THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 37, 1918. 11 - Klrhard f. lb-'t. M l. II. Ji. J. li. iLlppliicott. Co.. rhllad.Ipala. Frank and vinrrrt In tone. Ihla bonk treats th K.n.ral jubl'tt In an In tsr.sttna" manner th-t win th reader's attention. It will attract not only medl cal students and physicians, but the curious sreneral public. To all yeans; men nesltatlns; on the question: "Shall I He a Physician? the book appeals with special force. Ir. Cabot does for the medical pro fession what these other experts did for their profession (Ttvlna; a clear Idea of the preparation of the physician, the factors makinK for success and what rewards the yonns: man may hope for If he chooses to ariont the profession. I.Ike his co-authors In the IJppmrott's training series, he Is an enthusiast, be Klievina; sincerely that medlcire "Is I profession which can use the whole of a man as no other profession can. The physician la the child of his ace. Such an opportunity as a ureal painter had In the Renaissance or a arest musician had In the early years of the 19th ci-n tory. a physician has today. Its re wards, as I see them are beyond those of any other profession. It Is significant to be told that: Among the rewards which the doctor cannot expect Is wealth, rVnr doctors hare erer srrown rich from their medi cal fees and If I read the sisrn of the times rlrhtly. the number of doctors with Incomes above i"u a year Is roiner to be smaller In the future than in the past. "Many, especially many women ana many Frenchmen, are expert in ine Ion st-praet Iced art of human Inter course. o one ever nnerstanos peo ple nor made them understand him. as Jesus Christ did. His method and his Dint- seen best In his own words and actions, can also be atudted In those of his followers In St. I'auU St. Frances Assist and Joan of Arc as well as In the truest christians of ones own ac quaintance." Towards the beliefs or otner cuua. rr. Cabot Is kind and polite. "A patient told by a doctor that he must have sursrlcal operation performed. He naturally dreads It and seeks relief elsewhere. The Chinese herb ooctor. he Christian Scientist, the osteopath II agree In telling him that he neeis no operation. I believe that all the .eallng cults, from Christian Science Jown. do a certain amount of Imium- able good" This Is with special rei- rence to the stale of ones mind ai- r"e.-tln bodily ailments. Contents: The professional type or octor and the preparation for It: the raining of the family physician; prep- ration for public health work: Condi- ns of failure In practice: rectors 01 uccess: the cnance lor octors; city practice . counir ractice: the Influence ol orugiess eallng. Christian Science, osteop.nny ntt other social culls on develop- ent and success of the doctor: the In fluence) of Important punnc neann rruaades" on medical development ano nedtcal .practice: the health crusaoes gainst typhoid: malaria and oiner rentable diseases: the private prar- t loner's competition with group niedl- tie. and the rewarus of medical wora. , auowat. Lcues oho one rw$-once Passionately FERLENTLY.. .SHE LIKES WD ADMIRES OTHER WEN BUT LUCKY 15 THAT WAT9 WHO GETS HER LOUB." L 1 - ' f . . -vrr-ij .: , , Authoror7hen'niny erzcZJ?etvrx?. of ii&-Piisici3-ri" chusetta state department of health. The book has these departments: Char acteristics of the Field Studied: the Noon Luncheon: The Food of Women Living Away From Their Families: The Food of Women In Organised Houses: Food of Certain Plspensary I'aticnts. and Comparative Summaries and Constructive Suggestions. The book fairly bristles with figures and the whole presentation Is of marked economic value. man campaign of allegations that f rancs-tireurs committed atrocities on poor, defenseless, persecuted German troops mho invaded Belgium in the Summer of DM. war service. Van Watson; prayer meet ing. Kern Hudson: "Society Alms for 1918." by the . president. Franklin Roberts. Last Sunday, a rally was held at the Sunnyslde Methodist Church by Kp worth League. Sunnyslde Friends Christian Endeavor Society. Sunnyside Presbyterian and Sunifyside Congrega tional societies. There was an attend ance of 150. A special programme con sisting of music, talks and a get-ac quainted social hour was held. Miss Mildred Bartholtyiew. presidont of the Sunnyside- Epworih League and chairman of the meeting, gave an in spiratlonal address on "The Upward Reach and the Outward Reach." Miss Hundhimer. deaconess of the Sunnyslde Methodist Church, srave a pointed talk on the needs of the community in regard to the young people's societies. Following is Bishop Sumner's official list of appointments for the holding of confirmation services: February 3 A. M., St. Matthew's. Port lanl: P. M.. Our Saviour, Woodstock. February 10 A. M.. Oood Bhepherd. Port land: P. M., Ft. I'auJ s. womlmere. February IT A. !.. t. ilichaei's, Port land: P. M., St. Andrew's. Portland. February 24 A. M.. St. Marks. Medford; P. M.. Trinity. Ashland. February -'j P. M.. Bu Luke's. Grants Pass. March 10 A. M., Grace. Portland; P. M., AM Saints. Portland. March 17 A. M.. Ft. David's, Portland! P. M., St. John's. &ellwooi. March 24 A. M., St. Mark's, Portland; P. M St. Paul s. Oregon City. March 31 A. M.. Pro-Cathedral, , Port lands P. M., Pre-Calhedral, Portland. April 7-A. M., Trinity, Portland; P. M., Chrlat. St. Helens. April .l-"-A. M., Grace, Astoria; P. M., Calvary. Seaside. jt. Harn.-ibas. McMinnville. April A. M.. Good Samaritan, corval lls; P. M.. St. Peter s. Albany. May 3 A. M.. St. Mary's. Ernttne. May 12 A. M., St. Stephens, Newport; P. M., St. John's. Toledo. The president, three former presi dents and two other members of the Young People's Society of Christian Kndeavor of Pilgrim Congregational Church have entered the service or the Nation. In honor of these the society will present to the church at the service this evening a Deautirui service flag. A delegation of soldiers from Vancouver Barracks will be pres ent. Usual service at 11 A- -u. Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, of the Child Labor Commission, will speak at 4:30 o'clock today at the vesper service of the Young Women's Christian Associa tion. Tea will be served at 5:30 P. M. All girls are invited. TWe Orwwlh f a l.egewtl, by ymand Van lnxenbnve. (1.2J. u. P. Putnam's Sons. York City. Fernand van Langenhove Is a scien tific man and ha writes an Interest ing book. He Is the scientific secre tary of the Solvav Institute of Sociol ogy. Krussels. "The Growth of a L- President Cleveland and Lloyd George gend Is a lielglan expose of the Oer-I The editor-has made wise selections. DemaMf y Today, edited by Christian Cans. 40 cents, Scott, Fonuman ft Co., New York City. Written for the us of secondary schools and colleges, to make the young understand the situation in which our country find itself today In Its efforts "to make the world safe for democracy." this little book fills a decided want and ought to have a large sale. Many of President Wilson's war messages, speeches and addresses on democracy are given; also Lincoln's Gettysburg speech and address each of t Mary Dl'nn. rtutrate.J. I The l eatury l a . .w !.... There Is a girl In this sterling -h novel, railed Miss neairire .u..- w. of Kentucky, who Is the neroine f a great love. She loves once ai.a or all liuta iiawi-m. rmy officer, and knows that she ves him "until deatn aom us pn. tfleld experiences a similar emo- on about ner so me u "Comrades" Is a love-story with the reat war as background. The scenes in Germany. France, Italy, wi nd and the United States: and the traders are all sooner or later ight In the colossal conflict. The story begins In Iresden. nany. where most or tn principal hararters have gathered for the opera, hls Is almost a year before the out reak of hostilities, but the reader Is isde to feel the storm gathering. The scene shifts to the old student Ity of Lelpxlg. where the principal harartere gather In a pension prelim nary to their attendance on lectures t the university. The most popular ourse. it happens. Is one-dealing es erlally with the Inside diplomacy of he War of 1ST. The students in Frau Tternhofs pen Ion and their acquaintances outside re an alluringly varied group a brll ant Pole, a handsome ' Rumanian, a rench spv. a German secret service gent, a German nobleman, Hatfield. . young Englishman studying for-th iplomatle service, and Miss Ludlow, a asclnating American girl and her haperone. Bang! enters the big war. Hatfield one of the contemptible Knglish rmy of 0,000. and the interest la in-ens. IN PORTLAND'S CHURCHES Atkinson Church to Give 10 Day Special Service. Rev. A. J. Sulleas. Who Will Direct Seriea, Recognised as Enthusiastic I'surcll Worker, ictitlned From Pace lo.) preach st the First Kaptlst Church I White Temple! Sunday. His morning topic will .be "When the Kingdom of Heaven Hraweth Nigh." In the evening Ir. Tram in will speak on "The World, an Auction Block." He Is an Inter esting speaker and his messages are helpful and Inspiring. Ir. Trawin cams to Oregon recently from the First Baptist Church, of Hoise, Idaho, where he was pastor for seven years. At one time he was pastor of the Croxer Seminary Church. Chester. I'a . before coming to the Pacific Coast. The Temple quartet will be heard at both services. Rev. Montgomery to Preach at First Presbyterian. Urge a Recital by Fdgar E. Carem aad peel a I Malral embers by -Mra. Vlratlala "nearer llalchlaoa Krstsrt aervlevm. letter ana Dtnry ft Alan Nrecer. l 13. t'Uarles Krrlbnrr e Mnl New 1 erk City. It la not possible to read this hok without being thrilled and touched hy he recital of a great young poet who nllsted In the Foreign Legion of ranee and si killed In the battle narge- at Relloy-en-Santerre. July 4. I. The book i made uo of niemo ls from his air diary, letters to rela iT.4. newspaper dispatches, etc These letters. addressed to his -iothr and friends, contain his frank ipre.slon of all bis hopes snd fears. "ho diary, found In France by his ther. Is arranged chronologically lth the letters, and the whoie vol me Is the expression of a brave and ensitive soul, meeting gladly and with tiperb courage all the vicissitudes and -asertles of the great war. Alan See er was a poet and his prose has the motional Imagery of po'rr and the orre of a soldier's vigorous, direct arratlve. The frontispiece shown Is made from photograph hitherto unknown to his an family. rallfsrala, Paul :ider tarlea ef I be AM M 'by I'harla Franklin Carter. it t (v. paa F m ts-a. Seven well-written stories. filled elth, charming sentiment and color. tany of them are based on historical ict and give faithful pictures of life mong the Indians and Spaniards In Nueva California' during the early avs of the past century. The typo- raphical appearance of the book la a r. by Alma Newton, ft. Duf field la. New York City. A wonderfully written story with a ep spiritual meaning in it that takes on. reading to understand. let the eading la decidedly worth the while. The plot Is queer. Two young women re In love with l.oul Itenaud and. of urse. he prefers only one. The one ho tells the story. Barah Kreeshna. tatea her own story of self-sarrif ice. er recital depicts a great, noblo love. r Faa4 ml waratag Wosaesi la 213 pases. The Women s Kducatlonal and Industrial t'nlaa of Bstnn Here we have a valuable and searrh- r rerura Ol an iiiirpunkii'n liiv partmeat of research of the above imed association, edited' by Luciie aves. i n. i ' . qirmtir oi inn on, la o-opsraiiua with the Mini- AT the First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets, the services will be In charge of Rev. A. J. Montgomery, I. P.. who Is superin tendent of the Presbyterian Church for Oregon. The pastor. Rev. John II. Boyd. IX IX. Is absent from the city on a visit to the camps and cantonments in California. In the morning at 10:30 Dr. Mont gomery will preach on "The Solution of Oregon's Religious Problems." This will be of great Interest because of lr. Montgomery's knowledge of con ditions. He spends much time travel ing from one end of the state to the other and solving religious problems for the different communities. A short sermon to children will be given as usual. This is an opportunity to remind parents that children are permitted to withdraw from the room after the chil dren's sermon and are taken care of bv a committee of women from the Missionary Society. In the evening at 7:35 Pr. Mont gomery will preach on "loes the Line Still Hold?" This Is an application of the war conditions to the matters of our lives. In the morning Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson will sing "By the v aters of Babylon, by Howell, and In the evening Edgar K. Coursen will give an organ recital from 7:1S to I:Ji. This Is the programme of the organ recital: (a) "Marche Pontificals" tDe la Tornbelle, h "Concert Piece No. 1 (Parker), (e) "Romanes From alignon ITbomaa). e e A service flag will be dedicated at the Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The flag contains 34 stars and will be pre sented to the church by the Epworth League. An excellent programme has been arranged by the committee. Prerentation of the service flag will be made by C C. Miller, followed by an address by Dr. F oiin Eldrldge. Music will be furnished by the Cardinal (ladies! Quartet. Washington Chapter (Masonic) Quartet and the choir of Mount Tabor Church. e a Rev. John Iawson. rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, at Gra ham and Vancouver avenues, baa In vited the soldier boys quartered on Rus sell street to an Informal "at home" In the parish halL Monday and Thursday evenings. The guild will serve refresh ments. e e a At the annual meeting of Ft. James Lutheran Church, held last Sunday, the following persons were duly elected by unanimous vote of the congregation to serve as officers of the rhurcb coun cil: I- C. Michelsen. G. A. Larson. Otto HJurkmsn and George Uracher. The public Installation service will be held In connection with the regular services at II A. M. today. The church review and reports of the past year show the mngregatlon te be In a prosperous and healthy condition. Splendid work has been accomplished In all societies of the church. The ac tivities of tne church bespeak well for the ensuing year. Talbot, of Kimball College, Salem, will preach at todays services. In the evening a service flag bearing 33 stars will be dedicated. There will be music by the choir and two quartets. e Mrs. J. J. Tlandsaker, pastor of the Laurelwood Congregational Church, is preaching a series of sermons on "What la Religion"' The speaker for the 6 o'clock vesper services this afternoon Is Professor Paul Douglas, of lieea College. The Oregon Churchman, the official publication of the diocese, issued a New Year's number consisting of &e dii. the largest in Its history. It is attract ively printed, contains a number of illustrations, and its special features Include a historical sketch covering the two generations of diocesan history. A Christmas magaxlne of 6a pages was issued Just before the holidays. Several new branches of the Woman's Auxiliary have recently been organ ised under the direction of Mrs. Julia S. Whlteford, field secretary of the Gen eral Board of Missions. These Include St. Andrew's, Portsmouth, and St. John's, Sellwood. A branch for St. John's. Mil waukie. will be organised next Thurs-I day at the home of Mrs. John Hart. The Rev. J. Atlwood Stansfield, who conducted successful missions at the Pro-Cathedral and St. David's Church, will go to Astoria Monday to begin a week's mission there, at Grace Church. . Atkinson Church is preparing for 10 days of special service to be held every evening, except Saturday, beginning Thursday, January 31, and closing Sun day, February 10. District cottage prayer meetings are being held, a thor ough canvass of the district will be made by the invitation committee, new hymn books, which include most of the favorite, well-known hymns, have been bought, a male quartet is being or ganized and special soloists have been obtained. Each evening will have spe cial features of Interest. On each of the two Saturday afternoons there will be a special meeting for children, and plans are being made for afternoon meetings for women. The preacher for the series is the Rev. Arthur J. .Sullen, who has been superintendent of the Congregational hume missionary work for nearly two years past for Oregon and Southern Idaho. Mr. Sullens has had constant touch and practical experience with men. He took a Chicago church having a heavy indebtedness and cleared it off. He started and organized the first' Church in Gary. Indiana, and erected a fine stone edifice and obtained extra lots to allow for future growth. Gary is the greatest steel-producing place in the Tuirld and the Lnited States Stee Corpiaation has Its greatest plant there and other large manufactories are also established there. From there Mr. Sullens came to Christian Endeavor Day to Be Observed Here. Sunnyslde Congregational orlety Acreages "pert a I Programme for Kvralng bervlce Chairmen to Preaent Goals. Dr. K. Olln Eldrldge. pastor of Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church, was taken to Portland Sanitorium last week for a rest, but be expects to be In his pulpit again next Sunday. President THE Sunnyslde Congregational Chris tian Endeavor Society will hold special programmes stiindny. celebrat ing Christian Endeavor day. The topic of the regular prayer meeting is "Chris tian Endeavor Goals." which will be presented by the chairmen In charge of committees working for those coals. The entire evening church services. at 7:45 I. it., will also be In charge of the Lndeavorers and the following pro gramme will be held: "Juniors as an Essential Factor li the Christian Endeavor Cause," by Jessie McDonald. "The Golden Link of Intermediate in the Endeavor Chain," by Marguerite Ulna. "A New Interpretation of an Old Motto for Christ snd the Church," by LeRoy Robinson. "Material and Spiritual Results of a Live Christian Endeavor Society." by Elalns Cooper." "Kunnyslde's Place on the Map of Oregon Endeavorlem," by Faye Stein-metx. Musical numbers will be Interspersed among these speeches. Selections will bs rendered by the orchestra. Junior, intermediate and senior choruses. The Sunnyslde Intermediates are also celebrating Christian Endeavor day. The following chairmen will present their goals: Lookout, Harriet UKden; missionary, Margaret Hannlford: music and flower, Marjory Lent: social. Flor ence Jacobs: press, llollikter Skillim: ? la- t- : x f - l ,,"f"" : y :i . K A t f ' v t .'--1 ' t,Mt'-tY$ ..nfa-n! - t 1 1 n-nsMllh llfef lift iWWftrs I 4 RfT. Arthnr J. Snlln. Who Will l-read per tit I Ten-Ijr Service at Atklanoo Memorial Ckurrt.. Koine. Idaho, where he was pastor for six years and was responsible for the erection of a $40,000 church edifice. His work also has taken him much amotiK yuuntf people, for he was for some time pant superintendent of Sun day school extension work for Illinois, Indiana and Ohio in oranlzim? and bulldinsr up Sunday schools. Mr. Sul lens received a good musical education la Toronto, Can., an dls a pood player on the piano and pipe oriran. He also has been a director of choirs and choral societies. Ills constant touch with many men and various Christian leaders Rive him a fine opportunity to know present-day needs and hoV to meet them. He is Junt returning this week from a Na tional conference of such leaders at St. Lou In. His general theme for his ad dresses In the Atkinson meetings will be "Vital Life Questions." The co-oper ation. Interest and attendance of the people of the community-is solicited for this series of meetings. all a -tps: n, pr-fachlne by Rev. XT. L. Tra win, theme, "When the Kingdom of Heaven Draws Nifch"; ttru. B. Y. P. U.; 7:4.",' preach ing hy Hev. c. L. Trawin, theme. 