The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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If Fuel Situation Improves This
Veek, One-Day Closing Or
der Will Be Revoked.
iMacing of Fort her Restrictions on
rrelcht Shipments Will Be Got
erncd by Weather Conditions,
Which Arc 'ot Promising.
WASHINGTON. Feb. I Railways to
day received Instructions from the rati
road administration to take every ad
vantage cf the usual Sunday Industrial
shutdown and the forced suspension
Monday seder ths tost economy ordsr
to mors coal to ths Mir consuming cen
ters la ordsr to accumulate small rs
serves against possible emergencies.
If ths ral'.road situation then Improrn
th Monday closing ordrr probably will
fee revoked.
Railroad administration officials had
wnder consideration trie Imposition oC
other embarsoea than thoe now In ef
I'cl offtct:iy on three Eastern trunk
lines, as substitute measures for the
fuel economy order.
Some further restrictions on accept
ance of general freight may be made.
It was Intimated, although ths princl
pal determining factor will be ths
weather la tbe next few days.
LaewsMtleva Frsjeets rest.
Utile hope waa gathered from to
day's weather. In Northern New Tork
states It was so cold that engines stop
plng to take aster fross to the tracks
and It took flee other locomotlrsa to
pull ttem lose.
In West Virginia the overflowing of
streams hampered ths baultng of emp
ty ears to the mines and lbs with
drewal of loads.
President Wilson's arproval of ths
restoration to entry and purchase, on
dr ths coal land laws, of nearly 140.00s
acres of withdrawn coal land In North
eastern Montana, south of the Missouri
River, adjacent to the Fort Peck reser
vation, was announced bers today.
A large area la thoe made available
for the opening of coal mines to relieve
ths coal shortage. early a:l the land
la underlaid with one or mors beds of
Oil te lte Takes Over.
The Oovemment today took ths final
stpe toward taking over administra
tion of the fuel oil Industry. By Presi
dential proclamation to be Issued soon
ths Industry will bs placed nnder the
t uel Administration and bs conducted
sndr license.
CWAHA. F'b, J With li carloads
of roal In the Fnrtlrg'on railroad
yArds. Omaha Is practlrelty out of roal
and the city facea an Imminent fuel
Rat: road officials say the coal Is
burled on sidetracks end that thsir
switch engines nrs neither numerous
nor In good repair. The railroad says
It hsa difficulty getting switch crews
to work during cold weathrr.
h nlaiUcI uh ratffbty aarrtficea for
than oq be-half of thatr allies; whn
trod P-iirtmn neutrality underfoot
n(J thought England wnntd tnd and
lHk on: at the ttme of th debit Tea
about universal er when prac
tically irry Gfrmin. tvfn In the hlh
t poltttral cirri. ai rdy to wi(r
k. a, S e. n, I. fc. e. ,nt.. SI
assess, tun v w vwtu rw em it wi u lii; ll 1 1 J
England sooner than any general ac
ceptance of conscription: and coming
down to more recent events, when the
latest huge British wsr loar provided
the only fit and proper answer to Ger
soan frighlfulnsss at sea.
elaalal Peltry Criticised.
Lt me here say a word on the sub
ject of colonist policy, on which I msy
perhaps bs allowed to speak with
certain amount of authority after ex
tended travel In the farthest cornera of
Africa, and from an Intimate, personal
knowledge of Germans, aa well as Eng
Ilsh and French colon lea Germany has
lees colonial territory then the older
colonists, it Is tnn. It Is also true
tbat Uie German struggls for ths most
widespread, the most intensive and
lucrative employment cf the energies
ana capabilities of our highly devel
oped rommrcll land Is Justified.
