The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 4, Image 28

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Exhibitions Will Be Feature
Vancouver Magnate Going Into
Montana to Smooth Over
Present Difficulties.
at Couch Tank Tuesday,
Starting at 8 P. M.
r vS-v. -J- f-j)J--4 ftsx :- i
Tonnr Mermaid From Shattnck
.and Coach School Will Compete
In Swimming and Diving Con
test and Do Other Stunts.
On of the biggest wlmmln( events
f th yesr for th grammar school
girl will be held at the Couch School
tank Tuesday Bight, starting at
o'clock, when the gtrla from fc'hattuek
and Coach grammar achoola will take
part la a number of exhibition erenta.
The children from the first, second and
third grades wilt be featured under
the direction of Swimming Instructor
MUle Schloth. assisted by Luetic Uro-
Toe entries will rive exhibitions of
all of the stunts that they have learned
during the term Just past, and It will
l a real treat to see the young mer
maids In action, some of them only
four and five years old.
Prrarasisji la Elaborate.
Mtlle Schloth baa arranged the fol
lowing programme of events and the
entries In each are given:
llrg'.nners relay race. 48 feet, for
Couch School puiilla I-outse Marvin
Jn Tllzer. Florence McCartney. Verda
Shaier. til I tli Jackson. Margaret Hof
fin. foroihy Krayley, Phyllis Judge.
Margarey iloiman. Marlon Luck. Max
Ine liennett, Mabel Johnson, Maurine
Kay. Margaret Tucker.
I'lvlatr. advanced and Intermediate
classes. Couch and Shattuck school
lirlhi Grover will lead the divers.
Helen Duyer, Crystal bchmldt. Jennie
.Mu-Ie. Mary Chrlsman. Helen Smith,
Kuth Patten. K 11th Jackson. Ltn Uro
ver. Ksther ecal. Gertrude Isensee.
Ala Stark. Evelyn Coiling". E'el Lee.
Violet Krltx. ilTlruds Nemerousky.
I.lliian Bennett. Mary McMahon. 11
abeth Barrett. Uoldle Kanken. Eleanor
Kjrtchall. Mildred .Karnes. Kva Chls
holm. Khyn Chiarfblm. Virginia de
Vore. Lorrane Hanson. Oka Kyan. Josle
Uolburt. Orace Harlow.
Relay race, t feet, by advanced pu
pils Couch and Shattuck teams Coach
pupils: Gertrude Nemerousky. Elisa
beth Barrett. Lillian Bennett. Eleanor
Hurtchall. Violet Frits. Uoldle Rankin,
Mildred Barnes. Shattuck. pupils: Kva e
Chlsholm. Grace Harlow. Virginia de
Vore. Khyn Chlsholm. Lorane Hanson,
Cka J'.yan. Josle Holbert. Mary Mc- i
Dlrteg to De Feat are.
Exhibition swimming by Betty Fautx,
four yeara of age.
instance plunge by advanced classes.
Back stroke race, first beat Couch
pupils: Violet Frits. Mary Chrlsman.
Gertrude Nemerousky. Lillian Bennet
bhattuck pupils: Ada Stark. Esther Se
gal. Gertrude Isensee, Evelyn Colilnga.
Lxhibluon diving, under water re
trlevtng. by Bertha Grover, of Shat
tuck, age seven years.
Special dives Kuth Fatton, Edith
Jackson. Dorothy Kramer, Kllxabeth
flelay race, by Intermediates. 0 Couch pupils: Helen Duyer. Ruth
I'alton. Jennie Muckla, Crystal Schmidt,
Mary Chrlsman. Margaret Macaulay
Helen Sr.:lth. Shattuck pupils: Lena
Urover, Esther Segal. Ada Stark. Eve
lyn Colllnge. Elsie Lea.
Race for first and second graders.
CO feet Couch pupils: lvlan Learn
In i. Mary Tucker, Marjorle Holraan.
Lhzabeth Chrlsman. lorothy Kramer.
Demonstration, resting a tired swim
mer l;y pupils from Couch and Shat
tuck schools; also demonstration tow
ing In a body, by Jan Tllzer. Mar
4,-aret Macaulay.
Final heat back stroke race.
Flag race. Couch and Shattuck pa
pile Couch: Mildred Barnes, Elisabeth
lirrett. Shattuck: Mary McMahon,
Josle HoiDurt,
The exhibition will start promptly at
1 o'clock and the public will be ad
mitted free of charge.
