The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 03, 1918, Section One, Image 1

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    94 Pages
Section One
Pages lto22
Unionist Leader Makes
Speech at Belfast.
Retirement From Cabinet Ex
SaggcMioa That America's Contlna
arc la War Depends 01 Settle-
gnrnt of Iri.b Qanlloa Be
, claret! to Be Ridiculous.
BELFAST. Feb. i. la a iimch b
for the Vnlonlst council today. SI
Edward Cnoo Mid thai circumstances
bad arisen at the Irish convention In
dlcatinc th. possibility of trouble ove
In .tp th. government should tak
If the convention should break down.
If be remained In the government, he
declared, he would have to be a party
to Us deliberations and support any
ohcy It adopted. On the other hand,
he was not free became of bis pledges
as a covenanter.
It was plain that the convention hav
Ins; been set up and Vlster havtnc en
. t red It, the Ulstorltea must remain to
the end and consider every proposal
with a vtew(to seeing: whether there
could be a suiutlon satisfactory to the
people of Vlster.
This, he described as "one that would
enable the people to feel that they still
maintain their status as cttliens of the
firltlsh empire and are protected In
thrtr batna and daily lives against
the possibility of harmful Interfere
I est- A tJele) KreswwaJbl.
Its protested asalnst any attempt to
create an atmosphere that lister Is un
seasonable, declaring:
t!ter alone In Ireland has shown
ny reason at aiL Come of our old
friends S"d s'iportsrs who are ratline
out for a settlement really mean sur
render. If bv settlement people have
la their minds surrender, there will b-
Bo settlement.
"A areatr Insult could not be of
fared to a nation than I put forward
and sus?;'ted that unless the Irish
tnestloe Is saltled. Amertra will no
longer so on with the war. or will
proecnte the war with less visor.
Anything more ridiculous and Insult,
lag U Is Impossible to conceive."
Ideate al Slake la W ar.
America has not come Into the war.
ha said, simply to help ttrttaia and out
of frtemMhlp la l:rttan. bat to fight
fr the same !da!a ef freedom and
liberty. bu she - mw the world
thrratene by lh domination of a mil
itary class.
-To tell mo that A merl-a with these
high Meals and having abandoned .her
Isolation to come Into the European
war was Influenced by the Irish ques
tion Is childish.' he asserted. "So far
front helping a settlrment In t'lster.
that sort of thing puts men's backs up.
lXPOV. Feb. The series of re
ceptions and ovations that 5r Ildward
1L Carson, leader of the Irl.h Union
ist party, is receiving In ilfat does
not appear lo promise writ for a har
monious solution of the Irish question
la the near f'ltdre.
Mr Edward made speeches there
yeeteriay and tnty. strongly declar
ing that he hold, fast lo the old
pledges made to his constituents.
Those pledges were to fight against
homo rule or a separation from the
anion of Great liruain to the last ditch.
City Kateade Aclrooae.
ir Edward arrived In Belfast Thurs
av and was welcomed like a vtrtorl-
'oa-ll'l on I'...
l '
; &f,sx o.o,0 -lev . CJhD TSjF &oor TAr f'Ctrr L Vr9' PTJ.e AMJEGtCA. JXttZZZ"
TO SAO 0vC - . - . . V,-w iv? "esTtroA.y
. '. . - ................ I I - .1 .1 ... 11 . t 1 T 1 I t - - ' .
. ..............................................................I......... ....siais...sssssa.a. ssassssaaeaaaassaassssa
lUuooirrrtl Girls Much Hotter Attired
Tbaa W aist less Debutante,
Declare Mr. Shunt.
NEW TORK. Feb. X. Theodore P.
Shonts. president of ths company that
runs moat of New Tork City's carllnes.
having decreed sometime ago that th
-eonductorettes" recently employed to
replace men. should wear bloomers as
a part of their uniforms, now comes
forward to defend the costume against
ths criticism that It Is Immodest.
