THE SUNDAY OHEGONTA PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 3. 1918. Dfiiin nrr norn IrtllUITLUaW it ii. nun SUIT FOR $2,800,000 Ex-Cz2r Defendant in New York Action; Russian Prop erty Is Attached. BOLSHEVIK PRESSURE ON BoIbTik Idea of Mufltn tb officers to ih rinks anff eleetinc nesr. ooif. Ambassador Franrt Cam Draw Only IIS Weekly Front Bank I'nlll rnllrd tliM Recognise blmr Political Taly. MT1V TORK. Fb. . Cnder th las of Nr Tork Slit, no ruler of a foreign nation ran b ud whll h remain In pot but thla Immunity when fci authority U ottr thrown, accorrtln to a decision today by Justlc Beneulct. la tha uprni Court. aalot Nicholas RoniooII. for mer Empror of Russia. la a suit acalnst to former Em peror for IJ. . for breach of con tract, the Marine Transportation Serv ice Corporation obtained a writ of attachment against certain Russian property found In Idle country. LOXDOX. Jeb. J. Tha Bolsherlkl government, acording to tha Petrv arad rorrenpoadent of tbe Time, baa adopted another method lo cumpl for el (a (uvernmenta to recognls It. Bank fmrndm Held la. The Bol,belkl are refunlnar to per mit Brttieb and otber foreign em is and consulates to draw on jm deposited In Russian banks until tha Bo.shevlSl gorernment I allowed tf hava complete dlr"aj of J.ussia facets In tha Us us, of England, WASHINGTON. Keb. 3. Ambasador Trend and memo re of hie ataff In J'etrea-rad are aMured of li rubl aer Mrwa a week, according to Infor nation which haa reached the flat Impertinent. The ruble la now valued t approximately 1 cent. Treat l Already Heaened. Tha Ambassador reported to the Stat Department at the time the bank were cioeed In I'xtroarad tbe difficulty he waa bavin In drawing money placed In ona of tha banks to hie credit and Ibat he waa attempt In? to xtabuh a credit at Vladivo atolc No report of any new order by th Kolehertk government closing credit to Ambassador Francis and otber diplomat at tba local banka ha been reported, t tha department. tun .rrE.iL to wilso.n Kcqarsa. Made tic rk ma a and Oold- aaaa B heal to Kaaala. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Oregory Weln atetn. BreeiUnt of the Russ;aa Sncie- tiea. waa authorised by the conven tion late today to send to President Wtlaon a telegram protesting against the inltiM sentence" passed anon btu lioldmaa. Alexander He r k ma u and two other Russian cltlaona. and stating that the convention "demands their immediate release) and permission to return to Russia." The telogram read: The first convention of Russian cltl- ens la tha I'ntted States assembled tteetboven Hall. New Vora. protests aaaiast tha ualust sentsnc passed on Russian cinasna. Emm (Soldman. Alex ander Berkman nnd Keeker and K ra wer, and demands their Immediate re aad permission to return to Kus- BOSTON OPERA IS FAILURE Maolc 51iowe ' Foorljr ratronlird, Evrn In Time of frmvr. BOSTON". Feb. 2. Judicial notice of the tact that ' grand opera In Boston nsver was a f lninria.1 success. evn when autxldued In peace timei by the Utr Ifben U." Jordtn. wa taken by the Ckut today in dismissing claims fr ennuic tiled by Walter M. Smith, a musician, and Edoardo Fer rari Kontana. a s'.nscr. asainst the Uoston opens Company In bankruptcy. "I am ol the opinion."" tbe referee held, "that If grand opera could hardly be a success In peace time even thouah subsidised It wa rendered Im possible by tbe existence of n universal acrid war. and therefor feel that a public calamity over which tha party had no control should terminate lu" DRAFT EVASION DENIED Skagit County Ilrgl.t rant. Residing at Oregon City Surprised. ORKROV C1TT. Or Feb. I. Spe- claL Clifford T. BurtU formerly of Mount Vernon. Wash., a registrant of tikactt County, wondertn why the lo cal board of hi home town didn't aend him his questionnaire, wrote up for one. Hum waa genuinely surprised to re ceive word that he had been called to service last Summer, had failed to re ceive the notification and had been re ported In aa a draft evader. Iturtt appeared before Ir. Mount to day, waa found to b sound aa a dol lar, and will leave Tuesday for Ameri can Lake. RAILROAD BILL 10 HAVE RIGHT OF WAY Administration Measure to Be Reported to Both Houses During This Week. McADOO REQUESTS SPEED Fund of $500,000,000 to Pay Dcfi denotes and Provide Addition. Facilities Is Important Feature of Pending Legislation, At i Arid ftorkman and Km ma Cold ran, narrh.