Portland Golfer to Get Idea From
Washington Course
Rudolph WUhelm. Oregon and North
west champion, left Friday for a trip
to Aberdeen, where ha wlU play on the
Aberdeen Oolf and Country Club eonree.
Mr. WiLhelm la a member of th groan
committee at th Portland club, and a
pecta to obtain soma Idea la th way
tne Aberdeen club baa tiled their
Willie Ritchie visited th Portland
course Saturday, and speaks very high
ly of the course, and th way th new
course Is rounding Into shape.
Lucky win be th men who bold
membership cards In th Portland Oolf
Club on May 30. as everything per
tainlng to good golf will be found
there. Water haxarda will be found In
lack of four greens, th 17th green Is
built on a neck of land with water on
three sides; the Hth calls for a drive
ct 2oo yards, and a pitch over a water
hazard onto th green with a bunker
penalty for th player who doe not
stay on th green: th 10th a drive
wcr a laae; th HLh a mashl shot
over a water hazard. Plenty .of bunk
ers have been placed so that a topped
drive will not be up with a well-placed
shut, dogleg boles on each nine, rows
if trees on four boles, and three tees
to start from ocrowded days; nothing
liss been disturbed that could be left.
me course win not have th art!
ficlal look which on will find on so
many or th courses today.
t lub to Meet O. A. C. Football Team
October 12; C. of O. October : .
George Pertx. chairman of the Mult
romah Amateur Athletic Club football
ta:n. announces he haa made arrange
ments with Oregon Agricultural Col-
i-e ror. game between the Aggie and
Multnomah on October 13. the gam to
be plaved at Corvailla.
In the same breath Manager Bert Is
authority for th statement that the
I niversity of Oregon eleven will enter
tain the cardinal and whit aggrega
tion at Kugene Saturday. October I.
H-Ttx managed th club eleven last
f'"n and did remarkably well, con-
entering the talent he had to work with.
1 he new chairman will not bo appoint
ed until after the election of trustees
iri month. It is not known whether
r not Herts is a candidate to succeed
liina l'liraant May lie Plentiful.
I'nlrM the XVsnter westher takes a
tn severe turn. China pheasants
v ill he plentiful In the coming season,
exordium to Carl D. oemsker. state
cane warden, who has Just returned
l orn m trip to the stat gam farm at
Iter :)lJLu:jJLS&I - M .j m ? vu:..;r i
- - ft'--!?-?' - ! - ' , - i I '
I a oremp) el swinssnera la tie First i rade. z nertha Graver.' 3 Ruth Pat ton. 4 Bettv Fautx. S
a I
Elks and Commercial Clubs
Even in Billiard League. .
George Slnnotr, of Multnomah Club,
Loe to Elk After Making; Sen
sational Rons Six Contests
Vet to Be Played.
Inter-Club Billiard League Manxllng.
W. L. Pet.
Elks Clob S 4 .as
I'ommervUI Club i .. 5 4 ..Vit
Transportation I'lub 4 4 .ft0
Multnomah lub 3 .STi
IbmIH Ideal Btaodiags.
. Elks Club W. L.
New too , & 1
Bain 0 3
t'ommercial Club
Lnrkhart 1 4
k.ln 4 o
Transportation Club
rtekard S 1
Keek 3 2
Multnomah Club
Klnnott 2
Brmile J 2
atlkkelsen 2 1
Forty-Year-Old Ballplayer May Quit
Game and Spend Time
Florida Orange Grove.
Slllle Schloth lllnatratlng Torpedo U Ive With Bertha Grover,
Rath Fatton Ready to Do a Head-Stand Dive.
Th Commercial Club Is tied with
th Elk Club for first place In th
Interclub three-cushion billiard chanv
plonshlp and. with only alz more games
to be fought out before th finish of
th schedule, th race for th title
promises to be a sensational one. The
Transportation Club climbed from the
cellar to third place In last week's play
and stands a good chance to win
the honors.
Fred B. Newton, of th Elks Club.
defeated George Slnnott. of Multnomah
Club. 30 to 29 points. In the greatest
game ret played in th championship
tournament. Newton ran out game
in t Innings. At about the 40th in
nlng the savor stood 24 to 12 In New-
ten's favor, when Slnnott stepped out
and made a run of six. soon followed
by a run of five and then another run
of six. only to lose the game by one
point. Two runs of six and one of five
in on game Is playing some three-
cushion billiards and the feat Is sel
dom done even In professional circles.