'The World an Auction Block." East Side. Eajt Twentieth and Ankeny street Kev. W. B. Hinaon, D. D., pastor. :"), tiundny school; 11, preaching by Dr. Hinson. theme. "Joseph the Just"; :;,(, H. V. P. I'.: 7:4.", preaching by Dr. Hinson, theme. "The Second Coming of 'hrist. Third, Vancouver avenue and Knott street Rev. W. J. Heaven, pastor, lo. Sunday school; 11, preaching1 by the pastor, theme, "Hell as Jesus Warns Us of It" ; 6:0. B. Y. P. U. ; 7 :., preaching by the pastor, theme, "Keiiglon for the Youns." irncoe, Knst Forty-fifth and Main streets Kev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. :4.", Sunday school: II. preachins by ihe pastor, theme, "Meeting the Cha llenne of Our Day" ; ti :;(. ! B. Y. P. U.; 7:30. preaching by the pas- I tor, theme, "The First Coward." I Highland. Alberta, and East Sixth street North Kev. Charles F. Mleir, pastor. :43. J Sunday school; 11, preaching by the pastor, I theme. "The Cause, Source and Extent of Prosperity"; 6::tn. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:4.i, preach ing by the pastor, theme. "What You See When You Look "4 n the Mirror. J-ents Rev. B. A. Smith, pastor. ' I):4.i, Sunday school ; 1 1 and 7 :H0, preaching by the pastor; :ao. B. Y. P. U. Bethany. Sellwood Rev. F. H. Hayes, pas tor. At 10 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M., preaching by the pastor; tt:80 P. M., B. Y. P. U. Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets Rev. J. E. Thomas, pastor. At U:30 A. M.. Sunday school, 11 A. M., preaching by the pastor; 6:30 P. M B. Y. P. U. : 7:30 P. M.. preaching by the pastor. Grace. Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor At 10 A. M , Sunday school; 11 A. M., preaching by the pastor; 6:30 P. M., B. Y. P. U ; 7:30 P. M.. preaching by the pastor. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Kev W. A. Magett, paator. Services at 11 A M. and 8 P. M. : Sunday school at 12:30 P. M. St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. At 10 A. Sunday school; 11. A. M. and 7:30 P. M preaching by the pay tor; ti:30 P. 34.. B. Y P. U. University Park, corner of Fifke and Drew streets Kev. A. Lawrence BlacK, pastor. At 10 A. M , Sunday school; 11 A. M., preach ing oy the pastor; 6:30 P. M., B. Y. P. U.; :,10 p. M., preaching by the pastor. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tib betta streets Kev. Benjamin Re, pastor. At 10 A. M.. Sunday school; 10:30 A. M., short sermon for Engl Ish -speaking people; 11 A. M.. preaching service; 7 P. M-. pastors cir cle (prayer service) ; 8 P. M.. preaching service. First German. Fourth and Mill street, FUv. Jacob Kratt, D. D., pastor. At 9:45 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.. preaching by the pastor; 6:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. Second German Rev. P. Hoffmann, pas tor. At 10 A- M., Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7 :30 p. M., preaching by the pastor; 6:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. St. Johns German Rev. P. Bueermann, pastor. At 10 A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. M.-and 7:30 P. M., preaching by the pastor; 6:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. T. Gideon Sjolaider. pastor. Services at 10:30 A- U. and 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC. St. Rose's, East Fifty-third street and Alameda Drive Kev. J. M. O'Farrell. pan to r. Maw, 8; high ni&as. 10:30; benedic tion, 4 P. M. Immaculate Heart of Mary, WlUlama ave nue and fcitanton street Kev. W. A, Daly. Mass. tf, H. w; high tuaaa. 11 o'clock; veil ing service, 7:u. St Phillip Neri's (Paul 1st Fathers), East Sixteenth and Division street. William J. Cartwrlght, pastor. Hours ot mass, 0, 8:30. 10:30 A. M. ; evening service. 7:30 o'clock. 8t Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savier streets Kev. F- P. Murpny. Mass, it; feign mi 10:80, evening Mrvica 7:30. Blessed Sacrament, Maryland avenue ana BlauUena street Kev. Father F. W. Black, pastor. Xau, 8 A. M. ; high mass at 10:30 A. M-; evening service, 7:30. v All Saints' Chapel, Eaet Thirty-ninth and East Ulisan streets Kev. William Cronin, pastor. Masses, o and 10:30 A. M. Mrs. Kay monU Sullivan, choir leader. Pro-CathedraL Fifteenth and Davis streets Kev. U. V. O'Hara. Mass, 6, 7:1ft. 8:30. :4o; high mass, 11; evening service, 7:4 ttt. Peter's, Lenta Kev. P. Buetgen. ftlaaa. 8: hifch 10:30: evening service, 7 :au. St, aUic haul's (1 Lallan Fourth and Mill- Jesuit Fathers, M. J. attalestra, & J., pastor. Low mass, o:30. high xuaas, 10:30; evening st-rvice. 7:80. St- Lawrence, Third and bnerman streets- Rev. J. C. Hughes. Mass, s. R:ao; high mass, 10:80; evening service, 7:3a St, Francis, least Hiieventn ana ubk streets .Kev. J. H. Black. Mass, tt, 8, tf; high mass. 10:3O; evenina service, 7:au. Holy Kosary, n.aj.t imra ana tacaamas Kev. C J. Olson. Mass, 6, 7. a, W; ntga maas, 11; evening service, 7:8a St. Ignatius (Jesuit i-atnersi. aL'U i-,aat Forty-tnird street Father William J. Dee- ney. rector, Mass. o, w:ia. i.u:iu; even- lug service, 7:3a The Madeleine. Eaut Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou- Kev.. G. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30. 0; hign mans. 10:30; evening service, 7:45. St- Andrew's, East Ninth ana Alberta streets Kev. T. Kiernan. Mass. 8; high mas, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. Ascension. East Yamhill and East Seventy sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; high muss, 10.30; evening service, 7:3a Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Kev. F. H. Milter. Maa, 0, 8; high mass, 10:80; evening service, 7:80. Holy Cross, 774 Bowdoln street Hoc. C Raymond. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; even ing service. 