The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Magnificence of Ancient Egypt
and Rome Revealed in
cirr Inlaw I dm OaaraK-tf-rlna-
ttoa Trie Spirit aod .nt of Ills
lortcat Period, flavin I-Tolrtl
Marti Time lo Stadj of Tart.
Tse barbaric maarnlf Irenra and
aavantrr of Ecrpt aad tha. ancient
a'.ory and grandeur of Rom ara re-
val4 In the remarkable screen prea-
antatioa of "Cleopatra." which la be
in ehowa, at tba Majestic Theater tbta
Tia Qaeen of Earpt ta portrayed by
Tbrda Bara. who baa Infused rhto bar
characterisation tba true apirtt and
Saat of ancient Earvpt. Mla Ear a baa
baj studying Cleopatra for rears and
during tha paat year aba baa bean de
voting a great dal of her apara time
to tba sludv of Karyptlan hiatory. aa
ana knew aba waa to portrajr thia
aediictlva ouwa. and it waa bar ambi
tion to nait tha portrayal a faltbfml
VYIlllaaa Fo baa aparad ao axppe
la inakinc tba production tha moat
elaborate one that ha haa aver pro
duced. It la mad maarnlf leant by tha
beautiful detail of the ancle-tit Roman
aeltinaa. coatume and 'charartar.
Kaithtul attention to every Itttl detail
baa been lb aim of tha prodierar and
tne reault n- a marvrloua picture In
wbit-h tha onlookera are ewept up and
rarrlcd alone; 'Into tba heart of the
lirrlna; scene.
Weird Maala Flayed.
Two symphony orchestras under the
d I ractlon of GeoraTe K. Jeffery play an
accompaniment of weird. faainatina;
tnualc. with now and than a flute eolo.
played to resemble tba musical pipe,
which was on of th principal mu
sical Instruments during th days of
Cleopatra. The Interior of th theater
baa been transformed to represent a
palace on th Nil, and the Ctrl ushers
and attendants of th theater wear
the picturesque irb of the Kitypiiana.
Thoueand of soldiers and thousands
f elavea art uaed In tha various scenes.
The beautiful tapestries aad draperlee
and the fantaettcalty wrought columns
used In the Interior scenes of the royal
palaces ara the work of doin nd
doarna of eoetum-rs and designer
who have put their best efforta Into
making the pletur an artistic triumph.
In th Interior tent seen mor than
$. was evchaftKed for tha various
tapeotrtee, sllka and rttr whleh wera
needed to tv ft the barbaric splendor
accredited to t'i time of th ffraat
alrea of th Xlla. Th fnrnlshlnes
war ao valuable that It waa necessary
'for th t rllm Corporation to Insure
every article as a mat fir and theft
during th trma this set of farnlahinita
waa being need.
eeasa Art iaaatflevwt.
One of tba eepectalty magnificent
arne Is that of the triumphal entry
of 'ar t fh forum, and Inter the
rartoa over l is dead body by Antony.
Tha Brest gatnrring of tha eldier
f th armv of Cleopatra on th dert
sand and the hrak-ae-k speed of the
fonr-beree chariots aa they ao da.htna
atr tha eend to tha pala-e of Caesar
fiwnl a sea a whkh will not b
saaUy forgone. Tha tented city and
tha ntarveMxaa ra Ix-a of th et'pliyax
and erf the pyramids are tba produc
ttona of those to whom ehe reproduc
tion cf arenea baa become a fin art.
Ileavtly-laea ram. la art seen lumber
ing acroaa the desert carrvlng the
trioutes to the Queen of the Nile, while
la the far-away backcround the pyra
Bii'la present a Jagged akyline.
Tba cliraaa of the spectacular fea
turee of Cleopatra I the battle of
Aetluaa. when the ancient ehlp of war
ar ablase with fire. A hundred and
fifty vessels wera used In this battle
scene whick wwa carried on for a day
and alght. to ' the mthl effect of
the bursting Ml are cast off the
bare- Into tha water In a eeem.lae;ly
recaleas and dans.ruua faMn.
The roetamee worn by Theda Bara
are apparently numberl- and range
from th ftimlesi of filmy draperica
ta tha heavily-beaded robea. one par
ticularly beaatlful costume Is tha pea
cock d'eaa with a train yards long. In
which the feathers of a whole peacock
ware used, tier bead dresses are aa
varied and aa beautiful as her cos
tumes and vary from th simple bead
band to tha very elaborate aad
heavlty-amhrotdereai coronet.
Threat extrl Rr-c. f. V. Weyrr, Who
Drllvrra War Lrx-tnrr.
nttutn bad wrrtten rtrtirt bava
baea recalvad during tba past few Uya
by Rev. C. W. 'Weyer. pastor of th
Tl rat-Presbyterian Church, aa a result
of his series of aermona on tha war
which a ta are Oalt varan;..
The moat vindictive telephone call
which h has yet received cam to him
today, when, he saya, a woman apeak
InaT with a Oermap accent, told him
that he la a devil, and told ilm that h
wowld ret II la the hack Sunday even
ing If be delivered hla announced ad
arvaa an "Mul Germany He D
troyedT" Th wnmaa e&ld aha waa
apeaklnc for her husband, and hunar up.
after drlivrrlns; her maaaasa la tones
of tha arreateat anaer.
There wcr Huna In my audience last
Sunday. I could tell them. Their faces
looked Ilk thunder clouds, said Rev.
Mr. Weyer.
Rev. lr. tVeyer said h will ot be
Intimidated from delivering bis sertea
of aUdreee a on war queatlona.
Or rATIIKft Ji0 tO.t vtKiilk.
tesalaaa ( Haaw Ttea Oeelaaedl aaa
partaat ta soldier aad Sell
er la Was Service,
la Una with th national movement
ta auraulate Intereet In Father . and
Son week, which Is set for Febraary
11 to 1. Mayor Baker has taawvd
proclamation defining th porpos of
th movement and urglnc participation
by all who ar conoerned la th mova
ment. Th proclamation follow:
The week of February II ta 1 has been
trflrtai!r de.lgnar.4 aa National Father and
Foo Week. II la Ui be a period devoted to
th all-Important parpoee of eoncentratlns
attention, la a lanr. way. upna devalopmenl
af Intlmat. ampaihetic relaUonabiP b-
twee the boy aaU bla father.
Normal bom eondlttona have been ar-
loueiy disturbed. Handreda af thousands of
boys baea cast aald thslr ctvlttaa clothes
and haMta aad ooe ta the training camp
lo prepare for th Natloa right. Thar Is
ao mors Important work at this time than
tha unifying e the family, bringing tha bey
to realise that hla father haa been and Is
closer is him than be ever dreamed and
bringing th father to realise that bis bob
haa meant and at ill means more to mm man
h ever dreamed. longings, ror tna oojrs
eat future will develop and 'atlmulata new
Meals, new aacrrTrea and new ambltlana.
Th klndaeaeee of Ufa will bava a new meaning.
Nothing will aid ear oTlere and eauors
mora In their tremendoua flsht than borne
nea pumulattoa af those ttea Is the pur
pose of th Father and Hon week. Every
featur of th oceaeioa should have th and wholehearted mppert Of the clU
sane af lortlsnd.
1 alforaa f first Lleateaaat la raited
Sratea Araay V era by lag l
ftratetrra at Hotel aa W. Wllfla.
TACOMA. Willi. Feb. I Special )
ftaKM and threatening; telephone
SaJts, Caiomel. PUIs Act On
Bowels Lite Pepper Acts
in NcKtnls.
Enjor Life I Don't Stay Bilious,
Sick, Headachy and
Wearing; th uniform of a First Lieu
tenant In the In I ted States Army. I
man giving the nam of W. Willis rear
atereL with his wife, at th Multno
mah Hotel Iecember !. and cut con
siderable Ice while h remained there.
period of 10 days. It haa developed
that he waa a fraud and that h jfassed
number of worthies) checks whll
here. Ills present whereabouts Is un
tie aav the Multnomah management
checka for ! and 1-3 for hla room and
board and entertainment of friends:
A. Aronaon 1170 for a diamond ring
Fell Hloch SI; for a similar orna
ment. Maler V Frank IIS for a uni
form and II. I.lehes f.'S for som goods
All wer lrawn upon th Commercial
Trust Company of f'hlladelphla, and all
came back marked "No funds
John Clnrk. chief Inapector for th
bureau of police, said yesterday that it
la well for the nubile to be ear of
such persona lie aald there ar cer
tain to be a number of this .vp of
fraud throughout th country, and that
everyon should b on vuard.
Knox Trophy and Other Honor Are
Won by nig; Sea Fighter.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. In addition
to the Knox trophy, won through ex
rellenc at nunnery practice, the bat
tleship Trial baa been . awarded th
battle-ef f irlency pennant and th prise
for best performanc In fleet maata
Secretary Danlela sent a congratula
tory mrssaff to Captain Victor Blue,
who haa been returned to th command
of th -Tex a a.
Phon your want ad to Th Orego
nlan. Main TeTa. A .
RF.siOF.XT or roftTt. DIRS
AT OF aa.
; ' f ....
v ,
Cet a l-cnt box now.
Moat old pevpl must (tlv ta th
bowels som regular help, els they
sarer from constipation. The condition
la perfectly natural. It la Juat aa nat-
ral as It Is aor old peopl to walk
atowly- For see la never so activ aa
south. The muscles ar less latlc
And the bowela ar muscles.
So all old peopl need Ca caret. On
witKhl a well rfua to hid weak eyes
'with claaees aa to neglect thla eentle
aid t waak bwwala Th bowels must
be kept active. This la Important at all
ace, bat never so much aa at fifty.
Age I aot a time for harsh physic.
Touth may occaalonally whip th bow
ela lata activity. Hut a leak csa't be
a.ed every day. What the bowela af
lb aid need I a sent) and natural
tr.le. ! that caa b constantly need
without harm. The only such tome Is
Caacsrsia. and they cost aulv 14 cents
per box st any drug atora. They work
wail yaw sleep. AJ v.
iome Comforts
'. .'.. ' V a S W W . I II I IB I I I 1 'I II II 1
WE ARE voicing "The Spring Song" of modern furniture. The head
of our house, Mr. Fred 0. Jenning, has been selecting in the great
Eastern factories their Spring Offerings, and the new things are now
coming in daily. By reason of oeing represented in person in the great
furniture centers, We are able to have our Spring shipments expedited.
There is a business maxim that "Goods well bought are half sold."
We are the heaviest retail furniture buyers in Portland, and, as our pur
chases are made for cash, both in Eastern and Western factories, we are
enabled to quote you the lowest prices on the best furniture.
We invite you to make this store your store for furnishing your
home. No matter how modest, or how great, your desires, you will find
here furniture to fill every need. .
Modern Rugs for the Floors
Nothing bo adds' to the comfort and cheer of the home as does a bright,
cheery rug. Our rug stocks are bought direct from America's great rug
mills ; they are conveniently arranged for showing, and we are always glad
for the opportunity to show them to you.
This week's special rug offerings will include these three remarkable
specials : "
Regular $27.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 9x12 22.45
Regular $42.50 Wool Velvet Rugs, size 9x12 $33.85
, Regular $ 4.25 Wool Velvet Rugs, size 27x54 2.85
The New Bedding
Here are veritable finow-drifts of new
bedding, and now is the time to buy it.
Comfortables, light, yet warm; blankets of
fine quality, at moderate prices; stacks of
pillows, sheets and cases that Will delight
the eyes of the housewife.
See 'today some of our newest offerings
in our show windows.
