The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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"Aid Armenia now during Armenian Life Saving Week"
Best Ways of Preparing War
Foods Is End Sought in .
New Campaign.
. (Of
Food Admlalstrator Ajrr Itoajlars
Ob Mast Eat War VTItb
Cmlo or Spirit Behind Croser
Uo Mat Will B Lavckiaf.
as af a "mittr eaaw
Baatga' la b started by th food ad-ssiaia-.ratiow
loroom evantaa. bo
nriu kiwvMi of Ik bast war of
preparinc th foods rdarad by th ad
sniatatraiioa la eoaasctloa with the aw
innonl r slat ions li M b) carried
t every toamwlf la Portlanal.
bKigN f lb stritv Chang la
fa public? diet raerel by tb aew
raa-alaiiona. lha font admlnttratka
ha baa swsapd far lha past wek
br lnrulrt from owrn a la lha
Bropar machorl af prepartne Itia
abatllaiaa. Mr. Avar rltxe thai If
ta pw dish ara not praparad la stv
a war thai thar can ba eatan cheer
fully, ma effort of lha e1mlnt'rat loa
will raault la waata rather tbaa la coa-
CaJtaw to Can Oa.
Arcaed i a s ly. Brraaseraeots bav ba
Baade wwh Ika a'partmanl af horn
aronomlra of lb roa Agricultural
fell- to trb lha cwpal af Hoover
farad coos mar la Portland womaa.
ariaa of frjr dmontrallotie an4
lertur ha baa pianna4 la ba a 14
ea soccssalv Monday vlnTS la lh
bas.meat of IB "lrt iTaabjiartaa
Tbaa meat Ires win aot ba opn la
lha public, bat will b sttadd oalw
b r 3 woman, selected from all par la
af I'artlaad for thair capability a
aaaaawtnaa aa4 ability la talk bafare
aa aa4iaoc Tbaaa apeeial auoalla
MaMnaiwa coo am- will la lorn bald
la darts lb "t four weka la
thair awa communities, aad It la tbaa
elaa mat Bosaawl ara Bread bl
taa food aulrmmetratloa lo altaad.
It la aspect! that taa laaaoa la lh
aalact 2j tomorrow avaatn will ba on
taa aabbKt of war bread, tmrin this
weak, saen of tba aalort will tsih bar
Baihbora taa propar anathou af atlini
r.4 froia taa various aabatilaiaa fwr
abila floar.
. a ta Ar l.la4-
la ard.r thai every houeewlf may
keep, taformed aa to tha mealing la
ar owa locality, a Hat of woman abl
lo glse Informal ton baa boon faralahad
by Arthur N. Churchill, of tba slat
food) admlnlatra'toa. wba baa chars of
lb campaiga. Tb woman la tbia list
ara ciaaot'lad by arari-hool itrtcis.
oaa koasawif bavlnar bean aalaotad
from ach district. Tha Hal follows:
1. alnawartb .rrl. Mm Jama f.
Bln. aie Sarin tfaa. alanhail 413.
X. a ara1 "tiarnat. Mr A. M. Shaaaan.
1: baa Isaatytaoitb ata. aaat
a Arwta diatrxt. aim r.inU Fukau,
T2i r(cy.Atrd anua. Tftbar
4. R-auiaoaf dlalrt u Mr. E. w Oiar'.a.
Il tut K;ii'c Tabor s.;.
a. lapltal Mill Olatrtct. Mrs. Kadataad
Marsba.l. M. HM.
CAt.ia aa dutrtet. Mias wartrsda
Talbat. Maraaall 113.
I. Ckaatnaa diatrwi. lira. V. W labar-
Waad. taa wluimbr atrC. Mala
a Crvalu aiairwt. Mrs. T. A. fr-v. t2T
Fir-li 11 hixi Tabnr
CUn'oa Ktl'r diatrtct. Mrs. W. X
Srttaa. iiaal l IT
I Caoak diatrtet. Mr. II. X. Bars, til
Jahnaaa trt. IUib "4
11. IVim dixrwu Mrs. rhll'p Crui H.
B Vvartaa atraau Mrall aV
II. baamarus4 district. lra Marry
hil Tarrr. li-i East Tau-t-lirt MMl
I I KIM llatnrt. M-m A. T. Fairy.
Oraaaai ii(ih. Kaat AIJL
I. roha 4Mtrtat. art DockaaTald. tS4
ri'at c iarftll 17.
Il r-raoad i Nilrict. Mrs. Ciarla Mill
ostna. tat aal Tarvy faurta strsat Xartn.
. .
I. rul'aa Park dlatnct. Mrs, bn
Klxttas. 11 rraaf trat. Winull :.
IT tl.nha dtarrlrt. Mrs. J. M. Mao
Cr-iw. Hal Til am. trL Tar ?.
1 x oiaaca diatnat. Mrs. (Wars lasaity.
I: fiinrsa aa. Tabar .
1A ilaftrn datrw-t. Mrs W. M Fa
T. sal bat Ma ana tra-t, Kaat
ll.?llaa aiatrtct. Mrs. A. ?. fl4L
fl J i airar. Wnllar JT -
n. lii.laoa d'atnrl. Mrs. M. W. K-.
Kt E'rltv-aaraad vtraac Tabar 373
r Marrmaa d.atnrt. Mrs. F J. U'aas.
aim Tictaf a r I )tiaac Tar IlaA
'. lla suav diatrtct. sirs. J. It. Curk,
A Uaa aaatb arrt arta. Cast A
. I. fn;atri rfiauw-t. Mr. J. Sharmaa
Ta'or. lall TMrd iat. Main Sill
:r. Irtiraa rf'-tict. Mrs ST. r TTaad
r . aant Hanrwt trt : t ?A
rd. Km-i diart-t. Mrs. Mjlit'arti DsslA
!'. La aroixarsi aTMoa. Tabar
;i. iad an.t. Mrs J. sr. Ttffi, al
W 4 rrs art. Markall 4JI X
.'. tal dlirw. Mra A. r ltr.knr.
tX tlivli arract HaUfhat. Takar
2. Liaaiaa denct. Mr. Araaid Olson,
A 4i.
2 LIo' 4'afMrt. Mrs R p Mr.
MaosH'ci. 4S4 Bsu -rard. Sallsaad 41.
St. Mua'avlt'a dlatrvt. Mra. K A. Mc
PHraay II boat sty-lirst airsaa. Taaaf
ax Maant Tabar dratnrr. Mrs. T. T
EraSaay. :.j ITat atrltn atraaC. Taoar TOSS.
2.4. Mu(r .-r-.t. Mr M. M. faaaar.
R D. i r- .t.. ba is
It CX-fctc ilrat dratrirt. M Wll'-r
llanats. Its Kara rrtrl :tK
.1. rtlnii'a oastrt Mrs. W. M. CarsatL
Wad!ara IMi
la. fartaaaaalb, Mrs AHra WHits. 174)
rartisrua aaw i tamt i a4.
aa R.rai.d. ta W no9il
A SALE that is different no fancy inflated prices reduced, 'but BAKER'S regular
close-margin prices greatly reduced BAKERIZE your shoe money
952 Tan Russia calf
vamp, Laird & Scho
ber, makers; cham
pagne cravenette
cloth top, Cuban heel.
Reduced from $9j00.
A663 Black kid
vamp, imitation tip,
white kid top, light
welt sole, Cuban heel.
Reduced from $9J0.
R650 Soft bro&n kid vamp,
dark brown cravenette top. lea
ther lace stay, new "SlILI
TAIRET heel. Reduced from
b ,;!5
93 Soft black kid vamp, dark
gray suede top, hand-turn sole,
wood covered LXV heel. Re
duced from $10j00.
Elajoy Life! Don't Stay Bilious,
Sick. Headachy and
Get Rid of Bad Breath, Sour
Stomach. Coated Tongue
or Indigestion.
Cat a l-nt bos Bow.
TbajTr fin! Caaoarata llTn yoor
llsar. alas a your thirty laat af bowalt
anJ wta yosr stomara. Taa aat an
r two. lib rsmly. bafor flnif to bad
as4 ta lbs mamina your brad I rlaar.
tonaua ta claaa. stomarb aw aat, braatb
rtaal and cold rona. ' t a box from
your Iniitiit and soy tb aleast;
irntlrtl livr and bowal clanln yoa
assr axparlancad. Caacarats stop sick
kaadach. blltousnaas. ladtasaUoa. Bad
kraalb aad roost Ipalion.
Mot bars should sir a wkol Casrarsl
to arosa. b'ltona. sick, fassrlsk cblldrsa
any una Thay ara barmlaaa and aasr
Srlpw ar !co. Adr.
More than forty lines of new men's shoes reduced, all leathers, all
styles; included are many styles of the famous NETTLETON shoes.
DS060 Black calf
English last for
men. Medium
weight leather sole.
Reduced from $5.
C5511 Dark brown
calf vamp, upper of
tan cloth. A smart
English last. One of
many reduced from
A964 Dark tan- calf vamp,
fawn buck top, Cuban heel.
Reduced from $8JS0.
W657 Black kid vamp,
pearl gray cravenette top,
McKay sole leather LXV
heel. Reduced from $630.
Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago'
380 Washington St.
308 Washington St.
11 Busy Stores
270 Washington St.
270 Morrison St.
14. flaaa City l"r district. Mrs. T. R.
Co, 4-V1 Fsat rortllh straal. Tabor ST.IS
J. Satlwaad. Mrs tl. N. WaWiM. lslt
Baat Mtnth. aallwaod :l.ll.
aa. Btaphana diatrtct. Mrs. H. T. Whaalar.
4L assnynd. Mrs. Ksia C Duaalaa, to
Tarlar atraal. u l-.IV
4J. TrwlUir. Mrs M. W. Laator. Mar
ah.l taa. ....
4A Thampooa dlatrlct. Mrs. aaisl Dod
son. T4I Marthalca. Wod:a !.
4 Tama. Mrs. E. H. "or, llsj Et
Bisstaasta strsa Karth. WaoSiaaa 0.
j. Skaediawa aiatrtit. Mrs. W W. Will.
hBnta. 1411 Hadaay avaaaa. Waodlawa b47.
aa. Waadaxrs. Mrs J am -a Cartoalaa.
PuflaJ sad Ciartan. Tor 41
44. Waodatarh. Mrs. K. II. laham. 1U1
llarotd aaanoa auiiaoad M.t.
CoaaptXw War Prwcramnta to B
Pat la Efrect on February If.
PASCT. wuh, Fb. i. (Spartal)
k ttaa.M - .mh.r or lha Mtat
i -- w. asaMiM. . ... - -
Council of fafrnsa. apok to lha Duai-
- . tam . f aha Chambar
cf Comasarra room laat nlcht. rx-
piatmaa to taam in toai-iri. - -
p roars mra or ta councils i unau.m
.i.i. a.J KatianaL In, aa far a
it af facta tb retail merchant. bat
th Stai Ceancll f Lftu aks of
lb rstatl rorclini as a war msasurs
i. Mat In fnur thinaa Sj'hlCk
Mr Uhn stsi4 lo ba aa follow: On
drilvrry a day: l-dr credit limit;
all aa faw luzulrla sod aa many
naocsaitlva aa posalhla: opea at t la
lha mornlnc aad chira at la Ik
rani a. iBCiadiBaT Saturdays. .
