The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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3, 1918.
ITIIIIIf IIITIIIlIf TinilllllllintlTnTIIIITflTIIIITIIIIIfTTIITrilllllfl IITIIllllTIIIIIirrillllTtlllllTIIIITTIIf rift r!I!II'lirri1ITIf(I!IITTIf llllf illllllltlllflllTIIf
Noted Actor, Now on Farewell Tear of United States, Will Be Attraction
at Heilig Wednesday Night, February 13.
fudge Rossman Imposed On,,
Says David Robinson.
O 1
H More Extraordinary Bargains at Shanahan's
Last week our store was crowded with eager purchasers taking advantage of the wonderful bargains offered in our Sun
day ad. This week we offer stilf greater inducements to secure your patronage and we ask you to look over these
different items, which are priced much below prevailing figures. This is our Great Expansion Sale, not a removal sale,
as our growing business compelled us to annex another storeroom in the building now occupied by us. The Best Mer
chandise at Prices Not Duplicated Elsewhere Will Be Found at SHANAHAN'S GREAT EXPANSION SALE.
Featement Made That Keepers of
Disorderly Boases Are Rej-alarly
Promising to Abandon Ways
and Regularly Falling.
Ta ths Municipal Court yesterday aft
ernoon David Robinson. sx-PuMtc Da
fender and now attorney for the Ore-
re n Social Hygiene: Society, virtually
rharced Judas Rossman with failure
fully to co-operate with the War !
partment In tta crusade afalnst disor
derly women.
Juice Roeatnaa resented the Imputa
tion and. while statins that be had
dona and would do fata full duty, de
clared that ha would not send any
woman to Jail wttbout adequate evi
dence. During his statement, which was
couched la plain and emphatic lan
sruaae. Mr. Robinson also clashed with
M. U. Hontreaxa. counsel for Louise
Travolta, keeper of the Rlchellew. an
alleced notorious Doum at Slxtti and
t ouch streets, and Bailiff Carr stepped
up to quiet the attorneys, while the
Judge cautioned acalaat personal la-
lUMmi Tlalta RW-aeltra.
Sfr. Robinson appeared In court and
addressed Jade Roeeman merely as a
representative of the War Department,
throuah his connection with the Hy
giene Society and the Fosdica Commis
sion, ho belnc also an aaent of the
organisation working with John Me
Court In the suppression of vice on
account of the soldiers. Mr. Robinson
declared that he bad Just come from
the Richelieu, where ha bad gone upon
receipt of confidential Information to
the effect that the Travella woman was
atlll engaged In Illegal business, not
withstanding her promts to Judge
Rossman In open court the previous
day that she bad abandoned the Ufa.
Judge Rossmaa. at tb conclusion of
the case against the woman, which was
tried frtdajr. had gone lo the Richelieu
with Mr. Montreua and I'olicemea
Miller and Wellbrook to make a per
sonal Inspection of the place. After
bis return to the courtroom, the Judge
acquitted the defendant, and. when at
tacked by Mr. Robinson yesterday,
aeclared be waa convinced she was con
ducting a roomtng-houAe of a legiti
mate character, as neither b nor the
officers were able to find any evidence
to the contrary, althougn they went lo
tbe house without warning, so far as
ba knew.
Cmnr Imposed rses. Clalsa,
"Tour honor." (aid Mr. Robinson. "I
want to Inform you thai this court Is
being Imposed upon by Louis Travella
and a lot of women of her type. Tby
have been coming Into court here and
tilling you thai they have abandoned
their evil lives, when, as a matter of
fact, they go right out and commit the
acta which have made them notorious.
I'pon Information considered triable.
I went to the Richelieu and called upon
this Travella woman. As a result 1 am
prepared to lell the court that she bsd
two men there whtl 1 waited to Inves
tigate and that she Is deceiving you.
Not knowing me, she fell right Into tb
trap, and If ah would tell lb truth.
ah would admit all this.
"To whom did she admit lit asked
Mr. Montreasa, who bad stood by a 1th
out comment.
"To me." replied Mr. Robinson.
"Well you wlil never clean up the
situation by your manner of proced
ure, aeciarea Mr. Montreal.
"The War Department wants these
womea put out of business." replied Mr.
Robinson, "and don't you forget It.
w will put them out If we have to Jail
svery one of them."
"Voa ar aa extremist " said Mr.
At this Junctor Judge Rossman In
terrupted and warned against person
alities, and Bailiff Carr took up a po
allien close to the two attorneys.
Jad Make Slatrsseat.
"T feel that I have gone a far as
any on could In deallnr with these
cases." said ths Judge, after quiet was
restored. "When the woman la ques
tion was before me yesterday no con
clusive evldenc was produced against
her. and after a personal Investigation
of bar establishment I decided to acquit
her. I do not fevl that I am Justified
tn sending a woman In Jl for two or
thre months on such tUm.j testimony,
t ennot so out and chrk up on all of
these rases, but If you will fli a cbarg
against this woman now 1 wlil go into
tae cas again."
"1 promised her when I avked her to
eejen her with me today taat 1 would
not." replied Mr. Hobmaon, 'and I will
not. 1 am not arrartng here aa an of
ficer ar cornplalntng witness, but slifl
ply to Inform the court that the
womea are deceiving you."
Judge Rossman said, after tb Inci
dent waa ctoee1. that he has been
warning disorderly women as thy hav
om befur him from time to time that
a repetition f their offense would ruret
with a long Jell svntenc. That, b
said, be will adhere to.
Kvtdevte Held Xceeeaary.
"But I do not feel that, because I
hav been dolr.g a great d-al to assist
la the clean-up. that I should be asked
to throw away all discretion and Jail
womea without any evidence," the
Ju ice said.
John McCoort appeared be fore the
nolle rsitefs last week and demanded
their eo-operatlon In the clean-up cam
paign. He charged that soma of the
men bad Ideaa that run counter to tbe
programme of the War Department,
and told them that disorderly womea
must b drtvea to cover aad put out of
Mr. Robinson told Judg Roesman
yeeterday that the fact that little or no
punishment has beea meted out enables
tn womea of tb anderworld to sit
by and laugh at the poile. and that the
poltc hav grown weary of bringing
la the womea of this class aa a result.
Folic rgent Thatcher, who baa
Just beea assigned to the command of
ta war emergency squad, having this
work la charge, was In court and lle
tened to the statements of all side. He
aid later that be ould Instruct his
man t wag a relentless war agalaat
UUa clae of women.
' pv: I -
' . . v . .. ' .
i ' . i
Bale Coaaaaeuee at 10 A. M.
Unparalleled Offering of
T77 IS"1 "
At the Astounding Prie
Of Only 69c Each
Only four doxen of these beautiful
Kimonos in this lot. colors, oia
rose, gray, lavender, blue, with
floral designs In contrasting; col
ors; some fashioned on etralght
lines, others empire effect. Tour
unrestricted choice, at only... 697
cs)satlonal Clean-l'p f .
v Women's
"Wool Shawls"
At the io-tlulck Price
Of Only 19c Each
Clean up of odd lines of women's
tWool Shawls In cardinal and white
only. These are actually below
wholesale cost of raw material.
Values to (1, while they last at
only, each.... 19)
ARRT LAUDEIV Is todsy the fore
most figure on the stag. A
great part of this Is due to his
Inimitable and marvelous characteri
sation, a talent that can keep an au
dience convulsed with laughter for an
hour and a half by his single efforts.
Hut part of It Is undoubtedly due to
the great work which he has done for
the soldiers of the sllles In war-ridden
France, as a result of which be has
fiKuriMl In the public prints almost
Not a whit of this work waa dona In
any way to forward his theatrical in
terests. On the contrary, during the
height of his season In London, he sud
denly terminated his engagement for
a period In order to go to the front
and bring th cheer of his presence to
those who were giving their lives and
their health to th cause of world
democracy. It was at that stage of
his career, while still a young man and
In the senith of his powers, that Lau
der has elected to bring his stsge ac
tivities to a clos. and his farewell tour
of America under th direction of Wil
Am Morris, the man who Is more than
sny one else responsible for his career.
He will be seen here st the Heillg
Theater. Wednesday night, February
When he returns to his native heath.
Lauder haa announced that he will con
fine his activities to work for the
soldiers so long as the war may last
and to alleviation of the condition of
th Injured survivors for some time aft
erward. Thereafter, he will spend his
time upon the estste which he lately
purchased in Scotland, and the stage
will see him no more.
Lauder's farewell tour of this coun
try will see him ss active In the cause
of ths soldiers here as In his stage
work. Kvery bit of the time that he
can take from his engagements will
ba given to ths International Y. M. C.
A which arranged monster meetings
for him throughout th United States.
Mercerized Table
cloths Extra Spl. at $125 Ea.
Full B8 laehee wide In a good as
sortment of patterns. Kxcellent
?uality that will give entire satis
action marked at a special price
for this sale. Limit 2 to a customer.
Eighth Birthday of Order to Be
City Plana to Eliminate Necessity
of Sacking Coal.
To aid In th move to save labor now
rvoired for sacking coat, th city may
adopt tbep laa of attaching email coal
wagon r carta to road roller Instead
of delivering the coal to these machines
la sacks.
Arrangements ar being made by th
Public Works Department to hav th
ral wsgasa af sufficient capacity to
earry coal to operate th machines two
or thre day. - Trucks will deliver tb
eol loo. It la said this system also
will cut down tb city's coal bill con
siderably, sacked coal being extremely
high at this time.
Organisation of Youngsters In Port
land llaa Grown to More Than
1000 Members Suburban
Towns Well Represented.
On February t the Boy Scouts of
America will celebrate their eighth
birthday with an entertainment at Lin
coln School auditorium, starting
at 1 o'clock promptly.
White the movement was started
February I. 110. It was not until a
years later that It was really under
headway. In the seven years It has
been operating It has acquired a mem
bership In this country of 100,000 boys.
aad So.ooe msn are giving of their time
In Its leadership. In addition to this
there are about 4S,0iA boys who hsve
passed through In wor-, so nearly
l.vt.eA bovs and me., have secured the
Tte Qalekee Tea Get a Frew'Trtal
t t-yrassid I'll Treataseat t fet
tev. It la at Ar Lsshlsg
Dont talk operation. Jf yon can t
wait for a free trial of Pyraroi 1
pli Treatment get a box at any
drug- stor and get relief now. If
not near a stor send coupon for
free trial parkag In plain wrapper
and get rid of Itching. bleding and
protruding piles, hemorrhoids and
such rectal trouble. Tsks no substitute.
PTRAMTD company.
i." Pyramid Hull ding,
Marshall. Mich.
Kl"dlv sand m a FYe sample
of PvrasaM PUo Tresf eau In
plain wrapper.
benefit of Boy Scout education
through this programme.
Th movement In Portland has de
veloped until now there are more than
1000 Scoots In 60 troops and several
hundred mors Scouts In suburban
towns who are affiliated with the
Portland council.
Not only has the local organisation
been carrying on ths regular activities
of ths Scout programme, but It has
been prominent In practically every
civic and patristic enterprise that has
been launched.
It Is expected that several hundred
Boy Scouts will rather at ths Lincoln
High School auditorium next Friday
evening for their birthday celebration.
Children under 13 years of age will
not be admitted."
On the opening of the meeting, call
to th colors will be sounded, flag un
furled and Scouts' pledge to the flag
given, followed by the reading of mes
sages from President Wilson and Colin
IL Livingston, president of the Boy
Scouts of America. At 8:15 P. M. every
Scout In the United States, no matter
wher situated, will rise In his place
and repeat hia Scout oath, which Is aa
On my honor I will d my best
1. To do my duty to Ood aad my country
and to obey tne Scout Is.
S. To help other people at all times.
S. To keep myself physically strong, men
tally awake and morally straight.
IXunlc will b furnished by Georgl
Hotchklss Street snd a patriotic ad
dress will be given by Bishop Sumner,
followed by a five-reel patriotic film.
There will b no charge for admission.
The anniversary celebration Is not
only for on evening, but is continued
over the week, during which troore of
50c Silk Boot Hose
. Specially UBt1?rprlce4
At Only 39c Pair
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hose,
lisle top, with wide hem, double
toe and high spliced heel: all
sizes: every pair perfect. Black
or white, our 50c grade, special
for this sale at only, palr..39e
85c Women's v
Union Suits
Asnaalag Price
At Only 49c Each
Women's fleeced and medium
weight Union Suits, tuck stitched,
ribbed, seamless, high neck, long
sleeve, ankle length; sizes 36, 38,
42 and 44. Visit our store at this
time and purchase your supply of
underwear at Ulis phenomenal low
Men's Furnishings atSubstantial Savings
Men's! 5c WorkShirts
Attractively Under
priced at Only 59c E,a.
