The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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M P-l
From President Wilson
William Tyler Admits Having
Paid 515,000 to Harry Hen
derson "Injured Husband."
Tells the Need for
Ix-paty Constable Who Made Arrest
XwraiM Saapkrtoa Clrcmraatan
cc Which Lad to Oplnloa
Ilia Arrival at Uoim Timed.
till stronger evidence of "badger
tul war brought to Heat ytrday
by Deputy tuttrtrt Attorney DrBpey
ia hi Inveettcatloa of lb ettleinBt
f lb II Blleaatloa of afrectloe
ait atarted laet week by Harry L
Jieadersoa. aueband of Etftel iiender
on. who u rq'iad living at aa Eaet
fcid boa w.ta William Tytr, a
wealthy aaldd;-l man.
TSal Trior paid eli.0 In ttlmnt
ileaoersoa laitaad of $50. ra ba
flm reported, waa a reluctant adrnle
aiea aiad by alia yetrdy. aad sub
taa LI ted br hi attorney, Joba Balv
r ef lrioa City.
r1a Learwed Frwaa ittaatr
Additional dleloura war given to
Mr. DtsiitT br rpatr Coastablas
Cloaa aad Watklnds. who arrested I
Tyler aad ba tleeier.on tail early
laet Thursday morning. Many of their
fart wra gained, they said, from
Oeorg A. flail attorney for Hender
son, aad Mr Kali accompanied thera
to Tyler nom and was present whn
they placd Tiler and th vomit un
dar arrest,
Attbouaa th aatbarltlaa say that Mr.
Ttall appears to ba above suspicion, Mr.
Iarapy declared that It looks aa
though th attorney apparently had
been grossly deceived by Henderson,
whoa b represented. It waa Mr. Hall
who directed tb deputy coaatablea to
th room wher they found Tyler and
th Henderson womaa.
SaaaWtowa Art At .
"Th thing looked auspicious to
from ihe start, aald Deputy Constabla
Oloaa. "When we arrived ther during
tb early giortilnf hoars we found tb
outsld door all unlocked. We learned,
too, from Tyler that a doc which Is
usually kot la th kitchen at night
was locked up In th bedroom that
nlvbt for th first tlm Mrs. Henderson
had been living with him. This doer,
they told us. usually barked when
atranger cam about th plac.
"Hoth Tyler aad th womaa also ad-
Butted to ua that Mrs. Henderson bad
bee a sleeping In aa adjoining room aad
had entered Tyler a room just a short
tlm before we arrived. This Indicated
that If It la a badger ini' ah knew
Juat when to expect ua and had ca
tered Tyler room to plac him In a
compromising situation vtea wa co
lored th plac.
"Th wbol thl-c looked mlchty
suspicious to us because II had been ar
ranged to arreet them a night or two
aritor. but had been put off at Hair
uggeatloa. He aald Henderson thought
wo should wait until early Thursday
morning. Ia fact, wa hav found that
th exact tlm of our entering th
plac had been derided upon, apparently
by Henderson aad bta wl f o."
fleaderaaa aad Wit Geo.
Tt was learned further by Mr. Derap
eey that Immediate. y after she waa re
leased from eaatody. following her ar
rest. Mrs. Henderson reclstered at a
dowatowa hotel Her she met Tyter
several tmes. while at the same time
she waa sltppintr off ta Vancouver at
Bights. It la said, to stay with her
No Irsce ha yet beea found of either
TIendereoa or hia wife, although Mr.
rrapey yesterday Increased Mrs. Hen
derson ball bond to 1)00 and Issued
a warrant for her arreU Hs said that
action would probably be taken Monday
to aeflfy the Anglo-Atierlcan Bank at
ra a Pranclco to withhold paymeet of
the lllf draft secured at Vancouver
by Mr and Mrs. Hendersoa until chs
lavaatlgstloa Is completed.
Tyler uliaa to Pre Manors.
