The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Teutons to Have New Chance
for Peace Trotzky Told
to Negotiate.
Formation of Great Red Socialist
Army Commanded by Member!
'ot Their Own Party to Take
riace of Old Order.
COPENHAGEN. Jan. ? The na
t'onal Russian congress f soldiers and
workmen's deputies. t which the Bol
shevik government referred the Ques
tion of war expenses, has authorised
Foreign Minister Trotsky to continue
the peace negotiations at BYest-Li tovsk.
a Petrog-rad dispatch reports.
M. Trotxky will return to Brest
tJtorsk early next week.
FETROORAD. JanT"l. The congress
ef all-Russian workmen and soldiers'
delegates organised formally today,
naming Nikolai Lenin.. Leon TroUky.
Marie Splrldonovo honorary presidents.
It also designated an executive commit
tee of 13 members, each of whom will
act In turn as chairman of the congress.
Old Order ta Om.
ln!ne delivered an address to the
ror.iros. reviewing the work or the
THoisrevikL which he said had abolished
the old order entirely and would re
place It with proletariat orranlsatlona
and a great red socialist army com
manded by members of their own party
to Insure safety against bourgeoisie
mann went on. "when Germany will
say to the entente. 'We accept your
terms: we are beaten.' But just aa little
can I see the day when England. France
and the United State will say the same
to us."
Regarding relations between Ger
many and Austria. Herr Scheldemann
said an indication of the Austrian feel-lna-
toward the oresent German recline
mtaht be gatnered from the fact that
during the recent demonstrations In
Vienna the Austrian Emperor was
never once attacked by speakers, but
that the German Emperor was openly
and repeatedly Insulted.
This was due. he said, to attacks of
the German Junkers on Austria. He
declared the junker press has been de
manding that "Germany should be freed
from Austria.
"Let us seek In honor. said the
pesker. "to save the world from new
bloodshed In the Spring;. Let us give up
Illusions on both sides. Remember that
the feeling among: our people Is most
serious. If you permit the Russian
negotiations to break up and the peo
ple bope to be disappointed, what else
can be expected but catastrophe?"
Fifth Blaze in Month Indicates
Work of Firebug.
Raaaway Freight Bits Psssesgtr
TraJa. Freight Strikes SUCe, Eu
Tlas Demolishes 5tae-
Preparedness for Emergency Saves
Destruction of Building Police
Believe Fires Work of Some
one Connected With School.
FETROGRAP. Jan. I. An official
statement Issued today by the Bolshe
vi 1c government says that on TVednee
day the congress of Cossacks from the
front was Inaugurated at the ml.ltary
station of Kamensky and passed unan
imously a resolution declaring war on
General Katedlnes and relegating all
authority to the congress.
Paper- Offleen Sarreader.
A military revolutionary committee.
the statement adds, was formed and do
tachrcents were sent to capture the
towns of Llkhala and Zverevo. Eighteen
superior officers were arrested.
Continuing, the statement says:
"The Cossacks are fired with enthusi
asm and are striving to end Kaiedlnes
with their own hands.
"The regiment detailed to aid the
reneral staff was too late. At the
naff headquarters a note written by
General Kaledlnes was found declar
ing that the railways had been placed
under special control.
Vise to Passport of American Km
bssy Secretary Denied.
STOCKHOLM. Jan. 13. The Bolshe
" rikl government's foreign nepresenta
- tive Is S'.oeaholm has refused to grant
a vise to the passport of Livingston
Phelps, third secretary -of the Amer
ican Embassy in Petrograd. who de
sires to return to his post. Mr. Phelps
rame to Stockholm recently with bis
wife, and Intended to leave her her
and return to Petrmgrad.
Ira Nelson Morris, the American Min
ister, has had no relations with the
Bolshevikl "Minister." Vorovsky, but
tnasmnch as there was no other Rus
sian authority here whose vise would
be recognized he was compelled to re
quest the courtesy of Vorovsky, who
' declined to comply.
The Bolshevikl also ta refusing to
vise passports for American diplomatic
BILLINGS, Mont. Jan. !. Three
men and an Indian woman were killed
and four persons were Injured near
Wyola. Mont, early today, when a see
tlon of a Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy
freight train broke its coupling on a
hill and crashed Into Burlington pas
senger train No. 44. eastbound.
The dead are: R. A. Clifford, Crow
Agency. Mont.; A. E. Murdock. Reno,
New; Mary Wyola. Wyo..
and an unidentified man.
The Injured are: Herman Xruse,
Benson, Neb.; Gladys Llttlenest, Fred
erick Bartelle, Wyola. and Manon
Butcher. Arvada. Wyo.
MISSOULA. MonTT Jan. 2. Three
trainmen Albert J. Butxerln, engineer;
Charles McAdam. fireman, and Leonard
H. Bridges, brakeman were killed to
day when a Northern Pacific Railway
freight train crashed into a rock slide
three miles west of St. Regis. Butxerln
and Bridges were dead when their
bodies were taken from the wreckage.
McAdam died three hours later on a
train bound for Missoula. Butxerln was
a veteran engineer and served a term
the Montana State Legislature as
Representatives from Missoula County.
CASCADE. Colo, Jan. 28. H. H. Mc
Lean, of Chicago; Charles Anderson, of
Cripple Creek, Colo., and J. T. Hawkins.
of Colorado Springs, were killed and
two persons were injured today when
the Colorado Springs-Cripple Creek
automobile stage. westbound. was
struck by a light Colorado Midland
Railroad engine near here.
C. McDowell, of Billings. Mont, sus
tained Internal Injuries and may die.
E J. May, a banker of Cripple Creek.
owner of the stage line, also was In
lured. May was driving.
Hawkins for years was private sec
retary to the late James F. Burns, mul
tl-mllllonatre Cripple Creek mine
owner, and was manager of the Burns
WALLA WALLA, Wash, Jan. 26.
(Special.) Responsibility for the fire
which threatened the factory building
of Walla Walla College, the Adventist
institution at College Place, this morn
ing has not been placed by the authori
ties tonight, and there is some question
whether the blaxe was incendiary. Con
sidering the fact that within a month
there have been four other attempts to
fire the main building and all were
plainly incendiary, officers believe that
this latest attempt was also work of a
The blaxe had gained considerable
headway before it was discovered by
the night fireman about C o'clock. The
blaxe started over the pumps in the
factory building. The Interior of the
building was badly scorched before the
blaxe was extinguished by the volun
teer fire department -of the school.
The Walla Walla fire department
reached the scene within five minutes
after the alarm, was turned in. some
of the apparatus having been set apart
for just this use In case of need.
Since the recent attempt to fire the
main building, the college has had the
auditorium building carefully guarded,
and no attempts have been made for
several weeks. Authorities of the school
say they do not believe a student could
be responsible. Officers, however, be
lieve that the attempts In the past have
been so-called Inside jobs," because
persons responsible have shown great
lamtuarity with the building.
All the attempts have been made
when no life loss would have resulted,
early morning or evening being the
tlmea chosen. In the factory part of
tne buiiumg where the fire was started
this morning are located the lighting
plant, heating plant, laundry and pump
ing plant.
A delay In discovery would have
crippled the entire institution. Much of
the machinery was damaged, but not
so badly that it cannot be repaired.
(Continued From First Page.)
Rot Fighting With Bolshevikl Troops
Reported in Progress.
LONDON. Jan. 26. Kishinev is re
rorted to be surrounded by Roumanian
troops, according to a Petrograd dis
patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com
Hot righting is said to be In prog
ress between the Bolshevikl troops and
tne Roumanians.
Chinese Officials Pnt Embargo on
Exports to Rossis.
HARBIN. Manchuria. Jan. :. The
Chinese officials here have cut off all
eaporis or gooas to rtussta. thus ac
centuating the food shortage in that
country. The Russian frontier author
ities have filed a protest, threaten
ing to suspend the operation of the
Chines Eastern Railway.
William E. Shannon Deplore Ten'
deney Toward Extravagance.
