TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD," FEBRUARY 3, 1918. .20 MARCH SLATED TO HEAD ARMY STAFF JUDGE IRELAND'S ARMY-NAVY . CLUB AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE TO AID WAR GARDENING DURING 1918 CAREER IS CLOSED Professor G. B." Boquet Prepares Bulletin on Home Vegetable Garden- Failures During 1917 Attributed to Lack of Practical fcxpenence. TRIO OF FOREST GROVE CHURCHES, WHICH MAY SOON GIVE PLACE TO CONSOLIDATION IN ONE CONGREGATION. S" : " -rTTei-r. ZU Tn .a'I N. HEARS COMPLETION Passing of Well-Known and Honored Oregon Attorney Occurs at Salem. DEATH COMES SUDDENLY 'tier. Clerk of fcaprrnw Conrt inl lt Vnn of Mf', Was Ii-tln ;l-h"d Mrnibrr of Orrgon Bar and total Cltlicn. Vt-EM. Or- Feb. I. .pK-taL) Jntlu rwir Moreland. 73 year old. a l-rfc ff th Orn tuprem Court nc June it. !:. tld at hi bom n IMi rur at 3 2 o'ekxk Ihi morn- tnf. fata w sudden and dua to lou.-alau of tha heart. Jadco Mar land attended to Mi official dutlra aa aa.ul yratvrday and retired la.C nlafiit apparently in hi uiu health- Ila ftwoh rty in th morntnc complain ing; of fttnc badly and dd aoon alter. Juttc Mraland mi admitted to tha bar la this state September C. IX. A f' ;n an tha bar of Oracon ban ati.tad ls of tha practicing attorn. r whnaa memortaa could hark Nartt to tha early "r"i. A. Itolph. I:ilm II-fix-hard Wi:iiam. . L. Willis. J r. Mor.land and II. II. North up. Juds Morelaad araa tha fifth of tha i attorney to die. IL 1L .Northup au-l surviving. Jdsea Fat ber iWr. Jud- Moretand'a father was ItT. Jraa Mor.Und. a plour Matbodlal preacher of uncon. aho broucbt bla (amllT arroas tha pUlna In liii. Al- IrtouaTh a preacher, b took up other pnraulta to sain a livelihood and l IJ.4 oft a farm In Clackamaa County. Jads Moreland. who bora Jun I. It II. in Smith County. Teuacaec. m year old when be waa brought across ih plain with bis par ents. Y blta atdinar hla father to clear hla farm be attended tt'houl for three months of tha year, la April. !. b went to I'ortiand. whera he was em ployed In tho cvm poems -room of tha urrcon Farmer, working thers for threa and on-ha'f years. Ila later at tended tha I'ortiand Ad--my. srad uafins from there In 1 and for six week. In Mt. he had rhers of tha hr.te rrtntinc uffiro at Melem. After hia sraduatton he took up tha study of law. After hie adml.etoo to tha r be Went to Uolae. Halo, where h was employed aa a printer on the liolea etaman for a year. Return ing to I'ortiand. be acted aa foreman aa The oreganian for a tints. eaka r. t aalew Partner. Prior to being- admitted to tha bar In ajrecoa la ! ha had been admit led to practice In Washington and 'Idaho. In lece ruber, lit, he formed a partnership with John r. Capias, under the firsn name of Copies 4k More land, the partnership continuing for i years. Judtt Mor.Iand wae appointed Coun ty Judare of Multnomah County by Gov arnor Moody m I's. and In ! ha waa elected to that office, which he held for four years more, lie waa sec retary of tha Republican Stat Central Commltteo from I., to hit, si member of tha I'ortiand City Council and Ci'.y Attorney of that city from j;r to in.-. II' was married July J. 17. at Colas. to Mm Abblc U. Kiln, who still sur vives him. Judge Morrland waa at 00s time president of the Orecon t'tonesrs' Association, waa a member of tha Port land Chapter, on of American Revo lution. and of the Mate Bar Associa tion, and for many years closely con nected with civic activities In Port land. Jawas flaMatlasat Maaoaa. Me held a prominent place In Masonry In tha stats, lis was first Initiated Into that order in October. I), when he tees me a member of Harmony Lodge, Net. 13. letter ha became a charter member of I'ortiand Lodge. No. Si. A. . and A. M . and hs waa master of that kdge. lT-7. In 1ST; he became at filiated with Portland Chapter. No. 1. li- A. M- of which be officiated as high priest In 1SJI-.S. lie joined Ore iron Commandery. No. t. Knights Tem plar. In U:. and during I9t and l was grand masttr of the grand lodge of Oregon, having previously served as grand orator, grand senior deacon and deputy grand master. lis Joined Al Kader Temple. N. it- tv. of Portland. In and Maaonry In Oregon baa had few more devoted followers than Judge Morrland. lie waa also a mem ber of the tike. Hs Is survived by his widow, three aone. Harvey. Portland: F.ldon W Port land, and Irving. Hood Klver. and two daughters. Mr. M.irk W. GUI, Portland. and Mrs. Cheater A. Moore, a!em. The funeral will be held st Portland Monday afternoon at o'clock at ths Vasonlc Tempt. The Masons will have charge. Tn Rev. H. N A vt son. pastor of the First Mrtbodiet Church of taiem. will also preach a short sermon al the funeral In Portland. fssiiffr MakM lfastrt. Governor Wlthyrombo midt th fol ttj.tmant txSx on tb drath of Jurt Morland: "I w cr(Fx ahock4 to te-m of t uiin dth of my old frtend, Juis J. C. McrcUfid. had bn tc uinti4 wtth htm for boat 4 yert nd J m.mmy r--jkjrnli--d In h-m on of th hiht typ of AiTifrtriB cttln tr H wa thnrooarhlr dpn Bi tb inAt d-vutd if frlendfl. Whn I firt becam acojttntcd ltb htrn h 'Va.j on of tho younccr -mctirlnc hwjtft tn Fort. and and rococaued a mm wttb the bnchtt of pro-epcta In tnt frttrrHy. ft had kfn pr- r-jtion, a p.nn.id mind and linear th rds of th ataco la which ha lived aU.oroatfa.tr " DAIRY INDUSTRY SUBJECT rx-atoa Farmers Called to Meet Coe-tallls t Tharxlay. In COTtVALLtS. Or. Feb. (Special ITenton County dairymen have been railed by a'oun'jr Aarent Kable to meet tn Corvall s on Thursday afternoon. Ivbruary 7. to dlcu problems con 9rctd with the business and to en vurag trior people to ntr the tn a) it try. The question as to whether milk should be enl to the condenaorie f tat the crvamery will be up for dls CJatloa. It Is alleged that the rondeasoriss ar making It Impossible to rale calves or bigs as lb fanners do not gel back t&cir skint milk. Mrs. M. G. Goldstein Resigns. Mrs. Mocroe G. Goldstein has resigned It Deputy County Clerk and will devote 1 T time to patriotic war work. Mrs. Mldstetn. who wss formerly Melissa I attrson. haa been a Deputy County C'rrk for the past five years. Her t lands in the office presented her with a cut glass toilet set as a token of jlr' friendship. 1 --;": -r-T7nUTtmjJ 1 . v I II 1 e,r w c J. A , ! i III U l.U liiri- J. - -i-, rl fr ' ' "" jf?Zn7-. ' '- J.S1-" - - & Church. -TTSv v 1 .j if 11 11 w .n r y. M J x 1 v y. : f. v t iii' - - . . . RHHRRH IIFJinrJ IIPI UIIUIIUII UIIIUII UI. Forest Grove : Congregations Discussing Merger. WAR ECONOMY IS MOTIVE Community plan FroTldes for the Individuality of Ceremony Now Prevailing, but Unifies '. Religious Effort. Forest Grove. In Washington County, may be flrst among the cities and towns of America to adopt tha community church plan or. at least, a temporary modification of th wiaeiy-aiscusseu re form. Three churches are concerned, in xne proposed affiliation. the Methodist KpiscopaU the Consreaationat ana aa Christian. Two are w-iUiout ministers at present, and election of pastors Is belnc delayed while the plan of union Is discussed. Aa a meaaur of-war- time economy tha trlnle union was Oral broached by the Korest Urove Brotherhood, an or- a-anlsatton romrtrlsed of members or all three congregations, and concerned in the aortal and civic advancement of the town. The brotherhood haa prepared recom mendations for the consideration of the church trustee, providing for the union In ore pastorate, without sac rifles Of doctrinal principles, and with due con sideration to forms of ceremony -that the Individual congregatlona preXer to retain. The anion. If It should be favorably actert upon by the church trustee, will be for the duration of the war only, yet In all esaentlsls is similar to the com munity church plan which has been frequently suggested as an' economical measure of permanency. Korest Grove church-goers are not certain that the plan will be adopted. There Is opposition to It amors" tha1 THEDA BARA COMPARES WELL WITH FAMOUS VAMPIRE QUEEN Wrll-Know Vampire of Screen Is Near-Counterpart of Cleopatra' Por trayed in Play of That Name Coming Soon.' HAT "th female of the spoct I more desdly than th mala" has not been successfully contradicted to date. Iter ar the dimensions of three ot th deadliest. Take your choice. One haa been dead alnce -0 R. C. One was notMng but a statue, anyway. The third is very much' alive. Inst. Ancient Myth. Heirbt 3. ft In. Neck . 14.1 In. Want 11 Jin. Hip ln- Shoulders - 41.1 in. Upper arm.......... ....M.S in. Forearm .,....,.,.-,- - Chest It.t-ln. Foot length In. Ths Venus d Mllo was built for en durance, not for speed. When It Is re mem be red that the goddnsa represent ed beauty and growth In nature, pri marily, and not human love, ona con cludes that the statue of a substantial -mother- build was chlsxled for a gar den or temple ornament.' Taee-a Bar. 5creen Queen of Vampires. Uci.-ht .u....: S ft. I in. alder clement, though the younge members of the congregation ars for It. DIVORCED WIFE REPROVED Rebuke Accompanies" Decree Judge Tucker's Court. in ' Although confident that James SI mons - had been guilty of extreme cruelty, at the same time. Circuit Judge Tucker yesterday declared, his wife, Margaret Simons, had done mu to aggravate Simons' quarrelsome dis position. The court awarded Mrs. Si mons a divorce and $30 a month In permanent alimony. Tha case was con tested earlier in the week.. b'lmooa alleged., from th witness stand that onone occasion his wife cut up poison oak leaves and hid them In his nightshirt. He "made other charges of cruelty. It was the sixth divorce suit in which they had figured against each other. Dora Key. In a suit filed yesterday, seeks - a . divorce from James Key on grounds of extreme cruelty. They were married In la 35 and have three minor children. The plaintiff asks for JCO month in permanent alimony for their support. TRAIN HITS YOUNG MAN W. Hill, Employe of Vnlon Fuel Company, Taken to Hospital. TV. Hill, a young man who lives at Grand, avenue and Taylor street,-was hit by a Southern Pacific Electric train at Fourth and Montgomery streets at o'clock last night and sustained In juries which caused him to be sent to Good Samaritan Hospital. He .was crossing the tracks and apparently did not realise the train was so close. Ills Injuries Include cuts and bruise, with possible Internal. 'injuries- about the chest. Mr. Hill Is an employe of the Union Fuel Company and is married. Complaint to Be Investigated. OTtEGOXIAX NEWS BUREAU. Wash Insrton. Feb. I. The Secretary of the Treasury will Investigate a complaint filed br Senator Chamberlain of the failure to deliver liberty bonds to Ore gon purchasers. Neck . . . 14.5 In. Sn.l in. 40 In. 41.3 in. ;"' "'; .I'll' I'pperarm 15.9 in. Forearm 9.8 in. Chest S4. tin Foot length; ' 8 9 ln- iTheda Bars. It Is observed. Is nearly' tha counterpart in form. If not in looks, of the famous Egyptian queen por trayed in "(Cleopatra." who was the daughter of Ptolemy XIII. Aulctes and the last of tha Cleopatra. -a . Cleepatra. The Vampire 'Queen- ' Height 5 ft. S In. Neck 13.7 In. Waist. ' '. -9.J in. Hips 33 in. Shoulders' 40.0 in. Upper arm 15.0 in. Forearm' ..................... 9 5 In chest ... v 32.4 in. Foot length 9.5 In. Cleopatra was tall, slender, hd com paratively small feet .and (by infer ence) small bands. Sh was modeled, no doubt, on the long, graceful lines of the thoroughbred. She was a creature of "Imperious will, masculine boldness, relentless ambition.' ' Enlisted Men to Be Cared For by War Camp Community Service Committee. FURNITURE IS ASKED FOR Portland Residents Called Upon to Contr'bute Piano, Tables, : Up . liolstered Chairs, Phonograph ' and Other Essential Articles. Within 10 days or two weeks the Army and Navy Club of Portland, de signed for the convenience and free accommodation for privates in the mil itary arms of the Nation, will be opened in the Royal building,' on Morrison street between Broadway and Park street. The club haa been provided by the general committee of the War Camp Community Service, of which Emery Olmstead is chairman. The funds are derived from a part of the money raised during the T. M. C. A. and Fosdlck Commission fund recent drives. ' The committee has no intention, how ever, of spending mone for any more than the essentials of the club, and a general appeal is sent out to Port land residents to donate furniture or lend it for fitting the clubrooms. Up holstered chairs, rugs, phonograph, piano, tables and similar equipment are needed. Charles F. Berg is In charge of the committee obtaining these do nations, and anyone willing to con tribute articles should call Mr. Berg or Charles Lloyd, local representative of the commission, at Main Cu4, or call at room .04. Northwestern Bank build ing, the headquarters of the work. Raon Well Adapted to Porpaae. The rooms engaged were formerly used as club and lodge rooms, snd In clude a large assembly-room, kitchen. canteen, library and shower bathrooms nd checkroom. The rooms are served by a front and rear elevator and stair way. The rooms are now being re juvenated and the formal opening will be held within the next two weeks The clubrooms will be open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock st night- Wells Gilbert Is chairman of the house committee and will be in direct charge. The club Is intended to be. a gather ing place and social center for pri vates in any military organisation; The rooms will Be entirely free, and the canteen will serve coffee end light lunches at cost. The Portland w ar Camp Community Service for wax recreation of soldiers and sailors is being organired In co operation with the War and Navy de partments. The general committee tn Portland Is composed of Mr. Olmstead, Charles F. Berg. L. C. Gilman. Mayor Baker. Eric V. Hauser. Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. A. K. Porter, Mrs. W. I Wood and Mr. Guy W. Talbot. Service Covers Bread Field. The community service covers a broad general field, and Mr. Lloyd, the personal representative of the War and Navy Department Commissions on Training Camp Activities, is giving ail of his time to the organization in an effort to stimulate Interest In Port land to supply the men In uniform those opportunities for friendship and recreation which "decrease the harsh ness and monotony of life away from home and which add to their mental and physical and moral well being. 'The committee Intends to act as clearing house and co-ordinating body for all endeavors made in behalf of the men in uniform and to open up all possible facilities of the city to them. Numerous committees have been named in Portland to work out the general scheme, and Mr. Lloyd said yesterday that generous co-operation was being given. Twelve active committees are now at work. The chairmen are as follows: Wells Gilbert, on clubrooms and fa cilities. Mrs. W. Jj. Wood, on home entertain ment, including the opening of private homes to soldiers for Sunday dinners and holidays. . Mrs. Ida V. Jontx. on women's and girls' committee to organize community clubs for social service work, including dietetics. Red Cross service, first aid tudy and domestic art. Krateraal Orders Will Help. Dr. A. K. Higgs, on .fraternal orders, working up special hospitality to sol diers at the hands of lodges and so cieties. Fred L. Boalt. on commercial amuse ments, to make observations of efforts of commercial amusement houses of en tertain soldiers and to secure special prices and other privileges to men In uniform. Charles F. Berg, on publicity, to ob tain publicity for needed moves and to n form -the- localities from which the soldiers come ot the hospitality of ortland. Robert Krohn, on athletics, to obtain athletic facilities, to get clubs and wimmtng tanks opened to private sol dlers and to arrange meets and pro grammes. L. R. Alderman,' on educational mat ers. Including lectures, lessons In 'rencb and English, speakers for the camps and general educational co operation for the soldiers. Miss Mary Frances Jsom, on llhrary facilities, to procure books and cater to the reading Interests of the enlisted men. Mrs. Thomas Car risk Burke, on music nd dramatic programmes. Including 11 manner of entertainment, lectures and performances. C. M. Menzles. on seeing Portland. rranglng for sightseeing tours and making financial arrangements for trips at moderate prices to men In uni form. Judge Robert Tucker, on free legal dvlce. SCHOOLS REPORT INCREASE Second Term -Enrollment 2000 Above That of Tear Ago. Over 2000 more pupils were enrolled In the Portland schools with ths com mencement of the second term of the ear than were enrolled at the begin ing of the second term last year. There were 31.724 rearlstered last Mon day, as compared with 29.526 last year. Of th high schools, the High School of Commerce shows the greatest In crease, with more than twice as many students registered this year. Jeffer son High School has the largest num ber of freshmen. 303 being registered. Franklin Is second, with 316. and Wash ington a close third, with-207. Benson Polytechnic gets 179, Lincoln 150. High School of Commerce 128, James John 3 and the Polytechnic School for Girls More than 90 per cent of the 1449 elementary graduates entered -high schools, ,he..tutal..btiiii;X3y,.w, , REGON AGRICULTURAL COL- Corvallis, Feb. I. (Spe cial.) The time for the war gar dener to begin work Is near at hand and plans for gardens already are un der way in many homes. This season the war garden will be a serious con sideration, due to the fact that so much wheat and meat have been released for war purposes, reducing the home sup ply. Many of the enthusiastic garden ers of last Spring are not anxious to try the vegetable raising plan next sea son. To combat this feeling and to give advance information on war garden planning. G. B. Bouquet, of Oregon Agricultural College, has prepared a bulletin on the "Home Vegetable Gar den." Other bulletins on the actual growing of vegetables will be issued when the season for that work arrives. Many Gardens Kail. . The factors which caused amateur gardeners to fail last year in pro ducing norma crops are many, says Mr. Bouquet- Many people planted without knowledge of how to garden. The past year's training will prove valuable this year. Unfavorable wea ther conditions last season were dis couraging. No definite planting plans, the selection of unsuitable ground and the lack of fertilizer, were factors which contributed much to the failures. The seed supply of 1918 is unusually low because of the reduction of foreign crop Importation, excessive buying of seed last year, and unfavorable seed crop weather conditions. Many Inex perienced gardeners bought too much seed for their backyard plots. Garden ers should realize this shortage and estimate the quantities of seed needed and should plant carefully to prevent loss of seedling plants by excessive thinning. Fertiliser Held Keeeeaary. Last Spring city gardeners endeav ored to grow bumper crops on ash heaps, and other unsuitable tracts. In most instances the seeds gave up the struggle after a short period and the garden was a failure. Few garden areas will produce satisfactory crops without the addition of fertilizer. To be of good quality vegetables must THRIFT DAY TODAY Objects Will Be Set Forth at Auditorium Meeting. IDEALS WILL BE EXPLAINED Oregon War Savings Stamp Organi zation to Make Public Acquainted With Government's Objects In Coming Campaign. Thrift, particularly as to its practice at this time as a patriotie'duty in con nection with the Government's war savings stamp campaign, will be the subject of discussion at a mass meeting at the Public Auditorium at 2:30 o'clock today in observance of National Thrift day. It is the desire of the Oregon war savings stamp organization to make the public acquainted with the Govern ment's aims and ideals in the thrift campaign. The campaign is to last until December 31, 1918, and though the raising of 32,000.000 for war-winning purposes is one of the ultimate objects in view, Oregon's share of the fund being 317,000,000, the National thrift organization places in importance before the financial end the awakening of a war-consciousness and the spirit of co-operation and the inculcation of habits of thrift. Ideal to Be Studied. The Ideal rather than the material Istic purposes of the campaign will be especially considered at today s meet ing. There will be no charge of admis sion, no collection will be taken, and no sales solicitation will be made. K. B. McNaughton, chairman of Con gressional District No. 1, in the Y. S. S. organization, will preside. Brief ad dresses will be made by Rev. E. H. Mc- Collister, dean of St. Stephens pro. Cathedral, Episcopal; Rev. V. W Toungson, district superintendent of the M. E. Church; Rev. K. H. Pence, "of W estminster Presbyterian Church Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, of Congregation Beth Israel; Rev. Father Cartwrigl t, of the Catholic Church, and K. A. Brown for the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Fredrick W. Goodrich will play a number of selections on the pipe organ, and there will be other music, including vocal solos and a quartet. "There is still some lack of appreel ation tn the public mind as to what the War Savings Stamp campaign really Is. says Henry E. Reed, chair man of the civic-military committee of the War Savings Stamp organization, "and National Thrift day has been se lected throughout the Nation as a fit ting time at which to set forth the real objects of the propaganda." Churches to Observe Day. The mass meeting at the Auditorium will be a continuation of the thrift services to be held at many local churches this morning. Sales of war savings stamps in Ore gon are increasing steadily. Word was received at campaign headquarters-Saturday that J. M. Han naford, president of the Northern Pa cific Railroad system, has made ar ran tcemen ta so that travelers over Northern Pacific lines, "including branches, from St. Paul to the Pacific Coast, may purchase war savings stamps and thrift stamps from company agents at all stations. Nearly 800 additional selling stations will be Inaugurated as a result of Mr. Hannaford's arrangements. PERSONALMENTION. ; J. S. Keller, of Eugene, is at the Nor ton la. Pansy S. Mee, of Baker, Is at the Eaton. A. H." Hart, of Aurora, is at the Seward. Jerry De Sart, of Sllverton, is at the Perkins. J. S. McRae, of Eugene, Is at the Portland George Britton, Seattle, Wash., is at the Ritz. R. H. Sawyer, of Eugene, Is at ths Cornelius. . Ora G. Garrigue, of Banks, Or., Is at the Eaton. L. C. Turner, of Taeoma, Wash., Is at the Oregon. F. A. Bemarks, of Seattle, Wash, . is at the Ritz. . ' E. K. Houston, of Seattle, Wash., Is at the Carlton. FraaK. Clark anil.ilrfi. ,CUrk or e- OREGON LEGE. ciaLl 1 grow rapidly. Hardwood ashes can be used If not in sufficient quantity to make the soil alkaline and worthless. A fertilizer roaybe made of 3 per cent nitrogen. per cent phosphoric acid and S-Z per cent potash. This may be used at the rate of 6 to S pounds to the square rod. . Seed Suggestion Offered.- Professor Bouquet has prepared a list of vegetables for the. home gardien of 100-foot row. The list and amounts of seed can readily be adjusted to lndi vldual gardens. It follows: , . Vegetable Horticultural Variety. Beans, nap Wax, Davis wax. kidney wax, 1 pound:' green. Refugee, stringiest green pod. 1 pound: pole. Lazy v lie. Ken. tucky Wonder. Dickenson Yount, 1 pint lima, Oregon pole lima, 1 pound. Beets Early Model, Detroit Dark Red, ounces. Broccoli St. Valentine, 1 packet. Brussels sprout Perfection. 1 packet. Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield. Copen hagen Market, Glory. All Seasons, Danish Ball Hei.d. Giant Green Savoy, 1 packet. Carrot Chantenay, ounce. Cauliflower Snowball, Danish Giant Dry Weather, Autumn Giant, 1 packet. Celery Golden self-blanching. h ounce. Chard. Swiss Lucullos. 2 ounces. Corn, sweet Portland Market, Golden Bantam, Howling Mob. 1 pint. Chinese cabbage Wong Bok. H ounce. Cucumber Davis Perfect, Boston Pick ling. H' ounce. Eggplant Black Beauty, H ounce. Kale Dwarf Scotch Curled. 1 packet. Kohl-rabl While Vienna, 1 packet. Lettuce, head Spring and Fall, May King, Big Boston. New York; Summer, Han. son. Iceberg, 6 ounce. Mustard Fordhook Fancy, H ounce. Onion seed Yellow Globe Danvers, Aus tralian Brown. 1 ounce. . - Onion sets Yellow Globe Danvers, Aus tralian Brown, 2 pounds Parsley Dwarf Moss Curled, 1 packet. ParsnlD Hollow Crown. ounce. Peas Early Morn, Laxtonian, Telephone, 1-1 pounds. Peppers Chinese Giant, Neapolitan, packet. Pnmnkin Winter Luxury. t4-t onnce.- Radlsb Scarlet Globe, Hailstone, White Icicle. 1 ounce. Salsify Mammoth Sandwich Island, ounce. KDlnach Victoria, Longstanding. 1 ounce. Sauash Summer. Crookneck: Winter, de Helmut. ounce.' Tomato Bonny Best, Jewel, : Perfection, Rtnn 1 narket. Turnip White Egg, White Milan. . leuow Globe, H ounce. ' attle. Wash., are registered at the Cor nelius. - Ora Barrett, of Mountain Home, is at the Carlton.' Mrs. Henry Toott, of Pendleton, "Is at the Seward. A. Sussman, of Seattle, Wash., is at the Perkins. Clem W. West, of Hood River, is at the Imperial. J. S. Kellv and Mrs. Kelly are at the Nortonia. W. Pollak, of Albany, is registered at the Oregon. Bernice Balconn, of Medford, is at the Multnomah- William Robertson, of Butte, Mont, Is at the Oregon. W. F. Turner, of San Francisco, Gal., is at the Carlton. S. A. Kennedy, of Minneapolis, Minn., Is at the Portland. Mrs. Anna King, of Baker, is regis tered at the Eaton. F. Millis" Wong, of San Francisco, CaL, is at the Eaton. C. L. Hubbard, of Dallas, is regis tered at the Perkins. C. F. Graves, of Enterprise, is regis tered at the Imperial. Wilbur S. Sharp, of San Francisco, Cal., is at the Perkins. B. J. Larkln, of Madison, Wis., is reg istered at- the Portland. Collins W. Elkins. a. banker of Prine ville, is at the Portland. Al W. Cameron, of Chicago, 111., is registered at the Seward. W. M. Hatton, of Spokane, WTash registered at the Oregon. Iceland B. Erwin, of Tillamook, registered at the Seward. H. E. Crane, of Klamath Falls, registered at the Carlton. is is is A. F. Coots, of Seattle. Wash., is reg istered at.- the Multnomah. Mrs. Orville Billings, of Tacoma, Wash., is at the Nortonia. H. L. Boyd and Mrs. Boyd, of Seattle, Wash., are at the Multnomah. James Kyle, the Mayor of the city of Stanfield, is at the Imperial. G. E. Perringer and Mrs. Perringer, of Pendleton, are at the Benson. C. H. Willis and Mrs. Willis, of Se attle. Wash., are. at the Cornelius. Claud Hampton and Mrs. Hampton, of Pendleton, are at the Multnomah. S. S, Duff and Mrs. Duff, of Kalama, Wash., are registered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Reckers, White Salmon. Wash., are registered at the Nortonia. Captain W. Carlin and Mrs. Carlin, of Camp Lewis, Wash., are at theBitz W. P. O'Brien, of Astoria, who Is en gaged in shipbuilding there, is at the Benson. N. J. Blagan, one of the "Big S" lumber operators of Hoqulam, Wash., is at the Benson. John J. Henricks, of the Oregon Ag ricultural College, Corvallis, is regis tered at the Ritz. Roy F. Bishop, one of the Bishop Brothers, proprietors of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, at Pendleton, is regis tered at the Imperial. S. D. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks, of Vancouver, B. C, are. registered at the Benson. Mr. Brooks is one of the largest paper manufacturers In the provinces. G. C. Haworth, who for five years has been the manager of the Hotel Mallory of this city, has resigned, his resigna tion to take effect March 1. He has no matured plans, save a well-earned vacation, for the future. RECALL UP TO COMMITTEE Taxpayers to Investigate Before for Election, . Asking ROSEBTJRG, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) M3. W. Strong, president of the local Taxpayers' League, - today announced the committee to investigate alleged grounds for a recall directed against the County Court. The - committee is composed of W. C. Edwards, Drain; J W. Wise, Toncalla; A. F. Stearns, Oakland, H F. Wells, Riddle; Remmlck Fate, - Myrtle Creek; B. R. Banning, Deep Creek, and E. L. Parrott, Rose- burg. This committee will report its findings to the Taxpayers' League on February 9. Engineers "Meet Tomorrow. The Oregon Society of Engineers will bold its -annual meeting at the University Club tomorrow night. One of the principal events of the meeting Is a dinner that starts at 6 P. M. An nouncement of the - result of the bal loting for the election of officers will be made. ' Free Lecture Tonight. A free lecture will be given by Evangelist Hayward this evening at the K. P Hall at 7:45, Alder and Elev enth street. This is the fourth of his series of studies in the prophecies and their relations to the events of the day I uo 1 27 -Jth the war, the strikes and the general unrest, Major-General Now in France to Return to U. S. and Have . Title: as Acting .Chief. PERSHING!S .WORD AWAITED Officer at Present in Charge of Ar . tlllery of American Expedition ary Forces and Making ... . . .Excellent! Record. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Speeding un of general staff activities is expected to follow the appointment of Major General Peyton C. March as acting Chief of Staff of the Army, announce ment of which depends only on advices from General Pershing that the officer can be spared from his duties as chief of artillery of the expeditionary forces. Secretary Baker would not discuss his plans today, but it is known that he has determined upon General March the most suitable officer to take over the work of this important post. General Bliss, the staff chief, will re main in France as the permanent rep resentative of the United States. on tho supreme war council, which determines policies to be carried out on the vari ous fronts. Both officers and civilians who have returned from France recently have brought back word of the impression General March had created by tho energy and skill displayed in organiza tion of his branch of the service under General Pershing. Pershlns Thought to Approve. Private messages from France have indicated that the American commander approves the selection and will not block General March's appointment, but so far as is known, no official reply has come from General Pershing. Coming from many months of close contact with the fighting fronts in France, General March will be able to put into his task as head of the Army all the knowledge he has acquired- Ho is reputed by his fellow-officers to ba a man of quick decisions, a quality re garded as vital in a successful chief of of staff. Upon him rests the burden of seeing to it that -the various bureaus of tho department, as well as the line officers of the Army, work out their problems in harmony. Important Matter Clogged. During the time General Bliss and his predecessor, Major-General Hugh L. Scott, were absent on foreign missions there has been a tendency for impor tant matters to become clogged in tha general staff office. It has been diffi cult to get final decision on even ur gent matters. General March Is 53 years old. and was born in Pennsylvania, from which state he went to the military academy. He was attached to the artillery branch continuously, with the excep tion of duty-as Major and later as Lieutenant-Colonel of volunteer infan try in 1899-1901 for Philippine service. General March commanded the Astor battery in the Spanish-American War. He was graduated from the- artillery school . with high marks in 1898 and served on the general staff from 1903 to 1904. During the Russo-Jp.panese war he was military observer for the United States Army, with the Japa nese troops. The qualifications of General March for duties have been highly spoken of by orticers of General Perehinsr s staff. Secretary Baker is known to have had under consideration for some time tho urgent necessity of putting a young and vigorous man at the bead of the staff to co-ordinate all the military branches of the Army. Blddle to Continue Assistant. Major-General John Biddle, assistant chief of staff, and now acting chief. In the absence of General Bliss, will con tinue as assistant as far as is known. Army officers see in the appointment of General March promise of a moro thorough uniting of all War Depart ment agencies than has been possible heretofore, owing to the peculiar situ ation in. which the general staff has found itself ever since the entrance of the United States into the war. When the war began Major-General Scott, chief of staff, was promptly de tached for duty in Russia with the Root commission. General Bliss, as his assistant, took over the work, but did not succeed to . the title of chief of staff until General Scott's retirement. Almost. immediately, after his elevation to that post he was in turn detached to go to Europe and has not since functioned, as chief of staff. It is an open secret at the War Department that there has been a lack of carefully organized staff work due to this situ ation. 0TAT0 BREAD IS LIKED State Penitentiary Uses One-Third Tnbers With Good Success. SALEM, Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.) Warden Murphy, of the State Peniten tiary, stated today that the prison bread used by the convicts Is now and has been for some time manufactured with one-third potatoes. This makes a most excellent ana wholesome -bread," said the warden. We all like it. It is a great increase over the percentage of potatoes gener ally used in the making of bread with potato flour." . ... . Summit Woman Burled. The funeral of Mrs. Sina' M. Savage was 'held at Summit, Or., on January 8. Mrs. Savage was the daughter of Samuel and Ruth King, of Kingston, Linn County, 'Or. She was born there on June 8, 1867, and died at her home ear Summit' on January 26, at the age of 60 years. 7 months and 13 days. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband. Charles A. Savage; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Holt, of .Blackrock, and Mrs. Rose Rlggs. of Aumsville, Or., and six broth ers. William King, Samuel King, Jr., and George King, of Kingston, Or. ; J. J. King, of Salem: Noah King, of Ethel, Wash., and T. J. King, of Port- land. War- Bread to - Be Demonstrated. Miss Elizabeth Reed, director of dwelling halls at Reed College and domestio science expert, will give a lecture, and. demonstration- of the making of - war breads in the audi torium of the Meier & Frank store at 3:30. Wednesday afternoon. She will be assisted by a practical baker and will prepare many delightful foods. - The demonstration, which is given in connection-with the work of the food ad ministration, is open to all interested persons and housewives especially are urged to attend. More than 70 members of the facul ty of the University of Chicago are now in the war service. Of this number are of professional rank and Include tae.pibiueati(. Uie-univeraitx,