TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 27, 1918. 11 ITT.T1O0 WAXTW HALF- M (rfilaarMt, WAN. 3d. married d'vr cormvctiun wkA 'norpiir la variola t;nri; y in p. bn thr La uppurtunti; t mv:p into poitla as niacr ( vorrr Kti'inc dept.. cam lurnub uau- lion r riiM (oiMiii.o.i CuD rm ou.y; c-c rnac atnci.y conltdejallal. O 644. ("fTTATIONS WAVTTD FT. MA I. K. CAP ilLE PLt.-M AN and .1IN i3) j AN U cpn tr good line fur city and ad- j.U irrtory; can oner sau:at:iory r:ras a to uixuiiitui as irMl-jc-r am 3 J f-B .d and r.ee lived In Fort land r . w.l acquince-t with the trade, ;.-.. It furniture, hardware, drug and dpAftmtnr e.or-. cniumiMiua baa, L.h(inib.tJ(.U secretary and manaser de ira potnioB w.tn firm wnr opportunity fr ad v a-ncm n t la good, baa had con siderate aprinc In co-operative vortc, cok and gnrai accounting. atm, d- tai and or can !: ta married ; prant sc'. um:ur Aw'n.; witl ieave Port and J. WDtr. 2t hailing bid V 'AMa'l-Worn aftrr eb. 1 oa iane grain farm lor several tnoni, can handle and rwpa.r nacainery, inciud.ns (arm tractor, tru-ka. ate Woul con;Jr permanent poaitioa a sr-acgr of lr paca. Xm ofrr. H. T. SUAMtL vd Ad at-. Cor- a..i. Or. KI.UKNOW.N ftntman, formerly in con st.. ar service and lor several years In chare of a foreign dpt in ont of largest unit and a.ao xDr.i:ti-rd in shlDnulid In a, payroll, wish s position in bask or .- nr; oai rerereacea. AC. 35. ura- -ntn. A UlAL ;iv . acme. an - pot, Hon; ax frincan in powr-i!iti;-. . it.pnons, armature, railroad and commercial work; not .ig:t. ror Mica. Writ fu.iy. Kers wl. 1.1 J J, 13 A St.. Edmonton, Alberta, kKPAli;l.Vf OK IfiIVIX& Thorough. y prlnei man wants re a trior or driving true it or touring car; a.o god on storage batterle and gen- rator work, have my own tools. PUone Marha:t 3tT J'liACTiCAl far ner and stxkman with -0 years' jprifnct la Orron and Washing ton, as foreman cfn large stock and gram ranches, desires similar portion ; wou.d prefer cram ranch. Can furnish references. iit' HAM'.' of abi tiy wama permanent p if t in ai marh n if rami tm r tv'fh m'Tlng I r. i m nt.ii i wumnn who siiia.i cnita A Nt KSE, In her home, wlil taka rheu matlc or paralyafa caaea; doctors' refar-n-. Tabor v-7. avhK w.ahea car agad paralytic or V (MHl.tWD. i'KACTk'AL nura wants cars of children by in hour, day or night; beat city rarer once. Tabor lo"i Ki.LlALIl.K woman wi.l car for children. iy or even:ng. ;eIlwood SlS'i. tA r K K I tNC E D practlral n uraa another case. Tabor 3410. MHHK with hoapltal' training winhea caa; any a in a. g to 1J A- M.. liiwr a . Pit ACTICAL. nurat; will do the houaework; uoctor i re r ere n era. Laat 679- IIotiekeeperw TWO widowed slaters that had nlca homo of their own once, lost all. want a posi tion together in hotel or apt. -nous or housekeeper la gentleman's hum, or praa tlcal nura; beat of reference. UC 774, WOMAN with girt 1. boy 13, wishes to ksep nouaa zor niAn on farm whrrt there is plenty of work. Not afraid of outside work. If you want help writs loclt iiox No. 337. Flk City. Or. JIIDDLE-AOED widow, with boy T. uead to (tie cars of a nice home, wtahea a iik pualtlon In a widower' home; no objec tion to 1 or 2 children. Phone Tabor sVJ5 or T 844. Oregonlan. KsKI. .!, educated lady, no Incumbrance, want position as bouseeeier for widower In country; can ta h children music; ex perifncd cook and m ana gar. K 464. 'regoiilan. WANTED TO REM. lloua WANT or 7 -room bungalow : must be In good neighborhood, not less than 70x100 lot. prefer luoxloe; house must bs beat construction; want to trads aim out now cylinder ft-pnaenger automobiie, balairce cah up to wUO; tciva locatiun. Address V V43, Oregonlan. MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD. DON'T LKT YOU it lioLri 6TAND VacanL Hundreds of peopie are calling x'T nouses and should b proviaea wuu places to live. Wk2 WANT EVERYTHING RENTABLE. UMITH-WAOUNER CO.. bTUC'K JlX. MvOKk.N furnlahed bungalow, good neigh bor hood, by young coupie; have own dou ding. tab) linen; property will receive best care ; references. tie 11 wood SoL. O h4d, Oregonlan. PvMTIoN as housekeeper In a part men t- hou or wiuower i home wher tnere ar children; references. i'hon Woodlawn RkMtiHtD hous or bungalow by respon sible coupie; garag If possible; win tan lease and furnish ; references. Call Mar shall llKd. or AF 818. Oregonlan. Long EXPERIENCED as a RENTAL SPECIALIST. ' O. O. ItOHKER, 8l Fanama iu!g. WANTED To rent bungalow with garage; must bs modern and up to date, on pavea st reel, not less than rooms and preie "close In"; will leawe. Call Tabor Tuo: FOB RENT. Furnlahed Rooms STANDISH HOTEL, B49H Wsahincton fcL. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms, $L50 to M par wee ; ires pnons ana bath. DESIRABLE corner room, private bath. ynonea. e-j tor mo. ijj tvaaningtoa Su Furniahed Kooms In Privats Family. A VERT dflrable. extra lares sunny front room, suitable for '2 gentlemen, in pri vate lamjiy, in center oi irvington; alter Feb. 8; rent reasonable. Homo Phone I IIW). VEHV attractive rooms, best of convent ences. walking distance. West Side. 6o0 Montgomery st., cor. 15th. Phon Main eo. JAUOh room, connecting bath; private family, congenial people. Splendid loca tion. 15 miuute' walk; reasonable. Kef- rencea. Marshall Vd,'aiir Sunday. 'LKNJ6HED sleeping rooms In private fam ily, walking distance; gentlemen preferred, oi Lucretla street, near Washington. Tel ephone Main 0444. FOR KENT Furnished room In modern nome; every convenience; s.oo per week; breakfast and dinners If desired. 1031 E. Broadway. Rose City car. ONE Irtk sleeping room for a gentleman in a private iaraiiy, west eioe; neat. Data and phone. Call Bdwy. 126tf Sunday or Mond ay. ELDER LV coupie want 6 or 6 -room house, e.ectrlc lights, between L nion ave. F haver su, north of iiolladay. Phone East O140. UNINCUMBERED widow wlahea position as nu Kfpcr in gentleman s home, or chance of apartment-housa. W 740, Ore-iinmn. iiOL'2iEKEEPIN( for rennectabls American bachelor or widower by widow 40 year o.d; hav I Dor in year old. Call gulmhy noiei. - sin su, room se. -ROOM modern bungalow wiih spac fo garden, prefer Koas City or Haw thorn district; state all particulars. AE 2b regonian. BY ktftfoNSIBLE neoDle. four or five room intern house, prefer one with space for garden or near one. Can give the best or r-irnc-ii. l'hne Kant I . j. WANTED Clean 5-room bungaiow, near rarline; adult. Call evening. wood lawn 1 07. KKsi'u.NSI ULE, refined woman wishes po sition- as nnuscaeeper lor some men or elderly couple. W oodlawn 10-O, or V21 E. ini at. .-sorin. FEB. 1. tf-room flat or house with bare furniture. Heat bide, by three adults best references. L SflS. Oregonlan. Vol." NO wman with chiid lO month old would liks a position as housekeeper In a ni-e nome in or near town; excellent cook; rererence ir desired. Fhone East WANTED By couple with re'erences. by the 1st. an unfurnished cottage. Broad way 1764. WANTED 3 to 5-room furnished house, near tit. John cariln. 145 Omaha, bunday afternoon. and o Deration of stationary ensinea. pumpa b-ir. etc. ; a.ao heavy steam, it ting and general mac hire shop practice; employ ed at present. Ar 17. OrroRian. SALESMAN, with executive acuity, open for poi:inn account of war effect on prent line; training fits me to se.l hlgh- c . mercnand:a to refponsibl peop a. Tacrful and aggressive. Address All ado. f r.n:an MAKl.IcD man. 4X experienced In freight c:.t ricatlon. tnriffa and telegraphy. dn aiuuir as traffic manager or tooaaeerer. ernployment, C. A. McLcmora. car V. M. C. A. M IDPLE-AGED man with savaral years' clerical, merrantl and office eiperienre. row employed, wishe to Inrreaas Income b working two or three hours each even ing; references AO e4o Or agon tan. VANTKD --Young man, exempt, desires ot port unity to laam cattle business with smail but growing operator; hard: tig. etc. lta good businesa education. AF sltf. VOL' NO man l th energy and wide esps-rii-nr datree position with going concern that caa pay monthly '.mrr and later provM opportunity for Investment. V 41. Oregonlan. M SiuLF and soa are experienced woods men, wife and daughter are c eaa. com petent cooks, want Ion Job. Who wants Ul ' A LP oregoman. want a work as house keeper for bachelor or widower, t ail artrr l o clock 1. M. bun- nay at 311 Montgomery et. WANT weU-furnlshed Portland Heights or Nob liill home; desirable tenants. oj N. W. Bank bldg. Main i073. aTRANiiEK with one child wants houi keeping, charge of chicken, dairy or slock ranch; rapani of getting r-suli and not a frail or wora. Koom i:. Manx Hotel, UP-TO-DATE dressmaker wants day gagementa; remodeling a specialty. Phone POSITION as H. K. by mlddls-aged lady. in t hristlan widower s home. town or country. I. J. smith. Fta. F, Portland- WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished cottage. reasonable rent. Address E 3. Orebo 4 ADULTS want 6-room modern hous garden spot, garage preferred. W. M, Jrrell. 1.-.4 E. 1'itth st. EDUCATED and refined middle-aged lady wiaties position as . rterenca. a i m as hauekeeper; Lest city VR .ViS, Oregonlas. WANT to rent 4 or 6-room furnished fiat or house or 4-room apartment; must he close ln and reasons ole; adults. Main 54. Tol'NO lady with some experience would 4ike position as stenographer or general nmce worx. r,u( o.'ia. WANTED Place for light housework nouseaeeping. Middle-aged woman. 447 Columbia at. Main l!33A WELL-BRED. Intelligent woman wtth young aaugnter dealres a position as housekeeper , in country, ak i oregonlan. MODERN 6 or 6-room house, close In; state rent wanted, etc; permanent tenant u location suits. T 846, Oregonlan. WANTED In Piedmont district. 8 or 4 room apartment or bungalow. Call Tabor 0122. WOMAN of refinement deslrea position as nouaekeeper In gentleman s house, city or country. r Oregoman. bM ALL furnished cottage or quiet apt. wanted by desirable, careful coupie; no children; West bide preierred. Main 4377. A NO. 1 machin.it wishes position as fore man ef machine shop doing ehlp building and marina sngtne work, have had mr fruni minni eKperience. 8 5n,'. Oregon is n. hfeJFINED young man. with Intentions of going to h'sh school. wihe to work for room and board in private family. Bear Lincoln Htgn. Phone Main 47J. VOL'I.D like steady work of any kind: five year en cert in ed dairy ; understand a 1 kind ef dairy work, mi.klng, etc, b Bod r-nin. Li EN ft'e. D anrlneer w an is position, night or day; i..inr ta rr barter 7th S. E , It'ortiand. r; wi.,in ta Art on til something Phoba Tabor 7143 or ad area ;ao WANTED By refined woman, AO light nousekeeptng in r-pectabie widower s U.MN'i L'MliKKKT) middle-aged lady wishes position aa Housekeeper. Main 4i"o. WANTED Modern bungalow. casn. Adarss J. . lie vis, ward a a. East Side. 4.0 Wood WANTED To rent a 6-room house, fur nished; will take good care of same. B oregonlan. VERT experienced woman wants day work; r:ne iiunrry a specialty. fc.. iwjt. ltomewtlca. WE want to rent a one to 10-acre tract with house, out of the city limits. Phon East WORKINO woman wants to engage In do mestic work In good family on plan of mutual ne.pruinesa. Tabor Wood mere, Toll bi'.h ate, S. . ML ficott car line. JAPANESE coupit want place, family or I sman notei. man a cook, wire wait on I tab. and housawork. Both speak Eng- I nn. r ooi, iregonian. WOULD Ilk to rent modern 6-room bunsa- low, witn garage, in good district, about Marcn l. taoor zzj. SPECIALIZED In managing property. O. O. ROHitblll, 801 Panama Bkig. r't'RNISUED or unfurnished flat or apart ments, west Bids, call Main 35.7, room 812. VOL'N'i lady, pianist, wtahea work a ac companist or wouid Ilk to play evenings, i rrone . i. WILL give services for rooms; consider buy ing flat on Installment. Main 54 y a. A i H A DC.V T hi of ta- hnU al school desires stea4y position or wora during spar tim antnge and Saturday afiernoona T H4 irgon:an. CLERK or aloe k man, exprlaacsd at either w are nous, she. f b ar d w ar or grocer y wora. wants position in-t.j; dependable. exempt, reisrencea rl 8.. oregonlan. trrRIKVrn) chauffeur wants position driving private cmr . can an own repairing ase!s work bad;y. Phone Uio s4oJ, room . J. AN experienced general merchandise man wants position In or out of ctty ; good bokkpr; cea handle any line. AE IM'V Oregntan. EN I E RI cNCED grocary and gente furnlah Ing c.erk, married, with e years ex pa rlance, wtahea position, capable of doing buying it r.ecaiT Av 31". oregot!an. BAKER, ali-s.roun.1 man oi cak bral. wants paitlon. A1dras Z 47 Oak st. Phone Broadway 1770, akes. pie n A. liars grTrATrON WANTED ITMALR. Department of Pub.ic AC air a. City of Portland, Oregon, FCBL1C EMPLOTMEVT BUREAU, U. H. Oovernment eo-opratlng Ffflrtent men and omn for a,' I positions. No fse charged emp.oyer or em p toy a Men's department. Women's department, 247 l-avi e-t- City Hall. Bdwy. ioJ, A 5624. Mar. 4iOO, A 4124. rOMR AND FEE VH. Dep-rtaient of Public Affair. City of Portland. Orefnn. FCBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, V. 0. Government eo-operatlng. Efficient men suid women for all posi tion a. No fes charged employer er ens- tioye. en detarrmenC Women' depertmeat. 