The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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State Department Learns Po-
' litical and Economic In--.
fluences Working.
The following s Dec! a I ororram. In
charge of the paston, kv. J. Mont
calm Brown, will be rendered: Organ
voluntary. MIm liladys Nal; open, g
eierclse.t. (election by the orchestra:
aolo. "Keep the Horn Fir Burning-."
Jackson Jones; unveiling: of the serv
lc flair. Mm. John 11. Meuger; (one.
"Star-Spangled Banner." Mla Ueorgana
Cross; reading; of the roll of honoi
Miss Mildred St. Clair; address. Dr.
W. T. Kerr; aolo. baritone horn. Dr.
II. H. Ott: aolo. -When the B'i Come
Home." Ms Kdella Towle: address. Dr.
A. Thompon; selection, by orchestra;
congregation. "America."
The following; are the 1 boya who
will be on tha honor poll: Albert Camp.
r;orge Clark. Edgar Wilson Kastman.
Herbert II. Hose. John Honv. Uuy
Jones. Kmll 1-auber. Floyd Metrger.
Walter Metzger. Kay Pitlmqulvt. Cecil
Pulfer. I-alle -t. Clair. Clark Stlllions.
Krnent Thorn. Koy White and Frank
remlrr Say He Spoke With View lo
listing Ctterancr In Reichralh
Come to Attention of
President Wilson.
VASHINGTOX, Jan. St. Confirma
tory reporta of tha labor troubles In
Austria were received at tha Plate De
partment today In a dispatch from Hol
land. This dispatch was sent, however,
prior to January 1 and added nothing
to tha unofficial Information already
The report was based upon farts -obtained
from Oerman aources and Indi
cated that the cause of the disorders
tn Austria waa political, aa well aa
economic and was a manifestation of a
growing dealr la that country for
pear a.
OffV-tala Watrfc RrM-tlea.
Officials of the State Department dl.
flayed Interest today In the reactions
that have been recorded among the
rorlaltffta In Ofrminjf as a reeuit of
tha speech a of Von lUrtling and
Cseraln. The opinion of Srhetdcmann
received especial consideration, since It
U a clear Indication of the attitude of
the mora conservative group of Social
BA5EI. Pwltserland. Jan. Is. Count
Ciernln. the Austro-Hungarlan For-
ein Minister, after delivering his
speech In reply to the recent addressee
f President Wilson and Premier Lloyd
George. Indicated In aubsequent re
soarka. under questioning of Mottaliat
Interrogator, that the speech had been
delivered quite as much that hla views
r quit. ih mura insi nia viewa I a
might come to Prealdent Wilson's at- I
lentlon aa well aa for the benefit of I I
those whom ha waa Immediately ad- I La
German Shell Splits Heavens
and Trip From Trench to
Hospital Starts.
Partlaad Shewmaa Prwaaated fa I I-
partaat Peeltloa After Vmmm erv
lee at I-eeal Theater.
Cliff P. TPorV. superintendent and
doorman at the Orpheum. haa been ap
pointed manager of tha Orpheum vaude
ville ahowa to be presented In Spokan1
Wash., at the Auditorium Theater. Mr,
Count Csemln declined tn elaborate
BOD nia utterancea regarding Italy,
s.oumania ana feroia.
1 do not wish to return to these
subjects; those who destred to under.
stand most hava understood." he said
to tha tfoclaltsts. who complained tht
ney oaa louna ooecurtty In the Das.
ages of hla speech dealing with lha
countries in quest ion.
Ceraaaa "if eatkea tMrfereat.
On tha subject of Germany Count
criernin pointed out that her situation
differed from that of Austria-Hungary.
i . . a i
J . i )i
4 - V Tl A
. . -. .- !
..... . . . M I
Interesting Description of Actual
Life In Mldt of Constant Deadly
Peril Written by One
Right on Scene.
fCVwttnued Frem First Pss.
Cliff P. Wark. Partlaad
snaa. Appointed Maaager ef lr-
pbewaa Theater I
la Ppokaae.
