The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 34

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tN T 1C. reliable young man for posi
tion of orOer cerk and cuuater uifiman
la branch of oot of the largest rubber
coinpniei of America. Tire experience
deairab.e bai not as essential as push and
4apiatt:ity. This p.e;t;on wiil lead eith
er to offic managvrsnlp or that of rued
aeerneo. according to qualifications, pros
pects tr very bet for ncht party. State
salary expected aa 1 qua.:! cat;una la first
letter; a so age. Itoi 1 7"7. Butte. Mont.
COMPETENT maa with ntlroad and'eon
xnerciai experience. a private secretary,
accountant, ch.ef c.erk. traffic man iter
and credit man. familiar wun North eat
condition. deeires permanent position
w - capable, re tab. e. e.Ttcient aer Ice
la required. Qualified to u.l aoy office
DtMilii.n rmiiilrin j 1 f i r I r : v a nd urt r.
tv.r.y. No, subject to draft. AG 4. Ore-I
The call for high-class men far exceed
tha supply. We know how to put the right
man and the rig ht Job together. Member
enlp coating 93 guarantees employment or
a re.und lee. It coats nothing to Investi
gate this modem, systematic posit Ion -securing
Institution. Adviimry and Employ
ment Department T. XL C A. Main ft Too.
A &n.
WANTTD Man to drive two-ton Veils truck
W have yearly hauling contract fi per
cent pate mem woi a. Driver must buy
truck. $ lo first payment and balance
$not.trt'y iRiM-frfEU.
VEL1K AN 1 i't.r.Iilj'i.-i UiaTKI tll'TOR&
6 North Twenty-third M. Main 7m.
Intel'.len:, nitr tunlr, familiar
with f fviri i: t-me and trouble loca
tion. 13 tA InUre-t l:i w e. I-ela b: ished
buinrs; IL'hO to " require; $! to
$P pr month guarantee ,l . no Intjuirl a
nwr-d u:ui u i ii'rupun.r.I with name.
l'irrp and bu slurbs i;.-rt DCi a. X tl,
r .jon i in.
Will aeli an ln:r-t in oid -established
laundry, dome b-tter than $-Vh atckiy ;
itiU.Ht te well rfwnininiW ; w u-h to set a
m ah who will b permanent an f have an
lntrfi in the b unifies. A V -JH. orego ai A i K K and -vMrter wanted; will sell an
tntr-rtt In an oll-e.-ttahii.ned laundry. lo
ir b-t t-r $'. wrkly; niut le well
r- 'nn irmied ; wi.ti t urruni mylf
with 1 h.-l p. h no w til have an inter
est in t .e tu-tn-a. A V Oregontarw
For two-band pine mill operating night
and day shift: want thorouati! v exoerl-
enced man. must be good mechanic: good1
living accommodations. end full partic
ulars regarding salary expected, recom
mendations, etc. Address AV :7tL Ore
gon Ian.
STEADY MEN a an ted to take exclusive
mntrol of good territory tn Oregon and
Wdihinfioti. Money advanced weekiy. out
fit and facial training true, experience
unnecessary; our artive men are making
good tuonry; you can do the same; ciean, guaranteed stock. Yakima V'a.ley
Nursery Company. Toppenih. Wash.
WANTED Country salesmen for several
good counties in this state to handle our
complete line of fruit trees, shrubbery,
rosea, etc.: booking advance Spring orders
now; necessary suppiles furnished ; good
money for right men. Address Nursery.
irrmo. or.
-7 North 2d St.
o or 8 station ganps on a new highway
Job. A No. 1 proposition. Call today.
a or 10 teams wanted. Ca.l today. All
late work.
Bridge carpenters. $5 and up.
Plledrlver men. and up.
Dogger. $i.
5o laborers fntdde city limits. 33Hc per
hour. Inside work. '
Mill or yard laborers, city. $3.25. 9 hrs.
Tallymen. M, !'. hours.
We an opt-n until 4 P. M., Sunday.
W1EE exchange rebuilt cabinet Victor phono-
grapn. extra large cabinet, for carpenter
work. Will trade and take- full amount.
This machine built to mll f,r ."4H. Cabinet
better than anything now offered; tone
extra line.
4-7 Washington St.
Help Wanted Agents.
$00 WEEKLY up selling Mexican Diamonds, t
Exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow f
lire, stand tests, selis at sighL, repeat or-
der. Write quick for sample case offer f
'.th. .Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
-" " Las Cruces. New Mexico.
Help Want ted fSulesmen.
SALESMAN wanted, to atarry on a commis
sion bauis for large Eastern manufacturer
a popular-Driced line 4tt MiiKtteiisorlea. ath
letic supporters and bath sprays. Trade to
ue caiiea on. drug, sporting goods ana
hardware. Prices right. Line small and
compact and liberal commission. Durant
l roducts Company, 401) LisBner building
Los Angeles. Cal.
EXPERIENCED grocery order fillers and
wrappers. Apply between : and II A. M..
superintennent s on ice, batement balcony,
aieier A Frank Company.
mPMAN. W.H I i-I . reuuire the pr -i
e -f 2 ni:d t:; mn f-ir duy J-ni-
to-. ni u -t t a tt to f r r. . h the bes : of
r t rm;, App X Stl p- r : r. '. lul n tS of! Ice.
il.'.;'i.i mcrii.i, ic bfUran 'J nd 10, ev-
Z bai lars. iilu: ! Tit'r ls faM
e t ,'lr. g tt-TK a ; : - mjot o". e.f li ;
Pwi'tie:v tv h f 'r me to han-t.e liii..
o-i.y niirw'ih ah i. TV ard raxti te-d an
ONE man for tea and coffee route in suburb
of Portland; dandy route, psying weil;
former mun promoted to manager of out
aide bra,iM-h; man experienced selling dirt-.-1
to trade preferret. but not absolutely
n -pessary ; bond and references required.
J'Wfl 1 Va Co.. 21 lira nil ave.
IF YOU have ability to hand! a good can
vaaalng campaign, three to four men. for
mc'l-known and reliable firm, we have
a govd-pay In proposition to offer. State
our experience in ranvaaMing. age anu
stiury wanfeil. II Oregonian.
JEWELRY FTCRE requires the services of
expenencea watch and clock repair man;
state experience, references and salary ex
pected. C 43, Oregonian.
DooK PATCH E KS. slock door factory, i
pert workmen now making up to $3
U.iy on pie-e basis; good opening for one
experienced- tn this It tie ; steady employ
m-ni. Wire, our ripnse. Nlculai Door
Mfc. Co.. Portland. r.
To manufacture lath by contract at
two-band pine mill operating night an
riy ahrf:a rend full particulars regard
lug su.aiy exp- ted, recommendations, etc
A:ires A oregonian.
N-i m n. i
H.- I..1 S'H'J-
mil- f m. niacin.: s:i-e
iitr;i ji-o.-e In Va i-y toan:
to drift pr--frrred. Ste.iiy
mi. I oppnrtun.ty fr ricnt
W A Tr:: Itr
l i..f.
O "1 1 A 11
lion and referent.-!
tle atx'Ut 11
I c4r1 aae to 1-arn th Iiardwi
bune . h s : S' ho! pijpl. pre.erre! .
tnujt .ic ar a par nrs Aj;y clo- k
M .ii-Ijv mur'un Hardware
. y .itrth at a . t r
Wa.n rr.I advertising and circuiation
m 4i f..r rwunty -xt d i. y In proeperous
part of Oft jh. $o a a to start, more
. m- r1t- d . giv e ff tT-acea and arf. Ad-!-
i.T. i.rf"r,.n
v A N 1" t.l lr;j.-rt-n.-,d etpbut.d:ng f.r
c tana (r.urci of on- on.n vej(.