-ti. nnrrn1r1 at lb t piled (Caia aUarnhal' offif br to dAjr la coroplianrt with a Kdrl Court order igrtiti hr ytrdjr a a re sult of tft drctmon of tb tnited Mat- duprvm Court afftrtrn tha coavit lion of tt two on a rrtara of mn plrin to tnt-rfer ith tha oprratiun f fh awtVrwKTt l TV!'f Uw. Whn tha to arri.d at tha Federal build i nr. thr found that t'nited Mtatea 3tt.rahal MrC-rthr bs attendina the fmeral of Iniiad M-to rVnator lluch'S In New Jersey and pendtnv bin fturn they w era ordered confined in tha Tombs rnon here nnttl Monday, when they will Mart for oenttent t:trte. rterttraan's rounacl went befora I'ntted fttataa Judaa Myer. before whom t hey war convicted, and onjrcted to the procedure. de-j,rinc bt client wera betn porsocuted and ehould re main at liberty on until Monday ar ba started at one to serve their Sentence Judce Maver said he bad no rtrht to InterNre with the MarKhnl's platn. and denied a mot ion intended to keep lb defendant out of the Tombs. A plan to mak" the RitMian co-n!al ron&rffa, now In ia-tioa here, a prr- ' rianml ui.n of all Kuiana Iiviuk In ! t I'nitcd sttmf. to b- known ae the Kutan Colon- in America, m til t submitted to the defecates tomorrow by th rommittes on resolutions. It wa announced tontchl by (irenorT Viastin. who tm uil to b a trutd friend of Ueia Trotsky. For- icn Minister. ivtral iieUcates declared tonisht that It I virtually certain th plan ill be adopt-d It was admitted that the ceneral movement to conHltdatc th Hueeians la this country la in th Interest of the liMh-vik I government at ivtroacrad and is probobly rarrtrd on with full k now Idre and a net ton of Korclicn Mimeter Tro-sky. who is beir.s: duly in (tirmrrt f what l tklna place her. L'nof f trUU) it wav at ted toniuht thai tha prorniine to be put before th eonr nmrrmw in luHa mas ttrvs for tha? attmaion of cd !. t ion a I orportunlti of Kuau rhi Idrn in tfM l'nitd Slate, the It t Tfaa nf Int mu rttn from Kut after th war. aad plan for th civ.l and ori w i . lrrmml of Hueaiaiia who ofn to th I nite4 Sta-t to make thrlr hoin- C1T OK KtM.At lltV OCl' Important )lotr of Army of IS. 000 Pull-alt IsClsianalrrs AnnoMnml. j rt.rn. -nr. n. vv. i. Th e-ni-of- fcl na jtKn r it W rrrt-i f'-m Mhi that - lolh lcion- r romrctntl'i bv !olih t:rftlw. wif thastf ataff. bat ore upt-d th r. of Koaaciwv 1 2 m ! suth f M'.htev. in to r.foa of th tntetr li-wer. To fat f th PoTl-b Tardo n-r pmhri of th ernf itnttonal d-mo-rfatk- party and othr conn ter-revoitt tirn.rict who hart ba arrrata-l and bl't aa boetac d-pnd oi tha sur render of h rU In Uoaru.-hew. Aout 4S. iN.lisb tro-p in th T.u4iaa army who hive maintained taeir unita intaMt In faca of t J tel- a rranaiiion iwjurwB anl who fcav a uprr) a datre to return from I:tto4ia t Is". and bat teen atd by a iermaa o'i ,--cti'n to the plan. r sranv haa atwiaiutaly refused to perrrtt tate repatriation. Th-M trrtota are etilt command- b i-ir o-d oXt.var. feat-iaf re.iairj to 9 T0KI0 SCHOOL GETS FUND New York Banker Makr Gift of $133,000 to l nlTcrsil jr. NEW TORK. Fab. X. A. Carton Hep burn. New York banker, haa made a gift said to amount to USS.voO to tha Imperial 1'nlversitr of Tokio fur th foundation and endowment of a chair In tha study- of th constitution, his tory and diplomacy of th United State, according to announcement to day by th Eaat and West New Bu reau. Tha money waa presented to tbe unl rersity. It waa said, through liaron Shibu.oawa. the Japan financier who recently Tlssted this country. RUMOR DOOMS RICHMOND Swiss Tape Arrt City Is "A boot to Be) IC"Mi-oj-cl." RICHMOND. V, Feb. J. According to a letter received here from Mrs Adrlenne Kastello at Geneva, fwltzer land. newspapera of that city recently published article saying "Richmond, Ya-. la about to be destroyed." h wrote relativca her to ascertain whether they were well and th city still Intact. According to air. Kastello th capital of Virginia waa among th American cttlea mentioned aa being doomed to destruction. Mra. Ilostello gav no detalla. GERMAN ASSERTS LOYALTY Paal K. NrtllU k A, I for UtIiis In A-toria's liar red Zone. AST,f:iA. Or.. Feb. 2. Special.) Puul K. NadlU'k. a irerman. who has ben realdinic within the barrd lone, was arrratd bv the Federal author! tta-s today. Ned. Irk produced bis flrat ctuaennhtp papra. taken out here four years a so, and two liberty bonus b bad purchased. lie a I wo told the offlrs h Is ready and wllltna to fiaht any country to protet America. It Is expected that Ndlt-k will b releaa.