WASHINGTON. Dc 21. "Brick
layers are buying more pianos nowa
days than millionaires.' declared Wil
liam E- shannon, vice director of the
war savings stamps committee for the
dutrtct. who spoke before the Wash
tngtun FTesr-rtrry at Its weekly meet
ing la the New Tortt Avenue Presby
terian Church.
The speaker was nrgtng the prime
necessity of supporting the Govern
ment la ways financial and deploring
the tendency toward extravagance on
the part of the newly-made prosperous
artisans when the "piano" statement
was made.
fen-Ianed Tmm Plrat Far )
clear word Is spoken regarding Bel
glum. England's war mongerlng will
end. An honorable, complete reinstate
ment of Belgium Is our duty."
"I rrmrt the 1v." Herr ?'-Sld-
Statement Signed by Antonoff Tells
of Formal Proceedings.
PETROGRAD. Jan. 2. An- official
statement, which was sent out by wire
le addressed) to all and under the
caption. "The Revolution on tho Don."
be alas:
On Wednesday at tho military sta.
tlon of Kamesky, a congress of Cos
sacks was tnaugnrated. Represent a
tivca were present' from 21 regiments,
five batteries and two reserve regi
ments.. There were present also at the
congress all of the participants In the
conferenoe of laboring Coaeackdom,
which was Instituted at Voronezh on
January 1).
"General Kaledlnes gave orders for
dispersal of the congress and the ar
rest of the organizers.
"The cougreas unanimously passed a
resolution declaring war upon Kale
dlnes and relegating to Itself all au
thority on the Don.'
The statement Is signed by "Antonoff,
Peoples CommlMlonary (Assistant
Minister of War here).
Castala A. P. Bbwna.aa, Military Ob
server. Tells of Babies Impaled
a Geraaaa Bayaaets.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. 2. German
atrocities have been minimized 100
times where they have been magnified
once, members of the Republican Club
were told today by Captain A. P. Sim'
mont, a United States military observer
In Germany during the mobilisation,
having been attached to the American
Embassy at Berlin.
"Don't let anyone tell yon that German
atrocities are merely fiction,"" Captain
Simmons declared. One of the most
gruesome eights I ever saw was the
Impaling of babies on the ends of Ger
man bayonets snd their return to fran
tic mothers. If you knew the horrors
that patient. Buffering little Belgium
has been through, your blood would
freeze In your veins."
Captain Simmons ssld the United
States must send men to
France to make any showing, "for our
enemy Is fortified by almost impreg
nable forces."
In tunnels dug through the snow left
by the storm of two and three weeks
ago, were quickly filled today.
Beginning at noon efforts were di
rected toward towing cars into the
city from the countryside, which was
fast being snowed in.
A number of the steam roads fol
lowed the action of the Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy early today and can
celed all but a few trains, and some of
them may suspend entirely by morning.
Bllssard Conditions Return.
Chicago was almost normal. Its
streets were almost clear. Its schools.
closed for weeks, were preparing to
open. Its railroads, working day and
night, had cleared the rights of way
and were almost up to their schedules.
Then came the fourth great blizzard.
which threatens to rival the worst snow
fall of the year.
Pavements and streets again are lost
to sight and the work of 100,000 shov-
elers hps been undone.
The tear oi iamine, coal tieups. milk
tleups, of transportation suspensions
hlch the city has faced three times
and overcome, confronted Chicago for
fourth time. Thts time, if the
weather conditions materialize. It will
be in a more dangerous and powerful
Since the last blizzard the railroads I
have managed to clear their lines suf
ficiently to enable the cars to reach
the coal mines in Southern Illinois and
Fael Sltaatloa Critical.
Pending the return of these cars.
numbering several thousand, the city
has been on almost a famine basis on
its coal supply. Now there Is no chance
for these cars to be brought In for
eversl days, and the situation Is ex
tremely acute, v
Tbe blizzard also means no milk de
liveries for two or three days, the food
supply Is very short and the situation,
viewed from any ancle, is extremely
In connection : with the milk supply
a new problem faces the dairymen In
tne matter or getting feej for the cows.
Few of the farmers bad laid in a store
sufficient for the entire Winter, and
grain is waiting at many railroad cen
ters for days at a time until connec
tions can be made with the dairies.