347 1'avls st. City UaiL Bdwy. VI. A 0-534. Mar. 4100i. A el3w COM E A NT 4EB 18. g'.rt wlshee aosltloa for general heusesrork tn small, res pec tab 1 family by February ; state wages said. T avi. Oregonlan. Bookkeeper and Pteaosjrapher. I AM a cot lag woman with business and school exp-rianca; now employed, desire change. Caa write advertising copy, ran rental agency, act as filing clerk, maa eg ma! I office. V 44. Oregonlan. VoU NO lady of good h'gh school education wishe posttlon as eft ice girl: capable ef hand.ing bonks Cii Apt 2. H read way 8o4 after 4 30 P. M. TENOORAPHER. having spare time during f flea hours sad evenings, wants typing and meauacript work to do: first-css work, cai 1 ciiw ooq uw, evening. BT ytong lady with experience, position as aasiatant oooseper ini general orriei he;p; ran operate typewriter. Phene M ar ena. l LADY for dining room work In exchange for nuenann; s and seirs board and room. Call liroa.i way EXPERIENTED and raltab! woman wants ciaamng and sweeping. Phone East Uo4, apt. .o. ?. VV a NTKD To rent small f urn tshed house; no children. X PU4. Oregonlan. SMALL home with fruit and room for gar- den and chickens. AC vvs, Orea-onian. Apartments. WANTED A Job as cook for small craw of nan or helper In camp; will go anywhere. is nor t i -to oo t. o-d st. FLAT9 ARB NOW RENTINO. Fiend In description, ss It wlil rent. smith-wagoner co.. stock ex. CLEAN, Lfeautlfully furnished, connecting bath. In firat-cJaas apt, -house, for rent; refined lady or gentleman; references. Main 6016. COUPLE In modern home hav lovely large bedroom with home comforts and priv ileges for businesa men or women. East 7e'o. FOR KENT Nicely furnished room; gentle man preferred. 3U1 Harrison il Phone Marshall Uf0. FT'RNISHED room with private bath In , Portland Heights home of young couple. Main 3Wt.V FOR RENT Furnished rooms In private family, close to South Portland Shipyard. 730 Corbett t., near Porter. FOR RENT. Fnrn Ished Apartments. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Gta Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and it-room furnished apartments, all outside, wtth French door and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RAT Bd. PERMANENT Oil TRANSIENT. NOW READY TO RENT. $30 WEST SIDE APT. $:t0. WALKING DIST. TO 6TH AND WASH. 4 nice, large. llrht rooms, besides clos ets, heat, phone, water, furn.. ground floor, side entrance ; no children; refer ences. POSITIVELY NO PHONE INFORMATION SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on ths Pacific woasi; rurnisnea complete. Roof Garden In Connection. " Walking distance. References. TWO-ROOM a Dart men t. furnlahed. Dlano first floor, lights, fuel, $120; vacant Mon day, ays jwth st. .Phone Mar. liMU. FURNISHED apartment for rent to ladles employed. Call evenings. 344s N. 16th su xsroaaway laoo. THREE rooms, well and completely fur nished. All In first-class condition. Phone Marshall 1857. KINGSBURY APTS.. 186 Vlata ave.. neaJ 23d and Washington; 3-rooin furnished apartment. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th; moasrn; walking distance. TJnfnraiwheq Apartments. IRVINGTON New 6-room apartment, ma- nogany ana wnite enamel zmish, hard wood floors, tlie bath, steam heat, jan itor service, laundry, every up-to-date convenience rent $tj. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main BUL'O. WILL rent a nicely furnished light room to a gentleman at reasonable price. Call 441 11th st. FURNISHED ROOMS with use of living room and telephone; all home comforts. Tabor 1082. LARGE front room, well furnished, home privileges, Kitcnen ana vcumng-room. Tele phone Woodlawn 2364. TO RENT Large, airy, furnished front rooms. In private home. 5 W. Shaver sc Woodlawn 1622. - 2 NICE bedrooms, suitable for two or three gentlemen. oJ Monroe iU Bdwy., AB and A car. Call Sunday before 6. JAEGER APTS., King and Wash. 1 S-room furnished apartment. ROSE-FRIEND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson; modern unfurn. apts., walking dis tance, best service, Marshall 1410. BRUCE APTS., 26th and Northrup streets Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, steam heat. Main 41H. References. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders; 6 and 6-room, reasonable. Main Told. LARGE front room, kitchenette, suitable for X ladles employed. Call 62 Ella st. Main FOR RENT Newly furnished sleeping room. reasouaoie. Alain ova mornings or even lngs. 6o Ella sc. right off Washington. WELL-FURNIRHED. warm, dry basement room lor work ing man, 16 per month. 332 Harrison st. PLEASANT, furnlahed. steam-heated room. every convenience; x pr z young women. Phone Mar. 3-uO. NICELY furnished front room, modern con veniences near shipyard; $10 a mo. 809 Koss st. NICELY furnished room and garage, all modern conveniences, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 612 E. Ash, corner of 20th. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. WINDSOR APTS. 2 and S-rooms furnished and unfurnished, clean, comfortable, homelike. 2 blocks canine. East 2007. MI LL APARTMENTS One nicely" furn lshed room and kitchenette; adults. 328 Mill su Flate, FOR RENT -4 large, light rooms, hall and bath; walking distance. Call at 400 Lar rabee st. Phone East 4266. VERY desirable unfurnished flats, splendid neighborhood. 322 14th at., near Clay. Call Sunday. FOB RENT. WE HAVE a number of very desirable houses for rent, of which the fololwlng Is a partial list; 619 East S5th st, 8 rooms at $23 per mo, 734 Irving st., 7 rooms at S25 per month. 7i iSortnruD st.. u rooms at xi'7-oo per mo. 5u0 East 2"jth st N., 7 rooms at 40 mo. 6VS Marshall sC, 8 rooms at $40 per month. .'M Marshall St., 8 rooms at $45 per month. 774 Northrfip st., 10 rooms at $43 month. to isortn IM'J st., v rooms at montn. 130 North lHth St., 9 rooms at $07.50 mo. 600 East 2Sth sL, 10 rooms at $60 month. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. S3 Fourth Street. FOB BENT. Furnished Houses. SMALL 3 -room bungalow, completely fur nished, absolutely clean, no children, $22.30. Phone Tabor lt10, or call 42 East 44th st.( 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave. Main 14. 1414. MEIER A FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, 8TH FLOOR. Here you have choice of the combined lists of all desirable vacant houses, apart ments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable Information pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is absolutely no obligation or charge for this service. It is maintained solely as an accommodation to the public. Newcomers in Portland will find this bureau of great help In getting properly located Quick iy. Phone Marshall 4600, A 610L POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. A department operating for the conven ience of our patrons and friends. A serv ice absolutely without charge to you. -Our listing of houses, bungalows and apart ments is most complete. YOURS FOR SERVICE, POWERS FURNITURE CO., Third and Yamhill sts. $22.50 7 ROOMS, modern, 169 E. 7th sL .North, near Oregon. $408 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, grounds 100x100 ft.; 401 E. 80th su N., corner Hancock. $40 12 rooms, modern. West Side, at 204 N. 22d st., near Kearney. CARL R. JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY To rent a FINELY FURNISHED MOD ERN Home, 7 rooms. Close to car, $00. G. G. KOHRER, 301 Panama Bldg. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, extra well furnished, with piano, fine lawn, flowers and fruit; will lease for year to responsible parties, no cui.1 dren. Phone forenoon. Tabor 1132. 6-ROOM house, partially furnished. In good condition, lot SOxIOO. fruit trees and poul try yard. Call Sunday from 12 to 4: take Alberta car, get off at 27th, go south to 1030; rent reasonable. MODERN small furnished house In Pied mont, rent for $23 per month; big yard, paved streets. Call 1211 Garfjeld ave. Woodlawn 2159, Sunday F. M. 6-ROOM Irvington home, piano, Bilverware ana unen, corner d and Clackamas, uau or phone between 9:30 and 5:30 Sunday only. Phone East 1674. CLOSE-IN, WEST SIDE HOME. $S3 Big. nice rooms, down to date, nice ly furn.. with Oriental rugs. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FOR RENT Five-room furnished modern bungalow, fireplace, piano, convenient to Alberta or Irvington cars. Call tt!4 E. 17th North. Wdln. 1216. SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION. Completely furnishad 7-room house, near shipyards, reasonable. 40i 1st. Main 70lti- $20 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, gns and coai ranges, WoodstocK canine, bell wood 2773. 2-ROOM furnished house, Lents., $3. includ ing water. Particulars Monday. 12S 1st. Stores. THE BEST LOCATION FOR GOOD MARKET. FOR RENT FEB. 1. 122 Klllinjrsworth ave. Phone, Monday, "Woodlawn 301VJ. STORE ROOM on Washington St., near 16th. J1 ine location, good condition; exception. il ly low rent for immediate occupation. See Mr. McFarlnnd, 1008 Broadway bldg. 10 ACRES FOR RENT. At Err oil station, on Estacada electric line; faces Johnson Creek ; 7-room house, fearn, family orchard. Bull Run water; $30 per month. WH1TM EU-KELLY COMPANY, 711 Pittock block. RAILROAD MEN AND SHIPBUILDERS. 6 ROOMS. Furnace and Fireplace. Near Sellwood Car and S. P. Shops. $13.00. Quick action. G. G. ROHRER. 301 Panama Bldg. 6-ROOM, upper flat. Cleveland and Alberta; no children. Woodlawn 223. BIG, airy, 7-room flat, stove heat; thorne district. East 8015. 5-ROOM flat. 845 Belmont. East 2218. 7-ROOM flat, close In. Inquire 189 16th st. 6-RM. flat, 175 E. loth. nr. Yamhill. E. 2154. Furnished Flats. SLEEPING rooms for women, employed; In apt.; private bath and entrance. Mar. 2748. NICE room. In fine private home, for $7 per month. Apply 914 N. X3d. ADULTS ONLY Hawthorne ave., corner. modern flat and sleeping porch, furniture for sale, $170 cash; bal. $130 at $10 per month. Tabor 6S20. NICE room In private family, close In, East j roe a way, sa per montn. raat ojzs. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 229 N. mm st. NICE light front room, modern convent ences, walking distance. 623 1 2 n s t. 3-KuOM furnished flat, private bath, $12 per month, including light. Sellwood dis trict. Phone East 6S40. URN ISHED room, heat, phon and bath. Broadway 11U0. MODERN S-room flat. neatly furnished, 2V4i Margin at., foot of Halsey, near Broadway bridge. $20, Incl udlng water. FOR RENT 3 new furnished H. K. rooms, walking distance. 347 Lincoln st. OUTSIDE rooms, newly furnished. In pri vate home. 143 N. 19th su Broadway ZD -4. ONE light, clean, front room, walking dis tance, 13. D4o H Washington. URNISHED room In private home; heat. phone and bath. Hrosdway 233.. EAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. COMPLETELY furnished 6-rra.. mod. lower flat, wal ki ngd 1 b tance. $35. Main 5817. Housekeeping Rooms. 1 NICELY furnished h. k. room and sleep ing oms; light, airy, clean, modern; reasonable, walking distance. 632 Flanders. THREE rooms, well and completely fur nished. All in first-class condition. Phone Marshall 1857. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite houu-s Cor sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst, the show place of Port , laud. LAURELHURST CO., 270 Stark st. Main 17uo, A 1313. 6-ROOM house, 3 acres of garden, fruit all kinds, berries, walnuts, grapes, flowers; Including cow lot and barn, all for 20 per month; house being renovated, can move at once. Cor. E. 30th and Pcnvell. See owner at the house this week and next. ROSE CITY PARK RESIDENCE. $.13. new home, living room, sun room, dining room, cabinet kitchen, 3 nice bed rooms upstairs; house is modern design with nice garage on hard-surface streeU SMITH-WAGuXER CO., STOCK EX. 9-ROOM house with5 lots at 1180 Milwau kie ave., for only $23 a month. Has fur nace, fireplace, large living-room and In good condition. Lots of holly trees and fine garden. Ladd Estate Co., Concord bldg. SPLENDID STORE opposite First street waiting-room. 4UXJ5U, wtth basement; $iuu per month. Below market value. V. H. WEBB. YEON BLDG. MAIN 4913. STORE for rent in largest payroll district; fine for restaurant, dry goods, men's fur nishings or pool hall. Marshall 4761. FIRST-CLASS location for any business (ex- cept grocery or dry goods). Call at 126 Klllingsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 3!1'3. ENTIRE floor modern office building, cen ter business districU Will remodel to suit tenatit. J, C, Corbln Co., 305 Lewis bldR. IF ycu are looking for a location In Port land, get our lipt of stores and ware houses. J. O. Corbln Co.. 305 Lewis bldg. FOR RENT Best located corner grocery store, all fixtures In. Phone Tubor 1811. 955 UNION AVE. Store and flat, $13. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark. FOR RENT SMALL STORE. CORNER WILLIAMS AVE. AND BROADWAY. GROCERY store for rent, 48 apartments above, rent $20. East 2840, owner. OFFICE rooms for rent, newly painted and renovated building. Inquire Alba Bros., dentists, 245 Vi Morrison st. VERY attractive modern 7-room house, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, 2 fire places, full basement, located at 759 Hal-i-y st., near 22d, Irvington. Rent $40. Pnone E. bul Sunday or i. 7516 weekdays. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern !.iouse on I NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. Oregon City carl I ne, 6c fare. East 6333. cheap. 603 5th at., corner Sherman. huuil, at 266 12th st.; walking distance; very cheap; one housekeeping room. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. E. 8th: neatly furnished 1 and U-room H. iv. apartments. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position for housework and cooking. AC 907, Ore gon i an. WANTED Sinai) furnlahed apt,. W ashlnrton. for two without Call Brusdway 4927. south of cnlldren. UPT wants day work. Main 9132. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking done at nome or by day. ind Call tailoring Sail wood RELIABLE woman wanta to do light work in rooming or apartment houae In ex- rhanae for furnished rooms and smaJI wages or win take anything to make living not too hard; must have home. AP 3 . oregonlan. WANTED A small furnished apt. - wJ a.eeping porch on East Side. AF Oregoman. 