-d on condition that ba mora out of the barred sons. REDS BEAT HUNS TO CASH Tevion Olia-trlned When H-NherlLI Seise Roumanian Gold. THE HAGIE, Feb. 2. Tb Vienna Neue Freie l"rese reports that the amount dt irold blontttnc to Roumania hat was siad by the UolAhevlkt was valued at &u0.i0i fran-s. The new-paper addi that the authort a In Vienna and Itcrlln attach (treat mportance to the confiscation becauee he Kuumantan stats it old reserve Is the chie-f sruarsntee for the Roumanian dbt owed to the central powar. SALARIES ARE INCREASED Clatwp Court luc Order Subjm lo At(ornc-GcncraI"s Approra. ASTORIA. Cr Feb. !. fSprclal.) The County CmSl'hu mul an order ncressltig the snl.-iry of ea-h deputy In the Sheriffs, t'ountr lrk i and As sessors offices by f a month. Tins, beiore becominv effective, will be submitted to the ftate Attomey C.enersl to see if the court has the au thority l make tbe advance, as under the state law the salary of a deputy official Is fixed at 110" a month. Hood Ritrr Aids HoMrss House. HOOD RIVER. Or, Feb. I. (Spe cial.) The counrr drive for a ItOO quota of th Y. W. C. A. hostess hour funtl. conducted this week In charge of Mrs. Truinin I.utler and Mrs. L. s. Alneaorth. closed tonight with $17 oversubscriptions reported. Canvassing teams declare that they were met cvcrwhere uh a hearty Response. It is expected that the oversubscriptions a ill be further Increased alien reports ar-ve from r.mfl'n 1titHi-lt WASHINGTON. Feb. aThe Admin istration railroad bill, limiting the period of Government control of the railroads and providing for compensa tion to the stockholders, will be re ported to both houses of Congress next week. At tha urgent request -of Di rector-General AlcAdoo Administration leader will make every effort to ex ited 1 1 passage of the measure. Te Senate Interstate commerce com. mirtee voted today to report the measure favorably Monday with amendments limiting Government con trol to IS months after the close of the war and giving the President power to Initiate -ate subject to appeal to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The committee's action was not unanimous. Senators Cummins and La Poilette. Republicans, announcing that they would submit minority reports. The House committee, by a vote of 15 to g. approved an amendment pro viding for termination of Government control two years after peace Is de- clsrsH rhiirman fllmi lte an- nounced that his committee would com-I plete consideration of the measure Tuesday or Wednesday and that he would ask unanimous consent for Its Immediate passage. Fear Aasradaseata Offered. Four . amendment to limit the time of Government control were offered In the House committee. One by Repre sentative Kiel) fixed the time at one year after th war; another by Repre sentatlve Barclay at three years; i third by Representative Parker at IS months, and the fourth by Reprcaent- atlve Montague at two years. Chairman Sims vigorously opposed the two years' limitation as adopted, declaring that It would affect the val uation of railway secdritles. Representative Montague Insisted that at least two year would b re quired for the railroad Interests to ad Just themselves after the war. Those voting for the two years" amendment were Montague. Rayburn. foady. lie wait. Snook, banders. Ksch. Hamilton. Parker of New Jersey. Par ker of .New York. Wlnslow. Dillon. Sweet. Stlaess and Cooper, and those voting against It were Sims. loremug. Stephens. Bark ley. Decker and Dale. t'aaaaeaaatlaa Basis Ktaad. The Senate committee left unchanged the original provision in the bill fixing the rate of compensation on the basis of the annual railway operating In come for the thre 'year ending on 'June 39. 1 1 7. and the iiouse commit tee also la expected to agree to this provision, which wa suggested by the President. Amendments forbidding increased compensation to roads based on Lheir earning or surplus accrued during the period of Government control and put Into the property were accepted. The section authorising the President to purrhas and construct canals waa amended so aa to permit only of their utilisation. The section providing for an appro priation of to be used as a revolving fund from which to pay any deficiencies that may result or to pro vide for additional facilities wag re tained by the Senate committee- Tha fund would provide the Government with working capital for tha operation of the roads. r.srller Ret ar PrwvMed Far. In providing for the termination of Government of control 1 month after the war. the Senate committee further amended the bill so aa to authorise the President, if in his opinion necessity for further control should terminate, to relinquish supervision over all roads before that time. Discretionary power to determine up to July 1. 11. wnat roads are nec essary In th Government operation plan also Is placed in the President, but sfter that time h could not exclude from Government control any road without it consent. The amendment authorising the pres ident to initiate ratea permits an ap peal either by the carrier or shipper to the Interstate Commerce Commission, which la to Inveatlgata and determine their fairness. This section and the one fixing the time of Government control were blt- terlv debated In th committee and. owing to the wide differences, an ad justment was effected only after tb questions had been submitted to a sub committee. BLOW AIMED AT COMMISSIONS Every Stale Railway Board In Coun try May Be Put Out of Business. OMAHA. Feb. S. The Missouri Rail way Company has Just filed a petition with tha Nebraska Stat Railway Com mission, which. If sustained, will put every state railway commission In the country out of business. The petition ask a rehearing of recent order of the commission fixing a basis for the distribution of grain cars, and declares that all powers, rules and regulations of th State Railway Commission have been superseded by order of W. O. McAdoo. director-general of all railroads. The application Will be heard next Tuesday. SEATTLE BOOM DIFFERENT 'Continued From First Psge.). iudustrles are not spending their earn ings on real estate. They are putting them into safety deposit vaults that portion they do not lose on tbe street or Invest In liberty bonds. It is said that there is not a vacant deposit box to be obtained in all Seattle. There was in other days the man with the get-rlch-quick scheme. There is no chance for him in this boom. The proletarian is getting rich fast uouch to suit himself without calling in assistance. The place, where dollars once flowed over the bar and exhilarating refresh ment was taken In return is no more. And In this connection, it may be said, the dance halls and other dens of vice that aroused the Ire of General Green and caused the ban on Seattle for (Camp Lewis soldiers was prob ably merely a concession to hungry spirits that could see no other way of getting in on the worker's prosperity. These dens were not there particu larly to catch the dollar of the unwary soldier. The soldier gets but a dollar a day; perhaps he allots half to depend ents and puts $6.50 or so a month Into war Insurance. Tbe soldier was just small fry. He had only a dollar or two to spend. Real Flh la Shipyard. The real fish waa tha fellow who was getting 6 a day up in the shipyards or in the ship fitting shops. It waa not the soldiers spending money that caused Seattle to clean up and make It possible to lift the ban. It was the sentiment that cut deep, and Seattle is proud. Soldiers now get over from Camp Lewis, a few on Wednesday when the soldiers have a half day off. and another few on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Leavea from a cantonment are harder to v obtain than from an Army post. Hence on sees probably no more soldiers In Seattle than one does in Portland. In the absence of a real estate move ment, saloons, dives and other drags upon accumulated savings, the ones in Seattle who are profiting most from the unprecedented Industrial activity are the established