Now is the time to purchase these
necessary garments while the
stock is complete and the prices
phenomenally low. Made of cham
brays and - cotton flannels, in ' all.
sizes and colore. Suitable for
everyday wear. ,
' Great Underprleed Offering f
Men's Overalls v
At Only U 35 Pair
"Can't But 'Em," Union Made
Made of heavy blue denim with
high back, six pockets. In view of
the rapid advance of all goods of
this class it will pay you 4o pur
chase early while this sale continues.
Sale Men's Rough
Neck Sweaters
Priced for Quick Disposal
At Only 98c Each
A rare opportunity to purchase
these excellent quality Sweaters at
a great saving. We show, them in
gray and maroon. Our regular $1.25
to 1.60 values now on sale at the
phenomenal low price of only 98c
Sensational Underprlced Offering
Men's Suspenders
At Only 35c Each
Attention, men! This Is an oppor
tunity that you cannot afford to
overlook. Such real values are
seldom encountered In this day of
high prices. Tou will find them
here in the best makes SHIRLEY,
FlllEMAS and other FIXH MAKES
good quality, best rubber. .AH
men know the excellent values of
these goods. Our advice: Buy now.
A Great February
Underprice Selling of
Fashionable Silks
Commencing tomorrow, Monday,
and continuing throughout the
week, 3800 yards of the recognized
Pine Tree Mlka" much below pre
vailing prices.
$225 Heavy Black
v Taffeta Silks
SenaatloaaUr Taderprlced
At Only $U9 Yard
36-inch wide Hundreds of ehrewd
women will welcome this irrand
opportunity to buy beautiful Silks
at a tremendous saving; full yard,
wide, heavy and lustrous finish,
suitable for dresses, skirts, waists.
petticoats and the hundreds or uses
that women have for a silk of this
ffrado and price.
Extraordinary Sale of
Plaid Dress Goods
At Only 49c Yard
3B00 yards of beautiful Plaid Suit
ings in a wonderful selection of
colors, some silk striped both
large and small plaids; your choice
of any of these lovely goods at
only, yard 49C
$1 Wool Cashmeres
at the A mazinglyLow
Price of Only 29c Yd.
36 Inches. In black, Copenhagen,
light gray, lavender and battleship
gray. These are suitame ior street,
afternoon and ewening dresses,
soft in texture and drape beauti
fully. There are Borne slight im
perfections in these goods, bat will
not Injure their wearing qualities.
Sensational Sale
Huck Towels
12Vzc Ea., $135 Doz.
Featuring t
sale of HUCK
wonderful, sensational
TOWiSljS at only
1Z each: 81.35 per a oxen.
sue 17x34-luch Bleached Huck
Towels, heavy quality, hemmed,
ready for use. ' Hotels, rooming
bouses and busy housewives should
anticipate their needs in this line
while this sale is on.
Wash Goods
In prices, designs and textures that
will appeal to ths most exacting
Just arrived from the fashion cen
ters an elegant line of
Egip Tissues
Specially - Underprlced
At Only 25c Yard
A beautiful material for Spring;
and Summer Dresses In coloring;
and weave that will appeal to the
most fastidious dressers. Visit the
Wash Goods Department and look
over this exquisite materia at
only, yard 254
35c Cotton Poplins
Extra Special 19c Yd.
36-Inch Popltns, suitable for ladles
waists, dresses, also for children'a
wear; colors In blue, pink, cream,
white and green. See them, while
they last at only, yard 19t
50c Turkish Bath
Specially Underprlced
At Only 29c Each
Slme 20x42 inche Bleached Turkish
Hath Towels. Extra heavy, ends
hemmed, thick full nap; Just the
towel for good service; actually
worth 50c, today, limit 6 to a customer.
65c Turkish Bath
At the Amaslaar Low Price
Of Only 35c Each
l.e 32x4-lnch Bleached Turkish
Bath Towels. Extra heavy ends,
hemmed: Just the proper size for
comfortable use. Mrs. Careful Shop
per, this is your opportunity, sup
ply your needs here in this line
while this opportunity lasta. No
phone orders, none C. O. D. Extra
special at only, each.. 35J
w. s. s.
