IS TTTE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX, POTiTLAXD, FEBRUARY 3. 1918. LUfJCHEOHTOOPEI! BIG RELIEF DRIVE Oregon to Raise $150,000 for Armenians and Syrians. Plans Are Outlined. PORTLAND'S QUOTA $75,000 Every Dollar Subscribed to This land Will Re Distributed Cnder Direction or Reliable Agents. Workers Are Named. Tfc first na la ths big humanitarian drive for Armenian and Syrian relief L. Lhm; r!u:uBL Mrs. E4sra4 C. Ul.laer. Cj!ia Team I. Vra Char RVaSdlas arorKar. am. W. H. llifkAV. Mr. I - J Kwinni, Mra. Everett Am.. Mrs. lsrcl iioatiau Mrs. u. A. Lrra.o. Mrs. R. r. I1 Mrs. liearr Ta:. Mr. A. K. Moody, Vrv Den.1 eVi.lard. ViH kV4rr CuI, K-as n-s . Mrs. A. C. KcVictu, a. w. Mcaiirk.a. Liaind Kias Capreia Team i Mr. C B. llmniH: Jo.-asr. Mrs. rrmok Xsse. Mrs. Ue.ter ju..a. Mrs. j. c Eat iih. lira. Kaipb rn Mnaoo. lira. Gwrif K'at. Mrs. K. H. Me- e..,eier. Mrs. .ier J. Cook. Mr, r. J. lobes. Mra. r. W. Camp. Mrs. W. a Hid- nea. Mtas i'atsry S!eart. Mrs. Willis Dunl ajr. Mrs. & E. lMwui lira, litwii Tar ior. Captain Tun (. Mrs. Blaise R Smith: workers, airs. Feaioa. Mrs. Lraell Baksr. aliaa Katnerm Be.:. Mrs. Mclwu- rl. Mrs. Anhar Chance, il.-a. P. p. Itner. Mrs. rrtdtnra Cookmsa. C N.e Vt'lMitr, Horace M.4-K .a. Mrs. Charles Smith. Captain T..ra , Mr. W. C. Alvord: work er, iirs, John A. Bell. Mrs. C D. Brunn Mrs. M 1.11am D. Wbeelwricht. Mrs. F. H. Karsm. Mrs. I. II. Amos, Mrs. W. II. Mar shal;. Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Klrby. Mrs. Clarence Carry. Mrs. Frederick A. Klehl. Mrs. Warran H. Knltr. Mra C. J. Sml'.n Mrs. M. U. La mood. Captain Tram 5. Mrs. Ladelc Hlrsch: workers. Mlas Ssldi Krlendl. Mrs. frrUer Irk Selier. Mrs. W. C Bristol. Mrs. E. L. Devereus. Mrs. Stemana Ot'.enheimer. Mrs. A. E. Usrsnall. Mrs. Max 8. Hlrs-h. Mrs. Isidore Koehiand. ' Mra Charles K. Berf. Mrs. June koeentad. Mlas Ellas Obardor- ter. Mrs. Edaris rVeuoradtar. Cap-am Team a Mrs A. U. Fish: work er. Mrs. C C. Colt. Mrs. F. A. rrHmu. Mrs. Jobs O. Clamson. Mrs. C C. DarkM, Mra Core Joseph. Mrs. K E. Htney. Mra Emit StruDlere. M.M E. Padmore. Mlas Jes sie FarrelL. .Mrs. Andrew Porter. Captain 7, Mrs. Robert Strong CHARGES FALL FLAT Judge -Tazwell Is Exonerated in Grand Jury Report. tnrntri Dorrultzer and Ditchburn made these charges against me In Judge Kavanaugb's court. I went personally to the grand Jurors and asked them to conduct a thorough probe of my court. 1 told them that If 1 bad done anything for which I should be censured I would gladly step down and out-" SESSIONS ARE NOT SECRET Investigators Find That Jurist and Conrt Attaches Are Capable, Con. scieotloos and Enthusiastic In Their Efforts. . in J .v.nln at Hotel I srork.r. Mrs. Morris Whitehall. Mrs. " I rrssk Fey. M rortland. when tne emecuil commit- t. Af tha Portland division of the ra C. II. Da vta. Jr Mrs. E. C Hhevlin. Mrs. A. D. Noma. Mrs. J. B. BII- aerbacB. Mrs. H. A. Marsent. Mrs. Eander- . , r- , l,nl and i OB K"'- ,r Arthur Snerwood. Mrs. Carl .u... .v-.. - I too ytft. Mrs, wi li.m Isds. Mrs. Georso Syrian Keuet. ail omcers. tuaimui. and workers, numberinc about S2i, will Complete exoneration of an charges against Juvenile Judge Taswell and at taches of bis court was given by the Multnomsh County grand Jury In a spe cial report submitted yesterday to Pre siding Judge Ksvanaugh. Tbe Investi gation was Instigated by Attorneys John Ditchburn and Paul Dormitzer following a controversy during the pendancy of a Juvenile Court action against George Huffenmlller, aged la. who was accused of stealing an auto mobile. "That Judge Taswell and his assist- PLEA OF 'GUILTY' CHANGED Alleged Bootlegger Decides to Stand Trial Before Circuit Court. BAKER. Or, Feb. 2. (Special.) Dave Rombougb. who recently plead guilty to the charge of bootlegging, withdrew his plea of guilty and entered a plea of not guilty, through his at torney today electing to stand trial at the coming term of Circuit Court. Frank Polltta. indicted by the grand jury on the same charge, yesterday was arraigned and plead not guilty. Al Turner, another alleged bootlegger, pleaded net guilty also and will be tried at the coming term of court. The trial of William Hays, charged with the larceny of sheep, will come up at this term of court, which opens next week. WAR .COMING CLOSE HOME C. R. Gibbs of Portland, With Can adian Troops, Killed In Action. OTTAWA. Ont.. Feb. 2. The follow ing names appear in today's casualty gather tor a banquet In the grill at I o'clock. This meeting will be presided j over bv Wells Gilbert, aeneral 'of the I drive, and there will be a number of I addresses of an Illuminating character.! calculated to arouse interest and an-1 thuaimsm In the drive. Some of the speakers will 6 rrosa I out of town and there also will be short I talks bv native Armenians. The pleas ure of the evening will be heightened I bv a somber of selections by Waldo I lav1s. tc chime player, who won fame I at the pAnsma-Pacta? Exposition, .ana I there wilt also be spirited patriotic and I coDular songs by a male quartet. The) working Dlan of tbe drive will be ex plained In detail so that workers will 'be ready to go out Tuesday morning I fully fort! fled on every phase or mill big mercy drive. As In past drives, the! workers will assemble with their cap-I Ain each morning for Instructions, all I starts being made from Hotel PortLand.1 headquarters of the committee. Owaoa-a 4 4a La f I Je,aex America is asking at thia time for a I f-ind r as a Winter fund fori the lurtlr c Armenians and fyrlana I Already larce sums have been forward ed and are now in the bands of the I missionaries who ar dispensing money. fout and clothiog- Oregon's quota Is I Slee ps. Of this enm Portland expects I to raise Si.. Former drlvss nave I one "over tbe top" with ease, yet I none ha pul.ated with the heart throbs I of butchered men. outraged, deraenteo I women and starving children, as does I this one. The Intelligent, systematic I w.atwonh. Mrs. Willlsm L. Brewster, Mra manner In which the preliminary plans I uersid beeb. 4'ataia Tja s. Mr. Thomaa Cerrlrk Burke, vorker. Mrs. ioeta:d fciT-ocer. Mrs. Walter Kendall. Mrs. Ward Whit.. Mr. (Lore. T. .rllnrr. Mrs. Walter aloit. Mrs. rrank Smltn. M.-a Kelly Reea. Mrs. Waiter F. Mrs. E. W. Laaail. Cartels Team s. Mrs. Horn McTialr.: Mrs. Georg. N. -woo4y. Mrs. H. A. t r. Mra. Selins Rlttesbers. Mrs. Harry Ca'emaa Mra H. . tlprate. Harry A. Hob arts. Mrs. it. H. Matters. Mrs. F. H. Mad- dee. Henese Ju:yn. Captain Team lo. Mlaa Jn Mamaon: vorker. Mra. Ado'pb Khrfiom. Mra. lmmm Mill. MWe J.aa M.rkensie. Mlaa EllaaMth H.oer. Mum Rutb SHull. Mra. Alan Graea. Mrs. F. B. Kennedy. Ml Mvriaa CItroa. THREE LEADERS IX DRIVE FOR ARMENIAN AND SYRIAN RELIEF FUNDS. i M i ! . i 4 I Ctl titer-at r- sVaTuOr-ZKeS ev j4a Coon&vTi Cn j JDvt's t on. have been made promise wcli for the surcese W th. drive. redrick T. liysksll. who heads the publicity committee. Is responsible for the slogan of the drtvew ire-eavtng week." which has been worked out thousands of miniature paper l.fe pre' servers, which will b used ss aviver- tiaamenta Merchants were aupplled with stickers of a novel design, which tbey tied oa all aavelopes In which their January bills wers sent oat. Doa ble rows of pennants strikingly let tered, etreetcar f eaters, a series of movie 111 ma. buttons and badges are all to be need In calling tha public's attention to this great causa. A novel indicator for the return, emphasising tbe "save a life' Idea, ts being erected a the Po. toff ice block. Speakers Carry J nerrnaB K. Hall. - chairman of the speakers' bureau, has already had a number of speaker, appearing before men's and women s organisations. lra THRIFT PARADE PLANNED G re ham School Children Arrange for Demonstration Tomorrow. GRESHAU. Or, The students in Feb. I. CSpeclal. the Grevhara Public 11 K. M. atmrtrh. for it years a resident I Schools have completed plana for a big of Turkey, spoke nine limes in Pert-(thrift parade Monday National Thrift land last wetr and Rev. it. K. Parou-I day If the weather is favorable. The nagiaa. a native Armenian, was heard on several orcasiona Mr. Parounagian is speaking today It. tbe First aietho. diet Kplscopal Clisrrb at the morning service and at the iunnysiie Congre gational C hurch at the evening service. m al-rcay he sddreesed th- Civic league snd the clubwomen's luncheon. Mreet speaking w.U be a feature of the wee. The terrible condition In Western Asia is one that words fall to express. rilled from their home, robbed of their possessions, wanderers In a deso late lanl. starving by tens of thou ascds. their only hope for the barest necessities of life Is In American char ity. There now are :.H 0.000 survivors among the men. women snd children. ana in saaition evo.eoe orphans without home, without clothing and without tooa. une missionary wrote that ah had food for 7i but that e crowded about the mission crying for bread, freventeea rente a day. or li a month, will keep the body and soul of one of utess neipiess rerujees together. Freaidest laSoeweo Drive. Thl. la one of the three great war ejrtvee wmrn rreddrnt Wilson has Mr. sonally Indorsed, the other two being the Red Croas and the Y. M. C. A. Rvery eloiUr contributed roes for relief, the entire overhead expense being borne oy private individual parade will start from the school grounds at 1)1 P. M. and It is ex pected that there will be fully :o school children and teachers In line. with drums, flsgs and banners, carry ing messages designed to show the im portance of thrift and the loyalty to tbe Government of Oresbau s school popu latioa. Many o fthe students now are owners of thrift stamps and a large sals la the schools is expected. Baker Floneer Dies. BAKER. Or, Feb. S. tSpeclal. March Howell, an old-time pioneer, passed away at 10 o'clock Thursday night at his home In Prairie City. Mr. Howell had been sick with pneumonia few daya Seven children survive himra. two sons, Custer and Jsck; Mr. J. 1 Tureman. of Prairie: Mra C p. HalghU of Canyon Citv; Mra W. A. King, of Butte. Mont: Mra A. L. Dab- cock, of Halfway, Or, and Mra Bert Huberts, of Bend. Or. Faneral of Banks Slan Held. BANKS. Or. Feb. . (Special.) The funeral of Georgo William Herb, who died, at the home of P. J. Vanderxanden 'in Monday, was held at Roy last The expenae of Wednesday. The Interment was In the the PortUnd campaign Is being carried Verboort Cemetery The" deceased was on By three Portland n;rn. Cleveland a Macrabee and a Forrester. Hs leaves ft. IKxIce. ew Tork banker, has con tnbuted to the operating ex penses ot tne .National work of the com mittee. The distribution of funds and supplies la in the bands of reliable agents. Following Is ths couplets orsaaisa- iwii iw tne onve: ti-e-ral. sre::s Gilbert: aide. A. Ativan . ..... siseaaers- eureau. Sherman R II. I: caalraian ladastnai committee, w. b rx.pes. sas-r-u peblKltj. Frederick T. M.n.l sea'e drrtsMa. Jnhm T. Deusa.-t. apcala Katary riat team. E. l (UniN ' sijua rwMril. Frank " II". i art t. !Milir, F. A. t -osiead. l- f. We'aer. A. r. Hoimbee l w. otto. eraca v r ww j . it s.iearee. Captain Ton and Board team. K X U lelir; .rur. J o. hi red. M K. !. a. J. r... Ile-m.a .a Bor-. aa.-to" U The:er. Hieaaaa Wnrocaoibe. N A. rVtedv Paif Musemah C:tiS team. Jen A Lee. aj.rkera. . . fitASton. . w. Haaka. A. M l'?ir-fii.i. A.raa r'nai,. c. fx i... la. W. D. MunilnstA. C. U. iMNa. aptala af .No. . J .he F fih:ia. "'r. JfS'S l'r-ai.o, w. J. Mast. -von. J -aa D. JIurrN-. rtaak J. Rlnr-taa. Harry rv.--re, I'-j.,,,. a. il 4. H. U. W. M J.rkeM. r.Ic.r ""Hnson. , ' i p a rnrrNiTi lluata-ea Mm a tesm. F lwrd L. I'rii.r ara.ra. w. L. Mc- -. F. C. Ho., :. June Ft. si. l.Ka. arra L. Ht rt XM .af. U M. Rai'.r. L. II- llewirt. It.DT K... ace. Tommy 1-yaa. t. aj.-aia r. ilvvstia. "P'a-a Af C:ib tm. E. E. fcate:!e. laJ. F-ed srKri. werkrra. 0,'rc T 1 .v W. B. I'.eo a. Itulua C H'nun, s. r. l.atfae.r. K. I, Tea. ( W Brdm. t.en-ral bweoe. F II Wfci:f...d. k:t.r k(i-f.r. H. 1. Ila-a.. K. II. se.arx. Joba A. aa.tera. V . .:.! -t:a Cpta.a lrinst i'.ua Fraak II r-C-l . s. worker . T. W..mT-r. Freak r A. n-ws. Bert kirh.Ma, M. M. I. ma er. W M rs,i, Much M.arv. Calais T. M. C A team, I. i. Cunntsg. kaaa sr.ra A. M. la '1. H T Wuham. II. W. steae. Cs4 .U4.e: .Barc.f A'-heesa. CkPtaiaef Team Xa S. K. t- hmmri: esrkara Cnt.r CI Marpby. Keball T.-ael I'ail. U4m4 ailca. Afrd lamswea, ' i.rt fWy. SU.:s CUra. I'ntll lle.bnk. J.rfe H. Ltrtte. Lald si.rilns. J .m-s t snl.y. Keta-r L. W. at. Mbanaoa, L.oard A- Ai1t acaia e Tsaaa N. M. r w.rsk. asrk,n. Mra. H.rry F Jlan. M. '.rd e.a. C E. Fer-e. F. B. Ulnn 1L C l'atea. w II. Cba-tes. A. Barendrick. W. B. MrKesaa. R. IL Stewart, kart J. t.ews, W M. J.fkaee, . I sa.l mt aaasas B dleaueo. Mra Jstrds three brothers. F. H, Charles and John, who live near here. ants are capable, conscientious snd en thusiastic in their work and are mak ing an honest and untiring effort to alleviate, distress among dependent children and to reclaim delinquent chil dren and help them along toward bet ter cttixenahlp, is the decision of the jurors, as contained in their special findinga "That If mistakes are made they are not mistakes of the heart." Caart Worthy of Confidence. "We find that the court procedure In all Juvenile cases cannot be termed secret but Is admirably adapted to shield as much as possible from no toriety, the name of the Juvenile delin quent, while at the same time it gives every opportunity to tbe accused to present all facts and circumstances in his favor: that it is not the policy of the Juvenile Court either to exclude attorneya or to conceal the records of cases from the parent, guardian or the legal representative of the accused. "We find that ths charges brought by Messra Ditchburn and Dormitzer resulted either from an Insufficient In vestigation of the methods and manner of procedure of the Juvenile Court, or from a willful desire to call Into ques tion the reputation of a conscientious official and to create dissatisfaction and distrust toward the Juvenile Court In the minds of the. public The grand Jury finds that the Juvenile Court is worthy of public confidence and trust. The grand Jury makes public a por tion of tha testimony of Mra Ida Huf fenmlller. mother of the boy whose case started the entire controversy. Teatlsssay Is Made Fa bile. "Before I signed that petition I called Mr. Hitchburn's attention to the portions which said there had been secret sessions." Mra Huffenmlller tes tified, "and that ha was trying to make s criminal of my boy. I said that those charges were not right, but he told me to sign the petition, as it was only a matter of course." Mra Sadie Smith, who. it was re ported, charged that Judge Taswell had on one occasion called her a liar. denied to tbe grand Jury tbat she had ever made such a statement to Attor neys Ditchburn or Dormitzer. She said that Judge Tazwell had ordered her to keep quiet during a hearing and threatened to exclude her from the courtroom if she did not remain silent. "I think myself that sometimes I talk a good deal," Mra Smith told the grand Jurora "1 felt certain from the start that the grand Jury would return Just such a report as this," said Judge Tazwell late yesterday afternoon. "When At- list: Killed In action C.R. Gibbs. Portland. Or.; A. H. Lindsay, Los An geles, CaL C TL Gibbs was tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gibbs. living In a house ad joining their small grocery store at Powell Valley and East Eighty-second street. He was S3 years old, was ed ucated in the South Mount Tabor School and Joined a Canadian contin gent without the knowledge of his par ents, who learned of it after he had enlisted. They received letters from him from France, the last one being received several days ago. He said he was all right at the time. He entered the serv ice two years ago last October. VOTE WATER WORKS BONDS Proposed Twin Falls Project Ap proved by Vote of 5S1 to it. TWIN FALLS. Idaho. Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) Bonds have been voted here, S51 to 43, for a new municipal waterworks system costing S37S.0OO. This project has been under discussion here for seversl years, but no unusual interest marked election day and only one-third of the registered vote was cast. The bonds cannot be sold until the Govern ment passes on the necessity for the improvement. City officials declare no difficulty will be encountered in convincing the Government of the necessity for the proposedaew system here. l0AfZ?:JL. IV-..- ::.: :a mtem:m SI Sonora Supreme which sells for $1000. Ten other models at prices varying; as low as ?50. Don't . Fail to Hear and . Test the Sonora Before you decide on the make instrument for your home. . Catalogue Mailed on Request. Sold on very easy terms of payment. THt IkSTSOMIKT Of QUALITY GLfaRAS-a-ClW Acknowledged The Most lVIarvelous of All Sound Reprodu cing: Musical Instruments Because The SONORA received the highest award for tone quality at the P. P. L Exposition in San Fran cisco. The SONORA will play any make of disc record WITHOUT the usual extra attachments. The SPNORA is equipped with a device which . will permit a graduation of the volume of tone without changing the needle. - The SONORA has the longest running spring motor on the market in certain models this motor will run 45 minutes with one winding. The SONORA has an automatic stop, which is not only simple to operate but is accurate. The SONORA is different in its cabinet design from all other makes of talking machines it is a work of art a thing of beauty something to be admired pleasing to the eye and so designed that it may occupy a prominent place in your home. We Give a Written Guarantee With Every SONORA Sold You may visit our warerooms and have this wonderful instrument demonstrated without any obligation on your part to purchase. We invite your inspection. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. Corner Twelfth and Washington Sts. Dealers in VICTROLAS, SONORAS, COLUMBIAS and Records NEW ORDERS ON WAY Examination of Drafted Men Will Be Delayed. Orchard Spray Factory Started. SUTHERLIN'. Or., Feb. S. (Special.) The Sutherlln Spray Manufacturing Company has been organized to manu facture sprays Cor orchardlsts here and elsewhere. The officers are F. J. Nor ton, president: D. W. Banker, vice president; 8. W. Duer. secretary and treasurer. Supplies have been ordered and a plant will be built at once. Bridge Undergoing Repairs. CENTRALIA, Wash, Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) It will be about three weeks before the Pacific Highway bridge over the Cowlitz . River at Toledo will be opened to traffic. A part of the bridge was washed out during the recent floods. A scow is now being used In tranHportlng freight across the river while the repair work is progress. OFFICIAL BRITISH WAH PHOTOGRAPH. SCENES OF WHICH WILL BE SHOWN AT THE RED CROSS SUPERFLUITY SHOP. ROAR OF PROTEST GOES UP Revised Rules Relating to Physical Disabilities, Declared to Exempt From Army Service Few With Curable Ailments. .-JI - t . 'am . ra. a-.-..;.,. . ra v ..w - , Li il IT,Vaicr - : eKi-V .:.-... : 7 y Z,--" ' 'il.t;- J, v.- r-- - -"I a-JL '--.. (aaf T 1-S V1-' stall I WATT-H IM rt.TROl, TISS KF.ADT rOR TH lit -T T TROOPS As TnET autarch ax battlb or ru..-UEHB. Beainnina tomorrow, an Interesting series of official British war photographs will be on exhibition on ths third rioos of tho Ked Cross Superfluity bhop. IS Fifth street. These photographs, numbering about 1400 views f action at the front, have been sent by the Canadian government to c . ureave. of to: city, xis xien- fielta K. Failing and Miaa Crocker have in cnarge me nansing 01 tne pnjtograpns, snren win uw snowu n groups of stout :. changed every two week, until ths Portland publlo has had an opportunity to view ths e rret re sertea. The group shown tomorrow and ion two weeas louowmg comprises scenes irom tne nniiios ot Flanders snd Meala road, women ambulance) drivers in performance of ti-.alr work of merer, tanks In notion and other Interesting phase of 4h war game. An adsntasloa, fa ag 10 cents wtal he oaasi lor viewing ts pictures. "Please direct local boards to delay physical examinations of men in class I nntil necelpt of new pnysicat regula tions, which are in the mails, to you under the caption. 'Changes in Selective Service Regulation' "(Signed CROWDER." This telegraphic order received yes terday from Washington by Captain J. E. Cullison. head of the draft organ ization In Oregon, excites a bis roar of protest from examination board which have iieen-working at high pres sure in an effort to complete the test ing of all class I men by February IS. as renuired by the selective service act. The "stop" order even raffled the Captain's sccustomed equanimity. Ks Comment ea Order. "I sent tbe order out at once in tele grams to the local boards of the state. he said, "unaccompanied by comment. for I want the board members to know where to place the blame for the delay. If the new rulings went into the mails at Washington today It will be from five to seven days before they reach ma Then, If so lengthy I have to relay them on by mail, at least Jour to five days more will be lost. The draft executive was shown an Item from an Eastern paper in which a dispatch sent out from Washington under date of January 26 stated that "Radical revision of the regulations governing physical examination of men summoned before draft boards for serv ice has been made by Surgeon-General Gorras." "We certainly are at a great disad vantage way out here." he commented. Some examining boards of the state' have already reported to Captain Culli son that tbey have already completed physical examinations of sll Class I men of their division. How any changed regulations may be mad to apply to men in those divisions is one problem that remains unsolved. Extension t Time Neeeaeary. On th other hand, many boards, even though but two or three days' de lay may be experienced, will be unable to pass upon their Class I registrants before the time limit expires. An ex tension beyond February 15. or tacit disregard of the limit, offers ths only solution for such divisions. Captain Cullison declared he has not th slightest intimation as to what changes In examinations or physical requirements will be brought about I through the revisions announced. From other sources, including the I Washington dispatch of January IS. It is gleaned that the lid Is being damped down with a vengeance on disqualifica tion of men alleged as unfit for any sort of service. . "Under th new system," states the dispatch, "practically the only persons exempted on physical grounds by local boards will be imbeciles and victims of major allmenta Even men with miss ing fingers and toes, originally re jected, will be accepted in the second draft- Other forseasts of what the revised regulations will be stated: "These for bid the local boards to exempt any man as unfit unless he is hopelessly dis qualified. Thousands disqualified in tbe first draft had comparatively slight defects, such as enlarged tonsils, skin diseases, and flat-foot, and these, it is said, will be accepted in the second draft. They will be passed on to dis trict medical boards, which will reject only those who cannot be used for military purposes. Those accepted will be sent to cantonments where they will have expert treatment for the cure of the disabilities." The orders sent out by Captain Culli son from the Adjutant-General's office yesterday stopping physical examina tions did not reach Multnomah County boards, their copies being sent through the mails. As . a result the 11 local boards proceeded with the tests in ignorance of orders to the contrary. Examinations Are Halted. OL.TMPIA. Wash., Feb. 2. Complying with instructions received today from Provost Marshal -General Crowd er. Gov ernor Lister ordered all Washington local boards to make no more physical examinations of Class I registered met until new regulations are received from Washington. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070, A 6095. To get the very best results take Dr. Humphreys "Seventy-seven1 at the first sneeze) or shiver. "Seventy-seven" breaks up Colds that hang on Grip. All Drug Stores. illlllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'i; The Eyes if - fs J A mighty important factor of the human body is this all-absorbing: sub ject and one that is being given more than usual attention and study by The DeKeyser Institute of Optometry, Second Floor of the Columbia Building. Dr. A. P. De Keyser, president and chief ' instructor of this rapidly, growing institu tion, has the distinction of having created in a comparatively short time . a school that stands alone in the Northwest. It is the only recognized licensed school of Optometry enjoying recognition from all state boards in this territory. Scores of students have and are now taking advantage of its instruc tion all classes are conducted under the direct leadership of Dr. DeKeyser himself graduate of the University of Ghent, Belgium. Many young people who are busily engaged in other channels during the day have, by joining the evening classes, laken ad vantage of the opportunity to advance themselves and have become Vision Specialists. Numbered among the graduates of the school are some of the most successful specialists of the city. On March 11th a class for beginners will be inaugurated for Summer instruction, preparatory to entrance in the September term, affording an excellent opportunity for those desirious of learning .optometry. Dr. DeKeyser is also conducting one of the most com pletely equipped and advantageously operated Vision prac tices in the city, affording every modern method for the proper testing of the eyes. Owing to the volume of his prac tice, Dr. DeKeyser has found it necessary to recommend that those desiring the utmost and the most careful attention to their troubles of Vision should arrange for appointment either by telephone or in person. The offices of this institution and Dr. DeKeyser's offices are located on the 2d floor of the Columbia Bldg Washington and Park Sts. Phone Main 9587. r( iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimr.