1918. LOOKING TO CUTS WILL SAVE TIRES Careful Inspection Every Day Will Put Money in the Motorist's Pocket. PROM TUBE LUBRICANT HELPFUL TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY St ewYoxK I I 1 1 . i y at- ss. v. t m s " y w i-M w w KSBfrr N V direct f . 5. Flrc-tonr. President of Fire tone Tire A llubrwr C"ompn. Clrrs Adke on llrew lo .ct Sol Knulta I'rom t lne. - BT II . Ff RKSTONK. pmKS'nt 1rton Tir Runtwr Cm. 1 ou immdrly litil a kno-K l nur rnrlnr or tha llehit nolaa ! In roar ear mrchnim injwlifrc Br ciu.M tir no alarm until Ihrjr blow out or flak many roolortata fail to ! thrm rn a casual i arnifiation. Il la a od plan to look thm ovr rarrfulljt rr dajr. You forestall a bc lou y havlnc the flrat atsn of trouble attrnuad to. You keep your tirea efficient and by avln from waste you krp your monry afflctcnt. Attention should be len lo punr tures. ruts. naa and other Injurir. a thoua-h they may appear to be trivial. Mmall tnjurtea of "mini un Importanre often grow Into aerloua aeauenres. It I adlable to hava the repairs made bv an eperlenced work ... As a u-ual thin. the amateur doeo not reinforce the Injury, when needed, and Is apt lo ulcani the rubber too lnr, M not onlr makes it hard and brittle but burns the ma terials around the repair. Plerea of fabric of different atie placed Inside of the tire, regardless of the weave of threads, will wrinkle, separate and not afford any appreciable aircna-th of reinforcement. Repair ! Coed Ttree. All fabrics, for erery style of repair abould be rut on a bias In the same manner that the fabric Is cut for the orlsinal construction of tires, ilepalrs that are bard and bule are generally a result of cutttn the fabric etralKht with the roll. L , lensthwlse and with the warp. The same method of tearing down and buiMinc up fabric rases can be ed In the repair of most cord tires. I T.m cord ran bo obtained from the manufacturer Just as the regular fab ric Is obtained and l applied In the same way. It Is possible to build up sectional repairs with reKular fabric but tha repaired section will be atlffer and less elastic than other parts of the tire, and there la some dsner of the repair bumpinaT and looarnlna; In sery ce. It la not recommended. The new cord layers should be sp oiled so that the cords will run parallel with the cords of the layer remoeed. puttier the new material up tlbtly acalnel the old material. Il Is then ad visable to apply s thin, narrow strip ..kinn ir u m over the Joints The earn breaker strip fabric and chaftnK strip fabric Is used ss In the repair of fabric cases. No special equipment l necessary for the vulcaniains of cord cases. C are and I' ease of Inner Tabes. If the tire uers understood the con struction of Inner tubes, and things which contribute to their wesrln out. It would be ea.y Indeed, to secure more and bettrr serylre. Spare tubes should not be carried In cardboard boxes as furnished from the dealers' ihelre ' there Is dansrr of the tubes belnK chafed. Tube bats can b secured for this purpose. If the car Is equipped with smaller tires on the front wheels than on the rear wheels, sn extra tube should be secured for each sire. The croee sections of Inner tubes are made a little smaller than the normal sir space Inside of the rases. It Is not advisable to use 4'i-lncb tubs In a 4 Inch rase. This usually wrinkles snd rraasrs the rubber with bad results Do not ue a -lnch tube In a Vi-lnrh rass for any lenrth of time. When this Is done the rubber Is required to stretch too much snd the effect of heat and action1 due to displacement of air In the tlrs quickly ue up the life of the tube. LobMratton ! most Important to conservation of the tube, but It Is a matter that U ittven least attention. Practically all tire manufacturers trrat the Inside of cases with a wnne soiu Hon to prevent tubes from sttcklna: to iaa adhesive "friction" of the fabrl a eood lubricant, however, should be need. rowdered Ulea t.aaa I. a arte a a l. Some customers nrclect dusting soap- stone Inside of the tin when chancing a. tube others use the soapstone so parinaly that It does but little. If any Kood. or they may uss so much that It does more harm than good. If a quan tity of tt be dumped Into the case It will rolled at one point, and durlna the hot weather will heat up to such an sxt'nt as to burn the rubber of the tube, maktnc It very thin, brittle and lifeless. This can be recocnlsed by the mcmr v-eonibed appearance Soapstone Is ths lubricant most used for tires and It Is quite satisfactory. but not