merchants, the own ers of smalt rental residences, proprie tors of rooming-houses and owners of safe deposit vaults. It may be a healthy activit', but It does not seem like a real boom to one who has seen other booms. As already Indicated, it has brought down some troubles on the head of Seattle. The most pressing, quite likely. Is the transportation problem. The 20.000 or more workers In the ship yards pour out at quitting time upon- First avenue, the sore artery that leads up town whence other carllnes extend this way and that into the. residence districts. Car Service Demoralised. First avenue is a sort of defile that cannot adequately take care of the swarm uf workers. Streetcars run on an average of better than one and one- half a minute in the rush hours. Men sm-arm all over themi They pay fares if they feel like It: If they don't feel like It. the company can go somewhere and sneexe. Probably the company gets most of the fares In the long run. for most of the men must transfer uptown,'! but the Jam of car demoralizes service throughout the city. Serious, conserva live citizens assert that the traction system has broken down. Vet, with its overload of fares, the traction company has appealed to the Public Utilities Commission for tbe right to Inaugurate a -cent fare, and the City Council is preparing to combat the application. Tbe company's case, as those vho speak for the company state It, is that It cannot use all Its equipment because It cannot get platform men to operate all its cars. It has other equipment on the way and haa no prospect of being able fully to utilize it. It cannot get platform men. because Its wage scale Is below the going scale in employ ments requiring a similar degree of skill and training. It cannot raise wages, because a 5 -cent fare does not yield enough revenue. It cannot pro vide additional trackage or loops or other means of handling traffic, be cause It cannot get the. money, and It cannot get the money because Its revenues do not Justify further invest ments. Maar Solution Offered. There have been conferences held by various Interests in which several forma of relief have been proposed. One is operation of ferries from the shipyards to the uptown docks: an other la an elevated railway system; ft Beautifill Snow and the Overcoat JUST as we were congratulating ourselves that King Winter had passed us by, lo! he comes and leaves his card on every doorstep leaves as well a Northland crispness in the air that sends us scurrying along the streets with quickened step and brighter eye. If the hitherto mild weather made you hesitate about buying a new Overcoat, you need 'wait no longer. You'll find here overcoats in abundant variety of fabric, pattern and model overcoats that laugh at King Winter, even though he send an icy blast from the very portals of the Northland. Tomorrow, then, men come in and let me show you the exceptionally attractive and worthy coats that I can sell you at $15 $18 $20 $25 --Overcoats are shown on the third floor. Let the elevator bring you up. BeHSelliiie Morrisoa'alRioikQ another is operation of steam trains on the railroads during rush hours. Ona might think that there! would be resort to Jitneys. But jitneys are few1 in Seattle. There is a state law re quiring' a $2500 bond the same bond that is required by city ordinance in Portland. A tew rattletraps are operating as "free -buses" and thus avoiding tbe bonding law; a few ethers seem to have secured bonds. One would reason that a pronounced traffic congestion would make it pos sible for bonded jitneys to operate profitably. But it has not worked that way. It may be that there is more money to be made at other employ ments. Still, while the traction com pany is short of men. there are said to be 1500 laborers waiting for jobs in the shipyards, and on the other hand, there are women driving taxicabs and there ' are women elevator operators In several office buildings and depart ment stores. Whatever may be said of the street car company's other plaints, the labor shortage so far as it is concerned, seems to be actual. Men obtained stay with the company but a short time. A period of service on the platform en titles one to a union card and a card gives a man