Th next game will be played Mon
day noon, with th Commercial Club
meeting the Transportation Club at
the latter clu brooms.
The following game and th dates
are yet to be played: Monday noon.
Transportation Club versus Commercial
Club: Monday night. Multnomah Club
versus Transportation Club: Tuesday
night. Elks Club versus Commercial
Club; Wednesday night. Multnomah
Club versus Elks Club; Thursday noon,
Commercial Club versus Multnomah
Club, and Thursday night. Multnomah
Club versus Transportation Club.
bishops en QBJ and QKt7. knight on K2,
pawns on Q. Q5. QB2. QB4.
Black king on K3. rook on X. bishop on
KKt, knlchi on QK4. pawns on KK3. Q3.
Problem Io. S30.
By U. Kothsteln (original).
This problem and the one fallowing it ere
takan from the "Boston Transcript." espe
cially that the solvers on this Coast may
have the opportunity to compare chees art
on the Atlantic with our own home work.
Black, nine pieces.
g 1 jfilgl M
ri giFj
rtfrai :: . i
i . 1
'- : - . - . -' -
. . ' , !
i . Of- .1 -
Forty-flv of th 1M scheduled
game In the handicap pool touma
ment In progress at th Multnomah
Club had been played tip to Friday
nignu an entry list ror mis tourna
ment I probably th largest In th
elub's history. Ther are 40 player
on th list. They are divided Into
tour classes, and th schedul call for
each player to play averyon
elaaa Foue fine-pointed cues
pme ror in winner. Following are
in entries and handicaps.
Class A T5: Koerber. TB: rra.
to; aicvooi, to: nnne, to: imnlway, 75
Wllsey. o, harp, M; O. ghea, SO; A. C
biara. so.
Class B Iwla SO: Mr.rm. SO: . at.rr.-
vo; latooi. ev; . jvneasen. on: jennlacs. 50;
oiinsoa. ov; urswioru. ou: Jacasoa. DO
Bailer. BO
Class C t'rbk. 4: Lindstrem. 41: eine-
ier, so: en. ra. o: Tnompsoa. 40: Web
ster. 40; Ii.iy. 40: Corold, 40: O DonnslL
so; nail. so.
Case D Kuebn. 80; VCtoe SO; T. Bteffen.
so: usrytB, so: xsit. so: wa:ker. xo; xe-
Lashmutt. 20: T. Burses. 40: PraeL
rowsii. eo.
At th conclusion of th pool tourna
ment at Multnomah Club, Instructor
Slebert will start a special three-
cushion billiard tournament to decide
he best three-cushion player la the
club. Only those who hav shown
hemselves to b real players will be
allowed to enter th contest.
ii ior pxR, t, Q-Kach K-B8. BXP. mate.
In his ailon 4 L . . . P-Q4. 2, R-KOch.,
are th B-KtT, mau: er 2, K-BS, S, Q-B7.
ina are vrtation 81. . . . KXB. 2. Q-BS:
E. H. BRTAIfT. Editor.
Phone Tabor ils.
CeatrTftstlens ef games, endings, preblems
ttsme o( latsreet. criticism and club
notes solicited. bend direct to 143 ast
Tblrtr-Iirtb) street. Portland. Or. .
rrnbiem a. szs.
By George Urtfrith. Onion City. Or.
This Is net Mr. Griffith's first effort. This
production la the result ef several efforts
and aow ye solvers shoot, bore holes In It
and mutilate It If you can Oeorse offers
I te the first eoe cooking It. Mr. Grif
fiths bulldog tenacity to bang ea and per
severe In composing a sound chess problem
eservee great praise.
Black, saves piece.
Lj i f.iar joj i
; 7"
White to play and mate In two xnovea
White king on QB4. rooks en QK7 and
KR7. bishop on KBH. knight on QBi. pawns
on U and QKtS.
Bimck king on QS, bishops on K ana KB.
knights on KXt2 and QK, pawns en K3. KBi
Problem No. 813 Kay. Q-KB7. Some vari
ations are Ay. Ktm mate. QXR, Kt-HV
mate. R-KS. Kt-OS. mate. RXKL Kt-Kts.
mata Kt-BO. Kt.XP. mate. Note the try
UAQ afaataI Br lur.
rroeiam No. (24 Key. kuki, rant, a.
