The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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f M!l!!IIIlllMllHt!l!lllllllll!llllllllllllin!III!!lllll!!l!lll!IIIIIIIIllllllll!lllllllllTIMl!IIIUmilll
: 30,000 TO DEATH
r :f mmv
Stories of Barbarous Cruelty
Reach Italy From Concen
tration .Camps.
rrlshtfal Cruelties Practiced Sag-
, frt Ilr-llef of ImcnUon on Part
1 of Dual Monarchy to Wipe
Oat Entire Race.
Feb S (Br the Associated ITm.l
Kvrrieecad 1 a 1 ta a prisoners, who bavt
3 t arrived from A.uslrtan concen
tration camp, teil of Imoit unoehev-
cruelttee praetlred asalnst prls
or, particularly Serbians, who are
r-portei coeflne! In caeee and fed
throuch bars iika animals. A au
thoritative eurmr-ary of Ine statements
of these returned prisoners says:
T be treatment of tna trMani la
evsa worse tbaa that of the Italian.
lodicstlar thai Austria Intends to de
stroy tt.a Serbians a a race.
"As a resilt of these condition there
are up to now aot lees ih.a 30.0vO to
O.eo,i dead from starvation.
They m permitted to receive no
Berce.s aad aro enable to work be-
ttut of knri. They ara put Ilk
animals la ccci with wooden bars.
Throuah theee bars the keepers throw
T tie m scraps of uneatable bread, car
rata and turnips a iheir sole ui
traaas. Tho mortality, already areat.
Is ncreeed. as they ara lven no cans
ana thsro ars r a doctors and bo sani
tation "
Italia a RHara ta Haaja.
ro'rnlr tho Italians, the state
mem sas. they returned In raes aft
suffering 1:1 treatment and ssposure
l to. 4 while coirtptl.H to work on
niMir trenchee under the guard of
Hun -i rlae.. who are declared to be
tarn, u'srtr hostile to the Italians.
They re stv-d a small loaf of bread
e!a!lv far dtTtslon amonc them.
""t'Onuitlofie are so terrible, the r
port mii. that lhy will rul in not
more than one-third of the Italian
prisoners, comlns; back alive."
Allied Artillery I Ire Wreaks Havoc
on Italian Front.
IRr the Aoetated Pre-e
Feb. 1. Toe esient of the enemy losses
In the fightlnc early this wees. Is now
known to be mu-h Laraer than the first
accounts truncated.
All the prisonars aarreed as to the
furious nature of the f.ahtlnc and the
exceptionally heavy loesea canoed by
the concentration of the fire of the
Italian. Krrnrb and British batteries.
The trenchaa were leveled and the
links between the forward and rear
lines swept away, thus stopping all
communication and preventing the of
ficers from securing co-ordination In
the work of the artillery and the In
fantry. The few trenches remaining
were Uttered with dead and the sur
vivors were found for the most part
on their knees, hysterically crying or
The :lt Rifle Division of the Aus.
trUa forces had tee men put out of
action, or about per cent of the
fls-ritinc force.
HrUades of the Ifth and th Austrian
Divisions bad casualties amounting to
approximately "par cent
tint the moat terrible loaa waa In
flicicd on the 140th Landstram. which,
of several thousand men la line, has
oelv a few hundred left.
The maenuu.le of such looses wss
due to the triple artillery fire of the
allies, maintained for 4 Consecutive
hours, often cross-firing from two or
three directions simultaneously.
An enemy battery with four monster
Ile-mlllimster guns waa destroyed
completely. The whole actio., disclosed
unusual demoralisation md contusion
la the enemy lines.
WM1. a convoy of prisoners waa
be in tten to the rear an enemy air
plane, (lying low. soucht to Interrupt
Us proa-res. Ths macmne finally wss
brouKht down by a rifle. This was said
to be rare Instance of the bringing
ttowa o: an atrplsne by a rifle.