Work left for hla new poat last Friday
night with C. E. Bray, assistant gen
eral manager and general auditor o
the Orpheum circuit, who aelccted the
young Portland ahowman for promo
Mr. Work was affiliated with the
Orpheum In Portland ever since Its In
Germany, ha said, poaaesaed not .,! auguratlon here and rose to his pres
European Territory, out great colonies.
and it waa natural she should not sur
render tha pledgee st! held until she
had guarantees that she would recover
her possessions. Austria, be added, had
less neca ot sui a pledges than hei
It was then that Count Csernln stated
that he had made hla speech, not onlv
fr the committee's ears, but In order
mat President n llson could hear 1L
LO.VDO.V. Jan. It Aostrla has de
clared her readiness to conclude a sep
rata peace wunoat Mermany and to
accept the Russian democratic pro
gramma with the exception of self-de
em position of responsibility from
minor place. Peveral years ago he waa
assistant In the press department untie
frank J. McUettigan and at the open
ing of the Orpheum here last season
he was made superintendent and door
man. He la an active member of tha
Portland Press Club. Mra. Work left
for Spokane last Thursday.
Robert T. Hcrven. former asMstan
treasurer, haa heen appointed superln
tenrtent and doorman to aucceed Mr.
Work and Walter A. Hoffman, formerly
an 4rpheum usher, succeeds Mr. Berven
aa assistant treasurer.
irom I rtroicrmr! to tho h.xchnic Tle- i
ffraph Company,
rAcirio roLLCGR, likk others.
Keyee . Oratorical Contest Held
Wlllanielte Vnivrrsity.
Large XiaWr t Mra ew ragaged la
Keewaatrwetlaa Warn, la less
te Be Sappleaaeated.
KleBhRQ, Or.. Jan. !. (Special.)
ra t acute t ollrge. as to the other
couegea of the United States.
mm me can rromj the civilian
hranch of the afej Cross, under which
Prteada are working, for 100 more men
for reconstruction work In the devas-
aiea sisiricts in rrsnce recently evac
"' r tne Oermana. American
rtenda already have about 190 men In
Prance. Italy and Russia In thla work,
besides a goodly number of women, and
"w. If proper arrangemeate can be
nada with the Government, they win
send IS more each week for II weeks.
P sx-Utc College It already represent,
ed In this work by two former stu-
aents ana a former member of the
raeaity. and two more young men.
Traa c. Colcord and Lester Wrinht.
jusi received notification of their
acceptance for such service. Tbey ex
pect io oe called in a few days. Most
or IBS young men of the college have
volunteered for this work and are
awaiting calls.
Thla reconstruction work la carried
by young Friends who serve entire
ly without remuneration, the expenses
or the work being borne br Friends.
Their budget for the first year waa
ISe.04. and It will have to be more
than doubled for the second rear.
Prealdent Pennington, of tha college,
haa been rhrsen head of the service
committee of the Oregon yearly meet
ing, which has this work In charge
lor urifoa and itaha.
Or.. Jan. i(. (.Special.) Mlsa Evaline
Harrison, a senior In the college of
liberal arte, won first place In the
Kryes oratorical contest here last
nlsht. Miss Harrison's oration was:
"The Army of Mercy." By winning
this contest Miss Harrison will repre
sent " Ulamette in the state contest.
I'aul apato was awarded second
place on his oration, "The Vanishing
Kace. Mr. wapato la an Indian and
treated hie subject with excellent
knowledge ar.d deep feeling. The other
ronteotant.e were William Nichol. on
"Law and Liberty." and Lewis Stewart.
who spoke on The Power for Service.
Attorney natter Keyea, of Salem,
each year presente a prixe of lis to the
winner ami 110 to the one who aecurea
second place.
The atale "Old Line contest Is to he
held at Ulamette University this
year on March (.
Permit Issued lo Oregon Nitrate
Corpora loin by State.
SALXV. Or.. Jan. St. (Special.)
Corporation Commissioner fcchulder-
man today Issued a permit to the Ore
gon Nitrate Con-pan y, with Its principal
office at Bend, to sell a limited amount
of stock for the purpose of experiment
laeT on nitrate dapoelte In 4S90 acres
Included In HQ mining claims scattered
about In Eastern Oregon. The com-
pany la capitalised at tl.o00.0v0 with
4v0,0oe paid up through the claims.
J. IV Norton, of Bend, la president
and swneral manager of the company.
and A. J. Moore its secretary-treasurer.
Ita directors are J. II. Morton. A. J,
Moore. O. L. Conelneau. George II.
lavls. P. O. "math. James E. Weston
and H. w. Osnu
Twelve Found Physically Fit; Fire
- Listed for Limited Service.
ALBANT. Or Jan. Jt. (Special.)
Twelve of the first IT draft reKM-
tranta of Linn. County who ware sum-
raoned for physical examination were
found fit for full military service. The
remaining five were listed aa able for
limited service.
Yesterday waa the day set for the
beginning of physical examinations of
the Linn County registrants. The men
now being examined are all In class 1.
The 12 men found physically fit for
service are: Thomas Bert Cowling, of
Crawfordsville: William Henry Cowlta.
of Crabtree; Lan Zaflratoa. of Mill City;
Jonn Hammond Meinert. of Albany:
Albert Hlntx. of Crawfordsville; Eidon
Philip Bwank. of Brothers. Or.; Au
gust Otto Carl Schroder, of Mtavton:
Oliver Francis Morgan, of Eclo; Thomas
Henry Peterson, of Thomas: William
Sutter, of Mill City; Dinwiddle Verne
McKlnley. of Brownsville, and Louis
Borovlcka. of Sclo.
bang that must have succeeded when
the heavens seemed to split open and
come tumbling down upon my head.
"He's all right; It fell In the next
9 A man with a Red Cross brassard
was bending over me.
"Look here:" It was another man
m-lth a brassard that now spoke. "This
fellow's got his!"
It was .BUI they meant. I caught
broken phraaea about a broken left
arm and an abdominal wound, a ra-
quest for a flrat-ald pouch and then
tha clear order:
"Stretcher this wty!"
Out of the communication trench two
more men trotted with a stretcher. On
It they placed the Inert thing that had
been Bill, and with It. I following, they
staggered, stooping behind clay mounds,
log-buttresses, slipping and stumbling
through the mud. now and then another
shell biasing and bellowing close at
Of old. army medical corps waited
for the wounded to be brought to hos
pital; In modern warfare the medical
corps reaches Its saving band up to the
first line.
The Injured man Is taken direct to a
regimental dreaslng station: If his In
juries demand It. he Is carried thence
to more elaborately equipped stations.
and therefrom, when the need arljes. to
the more distant field hospitals or
"evseuatton hospitals." where more del
icate operations may be performed and
where often there are 1500 beds.
Serrlc Flag to Be Dedicated Today
to 1 Patriotic Tonne Men.
Ex-Students of Willamette Organize
Society in Portland.
Portland-Willamette Unlvenltv
Club waa organized by Portland alumni
and ex-students of Willamette Univer
sity at a well attended meeting held at
the Sell wood Community House last
Wednesday evening. A permanent or
ganisation was effected, the following
officers being elected for the ensuing
year: Dr. Guy Woods, president; Miss
Mildred Bartholomew, vice-president;
Mrs. Kay Smith, secretary, and Dr.
Harry Irving, treasurer.
The purposes or the organization look
to assisting Willamette University. All
ex-students of Willamette University
residing st Portland are eligible. The
next meeting will be held Wednesday
evening, March 20.
More Guard to Be Used.
GRESHAM. Or, Jan. I-
Orwsham Methodist Episcopal Church
tontght will dedicate a service flag
bearing II stars in honor ef the mem.
bars and friend of the church who
have enlisted la the Army or Navy.
SALKM", Or, Jan. I. (Special)
(Special) I Governor Wlthycombe stated today
that he naa ordered about 60 more
guards from the Portland mllltla to be
used for pstrol duty on public and
private property In Portland, during
the coming weak.