a better chance of em ployment in the shipyards. The com pany has become a clearing-house for shipyard workers. Its older employes spend much of their time drilling new men. who get off their routes and oth erwise, out of greenness at the work, blockade traffic still further. Disci pline among the company's employes has deteriorated. Stories are told of motormen smoking cigarettes while on duty and of occasional drunkenness among conductors. These are but storirs told to me. My own observation of discipline and effi ciency is confined to that obtained on the one streetcar ride Into an unfamil iar part of the city. The motorroan of whom I inquird a direction, was par ticularly courteous and well informed. He was even so accommodating as to point out the most sheltered part of the open platform, for. a cold north wind was blowing. Pertinent Unery Raised. Naturally there Is some speculation as to why, when the streetcars are so crowded with passengers; why, when It is necessary to change the opening time of places of business so the usual rush .and the workers' rush, will not occur at the same hour; why, when so many nickels are rolling in. the com pany cannot afford to .pay better wages, thereby get more men and operate more equipment. There is without doubt a boom on in Seattle, but as already written It is like no other boom that Seattle ever heard of.' Those who have the money are wary, and there are a lot or lnsti tutions. like the traction company, that think they should by rights 'get more of it thsn Is coming their way. For my part I would not ask any thing better than a monopoly of snuff in the present state of affairs in the city of Seattle. Wave Engulfs Two Children. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb.. 2. Milton Apac, 10 years old, and Mario Bisalli, 9. were swept into the ocean today by a wave as they were fishing7 off a point known as Land's Gnd. and drowned. Ernest Apac, Milton's brother. 18 years old, also was washed but swam to safety. off the rocks. Insurance Certificates Distributed. , WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. The distribu tion of Government insurance certifi cates officially was inaugurated by Sec retary McAdoo. Sergeant Larry L. Meadow, of the Engineer Corps, and First-Class Teoman M. J. Crum, of the Navy, received their certificates in Mr. McAdoo's office. This Year p,an jout i plantings choose Varieties for food value and productiveness. Plant GOOD SEED Strive for big returns. Our standing of over a quarter century as tke SEED HEADQUARTERS of the Northwest Guarantees that We can Serve You to i our Profit and 'Satisfaction "BUCKEYE" Incubators. Standard Brooder Stoves. Diamond Poultry Foods. LEE'S Foods & Remedies. Special Catalogs NURSERY stock POULTRY supplies BEE, SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS "BUCKEYE" and LEE BOOKLETS Mailed on Request. -. i iii r riis. jjMsssasMsM -.wmmmixm?K'mF':iP'&S5m &f for Cataojfla. sso ACTRESS GIVES RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR A Well-HMwa Aetrvaa Tell Mw t Darkea l.rr Hair With a Stsspl llOla) Mlatare. Joieey Williams, th well-known Amer'.a-an aitress, mho was recently playing at the Imperial Theater In St. louts. !, made the following state ment about gray hair and how to darken It: "AnroM ran prepare a s. mix ture at home, at very littl cost, that 111 darken gray, traked or faded hair, and mak It ajfl and glossy. To a half pint of vaur add 1 ounce of bay rum. a small box of Barbo Compound and i cane of glycerine. These In gredients ran b bought at any drug tor at very little rot or any drug gist can put It up for you. Apply to th hair twice a ek until the desired sltd i ehtalned. This will mak a grv-hrr4 person look J year younger It does not color the scalp. Is nt aift kr or greasy add do not rat off. Adv. IliiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiittiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiuiJiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniimimiiiiiiiiiimimimii- 1 If you anticipate purchasing a Victrola in the near 1 future this offer will appeal to you I Victrola- Outfit No. 11 Comprises Cabinet Victrola No. 11 ($110) and $5 Worth Records We have literally "outdone" our usual "Easy Paying: Plan" by offering the handsome cabinet Victrola No. 11, to-) aether with $5.00 worth of Victor records of your own choosing:, for the small payment of $5 cash, the balance $15 per week until paid for. Can you afford to forego the pleasure of such wonderful entertainment as the Victor afforda when such a tempting offer is made? We think not ' To Owners of Victrolas We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Take Advantage of Our "Superior Record Service" Our stock approximates perfection in all that is newest: and most desired. Our musically informed salespeople will gladly play any record for you without obligation on your part to purchase. Don't Let Your Truss Make Operation Necessary Operation for rupture would hardly ever be heard of if it weren't for the mischief done by elastic and spring trusses. - MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY . OTHER STORES San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, Los Angeles, E E San Diego E IfitiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiriiMiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuLiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiritmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mighty fw people ver hare to be oper ated on when firat ruptured. But wearing makeshift truura year after year is sooner or later almost sure to make work for the surgeon. You know that from your own experience you know'Vou're worse now than a year ago probably getting worse all the time. If you keep on that way, how long will It be before you'll have to undergo a dangerous and expensive operation? Aren't you willing to let us prove by a sixty-day demonstration -how you can save yourself from all that? Especially when you can make this sixty day test without having to risk a penny? 60 Days' Trial to Prove How Good It Is Hero Is something a sjmwited rupture holder which has saved thoutcinda of peopie from ever having to be operated. It has so thoroughly proved itm merits that we are willing to send it u 60 day' trial. We'll make it especially for your case make it to your measure and practically lend it to you for a test. If it cannot be made to keep your rupture from coming out or from bothering you in any way. then it won't cost you a single peuny. No Leg-Straps No Belts 'Simply write for"" our free book that will tall you everything you want to know. It shows how our guaranteed rupture-holder is made on an absolutely new principle. How it instantly and automatically protects you against every strain so .your rupture can t oossioiy oe rorcea ouu Ana now in j addition It provides the only way ever dis- is the real euie of rupture. The book tells how our guaranteed rupture holder the famous Cluthe is so beneficial that physicians in all parts of America now reueiamad it instead ot advising operation. How It has completely eured thousands of people whoie cases seemed almost hopeless. How it does away with the curse of belts, leg-straps and springs. How It is perspira tion -proof and will hold in the bath. How you can try it sixty days and how little il costs if you keep it. This Book Free Is Full of Facta Never Before Put in Print This book sums up all we have learned about rupture during nearly half a century of experience Shows just why elastic and spring trusses are the1 ruptured man's worst enemies. Exposes the humbug "appliances," "meth ods," "plasters." locks, etc. Explains why operation is always danger ous and why, even if you manage to live through it, you may have to keep on wearing a truss. It shows why sixty days trial is the only safe way to buy anything for rupture and how the famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss is the only thing you can get on such a long trial because the only thing good enough to stand such a test. Don't fail to get this book with a Hat of orer 5Oo0 voluntary endorsements. Don't put it off. Just use the coupon below or simply say in a letter or posteU "Send me your book." The minute Jt takes you to write for it may free you from, rupture troubles for the rest of your life. THIS BRINGS IT 1 Box 491 CIXTHE 80XS 133 Ktwt Z3d HU NKW YORK CITY Send me your Free Book and Trial Offer. Address .. KH 1 1 0.O