Military IWy to Rear I'ihwqi Name
A a thorite J by Italy.
R.ivr. reh. t. Tna Trihuns an
noqrires that ths aovemment has au-
thortjed the of the Uribeld!aa
l-estoa onler the command of I'eppioo
laritaLti. who is In Rome conferring
a the details of the unit with the or
ganising committee.
Coionst Cuiseppe tl'epptno) OsrlbsIJI
waa a prominent fie are la the Mexican
revolution led by UaJcro ta 111. ta
the outbreak of ths European war he
went to France as-l mere took com
mjml of Italian volunteers, remaining
tn.ra sntll Italy Joined the entente
all. re. Two years aco the viermaas of
fered a rewsr 1 for bts rapture-
Reooant of Volfv Denied.
FKF. O. reb. I (Jpetlall
Ju ice Keowles. of tho Ik Graade Clr
rati Court, fee denied motion of the
letn1anl la the action of J. R iles
rt aeatnst William lubr. seeklnc to
have ths court strike from tho reerd
the amended pi.tin of the plaintiff
( r a rcunt of the recall eletclon
vote. A motion re a chance oi venue
In the Xeaelca d-imaae case to Lntoa
nurtv. will row he ma. It Is SStd
Eats Candy But
Loses Her Fat
Hr'a Joyful news for eraey fleshy
person who laves rood thin to oat.
especially xaoae who are deaytner them
sis the things they like most be-e-i.a
of thetr destr to keep down
th-lr we'cht or to reduce the fat with
wht.-a they are alrsadv burdened.
Tne famous Marmola Treserlptlon has
bn put bp In convenient tablet form
i1 is now sid by drurctets every
where at on!y T S eenie per large rase.
To set rtd of fat at the rate of two to
four pouotts a week, slnnply take one
of these IttMe tableia after each meal
and at badtims until you have reduced
vour we:eat to wo.ra yo waat It. No
wrtnklee as flabblness will remain to
show where the fat came off.
riitnply ass Marmois rrescriptlon
Tabi-ts aevordlns to directions: they
are harmleea. free from poisonous or
injurious drugs and can be used with
perfect safety. Try them for Just a few
wesks and get results without going
through long sieges of tiresome eier
eises and stsrvation diet. Get them at
any good drug store or send price) direct
to Uannola Company. 144 Woodward
Ave. Detroit. Mich, and a fall (Its
package will be mailed to yon direct In
pla-a vnrccr and poatnald. Adv.
eey - e. svy- : - , . '
e--- .
This French observation balloon, set on fire ty the Germans, came down a swirling mass of flames, and
tho soldler-flreflehters below are shown trying to conquer the blaze so that they can rescue the valve, which
the most prscloua part of the apparatus. The photo shows ths great clouds of smoke and flames rising
from the burning balloon, while the two soldiers In the foreground are shown on the hazardous mission of sav
ing th valve.
Drugs, Medicines,
Chemicals !
alone have not builded the business 1
fabric which for over a half century has 1
served this community. The supreme
test for us, as for all who seek trade 1
favors of the public, must ever rest
upon that type of faithful, skillful, en-
lightened service which wins trom all
people, rich and poor, high or low, the 1
fullest measure of confidence.
OUR PATRONS today include those who have been,
during all these years, our faithful business and per- If
sonal friends. Can you who read this then wonder that
our trade increases, that its area is not encompassed by
our state's, or even our country's boundaries a drug-
store which has created a new definition for the druggist
and his calling?
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
police intervened and were resisted by
ths strikers, collisions occurring.
Thera were stormy scenes also m
North Berlin, and In East Berlin youths
and arlrls crowded the streets, climbed
on streetcars and wrested the con
(rollers from the motormen or over
turned the cars. In the suburb of
Treptow crowds derailed a numben of
cars and cut the cables.
Strikers Fight Workmen.
There were disturbances of a lively
character In the southern part of the
city also. Frequent fights occurred
between strikers and employes who
were remaining at work.
The streetcar service was suspended
after noon. Cars which usually carry
workmen were stopped by strikers,
who severed the cables. Disturbances
continued until evening.
Daylight Buns Given Women.
ST. IOUIS, Mo., Feb. 2. A demand
for discontinuance of alleged discrimi
nation In favor of women conductors.
and for higher wages, was presented
to the United Railways, the local trac
tion company, by officials of a newly
organized union of car employes today.
The men claimed conductors are given
preference as to daylight runs. .
Read The Oregonian classified ade.
Negotiations Make Progress
Over Trade Issue. '
Marnul Ac Alhncrmat Makes Fa
vorable Announcement Regarding
Parleys Conducted by Agents
of Two Countries.
MADRID. Feb. t. Marquis de Aluce-
mas. the Spsnlin ITemler. todsy said ne
aa well satisfied with the progress of
he negotiations between Spain and the
nlted States.
The I'nlted States Is represented by
Majors Belmont -nd Brown. Spain's
representatives are Senor I rquljo. a
banker: Senor Oa rn lea. L'nder Secre
tary of Finance, and Fenor I'lr.a. ex-
;ranlh Minister to Washington.
They have been discussing rommer
rial arrangements between the two
WAJtrTTVOTOV. F,b. l.Tbs fore
going dispatch discloses for the Bret
time that negotiations are going on be
tween the I nlted States and Spain to
determine what character of exports
shall be permitted to go to that nation
In return for certain bpantsh materials
the Government wishes to buy for the
American troope In France.
It also see ma to disclose why officials
here yesterdsy made formal denials of
the report that the war trade board was
refusing to license any exports what
ever to Spain- I
ateme sort of agreement such as baa
been made with other European neu
trals la In pro.pect.
General Le-tnan, Defender of Liege,
Is Released by Germans.
FARIf. Feb. I. Oeneral Ismail, de
fender of Llee acatnl the German ad
vance early in the war. arrived In Paris
last night. He was greeted at the sta- I
lion by the Belgian Minister anj rep.
resentatlvea of president I'olncara and J
General Duball, the Military Governor!
of Parts. J
. .!
ornvrti Lflmin waa ttovernor or
Liege at the outbreak of the war and
his gallant defense cheeked the Ger
man advsao through Belgians several
ggya. lie waa wounded and captured
oa August 13. 114, Owing to III health
he was released by the Germans early
last Deeeenber and made bla way out
of Germany to France by way ot
to farmers with seed grain which they
are unable to purchase.
Other recommendations will be to
amend the absent voters law so that
Montana soldiers in France may vote
at the election next Fall; to pass a sedi
tion act; a sabo'age act; to consider
the National prohibition amendment;
legalising the State Council of Defense
and provide funds for Its work.
Railroad Worker Is Killed.
CENTRALIA. Wash,. Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) William Schrum. of Tacoma.
member of a Northern Pacific wrecking
crew, waa killed this morning when he
waa crushed under some piling. The
accident occurred near the local round
house. Schrum is married. Uls body
waa taken to Tacoma.
Charlotte, Mich., Leader.
DETROIT. Mich, Feb. 2. Announce,
ment waa made here today through tht
National war savings committee that
Charlotte. Mich.. noo population. Is the
first city In the United States to re
port a 100 per cent sale of thrift
stamps and war savings certificates.
Alleged Pro-German Freed.
SEATTLE, Feb. 2. Dr. Louis Dech
mann. of Lake Crescent. Wash., who
has been held by Federal officials
since January 20. today waa given his
freedom. Officials charged Dechmann
with uttering pro-German sentiments.
Dechmann conducta a sanitarium at
Lake Crescent.
Molalla Business Men Elect.
MOLALLA. Or, Feb. 2. (SpeclaJ.)
The Molalla business men met last Mon
day and organised the Molalla Commu
nity Club. L W. F.obblsjs was elected
temporary chairman and Fred
Most of Greater City' Hit by
Thursday's Disorders.
Molalla Man Appointed.
MOLALLA. Or, Feb. 2. Special.)
M. D. Latourette. director of the Clack
amas County liberty loan drive, has
appointed J. R. Cole, of Molalla, to have
charge of the drive In this section.
Break In Pipe Line Repaired.
CENTRALIA. Wash, Feb. 2. (Spe
cial. I A break In the pipeline of the
city's gravity water system, which re
sulted In a scarcity of watar hers for
several rises, was renslred yesterds
Imperial Palace District Only Spot
Free From Disturbances Troops
of Cavalry and Machine
Gun Corps Massed.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 2. The news
paper Tyd learns from a reliable
source that the rioting in Benin on
Thursdsy was precipitated by a shot
fired when the police were trying to
disperse a crowd which was procied
in? toward Cbarlottenbeng, crying:
Peace and bread.
A panlo ensued when the shot was
fired, and the police charged the crowd
with drawn sabers.
The strikers sought shelter behind
overturned tramcars and fired or
hurled projectiles at the police, who
were unable to keep the excited people
ur.dee control About SO strikers were
wounded and taken to a hosnltal.
Many onlookers who were wounded
were treated In drug stores.
Crowds at various places attempted
further riots. Detachments of cavalry
and machine gun corps have been col
lected In the neighborhood of Berlin.
Host of Cltr Axrected.
Accounts of the disturbances, which
appear In the Berlin newspapers of
Friday monnlng. show that they as
sumed extensive character. All parts
of Ureater Berlin were Involved, with
the exceptions of Unter der Linden and
The latter place, on which the Pal
ace is situated, waa entirely deserted,
as the pspers remsrk significantly.
The worst disturbance
Moablt Dill, where crowd
attempted o overturn street
Dr. E. G. Ausplnnd, Mgr.
Heartburn Worse
Than Heartache!
Nothing So Quickly Mars Beauty as
a Soar, Gas-Filled Stomach. Take
a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet
After Meals. Then Eat
What You Like.
f '
Beauty aad Good Dlgevtlon Go Hand
la Hand. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
Iasnre Both.
Lgh! Heartburn: sour risings, gas.
rumblings, then coated tongue, restless
nights, corners oi the mouth drawn, a
haggard expression and a ruined com
Tou need something In your stomach
to aupply the digestive Juices which
are scanty and to give power to the
weak gastric Juice. Stuart's Dyspepsia
"laDieta do taia very thing.
They actually digest your food for
you. Besides, they increase the flow of
gastric juice, just what you need to get
all the good possible out of everything
roil eat. Tou will never
ump of lead" In your atomach.
have that
everything yon eat will be digested, it
will give you strength, vim. energy and
a rosy disposition. Tou'll feel good all
arouna your waistline alter every meal
and It will make you feel good all over.
Get a 60-eent box of Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets today of any druggist and
then eat. Adv.
Montana Legislature Will Be Called
Together February 14.
HfUTXA, Mont, TK I. Oovernor
Sam tSewart will call an extra ssaa'.oa
of the Montana Legislature, to be con
vened reLruary t. The primary pur
pose Is to amend ths seed grain law se
that the various counties may supply
Two Bottles of Peruna
Saved Me From
an uperauon
Mr. Phil Haetarok. S714 Utah Et, fit
Louis, Ms, writes:
"For tire years I have been troubled
with colds, aor-e throat, and swollen
taaalla. For the past t sateen weeks
I could not detail nay cold water or
warns withomt a sticking pain In my
throat. I have doctored with four as
good doctors as I could find In St.
Loula. Ths last two havs told ms I
had alecratev toaafl and It must be
ewt oat. but I did not Ilka that cut out
and I quit ths doctor Christmas Eva.
"My wife had told ms a friend had the
aasso Irsssls and was eared with
rtrasa, I have apent about fifty dol
lars so I thought I would Invest a few
mors oaats and try Peruna. Wltb one-
half bottle, I waa relieved all palaa.
People Notice It Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablet,
A pimply face will rot embarrass yon
much longer if you get a package of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should
begin to clear after you have taken the
tableta a few nights.
Cleanse the blood,the bowels and the liver
with Dr. EdwardsMDlive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel; there's never
any sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and lust as effectively.
but their action is gentle and safe instead
, of severe and Irritating.
JNo one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are
a purely- vegetable compound mixed
with olive oil; yoa will know them
by their olive color.
I now have taken t.a and il Edwards spent years among pa-
feel like a new man. I will recommend .aJ?cteIaWA UIel. D0Wel
I Will
it to all my
Does the Work
My practice is limited to high
class Dentistry only at Prices
Every One Can Afford.
He Serves Himself
Most Who Serves
the Public Best
A stream never rises higher than its source, nor does a business
grow greater than its builder.
Some people have marveled that I have built so large a practice
in a few short years, and Dental Supply Houses have commented on
the fact that I buy more and better Dental Supplies than any half
dozen competitors, some of whom have been practicing here for years.
I am fair enough to admit that I do not deserve special credit
for the feat because the KIND of competition I have had made my
task easy; in fact, I feel that many up-to-date, competent Dentists,
possessed of the requisite skill and training, who. would display the
courage born of knowledge and ability, could "have done the same
thing and perhaps in less time.
If I seem so far AHEAD of the procession, it is because others
I saw the shortcomings of the system employed
here by the old-time dentists, I knew the public put
up with it simply because there was little choice
between the methods of the old schools, and I knew
that the two greatest evils of that system were
exorbitant prices and unnecessary pain.
I knew that a firsteclass gold crown (equal in material, fit and
wear to gold crowns for which other Dentists charged $8- to $15)
could be made at a profit for $5.00 UNDER PROPER CONDI
TIONS, and I knew that fully half (and probably more) of the pain
inflicted in the Dental Chair was unnecessary and the result of ig
norance, carelessness or plain brutality.
I had the courage of my convictions and I told my story in the
papers and in my office and I MADE GOOD, BECAUSE:
What I told the people was the TRUTH
And I proved it to them
The work is giving perfect satisfaction and has
stood the test of time
Electro Whalebone Plates. .$15.00
Flesh Colored Plates $10.00
Ordinary Rubber, All Red... $5.00
Porcelain Crowns $5.00
Gold Fillings, from ...$1.00
22-K Gold Crowns $5.00
22-K Gold Bridge. .$3.50 to $5.00
All Work
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington Sts Portland, Or.
. C Itatzen, m. Pk
t to all my frienda. Peruna does the complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
xmrneiisciy rorenvc result.
Take one or two nightly for a wees.
Taoet who object t liquid ssedlriaes See how much better you feel and look,
raa see are Teraaa tablets. J lQc and 25c pel box Ail druggists.
Post oAca
- State
Street sad No.
Free Proof To You
All I want is year nsme and address so I can send yen a free trial trest
ment. I want yon just to try tiiis treatment that's all lust try lb
lust s my oniy anrument.
I've been in the dm business In Fort Wsvne for M fears, nearly everyone knows me and
knows about my successful treatment. Over six thousand free hundred people outside of Fort
Wayne have, accordins to their own statements, been cured by this treatment since I ftrst
made this offer public.
If you have Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Tetter never mind bow bad-my treatment has
cured the worst cases I ever saw lvo mo a chance to prove my claim.
Send me roar name and address on the coupon below and art the trial treatment I want to
send yoa FRES. The wonders accomplished in your own cas will be proof.
Bsnsasisasssisssanmro CUT AND MAIL TOtaTsas ssaw. i isassssaase
J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, '2835 Wast Main St Fort Wayna, Ind.
Please send witliout cost of obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment. .