In a letter to critics bs mads public
tonight ths railway president says:
"Compared with the distorted figure
of ths days of tight lacing-, ths un
sightly bustle, the unwleldly aoop skirt
and pantaletta as well aa ths pre sen
what shall I say near walstless party
or theater gown, th cross-saddle rid
Ing habit, ths average Summer resort
bathing. suit, ths peek-a-boo shirtwaist.
the short street skirt with Its far
short-of-reachlng-hlgh-top-shoes. 1 re
pest, as compared with these, I con
sider ths neat, businesslike uniforms
of our conductoretfes with Its knee-
length, seml-mllllary coat, closely but'
toned collar, easy-fitting bloomers and
puttee-covered legs, a splendid example
of a modest, practical utility dress.
"IX. In favor of common sense and
patriotism, women have courage to
sweep aslda hidebound conventions that
they may ths better do their hit. why
should ws attempt to handicap them
with falsa notions of modesty about
City Official Will Xot Attempt to
Take Advantage of Exemption.
Mayor Baker will not attempt to
take advantage of ths provision of ths
Federal Income tax law granting t-
emptlon from the tax to public offi
cials. He said yesterday he willingly
will pay his tax on his 000 a year
salary, disregarding any technicalities
which might exempt htm.
T can ess no reason why public of
dais should be exempt." said ths
Ths same attitude uas been taken
by City Treasurer Adams.
Shipping Hoard lta Contractt for
Tra 2300-Ton Craft.
WASHINGTON. Feb. i. Contracts for
lov-toa concrete ships were let to
day by the Shipping Board to ths Frr-
ror Concrete Shipbuilding Corporation
of r.edondo Beach. Cat The first ves
sel Is lo bo delivered within six months
and ths other nine within a year.
The bonding company will use a new
plan of construction recently patented
by which. It clalma it can build too ves
sels mora rspldly thsn under old meth
ods of working concrete.
Holy See's White Hook lo Contain
Mach Diplomatic Correspondence.
ROME. Feb. 2. The Holy See's white
hook probably will be published In the
early Spring.
It will contain all diplomatic efforts
n A .Aminondene. of the atican
sines ths beginning of ths war. Fope
Benedicts pes re note, arguments for
ths pspal views as to settlement of ail
am. copies of ths writings and
peeches of President Wilson and other
public men.
Dramatic Editor, Critic and Aathor
Was 0 3 Years of Ace.
NEW TORK. Feb. I Leander Rich
ardson, dramatic editor, critic and au-
hor. died today at his horns hero, sged
S years-
He was general manager for William
A. Brady's theatrical productions.
DITTMAN ARRESTED, I index of todah news
Nation-Wide Protest in
Germany Planned.
Reichstag Member at Mercy
of Military.
Seven Berlin Factories Cndcr Mar
tial Law and Striking- Workers
Notified to Return or Be
Classed as Deserters.
(Br the Associated Press.)
Germany's workers are 111 In a rest
less mood and. although the strike
movement appears' f bs on the wane,
largely through ths adoption of dras
tic measurea by the authorities, there
are threats of further demonstrations
nd a continuation of sporadic dis
Berlin and Its environs remain the
center of ths disturbance. The city Is
under military control Factories
where strikes are In progress have
been militarised, say dispatches, and
the workers warned to report for work
by Monday morning or undergo mill
tary discipline.'
Ths most serious disturbances ap
pear to have occurred la Berlin and
Spandau Thursday.
A nation-wide demonstration Is
threatened over the arrest of Deputy
William Dlttraann, ona of ths Independ
ent socialist leaders, for attempting to
address a street crowd.
Soldiers Control Berlin.
The completeness of the military
control of Berlin Is Indicated by the
reported refusal of Chancellor von
Hertling to order the deputy's release
when asked to do so. giving as a reason
that be was powerless to Interfere, as
ha capital was entirely In military
Countries contiguous to Germany
are threatened with labor troubles.