Big Hospltala Far Bark.
Miles back of these. In a safety sone,
are established the big base hospitals,
where "long cases" are cared for until
the patients are fit to be sent to seaside
convalescents' camps. On such a prog
rers my helpless trenchmate was now
We paused In a roomy dugout, where
a surgeon was examining by the light
of a carefully shaded lantern one
stretcher'a burden after another. Antl
tetanua serum was administered, a
splint was applied to Bill s broken arm
and some sort of temporary dressing'
to the torn abdomen.
"Field hospital," ordered the surgeon.
I saluted him. Bill, I said, waa my
friend. Might I
"Go along with him. It will save us
an orderly . .
The field hospital waa a blaze of
light, through which, attended by
nurses and orderlies, another surgeon
made his way between rows of wound
ed. Gleaming knlvea cut blood-stif fen-
Ingr uniforms, rapid examinations were
made; each patient was tagged with a
card ordering what should be done with
"Hypodermic," said the new surgeon.
when he came to BI1L "Make a fist."
Bill must have been couscious, after
II silently he clenched his right hand.
The nurse rolled up his sleeve and tied
a thong tightly around his upper arm;
the veins swelled In Its crook, she
dabbed the skin above them with cot
ton soaked In Iodine.
Pala Mercifully Relieved.
"Careful not to go clear through the
vein." warned the surgeon. "Now then!"
The orderly plunged the curved nee
dle point of the syringe Into the arm.
The nurse loosened the thong. Until
the well of the syringe was empty the
orderly's Index finger shoved forward
the piston. Then the nurse applied the
Iodine again. In five minutes a sleeping
Bill, tagged for Bate Hospital No. It,
waa being lifted Into an ambulance.
A dim lantern, suspended from the
celling of that ambulance, showed its
Interior. The driver's seat waa cut off
from It by a partition canvas hung along
the walls, the rear was open. Suspend
ed parallel to the sides were two
bunks; a third ran down the center.
.There the silent Bill was placed, be
tween two other silent forms, ban
daged out of all human recognition
and the bandage already atained with
The chauffeur gave me hurried In
struction for a sort of rough-and-
ready care of this battered cargo. He
cheerfully told me that he hadn't slept
for the psst two nights and he looked
C However, he was happy over the
premise of six hour abed on the night
So long," he said. 'Til see yon again
at the rest station."
For a while occasional shells burst
n the mined fields beside us, or howled
overhead like leaping leopards, and
once we drew up, not an Instant too
soon, before a freshly made crater in
he road. Then, slowly, we passed out
of the danger sone and were alone In
he cruel cold and the tangible night
With no other noises than the clatter
f the motor, the flapping of the can
aa and the roar of the wind.
. Aas balance Ralls Like Ship.
It waa almost aa cold here as It had
bean In the trench. Tha motion of the
ambulance waa the nauseating motion
of a channel steamer. Bill lay still, but
one of hi companions babbled of home
nd tore at hla bandages, and the other
one was sick, r-ucning rrom aide to
tde of the vehicle, I cleaned away the
mess and did my best to replace the
disordered lint and linen.
I crouched again at the rear. A puff
of cold air extinguished the lamp. Grop-
ng to relight it, my fingers touched
something wet and atfeky the facs of
tha man who had been delirious, but
that was now silent and still. By the
flicker of the relighted lamp, I w
that this man was dead.
We reached the rest camp. Red Cross
nursss came out with hot soup and
coffee. We gulped tbem, the chauffeur
and 1; we gave as much aa was safe to
Bill and his living companion we hur
ried on our way.
Two whole men, a pair of desperately
wounded and one dead, we hurried. Tha
cold became more Intense. Cramped on
the floor. I looked out at tha white road
racing behind ua Only after an inter
minable time did It ssem to be grow
ing clearer. We began to pass other
ambulances, portable kitchens, supply
camions going whsnce we had coma.
And so, at ' last, the Winter sun
rose ....
It waa two hours past the meridian
when we paased a sentry and entered a
large gate.
"Say. Is thl a hoteir
It waa Bill' vole speaking. He must
have been conscious for some time.
"No," I said. "And you musn't talk."
But I knew we had come to Base
Hospital No. It. In the American
trenches Bill had been wounded at 1
A. M. of a Saturday; by 1 P. M. of Sun
day he was arrived at a perfectly
equipped hospital, half a hundred miles
behind the lines.
of a Summer resort hotel, the grounds
of that Institution. Up on a hill stood
the handsome old chateau with Its
carven doorway, with Its armorial bear
ings and the motto. "Del gratia eum
quod sum"; gardens stretched, acre
after acre, all around It.
But a close glance showed that the
war had converted It to a more useful
purpose. Fifty new buildings had
sprung up around the old ones, and
buildings ptfU newer enough. I waa
afterward, told, for 1000 more beds
were In procese of construction Just
beyond the farthest wall.
We passed a house labeled "Bacterio
logical Laboratory," another the sign
on hlch proclaimed It the "Fumigation
Plant." We passed esrbarns and rest
rooms. There waa Just a glimpse of
the little autopsy house And, beyond It,
a tiny field with heaps of freshly
turned earth and headstones.
There was one hut. sent down here by
the American Red Cross and devoted,
as. I was to learn, entirely to the stor.
age of the hospital's linens: there were
the surgical wards, the medical, vene
real, casual and isolation wards, each
housed under Its own roof, and finally,
here we were drawn up at the receiving
ward, a group of orderlies rady to un
load our ambulance.
i paused to make, to a waiting young
Interne, my report of our Journey. Then
I followed BUI to the room where they
had carried him.': -
He was In a frightful condition. For
a week he had lived with death; rats
had been his most freauent companions.
He was mated to mud and familiar with
filth. Caked with blood and clay.
crawling with vermin, he was taken to
a rude bunk.
Nurses In speckles white removed
hi clothes. He was shaved: he Was
given the luxury of a warm bath: he
was wheeled Into another room for the
Patients la Steady Btreaza.
"The number of patients 1 changing
all the time." aaid the Interne. "I've
known It to Jump from 400 to 700 In
two day without warning. And you
can't count on orders. One night a week'
ago we got word to a-et readv for 160.
and it 1 A. M. there were ambulances
with zqi at the door."
While he was talking w were fol
loVing Bill.
We went through a room where, out
of powdered plaster of parts, hot water
and crinoline such as our grandmother
wore, a group of figure at long tables
were manufacturing casts for Injured
legs and arms figure shaped In
shapeless gowns, hooded figures with
rubber gloves and masks to shut away
their breath from the work of their
hands I thought them men until the
Interne told, me they were women
We passed these and came Into the
operating room. Into a room the roof
of which ni of glass, the air of which
was anestheto and the occupants of
which were five surgeons and thrice as
many orderlies and anesthetlxers
their bloody Jobs about five sterto
rlously breathing patients- suffering
irom io son of wounds.
vomt on," said the Intern, "your
friend not here. He about played ou
-mightn't be able to stand chloroform
or ether. Got to give him nitrous ox
I knew that for a patient whose re
slstance has been diminished the dlf
ference between the old snesthetlcs and
this new one Is frequently the differ
ence between life and death; but I also
knew that nitrous oxide Is not on ou
rmy list and that practically no bud
plies existea a year ago In France.
"The Red Cross ha put up a plant
cere," explained the Interne.
He opened a door.
Bill lay on the operating tabl
clean Bill, very white and with that
refinement of face which loss of blood
invariably produces. The nurses were
already grouped about him, surgeons
and assistants already at work.
"They're after that abdominal
wound," the Interne told me. "They're
working witn the Iluoroscope."
X-ray Points Out Way.
Above Bill's upturned feet and about
a yard away stood an X-ray appara
tus; its flesh-piercing light fell on
disk of metal that an orderly held over
Bills based waist. The violet rays
passed through the disk and into the
patient a abdominal cavity; the Bur
geon's eyes followed them through the
metal and into the flesh, hi knife-plying
fingers worked under the disk and
deep in the wounded man's belly. He
cut with that solid plate for a window,
"He can see what he' after before
he gets started," my guide exulted,
"and if he overlooks- any shell frag
ments there Is a magnetic contrivance
that sounds a buxser when he get near
them. . . .