B-Kt7ch K-K or BS, a. Q-t4. mate: or
KXR. A O-BS. Variations 1 K-KJXKt
K-K4. 2. Q-Kt4ch-. K-Qa. &. R-Kt3. mate: er
any other Q-BS, mate Variation tL . .
PXR, 2. Q-K&ch K-BS. BXP. mate. Varl-
KXQ, 3. BXP. mate; er K. movea 3. QiP,
mate Variation s I. . . . RXB. all
eiher moras, 2. R-K0ch- K-B4 and other.
3. Q-B7. mate.
Problem No. 82S. Key. K-K 2, etc.
Solutions have been received from C F.
Putner, Robert and Humphrey Svendeen. S.
T. Adam.. C. G. Glvena. G. R. Campbell.
George La. Peter Caudlanoa, H. A. Harden.
It. A. Davit N. Bsnfleld. C E. Deaklna 11.
rrerlts. George Griffith, Mrs. Harriett.
Ehricks. I). C. French. T?a. Tana. U E.
Fmlth. J. Kana. a H. Dickens. D. French.
Raymond Lea is and Rslph Martin.
Interrolleglate t hese.
By winning the tweoty-elxth annual onad-
rangu?ar Intercollegiate chess tournament In
New York City with Harvard. Yale and
Princeton. Columbia scores bar thirteenth
victory against Harvard with sine; I'll,
two. and Princeton. Ana. In the annual tri
angular Intercollegiate tournament In which
the City College ot New York. University
of Pennsylvania snd Cornsll took part, the
Pennsylvania t.'nlverstty came off vlctortoue
for the third time, securing permanent pos
session of the Rice trophy. The game be
low Is one el the best played In this tournament.
Game ro. igx.
"Four Knights Utmi"
Mr. Borochon. C. C. N. Y.. whits: Mr.
Hotson. Cornell, Mark.
White. Black.l White. B!ark. I
1 P-K4 P-K4S1 K-F4 B-KKt.
S-Kt-KBI Kt-QB3 33 R(B)B3 PXPch
PXP 81 R-B4 r-R
Q-Q2 .11 R-K4 K-B
O-O-O 39 B-K5 B-Q4
P-QKtS 40 R-R4 I R.QKt?
B-KtL'41 B-KtS R-QKt4ch
P-Q4 42 K-Q4 B-K3
a Kt-K.1'43 K-KS K-Q-
r. Ktl 44 K-W4cn K-B
B-B4 4.1 K-Q R-K4
P-KR4'4 B-B4 R-K7
BXKII47 K-K7 B-Ktttch
R-R34S K-BS R-K3
K-KtU!) R-Q3 R-KS
II-KI3 r.l KAP K-Q2
P-K6!!i4 RXPch K-Q
i7 R(BS)-B2 RXK1P S7 K-KtT RXP
2 K-K3 R-Kt4 5 RXP R-Q4
9R-B2 B-Q4!il R-KT7 Drawn.
30 R(B)-B P-QB4i
(Globe Uernocrat. I
Game No. 234.
a Kixp
10 P-QfCt
11 P-KI5
12 P-QR4
13 P-KS
14 KtXKt
14 B-KI2
1J P-QB3
17 Q-B2
'0 R-KS
1 R-QB3
22 Q-K3
23 Q-K.t
24 Q-R8
25 QXQ
in p-Q4
11 B-WB
12 B-Q3
13 P-B4
14 P-B3
15 R-Kt
1 P-QR4
17 B-B
1 BXKt
20 Kt-KtS
21 P-B4
2i Kt-B3
23 BXP
24 Q-QS
2.T R-KB
28 PXKt
27 R-B2
28 Kt-Q2
1 K-B3
30 QR-KB
81 P-R5
33 PXP
34 R-K13
Kt-K3'44 RXK4P
R-Q 45 K-Q3
Kt-B 40 RXR
Kt-Kt.'l 47 K-B2
P-B44S R-Qflch
P-Kt.3 4 R-QS
Kt-R4'.10 R-iB8
Kt-H6rh 32 R-Q7
BXBlfi3 K-B
B-Q2I-V1 R-Q.'ch
P-KR8i K-Kt
Dvunl'H K-R
!0 R-KB5
Q-RSI6:l K-Q3
B-Q2I 64 K-Q2
R-K Bi 6.V RXP
The remndelfnr nf th, nr. ,ki..,n.
Ing necessitate the mnvlm nt th.
land Chess snd Checker Club by February
j C,UD rown untl It can
"V" mucn oeiter quarters, and for sev
eral years It has extended the right hand
01 teiiowsnip to all visitors and the
tion is weil known. There Is not a club In
r-omana mat exceiis this club In the Ira
ternai greeting extended to everyone, and
many 01 tne city officials and promlnen
Duslness men sre members, and It is the
duty .of ail chess and checker players to
jm mu am in ine promoting or the study
v. nitree intellectual exercises, ins com
mlttee appointed have selected one nf the
most convenient and pleasant rooms In the
viijr in me Worcester Dullulnfr. northeas
corner of Third and Oak streets, second
Lioor, room iso.
Salem va. Oregon City.
The Salem Chess Club, represented by
Iliad ore Greenbaum. has notified the Ore
gon uity cness players that they accept
their challenge for a match to be pulled
orr in tne balem Commercial club room.
t any aste convenient to the Oregon City
Dors. Arrangements will be nerfected at
once. Now what Central Oregon town will
accept ei cena a challenge lor a melon 7
Gam Ka 4J0 'Black Doctor."
By W. Veal. Southampton, England. Gams
No. 1227. London Times. The checker fana
of The Oregonlaa can derive from this game
some knowledge of the checker status across
ins sea:
11-13 IT-28 B-2S 14-10 D)10-14
ZJ-IS S-I XW-ZZ 13-1B E17-11
8-11 81-37 8-9 10-8 18-18
22-17 T-ll 28-28 16-24 FJ11-13
9-18 14-20(A 9-14 28-19 19-24
17-14 14-18 23-18 18-23 15-19
10-17 28-14 14-23 8-2 (B 23-28
19-10 4-8 27-18 11-15 19-28
7-14 14-10 12-18 10-7 (C 14-17
23-22 8-S 18-14 8-10 80-23
11-13 21-14 8-12 2-7 17-28
Thomas W. Leach, one of th best
known little veterans of, the modern
diamond, again has been pronounced a
rree agent. Vt ord from Kansas City
says that the famous outfielder was
given his unconditional release by
Managen John Ganzel, of the American
Association team. In that town.
Tommy Leach is recognized as one
of the wisest heads in the National
pastime, and If he desires tc continue
in the profession he has followed with
honor for more than 20 years he should
have no trouble in securing a berth
Ping- Bodle is peeved at an Eastern with some good minor league team
scriDe ror a "boot" the linotyper made, perhaps in the role of manager. On
The scribe wrote that Ping was a the -other hand, he Is in position to
fleet-footed outfielder." But when! remain out of the game If he desires,
the paper made its appearance it read for Tommy is the ownen of an orange
elder the P. C. I. L. on account of the
short season. Is still wig-wagging
freight and cattle cars at Pendleton.
He likes the Round-Up city.
Greenwood gives this to win snd
awn in a previous gams ot
White, tea pieces,
white msteg in frtor movea
Wait kiag ea . reea ea QB aad KB,
Double Ruy Lopez."
This Is the seventeenth game plaved be
tween Janowskl and Jaffe. In New York
City. Fcore taken from the Public Ledser.
Janowskl now leads with nine win., four
loses and four drawn. He haa to win oniv
one more to oeenme tne victor:
Jaffa. Jannwskl.lWhltn.
White. Black. 3HQ-K
1 P-K4 P-K4 B K-Ht
-Kt-KH3 KI-4IHS 37 H-K.l
B-Kt.V3! R-K13
O-O 40 Q-B3
T.Ot(41 Rlk'ttltO
BXKtl P-KKt4
OK2 42 R-Kt BXP
kt-Oiae iULblt
8 O-O
A Mr.
corrects 23-18 dra
B Mr. Here has shown bow to draw
against zz-is.
C 2-8 or 2-7. then 18-18 draws.
D 18-19 was given to draw, but a win
wss proved against it.
E 7-10. 13-18. 22-18. 1-8. 10-1T. 18-22.
15-10. -22-28. 10-8, 20-81. drawn.
F 2Z-1S. 14-17. 18-19. 24-28. 19-28, 1T-22.
8-17. 18-22. 18-18. drawn.
William Schlmnss. member ef onr last
Legislature and a member of the Portland
Che.s and Checker Club, recently played
avalnat the United States chess chamnlon.
Frank Msrshall. In a simultaneous exhibi
tion given by Marshall In New York City.
Mr. Srhlmoss won his eame. and everv
member of the club and every chess player
on the Coast Is proud of him. It Is an
other stunt pulled off by an Oregon player
that will cause the Eastern fellows to sit
up snd taks notice that Oregon Is on the
chees map to stsy and in any chess com
petition In this country will score a rec
ord creditable for this Coast.
Below are the names of those composing
the Oregon City and Balem chess teams that
will fight It out across the squares: Ore
gon City. George Griffith, Earle C T.atou
rette, C. P. Henkle. Lawrence Ray, Cbsrles
1'nrllng and W. K. Griffith. Ealem. Tom
Rysn, Dr. W. H. Byrd. C G. Glvens,
Paul Plants, W. Evans and Joseph N.
Professor C, C. Kanaga. 817 Leavenworth
street, San Francisco: Probably will accept
your prise problem proposition; ten prob-
loms. win write soon.
Only 15 out of 330 ballplayers of 1918
are now in the big league. What' the
Judge McCredle ought to make a
catcher out of Tommy Murray, goal
tender for the Portland hockey team.
Wouldn't have to "per-chase" a mask.
Louis Gulsto will play first base for
grove in Florida. Reports indicate that
he Is meeting with success In his
fruit-growing venture.
Like many other clubs, the Kansas
City management has deemed it neces
sary to cut down its roster. In doing
I this It was decided by Ganzel that
the services of Leach could be dis
pensed with. Therefore, the release was
announced early in order that the little
veteran might have plenty of time to
seek another berth In case he still de-
the Camp Lewis baseball team. What sires to play ball. Leach was 40 years
about hitting with the same club?
Ain't yu got no eggs?
I ain't says I Is.
I ain't ax yu Is yu Is,
I ax yu Is yu ain't.
After that one take three teaspoon-
fuls of hair tonic.
Denny Wille refuses to be classed as
a holdout. "Just a question of fi
nance," says Wilie.
Eastern Tracks Announce Programs
for Spring Meets.
LiOUIHVLLLjE. Jan. 26. Th eame
vents with th same added money
value will feature the Spring meetings
at th Churchill Downs and Douglas
Park race track here and at the La-
ton la track.
Announcement to this effeot was mad
today by H. C Applegate, secretary of
old on November 4 last. He com
menced hi9 professional career in 1896
at Petersburg, Va. He entered fast
company at Louisville In 1899. In 1916
Leach managed the Rochester club, of
the New York State League. Being a
free agent last Spring, Tommy signed
a Kansas City contract and played un
der the leadership of Ganzel.
Nebraska State Association Ask Clubs
to Instruct Young? Men In Shoot
ins; and Aid Government.
Squirrel Food.
Scarcity of fuel I attributed as the
cause for lack of fir In "Smokey"
Harris' hockey playing.
e e e
Publlo opinion whipped the United
States Golf Association Into line and
they gave Francis Ouimet back his
amateur standing. '
Wonder what Jess Wlllard thinks of
Jack Dempsey sine the latter knocked
Smith out in one minute and 15 sec
onds? He thinks that much of Demp
sey that he'll still continue to side
track him and let some other pug
knock him off as a title aspirant.
No, we haven't heard anything fur-
thur from the Pacific Coast League
about their little cousin "P. C. I. W
which was born a few weeks ago.
e e e
"Lefty" Jamas, who refuses to con-
Tha Nebraska Etate Sportesman's As.
soolation la thoroughly alive to th
needs of the times.
It is a most energetic body. Some
time back it elected its president to the
Governorship of the state and now Its
secretary appeals to every club mem
ber In a bulletin to take up trapshoot-
ing as an aid to the Government.
The bulletin, which is appended. Is
of Interest to every gunvolub and state
sportsman's association and It would
be a good move if many other state as
sociations followed the example of Ne
Trapshootlng, formerly known as
the "Sport Alluring," has willingly had
its name changed to tha "Patriotic
Sport." Why the patriotic sport? Be
cause the united totates Government
has recognized it as a long step to
ward preparedness and has adopted the
shotgun as a most valuable defense
Think of the chances of the enemy
getting into our trenches for a hand-to-hand
conflict with a bunch of American-
trapshooters stationed there with
magazine shotguns, each containing 10
loads of buckshot. Shotguns are also
to be used for the destruction of the
hand-thrown grenade.