War Saving Stamps issued
by the United States Gov
ernment. NO AMOUNT is too small
to lend to your country.
Featuring; a Wonderfully
Sensational Sale of
White Goods
At Only 25c Yard
This lot consists of Flaxons, Nain
sooks, Dimities, Organdies and
Jacquard goods. Women who are
seeking something inexpensive and
serviceable will surely find some
thing to their liking among these
beautiful goods.
Edges, Beading anA In
sertions, the yard. w. .. .
Economical women will
welcome this opportun
ity to buy dainty em
broideries for trimming
of underwear, waists.
dresses, at this sensa
tional low price. This lot con
sists of fine Swisses and Cam
brics in a large assortment of
patterns. Supply your needs
here In this line while this low
price prevails.
Great Sale of Women's and Misses' ir
Cap and Scarf Sets If
,At These Most Attractive Prices EE
69c, 75c and $1.00
They come In stripes and plain EE
colors of Angora wool: just the 5
proper gear for this -cold weather; ins
former selling prices to 12.60 set. E
Now is the time to buy, they'll EE
keep you so cosy and warm during :
this unseasonable weather. E
Store Open
9 A. M. to
6 P. BL
9 A. M. to
9 P. M.
E we Deliver to All Parts of the City New Location Dekum Building Third and Washington Streets EE
Entrances: 264-266 Washington St. and 123 Third St. j
Scouts will visit the hospitals, chil
dren's homes, etc., with gifts of flow
ers and render such other assistance
aa may be necessary.
Books Are Closed for City Primaries
to Be Held on March 5.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) Closing of the filing books to
night for the city primaries to be held
March 6 show contests for fire of the
nine offices to ba filled. T. H. Hill, for
three years City Treasurer, is opposed
hv A. E. Vauehn. In the First Ward.
O. A. Oldaker and W. H. Hollinger are
the candidates; in the Second Ward,
O. A. Miller and H. E. Bailey; In the
Third Ward. John Fraser; in the
Fourth Ward. J. M. Bowes and J. M.
Graham; in the Fifth Ward. J. D.
Walker; In the Sixth Ward. L L. Alex
ander and James McMasters.. - .
P F. Clark, veteran City Clerk, is
without opposition, and so is R. E. Tag
gart. Police Judge.
Pendleton Prepares for Future.
PENDLETON, Or., Feb. . (Special.)
Nine lots in the choice part of Olney
cemetery have been set apart by the
city as a burial ground for the Pendle
ton soldier dead with the expectation
that, after the war. a memorial shaft
may be erected over the graves. The
first man to be buried there will be Er
win A. Huff, who died in Vancouver
Tuesday and who will be buried here
with military honors tomorrow.
Some Men Found in Service.
Draft offiolals have received infor
mation that George Leigh Hornby,
whose former address was 89 West Go
ing street, Portland, is now an en
listed -man and located in an Eastern
camp. Cecil Poling, another registrant
tentatively on the delinquent list, is
reported as serving in an engineers'
unit in France.
4ppi.4!r1tls l iMimirHy duo to thm o!- th eaoat of moot BlckB no tomch.
ii ymr or mr omer organ catn uo "wa
avn formed by docarlnff food la too bowe.s.
It ta dlwtM couMd by Improper and in
sufflcloat bow. Ilmlnotion. Many po
oio hv oaly a omaUl ptmi lo the en
tr of tho bowio whllo tbo alda or
clovcod wltk old. auto. frrantloc mattr.
Thy may doto bowol anovamtnt avvrr
day but It to oot a oomploto mowm-nL aad
th old atal matter a tar in th ayetcra to
farm en t aad cana troubi. Balda appen
dicitis aocta vacUaa bow! cauao hoad
acbtft, atomach trouble and 90 per cent of
all otbr ica.naam. Tb eld foal matter atlck
tn v to tae aides of tbe bow I a often scar
in for month, poteontaf th body and eaoa
IR that llotlea. tired feeling known aa
anto Intoxication.
rte way to avoid aleknoea and to keep
feeling full of ambition In to watch your
bow:. Just a yon keep the out '.! of
nar body clean, yo ahouid oleo KKEP THE
1X8IDS CLXAK. It lo even more Important
to keep the bewets iean than U la to beep
your body vaehed. boeaose tho million ef
pore In the 6 feet of bowel qulnlcly ab
sorb poison generated by deoaytng food left)
earelesa.y la the boweia. Don t allow the
e:d. fnrmentlng, filthy stuff to atay In four
bowels for weeks, bat ORT IT OUT and
U ouU iiaiunfntiSBj flUhjr bow
with a font rsoool aendlnr out cui and
poiBoni. Evn If roar bowla move alight.;?
each day. that la not nougii. There muat
be an occasional THOROUGH, complete
cicanalng to rid your ayatem of all accumu
lated, oecaying matter.