7 :30. Sacred Heart, Fait Eleventh and Center Rev. G. KobL Mass, b; high maus. 10.30; evening service, 7 :80. ' St. Agatha, East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. Cummiaky. Mais, 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service. :30. tit. Joseph (German). Fifteenth and Couch streets -Kev. B. Durrer. Mass, 8; high inaaa 10 :au; evening service, 7:30 tL Stanislaus (Italian), Maryland avenue snd Willamette boulevard Kev. T. Mathew. Mass. 8; high mass. lu:30; evening services. 7:8a St Clare's. Capitol Hill (Franciscan Fath ers) Kev. Mod est us, pastor. Services at 7:30 and Vila A. M.. high mass. St. Clement's Mass. o A. M., 8 A. M., 10:30 A, M.; rosary and benediction, 7:30 P. M. mon; 5 P. M., vesper service; Thursday, 7:30 P. M., mid-week service, Friday. 7:30 P. M Christian Endeavor. St. John's 10 A. M.. Sunday school; 7:30 M., sermon by Rev. F. J. Meyer; Wednes day. 7:30 P. M., cottage prayer meeting. IH VINE SCIliXCE. First. 131 Twelfth street, corner Alder Rev. Thaddeus M. Mlnard. pastor. Services 11 A. M.. subject, "The Acceptable Year of the Lord ; Bible clasa, Tuesday, -! P. At.; study class, Thursday. H P. M. EPISCOPAL. St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral. Thirteenth and Clay The Right Kev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; the Very Kev. E. H. McCotlister, dean. Services. Sundays, 7:4."i and 11 A. M.. 7:45 P. M. Church school, 0:45 A. M. Week days: Wednesday, 7:30 A. M. ; Friday, 0:30 A. M. Holy days, etc., 7:30 A. M. Take Washington cars, transfer to Thirteenth, or Sunnyside cars, off at Clay, two blocks west. Church of the Good Shepnerd, Graham and Vancouver avenues Kev. John Dawson, rec tor. Holy communion. 7:30 A. M. ; Sunday school, 0:45 A. M. ; morning service. 11 A M.; popular evening se;vl e, 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Dr. A. A Morrison, rector. Services. 8 A. M., 11 A M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school. 0:45 A. M. Church of Our Savior. Woodstock Arch deacon Chambers In charge. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. : Sun4ay school at 10. fit. Andrew's, Herford street. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. ; Sunday school at 10. St- Michael and All Angela East Forty third and Broadway, Rose City Park Kev. T. F. Bo wen, vicar. 8 o'clock, holy com munion; 10. Sunday school; 11, Litany ser mon and special Intercessions; 5, evening prayer and sermon. St. John's Church, corner East Fifteenth and Harney streets, Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Services at 11 A M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school at 10. St. David's Parish, East Twelfth and Bel mont streets Kev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services, 1:30 A. M.. 0:30 A. M., 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. fit- Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sun day of month, 8; evening prayer and sermon. 4, except the first Sunday of month. Grace Memorial, Weldler and East Seven teenth streets. North Kev. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar. Holy communion, 8. excepting on first Sunday In the month: morning prayer and sermon. ,11; Sunday schooi, id. So eve ning service. Church of Our Savior, Woodstock. East Forty-first street and SlMeth avenue Arch deacon Chambers In charge. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; service and sermon at 11 A. M. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Samaritan Hospital Holy communion, 7 A. M. ; evening, 7:15. St Matthew's, Corbett and Bancroft streets Services,' 11 A. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M ; vicar, W. A M. Breck. St, Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rrr. J. IS. H. Simpson, rector; Kev. John G. Hatton, associate. Sunday services: 7 :80 A, M., holy eucbari-st ; 9 :45, Sunday school; 11, holy eucharlst and sermon; 7:45, evensong and sermon. Weekdays: Holy eucharlst dally at 7:30 and Thursday second eucharlst at 0:30. St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont Kev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:3a 9:30. 11 and 7:30. FfiEE METHODIST. Sunday Church Services ADTEVT. Advent Christian. 4M "econd -tree, near Rail street Kev. J. 8V Lwcaa. Pr Prearhlng. 10:80; Sunday srhool. II; Lot. Warkfra, a 0; prahing. 7-.8i); prayer mast ing. ThariKlay a-vanlng. 7-8-0. ADVEXT1MT. fHabbath errvlres are held on Ratarday.t Central. East Eleventh and Everett strets L. K. Dickson, minister. Sabbath school. 1; church aervlcesal :15; prayer meeting. Wednesday night, 7:45; Young Tabernacle. West Side, Knlghta of Pyth- aa Hall. Eleventh aad Alder atretHs K4TSI C. Hayward. pastor. Sabbath school, V. arhlng. 11 ; prayer meeting. Tuesday at 8 o'clock, at 15 Thirteenth street. Montavilla, East Eightieth snd Everett streets J. A. Gerhart. local elder. Sabbath school. 10: preaching, 11; prayer meeting. 7:30 P. M. V ednesdsy ; 1 oung People s meeting. Saturday. 4 P. M. Aiblna (German), Skidmnre and Mallory streets A. A. Meyer, minister; A. C. gchweitxer, local aider. Sabbath school. 10; services. 11:15; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening. 7:30; preaching Sunday evening, 8. St. Johns. Central avenue and Charleston atreet A. R, Folkenburg. local elder. Sab bath school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing. Wednesday evening, 7:3o. Lents. Ninety-fourth street and Flfty etghth avenue Southeaat Dr. W. D. Hunt tngten. local elder. Sabbath srhool. lu; preaching, 11; prayer meeting Wednesday. 7:4.-, p. M. Mount Tabor. East Sixtieth and Belmonr streets W. T. Hilgert. minister. Sabbath srhool. in; prearhing. 11 ; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening, 7:45. Scandinavian. Ogden Hall. Mississippi ave nue and Shaver street John Peterson, min ister. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, H. A.H-44H lATFD BIBLE HTI DKNTM. Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A.), W. O. W. Hall, East Sixth and East Alder 3 P. M.. public lecture by A. A. Yerex, sub ject. "The Time of the End,"; 8 P. M., dis course by H. J. Brown. BAPTIST. First. White Temples, Twelfth and Tay lor streets 9:50. Bible school, classes for IIKISTI N First Christian, corner Park and Columbia. Harold H. Griff is, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M., subject, 'A Protest Pius a Pro gramme"; at 7:4. P. M.. subject. "Religion a I'tillty"; Bible school t :4."i A. M. : Christian Endeavor at ;30 P. M. East Side. Enst Twelfth and East Taylor Rev. R. H. Sawyer, pastor. 