THE SUNDAY OTtEGOXIAX. PORTLAND. KTlTtUART 3, 191S. IB ASPIRANTS CAN RUN FQH DOUBLE HON Senatorial Candidates Acting Legally in Seeking Long and Short Terms LAWYERS STUDY QUESTION Constllattoo and Orecuo Stamtr Do So Forbid Same Man Asking U lection Twice, Attoraeja Cnlformty Hold. Laa-T-n br a re of th opinion, aft ar aarlnf examined th provisions of t ha state law and construed them In conjunction with tbe Federal Constitu tion, thst ther la not nine to prtrtot nf or all of tba aeveral candidates for Vnitl Stt-a Senator from becoming nndltln for both tha abort and tba ln lrml aa successor to tba lata L'aiteU States Senator Lane. Tat Kvaafara V.irri. In an 'opinion rendered (lornfT-inTl Crown bld that tba voters of Union this rr will nomi nate and civet two United States Sen atorson to fill tha unexpired term of ik-nator Lana and tha other for the f ill alx-rear term as Lane's sarcrasor. Tba candidate elected for tba short term will s-rre from tha date of the November election until next March, when tba term for which Lana was elected actually expiree. Toe candi date wlnnine; the six-year terra aa suc cessor to Lent would be sworn In next Marco and serve until March, liS. The Attorney-General did not under take to pasa upon the question of whether or not aspirants for United states Senator could become candid-tee for both the short and tha lone terms. This question was not pre sented to blra and be explained that be would reserve aa expreeaed opinion thereon until tba matter caraa before him officially. But a number of Portland lawyers yesterday examined tha ststa-laws and Ine l"ntted ritate Constitution s;overn ine tbe election of United Mates Sena tors and are convinced tbat there nothing to prevent one man seeking" election for both the abort term and tha Ions; terms. This conclusion i based oa the theory that tha dual can didacy would Involve the same po sition, but would cover two terms and for that reason would not coma within that prohibition la the state statutes which prohibits a man irora peine; candidate for mora tbaa one office la taa aame election statatra Ar Cos merle. There Is another provision lo the state law which seemlnsjly would make It Impossible for the same candidate to run for the short and the lone terms. That section provides tbat tbe nam of a candidate shall appear upon the printed ballot tn only on place. Hut this position, aa It applies to tbe Sena tori! situation, aay thoe who have studied the lea-at aide of the contro versy, la In contravention of the Fed oral Conttlutlon. whl.'b defines tha wualifieeuoos of a L'nlted States Sen ator, and la. therefore, of no effect. F. W. Mulkey. es-lnlted btalea Sen ator, was on of tha lawyers who yes terday tborouaoly examined this sub vert and be la firmly of tba opinion that Senatorial aspirants csn seek elec tion for both the short and lb loos terms Me said: "There are only thre sections of our rode which poesibly could raise the atatton of tn qualification of any candidate eeeklns election for both terms. ' ectlon Hit. lord's Oro lam, says: "io person shall be quali fied to be a candidate for more than ne office to be filled at the same elec tion." flection 3J71 of oor code pro vides: Tb aame of earti person for whom, as a candidal for nomination valid petition baa been filed, shall be printed on the ballot In but on place.' while section reads: The name of each person nominated ahall b printed en tbe ballot la but one place, without regard to bow many tltuca ha may have been nominated- "Section j;i Is a part of the direct prlmarr nominating law. Section -14 is a part of th Australian ballot law. Jt Is a rule of les-al construction tbat seemtnaly confliotlns; statutory pro vision should be reconciled If possible. Tha only construction that will civ force anj effect to every word appear ias In the foretcolna sections fa this: -Section l.ll seeks to rrKulat can didates for nominations and aeeks to prevent the name of a candidal ap pearlne; on tbea primary election ballot more than once lor tue lama olllce. faaee appear Oar. 5ertlon SIM deals with duly elected nominees as distinguished from can rt4-e- for Mimlmhon snd seeks to prevent the name of a nomine from appearing more than one on tha Aus tralian ballot for the aame or flea. "Section 11); Is a statut that at tempta to prevent and doea prevent any person from holding more than one of fice at tbe same time. If any portion of the tenure of the two offices Is con current, section iJ-7 prevents a person from barltr bis nsma placed upon tbe ballot for more than one of such offices having concurrent tenure. "In the rase of tba long terra for l'nlted States Senator sad the short term .'or L'nlted Ststes Senator now confront lag the people of Oregon, the tenure Is not concurrent. The long term naturally aucceeds U short term. Anyone who holds tbe short terra Is not disquali fied from holding the lone term. Hence, the only section of our statutes that could possibly prohibit the same name going on tba ballot for both tbe short and the long terms baa do application. "Further than that, there Is another reason why the asm nam can be designated twice, but separately, for the long sad the short term and that is: If the Legislature really Intended by section 1137 to prohibit the nam of a candidal going on the ballot for long and a abort Senatorial term. this would amount to a disqualification to hold office. Stat Lacks Aafhea-iry. "Now the qualification of a TTntted Statea Senator ar specified by tha Constitution of the United States, and la tbat document do power Is conferred upon the states to enact additional provisions In the nature of prohibi tions. HflBM, tf tb legtslatur In tended section 3S37 to b a prohibition. It I unconstitutional "Further than that, there la another reasoa why tbls section has no appli cation. United States Senator Brlstow, wbo drafted the language relating to tha filling of vacancies In a Senatorial term, haa given It aa his opinion that the Govornor must Issue a writ of elec tion to permanently fill tha vacancy. Now, a writ of election. In theory, at least, always contemplates a special election. This being- so. In effect tbe long term Is to be filled at a regular election aad a short terra at aa election Instituted by ths Governor's writ, This being so. technically speaking, a can didate who rues for both tbe long and short terms would not be running for more than one office at the aame election. T do not wish to be understood as saying tbat a separate ballot will be required, but I do aay that In theory there would, la effect, be two dec Hons." leaatertal Asalraats 8 11 rat. To what extent tbe ruling of ths Attoroty-ileneral will affect hie can didacy, r. either of the three Repub lican aspirants for tbe Senatorship has announced. By that decision. Senator McXary, the Incumbent, wbo was ap pointed by Governor Wltbycombe as Lane's successor, will hold office only until the date of tbe "November elec tlon. Heine la office and bav:ng an nonnced bis candidacy to succeed him seir. Senator Mc.Nary la expected to seek also election for tbe short term which Intervenes between the expira tion of bis appointive term and the full six-year term for which be Is bow. a candidate. Whether R. X. Stanfield and P. B. Hu.ion. Senator "MoN'ary'a opponents, will amend their original declaration of candidacy and become candldatea for the abort term aa well aa the long term for which they have declared, la not known. Mr. StsnfleM Is cam pi tim ing In Southern Oregon and Mr. Huston could not be reached al his home last DtgbL It would not be surprising If both Huston and Slanfieid should conclude to sees: nomination for only tbe long terra and make no effort to land the short-term service In the Senate, lly adopting such a course, they would leave to Senator llc.Vaiy tha uncon tested candidacy for tha abort term. RALPH E. WILLIAMS MAY HAVE CONTEST Daniel Body, of Enterprise, Is Mentioned for Republican Committeeman for State. LAWYER SEEKS JUDGESHIP Sanderson Reed Announces Csndi-1 tUcy for State Senator Ii. Alex ander, of Pendleton, la Men tioned for Slate Treasurer. Ralph K. "Williams, Republican Na tional committeeman foa Oregon, who! la not averse to continuing on tbe )oo, I even under a Deraocratlo National Ad- I ministration, may have an opponent for I tba Place. Gossip In the hotel corri dor baa it that Daniel Boyd, of I Knterprtse, may be persuaded by his I friends to contest with Mr. Williams I for tbls honor. Mr. Boyd was la tbe city yesterday from his Eastern ' Oregon borne. Al though admitting that tbe subject bad been proposed to him by some of bis I friends, air. Boyd declined to say whether or not he actually would be come a candidate for committee man Tbe election of National committee men reata with tbe members of the Republican State Central Committee, which Is made up of one member from each county In tbe state. The mem ber from each county is chosen by the county precinct committeemen, who will be elected by tbe voters in the primary nominating election. May 17. The prospect of a contest for Na tions committeeman may serve to In- I ject some life Into tbe election of these precinct committeemen and the county choices of members of the State I Central Committee. Ordinarily but lit- I tie Interest attaches to tbe organiza tion of state and county central com mittees In the different parties. It usually la a difficult job