Tbe MOST COMPLETE bowel cleanasr
known is a mixture of ' buckthorn bark,
glycerine and ten othar Ingredients, pat up
In ready prepared form under th trade
Dim of dtdier-l-ka. This mixture la so
Sowerful a bowel cleanser that It ALWAYS
oee lta work properly and thoroughly. It
remove foul, and poisonous matter which
o:her carthart-'c or laxative mixture are
unable to dlalodga. It does a COMPLETE
job and It works QUICKLY and without the
least dlacomfnrt or trouble. It la ao gentle
that one fnrgeta he has taken It until tha
THOROUGH evacuation starta. It la aa
tontahlng the rreat amount of fouL poisonous
matter s SINGLE EPOONFUL. of Adier-l-lta
draw from ths alimentary canal matter
ou would never hav thought waa In your
ayatem. Try It right after a natural bowel
movement and notice how much MORE foul
matter will bo brought oat which was poi
son Ins yeur system. In alisht disorder
uch aa occasions) oonatlpatlon. sour atomach.
gas en the atomacn or eicn neaaacne, one
apoenful brlnga reHef almnat INSTANTLY. la the MoST THOROUGH bowel
eieaaser and anttaepticlser ever offered In
re sidy prepared form. It ! eonetant sur
prise la nouao wlio &svn insed oogr ft-dUss,
J! . J
and the L
bowel snd stomach medicines
various oils and waters.
Dr. James Weaver, Los, Utah: "I have
found nothing In my 60 years practice to
excel Adler-ltka.
Dr. W. A. Una, West Baden, Ind.: "I
nso Adler-l-ka in. my practice and have
found nothing to excel f it."
Dr. F. M. Prettyraan, Mallard. Minn.: "1
ass A.dJer-1-ka In all bowel cases and have
been very successful with It. Bom a cases
require only one dose.
Druggist D. Hawks., Goshen, Ind.: One
of oar leading doctors has aaed Adler-l-ka
In cases of stomach, trouble with wonderful
success. He has not lost a patient and saved
many operations. "
J. E. Fackett, Glllhnm. Ark.: I had bad
atomach trouble. After taking Adler-l-ka
feel better than for 20 years. Haven't lan
guage to express the awful Impurities which
were eliminated from my ayaiem."
Cera B. Noblett, Begeeyah. Okie.: "Thanks
to Adier-l-ka I can sleep all night now.
something I could not do for years."
Mrs. U A, Austin, Aaaland. Minn.: "I
cnuld not eat a thins, my atomach was so
weak. Adler-l-ka made me feel better and
am now abls to work and gaining.
Adler-l-ka fs sold only ' by tho leading
dru relate In each city.
Sold in Portland only by Ekidznoxe Drug
CouieAy, laU lUUi d sue.
3ew Method
An exceedingly interesting new hook thai
tells about Dealness and how ii can be eured
rieht in your own home being piven sway
absolutely free of charge by its author, a lair.oin
Specialist known throughout the country jet
his great success with Dealnes,
Thu book should be read at once by every
one who is deal, lor it contains the latest informs'
tion in regard to tlie new method' of treating
Deafness without any surgical operations,
pain, absence irom your daily . work, or
convenience i
Deafness Specialist Sproule. Graduate, ta
Mediemt'OTd&VTQry Dublin C wrtf . Ireland
formerly Surgeon British Hoyoi idaii Javal; cr.
.um who wrote tne book, has for thirty year,
been studying and curing Dealness ana th
genuine and hearty sympathy and lrendunesFn.
feels for all snfierert from thissicnon la clearly 1
expressed m it page I
From cover to cover this excellent book is full oil
tbf very heir- and knowledge'that every deal per-'
sou needs It expiain al! about the formation of
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