THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND.. FEBRUARY 3, 1918. 7 RAZOR AND POSON END DOCTOR'S LIFE Phys tit i ician rieia on wurcer Charge Finds Means for Suicide. REED DONE AT HOSPITAL Acrmril Seise Opportunity Offrrrd by. Ab-wnc of iare to Fror-n re-Draft- and Weapon In Adjoining Room anil Death follow. WEXATCHEK. Wah.. Feb. S- fFp-CULH-Mlnn th opportunity offered tr th. iHiusnnr bMni from tn room of th Vara aitenaintr biro. Dr. Henry A. Kmitn. cnintd by a Corontfi Jury with th killins; or Thomu Murk, at Watervlll last Sunday aiorn Inr. cot oat of bed ahortlv bfar 1 o'rloca chla roornrns. want Into hla of fice to adjoining- room, procured a rasor and a bolt I of blcMorld of mercury tablet, returned to hla bod. swallowed th tablet and' then cut b's throat with th rasor. K d i.d at II o'clock, aft.r two hours of great suf fering. Ilia death la tba final chapter In one of th most dramatic episodes to the history cf North Central Wasb In.'oa. When Pt. Smith was arrested by Or. J. TV. Adams, County Coroner. Irorne dial.Iy alter tii of burke rtunday morn ln-. he turned over to the custody of Shentf Panford Jur sm. As lr. Smith was auffertna- from a wound la th !. tie result ot a shot fired by Ir. AH Arc. when Dr. Smith resisted arrest, sheriff Jordan decided to take the Injured man to th hos pital In It. Smith e own town. Wenenl Maa Wen G The wounded tnaa has at all times been under sjuard. The eh.rlf him a!f was wlih tfc wounded prisoner antil after II o'clock last nluht. lie said th dw-tor seemed to be In ovd spirits, with apparently thoueht of eelf-d-.truellon. II talked .wl-.h the nrtrr ronrarnlac bis removal to th Count v Jail later, and expressed hla aprerlatioa of th kindness and con sideration shown In permlttina; bin to remain t.i th hospital whlla recover- taa from hta Injury. fhertff Jor-ian says fiat b mad a personal elimination of th man's In Jury yesterday and that be deemed It set best to mo kirn to th. County Jail as ret. as the wound bad not auf firtently healed. II bad mad-? certain there was nothing In the room with whith the doctor eM attempt self, descrvtion. and when b left hi pris oner lata last Blent th lattsr seemed so cheerful that th officer culartalaed ao foars of eatctde. Death ! i by raise. I neesttvatlon showed that b had swallowed bu-hlorid of mercury, th mpiy bottle bems; found under the bed II had alo cut bis throat with an old raaor. which was found in th room and death resulted from the poison, for whii th rut on th throat severe! a aumher of blood vessel and MVwl area! loe. of bl'Mxt. the Jujtutar vein waa narrowly missed. It la sup posed thai th. doctor supplemented the tastes; of potvn wtth th. cuiur.a of his throat because h feared In Ht.n an.cht not do in work atd that prompt aa.di-al attcnttoa mtrlil aav his 1. 11 Th rasor and the poisoo wers ob tained In a room adjoining that It whteh the dot-tor was confined. This room was th doctor's office anj h bad ao d:ffiutry la pterin bis hand co h'a niediclp rase there and secur ing: th bottle cf bichloride tablet. 11 la supposed that h obtained th raaor In that room also. Though a Coroner J'lry placed upon tr. smith the responsibility for th death of Thomas Burke, no preliminary hearing had been bold and no Informa tion charging th doctor with th crime had been filed In rourt. It. Smith waa ahout & eara of age and leaves, be ni the wife, a son 10 tbe Army and a daughter at home. iieutscn papers, tl Hourreols par ttaa bar decided to oppose the Social iwiRorniiic party demand for th convocation of th Reichstag, because thsy believe that th parties of th ti trera. left Intend to us such a tneetln tor th purpos of their own prop Ln.VTiON. Feb. 1 Seven Berlin fa tone have been placed under mart la aw ana tn ntrigrr ordered to resume th'lr work by 1 o'clock Monday morn log at th latest, according to a Ten tral News dispatch from Amsterdam today. Military Threat Made. Their rallur to return. It la an nounced. will b punished according to military discipline. Serious rioting on Thursday In Span uau. wheiw Important liornuii war In dustriea ar located, la reported In t.erm.n newspaper, an Ezchanga Tel rgrapb dispatch from Amsterdam says, bo 1.1 1 era wrra attacked by a mob. A policeman was dragged from bis bora and Beaten. Four thouaand men who have been employed at th harbor works ar on strike, th dispatch reports. Strikers cut th railway loading to on of th lactones. Mob atorsaa Baker. At Stemenstadt. a suburb of Spandao. tramcars were overturned. A mob stormed a bakery and compelled th proprietor to distribute bread without bread cards. XOTE OF ' ALARM SOCXDED German- Pre I a red Face to Face With Ilonr of Dent In 7. AMSTERDAM, Feb. S. Th Rhen lach Weatfallsch Zellung publishes a alunst.r dispatch dated February 1. reproducing a proclamation Issued by th deputy commanding general. In which b says: "Germany is face to fae with bar hour of destiny. Her enemies hav abandoned hop of victory by arms and are now trying to aow dissension in our ranks. A propaganda on a large scale, supported by th Ideas of th Russian revolution. 1 as resulted In some sections of th population fol lowing th enticements of irresponsible agitators. They do not realize that they ar ' committing shameful treaaon against the fatherland. I rats my warning voice and ask you to consider what will happen if our front begins to totter. Foreign countries ar already rejoicing at their success, observing with malicious glee our German Michael again walking into a trap. That must tot continue. Toll ucal resistance must and will. In all circumstances, be smashed. Ger many must not xpeiience) such condt tiona aa ins Russian revolution pro duced. Let everyone help to terminate the shameful spertarle of a strike, de nounce the mischievous agitators and bring them to their deserved punishment." OITTMAN IS UNDER ARREST wjri l L-i,B'a fur their ad. -! snare lm th llur mutiny. AMSTERDAM. VZ. A Munich dl Pwt. lu tb Frankfurter Zltun nti tttaftt avrl trtltw tair hav lrn a rr iter! thrre. inr.urftnf the writer. Kurt i;.ner. ancl Fraa Sarah Lerrh. The troops preent a dcmonjritin nlrh w mm atimptvst f ore tttcla-ba-, pa'.ce. whre the Kin renttltra. Tumuitnoaa acaaea occurred at ISoc tai ls t meettnes. COFENH V3F..V. F6. J. A copr of pmp filet ltued bjr the In J pendent Sorialieta whtrh bm reerhed i' vhews trial the rtkc tn Ocr avavnjr -aa prepared by tbrm! ta e4w r eve Blaettw. T.e pamphlet points out that the Fan foasrmana bave brournt the pare ticiro ttat.ors and the future of 0rmDy laco rreat dar4fr. Admiral ton Tlrptta. leader of th Fs'hvr. and partr. s'ter an interview wftn the Imperial frtancrt'or. declared that he saa sattaf trS i;h tbe cot. rttnt'iil's plans ron-fjrnns the e.-t. furh a dr lrati n. uvi tti pamph let. p'Otcs that th vovernrr.e&t la In collusion with the doca:-e of vto 1 ( an. iut t thtw morvert the P.. hsUaa l rlo-d aad othr mean of rnthum made impo.bte bjr it. fov err mi nL. -lur preee l ra-nred. our romrad are -rprtwcnei ao4 th ftrtortf to till rst-r extent ere maUrUIImed." contiauee th pamphlet. -ln ad worn a of tho workinc ef - Tnere n) tim- fo lne. ftr the horrors arwj frightful aiaffVr lr mm hav QnNrcont a new and frtshtfu! ji4etr threaten our people etra the holm of hurrutnltT. "tmlr a peat-o wtthntu ini-mnttlr and annex.tinns ran sate u. and the hour hia cme atira you mui rn your ir fte tuth a p-ar. At this mo m n t the irrma poplr itiuet by rri of powerful maa if 1 Ite wl'l to ftnt-n the wr " The pamphlet I stoned by Kdouard Beraateti. liua He. Wlihelnj Iitt snana. 0vi aLTi bvur and other leaders. IASIS. Feb. 1 The oneastnesa of th torfirnt orrr the at tuition Is aewn eT lf actfon in placlne: the bur sen cf suppreeama tbe etrlke on tbe ih-a!'-m of tbe military and the arret of Ua4?ra lac.udiar; ut- DADH. Yorwaerta rsi Isetrftet The 9octAtist paper Torwaerta ad ovratee cm lli eg a tin. of the Raich-la, and dfUr- that tba gov era meat must take aotlco of th die ronteal. which. It ear, la a strocde hmimmmmi th paHrauai and the ad vocates of peace by under. tandlBf. aJt -The ?oetal I mo-ratio party must, least of alL desire that the movement ftonld lead to a proceas of d.stntesra t.on ard clnl war." Accords. a to a Berlisi dispatch to tH STR1KK IKGLU IX LEAFLETS Crrmaa People Called On to Ills and Establish J.rpobllc, 1-O.vnON. Feb. J. One of the leaf lets s-htch was circulated In Ilerlta nd helped to cause the strike In tier many has been obtained by tbe Amster dam correspondent of the Iaily Jsx prs. The leaflet calls the prrnments eftprrsMd deelre for peaca only a mask and declares that the only way to end the misery and the wholesale massacre ts to overthrow the present irovcmment aod establish A republic. The leaflet sajs further. Xniy by rislnc ea masse, only by a1 aenral strike thst shall put a stop a:I Industrial activities, and espe cially tne w.r Inditr7. only by a revolution and wrest. nsr from the hands of tyraiits a democratic republic for pdrmany ran a 1 alt bh called to the In ternational butch-ry and a general pesc he brought about. "Workers, let us prepare for an Im mediate, etlff-ner ked and determined action en masse. This Is the only way to end the torments and misery we are ufffrtntr. "The bat r leery mu" be "Down with a eep-irste peace T lelsy no lons-er, lierman workers, niep and women alike, but act and act with v. or. epsrlns; non. Above all, we must not delsy. .Vow Is the time to strike ft formidable blow. HOFF ENTERS RACE State Labor Commissioner Would Be Treasurer. FIVE CANDIDATES NOW OUT Mao Lone; Active In Labor Circles, Grange and Farmers' I'nlons, Derides to Stand on Record In Office for People' Vote. SALEM. Or.. Feb. J. (Special.) Xf- ter serving for 1 years aa State Labor Commissioner for Oregon. O. P. Hot! today made formal announcement of his candidacy for the Republican nom ination for State Treasurer. Mr. Hon, in making his announce ment, declares that he believes expend iture of public funas should be cur tailed to tbe lowest notch consistent with efficient and conservative govern ment and says be will stand upon his record. With the advent of Mr. HorT Into the race there are now five candidates for mally announced, these being Mr. Hofl. Ed C Cuslck, of Albany; Judge Thomas F. Ryan, of Oregon City; Will iam Adams, City Treasurer of Portland, and O. M. Plummer, of Portland. It has been underntood generally that Ben F. West. County Assessor of Marion Coun- : ( r. . ) : ' - - T s ataaaasaasa. art i ft urn include: New Testimrnt and Psalms, hy fteia. published tn K10; Geneva Bihle. published In London In 1507; "ambridge Bible, published by the I'riverslty Press in 1677; King James" vVlon, printed in KS7: New Testa ment snd Psalms, published in London tn 1622; King Jmes' version, pub lished In London In 16C8; King James version. London. 1639; Roman history, 166S; manuscript Bible and comments. Fnglish-Latln. published in 15th cen tury; I-atln Bible, published In London In 1S8I; Geneva Bible, or "Breeches' Bible, published in 1599. and the first edition of Luther's "Comments," printed in 1575. FRIENDS BOOM HORNIBROOK Albany. Editor Indorsed for tional Committeeman. '- EUGENE. Or.. Feb. !. (Special.) W. H. Hornibrook. editor of the Albany Democrat, v. as today indorsed for Democratic National committeeman from Oregon by the executive commit tee of the Lane County party organiza- n. Attorney Esterly. of Portland.. the present member of the National committee. It is expected that be will be a candidate for re-election at the primaries in May. J. A. McLean, proprietor of the Gripes Hotel, in Eugene, was elected a mem ber of the Democratic state central committee for Lane County to succeed Coionel Creed C. Hammond, who has been called to the colors. William Polders was elected a member of the county executive committee to succeed Linn M. Nesmlth. now serving In the Army. VOCATION WORK INDORSED State Board Approves Plans at Hood River and Other Places. O. I. Half. Mate Labor osaaala- User. V ho A a a. sees Mia C'aa-, dldaey for Stale. Treasurer. AMSTERDAM FACES WALKOCT Police and Military Prepare) for Trouble Tomorrow. AMSTERDAM. Feb. S. While the police and military are preparing for a general strike In Amsterdam on Mon day, there ar Indications that the movement probably will not assume serious proportions. The member of the moderate unions have Issued a proclamation urging their fellow members not to follow the dic tates of the leaders of the syndicalists. who ar said to desire to aprcad a sinks through the country. The strike movement said to b backed by Socialists with BoUhcvik tendencies and la declared to b an out ward sign of discontent of the working classes, arising out of privations due to the war. BENTON TEACHERS MEET ISTITTTK llfcILD IX COR T. 111.19 TWO D4.S THIS WEEK. sIimI BeMirda Allow Isatrwrtorv Ttsao Off Wl ray, to Attead Coast Oatberla. mnVAU-lS. Or, Feb. I. fppeclsl.) County tsuierlntendent Cannon has been conduct. nic a two days teschers" Institute In th.c city this week. Appcs- aaa made to the various county .School Hoards to jive the teachers lime off. aith full par. and most of the boards reponde4. The following teachers were la attendance: Mrs. Lottie iilakc. ArlA. Cvrvs, Tnea Nyman, Verena Puntenncv. M.ry Anderson. Anna J. Hooker, ilrs. Nellie l. Tirrll. Marton K. Wood. Mwrreret Tollman. Vlrll J. Krnk. Kth-! U tlooper. Vvra Castle. Irene Ktrbv. Klhcr White. Myrtle TuUle. Kea Allen. Kdna albreath. Ethel K. Smith, Kffie HenW. H-x Klsh. Ituth Norton, ultvej Couitcr. Huth T. JSImison. Kyla Walker. Clara V.n Metre. Anna r rs-i . Mrs. era Howsrd. Ke Schmidt. Mrs. Aura tirosaew. Martha Larson, tu. May iSlade. AIian John. Violet Hunioaritir. Mrs. J. K. l'ertn. Neva Iallaa, Mrs. Amy Meear-j e. Llia Msy I tier back. Beenie lil lams. Mrs. Helen flov Bkcr. berths HukllU Mrs Alden John. Mary U Indcm ood. itrm. Nellie VJckers, K. W ayne Beats. .Vrxusts Hahn, Mrs. lr A. blnns. Mrs. Lv Murnhy. Mrs. Lou I 'ope. Kltsabeth Miller. Myrtle Mathte- son. Otto lanct, A. Ice Huilrr, Amends i I'auson. Mrs. Msmle Orr. GtorrU i KnicUeo. Gertrude UttUJohn. Kl fie Cofer. P Wia HlackwelU Net t be II M osier. Mary Foley. Msresret Foley Marie K. I-A;e. IVarl Fecley. Mildred CM em en. Buth MI Us, Eva M. Uooco and Coral L Oar via. ty. ould make hla announcement be fore this, but so far It has not been forthcoming and Jm said recently that he etlll had the m.i?er under considera tion. The name of K. Alexander, of Pendleton, has been frequently men tioned as a possible Eastern Oregon candidate, but aa far as Is known here he has yet given no definite word as to hla decision In the matter. llesr Art I Y la t-aeor Clrelea. Mr. Hoff for a number of years Tims been active In the affaire of labor, the Ci range and Farmers Union, as well as betna; ae&oclnted with other activities. In his platform he says: I at. avekinjr the Rpub!icn romlnatton for l't Trwiurtr. end in upport of my ab1 eubmit my record, we? 1 1 known :o t ie ttw-opi-r of the state of Oron. of 15 yere rvlce leehor 4"nrnnitealon?r; one of the mnt difficult positions to fill and one of lt paid siectiee state offices.; In standtna; btwrti inp'ojrera and Dm- ploysa to et-e thatt all pos.b;e protection 1 affordd snd Jutie la done to both I bav? ivo the Oeet that is in me. and that the rvaeits obtained hava b-en sntinfactory to I ho people of Orr a on ts Indiratt-d by re- pattit rr--actlon and ronaequ-nt Indorse, mom of t c;mh, frarera and ladepvudcnt admiaiatratloo of this of. 'Ice. Caaoidata Raawe State. As Labor Coram! sal oner mr duties hare carrl-d nie into mvry nook and comr of ;he s:ate. I know the aiaie. ita resources, aa sraat poselbiiiti- snd Its nda. In my work I have crm In contavct with all In dustrial and bomin intr-sa I know th usinse man's risk, difficulties and re- qutrem'-nta I comprehend the trounia harrtshlpe snd strursies or tne orkins p-ople and can act arl: h understand Ins In tha solut on of thslr prob'ems aa th-y come before the various boards of which the biatte Tr?aeurr la a mmtr. My knoaiedxe of stale business and ions trainlne and tr rlnc In handllnc pubile and pnvate funds certainly qua!fl-s ma for the othar du'Jea of the Plata Treasurar. t'ndr ti present atreea of our National ensts I hclleva that every ounce of the tat' a raaourcea should be developed and utilised to the greatest extent, and tne expenditure of pubile funds to the d-rree of absolute nereasity. conastwnt with efficient and conservative government. In conclusion I need only to assure you that I still e'and upon my declaration that "Mr oath of office la my platform; my record is your suarantee. and my ezpeneocs la jvttatr protect Ion. RARE OLD J300KS COMING War Brines Mint Ancient Volumes Here) From Kurope. EUGE.VE, Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.) One effect of the war has been to in crease the stock of rare old books in America, accordtntc to Rev. G. S. O. Humbert, financial secretary of the Kucene Bible University, who recently returned from Ia Anseles. where he purchased a collection of old volumes. These book were shipped from Lon don to Canada and then to California. The books riurrhased br fr. Humbert SALEVT. Or.. Feb. 2. (Special) Superintendent Churchill reported to day that the State Board of Voca tional Education, at a meeting; in Port land yestenday. Indorsed a plan for training- practical printers at The Dailes High School, where a linotype machine has been installed. At Pen dleton the students will be Instructed in the handling; of tractors and other Implements used on the large ranches of Kastern Oreson. while at Eugene a course In plumbing and gas-fitting will be Included. ,The board reached the conclusion that instructors In tbese branches must have hud at least two years' practical experience In the trades they are to teach. The cost of keeping up these course Is to be charged one-half to the district and one-half to the state. Overcoats That'll give you the most comfort, the best service. They're made by Hart Schaf fixer & Marx These clothes are made up in all-wool fab rics, highly tailored andperfect fitting. Youll'get'any style you prefer, whether full-back, raglan, belt, all-around military style or the more conservative. There's an overcoat here for you at the price you'll want to pay $20 and Up to $50 When you want a Hat, think of "Multnomah," the best Hat on the market at $3 Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Southeast Corner Fifth and Alder CormwhtllsrtScaauaer h Usra TWO BIG CRANES FOR SALE Government Machines, If not Sold, May Go to France. Two locomotive crantm of the 15-ton, four-wheel truck type, with 44-foot, six-inch booms, are available for use in the Northwest spruce production cam paign, it was announced at the head quarters of Colonel Brice P. Disnue yeoterdsy. They were built for the cut-up plant at Vancouver, but were not used there. L'nless a purchaser applies soon for them they will be shipped to France. Colonel Disque's office also an nounced yesterday that stenographers, bookkeepers and accountants who have knowledge of the timber business are needed In the spruce production serv ice. Men of draft age may, by applying at headquarters, be Inducted into this work. FUGITIVE BROUGHT BACK K. J. FraMcr, Caught at San Diego, Now In Benton County Jail. TORVALI.IS, Or., Feb. J. (Special.) K. J. Frasier, the Lane County forger-fugitive, recently captured In San Diego with (3000 In his shoe, is now lodged in the Benton County Jail at Convallis. Frasier was reported to have com mitted suicide at Gearhart after his conviction here, and while b,e was sup posed to be out trying to get bond. He wanta to appeal his case to the Su preme Court. It was tried before Judge Hamilton. BRAKEMAN IS JAILED Chester Mcintosh accused of STABBING I K. BON'DBRSOX. Priaoaer Declares Trouble Waa Due to Remarks He Had Made Regard ias Victim's Wife. ROSEBURG, Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.) Chester Mcintosh is in the City Jail here awaiting the arrival of an officer from Ashland. He is a Southern Pa cific brakeman ana is charged with stabbing bis fellow workman, L. E. Bonderson. because the latter had struck him in the face. Mcintosh said he stabbed Bonderson in the shoulder and abdomen, but did not believe the njuries would prove fatal. Imme diately after the stabbing affray he boarded a northbound freight, arriving in Koseburg last night. He was taken into custody by Night Officer Wilcox, who had his description. Ray Cum- mlngs. who accompanied Mcintosh here, was also taken in custody. Tne prisoner says the trouble was due to remarks he had made about Bonder- son's wife. The knife used by the prisoner was given to the officers and will be held as evidence pending the preliminary hearing, which takes place in Ashland. be "I advocate fewer laws, more sub stance." In his platform he says: "I shall not permit myself to be swayed from what I believe to be the primary interests of our Nation, city, county and state. As a lifelong resident of Multnomah. County I am well acquainted with our needs." ' ' Muhoneys Leave on Trip. Mrs. T. F. Mahoney and son. Law rence. leave this evening for California where they will remain during the Winter, in the hope that the son will recuperate from serious injuries sus tained several months ago in an auto mobile accident. S. REED FILES FOR OFFICE Portland Man Would Be State Sen ator, He Announces. SALEM, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Sanderson Reed, of Portland,- today filed with Secretary of State Olcott his declaration of Intention of becoming a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for State Senator from the Thir teenth Senatorial District, comprised of Multnomah County. His slogan will J ailge McGinn to hpeak. Es-Judc H. E. Mcilinn will speak tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock to the Army and Navy Auxiliary at 411 Morrl-i sou street. Til utcUDC ia upiia to tne pubUu I k -l Uv V-' A- DR. VY. E. LA MOTE ARCH FITTING Is a science. Elch.y-flv per cent of th people are suffering with some form of arch troubles. Many so-called cases of KH KCMATIS.M disappear entirely when the feet are properly fitted. My work ia done under th WIZARD sya'em. A trial wi;i convince you. All .'oot troubles scientifically and painlesly treated by this new KIlENi'll SA.VITAKV method. No soreness afterward. Consultation free. DR. W. K. I.A MOVTE. Llersae. t blraredlst. Graduate of Urlooprasy. Parlors J07-301 Swetland KWg.. Cor ner ith and Wash. I'hone Mam S4i(. Eve. by Appt. Lady Attendant. Baldwin Pianos a Phonographs and Records Orpheum Banjos Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Martin and Washburn Guitars and Mandolins Complete Stock of Music SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-7 Fourth Sti Come in and see our new store. You do not have to watch us to see us grow. H0LT0N BAND INSTRUMENTS Ludwig Drums Leedy Drums Deagan Xylophones , Ask for Catalog. 4 DAYS Try to Get in Also Geo. Beban in "Jules of the Strong Heart." m im f?T" r - Jn sum i i'aVv : vJ i tv --TT-'Vitimvw-TrTnTi,fc'W J r" . "v jl) u i m IssstasssssMBsvaswa aaaw' aAgf ggp IfUlA Lo U DAKOTA DAN" Whenyou see Bill tear a big heavy door off ita hinges, using the body of his opponent as a battering ram, you're just about goin' to stand up in your chair and cheer. or II o D o 301 I 01 BATH TUBS? New white enamel, guaranteed tubs. Carload in Yesterday Wholesale to everybody this week. Fleming Plumbing Supply House 112 FOURTH, NEAR WASHINGTON ST. 101 0 o D o aosoi D o II 101. For Rent EfjEBlj Sale or Trade 2 Retail Store Rooms in centrally located, thickly set tled Residence District. Floor space 50x50 store may be divided into two rooms 25x50 each. All fixtdres. Wired for electricity and piped for gas. Building has two 6-room modern flats. RENTAL TERMS REASONABLE WILL SELL FOR LOW CASH OFFER OR TRADE FOR FARM PROPERTY Deal direct with owner: Sirs. R. E. Watts, S45,i Belmont Phone East 22J8. III M 13 felizilSdipj EJ