THE SUXDAY OREGOMAX, TORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 3, 1918. FEW CARS SHIPPED higher aa account ef lb wwf baitn Potato Movement From Ore gon Is Held Back. LACK OF ROLLING STOCK sAIB DKMAJKD TOM. BOXED AffLM Inrrra lit Shipment I Reported from Washington and Idaho, v Locm I Price . re I" or ha n jed Sonilmntt Demand Better. Ffsto h)pmnt from Orr eontlnoo ttaht. w.fa rprim of ear shortac gsneraL Is tho psst -fc only T ra w.ra s-nt U aa4 for ta i data tha shls- SMfita ka ta bat lit t Jo mare tbM half tnoaa la ame prLo4 lut yar. Wub ftntn ud loan rri tttT. rj port in c a s4 ta-rae tA-K r tfee pes. owe 3rvpmnr fr the country as wr about iaal to tnoea of ths lT-e in tins atat kitf aadsrcotjsf na fiiait. The shlpptcg demand coniiauee low an, fcaysre are asaeralty quo tie SI a Roraafea and Amertcaa Wooders. Ths JWn dmn4 wee light dartns; the veva. it Hurbn arata $1.23 and Netted i;-n. 1 1 JO pr aaca. Cnmparatl ficei-ve oa carlo ship meats af paiAtMa follow : rro- , Laitf 9a J"J I P P"! lout knl) (OA fri rr. Jan. i--II w o ltJn 14 nni .'4 3 T4 4 ...r.lo Jtl -Ii T .'Ti J.-I l-:an ...t 3i .'. 4.J ytmr, 4 JHM MM 14.--01 Bisan ......... HT f r.H 411 MmniN(4 ........ 3V 3U lU.J4 . UHT l'n 374 .nwm IS 34 1 ? i it .Nw Jr-r 34 I II.3M Ji.&T Ivmf I. and. N T. 1:4 IWl VH AI.U lih.r Nw York.. Ho IS 2. S.OIJ N.M-lfi lMll(M4 .... 3 -13 -, . . 47 $e -nnvlfii Tl tU 1 M7 1.74 U i.inTi 1.14 I 4A 2.113 V onta 21 t "T- DID 3.; 41 41.11 T(ia 227 114.244 Pricea Ara Rallo Steady la toe Leading; Easters Markets. Pli-ty-ene cars of epplea were shlppod from tha laciflo Northwc oa Tharmday. th total for tho wimb to dato bolag- 1 earm. lotlnationa of th latoat hlpmnt aro rportd by tho Bortan of Markata aa foitowti: Billlnca. oa: Chvyoon two: Cht oa H: C:vo:ad. ono; Dor. two; Good land. Kan., ooo: GrrMtvilko. obi; Houston, tbrao; Kaaaao City. : 3faachatr. Ia ono: Mtanaapoha, 10: alt not. out; Naw Or laant, on; Nw Tork Ctty. tiv. Oktibotnt City. oa; Omaha. flo; Philadtlphla. four: Portland, ont; "acramanto. on. aa An ton to, tfan Zivfo, ono; SaatUo. on; Ta- roma. WbltofUh. on. Coadliiona ta tb loading- Eaatara marbaia. aa r ported by wir: Naw York ArrlraTa. earlot. Virginia, aight; Waahlngcon. five. Nav Tork Waot Virgin fa. on: rannaylvania ana: de mand good for good stork, market ataady. qua.'ity and eoaditloa vartabl. conaldarabie rbt:id. boa market ataady. wide rang qual Ity and eooditton, conaiWrabl froatad. N. W. Xr Romeo lug. 32 T3. mad. $2 r5-2 5o. amall f l.HO-ira. fey. all atse 1 1.75-2-2i XV fp4tBbra lug. $2 73-. mod. 32.U-t.7X ama:i 32.00,2.2 -X T Wtnaape. Irg. X5 3 73. ;! o mad. ? 10-2. 40. rromoa etock a l varieties low aa 31.33. Aoertoa afire Wioeaapa, Romaa 31 03-1.30. 3, pita tntwrta avg. 31. To. IbiUdiphia Arrtrale rariot. Eaatara two, to ram anbrokeo. Jobbing piicea bxa. de mand and mtf. mod.. mkL steady. 8Is from storage X. W. qaat. and eond. gan. good. fry. Wlnasapa all stsea 32-M3. XT Mtaymane. amall to meL I2.13-2.2S. Irg. T44 Xr rvilclona 32 30. XT Romtl $2 10. try. 12. 00. Chireo OloQdy. Arrivals rariot. Oregon five. Idaho two: It cars en trk InrL broken and anbrokeo. Jobbing, demand and raof. od. we-ttber affttng mottmtni, mkt atoady. bxa. Xf lllcloua Irg. $2 73-5; fey. mod. to Irg mtotty 32-2.73: Xf Rpitxen berga. Romeo mad. to Irg. $2-3.33. fey. med 10 Irg, $l.&3-2. Xr Wlnasapa. mad. to Irg. 14. "1 I $1.73-310, fry. moat'y $14. Xr Jonathans mad. to Irg. $t.P3-2 20. fey. med. to Irg. mostly $1.7i. HERDS HOT REDUCED More Dairy Stock on Oregon Farms Than Year Ago. -MILCH CATTLE NOT KILLED Special Surrey Made by Bureau of Crop Estimates Shows Larger Xombrr of Hogs Under Six Months Are Season Favors. t'navaiiable.. Ctvtttvna tt teathwestera markets aro r ported by wire: 'ort Wortbj Tbroo California, ono Colo- raio arrtwd. tvmand and movmsnt lm rtrtg. market atJy. t'olorado and Idaho mlkod white, quality and condition genT' oily good. angraOed. mm ked. mostly $2.23; ldab Kosaotts and Wash log too Netted Com, angradad. moetty $2 40. Car lot a. yes terday a salss. novtmtnt alow. market ataady. Colorado misod whltea. $2.009314 Kuaestts. $2.13 9 2-20; Call (urn la i) or banks. mostly $2tX Lmlla Ono Colorado arrived, cold weath or btndertug mevvrntnl Colorado and Idaho mliad wbliM, $320333; Rtyotta, $33" 1'aMfnrata Burbanka. $330. motiy stotk ro netod. C-krlota. cloalug artceo yesterday; mavemont alow oa account of weather, mar- kt stsadr. Cologado and Idaho mixed whit $2.0A210; Rassstta. $31$032O; Cattfornla Borbanka. $310. Hotttoo Ono California, ono Idaho, three Colorado, ono Minnesota arrlvod. Demand gool. market ataady. Idaho. Bur banks and Korals. 32.4J330: Oregoa and CailXomta Borbanka. $2. 3 "3 43: Waahtngtoo Bar banks. $23A. New stock, rrly Rose, qual ity CooO. dirty. 13. eod stork. Bliss Trl ampins. $.". Irtab Cobblers sad Oreea atoua talna, $4.:i. RAIX M RaftTT $ IX ACT I TE HERE try Trade o f iislis of LeiraJ Riiar 4 C $a Quart. Tharo wao ao aaostoa of the Merchants Ctrhans setrdAT. aa not enough members wr prveant t transact business. No new a;apmata ro vapor tad from tho coun try inark'ta Shipping stat tat trs for January. Isauad y-strdav. showod 2. 4 barrals of flour f arwardadi to California, and ao wheat anoved. a Eranrtsro rceipS from Oregon dur ing January re: Flour. 14.914 barrels; smis. bO-4 rentals: bran. IIAO sacks; mld aitngs. 24?3 sarka. shorts. 3J sacks. Emm aabtngtoo: Eiour. 4 IS barrela; oats. 1. TI centals: bran. &o3 sacks: shorts. 347 Mrla. middlings. 2nl sacks; rye 4U27 nta:s. t.oal rvceipts in car were reported by tho 31rcbants Exrhapgo as follows: r"rfl,d !at.... I .... 3 2 0 31 2 3 T.f ti.m wk.. 7 3 14 2 Kl r . 4 M "d 44 -.arK 21 a : . 1 1 ..r afo . i;- ld la.1"! liM To. wm Erk... 1 4 t ... .... ... 4 r--.o 10 dat ST To .... 2 12To -r ltH .... 243 144 biti Tiij .... .... I4f H s . . s mi to dais r.H 20 ITU MJ 2HO W4r ago, ,a.4 2:0 n4 loii :;ti RETrRXS FROM HOGS rHOITTABI.E Waat F a Acvaeapllahsel by EroarraaolTo Kaarwer la losaU Bret Is a. As aa Irdlratloa of what csa be dono tn the wy of profitable hograielng oa a email scale, the Eoeatl Journal givo tho expert enro of a ran r bar In that ssctloa. It says: "The manager of tho Htelwer ranch reports that tbay keep oa an average three brood soars. rrom those they sold In 1917 hgs art ting $f2 34. Also la the rail they fat tened and killed eight hogs dressing 200 pounds each, to furnish meat for consump tion a tho ranch, beetd two hogs killed during tho Vummer fr fresh meat. There ws fd during the yar not to oxroed $100 worth of whaat. tho bulk of that beta fed to tho hogs which were butchered for their own use. The hogs sold were marketed off tho stubble without "finishing." At tho cl of the year they had their three brood sows lafl and 37 pigs, equaling tho Inventory at the first of tho year." kinds of meat being affected. The trading in all claaaea and grades of meat Das been very uneven. Washington The lata arrivals of many of .aat week s overdue cars and Irregular re- :pta made a plentiful supply of beer au week. Two of the heaviest snow storms experienced hers In years almost tied up 1eiiveriea and resulted in an Inactive mar ket. Prices declined from $1 to $3 oa prac- licaiiy everything except vsaU Market Closing. Boston There Is no carryover of beef except delayed cars that did not arrive In time. The market closed ataady to strong under a 'fair demand. Ths lamb market Is inc-lnad to bo a little unsettled, and several o:a which arrived yesterday and today will be carried over. Ths Dork market Is closing waak although several houses aro out of suppjles. due to delayed cars. Veal Is going out In a healthy condition with a strong undertone. New York There aro a number of cars of maat which did not arrive in time to be unloaded for this week's market. There be a little or no carryover of any class ft meat which has already been unloaded. in market Is going out drsggy on oeei and mutton, very ' weak and dreggy on am Da, out fairly steady on veal ana porn, storage rails aro again pretty well filled, 1 ind this reserve, together with the cars I rnicrt arrived late, will bo sumcieat to ake cars of tho trade for tho first of next 1 week. r.m-Mo . m I Philadelphia The supply of beef, veal, viailStlcfl complied by the Bdraan nf rran Pb i.n Eatlmatsg In Oregon and Washington do not There is a large carryover of lamb which WIDE GAINS SCORE Specialties Are Sharply Higher at Expense of Bears.. RAIL MOVEMENT IS NARROW Steel Is Under Steady Pressure, but Closes at Small Advance Large Expansion in Loans Shown by Clearing-House Statement. ow lh lars. dCTMM tn tstk .uonll.a mai cr. lndlcat.4 In tb advlcM rclvd . ' . t ttm. A Ilchtljr m.ll.r ..-.... . ,, IOUD cn ,h r.rm.. but ti. nd h.;p .r. Indlcmtl lhn a Th. num vhlrh .how th. number of nd on land on J.nuarr 1. 1I1. and Janu ,rT - 'IT. In tb. ta. atai... follow: 'th.r ctti. " ivi',,o ilii!r.wi : X44X.0"O 3..(V..O " ........ aluiea U aahlnrtoa Mllrh COWS ' ' her C.tlla !hap , WII1 , HnriM 31u:ee , 10.000 2,4mi (Km A l. Vim 301MMH) 2-t.AAA 21H.00 Afll.IMM) 2-a.iwxt Commenflnar an ik. r.u. . . Kent. Held tfnt of th. n.n.r.n,'.n.' rORTLAXD MARKET Ql'OTATIONS. IRECAX OMU.X fKHU ARB STEADT Twalvs Caea bU't Owt la Easd Weofc. Marheta ba Easd ble-ar. Tho oaloa ansraesnaat Is oa a bettor era!. 12 cars having boa a shipped la too past waaa. Priced aro bald Lag steady at $1-73 at sbtpptng point la fbe 3t the marltet eoatlnaea dan and elraagieg- Aa official report says: "Mevsneat continaoel light la tho prodno ts eexrtiona At Ksvhsatsr a weakar raag. $323 ta $2- par c-t. sacked. f sx a., was voted f e l;iu uiobs. la th Coaaocti eut ai:y asetioa dealer war reported awtitisg to bay of growers antll their owa boldiag bad ba clear d out. Coaeral anippiaa mow me at was a ttttl snore active wita total of 211 car, or a boot oao-thtrd argr lhaa ta revoat weoka Lsadiag statso wra Caiifomta. 33; Indiana, 42; w York. 23. Ohiex 27. 3f teaavchasetta. 23 cars New Tarb, ibie aid Indiana yellow stock sold t h6bars la loading mar bate al $323 ta $213 par tat. sacked. Callforata Aao rra L..a browas raasd $33A to S3. Oao oral dasuaad was alow. Crmia. I red. 1or. Etc No seeaion Merchants' Exchange. WHLAT-Bulk basts Portland for No, 1 arade: Hard whits Bluestem. Ka r!y Bart. Allen. Galgalus, 3tania Amber, $2.03. 8oft white Palouse bluest am. forty-fold. White Valley. Gold Coin. White Rosalan. $3.0$. White club Little ciub, Jenkins club, white nr ona a. honorm. SJ Ol. Had WaUa Ked Hus;a, red hybrids. Jones f fe. L'ontMi No. 3 grade. 3c leaa. No. 3 grade. : less Other grades handled by sampt. rLol'H Pa:enta. $lo. Va ;,, $toii; whole hat. $mii( graham. $'J.2o: fiour. $1 per barrel. Net mill n rice, ear lota: Bran. $ 1 pr ion; a Aorta. $.i2 per ton: mtddilnaa. $0V: mixed cars and leaa than rarinada. 30c more; rolled barley, M0 mi en mil itm. CtRN Whoi. $74: cracked. $73 per ton. "dJi-i price, k. o. o. roruina tlaatem iiregnn timothy. $27 per ton: Va. timothy. $24 a 23; alfalfa. $23. Valler gram Bay. cover, gin. at raw. Dairy and Country Pradwr. BUTTER ubw. sxtraa. 4c: nrlms flrsta 47 c. Jobbing prlcoa: Prints, extxaa. 32c: car tone. 1 extra; but tor fat. No. i. Ave. as- ii versa. E i.S Oregon ranch, current recelnta wuiir: candiei, 32c; aeiorts. 33c per dosn. CHtt-SK Jobbara buying pricea f. o. o. dock. 1'ortlend: Tillamook triplets. 3'c. louag Americas. -c pr pound, long noma. oos ana curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. 23 SC Young America. 2dc per pouna: innsnorna. . s c per pound. PotLTKT-Hpnx 24 4f lie : HDrinsa. duck. JOffjic: gsoe, letyiKc: tur key a. live. 32 9 23c; dreaeed. choico, Mfj, fc.ALf ranry. 1 3 S O -c par pounu. Pu ki s. r'M. y. 2".'SC par pound. 1 rails aad Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: $' Rl" ITrt oranges, narets. $3,73t3d: am on a. $4Hi o par bx . bananas. Id.Sc pr pound, grapafruit. $J.30gd30. apples. $1 to ETA BI.Ka Tomatoes. $3 33 9$ per rat: cabba. S Jo per pound: let tuca. $3 34 per crata. cucumbars. $1.40$1 par dnaaa. raullrinoar. $323tf2a3 par crata. artichoke. tKKtel 13 pr pound, garlic, 7 9 a s-r pound; aguaah. 3c per pound : cal sry. $494.23 per crata; peppers, 300 400 lb.; sprouts. 11 l.'Sc par pound. MACK tOKTABl lwi Carrots. $1 $o) par sack; bests, fliof j. turnip. l.sOQ L .3. prnln. $1 393 IVTaTvjW Orsgoo Bur hanks. $1239 133 p-r hundred. Taktma. $1.30ll.o3. sweat potatoea. ft 4f 3 W c Pr pound. i'M".N urtfoo, buying price $1.75 per band red. tocL ArrtB tTtMlTIOX L.RCE$1 sa4 Oraags Oewiaa Is lrwwtag ta Clows. I MS w rwtataw tsaaiag. T torsi apple max hat to rem In g Into Its oa and aa increase ta cwasumpwoa la the ti'.t is reported. prtcoo art ruling stesdy. T naitl erases saasoa is gradaa;:y drawing to a :. and asms of the psrkmg kat ta .utherm Ca.:foraia have etoppwd povk Bt Tho majority of tae larger ship pore aro aea.ns; trio aamo t a a price on saecT ings that they havp baa a qMtin so Mit,a Lswar ormng pries ara not ;.ke;y to prevail aatU ':acias come oa tho mar kat. w nJcb l b Boca tares months bene. aw set cars of baaanaa war aa toa.led yesterUaj. A far of Loo A agates let toco arne4 ye, lordly aad ttvs f -rat car of Imperial V al ia i duo tb la t tar part f th wesk. I .a prt s wt.i b smswkat higher thaa the Loa lettace. Tvo last car of swest p3iMi 4 rsacn t " Northwest this Wanted. 500 Capons 30r rrn in. f.i n ivti kp ron 1C a. Melt 1, UMt-Elt KLU tHHt3k Hi nr V.t 12-1 4 9r la, H.b MM, IT' rl!r pee lb. I.K.H r w: tl, Itary lSvlMi r lav. t Ml K M4.4. pae Ikv M$.a AI aPHlt.a. . ,a53-i:Sf rr la. $toaeasaerr, Tteae fi leaa Ara Not, fartwaa. No Commi$$ion Charged Fat baa lbs (raw. bla fle a Mea Itr liwbao Itanaasv lrMrrTom nitihk c.i tRt. T V.IK HIMIi 1UI R VllirMttlt TI.e Sainar Co. Capital 9I4MSM. las) frost Streot. Rtapas Crsrertea. Local Jobbfng quotations: elciAH Kch (;: Fruit and berry. $7.s3. baat. $J 3; eiira C $7.43; powdered, la bar r a is. 933: cubea. la ba rra la. fM. 73. Nl IS VVa.nuta, 2 . Braail nu.a. l)21c: fl : u-r-.a. 32 a 2c. aimoeds. lMa ioc : paanuta, )ul.. cocoAOuta. $l lu par dosea, pecans. i;sl-r. chestnuts. 2c. UKAN. Co. i forma jobbing prices: Small bt'a. 1 1 c. large whit. 13c; bayou, loc; pi ah. 10r. Ortton bean, bay tad pricas: White. PivlOc. co.orad. Oc. ii'rt( Kaa;d. in drums, 17923d HALT irnu;a:d. $10,73 par ton. ba!f grooaJs. ivw. $l por ton. 3o. $1 per loa. d'r. Hn 73 per ton. KITE aoatharn head. $9Hc par pound: Biu Kooa. asc: Japanesa e:y;a. TS97Vc. 1HIKU Mc, paachee. 1 1 n 12c. prune, jta.iaa. lll lc; raauta. iw- tg 4i par boa : dates, fard. 9Xu 3 par boa. cu rra a is. lc . f aa. $jj33tf per boa. Ilsaas. lrd aad Bat say. Loral Jobbing quotatlone: Hajm Ati ata. hir. 33c: standard. 32c sa.nned. 27a2vc. ptcaica, 23c, cottage ro.-a. LAHLe T'ere bas:s. standard pars, 27 fee. cornpouni, 24 C. BA. uN Kane. 4$ 9 4c; standard. 419 4Jc. cboiro. 1K s a i.T frt e:r backs. 29 934c. emports. aV33c . p.ale, 24 e 2QC llldea aad Pelta. ItTDE "aited hides. 2A Iba sad no. 14c: aa.ted atags. ''O lb, and up. I.'c, sa ted and gra h.p. li to 23 lb.. 13c. aa.tad and fr-a caX 1U to 13 iba. 31c. grven bldaa 2 .i. aad ua. lie: grean atags. 30 lb, sad up, luc. dry f-,Tt biue. 24c. dry fiini calf, up to T lb. 2c. dry salt bides. Jl; dry horse hides. $l 2-l.VO. salted borso hides, $o 4 l'tLT Dry lortg-wsol pelts. $c; dry abort-wool pa. :s. . salted poita. Jaauary laaavff. $2 lop J lo. x Hsps, toai. Etc. lion 1917 crop. 1791 per pound; P1o crop, aomlrrai. WOOL a.aiera Oregon. 3o94Wv per pound. a: a. v 9 per pounu; a.ey an a 4-i p V. MuHAlh Lan g etapie. fu'i year. $Oc; aim Djonihi. 4o c . burry. 3J9 4oc l ASXAHA BARk New and Old. $"$ per pOUBtl. TALU'W-Xa t. l4o per pound; No. 2. 12. per pound. OUa. CAROLINE Pu k. 2tsc; raaos. 2c; neph tha. dram. US'- caaea. -" : ongia dis tU'St. drums. 10c: caao. loc. l.l.X.-iKKU OTI Haw. bar re. a. $1.41: rasas, $1 M . bo. et. barre.e. $14.:. ca-a. $1.33. TL.1l tMI.Va ! tanaa, gjc. ia cases. IUrtn a raranf mmm k. a. " frequent reports of a rerv ron-iH-r.hi- a-. crease tn ths number 0f milking cows, but ----"a ui imiuiries ao not ahow such to the oaee. The total f m , i k cows mm reported on the farms of the l'M) tna ramming Srridulfs Is 7tto7 for Ie cam bar. 1 7 and TAhji rn i..k Uia ahowing a slight increase for 1117. Portland siockysrds receipts do not indicate much, u. usirv rows tar ilimhi.p castonslly good dairy cows come to the yard, but they are very generally purchased by parties who put them Into 1irv "."V lThr of cour". "ome slaughter as there Is much testing of dairy harda, with tm w w too -ooarrlers And ""ould b borne In mind that young dairy 7 -,w coming on each year. While feed prices are vary high, the price of mi;k and milk products are also materially ad Th WmP for condenaed milk has bean a very eonsiderabl factor In !rmlnln ,h Dr"nt Prtcos of dairy 7. .rV l- "rami study or ths ques tion will ahow that the advance In coat to the consumer of milk and milk products has ?rC bTTn rl m advance la most other foodstuffs. -County Aasessora reports for loir showed a largs derreass in number of swine compared with a year ago. This is verified by the Portland etockyaxds receipts for 1U17. which show that th receipts of hogs of Oragon origin in 1W17 were only about 73 pr cent of the receipts of 1P18. Htgh prices prevaiiing for all grain and mlllfeeds are rather discouraging to the hog raiser. How. vrr. tho reports of the special food survey inquiry Imiicats an Increase of about nn par cent In tho number of hogs under six months of sg en December 31. 1W17, aa com Prd wlth to number oa hand on Decern- The present Winter conditions have been very favorab.e for livestock in general. The month of December, ltfi7( , reported by the local Weather Bureau as being the warmeat !,LrCO!.d ,or pmat 17 yr- con ditions during January. IfcMS, were very simi lar to those of December, but with much leas precipitation. A cold wav aviit. l.lerahl .now wss quite general over the stats ths last two days of January, but tern peraturea are higher at present. Range ,,u n"T" aoio to Ond considerable grasing all Winter, which, combined with the prevail Ins mild t.mnr.t..r. v, ened the requlreirpcnts for hay. " The con- u,uw" w i-au-sown crops is also very favor a b . e. Th market at th North Portland stock yarns was inactive at th doss of th wek wrr quntexl stoady and un changed. Only on full load was received a car of hogs and cattle trom Canbv niiprq in Dy C. fcL Luck. A nnmh. nf hl ora driven In. tho total receipts for hi- uajr oaing cattle. 20 hogs and 24 uaxvi. a n ! were: prt'o.1 Wl. Price is nogs.. ao. ia.2.v lboll.... 1070 $ 7.00 Ciuntatlons at ths ardg follow Cattle Medium to choice steers (ood to 'medium ateera . Common to good ateers A hole cows and heifers Coin, to good cows and heifers Canners Bulla 'a Ives .......I" cannot be sold, duo to the light demand. Some houses have had very small supplies of beef this week because of badly deiayea ears. Some hinds and ribs and straight cat t;e were brought from nearby cities to meet this shortage. On account of the heavy snow fall wholesalers continued to have considerable difficulty In making deliveries. Storage rails la some houses aro quits full for tms reason. . Price. ..tio.a.ifj ii no . . T.73 ( 1 2.1 7.7. O Uni) 6. .")? 7.7." 3.IHJ ( 8 ih) S.imi w 7..10 I.Ol f 1 1 l4 tt-UOtf 8.00 1.1091.;s H2'i m irt 13.70 J 13,00 IvnoffiK no I4.fifj 13 x l.'l.lWtT 13 . 12 3i1r IS. 00 000 11.00 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED SbJpeaosita Es Bosita to Leekdlras; Livestock .Markets af the Country. Damnations of livestock loaded February I. M'arioads reported weal of Allegheny Mountains: double decks counted aa t w cars.) Reported by ths Bureau of Aiarkeis. North PorUand: Cattle. HAn.a fi.. Calves, Hogs.Sheep.Muieir.biock. Al Utorkers and feeders line Prm light Prims heavy Pla Hheap W'eetern la m ba Valley Iambs Vrilntt ........... TVMhrm Ews Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Feb. 2. Hogi Receipts. 10.800. market steady. Heavy, $13.8016.16; mixed. 10.05: light, $1. 1V10; pis. lu gi:.; hulk of aales, $l,V85ft.05. Cattle Receipts. 1 Coo, market steady. Native steers. $91V.o0: cows and heifers, $7..".(lJi 11; Western ateera. $8.60 11.70; Trxas ateers, $7.30tf 10.23: cows and heifers. ' i .20; canners. $tL&09 7.00; stockers and teeners. s. a i".o ; calves, stf&A..; ouna, staKft, etc. $7 o 10. Sheep Recalpte. lOO. market stesdy. Umtit. lowei: vearllnca. 312 ta 10: wether. il-tlJ; ewes, $10.751330; lambs, $10.20 tf 17.20. Cbicwg Livestock Market. Chicago, Feb. 2. Hogs Receipts, 25.000, active, loc above yesterday's average. Bulk. $11.20' lrt.r.0; light, $15.70& i.(; mixea. f 10 nil g m Aft; heavy. $15,900 16.00; rough, $l.V!Mi4j 10. lo: pla-a. $1:1.20 0-10.20. Cattle Receipt a. 0hk. weak. Native steers. $n. ;,. 14.75: stockers and feeders, $7 40 W lo no; cows and heifers. $6.4O0lA.OO; calves. $U..'0rt In. Sheep Receipts. 8000. stesdy. Wethers, $I0ylJO. lambs. $14.70917.70. DOI GLAS CATTLEMEN ELECT OFFICERS Roar burg and Yoaralla Besideata Named Heads of Organisations. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallls. Feb. 2. Special.) Organisation of Douglas County cattlemen and swine growers Is reported by Profesaor E. L. Pot ter, head of animal husbandry at Oregon Agricultural College, who assisted County Agent u. j. liurd in completing final or ganizations Wednesday last. The purpose of the organizations Is to bring la a large number of purebred sires, enforce the recant legislation against al lowing scrub bulls to run on tho range, and build up a community reputation for high class livestock. The stockmen Intend to better advantage Of tho fine natural 1 opportunities for growing high-class slock. both dairy and beef. The swine men will Import and use pure bred slros of the breeding end commercial clauses, and In general practice as well as preach the goapel of better hogs. They will also assist the girls and boys of the pig dune o get and manage profitable animals in the most profitable manner. Officers of tho Cattlemen s Association are: B. F. Nichols. Roseburg. president; S. C. Miller, Ptl lard, vice-president; Frank Cal kins. Roseburg, secret sry -treasurer. The di rectors are: J. E. Pel ton. Roseburg: Will Dizon, Dlxonvllle, and A. E. Kent, Roseburg. The association starts out with 30 paid memberships, representing a large percent age of the livestock industry of ths county. The swine men elected William Kretzer. Toncalla, president: C. A. Brand, Roseburg,' vice-president, and J. C. Hurd, county agent, secretary-treasurer. Directors are: Joe Sny der, Days Creek: G. H. Lindblom. Roseburg; W. C. Lea, Drain, and S. C Miller. Drain. They have a paid-up membership of nineteen. NEW TORK, Feb. 2. Representative stocks were not especially responsive today to tne prospects of a suanenslon or xueiiei Monday after next week, but various other issues, especially shippings, oils, motors, leathers and papers, advanced 1 to almost points, mainly at the expense of the bears. nails moved within a narrow area ana in dust rials, hoiably steels and coppers, were disposed to react, though making up lost ground before the close. United State Steel was under steady pressure most of the ses sion, out finished at a nominal advance. The chief feature of the weekly bank statement' was a further actual expansion or loans by over $111,000,000. making a: aggregate of $1&0.000.000 for the past fort night. Excess reserves decreased almost $35,000,000, reducing the actual total to Ut ile more than 362.000.000. Bonds were Irregular, liberty 848 sellin at Vo.80 to 98.14: first 4s at tf6.60 to Utt.&O ar.d second 4s at V6 to V5.92. Bond aales. par value, aggregated $2,950,000. Old United States 2s and 4s were H to per cent higher on call for the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closln Sales. High. Low. bid. 400 78 774 7 1 BOO 39 3ba 2I.K 000 200 200 " 9100 000 3.600 1,$00 200 I.606 I6.6OO 600 1.000 " 1,166 1100 BOO 8.400 2,200 OOO 1.400 8,7iK 300 500 SAN FRANCISO PRODUCE MARKET Pricea Current oa Eggs, Vegetables. Freeh bruit. Etc- at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2. Butter Ex tras. OltfO.'ic; prime firsts, not quoted. Errs Fresh extras, 61 He; fresh extra pullets. Cheese New firsts not quoted. Toung Americas, 87 He. Poultry Hens, 30 3.1c; roosters, lfi? 1c; fryers. 2M.'t2c: broilers, 803 30c; i 3.5oat4; pigeons. $l.50&)1.75; geese, is .. oc turkeys, mixed end off stock. 2fi3:'c Vegetables Squash, cream, 70c $1 23; hub bard. 1v1.20; eggplant. J0fcl2Sc; p,-p per, bell, 10ft IRc; Mexican green chiles, 10 4zl0c; pens. 10fi12Hc: tomatoes. $1 .SB? 1.50 lettuce, $l.fi0 01.75; celery, $1.75 2.50: po- tat or a, Salinas. $3509 2.75; sweet, $3.75 onions. Australian brown. $29 2.20; green, 70cf$l; garlic, 2Vc; cucumbers, $3 3.50 pumpkins, $1 ; carrots, b0cf$l ; beets, $1.35 9 i; turmps, irpn; rnuDaro, si. 9 z.z.i Fruit Pears. Winter Nells. $2.25 2.50 strawberries, $6 910; lemons, $5.50 96.30 grapefruit, $2.r t 8.50; oranges, $555 50 tangerines. $2 23 a 3.2a; bananas. 6ft 5 He pineapples. $495; apples. BUef leur $1 & 1.25 Newtown Pippins. II 6 1.25; olives. S'S' 12c Hay wheat and wheat and oat, $28023, tame oat. $270 27.50; barley. $24 26; al ia. 124 8 27. Mlllfeed Cracked corn and eed corn- meal, $7790; rolled barley. $ft806n; alfalfa meal, $:i2f?33: cocoanut meal, $44.50. Flour 110. RO per barrel. Receipts Flour 46H0 Quarters, barley 12.410 -male, beans 1260 sacks, potatoes P: sacks, onions 470 sacks, hay 120 tons, hides lovO, wins 00,300 gallons. Am Beet Sugar.. Am Can Am Car A Fdry.. Am Locomotive. Am Sm Refg. . Am Sugar Refg., Am Tel A Tel.... Am Z L A S Anaconda Cop... Atchison AUvWISSL, Bait A Ohio B A S Copper. , .. Calif Petroleum. Canadian Pacif.. Central Leath... Ches A Ohio Chi Mil A St P... Chi A N W CRicP ctfs... Chino Copper. . .. Colo Fu A Iron.. Corn Prod Refg.. Crucible Steel... Cuba Cane Sugar Dtatlllers' Secur. 20,100 Erie General Electric, General Motors.. Gt Nor pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs.. Illinois Central Inspiration Cop.. B.9O0 Int M M pfd 81.400 nt Nickel i,4iKi Int Paper 5.000 K C Southern Kennecott Cop.. 700 Louis Ac Nash .... Maxwell Motors. 300 Mexican Petrol.. 8,800 Miami Copper. . . Miasouri Pacific Montana Power. Nevada Copper.. New York Cent NYNHAH.... 900 Norfolk A West North Pacific... 400 Pacific Mall Pac Tel A Tel . . . 300 Pennsylvania Pittsburg Coal Ray Consol Cop.. Heading 17.0O0 Rep Ir A Steel. .. 400 Shatt Ariz Cop Southern Pacific. 700 Southern Ry. ... 2.100 Studebaker Cor.. 7.300 Texas Company. &.ftW I'nlon Pacific... 1.300 tt 8 Ind Alcohol. P.ono U S Steel 72,000 do pfd M 2 T'tah Copper. . . . l.nOO Wabaah pfd B... 300 WoRtern T'nion. . WmlnfEltrt... 4.100 300 300 High. Low. 78 77 SB n 3Mn 721, Tl &bfc 67 U 107" J07'" 108, 10SV4 'ii" 'eii 85 8li 110 lOSi, 1H 19 148 147 70 j 68 i4 3 i2 ii 4i 20S 'i 44 43 88to 881, 83 33 '4 .18 47 31 14 SI '4 4iv an?, i.iili iiivi 13 133 H2 Ul V4 a7?4 27H 464 46" XU4 4H i81i 28 hi 31'. 3014 'sdi' 'di hi H34 i?4 31 4 31 22 hi 22hi 72 71H 'io'hi ihi 80!4 'sk'hi 'ia" 'ii" 'ir. 77',4 177V4 84 hi 24 5-.-T4 l0i 116V4 12814 06 111-4 84 4 23 S4 23 r.ii 1.-.614 11s 125 06 lllH 83 23 414 41H Total al tor the day, 305.000 aharea. BONDS iSht 83 1(6 10814 14 6314 85 10914 51 19 15 701 S3 14 42 li U31, 2014 44 88 33 5 31 41 15 13S-, 1351 01 27 95 4'4 951, 2S14 31 4 17 33 114 2814 83 30 22 71 18T4 7114 30 106 8614 24 1 45 47 24 ' 7't 7714 17 84 23 100 4 lit 127 96 H 1 1 1 83 91 4114 11 8 14 78 2U r. i 2 47 4 7 1 10 1 I 85 4 45 1 S 22 iii 'i "i 3 " '.'.'. "7 4J 111 ... 4 1 . :. m e 2 J2 i 4 2 4 42 8 4 "ii '.'.'. ; 24 ... 1 i I ... 105 i ::: ..2 .! 124 100 147 5 1411 $V1 2M 1774 4HI 204 2. a 1444 102 177 2IL lWisd rrwrft at New York. NKW IORK. Feb. 2 Cvaporat-d appe 4ui!. Prao Arm. Apricots aad peach oviist, u nasi tied. Atlanta Austin l Haitlrtiort ..... 14 liostua 4 Buffalo 15 iar Rapids.. 4 Chicago 275 Cincinnati .... 2 Clave and ..... 11 Cudahy ....... 2 Ienver 18 I'f trott 1 Kaat Ht. Louis. . 4 Iwvansvi'le .... ... Kort Worth ... 29 -. 9 Jersey City 16 Kansas Ctty ... 74 Los ... 1 lulsv;.,a a Maaoa Ctty Miiwauke .... 7 New York .... 76 1efi tt imaha 83 ottumai 3 Peoria Philadelphia .. 1$ Pittsburg 27 Hort. and. Or. S St. Joaepn 2 St. 1'tu 22 -in Francisco., r.6 smut City 1 S;okane 2 Taroma 7 Various 379 Totsls 117T One weak ago..l.t71 Four weeks aaTO.11.14 Mate origins of livestock loaded Febru ary 1: Cattle. Hnrss.M)xd Cai ves. Hogs. 8 heep. M ules. a loc k. For Portlaad California 2 ' 1 regofl Washingtoa ... 1 TCI Portland a 3 One wsek ago.. a Z ... ... Fo'ir weeks ago A $ ... ... A ror r-eattle ... ... .. One week ago, Four weeas ago ft ,1 ... None. Eaatera Meat Trade Csa dlt Ions. Weakly report of meet trade conditions for weak enatng February L General mar kst eonditlona Boston Th delay and uncertain arrival of cars due to weather conditions snd con sequent freight congestion has been the cause of several houses having but limited supplies Market generally remained quiet with a rather concerted effort on the part af some representstlve to hold for sharp advances considerably out of line with pre vailing market price. Retailers report some improvement in the consuming demand. New York Rscslpts of livestock and drsased meats are still lrreguiar. but there has baen enough of each on the way eo that the supp'y baa approached normal. The demand for ait kinde of meat varies lite from wsek to weak so that with Increases receipts we had a declining market. This as no:lrebie in the koeber trade. Whole salers have shown a disposition to trade a'ong dat.y. keeping stocks pretty we:: cleaned up. and rr tall era have taken ad vantage of lower Vncs to stock up a in. lie for et wsek. Philadelphia Ths market has shown s marked dec ins s.aca last Friday's close, a: CONFUSION7 IX COFFEE MARKET Trade Awaits Details af Food Adminis tration Control. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Pending official an Douncement of detaila connected with Food Administration control of the green coffee buatneas expected oa Monday, there was continued nervousness and confusion In the futurea market here early today. Liquid. tion was less active, however, and rallies fo.iowed sn cany decline on covering, with May sell in a up from 8.2oc to 8.3gc and September from 8.65c to b.S3c The general list opened at a decline of 9 to 11 points and the clots was net I point lower to oo!nts higher. Closing bids: March, 8.06c May $ S-tr, July 8.55c September 8,75c, Oc tober 8.H2c. December o.Voc. The market for spot coffee remained tin settled snd nominal, and no fresh offers were reported in the cost and freight mar ket, with business gsnsrslly waiting on de tailed Information as to the nature and scope of the Food Administration's rulings. The official cables reported an ad vanes of SO rels In the Rio market. There were no spot quotations from Santos, but futures there were 125 to lv rels lower, uraxiilan port receipts 62.0O0. Bank Ocarina;. Bank clearings of tho Northwestern cities yosterdsy were aa folio: cieanngs. balances. Portland $3,297,444 $3s5.1.'7 eatt.e 4.127.763 747.327 Tacoma 563.465 70.354 Spokane 1.036.613 222.30V Clearings of Portland. Seattl and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week of former years were: Year. Portland. Seattle. Tacoma IMS ftl8.75S.43T $24,130,209 $3,473,327 i;li I2..Vt,.n4 J o, T flU. 7 V jtil6 K6.2M 9.040.021 ISM. 11.232.501 10.6ttO.OM li-14 10.41U.11 ll.B2.72l ljj 10.2SO.S23 10.7SS.430 112 10.61.514 10.2S0.o3 rH V.56Y362 9.171.1S0 110 10.4.-.i.l2O , 762. 730 lloa 6.036,45" T.&71.737 ..ns 5.201.946 6.S22.724 l"o.7 6.251. 02 7.7R7.250 4. Wl. --I 7.WI4.0fT 16. Ilru5. 4.07U.3O1 4 t37,t)16 2.174.213 1.442, ML' I 141U2 2.057.112 a.33.613 4.320,451 4.4u3.773 4.S30.946 3.731.747 3.223.174 3.026.434 8.793.524 0.043,335 Record Pricea for Dressed Meats. Dressed meat .receipts have been so light In the past week that record pricea have been obtained along th street. There was another advance In veal yesterday with sals of fancy at 20 cents. Ths best pork broght 20 S cents. Poultry wag strong; at tha previous day's pries with a very small supply oa hand and an active demand. The egg market was also firm wltk B0 snd 51 cents, easa count, tho ruling quotav tlons. Country creamery butter was slow at the Chicago Dairy Prod ore, CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Butter Firm. Cream ery. 43 TP4VC Kgsa Lower. Receipts 1514 cases: firsts, 61c: ordinary firsts. &tr5(c; at mark, cases included, 54 (g 60c; refrigerator firsts . aot quoted. j V S ref 2s, reg. 97H IT K ref 2s, cou pon - " TS I s 3s. reg t s 3a, coupon. t S 4s, reg los V 3 4. coupon. 105 Am Smelter 6a. Ati'his'n gen 6s 85 Denver A Rio Grande ret os t N Paelflo 4s... .V Pacific 3s... Pac T & T 5s. . Tel 5s penn con 4 . . . Pacific cv 4. S Pacific ref 4a I Union Fac 4s. . . lUnloa Pac cv 4s lU S Steel 5s. . . S Pacific cv 5s. N T Cen deb 6s 3H Anglo French 5s N Y Cen deb 6s, 93 o4 0214 92 "4 984 99 8 89 Bid. Boston Mining Stocks. n tp.k O r"lrinar nuntatlons: Allnuax 2 (North Butte 18 Arliona Com ....12 Old Dominion ...43 Cal A Ariz 66 pBCola. jj Cal A Hecla 45 Quincy i3 Centennial Superior 4 Cop Rgo Con Co.. 47 Shannon . 6 Eaat Butte Cop.. 9 Sup A Boston 3 Franklin i Con8 Isle Roy Cop) . . .22 JVInona . Lake Copper. ... 6 Wolverine 33 Mohawk ."H1 Money. Exchange, Etc. NTCW TORK, Feb7. 2. Mercantile paper, a-1 1 uks n.r rant. 8trlTn. 80-day bllla, M.T2; commercial 0-day bin. on Danaa. i.ui, tu,mt.(. 40-dar bllla. 14.71: -demand $4..5; eablea, J4.76 T-16. Franca, demand. 5.71; ..blM, 5 6914. Oullder.. demand, 48. cablea. 44. Lire. demand. 8.G2: cablea. 8 50. Rublea, demand. 13; cablea, 1314. Bar allver. RflHc. Healcan dollar.. 89c Government bonda ateady; railroad bond, "ToNDON, Feb. 2. Bar eiWer. 43 4 per Dlvcount ratea, abort ounce. Money, 8 per cent. bllla. 4 1-32 per cent 4 1-18 per cent. three xnontha bllla. TOTAL RESOCBCES SLIGHTLY LARGER Gold Beaerre. of Federal Bank. Decreaae Durinc Beta, miBHinTO!I. Feb. 2. The report of th. .Federal Reserve Board aa at the cloie of bualneea laat nl,ht follows: Resourcee Gold coin and certificate. In vaulta 489,759.000 Gold settlement fund. Federal t. .... 393.624.000 flold with forelan acencles. . . . 02.500,000 Women Investors We specialize in tax free munijipal bonds, which are par ticularly desirable for women investors. Yon Are Invited to Consult With Tm. Lumbermens Trust Company Fifth near Stark dltlon of clearing-house banks and trust companies for ths week shows thst they hold $62,807,300 reserve In excess of legal raaulrements. This is a decrease of $34,- 274,450 from last week. MESSAGE TO FARMERS IS FACTOR Most Important Market Development Since Railroads Were Taken Over. NEW TORK, Feb. 2. The attention of the financial community was frequently di verted during the week from the Taxations and complexities of the domestic situation to the alanlficant changes suggeatea y aa vices concern Ins conditions In 'Central Eu rone. Hlirh financial authorities concurred In. tha belief that the neace movement is making formidable progress In Germany and Austrta-Huneary. President Wilson's message to the west ern farmers was regarded as the most im- nortant market factor since the decision of the Government to take over tne ru roads. Railroad earnings for December were ex tremety unfavorable and January returns ara llkelv to reveal larser net losses. The United States Steel statement lor tne 1917 final quarter indicated a steady de cline of production and it Is believed the current period will reflect In greater meas- urs exiatine: economic disturbances. iuain tenance of She " extra ' common atviaena was one of the stl'nulatlng market fea tures. Much of the activity of the last week, converged around sneculatlve shares, nota bly motors and specialties more remotely identified with the war group. Monev on call was relatively easy, Dut time loans, although, auotably lower, were actually unchanged, with a greater scarcity of suDDlles. Foreign exchange showed no appreciaoie alteration, except for recurrent heaviness of ItRllan rates. Trading in j&uropean re mittances Is expected to become nominal under Federal supervision. Duluth linseed Market. DULUTH, Feb. 2. Unseed, $3.53H 3.65i; May, $3.53 asked; July, $3.48; Oc tober, $3.14 bid. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 2. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling uplands. si.&oc. Hops. Etc., at New Tork. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Hops, hides and wool unchanged. G IS STRONGER ORTLAND GETS MEETING Federation of Women's Clubs Makes Plans for Convention. Portland will be the next meeting place of the annual convention of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, and the hostess organization will be the Co-operative League. Assisting hostesses will be the members of the Portland Railroad Women's Club. The preliminary plans for the con vention were made yesterday at a eetintr of the state executive board held in the home of the treasurer. Miss Sarah Jacobs. Mrs. Charles H. Castner, of Hood River, presided over a full assemblage f the board. Including Miss wattle Beatty, of Salem; Mrs. Collins Elkins, of Prineville; Mrs. John Vert, of Pen dleton: Mrs. William Bell, of Roseburg; Mrs. F. H. Buchannan, McMinnville; Mrs. P. A. Pettlt, Portland; Mrs. Alex ander Thompson, The Dalles, and. Miss Jacobs. Peace Views of Bear Traders Undergo Change. CONFIDENCE IS 'LESSENED Falling Off in Receipts at Chicago Aids In Sending Market Upward. " Shorts Are Responsible for Advance in Oats. CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Leesenir. of bearish confidence rerardlnr the outlook lor peace; did a n-ood deal today to strengthen th .orn market. The outcome was a firm cloaet f to '4i&c net higher, with March 1.7 and May l.'J4tl.2S. Oat sained fee to o and provision. 17c to 37c Throughout the day corn had an upward tendency that especially reflected disap pointment of trader, who have looked for swift sensational developmenta from Ger man economic and political troubles. The fact, too, that receipt, here, instead of be ing enlarged, were even smeller than ha. been the rule of late, counted also against would-be sellers. On the other hand, weather conditions seemed the beat in a long while. Week-end adjustment of trades', however, kept the market on the upgrade to the end. Coverinir bv shorts was Tnnfnlv re.nnn.fhla for the advance of oats. The incentive for action on the part of shorts waa an unusual scantiness of offerings. Provisions rose with hnss and heraiis. nf the bullish showing of warehouse stocks In Chicago. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. rinse. March ... 1.7 hi l.L'Tii t 1.27 $ l.-'7 May 1-215, 1.25 1.2454 1.14 , OATS. ' March .81U .824 .81", .82'4 May 7a .7U .7ST, .7'A PORK. May ..... 47.23 47.23 47.00 . 47.1S LARD. May 25.52 25.77 23.52 23.77 RIBS. May 24.80 24.80 24.60 24.80 RAMP FILES $15,000 BOND Time for Sentencing Roseburg . clalist Is Indefinite. So- FMnvrl Rnmn who was convicted in the FeSeral Court Friday for a violation of the espionage act, has furnished a ond for ,15,000 and is at liberty. The ureties on his bond are his father, B. F. Ramp, and C. W. Barzee. The time when sentence will be pro- ounced on Ramp, is rather indefinite. It depends entirely upon how soon the convicted man files his motion for a ew trial. Judge Wolverton has grant ed Ramp 10 days, dating from Friday, which to move for another trial. When this motion has been filed it will be placed on the motion calendar and will come before the court for argu- ent on the next Monday following. Sentence will be pronounced just as soon as the court has hty.rd and passed upon mis motion. Total gold held by banks... 815.883,000 G0.'nt:".h . . . 781 ..67,000 Gold redemption fund 19.472,000 Total gold reserve, 11.71 T.022.000 gal tender notes, allver. etc. 58.435,000 Legal tender notes. Tnt.l reservea IL775.457.O0O Bills discounted for members and Federal Reserve banks..! 806.778.000 Bllla Dougbt ia open maraei. . . .d,ow,w Total bill, on hand 896.583,000 U. S. Government long-term secuntiea . j,,.'vj tt. S. Government short-term securities 78.898.000 All other earning assets 3.803.000 Total -amlng assets Sl.033.020.000 Doe from other t ederal e serve banks, net Uncollected Items Total deduction from gross de posits - - Fiv. per cent redemption fund I . !-. I XJ...CV. h.nlr gm . uu . ........ not. - All other resource 44.456,000 321,994.000 366,430,000 537,000 559.000 Total resource 3,17.023.000 Liabilities Capital paid ta 3 72,620.000 Surplua 1.134,000 Government deposits 132,790.000 Due to members, reserve ac count ,.IH.M.WP Collection Items 191.2o3.000 Other deposits. Including for eign government credit 51.769.000 Total cross deposit . .31,854,486,000 Federal Reserve note In actual circulation 31.236J01.000 Federal Reserve bank notes in circulation, net liability 8.OO0.0O0 All other liabilities 3.862,000 Total liabilities Ratio of gold reswrvea to net deposit and Federal Reserve not. liabilities combined. 63 per cent. Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve not. liabilities combined. 63.2 per cent. . Deerems. In 6nrplo Reserve. NEW XOKK. Feb. 2. Th actual con- MURDERER DRUG CRAZED Felipe Alvarez Kills Five and In Jures One in Drunken Frenzy. EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 2. A drug, to gether with cheap whisky, was today held responsible by Coroner J. M. Dea- ver for the death ot live ana tne wounding of a six person here late last ight. Felipe Alvarez, crazed from using the rug, shot and instantly killed the two mall sons of Mrs. Trinidad Lucero, wounded the mother and killed Police man Perea and Deputy City Tax Col lector Juan Jarca after barricading himself In his home in the Mexican uarter. Alvarez was killed when a harge of dynamite dislodged him from his refuge. Alliance to Hear Talks. American Alliance for Labor and Democracy will meet at Library Hall at 8 o clock Tuesday evening, February C. P. Howard, president of the Cen tral Labor Council, will preside. Dr. Joseph K. Hart, of Reed College, will address the meeting on "President Wil son as Spokesman of Democracy." The Dalles Man Is Suicide. THE DALLES. Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Bert Humphrey, a landscape gar-1 dener and all-around worker, employed by some of the residents of this city, committed suicide last night by using a butcher knife to cut his throat The cause of his act is unknown. He will be buried here. Cash prices were as follows: Corn. Nos. 2 and 3, nominal; No. 4 yel low. 51.66(1.70. Oats. .No. 3 white. S8fiK8c? etnnn.nT 88&S9c Rye. nominal. Barley, Jl.50ffl.73. Timothy, $5 fa 8.25. Clover, 32130. Pork, nominal. Lard, 325.77. t Ribs, 323.80iB25.05. Primary receipte Wheat. 521.000 vs. 4fiT.- 000 bu. ; corn, 1,113,000 vs. 781.000 bu. ; oats. 710,000 vs. 613.000 bu. Shipments Wheat. 56.000 vs. 538.000 bu. : corn, 461.0U0 vs. 651,000 bu. ; oats, 579.0OO vs. 400,000 bu. Clearances Wheat, 53.000 bu; corn, oats,, none; flour, 32,000 barrels. EXPORT TRADE IN OATS FALLS OFF Market Saga From Record Price Caused by. Shortage of Supplies. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Enlarged supplies of cars on Western roads, together with opti- . mlsm in regard to peace, gave an advan tage this week to the bear side of the corn market. Compared with a week ago, price this morning ranged from hie decline to sc advance Oats showed net losses vary in from a shade to lftc Provisions gained 37c to 95c. Notwithstanding that new storms and se vere cold low temperatures impaired rail road efficiency east of Chicago and tended to harden values in the corn market, tem porary shrinkage In industrial and shipping demand here acted as something of an off set and prevented any radical return In prices. By Thursday, leaders In the corn trade willingly put themselves on record as saying that improvement In the car situ ation west was becoming plain. Thereafter, prices almost uniformly sagged, and the" market was ruled largely by bearish In ferences as to likelihood of peace. After shortage of Immediate supplies had hoisted oats to new high price records for the season, the market reacted sharply. Shutting off of export demand was a no ticeable factor in bringing about declines. Peace chances and Government buvlna nut. strength Into provisions. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 2. Flu .1 1 ii 3.65. Barley, 1.501.78. Grain at San Francisco. " SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2. Knot tlons Feed barley. J3.10ii.l l.-, nr r.nt.i. white oats, 3353.05; bran, 35 per ton; mid dlings, 142&43; shorts, S38S39. ,au ooara Barley, May, S3 bid. Mrs. H. L. Parke, of Belgrade Tjilr.!L me., nas Knit av pairs of socks, 24 helmets and three pairs of wristlets since September 15, in addition to her household duties. Ship Your Cream to Us WE PAY CASH Sweet Cream, 58c lb. Butterfat Sour Cream, 56c lb. Butterfat SUNSET CREAMERY 281 First Street TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Walter Hinson, Ernest Farmer and Blakely Winston killed 90 alligators in Smothers Lake, Texas, in three days, counting those four feet and more in length. QVERBECK & COOKE GO. Brokara. Stacks. Bonda, Cottoa Grata. Eta. Z1S-217 BOAJU OF TJtADI 3Ua CHICAGO TRADE BO ABO OV Oorraspon dents of Letaa A Biya. Coicaso aad Mow York MEMBERS Kfr Tork Stock Fxehanaa Cbiraffo Stock Eicouft Boston Stock Exchange Cbicaco Board of Trado Ssr York Cotton Excbanaa has Orleans Cotton Excaaaaa lScw York Coffea Exchange New York Produos Kxcnansa aavarpooi Cottoa Asa'a. Independent S. S. Co. Direct for San Francisco Flrst-Claan MeaU and Berth Included. S. S. KILBURX Sailing 6 P. U Sunday, Feb. 3. Columbia Dock No. 1. Near Broadway Bridge. Tickets for Sale at Dock and 124 Third Phones, Broadway 620, . 6422. AUSTRALIA r Honolulu, 8uv,Wew Zaalar,! Kegnlar sailings from Vancouver, B. C, by tho Palatial PasHenger Hteamers of tbo Canadian-A nstnUUtn Royal Mail .Line. For full Information apply Can. Fac Bail-, way, 65 Tnlrd tit., Portland, or General As;ent, 440 beymour St.. Vancouver. B. C . 'teamship Gl I is Third St. Main z. J ALASKA Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau. Doorlas. HalniaT Skag-way. Cordova. Valdw, 8eward ana Ancnorn, -CALIFORNIA TTa Seattle or San Francisco to Lo. Angeles and San Diego direct. Largest ships, unetiualed service. low rate, in cluding berth and meal, lia. new vationa. m 107.0