Drapery Specials
Regular 50c madras in natural color; fine
designs; 45 inches wide. Special; yL, 28
Regular $1.25 handsome Madras in pure .
white, with very fine mesh and heavy de
signs in small figure; 72 inches wide.
Priced special, the yard SSf
These materials are suitable for curtain
ing' wide windows at an exceptionally low.
Regular $1 heavy muslin in natural color,
with handsome colored border on both
edges; 54 inches wide. Special, yard, 60
Regular 90c Nottingham nets in white
and cream t slightly soiled; can easily be
washed. Special, yard S0f
Draperies shown on second floor.
An Opportunity!
$35 Sewing Machines
Only $2.50 Down and 50c a Week!
A splendid drop-head machine, in
quartered oak case, with five drawers.
Not alone a substantial reduction in
prices, but terms as well, so easy that
you cannot afford to be without a
See these" machines displayed on
the second floor. "
Mahogany Pieces
The finest exhibit in Portland of fine ma
hogany and overstuffed furniture is here
-chairs, rockers, davenports, tables, floor
and table lamps, and scores of other beau
tiful pieces for living room and parlor.
' All single pieces in mahogany are shown
on the main floor.
New Heaters
For Wood For Coal
For Wood and Coal
This is heater weather; our stocks are at
your command. We show many of the best
makes Cole's Airtight, Garland, Firefly,
Alcazar, Bridge-Beach Superior, and others
We will sell you a heater on easy terms
and take your old one in exchange as part
payment on the new one.
Heaters as low as $2.35. Shown in the
basement salesroom.
$27.50 Rockers.S21.75
A massive overstuffed rocker, covered
with beautiful tapestry, which you may se
lect from our upholstery stock, is offered at
this special price. Displayed on the main
$95 Davenport
An overstuffed ' davenport, covered
with fine tapestry of your own selec
tion. Three heavy bag cushions on
deep springs, 'with spring edges.
Shown on the main floor.
I -
i i
i e
C anaa
i E
i E
iiinniiHiiiimmnniiltiiiliimilminniin -
Henry Jenning & Sons
ret new district for commercial de
velopment." CommlaMoner fiarbur also recom
mends that attention be Ktven at once
to hoiiHinar conditions In Portland. "The
rapid and continuous influx of men and
thHr families drawn here by the ship
building industry," says Mr. Barbur.
IC.,.l.m '-l.--'-.n in l"' directed attention to proper
impiOVcU OyaiCIIJ UUUaitu iii-nouBinB; facilities for the newcomers.
An up-to-aaxe nousinr coae is essen
tial to provide sanitary and well-designed
homes for the toiling thousands
of this city and this department will
ursre the immediate appointment of a
committee consisting of citizens In
terested In social betterment work and
of the chief Of the bureau of buildinars
and the city health officer to draw
up a code that will meet the needs of
the city."
Report of Commissioner.
Commissioner Barbur Recommends
Intercepting Sewers to Carry
Refaaa) From Freaent Trunk
Lines to Point Below City.
Bl Interceptln sewers on both
sides of the V"lllamett Itlver to carry
sewac from the present trunk sewers
to a point far below Portland will be
projects for Portlaaid to consider as
aoon as war and economic condltlona
.,,.r,, accord I nar to a discussion of
the enb)ct In the annual report of City
Commissioner Barbur filea yesieraa,.
-Two problems which will face the
city as soon as conditions warrant the
resumption or improvement i"'"-".
aays Mr. Barbur. "will u conairucnot.
ef Intercepting sewers along- both aides
of the Willamette Rlvar and dredsjlns;
ot a channel In the Columbia Slouerh
to provide outlet for the sewage of the
Peninsula distrlct-
ntareantinae sewers will aoon ni
Bnildlag With 67 Two aad Three-Room
Apartments. Jmmt Completed,
Brlag- Occupied.