It would be all right, they told me.
The broken arm was nothing, nor the
superficial wound on It; as to the ab
dominal Injury, thanks to the fluoro-
scope and the nitrous oxide, a stay
here under treatment and then a rest
at one of the Red Cross convalescents'
camp by the seaside would fit Bill for
a return to the trenches long before
our army should enter in force.
So I watched them clothe my friend
In the doleful pajamallke suit of black
cotton wool that I our army hospital
uniform and put him to bed among
row of soldiers. Already, while the
knives were still in hi flesh, nurses
had taken from shelves bearing the
number given him a Red Cross "pa
tlent's equipment" and a Red Croaa
"comfort bag."
Bill was in safer hand than mine.
I felt free to look over the hospital.
It Interested me a little, and It will
probably interest you to learn that,
headed by one of the best-known sur
geons In the United States, the 26 doc
tors and surgeon of this hospital, all
Johns Hopkins men, are specialist of
It Interested me and It may perhaps
Interest you to learn that there ware
62 medical students (mostly third-year
men) and 00 other male orderlies and
workers. It Interested me I wonden
If It will bore you to note the extent
of the place and the variety of It de
partment a catalogued In the execu
tive offices, the various ward and
buildings already mentioned, the com
pany registrar' and Adjutant' office,
the quartermaster's and medical stores,
ths receiving rooms, the several
clinics." the "details." or squads, for
the officers' mess, pharmacy, motor
garage and repair shop, wash house.
electrical repair, photographic room,
carpenter work, coal and wood, kitch
en guard, fatigue artd T. M. C. A. can
teen. I say that there is some cnance
that these things may Interest you, but
I know that the subject you really
want to hear about I the Bed Cnoas
Well, there re ! Red Cross nurse
Gray's T weM j
The supply of woolen materials is nearly exhausted. The advance in cost of
materials for next season will be more than 100, according to latest reports.
So the wise man will surely buy his clothes now. No man in Portland can
afford to buy a Suit or Overcoat until he has investigated our profit-sharing:
policy, through which we will save him one-half the profit he must pay other
stores. We ask you to investigate for yourself. We not only give the best
values, but give better clothes. .
Compare Our Compare Our
Suits ahd Overcoats with those sold ggf TdTXs
by other stores for $25-$30. and $45.
When you have we win supply your clothes because of our wonderful value-giving.
Cor. Washington
and West Park Sts.
at thla . place. They are cheerful,
obedient, brave and competent.
It Is a fact no observer can deny
the cheer which the presence of a
woman brings into one of these mil
itary hospitals; she Is a tonlo to the
spirit and her regarding eyes make
for military neatnes more effectually
than any general order.
Don't, however, get It into your head
that the nurses' lot Is easy. The wom
en at base hospital 18 all graduate pro
fessional nurses and the qualifications
for nursing at this Institution obtain
throughout tho American xone. The
"Luclle" ideal of 1870 la, luckily, dead
and burled; the only nurses that the
Army will admit are trained nurses,
and they have a life about as hard
as the Teddies.
"My girls," the head nurse told me,
"sleep with their gas masks beside
thle beds when they get time tol
sleep at all; they are on duty for Just
as long as etnciency win ytr"".
They're often In the wet. they're gen
erally in the cold, and they'ne always
cheerful. I haven't heard a syllable of
complaint since I came here."
Kitchener Did Not Know AH.
There was a time when military men
didn't approve of women In the battl
area, even as nurses. Kitchener dldn
but if Kitchener were alive today, h
would either be converted or unus
contra mundum." We are dally dlscov
ering that, with aU hi abilities for
organization. Lord Kitchener had
great deal to learn about modern war.
Thi Is the hospital to which were
brought the American soldiers wound
in the first trench raid. I tamed io
some of them as they lay in their bed
In the urglcaJ ward, and got from
them many stories, the better half of
which may not here be told.
It was a pltch-blacK night when
the Boches came over, one soldier told
me. He was lying flat on his back
with hi left leg elevated by a com
plicated apparatus, at right anglaa to
his body. JI course we were new w
the Job and dldn t Know just wnat to
expect. At first, because the shell fell
all around us ana not on us, we ion
rather safe.
"Then, all of a eudden, we realised
what that meant thate it meant the
Dutchmen were cutting us off from
any chance of relief. The raiding party
came on at that minute, iney were
heaving hand-grenades down into our
trenches before we Knew wnai iney
were about. One exploded near me.
I didn't think. I waa nurt, so
a-rabbed my gun. I started to get up
and then found my leg was busted,
aw it wasn't any use to try to fight
I Just played dead, and I guess I must
have got away wttn it tor oui
dosen Germans tramped on me. Put not
one stuck a bayonet In me.'
HI neighbor had a broKen writ.
"I rot it." he explained, - "from
splinter that flew my way out of the
barrage. . The nrsi sneus weren i ai
lust the range the Boches were after.
One fell, by mlatake, in our trench. It
buried my chum. I hadn't any tools to
dig him out with but my hands. Then
bat splinter put me to ine oau. wnen
came to it was morning, r irsi ining
told the relief Tom was somewhere
under that dirt pile, and they dug and
found him he wasn t even scratched."
You would expect to find these men
and any men, after months of camp
life, with an ocean between them and
their homes a rather canons lot. in
hosDltal they are nothing of the sort;
they retain, In fact, the simplicity of
children, and they are one and aU sen
Get a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop
.Falling Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots
of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair You Can!
Gas, Gas, Indigestion, Sourness,
Upset Stomach-Pape's Diapepsin
Instant Relief ! Neutralizes stomach acids, stopping
- dyspepsia, heartburn, belching, distress. Read!
Time it! In five minutes your sour,
acid stomach feels fine. No indigestion,
heartburn, or belching of gas, or eruc
tations of undigested food, no dizzi
ness, bloating, foul breath or headache.
Pape'a Diapepsin Is noted for It
speed in sweetening upset stomachs. It
Is the surest, quickest and most certain
stomach antacid in the whole world
and besides it is harmless.
Million of men and women now eat
their favorite food without fear they
know Pape s Diapepsin will save them
from such misery.
Please, for your sake, get a large
Tbey didn't look unlike the ground J jo-cent case of Fape's Diapepsin Xrojri
any drug store and put your stomach
right. Don't keep on being miserable
life Is too short you are not here long,
so make your stay agreeable. Eat what
you like and enjoy it, without dread of
acid fermentation in the stomach.
Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your
home, anyway. Should one of the fam
ily eat something which doesn't agree
with them, or in case of an attack of
Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement due to fermenta
tion and acidity at daytime or during
the night, it is handy to give the
quickest. iurst relief known. Adv.
RmMm iftiirIin9 the
beauty or your naar
at once, you will
shortly find new bur,
fine and downy at
first, but really new
hair growing all over
the scalp. Costs little.
I 'Vi:j4W i ,- v:-s .A
In . lr W t
Ai i - r7 I
( T ; A
'"V iv '
I - A . 1
f ;-' ; VJ
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fcxKJ iftTlln in Hi ai ill r 1 tstMAtM.1n aiilaiiiaeiiaiisaaaia-s-
If Back
Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if bladder
bothers you
lh Si A A m
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble In some form
or other, say a well-known authority,
because the urle acid in meat excites
the kidney, tbey become overworked;
get sluggish; clog up and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly backache
and misery in the kidney region: rheu
matic twinges, severe backaches, acid
stomach, constipation, torpid liver,
sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad alu from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful iu a glass of wa
ter before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is. made from the acid
of grapes and lemon Auice. combined
with llthla, and has been used for gen
erations, to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activity; also
to neutralize the acids in the urine so
It no longer Irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone!
makes a delightful effervescent llthla
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the '
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv.