TITE SUNDAY PRECOMA. PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 3, 1918. - 17 - Make Youir .' .Garden Succeed mm j$ nt pfstliiiirt mil mnimk By growing vegetables you can release food for the nation; This year it is vitally necessary to make your garden bring forth - a bumper crop. Plan. Do not start a larger garden than you can see through. Choose the ground carefully. Prepare it well. Then plant the best seeds available. FE RMf 5 S. SEEDS are bred to grow sturdily and to bear vegetables of quality in size, flavor, texture and ten derness. We know the history of every lot of Ferry's Seeds and we test each year's crop. Only those crops which prove their quality are offered you in the packets bearing the Ferry name. VnvV,1 if it, . . 4V -v m . mm mmmf . Plant Ferry's Seeds. Do not plant too early. Do not waste seeds. It is essential to con serve seeds as well as food. Keep your garden weeded. Keep the bugs and worms killed off. You will serve your Coun try, your table, your health and your pocketbook by spending the time necessary to make your garden succeed. Good dealers have ample supplies of Ferry's Seeds. You do not need to take the dangerous risk of planting unknown seeds. Your local dealer should be able to sell you Ferry's Seeds. In case you cannot secure Ferry's Seeds locally, we can supply them by mail direct You know that Ferry's Seeds are good. Accept no substitute. D. M, FERRY & CO. Detroit, Mich. 340 Saniom St., San Francisco, Cat. Datei. D. M. FERRY & CO, Detroit, Mkh. Gentlemen H-PUaw mo4 ma FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL for 1918. Very truly your, Nama M.3 AdcW. . County . State,