10, Bible school; 11. "A Man's Temptations" ; 7 :3u, "Life's Bir Questions. U o-nlia wn Church of Christ, Seventh and Liberty Joseph Bnyd, pastor. "The Attri butes of Love" ; 7 "The Five Bant isms." Rodney Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott streets Rev. Charles J. G norm ley. Preach - ng services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Bible school, 10 A, M. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Kern Park. Fifty-ninth street Southeast and Forty -sixth avenue Rev. K, E. Moon. pastor. Services. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching. 11 A- XI. and 7:30 P. M. ; Chris tian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteent h st recta t-ervices 1 1 and h, sub ject of lesson sermon, "Truth" ; Sunday chool, :4.i and 11 ; Wednesday evening meeting at x. . Second. East Sixth street and Holladay venue Services 11 and s, subject of les- on sermon. "Truth"; Sunday school, D:4o; Wednesday evening meeting at 6. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services 11 and M, subject of lesson it-rmon, "Truth : Sunday school, II and ll!:10; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services. 11 and h, subject of les son sermon, "Tnuth"; Sunday school, W:4. and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fifth, Sixty-second street and Forty-second avenue Southeast Services, tl A. M., subject of lesson sermon, "Truth" ; Sunday school, 1:3 and 11; .Wednesday evening meeting at R. Sixth. Portland Hotel auditorium. Sixth and Morrison atreet, entrance on Morrison Services. II and 8. subject of lesson ser mon. "Truth"; Sunday school, 11 and 12:10; Wednesday evening meeting, H. Christian Science Society. Holbrook "block. St. Johns Services, Sunday 11. Wednesday evening meeting at b; subject of lesson ser mon, "Truth." CONGREGATIONAL. First Church. Park and Madison streets 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M., divine worship, with sermons by -Kev. W. W. Younguon, D. D. : IS M., Bible school. Waver! y Heights, Woodward avenue and East Thirty-third street Kev. A. C. Moses, minister. At 11 A. M.. "Two Better Than One"; 7:30 P. M., "A Modern Church Prob lem" Atkinson Memorial Warren Morse, pastor. At 0:45 A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. M.. sermon. Doing toe impowioie injng"; P. M.. Y. P. S. C. E.s "Christian Endeavor Goals and How to Reach Them"; 7:45 P. M . Illustrated sermon on "Scenes and Incidents in the Life of Jesus." Highland, corner I'rescott and sixth streets Kev. tin warn consianr. At li A. M., "What Is the Matter With Organised Ke'ltflon in Portland?" 7:30 P. M.. patriotic service with addresx on "For God and Home and Liberty"; Sunday school, 0:45 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, :3') P. M. Finnish Mission. 107 Ski dm ore street- Samuel Neva la, pastor. Young People's meeting at 6; preaching at 7:30; prayer meeting, mursaay at s:ia University Park. Haven street, near Lom bardRev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. .10 A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. At., worship and ser- Flrst, East Ninth and Mill Rev. A, Beers. 11 a. M and 7:3U P. M. Central, Fifty-fifth and East Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffee, St. Johns, Richmond and Hudson streets M rs. M. J. Blair, pastor. Lents Chapel Kev. A. Beers, pastor. Sun day school, St P. M. ; preaching, 3 P. M. A Iberia Free Methodist Church Kev. E. L Harrington. FRIENDS. Second, 6103 Ninety-second atreet South east, Lents Miss Lurana m. ierreil, pastor. Preaching services a. m., i mo iJ. M. : Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. ; Christian En deavor. :-i5 P. M.; prayer meeting, Thurs day, 7:45. uAl l ClS-UA X BdLl I Pf. Latter-Day Saints, corner of East Twenty- fifth and Madison streets Sunday school at 10; special evening services at 7:3u o'ciock. Keorgaulzed cnurcn or Jesus cnrist. ii-at Seventy-sixth and Irving streets Eider C. J&. Jones, pastor, residence 40 East Seventy-fourth street North. Services, preach lna. la A. M. and 7:45 P. M.: prayer meet ing on Wednesday at 8 P. M.; meeting Frl- aty, 7:45 P. M. LUTHERAN. St, James Engli-h, corner West Park and Jefferson streets He v. W. E. Brinkman, pastor. Sunuay School, 10 A. M. ; morning worship, 11; Luther League, 7 AJ. M. ; even, ing service, S o'clock. ht. 1'aui s German Lutheran, Eaut Twelfth and Clinton streets A. Kraute, pastor. Ger man and English Sunday school, A. M. services. I0:3u A. M. and 7:3t) P. M. ; Bible study and oung People's meeting, Thurs- uay. 8 P. M. Lutheran Mission, Hamilton Chapel, Eigh tieth and East Glisan streets F. J. UppUug, paator. Sunday school at 10 o'clock: A, -il. ; .titular service at 10:46 A M. Bethel Free, corner Wygant and Kodney avenue -Kev. J. A. btavney, pastor. Services at 11 A. 2d. and a P. M.; buuuay scaool at 0:4a A. M. (irace English (Missouri Synod), Mason and Alblna avenue Kev. . Probst, pastor. services, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Evangelical Zion Church (Missouri Synod), Salmon and Chapman streets H. H. Kop pelniaiin. pastor. Lenten services, German, 1U:15 A. M.; English, 7:43 P. M. w est Side isorweglan Lutheran, Four teenth and Davis streets Wilhelm Petter- son. pas to. English services, first and thud aundays of each mouth at 11 A, M. and second and fourth Sundays at tt P. M.; or wegian services, first and third Sundays of eacn montn at s f. m.. ana secoua ana tourth Sundays at. 11 A, M. , bunday school ai to A. M.: English and Norwegian Men s Club, the third Monday at 8 P. M. ; y. P. b., luettday evening; E.-iisb Bible class, Friday evenings; vesper service at Jr. M. eacn bunday in the hall at the corner of Fixtseuth aud Alberta. Imuiauuel, Nineteenth and Irving streets lie v. A V Anderson, pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school, 0:45 A. M.; .'oung people's meeting, first and third '1 uesday of each month ; syskonring. second and tourth Tuesday, 8:15 P. M.; Thursday evening services, 8:15; Ladies' Aid. first Weauesday. Bethany Danish, Union avenue North and Morns street Rev. L. P. KJohler, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class. 10 A. M. ; services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; young peo ple's meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. Trinity German (Missouri Synod), Will iams and Graham avenues J. A. Rim bach, pastor. Services at 10:15 A. M., 7:30 p. M-; Sunday school, 0:15 A M. Our Savior's, East Tenth and Grant streets English services at 30.15 A. M. Nor- wrffinn servic-es at 11:10 A. M. Sunday school at 0:30 A. M Kev. George Hen.-lk-ben. pastor. St. Paul's, Fast Twelfth and Clinton utrectH A. Krause, pastor. Sunday school, 0:31) A. M.; German service. Iu:.10 A. M. , English service, 7 :3o P. M. ; Bible study and young people's meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. JEWISH, Congregation Beth Israel, Twelfth and Main streets All Jewish services are free and public. Sabbath services Friday at 8 P. M. ; Saturday at 10:30 A. M.; religiou school, free to all, Sunday at 10 in the Portland Academy building. Thirteenth and Montgomery; Bible class at the Central Li brary is tree to all. It meets second, and tourth Wednesdays at 3. Rabbi, Jonah B. Wise. " METHODIST RFISCOFAL. First Norwegian Danish, corner Hoyt and Eighteenth streets Rev. Llius Gjerding, pastor. No morning service. 0 P. M., Ep worth League service. 8 P. M., sermon by the pastor; Thursaay night, prayer ineeL 1I1K- Vancouver-Avenue Norwegian-Danish, cor ner Vancouver avenue and Skid more street Rev. Ellas Gjerding, pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M., Mi. Edith Jones, Huper- Intemieut: preaching at 11 A. M.; Thurs day night, mid-week prayer meeting. Montavilla C. 1 Hamilton. pastor. Preaching, 11, Dr. Parsons; 7:30, the pastor Sunday schooi, 0:45; Epworth League. 8:30. First German Methodist Episcopal, cor ner Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Edmund . Htrtzler, pastor. Sunday schooi, 9:45 A M. ; preaching service, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Epworth League service, 7.-30 P. M. ; weekly prayer meeting. Tuesday. M P.. M. Centenary T. W. Lane, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 A. M.; Jl A. M.. "Win one.' Lieutenant-Colonel T. W. Scott, of Seattle, commandant of the Salvation Army forces ot the Pacific Northwest ; 0:15 P. M., Ep worth League; :.'!0 P. M., claas meeting 7:30 P. M., "Common Sense. sermon by the pastor; Junior League. Thursday, a:;i'o P. M. ; prayer meeting, Ihursday, 7:30 P. M. Boys' Club, Saturday, 7 P. M. Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo street C. C. Kanck, pastor. Morning ser mon, "The Gospel for an Age of Conflict": evening sermon, "A Man's Growth Toward God." Mount Tabor. East Ash and Sixty-first -streets Rev. E. Oiin Eldrldge, pastor. I'reachlng at 11 o'clock A. M. by President Talbot, of Kimball College, Salem, and at night service flag dedication for the 33 men of the church who are in the service. Dr. Talbot will speak. Double quartet and choir muKic. First M. E. Church, South, Multnomah street and Union avenue Kev. James T. French will preach at 11 A. M., subject, "Christ's Unique Position" ; at 7:45 P. M., subject, "A Talkative Woman." Sellwood corner East Fifteenth and Ta coma avenue Rev. A. R. Maclean, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching service, 11 A. M. ; Jnuior League. 1:30 P. M., Miss H. Morgan, superintendent; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M. ; preaching service, 7:30 P. M., sermon by the pastor Patton Rev. F. W. Keagy, pastor. Sun day school, 0:43; preaching, 11 and 7:30; young people's meeting, 6:80. Kendall Rev. K. C. Young, pastor. Sun day school and praechlng, 2:30. Laurelwood, Sixty-third, near Foster road A. C Brackenburg. pastor. Services 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M-i Sunday school. 0:45 A. M. Bethel African Rev. W. H. Prince pas tor. Sunday school. 0:30 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A M. ; Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M.; evening service. 8:15. Epworth, North Twenty-sixth and Savier streets Rev. C. O. McCulloch. pastor. Sun day school. 9:45; public worship. 11 and 7:45; Epworth League, 6:45. Rose City Park A. A. Heist, paator. Sun day school. 9:45; morning service, 11; vao ing service, 7:30. German. Roaney avenue and Stanton street T. A. Schumann, paator. Sunday school. 9:45 A. M. ; services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Epworth League, t:ia if. at. Sunnyslde, corner East Yamhill and East Thirty-fifth streets R, Elmer Smith, pas tor. Sunday-eenool. w:ou A. a.; preacning. 11 A M.; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M.; peo ple's popular service, 7:45 P. M. Woodiawn, East Tenth North and High land atreets Rev. W. E. Kloster. pastor. Sunday achool, 10 A M.; morning service, 11 a. M.; Epworth League. 7 P. M. ; evert ing service, 7:45; prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:45 P. M. St. Johns, Leavltt and Hays streets Rev. J H. Irvine, minister. Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening worship. 7:30. - Lents Rev. F. M. Jasper, pastor. Sun- day school. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:45; . Epworth League, 6:30. Linn ton Rev. S. H. Dewart, pastor. Sun day school, 10; preaching, 7 :30. Westmoreland Rev. R. C. Young, pastor. Sunday school, 10; Epworth League, 6:30; preaching, 7 :30. Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor, pastor. Sun day school, 9:45 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Epworth League, 6:30 p. M. Taylor-Street Every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Foresters' HalL 120 Fourth street. Preaching by Dr. M H. Marvin; Sunday school at noon. NAZARENK. Brentwood, Sixty-fifth avenue. Southeast, and East Sixty-seventh street. Services 10 A. M.; Sunday school, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; preaching, 6:30 P. M. ; young peoples' meeting. NEW CHURCH SOCIETY. (Swedenborglan.) Swedenborglan. 331 Jefferson street, near Broadway. At 11 A. M., sermon topic, "Teaching of the Savior on Repentance," by Kev. William K, Keece. Sunday school for children and adults, 10:15 A. M. PRESBYTERIAN. First, Twelfth and Alder streets Services led by Kev. Andrew J. Montgomery, D. D. 10:30 A. M., "The Solution of Oregon's Re ligious Problems"; 7:15 P. "Does the Line Still Hold ?' ; organ recital by Edgar E. Coursen at 7:15 P. M. Westminster, East Seventeenth North and Schuyler streets Edward H. Pence, D. D., pastor. Morning service, 10:30, "Voyaging on the Columbia River" ; evening service, 7 :30, "Arthur Guy Empey's 'Over the Top. a Study of the Reticent Type of Religion." Mount Tabor, East Fifty-fifth and Hel mont streetsWard W. MacHenry, minister. Bible school, 0:45 A. M. ; morning worship. 1 1, sermon. "Christianity in the Laud of the Philistines'; the three Christian En deavor societies will have charge of the evening service at 7:30, giving the annual programme in honor of the founding of the Christian Endeavor; special music, address by Earl Felke, Army Y. M. C. A. secretary; church night Thursday, potluck lunch. 