There Is also present at all times
the peril of a great fire in any one
of the snowbound cities.
Seattle Men Send Dean Priest
France for Soldiers' Benefit.
Treatment for the biood. nerves and
liver purifying, strengthening, cleans,
log. winning its way wonderfully Just
now Is:
Hood's Farsaparllla, the superlative
blood purifier and appetite giver,
known for over 40 years.
Pepllron. the superlative pepsln-nux-Iron-celery
nerve, blood and digestive
Hood's Pills, tbe superlative family
laxative for biliousness, constipation;
pleasant, easy, effective.
What are your troubles? If such as
to need all three medicines, why not
have perfect, well-rounded relief by
getting the combination?
If you need only one medicine, get
It and take It but do It now. Adr.
SEATTLE. Wash, Jan. 2. Arthur
R. Priest, dean of men at the University
of Washington, will leave for France
early next month to establish head
quarters for soldiers from tbe state of
The work has been financed by Seat
tle men who have sons in service, but
will be carried out for the benefit of
all Washington soldiers. The first cost
Is -estimated at $10,000.
It la planned to establish a head
quarters equipped with all borne com
forts, which the soldiers can enjoy on
leaves of absence.
Nordlca's Will Is Ipheld.
NEWARK. X. J.. Jan. !. A decision
adverse to George W. Young in his
legal fight to obtain possession of the
estate left by bis wife. Madame Lillian
Nordica. who died at Batavla, Java,
was returned by Vice-Chancellor
Stevenson here yesterday. The deci
sion upholds a will made by Madame
Nordica four months before her death,
naming her three sisters as chief bene-
Disastrous Effects on Railroad
Transportation Seem Probable.
WASHINGTON. Jan. f S Just as rail
road administration officials, encour
aged by rising temperatures over most
of the country, had begun today to dis
cuss removal of the general freight
embargo on three Eastern trunk lines.
reports reached them of new snow
storms, with their disastrous effects
on railroad transportation.
The Immediate result was the 'aban
donment of hope of removing the ex
isting embargo tomorrow or Monday
nd the intimation that it might be
necessary to extend It further.
After Chicago reports said from sev
en to 10 Inches of snow bad fallen and
was being driven over tracks and
trains by a high west wind, more snow
was forecast for most of tho eastward
country for tomorrow.
Coal was kept moving and neither
the fuel nor railroad administrations
hsd any reports Indicating any more
serious commercial shortage than has
prevailed tor the past week.
The zone system of distributing coal
probably will not be put Into effect
for another week.
First Because "Made in Oregon" Furniture is sold almost exclusively.
Second Because Service, Satisfaction and Right Prices are given you.
Third Because Employes receive the very best treatment, harsh words
and dictatorial spirit have been tabooed forever. Yes! they even get a
bonus on top of their salary, from all business over expense paying figure.
This Unifold Davenport Bed $49i
On the Job 24 Hours T
a.''ci iajr
A Bed for the Room Where There's No
Room for a Bed -
$1 Cash $1 Week
Beautiful "Hand-Rubbed" Golden Wax
Quarter-Sawed Oak Frame.
Back and Seat are upholstered with a Deep
and Rich Brown Spanish Leatherette.
"NON-SAG" Fabric Bed-Spring folds un
der seat during the day and opens to bed
size at night.
A House Full of Furniture The Kind You Will
Like, Too Twenty-One Pieces i . ... . . . .
Exactly as Pictwred. Sent to Your Home oa the Small Cash Payment of Only. ...
Balance Arranged to Fit Your ladlvldual Requirement.
It miT sound braggish to say but. neverthe
less, here is the foxiest suite shown in Port
land for the money. Bragging or no braggin
th. fart Rtnndn nnnarent. self-evident an
absolute. No. this is not a child's set. It's for
full-grown people even though the price
only .... ......
BotTs Suites Finished to MatrTa
ta That Deep and RJeh 1 land
It ub bed Golden Wax.