Thousands of trapshooters have
gone to the colors ana when they ar
rived at the training camps they took
to the Array rifle like ducks to water.
Officials in the Army said If all re
cruits were as prepared as the trap
shooters they could step to th front
National Tournament 'Will Be Held and win the war In a few months. The
Government, recognizing this, lmmed
Gin. Gl. Ast. Pts.
Taylor, Vancouver. . .
Roberta. Seattle
Morris. 8eattle
Tobln, Portland
Wilson. Seattle
Dundendale. Portland.
Harris. Portland.....
Oatman, Portland....
Johnson. Portland....
Mackay, Vancouver...
Patrick. Seattle
McDonald. Vancouver.
Foyston. Seattle
Moynea. Vancouver...
Riley, Seattle
Rickey. Seattle
Loughlm. Portland...
Cook, Vancouver
Grlffle, Vancouver. .. .
Stanley. Vancouver. . .
Barbour, Portland....
8 9 1 10
7 9 1 10
7 7 2
7 8 2 7
T 8 8 8
7 8 2 8
8 8 2 3
7 4 0 4
8 2 2 4
8 3 1 4
8 18 4
8 12 8
2 12 3
a 1 1 2
8W 1 1 2
7 0 1 1
4 0 1 1
4 10 1
2 10 1
8 0 1 1
2 0 1 1
th new Louisville Jockey Club, in issu
ing the entry blanks for the Spring
stake events at Churchill Downs and
by General Manager John Hachmeister
for tha Douglas Park and . Latonla
Seven stake events are announced for
Churchill Downs, of which the feature
is the 44th renewal of the historic Ken
tucky Derby at one mile and a Quarter
with 116,000 added.
at Gary, Illinois.
I ately established traps at every train
ing camp." .
Commanders Attend Camp Smoker
and Watch Californlans in Ring.
OHICAGO, Jan. 26. Forty-one ski
Jumpers, of whom 15 are professionals,
will compete in the National tourna
ment to be held at Cary, 111., a suburb
of Chicago, tomorrow afternoon.
The list of contestants announced to
night Includes Ragnar Omtvedt, holder
of the Drofesslonal National-chamnion-
I T A COMA. Wash.. Jan. 26. (SDecial.)
Colo, whose nark of 203 feet is the Brigadier-Generals' Foltz, H. D. Stier
world'a record for loner-distance lean- and Edward E. Burr saw San Francisco
Ing and Hans Hansen National amateur I boys now members of Captain Elmer
champion. I Cox Battery ts, Jun r ieia Armiery,
perform In tne ring last nignt. it was
the nrst camp smoiter attenaea Dy an
three brigade commanders. General
James F. Breton, one-time third-1 vnit said a kindly word for the sport
baseman tor tne tnicago wnita soil to the great throng of soldiers present
and later with the Kansas City club in the show Earl Conner. Tacoma,
of the American Association, was tc- won a victory over Bert Forbes, San
cepted as a pilot in the Aviation Corps Francisco. Val Comstock, Tacoma
at Chicago the other day. Breton, a heavvwelght now In training to chas-
Chicagoan, graduated In engineering at tize th Hun, trimmed Knockout O'Con-
the University of Illinois. He will be nor. who formerly conducted his affairs
sent to tha aviation camp at Cham-1 south of Market street. Other boys of
patten. 111.. minor importance boxed draws.
Breton to Be Aviator.
President Blewett, of Pacific Coasl
International League, to Hold
Meeting With British Columbia
to Lay Plans of Campaign.
SEATTLE, Jan. 26. (Special.) Bob
Brown, the sorrel-topped magnate of
the Vancouver club, will pass through
Seattle tomorrow evening on a mission
which will be of interest to Pacific
Coast International League followers.
Brown has been appointed a committee
of one to see that a baseball club Is
put In Butte this season, and he will
leave for the Montana city after con
ferring with President Blewett here to
morrow evening.
That the Vancouver' president's Job
is not going to be any snap is evident
from the news which leaks In from
the mining city. Both Butte and Great
Falls are still nursing a grudge against
the Northwestern League because of
the failure of the circuit to finish the
season In 1917. President Davey, of
the Butte club, has been whispering a
few things In the ears of Montana,
newspaper men which give the Impres
sion that Mr. Davey is leary about
financing a baseball team this season.