269 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice rooms. walking distance. Main 30o. 472 SALMON ST. Rooms for rent; walk ing distance. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms cheap. 22 Jefferson St.. ront. 2-ROOM suite 415 Mill sU LA ROE front room for rent 793 Johnson su Rooms Wiih Board. WANTED 3 large housekeeping rooms with conveniences, near shipyards. 30- college. Klonsekeeplnff Rooms in Private Family. THREE light housekeeping rooms, light, heat and phone and water, use or Datn; adulta. Call before 10 or after 6. Wood lawn. 8715. WANT to rent 4 or 6-room furnished flat house or 4-room apartment; must be close in end reasonable; adults. Main 34$. BHI'jHT woman, quick and trustworthy. wants wora; would prefer nair day; will undertake any bo j in eaa whsr can work up. lla had publicity experience; ref erences given. li 214. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent fi-room apartment, hea not ana coiu waier, out oi mo congest! ditnct. Address a vva, oregonlan. TWO rooms, bath, kitchenette. In town; n children; stat price, au mh, oregoni AN experienced cook wishes position In small camp or boarding-house; can furnish he per; would consider large ranch. BU .'. Oregonlan. WANTLD Position a manager of apart ment or rooming-nous : beat or references: on:y clean, flrat-class houae considered. Wl Tit. Oregonlan. BACHELOR want comfortable room apartment with agreeable people, close 1 J 4u, oregonlan. TH REE modern unfurnished or f urnlshe rooms on St. Johns or Williams ave. car. N . t'reconlan. VISITING companion, good musician, reader. correepondent. art needlework. rench ; would ahop for clients during the war period or by the hour. C 164. oregonlan. VoLNG lady of ability and experience wishes pvsttlun playing p.ano in motion picture house or theater. Call Apt. 2. Bdwy. 3068 arter 4:30 P. M. UOoD practlral nurse with hospital train ing. M.r. i-i. Rooms With Board. EXPERIENCED laundress wanta washing; would ilke run days; 30 cents hour; no charge for half hour at lunch time. Call Sunday and evenings. Main 4344. SCHOOLGIRL to assist with housework for room and hoard and some pay. O AOS. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED women, good eook. wCl go to country; gooa wages; answer in week. Oreg FHe.NCH oonvara. Wad . Thura. Sac, 3-4 P. M.. 36 boor; lesson aoe hour. 153 16th and Morrison. Marshall 6 9 SO. KJtPERIENCED eook wishes a position, city or county; wages sou t 30. & !, Ore-gonlaa. ADY ef refinement wlahe position as dally visiting companion or would car for hem: refre-nce. X SO. Oregonlan, ROOM with breakfast and f1nner wanted by young man, vt est Mie, waiKtng distance no objection to apartment: hreakrast onl on Saturday, no meal on Sunday ; mu& have plenty of heat; bet references fur nlnhed; state price. V oregonlan. WANTED Board and room, father daughter: or furnished housekeeping room in private family, call iioyt Hotel, n Hopkins. WANTED Good home on farm for dot 13 will work for board; must be near school. AG 839, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wants room and board In prt vate family on West 6 Id. Marshall 2US before 11 A. M. RELIABLE lady want housekeeping or cooking ror aman crew out er. r'oruand. Ciui emn at. . js., city. EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman wishes housekeeping position for widower or cou pi mpioya. n.aat oois arter iu a. 3d. YOUNG woman living near Shattuck School w la has work from o to 12 A. l. ; waltreaa. pantry or janitor. J sup, oregonlan. JAPANESE woman wants position, any light work, for board and room. An 6o9, Ore gonlan. EXPERT atenoa-rapher. atx years' lumber experience, desires change position Febro- ry i . Miary i Oregon lajy. BTENOGRAPHER. experienced In engineer ing. de're position, law or engineering seuary sio, aj oreronisn. TC-T'VO widow with education and diet tlon. icrvtmnei to meet I r te public. ctre errice pir!on v oreg.mian. OI h L with koowisdse of bookkeeping and typing wishes poaitioa; $10 a week. M M. o-onian. liooKKKEFEIl. Id yaanr experience; expert aeroun:ant. wlehe work, a veral hours dally. Phone p mart way ixdi COM PFTTKVT stenographer with aom know. edge ef book keeping desire posi tion ; go- d re'e-enre. t 4 orgontan. REFINED, mlddls-aged American woman wears position ss housekeeper for widower. Pb4n Marshall ?. EXPERIENCED stenographer, r: labia, good Mania, axecattvs ability, desires position. LXFCHI KN'CED bookkeeper as now employed, wlahe better res ereacee. silGH T 414. Oregon la I typist. position hoot girl want clerical frarnrday Call Fast 11. COMPETENT law tsoraper desires post- t.e; state sa:ry. am .v. toniin. jtXPErtlENCED stenographer de-ire post- t'on; me-ierat ssiary. i a nor iij. SMART gown uit and Moues made to or der: dtsMnettve remods'lng Broadway pv gt Ctaanlr.g Wis. IU Wash, bet W Park and 16th sta Gowa depu. P1y Jx'iS dye and cleaning dept. East 23 1 ASH ION ABLE d-essmsking. raaoiiiMt: bom or day- 4' Thurman. Brd. Mo, W ANTE!-Alterations f-nlW sewtng. cut ting and fitting ,12.3d H . Oregonlan. LaTE New Trk dressmaker guarantees sat Isfsct ory. artistic work- Tator 1'..'4. XiKKS.-MAKINO and cht'dren'e sew ing, $ J pr day; references Wood awn ft. IRES5M AKIN1 and tailoring by day; sao re m od -1 i n g. ve-y reasonable. E. MP2. EXPEprENCED dressmaker, $2.23 a day. HIOH school gradual with teaching expert nee, capable of operating switchboard. wishes orrics work, woodlawn s-.m. WANTED Pisco to take care of children erenlnga while mother la away; references. Woodlawn 1611. EXPERIENCED cashier dealres position salary not less than T12 per week. K 46L oregonlan. CiH OC E K Y or eon fee tlonery aa, leal ad r. i ary not less than $12 per week. AS 167, t regonian. EXPERIENCED Swedish-Am, girl wants general housework, no furnace, $40. 404 . ?in t. WANTED By young ldy. position as caah- ler or asstatsnt in otrice wora; good ref erence. V S 10. Oregonlan. WANTED Place to take care ef children evenings while mother Is away; refer ences woodlawn loll. WI DOW LADY of education and refine ment wants management of apartment or h'Miwkrplng AJ S-l. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED cook. $40. Phone Broadway 1 1 1 1. WANTED Position tn office. 4i:i Monday. Call Tahor EXPERIENCED operator wants private ex change. A Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman rook wants position. mm or camp, stain stra. room ij. LA I. N DRESS wants day work. Tabor 376a. a:i a:i ween. LAl'T want work by day or hour. Phon C TToj. EXPERIENCED woman wlahe dally work. M on d .t y. tii a y. eqnesisy. be 1 1. i :3., PLAIN sewing, darning, mending, care of children er invalids, rnon i. aat 21 1. EXPERIENCED laundress WmUs work by d s f. Woodlawn 4hqo. LA D Y wishes work by th day: bo half diva wanted. Call SelTweod 313". LA DT mu"t have few hours ntrht and Sun day work, nonest and neat, a liQZ. CAN someone find pines for a good pen man sna reaar r rnone a i iJ. WANTED A food home for girl 11 years. rhone Mrs. ureen. c -wi4, xorenoon. POSITION sa housekeeper for widower or brhelor. O 847, Oregonlan. Minrellnneouft. WAREHOUSE; must contain 10 to 20 feet of floor space. v rite, giving an particulars, it, MCfttlon, etc., AE 3 4 A oregonlan. FOR RENT. FiLR or five-room house, partly furnished. between 60th and 6mh sts. south of Rose City carltns. AD 4Q, Oregonlan. 