6:30; teacher training and mission study, 7:15. and mid-week service, 8 P. M. Piedmont, Cleveland avenue and Jarre tt street Rev. A. L. Hutchison, D. D-. pastor. ,. Morning topic at 31 o'clock, "The Pre-Eminence of Christ"; 7;3o, "RusselUsm"; Hiblo school at 0:45; Intermediate Society at 3:3i; C. E. service at 0:3O; Thursday evening at 8, "The Deity of Christ." Fourth, corner First and Gibbs streets Henrv G. Hanson, pastor. 30:30. "Sacrifice the Cost of Living"; VI, Sunday school: tl::io. E. : 4 and 7:30. "The Agony ot Christ ; In movinic Dicturen. Central, East Thirteenth and Pine Dr. Arthur F. Bishop, pastor. Morning service, 11 A. M. ; evening, 7:'t); Sunday school, 0:45 A. M. ; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Calvary, corner Eleventh and Clay streets Services. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Kev. Thomas S. Anderson will preach both morn ing and evening. SPIRITUALIST. First, Montgomery and Sixth streets Sundav. 3 P. M. services by Mr. and Mrs. , A. Scott Bledsoe: Sunday evening at 8. special memorial service for Thomas Paine; Wednesday, 8 P. M., lecture and messages; Sunday, 11 A. M-. study class, Mrs. Cong don. All seats free. First Spiritual Science Service Sunday. Manchester Hall, 85' Fifth street, 3 and 8 P. M. ; circle at 5 P. M. ; lecture and dem onstrations by pastor. Kev. Max Hoffman, assisted at evening service by Sophia B. Seip. All welcome. Church of the Soul, Auditorium Hall, Third street, near Taylor Dr. Angus, pus tor. Conference, 1 1 A. M. ; Sunday school, 1 P. M. ; medium's meeting. 3 P. M. ; cir cles. 5 P. M.: evening service, s o clock. The Advance Thought church, new Ainoss ilall, coiner of Fourth and Taylor streets Sunday services resularly at 3 and 8 P. M. Christian Spiritualist, W. O. W. Temple. - 128 Eleventh street. 8 P. M., lecture and essages by Rev. Mrs. and Mr. J. henon. , Christian. Royal building, Morrison, be tween Broadway and Park, room 600. Serv- . Ices. 3; lecture nd message. 8. TIIEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. SOt Central building Lecturo Sunrlny. H P. M., subject, "The Joy or Theosophy ; inquirers' Study Club Thursday. S P. M. ; . subject for discussion, "The Use of Pain"; all Invited. UNITED BRETHREN. First. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets P. O. Bonebrake. pastor. Sunday school at 16 A. M.; preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Endeavor, 7 P. M- Third, Sixty-seventh street and Thirty second avenue Southeast E. O. Shepherd, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 8 o'clock Alberta. Twenty-seventh and Alberta Htreets Clinton C. Bell, pastor. Public wor ship. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday -school, 10 A. M.; Y. P. 8. C. E 6:3o; . prayer meeting Thursday at 8 F. M. Fourth. Sixty -second avenue and Seven- -tleth street C. P. Blauchard. paator. Serv- . Ices. Sunday school. 10; morning service. 11; Christian Endeavor. 6:30; evening service, 7:30; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Mission, 446 Jessup street Sunday serv- Ices as usual; Sabbath school. 30; preaching, ' 11, by Kev. O. T. Carpenter; Christian En deavor, 7; evening service. UNITARIAN. Church' of Our Father. Broadway and Yamhill street Kev. Thomas L. Eliot, P. I., minister emeritus: Rev. William I. Eliot, Jr., minister. Services at II A. M-: ser mon, "The Next li n 1 1 eutury in j-orimnn . open forum at 7:45 In rhspel, Broadway entrance. ' Why City and County Should Ha Consolidated," Commlsnioner A. L. Barbtir; church school and adult class at 0:45 A. .; Young People's Fraternity and Unity Club,, at 0:30 P. .M, . UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. Kenton. Lombard and Chatham streets J. 8. Cole, pastor, 329 West Iomhard street. Preaching, 11:15 and 7:30; Bible school, 10; . Christian Endeavor, senior and Intermediate, 6:30; prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8, UNITED EVANGELICAL. First. East Sixteenth and Poplar streets j. a Go-jile, pastor. Sunday achool, 0:5' A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M.; K. L. G. E., 6:30 P. M. ; preaching. 7 :30 P. M. ; mid-week; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:a0 P. M. Ockley Green, Willamette boulevard and 1 Gay street Hubert H. Farnum, pastor. Sunday school, lO A. M.; preaching. 11 A. M, and 7:30 P. M.; Junior C. E., 3; Senior G. Jfa.. 6:30 P. M.; prayer meeting Wednesday even- ,t ing at 7:45. S. John's A. B. Layton. pastor, will preach uoth morning and evening. Sunday -school at 10 A. M.; Christian Kndeavor at 7:30 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS. Bahal Assembly Friday evening at 8 o'clock, room 008, fillers building. Missionary Prayer Band meets at First Naxarene Church, East Seventh and Couch streets, at 10 A. M. Tuesday. Highland Park Nazarene Cnurcn, 313 . East Fourteenth street North W, P. Kee baugh, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and b P. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. First Nazarene, East beventh and Couch streets Kev. c. uowara uavta, pastor. Christadelphlans, northeast corner East Sixteenth and Washington street. Sunday,, 10-30; Friday. 7:45. Christian Spiritualist meet Wednesday. 8 P. M., 411 Alder street. Bertha Zimmerman Smith. Phone East 3142. Christian and Missionary Alliance. Gospel Tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay streets- John E. Fee. pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. ; Tuesday, 7:45 P. M.. prayer meeting: Friday, 2:30 P. M.. Bible studv and prayer. At the Metaphysical Library, 401 Central building. Tenth and Alder streets. Service. . at 8 P. M., speaker, M rs. Florence Craw ford, "Whatever Is Is Best." Unity Brotherhood, 307 Central building- Arthur Ralph, speaker, "The Kingdoms of ' the Body Quickened." Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday at S P. M.. "The Law of ' Repentance," Thursday at 3 P. M. , Christian D. Larson, Woman s Exchange . building, 1K Fifth street Sunday. 11 A. M., 'The Power of the Imagination ; 7 :45, I M., "The New Ideals" ; Bible class Tucw- day. 8 P. M.; Emerson class Thursday, 8 P. M.; training class Wednesday, 3:15 and. Friday. 8 P. M. Penlel Mission. 2fS First street Holiness meeting at 3 P. M., sermon by Luke Rader; evangelistic service at 8 P. M. 1