TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY -3, 1918. SUBMARIHE1S HELOL SAYS ERIC GEDDES Sinkings of Merchantmen Are Wow Under Mark Set Prior to Unrestricted War. MORE SHIPS YET NEEDED Tlrt Lord of British Admiralty Folats Oat That Germany Most 1'aJslfr Records of Sinkings to Satisfy People. ZftWOS. fw. X. "Trie aubmartna Is fesld. Tttus. to fo-ar words. Sir Erta Camp bell Gsddsa. First Lord of ths Ad mlraltjr. jrsstsrday lummirlitd lbs rs- nltl nf Ik. Mr vamp .r nirmnf! vnr.trtct.d submarine warfare. tic ""7' " abmartns Is In bo war Awiual In effi ciency to the U-boat of s year ijo." PACKER ASKS FOR DECREE Gilbert Tan Camp Charges Ills Glrl Wlfe With Desertion. LOS ANGELES. Jan. it Throu.h Attorney E. E. Sldebolten suit has been filed la tbs "superior Court by Gilbert G Van Camp for divorce from Alice Van Camp. The charge Is desertion. Tbs plaintiff, who has 11 red In the harbor district for ths last three years, la a son of ths packer of that name. Ths young nan la an employs In ths Vsn Camp plant at San Pedro. Ths Van Camps were married aeY- eral year. ao. Mrs. Van Camp being the daughter of a wealthy Indianapolis family. They cams to the harbor dis trict to live, but It Is said that Mrs. Van Camp became dissatisfied with life th.rs and left more than a year ago to live with her parents. ihers are no children and I: is said that no special property Interests are Involved in ths sutt. TAX-LEVY OUTLINED Rules on Personal and Corpor ation Measures Completed. DIVIDENDS FULLY COVERED Depletion In Case of OH, Gas and Mining Companies Provided For. Certain Dividends Held Not Taxable a Income. GLEE CLUB PLEASES CROWD Programme One of Best Ever Ren dered Before Portland Audience. Portlanders played a prominent part In the appearance of the University of Oregon ; ee Club at Lincoln High began February 1. a year ago. A measurs of Its fatljrs. he added to ths correspondent, was found la the fact that sinking of mercinl ships Bow had been reduced to a level lower than before Germany cast aslds ail re straint. "I am aa optimist . regarding ths C-feoat war." said Sir Eric "The sub msrtne. restrained and nrre. trained. ba met and ha. not proved In vlrxMble. 1 am Inclined to think that Bow. sines I made my last public state ment. we are sinking submarines as fast as Germany ran build them.' "My 'curves are all good and cannot see any way In which the situ ation can be changed except for ths better. Mere Skips "Seeded. "The sooner ths better Is now ths allied aavy'a aim. But you sea there still is a but. and It Is a very Important ne we nut have more ships If we are abls to turn this German failure Into a positive allied victory. Ths sub marine deatructlon of the world's ton Base Is not a big percentage of ths whole, but the submarine deatructlon still eaceeds ths production of ships and meantime the demands for ton Bags are increasing by leaps and bounda Turning to ths pro-tress of ths cam paign against the German submarine, air Eric again referred to ths satisfac tory trend of the curves to which be kas referred In several of his speeches. "Ail the curves continue to bend In the right direction." he said. "The de atructiun of allied shipping decreases rapidly: ths conatruction of merchant iiirpiag Increases steadily and the sinking of German submarines steadily rlsea. Cerssas) Ezaggeratlea Grows. Thsrs Is still another curve which I keep. I never told the public about It. but It gives me personally much satisfaction It Is the curve repre senting what I call the factor 'exag geration' In the German official state ments of L'-buat results. Let at ex platn that curve briefly. "Every month since the nnrestrlcted submarine war begin the Germans have Issued an official statement of tbs total amount of tonnage alleged to have been sunk during that month. We found from the very fir.t month test there wss a certain "margin of exaggeration' that Is. the German Ad miralty always added a few thousand tons for good measure. This margin of exaggeration was fairly small In ths sarly months of un restricted warfare. -VWth Lha lessen ing sf ths German successea of July. August and September the margin of exaggeration began to Increase. The German Admiralty found tteelf obliged to falsify Its returns more and mors flagrantly In Its effort to persuade ths German people that ths L"-boat was a continuing success." eiUlaga treat aa Km. 8!r Eric referred to the 3erman claim that the decreased sinkings wers das to the decrease la the number of ships sailing. "That Is false. he said. "Sailings and arrivals are Just as numerous to day aa they wers a year ago. Ths correspondent referred to Pec retary of War Maker's statement of I few dsya ago concerning the German plan for concentration against amerl can transports. "There Is no doubt." said Sir Eric. "that ths U-boat will bend svery ef fort to attack American transports. and If you are to bring across ths At laatlo ths number of troopr that you plaa there will bs losses, and probably heavy on. a, (or life-saving la mld Atlantle Is aet easy. "I do not doubt that Mr. Baker had good grounds for his statement, but we have no evidence to support ths vi.w that the Germane at present are withdrawing their l -boata In prepara tion for a concentrated attack against the Amsrtcaa lines of communication. "Ths steady decrease of merchant sinkings tl do not refer to the abnor mally good weeks of this moot) a not due. I am convinced, to any withdrawal of submarines from ths shipping lanes, but to the steady Improvement In the allied methods of deaung with them." ftey Poller Wlaa. Ths British policy of entire sscrsey regarding ths sinking of L-boats waa defeoded. "thir policy of secrecy." ha said. "has. I believe, much to do with the steady deterioration la the morale of the Ger man submarine crews. "We know from prisoners how much this policy of .ecrecy wears oa tbs German U-boat sailors. Every month there are German submarine crsws wbo fall to return to their base wbleh nothing Is ever hesrd. tlon from tbs valley city. Tns club I aa strong, an organisation as ths uni versity has ever sent to Portland delight local audiences. The progrsmme opened with a rol licking chorus by the G ee Club, fol lowed by a bsritone solo. "Evenin Star." from W-agner's "Tannhauser. sympathetically sung by Curtis Petsr son. of Eugene. Then the club re turned to give an endearing Krenrh folk song and followed nith an equally ap pealing number. Other numbers helped to mske the programme one of the best sver given In this city. FRANCIS TRUE IS JAILED Accused Man Denies lie la Person Wanted by Officers. LOS AXGEL.ES, Jan. !. A man giving his name as Francis True, bu wbo. it is alleged by Kederal officers. Is Orrln Robertson, who Is under dlctment In Kansaa City, charged with concealing the asaeta of a bankrupt claimed to be valued at tics. 000. was arrested by Fred H. Bod en. of ths Iwpartment of Justice, at 177 Alesssn- dro street, where True, who says he is a physician, has for some time been conducting a sanatorium. Trua denies strenuously thst hs Is Robertson, and claims that he v never mixed up In any shady business. The matter will be further investi gated today. Ths accused is in ths County Jail. WASHINGTON SAVES COAL 'Llghtlc- Night" KesnlU in Great Savins of Fuel. "WAJfHIVGTON". Jan. IS. Washing' ton's first "llghtlesa" night under ths latest order of the fuel administration resulted In an appreciable saving of coal by ths Potomac Electric Power Company. The order dimming signs, which was characterized by the fuel admin istration as a failure, saved only 15 tons of coal a month bv the power company in vlashlngton. Though exact figures are not available. It Is believed that 16 tons of coal or mors were saved last night by the dimming of all signs. WORK AHEAD OF SCHEDULE S. Signal Corps Reports Airplane Prof-raninie Progressing.. 1 WASHINGTON". Jsn. :3. Ths United States Signal Corps "is ahead of schedule In sll its work." General Saltsmann. acting chief signal officer. aid In submitting an annual report to Congress. This laconic statement was prac tically all his message carried to In dicate that Americas air work Is really well on the way to accomplish ment. "Conditions." hs wrote, "prohibit ths publication of details showing the progress In personnsl and material. " MAN SEEKING PASS TAKEN Socialist Kditor Vses Wrong Name In Making Application. WASHINGTON". Jan. IS. E. C. Key- ser. who Is said to be a correspondent for a Philadelphia Socialist newspaper, was taken Into custody by . an agent of the Lepartment of Justice on the charge that he waa trying ts obtain pass for the State. War and Navy epartment building under the name of "K. E. Hamilton. ' When arrested Keyser said ha frs- quent'.y wrote articles under the name of IU E. Hamilton. and that he saw no barm la having bis pass made out that way. CLEVELAND TO GIVE CARDS Rigid Regulation of Sugar and Flour Sale Found Necessary. CLEVELAND. Feb. S. Adoption of the card sy.tem t control distribution I of sugar, flour, flour substitutes and other cereals to grocers and retail m-A ? I stores was annouueeu nere touay or Chairman Bishop, of the city and -Th. l.rrr... . .1 mnr.l. r.n. tounij. lima comwuirm. L am ormr win under the acid te.t of this of t-repeat.d ' n, bruary i. The action ,,, r ..,. -rh average I 'olloed revelation of a serious situa tion nere. particularly sua regaru ko sugar. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Regulations governing administration of the per sonal and corporation Income tax were completed Friday by ths bureau of In ternal revenue and will' bs ready for distribution early next week, Xlost of the provisions are the same as thoss covering the old Income tax. The ques tion of Inventories is lsft open to be covered by a special regulation later. Among the more important new ref lations are those relating to dividends, depletion in tha case of oil. gas and mining properties and payments from depreciation and depletion reserves. "The ruling on dividends in sub stance." says aa official memorandum on the regulations, ."Is that dividend paia raring 1MT will be deemed to have been paid from 1917 earnings I sucn earnings au-ing the year were greater than the dividends distributed, unless the corporations show that tbs tlms of distribution of any panic nlar dividends ths eafnln-rs were not sufficient to cover. A new ruling as an alternative to the existing one has been provided for computing the amount necessary to re turn capital invested in oil and gas wells, the rule being based upon an estimate of the units contained in th property, and fee owners and leases are placed npon tha same basis Insofar aa bonuses have actually been paid for leases. "In regard to mining- corporations. I Is stated that In passing on values set up as of March 1. 11S. aa a basis for depletion the department will give due weight to market quotations on card tal stock aa of that date and to values stated by the corporations in their cap Ft tal stock returns. It Is held that dividends paid out of depletion or depreciation reserves are in the naturs-of a liquidation dividend nd are a return of capital to the stockholders and not taxable as in come Such dividends will not be so regarded, however, unless the Income and surplus have been first distributed and the fact that their capital has been reduced or partly returned is made pub lic in their published statements. Provision has also been made re versing a previous ruling and holding as to stock returned to corporations upon reorganisation for purposes of resale to raise working capital, that the proceeds when sold shall not be treated as Income. A provision of former rulings that forgiven debts constitute Income to the debtor has also been stricken out.1 BummmmmummmmmmBummmummmmmmummmmmmmwummmn9mmmmmmmwvwwwmmmm mH EillMiHHBBillwaiBlkMIIBIalllillMallHlwISIIIallBliMIIIHIIflCKI GOVERNMENT IS SOT DISPOSED TO - GIVE UP OL.YMPIA YARD. Farmer Exeemtlve, Xw Drawing Cia, 00 aad Doing Little. Falls to Caa vIbcw Casasslttee of Ability. OREOOXlAJf NEWS BUREAU. Wash Ington. Feb. 2. There Is jio likelihood that the Senate commerce committee, on the evidence now before It, will recom mend that the Shipping Board relin- auish its control and management of the Sloan Shipyard at Olympia. wastu, and restore that property to the man agement and direction of Philip I. Sloan, president of the Sloan Shipyards Corporation. For while the evidence discloses that the Sloan yard Is. seem ingly, a good property And can be made to produce ships, the record, especially the testimony of Philip D. Sloan, did not satisfy the committee that the own era of this property ara as wen equipped aa the Shipping Board to carry forward ths contract for building is Ferris ships for Government account- So far as the physical plant or the Sloan Company is concerned, Mr. Sloan had little difficulty In convincing the commerce committee that he had the means necessary to carry through con tracts for tbs Government, but on ques tions of business management, finan cial transactions, stc Mr. Sloan did not convince the committee that he should be restored to control. On his second day on the stand. Mr. Sloan was making a plea to have his yard returned to him. He told how the Shipping-Board had taken control, had turned out most of bis employes, and in stalled new men. Asked bow he him self had been affected under the agree ment by which the Shipping Board took over control of his shipyard, Mr. Sloan aald he thought he waa to be consulted. but found out to the contrary. "1 sat In mr office in Seattle for five weeks and ths only time I waa consulted was when they wanted to remove the Premier Engine Works up to Olympia," he said. FIBEWORKS ALL ABLAZE PYROTECHNICS TOUCHED OFF HEA.LTY BOARD LIVCHEOX. Cocoanut Oil Fine For W ahin Hair keep your hair In careful what yoa If yoa want to good eondltlon. bi wash It with. Most soaps and prepared ehsmpoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes ths hair brittle, and Is very harmful. Just plain mulaifled cocoanut oil (which Is.pura and en tirely greaselees Is much better then tha most sxpensive soap or anything !ie yoa can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly Injurs the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub It In. One or two teaspoonfuls will make aa abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses ths hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out .a.i.y aad remove every particle sf du't. dirt, dandruff and excessive OIL The hair dries quickly and evenly, aad It leaves It fine end silky, bright, fiuffy and easy to man-ge. Yoa can get mulstft.d coeosnut oil at most any drug store. It Is vary cbeap. aad a few ounces Is enough to last everyone la tha family tor months Adv. Profiteers to Be Curbed. WASHINHTON. Feb. I. Unwarranted price increases In wheat flour substi tutes wi.l not be permitted. Tbe Food Administration tonight gsve wsrnlng to dealers that they must not take ad vantage of temporary shortsges In oth er cereals brought on by the heavy