Tba adoption of this complat srar
procramm was od by th buln
mra. ta asm a ro taaa vitrei rorurj
ta aK mw.ta.a . a aaaarsl IndrOand-
. rf.Hi'.rV irllrm waa dlscrlssad and
probsily will ba adontad latra J
Mr. MoGlnB to Talk.
Tr s f ,W1 . n B..b. bafora tka
Array and Kasy Auxiliary oa ma s-cant
far Monday afternoon It o'clock at
111 atorrisea atract. Tba mtlni Is
opaa to tb public Judra McOina
sla will apeak In Central Library
aaaa aoaoaf vauuaiB ova, r wvva.
Laadrra f Clstc Bdajcatlossl aad Sa
dal Oraaalaatiaao WU1 Partlcl
aat la Fro ra asm a.
Offlf?er and members tf th Lincoln
Memorial Association ar deyottng; time
aad effort In planning; that the anni
versary of tha martyred President.
Pebraary It. enall b widely and fit
tingly obserred la Portland and vicin
ity. K detail that would extend the
day's observance or add to Its stipilfl
csnc la batna overlooked.
Chi aezt Sunday th pastors of a lartte
proportloa of tb city's churchea S'Ul
work Into their services features relat
ing; lo th (treat war President and bis
mamory. On tha annlvsrsary day all
public achool teachers of the city, on
orders from Superintendent 1 R. Al
derman, will tell to tbelr pupils the
story of tha Ufa of Lincoln.
V L. Pratt Is president of th local
Lincoln Memorial Association. As rucb
ha Is taklnr an act Ire part interesting
orsanlsatlons la laying plans to ob
serve th memorial. In caiiins on lead
ers la civic, educational and social
circle to stir tba fires of patriotism
by paying due honor to the memory of
Lincoln h baa given expression to
soma noble KStlmanu. from wbtch the
following are repaatad:
"Tuesday. February IS. marks the
birthday of our martyred President.
Abraham Lincoln, whoa name stands
pre-eminently at the head of tb list of
great men In tba minds of tha Ameri
can Darapla. His Ufa and public services
are an Inspiration to th blithest citi
senaatp and th beacon light to all
who aapir to a Ufa of usefulness to
thair fellowman.
"H piloted this Nation tnrouuh the
most critical period of Its existence.
Ha waa a man of tae people because he
was ens of them. H thoroughly un
derstood the frailties, th desires, and
the ambitlona of tha human character.
"His judgment was baaed not npon
any personal aggrandisement or aal
flsh desires, but upon tb welfare of
the whole Nation. His efforts for th
preservation and perpetuity af his be
loved country were herculean and. at
th moment of victory, cost him his
W should never fall to Impress
upon the minds of both tho present and
future generations tb great lesson of
self-reliance. Industry and perseverance
demonstrated by bis unselfish devotion
to duty."
Sawmill Xear Kelso Planned.
KELSO. Wash. Feb, 3. (Special.)
F. M Green and Roger Risley, who
have been operating a shingle miU on
Shnnrhal Mountain, a few miles east
of Kelso, have purchased tha sawmill
equipment of the old Vogel mill and
will build a sawmill near their shingle
mill. A tract of timber land was re
cently purchased from Howard Phil
lips, and they have contracted for other
timber In that vicinity.
Cowlitz Camps Closed by Snow.
KELSO, Wash, Feb, (Special.)
Snowfall ranging from a few Inches
on the bottoms to a foot or more on
the higher levels forced a cessation of
logging operations In Cowlitz County
yesterday. So much snow makes
working conditions disagreeable, and
nearly all the camps around Kelao, em
ploying nearly 1500 men, have shut
down temporarily. Owing to the great
need for logs, all the camps will re
sume Immediately when the weather
permits, and the crews are staying at
camp. 1
The intake canals of the Niagara
power plants are kept free from ice by
the movements of an electric motor
boat running back and forth, supplied
with current by means of a trolley.
To Stop Those Terrible
Rheumatic Pains
Corns Stop Hurting, Then
They Lift Out With Fingers
No pain or soreness! Corns and calluses just
shrivel up and lift off Try it I
A noted Cincinnati chemist
discovered a new ether com
pound and called it freesone and
it bow can be had in tin bot
tle for a few cent from aay
dmg stqrs.
You simply apply a few drops
of freezooa upon a tender corn
or painful callus and iastaatlr
the soreness disappears, then
shortly von will find tha corn
or csilns so loose thai yoa
ess jns. lift it off with Che
lingers. Really! Ko humbug!
Ko pain, not a bit of soreness,
either when applying freesone
or afterwards and it doesnt
em irritate the skin.
Hard corns, soft corn" or
corns between the toes, also
toughened calluses Just shrivel
np and lift off so easy. It is
wonderful! Works like a charm.
Keep it on the dresser.
Sayg Cream Applied In Nostrils
Relieve Head-Colds at Once.
llcr.ip9 tm ff
If your nostrils ara clogged and your
head Is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh, just
get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptlo cream Into
your nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passsaga of your
bead, soothing and healing the inflamed,
swollen mucous membrane and you get
Instant relief.
Ah! how good It feels. Tour oos
trils are open, your head Is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is Just
What sufferers from head colds and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight. Adv.
TMh veteran. S. B.
Lamphere, was addicted
to the exetMsive us of
tobacco tor many years.
Ue wanted to quit but
needed something to
help him.
He learned of a free
book that tolls about to
bacco habit and how to
conquer It Quickly, eas
ily and safely. In a recent letter he writes:
"I have bo desire for tobacco any mora. I
feel like a new man."
Any one desiring- a copy of this book on to
bacco habit, smoking and chewing, can get
It free, postpaid, by writing to Edward J.
Woods, 13 N, Station . New York City.
You will bo surprised and pleased. Look for
quieter nerves, stronger heart, better diges
tion, improved eyesight. Increased vigor,
longer life and other advantage it you quit
poibooing ouxseiX.'-AdVB s i
It his proven Its valoe for many ysars
paat and tho testimony of those who have
used "6-Drops" and found relief from the
torture and agonizing pains caused by rheu
matic conditions is the beat evidence ox its
remarkable power.
Mrs. H. Higirins, Ashland. Ky writes. 1
always said that rheumatism eoaia not do
cured, but will take it back. I believe your
'6-Drops' will relieve any kind of rheu
matism. Steve Brownlee, Apnleton, Ark., writes:
I suffered with rheumatism for over fifteen
months. Just two bottles of your wonder
ful .Drops' has made a new man of me."
Harry Stafford, No. Baltatnore O.. writes:
"I bad rheumatism In my knees and ankles
and tried all sorts of highly recommended
remedies, bat to no avail until a friend sold
me to try "fi-Drops. I used about three
quarters of a bottle of ViDrops' and am aa
well as usuaL
rS-Drops Is told by the teadmjr oYngftiits
fn every part of toe United State and
Craned a
A sample bottle will
be mnied free, 12 you
Varill write to The
Swan3on Comp-uiy, Newark, Ohio,
I will triad ly send anv RhwumfitisirTs mf-
ferer a Simple Herb Recipe Absolutely Free
that Completely Cured me of a terrible at
tack of muscular and Inflammatory Rheu
matism of long standing alter everything
else 1 tried had fa led ma. 1 have sriven it
to many sufferers who believed their cases
hopeless, yet they found relief from their
suffering by taking theee simple her be. It
also relieves Sciatica, promptly, as well as
Neuralgia, and is a wonderful blood purifier.
You are most welcome to this Herb Recipe if
you will send for It at once. X believe you
will consider It a Godsend after you have
pert ft to the test. There Is nothing Injuri
ous contained in It, and you can see for
yourself exactly what you are taking. I will
gladly send this Recipeabsolutely free to
any sufferer who will send name and ad
dress. H. IX Sutton. 2650 MAaooli. Avau
Los angeles. CL Adv.