to find rep- I resentative members of tha party who I will accept membership In these dif ferent committees. e e Robert C Wright, an attorney of this city and ex-chairman of the Re publican county Central Committee, announced yesterday tbat he would be csndldate for Circuit Jurtse. depart ment No. 4, on the Republican ticket, opposing Judge O. W. stspleton. Mr. Wright unsuccessfully onpo-ed Judse Kavanaugh in the primary election two years ago. 1 have lived In Portland since it's and am familiar with the legal prac tlca and the business affairs of this community." said Mr. Wnlght yester day in announcing hta candidacy. "I have practiced law continuously for H years and am entirely familiar with the practice in all of the courts of tbe state." Mr. Wright Is the first candidate for mally to announce that he will oppose Judge Stapleton for this office, al though It is reported A. W. Orton. A. L Moulton. W. T. Hume and possibly H. R. Giltnes will qualify as con testants for thia nomination before the time for filing announcements expires. --riee i-rti ff-y yy" v.iiif h t i i ' f n - if l MS Halifax Sufferer Write Portland Benefactor. to Rerrsra f Awful KsplawlM Retold I By tt.y M j tsJWm life r-iip arTlia. y 1 ! F' A MELLOW BEVERAGE GeeJ but RAINIER SPECIAL is good! lYoung America today: America itself ten morrow. He is the despair of the neighbors ; the joy of his Mother, the pride of his "Dad." He's a real boy. Whether it's aeroplane, fautomobil&j or, beverage , he is up-to-the-minute. For something to drink, there's nothing iti 70s eves that compares with RAINIER, SPECIAL. It's a satisfying soft drink. It's a regular; 'fellow's drink. ' Nothing sissy or wishy-washy about it Nor is there anything to hurt a fellow. Every bottle is a bottle of good healtH good taste good cheer. It's a long drink for a dimeC' 10c Bottles You'll find RAINIER SPECIAL at innsy cafes, soda fountains, drug stores, groceries, department stores, on dining cars and steam ships, and at cantonments, mobilization camps, naval stations, and elsewhere, where ood things to drink are sold. Distributed In Portland and the State of Oregon by UMi A COMPANY. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Phones Broadway, 4273, A oni 3 RAINIER PRODUCTS COMPANY, Seattle, manu facturer bf Rainier, the Wonder Beverage; Malt Rain ier, a health tonic; Rainier Special, a mellow beverage, and Syro, a table syrup. Mr. Anderson lives at Tbe Dalles, and was a member of the House of Rep resentatives at the last two sessions of the Legislature. He plans to man- ire his own campaign and will visit every section of the state in advance si IF FOR SORE, TIRED FEEHH! Tiz" Is Grand for Aching, Swol I " Ien, Tender, Calloused Feet or Corns. r Ah', wbat relief. No more tired feet: fro more burning feet: no more swollen. a--bina. tender, sweaty feet. No more orenee In coma, callouses, bunions. No matter wbat alls your feet er what under the sun you've tried with out get tins; relief, Just Us Tis." TlS I the only remedy that draws out all the tMlen.u exutiatione which puff up the feet. "Tls cures your foot trouble so you'll never limp or draw up your fac In pain. Tou shoes won't seem tight and your feet wi.l never, never hurt or set sore and swollen. Think of It. ia mor foot misery, no more agony from co rue. ealloueea or bunions. "-t a le-cent boa at any drua" store ar department store and get Instant re lief. Wear smaller ehoes. Just once try "Tis. Get a whole year's foot com fort lor only it caatav TLXak uX lu A description of the Halifax disaster haa been received In Portland In a let' ler from George WeUs. of Halifax, to Mrs, alary Criteser. of S3 Xlallory ave nue. who sent some socks to the Hal Ifax sufferers, containing a note, which was received by George Weirs. Perhaps you have read In the papers of the arest Halifax exploaioa." he writes. "Undoubtedly you have, as the disaster was world-wide, in the sense Ibat It appalled the world. Well am one of the unhappy sufferers, who. while not Injured himself, has lost family, home and everything. In th terrible upheaval which lay Kichmond ruins. My home was In the heart of tbe devastated district and but a acant eighth of a mile from where the ex plosion took place. I had gone to town early tbat fatal Tburauay morning, December If, when at five minutes after 9 the world rocked, buildings swsyed. and a most appallins; noise beat on lb ears, like th knell of doom. -Hut 7v seconds and It was over. A town had changed to a wreck. Every where people were rushing, blood streaming from faces, and on the air waa a low. moaning, pent-up cry, like a multitude In agony. Over doomed Richmond buns; an omlnoua cloud of smoke and dust. No one knew what had happened, but the general thought waa that the dockyard had gone up. even men no one bad an Idea tbat the erfecta were so appalling and dlsi trous. "I feared for those at home, but not until I came to the rlnc of fires that circled the doomed area did hope begin to leave me. Pray God tbat you may never see Burn sights. The mangled, the poor maimed, dyinr, the wouuded It waa a burning, shattered helL "When I reached my home the wreck or it was In flames. In It there per tuned my mother, sister and little nephew; only their charred remains have been recovered. Jdr brother's oouy waa identified at the morgue. He bad a shrapnel wound through his heart, lly sister-in-law, married sister and her little boy were Identified, but another child was never found. "My brother's child waa rescued, but died later at the hospital. Father waa a U. A. R. agent at the Kichmond ter mlnals. We did not find his body until laris.aia eve." OREGON SHOVELS TAGGED Campaign Throughout State Pro duct Gratifying Results. Tbe "Tag Tour ShoveP campaign produced gratifying results throughout the state, according to report re ceived from many localities by Federal r uel Administrator Holmes. "Outlying districts have not all re ported." said Mr. Holmes yesterday. but the majority of those reporting. particularly The Dalles and Roaaburg, piled up totals far In exceaa of th estimates. "The .cold weather has had no effect on fuel conditions throughout the state id every locality ia well supplied. "There Is need, however, for elimin ation of waste. Office buildings which depend on fuel oil for haat must con- rve. Supply of oil may be abut off at any time, aa th Government re quire most of tbe California output.' Flak Teas ia Discard. AMSTERDAM. Feb. 5. rive o'clock tea has been abolished In Holland. The government hss prohibited the serving of tea in restaurants and hotels, be cause stocks are disappearing favst aod taivanla ar at a complete ceaaauoa. Sanderson Reed, an attorney of this city, yesterday announced his candl dacy on the republican ticket for I of tbe prlmany nominating election. Mate Senator from Alullnoman county. Mr. Reed bas had former legislative experience, baring at one time been a ; member of the House of Representa tives from this county. In his formal announcement Mr. Reed says. In part: "I shsll not permit myself to be swayed from what I believe to be the pmmary Interests of our Nation, city, county or state, e As a life-long resi dent of Multnomah County, I am well acquainted with our needs. I shsll op pose. If elected, laws for private, po litical or material gain, and will up hold such laws aa we already bave tbat have proven of benefit and ad vantage to tba people." R. Alexander, pioneer resident of the Mate and a prominent business man of Pendleton, has been considered a like ly candidate for State Treasurer on the Republican ticket. He has had the matter under consideration for some time, but recent Information from his friends la to tbe effect that he v. ill sot make the race. see J. Ft. Anderson. Repnbllcan candidate for Governor, Is quietly touring the state in the Interest of his candMay BAKER BOOTLEGGER FINED Judge Larkin Issues Warning to Fu ture Violators of Law. BAKER. Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Just before sentencing George Lark in, who was before the Circuit Court today on a charge of bootlegging, to serve 90 days In Jail and pay a fine of 200, Judge Gustav Anderson issued a warning; to all future violators of the prohibition law. The Judge told Larkin that obser vation teaches that the average of fender, especially tbose who go to the extent of selling Intoxicating liquor, look upon the payment of a mere fine "gentleman's business," and then proceed to again offend. liut offenders must learn and under stand that in these cases the courts are not dealing with business, but with crime and nuisance, and to suppress these, penalties design eel to ultimately effect the desired results will be con sistently enforced. Japanese Fishermen Rescued. A PACIFIC PORT, Feb. 2. Thirty three Japanese fishermen, rescued from a fishing; boat whose engines were dis abled and provisions exhausted 20 hours out of Yokohama, were in port here to day aboard a -Japanese freighter. An officer of the freighter said the men had been removed at their request, against the wishes of their master, al though the fishing boat had been de feated for two weeks in Its efforts to regain shore. The master, with five of bis crew, remained on board, heading toward Japan. Maniac Confesses Double Murder. ST. PETER. Minn, Feb. 2. Ralph I Crosby, committed to the State Aeylum here January 29 fromJYellow Medicine County, confessed to authorities today the murder of John Bell and his wife in Red Oak, Ia., in August, 191 Forester Is Given Command. Captain Fred E. Ames, formerly As sistant District Forester in the Port land offices of the United States Forest Service, has been assigned to the com mand of Company B, Seventh Battalion, Huth Engineers, according to informa tion received in the Forest Service of fice yesterday. He is now stationed at American University, Washington, 1. C. Read The Oreironian classified ad.?. CoroNA The personal writing machine writes anywhere, any time. Only $50 in regular case. - E.W.PEASE CO. 110 SIXTH ST. Complexions Win Beauty Contests Why Stuart's Calcium Wafers Ban ish Pimples, Blackheads and Skin Imperfections They Do Work Wonders. S E.VD FOR FRKB TRIAL, PACKAGE. Mm fm thing rou should remember. Stuart'a Calcium Wafers are continu ous In action. They work constantly In the blood. Their Influence is mainly In the skin. Here they assist to neu tralise Impurities, convert them so they pass off aa Invisible vapor. The skin now becomes dear, pimples dry and flake off. bolla 'cease, blackheads are gone, yellow muddlness disappears and you soon have the complexion that peo ple talk about. .No creams, lotions, blearhea or other external methods can do this. ;et a Se-cent box of Stuart Calcium Wafers st any drug store. Be gin today, or lr vol wish iirst to try tnem aena uie coupon xor a -ree trial package. Free Trial Coupon V. A. Starv C B4 Kl.irt Bid-. Marshall. Mlcb. Send me at once, oy return mall, a free trial package of Stuart a Calcium Wafers- Nam Street City .. Stste Adv. New Standard of Motor Efficiency and Power WHEN a motor rated by S. A. E. formula at only 16.9 horse power, develops in authentic test over 43 horse, it is time to revise all standards which have hitherto measured Gasoline Engine Power and Efficiency. J That motor has arrived. I It is the motor designed by Eay Harroun for the car that bears his name. A Triumph of Engineering There was never a motorist who did not covet for his car a surplus of good qualities a surplus , of power, comfort, efficiency and beauty. The Harroun Motor Car meets this de mand. Unlike other cars of conspicuously high quality, the Harroun provides this surplus within the range of popular price. . In the whole world of engineering there is but one man who could have designed this car.' That man is Ray Harroun most versatile and most wide ly experienced of automobile engineers. A Rich Experience Mr. Harroun is the only engineer who has ever designed, built and driven a car to a world's speedway championship. He is conspicuously the greatest living authority on carburetion. As an engineering executive he has designed and . built cars of high and popular price. One of his touring cars now holds the world's record for mechan ical tirelessness an authentic run of more than 22,000 miles without a motor stop. His Opportunity Through ail this wide range of expe rience, Mr. Harroun always cherished the belief that he might some time have free opportunity to design and produce his ideal motor car. - , The Harroun Motors Corporation gave him this opportunity. ' Unhampered by any legacy of old models, old machinery, old materials or old policies, he has been able to endow the Harroun motor car with details and fundamentals of design that are new,, exclusive and notably advanced. A Marvelous Motor Only a successful designer of racing cars could have designed the Harroun car's motor. While developing a maximum- power much greater than that of many motors with larger cylinders or more of them the Harroun will throttle smoothly to the lowest speeds. Its range on high gear is a revelation and its acceleration comparable to no other car of like ef ficiency. . Comfort That's New Racing experience is also drawn oh for the Harroun car's new spring suspen sion a facility which enables it to travel smoothly over rough roads, its tonneau as comfortable as its front seat. Yacht, lines such as any road leviathan might well be proud of, and a quality of finish which contrasts pleasantly with the somber hues of most other cars, give the Harroun a degree of beauty new to its field. ... A ride in it will tell you far more effectively than is possible on the printed page, how amply the Harroun makes good the promises we give for it how proud you yourself will be to call this superlative car your own. DEMONSTRATION BY APPOINTMENT S785 F. O. B. FACTORY- PAC I F I C MOTO R S, INC. LEE L. GILBERT, Portland Distributor, Winton BIdg., Twenty-third and Washington Sts, Portland, Or. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Main 4244 OREGON TERRITORY NOW OPES. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE SHOW, FEB. T-13 1