14 THE SUNDAY OREGOXI AX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 3, 1918. GAR-FARE BATTLE ' opens Toieeov, REGISTRATION OF GERMAN" ENEMY ALIENS, NUMBERING ABOUT 2000 IN PORTLAND, WILL BEGIN TOMORROW. . " City Council's Suit tp Over throw Ruling Is to Be Filed Immediately. EARLY DECISION EXPECTED City Attorary DrrUm He Ha lTir,b Hope of Winning Act Jon Power of a-cmec Coamluloa to D Fnlly Iiermlaed. Til City Council salt. I effort to overthrow the cent streetcar far in Portland, will ba started tomorrow, according to piano announced yeater day by the attorneya la tha case. Tbe complaint, which has been framed by City Attorney La Roche and Special Attorneya Martin llpaa and Vvileon T. Hum, will ba finished prob ably tomorrow morning and will ba flei at oon In tha Circuit Court. An effort will ba made to et an aarly da rtaion and to carry tha caaa to th State Supremo Court aa quickly aa poa eihle. City Attorney JaRorha aaid yester day that ha and th othrr attorney In tha ra bar hlrh hopes of winning th nult. n thin I sure." aald Mr. LaKoche. "ii art going to make aa bard a legal battl aa wa art able. When w get through there will b no unsettled question aa to tha law regarding- franchises and th Jurisdiction and nower of tba Public Service Con nalra Ion." Coaaaalaafaa'a Pa war Qarlowed. Th complaint to ba filed will tackle th legality of tha -ceat fara from vartoua angles. Tba main questlor will ba on th power of tha Public Servlca C'ommlaalon to alter th provisions of the franrhiaea of the Portland Railway. I-iarht A Power Company calling; for a a-cent far. Although thia question baa been decided onr, by th Stat Su preme Court, th attorney In tha caaa aow figure thy have additional points which may caua a different decision. Also tbey bat other contentions to snake. Mr. La Roche aald yesterday that un let h City Council gtvea instructions, th attorneys will ro ahead with th rajM without waiting for th comple tion of th new appraisal of the strret rar property of th Portland Railway. l4cht eY Power Company, which ap praisal hi to ba made by tha council. Tha value, aa arrived at by tha ac eountanta and engineers to b sent in to th company's books by th council, will b of value in contesting tba -rent far, if th figure should ahow that th appraisement aa mad by tat I'eublic Service Commission la too low. I if c". - "'s ..uviasrss?pvl I If ,' , f; : . .-r-w-,.."-" ' "-. ' j- .cwa,, I I if ' f 'v; l .,, ' -J'r , 5 1 ,j , h ? if ' f t f LJi'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllilllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Diamond! Wonderfully beautiful in its purity of color in its flashing brilliance in its wealth of sentiment when it comes as a gift! We always are glad to show you our diamonds. We have many loose stones which we mount to order and many already mounted in rich settings of gold or platinum diamonds as low in price as $10, ranging up to $1500. ARONSON'S diamond engagement RiiGsl I $25 $50 $75 $100 F The Best You Can Buy at the Price"""""' $ THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS We never carry umbrellas from one season to the next. This week we are offering all our fine umbrellas for men and women at one-third to one-half off regular prices. Now is the time to buy an umbrella at a genuine saving. $3.50 Nut Bowls, Special $1.85 JEWELERS- CliisAmcftim Street at Broadhai THE WILL OF GOD THOUGH OPPOSED, YET EVENTUALLY SUPREME EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllliQ CHir.r or police johsox ad c pti hrw dklivkr ki.i. ivstrictioss to members of staff WHO HILL ASSIST IX THE WORK. 'OLICE ARE READY If such facta develop Mr. LaRoch say they can b nacd la subsequent action by h city. Although th City Council baa appro priated I4.et to cover th cost of th appraisement of tba company's prop erty, no atepa have been taken aa yet to perfect an organisation of ac eountanta and engineer. Thl task we.s left to City Commissioner Kel la her. Bigslow and Rrbur. lb three having been appointed by Mayor Ktber. They may hav a meeting: early Ihla week to organise tha work and get It started. I'ntil thia la done and the eatent to which th city Intend to go la determined, th length of lime to b required for th work 1 Bacartaia. Registration of Enemy Aliens to Begin Tomorrow. EXTRA FORCE IS REQUIRED Work of Signing Fp Germans to Continue for Five Days From 6 A. M. to 8 P. M.