Holland la preparing to cops with a
general strlks to bs called In Amster
dam on Monday, and a cloud of diffi
culties with the Industrial elements
appears to be banging over 6 wilier-
AMSTERDAM. Feb. . Berlin even
ing newspapers lust received here say
that V. llbelm Dlttman. Socialist mem
ber of the Kelcbstag. was arrested whe
he attempted to address a crowd In a
LONDCN. Feb. J. A national demon-
tratlon Is being organised In Germany
aa a protest against the arrest of Herr
Dlttman. an Exchange Telegraph dis
patch from Amsterdam reports.
Hugo Haste, a Socialist Deputy, ap
pealed to Chancellor von Hertling to
obtain ths release of Herr Dlttman.
Powerless. Bays Chancellor.
The Chancellor said ha was power
less, as Berlin was entirely in- the
na ""sry.
Dtttmsn's name was linked lsst Oc
tober with those of Deputies Haass and
Vogtherr. also Socialists, with ths mu
tiny In the German fleet. .
The Vorwacrta. In Its report of Belch
stag debate, quoted Herr Haass as say
ing that the condemned sailors were
accused of distributing pamphlets giv
en to them by Deputy Dlttman which
bad been pasaed by the censor.
Met lay Iwrldewt Recalled.
The mutiny la reported to have oc
curred about eight months previous to
the debate. Following the debate re
ports quoting ths Hamburg Fremden
bladt stated that ths government had
derided to prosecute Deputies Hsaae,
Human and Vogtherr in the Imperial
iConcludl on P.g. 7. Column I.)
The Weather.
TEPTERDAfS Maximum temperature, 40
degree.; minimum. 2, degrees.
TODAY'S Probably rain; southerly winds.
German press, on anniversary of ruthless
submarine marfsre, glonuea U-boat. Sec
tion 1. page 3.
Over SO.UOO die from hunger In Austrian
concentration camps. Section 1, psge 4.
Sir Edward Carson re-enters fight against
noma rule, bectlon 1, page 1. .
Socialist member -of Reichstag arrested and
nation-wide protest planned. Section 1,
pace i.
Dr. Harry Ftuermer reveals Inside facts of
German history. Section 1. page 1.
American clash with Spain over exports In
progress o( settlement. Section 1. page 4.
Almost entire city of Berlin Involved In
strike riots of Thursday. Section 1,
peg. 4.
Judgment of S.8O0.0O0 against ex-Cssr of
Kussia rendered In .Now York. Section 1,
PSgs 6.
Geieral March slated to ' become acting
Chief of Staff of American Army, bec
tlon 1. pace 8.
Secretary Baker to tell Senate committee
more about war preparations. Section 1.
page 2.
Railroads to help Improve fuel situation and
abolish heatless Monday. Section 1
page 2.
Administration railroad bill to be rushed In
Congress this week. Section 1, page 5.
Theodore P. Shonts defends costume of
"conductorettes." Section 1, page 1.
T. M. C. A. will start thrift drive today
Section 1, page 1.
Chicago police wage deadly street battle
wun d rooDers. section I. page 1.
Parlfle Northwest.
Seattle's boom unlike any ever aeen before.
ecuon l, page 1.
Washington doctor held for murder com
mits suicide. Section 1. naae 7.
O. P. Hoff entera contest for Stat Tr,,.
urer. Section 1. page 7.
Extra aesalon of Idaho Legislature urged.
trcvuiw 4, page o.
Many Oregon Agricultural College students
c.fvnu ii rauon s call. Section 1.
Page 8.
C. E. 8pence takes exception, to miMtinn,
asked over signature of "An American
Citizen." Section 1. page 9.
Bill Leard may menace Seattle ball club
again this year. Section i
John L. Sullivan is dead. Section 2. naae 1
Interscholastic basketball race close in
League B. Section 2, page 2.