Here's a Big, Slx-Foot Table and Sis Solid Oak
Chairs finished to match the living-room suite
to your left. Make the dining-room particu-
. larly Inviting. This suite will do It, and the
entire cost for these seven pieces is only....
Ivory Enamel" Bedroom Suite
Without question here Is the swellest ever at
anything near tne price, ine aeucaio epray oi
"Moss Roses Hand Laid" gives that touch of
Tone and Refinement that has long been
looked for. Five pieces, exactly as pictured
now on display for your consideration, at only
These Suites
White Enamel" Breakfast Suite
Are Exclusive Edwards Designs"
First shown August 19. 1917. It's left to you to
deoide If this is not the cleverest ever at any
where near the price. English Breakfast
Table has white enamel base and golden pol
ished top. Four Chairs in white- enamel and
very stvrdlly built.. Priced special at
Out-of 'Town Folks:
are entitled to every special offer
get the same easy terms as resi
dents of Portland.
have only to write our Mall Serv
ice Department they are ever
ready to serve you.
Do You Realize
what an advantage Edwards' Exchange Department Is?
That's where you trade in what you don t want and
get what you do want. Edwards' Exchange Man has
the reputation of making unusually large allowances
for discarded furniture.
Your Credit Is Good as Gold! !
, Select one single piece or a house full
9 nn Worth t B.OO Cash. S1.00 Weefc
75 Worth S 7.5 Cash. S1JHJ Week
10O Worth SIO.OO Casta, SZ.OO Week
9150 Worth $15.00 Cash. 2.50 Week
I l (4 JUL I KM ""eCyJ
Tyo Blocks North of Washington
i v
The "Stay Satisfactory"!? &nge
a-U'aTW I I I II
Escaping- gas or smoke, fear not.
The Oven Ventilator hits the spot.
Blacking a range takes a great deal of
And cooking utensils never stay fine.
Why labor and strive for effect desired?
On a "MONARCH" blacking is not re
quired. ,Of enamel or paint you need cot think.
Shine a "MONARCH" with a cloth "as
quick as a wink.' .
The bodies of all " MONARCHS " are of
polished steel,
A cloth makes them look as you wish to
Select a Monarch Range.
Give your old stove In exchange.
Any size Monarch gas attachment fits any
size Monarch Range.
I j "
California Starts Labor Drive
Behalf of Shipyards.
Rantlseptie Boon to Mothers.
Snntbes and nlteres rbafed. Irritated aktsa ef In
fanta. Kpe silo frh and iwt Fine far
aacrs under Siia. eve. ui arogaists, Adv.
SAN FRAXCISCO. Jan. 26. Federal
authorities, in co-operation with Cal
ifornia state and county councils of
defense, will begin Monday a drive to
enroll 11.500 shopworkers in California
for National service.
Registration and enrollment will be
conducted ip Inland counties, as well
as In districts in which there are ship
yards, executives of the State Council
of Defense announced tonight.
Filipinos to Be .Trained.
MANILA, Jan. 26. The opening of
i three training camps and organization
of recruiting depots to raise the di
vision of Philippine troops provided for
under the bill recently passed at Wash
ington is recommended by the militia
Paper Mills Must Close.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Reversing
an earlier ruling, the Fuel Administra
tion today held that news print paper
mills come within the elass of Indus
tries that must be closed on the next
nine Mondays to conserve fuel. The
ruling was changed after the Federal
Trade Commission had reported that
enough news print paper was on hand
in the country to supply newspapers
for the next 28 days.
It Pays to Advertise
Can yoa describe your product in detail as thoroughly
and as briefly without an illustration as with one?
Can you illustrate this description as convincingly with a.
drawing, obviously" handwork, as with a photograph,- an ac
curate picture drawn by the scientific action of light upon a
sensitive surface ?
Why not combine the printed description with the photo
graphic illustration, and advertise by means of the briefest
and most forceful medium in modern use?
The Photographic Card Co.
Broadway 52. 302 Oregon Bldg.
By enabling a merchant
to substantially reward
cash trade, The Sperry
System is encouraging practi
cal thrift in millions of homes
in over two thousand cities
and towns throughout the
United States.
The Sperry & Hutchinson Co.