3 OR 5 rooms, upstairs, unfurnished, rent Chen p. Ifoa e. 4tn. near salmon. 1671 FIRST. 2 larga front rooms, $S month. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate Priced lintel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford la the principal East 8tde hotel and Is a hotel of dignity an4 re finement. Rooms with private bath, $22.50 per month; suites, SJO. A few nice rooms at $1 50 per week. Daiiy rate II and up. NORTON! A HOTEL, Portland downtown. high-class family notei; room an suit or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts or a nome. Reason able rate. ANSONIA HOTEL. I?4 14th st.. at Washington. Fireproof. large. attractive. spotless rooms. Individual phones continuous heat A hot water aerv. ; 73d day up; 3 50 wk. up HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11th U Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3 Up. Main A 4733. HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway. Low rata to permanent guests, me a in neau Phone. x WO unfurnished rooms, lights and water free. $3 month; walking distance, 466 E. Pavls. PLEASANT heated room for one gentleman. bath and phone ana ue or piano if de sired. 447 Columbia. Phone Main 2032. HOMB COM FORTS," nicely furnished rooms, "home-cooked meats." reasonable pries, convenient location (no carfare). only 5 blocks to P. O. Phone Main 3520 or call 30 Jerterson. near 0th. ramny notei. THREE light housekeeping rooms, light, heat and phone and water, use of bath; adulta Call before 10 or after 6. Wood lawn 3715. 2-STORY 6-room Laurelhurst home, with steeping porcn, l diock to car, year s lease $30; with garage $33; key at Laurelhurst Tract Office today. East 39th and Clisan. Tabor 3433. During week. Main 1700. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, with use of three large lots; has lights, fireplace, full base ment, bath, wash trays, etc. Rent $15. Take Woodlawn car. get off at 18th, go 1 block south. 675 Junior st. HALF-FURNISHED office for $20, includ ing (rtenoirranher. nhone. etc. W. H. W EBB. YEON BLDG. MAIN 4013. FURNISHED private office $10; also desk room and phone service, 09 Stock Ex change bldg. FIRST-CLASS office In Corbett bldg.. with or without common reception-room. 717 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - A HALL for rent for parties and dances, 3S1H East Morrison, near Grand. 1'hon Woodlawn 4617. - Miscellaneous. PRIVATE garage. Rose City Park, cement floor, lights, water. 51st st. W. Tabor HH44. GOOD 6-room house. In the country, for $3 ; wood, water, garden patch, chicken yard and some fruit ; all for same price. Write to Eli Fellows, Rout 1, Box 3U, Estacada, Or. FOR RENT Garage, Ladd's Addition. Sell wood 1033. TO I.EASB FINE GARAGE LOCATIONS. Will build garage or business building; have dandy busy corners on East and West Sides; reasonable rents. E. F. GRIFFITHS. 4ol Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. VACANT FEB. 1ST., 5-room Bungalow, near car and school, SI i.oo. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL SPECIALIST. 01 PANAMA BLDG. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.30 per week. E. 4732 12 E. 7th U THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms with alcove; walking distance. 124 N. lth st. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery St., in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates M. 3783. 2 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice roomm and board; modern conveniences, walking dis tance. ""Room With Board In Private Family. 2 OR 3 furnished rooms cheap to quiet couple; no children; privilege of use of kitchen. 254 Clackamas sU AN elderly lady living alone will give room and board with small wage to young girl employed by the day. 533 E. 37th aU S. Richmond car. VERY large, nicely furnished room with board, suitable for two people. In private , nome. irvington; waiaina a is tance; rea sonable. East 3607. NICELY" furnished housekeeping room. 4 blocks from P. O- reasonable to desirable tenants. 265 6th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite of 3 room and kitchenette; all modern con- venlences. 692 E. Ash, corner 20th. NICE 2-room housekeeping suite, walking distance, modern conveniences. an cuu- day or after 5 P. M. 424 Jefferson. ROOMS, $7 a mo., cook stove, gas, electricity, phone, bath. 32 4th st. $6 THREE furnished H. K. rooms, Broadway drive. Phone Main 4529. 8-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, wash trays. 2 cherry trees. East 15th and Schuyler, $20; also large hall and office rooms. J. Allen Harrison, Phone Muin 612, 263 Yamhill sU THE Hexter residence at 768 Park ave. li for rent ; for suitable tenant, alteration desired will be made. Phone A. Hexter, Broadway 1 104, week days. SWELL 0-room house, 3 lots, 4 fireplaces, garace. line view, 1441 E. Morrison, cor cer o3d, Mt. Tabor; rent reasonable. Key at 316 Hoard or Trade. Alain 7432. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, LARGE LOT. 1 block to Garden Home station, fare Tc; will rent for $5 or sell for $450, on terms. Main .W0. 4-ROOM modern house. 15 minutes from th center of the city, on the West Side, choice, sightly location, $12 per month. Call 404 llatt bldg. LAHiiE. well-f urnlshed room with 2 meala. 11 modern conveniences, access to large I NICE single room, aiso sleeping porcn, ery living room, piano, every home comfort, reasonable. Call Broadway 788. AMERICAN worklngman to room and board In widow s home; piano and modern con veniences; call alter 2 F. M. 200 North 3d eu convenient and reasonable. 655 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING room for one or 2 gentle men. 654 Johnson. LARGE, pleasant room for Hrat housekeep- ing; suitable ror two. oj xtn st. BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, 5 larg rooms, $30 a mo. ; moderate paymen down. Beats renting. . bine corner in R. C. P. See owner, 553 E. 4Sth N. 7 OR 8-room modern house, choice locality, walking distance, renovation desired, ga rage If wanted; key 6S1 Marshall sU Broadway 2474. THE ilARLYN-An .xo.U.nt r..ld.ntUl ho- ',?..na' 'k.. r0mS' walkln tal. airlclijr modern, flrat-claM plus, ra onmbl. rates to transient and Dermanent I l.'l;RN"ISHED housekeeDlni? rooms. Call luMtaOM couch su. cor. I7tn. Mar, a 43. I Sundays ana evenings, zw koss st. CLEAe. comfortable room with board In prlvat, family, just 11k, Dome, musicians firef erred : 0 blocks from N. W. shipyards, nqulr. 