;.. , rr rn- n t v k. W as S $ ! per ti .
d!rea ttunii'T, P. O. box "kUi. Mrsa-
iii pnn-rr ii o jn pi-tj' a unty i
fi r -'! ard B-t a for -ek: papT.
ii'iet t'- f. a)t-- .-b nin. union tip.
sc i r. nut m p.y rnre fr.r rignt
.n A t Ir-e.i P. . P- 3l. Hnd. tr
,N 1 rli fc Ei iM-rt-tu - ! la 1 1 rnok- ("-r
and ( staler. mut be nun nf att try
an-1 fa r e-lu-ti. (i. gM-l p-.-l lon lr runt
hurt. rTei e x -r ir n r-e and sal
ary ei -.!. A l 4"l. r gunUn
V W rr;t Sim; mn for ian.lor wrh In
r- u ap n mrnt-(iou. mut hae gol
I- rei'-s and Ij- 4tte tt la:ilt. iv
.- sad wages epev.'.ed tu reply. V Pv4.
-r i in.
4iTEN HiRAPH ER and billing clerk with ex
per.ence in grocery bustne&s, for pest City
in tarn t our a Alenea; line position
f.r tne right man. Address tn own hand
ttrttiitg. etating age. experience and aal
ary. r Mh. oregonian.
WA TKl Competent lady stenographer
and urivato secretary with lumber rnanu
la-; bu.pea experience; must be
more than flrat-cla.a stenographer, give
fdi; history of experience and ref reticcs
n - -t :ettr. T 3.o. oregonian.
AC OI'NTANT. man 'over SI. with good edu
cation and varied accountant experlenea
tn manufacturing or coutrartors accounts
give full uetatia of character or worK per
formed in previous positions, stating sal
ary expected. E b53. oregonian
WANTED Elderly couple -to do housework
and do chores on a farm ; people whose
tiepenu o:s have gon to the front prefer
able, call or a a or ems room o-o, imperii
WANTED Experienced pork butchers and
rurtrrs. Siso hanay anue men. wiiimum
w.tat-a da id for tnta casa of work. Apply
notendent Union Meat Co.. North
WANTED Competent bookkeeper to take
charge of ftt of doub.e entry nooks. An
aer In own handwriting, giving ref
ere n res and salary expected. V P-l. Ore-
WANTED E&:erlnced night fireman, a
man tor log deck and 2 spuciai night
aatrhmen; watchman must have good ri
rrrm s. App.y W est Oregon Lumber Co..
r w trrn
Prewar 'o
rMiin 4 ' l
rreiarai"ry v uo4.
1 UIlL) . II-
.ui.i. &c in pLc:n
WAM ED A oum
man in eraf.ow. -tie.
harti. i h;!.
P..r- I o . 4.- V
nun to act aa repair
toar'i'. nt. Mnet
''uTTiol Orapho
i h I r g 'on at.
W .srr.Ii r'-rt .. ..ti man;
rie l-:it return Tor a hr"d i.irkiT. lsn t
- orr ui; nt iu m in i'iir. -s and i a n
W Mr.l-ln ith goi rffer.T.cs. about
liar,, Tied m--ung puiii . t-P U'
in a n )4l 4 l'.r. 'i:e ae. r p- Tietice.
pn-ine D 1 7. Crrg inln
- APSTRA'ToR jnir
in fr
r coon rv office ;
f. ac uruTe and
em ea r I .ir e&pec:cd
A V .1 v 'Enn.
.Nil itpposirioN. FULLY" Kwl'Il'l'tD.
. M, C. A. Cd .ega Ireparat-ry School.
Portland; if t nil rei.ihg Monday; eu
ro, i tar. Prepare for colli ge In Septcm-he-
fH.-n l
WANTED one machinist ".' day, one black
smith dav. work on logging equipment
ui smith Rend. Wah. 1'ubilc Employ
nier.t liuru. 247 Davis SL
ur.hS aanted for Inside and outside
xood wages, permanent empioy
u. For Information apply 0u0 Oregon
jwn-iin;) a i-r.itn't
i.dra. s.p-mr 1j.
rtitn. -) or';on
gray iron
t.iii and
b.diC.. iih
E.. ft ' r i-i . I'rri- in tcr rntin
Ai.(re I nte.i I'rM sndl-
aK M
ak r i i
fell h.
r'e !.o
AN TV. I ler to rru'i tr-r in onncti-n
a : ; 1 n - - v. tu r. t w or, (m: -of - to a or k .
A np. v l.r)ds ay bole, be t ween W
1 l' A. f
acr tM,
- l i a 1
i: r. t.
i . .t;g hand
. w me: hod ;
or eerience.
raiiir. I.I
J.; i ' Fl wnd. f r jtijII hu;Id:ng trar
N . Strl ,.. flee rent, no T3g S: fill'
fr nn! :f-. c.iil al ll Ke'.'y
f D. W ard. lt St. Hid street.
WANTED Neat-appearing boy. 4 years of
age or over, for Insurance office; one with
sr heel preferred . answer In own nand-
writing X POT. Oregonian.
W ANTED Two experienced porters, ona
Janitor for wholesale grocery house; none
but experienced men need apply. A 34
I fgonian.
M S to contract to clear 10 to 2a acres
mall rond-crowth fir stumps from psn-
ture. Marshall 441. Of F. T. C. &J4 j
r. -e . n i.
EXPERIENCED elevator operators. Apply
between U and II A. M., superintendent s
office, basement balcony. M--ur : Frank
WANTED At once, experi.-m t-d window
trimmer, cardwnter and advertising WHn
for leading establishment in one of I'rnt
Sound cities ; good salary, with prospects
of ad va nr. merit. A ppty to N. Kuuf man.
noiei I'ort.atid. this Sunday, between
Mud 12 A. M. mid 2 and 4 P. M.
SALES MANAGER wants to interview ener
getic, capable anecialtv men who can sell
high-grade line of aluminum ware to hard
ware, furniture, grocery and general store
irane. liberal commission; advance of ex
penses : exclusive or aide line oroDnsition
Call personally on Mr. Hallenscheid. Ho-
tei oregon. Sunday. II A. M.
ESTABLISHED concern has unusual onen
lng for skillful specialty man, capable to
earn iooo or more this year. Moderate
. pricea goods lor general trade, I nequaied
merchandising plan. Splendid commission
contract. U. R. Williams. 1W20 Euclid ave..
Cleveland. O.
$ot-475 WEE KLY earned selling advert is
lng fans exclusively or as side line; sell
ing season commenced: every merchant a
possible customer; samples light ; terms
nuerai. Appiy Kami. Uept.. Kemper
Thomas Co.. Cincinnati.
SA LESMAN for strong, high-grade, attrac
tively priced Eastern union-made overalls,
work pai.ts, play suits, men's, women's
and children's khaki apparel ; territory
open east nnd south of Portland; refer
enees. N 77, Oregonian.
1 V V t M E 'II AN M 'A L E N O I N E E R S AND
D R A U 1 II TS M EN ;ood men with shop
experience, for detailing and designing
fioisung ana conveying machinery. Wring
mcrvni-pi. outui.iv M.
"f First Street.
COM I'ETEN'T stenographer who understand
bookkeeping lor reiil estate and insurance
oniee; muat be quick and a-'" urate at rig
urea ; good chance for advancement lor
permanent party ; state ag experience
and snary enpected. AR ....I, Ore-.Tilan
EXPERIENCED baker. State experience.
iveierencea. r wm, uregoniau.
WANTED Man and wife to work on large
aairy iarm; man must be able to milk
cowa; wif to help In kitchen; wages $
per month, room and board. Address
Lw C. Fenn. Chinook, Wash.
MAN to work in billiard ha. I and confec
tionary store; good place for right man
must be well recommended. M. F. White,
Fast Time UMIIard Hall. St. Johns.
WANTED Calctmlntna and varnishing In
exchange for business college course, or
materials furnished. Phoi.c Monday or
i ueaay. uroau way l i.
