TIIE SUNDAY OR&GOXIAX. PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 3, 1918. EXTRA SESSION OF LEGISLATURE UFEGED Idaho Council of Defense Drafts Petition Outlining Needs of State. FARMERS' UNION OPPOSES Organisation HlnU Grirt Suspicion Ms to Motive for Session Extraor- - dlnaryPolHU-al Lrtdrra Vn settictl as to actuation. BOISE. Idaho. Feb. I Speclat " Th convening of th Fourteenth Idaho Legislator In extra session hero to consider and paaa war emergency lav Islattoa haa bea th mooted question of the hour (or aomo Una. due to the Importance attached to a session ex traordinary. The State Council of Ie fenae first arfed It and later at a sea aion held early thla year drafted petition to Oovernor Alexander outlin ing the legislation It belieTed needed properly to mobilise the reiioarcea of the ataia aod five protection to Ufa and property. Legislation particularly f benefit to the farmer thereby In tensifying; crop production coupled with laws to enforce the mandatea of th council and strengthen ita powers art claimed to stand equal In Impor tance. Recent developments however, show that farmers' organlaattona are against a special aeaalon. The work of the aeaalon can be per formed In six day. and the maximum length of It Is placed at lv days. Sum marised, the legislation considered as needed la as followa: Seed Parehas freed. Financing and giving power either to the tale or County Comtnla.ton.rs lo buy sere for farmers through loans, togvtb.r with labor-savins machinery, such as tractors, aad erevkllng crop storage acuities In vsrehotie-e and el.vators. Clothing the state Council of Defense with poe.r to enforce its msndal-e. to regulate looa prtces. etc.. and to mobilise the re aoarcos of the state, together wlta stajaplng out disloyalty and sed.tloa. Te arolect life aad property with troope should the occasion arise and to quell an-ae-e-aary labor agitators who seek to bring sboot Industrial unrest, through both a Na tional Ouard bat t a. lorn aad mounted coa etabuiarr. Te pet Into force and effect such lertsls ttea as the rtdral Gov.rani.nl beilevea Is sec i nary through which tbe Nation may aid.d la winning the pr-e.nl war t Te aishe asc.soare aaprwprlatloaa to eal.d burned building, or thwse damaged by re at state Institution. Te ratify th. K.dcral const Motional am.adm.at forever prohibiting the manufac ture ex liquor in the I ntted stales. Te safranchtse Idaho soldiers and sailors new outside of their home state, either caatoemeaie or on foreign soli. To lake ap and pay such war em-rgvnry warranta as have eeea heretofore Issued earry oa war sork. While th question has been raised that there la political dtnaster In th wake of a session extraordinary of th Legislature, state leaders and publl men declare that the present Is no time for the washing; of political linen, and that party success or party disaster should have no bearing on an lasue that Involves the lives of the sons Idahoaas who are In Europe) prepared to lay down their Uvea la ths just cause of civilisation this country Is Champion Inc. Paiaa-ia Oppeen Move. The State Federation of Agriculture Is opposed to an extra session and hints a grave suspicion exists aa to ths motive for It. Ths federation me at Lewlston while A. C Townley president of th Non-Partisan League. was there. Ths federation Indorses th league. As outlined In th publlo press. among; ths legislation recommended Is stat owned warehouses and elevators for the storage of crops this year. Th Non-Partlaan "League Includes this recommendation as on of th cardinal planks In Its platform. bloc th appointment and qualifica tion of United States Senator John F. Nugent, party leaders and politicians have been busy trying; to figure out th trend of th political situation. Th Republicans are Intereeted In th aa nouncement mad by th Wallac Min er to th effect that John P. Oray. of t'oeur d'Alene should enter th race. Th Miliar haa launched a boom In bis behalf. Mr. Oray la a prominent at tor nay. Th Republican Stat Central Con- title meets la Boise. February IL Trier is a report In circulation that th Demoorata probably will brine out A ttom.y-O.nora I Wallers or W. T Ixougherty for Oovernor: Nugent and If aw ley for tienator. and that Oovernor Alexander may be Induced to run for Representative. While all of these ru mors and reports are speculative. It ran he said now that Oovernor Alex ander, at the close of bis present term, will retire from active politics and glv personal attention to his business af fairs. Chamber of Commerce this week, which was held at the Cunnlng-jara Hotel, A. G. Raab, representing; the Pacific Coast Defense Lea-rue, was present and ad dressed the members on the subject o military highways. Mr. Raab outlined the plans of thre military highways traversing; from north to south to Washington. Oregon and California, explaining not only th benefltg to be derived from such high ways, but their absolute neceaalty for th protection of th Coast states In the case of an Invasion. He pointed out that In case of an attack upon Seattle or Grays Harbor, Spokane aad other Inland cities would become Ira portant supply bases. In which vsn these military road a would be an actua necessity, and If not built ia time of peace, time and men would be required to build them la th event of war. A bill haa been prepared, said Mr. Raab, Sod will be preaented to Congress pro viding for the commencement of work upon thre military highways Imme diately upon the close of th present war, and this bill has been Indorsed by some of the member, of both branches of Congress. POLITICS ARE WARMING CLACKAMAS fOlSTt CANDIDATES ARC BHYIXO HATS. Ussy Asplraata Bob Vp PrladpaJ Fight Thla leas Will Be Over Legislative Ticket. HAWLEY TO QUIT POLITICS State? Senator 'o to Seek He-dro tlon. He Annvoitrc-s. VILEX. Or. Feb. I f pedal. L. llawlry. of McCoy, for 10 years State Penator from ttentoo and Polk coun ties, said while In Salem today that his senatorial career la over, for the prea eat at least, and that he wilt not be a candidate for re-election, his term ex piring with th present year. It Is understood that Benton County folks feel that tbry should select Mr. Hawley's successor. Polk having held the plum for so long. The nam of H. W. Johnson, of Corvallts. haa been sur ras ted. while Ike Patterson, of Eola. has been talked of aa a possible candl te from Polk County. NEW PRINT SHOP PROPOSED Klanatb Fall to Have Another Pub lishing Hon Soon. KLAMATH FALLS. Or, Feb. I fSpeciaLI It is announced by the Time Publishing Company, publishers f th Xorrt Times and th Merrill Times, that they will soon open an erne In this city and will establlah here a complete modern print shop. It Is also stated that rarer . Aceisbach. of California, will have charge cf the office and th two publi cations daring tns sbeence In Wash ington. D. . of Editor George E. Fradnack. Mr. Bradnark la ia Wash ington la connection with the matter of having lands fa the bird preserves of Lower Klamath Lake thrown open to hosneotead settlement and entry. OREGON CITT. Or, Feb. S. 8pe claL) Th Clackamas County political ring Is speedily filling up with hate. The principal fight this year will b over the legislative ticket, and th pf- ricea of Sheriff and Clerk. It Is prac- ically certain that Stat Senator Wal ter Dlmlck. who is aa avowed candi date for a third term, will be opposed by George C. Brownell who served many years In the Stat Senate and who was In th House last session. Both men ars old-time political fighters and they will probably put up an nter- alnlng campaign- Aspirants for ths House are begin ning to bob up- Dr. H. A. Dedman. of Canby. la expected to be a candidate to succeed himself, though Harry Ba.r has been mentioned from that town. Gordon J.- Taylor, editor of th Mo- lull a Pioneer, is expected to enter th lists for Representative. J. Dean But- er. a local attorney, whoa horn la at Oak Grove, la alao mentioned. H. C. Stephena. an Eatacada banker. who was In the House last year, where he was chairman of ths commute on counties and wher h succeeded In gat ing his pet bill for the division of Clackamas County and th creation of aacade County through the House, only to see It killed in th Senate, it reported, will be a candidate for re action. A. King Wilson, Mayor of Oswego, and possessor of a role that carries miles, will be th Democratic candldat for Stat Senator, and ia ex pected to make hia announcement soon. O. A. Pace, local business man. has definitely announced his candidacy for Sheriff on the Republican ticket, in op position to Sheriff Wilson, who Is an aspirant for a third term. Constable D. E. Frost Is a third candidate. Fred A. Millar, chief deputy In the County Clerk's office, and George E. Swaftord. native son of Clackamas, will cross swords for the Republican nomi nation of County Clerk. County Com missioner Adam Knight, Recorder Dud ley Boyles and Surveyor H. H. John son are not expected to encounter op position for renomlnatlon In the Re publican primaries. County Judge Anderson. Commis sioner Proctor. Assessor Everhart and School Superintendent Calavan hold over for another two years. No candl datea have yet appeared for County Treasurer,-though friends of Miss Al berta Dunn, who has mad an efficient deputy In th Treasurer's office, are urging her to become a candidate. The competent administration of Mlas Iva Harrington, now ronudlng out her second term aa County Clerk, has smoothed ths pathway for woman of ficeholders In Clackamas County. Judge Thomas F. Ryan. Republican candldat for Stat Treasurer, -and Harvey O. Starkweather. Democratic candidate for Oovernor. are two Clack - amaa County residents aspiring to stat office. LINN BOARD TO EXAMINE Draft Registrants to Be Called Rate of 3 Day. at ALBAXT. Or, Feb. J. (Special.) Beginning next Monday morning the local oxeinptlon board of Linn County 111 examine to draft registrants a day until the phv.lcal examination of all men listed In Clasa I In this county a completed. Th board will transfer tg headquarters for this purpos from th Courteous to th Albany armory. Only 14 men were examined yester day. Ten of these were paseed for full military service, while four were re- Itcted and listed for limited service ouly. The ten who paeed ar David Arthur Roberts, of Albany; James Darnels, of Albany: Chsrls Powell, of Berlin: Glen Bradley Moss, of Leb- snon: Harrison 8. Brigga. of Albany; Jamea Ewing Elder, of Lebanon: Dana Calhoun Bell. of Albany: Robert Uhraton Gar.sle. of Halsey; Lloyd Menear. of Foater. aod Ralph Harold Reeves, of Lebanon. Ths four rertl ted for limited service are Walter Himpson. of Albany: Louis Gray, of l-rbanon: Thomas Francis Pavla, of Halsey. and George Martin Stone, of Halsey. GERMAN CRUELTIES TOLD Capadlans Subjected to All Manner of Indignities, Says Corporal. I. eaa-isassSSn ; III ' ill in k i t i rv a . i if i u sr sx i j ixw vx b i i 2 III Wl i VJJ BW1 I IV UJ i SWI Y ill u ii aii r i ifv ni 11 d n i i ri H7ii ? hxvfi ii 11 in iir 1 1 1 n i f II rjstd II Till' I 1 H 1 I J 11 D V 7 II H I II 112 "111 n . r I a if J 1 M J i I J . H l k 2J I 1 YV A W - I I A R l I I JJ III 9 111 THE IADY-FAIRBANKS III -i u in in bii t A III . ' ell il ..III II. , -TV III ' Zi-i: - -"--"-" III fl . .',X A MILLION II 4 THE I .Jr i s,i: REAL v - T Y 1 4 1918 U from the screen for a :TV.i' 'V ' HIT! ' ;-A year and now returns 1 I a- - f -::- ! r . lovelier and more jpop- g ; . I Ci ' ' J -'. " f lar than ever in' the : I It's a a xmijr ftf JSW 1 brisrhtest story of her Goldwyn i ' 'l'J career 6 speedy acts I . -: PICTURE V rC-'H -.a... -7 a , j- of high-class comedy- i i ' -' e? fc jT i ' - .JT Aroma Tta T TI V. I I v - i -a i . - , bii . ' t I ' 1" soowi ii .. '. ' 13 ssL If you are out for ?.A w " . 11 III V J .V 1 PHOTOPLAYS OF MERIT . - r 1 . ' SA 'S&Ji NO RAISE IN PRICES,- ; Ut. -... r,,,,.,-.,,-.,,, ,.. ,) rJ Now A i $&ihm - i rmt "UNIVERSAL CURRENT EVENTS" A Feature in Itself COLLEGE MEN LOYAL Many Former Corvallis Stir dents Stationed in France. PROMOTIONS ARE RAPID Records at Agricultural College Show That Nine Members of Fac nlty and 503 Students Are Enrolled In' Service, ABERDEEV. Wastw Feb. J. fSp. clal ) epeaklng of the cruel treatment f prisoners. Corporal O. A. White, of the Canadian Artillery, telle of th caa f a chum of his In the Canadian Artil lery. "He was wounded In Hi right leg and arm by shrapnel during an at tack at Tpres and was captured ana aken behind the Uerman lines.- a id. ' Belgian nurses were working In the ospltal and to them he gives credit for any car which be receiveo. He told me art'r ha had been ax- hanged thai not. only was poor treat ment given them, out that th food was I American Lake. MILITARY HIGHWAYS NEED Pacific Coast Defense Leajrve Rep reavratatlve Talks at Pasco. Wash.. Feb. S. fSpeclaLV At the regular Boon luachoo of the of the poorest and that th Canadian prisoners la th hospitals war cursed by the doctors and subjected to all manner of Indignities. Corporal White s chum blames th loss of his arm to neglect. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallia. Feb. 2. (Special.) Records of O. A. C. men In military service to date show nine faculty members and 503 students of the past year or alumni. Many already are In France, while oth ers ar In training camps throughout th country. Former student body presidents, football and basketball stars and other men prominent In college life ar Included among those at Amer ican Lake. Th men at Camp Lewis holding Cap tains' commissions are W. B. Arens. class 11; L. E. Humphreys. J. C. Mc Cauntland. class 1900; A. C. Van Cleve. 10. The Lieutenants are Yv. S. Aver- Ill. A. T. Anderson. M. B. Belden. H. H. Barbur. Frank Becker. E. I. Buchanan. V. 1. Basler. J. C. Cariman. C. W. Clark, Hugh Crawford, J. R. Croswhlte. L. C. L'uKetto. R. C Pay, F. D. Daggett, James Evenden. L. M. Ellis. Harold Farmer. C O. Fertlg. B. N. Hawley. M. O. Howard. George Hopkln. O. W. James. D. M. John. W. M. Keck. G. 1 Kane. R. P. Laird. C W. Meyers. H. B. Moore. F. M. Moore. Everett May. F. L. Mlchelbook. C L. Meyers. J. I McKay, Jack Price. IL "W. Russell. X. W. Reese, George B. Somers. James X. Shaw. F. C. Shepard. E. A. Thayer, Jamea Turnbull aod F. W. Walters. A. T. Anderson will be remembered as "Andy" Anderson, football player of last year. James Evenden was an Aggie football star a few years ago and Everett May was prominent as a basketball and football varsitv man. He later acted as coach of the basket ball team and Is known to hundreds of students of ths college. Cyril Meyers, known as "Scrlbs." was a basketball varsity man of last year, and his broth er, Cornelius, was a prominent boxer. J. D. McKay waa president of the stu dent body of th school during his senior year. Th list of sergeants Includes: B. H. Copper. Alex Dodge. C TV. Daigh. J. E. Gilmer, O. B. Hardy, H. B. Koona. Harry Kraft. Stone, M. L. Tlllery and W. K. Whltaker. In th list of those In th band, hos pital, Y. M. C A. and privates are names of men well known to the college ath letic world. Brewer Billie. who once played star football for the orange and black. Is a private at Camp Lewis. George Dewey, all-round athlete for O. A. C. Is In Y. M. C. A. work at Others In the raiscel- porated for 120,000, ia greatly needed here, 'since the Klamath Iron Works closed some months ago. Since then there has been no place where the mills of this vicinity could go for re pairs for their big machinery, and it is understood that several of the mill men her ar backing; th new enter prise. A sit has been purchased close to the local freight depot. The building will have a spur track running through It. so that logging locomotives may be run in for repairs. There will be a foundry and' machine shop In connection. will be received later on the work it self. If the bids are found excessive the state paving plant will be used on the road. Whitman Musician Better. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, Feb. 2. (Special.) Sigurd Nelson, of the Whitman Conservatory of Music last year, who was operated on some time ago in Baker, is reported as im proving rapidly. It is hoped that his recovery will be quick. Aberdeen to Be Host. ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. ' 2. (Spe cial.) Four hundred of the southwest are expected to gather her February 22. 23 and 24 for the annual Old Boys' Conference of th southwest. Twenty seven cities are expected to be repre sented. Sunday school and public school leaders are preparing plans for the en tertainment. Some of the most prom inent juvenile welfare workers in the Northwest are expected to address the boys meetings. " Postroad Is Recommended. SALEM, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) The ; United States road engineers at Port land have recommended to Washlngtoi that the 20-mile stretch of Pacific Highway between Salem and Aurora be developed as a postroad and State Highway Engineer Nunn believes that this means th work can go ahead on the road this year. Arrangements will he made at th next commission meet Ins to advertise for materials and bids Campaign Against Moles Starts, CASTLE ROCK, Wash, "eb. 2. (Special.) The agricultural class of the high school under C. L. Reed have made a successful start on a campaign against moles. An inventory of the grades show that they have thus far 79 traps and 100 Bklns. The campaign lasts until April 1, when the skins will be shipped and each individual receive his share of the price. .Councilmen Seek Re-election. ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) Five of Aberdeen's six Council men, whose terms expire in May, have filed for re-election. E. E. Weiland, for six years Socialist member of the Council, is the only one not seeking to return. Four of the five who seek re election are opposed. The Councilmen whose terms expire and who are candi dates are W. H. Hollinger, John Frazer, J. M. Bowes and James McMasters. Monmouth Hears Food Lectures. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Two more lectures are to be given by Miss Myra Butler, of the Normal domestic science department, on the conservation of food. For several weeks the women of Monmouth have met at regular in tervals to hear Miss Butler. The last two talks will be on "Hooverized Foods." A complete means of getting the most out of the new foods pre scribed will be given. Excellent 'for ' Fish Days 5 V" v , 3 - K : V'' "vJ Te .nnrift-j YOUR TEETH ASK BUT LITTLE DENTAL ATTENTION ilE.ft.Lhkk.liT They hold the key to health, so why grudge them the prompt serv ice they are entitled to from time to time? Diseased teeth and gams hold he germs of all diseases. I will give you prompt, highly skilled service at the most reasonable fee. Palalesa Extraction f Teeth M Years' Active Practice, Dr. B. E. Wright Xorthweat Corner of Sixth and Vaahlaatoa, Xorthwest Building-, I' ban rat Mala II IS. A 211. Office Hours 8 A. M. to P. M. Coawaltartoa Free. ' '" '" ' ' ""ll'aiAK mmh z-rt tmm "- I ejx- ,, ,W -jr Mf TT-e- -w J" -f. OH PI . m saw. M If you have been disappointed, then try "PIONEER" and you will at once appreciate their superiority. The formula used in preparing "Pioneer Minced Sea Clams" is known only within the family of the manufacturer, and it preserves in the ' can the delicious salt-sea flavor. "Pioneer Minced Sea Clams" are splendid, highly nourish ing food, and a dainty morsel which can be served in dozens of ways. Why Superior? One Can Will Convince You White Salmon Loses by Death. WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Feb. S. (Special.) In th death of Walter (Ty) Talbert, aged 1!, yesterday from pneu monia, after an Illness of but four days. Klickitat County haa lost on of Ita most popular young buslnesa men; For some time he waa connected with th White Salmon bank and entered as Junior psrtner the latter part of lli In th firm of the Whits. Salmon Hardware Company. Ha cam from Long Lake, Minn, some nine yesrs ago. His grand mother, airs. R- M. Talbert, of that place, is his nearest relative. Fhon your want ads to Th Orega. nlao. Main 770. A 03i. laneous group are Mylo Bartu, Alvin B. Blnswanger. O. W. Blrchtold, E. L. Emett. A- W. Finch. W. H. Foster. O. J. Oroce, Graasmeon, C. R. Haseltina, E. K. Miller. J. Q. A. Prise. C. K. Roe, Fred Raltbal, W B. Rochester. Robin son. N. Bchnelder. Fred Wallace, Charles Wllloughby, O. L. Jett. S. W. Tulley, F. B. Brown. C. W. Williams, John Wil helm and S. A. Wilson. STEEL COMPANY ORGANIZED Grants Tass Concern Soon to Oper ate at Klamath Falls. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. F-b. 2. Th Klamath Iron A Steel Works is the new corporation name assumed by the Grants Pass Iron c Steel Works, which will move from Grants Pass to Klamath Falls immediately. This aaw Industry, which ia Iocor- Tweaty-Thlrd and Hoyt Streets. Phoae Marshall 881. Dlaaer Serveel 430 30 P. M. 75c SVXDA DISXER 7 So g Febraary Sd. 118. -e- Grapefruit. Head-Lettuce Salad. Ripe Olives. Puree of Peas Soup. Sirloin Stesk with French Fried Potatoes. Roast Chicken with Dressing and Candied Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower In Cream. , Victory Parker House Rolls. Home-mad Jam. t Campbell Hill Hotel f-e- 741 Washlagtaa Street. Phoae Main 7584. , Dlaaer Served 5 to 7 P. St. WEEKDAY DIXXER 50c , Minced Clam Chowder 1 can of "Pioneer" Minced Sea Clams. 1 slice of pork or bacon minced. 1H pints of potatoes sliced thin. 1 onion minced. 1 tablespoonful of butter. 1 cup of cream or rich milk. rolled crackers. Salt and pepper. Frr the pork brown in Iron pot. Add potatoes and onion and cover with just enough water to boll nicely. When potatoes ar tender add the cream, crackers, butter, salt and pepper, and when this is teated through add the clams. Cook five minuter and move to back part of stove. Serve hot. Sample Can Mailed for 20c in Stamps Kecipe Book F-ee. 3 Sizes No. Yz Flats.. ...... .15c No. 1 Talis......... 20c No. 2 Tails ..30c Ask Your Grocer Insist on "Pioneer" SEA BEACH PACKING WORKS ABERDEEN, WASH. - I