707 First, near Meads. A 1707. LARGE, warm, well-Tentilatsd room and sleeping porcn, in private home, on Mont gomery drive; food cooking, pleasant surroundings- Phone Mar. 1720. after 1 P. M. TOUNO American woman with small child can furnlbh room and Board lor gentle man with child. Sellwood 2832. L.AOY would like 1 or 2 gentlemen to room and board. Call 11 to J. f. 41. B31 Mar ket st. ' L.AHOH1 room suitable for 2 or 8 gentlemen 1 excellent meals; reasonable, xsuft lutn su Main 5MS. N1CKL.Y furnished room and good board. with private family, near William, ave. cariln. 273 Morns st. MoDE UN home for men; heat, good table. oatns ana musir; near union ana Aioerta. Garneld. woodlawn ZJ5. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; phon. and light; close in. a a. mo su d. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near shipyards. 707 Front su frivaie lamny. 8 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, aleotrlo light. bath, walking distance, m. iotn su Houses. WILL rent to responsible party, for long or short period, my spienniuiy iuniinou mnri.ra S-room hotiee. The place Is lo cated In the most'deslrable section of Rose City Park, and furnishings are of the best. Price r0 per month. B. R. Thomas. 401 E. Slid st. N. Phone Tabor 8212. A CITT CHICKEN FARM. (IU! ACRB AND SMALL HOUSE. sis Rn.clallv built shed and rnns. House Is email. Only 3 blka. car. Will give years lease 11 wantea. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. S-ROOM cottage, 615 4th. aa It Is 110, or Wl 1 flX It UD. lib. Fine home. 774 Everett. 3 baths, ,ta 100. Edwards Company, otn and ualc. $12.30 EACH, two 5-room cottages, located 4 0-4 o Williams ave., near jirotuwi easy walking distance. Owner, Alain 9451. 685 HALSEY, near E. 10th Best Irvington district, 7-room modem nouse, with oar pets, oiean, excellent oondltlon. E. 2871. NINE rooms, furnace, gas, electricity, 493 Montgomery, near itn, izz.ou. t-none Main 1642. SEVEN-ROOM house, B13 Ross sU, bath. fireplace, basement; iu per montn. l bor 8ii4. 5-ROOM bungalow, Broadway Addition, on 2!Hh St., near uroadway; wooa in base ment, l montn. luic oia. rr w l-l MuHridfl residence at 1764 East Yam hill Is for rent to suitable tenanu .mono Tabor 20S4. 7 ROOMS, modern Improvements. 861 FronU 275 N. 21at. tf room, n .rronu vacant Keb. 10. Marshall 4440. CO. MODERN home for men, heat, good -table. baths ana music; near union and Alberta, 1099 Garfield, wooaiawn zuza. 'ARM, comfortable house, for old lady for rnnRniTr.HI V modi ' OTTWVrdW "Ul "ri 'rm 8 t0 7 "shd a?"c,L nlc" g years. Tabor MSA. double garage. 2G5 ONE larg. double room, second floor, with board; also on, atuo room. 40 Ella su Main 75. 4 . We have a few nice homes to rent. East and West Side of river; aiso weu-iocaieu fi,i. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. MT Northwestern Bank bldg. war, en., tna. dern 7-room house, fin- grounds with up-to-date double garage. 2G5 East 15th, cor. Madi son. East 808. Rent 50. S-ROOM houae with 3 large lots. S4 per mo.. Mt. S'-'ott dlstricu rJmpire investment uo 401 Bl. or 'Iraae. tt-KOOM house, 6S9 E. Alder. Dr. W. A. I.lmlsey. office 810 Morgan bldg. Mam R!iM0. Res.. Marshall 4069. WANTED A girl employed to room and hoard; no carfare; S5.50 a week. Phone Broadway 301 (J. OR 2 children can have good, modern horn,, best of care, reasonable; large yard, near school; have cow. Woodlawn 1566. KOOM and board In refined home for on, or two young ladles; reference, required. 236 Stout St., near Multnomah Club. Main 4520. N Broadway carllne. modern room for two. 1 single room; also young lady wishes roommate. Kast 1SH. FURNACE-HEATED room with board, us. of phone, oath ana family sitting-room; walking dltance. 772 Hoyt. Main 1627. CHILDREN to board In prlvat, homo. East 2446. 2 H ANDfiOM ELY furnished front roorn for woman. 414 loth . Main 8206. ROOM with board in prlvat, family. Broad way 4317. HS4 I'avla. NE corner room in prlvat, family. Clay. 400 H PALACE HOTEL, 448 Wash. SU ; downtown location; respeclabi, and strictly modern; steam heat; room, larga, clean. ROOM and board: single man preferred. Inquire w . lorn sr. NICE room and board, 2T. 1188 Minne sota av... one-half block from carllne. wrrERM R-room house: good furnace, bath. eleotrlo light, gas. good grounds, frulu be tween 2 canines, scnooi near, rem ,ii. Phone Marshall Hliitt. 87.60 5 ROOMS, 1242 E. Clay sU ; 812, 4 rooms. 174 Porter st. F. V. Andrews & Co.. 604 Piatt bldg. Marsh. 602,1. JTHEK RENT FOR ONE MONTH. -rm. house. $8: S-rm. house, good shape. fnrnace, 15. K. 43. M IMI. 8-ROOM house. Mareuerltte ave.; large lou . : . . .11 t.- Vanil.ten R1 K ( ' H O m - iruii iren, . . ' - . brr of Commerce. Main mr.5. T-ROOM house. E. 14th and Oak sts.. 2S per month. Herman Moeller. Wilcox bldg. Main 14R0. Bunday A. M.. Kast 4frJ5. WELL furnished 3-room apartment with sleeping porch: for two months. t0 a month. ISO cniior.n. n irimiy riftt-r aixb. vice, clean, modern. 6-room houao, oak floors and furnace. 871 Clinton. Call morn. Ings. FOR RENT Modern bungalow, Hlverdale. Apply Thomas viggers, mveraa.e, ttu 1. Oswego, it. 721 HAWTHORNE, fine Hawthorne avenue nine-room home, uwner, r-asr 1211.1. MODERN 5-room bungalow, no furnace, 819; no children. r.ast in ana ocnuyier. chicken-nouse. good yard for garden, .111 a montn. He,, owner, eue Ajatt oiag RENTAL terms will buy a modern house, close In. Small first paymenu Price 8o000, Value $11,000. AG 836, Oregonlan. 5-KOOM cottage, newly tinted. 88.50, with water; 1 blocK irom -oin ana anay. in quire S"5 Nelson st. 3-KOOM cottage, 86- 760H Kelly, near Por ter, West Side; s. portiana. Main 74,-ii HOL'SB FOR RENT Five rooms, 8 blocks Bouth Errol station, Estacada cariln,. NICE 6-room bungalow, $12.50. st. R. E. Phone llroaflway 01. 4320 45th 8-HOOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near 22(1. Inquire 130 pin st. Main 678. FOR RENT 6-R. fur. house. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 2219. MODERN cottago, well located, close to car. Main !I7. TO LEASE, 100x100. with basement, on track at East Alorrlson and Third. Will divide to suiu See Mr. Strong at Hotel Clifford. TO LEASE space In brick building. 25.000 sq. ft.; close in, business center East Side; suitable for garage, storage, manufactur ing. W G. Kerns. 153, Grand ave. BCSrNF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. CLEAN, up-to-date stock of dry goods, about $3000, nothing old, always discount ed bllla, staples bought before riae, most of It worth quarter more today; lots of unopened packages; removing from city. F 893, oregonlan. FOR SALEOne-half Interest In established real estate business In l ortianu, purcnaser must know values and how to close deal, alao have own automobile. Real oppor tunity for the right man. References re qulred. T 300. Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED Want a steady man to help in orrice, aiso to tone customer out to stores, etc., Hated for sale; can make good profits; small Investment re qulred. Call 804 M Oak sU POSITIVELY the beat location In suburbs for groceries. marKet, general mercnan dise. for rent. $lo0 a day cash average done for years. Call mornluca. Wood lawn 5081. THEATER. Picture and vaudeville theater, modern and complete, for salo at bargain; splendid opportunity; examine or Inquire promptly. Liberty Theater, Roaeburg. Or. FOR SALE If you are a blacksmith or horseshoer and wish to get into uusinris for yourself, this ts your chance: for In formation phone Marshall 232 or A 12.16, or address owner, 188 10th sU. Portland. $600 CASH will buy nice little stationery ana variety storo near ...mi.,. i.e.... $15, Includes light and water. Owner re tiring from business, cause of this sale. C E. Tuggle, 414 N. W. Bank blJg BEST bakery In Western Montana at bar gain because oi in neaiin. ivLatunieiy, car for delivery, good brick oven. This place Is free, from debt and a money maker. AV 815. Oregonlan. CLOTHING store, doing $24,000 a year, can be secured by purcnasing tne iixmres. x no stock will be moved for legitimate rea sons. Communicate with A. It. Price. Camas. Wash. MECHANICS A new shipyard being organ ised, would IlKe to nave a numuer u. me chanics become part owners In company. AH 770, Oregonian. CLEAN stock consisting of groceries, hard ware, furniture, going ousin-ss, nuemi u.! coiuit, excellent opportunity. Owner de sires to leave city. Tabur lli.Vi. week days. FOR BALE Hsrneis, hardware, sanniery CO GOOdS OOUgnt oeiur. "it" Will sell at involre; only shop In town. W. E. Stemhoff. Bandon. Or. BUSINESS man with $1000 can secure man aging Interest in m"ii uu.,.-. staple goods, large profits, salary. J 400. Oregonlan. OR SALE Lunchroom, opposite a hikii school, excellent ouMinefa, ruui l nun ..... stand tesu Call louay or ;oo jjiouuhj. K. 2109. O lease, for a term oi years. urst-cisF apartment-nouse .mid iiih uisinci. per cent occupied; newly furnished. 'B 20... Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE garage, excellent opening for active man wno can mvr..i v. ...... . $400 uionth and money fully secured, ( all 804 Oak t. FOR SALE Tailor shop In a live suburban town good payrolls, no competition. v..n.i Broadway 7SS. Act quick. 7 ROOMS, newly renovated, near new Couch School, $20. Apply Janitor. Ionian Court. 774 NORTHRUP 10 rooms, modern. Call mornings. 531 Washington. References. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Desirable 7-room bouse. Mar. 4827. A 3839. Call mornings. 4-ROOM cottage, walking distance, $7. K. l.Ub. near rJeimonu 166 FOR RENT fi-room house. ground, woodlawn 4219. H acre of S-KOOM Rose City Park house to adults, $25. Hubbell Ac Son. HOTBL OCKLEY, Morrison street at loth Kate, doc per cay up; weekly. S3 up running water; free phone and baths. CAMP cooks, man and woman, want Joba no X mil. uosmopoiis, v asn. LA DT wants day work. Wood;awa 5278. WAvrrn to kktt. I!OT with hMl want, work after school ar?4 Fsturdsva. East Ta&,. ABSTRACT OF TITLE. mn, do y,a want aa experl.cced osaa ? R 878. Or, gonlaa. Hons. WANTED Te rwnt or 7-room hoiu. near rarltna, cIoot In. Addrm W 723. Or,- VVANT d.skroom or will take room la gen eral afflca. B 218. Oregonlas, NICb ,arm modern rooms, 60o day; $2 week up. rre. resdlng-rooni, phone and bath. Commercial Hotel, 15th and Washington. r L'HM.-Hl-.D room with or without board. 658 William, av. F.ast 1"-'1. SMALL ,'erplng-room, suitable for a man. Main 2115. HOTEL NORRIS. 538", Alder St. Strictly modem. $1 6 $2 and 82.50 week. HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $16 mo. up: without bath. $12 up. 783 Washington. NICELY furnished front room In private family Everett sr. 147 FIRST 3 larg, front rooms, $8 month. WANTED Couple to room and board with elderly lady. Oall 294 jra,t 10th. LARGE, airy, modern room, plenty of light aid fine board. East 2127. FURNISHED S-room house. Nob Hill dls tricu rent ; merencea jmin 41.4 . 8-ROOM house, choice location. West Side. Telephone Marshall wu.t. S-KOO.M house, close In, East Side: arranged so could take roomers. East 7d76. FURNISHED 4-room house. Mt. Scott car. piano, frutl and garagn. r'oweii valley. FAMTLT board and room, elon In. Mar sball 618a . BU?INEPH girl will share apartment; terms reasonable. AB 63. Oregonlan. WANTED Children to board, any age. BEST of care, little girl. Tel. E. 1552. Rt OM and board In private home. E. 8151. Fnmlshed Apartmrnta, MODERN 6-room house. 167 E. 40th st. Furnished Houses. Owner will be at house from 1 to 5 P. M. B24 HBIC,HTS TERRACE Cottages, cheap- 6-ROOM bungalow, modern, up to date, with est rent in city and finest placo to live; garage, for rent. Phone Tabor 5So5. must see to appreciate. 474 STAFFORD, 5-room house with bath, NICE home, sleeping porch, fireplace, piano, $10 per month. Phone Main 1375. responsible qul-t couple only. 5tfS K. Main. CLEAN 6-room house, 3$6 Cable St., head of MODERN' 7-room house, furnished. Nob Mill: gas, bath, yard. Hill: reference. Phone Broadway 5G17. 6-ROOM modern bouse, cement basement FURNISHED house, $4.50 a month. Mt. a n d wash trays and 2 Tots. Sellwood 2774. " Srott. Firland station. 44 7ftth st. g. B . 3-ROOMED, steam heat, hot, cold water; no children. Inquire 3 Hall. ARCADIA. 70 Evertt. nr. 22d at. S-room, food ventilation, no children; references , ft ROOMS, 2 bathrooms, brann-new, with garage; a montn. 'o a. .un m. n. MODERN 6-room duplex hou.se. sightly, at tractive. b-3 xu. Morrison, iast 'uii. 6-ROOM, new. unfurnished. modern house, furnished or 2.',3 E. 70;h st. North. 3-ROOM bungalow, furnished. Call Wood lawn JJltJ. PATENTS for sale ; will buy practical in ventions. A. V. to., r-aieni ew, vuii- Ington, D. C , FOR RENT Tigar store and bootb'ack stand with or without fixtures; nothing better in town. 1SR 3d st. CONFECTIONERY In good tourist town : growing business, clean place; moderately priced. AV 321, Oregonian FOR SAT.15 Best confectionery In town of $000 population; 111 health the reason for Helling. AV 22. Oregonian. FOR SALE Photo studio, just what you want GoO! soldier trade alpo. It's yora. take It. Money talks. AV 316, Oregonlan. FOR SATjE Undertaking business In small town, laxs15 territory, very reasonable. AV R14, Oregonlan. LADY with small capital, as partner In fine confectionery; money protected. AD 47m, Oregonian. PRINTING- PI-ANT, doing good business, in Portland, for sale; reasonable. C ii.ili, Orr-gonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE, an established butcher shop and hp plant, a t invoice. Hobbs, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $30 GROCERY location $10; counters. sneiving, neat. '.t wno, ureggniftn. BARBER chairs and fixtures at a big sacri fice. Kemp Barber Supply Co.. 1:71 Wasn. FOR SALE 3 skce bail alleys, cheap. Cor. 3d and oan sis.