de mand ths new baking regulations havs caused. Many complaints resetted Food Ad ministrator Hoover today that dealers In the substitutes already have begun to lift their prices. "Mills of the country." said Mr. Hoover, "are prepared to meet the greater demand of housewives snd bakers for other cereals during the next few months. Lack of transporta tion is the only factor that will stand In the way of proper distribution throughout the country. "Unlicensed food retailers who sell at more than a reasonable profit will have their supplies cut off through ths noti fication of licensees by the Food Ad ministrator forbidding them to receive orders for food from such ret altera" A Korean lad holds tbe world's rec ord for rapidity at figures. Recently be added mentally a column of JS items of four figures each In seven seconds. II. C. Campbell laterrapts Judge McGlaa la Midst sf Dlacuaalea mt Slx-Cewt Carfare. Verbal pyrotechnics were touched off with a genuine sputter at the luncheon of the Portland Realty Board at the Benson Hotel yesterday, when H. C. Campbell interrupted Judge Henry E. McGinn with a question when tbe latter was In tbe midst of a discussion of the (cent fare situation.. 0 Judga McGinn. "in reviewing the early history of the street railway system, had made ths statement that the valu able franchises now owned by the Port land Railway. Light A Power Company were acquired originally from the city without price through political manip ulation and afterwards disposed of for a fabulous sum. "What Is your motive for attacking the street railway company?" Inquired Mr. Campbell. "I am actuated by purely patriotic reasons and a desire to see that the in terests of the people are properly pro tected." answered Judge .McGinn. "In the past whenever you have gone out on one of these crusades you always wanted something at the hands of the people." came back Mr. Campbell, "and the people will soon find out thst you are expecting something for your pres ent attack. It may be a United States Senatorship or the office of Mayor of Portland, bat there Is something you will want." "Yes. and be will get It on bis rec ord," chorused ths luncheon guests. Good Taste in Diamonds There's nothing: that -"fives more dignity to the wear er than the properly chosen Diamond King. There is good taste in diamonds, as in all other jewelry, but my $50 and $100 special rings are correct for either man or woman at any time or place and un der all conditions. Credit accommodations without extra charge. jLars-mt Diamond Dealer la OrcBTon 334 WASHIXsTON ST. OppMlte Owl Dnif Ca. 9 ho, while enjoying the passage at words, apparently were not unfriendly to Judge McGinn. In the main, the remarks of Judge McGinn did not differ essentially from other discussions he has made In public on the same subject. He charged that the increased fare had been obtained by the street railway company by unfair means and renewed his charge that the members of the Public Service Commis sion, which msds the order granting the greater fare, was controlled by the officers of the railway corporation. "You need expect no assistance from the City Commissioner? in this fight to secure a reduction In the 6-cent fare. added Judge McGinn, "for they are wfth the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company in this controversy. The street railway company had a hand in the election of Mayor Baker and several of the City Commissioners and they are merely doing what is expected of them by the Interests that helped in their The very best work you can do Is to abolish the Public Service Commission. The members of that body are abso lutely In the control of Franklin. T. Griffith, president of the Portland Rail way. Light & Power Company. He has at all times had free access to the front and back doors of the commission and never has any trouble in getting an audience. But not so with LaRoche, your City Attorney, who is employed ana paia oy tne city ana is supposed to look after the Interests of the whole city. But he never was there. 'Residents of this city may well ad vertise to the rest of the world and ad vise them not to come to Portland if they have any Intention of doing so. We now head the list of jay-towns on the Pacific Ctast. We have a City Com mission that does not possess the neces sary backbone to stand up and assert its rights under a solemn and binding contract. They do not have the Inter ests of the people sufficiently at heart to insist upon the fulfillment by the street railway company of the terms of Its franchise, which plainly stipulates that a s-cent fare only shall be charged for passenger transportation on Its lines." In this connection Judge McGinn scored Mayor Baker and the City Com missioners for their failure to restore the jitney service in competition with the street railway and said the people could not expect any relief from the situation at the hands of the city ad ministration. He advocated restoration of a jitney service as the most certain way of forcing the utility company to abandon its 6-cent fare and restore the former charge of 6 cents. MANY QUERIES AT HAND REGISTRATION OF GERMANS WILL, START NEXT MONDAY. Department af Justice Receives Haay Reoneerta for Rulings oa Cltl aeashlp mt Aliens. WASHINGTON". Feb. 2. The Depart ment of Justice has received many re- uests for special rulings on the citi- tenshlp of aliens In preparing for tha Nation-wide registration of German enemy aliens next wu.lt. All unnaturaljxed German males above the age of 14 will be required register between next- Monday and Saturday with the police of cities bove 6000 population and with post masters of smaller communities of rural districts There will be no charge except for the four copies of the photograph which the registrant must furnish. Tbe subjects of Austria Hungsry and women are not compelled register. Men torn in the United States of German parents, or fully aturalixed here, need not register, but hose who have taken rut only their first papers will have to enroll- Former residents of Alsace-Lorra.ne, born 5 : 2 " am n mm mm "2 i a a a weety CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES It's Real Efficiency Applied to Selling of Men 's Clothes We make less profit that we may do more business. Every customer who buys a Gray's twenty or thirty sends his friends here because of the value hereceived. We do a strictly cash business and have no losses to make up from bad accounts, as other stores. Since adopting this profit-sharing policy our business has more than doubled in the Clothing Dept. When we tell you we will save you at least half the profit you pay else where we will do it. Compare Gray's Suits and Overcoats with those sold by other stores for $25 and $30. yJR 5" at Compare Gray's Suits and Overcoats with those sold by other stores for $35, $40 and $45. . After You Have Compared We Will Supply Your Clothes M. GKAY COR. WASHINGTON AND WEST PARK "jwimmmmaummmmuwuamuuumumasmammTsiinmmnwamBmmwmnKnmmmTimmrmnmm MMfelckiiiatiitiiiigviHgggkiailkaiillBiiMllllBiH-caiaiaaaaHBiaaa mm there after the German seizure In 1871, are regarded as enemy aliens, even though they are of French descent and sympathies. . Special efforts are being made by the Department of Justice, by police and postoffice officials and others as sisting in the registration to eliminate any idea that the registration implies any specific blame on the part of the Germans. FERGUSON HOME IS SOLD Charles E. Danl Purchases Property at Cost of $25,000. The $25,000 three-story home of the late E. Z. Ferguson, at 825 Alameda drive, has been purchased by Charles E. Dant, of Dant & Russell, according to an announcement Friday by K. T. Street, xrvtngton realty dealer. through whose agency the sale was transacted. The cash consideration Is said to be around $25,000. The Ferguson house is situated on quarter-block of level land on the crest above Alameda drive. It is one of the most conspicuously attractive homes in that neighborhood, with a brick exterior and the interior finished in oak and mahogany. The sale of the Ferguson house is the largest all cash deal to take place on the East Side since the outbreak of the war. 1 Woodstock 6 IN ONE Th Ld In g Ft ares f the Leading Machine all harmoniously combined In one naruiaonia New Trouble-free Writing Machine of tbe First Quality In which you will find your own favorite feature of your own favorite typewriter, and tha others bealdea. THE WOOD STOCK TYPEWRIT El. AGENCY. SOt Oak Street. "T -UFi' ' -' X. ' f l : LEARN TO PLAY THE HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITAR "Tig Such So Easy and Sweet Music' Four or five lessons all" you require. No previous knowl edge "of music necessary. C o m p 1 ete Outfits, t n e 1 u d I as every thing neceswary for beginners. Including FllKK LESSU.S... Graves Music Store . 285 Morrison St. (at 4th) FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Free Lessons with every Uk ulele and other instruments. Investigate If you will hold an investigation over the shoe proposi tion you will find that the Ground Gripper Shoe is sold far below other high-grade shoes. We specialize on the one shape and therefore are in a position to give you more for your money. There is no other shoe like them at any price or any other place. Ground Gripper Shoe Store 381 Vz WASHINGTON STREET r i v -': u r ",-Ki.'-- " ( RELIEF from eye strain is assured by wear ing my Perfect Fitting Glasses Dr. Wheat EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 207 Morgan Bldg. "rVashington at Broadway. Formerly in the Corbett Buildin-Ji Portland Motor Car Co. i I -. ; 1 ' .. : : . : . . i PACKARD NASH ! " ' t" ' " - I m r-i j rr rr..: r n,i rri. u lOUTing Vais aim j.rukis im -uaia auu xiui-m . j i I I i ! j I , DE PALMA RACER ! Fastest Car in the World, with Packard Twin-Six j - ' Aviation Motor on exhibit in our showroom from I February the Fifth until February the Thirteenth. i . j ' BURNSIDE STREET AT TENTH . ' ' ' j! wwrA t i i ' I I: sH 3 i3 i 3 "fI a 2 3 4 siVa