In which case Bob Brown will face the
task of digging up a new man to take
over the franchise which the leaguo
has voted to Butte.
President Blewett admits that the
league may experience some trouble In
the Montana city, but he declares that
Butte will have a club in the league,
regardless of whether Davey withdrawn
or not. The Pacific Coast International
League has had more than one offer
for the franchise in the Montana city.
and It is pretty certain that the Butte
fans will see baseball.
"We expect to have the Butte mat
ter straightened out in the very near
future," Blewett states. "Brown has
been empowered to go ahead and com
plete arrangements for a team in the
Montana city, and we expect the mat
ter to be settled shortly."
Meanwhile, the fans will await the
result of Brown's visit, as it is not
Impossible that a change of manage
ment will occur in Butte baseball.
e e
Two battlers who recently performed
in Portland will head the boxing show
carded for Seattle this coming week.
Battling Ortega, the southerner, who
Al Sommers held to an even verdict In
their bout, and Jimmy Duffy, the Oak
land lad who beat Frankie Tucker, are
the men who will furnish the feature,
attractions, with Frank Farmer any
Willie Hunefeld, of Los Angeles, dlslsi
Ing up the opposition.
While Farmer can be depended upoi
to put up a good fight against the in
vading middleweight crack, Seattle
fans are rather disappointed in the se
lection of Caruso Dan Salt. The local
ring followers were desirous of seeing
the boy who held Ortega even, AI
Sommers, In action here, but Austin
and Salt picked the logger.
In Willie Hunefeld, Duffy, who beat
Tucker In the south, will find a boy
who is able to give him a tough scrap.
Hunefeld is one of the clever men of
this section, and he has a long record
of wins In .Los Angeles, where he lived
before coming north. Hunefeld, like
Duffy, has a great left hand, and local
fans look for him to give the visitor
a hard contest.
Joe Benjamin should have been
awarded the decision over Lloyd Mad
den In their go here last week. The
Portland boy Jabbed the former ama-
eur champion all over the ring, and
in BPlte of a good finish by Madden,
Benjamin deserved the verdict. In
fact, the Portlander was the most pop
ular boy on the card, owing to the
failure of Frankie Farren to show to
good advantage against Houck.
That the Seattle hockey team Is out
to repeat their little stunt of last sea
son and cop the Pacific Coast cham
pionship Is shown by the return of
Frank Foyston, star of last season's
world champs. It has been learned that
the Seattle boss, Lester Patrick, turned
down $500 In cold cash for Foyston,
offered by the Toronto club, of the
Eastern Canada League.
Foyston always has been popular
with Seattle puck followers, and he
will be honored by a "Foyston night
next WeSnesday, when the Vancouver
Millionaires oppose the Mets in the
Seattle arena. Foyston will be pre-
rnted with floral wreaths and treated
like a regular matinee idol, and several
thousand fans are planning on turning
out and see the fun.
The hockey race this year is a num-
dinger, in spite of the fact that only
three clubs are in the running. The
arena Is well filled ever;- night a ame
is staged and the biggest crowd or ine
season Is looked for Wednesday. Port
land always has been the best drawing
rjird here, and any time Eddie Oatman
and his cohorts take the Ice the rink
Is pretty certain to be crowded.
Pacific College WTing.
NEWBERG, Or., Jan. 26. (SpeoiaL)
Pacific College won from McMlnn-
vllle College In a basketball game here
last night, 36 to 32. The game was
hard fought, but the playing by both
teams was loose ior cnampiononip
rivals. The last half was close, 1th
some class and some roughness
shown. Elliott ana caicora starrea
for Pacific College, Elliott making a
number of good shots. Lathrop and
Richardson were the twlnklers for Mo
Mlnnvllle, Paclflo College goes to Mo
Mlnnvlll next Friday night.
Billiard Champions to Meet.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26. Alfred de Oro,
world champion three-cushion billiard
player, sgid August Kieckhofer, of Chi
cago, have agreed to play for th cham
pionship here during February, it was
announced tonight. Tentative dates ar-
ranged are February 6, 7 and 8. The
games will be played In connection
with the American billiard players' am
bulance fund tournament, now In prog
ress. Phone your want ads to Th Orego-
nlsn. Main 7070. A tui.
Permanent Work, Good Working Condi