But at the risk of being dubbed as
absolutely lacking In patriotism, I
should like to point out that In Ihs
first place the resources we bad at
our disposal In our own colonial ter
ritory In tropical and sub-tropical
Africa, little exploited as thy then
were, would have amply sufficed for
our commercial needs and colonising
capacities though possibly not for our
aspirations after world power. And.
secondly, ths very liberal character of
England a trade and colonial policy did
not hinder os In any way from reach
ing the top of the commercial tree
oven in foreign colonlea
Anyone who knows English colonies
knows that ths rirttlsh government,
wherever It has been possible to do
so politically, that Is. la all her colo
nies which are already properly or
ganised and firmly established aa flrit
isfi. baa aiwaa met In a most gen
erous and sympathetic way German,
and. ind-el any foreign, trade or other
enterprise. .Hew firms, with German
capital, wrre received with open arms,
their c:ienc ar i value for the young
country heartily recosniied and un
grtidsrinclT encourai-ed. not the sllsht
set shadow of any Jealousy of foreign
undertakings roe Id ever exist in a
rirtttsa colony, and every German could
b as sure aa an Englishman himself
of being Justly treated In ever) way
nd encouraged In ths most generous
iifitoa in nts worn.
tusuuimi or t.ermans otherwise
IhorougMy Imbued wits ths national
spirit maae no secret cf (bs fact that
ny wouio rar rather live in a Hrltun
than a German colony. Too often In
the latter the newcomer was met at
every poirt t-v in nttrlJ bnreaa-
craey and mads to feel by soms offl- I
elal that hs was not a reserve officer. .
and consequently a social Inferior.
Hints wers dropped to dlscourags him.
and Inquiries were even made as to
whsther hs hsd enough money to book
his passage back to wbsra ha cams
Grave Mistakes Mads.
Far bs It from me to wish to deprl-
clate by these words ths value of
oar own colonial efforts. As pioneers
In Africa, we were working on ths
very best possibls line, but wa abould
have been content to go on learning
front ths much superior British colo
nlal methods, and should havs finished
snd perfected our own domain Instead
of always shouting Jealousy about
other people's. I am quits convinced
thst another ten years of undisturbed
peaceful competition and Germany,
with her own very considerable
colonial possessions on ths one hand,
and ths possibility on tbs other of
pushing commercial enterprise on ths
highest seals not only In Independent
overseas states but under ths benefi
cent protection of English rula with
Its trus freedom and real furtherance
of trade "uplift- would have reached
her goal much better than by means
of ait the sword-rattling weltpolitilc
Of the Pan-Germans.
It 4s trus that In territory not yet
properly organised or guaranteed, po
litically still doubtful, and In quits new
protectorates. especially along ths
routes to India, where vital English
Interests are at stake, and on the
much-talksd-of Persian Gulf. England
could not, until ber main object was
fiimly secured, meet In ths same fair
way German destrss with regard to
commercial activity. And there she has
more than ones learned to her cost
the trus character of ths German
That la the real meaning, at any rats
so far as colonial politics are con
cerned of the German-English conteat
for a "place In the sun. No ons who
understands It aright could ever con-
dona ths outgrowths of our weltpoli
tik. however much bs might desire to
assist German ability to find practical
outlet In all suitable overseas territory,
nor could hs ever forget the wealth of
wonderful deeds, wrought In the serv
ice of human civilization and freedom.
Englishmen can place to their credit
years bsfors wo sver began.
Germans st Crowded,
With such conslderatlona of Justlcs
In view ws should have recognised that
there waa a limit to our efforta after
expansion, and as a matter of fact ws
should bars gono further and fared
better In a decade ws should have
probably been really wealthy for the
English In their open-handed way cer
tainly left us a surprising amount of
room for the frso exercise of-ewr com
mercial tslents.
I havs Intentionally given an Illus
tration on.y of ths colonial aids of ths
problem affecting German-English re
lations, so that I may avoid dealing
with any subject 1 do not know from
personal observation.
It waa this English people thst. In
spits of ali their egoism, hava really
dons something for- civilisation, that
the German of August. 1914, sccused
of being nothing but a nation of shop
keepers with a cowsrdTy. narrow
minded policy that vu unprepared to
make anv sacrifice for others. It was
his people that the German of August-
sit and bis Spokesman on Hcthmann
Mollweg. who 1atr thought It necea-
sary to defend himself agalnat th
harge of "having brought too much
thlce Into polities' expected to stsnd
by and see Belgium overridden.
waa thla same England that ws be
leved would hold bark even when th
Chancellor found It Impossible to ap
ly to French colonial poesesslona the
guarantee he had given not to aim a
ny territorial conquesta In the wa
Ith France!
And so It was with all ths mors
grlmnesa. with all the mors gravity,
hat on that memorable night of Au
ust 4 ths terrible blow fell. The
English declaration of war entered
nto ths very soul of the Germsn peo
ple, who stood as a sacrifice to a po
litical miscalculation that had Ita roots
less In a lack of thought and ex
perience than In a boundless arrogance.
(To Fe continued.)
More Data Wanted Bearing on
Achievements of War
Maanel Mesrss, 37 Tears Old Frona
Erts, Or, and Mess her of Third Or-
Dtea Froea Paeasaeala.
WASHINGTON, Feb. J. Two killed
and six wounded and ons desth from
pneumonia were reported today by Gen
eral Pershing to ths Wsr Lepartmept.
Although no details were given. It Is
sssumed that most of the killed and
wounded were victims of German
trench raids. Last Wednesday ths Ger
man forces entered American trenches
under cover of a barrage firs.
Tbs dead are:
Corporal Erwln March. infantry.
Pfayton. Minn., and Private George A.
Kanh. Infantry. New Tork.
The wounded are: Privates John
Theron Parks, infantry. Obion. Tenn.:
Raymond J. Gillett. Infantry. Mlnot,-N.
!.: Clarence King. Infantry. Toledo. O..
and Clarence A. Larson. Infantry. Tun
bridge. N. I.
General Pershing also reported that
Private Herbert C. illnnlear. medical
detachment of Infantry, waa slightly
wounded In action January J. and
Harvey toller. Infantry. slightly
woundee January 31. Minnlears boms
is In bluff ton, lnd.. and Lllley'e in Cola
Harbor. N. I.
General Pershing reported the fol
lowing death 'from natural causes:
Private Manuel jsonese. machine-gun
battalion, pneumonia. Echo, Or.
ECHO. Or, Feb. t. (Special.) Man
uel Monese. 17 jears old. waa born In
Portugal In July. 191. and eisristed
with tbs Third Oregon October 1. 1117.
He rams to America ten years ago and
almost Immediately came to Echo,
where bs resided with a cousin. Joe
Monese. whose nanfe he gave as his
nearest relative In America. Ths young
soldisr's parents llvs In PortugaL
Hitclicook Will Make.Addrcss In Up
per House In Support of Bills
to Establish Cenirallxcd
WASHINGTON'. Feb. J. The Senate
military committee today arranged to
recall Secretary Baker next Tuesday
for cross-examination regarding his
statement before ths committee last
Monday on achievements of the War
Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska. Dem
ocratic member of ths military com
mittee, plana to address the Senate
Monday In support of bills to estab
lish a war cabinet and to create a mu
nitions director. Hs Is sxpected to
reply to Mr. Baker.
Another speech In support of war
legislation which President Wilson is
opposing la planned by Senator Wads
et orth, of New York, a Republican mem
ber of the military committee. Admin
istration apokesmen In ths Senate are
ready to reply both to Senators Hitch
cock and Wadsworth and also ars con
fident of preventing consideration of
the msaaurea by holding them in the
Cosasaltteo Evenly Divided.
With a vacancy on the committee.
due to the death of Senator Brady, of
Idaho, ths membera now are aaid to
bs svsnly divided on the bill.
With the dispute over the war bills
reaching ths Senate floor, the military
committee plana to close Its Inquiry
aa quickly as possible. After Secre
tary Baker is examined It will have to
consider only cantonmenta and a few
minor details of the work of ths War
Coffin, chairman of the air
craft board, testifying before the com
mittee today In executive session, urged
a centralised war controL.
Mr. Coffin told the committee tbat
ths productive capacity of the country
could not bo developed fully unlesa
Government purchases were put Into
ths hands of a central agency with full
powers. A definite programme of plac
ing war orders, hs said, has not been
formed and industry consequently is
Maaltleaa Mialatry Idea Favored.
An agency built along the lines of
a ministry of munitions could convert
existing plants Into war manufactur
ing plans without upsetting Industry,
Mr. Coffin said, while continued plac
ing of indiscriminate orders by the
various departments threatened to
bring a atate of chaos.
rrefert of Police Annonnees That
Wonnded by Itombs Number 206.
PARIS, Feb. J. It was officially an
nounced today that the total number
of deaths resulting from the recent air
plane raid of the Germans was 49 and
the total wounded 20. M. Ruux, pre
fect of police, declared that the fore
going totals of the dead and wounded
msy be absolutely relied upon, and
there was no disposition on the part
of the authorities to conceal any facts
In regard to the raid, except such de
tails aa miicht be of military value to
the enemy.
Of 3S adults killed, 14 were women
snd 24 men. Of 109 adults wounded,
SI were women and 68 were men. Pour
children were killed and 10 wounded.
Arthur Benson Mentioned as Likely
lo Succeed Judge Moreland.
SA1M. Or.. Feb. S.f Special. ) Ths
death of Judge J. C. Moreland today
leaves a vacancy in the office of Clerk
of the Supreme Court, and while court
will not consider the appointment of a
successor until after the funeral of
Judge Moreland, at least. It Is gener
ally believed about the Capitol that
Arthur S. Benson, present deputy clerk,
will be promoted to the clerkship.
Mr. Benson has been deputy clerk
for several years and his familiarity
with the work of the court causes his
friends to say that he Is the logical
selection for the place. Tbc salary of
the clerk Is 12400 a year.
Here It
Quarter - Sawed Oak,
Flush -Rim Top
Dining Table
S1JD0 Cash$1J00 Week
Hera Is a real beauty. And solid
say. yon never aaw anything to beat
It! The platform bass Is built en
tirely of solid oak. Top opens to six
feet, and It don't jiggle like a see
saw, either.
A Full-Size Bed for the Living -Room.
You Thought There Wasn't Room for
a Bed Here Didn't You?
New "Sultan"' Mataf old $
An Unmatched Value for
$5 Cash $1 Week
Easily holds full-eize bed mat
tress, pillows and bedding in place
for immediate nse.
Contains every feature and all
the comforts of a regulation size
brass, iron or wood bed when open.
Equipped with a fine link spring,
held by 56 Helical Springs that pull
from both ends and sides.
Back and seat are upholstered in
a rich dark brown leatherette. Seat
is built upon 24 securely, placed
coil springs.
Xotice The mattress never loses its shape nor becomes
broken, as the bend is in a "J" shape. This is a wonderful
point of superiority. Oh, yes, the back is open, too, thus
allowing ventilation.
Arrange to Shop Early
ThL Store Closes Saturday
Evenings at 8.
Rev. Charles A. Eaton to Stir
Patriotism In Shipyards.
That Is why he Is sack a great win
ner, accomplishes so a oca. why hs
overcomes obstacle, aad knows no
such thln as failure.
Iron la the successful formula for
PepUron. which also Includes pepaln.
a. eelrr and other toaica, aedatlees
aad d:gestiea. heipe to give strength,
color and body to tbe blood; roduene
pale cheeks, stead lea the nerve, nour
ishes and gives stamina to the whole
feptlron la la pill form, chocolate
coated, pleasant to take, easily aaaiml
lated -the khmi eucceeeful combination
of Iron that Its makers. C 1. Uoo4 Cot.
Lowell. Mm. know of.
It is the Kedictae for yoo.
ll will pat Iron into your blood. XSt.
Kcpreentatlrs of Congress ' and
Freaiilrnt Attend Fancral.
PATTERSON". N. J- Feb. 5 Men prom.
Itirst in legislative affairs of the Na
Hon and stats attended the funeral
bere today of Catted Plates Senator
William M. Hughes, of New Jersey.
A committee representing the Senate
and House of Representatives cams
from Washington for the service.
Joseph P. Tumulty. President Wilson's
secretary, attended ths funeral as ths
parsonal representative of the chief
Men Who Mutilate Hands Are Given
Lone Sentences.
CRTEEXV1IXE. R. C Tela, t- A sev
en-year sentence for cutting off three
fingers of his right band to svads mil
itary service has been Imposed by a
eourtmartlal bers on Private J. Causey,
of Dover. Tenn.
A four years' sentence waa gives
Private Lark L- Triplet, of Oranlts
Falls. N. C for similarly mutlle'ing
his toft hand. i
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. Announcement
was made today that Rev. Pr. Charles
A. Eaton, psstor of ths Madison-avenue
Baptist Church, of this city, has been
ppointed ehstrman of the national
service section of the vnlt'd States
flipping Board and the Emergency
Fleet Corporation.
In this rspaclty Ir. Eaton will visit
every shipbuilding plant in ths country
here Government work is In prog
ress or In contemplation and endeavor
to arouse a spirit of patr!oti.m. thrift
and industry among ths workmen. -
r ..a
2 Rooms Full of Choice Furniture gj
Seat to Voar Home on the Small Payment of
Balaie it iced to fit
your Individual requirement
O f as Hia JX
Solid Oak Living
Room Set of 4 Pieces
HERR Is pictured a very at
tractive and high-quality set
Hi an unusually low price.
piece Insures genuine satis
faction, for each Is glued and fit
ted with the utmost care.
Y1THEX you think "Furniture."
W think Edwsrds. By so doing
you'll never go wrong.
THAT you may conceive in a
faint way the Quality. Low.
ness In Price, and tne neximuiy
of "Edwards' Easy-to-Fay Way."
YOU should spend a few leisure
moments looking throuph the
lightest, brightest and cheeriest
Home-Furnishings Store In Portland.
For This Beautiful
Ivory -Enamel Suite
Hand - Decorated
of Five Pieces
35c Standard White Table Oil Cloth, Per Yard
The World's Newest
With Vine Donhle-DIsc Records
(Giving Yon IS Selections) All for
This A ny-Record BRriVS
WICK" opens a broader field. of
music all limitations are Te-
Buy any record you wis h
whatever make w h a t e v e r
artist. Play it on This "BRUNS
WICK to gain a new apprecia
tion of tonal values.
For This "BRTJJfSWI CK is
equipped with TWO sound,
boxes. Use any needle you like-,
jewel point, steel, sapphire
ball, etc . - "
A sound box Is provided for the"
world-famous Pathe records
hitherto barred from many .
American homes. All without
extra cost.
You're Jolly Right "A HEATER" That's what a
great many folks wished for during the past week.
At Edwards' 2 Blocks North of Washington Street
A Big and Likable
Wood Heater.
Is on Display at Only
1 Cash. Soe Week.
Has cast top, bottom and
front door body Is of
double - strength heavy
gauge blue steel. Inner
lining is of corrugated
casting 10 Inches high,
thus protecting body
from possible damage.
The Greatest of All
Combination Ranges
Burns Wood or Goal and
Gas at the Same Time
Tour wife deserves modern tools for her
work, too. Every man wants the most
modern tools to do his work, but ofttimes
his wife goes on working over a stove that
was out of date SO years ago. It's not sel
fishness It's thoughtlessness, that's why
these words are here Just to make you
A Monarch Malleable Range In your kitchen
will make a wonderful difference In the
wife's housework. Work hours will be
fewer and pleasanter.
Call and see this most modem of ranges or,
better still, send her and say: "Go as far
as you like." Your old stove will be taken
as part pay.
eCeWti. 'vrYg
Your Credit Is Good as Gold ! Out-of -Town Folks, Too
Select one single piece or a house full
$ 50 Worth $ 5.00 Cash, $1.00 a Week
$ 75 Worth $ 7.50 Cash, $1.50 a Week
$100 Worth $10.00 Cash; $2.00 a Week
$150 Worth $15.00 Cash, $2.50 a Week
i k i m. -a FJL,)aviwiMftjft. -jf- a ivr v mm m a
2 Blocks North of Washington
Lieutenant Twombley III.
Lieutenant A. M. Twombley. of the
ISth Michigan Infantry during the Civil
War. Is seriously 111 at his home. 73J5
Fifty-fourth avenue Southeast. Lieu
tenant Twombley was a member of
Company F of ths Michigan organiza
tion and saw considerable active serv
ice. He Is a member of the Grand
Army of Iho Republic He Is 74 years
old and has not fully recovered from
burns received In an accident several
years ago.
Sirs, noorer Beads War Committee.
WASHINGTON, Feb. . Mrs. Herbert
Hoover has been named chairman of a
war emergency war committee which
will direct many kinds of war work in
the District of Columbia. Including the
raislnr of a fund for an ambulance to
be presented to the Government by the
girl students of Washington.
Pelta Bring 88 Cents and Are rsed
as Chest Protectors.
NEW TORK. Feb. . A grand total
of a, iRS.onn was realised st the annual
Winter fur auction sale which closed
hero today, far exceeding estimates, it
was announced, owing to sharp ad
vsnces In many kinds of furs. Beaver
fur featured the last day of the sale.
the best pelts bringing a record price
of $20.25. Wolves also were active and
hlerher than at the Fall sale.
Skins of ordinary "tabby" cats, which
are cut up into "fur" sets and chest
neotectors. brousrht 88 cents each. Nu
trla sold for J1.34 and 65 cents was
paid for the best squirrel.
; ;, I
A healthy nd at-tr-fcct.v
akin may
b obtain If you
Will UM 64QUMs
tie Lou on. pr.
wmrr an banttfla. aoftn. arhitoa. pr
vnts and tmptdly cl ! akla of ruptiona,
producing aofu valvvty tenor. Fir.giLtrir
oothtac- coollnr and refraahtnir to th skta.
nttep(tc la dlftrnt unlike any other
mMretioB: nalthar atl-rky nor rr-r. Will
nt (row hair or anlarrr alicat porea of
kia. ClMniTf, a&nattve and antiseptic If
your druc .ti-t cannot aupply It. 2Zc nt E-beneoit-
La bar tort a. Portland. Or with
drurciat's nunc will brtn pontpaid; l&rjra
Introductory olUv plain or p-axlaoad. aa
October , 117.
Banker Life iBaurmnee Co
Llneota. -rmak.
GENTLEMEN: I have Jut been TiM
rour check No. s 9 1 io yy our D . ... -
tendent of A s en c lea, w V.fcJia wi
tlement of mypol cy No .481 Thi. wa
ASSETS $12,600,000.00
Matured in the
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
tiooo.oo. on
Life Policy for
I nald an annual
Pot.Tconpany,T01.b K A. ,
received from you $1.070 .so. J" '
Three Hundred Sixty-nine and 0-00
Dollars more than I paid In. after hay
ing my Insurance for 20 ysara. I know
of no other company making settle
ment, near this Md am very much
pleased. t
Thinking- you for your prompt and
splendid settlement, I am
Tours truly.
Name of insured. George T. Thompson
Residence Colome, South Dakota
Amount of policy $1000.04
Total premiums paid Company 701.00
Total rash paid Mr. Thompson
And 20 Years Insurance for Nothing.
A good company for both policyholder and agent. $12,600,000.00 of assets
assures security, service and saving to the insured. If interested call at
Branch Office, 1035 Northwestern Bank Bldg
If Back acky or
Eat lesa meat, also take glass of Salts before
eating; breakfast '.
. '
Uric acid In meat excites the kid
neys, they become overworked; eret
sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of
lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the
bladder Js irritated, and you may be
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night. When the
kidneys clog you must help them flush
off the body's urinous waste fir you'll
be a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery in the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when the weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon-
ful in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithla, and has
been used for generations to olean
clogged kidneys and stimulate them to
normal activity, also to neutralize the
acids in urine, so it no longer Is a
source of irritation, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithla-water drink which everyone
should take now. and then to keep
the kidneys clean and active. Drug
giBts here say they sell lots of Jad
Salts to folks who believe In overcom
ing kidney trouble while" it is only
trouble. Adv.