W' ANTED Man about S. lth store expe
nence, accustomed to manual lutior: state
age, experience, address, phone. U Ultf,
I OI Ni man for office work, smondid otv
port unity for advancement . must be rapid
anu accurate. biaie Sa.ary w anted.
a:. Oregonian.
W ANTED First-class machinist for lathe
and bench work. Must tr oulck and ac
curate, good wages, steady w wrk. Fred
inindee. Hroadway and r :.nders.
LArhiuh.Mbl) furniture f ;msher. must
thoroughly undr rat a ml bending of colors
and repairing. No drinking nun need ap
p.y. Answer AP :V.. Ort
Vfc A A l r.L -lg lit wal. hman, niust be re-
hab.e and not afraid of Work. Apply
i-unuay. .-ationai i.aunir.
"a.mmi arpenter. flrst-c.ass. to contract
build; ns u-rooin bunga.ow . AE 2o, Ore
T Wo M EN. one to drive w j gon and other
to work on shipping floor. '.ill lt w een
and 12 A. M.. Sunday. 2i2 North loth st.
E. I'EKI ENi'E D dispenser ; pr rmaiiunt posi
tion for ris'ht party. cut :,ns lioeoiaie
Shop. Hi Washington.
MARKER and assort er wanted at Valley
Laundry, Kent, W t.ood. salary to Al
DELIVERY' boy wanted with hel to work
11 day, Xtf per week. A pply at Pacific
stationery & I'tff. Co.. H'T Id st.
ST U DENT over J! ran notar. steady work
mornings and eveninics. Saturdays and
Sund.i i. .Apply Hot'i Ci.lf'-rd.
SHIPPING c.erk and itt-kmtn for local ma
chinery house one with experience pre
ferred, good opportunity for right person.
AJ 2Po, Oregon. an.
L PERIENCED farm hand. good with
hors-. willing to do anything on the farm,
no miiktng; wagea $2 per uay and board.
W rite A I'regonian-
W ANTED ood ranch hand, able to milk.
&wia preferred; wages ') month now,
from 1st April if suitable. Adoiph
lah:er. Boise. Idaho. R. F. D. No. S.
V A NTED ;-Md mamed ranch hand, fur
huh hou. rv-id. ml!k. or. are for ir
tn. go.i ir. . o. s.ieMon. McM.nn
vi I. 'r . I.. ta rx T
W V TKt rVm-i- f af:tant drvgo.
run; m'lat t" g.i-l ar-n. SoJtSeeper
i.t il-inTiir; L area t 'art; e-a
I . K N j r g . yr M nn I e.
TAIER Rt "LEi; wanted for second in a hi n
on- who 'an a he.p oat on the cut
nr; machine. Trie a. at Murray. eatt
W a V
T f A Vlse Prenara'.T S. hoi
P.irt'id; i.-w t. rm -m: g Monday, en
f"'4 n.. I rerar- r,r io..r e in Spt m
- roo t, a i
W VN I r r
-1 : ei -e-1,
-tI a: !
r m w r ' . j
'M .lo.
Prnt furniture 'tninin
fie.i ir m:xng s'air-s
it'T. I o. Oregon Un.
nnurn'-l man
o . 'e f,r
1 ihor 4." t !
do genera
m4 drive
W v r r I 'i'rihir H pal ' - "n maker
-hour d''. I . m a;-.. I ha" f -r overtime,
"r-sm h d . '.i an1 4k
miniratn e work .
sue r-'T'D'-o
3 mm man for raloa
e r per tence In.
P T : 7. gon lan.
W A.N TKIe li vrd
f.r rirn-niate.
rr ipnrtmmt.
wirk:n c. con gen: I fellow
w.::i eirhrr i. mng-room
R I TrC'iri'i n.
JiAERKR wsnred. $14 p
in t't e-op m arya:: t
tl ' - parole s p -i e
w k. tu v ran tee,
n, liiutre Jacob
id t.
AN M.I'KKl. l man nn have gon. hom.
ama.l sa.ary. help.rg In house. Wood. awn
A LL-A K' 'UN D hlacfcsmirh wanted, mam
man . gi v a p'tci :at w r ael. Oat ) J
fr rig ht m n. J E N- on. Dayton. Or.
w!rml man wash auto
mri i, s' i gas. etc. -i Mr. Jones,
' ra rh"n rTa-Twar !
TEYts to contract hi-nn lumber; to
v ' r r; g ,j pri ea. 4", tanton St.
F ' r--ri e Kit . .'.
W .TKh Delivery bov gad wagon b
i;.w.i ipi Apn.T mnn:ndnfi efTire.
" i' a .vi. o.c. vvor:n n King
i A t li K ti wanted, s:1 y. to w or k 5 hou-e
a d4). u i a wk guran:a. tii Morri
son 'a m J ..
k N I L' rt i n and w .f rt r Mr ':-c
aprtrr e-t-r..i:a. tompe'.ant. i'hoc llroad
i, . V , t,
i i-:r.r
Proa. 2T Vorriion
wu h or wit bout
rn xnm and evenings.
JANITOR Eprenced. With wife, no chil
dren lond wac-a and apartment. East
- . t ' ' r I o n - g
MivKiUKKl: for evtr:tng Apply to Mas
tir . hsmhr ef Commerce bldg., Jd
and S'irH vs. .in a. M.
X F7. 'ref.
cook snd pasry cook who
a ; kinds of r rench pastry,
AN r K I ' 'i-en-s.Tp a -around heavy lathe
macrimt. -h"tir clay, time and half fo
.- v -Ti- ." jo er(,.n b'-! . ft' h a nil O:,
w n i
aen tv.k-
enger; pre'er one w ho has
pii.g srd had eerienca oo
n Sundae. K a."2
N e.der'y fup.t waning a good ranch
ome 'h some ifi a rite tlescrlptlon.
, . iern'i
VAN or hov wanting a god ranch home
wr- rtearrlptton. At Z . Orrn;n.
good pay. Ca:i 114
lX LI VERT MAN" a:: tad.
V ANT E l-
Min to work for room and board.
ivery Ford. 622
V N1KI De.ivery b-T. Appi
I el hi rre Co . g (irn'1 w a v
W ANTri' Strong hot for d- !erT ort land
.inorp:g Iltl snd Rurnslde.
1. Ar LTY !nejrtnr. experienced clerk
r n ted T U4e. 'regent an.
V.M"KI-N'vnt auJ-rtptlon aollrltor.
Apn'r 4' WiiVnfon Vaneeurer.
EXt'ERI'IVOED window
AprJiT 2"'1 llenrr hidg
cieanera wanted.
H1;H whortl bv wants employment after
schl snd y'uHavi ';".." iTTth t.
YV.NTKI An eMarly g-n-iemaa for sura
lor old aua. labor eilaV
rt"ANTEI try lumber handlers and com
mon pine graders, wages $4 to $4.0 per
day. according to abl.ity. Eaat Oregon
Lumber rompmy. Enterprise, or.
WANTED Experienced gardener for pri
vate family, care of furnace, porches and
general work about the place; references
required. D regonian.
W' ANTED Sub-statton leader who under
stands motor generator, mercury rectifier,
arr sets, out of the city. Call Marshall
ARC trimmer and repair man, good posi
tion for man who can fill both positions;
out nf the city. Caii Marshall V2.
MAN fur vaudevii.e act. age 4o-4-'; must be
food talker ; state salary expected. AP
o'id. Oregonian.
YoL'NO man fur retail saUsmun; good ref
erences; steady posit Imi ; good pay. Call
l.".T 3d St.. Monday. H-1 1 A. M.
Help YA anted Agents.
t-4S ONE DAY Sept., HUT. Ir Snook, Flint,
did It; Plerson. Montgomery, started twju
stores slnoe August; studer wrote Oct. 1,
sold one day; Keliog fToo ahead end
second week; Melxner. lialtimore, $20 one
day; Perrine, l.tio one day; liaker. ouoo
packages day; Eaktns. i.v0 profit one
month ; recent M ichlKan customer wrote
lee. 21, "Profits $24ou"; teach secret for
mula; how to succeed; bm.d business of
own; demand for crispettes enoriimun; de
licious food conf'-clioii made w it hout stigar ;
high prices, war conditions heip; proins
flu0 month easily pos-thie. W. Z. Loni;
'o.. 2'.d High. Sprlti g lie id. O.
PERMANENT positions for 3 first-class tea
anu coiiee house-to-house salesmen. W e
pay a guaranteed salary to men fa
miliar with house-to-house work who are
able to produce results. Apply Ideal Tea
Co., Til I' n Ion ave. N.
FOR general mercantile trade, Oregon, to sell
new proposition of merit. Vacancy now.
Attractive commission contract. fo week
ly for expenses. Miles F. irllxier Co., Whole
sale Jewelers. 22o4 Cariin bldg., Cleve
land. O.
SCCCESsiFUL salesman at . once, general
trade,- Oregon, new, strong proposition ;
staple line : splendid commission contract
for HMS; Sio weekly expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co.. 1T4 Continental bldg.. Cleve
land. O.
WANTED I have found out that many
people of this city do not believe that I
book girls from my studios In ballets tour
ing the Orpheum circuit. The Russian bal
let that closed at the Orpheum last
Wednesday engaged a girl from my studios
and would engage ot hers If t hey were
capable. If anyone wishes to verify this
statement communicate with Mr. ttaayar,
mgr. of the Russian dancers, Orpheurn,
San Francisco. I can' book any Inexperi
enced girl In high-class ballets or singing
productions if there is a fair amount of
grace apparent. Why be satisfied with
your present position if you can make
twice as much and receive the training
free in the company. 1 have the only bai
let school in this city; my wide acquaint
ance ,wlth managers makes it possible to
ausoiuteiy secure naces fur ambitious girts
in hlgn-ciaAg productions. studios. .Mon
sieur Marcel, Premier Artist Imperial" Rus
sian Hal let. Wheeldon Annex Apts. (No
Wanted Domestics.
WANTED Middle-aged. neat, trustworthy
woman as heip In home with all modern
conveniences; Scandinavian preferred ;
must be Jond of children; wages $ou per
mo.; go home nights. Call Tabor Sio4.
GIRL or woman for general housework on
farm; family of four; no heavy washing;
wages $'-T per mon lit. Write Mrs. P. J.
Frizzell, RickreaH, Or.
WANTED Thre or four ladles of education
and culture to interview mothers on the
moral training of children; will pay $25 a
week to those who qualify ; preference
given to ladies over 2."i. For particulars
call at 311 Rothchild building between 2
anu ; f. ai.
WANTED wtiirl for general office work.
Must be need, good penman, accurate, will
ing to begin at the bottom and work up.
Steady place for the right girl. Answer
in own handwriting. State experience. If
any, age, married or single, and give ref
erences. T Oregonian.
L1PMAX. WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices of a THOROUGHLY' experienced
WOMAN soda dispenser, good salary, per
manent position is offered to the one who
can qualify. Apply Superintendent's of
fice. Mom lay morning, between U and HI.
Seventh floor.
COMPETENT stenographer who under
stands bookkeeping for real estate and In
surance office; must be quick and accu
rate at figures; good chance for advance
ment fur permanent party; state age, ex
perience and salary expected. AR 000,
ATTENTION Ladies residing anywhere
out-side of Portland desiring home work,
also those Interested In crochet and knit
ting can hear of splendid opening; Eastern
sales dept. "free" to workers; self -addressed
envelope for details. Dept E-B,
1TO 11th St., Portland, Or.
SALESLADY" wanted, of attractive appear
ance and good personality, to sell a very
attractive stock issue In city or outside
manager here and will assist; give address
and phone number. K 4 SO, Oregonian.
W ANTED Htgh-class stock salesman; to
right party we will give a large block and
have your own salesman ; only men of
large caliber considered. Room 446, Ore
gon Hotel.
W'ANTE f Traveling salesman, steady em
ployment for good man by reliable Arm
Experience with machinery and gasoline
engines and references required. Address
AC (S. Oregonian.
WoM EN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oal sta., will furnish information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girl. Interviews confidential.
WANTED Stenographer for second posi
tion; easy hours and chance for advance
ment; moderate salary; answer, giving
age, experience and salary expected. C
lio, Oregonian.
WOMAN or girl to help with housework for
room and board and small wages; good
home for right party. Wite Mrs. Wm.
Simmons, Thompson's Siding. Kerry, Or.
BUSINESS woman wants girl or woman for
general housework; good home and wages;
country girl preferred. Broadway car. bWo
East 2Sth North,
WANTED Young girl to do light house
work in famiiv of two. Will pay $15.
Call any time Sunday, 0 Borthwlck st.
Take Mississippi car.
LEARN the auto and tractor business by
actual experience under expert instructors.
Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto
ami tractor school on Coast ; established
1103. Thousands of successful graduates.
We help students earn living. $."t) prac
tical t raetor course free. Writ e for free
tM-pagn catalogue, or c.i 11 NATION A i,
Los Angeles,
Attend a few days free and find out for
yourself that we have the best system of
teaching. Call or write for big oO-pav
The School That's DifferenL
Union Ave. nnd Wasco SU
Phone East T445.
WANTED Refined girl or woman to help
In 4-room apt.. West Side, close in; go
home nights; '2. small boys in family. Mam
WANTED Woman or girl to care for Z-year-old
child In his home. $'M per month.
Parents employed. Call Tabor 4014, Sunday.
WANTED Woman for general housework,
plain cooking ; good home for the right
nerson: family of a adults and 1 small
girl. Phone Monday Tabor 304 .
PRACTICAL training in gas. electrical and
a t earn engineering, mechanical drawing,
machine-shop practice, oy-atetyleno weld
iiiy. nutomohlle and tractor operating and
repairing. Write tor catalogue. Seattle En-gince.-ln-
School. Seattle, Wash.
40- Hawthorne ave.
Complete courses in sultn ble day nnd
evening classes. EVERYTHING ME
ited practical repair experience. Special
evening class rates. '
RELIABLE woman or girl for cooking and
housework, small family, blti Lovejoy st.
Phone Marshall 4311.
GIRL for housework in flat, small family
$;;o to reliable person. . 0T3 E. Sth' flt. N.,
near Knott.
WANTED Young girl to a-ssist with house
work and nurse girl to tane care o-y car
old child. Apply 0!9 Marshall st.
GIRL to assist with second work and care
of two children. 103 E. loth st. .North,
Irvlngton car East 3T30.
WANTED Girl for General housework
must be good, clean cook; no washing.
seii. ob!.
WOMAN 'tor general housework, small fain-
l.y ; no objection to German. ii t-om-merclal
st. Wood lawn 3-41.
GOOD girl for general housework. Apply at
once. 34o 3 1 tn st. ; tane iiajt iiiorne
or Mt. Scott car; no washing.
SALESMEN to sell our Sprinff dress goods,
novelties and white goods to the retailers
in small towns. Attractive side line, lib
eral commission. Purnell Date Mills, box
r.M. Philadelphia. Pa.
SALESMEN wanted, having established gen
eral store trade, sell laces pacKea in si
lent salesmen cabinets free: 1U1 per cent
commission. Cabinet Lace Works, -76 Ca
nal st.. New York.
EXCELLENT permanent position tor capable
salesmen. Oregon. lor litis, staple line lor
general retail trade; liberal commissions;
$:;3 "weekly ad van re. Rice Co., Toss Will
lams bldg., Detroit.
WANTED Salesman, capable of earning $30
to to per week. n strictly commission
basis; give telephone number. V 13'., Oregonian.
SALESMEN Liberal commission. Staple
product. Greatly superior quality. .Mali
credits. Only men who produce and are
siabie. Box 1, Sta. E.. Cleveland.
WANTED Salesman to canvass city on ar
ticle of great merit; good, prontanie com
mission to good hustler. Call at 110 loth
WANTED Thoroughly competent lady book
keeper; answer, giving all particulars that
would Interest an employer, stating salary
expected. Answer In own handwriting. F
S!d, Oregonian.
WANTED Capable. refined, matured or
elderiy lady to take care of 4-room house
and 3-year-old girl; parents employed.
$13. Call Woodlawn Sunday morn-
ingsoniy f
WIDE-AWAKE WOMAN to take charge of
local trade; $3 to $4 a day steady; no ex
perience required; pay starts at once.
W rite today. E. M. Fc'ilmaii, sales mgr.,
loTd Third, Cincinnati, o.
GlRLfor general housework, Irvlngton; 3
in family; main washing out; $-o to .ju.
East Tlsi.
GIRL to assist with housework and care for
child half days, $13. East 1702; references.
WANTED Girl for general housework, no
children ; evenings free. 4-1 Yamhill,
West Side.
EXPERIENCED second maid; must have
references. 4IV2 Hall st. bet. 14th and
13th. Phone Marshall 3036.
WANTED Experienced nursegirl for baby 4
months old; $-3 per month. Woodlawn
GIRL for' general housework, small family
and good wages. 303 E. HGth North. East
HIGH SCHQOL student wanted, room and
board and small wages. 303 East 20ih
North. East TS1S.
WA XTED Competen I stenographer. good
education and address; must be able to as
sist bookkeeper; in reply state experience
and salary. A 340. Oregonian.
CAPABLE girl lor cooking and some house
work; I keep second help; highest wages.
Apply immediately. T41 Everett.
WOMAN for general housework, nice fam
ily; must be good cook. Phone Marshall
3M0. .
GOOD wages to a thoroughly competent
Protestant maid for general housework,
4 adults. East 3T4.
founded In Trade taught in eight
weeks ; tuition earned during the ;
get you a position, furnish tools, schol
arship unntsier card. Write for free cata
lotfue. 234 Burnalde St.
UNCLE SAM needs lo.OoO stenographer..
Enroll now lor shorthand, typewriting,
Department of Pub! ic Affairs,
City of Portland, Oregon.
U. S. Govern mcnt
Efficient men and women for all positions.
No fee charged employer or employe.
Men's department,
24T Davis St.
Bdwy. 3333, A 3024.
Women's department.
City Hall.
Mar. 41u0, A 4123.
1'OL'NG man, some experience, seeks position
auto driving or repairing. X 7i'0, oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED By high-grade salesman, with
IT years road experience with an estab
lished trade on the Pacific Coast; will
work ""on straight salary or commission,
and can give the best kind of local ref
erences. If you have anything Inside that
would appeal to a ma n of my experience
would be glad to consider it. AC 874, Ore
Thirty-two years, married.
Experience: Lumber, railroad, wholesale
and manufacturing; open for
Al references. AV 253, Oregonian-
WANTED .Middle-aged woman for general
housework; must he fond of children. No
washing. Wages $23. East 13o4.
YOUNG lady of refined, neat appearance for
records saleslady, phonograph department;
give full particulars, address and. phone
to AM 2SH. oregonian.
W A N TED High-class stock salesman w ho
can tage, over big issue; manager nere ana
will help close for a short time; state ex
perience. AE :.. oregonian.
EX PERI ENCKD house-to-house, salesman ;
commission and exceptional nne; no com
petition: big money; pay dally; invest!
gate. N S2. Oregonian.
WANTED High-grade experienced specialty
man to call on business men oniy. excel
lent returns for a competen man. AB e-00,
Oregonian. i
i i v- c mi.PU l' . i m!I on auto UDllv
hardware. drug. garage ueaier. zis
money. Qulk-Flx Rubber Co.. .Mies. O.
L-vL-nr.KTir eili rhools: 1im salary. lib
era! commission. it. r-aiis o., i w
Wabash. Chicago
t?e-at. EtniH anlesman. commission nasls,
Must have Own car. iinou coimaui nisuL
party. I . oregonian.
WANTED All-around city salesman.
who can sell. AE 2i. oregonian.
MAN to cut fir wood. 20 rat lea from Port
land; muat furnish own tools; $2 per cord
Call 22 Alder at. .
W ANTED Experienced marker and sorter,
steady work, good pay. Apply tn person.
Crtal Laundry Co.
YoU Can make $30 to $iOJ per week
xcluaive county agent, the new
automatic knife and scissor sn.irpeiier.
your county now. Territory open in Ore
gon and Washington. Sharpener sells for
$l.i.. Agent s prolit i on each machine,
lady aaenls are suressiul sen in it the
sharpeners. Be independent, act now ; pre
vious experience not reuuired for success.
Write Charles Braun, room 313 Panama
bldg.. Portland. Or.
W'ANTKI Boy over 16 to feed press and
run errands; $10 per week. Columbia
Printing Co
4-o Morrlaon st.
A F1RT-CLAS accountant ; prefer one
with experience as public accountant; tein
po-arY work. P T.3. Oregonian.
wanted A man to drive a Ford delivery
all I'aoiflc storage Co.. East 1st and
BtKKKEEPER. $3 and board; muat be able
tn make out financial statement. At ooi.
BOOKKEEPER to act as assistant In coun
try office- permanent; gtte experience and
salary expected. AE 32. oregonian.
i i.i A K and Mir r.t rum. aibAui
Positions, mo royal blikl
WANTED Cleaner and preaaer, good salary.
.teady work, references, out of town A V
;-.4. iregonlan.
MAN and wife to work on farm, man muat
be over 31; none out experienced help need
apply. East KnL 2uO Grand ave. N.
Y'ot'NG man. IS to 21. office work, oppor
tunity for advancement in wnoieaaie una.
Statf ail particulars. AO 7PT. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced sawyer for portable
mt:i. quote wages expected and state ex
pert' nee. AO 7 Hi. Orrsonian.
CLE it K Capab.e office e'erk, good penman;
large corporation, App.y room Park
and Oak s:s.
GovD. quick shoemaker wanted at once;
ateaoy wora year rouno. j im, tne anoe
Imm tr. Eugene. Or.
WANTED An a.l-rouod. experienced man
in a furniture atore. good pay. Caii at 1k
Kirst st.. 9 A. M.
W A XTED Salesmen to take advantage of
tne opportunity to sen our nne. Address
Filem Nursery Company. Salem, Or.
Voo PER MONTH selling S:raiisky's new
improved vaporizer for Ford cars. Gua
anteed to save from 23 per cent to 30 per
tent of gasoline bills; greatest seller on
arth today. Can be in sta . ed hy anyone,
6 minutes; no drilling or tapping necessary
Sold on money-back guarantee: one sample
free. State agents wanted in Southern and
Western states. I 'art lculars free. J.
Stransky. Pukwana. S. D.
managers make $30 to $lo dally selling
greatest, automobile ne e&s.iy on cartn
indorsed more than 37k turns, Individ
uals; gua ranteea gas and t ire economy
foila theft: sales average nine out nf ten
get our proposition. HELCO SALES
A BRAND-NEW household necessity, the
Blue Ribbon Dish Drier, dries dishes with
out w iptng ; sella for $ 1.23. rapid sales.
big profits; write today tor run particu
larw. j- ran at 10., sr. kj. dox iu, uik
land. Cat
DISTRIBUTERS wanted for a . pure-food
product that repeats sure and has proved
an instant aucceas wnerever iniroaucen;
peddlers, fakers, etc.. not wanted. Inclose
tamp or no attention. Purity Products
Co., Seattle, W ash.
MAKE $2 hour spare time taking orders
for Kantleak waterproof kitchen aprons
tine sideline; Cooper made $!..( lo mm
utes: order every house tor hustlers; sam
pie given; write quick, proposition. Comer
MfK- Co.. Lepi. it-ll I. I'ayion. onio.
AGENTS Make $23 to $Rk) weekly In small
buslneaa; man or woman can start any
where; will let you manufacture the ar
ticle. Craycroft, 071 Cory bldg., r resno.
W RITE for free sample Ideal Steak Ten
derer and Vegetable Chopper; it maaes
chuck steak as tender as porterhouse;
bigreat hit on market. Tyler Mfg. Co., lep.
E. M unci, ind.
ML.S wantei to work on river steamboats
$'o a fnorth and board. Apply Whing
ton-at. dork.
WANTED Manager for eating house; only
capame young man wr. n good recommea
danons considered. A 333, Oregonian.
WANTED laker; only Qrrt -class, all-round
man conauierea ; state wnere last em
ployed. A 3-.4, Oregonian.
Y OUNG architectural draughtsman, one with
s me experienced preferred; ateadj work.
App:y xionoay at 4. .. A.aer.
WILL ex -range living-rooms for light Janl-
tor worx. Aiti xiroa.s a en lis is, atur
T ieje.
YoUNG man for stock clerk and aaieeman.
expertencea prexerreo. Addreea tZv,
reson tan.
W ANT vulcamxer. ftrat-claaa all-round man.
App.v M it. rear. 034 Alder. Main 13l.
MACHINIST wanted. Telephone Main 1344.
Andre! l.TO HOM ST.
B T wanted, all day work.
Library. 10th and YamhUL
Apply Public
BARBER wanted. $2& guarantee. Apply Sun-
aay net ween iv ana 1 1 a. m., s ath st.
BoT wanted. Bowman Broe.. Id and Burn-
WANTED Cook of experience for fine trade.
in inv cny. r je oregonian.
WANTED A-l advertising solicitor.
podrome Theater.
WANTED Laundry driver.
Union Laundry.
WANTED Good, live bus boy; good wages.
-ei n. Jiominn. purraio Lunrh.
ANTEDA milker, married or single. In
quire Main 930H; close In.
WANTED A good, steady, ail-around tailor.
niata ie a SU aoiLjleOra, or.
GARAGE men, write to R. r F. Mfg. Co.
for the agency and an attractive price on
the No Equal Soaps. Auto Cleaner and Pol
ish. Audrcsa t. Ac r. .ianuaciunng com
psnv. 14 11th St., Port. and.
1 CLEAR $3 weekly In email 3c buslnefia;
man or woman, start anywhere: particu
lar a free; write today. Ed Hansiey, 805
Eaat Main ex.. Stockton. Cal.
SELL beautiful, fragrant California rose
beada: absolutely new: big profits; cata
Ingue free. Mission, AY YV. Pico, Lot
Angeles. Cal.
$Jo TO JlOO week; free samples; gold sign
letters, stores, on ice windows ; liberal oi
fer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.,
4 1. N. Clark, Chicago.
AGENTS write free sample. Combination
Ideal steak tenderer and vegetable chop
per. Biggest hit out. Harvest for agents.
Tyler Mfg. Co.. Dept. C. Muncje, ind.
$3f WEEKLY commission to live wire sales
men taKing orders ror .Mara i wain,
O'Henry. Craig Kennedy. Riley, efc. Har
per s Bros., publishers. 3 Lum. Ex. bldg.
OUR WAR service series post cards are
fast sel ling. Dime f o r sam plea Low
prices. Luttre'l A Co.. SJS River. Chicago.
'PERSHING In France Berlin or Bust."
Patriotic picture with punch. Sample
free. Peoples Mfg. Sta. D. Chiengo.
GAS fire In any coal stove from coalotl; beats
coal ; sgentsr bonanza. W onder Burner,
lept. X Columbus, O.
WANTED Capable ladles desiring Indepen-
oent income to nanaie nne toilet necessi
ties. Call st once. 342's Wahlngton st.
LI RERA L commission to rlr.ot-class sales
man; dignified city proposition. Buffing
ton. 2M Oak.
AGENTS I have the fastest selling repeat
ing necessity on the market: costs 6 cents;
e;is for 23c. Address Box T, Ruff, Wash.
TWO coupon solicitors of good a ppearance.
Aagvire studio, bpokane, VYaao,
first-class lady violin player;
mnct hA pond at memorlzine. one who can
travel on long engagements; good salary
to good player. W e also want all the
women who are Interested in vaudeville
work and who aino can travel to know
that we have several openings for the
right parties for several different kinds
of vaudeville acts, such as Hinging, dan
cing, musical and comedy acts: also want
women who have good acts in mind, who
have something that is worth while to put
out. Only those who mean strictly busi
ness need apply. Call at 312-313 Stock
Ex. bldg.. 3d end Yamhill. No phones.
Apply between 0 and 11 A. M., superin
tendent's office, basement balcony, Meier
4c Frank Company.
YOUNG woman who has had experience In
selling furniture. Reply, stating experi
ence and salary expected. X l21, Oregonian.
We need your services during the Sum
mer, secure position now. state education,
age, phone No. AV IQrt, Oregonian.
THOUSANDS Government war positions
open to women. 1 or over; $100 month.
List free. Franklin Institute (a school).
D--pt. 1 03 L. Rochester. N. i .
FI VE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers. $T3 to $130 per
month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Company. Dept. 701, Omaha. Neb.
WANTED Y'ouug lady stenographer who
has had experience in collection work ;
salary 03 per month ; must have best
of references. T ."4!, Oregonian.
PFBLIC stenographer; no ot hers in build
ing; free desk room exchanged for light
service ; Oregonian bulla mg. .n j.s, orego
cooking; 2 adults. East
M. Monday.
housework and
3332 after li A.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to do light house
work f or room and hoard and $3 a mo.
Wdln. 5142. 100',2 Beach.
WANTED Girl, housework, assist in private
kindergarten; piano player preferred; ref
erences. 12;; Ivon st. Phone Tabor 41XS.
WANTED Hih school girl to work for
board and room and $2 a week. Apply
today. 831 E. Yamhill st,K. 24SO.
WANTED A girl for housework, no cook
ing, no washing. Call Monday 2i)3 West
A COMPETENT nursemaid with references.
Annlv 73H Main st., between St. Clair
and' Y'ista ave,
Take Portland Hts. car
GIRL or woman for general housework,
family of 2 adults and 2 children; wages
$:tt. Phone Tabor ttsT'J. 2lt4 Floral ave.
TICLES ; big pay ; free information tells
how. Address United Press Syndicate, Los
EFFICI ENT woman over 30 to represent
well-known business as local manager in
Coos Bay territory. Terms liberal. Perma
nent. References. W T57, Oregonian.
A REFINED and acceptable woman can se
cure good home looking after small house
hold and motherless lad. V IKiS. Ore
ABSTRACTOR wanted in country office
must be good typewriter, accurate and
neat; give references and salary expected
in first etter. A 4M, oregonian.
WANTED First-class cloak and suit sales
lady, one capable of doing alterations.
Address, with references, to J. Chaa. Smith
& Co.. Box 321, Bend, Or.
ELD 1-1 KLY" woman housekeeper on small
ranch out; one in family. A v u01, oregonian.
AN experienced lady 1 clothes ironer; also
glris on shirt machines. L . s. Launary t-o..
Grand ave. and East Yamhill St.
SCHOOLGIRL to help with children for
room and board and small wages. Last eth
and Burnside sts. Page Apts., No. 20.
MoTHERLY woman to stay with children
2 nights a week while mother Is away.
Call East ;i2-i.
GIRL to assist with housework and plain
cooking; two in family; easy piace; e-o to
start. Manager Berkeley apts
WANTED Housekeeper over 05 years old
for old man, not high wages, out gooa
home. V 135, Oregonian.
GIRL needing a good ranch home with some
wages write description. AV 278,- Orego-
WANTED As collector, young man. single,
nne who can furnish reference and bonds:
men familiar with the city preferred; fine
chance for advancement to a road posi
tion; salary $15 a week to start. Apply
4 ort Oregonian bldg. today between 2
and 3.
L1PMAN. Wolfe Co. reauire the serv
ices of a thoroughly experienced lady soda
dispenser, good salary, permanent position
la offered to the one who can quality.
Apply auperintendent's ofIce. Monday
morning, between V and 10. Seventh floor.
YV ANTED A refined, middle-aged or elderly
laay. experienced with chtiuren, as com
panion and nurse for a little girl in nice
home; moderate salary, -no housewora.
AG h"2. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher for general insurance orrice; one
with insurance experience preierrea.
Please mention age, experience end sal
ary expected. F io3, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, must have 3 years' gen
eral office experience, age over 21; salary
to sta4t $17.00 week. Br 7". Oregonian.
AN experienced dancing teacher for ball
room dancing. Manchester Dancing Acad
emy, b'p 5th.
WANTED An experienced gtrl or woman
wno unaers tanas care oi emiaren ; good
wages, good home. b5d Marshall st.
WANTED Children to board ; have good
home; mother's care; beat references. Sell
wood 045.
W AN TED Strong, reliable woman to work
in a nursery. Apply Monday, lit A. M. 414
E. Ash st.
RESPECTABLE woman as housekeeper for
middle-aged bachelor on fruit ranch; ref
erences. YV 73 S. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress, $1.30 per day.
Newport restaurant, 14i N. 6th st
YOUNG woman for part time work in Noon
i.unrn. im . itn s
WANTED Woman to stay nights in return
for room. Phone Sel l wood liwi.
HIGH SCHOOL girl for light houaowork.
Phone East 24St.
WANTED Woman to help with housework
on ranch. oouiiwn
WANTED Experienced marker and sorter;
steady work, good pay. Apply in person.
Crystal Laundry to.
GOOD, conscientious woman to do house
work and care for children for mother
who is not well. 401 E. 3(ith st.
EX PERI ENCED stenographer, corresponu-
ent and general office man wishes position
In good office; capable, but somewhat out
of practice ; wilj accept nominal salary to
start: highest recommendations. East 489.
A 15 2S:t, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced lumber
accountant with lumber rirm in city, one
familiar with keeping cost accounts and
till details, best of references. Address AP
S2S, Oregon m n.
'IsiTTorurited by man thoroughly expe
rienced in general office work and partic
ularly in the matter of hand ling business
correspondence, advert Is ing, etc. : perma
nent conn- ct ion desired. East 2243.
KE t- IN ED. sober, strong man, 33 years old,
wants position as secretary, or any other
job with chance for advancement on
r.ittla ranch, or farm. Not afraid of work.
R i'. preiitvs. General Delivery. Seattle.
WANTED By healthy and active man a -4
timekeeper for lodging camp, mill or
contractor. Can keep bonks, good penman
and mechanic. Washington preferred. Ad
dress T02 East Second st.. The Dalles. Or.
ACCOUNTANT, devoting all his time to th
work wil take small sets, no auditing, n
Income tax reports; reasonable raj.ey
01 5. Orvsnnl.'in
WOMAN for general housework.
II 1GH SCHOOL girl wanted to assist
home. Tabor 60U1.
WANTED Girl for general housdivo:.-;
small family ; good wejres. Fast 552.
PORTLAND Normal and Commercial School;
Tour schools day school, nlglit school.
'Saturday school, home school tour strong
courses stenography, bookkeeping, of ! ice
appliances, private secretary. W rite for
information as to our home training. Busi
ness men and women are taking our home
course. It meets your requirements.
Instruction intensive. Individual and has
an outcome in leadership and complete
equipment for success.
Skillful employment secretary to place
von. Phone Main 5S10. See tomorrow.
C. E. MITCHELL, expert acoun tant : in
come statements. 200 Henry bldg. Main
2170. m
RAPID accountant will keep your books in
1 or 2 hours daily tit a great savin;.
Broadway 7!4.
WANTED Set of hooks
time; experienced bookk'
t4o:;. .Mr. Green,
ELDERLY gentleman would like posiii-m ts
bookkeeper, etc.. 12 years tn present po
st ion. BF 71, Oregon!;. n.
COM PETE NT salesman. general nidse.,
wants position. V day or 0 1. M. to 12 A.
M. R1-' oti. in . -toman.
i keep in sp.i i
per. Phone .Main
BOOK KEEPER, office clerk, aho.e dial t
age; start at bottom, if chain e to auvanee,
M ain 1544.
A-l CHAUFFEUR, married mini, with good
reference, wattle position driving pt iv alt)
ear. Phono .Mr. Therou Price. Mam l.'tus.
Men Women Boys and Girls (16)
Agents' Spare Time.
Big Money.
Make money, spare time, selling 'Usa
lyte" indestructible gas mantles; saves 1-:J
gas. Equals liRht u 2 ethers; outlasts
dozen of any other make. Retails 35c each,
2 25c. One dozen sent postpaid upon re
ceipt of $1 to agents, or on consignment f JAPANESE
MoV IN' i pieturu operator tlesin-M position;
not subject to draft. Address W. P. Riay
luy. Clatskanio. Or.
HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work of any kind
after school and Sat ; car. operate t pe
wrlter. Phone Woodlawn 1222.
AM calling on the grocery and ennfect innei y
trade; can handle good live side line. 1
T.i'i. ore.-ronlan.
EXPERT, experienced ad writer; special
work or permanent position. S 300, .Ore
understands all Kiuns
11 7, 'reg.mian. .
paetvy cnok who
of French past ry.
If references are satlsiactory. J. 1. Robin.
Mfr. and Patentee, Ktoth st. and Park ave..
New 1 ork.
WANTED Exoerlenced operators on hem
stitching and power machine. Eastern
- Novelty Co., 85 1 5th at.
w a xtki) Vounir eirl anorentice for but
ton and pleating shop; $0 a week. 309
Royal bldg.
WANTED An experienced skirt operator
and coat finisher. Portland Cloak & Suit
Manufacturing Co.. 41i5 4th et.
st kxog RA PIT ER : must have good expe
rience. State all particulars. .AO 7i8,
WANTED Girl for wholesale office, steno
graphic and general office work; state ex
pe rl en ce. T 332. oregonian.
WANTED A woman to solicit for cleaning
and pressing part of the oay. nicnanoacn
the Tailor. 4sh wasn. st.
w a VT;r Two children to care for in my
own home: prefer children 4 to 6 years
of age; reasonable price, xanor bjjj.
MARRIED woman wanted for dining-room
work; wagfs -o; nusuana can wont near
by. 511 N. 21st st. A Zufcs.
EXPERIENCED switchboard operator. Ap
ply at lyortiana Luraoer o., aner
o'clock Monday.
WANTED Two young ladles for traveling
position. If Interested, can .miss Burns
at the Portland Hotel.
WANTED A housekeeper In town 20 miles
from Portland; wages oo. tau in person
2ST E. S5th. near Hawtnorne ave.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, steady, re
liable, permanent position in country town,
AE 330, Oregonian:
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en
gagements, no traveling. Apply casino
WOMAN dishwasher. $50 a mo.; logging
camp. Columbia employment 1.0.
Wanted Domestics.
GIRL or woman for general housework;
small family, gooa wages, cast. ooo.
WANTED Registered lady pharmacist;
of town. AV 2i3. Oregonian.
PRIVATE home for children 8 to 12 years
old: 15 year' exp 714 Everett, Mar. 2162.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 2606 Eaat 43d st.
Take Richmond car.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at once.
143 Park St.
WA NT ED Young. first-class manicurist.
Board of Trade Barber Shop. 4th and Oak.
WANTED Elderly lady to work for room
and board ano? small wagea. Tabor 6il9.
WANTED A nurse.
lawn 1 TOO.
Patton Home. Wood-
WANTED A high school girl to work for
board with small wages. raoor 1222.
COATMAKER wanted. C.
tailor, 307-0 uioue omg.
Cower, ladies'
WANTED All-around lady cook, depot
dairy lunch. 2s Front st.
EXPERIENCED millinery maker. Call Mon-
day morning at Miss oarrigus. st Alder
CASUALTY insurance, experienced clerk
wanted. T 3H. oregonian.
WANTED Trimmers and makers. Register
Muller Rose Co.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 61 Flanders sl
GIRIj Light housework, afternoons.
Everett st., apt 8. Apply mornings.
A GIRL for cooking and general housework.
717 E. Broad way. East 1 132.
GIRL for housework; good home, small fam
ily. 55 Marshall st.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework;
cooking. 204 College, corner of 5th.
GOOD girl for general housework; small
family, good wagea. Phone Wdln. 4445.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
East 5670.
GIRL for second work, small Institution.
Call 742 Overton st.
LADY for general housework; no washing.
B car. 4P3 East 25th st. North.,
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. No children. Apply 3S1 10th.
PORTLAND Normal and Commercial School.
Four schools ; oay, niBiit., ..iuiruay sen 001
and home school. All growing rapidly,
though not too large to Rive individual
Instruction. Four courses Stenographic,
bookkeeping, office appliances, secretarial.
All popular and adequate for civil service
examinations. He sure and get your course
from Mi . V 11 hams is a common ecr.o
from our former successful pupils. Our
present students are boosting because they
are getting along so well. Positions when
through. Main 5SI0 or Marshall 2103.
hours a
ants position washing dishes.
,y Please write to
., or 2lo u Alder st.
MAN. middle.aire. o..d ed uc.i ! i on. desire
position collecting, clerical, etc; excellent
leleleiicrs. T 3H3. i)iv,'
EX 1 ' l'l R 1 E N'CE D gas entitle man wan ts po
"bitiun in parage or driving; best of ref
erences. Talior 4";:0.
Uncle Sam will employ every graduate
of our Civil Service course at salaries of
from $1000 to $2000 a year. Positions
guaranteed all graduates. Enroll now.
10th 'and Morrison, Portland, Or.
Phones: Main 5083, A 3405.
WANTED Several more young men and
young women to prepare for telegraph and
station service to fi'l vacancies caused by
unusual drafting of men for Signal Corps.
Call or write Tebserraph dept., room 21s,
Railway Exchange bldg., cor. 3d and
Stark sta
HIGH-CLASS specialty salesman want po
sition. Good propositiun only. F Uol. Ore-Ionian.
Main 07
pa perms, tinting, reasonable.
Sunday or etchings, 320 MuiiL-
PRUNIN'ii Fruit trees, roses and vines. i.asc
port'and Landscape Co. Phone Woodlawa
!ll. . .
Ml LL WRIGHTS, two, for factory or mill,
locality no object : can hold responsible
position. B P. 3, Oregonian. ,
EXPERIENCED tallyman, lumber .scaier
shipping cierk wants position. AK
PAY. OKiMiON tn 1 v uyLA jiijs.
MAGAZINES. Stories criticised and placed.
Editorial experience. r or details write
Ruth Dunbar. Hotel Judson, Washington
Square, New York City. '
TEN irirls and two men for temporary em
ployment mailing catalogues. Appry Mon
day morning. S o'clock, at our store. ISth
and Upshur sts. Do not telephone. Mont
gomery Ward At Co.
WANTED Traveling salesman . or sales
woman to take side line or ladies dresses,
good opportunity for right party." ol
Globe bldg.
WANTED Lady or gent as partnef In busi
ness; no competition; will - get business
anywhere. S 307, Oregonian,
WANTED Private shorthand students; ex
pert Instruction, unsurpassed results, AE
325, Oregonian. ' .
YOUNG man mechanic and truck driver,
with Government references, wants, posi
tion. V 403. oregonian.
CI I AL'FFEi: R and truck driver wants po
sition. Best references. Address 352 E.
Stephens, city. Phone E. 5!)41.
MAN with auto truck wants hauling, etc.,
or by contract, day. week or mouth. John
Deardorff, Lenta. Tabor H.'Oj.
4 pieces, including saxophone nnd banjo;
51 H Call Homer 'D.rrey, Wdln. 4R..
wants extra
L .121, Ore-
work evenings and holidays
WANTED by a pood experienced man, po
sition us janitor in stun; or building; ref
erences. A.I 320. Precordnn.
E PE RIENCEO driver wishes position on
laundry or other light delivery wagon,
AG h 2 . O r e g o 1 : i an.
LA NDSCA PE gardoner, experienced In hot
house and outdoor culture ; good worker.
Alt 70. Oreonian.
JANITOR work wanted, morning.s ty an
elderly man; nave experience. .u, --v-gon
CARPENTER, building or cement contracts
w anted. M anny, senwoon ,ui.
EXPERIENCED loco:noti craneman wants
work. R Si:. Oregonltn.
MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewriting
School, Day. Evening. o Month, aoa ntn.
Near Jefferson. Main 38U3.
TH REE ladles fur some special child wel
fare work; must oe well educated, be
tween 2S and 45, In position to travel ;;
splendid opportunities; liberal rem tine ra
tion. For particulars call at 311 Rolhchlld
bidg., between 3 and 5.
SII INGLF.RS When you want shingling
aone, call Woodlawn 5 2 08
CA RFENTER Leakv roofs patched or re
shingled. Marshall 1072.
FAIRLY experienced hardware man open for
engagement. A F 7S3, oregonian.
WHAT have
Ford? W
on for veiling
"55, Oregonian.
man Willi ne
v will teach you the barber trade In eight
weeks; tools tree; scnoiarsnip and diplo
mas given ; paid while learning; position
guaranteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison.
A THOROUGH course in telegraphy by com
petent, experienced instructors; qualify
you for a position in six months. Call or
write Telegraph. School, Alisky bidg., port-land.
EXPERIENCED maid for second work. 183
N. 20th st.
GIRL or woman for housework. Broadway
GIRL or young woman assist with light
housework. 447 10th st. Call mornings.
SCHOOL girl to assist, good home, small
waees. References. Marshall '4.
GIRL for
Res. 503
id work.
IHst st.
Phone Marshall 2869.
GIRL for general housework and plain cook
ing. itHJ Lovejoy. Appiy mornings.
Teaches men and women barber trade In
8 wks. Special rates for short time, $15. in
cluding good set tools, diploma. 234 Couch.
I TEACH you French In 3 months by con
versation; French grammar also. Phone
Main 1026. Ask for Mr. Berry.
Broad way-Yamhlll building; individual
Instruction; positions when competent.
The Ironside Institute. 327-21 PIttock blk.
JAPANESE boy wants a job on afternoons.
J 307, oregoninn.
HIGH Si'iioOL boy wants work after school.
East Tos.i.
WANTED Place on ranch by 3 adults, ex-
perienceu. v. m. vhmu., v.aunii-ii., o.
Rex ave.
Sell wooii
eon I rn et. J 2;0,
by day or cheap by
t iretronlnn.
DON'T ex peri men r ; let experts prune anc
spray for you. Tabor 72.V.I.
MAN wishes work of any k.nd; night Jani
tor preferred. Phone E. 1!31.
BoY soprano, fine soloist,
i l ' g engagements. Main
would like even-
M A N" wants to
business. M
work In gaiage and lean
1 Oregonia n.
WINDOW trimmer and 5how- card writer
wishes position. Phone Tabor 4lo.
JAPANESE chauffeur wants position fo
private famliy. X 023, Oregnnfan.
and evening ltt Grand ave. East 427.
PLUMBER and steamfitter wants work, day
or rontrnct. A H T,.. 'regonian.
GOOD Chinese cook wants position as chet
or second in hotel rest. Z46 Pine.