Arthouaa he says he ta certain that
fee has ei mulcted est ef the tit.
ta a "uadaer gem."" Tyler yesterday
to. Mr. Ierrpeev Ibat he had so dlr
to swear out a warrant for either Hen
derson or hla wife He said he believed
ho had been "r.f." but wa wining
to let matter drop for the sake of
rr Ho bemoaned th publicity giv
en him.
It was learned yesterday from Van
couver that Mra Henderson hsd beea
named aa co-re poo dent by Tyler's wlfs
la a divorce actloa there a year ago la
which Tyter waa pia'nttff That suit
waa dropped and Mrs. Tyler subse
quently secured a divorce In the local
courts. Later the returned to her (or
taer hose ta HUnola.
t-hipballdlng to Be Subject of Ad-
ttrease at forvland Theater.
Tea Four-Minute Vsa wi?l speak at
It different Portland theater thla
week oa the topic. "The Maa of the
Hour the Shipbuilder.- The Burpos
of the week a campaltra I to gel
sallied erorkmea to enroll for work In
th shipyards when needed and to
arous ta public to the crucial Im
portance ef bul ding ship.
During the week Oeneral Charles T.
Pee be will speak at the unet The
ater: Conrad P. Clsea at ths Peoples:
W. A- Burke at the Circle and trand
Monday and Friday only: Fred L Car
ton at Ihe Liberty; W. F. Woodward at
Pantagaa: Thomas C. Ryaa at the Co
lumbia. Judge decree IL Rossman at
the Majestic. Frederic H. Whitfield at
the Circle and F'.rand. Wednesday only
Judge Arthur C Dayton at the Lyric,
aad A. O. Clark at th Hlpsodroma
I'arra Ilelp Specialist J. C. Scott Ba
Charge of Work la Stale.
PalUnan, Fab. i. Special.) An
nouncement of Washington'a farm sur
vey to bo completed during the month
of February, has bean mad by Farm
Help ttpecla'.lst J. C Scott.
Tea Washlactoa scat survey will la
alade estimates of labor Beaded for
111. both seasonal aad year-around:
taa amount of livestock oa hand a year
age. aad new; th amount of livestock
to be bought aad sold.
Mr Scott aays that n Important
fnactloa ef tb sever will be to facili
tate the exchange of eommodltlsa. sucii
aa live lock aad eeed. between farmer
of different state and different regions
within the same state, who now are
aaadloapped by aet kaowtng what may
be bought or sold in ethor regtona.
P"aoae your waat ad t Th Orego-
." .
"TT" O
viM Week
v y ...
- '
i 1
Oa yatir ags, la eempUansg with resolutioaa pasted
fer to 8aat aad ty th Haus ef BaprMantatl, X appointed
day upon which th people of iba Caltad Etat sight Mkl such
contribution a tbty f lt disposed for the aid f th stricken.
Armenian and Syrian peoplee.
Aaerlean dialoaatia and consular repreeentatir anil
ether Aaerlean reeldente recently returned from Western Asia,
aseur Be that any thousands of live were aad f roa starva
tion by the gifts ef th Aaerlean people last winter. They alee -bring
full assurance ef th continued effective distribution ef
relief and report that the Buffering aad death froa exposure and '
etarvation will inevitably be very such greater thie winter than
last unless th survivors can be helped by further contribution
froa Aserlca.
Keporte Indicate that of orphan alone ther are aor
than 400(000, besides woman and ether dependent children, ranch
ing a total of aor then 2,000,000 deetltut survivors. The
eituatloa le eo distressing ae to take a special appeal to th
yapathle of all,
Za Tiaw of th argent need 2 call again upon th peopl
f tb Cnited Statet t aalc such further contribution they
feel disposed, la their yapathy and generosity for the aid of
thee uf faring peoplee. Contributions nay ba aade through th
Aaerlean Bad Cross, ashlngton, D. C. or direst to th Aaerlean,
Cooaitte for Armenian and Syrian Relief. Cleveland H. Dodge,
treasurer. On Hadlaoa Averus, Raw Tork City,
S. October. HIT.
never a
Indorsed by the
American Red Cross,
which also helps sup
port the movement.
y.- 'tJ s V;---:-:.
Sir J J .w sk
I !:-w?!!S(s
La.i : : - i
The President thought the case of these suffering
children of enough importance to you, me and other
Americans to issue this proclamation.
Every agency for good in this world has indorsed it.
It is the most urgent appeal from a people ridden by
"German Kultur" that you have yet had a chance to
On every dollar you give will depend a life. It will
be the biggest task in the world to save all those who
today are dying from lack of even the most necessary
things to sustain life.
In other words, it is up to you as to just how many of
these must suffer the most horrible of fates.
Of course, you will but act quickly.
Every cent that is collected will be transmitted
almost over night to those who are suffering. Every
way of sympathy and the helping hand is doing its
utmost to bring those Christians relief and to BRING
The committee is doing its part. How about YOU?
So This Is
Armenian Life Saving Week
February 4 to 10
ARMENIAN BELIEF COMMITTEE, Ben Selling, Treasurer, Portland Hotel
BawsBBBBeBBBSBBwaBBSrBBaBsr ssaa sgwsaaaassnBTei
Matter of BoleUava Met Cetttaa Letters
eat ta These to Be Takra
Xw With Oe verm am eat.
A campelra ta remedy conditions
which for some reason er other make
It Impoeelbl for soldlsrs and Bailor to
(at nail promptly from home, la to be
started br the Fathers of Soldiers and
Sailor of Orscon. The organization,
which la better known as the "Daddy
Club. has appointed a committee com-
prtalnc Samaer Merrick. & B. Huston
and T. Dahl to formulate plan for a
At a meetlr.s; ef the club Friday
nfsht at the Library, note war com
pared and It waa found that aoldleriva
and sailors da aot receive all th mall
eat t them aad that letter from them
to their borne est loot la some strantre
manner. Members of the orianltatlon
spoke ef bavin wrlttsn three or (our
letter a treek and bavins; received let
ter from their son months later
asking why they had not written.
Also It waa aald that the boys nave
mentioned in letter received that they
have beea writing regularly several
Limes a week and the letters have gone
astray. Taa una la aald to a true or
Mam her ef th committee epoke or
havta complained t Government offl-
ciala without avail. Th plan now Is to
arc tbe eixaaitaUoB of "Caddy Club."
throughout Oregon and to have them
appoint committees to aid In protesting
sgalnat ths practice. It la planned
also to take th question up with other
states and get the same sort of or
ganizations. Ths committee believes
that by getting enough strength b
hind the protest they may be abl to
correct the trouble.
Pasco Crged to Build Good Roads.
PASCO. Wash.. Feb. 1 (Special.)
Herbert Cuthbert, executive secretary
of ths Pacific Northwest Tourist As
soclatlon. spoke at th Liberty Theater
last night, urging th people ot rasco
to boost for good roads, bridges, etc..
stating that with the building of rood
roads a large part of the tourist travel
now going by the way of California
can be diverted through thla section.
He also urged the Improvement of p -lie
parka and other facilities for the
accommodation of tourists parsing
through the city.
Gray Harbor Pioneer Elect.
ABERDEEN. Wash- Feb. i. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Jeannette Walker, first
County Superintendent of Schools hare,
was elected president ef the Grays Har
bor Pioneers' Association Thursday
night. James A. Hood was chosen vice
president: Mrs. William Irvine, secre
tary; Mra Julia Plnckney, treasurer:
Mra Jean B Stewart, historian; Rev
Charles McDermoth. chaplain, and H
H. Carter, A W. Mlddleton. J. O. Lewis
and L. J. Kolta. truataaa.
Pastor Become Lieutenant Chaplali
tfna. Feb. 1 (Special) Milton C
Lutz. pastor of the United Brsthrei
Church, of this city, left Wednesday
evening for) Camp Lewis, whers hi
wUi b Lieutenant-Chaplain, DurLng
the past esmester Lieutenant-Chaplain
Luts baa been a special student at
Whitman College. Mrs. Fay Brough
ton"e Sunday school, class presented
Rev. Mr. Luts with a handsome solid
gold signet ring before hia departure
for American Lake.
Momnonth Hear From Soldiers.
MONMOUTH. Or, Feb. X. (Special.)
Monmouth heard from two of its
members of Company L this week. Ed
ward Stanley Evans wrote a short mes
ec to hla mother. Mrs. E. T. Evans.
Mrs. J. L. Van Loan waa the recipient
of a letter from bar son, Blrchard, who
is with the quartermaster'a division
"Somewhere In France." The letter was
brief and merely started that he is well
and that "everything la all right." It
was written on New Tear's day.
Mora than 2009 motorists who failed
to atop, look and listen, were killed at
grade crossings in 1916, and many more
wera injured. The number of the killed
and injured In these accidents is in
creasing 25 per cent a year.
Stomach Upset? Stop Indigestion,
Gases, Sourness-Pape's Diapepsin
Instant Belief! Neutralize stomach acidity and stop
.dyspepsia, pain, heartburn, belching. Try it!
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the dam
age do you? Well, don't bother. If
our stomach la In a revolt; If sick.
;assy and upset, and what yo Just
te has fermented and turned sour;
lead dizzy and achea; belch gases and
icids and eructate undigested food:
reath foul, ton me coated Just take
t little Pape'a Dlapepsln to help nau
rallze acidity and ia flva minutes you
.onder wSst became of th indigestion
nd distress.
Millions of men and women today
knov that It la Madias to hare dys
pepsia. A little Dlapepsln occaslona'ly
keepa the stomach sweetened and Uey
eat their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your foe d ia a Aamage Instead of a
help, remember the quickest, surest,
most harmless relief Is Papa's Dlapep
sln. which costs only E0 cents for a
large case at drug stores. It's truly
wonderful It stops fermentation and
acidity and sets things straight, so gen
tly and easily that It ia really astonishing-
Adv, .
Thousands-of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It.
Nature warns you when the track of
health Is hot clear. Kidney and bladder
troubles cause many annoying symp
toms and great inconvenience both day
and night.
Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumba
go, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder,
pain or dull ache In the back Joints
or muscles, at times have headache or
indigestion, as time passes you may
have a sallow complexion, puffy or
dark circles under the eyes, sometimes
feel aa though you had heart trouble,
may have plenty of ambition but no
strength, get weak and lose flesh.
If such conditions are permitted to
continue, serious results may be ex
pected; Kidney Trouble In its very
worst form may steal upon you.
Pre -valency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the alarm
ing Increase and remarkable prevalency
of kidney dlseaae. While kidney disor
ders are among the most common dis
eases that prevail, they are almost the
last recognized by patients, who oaualiy .
eontent tkemselvea with doctorlna tb
effeeta, while the original dlaeaae may
constantly undermine the system.
If you feel that your kidneys are the
cause of your sickness or run down
condition, try taking Dr. Kilmer's:
Swamp-Root, the famous kidney, liver
and bladder medicine, because as soon'
as your kidneys improve, they will help
the other organs to health
If you are already convinced that,
Swamp-Root is what you need, you can
purchase the regular medium and large
size bottles at all drug stores. Don't
make any mistake, but remember, th
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., whicti
you will find on every bottle. .
SPECIAL NOTE! Ton may obtain a s ample sise bottle of Swamp-Root by
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y. This gives you
the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of thla medicine. They will
alao send you a book of valuable information, containing many of the thou
sands of grateful lettera received from men and women who aay they found
Swamp-Root to be Just the remedy needed In. kidney, liver ana Diaaaer
troubles. The value and auccess of Swamp-Root are ao well known that our
readers are advised to send for a earn nle size bottle. Address Dr. Kllmar ft
Co., Binghamton, N..T. Be sur to say you read this offer in The Oregonlan.
Adv. .. . .