-JO0O Affect, ed by President's Order. Yakima Stadrnta Graduate. TAKIMA. TTs.h, Fsb. (Special 1 rortv-ntn students of th Taklma rammer school graduated today into bigb school work. Tb enrollment of th high school already I 1 and Is expected to reach To before th clos of th year. Tb high school building Is Inadequate to tb present attendance and several portable buildings will be erected on the campus to accommodate th overflow clasava. Cottage Grove Hrrry Plants Bloom. CtrTTAOE OROVK. Or, Feb. J. Spo- elaL Aa further testimony to tba mild. Springlike weather that baa prevailed during th vt Inter seaaon her. J. L trr baa found a patch nf wild straw berries la full bloom, undoubtedly the hillsides apout tb city are covered wttb th blooms, but It Is not likely that any harries will be produced from them. Farmers I'nloa Petition Congreee. PEXPLETOX. Or.. Feb. S. (Special) The Farmera' Cnlon of L'matiila County baa telegraphed the uregon delegation In Congreea aektng tbat the warehouse, where the grain is actually turned over to tb Govern ment, instead of a terminal city ui-b aa Portland or ir-nluna. b established a a p'lmurT m W t Ml YOUR HAIR! A SMALL BOTTLE STOPSDANDRUFF Every Dit of Dandruff Disap pears and Hair Stops Cominz Out. Try This! Your Hair Appears Glossy, Abundant, Wary and Beautiful. Thin, brtttla. eolorleea and scraggy batr ia mat rtdence of a neglected -lp: of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to th hair as dandruff. It rob tha hair of Ita iuetr. its strength aud Its very life; eventually producing: a feverlsh nesa and Itching of th acalp which. If not remedied, causes th hair root to shrink, loosea and die then tb hair falta out fast. A llttl Tandrin to night now any tlm will surely save your tair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dandertna from any drug stor or toilet counter for a fw cents, and after th first application your hair will tak on that life, lustr and luxurtanoa which Is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and ha re th appearanca of abundance, aa lucomparabi gloaa and eoftneaa; but what will pleas you snoot i will no arter just a tew Mkr as, wsea you will actually seo a lot of fin, downy hair aw hair growing ail Over the scalp. ttondertno la so tb hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine aro to vegetatioa. II goes right to th root. Invigorate and strengthens them. Its exhilarating and life-producing proper ties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beif ,fl Adv. Registration of German enemy aliens, i provided for by proclamation of President Wilson, will start at police headquarters. Second and Oak streets, at o'clock tomorrow morning and will continu for flv days under th supervision of Chief of l'ollca Johnson and Captala Harms. They will b as slated by a picked staXf of 10 men and women. As ths regulations require that th registration placea shall bo kept open from A. al. to P. !.. It will b nec eaaary to work two shifts, thus doubling the number necessary to carry on tb work. Th staff has bean re cruited from tb bureau of nolle and from various other bureaua at tba City Hall and a few hav been employed front outsit. Among th requirements of th Gov ernment la that each enemy alien any unnaturallsed German above 14 years of ac shall furnish four photographs of himself on tbla paper with a whit background. Tbi proviaion baa served to bring about a string of small tem porary galleries along Oak and Sec ond streets, near pollc headquarters, those entering th business figuring that It will b Impoaalbl for th 2000 Germans affected to furnish th type of picture demanded, and they ar la readiness to do thia work on abort no tice for all who need It. Tba pollc hav been designated by th L'nited States authorities to per form this work and hav made all ar rangements, so that they will be ready to proceed on th dot tomorrow morn ing. I hop that those who must bs reg istered will not hang back and later congest th registration room." aald Chief Johnson yesterday. "It la a task of no small proportlona to handle 2000 people In flv daya and a bop