lastinr: therefore a fresh sup ply should be put Into the tires st least two or three timrs during the sesson. powdered mica has proven a more dur able lubricant than soapstone and quite as effective as graphite, as well as snore pleasant to handle. Pinching of an Inner tubs usually occurs from oversicht or carelessness Jn application of tire to rim. This may occur from putttng too much air In the tube before application or from not using care to keep tube aay from rim until beads of case have been properly encaged In clinches of rim. This may also occur from using a tube of wrong size- Kor example, a 4 4-tm-h tube In a 4-Inch case. If flap works out of p.taittoa when the tire Is being appti'd to rim. tube may be In jured by flap or beads of esse. la reaa era rear sonoeay. When a tire Is r!1d-n soft there la s tendency for the beads to lift up at the toes due to the Internal pressure and weight of car and sometimes permit tu.be to work under bead. This Is ag gravated a hen the tire has been con stantly ridden sort and brads have been cut and broken by rim. lon't crowd a tire of wrong stxa on rim simply because yon are able to do so. bv phy.otral force. It Is not econ imr asid' from the Injury to the Shown as They Really Are actory The Oakland Sensible Six a motor car that anticipated the present National thrift policy by nearly three years is now on view at our show-rooms in a full range of body styles. Upwards of one hundred thou sand careful buyers have test ed the mettle of this car under the rigorous conditions of everyday service, and to every one of them it has delivered an unequaled measure of util ity and satisfaction. The rugged and serviceable chassis which is the founda tion for all Oakland Sensible Six models, equipped with the powerful and economical overhead-valve engine delivering 44-horsepower at 2600 r. p. m., is also displayed with all its working parts revealed. But none of the cars on view has been specially finished for this exhibit all are shown ex actly as they would be deliv ered to you. Open Evenings The Models Displayed Are: Touring Car ..$1115 Roadster $1115 Roadster Coupe $1304 Sedan , $1345 Coupe (unit body) $1652.50 All Prices f. o. b. Portland (including war tax and freight) Motor Sales Corporation Retail Distributors Oakland Motor Co., of Oregon Wholesale Distributors AR0rD CORNER) BROADWAY, BURNSIDE AND PARK STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX WILL NOT BE EXHIBITED AT AUTO SHOW & iOliJi Uife-! ii in . ui r- mt'k- a m 1 I aWs OWrM Mas 7km I CteieallMthMaf HabUmtfmNmtmm 0 I . "N YOUR rounds of the wonderful display at the Portland Annual Motor Show we ask you to compare the Kissel with what you see. ND when you count off the points of each, one by one, we want you to think of the KisselKar as an appeal to the man who demands the utmost in utility, combined with a certain elegance, personality and distinctive desijjn. KISSEL KAR PRICES. F. O. B. Pacific Coast. Standard touring. 5-pass. .1670 Standard roadster, 3.pass. 1670 Gibraltar roadster, 4-pan. 1760 Sedan touring, with all year top I860 Standard Sedsn (price In cludes auxiliary seats, mohair upholstery, spe cial paint) 225S Coupe (price Includes mo . hair upholstery and spe cial paint) 2230 Staggered door sedan (price Includes auxiliary eats, mohair uphol stery, special paint).... 2410 Sedane (price Includes mo hair upholstery and spe cial paint) 2365 Town Car (price Includes special paint) 24SO Chassis only 1515 WE WANT you to think of the KisselKar as its de signers did a vehicle that will answer your every motoring need. WE WANT you to realize how, with Summer top, the sturdy build, power reserve and riding qualities amply fit this car for every touring need. THEN, when winds blow and beating rain demands a closed car to secure any vestige of comfort, see how completely your same car with "built in" top gives you all in comfort and security. Iln or other material to protect from the light. Ths weight of ths car should be supported by blocks or packs, so that there will not be any weight on the tires. CAR BEACTY IS SK1.V DEEP Owner Wants Performance? Wlirn lie Bars Ills Second Car. -The man who has owned an auto mobile considers ths purchsse of a sec ond car from a different standpoint than when he purchased his first one." says W. L. Kissel, secretary snd treas urer of the Kissel Moror Car Company. "His experience haa taught him to carefully Inspect, examine and compare ths vital parts of the car. such as the rprinss. brakes, axles, chassis, frame, transmission, motor and construction of the body. In other words, he haa found that while nnisn and appearance are necessary, he should make sure that Its beauty Is more than skin deep." C F. Horn By Hirruelf. Asemea Dealer Speaks Highly ef Mia t ar and lariSratally ef Hiss-self. MAXWELL GOES FAR 0E-TO. THICK BACK FROM STiOU MILB Rl'.. I CAME to Portland last June from tbs Intermountaln region, where I bad been selling Apperson cars for the past nine years, to Introoduce the best motor car In America to ths people of Oregon. I am nor at all inclined to be modest In asserting ths good poirfta of ths Apperson. ths famous eight with HO less parts, for Its performance will am ply back up anything I say. Kor 2 years ths Apperson 'brothers have been building Apperson cars. They bars been ths pioneers In a great many of tha best features of motor cars to day and they are still pioneering and making new Improvements. Their latest feat has been to build an eight-cylinder motor that haa. as I have said. 10 less parts than any other sight-cylinder mo tor. This motor Is simplicity Itseir. snd when it comes to performsnce well. , the verv nsme Apperson Is synoymous for motor car performance. 1 am very much mors modest In re gard to myself than In regard to the Apperson. And so If 1 may be excuaeo I will let ths fact that I handle the Ap person line, of whlcn I can speag so confidently and warmly, spesk for me In the wsr of personal biography. A. A. A. Officially Certifies That Model Sterling Mark Warn Regular Stock Product. That the Maxwell one-ton truck a-hlch has Just completed In New York a successful demonstration drive of 1500 miles from New York to Jackson ville. Ha., and return was a stock model throughout has Just been certi fied by the A. A. A. The technical examination required by the A. A. A. after the truck s return to .ew lorn has oeen compietea oy James A. Hemstreet and the Maxwell officially certified as a reculer stock product. The stock certificate plate hits been issued for the truck and . this henceforth will adorn the Instrument board of the record-maker. The Maxwell in this is the only truck in existence and the only one In his tory of automobile production ever to attain for itself thin decoration of per formance. The drive was made under the first ssnctlon evtr Is-sued by the A. A. A. to spply to truck proving up test. The Maxwell Company arranged for the demonstration under the rigid re quirements of the highest available source In this country of disinterested authority in order that business men everywhere might have substantial facts as to the durability and operat ing economy of this truck. LUBRICATION IS ADVICE GIVEN Standard Oil Man Explains Advan tages of Zero Cold Test Oil. "Correct Winter lubrication can be obtained only by using an oil of zero cold test one that will flow freely at zero temperature." says C. H. Hamilton, of the titamlard Oil Company. "In this respect oils made from Western asphalt-base crude have a big advantage, as they contain no paraffin to thicken under cold, and consequently have a natural zero cold test. "Poor cold test oils do not lubricate correctly until the motor h been beads, much annoyance can bs expected as the result of tunes being pinched. Deterioration, contrary to ths gen eral Impression, is not necessarily a result of sge but Is largely Influenced ty ths conditions under which tires are fectd In stock. - Tires should not be kept In a warm place for any great length of time, si light and heat will cause the sulphur to rome to the surface and make the rubber minutely porous. A dark, dry room at a temperature of from 49 to 4 degrees is most favorable for re tarding chemical action. Ti hen the car is laid up for the winter, or for other reasons Is not used for several weeks, tha stala air should be removed from ths tires. Partially Inflate with freh air enough to round sip Lbs tire and cover then with anus Just One Machine- in the World Can Build this Tire Carcass That is the New Type of Tire Machine Found in the Carlisle Cord Factory Nt th tmr J1ain,tr -ord nd not how ec.i cord t cimTti urTTjnde4 iT rubber And thus Mparmted from all other cords. Thi ;imint Internal friction. AN AMAZING NEW TIRE The Carlisle Cord Tlrs has been perfected efter years of quiet, patient labor under direction of men of long experience In the tire Industry. Buy a set of these new tires and watch your tire mileage increase. Pacific Tire & Rubber Co. 445-447 Stark U Factory Distributers Retail running 15 to 30 minutes, as the oil Is not fluid enough to splash and feed properly. This means excessive wear of bearings, cylinders and pistons. "Owners of Ford cans who have been having trouble during the cold weather In cranking their cars, due to oil con gealing between the clutch plates, will find that an asphalt-base oil of light body will solve their cold weather lubrication difficulties." ACTO IS BOON FOR SALESMEN Efficiency and Vastly Territory Increased. Covered "Americans do not walk much; not because they are lazy, but because their legs will not carry thera fast enough," wrote Max O'Rell years ago, even be fore the automobile was Invented. Since then the pace is vastly Increased, and among the fastest must ever be the traveling salesman, whose name is legion, says Milestones. One of the tribe frequently found himself stranded In some small Kansas town, his business done, and no train out before midnight or tomorrow. Otner salesmen he found in the same predica ment. So Ire bought a five-passenger car of stout make, mapped out several tours of towns that might be made from the city in one or two days' runs, and called in his fellow sufferers to Join him. He charged them 60 cents a town, and one Saturday they traveled over 110 miles and made 10 small burgs. Each of his passengers paid him $5 for the trip which was ss than their usual expenses for that territory. Besides, each man did a big day's business, each carrying a different line of goods. Better still, they saved them selves several days of wearisome ! THEN, study the many attractive styles and adaptations that Kissel offers. It is no wonder that- this car is spoken of as the one that "changed the motoring habits of a nation.". PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH W. L. Huffhson, President Portland Branch, Broadway at Davis Oldest Motor Car Dealers on the Coast with branches at SEATTLE LOS ANGELES OAKLAND FRESNO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO away from their homes. It was a wholly different, more successful Sum mer for each man because of the "car- club," which they formed for future brotherhood and business, and the en terprising salesman who bought the car on credit had it paid for long before the Summer was over. India Adopts- Auto. India made Its first experiment last February with motor instead of horse vans to carry the mail to sub-offices. So successful was the experiment the entire horse service is to be abolished. The substitution resulted in a consid erable saving. The ears also reduced the time of transit between the several offices. Elgin Gas Mileage High. A careful review of the reports of the Elgin Six National all trails scout car for Its 6202-mile Journey over the Lin coln Highway from Chicago to San Francisco, thence to Los Angeles snd lounging about depots and cheap hotels on the National Old Trails roads to St. Louis and thence to Chicago, shows that the gasoline consumption averaged 19.4 miles to the gallon on this gruel ling trip. The car was strictly stock and the hood, transmission and clutch were sealed.' uniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii Marshall 1752 Call in, Call on, 2 Call up c Day or Night "DOCTOR SPARK" SPECIALIST for battery and light troubles and make the electrical equipment on your car a genuine J-O-Y! Night service. Service representatives for Electric Auto Lite Corporation, Gray & Davis, Inc., Northwest Electric Co., Edison, and General Lead batteries. 12th and Alder GIBSON ELECTRIC GARAGE & STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY Portland, Or. On this Prodium Process Rubber Tire Wondmrfal ncus raMr thmt down os momnly as ft i sfsst The illustration above is a section from a Prodium Process Tire that ran 9,467 miles on a heavy car. Note the thickness of tread still remaining. Prodium Process Rubber (the newr tire tread stock used exclusively on Republic tires) is practically chip proof and E cut proof. Thousands of miles of service leave its surface , in perfect condition. Rotting: of fabric and resultant blow-outs are reduced to a minimum. Think of what this E means in tire bills. E. Get a sample strip of Prodium Process Rubber. Try to E break it Its wonderful tensile strength is but one of the rea- E sons why Prodium Process tires give such excellent service. E I REPUBLIC raoaSs TIEES I E STAGGARD,PLAIN. AND WM TREADS E I??r?:;i;iVflX Made in th StuUth Black Trtad E SEE US AT THE AUTO SHOW ' PORTLAND TIRE & TRUCK CO. f E Sole Distributors 71 BROADWAY .Tnniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimuri i