This movement la nol In tha Inter-
bulk of common people as against a
favored few wbo have collected an un
due toll for the services they have
rendered humanity. It is tho favored
few who cannot defend their posi
tion, nor meet the issue fairly, that
seek to discredit tbe league and its
leaders by cowardly Insinuations and
twisting- of sentences, and accusations
of disloyalty. The league In North
Dakota la composed of a large major
Ity of tho farmers of that state and
there Is no more loyal organization
In the country. They, and the mem
bern in the twelve other states, wan
to save the world to democracy and
to make this country safe for democ
racy, by making It. so fas aa lies In
their power, a country of contented.
prosperous, home-owning, home-loving
people In whose minds the germs of
I. YY. TV. Ism and of profiteering will
find no lodging place. Yours respect
An American Citizen who Is proud to
alga hla name, C. E. SPKNCE.
Osrar Ililgeu Accused of Attack on
Ethel Wal.sta, of Tbe Dalles.
THE DALLES. Or. Feb. I. (Special.)
Miss Ethel Walsh, who Is employed
piano player at the Salvation Army
headquarters, was waylaid last night
while on her way home after the serv
ices. She was climbing tbe brewery
grade, when Oscsr Hllgen. a harness-
maker In the employ of Henry L. Kuck
stopped her. so she alleges. She fought
furiously and after being man-handled
frightfully, escaped.
Kilgen was arrested by the police
and placed under bond to appear
at trial Monday.
British Aviators Drop 2 4 Tons of
Explosives on Enemy.
LONDON". Feb. 1 The War Office, In
aa elaboration of tha official report of
tha bombing raids made by British
aviators Into Germany January it. to
night disclosed the fact that machine
gun fire was directed on searchltghte.
rains, moving lights In tba roade and
on buildings In each of the districts
visited, and also Into villages in tbe
Moselle Vslley.
Altogether e-57 pounds of bombs
were dropped at an average ciKtnt, of
ioe feet.
ii M " TTTT
Prices Remain
Unchanged for
This Giant
Hheo Robert Hlchens wrote The
Garden of Allah 99 he created an Immor
tal atorr that belonged to picture. It
la a tale of Taat a tret chew, a weep ins
horlaona, whole tribe of lavage
Bedouin, caravan camel, oaseai big,
vital. niTMtic thing that cannot be en
compasaed within the wall of a ataa-e,
but the aU-aeeina; ere of the camera
can catch and bring to 70a on the
acreen. Hundreds of thonsanda of dol
lar a have been apent la thla apctaclei
hundred, even thonaand of people
were naed In the blg aceneat whole
cttlea were made for reallm that the
acenea might create the atmosphere of
the Orient, of fabled Benl-Mora. The
picture IS the story. It la a cyclonic
drama which will take Ita place among
the immortal documents of the acreeu.
Through the Medium of Our
will re-create the magic my a tic lam of
fabled Benl-Mora a musical Interpre
tations in keeping with the immortal
Army Orders.
FAX rRANCISOO. Feb. t. Tbe follewlns
Vder ... leaned .t headquarters of tb
Heaters nivision of the Army ber. toa.y:
t'.ntain Le D. D la 14th Infantry. I
relieved f mm further duty at Anchorace,
Aaaka. and .ill proceed ta Fort George
Wright. Wash- fnr dutr. "
Granite contains nearly all food neces
sary for many planta. Therefore, fresh-
eat of favored, lew. but of tba great ly around granite la a good fertllner.
Hmmmr Society Includes naay t-romi-
aeat Agricultural Leaders Through
oat the l sited states.
Corvallls. Feb. 1. (Special.) ine oia-
est agricultural honor fraternity. Alpha
Zeta, has granted a chapter to a pe
titioning group of men at O. A. t a
telegram was received last night from
h Hutchison, of Cornell University.
that the high council had granted the
charter. Aa soon as possioie, me in
stallation ceremoniee will be held.
The fraternity waa estaDiisnea in iss
and has a membership 01 over iuu.
agricultural leaders of the
country are numbered among Ita mem.
hr. among them. Dean Bailey. Drs.
Warren Lyon, Flppln and John A. Craig,
of Cornell, and many others.
The membership lor active cnapters
Is confined to upper classmen witn a
weighted average of SS per cent for
heir college career. ino iraiernny
onlv grants a cnarter upon unaniniuus
vote of the National High Council.
Alpha Zeta has Z chapters. I
Tbe students who will be members i
of the o. A. C chapter are W. U Kad-I
erly. H. A. Schoth, H. K. Taylor, a. ti.
Inicbretson. C C. Calkins, A. W. Oli
ver. Kric Enalund. L. W. Column, J. M.
Kalcin. C L. Klrestone, P. T. Kortner.
W. Kochen. J. R. Beck. U C. Whitaker.
W. H. Marls, J. L. Stellmg, C Wilkes,
H. K- 8tlby and former students are
r C. Ruth. J. M. Alcorn. C. E. Schuster.
C. Strain. H. B. Howell, M. H. illddle
kauf. A. M. Doerner. W. H. Gerke. K. T.
Baldwin. P. A. Harvey, T. L. Lamoreaux,
A. I. Murneek, W. J. Morgan. G. M.
Oragg. H. P. Smith and C M. Hubbard.
Faculty men who are members of Alphs
Zeta are Professors Srudder. Gardner,
Heckwith. E. J. Kraus, Simms, E. L.
Potter. Ciran Nelaon. Lucas. Mr. Shee
han. Paul Maris, O. D. Cebter, A. B. ,
Relmer, Mr. 'Withycombe and County
Agents Jones, Robb and Tweed.
Big Loan Company Fails.
TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 2. The Domin
ion Permanent Loan Company, organ
ized about 20 years ago as an enter
prise looking toward the development
of Canada's Western provinces, closed
its doors and applied today to the
courts for liquidation. The company
has branches in Vancouver. Winnipeg,
Nova Scotia and Guelph. J. R. Stratton,
former provincial secretary of On
tario, founded the company and it was
capitalized at $10,000,000.
Nearly Every Disease Can
Be Traced to Constipation
Tlie Perfect Laxative
Quickly Corrects any Disorder of the
Intestinal Tract, Relieves the Conges
gestion and Restores Normal Condi
tions. Is Gentle in Action and Does
Not Gripe. Sold by Druggists Every
where 50 cents and $1.00.
A trial bottle can be obtained, free of
charge, by writing to Dr. "VV. B. Caldwell,
457 Washington St;, Monticello, Illinois.
-- .. a M. e .. .. .du
t Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water!
Sayg an inside bath, before break-
fast helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
Sparkling and vivacious merry.
bright, alert a g-ood clear skin and a
natural, rosy, healthy complexion are
assured only by pure blood. If onlv
every man and woman could bo induced
to adopt the morning inside bath, what
gratifying change would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly, anae
mic-looking men, women and girls,
with pasty or muddy complexions: in
stead of the multitudes of "nerv.
wrecks," "rundowns," brain fafts" and
pessimists we should see a virile, opti
mistic throng- of rosy-cheked people
An inside bath is had by drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a elass
of real hot water with a teaepoonful of
imestone phosphate in it to wash from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten
yards of bowels the previous day's la.
digestible waste, sour fermentations
and poisons, before puttinc: more fnnrf
nto the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache. bil-
ousness. nasty breath, rheumatism
colds; and particularly those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who aro
onstipated very often, are ure-eri tn
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store, which will
cost but a trifle, but is sufficient tn
emonstrate the quick and remarks hie
change in both health and anDearanre.
awaiting those who practice internal
sanitation. Adv.
Phone your want ads to The Orezo-
ian. Main 7070, A 6U95.
Gl 1 06.0