those concerned will not put off their part In this until the last minute, but will come forward and have don with it. W should hav a steady stream of aliens at Lh room all day long, aa that will keep our fore busy and will make it possible to give everyone the best of treatment without hurrying anyone." Chief Johnson and ' Captain Harms yesterday a.'ternoon gave final In structions to the staff that Is to handle the first registration of German enemy alien. for a French orphan In ita horn. The girla receive details concerning the life of the orphan which they are pro viding for. and an far no undertaking has received an Interest equal to this. Sewing and knitting are popular in spare moments of the girls and a larse amount of work has been done up to tha present time. The sum of f6nn bas been raised by the school for Hed Cross work of vari ous kinds snd more is on the way. The school ia making the Red Cross a part of the educational accomplish ments which the school heads believe necessary in the life of every student. With half of the school year nearly passed the war activities have taken on life which hss surprised the faculty members, but no abatement is antici pated in the work undertaken. WOMAN IS HONORED Mrs. Frankel Luncheon Guest of Co-operative League. OYSTER TO DO ITS BIT Yaquina Bay Product Boosted State Game Warden. The lot of the humble oyster In Ta qutna Hay Is to be Improved as a war measure, according to Carl D. Shoe maker, slate game warden, who re turned yesterday from a visit to the oyster beds. "With proper care, Yaquina Bay can produce many more oysters than it is doing at present." ssld Mr. Shoemaker yesterday, "and a plan Is now being worked out to increase the supply. The idea is to ssve pork, wheat and other foods needed in Kurope. No one has yet suggested sending oysters to the allies." Insert Control Discussed. A. J. Jaenlcke. forest examiner in charge of tnaect control in the foresee of Oregon and Washington, has re turned from a conference with the in sert experts of a number of the Kastern National forests. In which co-operative work was arranged for the control of Insect pacts In the forests of this district. CHILD LEGISLATION URGED Portland Forester to Lecture. A. O. Jackson. In charge of sduea tionl work in the Portland offices of ths United States Forest Sevier, will leave Mondsy fo Ellensbug, Va?h where he will deliver a lecture before th Stata Normal School on the subject of Government forest work in Washington. President or City Federation of Women's Clubs Is Presented With Bouquet of Roses in Apprecia tion of Her Untiring Work. Mrs. J. G. Frankel. president of the newly formed City Federation of Women's Organisations, was honored yesterday at a luncheon given by the Woman's Co-ODeratlve League In the Portland Hotel. The hostess organiza tlon was founded by Mrs. Frankel, and she had been its presiding officer for more than a year, and the gathering of 230 persons was to pay tribute to her ss a retiring leader of one club and her Inauguration aa head of a larger ana broader body of women. The addresses of the day were of a serious nature, expressing first the Kreat appreciation of the women for Mrs. Frankel's "ability, fine womanli ness and splendid leadership. Mrs. CSeorge W. McMath. successor of Mrs. Frankel aa head of the Co-operative League, presided with distinction. Mrs. Frankel spoke graciously after she had been presented with a hand some bouquet of roses by Mrs. Lee Arnett. The alms of the federation to be helpful, to consider the interests of women and children, to co-operate with the best efforts of all the clubs but to Interfere with none, were enumerated by Mrs. Frankel. Child Legislation Soaght. Among the plans, the federation will endeavor to sponsor a bill providing for a Juvenile Court that shall be separate and distinct; to back another bill to conorol the attendance of children at MODERN $375 PIANO FOR 1 QO cash Come to the Security Stor- gtr V V age Co., and 6ee what cash will buy. You will stored pianos here that can buy for $25, $65, and more modern ones $110, $160, $190 and Pianos for which you pay $325 to $500 at local piano stores. To be sure you need pay cash here, but you can well afford to raise the cash and buy here now rather than, pay 60 per cent more elsewhere. SECURITY STORAGE CO. 109 4th St, at Wash ington St. Delicious Home-Made and French Pastries 5c, 7c and 10c Surpassing Coffee 5c GA 7 V DAIRY LUNCH r m jL AND CAFETERIA 323 Washington St.. Near Sixth. Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops, Stews, Fish and Extra Select Oregon Ranch Eggs 15c Special 10c Meat Entrees (Daily Change) Waffles, Hot Cakes and any short order any time of day or night. An Excellent Chicken Dinner Today FRANK WATKINS NAMED A l TO MOBILE CUB RK-KLKCT9 HIM AS PHlilDET. Active faears'g- .for Sew Meaabera Plaaaed Make Oritaalaatleea Oreater Aid Mofariata. Frank R WatVina a aa re-elected to a second term as president of the Ore gon State Motor Association, formerly the I'ortiand Automobile I lub. and James D. Abbott wai re-elected secre tary at the first meeting of the new buard of trustees of the association. he!d last week at the Chamber or Commerce. f Lr C. W. Cornelius waa elected vice president, and F. C. Steltler was named tressurer. George M. Chambers was again chosen assistant secretary. The Oregon elate Motor Association, which is doing a big work for motor ists in Oregon, plans to institute in the near future a drive to bring In aa new members many of the 21.000 motorists la this country, aa well as others from among the nearly &0.000 motorists in the state at large. The larger its mem bership, tbe more the association will be able to accomplish for motorists ia general. OREGON NORMAL ACTIVE Girls Divide Themsrltra Into Groups to Work for Reel Cress. ftRWin! NORMAL BCHOOL. Man mouth. Feb. t i Special The Oregon Normal Itchool ia taking aa active In ternal In tbe wank of the Red Croas. The glria have dlvtdad tfceeneelvoe into groups of 13. Kech .iup is prnv:dna "LUANA" FOUND IN COUNTRY OF "THE BIRD OF PARADISE" Misa Marion Hutching, Who Plays Leading Role in Famous Play, Met Author on Hawaiian Islands. c-ELECTKD by the author of play in the country where a. i the the scenes of that drama are .taia. photographed undes- ths shadow of Mount Feiee In native costume smong the palms snd given an opportunity to learn the customs of the people on the Island was the unususl experience of Miss Marlon Hutcuins. who. this season, appesrs in the rolo of Lusns In "The Bird of Paradise" at the Heillg Thursday. February 7, for three nights snd Saturday matinee. It all came about through Misa Hutchins spending her Summer vaca tion on the Hawaiian Islands. There she met Rlchand Walton Tully, author of the play, who also spends severs! months each Summer In Honolulu and the surrounding country. "Just the woman I have been think-1 inr about for the Luana part." ex-1 claimed Mr. Tully on being Introduced to tbe actress. "1 have seen you in several plays in New York. Will you assume the role this season." Miss Hutchins decided she would. She had seen "The Bird of Paradise" and been imprexsed with the possi bilities of the Hawaiian girl. As she said afterward. It was a role entirely to her liking. Mr. Tuliy and Miss Hutchins traveled together to the city of Honolulu. Here another surprise was in store for the author. Harry Atwell. a Chicago pho tographer, was also spending tha Sum mer in "the psradtae of tl)e Pacific." tiraaplng Atwell enthusiastically by the hand. Mr. Tully remarked: "Heaven aurely sent you here." Atwell waa introduced to Miss Hutchins. and Tully Immediately ar ranged for tbe taking of specisl photo graphs of the actress. Tully knows his Hawaii well. He knew Just where to obtain a picturesque native costume and where the choice and pretty loca tions were. The accompanying photograph was obtained in the most picturesque psrt ef tbe Island. Tha costume shown Tully borrowed from one of the oldest natives. It had been carefully put away and had not been used for years. It was with difficulty that the author waa successful In obtaining It. ar-ey a fJeafc f mix v. ft': 4 Miss Is Only Mid-Tear Graduate. WHnilAX COLLFGE. Walla Walla. Wash.. Feb. S. (PpeclsJ.) There is one mld-year graduate at hitman College. Miss Ethel Dorrenre. of Low- den. Wash- completed her four-year course in biology with the end of the; first semester. Jtlss iwivrnra will l leave st eneo for Olympla. where sr.e meneement in June. Registration