McCredle awalta word from Butte on club
question, mcuod z. peg. 2.
Multnomah Club to meet W. S. C Febru
ary . section 2,. page 2.
Oregon loses to O. A. C. 28-7. Section 2.
Page 2.
Oregon City angler deplores stand of Port-
,nu usnermen. bectlon 2. page 3.
Fight fans look forward to smoker bouts
Wednesday. Section 2. pare 3.
Hockey teams bunched for race down home
uvu-n. oecuon z, page 3.
No world's records In. track and field ath-
ii-. were oroaen in 1817. Section 2.
page 4.
Soldiers at Vancouver Barrack, in ,Mi in
field day March 8. Section 2, page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Car shortage holds back shipments of Ore-
. " " fvtAiwM. oecuon page 13.
No decrease in dairy herds In Oregon. Sec
tion 2. page IS.
Corn stronger at Chicago.- with bears less
ii.iorui oi esny peace. Section 3,
page 13. .
Short covering advancee specialties in Wall
street market. Section 2. par. is
Survey of timber-producing possibilities of
-Muiniion oraereo. Section
. page IS.
Ten perrent in wages to be given
"''fi. section 2, page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Ralph Dunlway and Frank 8. Myers debate
. " AuiBininraiion. Section
1. page lu.
Commissioner Barbor recommends Improved
system of sew era. Section 1. dm, io
Cnnstursllsed Austrian paya Jail term pen
alty for assault. Section 1, page la
Relatives of soldiers urged to obtain war
Insurance. Section I. peg. 11.
Portland expected te contribute s.13.000 to
Jewish relief fund. Section 1. page 12.
Increased fire protection urged for Portland
shlpysrds. section 1. page 12.
Mrs. O. J. Frank. 1 honor guest at luncheon
of Woman'e Co-operative League. bec
tlon 1. page 14.
Suit to overthrow six-cent carfare to be
filed tomorrow. Section 1. page 14.
Registration of German enemy alien, to
begin tomorrow at A. M. Section L
page 14.
Judge Rossman Imposed upon by women.
Boy Scouts to celebrate eighth ' birthday
says Liavia nooinson. Section 1, page IS.
reoruary a section 1. page II.
Daniel Body, of Knterprlse. mentioned for
Republican National Committeeman for
Oregon. Section 1. page 16.
Senatorial asplrsnts can run for two terms
at once. Section 1. page 16.
Judge Tazwell and court attaches exoner-
strd In grand Jury report. Section 1,
page 18. r.
New orders relating to drafted men on way
from Washington. Section 1, page IS.
Banquet to open campaign for relief of
Armenians and Syrlaua. Section 1, page
Suspicious circumstances tend to confirm
Idna of badger game. Section 1.
page IV.
California's extensive road buildlnr dis
cussed br S. Benson. Section 2, page 6
Frank B. Klley doing effective publicity
work for Pacific Northwest. Section 2,
psge 6.
Housewives seek best way ot preparing war
foods. Section 1. page IS.
jgnt Thrown on Inner
Facts of History.
Teutons - Never Barred From
"Place in Sun."
Britain's Declaration of War Enters
Into Very Soul of German People,
Who Stand as Sacrifice to
Political Miscalculation.
With this Issue The Oreconian begins the
nnbb-atlon in Installments of an Important
contribution to the war literature of the
period. "Two War Years in Constantinople,
sketches of German and young Turkish
.thtr. and nolltica. by Dr. Harry Stuermer,
late correspondent at Constantinople of the
Kolnlsche Zeltung. The aerial publication is
by arrangement.
Xn hi. the author says:
"The undersigned hereby declares on his
word of honor that in writing thla volume
he has been in no way inspired by outside
influence, and that he has .never had any
dealings whatsoever, material or otherwise,
either before or during the war, with any
-nv.mTn.nt orsranizatlon. propaganda
personality hostile to Germany or Turkey. of & neutral character. His con
science alone haa urged him to write and
publish his Impressions, and he hopes that
by so doing he may perform a service to
ward the cause of truth and civilisation.
"While the author of thla work waa wait
ing on the frontier of Switzerland for final
permission from the German authorities to
enter that country. Germany committed her
second great crime, nor iirsi oevuis vum
pleteiy missed its mark.
..i eio-i renunciation of any last rem
nants of humanity in her methods, she was
now making a dying effort to help her
already lost cause Dy a ruinieoo
of her policy of piracy at aea and a grati
fication of all her brutal Instincts in com
plete violation oi tne rignis oi
"it Is. therefore, with all the more Inward
conviction, with all the mors urgent moral
persuasion, that the authw makes use of
: . r-ii 1 1 w offered him by resi
dence In Switzerland to range himself boldly
on the sltie ot u-un - '"7 "Ik,.,-
-111 Germans woo ouu ,
..... . i. - MM1 IranMrMnon
condone even lacmr -
and political atupiaity -
an allied government.
fw M. C 1
n. hi. nunncation.
(Copyright. 11. or ueorse - '
Anyons who, like myself, set foot
on German soil for the first time after
years of sojourn In foreign lands, and
more particularly In the colonies. Just
,. moment that Germany was
mobilising for the great European war,
must surely have been filled, as I was.
with a certain feeling ot meiancnoiy,
a slight uneasiness with regard to the
state of mind of his leiiow-country
. .it showed Itself In these
dramatic days of August in conver
sations In the street, in cafes and res
taurants, and In the articles appear
ing in the press.
Wa Germans have never' learned to
think soundly on political subjects.
Bismarck's political heritage, although
set forth in most popular form in his
"Thoughts and Recollections," a book
that anyone opposing this war from
the point of view rather of prudence
than of ethics might utilize as an un-
ending source of propaganda, has not
descended to our rulers In any sort of
living form. But an unbounded polit
ical naivete, an Incredible lack of Judg
ment and of understanding of the point
of view of other peoples, who have
their raison d'etre Just as much as we
have, their vital interests, tbeir stand
point of honor have not prevented us
from trying to carry on a grand sys
tem of weltpolitik (world politics).
The average everyday German has
never really understood the English
either before or during the war; in
the tatter's colonial policy, which, ac
cording to pan-German ideas... has no
other aim than to snatch from us our
"place in the sun"; in their concep
tion of liberty and civilization, which
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
Campaign to Teach Value of Saving
and Economy 'in Living Will
Be Waged This Week.
NEW TORK. Feb. 2. A Nation-wide
thrift campaign will be opened tomor
row In 800 cities and towns of the
United States by the Young Men":
Christian Association. '
Its object Is to prepare the millions
of young men in America for the dras
tic economic changes that are expected
to occur In every belligerent country
with the coming of peace.
An entire week will be devoted to the
task of enlightening wage earners as to
the necessity of adjusting themselves to
certain conditions brought about by the
In thousands of churches the T. M. C.
A. has arranged for the privilege to
morrow of sermons advocating the con
servation of those things essential for
bringing victory to American arms.
Monday a large force of speakers in
shops, schools, lodges and community
centers will emphasise the value of a
bank to a town. The keynote will be
"start a bank account today, or make
a deposit in one already in existence.'
Tuesday and Wednesday efforts will
be concentrated on organizing war sav
ings stamp clubs among employes in
"Thrift day in the home" is planned
for Thursday. On that day speakers
will address people in shops and else
where 'otv "the value of owning a home,'
and the need of economy ta the kitchen.
Friday, speakers will talk upon
"what insurance the average man
should carry."
Saturday will be "Pay as you go'
During the week it is planned to have
six "rummage" days, on one of which
everybody will be urged to bring old
wastepaper, rags, metal, rubber, and
other salvage to certain stations and
receive either cash or war savings
stamps for them.
Large Warehouse- at Chers-ystone,
Va., Base Destroyed.
NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 3. Fire at the
United States naval base at Cherry
stone, Va., today destroyed a large
warehouse containing food and cloth
ing. A relief vessel carrying supplies
has been sent from Norfolk.
No details of the fire had been re
ceived here tonight, other than the
fact that the burned building con
talned practically all of the food stores
for the 300 men at the base. The relief
vessel sent from here was said to have
experienced difficulty with Ice floes in
Chesapeake Bay, but it was assumed
that it had reached Cherrystone tin
safety, the run normally requiring only
a few hours.
Thclnia Eberting and Eva Gay Are
Thought to Be in Portland.
CORVALLIS, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.)
Two Corvallls girls. Thelma Ebert-
ng and Eva Gay, disappeared from
home Wednesday and have not been
heard from since. Parents of the
girls thought they had gone to a neigh
boring town and would return soon,
so the authorities were not notified
until today.
The fathers of the girls today went
to Portland to ascertain if they could
be located there. The fathers learned
that the girls had been studying The
Oregonian want ads recently with un
usual attention.
Supreme Council at Versailles Ends
Series of Conferences.
VERSAILLES, Feb. 2. The Supreme
War Council of Premiers and Generals
today closed the present series of gen
eral meetings.
Premier Clemenceau, of France, pre-
City Is Full of Money
and Snuff Boxes.
Coin Plentiful, but Old Gang
Isn't Getting It.
Earnings at Shipyards Seem to Be
Going Into Safe Deposit Vaults.
Transportation Is City's Big
and Pressing Problem.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 2. (Staff
Correspondence.) If simple Justice
shall be done" in the matter of at
taching nomenclature the route from
anywhere In Seattle to the shipyards
will become known as the Copenhagen
This opinion has been reached
through a more or less, devious process
from the basic fact that Seattle is full
of money, and the corelated fact that
the shipyards seem to have been re
cruited from among the snuff
chewers, snuff-rubbers . and snuff
sniffers of that portion of the coun
try which habitually" speaks 'with a
Scandinavian accent.
It came about in this way: A more
or less enthusiastic citizen more en
thusiastic over the bare statement that
Seattle is full of money and less enthu
siastic over the sad fact that the old
gang is not getting much of it told
m that the common folk had so much
money that they were actually grow
ing careless.. A person, on- the testi
mony of this Seattle citizen, could go
out on the street almost any day and
picke up a few lost dollars or a stray
purse or wallet. There was So and So
who had found $7.65 night on the spot
where we were talking, and Thus and
So who had found J11.S7 in the same
place ths next day.
Losses Are Disregarded,
Why," he added, "the people have
so much money they don't even adver
tise their losses in the newspapers. Just
a few persons with lively consciences
patronize the lost and found columns.
The newspapers are considering the.
plan of dropping the 'lost' from ths
It is proper to state at this point
that a test of the truth of this story
did not produce full confirmation. Pos
sibly some Idle gleaners had passed
along just in front of me, but the quest
did not produce discovery of the Copen
hagen trail.
To be plain-spoken, a strangen in.
Seattle could find his way to the ship
yards by following the discarded snuff
containers the little round boxes that
once held Copenhagen snuff. At one
or two places on First avenue one could.
on a soggy day, duplicate in a way the
feat of the man who walked across the
Columbia River on the backs of
salmon. This is not a criticism of Seat
tle's Street Cleaning Department. Quito
likely the department could not help It.
for the existing boom in Seattle is like
no boom that has ever gone before. .
It has brought trying obligations, soma
confusion and, as already remarked,
the old gang is not getting the money,
Real Katatera Ignored.
In the other booms the real estate
speculator was perhaps pre-eminent as
the money getter. He is today a worn
and weary individual, torn with the
motions of a man who can see money.
money everywhere and not a chunk
for him. The shipyard workers and
the employes in the countless allied
(Concluded on Page S. Column 4.)
- t