Announcement was made yesterday
By Herbert , Gordon, president of the
Lawyers' Title ft Trust Company, that
he has leased the new Kins; Albert
Apartments, at the southwest corner of
tlevenlh and Montgomery streets, of
which he Is the owner, to V. H. Whit
ten for a period of five years.
The King Albert Apartments hart
Just been completed and opened to oc-
Unnaturalized Austrian Pays
for Attack in Shipyard.
cuoancv. The buildmar. which is of
necaasary, aa the present syntem of In- f0r stories, on a lOOxlVU foot plot, con
tains 67 apartments.
Oeairae D. v3reeae.
George Oyer Greane, whose
death occurred at his home at
IJi Kast Eleventh street North
Friday, waa well known In Port
land bualneaa rtrrlea. He had re
sided In Portland since
Mr. Greene waa born In Cort
land County, Nrw York. Jane IS. f
Hit. Am a young man he was a a
revoarnlted athlete and his Inter-
est In athlettca never lapaed. He a
waa employed by a number of t
targe mercantile flrma and was
esteemed by hla empioyera. He I
was known as a cultivator of cer- J
tain varieties ot rnsra ana ne
received raps at different times
for his efforts. He was a mem
ber of the Weetmlneter Treaby
terian Church and the Lauiar Syne
Mr. Greene la survived by his
widow. Cynthia Knapp Oreene.
and by four slaters In California.
The funeral will be held at I
'clock Monday at the Holman
undertaking parlors. Rev. E. H.
Pence officiating.
dividual sewers emptying directly into
the river pollutes tne entire water
front and when the river Decomea stag
nant the backwater from the Columbia
Klver lodges under the docks, causing
odors and flltny conamons miii.i.
"At the present time the sewage and
storm water from about fO.ooO acres is
emptied Into the Willamette Klver be-
, tha southern otrannary ui to
city and the docks or tne rortiano
Flouring Mills, near wnere naiamore
atreet. If extended westwara. wouia
reach the river. Whenever sewerage
facilities are provided for the Mount
Scott urea and other outlying districts,
conditions will be intolerable. Even
now fcathlna: Is pronioueu in tne vu-.
lamette River within the confines men- ,
tloned above because oi sewage pollu
"Modern Improvements In sewage dis
posal are tending toward sewage reduc- ,
lion worka whereby useful by-products
ara aaved principally for agricultural
and chemical purposes and the first i
step to provide for such treatment will
be the construction of intercepting,
sewers, to bring sewage to central
rendering Work.
"The dredging of the Columbia
Slough will not only afford sewerage
fannies for the Peninsula district.
which la badly needed, but will also
furnish a ship channel, opening tip a
Of these 61 are three-room and 16 are
two-room arpartments. The cost of the
building Itself was about 1125,000.
Mr. Whltten. tha lessor. Is a recent
comer to Portland from Minneapolis.
He has had many years' experience in
the hotel business.
Judge Expresses Surprise That Man
. Who "Would Xot Fight for Any
Country" Would Be Allowed to
Work in Shipyard Plant. '
Joseph MtlhftrovlteTi, an Austrian,
was fined S3S and sentenced by Muni
cipal Judge Rossman to serve four
months In jail yesterday morning,
when he pleaded guilty to an assault
upon R. J. Bukey, which waa charac
terized as one of the most vlcioue ever
coming to the attention of the court.
It took place in the plant of the Wil
lamette Iron & eteel Company and, ac
cording to Deputy City Attorney Deich.
Indicated how other "accidents" have
happened in certain shipyards.
"All that intervened to make of this
case another 'accident,' " declared Mr.
Deich, "is the fact that Bukey was not
killed and that a rivet boy Witnessed
It and had the nerve to come here and
tell about it. Otherwise, had the vic
tim been killed, as have others in this
city, a report would have gone to the
Coroner that an accidental death had
occurred and. without witnesses to
prove the contrary, it would have gone
down In history as an accident. This
defendant deserves the severest pen
alty your honor can give him and then
he Is getting off lucky."
Mtlharovltch was a "burker-tip" op
posite Bukey, the riveter, and it seemed
that some Jealousy had sprung up be
tween them because of orders given by
Bukey. The latter had been ill tor a
time and his place had been filled Dy
Milharovitch, who, it appeared, was
"sore" because he had to step back into
has old job when Bukey returned.
Early yesterday morning1, the two
men had some words, but later shook
hands and Bukey told Judge Rossman
he supposed the trouble was all over
and he and Milharovitch were friends.
However, according to witnesses, Mil
harovitch later suddenly hurled a
heavy iron bar at Biikey's head. It
struck him with sufficient force to
knock mm down and put him out of
commission for a time, but he was
cared for by witnesses and his wounds
dressed in the hospital at the plant.
Meanwhile, Milharovitch had run away.
He was arrested by Policeman Burrl.
Witnesses swore that Milharovitch,
who- admitted being an unnaturalized
Austrian, "had said . he would never
fight, tor- any country.
Judge ItdBsman vu surprised, he
said, to know that such ' than could
work in a shipbuilding plant.
When Judge Rossman passed sen
tence Milharovitch nearly fainted, and
asked it he might pay a larger fine,
instead of going to Jail, but Judge
Rossman said he felt it must stand.
Steel's Kflow Why
School of Bookkeeping
and allied' Subjects.
Personal Instruction.
Classes day and evening.
224 Oregon Building.
Phone Broadway 328.
"Finest In the Northwest.
Chili Con Came 5
Hamburger Sandwich. . . 5c
Hot Cakes or Waffles. ..iOd
Beef Stew 10d
Roast Deef 10c
Quick Lunch
101 Sixth
Cor. of Stark
Here .Are the Best Shoe Values in Portland!
Good, Stylish Footwear, Under Price
YeuH find real, immediate economy in these values this sale already has
demonstrated its money-saving power to many others.
We offer you many lines of our ehoes below normal prices Hanan's, Boyden's,
Laird-SchoberB and others. You know the quality of these shoes and you know,
as well, that an opportunity td buy them below"price must not be passed by.
Women's Shoe Values
Hanan & Son's Women's Patent Colt Button Shoes; welt soles, cravenette tops,
plain or tipped toes, military heels. All sizes and widths. Exceptional (Pr7 QfT
$10 values for only....... '.. ... w
Laird, Bchober & O.'s Women's All-Leather Lace
Shoes; buck tops. The latest styles.. Regularly
priced $12 and $12.50; offered now at QQ nr
the low price of iDVVO
Women's Shoes in short and broken lines, regu
larly priced $5, $6 and $7 are reduced to $2.95,
$3.95 and $4.95.
" Mens Shoe Values
Hanan & Son's Men's Tan Button and Blucher Shoes; three lines
on which the sizes are somewhat broken. Regular $12.00 dJQ QPC
Shoes for only iDOtVO
-a-Boyden's Men's Brown Cordovan Lace Shoes J Newark-made, With
heavy leather soles; stylish English last. These shoes are (PI A GET
today worth $15; our price was $12.50; reduced to only tDXUeJ
S. & H.
In San Francisco
STOP tlAii(-i
Ceary Street, hist off Union Square
Fom 3lae50 a Day
Breakfast 60c . Lunch 60a Dinner f 1.00
Sundays! Breakfast 76c Dinner SI .26
car line direct to door. Motor
Bus meets principal trains and steamers.
There's ah air of
iW. i , i. unmhrf and rnnffM.
iality about Seattle's famous
UOiei. wuaiti Hliu uauwug ...
cafe every evening a' popular hotel
your friends will be here. Rates to
Suit the most modest purse. Clab
breakfasts at moderate prices.
Open Under New Management
Please order dinners by phone.
Main 59.
New Houston Hotel
Bixtb and Everett Street.
Vftar blocks from Union Depot.
. Near business center,
fireproof and Modern.
Kate 75c to tt.00.
Cna. G. Hopkins, sianaren.