for will teaeh In the hlsrh scbool. Phejrh- seen:- ' emeMer will take p!ace on III re ei her d- -c- x st : ; -o- - , Sis' UL. irt the motion-picture shows, to secure a hospital for crippled children, to pro vide for the censorship of public amuse ments and to get the School Board to provide deans of women in all high schools. A brilliant address was that of Mrs. Charles H. Castner, president of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs and general chairman of the women's committee of the Council of National Defense for Oregon. Mrs. Castner wel comed the new city federation and con gratulated the women upon their good judgment and their leader. Then she turned to the ringing message of the day, the patriotic call to all women of the state to arouse and work, to pull together, to live up to the rules of the food administration in all particulars and to get others to do likewise. Women Asked to Sacrifice. "We must, ladies, we must; for every meal follow the instruction and use our influence to get our neighbors to do likewise," urged Mrs. Castner. "There still are in every neighborhood some few women who don't read the papers or know what is going on. I call upon you to grasp the seriousness of the sltustion. We cannot do too much- fori the Red Cross. We haven't yet been called upon .to give till it hurts. The sacrifice is worth while." Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles, who spoke on "The Clubwomen In Politics," declared tbat all club- I women should take an interest In pol- t mcs ana use ,me uatioi wilu uiscrim ! lnation and intelligence, j She urged ..the women to uphold the : child labor laws, to encourage the sentiment for keeping the schools and colleges open and serving In- preparing the young. of lectures to be given under the food administration for the benefit of those who would know the secrets of war time cooking and the use of the white flour substitutes. Plea for Armcnlanat Pathetic. "Those- who know her beet love her best," was Mrs. Lea Arnett's summing up of the character of Mrs Frankel. Mrs. Arnett is head of the Red Cross work in the Co-operative -League. Rev. M. B. Parounagian, in his plea for starving, suffering Armenia, brought tears to nearly all the eyes of the assembled women. Pleasing and gayer and full of mel ody were the musical numbers given by the Ad Club Quartet and by a talented young violinist, Louis Kaufman, aged 12. Miss Mae van Dyke was accompanist. The guests of the league included Mrs. Frankel, Mrs. Castner, of Hood River: Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles; Mrs. George L. Baker, Mrs. J. F. Chapman. Mrs. Isaao Swett, Mrs. J. F. Kinder, Mrs. John Vert, of Pen dleton: Miss Mattie Beatty, of Salem; Mrs. Collins Elkins. of Prineville; Miss Vella Winner, Miss Harriet Monroe, Edith Knight Holmes, J. Roes Fargo, H. W. Frost. Jack Deegan, E. Maldwyn Evans and Louis Kaufman. At a meeting of the officers the fol lowing committee chairmen were named: . Legislative, Mrs. George W. McMath: public health, Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar; social hygiene, Mrs. A. F. Fie- gel: segregation of literature, Mrs. B. H. Frazelle: education, Mrs. S. M. Blu mauer; home economics. Miss Edna Groves; censorship of public amuse ments, Mrs. Anton Gieblsch. The re maining chairmen will be appointed next Saturday. Mrs. Frankel announced that she is not receiving any salary in connection with any club or public office, and that she has no political ambitions. AN INDOOR TOILET Caa Be Plaeed ha Any Home Without Sewer Connections. Chemical Makes It Odorless and Sanitary. It is no longer necessary to have sewer, cesspool or plumb ing in the home in order 'to modernize It as to toilet ac commodations. Chemists connected with one J of our leading universi ties have' perfected a chemical that dissolves human waste, kills dis ease germs and makes the toilet sanitary and odorless. A company known .as the Kaw-Near Cabinet Co., 1134 Kawnear Bldgr.. Kansas City, Mo., manufactures this chemical, also a handsome oak cabinet that can be in stalled in any home at very little cost without plumbing. They are now mak ing a liberal offer of sending a toilet and chemicals on free trail. It has no odor, can be placed in any room, hall or closet. It prevents flies, filth and makes the cold, unhealthful outhouse unnecessary. It is a blessing for the old, young, or invalids. Anyone interested in modern izing their home should write for their ; free trial offer and literature. Adv. 1 I "J-.: Ha si NT' Toothache Gum not only Stops STocthache, but cleanses fl the cavity, removes ali odor, prevents decay. There are imitations. See that yon get Dent's Toothache Gum. AH Drnagiats. or bs mail ISo. U b. PIS - a 00. Basra- Sx at "wi-i an i aii " , ' STOPS HEADACHE.. NEURALGIA AniMiryro'resrrnrt Henrr Sold at all first-class Drug Stores. Sample sent for 4 etntt pottage. Please give tout druggist's nunc. Dr. WhltaakaH Msai Co. til a. Ls FsjsWi Street, Siasa Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Tears have paaaed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work'aa a carpen ter. There was no operation, no lost time. no trouble. I bave nothing to aell. but will live xuil lnxorroation aooul now you may lnd a complete cure without operation, if ou write to me. Eugene iL Pullen. Carpen ter, 753D Marcellus Avenue. Msnasquan. N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others wbo sre -ruptured you may save s life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger o an operation AJv. By Dr. JAMES E. TALMAGK Of the Council of tbe Twelve, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Salnta) Salt Lake City, Utah. - Do you believe that "Whatever is is right"? I do not; I cannot believe it. If right means accordance with the will of God surely there is much wrong In the world. But. it is argued, God is omnipotent, and therefore has power to direct all things as He wills. Granted. Neverthe less both scriptural and secular his tory, as also the turbulent course of current events combine to show that transgression of LHvine law is as old as the race, and as persistent. God bas given to man agency and liberty of action. It is the will of God that this birthright of human freedom shall be inviolate; but it is contrary to the Divine intent that man shall abuse his agency, and misconstrue hia liberty as license for wrongdoing. And as with the individual, so with communities and nations. In the days of Samuel the Israelites clamored for a king. They were tired of the' theo-democracy under which they had prospered, and wanted to be "like all nations." a monarchy, with a king wearing a crown, swaying a scep ter, and sitting enthroned in state. Read I Samuel, chapter 8. This condi tion had been foreseen and foretold; nevertheless tha people erred in their demand, and the Lord yielded under protest. There is real pathos in His words to tbe prophet: Tbey have aot rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not relga over them." They had their king, and a long suc cession of nonarchs, many of whom proved to be, veritable tyrants. ft.nd the people groaned ender the oppression against which they had been tore warned. In the course of Israel's troubled journey from Egypt where they had dwelt as in a "house of bondage" to Canaan the land of their promised in heritance, the Lord gave them many laws and established ordinances . for their government in both temporal and spiritual affairs. He portrayed for their encouragement promised blessings of Inestimable worth, predicated upon their obedience to the laws of right eousness, and their allegiance to Him self as God and King. In contrast He described in harrowing; detail the stata of abject misfortune and blighting suf fering into which they would fall if they departed from the path of recti tude and followed the sinful practises of the heathen. As the sacred record progresses, the fact is made plain that Israel had chosen the evil alternative, forfeiting the blessings and reaping the curses. Was it the will of God, think you, that Israel should sin? Can it be the Divine will that any man ,or nation shall come under the thrall of Iniquity? Is it the will of God that man shall make of himself a drunken sot. with reason dethroned, and naught but his brutish passions alert? Or that man shall oppress his fellows by unright eous dominion, robbing them of the rights upon which God Himself refuses to infringe, even though those rights be grossly misused? Is it the will of God that woman's virtue shall be bar tered for gold, and that vice shall stalk; unchallenged through the world? To hold that these abominations ac cord with the Divine will ls to make God responsible for them, and there fore the author of sin. The very thought is blasphemous. God's'omnipotence is manifest in the over-ruling by which eventual good re sults from Immediate evil. The crime of the ages, consummated on the slopes of Calvary, has proved to be the means of salvation to the world; but the aw ful guilt of the betrayal, of the false testimony and the crucifixion is no whit diminished by the glorious out come. Through the successive captivities and the general dispersion of Israel, which came as the consequence of in- fidelity to Jehovah, a knowledge of the true and living God has been dif fused among -even benighted and idol atrous peoples. And thus the nation a calamity has been made to serve Di vine purposes. I cannot look upon the ingntiut carnage and Inhuman atrocities of the world war as a manifestation of the direct will of God. This dreadful con flict was brought on through lust of Dower and greed of gain. It sprang from an unholy determination to rob mankind of God-given rights, and to subject the race to autocratic . dom ination. It is a repetition of the issue at stake In the primeval struggle, when Michael, the champion of free agency, led his hosts against Lucifer's myrmi dons, who sought to ruie by might. (Sea Rev. 12:7-9). Read the record giv en to the world through modern revelation: "And. L the Lord God, spake unto Moses. saying:--That Satan, whom thou hast commanded in the name of mine Onlv Begotten, is the same which was from the beginning, and he came before me, saying Behold, here am i, send me, 1 will De tny son, ana i win re deem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me. thine honor. But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the begin ning, said unto me Father, thy will bo done, and the glory be thine forever. Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy tha agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, tnat l snouia give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And ho became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as wouia not hearken unto my voice." (Pearl of Great Price, Moses "4:1-4). In the free exercise of agency and the rieht of decision our nation has deliberately and solemnly entered the present conflict in the interests or righteousness. Out of the seething car nage shall crystallize the lustrous gems of peace and the liberties ot men; ana thus enriched the world shall be the more prepared to receive the Christ, whose coming is near, and whose do minion shall be holy, whereby the rights of all men shall be respected and assured. God's power and glory shall be man ifest in eventual victory for the right, and in the good that shall spring from present evil. But in the eternal ac counting, responsibility for the crime whereby thiB war was precipitated shall weigh upon the man, men, nation or nations, who did the devil's bidding in the attempt to enthrall mankind. Thus the hand of God is potent in the furtherance of right: and though His will be violated and Hts'COmmandments transgressed, evil shall be followed by good. Divine displeasure is directed against all 'who confess not Mis hand In all thing's, and obey not His com mandment." (Doctrine & Covenants 69:21). For literature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, much of which is distributed without cost, apply to any of the Missions of the Church, among which are: Northwestern States Mission, 810 East Madison St., Portland, Ore, and Bureau of Information, Salt Lake City, Utah. Adv. GET WELL KEEP WELL Y- . tvtts, f Our Radio-Active Pad by admulat K A llf 1 1 m In? the Wood clicuUtloa imparta en IVilLllUlU erjr. rartorea Tltallar and o.r- patienla who bae aierrf frOT Rlh Blood Preuure, Rheumatism, fieuialaia, InjouiDla. Ula f oT-thf N.n. HtomaBow.U H.m "Wr.. . .a,.,,... Kldnevs. Ltrer. Proatste Gland and re miaomplitou To pro th. rem.rt.Me "" SSairfrttauilns ettetta ot thia wonderful appUMC. , iTwm olid Hon ten. daj.' trial wit an at-olfe No"SaTTER HWH' f-rtAT-uW S'.ti.MiVrSuvr i ,!V ry IJhl . T.f Angeles. Cut. I