The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 42

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    4 '
&77or &a n y, . : v. 1
I I I inn r-a l I ii t m iiiii
awi B-i.n;4. Th pupil of PI. H
HU, chproa4 by Lool Thora-
va. will mk up an !ntrtln party.
JUiM lrt Honla will b hotM to
vroup of fr1ni and muikti cluK
knflwt mm lh Rnu Amatrttm will
ut a party for Si. Willtara H. Boon
will b la (bam of a partr of (4.
" pluba. whool and IndlvMuala
will aniartala in bo I a mall and laxs
Tb first af a art af brldca taa
u rlrra for th benefit of lbs Red
t'rsM br the ladle of Vancouver Har
reek Tburwlay afternoon at the Offi
cer- Clab. Mr. W. tk Biel and Mr.
J. L. lurry were lh notee. Mrs.
Uodfrey. wife of Uestenant-Colonel
(.odfrey. aslted la receiving; tbe
a-tiests. Mrs. Harnett and Mrs. Grove
vr'stded at the tea urna.
A trood many of tbe officers ram In
for tea. Tbe Udies of the pnat Intend
to make thee tea a weekly affair and
fcope to realise quite a sum for tha post
aa Hilary to tbe Ke-1 Crosa.
e e
A group of prominent Portland ma-
trvne are pendinT lbs week-end at
the lea.lore Lane rottace In OearharL
la the party are Mr, learn While. M
A. J Meier. Mr. 9icniund Frank. Mrs.
r-'lomoo Koafeld and Mr. lJoyd A.
Terbaps tha sreateet snrprlaa of the
week rB laat ntcbt. when Ml Malsl
MacMaster enxacement w n -
noaaced al the weddina retention of
her eteter and Uemenant Ireland to
t aotam U C. OldenborB. V. R R. dirt
ua tirhiHt officer at American Lake.
M;ea MacMatr la the larood daugh
ter of Mr. and Mr. William MarMa
ter and Is ndoubtedlv on of lh lead
in aad at popular lrl In I he
yoaaee rnnilnreni. the I mo I cbarm
Inc aad lovable, very latereetlna? and
aractou and a devoted worker la tbe
Inrereet of war and philanthropy. Mi
Mir3Uattr left Portland more than a
year aco to study eecretarlal work In
be T. W. C- A. aad (rum there he
took tha dutlee of boeteea at th
rtattbtr fote House, establishing
tbros:b ber effort and knowieds
einxi la th East lb Hostee Houee
at t'amp Ltsle, where she has been
aevoilDC all of br lime over stneo tbe
kotreo waa opened several moaihs aio.
M:a MacMister. Ilk her younaer
akiter. attended fort land Academy dor
ln br earlier ebool dav. later rlnc
to Cadafleld. Md.. and then taklna a
ceane la a travel chool In Tan Che
aa vtatted th historic and ptctureou
spots of th entire Continent. P-he aleo
ba traveled eonaidersbly ia this conn
try. Mies MvMaeter IS an set lire
Junior League member, also a member
of tb Honor il.iard. Captain illeo
bars Is as attractiv and popular younc romlrr to tb wt from Nw
Tork In tb Susn-ner. He Is the son of
a well-known New Tork family and
eras sraduared from Tela la !ll. As
yst there aro no deflalto plans for tb
V' MacMaatar. who ram to Port
land car j in tb week to attend th
eaMlM of ber sleter. Mte All, and
lieutenant Ireland, evpect to leav to
morrow to reeume her dutiee at tb
H.Meteaa House st A merw-a Laks.
e e
V-s. R. J. CMpmaa and ber brother".
Milton Wesaerman. left last week for
an estendvd trip to New Tork. They
wul return wiin a few wee a a
a e
A lara- pre-Leatea feetlval writ be
bjeM at the Muttnomab Hotel oa Feb
raarv T. 9 and . for ths benefit of
the recently completed rhapei of All
riamt'e. In Isarelhuret. of which Fatner
William Cronia I rsetor. Tb affair
I to ba oa the line of a country fair,
aad tb aeemb!y ball and tea gardea
w-tll be uerd f'r th booth aad other
attraction. Jitney dances will be
featured at on end of tbe tea cardens.
and booths will ba erected throughout
tb aemb'y hall for th attraction
to be offered. A feature of ths event
la th Laurethart building lot which
will b rnif"il the lot hating beea do
nated by one of the paetehtoaer.
The xecatlvs commute Inclode
Jnhn J. Valentin. J. C Cnglleh. Caul
Mjrpby. Frank Healy and Raymond
The womn m rharg of tbs various
booth arr Caksa and bomo-cooked
e Ik .. Mrs. Howry - Hrthbl.q;
IsGtA CdTyoS: tfr-jr CTJTJ- sJr-ei S?drAs7&
art fcoorh. Mrs. Robert M Pride;
needlework. Mrs. Charle Barenstecher;
candy. Mrs. faul Murphy; jellies. Jama
aad pi eoe rr. Mr. John J. V'alsntln
and Mrs. J. C. English: music. Mrs.
Hsymond Pulllvan.
Others who will assist at ths booths
are Mrs. Charles Heehtold. Mra.
eurdon. Mra Ueonr Went worth. Mrs.
A. 8. McCart Mra. Frank Healy. Mrs.
P. J. Pun dan. Mrs. "amuel Murrey. Mrs.
I. A Iliigga. Mr. Jamea Donovan. Mrs.
Itaytnond Sullivan. Mra Joseph Kl
lenhofen. Mrs. C. D. Thorn a. Mra. K.
Aub. Mrs. Urlssel. Mra M. Drlacoll,
Mrs. Matt Slaven. Mrs. Herbert Baren
stecber. Mra. Homer L Keeney, Mra
Harry A. Modernach aad MUa Chrlatin
Aa attractiv visitor In Portland I
Mra Charles Cuthbert Sinclair, of Kd
monton and Peacs Hlver. Alberta, who.
with her daughter. Mils Ilamona ."In
clatr. Is spending ths Winter her with
her father. James Colcleugh. H Jar
rett street, formerly of Vancouver.
a C.
Mrs. Sinclair Is widely known In th
Dominion. Having gone as a bride In
1 with her husband to old Cumber
land Hous. en tb Upper Saskatche
wan ICIver. whers Mr. Sinclair was fac
tor for th Hudson s Hay Company, and
having later lived at tork Factory, on
Hudson Bay. for a number of years.
wher ah waa hostess to royalty on
different occasions. Mrs Slnclsir finds
much of Intersat and charm la Port
land. Hatng- much Interested In an
tique Mrs. Sinclair, with her young
daughter, spends much of her tlms ex
ploring Portland's quaint curio Sjbops.
Ths Worn an 'a Co-operatlvs Leaitut
will give a dancing party next Hatur
day vnlng. February . at their club
bouae. Eaat Tenth and Weldlar streets.
Tha league Is giving thee parties
to help entertain the soldier boys who
ar away rrora noma and wish for
r.l-e homey party.
Tb ladles bring a box luncheon for
two. Thee partie ar to bo given
very otbr Saturday evening. A good
time la assured alL
Mrs. Law Amelt. at her Irrlngton
home last Tuesdsy. entertained at
mot delightful "Hoover" luncheon th
officer and chairmen of committees of
th Woman's Co-opratlv League.
Those present were: President, Mra.
fSeorge W. McMsth: first vice-president.
Mra O. J. Franks!; second vlce-presl
dent. Mrs. Les Arnett: secretary. Mrs.
F. Ferris; treasurer. Mrs. A. Oiehlsch;
auditor, Mrs. U. Englehnrt; hospitality,
Mra. D. D. Sweet, chairman; music, Mrs.
1. J. j K. Frankla Walker, chairman; mem-
omv I. k a t r. who
WILL (.IV K IKtliriT
U ltlK roK PaTRIOT
IC Ft U.
r ... :J
' . , :
i , i i.
i' ,q
. e - - j I
Mrm. Raally Povtrr Dakar
Ths Progressive Woman's
Lsague will give a dance at Lin
nea Hall oa February for tb
benefit of their patriotic fund.
All Interested are Inrltad,
bershlp. Mrs. J. F. Toft, chairman;
civics. Mrs. F. 8. Myers, chairman; wel
fare. Mrs. Percy Lewis, chairman: leg
islative, Mrs. Arlstene Felts, chairman;
home Industries. Mrs. Edna A. Hell.
chairman: programme, Mrs. Philip
Hlumauer, chairman; press, Mra. T. C.
Bloomer, chairman.
e e e
Mrs. Phil Metkchsn. of thla city, wss
a patron at the Arlington Hotel, Santa
Barbara, while In bout hern California
Miss Ruth Tucker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. tieorge Tucker, of Vancouver,
Wash., will become the bride of Fred
erick Schade, of this city, the early
part of thla month. The engagement
of this popular young couple was an
nounced last wsek at a pretty tea, for
which the bride-elect's mother waa
On the afternoon of February 11, a
card party will be given at bL Mary's
Academy and College, Fourth and Mar
ket atreets, under the auspices .of
friends and former pupils of the Insti
tution. An enjoyable afternoon is
promised to all participating. A hand
some door prize will be awarded the
one securing the winning number and
exqulaite first prizes will be given the
fortunate players.
e e e
Mr. and Mra James K. Johnstone an
nounced during tbe week the engage
ment of their daughter, Misa Effle
Johnstone, to William A. Palmer, of
Chase. British Columbia, and the wed
ding will be an event of the early part
of February. It will be a simple affair
at the Johnstone residence on Arling
ton Heights, with only relatlrea pres
Miss Johnstone has a host of friends
In this city. The bridegroom-elect Is a
cattle rancher and has large tracts
near Oiaee; Mr. Palmer I the son of
Mrs. E. A. Palmer, of Chase. Miss
Johnstone Is tbe sister of Arthur, Rus
sell and Mable Johnstone and of Mrs.
McDonald iJeannette Johnstone), of
Vaktma. Wash. Mrs. McDonald la
visiting her parenta In this city and
will remain until after (he wedding.
e e e
The announcement of the marriage
of Mary Caroline Daviea. daughter of
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Davie, of this city.
o Leland E. Davis, of New York, comes
ss a complete surprise to her friends in
this city. The wedding was an event
of high noon Wednesday In New Tork.
where tbe bride has been since Novem
Mr. Davis Is a graduats of Washlng-
on High School of this city. She has
won recognition -not on(y In this coun
ry. but In Lngland aa well, for her
productions of brilliant verse, which
have been published In the leading
tnagastn. Besides being a contributor
magsstnes. she Is the author of a
book of verse soon to be published by
the Century Company.
The third of the aerlea of parties
being given by Oregon Commandery
No. 1. Knights Templar, was held at
he Masonic Temple Thursday evening.
The party was largely attended in spits
of ths chilly weather. Dancing began
romptly at f:Sw and continued until
LC. Ths pleasure of the party was
reatly added to by Mrs. Fred U. Olaon,
who sang solos during tbe dances.
Ught refreshments were served during and at 11 o clock the dan
cers were sgreeably surprised by the
committee bsvlng prepared hot bouillon.
Honors at cards fell to Mrs. Falconer
and Norman Schmidt. The following
sttended: Messrs. and Mesdames Hugh
J. Boyd. F. M. Randlett, H. Jenning.
Jr.. A. E. Erickaon, E. J. Davidson.
Frank Lucas, C.- C. Copple, Norman
Schmidt. Gus Hlnnenkamp, E. G. Craw
ford. F. A. Kribs, George W. Dean,
Gus C. Moaer. D. l. Norton, J. G. Gar
row. N. P. Peterson. W. H. Monroe,
N. V. Carpenter, John H. Hall. Charles
E. Runyon, M. K. Hedge. B. P. Shep
pard. F. A. Vankirk. George B. Cellars,
H. L. Stevens. J. F. Oswald. J. B.
Keefer. Earle Henton. E. 1 Hellyer.
G. E. Little. J. Falconer, F. M. Kiper,
B. F. Greene, D. C. Burntrager. Lee
G. Holden. C. S. Russell, A. C. Callan.
Clayton Seaman. George H. Grom
bacher, W. J. Hofmann. E. H. Miller.
W. H. Bechtold. A. P. Goes. S. H.
Thatcher. Allen B. Cutler, A. H. Trego.
W. H. Lee. Mrs. W. A. McKay, Mrs.
George Griffith. William Davis, Mrs.
E. W. Barlow, Miss Helen Holden, Miss
Nellie Holden, Mrs. Leah Ganzmiller,
A. A. Allen. W. C. Smith. W. H. Cullers.
A. L. Bratton. Mrs. Campbell. Exile
Burkltt. Mrs. J. Horsce Fischer. Gus
Cramer. Miss E. Morgan. W. K. Boone.
F. M. Stokes. Miss Dorothy Bliss. Hop
kin Jenkins. L. G. Carpenter. Miss
Lillian Carpenter, H. C. Thompson,
Harry Fischer, Miss Thelma Campbell
U It. Elder. Mrs. L. It. Butterworth,
Mrs. E. L. Veomans. Dr. A. M. Babbitt,
Mra. E. V. Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. J. C.
e e e
The enthusiastic followers of the
paper chase trails were out In force
on Saturday afternoon. January 26.
when the senior members of the Port
land Hunt Club held a closed paper
chase under the direction 'of James
Nlcol. M. F. H. The hares had selected
Bertha station as the starting place,
and the trail of white paper they left
behind them led the many riders a
merry chase up hill and down, over
logs and across country fur five miles
to the finish on the Two-Bridge road,
near Garden Home, where the spec
tators were eagerly Wilting.
The finish was exceedingly close.
Miss May Chenoweth on Blue Bell be
ing flrt; Harry M. Kerron on Winnie,
second, and Miss Ethel McElhinney on
OJai. third. The exceptionally fine trail,
together with the favorable weather
conditions, added to the success of the
After the chase members and their
friends gathered st the clubhouse, en
Joyed a light lunch and were cordially
welcomed by Mrs. Fred A- Martin and
Mrs. James A. Beckett.
The hares for the senior closed paper
chase to be held next Saturday after
noon will be Miss Roae Harrington and
Harold Mayer. At the clubhouse fol
lowing the chase members snd their
friends will be welcomed by Mra. P. S.
Mitchell and Miss Bertha McCarthy.
nish the music A special invitation is
extended to our soldier boys.
The Royal Rosarians will entertain
this year, following the custom estab
lished last year, at the Multnomah Ho
tel on the evening of February 12. Lin
coln's birthday. Early in the evening
the Rosarians' Band will give a concert
In the lobby of the hotel, augmented
by the dance orchestra. Mrs. J. B. Ef
finger will contribute several vocal se
lections, and the balance of the evening
will be spent in dancing, both thejtall
roora ard assembly hall to be used for
the occasion. Last year's festivity was
ajch a pronounced success that the com-
mi:tee is anticipating even a greater
and more interesting event this year.
Mrs. Louise King MacPherson. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. King and Leo
Ilahn will plight their troth tomorrow
morning in the First Presbyterian
Church at o'clock. The ceremony will
be very simple, the couple to be unat
tended, and only relatives to be present.
The bride-elect has chosen a handsome
Hickson model of glove suede cloth,
with which she also will wear a small
tan straw and satin hat. Her corsage
bouquet will be of orchids and freesias.
Mr. Hahn and his bride will leave im
mediately after the ceremony for Che
halis, where they will make their home
until the Fall. Mr. Hahn's business in
terests keep him in Chehalis the greater
-j.rt of the time, so the couple have-decided
to take up their residence there
for the next rear.
Hair Removed
Keaalrea aa aalxiag. Ueady fer la-
swrsalt la
If at fail.
SMU. Maey
Mrs, F. B. Oilman will entertain wit
a stiver tea at the Laurelhurst Club
house Thursday afternoon from 1 until
5 o'clock. The proceeds will be (riven
to company L. laid U. S. Infantry. A
interesting musical programme will be
The assisting hostesses will be Mrs.
I. D. Hurlburt. Mrs. J. P. Jensen, Mrs.
Koy Sheen. Mrs. J. K. McKtinon and
Mrs. O. T. Larson.
Much enthusiasm has been shown by
the women who have been selling the
Ked Cross booklet Lettera From Ore
gon Boys in France," compiled by Mra
Frank Wilmot.
All have been untiring In their ef
forts to promote the sale and in afldi
tiun to the leading stores where every
courtesy has been extended by th
management, assistance has also been
given In the Northwestern Bank. Firs
National Bank and tha Teon building,
wnere tne following women presided
Mesdames Frank E. Tomlinson, Frank
A. Builington. Ray White. N. E. Lang
don. Hattle Townsend, C. V. Smock, H.
Kerble. A. Craig, E. C. Reed, A. Sken
Moody. A. Craig McMicken, Henry
tveraing, at. Abraham. C. H. Parks,
J. Saul. M. Allen. C. L. Tostevin. Alfred
Osmund. IL E. Oliver, J. J. Roper,
Reichardt. Claude Moody, J. D. Mayer,
A. J. w Indnagle, Clarence Wheeler.
Carl Brandes, Phil Brinkman. S. A.
ochos, O. J. Carr. Ella Broderlck
George Kramer, H. E. Herren. E. De
Wert. J. F. MorrelL T. P. Peters. Viola
Thorsen Reed, Leon Faber, Jr., W. A
Ogllbee. Annie Allen. M. Crystle, J. P.
Katon, Carl Mines. A. J. Sherwood
Misses Norma Pence. Geraldine Cour
sen. Mont Meagly, Eileen Yerex. Esther
Mragly. Cecil Miller. H. Ruth Tasker,
Catherine Newbegin. Mildred Miller.
Margaret Casey. Jean Amesbury, Bertha
StolL Maude Moore, Agnes Mcintosh,
Elizabeth Malboeuf, Lucile Sheppard
Lula Hatfield. Viola Charlson. Isabella
McMillan. Maxiene FrledenthaL Edith
Thorley. Beatrice Locke. Dorris Clarke,
Helen. Haller, Freda Wallace. Clara
Clarke. Cora Osmund. Grace Stanton,
Miss Craig, Agnes McLaughlin. Mar
Jorle Toats, Norlne Weaver, Mildred
wrence. Stella Osmund, Frances
Prudhomme, Mildred Miller and Theo
The Progressive Woman's League will
give a ball and card party for its
patriotic knitting fund. Saturday, Feb
ruary 9. at Linnea HalL 6t Irving
street, between Twentieth and Twenty-
first streets, at 8:20 P. M.
Patrons and patronesses: Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Meier, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Alex
ander. Mrs. John Keating, Mrs. G. J.
FrankeL Miss Vella Winner. Miss Aileen
Brong. Mrs. Collins N. Elklns. Prine
vllle; Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, Ben Sell
ing. Mrs. Ada B. Mlllican. Prinevllle
Mrs. Charles II. Castner, Mrs. Alexander
Thomoson, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs
Gus Moser. Miss Myrtle Smithers, Miss
Lillian Hackleman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
A. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Carpenter
and .Mrs. N. Miles.
Reception committee Mrs. Alice M.
McNaught. chairman: Mrs. E. C. Hamil
ton. Mrs. Emilte P. Duke. Miss Florence
Oettle. Miss Matilda Leverman and
Mrs. Mayme Deiton.
Committee on arrangements Mrs. N.
S. Oettle. chairman: Mrs. E. L. William
son. Mrs. E. Johnson, Mrs. S. S. Mc
Grew. Mrs. Cora McKlnsie and Miss
Bertha Hottman.
Card committee Mrs. M. Orewller
and Mrs. Mildred Newell.
The Clover Leaf Orchestra will fur-
0C5 t
r) t'."0 ore plea
tO i," hibiteJ i
Tailored Carmen ts
for the
om'mg Season
'easmgly ex-
in the late
arrivals of exclusive
Your Inspection
R1DGEFIELD. Wash.. Jan. 29. (Spe
cial.) On Monday evening a number
of the Ridgefield High School girls and
boys surprised Miss Mina Vandermast
at her home on Cook street. The oc
casion was the eve of her departure
for the State Normal School at Bell
Inghara. Games were played and re
freshments were served.
Those present were: George Ed
monds, Harold Brown, Arthur Buker,
Vern Spicker. Helen Hale, Clifford
Shobert, Gertrude Gaukel. Alden Pot
ter, June Zeperneck, Orlando Horn,
Clara Horn, Margaret - Wells, Irene
Peffer, Audrey Stevenson, Lenora An
derson. Winifred Eatch. Althea Weth
erelL Clara Sachtler, Mina Vandermast
and Mrs. Vandermast.
RIDGEFIELD, Wash, Jan. 2. (Spe
cial. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Bratlie entertained a number
of friends In honor of Mrs. Bratlie's
father. J. P. Richards, who left Ridge
field last Sunday for Hamilton. Wash.,
where he owns property. He will
make his home there. The evening
was passed In playing "500," Mrs. Hugh
I). Apperson and James E. Keith win
ning high honors. Miss' Thelma Moore
and Bert Layne received the consola
tion prizes. Dainty refreshments were
served, after which a number of selec
tions were played on the grafonola.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh R. Apperson. Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keith.
Mrs. E. W. Dearborn. Miss Thelma
Moore. Miss Edna Richards. A. N. Al
len. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith. J. P
Richards. Bert Layne and Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Bratlie.
A tea was given Saturday afternoon
by the Portland chapter of the Na
tional Federation of College Women,
the affair taking place in the gold and
white parlor of Hotel Portland. Mrs. I
C. E. Dentler, president, headed the
reception line and others receiving
were: Mrs. Helen Miller Senn, Mrs. A.
C. Moody, Mrs. A. E. Scruggs. Miss
t-mma wold and Miss Myrtle Shonk-
weiler. A literary and musical pro
gramme was given and refreshments
were served.
RIDGEFIELD. Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe
clal. Saturday afternoon Gordon
Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Keith, of this place, entertained five
little friends In honor of his fifth birth
day anniversary. Games were played-.
after which the children were taken
for an automobile ride. On their re
turn the dining table was beautifully
decorated and laden with dainty re
freshments. ' Those enjoying the party
were: Billy Hall. Maurice Wood. Luella
Hoyt, Me I ha Keith, Phyllis Kennedy
and the young host. James E. Keith
Is cashier of the Ridgefield State Bank.
Henry Bauer, a young farmer resid
ing west of Cedar Mills, with assist
ance of parents, sister and brothers,
provided a surprise party for his wife
on the occasion of her birthday. Janu
ary 28, that was attended by many city
people. Twenty-third and Lovejoy
streets was the assembling place early
in the evening, a number of automo-
biles taking the guests out and back.
"WTiat gives promise of being one of
tne largest and most interesting dan
cing and card events of the season is
the Camelia Social Club party planned
for February 14 at Masonic Temple,
wheat the club entertains for members
of the Camelia Chapter, Order Eastern
Star, and their friends.
The committee on arrangements for
this event includes Mrs. L. M. Green,
chairman; Mrs. W. R. Bentley, Mrs. S.
R. Finch, Mrs. P. F. Clodius. Mrs. The
odore G. Williams, Miss Laura Brophy,
Mrs. Oliver S. Cutler, worthy matron
of Camelia Chapter No. 27, Order East
ern Star, and Mrs. Thaxter Reed, presi
dent of Camelia Social Club.
The 1917-18 Follies ore-Lenten Fes
tival, to be given Friday evening at
Christensen's Hall. Is arousing a great
deal of enthusiasm among the dancing
contingent. Both the upper and lower
Pittock Block
383 Washington St.
New Frocks,
. New Suits
New Blouses
The black and white checks are ,
smarter than ever. We shall
also show you a variety of
serges with satin and foulard,
In Our
Room "
I Special Sale Famous
"Wickert Boots
At $7.80
Women's handsome novelty boots,
English models, with coco brown 'vamps
and cloth tops, and black kid vamps
with fawn or gray tops. The popular
lace model, with Louis heels and turn
soles. Also black kid models, with Cuban and Louis heels,
able special at $7.80.
Women's lace boots, with brown kid vamps and cloth tops, and dull
calf vamps, with gray cloth tops; English model.
At $4.80, $5.80, $6.80, $8.80, $9.80
Second Floor.
t"Mercriandise of J Merit TOnly"
ballrooms will be used and two orches
tras have been engaged for the even
ing. Ruth Alexander and Al Mlelke
will give exhibition dances, and two
of the committee. Miss Adel Barnlckle
and Miss Daisy Gibson, will be soloists.
Refreshments will be served early In
the evening.
The National Electric Light Associa
tion and the American Institute of Elec
trical Engineers will give a social func
tion Tuesday evening in the ballroom
of Multnomah Hotel. A D. Leach is
chairman of the social committee and
an interesting evening is anticipated
by the members of the organizations
and their friends. Supper will be
served, and during the evening refresh
ments also will be served.
a a
The Iowa State Society will hold Its
monthly social at the Multnomah Hotel
on Wednesday, February 6. The pro
gramme follows: Vocal solo, Philys J.
Martin; reading. Mrs. Alice McNaught;
vocal solo, Lou Gibbs; character songs.
Miss Beatrice Palmer, accompanied by
Miss Alice Phelps. Dancing will -follow.
Friendship Masonic Lodge No. 160
will give a card party and dance Feb
ruary 21 at Muriark Hall for the ben
efit of the Masonic and Eastern Star
. February 8 Ben Hur Court, No. 9,
will hold a short meeting followed by
cards and prizes. Members only are
permitted at this meeting.
a a a
All people from Minnesota are invited
to attend a party to be given at the
Hotel Portland on Tuesday evening,
February 5. A musical programme,
(Concluded on Pare 7.)
We'll' dh.a.-'tf --r-if
0 -r
Here's Real
Oregon Wool Yarn!
T- At l 11 Wo
Northwester. Bank Bide.
A CARLOAD of Oregon's
finest wool was sent East
to be made into yarn according
to the Jantzen standard!
Frofh all over the Northwest is coming
a gTeat demand for this Oregon yarn.
Its superior, heavier quality compared
with many other yarns is seen at a
glance. And it means that our soldiers
who receive sweaters made from Oregon
yarn will get far greater warmth, comfort
and service.
We can supply Jantzen Oregon wool yarn,
in both gray and khaki, at $1.10 per skein.
Buy it from our Portland stores, or your
own merchant. If they can t supply you,
write us.
Retail Stores IS Third St., Near Morrlaoa.
144 Broadway. Aear orriaon.
Contains certain ingredients which
make it diitincti-vily perfect.
It has the necessary adhering
It acts as an astringent, contracting
the pores of the ekii and producing
that baby softness.
It is daintily fragrant. Three
shades flesh, brunette and white.
audit't be better, though the price
nvere multiplied by ten.
A generous size box for 50c.
Sent postpaid anywhere in the U. S.
The Remillcr Co.
230 West 17th St. New York
Sold In all Owl Drur Storea, etbr food
dins Korea and department atorea.
t.'iaiiT-. l i .
Serial '
How to Rid the Skin
of Objectionable Hairs.
(Aids to Beauty)
A simplified method is here given for
the quick removal of hairy or fuzzy
growths and rarely is more than one
treatment required: Mix a stiff paste
with some powdered delatone and wa
ter, apply to hairy surface and after 2
or Z minutes rub off, wash the skin and
every hair has vanished. This simple
treatment cannot cause Injury, but cara
should be exercised to set real dela
tone. Adv.'